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garlicboyart · 19 days ago
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jeanettethibodeau · 4 years ago
Stream to 30 Platforms Simultaneously with Restream.io
What’s up guys, welcome back once againto the Gaming Careers YouTube channel where we aim to teach you everything todo with live-streaming and to do with content creation within the gaming niche.
Are you finding it hard to stand out on Twitch amongst the tens of thousandsof other streamers trying to stand out there? Maybe you think ‘is there a betterplatform to be streaming to as a beginner streamer or as a streamertrying to get noticed?’ You may know that there’s plenty of other platforms thatnow want to promote your live stream but which one to stream to.
Well in today'svideo we’re going to be looking at a service called restream which allowsyou to stream to Twitch, Mixer, Facebook, YouTube Gaming, smashcast and over 30other platforms, all at the same time, all without any additional bandwidth orperformance hits on your PC and all completely for free.
Sounds good? Let'sdive in! So before we hop onto the computer and take a look at restream, Ithink it’s important to discuss what I think the benefits are of using aservice like restream and the first and most obvious one is that it multipliesthe platforms that you are on so not only have you got a chance of justgetting discovered on Twitch but if you’re streaming to other platforms aswell there are people that are using those sites and they may discover youthere.
So you obviously are multiplying your audience because you’re on moreplatforms so you’re more easy to discover.
Now maybe one or two years ago, Twitch was really the only platform where you could stream with the hopes ofmaking it your career but recently a lot of other companies have been gettinginvolved, obviously you’ve got Google who owns YouTube, you’ve got Microsoft whoowns Mixer, you’ve got Facebook, you’ve got Twitter, they’re all getting into thelivestream scene and they all want to help promote your stream.
So it’s worthconsidering platforms other than Twitch nowadays.
Now add on to that that Twitchis probably the hardest platform to get started on just because there’s so manystreamers battling to try and get viewers, whereas services like YouTubeGaming have less people streaming to it, so there’s more chance for you gettingdiscovered.
Also YouTube just announced that YouTube Gaming and YouTube, theirsubscriptions are going to be combined so people that subscribe to you onYouTube Gaming, your videos are going to appear in theirYouTube feed and vice-versa, so this is good news for people that arestreaming to platforms like YouTube Gaming and that is really why I thinkthat restream is such a great service, because you don’t need to know whichplatform is best for you because you can stream to all of them at the same timeand then over time you can start to understand where your audience lives andwhich platform is best for you to stream to.
Now you might be thinking thatrestream, that sounds great but how on earth am I meant to monitor chat fromFacebook, YouTube, Twitch, beem, all of these different platforms that Iwant to stream to all at the same time and thankfully restream has thought of asolution for that as well.
They’ve built an app that pulls all ofthese streams that you’re streaming to, all the chat into one window so we'llcover that later in the video but let’s dive into the restream software.
So thefirst thing that you’re going to want to do is to head over to restream.
io andsign up for an account, all that you need to do is input a username, email anda password.
I’ve already created mine so I’m justgoing to log in instead but once you have created an account you maybe haveto click a link in an email just to confirm that that is your email but youshould log in and arrive at the dashboard.
Now the dashboard shows allthe different platforms and the channels that you’ve connected to restream, sincethis is a brand new account we haven’t yet connected any platforms so if weclick on add channel we will open up the options for all the different platformsthat we can stream to with restream.
As you can see here there is a lot ofchoice.
For the purposes of this video I’m going to connect my Twitch, myYouTube and my Mixer accounts.
Each time that you select a platform to connectyou will need to log in to that platform and authorize restream to be able toaccess some of your information.
The process here has been designed to besuper simple which I absolutely love, it makes it so easy for you to add as manyplatforms as you desire.
It’s worth noting here that if you want to streamto two different accounts from the same streaming platform, so to separate Twitchaccounts for example then you will need to purchase the doubling package fromrestream.
If you just want to stream to one account from each platform you canstream to all 30 different platforms completely for free.
Each time you add aplatform successfully you should see it show up in your dashboard.
There’s anoption to turn each channel on and off so if you want to not stream to one ofyour accounts one day you can quite easily turn it off here before youstart streaming.
You can also click this little cog icon and go into the Editsettings which allows you to choose which Twitch server to stream to andedit your display name.
I’d recommend leaving the server on autodetect as this is no longer the server that is best for your connection betweenyour computer and Twitch, but this is the server that is best for the connectionbetween restream’s server and Twitch’s server.
Underneath each channel name youalso have a little status which shows if you are offline, connecting or online toeach platform.
Once you’ve successfully added all the platforms that you want tostream to we can start setting up OBS studio or streamlabs OBS for streamingto restream.
Remember how this works is that we send our stream data from OBS orstreamlabs OBS to a restream server.
Restream then takes this data and sendsit on to our individual streaming platforms.
Over on the right hand side ofyour dashboard we first need to set up which restream server we will besending our stream to.
There’s a little drop-down which gives you all thedifferent server locations that restream has.
You should choose the option herewhich is nearest to you geographically.
There’s also an option here to run aquick speed test which basically just pings all the servers from your locationand gives you the result in milliseconds.
Now I know that’s not the greatest ormost thorough connection test but still it’s better than nothing you want tochoose the server with the lowest ping.
Next we are given our stream key.
Nowexactly like Twitch or YouTube or any of the other services, you should keep thiskey completely private as it’s the only thing that’s required somebody else tostream to all of your accounts.
If for some reason you share it with somebodylike I’m doing in this video, you can of course reset it by clicking this littlerefresh icon here.
Select the whole stream key and copy it then we’ll headinto our streaming software.
I’m going to show you both OBS and streamlabs OBSquickly since they’re exactly the same.
So we start by going to settings, thenthe stream tab and under service we will select restream.
io, for the serverwe’re going to choose the same server that we just selected in the dashboardand then finally we are going to paste in our stream key.
In SLOBS it’s theexact same process, go to Settings, stream, select restream.
io, choose the serverand paste the stream key.
One final thing that we need to do if you’re using OBSor streamlabs OBS is to fix a little issue which currently existsthat one of the restream engineers has told me about for best results.
So goback into your settings and select the output tab, if your current output modeis set to simple we need to make a quick note of these two settings here, ourbitrate and our encoder.
Now we can change the output mode to advanced as weneed to disable an option in here.
First let’s set our encoder and our bitrateback to what we just noted down from the simple tab, next we want to uncheck thisbox 'enforce streaming service encoder settings’, we’ll then set our keyframeinterval to 2 and change our profile to main.
I know this sounds complex and Ihaven’t really explained what these settings do, but it’s just really anissue with how OBS and streamlabs OBS are enforcing the restream encodersettings wrongly.
Just to reiterate I’ll do it in streamlabs OBS as well.
Go tosettings, to the output tab, change to advanced and check this box, set this to2 and set this to main, and then make sure that our encoder and our bitrateare the same as what they were when we were on the simple output mode.
Now technically we have done everything that we need to do to go live onmultiple platforms using restream but there are a couple of other features Iwant to talk about before we do.
Back on the restream website the titles tab, thisjust allows you to change the title and the game of all your connected streamchannels.
So here I can enter a single title that I want to show as my streamtitle across all my connected platforms and then of course I can go into eachaccount and edit the game that I’m playing if I want to.
The social alertstab this just allows you to post a tweet and a status to your Twitter and yourFacebook pages whenever you go live which is pretty handy.
The monitor tab isa really useful tool that allows you to monitor your streams as they arehappening in real time, and I know if you go to your monitor tab right now sincewe’re not streaming, it won’t show anything but I’m gonna show you somedata from when I streamed earlier.
Here you can look at your live incomingstream data so you can see exactly what bitrate, what resolution, what frame rateyou’re sending to restream as well as things like dropped frames.
The graphs beloware super useful in diagnosing any issues that you’re having with yourstreams similarly to how I showed you guys in the Twitch inspector video.
I couldgo into absolutely loads of detail here about how you can analyze these graphsand fix stream issues but I’ll probably save that for another more advancedvideo, so if you guys want to see that do just let me know down in the comments.
Aswell as looking at your incoming stream data the data that you are sending fromOBS or streamlabs OBS to restream, you can also click across and look at theoutgoing streams that restream is sending out to the individual platformslive in real time.
Again here we can see useful data like bitrate as well asthings like if restream has ever had to reconnect to the service.
The final tabthat we will look at is the chat tab.
Now as I said earlier this is restream'ssolution for gathering all of your chat windows from all the different platformsthat you’re going to be streaming to into one.
This way you can make sure thatyou don’t miss any viewers who are chatting to you and you can interactwith them back no matter which streaming platform they are watching on.
Restreamhave also made it incredibly easy to include this multichat window into yourstream with OBS or streamlabs OBS if you want your viewers to be able to seethe chat that’s coming from all your different streaming platforms.
Youcan include it quite easily.
There are two different options for the chatapplication, there’s a web chat version that runs in your browser or there’s anapplication that you can download for PC or for Mac.
Firstly we’ll look at the web chat version.
You can see here it shows you apreview of what your chat will look like along with some example messages frommultiple platforms.
Each message will show an icon of the platform, thechatting users username on that platform, as well as their message and the time ofthe message.
On the right here you can change the theme between a few differentoptions, so have a play around see which one you like the look of.
Next you canchange if you want new messages to show at the bottom or at the top of the chatwindow.
You also have a couple of options here to alter the opacity of both themessage background and the chat background as a whole and you can changeexactly how large the text and the chat window is by adjusting the scale here.
Finally you can choose to hide messages after a number of seconds, so this isuseful if you are a newer streamer or maybe you’re just a streamer that istrying your hardest to grow and you don’t have that much chat interactiongoing on, you don’t want people with messages to stay up on your stream formultiple seconds so you can you can set a timer here for how long they shouldshow for before they’re hidden.
At the very top you’ll also have a long linkthat you can use in OBS or streamlabs OBS as a browser source to have yourchat as a source that you can display on your stream, but we’ll be covering thatonce we’ve downloaded the Windows application.
Now although the web chat isawesome the downloadable application has quite a few more features many of whichwe won’t have time to go into in this video but I’d still recommend it ifyou’re going to be streaming with restream often.
You should download andinstall the standalone chat application.
Once it has installed it should allowyou to log into your restream account so log in and it should look a little likethis.
Now up in the top left corner it should show the number of platforms thatyour chat is currently connected to as well as the number of users in all ofthe combined channels.
If you click anywhere in the top left here it willshow you all of your chats, their current connection status and how many users arewatching on that channel.
Now before we dive into the settings of this chat applet’s just have a look at the chat in action.
So I’m going to open up mybrowser and open up my Twitch, YouTube and my Mixer chats and then typesome example messages to see them appear in therestream chat window.
As you can see all the chats from the platforms I'veconnected are collected into this one window and it’s super easy to interactwith your chat from all the different platforms.
If you click on the little cogicon up here, the settings window will open up.
Now I’m not going to go throughall the settings here but you can see that there are some cool features, thingslike connecting your discord, filtering out certain words from your chat as wellas filtering out words based on the platform, you can change the actualwindow appearance and font sizes of the messages, the nickname and the timestamp.
You can set up notifications and text-to-speech, there’s an auto replying bot, there’s ways to export your chat and your viewercounters, loads of cool features but all of those are probably going to call fora more advanced video at a later date.
But the one that I do want to quicklycover is embedding your restream chat into your stream, now this is exactly thesame as the web chat but all you have to do once you’ve got the chat appearing asyou want to, you know play around with the appearance with these settings hereon the right.
Once you’re happy is you go up to the box here, copy this URL and gointo OBS or streamlabs OBS and add a new browser source to the scene you wantto show you’re chat on, then paste in the URL, set the width and height to whateveryou want and click OK.
You now have your multistream chat appearing in thestream for your viewers.
It’s really as easy as that, you can go back andchange the appearance, the opacity all those kind of things and they willupdate in your streaming software.
Now if we quickly go back to our browser andtest by typing in these chat windows, you should see them appearing in your streamnow.
That is everything that we need to set up to be able to use restream, we'reready to hit start streaming in our streaming software and then head back tothe restream dashboard.
Now restream does add about a 1-2 second delay to yourstream which is pretty impressive really considering what they are doing with allof that data.
So after a few seconds we should see that our stream previewshould show and then we should also see that our individual platforms go fromoffline to connecting, eventually to online and that’s it.
We are now live onmultiple platforms at the same time.
So I just want to quickly give a little wordof warning to those that are lucky enough and worked hard enough to be ableto have signed an affiliate contract with Twitch or apartner contract with Twitch because if you look through your contract theremight be a clause in there about exclusivity.
And it basically, it sayssomething like that you agree to stream to Twitch and thatcontent won’t appear anywhere else for something like 24 hours.
So have a lookthrough your contract because if that is the case then unfortunately you probablycan’t use a service like restream since technically that content is going liveto multiple different platforms at the same time and not just Twitch, which iswhat is stated in your contract.
So just a little word of warning if you’re luckyenough to have one of those contracts be sure to make sure you’re not breaking it.
Well that is it guys, I hope you have enjoyed and learned something new fromthis video, if you have please do give it a thumbs up, it helps us understand whatkind of content to keep creating and if you haven’t subscribed yet please dohave a look around at the Gaming Careers YouTube channel, has all these guides about streaming and content creation in gaming.
Finally asalways I would like to give a massive thanks to my patrons.
These people hereare choosing to support me over on Patreon and they support the creation ofthese Gaming Careers videos, so thank you guys so much it really is making amassive difference and if you are considering supporting me please docheck out my Patreon, there’s loads of different perks and tiers of things thatyou get as a return of showing your support, so if you would like to checkthat out, it is linked in the description.
Also as always if you haven’t yet joinedour discord, we’re at nearly 300 members now everybody’s it’s just an amazingplace to be where everybody is talking, asking questions helping each other grow, networking all this kind of things so again my discord is always linked in thebottom of every video description so if you haven’t yet joined please do andsubscribers I’ll see you in the next video.
from IPTVRestream https://iptvrestream.net/us/stream-to-30-platforms-simultaneously-with-restreamio-2/ from https://iptvrestream.tumblr.com/post/629434423137468416
from Best IPTV Channels - Blog https://reneturgeon.weebly.com/blog/stream-to-30-platforms-simultaneously-with-restreamio5213953
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trandangelilber · 4 years ago
Stream to 30+ Platforms Simultaneously with Restream.io
What’s up guys, welcome back once againto the Gaming Careers YouTube channel where we aim to teach you everything todo with live-streaming and to do with content creation within the gaming niche.
Are you finding it hard to stand out on Twitch amongst the tens of thousandsof other streamers trying to stand out there? Maybe you think ‘is there a betterplatform to be streaming to as a beginner streamer or as a streamertrying to get noticed?’ You may know that there’s plenty of other platforms thatnow want to promote your live stream but which one to stream to.
Well in today'svideo we’re going to be looking at a service called restream which allowsyou to stream to Twitch, Mixer, Facebook, YouTube Gaming, smashcast and over 30other platforms, all at the same time, all without any additional bandwidth orperformance hits on your PC and all completely for free.
Sounds good? Let'sdive in! So before we hop onto the computer and take a look at restream, Ithink it’s important to discuss what I think the benefits are of using aservice like restream and the first and most obvious one is that it multipliesthe platforms that you are on so not only have you got a chance of justgetting discovered on Twitch but if you’re streaming to other platforms aswell there are people that are using those sites and they may discover youthere.
So you obviously are multiplying your audience because you’re on moreplatforms so you’re more easy to discover.
Now maybe one or two years ago, Twitch was really the only platform where you could stream with the hopes ofmaking it your career but recently a lot of other companies have been gettinginvolved, obviously you’ve got Google who owns YouTube, you’ve got Microsoft whoowns Mixer, you’ve got Facebook, you’ve got Twitter, they’re all getting into thelivestream scene and they all want to help promote your stream.
So it’s worthconsidering platforms other than Twitch nowadays.
Now add on to that that Twitchis probably the hardest platform to get started on just because there’s so manystreamers battling to try and get viewers, whereas services like YouTubeGaming have less people streaming to it, so there’s more chance for you gettingdiscovered.
Also YouTube just announced that YouTube Gaming and YouTube, theirsubscriptions are going to be combined so people that subscribe to you onYouTube Gaming, your videos are going to appear in theirYouTube feed and vice-versa, so this is good news for people that arestreaming to platforms like YouTube Gaming and that is really why I thinkthat restream is such a great service, because you don’t need to know whichplatform is best for you because you can stream to all of them at the same timeand then over time you can start to understand where your audience lives andwhich platform is best for you to stream to.
Now you might be thinking thatrestream, that sounds great but how on earth am I meant to monitor chat fromFacebook, YouTube, Twitch, beem, all of these different platforms that Iwant to stream to all at the same time and thankfully restream has thought of asolution for that as well.
They’ve built an app that pulls all ofthese streams that you’re streaming to, all the chat into one window so we'llcover that later in the video but let’s dive into the restream software.
So thefirst thing that you’re going to want to do is to head over to restream.
io andsign up for an account, all that you need to do is input a username, email anda password.
I’ve already created mine so I’m justgoing to log in instead but once you have created an account you maybe haveto click a link in an email just to confirm that that is your email but youshould log in and arrive at the dashboard.
Now the dashboard shows allthe different platforms and the channels that you’ve connected to restream, sincethis is a brand new account we haven’t yet connected any platforms so if weclick on add channel we will open up the options for all the different platformsthat we can stream to with restream.
As you can see here there is a lot ofchoice.
For the purposes of this video I’m going to connect my Twitch, myYouTube and my Mixer accounts.
Each time that you select a platform to connectyou will need to log in to that platform and authorize restream to be able toaccess some of your information.
The process here has been designed to besuper simple which I absolutely love, it makes it so easy for you to add as manyplatforms as you desire.
It’s worth noting here that if you want to streamto two different accounts from the same streaming platform, so to separate Twitchaccounts for example then you will need to purchase the doubling package fromrestream.
If you just want to stream to one account from each platform you canstream to all 30 different platforms completely for free.
Each time you add aplatform successfully you should see it show up in your dashboard.
There’s anoption to turn each channel on and off so if you want to not stream to one ofyour accounts one day you can quite easily turn it off here before youstart streaming.
You can also click this little cog icon and go into the Editsettings which allows you to choose which Twitch server to stream to andedit your display name.
I’d recommend leaving the server on autodetect as this is no longer the server that is best for your connection betweenyour computer and Twitch, but this is the server that is best for the connectionbetween restream’s server and Twitch’s server.
Underneath each channel name youalso have a little status which shows if you are offline, connecting or online toeach platform.
Once you’ve successfully added all the platforms that you want tostream to we can start setting up OBS studio or streamlabs OBS for streamingto restream.
Remember how this works is that we send our stream data from OBS orstreamlabs OBS to a restream server.
Restream then takes this data and sendsit on to our individual streaming platforms.
Over on the right hand side ofyour dashboard we first need to set up which restream server we will besending our stream to.
There’s a little drop-down which gives you all thedifferent server locations that restream has.
You should choose the option herewhich is nearest to you geographically.
There’s also an option here to run aquick speed test which basically just pings all the servers from your locationand gives you the result in milliseconds.
Now I know that’s not the greatest ormost thorough connection test but still it’s better than nothing you want tochoose the server with the lowest ping.
Next we are given our stream key.
Nowexactly like Twitch or YouTube or any of the other services, you should keep thiskey completely private as it’s the only thing that’s required somebody else tostream to all of your accounts.
If for some reason you share it with somebodylike I’m doing in this video, you can of course reset it by clicking this littlerefresh icon here.
Select the whole stream key and copy it then we’ll headinto our streaming software.
I’m going to show you both OBS and streamlabs OBSquickly since they’re exactly the same.
So we start by going to settings, thenthe stream tab and under service we will select restream.
io, for the serverwe’re going to choose the same server that we just selected in the dashboardand then finally we are going to paste in our stream key.
In SLOBS it’s theexact same process, go to Settings, stream, select restream.
io, choose the serverand paste the stream key.
One final thing that we need to do if you’re using OBSor streamlabs OBS is to fix a little issue which currently existsthat one of the restream engineers has told me about for best results.
So goback into your settings and select the output tab, if your current output modeis set to simple we need to make a quick note of these two settings here, ourbitrate and our encoder.
Now we can change the output mode to advanced as weneed to disable an option in here.
First let’s set our encoder and our bitrateback to what we just noted down from the simple tab, next we want to uncheck thisbox ‘enforce streaming service encoder settings’, we’ll then set our keyframeinterval to 2 and change our profile to main.
I know this sounds complex and Ihaven’t really explained what these settings do, but it’s just really anissue with how OBS and streamlabs OBS are enforcing the restream encodersettings wrongly.
Just to reiterate I’ll do it in streamlabs OBS as well.
Go tosettings, to the output tab, change to advanced and check this box, set this to2 and set this to main, and then make sure that our encoder and our bitrateare the same as what they were when we were on the simple output mode.
Now technically we have done everything that we need to do to go live onmultiple platforms using restream but there are a couple of other features Iwant to talk about before we do.
Back on the restream website the titles tab, thisjust allows you to change the title and the game of all your connected streamchannels.
So here I can enter a single title that I want to show as my streamtitle across all my connected platforms and then of course I can go into eachaccount and edit the game that I’m playing if I want to.
The social alertstab this just allows you to post a tweet and a status to your Twitter and yourFacebook pages whenever you go live which is pretty handy.
The monitor tab isa really useful tool that allows you to monitor your streams as they arehappening in real time, and I know if you go to your monitor tab right now sincewe’re not streaming, it won’t show anything but I’m gonna show you somedata from when I streamed earlier.
Here you can look at your live incomingstream data so you can see exactly what bitrate, what resolution, what frame rateyou’re sending to restream as well as things like dropped frames.
The graphs beloware super useful in diagnosing any issues that you’re having with yourstreams similarly to how I showed you guys in the Twitch inspector video.
I couldgo into absolutely loads of detail here about how you can analyze these graphsand fix stream issues but I’ll probably save that for another more advancedvideo, so if you guys want to see that do just let me know down in the comments.
Aswell as looking at your incoming stream data the data that you are sending fromOBS or streamlabs OBS to restream, you can also click across and look at theoutgoing streams that restream is sending out to the individual platformslive in real time.
Again here we can see useful data like bitrate as well asthings like if restream has ever had to reconnect to the service.
The final tabthat we will look at is the chat tab.
Now as I said earlier this is restream'ssolution for gathering all of your chat windows from all the different platformsthat you’re going to be streaming to into one.
This way you can make sure thatyou don’t miss any viewers who are chatting to you and you can interactwith them back no matter which streaming platform they are watching on.
Restreamhave also made it incredibly easy to include this multichat window into yourstream with OBS or streamlabs OBS if you want your viewers to be able to seethe chat that’s coming from all your different streaming platforms.
Youcan include it quite easily.
There are two different options for the chatapplication, there’s a web chat version that runs in your browser or there’s anapplication that you can download for PC or for Mac.
Firstly we’ll look at the web chat version.
You can see here it shows you apreview of what your chat will look like along with some example messages frommultiple platforms.
Each message will show an icon of the platform, thechatting users username on that platform, as well as their message and the time ofthe message.
On the right here you can change the theme between a few differentoptions, so have a play around see which one you like the look of.
Next you canchange if you want new messages to show at the bottom or at the top of the chatwindow.
You also have a couple of options here to alter the opacity of both themessage background and the chat background as a whole and you can changeexactly how large the text and the chat window is by adjusting the scale here.
Finally you can choose to hide messages after a number of seconds, so this isuseful if you are a newer streamer or maybe you’re just a streamer that istrying your hardest to grow and you don’t have that much chat interactiongoing on, you don’t want people with messages to stay up on your stream formultiple seconds so you can you can set a timer here for how long they shouldshow for before they’re hidden.
At the very top you’ll also have a long linkthat you can use in OBS or streamlabs OBS as a browser source to have yourchat as a source that you can display on your stream, but we’ll be covering thatonce we’ve downloaded the Windows application.
Now although the web chat isawesome the downloadable application has quite a few more features many of whichwe won’t have time to go into in this video but I’d still recommend it ifyou’re going to be streaming with restream often.
You should download andinstall the standalone chat application.
Once it has installed it should allowyou to log into your restream account so log in and it should look a little likethis.
Now up in the top left corner it should show the number of platforms thatyour chat is currently connected to as well as the number of users in all ofthe combined channels.
If you click anywhere in the top left here it willshow you all of your chats, their current connection status and how many users arewatching on that channel.
Now before we dive into the settings of this chat applet’s just have a look at the chat in action.
So I’m going to open up mybrowser and open up my Twitch, YouTube and my Mixer chats and then typesome example messages to see them appear in therestream chat window.
As you can see all the chats from the platforms I'veconnected are collected into this one window and it’s super easy to interactwith your chat from all the different platforms.
If you click on the little cogicon up here, the settings window will open up.
Now I’m not going to go throughall the settings here but you can see that there are some cool features, thingslike connecting your discord, filtering out certain words from your chat as wellas filtering out words based on the platform, you can change the actualwindow appearance and font sizes of the messages, the nickname and the timestamp.
You can set up notifications and text-to-speech, there’s an auto replying bot, there’s ways to export your chat and your viewercounters, loads of cool features but all of those are probably going to call fora more advanced video at a later date.
But the one that I do want to quicklycover is embedding your restream chat into your stream, now this is exactly thesame as the web chat but all you have to do once you’ve got the chat appearing asyou want to, you know play around with the appearance with these settings hereon the right.
Once you’re happy is you go up to the box here, copy this URL and gointo OBS or streamlabs OBS and add a new browser source to the scene you wantto show you’re chat on, then paste in the URL, set the width and height to whateveryou want and click OK.
You now have your multistream chat appearing in thestream for your viewers.
It’s really as easy as that, you can go back andchange the appearance, the opacity all those kind of things and they willupdate in your streaming software.
Now if we quickly go back to our browser andtest by typing in these chat windows, you should see them appearing in your streamnow.
That is everything that we need to set up to be able to use restream, we'reready to hit start streaming in our streaming software and then head back tothe restream dashboard.
Now restream does add about a 1-2 second delay to yourstream which is pretty impressive really considering what they are doing with allof that data.
So after a few seconds we should see that our stream previewshould show and then we should also see that our individual platforms go fromoffline to connecting, eventually to online and that’s it.
We are now live onmultiple platforms at the same time.
So I just want to quickly give a little wordof warning to those that are lucky enough and worked hard enough to be ableto have signed an affiliate contract with Twitch or apartner contract with Twitch because if you look through your contract theremight be a clause in there about exclusivity.
And it basically, it sayssomething like that you agree to stream to Twitch and thatcontent won’t appear anywhere else for something like 24 hours.
So have a lookthrough your contract because if that is the case then unfortunately you probablycan’t use a service like restream since technically that content is going liveto multiple different platforms at the same time and not just Twitch, which iswhat is stated in your contract.
So just a little word of warning if you’re luckyenough to have one of those contracts be sure to make sure you’re not breaking it.
Well that is it guys, I hope you have enjoyed and learned something new fromthis video, if you have please do give it a thumbs up, it helps us understand whatkind of content to keep creating and if you haven’t subscribed yet please dohave a look around at the Gaming Careers YouTube channel, has all these guides about streaming and content creation in gaming.
Finally asalways I would like to give a massive thanks to my patrons.
These people hereare choosing to support me over on Patreon and they support the creation ofthese Gaming Careers videos, so thank you guys so much it really is making amassive difference and if you are considering supporting me please docheck out my Patreon, there’s loads of different perks and tiers of things thatyou get as a return of showing your support, so if you would like to checkthat out, it is linked in the description.
Also as always if you haven’t yet joinedour discord, we’re at nearly 300 members now everybody’s it’s just an amazingplace to be where everybody is talking, asking questions helping each other grow, networking all this kind of things so again my discord is always linked in thebottom of every video description so if you haven’t yet joined please do andsubscribers I’ll see you in the next video.
from IPTVRestream https://iptvrestream.net/us/stream-to-30-platforms-simultaneously-with-restreamio-2/ from IPTV Restream https://iptvrestream.tumblr.com/post/629434423137468416 from Best IPTV Channels https://reneturgeon.tumblr.com/post/629435476405895168
0 notes
reneturgeon · 4 years ago
Stream to 30+ Platforms Simultaneously with Restream.io
What’s up guys, welcome back once againto the Gaming Careers YouTube channel where we aim to teach you everything todo with live-streaming and to do with content creation within the gaming niche.
Are you finding it hard to stand out on Twitch amongst the tens of thousandsof other streamers trying to stand out there? Maybe you think ‘is there a betterplatform to be streaming to as a beginner streamer or as a streamertrying to get noticed?’ You may know that there’s plenty of other platforms thatnow want to promote your live stream but which one to stream to.
Well in today'svideo we’re going to be looking at a service called restream which allowsyou to stream to Twitch, Mixer, Facebook, YouTube Gaming, smashcast and over 30other platforms, all at the same time, all without any additional bandwidth orperformance hits on your PC and all completely for free.
Sounds good? Let'sdive in! So before we hop onto the computer and take a look at restream, Ithink it’s important to discuss what I think the benefits are of using aservice like restream and the first and most obvious one is that it multipliesthe platforms that you are on so not only have you got a chance of justgetting discovered on Twitch but if you’re streaming to other platforms aswell there are people that are using those sites and they may discover youthere.
So you obviously are multiplying your audience because you’re on moreplatforms so you’re more easy to discover.
Now maybe one or two years ago, Twitch was really the only platform where you could stream with the hopes ofmaking it your career but recently a lot of other companies have been gettinginvolved, obviously you’ve got Google who owns YouTube, you’ve got Microsoft whoowns Mixer, you’ve got Facebook, you’ve got Twitter, they’re all getting into thelivestream scene and they all want to help promote your stream.
So it’s worthconsidering platforms other than Twitch nowadays.
Now add on to that that Twitchis probably the hardest platform to get started on just because there’s so manystreamers battling to try and get viewers, whereas services like YouTubeGaming have less people streaming to it, so there’s more chance for you gettingdiscovered.
Also YouTube just announced that YouTube Gaming and YouTube, theirsubscriptions are going to be combined so people that subscribe to you onYouTube Gaming, your videos are going to appear in theirYouTube feed and vice-versa, so this is good news for people that arestreaming to platforms like YouTube Gaming and that is really why I thinkthat restream is such a great service, because you don’t need to know whichplatform is best for you because you can stream to all of them at the same timeand then over time you can start to understand where your audience lives andwhich platform is best for you to stream to.
Now you might be thinking thatrestream, that sounds great but how on earth am I meant to monitor chat fromFacebook, YouTube, Twitch, beem, all of these different platforms that Iwant to stream to all at the same time and thankfully restream has thought of asolution for that as well.
They’ve built an app that pulls all ofthese streams that you’re streaming to, all the chat into one window so we'llcover that later in the video but let’s dive into the restream software.
So thefirst thing that you’re going to want to do is to head over to restream.
io andsign up for an account, all that you need to do is input a username, email anda password.
I’ve already created mine so I’m justgoing to log in instead but once you have created an account you maybe haveto click a link in an email just to confirm that that is your email but youshould log in and arrive at the dashboard.
Now the dashboard shows allthe different platforms and the channels that you’ve connected to restream, sincethis is a brand new account we haven’t yet connected any platforms so if weclick on add channel we will open up the options for all the different platformsthat we can stream to with restream.
As you can see here there is a lot ofchoice.
For the purposes of this video I’m going to connect my Twitch, myYouTube and my Mixer accounts.
Each time that you select a platform to connectyou will need to log in to that platform and authorize restream to be able toaccess some of your information.
The process here has been designed to besuper simple which I absolutely love, it makes it so easy for you to add as manyplatforms as you desire.
It’s worth noting here that if you want to streamto two different accounts from the same streaming platform, so to separate Twitchaccounts for example then you will need to purchase the doubling package fromrestream.
If you just want to stream to one account from each platform you canstream to all 30 different platforms completely for free.
Each time you add aplatform successfully you should see it show up in your dashboard.
There’s anoption to turn each channel on and off so if you want to not stream to one ofyour accounts one day you can quite easily turn it off here before youstart streaming.
You can also click this little cog icon and go into the Editsettings which allows you to choose which Twitch server to stream to andedit your display name.
I’d recommend leaving the server on autodetect as this is no longer the server that is best for your connection betweenyour computer and Twitch, but this is the server that is best for the connectionbetween restream’s server and Twitch’s server.
Underneath each channel name youalso have a little status which shows if you are offline, connecting or online toeach platform.
Once you’ve successfully added all the platforms that you want tostream to we can start setting up OBS studio or streamlabs OBS for streamingto restream.
Remember how this works is that we send our stream data from OBS orstreamlabs OBS to a restream server.
Restream then takes this data and sendsit on to our individual streaming platforms.
Over on the right hand side ofyour dashboard we first need to set up which restream server we will besending our stream to.
There’s a little drop-down which gives you all thedifferent server locations that restream has.
You should choose the option herewhich is nearest to you geographically.
There’s also an option here to run aquick speed test which basically just pings all the servers from your locationand gives you the result in milliseconds.
Now I know that’s not the greatest ormost thorough connection test but still it’s better than nothing you want tochoose the server with the lowest ping.
Next we are given our stream key.
Nowexactly like Twitch or YouTube or any of the other services, you should keep thiskey completely private as it’s the only thing that’s required somebody else tostream to all of your accounts.
If for some reason you share it with somebodylike I’m doing in this video, you can of course reset it by clicking this littlerefresh icon here.
Select the whole stream key and copy it then we’ll headinto our streaming software.
I’m going to show you both OBS and streamlabs OBSquickly since they’re exactly the same.
So we start by going to settings, thenthe stream tab and under service we will select restream.
io, for the serverwe’re going to choose the same server that we just selected in the dashboardand then finally we are going to paste in our stream key.
In SLOBS it’s theexact same process, go to Settings, stream, select restream.
io, choose the serverand paste the stream key.
One final thing that we need to do if you’re using OBSor streamlabs OBS is to fix a little issue which currently existsthat one of the restream engineers has told me about for best results.
So goback into your settings and select the output tab, if your current output modeis set to simple we need to make a quick note of these two settings here, ourbitrate and our encoder.
Now we can change the output mode to advanced as weneed to disable an option in here.
First let’s set our encoder and our bitrateback to what we just noted down from the simple tab, next we want to uncheck thisbox 'enforce streaming service encoder settings’, we’ll then set our keyframeinterval to 2 and change our profile to main.
I know this sounds complex and Ihaven’t really explained what these settings do, but it’s just really anissue with how OBS and streamlabs OBS are enforcing the restream encodersettings wrongly.
Just to reiterate I’ll do it in streamlabs OBS as well.
Go tosettings, to the output tab, change to advanced and check this box, set this to2 and set this to main, and then make sure that our encoder and our bitrateare the same as what they were when we were on the simple output mode.
Now technically we have done everything that we need to do to go live onmultiple platforms using restream but there are a couple of other features Iwant to talk about before we do.
Back on the restream website the titles tab, thisjust allows you to change the title and the game of all your connected streamchannels.
So here I can enter a single title that I want to show as my streamtitle across all my connected platforms and then of course I can go into eachaccount and edit the game that I’m playing if I want to.
The social alertstab this just allows you to post a tweet and a status to your Twitter and yourFacebook pages whenever you go live which is pretty handy.
The monitor tab isa really useful tool that allows you to monitor your streams as they arehappening in real time, and I know if you go to your monitor tab right now sincewe’re not streaming, it won’t show anything but I’m gonna show you somedata from when I streamed earlier.
Here you can look at your live incomingstream data so you can see exactly what bitrate, what resolution, what frame rateyou’re sending to restream as well as things like dropped frames.
The graphs beloware super useful in diagnosing any issues that you’re having with yourstreams similarly to how I showed you guys in the Twitch inspector video.
I couldgo into absolutely loads of detail here about how you can analyze these graphsand fix stream issues but I’ll probably save that for another more advancedvideo, so if you guys want to see that do just let me know down in the comments.
Aswell as looking at your incoming stream data the data that you are sending fromOBS or streamlabs OBS to restream, you can also click across and look at theoutgoing streams that restream is sending out to the individual platformslive in real time.
Again here we can see useful data like bitrate as well asthings like if restream has ever had to reconnect to the service.
The final tabthat we will look at is the chat tab.
Now as I said earlier this is restream'ssolution for gathering all of your chat windows from all the different platformsthat you’re going to be streaming to into one.
This way you can make sure thatyou don’t miss any viewers who are chatting to you and you can interactwith them back no matter which streaming platform they are watching on.
Restreamhave also made it incredibly easy to include this multichat window into yourstream with OBS or streamlabs OBS if you want your viewers to be able to seethe chat that’s coming from all your different streaming platforms.
Youcan include it quite easily.
There are two different options for the chatapplication, there’s a web chat version that runs in your browser or there’s anapplication that you can download for PC or for Mac.
Firstly we’ll look at the web chat version.
You can see here it shows you apreview of what your chat will look like along with some example messages frommultiple platforms.
Each message will show an icon of the platform, thechatting users username on that platform, as well as their message and the time ofthe message.
On the right here you can change the theme between a few differentoptions, so have a play around see which one you like the look of.
Next you canchange if you want new messages to show at the bottom or at the top of the chatwindow.
You also have a couple of options here to alter the opacity of both themessage background and the chat background as a whole and you can changeexactly how large the text and the chat window is by adjusting the scale here.
Finally you can choose to hide messages after a number of seconds, so this isuseful if you are a newer streamer or maybe you’re just a streamer that istrying your hardest to grow and you don’t have that much chat interactiongoing on, you don’t want people with messages to stay up on your stream formultiple seconds so you can you can set a timer here for how long they shouldshow for before they’re hidden.
At the very top you’ll also have a long linkthat you can use in OBS or streamlabs OBS as a browser source to have yourchat as a source that you can display on your stream, but we’ll be covering thatonce we’ve downloaded the Windows application.
Now although the web chat isawesome the downloadable application has quite a few more features many of whichwe won’t have time to go into in this video but I’d still recommend it ifyou’re going to be streaming with restream often.
You should download andinstall the standalone chat application.
Once it has installed it should allowyou to log into your restream account so log in and it should look a little likethis.
Now up in the top left corner it should show the number of platforms thatyour chat is currently connected to as well as the number of users in all ofthe combined channels.
If you click anywhere in the top left here it willshow you all of your chats, their current connection status and how many users arewatching on that channel.
Now before we dive into the settings of this chat applet’s just have a look at the chat in action.
So I’m going to open up mybrowser and open up my Twitch, YouTube and my Mixer chats and then typesome example messages to see them appear in therestream chat window.
As you can see all the chats from the platforms I'veconnected are collected into this one window and it’s super easy to interactwith your chat from all the different platforms.
If you click on the little cogicon up here, the settings window will open up.
Now I’m not going to go throughall the settings here but you can see that there are some cool features, thingslike connecting your discord, filtering out certain words from your chat as wellas filtering out words based on the platform, you can change the actualwindow appearance and font sizes of the messages, the nickname and the timestamp.
You can set up notifications and text-to-speech, there’s an auto replying bot, there’s ways to export your chat and your viewercounters, loads of cool features but all of those are probably going to call fora more advanced video at a later date.
But the one that I do want to quicklycover is embedding your restream chat into your stream, now this is exactly thesame as the web chat but all you have to do once you’ve got the chat appearing asyou want to, you know play around with the appearance with these settings hereon the right.
Once you’re happy is you go up to the box here, copy this URL and gointo OBS or streamlabs OBS and add a new browser source to the scene you wantto show you’re chat on, then paste in the URL, set the width and height to whateveryou want and click OK.
You now have your multistream chat appearing in thestream for your viewers.
It’s really as easy as that, you can go back andchange the appearance, the opacity all those kind of things and they willupdate in your streaming software.
Now if we quickly go back to our browser andtest by typing in these chat windows, you should see them appearing in your streamnow.
That is everything that we need to set up to be able to use restream, we'reready to hit start streaming in our streaming software and then head back tothe restream dashboard.
Now restream does add about a 1-2 second delay to yourstream which is pretty impressive really considering what they are doing with allof that data.
So after a few seconds we should see that our stream previewshould show and then we should also see that our individual platforms go fromoffline to connecting, eventually to online and that’s it.
We are now live onmultiple platforms at the same time.
So I just want to quickly give a little wordof warning to those that are lucky enough and worked hard enough to be ableto have signed an affiliate contract with Twitch or apartner contract with Twitch because if you look through your contract theremight be a clause in there about exclusivity.
And it basically, it sayssomething like that you agree to stream to Twitch and thatcontent won’t appear anywhere else for something like 24 hours.
So have a lookthrough your contract because if that is the case then unfortunately you probablycan’t use a service like restream since technically that content is going liveto multiple different platforms at the same time and not just Twitch, which iswhat is stated in your contract.
So just a little word of warning if you’re luckyenough to have one of those contracts be sure to make sure you’re not breaking it.
Well that is it guys, I hope you have enjoyed and learned something new fromthis video, if you have please do give it a thumbs up, it helps us understand whatkind of content to keep creating and if you haven’t subscribed yet please dohave a look around at the Gaming Careers YouTube channel, has all these guides about streaming and content creation in gaming.
Finally asalways I would like to give a massive thanks to my patrons.
These people hereare choosing to support me over on Patreon and they support the creation ofthese Gaming Careers videos, so thank you guys so much it really is making amassive difference and if you are considering supporting me please docheck out my Patreon, there’s loads of different perks and tiers of things thatyou get as a return of showing your support, so if you would like to checkthat out, it is linked in the description.
Also as always if you haven’t yet joinedour discord, we’re at nearly 300 members now everybody’s it’s just an amazingplace to be where everybody is talking, asking questions helping each other grow, networking all this kind of things so again my discord is always linked in thebottom of every video description so if you haven’t yet joined please do andsubscribers I’ll see you in the next video.
from IPTVRestream https://iptvrestream.net/us/stream-to-30-platforms-simultaneously-with-restreamio-2/ from IPTV Restream https://iptvrestream.tumblr.com/post/629434423137468416
0 notes
iptvrestream · 4 years ago
Stream to 30+ Platforms Simultaneously with Restream.io
What's up guys, welcome back once againto the Gaming Careers YouTube channel where we aim to teach you everything todo with live-streaming and to do with content creation within the gaming niche.
Are you finding it hard to stand out on Twitch amongst the tens of thousandsof other streamers trying to stand out there? Maybe you think 'is there a betterplatform to be streaming to as a beginner streamer or as a streamertrying to get noticed?' You may know that there's plenty of other platforms thatnow want to promote your live stream but which one to stream to.
Well in today'svideo we're going to be looking at a service called restream which allowsyou to stream to Twitch, Mixer, Facebook, YouTube Gaming, smashcast and over 30other platforms, all at the same time, all without any additional bandwidth orperformance hits on your PC and all completely for free.
Sounds good? Let'sdive in! So before we hop onto the computer and take a look at restream, Ithink it's important to discuss what I think the benefits are of using aservice like restream and the first and most obvious one is that it multipliesthe platforms that you are on so not only have you got a chance of justgetting discovered on Twitch but if you're streaming to other platforms aswell there are people that are using those sites and they may discover youthere.
So you obviously are multiplying your audience because you're on moreplatforms so you're more easy to discover.
Now maybe one or two years ago, Twitch was really the only platform where you could stream with the hopes ofmaking it your career but recently a lot of other companies have been gettinginvolved, obviously you've got Google who owns YouTube, you've got Microsoft whoowns Mixer, you've got Facebook, you've got Twitter, they're all getting into thelivestream scene and they all want to help promote your stream.
So it's worthconsidering platforms other than Twitch nowadays.
Now add on to that that Twitchis probably the hardest platform to get started on just because there's so manystreamers battling to try and get viewers, whereas services like YouTubeGaming have less people streaming to it, so there's more chance for you gettingdiscovered.
Also YouTube just announced that YouTube Gaming and YouTube, theirsubscriptions are going to be combined so people that subscribe to you onYouTube Gaming, your videos are going to appear in theirYouTube feed and vice-versa, so this is good news for people that arestreaming to platforms like YouTube Gaming and that is really why I thinkthat restream is such a great service, because you don't need to know whichplatform is best for you because you can stream to all of them at the same timeand then over time you can start to understand where your audience lives andwhich platform is best for you to stream to.
Now you might be thinking thatrestream, that sounds great but how on earth am I meant to monitor chat fromFacebook, YouTube, Twitch, beem, all of these different platforms that Iwant to stream to all at the same time and thankfully restream has thought of asolution for that as well.
They've built an app that pulls all ofthese streams that you're streaming to, all the chat into one window so we'llcover that later in the video but let's dive into the restream software.
So thefirst thing that you're going to want to do is to head over to restream.
io andsign up for an account, all that you need to do is input a username, email anda password.
I've already created mine so I'm justgoing to log in instead but once you have created an account you maybe haveto click a link in an email just to confirm that that is your email but youshould log in and arrive at the dashboard.
Now the dashboard shows allthe different platforms and the channels that you've connected to restream, sincethis is a brand new account we haven't yet connected any platforms so if weclick on add channel we will open up the options for all the different platformsthat we can stream to with restream.
As you can see here there is a lot ofchoice.
For the purposes of this video I'm going to connect my Twitch, myYouTube and my Mixer accounts.
Each time that you select a platform to connectyou will need to log in to that platform and authorize restream to be able toaccess some of your information.
The process here has been designed to besuper simple which I absolutely love, it makes it so easy for you to add as manyplatforms as you desire.
It's worth noting here that if you want to streamto two different accounts from the same streaming platform, so to separate Twitchaccounts for example then you will need to purchase the doubling package fromrestream.
If you just want to stream to one account from each platform you canstream to all 30 different platforms completely for free.
Each time you add aplatform successfully you should see it show up in your dashboard.
There's anoption to turn each channel on and off so if you want to not stream to one ofyour accounts one day you can quite easily turn it off here before youstart streaming.
You can also click this little cog icon and go into the Editsettings which allows you to choose which Twitch server to stream to andedit your display name.
I'd recommend leaving the server on autodetect as this is no longer the server that is best for your connection betweenyour computer and Twitch, but this is the server that is best for the connectionbetween restream's server and Twitch's server.
Underneath each channel name youalso have a little status which shows if you are offline, connecting or online toeach platform.
Once you've successfully added all the platforms that you want tostream to we can start setting up OBS studio or streamlabs OBS for streamingto restream.
Remember how this works is that we send our stream data from OBS orstreamlabs OBS to a restream server.
Restream then takes this data and sendsit on to our individual streaming platforms.
Over on the right hand side ofyour dashboard we first need to set up which restream server we will besending our stream to.
There's a little drop-down which gives you all thedifferent server locations that restream has.
You should choose the option herewhich is nearest to you geographically.
There's also an option here to run aquick speed test which basically just pings all the servers from your locationand gives you the result in milliseconds.
Now I know that's not the greatest ormost thorough connection test but still it's better than nothing you want tochoose the server with the lowest ping.
Next we are given our stream key.
Nowexactly like Twitch or YouTube or any of the other services, you should keep thiskey completely private as it's the only thing that's required somebody else tostream to all of your accounts.
If for some reason you share it with somebodylike I'm doing in this video, you can of course reset it by clicking this littlerefresh icon here.
Select the whole stream key and copy it then we'll headinto our streaming software.
I'm going to show you both OBS and streamlabs OBSquickly since they're exactly the same.
So we start by going to settings, thenthe stream tab and under service we will select restream.
io, for the serverwe're going to choose the same server that we just selected in the dashboardand then finally we are going to paste in our stream key.
In SLOBS it's theexact same process, go to Settings, stream, select restream.
io, choose the serverand paste the stream key.
One final thing that we need to do if you're using OBSor streamlabs OBS is to fix a little issue which currently existsthat one of the restream engineers has told me about for best results.
So goback into your settings and select the output tab, if your current output modeis set to simple we need to make a quick note of these two settings here, ourbitrate and our encoder.
Now we can change the output mode to advanced as weneed to disable an option in here.
First let's set our encoder and our bitrateback to what we just noted down from the simple tab, next we want to uncheck thisbox 'enforce streaming service encoder settings', we'll then set our keyframeinterval to 2 and change our profile to main.
I know this sounds complex and Ihaven't really explained what these settings do, but it's just really anissue with how OBS and streamlabs OBS are enforcing the restream encodersettings wrongly.
Just to reiterate I'll do it in streamlabs OBS as well.
Go tosettings, to the output tab, change to advanced and check this box, set this to2 and set this to main, and then make sure that our encoder and our bitrateare the same as what they were when we were on the simple output mode.
Now technically we have done everything that we need to do to go live onmultiple platforms using restream but there are a couple of other features Iwant to talk about before we do.
Back on the restream website the titles tab, thisjust allows you to change the title and the game of all your connected streamchannels.
So here I can enter a single title that I want to show as my streamtitle across all my connected platforms and then of course I can go into eachaccount and edit the game that I'm playing if I want to.
The social alertstab this just allows you to post a tweet and a status to your Twitter and yourFacebook pages whenever you go live which is pretty handy.
The monitor tab isa really useful tool that allows you to monitor your streams as they arehappening in real time, and I know if you go to your monitor tab right now sincewe're not streaming, it won't show anything but I'm gonna show you somedata from when I streamed earlier.
Here you can look at your live incomingstream data so you can see exactly what bitrate, what resolution, what frame rateyou're sending to restream as well as things like dropped frames.
The graphs beloware super useful in diagnosing any issues that you're having with yourstreams similarly to how I showed you guys in the Twitch inspector video.
I couldgo into absolutely loads of detail here about how you can analyze these graphsand fix stream issues but I'll probably save that for another more advancedvideo, so if you guys want to see that do just let me know down in the comments.
Aswell as looking at your incoming stream data the data that you are sending fromOBS or streamlabs OBS to restream, you can also click across and look at theoutgoing streams that restream is sending out to the individual platformslive in real time.
Again here we can see useful data like bitrate as well asthings like if restream has ever had to reconnect to the service.
The final tabthat we will look at is the chat tab.
Now as I said earlier this is restream'ssolution for gathering all of your chat windows from all the different platformsthat you're going to be streaming to into one.
This way you can make sure thatyou don't miss any viewers who are chatting to you and you can interactwith them back no matter which streaming platform they are watching on.
Restreamhave also made it incredibly easy to include this multichat window into yourstream with OBS or streamlabs OBS if you want your viewers to be able to seethe chat that's coming from all your different streaming platforms.
Youcan include it quite easily.
There are two different options for the chatapplication, there's a web chat version that runs in your browser or there's anapplication that you can download for PC or for Mac.
Firstly we'll look at the web chat version.
You can see here it shows you apreview of what your chat will look like along with some example messages frommultiple platforms.
Each message will show an icon of the platform, thechatting users username on that platform, as well as their message and the time ofthe message.
On the right here you can change the theme between a few differentoptions, so have a play around see which one you like the look of.
Next you canchange if you want new messages to show at the bottom or at the top of the chatwindow.
You also have a couple of options here to alter the opacity of both themessage background and the chat background as a whole and you can changeexactly how large the text and the chat window is by adjusting the scale here.
Finally you can choose to hide messages after a number of seconds, so this isuseful if you are a newer streamer or maybe you're just a streamer that istrying your hardest to grow and you don't have that much chat interactiongoing on, you don't want people with messages to stay up on your stream formultiple seconds so you can you can set a timer here for how long they shouldshow for before they're hidden.
At the very top you'll also have a long linkthat you can use in OBS or streamlabs OBS as a browser source to have yourchat as a source that you can display on your stream, but we'll be covering thatonce we've downloaded the Windows application.
Now although the web chat isawesome the downloadable application has quite a few more features many of whichwe won't have time to go into in this video but I'd still recommend it ifyou're going to be streaming with restream often.
You should download andinstall the standalone chat application.
Once it has installed it should allowyou to log into your restream account so log in and it should look a little likethis.
Now up in the top left corner it should show the number of platforms thatyour chat is currently connected to as well as the number of users in all ofthe combined channels.
If you click anywhere in the top left here it willshow you all of your chats, their current connection status and how many users arewatching on that channel.
Now before we dive into the settings of this chat applet's just have a look at the chat in action.
So I'm going to open up mybrowser and open up my Twitch, YouTube and my Mixer chats and then typesome example messages to see them appear in therestream chat window.
As you can see all the chats from the platforms I'veconnected are collected into this one window and it's super easy to interactwith your chat from all the different platforms.
If you click on the little cogicon up here, the settings window will open up.
Now I'm not going to go throughall the settings here but you can see that there are some cool features, thingslike connecting your discord, filtering out certain words from your chat as wellas filtering out words based on the platform, you can change the actualwindow appearance and font sizes of the messages, the nickname and the timestamp.
You can set up notifications and text-to-speech, there's an auto replying bot, there's ways to export your chat and your viewercounters, loads of cool features but all of those are probably going to call fora more advanced video at a later date.
But the one that I do want to quicklycover is embedding your restream chat into your stream, now this is exactly thesame as the web chat but all you have to do once you've got the chat appearing asyou want to, you know play around with the appearance with these settings hereon the right.
Once you're happy is you go up to the box here, copy this URL and gointo OBS or streamlabs OBS and add a new browser source to the scene you wantto show you're chat on, then paste in the URL, set the width and height to whateveryou want and click OK.
You now have your multistream chat appearing in thestream for your viewers.
It's really as easy as that, you can go back andchange the appearance, the opacity all those kind of things and they willupdate in your streaming software.
Now if we quickly go back to our browser andtest by typing in these chat windows, you should see them appearing in your streamnow.
That is everything that we need to set up to be able to use restream, we'reready to hit start streaming in our streaming software and then head back tothe restream dashboard.
Now restream does add about a 1-2 second delay to yourstream which is pretty impressive really considering what they are doing with allof that data.
So after a few seconds we should see that our stream previewshould show and then we should also see that our individual platforms go fromoffline to connecting, eventually to online and that's it.
We are now live onmultiple platforms at the same time.
So I just want to quickly give a little wordof warning to those that are lucky enough and worked hard enough to be ableto have signed an affiliate contract with Twitch or apartner contract with Twitch because if you look through your contract theremight be a clause in there about exclusivity.
And it basically, it sayssomething like that you agree to stream to Twitch and thatcontent won't appear anywhere else for something like 24 hours.
So have a lookthrough your contract because if that is the case then unfortunately you probablycan't use a service like restream since technically that content is going liveto multiple different platforms at the same time and not just Twitch, which iswhat is stated in your contract.
So just a little word of warning if you're luckyenough to have one of those contracts be sure to make sure you're not breaking it.
Well that is it guys, I hope you have enjoyed and learned something new fromthis video, if you have please do give it a thumbs up, it helps us understand whatkind of content to keep creating and if you haven't subscribed yet please dohave a look around at the Gaming Careers YouTube channel, has all these guides about streaming and content creation in gaming.
Finally asalways I would like to give a massive thanks to my patrons.
These people hereare choosing to support me over on Patreon and they support the creation ofthese Gaming Careers videos, so thank you guys so much it really is making amassive difference and if you are considering supporting me please docheck out my Patreon, there's loads of different perks and tiers of things thatyou get as a return of showing your support, so if you would like to checkthat out, it is linked in the description.
Also as always if you haven't yet joinedour discord, we're at nearly 300 members now everybody's it's just an amazingplace to be where everybody is talking, asking questions helping each other grow, networking all this kind of things so again my discord is always linked in thebottom of every video description so if you haven't yet joined please do andsubscribers I'll see you in the next video.
from IPTVRestream https://iptvrestream.net/us/stream-to-30-platforms-simultaneously-with-restreamio-2/
0 notes
jacquesgoddu · 5 years ago
Stream to 30 Platforms Simultaneously with Restream.io
What’s up guys, welcome back once againto the Gaming Careers YouTube channel where we aim to teach you everything todo with live-streaming and to do with content creation within the gaming niche.
Are you finding it hard to stand out on Twitch amongst the tens of thousandsof other streamers trying to stand out there? Maybe you think ‘is there a betterplatform to be streaming to as a beginner streamer or as a streamertrying to get noticed?’ You may know that there’s plenty of other platforms thatnow want to promote your live stream but which one to stream to.
Well in today'svideo we’re going to be looking at a service called restream which allowsyou to stream to Twitch, Mixer, Facebook, YouTube Gaming, smashcast and over 30other platforms, all at the same time, all without any additional bandwidth orperformance hits on your PC and all completely for free.
Sounds good? Let'sdive in! So before we hop onto the computer and take a look at restream, Ithink it’s important to discuss what I think the benefits are of using aservice like restream and the first and most obvious one is that it multipliesthe platforms that you are on so not only have you got a chance of justgetting discovered on Twitch but if you’re streaming to other platforms aswell there are people that are using those sites and they may discover youthere.
So you obviously are multiplying your audience because you’re on moreplatforms so you’re more easy to discover.
Now maybe one or two years ago, Twitch was really the only platform where you could stream with the hopes ofmaking it your career but recently a lot of other companies have been gettinginvolved, obviously you’ve got Google who owns YouTube, you’ve got Microsoft whoowns Mixer, you’ve got Facebook, you’ve got Twitter, they’re all getting into thelivestream scene and they all want to help promote your stream.
So it’s worthconsidering platforms other than Twitch nowadays.
Now add on to that that Twitchis probably the hardest platform to get started on just because there’s so manystreamers battling to try and get viewers, whereas services like YouTubeGaming have less people streaming to it, so there’s more chance for you gettingdiscovered.
Also YouTube just announced that YouTube Gaming and YouTube, theirsubscriptions are going to be combined so people that subscribe to you onYouTube Gaming, your videos are going to appear in theirYouTube feed and vice-versa, so this is good news for people that arestreaming to platforms like YouTube Gaming and that is really why I thinkthat restream is such a great service, because you don’t need to know whichplatform is best for you because you can stream to all of them at the same timeand then over time you can start to understand where your audience lives andwhich platform is best for you to stream to.
Now you might be thinking thatrestream, that sounds great but how on earth am I meant to monitor chat fromFacebook, YouTube, Twitch, beem, all of these different platforms that Iwant to stream to all at the same time and thankfully restream has thought of asolution for that as well.
They’ve built an app that pulls all ofthese streams that you’re streaming to, all the chat into one window so we'llcover that later in the video but let’s dive into the restream software.
So thefirst thing that you’re going to want to do is to head over to restream.
io andsign up for an account, all that you need to do is input a username, email anda password.
I’ve already created mine so I’m justgoing to log in instead but once you have created an account you maybe haveto click a link in an email just to confirm that that is your email but youshould log in and arrive at the dashboard.
Now the dashboard shows allthe different platforms and the channels that you’ve connected to restream, sincethis is a brand new account we haven’t yet connected any platforms so if weclick on add channel we will open up the options for all the different platformsthat we can stream to with restream.
As you can see here there is a lot ofchoice.
For the purposes of this video I’m going to connect my Twitch, myYouTube and my Mixer accounts.
Each time that you select a platform to connectyou will need to log in to that platform and authorize restream to be able toaccess some of your information.
The process here has been designed to besuper simple which I absolutely love, it makes it so easy for you to add as manyplatforms as you desire.
It’s worth noting here that if you want to streamto two different accounts from the same streaming platform, so to separate Twitchaccounts for example then you will need to purchase the doubling package fromrestream.
If you just want to stream to one account from each platform you canstream to all 30 different platforms completely for free.
Each time you add aplatform successfully you should see it show up in your dashboard.
There’s anoption to turn each channel on and off so if you want to not stream to one ofyour accounts one day you can quite easily turn it off here before youstart streaming.
You can also click this little cog icon and go into the Editsettings which allows you to choose which Twitch server to stream to andedit your display name.
I’d recommend leaving the server on autodetect as this is no longer the server that is best for your connection betweenyour computer and Twitch, but this is the server that is best for the connectionbetween restream’s server and Twitch’s server.
Underneath each channel name youalso have a little status which shows if you are offline, connecting or online toeach platform.
Once you’ve successfully added all the platforms that you want tostream to we can start setting up OBS studio or streamlabs OBS for streamingto restream.
Remember how this works is that we send our stream data from OBS orstreamlabs OBS to a restream server.
Restream then takes this data and sendsit on to our individual streaming platforms.
Over on the right hand side ofyour dashboard we first need to set up which restream server we will besending our stream to.
There’s a little drop-down which gives you all thedifferent server locations that restream has.
You should choose the option herewhich is nearest to you geographically.
There’s also an option here to run aquick speed test which basically just pings all the servers from your locationand gives you the result in milliseconds.
Now I know that’s not the greatest ormost thorough connection test but still it’s better than nothing you want tochoose the server with the lowest ping.
Next we are given our stream key.
Nowexactly like Twitch or YouTube or any of the other services, you should keep thiskey completely private as it’s the only thing that’s required somebody else tostream to all of your accounts.
If for some reason you share it with somebodylike I’m doing in this video, you can of course reset it by clicking this littlerefresh icon here.
Select the whole stream key and copy it then we’ll headinto our streaming software.
I’m going to show you both OBS and streamlabs OBSquickly since they’re exactly the same.
So we start by going to settings, thenthe stream tab and under service we will select restream.
io, for the serverwe’re going to choose the same server that we just selected in the dashboardand then finally we are going to paste in our stream key.
In SLOBS it’s theexact same process, go to Settings, stream, select restream.
io, choose the serverand paste the stream key.
One final thing that we need to do if you’re using OBSor streamlabs OBS is to fix a little issue which currently existsthat one of the restream engineers has told me about for best results.
So goback into your settings and select the output tab, if your current output modeis set to simple we need to make a quick note of these two settings here, ourbitrate and our encoder.
Now we can change the output mode to advanced as weneed to disable an option in here.
First let’s set our encoder and our bitrateback to what we just noted down from the simple tab, next we want to uncheck thisbox 'enforce streaming service encoder settings’, we’ll then set our keyframeinterval to 2 and change our profile to main.
I know this sounds complex and Ihaven’t really explained what these settings do, but it’s just really anissue with how OBS and streamlabs OBS are enforcing the restream encodersettings wrongly.
Just to reiterate I’ll do it in streamlabs OBS as well.
Go tosettings, to the output tab, change to advanced and check this box, set this to2 and set this to main, and then make sure that our encoder and our bitrateare the same as what they were when we were on the simple output mode.
Now technically we have done everything that we need to do to go live onmultiple platforms using restream but there are a couple of other features Iwant to talk about before we do.
Back on the restream website the titles tab, thisjust allows you to change the title and the game of all your connected streamchannels.
So here I can enter a single title that I want to show as my streamtitle across all my connected platforms and then of course I can go into eachaccount and edit the game that I’m playing if I want to.
The social alertstab this just allows you to post a tweet and a status to your Twitter and yourFacebook pages whenever you go live which is pretty handy.
The monitor tab isa really useful tool that allows you to monitor your streams as they arehappening in real time, and I know if you go to your monitor tab right now sincewe’re not streaming, it won’t show anything but I’m gonna show you somedata from when I streamed earlier.
Here you can look at your live incomingstream data so you can see exactly what bitrate, what resolution, what frame rateyou’re sending to restream as well as things like dropped frames.
The graphs beloware super useful in diagnosing any issues that you’re having with yourstreams similarly to how I showed you guys in the Twitch inspector video.
I couldgo into absolutely loads of detail here about how you can analyze these graphsand fix stream issues but I’ll probably save that for another more advancedvideo, so if you guys want to see that do just let me know down in the comments.
Aswell as looking at your incoming stream data the data that you are sending fromOBS or streamlabs OBS to restream, you can also click across and look at theoutgoing streams that restream is sending out to the individual platformslive in real time.
Again here we can see useful data like bitrate as well asthings like if restream has ever had to reconnect to the service.
The final tabthat we will look at is the chat tab.
Now as I said earlier this is restream'ssolution for gathering all of your chat windows from all the different platformsthat you’re going to be streaming to into one.
This way you can make sure thatyou don’t miss any viewers who are chatting to you and you can interactwith them back no matter which streaming platform they are watching on.
Restreamhave also made it incredibly easy to include this multichat window into yourstream with OBS or streamlabs OBS if you want your viewers to be able to seethe chat that’s coming from all your different streaming platforms.
Youcan include it quite easily.
There are two different options for the chatapplication, there’s a web chat version that runs in your browser or there’s anapplication that you can download for PC or for Mac.
Firstly we’ll look at the web chat version.
You can see here it shows you apreview of what your chat will look like along with some example messages frommultiple platforms.
Each message will show an icon of the platform, thechatting users username on that platform, as well as their message and the time ofthe message.
On the right here you can change the theme between a few differentoptions, so have a play around see which one you like the look of.
Next you canchange if you want new messages to show at the bottom or at the top of the chatwindow.
You also have a couple of options here to alter the opacity of both themessage background and the chat background as a whole and you can changeexactly how large the text and the chat window is by adjusting the scale here.
Finally you can choose to hide messages after a number of seconds, so this isuseful if you are a newer streamer or maybe you’re just a streamer that istrying your hardest to grow and you don’t have that much chat interactiongoing on, you don’t want people with messages to stay up on your stream formultiple seconds so you can you can set a timer here for how long they shouldshow for before they’re hidden.
At the very top you’ll also have a long linkthat you can use in OBS or streamlabs OBS as a browser source to have yourchat as a source that you can display on your stream, but we’ll be covering thatonce we’ve downloaded the Windows application.
Now although the web chat isawesome the downloadable application has quite a few more features many of whichwe won’t have time to go into in this video but I’d still recommend it ifyou’re going to be streaming with restream often.
You should download andinstall the standalone chat application.
Once it has installed it should allowyou to log into your restream account so log in and it should look a little likethis.
Now up in the top left corner it should show the number of platforms thatyour chat is currently connected to as well as the number of users in all ofthe combined channels.
If you click anywhere in the top left here it willshow you all of your chats, their current connection status and how many users arewatching on that channel.
Now before we dive into the settings of this chat applet’s just have a look at the chat in action.
So I’m going to open up mybrowser and open up my Twitch, YouTube and my Mixer chats and then typesome example messages to see them appear in therestream chat window.
As you can see all the chats from the platforms I'veconnected are collected into this one window and it’s super easy to interactwith your chat from all the different platforms.
If you click on the little cogicon up here, the settings window will open up.
Now I’m not going to go throughall the settings here but you can see that there are some cool features, thingslike connecting your discord, filtering out certain words from your chat as wellas filtering out words based on the platform, you can change the actualwindow appearance and font sizes of the messages, the nickname and the timestamp.
You can set up notifications and text-to-speech, there’s an auto replying bot, there’s ways to export your chat and your viewercounters, loads of cool features but all of those are probably going to call fora more advanced video at a later date.
But the one that I do want to quicklycover is embedding your restream chat into your stream, now this is exactly thesame as the web chat but all you have to do once you’ve got the chat appearing asyou want to, you know play around with the appearance with these settings hereon the right.
Once you’re happy is you go up to the box here, copy this URL and gointo OBS or streamlabs OBS and add a new browser source to the scene you wantto show you’re chat on, then paste in the URL, set the width and height to whateveryou want and click OK.
You now have your multistream chat appearing in thestream for your viewers.
It’s really as easy as that, you can go back andchange the appearance, the opacity all those kind of things and they willupdate in your streaming software.
Now if we quickly go back to our browser andtest by typing in these chat windows, you should see them appearing in your streamnow.
That is everything that we need to set up to be able to use restream, we'reready to hit start streaming in our streaming software and then head back tothe restream dashboard.
Now restream does add about a 1-2 second delay to yourstream which is pretty impressive really considering what they are doing with allof that data.
So after a few seconds we should see that our stream previewshould show and then we should also see that our individual platforms go fromoffline to connecting, eventually to online and that’s it.
We are now live onmultiple platforms at the same time.
So I just want to quickly give a little wordof warning to those that are lucky enough and worked hard enough to be ableto have signed an affiliate contract with Twitch or apartner contract with Twitch because if you look through your contract theremight be a clause in there about exclusivity.
And it basically, it sayssomething like that you agree to stream to Twitch and thatcontent won’t appear anywhere else for something like 24 hours.
So have a lookthrough your contract because if that is the case then unfortunately you probablycan’t use a service like restream since technically that content is going liveto multiple different platforms at the same time and not just Twitch, which iswhat is stated in your contract.
So just a little word of warning if you’re luckyenough to have one of those contracts be sure to make sure you’re not breaking it.
Well that is it guys, I hope you have enjoyed and learned something new fromthis video, if you have please do give it a thumbs up, it helps us understand whatkind of content to keep creating and if you haven’t subscribed yet please dohave a look around at the Gaming Careers YouTube channel, has all these guides about streaming and content creation in gaming.
Finally asalways I would like to give a massive thanks to my patrons.
These people hereare choosing to support me over on Patreon and they support the creation ofthese Gaming Careers videos, so thank you guys so much it really is making amassive difference and if you are considering supporting me please docheck out my Patreon, there’s loads of different perks and tiers of things thatyou get as a return of showing your support, so if you would like to checkthat out, it is linked in the description.
Also as always if you haven’t yet joinedour discord, we’re at nearly 300 members now everybody’s it’s just an amazingplace to be where everybody is talking, asking questions helping each other grow, networking all this kind of things so again my discord is always linked in thebottom of every video description so if you haven’t yet joined please do andsubscribers I’ll see you in the next video.
The post Stream to 30+ Platforms Simultaneously with Restream.io appeared first on IPTVRestream.
from https://iptvrestream.net/restream/stream-to-30-platforms-simultaneously-with-restreamio/
from IPTV Restream - Blog https://iptvrestreamnet.weebly.com/blog/stream-to-30-platforms-simultaneously-with-restreamio from Restream IPTV https://belisardacoudert.tumblr.com/post/615642787878256640
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belisardacoudert · 5 years ago
Stream to 30 Platforms Simultaneously with Restream.io
What's up guys, welcome back once againto the Gaming Careers YouTube channel where we aim to teach you everything todo with live-streaming and to do with content creation within the gaming niche.
Are you finding it hard to stand out on Twitch amongst the tens of thousandsof other streamers trying to stand out there? Maybe you think 'is there a betterplatform to be streaming to as a beginner streamer or as a streamertrying to get noticed?' You may know that there's plenty of other platforms thatnow want to promote your live stream but which one to stream to.
Well in today'svideo we're going to be looking at a service called restream which allowsyou to stream to Twitch, Mixer, Facebook, YouTube Gaming, smashcast and over 30other platforms, all at the same time, all without any additional bandwidth orperformance hits on your PC and all completely for free.
Sounds good? Let'sdive in! So before we hop onto the computer and take a look at restream, Ithink it's important to discuss what I think the benefits are of using aservice like restream and the first and most obvious one is that it multipliesthe platforms that you are on so not only have you got a chance of justgetting discovered on Twitch but if you're streaming to other platforms aswell there are people that are using those sites and they may discover youthere.
So you obviously are multiplying your audience because you're on moreplatforms so you're more easy to discover.
Now maybe one or two years ago, Twitch was really the only platform where you could stream with the hopes ofmaking it your career but recently a lot of other companies have been gettinginvolved, obviously you've got Google who owns YouTube, you've got Microsoft whoowns Mixer, you've got Facebook, you've got Twitter, they're all getting into thelivestream scene and they all want to help promote your stream.
So it's worthconsidering platforms other than Twitch nowadays.
Now add on to that that Twitchis probably the hardest platform to get started on just because there's so manystreamers battling to try and get viewers, whereas services like YouTubeGaming have less people streaming to it, so there's more chance for you gettingdiscovered.
Also YouTube just announced that YouTube Gaming and YouTube, theirsubscriptions are going to be combined so people that subscribe to you onYouTube Gaming, your videos are going to appear in theirYouTube feed and vice-versa, so this is good news for people that arestreaming to platforms like YouTube Gaming and that is really why I thinkthat restream is such a great service, because you don't need to know whichplatform is best for you because you can stream to all of them at the same timeand then over time you can start to understand where your audience lives andwhich platform is best for you to stream to.
Now you might be thinking thatrestream, that sounds great but how on earth am I meant to monitor chat fromFacebook, YouTube, Twitch, beem, all of these different platforms that Iwant to stream to all at the same time and thankfully restream has thought of asolution for that as well.
They've built an app that pulls all ofthese streams that you're streaming to, all the chat into one window so we'llcover that later in the video but let's dive into the restream software.
So thefirst thing that you're going to want to do is to head over to restream.
io andsign up for an account, all that you need to do is input a username, email anda password.
I've already created mine so I'm justgoing to log in instead but once you have created an account you maybe haveto click a link in an email just to confirm that that is your email but youshould log in and arrive at the dashboard.
Now the dashboard shows allthe different platforms and the channels that you've connected to restream, sincethis is a brand new account we haven't yet connected any platforms so if weclick on add channel we will open up the options for all the different platformsthat we can stream to with restream.
As you can see here there is a lot ofchoice.
For the purposes of this video I'm going to connect my Twitch, myYouTube and my Mixer accounts.
Each time that you select a platform to connectyou will need to log in to that platform and authorize restream to be able toaccess some of your information.
The process here has been designed to besuper simple which I absolutely love, it makes it so easy for you to add as manyplatforms as you desire.
It's worth noting here that if you want to streamto two different accounts from the same streaming platform, so to separate Twitchaccounts for example then you will need to purchase the doubling package fromrestream.
If you just want to stream to one account from each platform you canstream to all 30 different platforms completely for free.
Each time you add aplatform successfully you should see it show up in your dashboard.
There's anoption to turn each channel on and off so if you want to not stream to one ofyour accounts one day you can quite easily turn it off here before youstart streaming.
You can also click this little cog icon and go into the Editsettings which allows you to choose which Twitch server to stream to andedit your display name.
I'd recommend leaving the server on autodetect as this is no longer the server that is best for your connection betweenyour computer and Twitch, but this is the server that is best for the connectionbetween restream's server and Twitch's server.
Underneath each channel name youalso have a little status which shows if you are offline, connecting or online toeach platform.
Once you've successfully added all the platforms that you want tostream to we can start setting up OBS studio or streamlabs OBS for streamingto restream.
Remember how this works is that we send our stream data from OBS orstreamlabs OBS to a restream server.
Restream then takes this data and sendsit on to our individual streaming platforms.
Over on the right hand side ofyour dashboard we first need to set up which restream server we will besending our stream to.
There's a little drop-down which gives you all thedifferent server locations that restream has.
You should choose the option herewhich is nearest to you geographically.
There's also an option here to run aquick speed test which basically just pings all the servers from your locationand gives you the result in milliseconds.
Now I know that's not the greatest ormost thorough connection test but still it's better than nothing you want tochoose the server with the lowest ping.
Next we are given our stream key.
Nowexactly like Twitch or YouTube or any of the other services, you should keep thiskey completely private as it's the only thing that's required somebody else tostream to all of your accounts.
If for some reason you share it with somebodylike I'm doing in this video, you can of course reset it by clicking this littlerefresh icon here.
Select the whole stream key and copy it then we'll headinto our streaming software.
I'm going to show you both OBS and streamlabs OBSquickly since they're exactly the same.
So we start by going to settings, thenthe stream tab and under service we will select restream.
io, for the serverwe're going to choose the same server that we just selected in the dashboardand then finally we are going to paste in our stream key.
In SLOBS it's theexact same process, go to Settings, stream, select restream.
io, choose the serverand paste the stream key.
One final thing that we need to do if you're using OBSor streamlabs OBS is to fix a little issue which currently existsthat one of the restream engineers has told me about for best results.
So goback into your settings and select the output tab, if your current output modeis set to simple we need to make a quick note of these two settings here, ourbitrate and our encoder.
Now we can change the output mode to advanced as weneed to disable an option in here.
First let's set our encoder and our bitrateback to what we just noted down from the simple tab, next we want to uncheck thisbox 'enforce streaming service encoder settings', we'll then set our keyframeinterval to 2 and change our profile to main.
I know this sounds complex and Ihaven't really explained what these settings do, but it's just really anissue with how OBS and streamlabs OBS are enforcing the restream encodersettings wrongly.
Just to reiterate I'll do it in streamlabs OBS as well.
Go tosettings, to the output tab, change to advanced and check this box, set this to2 and set this to main, and then make sure that our encoder and our bitrateare the same as what they were when we were on the simple output mode.
Now technically we have done everything that we need to do to go live onmultiple platforms using restream but there are a couple of other features Iwant to talk about before we do.
Back on the restream website the titles tab, thisjust allows you to change the title and the game of all your connected streamchannels.
So here I can enter a single title that I want to show as my streamtitle across all my connected platforms and then of course I can go into eachaccount and edit the game that I'm playing if I want to.
The social alertstab this just allows you to post a tweet and a status to your Twitter and yourFacebook pages whenever you go live which is pretty handy.
The monitor tab isa really useful tool that allows you to monitor your streams as they arehappening in real time, and I know if you go to your monitor tab right now sincewe're not streaming, it won't show anything but I'm gonna show you somedata from when I streamed earlier.
Here you can look at your live incomingstream data so you can see exactly what bitrate, what resolution, what frame rateyou're sending to restream as well as things like dropped frames.
The graphs beloware super useful in diagnosing any issues that you're having with yourstreams similarly to how I showed you guys in the Twitch inspector video.
I couldgo into absolutely loads of detail here about how you can analyze these graphsand fix stream issues but I'll probably save that for another more advancedvideo, so if you guys want to see that do just let me know down in the comments.
Aswell as looking at your incoming stream data the data that you are sending fromOBS or streamlabs OBS to restream, you can also click across and look at theoutgoing streams that restream is sending out to the individual platformslive in real time.
Again here we can see useful data like bitrate as well asthings like if restream has ever had to reconnect to the service.
The final tabthat we will look at is the chat tab.
Now as I said earlier this is restream'ssolution for gathering all of your chat windows from all the different platformsthat you're going to be streaming to into one.
This way you can make sure thatyou don't miss any viewers who are chatting to you and you can interactwith them back no matter which streaming platform they are watching on.
Restreamhave also made it incredibly easy to include this multichat window into yourstream with OBS or streamlabs OBS if you want your viewers to be able to seethe chat that's coming from all your different streaming platforms.
Youcan include it quite easily.
There are two different options for the chatapplication, there's a web chat version that runs in your browser or there's anapplication that you can download for PC or for Mac.
Firstly we'll look at the web chat version.
You can see here it shows you apreview of what your chat will look like along with some example messages frommultiple platforms.
Each message will show an icon of the platform, thechatting users username on that platform, as well as their message and the time ofthe message.
On the right here you can change the theme between a few differentoptions, so have a play around see which one you like the look of.
Next you canchange if you want new messages to show at the bottom or at the top of the chatwindow.
You also have a couple of options here to alter the opacity of both themessage background and the chat background as a whole and you can changeexactly how large the text and the chat window is by adjusting the scale here.
Finally you can choose to hide messages after a number of seconds, so this isuseful if you are a newer streamer or maybe you're just a streamer that istrying your hardest to grow and you don't have that much chat interactiongoing on, you don't want people with messages to stay up on your stream formultiple seconds so you can you can set a timer here for how long they shouldshow for before they're hidden.
At the very top you'll also have a long linkthat you can use in OBS or streamlabs OBS as a browser source to have yourchat as a source that you can display on your stream, but we'll be covering thatonce we've downloaded the Windows application.
Now although the web chat isawesome the downloadable application has quite a few more features many of whichwe won't have time to go into in this video but I'd still recommend it ifyou're going to be streaming with restream often.
You should download andinstall the standalone chat application.
Once it has installed it should allowyou to log into your restream account so log in and it should look a little likethis.
Now up in the top left corner it should show the number of platforms thatyour chat is currently connected to as well as the number of users in all ofthe combined channels.
If you click anywhere in the top left here it willshow you all of your chats, their current connection status and how many users arewatching on that channel.
Now before we dive into the settings of this chat applet's just have a look at the chat in action.
So I'm going to open up mybrowser and open up my Twitch, YouTube and my Mixer chats and then typesome example messages to see them appear in therestream chat window.
As you can see all the chats from the platforms I'veconnected are collected into this one window and it's super easy to interactwith your chat from all the different platforms.
If you click on the little cogicon up here, the settings window will open up.
Now I'm not going to go throughall the settings here but you can see that there are some cool features, thingslike connecting your discord, filtering out certain words from your chat as wellas filtering out words based on the platform, you can change the actualwindow appearance and font sizes of the messages, the nickname and the timestamp.
You can set up notifications and text-to-speech, there's an auto replying bot, there's ways to export your chat and your viewercounters, loads of cool features but all of those are probably going to call fora more advanced video at a later date.
But the one that I do want to quicklycover is embedding your restream chat into your stream, now this is exactly thesame as the web chat but all you have to do once you've got the chat appearing asyou want to, you know play around with the appearance with these settings hereon the right.
Once you're happy is you go up to the box here, copy this URL and gointo OBS or streamlabs OBS and add a new browser source to the scene you wantto show you're chat on, then paste in the URL, set the width and height to whateveryou want and click OK.
You now have your multistream chat appearing in thestream for your viewers.
It's really as easy as that, you can go back andchange the appearance, the opacity all those kind of things and they willupdate in your streaming software.
Now if we quickly go back to our browser andtest by typing in these chat windows, you should see them appearing in your streamnow.
That is everything that we need to set up to be able to use restream, we'reready to hit start streaming in our streaming software and then head back tothe restream dashboard.
Now restream does add about a 1-2 second delay to yourstream which is pretty impressive really considering what they are doing with allof that data.
So after a few seconds we should see that our stream previewshould show and then we should also see that our individual platforms go fromoffline to connecting, eventually to online and that's it.
We are now live onmultiple platforms at the same time.
So I just want to quickly give a little wordof warning to those that are lucky enough and worked hard enough to be ableto have signed an affiliate contract with Twitch or apartner contract with Twitch because if you look through your contract theremight be a clause in there about exclusivity.
And it basically, it sayssomething like that you agree to stream to Twitch and thatcontent won't appear anywhere else for something like 24 hours.
So have a lookthrough your contract because if that is the case then unfortunately you probablycan't use a service like restream since technically that content is going liveto multiple different platforms at the same time and not just Twitch, which iswhat is stated in your contract.
So just a little word of warning if you're luckyenough to have one of those contracts be sure to make sure you're not breaking it.
Well that is it guys, I hope you have enjoyed and learned something new fromthis video, if you have please do give it a thumbs up, it helps us understand whatkind of content to keep creating and if you haven't subscribed yet please dohave a look around at the Gaming Careers YouTube channel, has all these guides about streaming and content creation in gaming.
Finally asalways I would like to give a massive thanks to my patrons.
These people hereare choosing to support me over on Patreon and they support the creation ofthese Gaming Careers videos, so thank you guys so much it really is making amassive difference and if you are considering supporting me please docheck out my Patreon, there's loads of different perks and tiers of things thatyou get as a return of showing your support, so if you would like to checkthat out, it is linked in the description.
Also as always if you haven't yet joinedour discord, we're at nearly 300 members now everybody's it's just an amazingplace to be where everybody is talking, asking questions helping each other grow, networking all this kind of things so again my discord is always linked in thebottom of every video description so if you haven't yet joined please do andsubscribers I'll see you in the next video.
The post Stream to 30+ Platforms Simultaneously with Restream.io appeared first on IPTVRestream.
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0 notes
I’m moving to Toronto. Where can I find information on regarding Driver License? Also is insurance expensive?
"I'm moving to Toronto. Where can I find information on regarding Driver License? Also is insurance expensive?
Regarding auto insurance... What are typical coverages... How much do premiums usually cost compared to Los Angeles?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeautoinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How much would it cost for a 50cc scooter to insure?
I dont want l plates anymore i think its 50-100 lol , and how much would it cost to fully insure it and the test aswell. Im 19""
Around how much do you think I will need to pay for car insurance?
I'm moving out on my own. I'm 18, female, have had my license for 2 years, no tickets, no suspensions, no accidents. I'm going to be living in Los Angeles, driving a car probably from 1990-95. I know you can't give me an EXACT number, but around how much monthly do you think?""
Tricky Car Insurance Quotes?
Right, I am really at ends to get cheap car insurance... I'm probably an insurers nightmare: 17 years old, male, living in London, living with parents whilst at college etc... I've just qualified with a full UK licence, but the insurance for a '97 Saxo is 3500 and it only costs 300!!!! Anyone any ideas on how to get this down to about a grand or less? Or any suggestions for any good cars to insure a 17 year old on? :)""
Can my fiance add me to his insurance plan?
and is it more convenient than individual? (insurance through his work)
How much would car insurance cost for me?
i am 17 years old, have a clean record, and am earning a 3.0 gpa...anyone have any price range?""
How Much Will My Insurance Go Up At 10km/h Over The Speed Limit?
I got a speeding ticket for going 60km/h in a 50km/h zone while trying to pass someone (which says in the driving handbook that it's legal as long as it's under 20km). I took it to the court and I was found guilty, I've never had any tickets in the whole 5 years I've been driving and no accidents at all. My insurance is already through the roof because I have a newer car and I'm only 23 and they said my premium won't have a big drop until I'm 25 anyway. I didn't lose any demerit points at all on my license and up until now I have had an absolutely clean driving record. If my insurance finds out, is there any idea how much my premium could possibly go up?""
Car insurance for a young driver?
I Live in NSW Australia and I am getting a car for my 16th birthday..I will also only be on my lurners permits (L Plates). I was thinking about getting a 4 scylinder 80s modle celica. but I have been told because its a 2 door sports car the insurance will be verry high for someone who is 16. is this true..and are there any things I realy should know?
How much would motorcycle insurance cost for a 17 year old with a Kawasaki Ninja 250 in Texas?
How much would motorcycle insurance cost for a 17 year old with a Kawasaki Ninja 250 in Texas?
""How much is motorcycle insurance for a 21 year old male, than car insurance?""
i want to get a motorcycle instead of a car, but i don't know how much insurance is compared to car insurance for a 21 year old male?""
Can someone help me with a Corporate Insurance estimate?
I'm creating a business proposal and business plan for some investors, and I need a estimate on how much insurance does the business I'm creating would need. Some of the stats: - Its a new business so 0 years in experience, but the administrators and owners will have over 10 years exp. - Its a game that can be played all around the country, via portals much like slot machines. Each one is estimated in costing 6,700 dollars. We want to implement 1000 units. - It can generate over 100 million dollars in a single year. - The main office is going to be purchased, and it's value is of 1.3 Million. 3 floors 6000sq feet. - We are estimating around 30 full time employees. We want health and workers comp with all of the benefits. - We are going to have 5 corporate cars 2 Pickups 09 Tacoma valued at $28,625 and 3 Yaris valued at $15,980. - We want Liability, Fire, Burglary, Theft, the works. In terms of Liability estimated around $2,000,000 - $10,000,000. Hope you guys can help me out. And thank you in advance for your response!""
Why is car insurance so high for young drivers?
I am 18 and currently on my fathers motor trade insurance. This covers me for anything upto 1600cc for social and domestic, you are actually having a laugh 1600cc is a joke! I can drive anything for business purposes. Recently rang the insurance to see if they would insure me on an IVECO DAILY 2.8 turbo diesel, as i was delivering some furniture to my grand parents in malta, about 1000 miles away from the uk, 2000 mile round trip. The answer i got was a blatant no, i didn't even get chance to say .8, anyway i was so pissed off i did the trip. didn't have one accident what so ever, not even a near miss when i drove to malta there and back. explain why they wouldn't insure me i really don't understand. My dads friend who is 53 years old was born not to drive a car, he has an accident atleast once a week because he mentally switches off when he drives. He drove down to germany any rolled his car times on the autobahn and i didn't have a crash or a near miss once in a 3.5 ton van, where is the common sense surely they should coin the people who litterally can't drive?""
""Car parked on drive, do I need insurance?""
I am buying a car in aprivate sale very soon, although will not be able to drive it until April 1st. Will I be able to just leave the car on my drive without insurance or is that illegal?""
Insurance for a car?
how much would car insurance for a 99 s10 blazer when im 18 and not have full coverage and also have a car crash ? and one ticket for rolling stop its going to be most likely to be over 500 dollar a month right ? and a male
Insurance for first car?
Im thinking about buying a 00-04 S2000 or and 99-04 Mustang GT. I live in georgia..17 almost 18 with a flawless driving record. My parents and i use geico insurance. I am a car enthusiast and i love performance.
Temporary Motocycle Insurance?
Does anyone know any insurance company's that can provide cover for 2/3 months? I'm turning 25 in August and can save a few hundred 's by waiting and the bike will be securely locked off the road until then. I know ebike can do it, but I'd like something to compare their quote to. THANKS!!""
Whats a cheap auto insurance for teens?
I just got a new car, and i want to take resposibitly to pay for the insurance. Whats a cheap insurance? Im 17 and still a student in school Helppp! please :]""
What would happen if I can't afford my car insurance?
I'm 18 and just got a car and insurance. I am set to pay on the 28th of each month, starting this month. My insurance is $236 a month and it's being taken directly from my checking account. Say by this time if I was short $20 - $30, what would happen? I know I'd get a $35 overdraft fee from my bank but what happen with the car insurance company?""
""3 penalty points on licence, as a named driver, how will this affect insurance?""
My daughter was learning to drive and bought herself a little clio, but, it was cheaper on insurance, if I went on as a named driver, I've had a clean license for over 30 years. But, I got a speeding ticket in November and three points on my license. My daughter went on to pass her test, and informed the insurance company, pushing her premium up really high. Anyway, I forgot all about my points. This week she was involved in a crash, will my non disclosure mean they won't pay out?""
I need help with car insurance !?
i am a young driver and i am am hoping to go on my mothers insurance but only for 3 or 4 months as i am going uni soon, i wanted to know how flexible it is to go on her insurance and them remove my self, what are the financial implications this may cause ? i already know it may cause the premium to increase but will this premium decrease back to her existing premium once i am taken off the insurance ? i would also like to pay monthly while i am on the insurance as i am likely to be quoted 1000+ for the year! so after 3 months payment i will take my self off- if this is possible once i am taken off the insurance will my mums premium go back down as she currently only pays 350 for the year please help i know this sound complicated but i will be grateful for any feedback""
Car insurance quotes?
im just snooping around through car insurance websites figuring out which 1 is the cheapest for my ride...so imade a quote or did a quote at a car insurance website which it said how much ima pay each month but ididnt want car insurance yet..so my question is when imade that quote do ihave to each month which the website said NOW? or is it just telling when isign up for that company thats how much ima pay?...(iwant car insurance but looking for the cheapest so imade that quote in accident)
Help! im trying to find car insurance!?
help ! i am trying to find car insurance for a bog standard vaxhaull corsa and each time I have done a quote for TPFT the price is no less than 1800. I am 19 and have held a clean license for 1 year. Any suggestions? I am going in an hour to buy a car.
Need help ASAP. Is it possible to get retroactive car insurance after a car accident?
I was recently involved in a car accident where I was at fault. The major problem is that at the time it happened my car insurance had been canceled for nonpayment more than 30 days before. Is it possible to pay the premiums that I missed and get retroactive car insurance? I'm trying to avoid a misdemeanor on my record. My insurance company is State Farm, and after the accident I immediately called them and had my insurance reinstated. I also told them about the accident. Please, I need help ASAP.""
How much would it cost to insure a 17 year old driver with a 2003 corvette?
i should say how much more? right noq i drive a 2005 chevy avalanche LT and i have always wanted a corvette. i found one from a dealer that i might be able to afford if insurance isnt too much. i have usaa insurance and ive never had an accident or ticket, im not an honor role student but i pass with c's ans b's(I've herd honors affects insurance), i live in ct ( ive herd the state affects insurance), and i've done the minimal drivers ed (only the drug and alcohol courses which are required atleast in Connecticut). my insurance allows me to drive all the cars i want that are connected to that insurance plan. thank you!!!""
Is there an insurance that gives the same benifits as AAA at a lower price?
AAA is awsome but expenisve is there any other car insurance that offers the same benifits at a lower price
""I'm looking for a sporty car with low insurance rates and preferably american made around $15,000?""
I'm looking for a sporty car with low insurance rates and preferably american made around $15,000?""
I'm moving to Toronto. Where can I find information on regarding Driver License? Also is insurance expensive?
Regarding auto insurance... What are typical coverages... How much do premiums usually cost compared to Los Angeles?
Can I take off car insurance if my car has been repoed?
My car has been repoed due to lack of payments and thus they repoed the car. They are even already putting it back on sale. Can I take off the car insurance, then?""
Is insurance needed for car rental?
i would like to know if car insurance is needed to rent a car, or is it provided for the car.""
Insurance for a driver without a license?
I'm getting my license in about a week, and the website said I need proof of insurance to do the driving test... I don't think they'll insure an unlicensed driver, so do I just need to show proof of insurance on the vehicle in general? It's my moms car btw, I can't find a job, so I don't have a car... Also, I'll be 18""
Will buying a salvage title car make my insurance go up? ?
The car is in mint condition now I got a mechanic o look at it it's fully restored but if I buy it will it effect my car insurance
I'm turning 16 this year and i was wondering about insurance prices on a few cars?
I recently found a 1994 misubishi 3000gt, and a 1997 pontiac trans am. Like i said I'm turning 16 this summer and I want to know what car is better on insurance for a kid like me? I would also like to know which would be better for the winters in Idaho? An estimate will be perfictly fine. Thank you very much.""
When does car insurance lower for a guy?
I am 20 years old, I have been driving for the past 4 years with my parents cars. I pay through my parents for my insurance. I am looking to buy my own car and the insurance is only slightly lower than paying for what I have now! I looked at an 01 Ford Focus and it will cost my $1200 for 6 months! I also looked at a Ford Taurus it was about $900 for 6 months, a 97 Malibu is about the same as is a 97 Olds. The cheapest insurance I could find was a 94 Ford Ranger which is only $850 for 6 months. When does car insurance lower for a guy?""
What kind of cars cost the least amount of money to insure?
I am a teenage driver and I am looking to get my first car. What kind of cars have lower insurance rates, and are still reliable? I plan on getting a used car from around 2006-2008.""
Does anyone know any affordable cheap family plan health insurance company ?
i really need an affordable cheap family plan health insurance
Will I lose my life insurance with AIG?
I have a life insurance policy with AIG. With the recent news about the AIG financial troubles, what happens if this company folds or goes bankrupt? Will I lose my life insurance policy with them?""
Why do I have to pay extra for changing address with my insurance company?
I recently moved and changed the details on my drivers licence and log book. When I called the insurance company to do the same they said i would need to pay 60 to cover the cost of the change between now and the renewal period (which at the time was approx 6 weeks away). All of this was AFTER they took my previous and new address to confirm my ID. When I asked them why this was as I had paid my entire premium in full last year (so as not to incur direct debit charges) they just repeated themselves. I did not have the 60 and said well I will just stay at the previous address (my ex-boyfriends) until my renewal comes through and I will change address then. However...my renewal has just come through in my NEW address but with postcode where vehicle kept overnight as my OLD address!! What does this actually mean?? surely if I have to make a claim it doesn't matter where the vehicle is kept esp as they have my address and the majority of claims do not happen at your residence!!! I have read the policy back to front and they even added amendments this year to include admin charges and NOWHERE does it mention being charged for change of address. I have literally moved around the corner surely its not just about postcodes or am I being naive??
How is car insurance calculated?
I'm 16 and I'm buying a used car, need to know how car insurance can be calculated. Also what attributes of a car make it cost more?""
""If i get a Salvage title car, can i have it registered to an insurance company?
By having a salvage title car would i be able to get a license plate and the registration for it without any problem?
How much will insurance cost for a 17 year old in New York with a Senior Class D Licsence?
Like if i put it under my dad's name as another driver for the car?, or how much will it be for myself aswell? Let's say for example, because am getting a 2004 bmw 328""
How much should i pay for old car insurance?
how much the cheapest insurance for old car? i have a used honda.
How much will it cost me to register my motorcycle its a ninja 250 i live in florida ?
i am 17. please do not judge me on my age. also how much am i looking at for insurance ? who do you recommend ? allstate, progressive, geico, statefarm ? how about insurance providers that are big known companies? i dont know the word im looking for.""
Young mens experiences of high insurance premiums?
Im a 18year old male that has a full Uk driving license but I don't have a car because of my insurance being quoted at 2500. Just wondered if any else had similar experiences and is it any wonder lots of young men go around without insurance.
How Much is a Tuberculosis Test without insurance?
I live in Sacramento California and need to get a tb test but i dont have insurance, so i was wondering how much this is going to cost. Any help would be appreciated""
Where is the best place for auto insurance quotes?
Recently i have had to change auto insurance providers for multiple reasons. So now i am looking for the best place to get auto insurance quotes from.
Infiniti g35 coupe insurance cost?
Im looking to buy my first car YAY my parents agrred that they would put a down payment if i get a NEW never used car they only thing i have to do is pay the rest of it off in the length. but i dont want it to be to expensive and what not, so i was looking at a a infiniti g35 coupe between 04-06 used under car specs all are under 100,000 miles range from 50,000-88k could you give me an estamite how much insurance would come to, b/c the cars are under12k so buying it will be really easy. im 17 full licence only drive to work,school, and home so i would say only about 40 miles a month Both my parents have outstanding drving records (they only pay 440 every 6 months)""
What is the best car and best insurance to go with?
I'm 20 years old new driver I know my insurance going to be high I'm taking A 6 hour road ready driving school but at the end what is the best car I'm not really into cars I'm much more into kind of truck sure enough that would be the best type of car and insurance car insurance that help new drivers not Kill they wallets / bank account
I have 21st century car insurance . They list some of the people that live with me as not rated?
I want to know what this means . They claim the drivers on this list can still drive my car , if they have their own car insurance on theirs cars . Is this correct""
How much does it add to your insurance if you add a body kit to your car worth about 500 if your 18???
How much does it add to your insurance if you add a body kit to your car worth about 500 if your 18???
How much would insurance be on a 1993 mazda miata mx-5?
i am a 17 year old that has already had one speeding ticket if that helps.....but how much do you think the insurance might cost?
How much will my mom's car insurance go up after I crashed her car?
I'm almost 19, got my license about 8 months ago now. I was in a drive-thru going only 10 KM an hour at most and accidentally rear ended a car after I panicked and accelerated. My mom's car definitely had the most damage done. All of the other people involved only had slight dents or scratches. I think the damage is around $3000. I know my mom has really good insurance and I'm pretty sure it's no-fault (and it happened on a private property). How likely is it that her insurance will go up? Oh and for the record my mom has NEVER had a ticket or been involved in an accident before. Stupid me.""
Car Insurance?
If I take a car loan under my name, do I need to take the insurance under my name as well? Any possibility of using the insurance under my husband's name instead?""
I'm moving to Toronto. Where can I find information on regarding Driver License? Also is insurance expensive?
Regarding auto insurance... What are typical coverages... How much do premiums usually cost compared to Los Angeles?
How much does your insurance go up after a DUI?
Also does old insurance let you back on or they kick you out? I think I was kicked off my dad's insurance... Is there a company I should look at that wouldn't be as expensive as others would since I have a DUI on my record? I'm a 21 yr old female from NJ
Why does Obama believe only 5% of America will pay more for health insurance?
It is a known fact that 1 in 3 American aged 50 to 64 are without health insurance. There are 300 million citizens in this country. The baby boomer generation is estimated to be 79 ...show more
Vespa scooters...insurance? Motorcycle license?
I'm thinking of buying a vespa scooter or something like it but if I'm not sure if it'd be worth it if my insurance goes sky high. Do I need to worry about insuring it? Also, would I need a motorcycle license?""
Car Insurance in California?
Anyone know a good low cost auto insurance company in California? Someone w/ a suspended licsence that is now released?
Does car title have to be in my name before I get insurance on it?
I am currently under my parent's car insurance and the car is titled in their name. However, my husband I recently got married and are going to be getting our own car insurance policy tomorrow. Does the title of my car need to be transferred to my name before I can get the insurance on it?""
High insurance rates for old luxury cars?
I'm looking to buy my first car and have my eyes and this cheap old BMW (1997-2002 don't know the exact year). Would the insurance cost me more than it would for other car brands like Toyota or Honda from similar years?
How do I get points taken off of my license?
i live in California and i about 2 months ago crashed my car and was cited for a failure to yield ticket, because i am only 16 i got a restricted license and i have to attend traffic school as well as getting a point, i was wonder if i could get that point taken off?""
Car insurance for a new driver?
i want to buy a small car, but im worried that the insurance will be expensive what company sell cheap insurance? how much about did you pay? i want a small car, like a 1 litre engine thank you""
How to get car insurance?
So I'm 16 and i just got my permit back in early March, and i need car insurance by March of next year in order to move up to a level 2 license ...... only thing is, my parents don't have licenses (they never did) what should i do?""
Lying to insurance company?
The other night I hit into a pole in a parking lot and no one saw, and caused the pole no damage. However, the front of my car has a small damage. Money is tight. What if I were to tell my insurance company that I did not know how it happened and I'm looking to repair it...""
""I am 15 and will be 16 in early October, today i got my national insurance number. Does this mean i can work?
I was just wondering now i have my national insurance number if i could start applying for some Saturday jobs?
Car Insurance Question?
My fiance and I want to buy a new car - and I am the primary buyer, and he is the co-buyer. Can we just add the new car to his auto insurance and list me as a driver of the car? (My current car is not on his insurance, it's on my moms because she helped me get my current car) Or must we be married to do this? I have heard that if you're not married, then I would need to get my own separate insurance policy, but I don't know how true this is. The dealership says that it doesn't matter, as long as the car has insurance. Do they check?""
What are the cheapest cars to insure as im 19 and just passed my test (male)?
Also what are the best insurance comparison sites for someone of my age, as most quotes are ridiculous!""
Proof of insurance in Texas?
I know this may sound irresponsible, but I have recieved two tickets in the past month in two seperate locations within Texas. The first ticket I received was for not coming to a complete stop and having my old insurance card because I left the new one which was sitting at home. I sent this ticket to my attorney to take care of. Then two weeks late I get a speeding ticket in a small district which I took care of myself right away and now taking a defensive driving course to clear it from my record. I now get news that the first ticket I obtained couldnt be cleared by my attorney and that I have to do defensive driving for the stop sign which I cant because I am already taking it and do deffered ajudification for my insurance which I had even though it was not present at the time. The question I have is, will my insurance ticket be dismissed if I show proof that I indeed had it at the time and would I be able to do deffered ajudification for the stop sign fine instead? These are the first two tickets I have ever received and I am pretty clueless on how the process works. Any help would be great.""
Health insurance for a married couple.?
My wife and I haven't had insurance since we graduated college this past winter and moved to California. We are now waiting for me to start dental school in the fall and I am working at a company in California with no benefits. We have one child who is covered and thus doesn't need to coverage. So we are looking to find insurance from now until mid August (about 5 months). Do we need to get short term insurance? What should we expect to pay for the two of us? Should/can we get covered individually? Any companies that you suggest? We would be more interested in low premium high deductible.
Progressive is hiking my Massachusetts car insurance rate by 23% this year! Is that normal?
My policy is about to come up for renewal and they're going to hike up my rate by 23%! I just talked to their customer service person and she said they're doing it all over Massachusetts. Are all the car insurance companies raising their rates so much in Massachusetts? Was there some law that passed which changed their profit margin or something? Is there another car insurance company that will give me a better deal?
What happens if you don't pay your car insurance?
I've been paying an exorbitant amount of money for State Farm insurance for quite some time. I'd like to cancel it and get insurance from Progressive instead. Opinions on the companies aside (that's not the issue), what will happen if I just stop paying for State Farm and buy the Progressive policy? I'm all paid up til today.""
""For a 16 year old how much does insurance cost for a year, an average, and what is out there that is the best?""
insurance plan, only answer if u have insurance or have experience""
Is medicare considered good health insurance?
how good is medicare compared to an average health insurance plan?
Does this sound like a Fair price for Obamacare insurance in California?
Monthly Premium $321 Deductible $2000 Co-pay $45 Specialty care Copay $65 Generic Med $25 Max out of Pocket $6400 FYI my brother has his own general practice, he said on average he charges people without insurance abot $60-70 for an office visit (cash,check,credit card or invoice)""
Does my credit score affect my car insurance costs?
Someone told me it did... but that just doesn't make sense!
Is insurance expensive for two cars (one person)?
I have an automatic car right now and I really wanted a manual but not as an everyday driver.One to just work on and drive occasionally. Can i just switch my insurance from one car to the next, instead of paying for two at the same time?""
""Insurance rates for a 21 year old male, CA?""
I got my license when I was 19. I've been driving for two and a half years and barely found out I am not on my parents insurance. I was planning on buying a brand new car but I am now worried about insruance rates. I know they'll be high, but how high. I know insurance rates are based on age and experience. Is it likely I will be charged more because I have never been insured? Last time I checked for insurance I got calls for about 5 weeks straight. This time I don't want to give out any personal information. My question basically is will never previously having insurance before affect my rates?""
Help with getting health insurance?
I'm a 22 year old college student and need health insurance. My mother doesn't work and has medicare/medicaid. I don't speak to my father. I'm a resident assistant on campus, which doesn't offer health insurance as a benefit of working. The school offers health insurance but it's around $2,000 a semester (four months) for very little coverage. There is commercials on TV about automotive insurance and life insurance but I don't know how to find health insurance. Where can I go to find more information on different real insurance companies and what's the average price (either per month or lump some) I would have to pay for health insurance? Any help would be great! Thank you!""
Help with car insurance?
I am 15 with 1 month before my birthday, and of coarse my license. I have made some sort of a deal with my parents. This deal allows me for every month I postpone my license i get a percentage of the insurance they would have payed. How much is insurance, how much of it should i get, and is it worth it?""
I'm moving to Toronto. Where can I find information on regarding Driver License? Also is insurance expensive?
Regarding auto insurance... What are typical coverages... How much do premiums usually cost compared to Los Angeles?
Auto insurance on new car?
I am getting a new car under my name. Is it ok to put the car under my sisters insurance?? Its too expensive if im on the insurance.
How much extra would it be to go on my parents car insurance ?
at the moment my mother is paying 600 a year for car insurance, i was wondering how much extra it would be a year for me to go on her insurance. i am 18 year old girl living in england would it be cheaper for me to get my own insurance or go on hers ?""
What car insurance should i get?
I am 17, and im looking to buy my first car. i am looking for car insurance that is cheap but is also good.""
Which company can provide me good student international insurance?
student international insurance
How much is insurance for a 16 year old girl driving a red 1998 corvette convertible?
I am a very responsible driver and I DO NOT speed. I always wanted a corvette and it would really help me out if someone would be able to tell me how much the insurance is. I heard the prices can range really high, but being a student on the high honor roll would that help me out? I am over a 4.0 gpa with honors classes. Btw I live in Illinois. Would it be over $100 dollars a month. I am very confused. please help me..""
Do I HAVE to pay for insurance if im not driving but have a license?
My mom is trying to tell me and my brother (who is 19 and I will be 18 in about a month which is when i will get my license) that we cant get a license unless we have money to buy insurance. I think its really f***ed up for a student who got a license and doesnt drive any vehicle has to pay for insurance. She says that once i get my license, the insurance company will force her to put me on her plan so i can be insured. I think its a load of sh*t. I have never heard of anyone being forced to have insurance when they dont drive. When i say dont drive i mean, when i get my license, i wont be driving until I get my own car. Please dont respond to my situation and how i should deal with it, just tell me if thats even possible for the insurance to do that.""
What is the best car to buy with cheap insurance for a 17yo? ?
as above, UK only thanks in advance""
How can I get car insurance for a classic car? And how much would it cost (roughly)?
I grew up loving classic mustangs, corvettes and camaros (had all the hotwheels!) and I'm interested in purchasing an older car. The few cars I'm interested in were typically ...show more""
How long does it take a car insurance company to fix your car?
I was in an accident dec 27 2013 the ladys insurance called me that same day of the accident and told me they would have full liability of the car damages to my parents car so i told them ok and she gave me the the claim number and then she said she would call my mom because the iinsurance isunder her name im 17 by the way...and then they nevr called my mom That day.they have usaa insurance and we have all insurance
I got a speeding ticket in Toronto but did not receive demerit points. Will my insurance rates go up? I am 21.?
I got a speeding ticket in Toronto in the jurisdiction of 4863 2 days ago. I did not receive demerit points as I was only 15 km/h above the limit. Will my insurance rates go up if I plead guilty and pay the fine? I am 21 years old and my parents are currently with Wawanesa. I have a G lisence.
Looking for a good insurance company?
Im barley getting by as it is so i need an insurance company that can help pay for expensive monthly inhalers, and i need dental insurance. But like i said im barley making it as it is, is there anyone out there that is paying for there on plan and what are you paying? Im 19 my moms 55 and we both need coverage. Any suggestions would be really appreciated.""
Car insurance. Diesel 1.6 or petrol 2.0?
Which would be cheaper to insure
Car insurance in California - most competitive companies?
I'm considering a move from Pennsylvania to California. My existing insurance provider doesn't write policies in California so I would need to change companies. I'm currently paying 919 per year for 2 cars. I would like to find a company that can be competitive with these rates. I'd love to get any feedback from people that live in california regarding companies they recommend and which to avoid. I would probably be living in the east bay of San Francisco. I hate car insurance companies (except my current one which I love) and would like to avoid being totally ripped off. I have 18 years of accident free miles and no moving violations...
""Ran a red light in NYC, what can I do to avoid having my insurance increase?""
Today, I ran a red light as I was going downhill in the rain to avoid hydroplaning into an intersection. As I ran the red light, a camera from above flashed and I'm 99% sure I'm getting a ticket in the mail now. I don't live in New York state (I live in South Dakota which is like 30 hours away), so I don't have a means of going down to the DMV in NYC once I get my ticket in the mail. In the meantime(or once I get my ticket), what steps can I take to not have my insurance rate go up?""
Insurance for full time student in Texas.?
I will be attending college full time starting in the spring at Lone Star College in Kingwood, Texas. It is just a 2 year college. I will need insurance from my medicine that I take daily, and seeing the Doctor, if needed. I am in Texas, and will be on a tight budget, as I don't know if my job will let me work part-time or not. I am also a single mother, but won't have to carry him because his father has him covered on his policy. Any suggestions? Any help would be appreciated:o)""
Will my monthly premium for car insurance go up?
i have a brand new car 89 mi only which i damaged when i backed out of the garage. body shop and insurance co.said amount is $4300 to repair. i definitely cant afford to pay out of the pocket .i am a first time car owner and a new driver. how much do you think will my mo. premium go?i live in california by the way
What should an out of state student do for insurance?
I've recently moved out of state from CA to UT to attend school. My mom just informed me that because I'm out of state I don't get my Medi-cal benefits and I can't apply for benefints here because I'm not a citizen of Utah. I tried to sign up for independent insurance through the CA affordable care act but because I'm 18 I can't. I have no idea where to go and my medical problems are worsening. Any advice would really help, thanks.""
Do you have health insurance?
if so, how much is it per month? how old are you? what kind of deducatble do you have? Feel free to answer also if you do not have insurance and do you support obamacare?""
Car insurance cost?
How much will car insurance cost if I'm a 19 year old girl, who is a full time student with a 3.3 GPA. I'm also a new driver and recently got my license, which means I ...show more""
Insurance For A 18 Year old (super car)?
I'm 18 Years old and My great uncle passed away leaving me with ALOT of money Ive decided I want to get a 2002 Lamborghini Murcielago Ive gotten a great deal on one for 95k Could somebody please tell me what the insurance cost would be I live in Florida and would not use this as my primary Vehicle but would use it non the less Please don't be rude or sarcastic I realize I didn't earn this money and I'm not buying it to show off Its just been a car Ive dreamed of owning since i was 9 Being that this isn't a newer Lamborghini that cost hundreds of thousands how much would you say the insurance would cost and who would be the best to go with?
Motorcycle insurance full coverage!?
how much will it cost me? im 18 and im going to take the MSF course...my bike is a honda cbr 600rr 2005 i could i put my dad under my motorcycle? he is 50 and no tickets he had his m1 for like 10yrs but not no more i live in pomona,california 91766""
Car Insurance coverage question...?
Here is my question, CA policy I have three cars under my policy, I have now passed on one of them to my younger sister who is 21 and lives 50 miles away. However, she is NOT under my insurance policy and I am worried that my insurance won't cover her if something were to happen. I was told by a friend of mine who is an insurance agent that ANY insurance company in CA has to cover her if she has a valid license and does NOT live in the same household as the policyholder (coverage would be extended to her also as long as I verify she was authorized to drive the car). Is this true?""
Health Insurance?
What is the best affordable health insurance for a low income middle age woman in Southern CA?
Help!! price of insurance?
i would like to know how certain factors determine the price of insurance. 1) how does costs affect the price of insurance 2) how does amount of claims affect the price of insurance 3) how does risk levels affect the price of insurance 4) how does predictability of risk affect the price of insurance 5) how does return from investments affect the price of insurance 6) how does level of interest rates affect the price of insurance 7) how does profit margin affect the price of insurance 8) how does competition affect the price of insurance 9) how does goverment regulation affect the price of insurance
How much can auto insurance rates go up for a first time accident?
If youre at fault, theres no injuries. Approximatley $1500 damage done to the other car and minor scratches done to your own. Also, would it be better not to make a claim to your own vehicle if the damage is so minor? Or would it even have an impact on future rates?""
I'm moving to Toronto. Where can I find information on regarding Driver License? Also is insurance expensive?
Regarding auto insurance... What are typical coverages... How much do premiums usually cost compared to Los Angeles?
0 notes
ackee-and-callaloo · 7 years ago
i miss tofu and avocado but im literally so broke i have NO income and i gotta buy a new phone buy storage buy...life? save for the deposit save for that period of unemployment in september i STILL need to buy my mum dad and nephew presents and i wanna get my friend whose going through a hard time a present aswell but i CaNt AfFoRd It and i just bought like 10/13£ worth of cosmetics bc hoonestly ive been lookin less than decent and i lost my classic red and my eyebrow pencil ran out i kinda feel bad but its something ive wanted for a really long time plus i still need to buy FOOD i HATE spending money on food but i gotta eat??? just MAN MAN MAN im fully gonna get a nokia brick because iphones and samsung are all over 100£ and bc my phone broke i cant sell on ebay anymore AND i sold my camera....peak lmao
too scared to check my bank balance 
oh wait fuck i forgot i CANTbecause MY PHONE BROKE
iwant a fat sandwich with hummus avocado tofu sundried tomato and fresh spinach with a chips uuuuuhhhhhhhlllllllllluhghguhguhguhghshlurp
0 notes
babyawacs · 7 years ago
@snowden @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @timesofisrael @cnn @phoenix_de Lawyers. Iwant this absolutely clear. At best, the nonhyperactivated corrects mistakes of intels. That more willfully distort the mess them cause inthe firstplace. How
@snowden @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @timesofisrael @cnn @phoenix_de
Lawyers. Iwant this absolutely clear. At best, the nonhyperactivated corrects mistakes of intels. That more willfully distort the mess them cause inthe firstplace. How often it all depended on deedtype accuracy of the nonhyperactivated is a joke aswell
I am Christian Kiss BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophistication
View On WordPress
0 notes
trandangelilber · 5 years ago
Stream to 30+ Platforms Simultaneously with Restream.io
What’s up guys, welcome back once againto the Gaming Careers YouTube channel where we aim to teach you everything todo with live-streaming and to do with content creation within the gaming niche.
Are you finding it hard to stand out on Twitch amongst the tens of thousandsof other streamers trying to stand out there? Maybe you think ‘is there a betterplatform to be streaming to as a beginner streamer or as a streamertrying to get noticed?’ You may know that there’s plenty of other platforms thatnow want to promote your live stream but which one to stream to.
Well in today'svideo we’re going to be looking at a service called restream which allowsyou to stream to Twitch, Mixer, Facebook, YouTube Gaming, smashcast and over 30other platforms, all at the same time, all without any additional bandwidth orperformance hits on your PC and all completely for free.
Sounds good? Let'sdive in! So before we hop onto the computer and take a look at restream, Ithink it’s important to discuss what I think the benefits are of using aservice like restream and the first and most obvious one is that it multipliesthe platforms that you are on so not only have you got a chance of justgetting discovered on Twitch but if you’re streaming to other platforms aswell there are people that are using those sites and they may discover youthere.
So you obviously are multiplying your audience because you’re on moreplatforms so you’re more easy to discover.
Now maybe one or two years ago, Twitch was really the only platform where you could stream with the hopes ofmaking it your career but recently a lot of other companies have been gettinginvolved, obviously you’ve got Google who owns YouTube, you’ve got Microsoft whoowns Mixer, you’ve got Facebook, you’ve got Twitter, they’re all getting into thelivestream scene and they all want to help promote your stream.
So it’s worthconsidering platforms other than Twitch nowadays.
Now add on to that that Twitchis probably the hardest platform to get started on just because there’s so manystreamers battling to try and get viewers, whereas services like YouTubeGaming have less people streaming to it, so there’s more chance for you gettingdiscovered.
Also YouTube just announced that YouTube Gaming and YouTube, theirsubscriptions are going to be combined so people that subscribe to you onYouTube Gaming, your videos are going to appear in theirYouTube feed and vice-versa, so this is good news for people that arestreaming to platforms like YouTube Gaming and that is really why I thinkthat restream is such a great service, because you don’t need to know whichplatform is best for you because you can stream to all of them at the same timeand then over time you can start to understand where your audience lives andwhich platform is best for you to stream to.
Now you might be thinking thatrestream, that sounds great but how on earth am I meant to monitor chat fromFacebook, YouTube, Twitch, beem, all of these different platforms that Iwant to stream to all at the same time and thankfully restream has thought of asolution for that as well.
They’ve built an app that pulls all ofthese streams that you’re streaming to, all the chat into one window so we'llcover that later in the video but let’s dive into the restream software.
So thefirst thing that you’re going to want to do is to head over to restream.
io andsign up for an account, all that you need to do is input a username, email anda password.
I’ve already created mine so I’m justgoing to log in instead but once you have created an account you maybe haveto click a link in an email just to confirm that that is your email but youshould log in and arrive at the dashboard.
Now the dashboard shows allthe different platforms and the channels that you’ve connected to restream, sincethis is a brand new account we haven’t yet connected any platforms so if weclick on add channel we will open up the options for all the different platformsthat we can stream to with restream.
As you can see here there is a lot ofchoice.
For the purposes of this video I’m going to connect my Twitch, myYouTube and my Mixer accounts.
Each time that you select a platform to connectyou will need to log in to that platform and authorize restream to be able toaccess some of your information.
The process here has been designed to besuper simple which I absolutely love, it makes it so easy for you to add as manyplatforms as you desire.
It’s worth noting here that if you want to streamto two different accounts from the same streaming platform, so to separate Twitchaccounts for example then you will need to purchase the doubling package fromrestream.
If you just want to stream to one account from each platform you canstream to all 30 different platforms completely for free.
Each time you add aplatform successfully you should see it show up in your dashboard.
There’s anoption to turn each channel on and off so if you want to not stream to one ofyour accounts one day you can quite easily turn it off here before youstart streaming.
You can also click this little cog icon and go into the Editsettings which allows you to choose which Twitch server to stream to andedit your display name.
I’d recommend leaving the server on autodetect as this is no longer the server that is best for your connection betweenyour computer and Twitch, but this is the server that is best for the connectionbetween restream’s server and Twitch’s server.
Underneath each channel name youalso have a little status which shows if you are offline, connecting or online toeach platform.
Once you’ve successfully added all the platforms that you want tostream to we can start setting up OBS studio or streamlabs OBS for streamingto restream.
Remember how this works is that we send our stream data from OBS orstreamlabs OBS to a restream server.
Restream then takes this data and sendsit on to our individual streaming platforms.
Over on the right hand side ofyour dashboard we first need to set up which restream server we will besending our stream to.
There’s a little drop-down which gives you all thedifferent server locations that restream has.
You should choose the option herewhich is nearest to you geographically.
There’s also an option here to run aquick speed test which basically just pings all the servers from your locationand gives you the result in milliseconds.
Now I know that’s not the greatest ormost thorough connection test but still it’s better than nothing you want tochoose the server with the lowest ping.
Next we are given our stream key.
Nowexactly like Twitch or YouTube or any of the other services, you should keep thiskey completely private as it’s the only thing that’s required somebody else tostream to all of your accounts.
If for some reason you share it with somebodylike I’m doing in this video, you can of course reset it by clicking this littlerefresh icon here.
Select the whole stream key and copy it then we’ll headinto our streaming software.
I’m going to show you both OBS and streamlabs OBSquickly since they’re exactly the same.
So we start by going to settings, thenthe stream tab and under service we will select restream.
io, for the serverwe’re going to choose the same server that we just selected in the dashboardand then finally we are going to paste in our stream key.
In SLOBS it’s theexact same process, go to Settings, stream, select restream.
io, choose the serverand paste the stream key.
One final thing that we need to do if you’re using OBSor streamlabs OBS is to fix a little issue which currently existsthat one of the restream engineers has told me about for best results.
So goback into your settings and select the output tab, if your current output modeis set to simple we need to make a quick note of these two settings here, ourbitrate and our encoder.
Now we can change the output mode to advanced as weneed to disable an option in here.
First let’s set our encoder and our bitrateback to what we just noted down from the simple tab, next we want to uncheck thisbox ‘enforce streaming service encoder settings’, we’ll then set our keyframeinterval to 2 and change our profile to main.
I know this sounds complex and Ihaven’t really explained what these settings do, but it’s just really anissue with how OBS and streamlabs OBS are enforcing the restream encodersettings wrongly.
Just to reiterate I’ll do it in streamlabs OBS as well.
Go tosettings, to the output tab, change to advanced and check this box, set this to2 and set this to main, and then make sure that our encoder and our bitrateare the same as what they were when we were on the simple output mode.
Now technically we have done everything that we need to do to go live onmultiple platforms using restream but there are a couple of other features Iwant to talk about before we do.
Back on the restream website the titles tab, thisjust allows you to change the title and the game of all your connected streamchannels.
So here I can enter a single title that I want to show as my streamtitle across all my connected platforms and then of course I can go into eachaccount and edit the game that I’m playing if I want to.
The social alertstab this just allows you to post a tweet and a status to your Twitter and yourFacebook pages whenever you go live which is pretty handy.
The monitor tab isa really useful tool that allows you to monitor your streams as they arehappening in real time, and I know if you go to your monitor tab right now sincewe’re not streaming, it won’t show anything but I’m gonna show you somedata from when I streamed earlier.
Here you can look at your live incomingstream data so you can see exactly what bitrate, what resolution, what frame rateyou’re sending to restream as well as things like dropped frames.
The graphs beloware super useful in diagnosing any issues that you’re having with yourstreams similarly to how I showed you guys in the Twitch inspector video.
I couldgo into absolutely loads of detail here about how you can analyze these graphsand fix stream issues but I’ll probably save that for another more advancedvideo, so if you guys want to see that do just let me know down in the comments.
Aswell as looking at your incoming stream data the data that you are sending fromOBS or streamlabs OBS to restream, you can also click across and look at theoutgoing streams that restream is sending out to the individual platformslive in real time.
Again here we can see useful data like bitrate as well asthings like if restream has ever had to reconnect to the service.
The final tabthat we will look at is the chat tab.
Now as I said earlier this is restream'ssolution for gathering all of your chat windows from all the different platformsthat you’re going to be streaming to into one.
This way you can make sure thatyou don’t miss any viewers who are chatting to you and you can interactwith them back no matter which streaming platform they are watching on.
Restreamhave also made it incredibly easy to include this multichat window into yourstream with OBS or streamlabs OBS if you want your viewers to be able to seethe chat that’s coming from all your different streaming platforms.
Youcan include it quite easily.
There are two different options for the chatapplication, there’s a web chat version that runs in your browser or there’s anapplication that you can download for PC or for Mac.
Firstly we’ll look at the web chat version.
You can see here it shows you apreview of what your chat will look like along with some example messages frommultiple platforms.
Each message will show an icon of the platform, thechatting users username on that platform, as well as their message and the time ofthe message.
On the right here you can change the theme between a few differentoptions, so have a play around see which one you like the look of.
Next you canchange if you want new messages to show at the bottom or at the top of the chatwindow.
You also have a couple of options here to alter the opacity of both themessage background and the chat background as a whole and you can changeexactly how large the text and the chat window is by adjusting the scale here.
Finally you can choose to hide messages after a number of seconds, so this isuseful if you are a newer streamer or maybe you’re just a streamer that istrying your hardest to grow and you don’t have that much chat interactiongoing on, you don’t want people with messages to stay up on your stream formultiple seconds so you can you can set a timer here for how long they shouldshow for before they’re hidden.
At the very top you’ll also have a long linkthat you can use in OBS or streamlabs OBS as a browser source to have yourchat as a source that you can display on your stream, but we’ll be covering thatonce we’ve downloaded the Windows application.
Now although the web chat isawesome the downloadable application has quite a few more features many of whichwe won’t have time to go into in this video but I’d still recommend it ifyou’re going to be streaming with restream often.
You should download andinstall the standalone chat application.
Once it has installed it should allowyou to log into your restream account so log in and it should look a little likethis.
Now up in the top left corner it should show the number of platforms thatyour chat is currently connected to as well as the number of users in all ofthe combined channels.
If you click anywhere in the top left here it willshow you all of your chats, their current connection status and how many users arewatching on that channel.
Now before we dive into the settings of this chat applet’s just have a look at the chat in action.
So I’m going to open up mybrowser and open up my Twitch, YouTube and my Mixer chats and then typesome example messages to see them appear in therestream chat window.
As you can see all the chats from the platforms I'veconnected are collected into this one window and it’s super easy to interactwith your chat from all the different platforms.
If you click on the little cogicon up here, the settings window will open up.
Now I’m not going to go throughall the settings here but you can see that there are some cool features, thingslike connecting your discord, filtering out certain words from your chat as wellas filtering out words based on the platform, you can change the actualwindow appearance and font sizes of the messages, the nickname and the timestamp.
You can set up notifications and text-to-speech, there’s an auto replying bot, there’s ways to export your chat and your viewercounters, loads of cool features but all of those are probably going to call fora more advanced video at a later date.
But the one that I do want to quicklycover is embedding your restream chat into your stream, now this is exactly thesame as the web chat but all you have to do once you’ve got the chat appearing asyou want to, you know play around with the appearance with these settings hereon the right.
Once you’re happy is you go up to the box here, copy this URL and gointo OBS or streamlabs OBS and add a new browser source to the scene you wantto show you’re chat on, then paste in the URL, set the width and height to whateveryou want and click OK.
You now have your multistream chat appearing in thestream for your viewers.
It’s really as easy as that, you can go back andchange the appearance, the opacity all those kind of things and they willupdate in your streaming software.
Now if we quickly go back to our browser andtest by typing in these chat windows, you should see them appearing in your streamnow.
That is everything that we need to set up to be able to use restream, we'reready to hit start streaming in our streaming software and then head back tothe restream dashboard.
Now restream does add about a 1-2 second delay to yourstream which is pretty impressive really considering what they are doing with allof that data.
So after a few seconds we should see that our stream previewshould show and then we should also see that our individual platforms go fromoffline to connecting, eventually to online and that’s it.
We are now live onmultiple platforms at the same time.
So I just want to quickly give a little wordof warning to those that are lucky enough and worked hard enough to be ableto have signed an affiliate contract with Twitch or apartner contract with Twitch because if you look through your contract theremight be a clause in there about exclusivity.
And it basically, it sayssomething like that you agree to stream to Twitch and thatcontent won’t appear anywhere else for something like 24 hours.
So have a lookthrough your contract because if that is the case then unfortunately you probablycan’t use a service like restream since technically that content is going liveto multiple different platforms at the same time and not just Twitch, which iswhat is stated in your contract.
So just a little word of warning if you’re luckyenough to have one of those contracts be sure to make sure you’re not breaking it.
Well that is it guys, I hope you have enjoyed and learned something new fromthis video, if you have please do give it a thumbs up, it helps us understand whatkind of content to keep creating and if you haven’t subscribed yet please dohave a look around at the Gaming Careers YouTube channel, has all these guides about streaming and content creation in gaming.
Finally asalways I would like to give a massive thanks to my patrons.
These people hereare choosing to support me over on Patreon and they support the creation ofthese Gaming Careers videos, so thank you guys so much it really is making amassive difference and if you are considering supporting me please docheck out my Patreon, there’s loads of different perks and tiers of things thatyou get as a return of showing your support, so if you would like to checkthat out, it is linked in the description.
Also as always if you haven’t yet joinedour discord, we’re at nearly 300 members now everybody’s it’s just an amazingplace to be where everybody is talking, asking questions helping each other grow, networking all this kind of things so again my discord is always linked in thebottom of every video description so if you haven’t yet joined please do andsubscribers I’ll see you in the next video.
The post Stream to 30+ Platforms Simultaneously with Restream.io appeared first on IPTVRestream.
from IPTVRestream https://iptvrestream.net/restream/stream-to-30-platforms-simultaneously-with-restreamio/ from IPTV Restream https://iptvrestream.tumblr.com/post/615641658971783168 from Best IPTV Channels https://reneturgeon.tumblr.com/post/615641662677467136
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jeanettethibodeau · 5 years ago
Stream to 30 Platforms Simultaneously with Restream.io
What’s up guys, welcome back once againto the Gaming Careers YouTube channel where we aim to teach you everything todo with live-streaming and to do with content creation within the gaming niche.
Are you finding it hard to stand out on Twitch amongst the tens of thousandsof other streamers trying to stand out there? Maybe you think ‘is there a betterplatform to be streaming to as a beginner streamer or as a streamertrying to get noticed?’ You may know that there’s plenty of other platforms thatnow want to promote your live stream but which one to stream to.
Well in today'svideo we’re going to be looking at a service called restream which allowsyou to stream to Twitch, Mixer, Facebook, YouTube Gaming, smashcast and over 30other platforms, all at the same time, all without any additional bandwidth orperformance hits on your PC and all completely for free.
Sounds good? Let'sdive in! So before we hop onto the computer and take a look at restream, Ithink it’s important to discuss what I think the benefits are of using aservice like restream and the first and most obvious one is that it multipliesthe platforms that you are on so not only have you got a chance of justgetting discovered on Twitch but if you’re streaming to other platforms aswell there are people that are using those sites and they may discover youthere.
So you obviously are multiplying your audience because you’re on moreplatforms so you’re more easy to discover.
Now maybe one or two years ago, Twitch was really the only platform where you could stream with the hopes ofmaking it your career but recently a lot of other companies have been gettinginvolved, obviously you’ve got Google who owns YouTube, you’ve got Microsoft whoowns Mixer, you’ve got Facebook, you’ve got Twitter, they’re all getting into thelivestream scene and they all want to help promote your stream.
So it’s worthconsidering platforms other than Twitch nowadays.
Now add on to that that Twitchis probably the hardest platform to get started on just because there’s so manystreamers battling to try and get viewers, whereas services like YouTubeGaming have less people streaming to it, so there’s more chance for you gettingdiscovered.
Also YouTube just announced that YouTube Gaming and YouTube, theirsubscriptions are going to be combined so people that subscribe to you onYouTube Gaming, your videos are going to appear in theirYouTube feed and vice-versa, so this is good news for people that arestreaming to platforms like YouTube Gaming and that is really why I thinkthat restream is such a great service, because you don’t need to know whichplatform is best for you because you can stream to all of them at the same timeand then over time you can start to understand where your audience lives andwhich platform is best for you to stream to.
Now you might be thinking thatrestream, that sounds great but how on earth am I meant to monitor chat fromFacebook, YouTube, Twitch, beem, all of these different platforms that Iwant to stream to all at the same time and thankfully restream has thought of asolution for that as well.
They’ve built an app that pulls all ofthese streams that you’re streaming to, all the chat into one window so we'llcover that later in the video but let’s dive into the restream software.
So thefirst thing that you’re going to want to do is to head over to restream.
io andsign up for an account, all that you need to do is input a username, email anda password.
I’ve already created mine so I’m justgoing to log in instead but once you have created an account you maybe haveto click a link in an email just to confirm that that is your email but youshould log in and arrive at the dashboard.
Now the dashboard shows allthe different platforms and the channels that you’ve connected to restream, sincethis is a brand new account we haven’t yet connected any platforms so if weclick on add channel we will open up the options for all the different platformsthat we can stream to with restream.
As you can see here there is a lot ofchoice.
For the purposes of this video I’m going to connect my Twitch, myYouTube and my Mixer accounts.
Each time that you select a platform to connectyou will need to log in to that platform and authorize restream to be able toaccess some of your information.
The process here has been designed to besuper simple which I absolutely love, it makes it so easy for you to add as manyplatforms as you desire.
It’s worth noting here that if you want to streamto two different accounts from the same streaming platform, so to separate Twitchaccounts for example then you will need to purchase the doubling package fromrestream.
If you just want to stream to one account from each platform you canstream to all 30 different platforms completely for free.
Each time you add aplatform successfully you should see it show up in your dashboard.
There’s anoption to turn each channel on and off so if you want to not stream to one ofyour accounts one day you can quite easily turn it off here before youstart streaming.
You can also click this little cog icon and go into the Editsettings which allows you to choose which Twitch server to stream to andedit your display name.
I’d recommend leaving the server on autodetect as this is no longer the server that is best for your connection betweenyour computer and Twitch, but this is the server that is best for the connectionbetween restream’s server and Twitch’s server.
Underneath each channel name youalso have a little status which shows if you are offline, connecting or online toeach platform.
Once you’ve successfully added all the platforms that you want tostream to we can start setting up OBS studio or streamlabs OBS for streamingto restream.
Remember how this works is that we send our stream data from OBS orstreamlabs OBS to a restream server.
Restream then takes this data and sendsit on to our individual streaming platforms.
Over on the right hand side ofyour dashboard we first need to set up which restream server we will besending our stream to.
There’s a little drop-down which gives you all thedifferent server locations that restream has.
You should choose the option herewhich is nearest to you geographically.
There’s also an option here to run aquick speed test which basically just pings all the servers from your locationand gives you the result in milliseconds.
Now I know that’s not the greatest ormost thorough connection test but still it’s better than nothing you want tochoose the server with the lowest ping.
Next we are given our stream key.
Nowexactly like Twitch or YouTube or any of the other services, you should keep thiskey completely private as it’s the only thing that’s required somebody else tostream to all of your accounts.
If for some reason you share it with somebodylike I’m doing in this video, you can of course reset it by clicking this littlerefresh icon here.
Select the whole stream key and copy it then we’ll headinto our streaming software.
I’m going to show you both OBS and streamlabs OBSquickly since they’re exactly the same.
So we start by going to settings, thenthe stream tab and under service we will select restream.
io, for the serverwe’re going to choose the same server that we just selected in the dashboardand then finally we are going to paste in our stream key.
In SLOBS it’s theexact same process, go to Settings, stream, select restream.
io, choose the serverand paste the stream key.
One final thing that we need to do if you’re using OBSor streamlabs OBS is to fix a little issue which currently existsthat one of the restream engineers has told me about for best results.
So goback into your settings and select the output tab, if your current output modeis set to simple we need to make a quick note of these two settings here, ourbitrate and our encoder.
Now we can change the output mode to advanced as weneed to disable an option in here.
First let’s set our encoder and our bitrateback to what we just noted down from the simple tab, next we want to uncheck thisbox 'enforce streaming service encoder settings’, we’ll then set our keyframeinterval to 2 and change our profile to main.
I know this sounds complex and Ihaven’t really explained what these settings do, but it’s just really anissue with how OBS and streamlabs OBS are enforcing the restream encodersettings wrongly.
Just to reiterate I’ll do it in streamlabs OBS as well.
Go tosettings, to the output tab, change to advanced and check this box, set this to2 and set this to main, and then make sure that our encoder and our bitrateare the same as what they were when we were on the simple output mode.
Now technically we have done everything that we need to do to go live onmultiple platforms using restream but there are a couple of other features Iwant to talk about before we do.
Back on the restream website the titles tab, thisjust allows you to change the title and the game of all your connected streamchannels.
So here I can enter a single title that I want to show as my streamtitle across all my connected platforms and then of course I can go into eachaccount and edit the game that I’m playing if I want to.
The social alertstab this just allows you to post a tweet and a status to your Twitter and yourFacebook pages whenever you go live which is pretty handy.
The monitor tab isa really useful tool that allows you to monitor your streams as they arehappening in real time, and I know if you go to your monitor tab right now sincewe’re not streaming, it won’t show anything but I’m gonna show you somedata from when I streamed earlier.
Here you can look at your live incomingstream data so you can see exactly what bitrate, what resolution, what frame rateyou’re sending to restream as well as things like dropped frames.
The graphs beloware super useful in diagnosing any issues that you’re having with yourstreams similarly to how I showed you guys in the Twitch inspector video.
I couldgo into absolutely loads of detail here about how you can analyze these graphsand fix stream issues but I’ll probably save that for another more advancedvideo, so if you guys want to see that do just let me know down in the comments.
Aswell as looking at your incoming stream data the data that you are sending fromOBS or streamlabs OBS to restream, you can also click across and look at theoutgoing streams that restream is sending out to the individual platformslive in real time.
Again here we can see useful data like bitrate as well asthings like if restream has ever had to reconnect to the service.
The final tabthat we will look at is the chat tab.
Now as I said earlier this is restream'ssolution for gathering all of your chat windows from all the different platformsthat you’re going to be streaming to into one.
This way you can make sure thatyou don’t miss any viewers who are chatting to you and you can interactwith them back no matter which streaming platform they are watching on.
Restreamhave also made it incredibly easy to include this multichat window into yourstream with OBS or streamlabs OBS if you want your viewers to be able to seethe chat that’s coming from all your different streaming platforms.
Youcan include it quite easily.
There are two different options for the chatapplication, there’s a web chat version that runs in your browser or there’s anapplication that you can download for PC or for Mac.
Firstly we’ll look at the web chat version.
You can see here it shows you apreview of what your chat will look like along with some example messages frommultiple platforms.
Each message will show an icon of the platform, thechatting users username on that platform, as well as their message and the time ofthe message.
On the right here you can change the theme between a few differentoptions, so have a play around see which one you like the look of.
Next you canchange if you want new messages to show at the bottom or at the top of the chatwindow.
You also have a couple of options here to alter the opacity of both themessage background and the chat background as a whole and you can changeexactly how large the text and the chat window is by adjusting the scale here.
Finally you can choose to hide messages after a number of seconds, so this isuseful if you are a newer streamer or maybe you’re just a streamer that istrying your hardest to grow and you don’t have that much chat interactiongoing on, you don’t want people with messages to stay up on your stream formultiple seconds so you can you can set a timer here for how long they shouldshow for before they’re hidden.
At the very top you’ll also have a long linkthat you can use in OBS or streamlabs OBS as a browser source to have yourchat as a source that you can display on your stream, but we’ll be covering thatonce we’ve downloaded the Windows application.
Now although the web chat isawesome the downloadable application has quite a few more features many of whichwe won’t have time to go into in this video but I’d still recommend it ifyou’re going to be streaming with restream often.
You should download andinstall the standalone chat application.
Once it has installed it should allowyou to log into your restream account so log in and it should look a little likethis.
Now up in the top left corner it should show the number of platforms thatyour chat is currently connected to as well as the number of users in all ofthe combined channels.
If you click anywhere in the top left here it willshow you all of your chats, their current connection status and how many users arewatching on that channel.
Now before we dive into the settings of this chat applet’s just have a look at the chat in action.
So I’m going to open up mybrowser and open up my Twitch, YouTube and my Mixer chats and then typesome example messages to see them appear in therestream chat window.
As you can see all the chats from the platforms I'veconnected are collected into this one window and it’s super easy to interactwith your chat from all the different platforms.
If you click on the little cogicon up here, the settings window will open up.
Now I’m not going to go throughall the settings here but you can see that there are some cool features, thingslike connecting your discord, filtering out certain words from your chat as wellas filtering out words based on the platform, you can change the actualwindow appearance and font sizes of the messages, the nickname and the timestamp.
You can set up notifications and text-to-speech, there’s an auto replying bot, there’s ways to export your chat and your viewercounters, loads of cool features but all of those are probably going to call fora more advanced video at a later date.
But the one that I do want to quicklycover is embedding your restream chat into your stream, now this is exactly thesame as the web chat but all you have to do once you’ve got the chat appearing asyou want to, you know play around with the appearance with these settings hereon the right.
Once you’re happy is you go up to the box here, copy this URL and gointo OBS or streamlabs OBS and add a new browser source to the scene you wantto show you’re chat on, then paste in the URL, set the width and height to whateveryou want and click OK.
You now have your multistream chat appearing in thestream for your viewers.
It’s really as easy as that, you can go back andchange the appearance, the opacity all those kind of things and they willupdate in your streaming software.
Now if we quickly go back to our browser andtest by typing in these chat windows, you should see them appearing in your streamnow.
That is everything that we need to set up to be able to use restream, we'reready to hit start streaming in our streaming software and then head back tothe restream dashboard.
Now restream does add about a 1-2 second delay to yourstream which is pretty impressive really considering what they are doing with allof that data.
So after a few seconds we should see that our stream previewshould show and then we should also see that our individual platforms go fromoffline to connecting, eventually to online and that’s it.
We are now live onmultiple platforms at the same time.
So I just want to quickly give a little wordof warning to those that are lucky enough and worked hard enough to be ableto have signed an affiliate contract with Twitch or apartner contract with Twitch because if you look through your contract theremight be a clause in there about exclusivity.
And it basically, it sayssomething like that you agree to stream to Twitch and thatcontent won’t appear anywhere else for something like 24 hours.
So have a lookthrough your contract because if that is the case then unfortunately you probablycan’t use a service like restream since technically that content is going liveto multiple different platforms at the same time and not just Twitch, which iswhat is stated in your contract.
So just a little word of warning if you’re luckyenough to have one of those contracts be sure to make sure you’re not breaking it.
Well that is it guys, I hope you have enjoyed and learned something new fromthis video, if you have please do give it a thumbs up, it helps us understand whatkind of content to keep creating and if you haven’t subscribed yet please dohave a look around at the Gaming Careers YouTube channel, has all these guides about streaming and content creation in gaming.
Finally asalways I would like to give a massive thanks to my patrons.
These people hereare choosing to support me over on Patreon and they support the creation ofthese Gaming Careers videos, so thank you guys so much it really is making amassive difference and if you are considering supporting me please docheck out my Patreon, there’s loads of different perks and tiers of things thatyou get as a return of showing your support, so if you would like to checkthat out, it is linked in the description.
Also as always if you haven’t yet joinedour discord, we’re at nearly 300 members now everybody’s it’s just an amazingplace to be where everybody is talking, asking questions helping each other grow, networking all this kind of things so again my discord is always linked in thebottom of every video description so if you haven’t yet joined please do andsubscribers I’ll see you in the next video.
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reneturgeon · 5 years ago
Stream to 30+ Platforms Simultaneously with Restream.io
What’s up guys, welcome back once againto the Gaming Careers YouTube channel where we aim to teach you everything todo with live-streaming and to do with content creation within the gaming niche.
Are you finding it hard to stand out on Twitch amongst the tens of thousandsof other streamers trying to stand out there? Maybe you think ‘is there a betterplatform to be streaming to as a beginner streamer or as a streamertrying to get noticed?’ You may know that there’s plenty of other platforms thatnow want to promote your live stream but which one to stream to.
Well in today'svideo we’re going to be looking at a service called restream which allowsyou to stream to Twitch, Mixer, Facebook, YouTube Gaming, smashcast and over 30other platforms, all at the same time, all without any additional bandwidth orperformance hits on your PC and all completely for free.
Sounds good? Let'sdive in! So before we hop onto the computer and take a look at restream, Ithink it’s important to discuss what I think the benefits are of using aservice like restream and the first and most obvious one is that it multipliesthe platforms that you are on so not only have you got a chance of justgetting discovered on Twitch but if you’re streaming to other platforms aswell there are people that are using those sites and they may discover youthere.
So you obviously are multiplying your audience because you’re on moreplatforms so you’re more easy to discover.
Now maybe one or two years ago, Twitch was really the only platform where you could stream with the hopes ofmaking it your career but recently a lot of other companies have been gettinginvolved, obviously you’ve got Google who owns YouTube, you’ve got Microsoft whoowns Mixer, you’ve got Facebook, you’ve got Twitter, they’re all getting into thelivestream scene and they all want to help promote your stream.
So it’s worthconsidering platforms other than Twitch nowadays.
Now add on to that that Twitchis probably the hardest platform to get started on just because there’s so manystreamers battling to try and get viewers, whereas services like YouTubeGaming have less people streaming to it, so there’s more chance for you gettingdiscovered.
Also YouTube just announced that YouTube Gaming and YouTube, theirsubscriptions are going to be combined so people that subscribe to you onYouTube Gaming, your videos are going to appear in theirYouTube feed and vice-versa, so this is good news for people that arestreaming to platforms like YouTube Gaming and that is really why I thinkthat restream is such a great service, because you don’t need to know whichplatform is best for you because you can stream to all of them at the same timeand then over time you can start to understand where your audience lives andwhich platform is best for you to stream to.
Now you might be thinking thatrestream, that sounds great but how on earth am I meant to monitor chat fromFacebook, YouTube, Twitch, beem, all of these different platforms that Iwant to stream to all at the same time and thankfully restream has thought of asolution for that as well.
They’ve built an app that pulls all ofthese streams that you’re streaming to, all the chat into one window so we'llcover that later in the video but let’s dive into the restream software.
So thefirst thing that you’re going to want to do is to head over to restream.
io andsign up for an account, all that you need to do is input a username, email anda password.
I’ve already created mine so I’m justgoing to log in instead but once you have created an account you maybe haveto click a link in an email just to confirm that that is your email but youshould log in and arrive at the dashboard.
Now the dashboard shows allthe different platforms and the channels that you’ve connected to restream, sincethis is a brand new account we haven’t yet connected any platforms so if weclick on add channel we will open up the options for all the different platformsthat we can stream to with restream.
As you can see here there is a lot ofchoice.
For the purposes of this video I’m going to connect my Twitch, myYouTube and my Mixer accounts.
Each time that you select a platform to connectyou will need to log in to that platform and authorize restream to be able toaccess some of your information.
The process here has been designed to besuper simple which I absolutely love, it makes it so easy for you to add as manyplatforms as you desire.
It’s worth noting here that if you want to streamto two different accounts from the same streaming platform, so to separate Twitchaccounts for example then you will need to purchase the doubling package fromrestream.
If you just want to stream to one account from each platform you canstream to all 30 different platforms completely for free.
Each time you add aplatform successfully you should see it show up in your dashboard.
There’s anoption to turn each channel on and off so if you want to not stream to one ofyour accounts one day you can quite easily turn it off here before youstart streaming.
You can also click this little cog icon and go into the Editsettings which allows you to choose which Twitch server to stream to andedit your display name.
I’d recommend leaving the server on autodetect as this is no longer the server that is best for your connection betweenyour computer and Twitch, but this is the server that is best for the connectionbetween restream’s server and Twitch’s server.
Underneath each channel name youalso have a little status which shows if you are offline, connecting or online toeach platform.
Once you’ve successfully added all the platforms that you want tostream to we can start setting up OBS studio or streamlabs OBS for streamingto restream.
Remember how this works is that we send our stream data from OBS orstreamlabs OBS to a restream server.
Restream then takes this data and sendsit on to our individual streaming platforms.
Over on the right hand side ofyour dashboard we first need to set up which restream server we will besending our stream to.
There’s a little drop-down which gives you all thedifferent server locations that restream has.
You should choose the option herewhich is nearest to you geographically.
There’s also an option here to run aquick speed test which basically just pings all the servers from your locationand gives you the result in milliseconds.
Now I know that’s not the greatest ormost thorough connection test but still it’s better than nothing you want tochoose the server with the lowest ping.
Next we are given our stream key.
Nowexactly like Twitch or YouTube or any of the other services, you should keep thiskey completely private as it’s the only thing that’s required somebody else tostream to all of your accounts.
If for some reason you share it with somebodylike I’m doing in this video, you can of course reset it by clicking this littlerefresh icon here.
Select the whole stream key and copy it then we’ll headinto our streaming software.
I’m going to show you both OBS and streamlabs OBSquickly since they’re exactly the same.
So we start by going to settings, thenthe stream tab and under service we will select restream.
io, for the serverwe’re going to choose the same server that we just selected in the dashboardand then finally we are going to paste in our stream key.
In SLOBS it’s theexact same process, go to Settings, stream, select restream.
io, choose the serverand paste the stream key.
One final thing that we need to do if you’re using OBSor streamlabs OBS is to fix a little issue which currently existsthat one of the restream engineers has told me about for best results.
So goback into your settings and select the output tab, if your current output modeis set to simple we need to make a quick note of these two settings here, ourbitrate and our encoder.
Now we can change the output mode to advanced as weneed to disable an option in here.
First let’s set our encoder and our bitrateback to what we just noted down from the simple tab, next we want to uncheck thisbox 'enforce streaming service encoder settings’, we’ll then set our keyframeinterval to 2 and change our profile to main.
I know this sounds complex and Ihaven’t really explained what these settings do, but it’s just really anissue with how OBS and streamlabs OBS are enforcing the restream encodersettings wrongly.
Just to reiterate I’ll do it in streamlabs OBS as well.
Go tosettings, to the output tab, change to advanced and check this box, set this to2 and set this to main, and then make sure that our encoder and our bitrateare the same as what they were when we were on the simple output mode.
Now technically we have done everything that we need to do to go live onmultiple platforms using restream but there are a couple of other features Iwant to talk about before we do.
Back on the restream website the titles tab, thisjust allows you to change the title and the game of all your connected streamchannels.
So here I can enter a single title that I want to show as my streamtitle across all my connected platforms and then of course I can go into eachaccount and edit the game that I’m playing if I want to.
The social alertstab this just allows you to post a tweet and a status to your Twitter and yourFacebook pages whenever you go live which is pretty handy.
The monitor tab isa really useful tool that allows you to monitor your streams as they arehappening in real time, and I know if you go to your monitor tab right now sincewe’re not streaming, it won’t show anything but I’m gonna show you somedata from when I streamed earlier.
Here you can look at your live incomingstream data so you can see exactly what bitrate, what resolution, what frame rateyou’re sending to restream as well as things like dropped frames.
The graphs beloware super useful in diagnosing any issues that you’re having with yourstreams similarly to how I showed you guys in the Twitch inspector video.
I couldgo into absolutely loads of detail here about how you can analyze these graphsand fix stream issues but I’ll probably save that for another more advancedvideo, so if you guys want to see that do just let me know down in the comments.
Aswell as looking at your incoming stream data the data that you are sending fromOBS or streamlabs OBS to restream, you can also click across and look at theoutgoing streams that restream is sending out to the individual platformslive in real time.
Again here we can see useful data like bitrate as well asthings like if restream has ever had to reconnect to the service.
The final tabthat we will look at is the chat tab.
Now as I said earlier this is restream'ssolution for gathering all of your chat windows from all the different platformsthat you’re going to be streaming to into one.
This way you can make sure thatyou don’t miss any viewers who are chatting to you and you can interactwith them back no matter which streaming platform they are watching on.
Restreamhave also made it incredibly easy to include this multichat window into yourstream with OBS or streamlabs OBS if you want your viewers to be able to seethe chat that’s coming from all your different streaming platforms.
Youcan include it quite easily.
There are two different options for the chatapplication, there’s a web chat version that runs in your browser or there’s anapplication that you can download for PC or for Mac.
Firstly we’ll look at the web chat version.
You can see here it shows you apreview of what your chat will look like along with some example messages frommultiple platforms.
Each message will show an icon of the platform, thechatting users username on that platform, as well as their message and the time ofthe message.
On the right here you can change the theme between a few differentoptions, so have a play around see which one you like the look of.
Next you canchange if you want new messages to show at the bottom or at the top of the chatwindow.
You also have a couple of options here to alter the opacity of both themessage background and the chat background as a whole and you can changeexactly how large the text and the chat window is by adjusting the scale here.
Finally you can choose to hide messages after a number of seconds, so this isuseful if you are a newer streamer or maybe you’re just a streamer that istrying your hardest to grow and you don’t have that much chat interactiongoing on, you don’t want people with messages to stay up on your stream formultiple seconds so you can you can set a timer here for how long they shouldshow for before they’re hidden.
At the very top you’ll also have a long linkthat you can use in OBS or streamlabs OBS as a browser source to have yourchat as a source that you can display on your stream, but we’ll be covering thatonce we’ve downloaded the Windows application.
Now although the web chat isawesome the downloadable application has quite a few more features many of whichwe won’t have time to go into in this video but I’d still recommend it ifyou’re going to be streaming with restream often.
You should download andinstall the standalone chat application.
Once it has installed it should allowyou to log into your restream account so log in and it should look a little likethis.
Now up in the top left corner it should show the number of platforms thatyour chat is currently connected to as well as the number of users in all ofthe combined channels.
If you click anywhere in the top left here it willshow you all of your chats, their current connection status and how many users arewatching on that channel.
Now before we dive into the settings of this chat applet’s just have a look at the chat in action.
So I’m going to open up mybrowser and open up my Twitch, YouTube and my Mixer chats and then typesome example messages to see them appear in therestream chat window.
As you can see all the chats from the platforms I'veconnected are collected into this one window and it’s super easy to interactwith your chat from all the different platforms.
If you click on the little cogicon up here, the settings window will open up.
Now I’m not going to go throughall the settings here but you can see that there are some cool features, thingslike connecting your discord, filtering out certain words from your chat as wellas filtering out words based on the platform, you can change the actualwindow appearance and font sizes of the messages, the nickname and the timestamp.
You can set up notifications and text-to-speech, there’s an auto replying bot, there’s ways to export your chat and your viewercounters, loads of cool features but all of those are probably going to call fora more advanced video at a later date.
But the one that I do want to quicklycover is embedding your restream chat into your stream, now this is exactly thesame as the web chat but all you have to do once you’ve got the chat appearing asyou want to, you know play around with the appearance with these settings hereon the right.
Once you’re happy is you go up to the box here, copy this URL and gointo OBS or streamlabs OBS and add a new browser source to the scene you wantto show you’re chat on, then paste in the URL, set the width and height to whateveryou want and click OK.
You now have your multistream chat appearing in thestream for your viewers.
It’s really as easy as that, you can go back andchange the appearance, the opacity all those kind of things and they willupdate in your streaming software.
Now if we quickly go back to our browser andtest by typing in these chat windows, you should see them appearing in your streamnow.
That is everything that we need to set up to be able to use restream, we'reready to hit start streaming in our streaming software and then head back tothe restream dashboard.
Now restream does add about a 1-2 second delay to yourstream which is pretty impressive really considering what they are doing with allof that data.
So after a few seconds we should see that our stream previewshould show and then we should also see that our individual platforms go fromoffline to connecting, eventually to online and that’s it.
We are now live onmultiple platforms at the same time.
So I just want to quickly give a little wordof warning to those that are lucky enough and worked hard enough to be ableto have signed an affiliate contract with Twitch or apartner contract with Twitch because if you look through your contract theremight be a clause in there about exclusivity.
And it basically, it sayssomething like that you agree to stream to Twitch and thatcontent won’t appear anywhere else for something like 24 hours.
So have a lookthrough your contract because if that is the case then unfortunately you probablycan’t use a service like restream since technically that content is going liveto multiple different platforms at the same time and not just Twitch, which iswhat is stated in your contract.
So just a little word of warning if you’re luckyenough to have one of those contracts be sure to make sure you’re not breaking it.
Well that is it guys, I hope you have enjoyed and learned something new fromthis video, if you have please do give it a thumbs up, it helps us understand whatkind of content to keep creating and if you haven’t subscribed yet please dohave a look around at the Gaming Careers YouTube channel, has all these guides about streaming and content creation in gaming.
Finally asalways I would like to give a massive thanks to my patrons.
These people hereare choosing to support me over on Patreon and they support the creation ofthese Gaming Careers videos, so thank you guys so much it really is making amassive difference and if you are considering supporting me please docheck out my Patreon, there’s loads of different perks and tiers of things thatyou get as a return of showing your support, so if you would like to checkthat out, it is linked in the description.
Also as always if you haven’t yet joinedour discord, we’re at nearly 300 members now everybody’s it’s just an amazingplace to be where everybody is talking, asking questions helping each other grow, networking all this kind of things so again my discord is always linked in thebottom of every video description so if you haven’t yet joined please do andsubscribers I’ll see you in the next video.
The post Stream to 30+ Platforms Simultaneously with Restream.io appeared first on IPTVRestream.
from IPTVRestream https://iptvrestream.net/restream/stream-to-30-platforms-simultaneously-with-restreamio/ from IPTV Restream https://iptvrestream.tumblr.com/post/615641658971783168
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iptvrestream · 5 years ago
Stream to 30+ Platforms Simultaneously with Restream.io
What's up guys, welcome back once againto the Gaming Careers YouTube channel where we aim to teach you everything todo with live-streaming and to do with content creation within the gaming niche.
Are you finding it hard to stand out on Twitch amongst the tens of thousandsof other streamers trying to stand out there? Maybe you think 'is there a betterplatform to be streaming to as a beginner streamer or as a streamertrying to get noticed?' You may know that there's plenty of other platforms thatnow want to promote your live stream but which one to stream to.
Well in today'svideo we're going to be looking at a service called restream which allowsyou to stream to Twitch, Mixer, Facebook, YouTube Gaming, smashcast and over 30other platforms, all at the same time, all without any additional bandwidth orperformance hits on your PC and all completely for free.
Sounds good? Let'sdive in! So before we hop onto the computer and take a look at restream, Ithink it's important to discuss what I think the benefits are of using aservice like restream and the first and most obvious one is that it multipliesthe platforms that you are on so not only have you got a chance of justgetting discovered on Twitch but if you're streaming to other platforms aswell there are people that are using those sites and they may discover youthere.
So you obviously are multiplying your audience because you're on moreplatforms so you're more easy to discover.
Now maybe one or two years ago, Twitch was really the only platform where you could stream with the hopes ofmaking it your career but recently a lot of other companies have been gettinginvolved, obviously you've got Google who owns YouTube, you've got Microsoft whoowns Mixer, you've got Facebook, you've got Twitter, they're all getting into thelivestream scene and they all want to help promote your stream.
So it's worthconsidering platforms other than Twitch nowadays.
Now add on to that that Twitchis probably the hardest platform to get started on just because there's so manystreamers battling to try and get viewers, whereas services like YouTubeGaming have less people streaming to it, so there's more chance for you gettingdiscovered.
Also YouTube just announced that YouTube Gaming and YouTube, theirsubscriptions are going to be combined so people that subscribe to you onYouTube Gaming, your videos are going to appear in theirYouTube feed and vice-versa, so this is good news for people that arestreaming to platforms like YouTube Gaming and that is really why I thinkthat restream is such a great service, because you don't need to know whichplatform is best for you because you can stream to all of them at the same timeand then over time you can start to understand where your audience lives andwhich platform is best for you to stream to.
Now you might be thinking thatrestream, that sounds great but how on earth am I meant to monitor chat fromFacebook, YouTube, Twitch, beem, all of these different platforms that Iwant to stream to all at the same time and thankfully restream has thought of asolution for that as well.
They've built an app that pulls all ofthese streams that you're streaming to, all the chat into one window so we'llcover that later in the video but let's dive into the restream software.
So thefirst thing that you're going to want to do is to head over to restream.
io andsign up for an account, all that you need to do is input a username, email anda password.
I've already created mine so I'm justgoing to log in instead but once you have created an account you maybe haveto click a link in an email just to confirm that that is your email but youshould log in and arrive at the dashboard.
Now the dashboard shows allthe different platforms and the channels that you've connected to restream, sincethis is a brand new account we haven't yet connected any platforms so if weclick on add channel we will open up the options for all the different platformsthat we can stream to with restream.
As you can see here there is a lot ofchoice.
For the purposes of this video I'm going to connect my Twitch, myYouTube and my Mixer accounts.
Each time that you select a platform to connectyou will need to log in to that platform and authorize restream to be able toaccess some of your information.
The process here has been designed to besuper simple which I absolutely love, it makes it so easy for you to add as manyplatforms as you desire.
It's worth noting here that if you want to streamto two different accounts from the same streaming platform, so to separate Twitchaccounts for example then you will need to purchase the doubling package fromrestream.
If you just want to stream to one account from each platform you canstream to all 30 different platforms completely for free.
Each time you add aplatform successfully you should see it show up in your dashboard.
There's anoption to turn each channel on and off so if you want to not stream to one ofyour accounts one day you can quite easily turn it off here before youstart streaming.
You can also click this little cog icon and go into the Editsettings which allows you to choose which Twitch server to stream to andedit your display name.
I'd recommend leaving the server on autodetect as this is no longer the server that is best for your connection betweenyour computer and Twitch, but this is the server that is best for the connectionbetween restream's server and Twitch's server.
Underneath each channel name youalso have a little status which shows if you are offline, connecting or online toeach platform.
Once you've successfully added all the platforms that you want tostream to we can start setting up OBS studio or streamlabs OBS for streamingto restream.
Remember how this works is that we send our stream data from OBS orstreamlabs OBS to a restream server.
Restream then takes this data and sendsit on to our individual streaming platforms.
Over on the right hand side ofyour dashboard we first need to set up which restream server we will besending our stream to.
There's a little drop-down which gives you all thedifferent server locations that restream has.
You should choose the option herewhich is nearest to you geographically.
There's also an option here to run aquick speed test which basically just pings all the servers from your locationand gives you the result in milliseconds.
Now I know that's not the greatest ormost thorough connection test but still it's better than nothing you want tochoose the server with the lowest ping.
Next we are given our stream key.
Nowexactly like Twitch or YouTube or any of the other services, you should keep thiskey completely private as it's the only thing that's required somebody else tostream to all of your accounts.
If for some reason you share it with somebodylike I'm doing in this video, you can of course reset it by clicking this littlerefresh icon here.
Select the whole stream key and copy it then we'll headinto our streaming software.
I'm going to show you both OBS and streamlabs OBSquickly since they're exactly the same.
So we start by going to settings, thenthe stream tab and under service we will select restream.
io, for the serverwe're going to choose the same server that we just selected in the dashboardand then finally we are going to paste in our stream key.
In SLOBS it's theexact same process, go to Settings, stream, select restream.
io, choose the serverand paste the stream key.
One final thing that we need to do if you're using OBSor streamlabs OBS is to fix a little issue which currently existsthat one of the restream engineers has told me about for best results.
So goback into your settings and select the output tab, if your current output modeis set to simple we need to make a quick note of these two settings here, ourbitrate and our encoder.
Now we can change the output mode to advanced as weneed to disable an option in here.
First let's set our encoder and our bitrateback to what we just noted down from the simple tab, next we want to uncheck thisbox 'enforce streaming service encoder settings', we'll then set our keyframeinterval to 2 and change our profile to main.
I know this sounds complex and Ihaven't really explained what these settings do, but it's just really anissue with how OBS and streamlabs OBS are enforcing the restream encodersettings wrongly.
Just to reiterate I'll do it in streamlabs OBS as well.
Go tosettings, to the output tab, change to advanced and check this box, set this to2 and set this to main, and then make sure that our encoder and our bitrateare the same as what they were when we were on the simple output mode.
Now technically we have done everything that we need to do to go live onmultiple platforms using restream but there are a couple of other features Iwant to talk about before we do.
Back on the restream website the titles tab, thisjust allows you to change the title and the game of all your connected streamchannels.
So here I can enter a single title that I want to show as my streamtitle across all my connected platforms and then of course I can go into eachaccount and edit the game that I'm playing if I want to.
The social alertstab this just allows you to post a tweet and a status to your Twitter and yourFacebook pages whenever you go live which is pretty handy.
The monitor tab isa really useful tool that allows you to monitor your streams as they arehappening in real time, and I know if you go to your monitor tab right now sincewe're not streaming, it won't show anything but I'm gonna show you somedata from when I streamed earlier.
Here you can look at your live incomingstream data so you can see exactly what bitrate, what resolution, what frame rateyou're sending to restream as well as things like dropped frames.
The graphs beloware super useful in diagnosing any issues that you're having with yourstreams similarly to how I showed you guys in the Twitch inspector video.
I couldgo into absolutely loads of detail here about how you can analyze these graphsand fix stream issues but I'll probably save that for another more advancedvideo, so if you guys want to see that do just let me know down in the comments.
Aswell as looking at your incoming stream data the data that you are sending fromOBS or streamlabs OBS to restream, you can also click across and look at theoutgoing streams that restream is sending out to the individual platformslive in real time.
Again here we can see useful data like bitrate as well asthings like if restream has ever had to reconnect to the service.
The final tabthat we will look at is the chat tab.
Now as I said earlier this is restream'ssolution for gathering all of your chat windows from all the different platformsthat you're going to be streaming to into one.
This way you can make sure thatyou don't miss any viewers who are chatting to you and you can interactwith them back no matter which streaming platform they are watching on.
Restreamhave also made it incredibly easy to include this multichat window into yourstream with OBS or streamlabs OBS if you want your viewers to be able to seethe chat that's coming from all your different streaming platforms.
Youcan include it quite easily.
There are two different options for the chatapplication, there's a web chat version that runs in your browser or there's anapplication that you can download for PC or for Mac.
Firstly we'll look at the web chat version.
You can see here it shows you apreview of what your chat will look like along with some example messages frommultiple platforms.
Each message will show an icon of the platform, thechatting users username on that platform, as well as their message and the time ofthe message.
On the right here you can change the theme between a few differentoptions, so have a play around see which one you like the look of.
Next you canchange if you want new messages to show at the bottom or at the top of the chatwindow.
You also have a couple of options here to alter the opacity of both themessage background and the chat background as a whole and you can changeexactly how large the text and the chat window is by adjusting the scale here.
Finally you can choose to hide messages after a number of seconds, so this isuseful if you are a newer streamer or maybe you're just a streamer that istrying your hardest to grow and you don't have that much chat interactiongoing on, you don't want people with messages to stay up on your stream formultiple seconds so you can you can set a timer here for how long they shouldshow for before they're hidden.
At the very top you'll also have a long linkthat you can use in OBS or streamlabs OBS as a browser source to have yourchat as a source that you can display on your stream, but we'll be covering thatonce we've downloaded the Windows application.
Now although the web chat isawesome the downloadable application has quite a few more features many of whichwe won't have time to go into in this video but I'd still recommend it ifyou're going to be streaming with restream often.
You should download andinstall the standalone chat application.
Once it has installed it should allowyou to log into your restream account so log in and it should look a little likethis.
Now up in the top left corner it should show the number of platforms thatyour chat is currently connected to as well as the number of users in all ofthe combined channels.
If you click anywhere in the top left here it willshow you all of your chats, their current connection status and how many users arewatching on that channel.
Now before we dive into the settings of this chat applet's just have a look at the chat in action.
So I'm going to open up mybrowser and open up my Twitch, YouTube and my Mixer chats and then typesome example messages to see them appear in therestream chat window.
As you can see all the chats from the platforms I'veconnected are collected into this one window and it's super easy to interactwith your chat from all the different platforms.
If you click on the little cogicon up here, the settings window will open up.
Now I'm not going to go throughall the settings here but you can see that there are some cool features, thingslike connecting your discord, filtering out certain words from your chat as wellas filtering out words based on the platform, you can change the actualwindow appearance and font sizes of the messages, the nickname and the timestamp.
You can set up notifications and text-to-speech, there's an auto replying bot, there's ways to export your chat and your viewercounters, loads of cool features but all of those are probably going to call fora more advanced video at a later date.
But the one that I do want to quicklycover is embedding your restream chat into your stream, now this is exactly thesame as the web chat but all you have to do once you've got the chat appearing asyou want to, you know play around with the appearance with these settings hereon the right.
Once you're happy is you go up to the box here, copy this URL and gointo OBS or streamlabs OBS and add a new browser source to the scene you wantto show you're chat on, then paste in the URL, set the width and height to whateveryou want and click OK.
You now have your multistream chat appearing in thestream for your viewers.
It's really as easy as that, you can go back andchange the appearance, the opacity all those kind of things and they willupdate in your streaming software.
Now if we quickly go back to our browser andtest by typing in these chat windows, you should see them appearing in your streamnow.
That is everything that we need to set up to be able to use restream, we'reready to hit start streaming in our streaming software and then head back tothe restream dashboard.
Now restream does add about a 1-2 second delay to yourstream which is pretty impressive really considering what they are doing with allof that data.
So after a few seconds we should see that our stream previewshould show and then we should also see that our individual platforms go fromoffline to connecting, eventually to online and that's it.
We are now live onmultiple platforms at the same time.
So I just want to quickly give a little wordof warning to those that are lucky enough and worked hard enough to be ableto have signed an affiliate contract with Twitch or apartner contract with Twitch because if you look through your contract theremight be a clause in there about exclusivity.
And it basically, it sayssomething like that you agree to stream to Twitch and thatcontent won't appear anywhere else for something like 24 hours.
So have a lookthrough your contract because if that is the case then unfortunately you probablycan't use a service like restream since technically that content is going liveto multiple different platforms at the same time and not just Twitch, which iswhat is stated in your contract.
So just a little word of warning if you're luckyenough to have one of those contracts be sure to make sure you're not breaking it.
Well that is it guys, I hope you have enjoyed and learned something new fromthis video, if you have please do give it a thumbs up, it helps us understand whatkind of content to keep creating and if you haven't subscribed yet please dohave a look around at the Gaming Careers YouTube channel, has all these guides about streaming and content creation in gaming.
Finally asalways I would like to give a massive thanks to my patrons.
These people hereare choosing to support me over on Patreon and they support the creation ofthese Gaming Careers videos, so thank you guys so much it really is making amassive difference and if you are considering supporting me please docheck out my Patreon, there's loads of different perks and tiers of things thatyou get as a return of showing your support, so if you would like to checkthat out, it is linked in the description.
Also as always if you haven't yet joinedour discord, we're at nearly 300 members now everybody's it's just an amazingplace to be where everybody is talking, asking questions helping each other grow, networking all this kind of things so again my discord is always linked in thebottom of every video description so if you haven't yet joined please do andsubscribers I'll see you in the next video.
The post Stream to 30+ Platforms Simultaneously with Restream.io appeared first on IPTVRestream.
from IPTVRestream https://iptvrestream.net/restream/stream-to-30-platforms-simultaneously-with-restreamio/
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