#but its funny so I'm leaving jt
dragonwithafez · 1 year
have to be up in less than 3 hrs for class and am still not asleep yaay 👍
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williamafton2030 · 1 month
Happy 10th anniversary!!
Fnaf has turned 10 years old and I can't stop wondering how time went by so fast. I swear that for me the release of Fnaf 1 wasn't that far away but with this great celebration that has been this great week I have realized that it was.
I look back and realize how much this franchise has grown. 10 years ago it would have been unthinkable that we would have VR games, movies and books but we have them and it's incredible. However, I think that the most important thing about things is the path to follow and Fnaf has gone through a great path. There have been ups and downs, but there have also been very strong moments and this is like everything: the falls that you have don't matter but getting up from them.
Fnaf also has a huge fandom that is very dedicated to the franchise and that contributes its grain of sand as it can: some drawing, others theorizing, others making videos, writing stories… It's true that sometimes we can be a bit intense but leaving that aside it seems completely magical to me that such a large community strives day after day to enrich this franchise more and more.
Fnaf songs are something very special in my heart. I was thinking of making a list of the songs I like the most but Tumblr won't let me because there is a limit of links so instead I'll put the links of the singers that I highly recommend listening to and some of them are from my childhood with songs that bring me a lot of nostalgia:
(Please note that this is not a top and is just a list of Fnaf singers that I love to listen to. I would also like to say that Tumblr does not allow me to publish so many links even though I have not reached the limit, so I would like you to know that TryHardNinja https://www.youtube.com/@TryHardNinja; Jt Music https://www.youtube.com/@JTM and Cg5 https://www.youtube.com/@CG5 are on this list, only Tumblr doesn't allow for so many links)
With this list of singers, I only have to thank Scott for making Fnaf and this fandom for creating such incredible things (even though I've stopped at the songs, there are stories on ao3 that are simply works of art, very interesting videos from people who upload them to Youtube, theories, drawings and many more things that I'm delighted to see every day)
With all this said, I'm off. Sorry for the delay in making this post, but Into the Pit has me completely hooked. I'm going to see if I can keep seeing curious details about the game 👋
Happy 10th anniversary, Fnaf and its community! 🎂
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erigold13261 · 3 months
It would be very fun if there were TADC copies of Satoru, Suguru and Dagon (I know there probably aren't but… the comedy potential is very high)
Like... seeing Jogo, Hanami and all the other curse friends freak out about there being a worm, only for them to realize they're a copy of Dagon
the same is going on in JT
There definitely isn't going to be any copies of them, but maybe one day I'll do a shitpost meme of this because it is very funny!
I for some reason want OG Dagon to be a slight bully to TADC copy Dagon. I don't know why. Possibly has to do with Dagon not liking remembering their weak form.
Well Hanami and Jogo absolutely baby TADC copy Dagon (as well as being super overprotective of OG Dagon still). Just two siblings having beef with each other.
OG!Dagon: *hits Copy!Dagon slightly*
Copy!Dagon: *tearing up*
OG!Dagon: I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Don't tell the others! Here! You can hit me! Come on! Shhhhhh!
As for Satoru and Suguru's copies, it would probably not be as comical, especially if the copies still keep the memories as the originals unlike the other TADC copies who lost their memories.
Honestly, it would probably be pretty heartbreaking for the copies to see that they are seen as copies and no longer held in the same regard and love as the originals (this absolutely hits Copy!Suguru HARD, especially when he realizes that Nanako and Mimiko don't see him as their father figure anymore).
More so this would be a harder realization for the copies. Even just loving each other would be hard as the copies fell in love with their original versions of each other, so copy Satoru and Suguru now have to relearn how to love each other.
I think the only really good thing to come out of this is now Shoko has its friends with it forever now.
Though this too can be made into angst because Shoko is going to slowly drift away from the originals in favor of looking towards the future and staying connected with the copies.
It would hurt even more if Shoko does this later in life. It at first rejected the copies, or at least held them at arms length, and stayed with the original Satoru and Suguru. Only for it to realize that those two are aging and it isn't. The realization of losing it's best friends would make it go to the copies for comfort and support.
The originals would only see Shoko leaving them more and more (and depending on when this is in their stage of life, that could hurt them even more). They are wondering if they did something wrong, or if Shoko needs help, but can't really reach it (these two take mental health a LOT more seriously because of Suguru's mental decline that made him join Kenjaku in the first place).
And then the copies will just know they are a replacement for Shoko. To them, they realize that it doesn't see them as the originals, or really cares for them in the same capacity. It is just trying to deal with the loss of its "true friends" by using these copies.
Plus, if it has been years since Shoko and the copies really communicated in a meaningful manner (like if it kept them at arms length instead of just going no contact), then these copies would be nothing like the originals anymore. The time for Shoko to have grown with them has passed and the bond they all could have had is broken the same way the bond it has with the originals is going to break.
No matter what, they all lose each other in a way over and over again. The originals lost their Shoko to Mahito's transfiguration, the copies lost Shoko just for existing on the wrong side of the domain output, Shoko will lose the originals to time, and Shoko lost the ability to connect with the copies because of pushing them away.
In the end, Shoko ends up alone still. Only this time, instead of being able to properly deal with the deaths of Satoru and Suguru over time and learn to live properly without them, it now has the constant thought of a "what-if" scenario where it gave the copies an honest try of being friends along with the originals and having those it loved live together both in its heart and throughout time.
It would especially be bad if every so often Shoko meets the copies again at some point. Like Shoko going to a grand meeting for powerful entities and sees the copies there. They all just look at each other but don't interact much. Shoko is just watching at how Satoru and Suguru got to stay together both in death and life.
Shoko is always the one watching in through the window from the outside. Never invited in to join the fun.
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mirtifero · 1 year
I dont typ e it because i lack the emergy ans my head hirts. Funnn fun fun fun fun i want to kill myself i wished i was dead isnt it funnt isnt it so fucking funny i love saying that bevause it doesnt feel serious right everyone feels rhat everyone doed ! Why would you care if i said i was going to kill myself. Im a hysteric little bitch an annoying ass teenager i think too much i live in my own dumb world and jmahine things tjay arw nkr eeal ams make everyone angrynat em and eberuone LEAVES Isnt that funy isnt it. It is funny it has to be. Kt need s to be funnt. Im hysteric and thats why no one tales me seirlusly . If i wastn tlike this people would take me seriously. Ah yes thank you for your interesting imput nook ineed to say it like a weird bitch i cannot be normal for fucjs asake i thi k im always rigth i thing k im always correct and i al2aus always need everyothing to be funnt and good and everything has to have hope i. Jt because it NEEDS to because otherwise i will DIE. the ghosts of people who left because thwy couldnt care leas about ne haunt me and j think abkut them coming back and laughing at me all the time. Everyone laughts at me. Its so easy to laugh at someone whk wants to be funny all the time. Isnt it funny. I find it funnt. Im laughing rght now. Shsoukd ng i?every noght i dream i cant speak i cant breathe i cant move and everuone laughs at me and everyone thisnks im crazy. And every dream i see people loving me and laughing bevause they KNOW they wont coome backk they are GONE . I cant do anything right
Its been 24 days since winter break statterx. 24 days. 24 days and i STILL FWEL LIKE THIS. I STILL FEEL LIKE THIS. AJBQQNBS ISNT IT AMAZING. ????? . GOD IM SO STUPID.
Im just on my period oh im just a teenager oh itll pass im justt FINE. EVERYONE feels like this. Everyone has a perdect body and perfwct everything and looks in the mirror and feels like a hysteric ugly weak bitch and thinks why am I even trying. I habe what? More than a year clean. Provavly more than one year and a half. And i still dream about cutting myself in front of people i think about BEGGING to be listened to I dream of BEGGING to be HEARD.
But my psychologist is right everything is OKAY
I'm just a teenager.
It will go away
I need to wait
I need to wait
I' normal im just like any other girl.
Perhaps as hysteric as any other girl. As fake as any other. Im just like the ones who bullied and abused me.
I just need to wait
EVERYONE feels like this. EVERYONE commits suicide in most of their dreams. EVERYONE is horrified and thinks about how everyone is going to leave them. EVERYONE WANTS TO DIE. AND EVERYONE. EVERYONE. IS STUPID AND WILL NEVER EVER EVER EVER BE LISTENED TO BECAUSE THEY ARE A HYSTERIC PIECE OF FUCKING SHIT WHO CANT DO ANYTHING RIGHT AND IS JUST EMBARRASSING AND EMBARRASSING AND A LITTLE KID WHOS EMBARRASSING TO EVERYONE AND I AM JUST TROUBLE AND I AM just. I just. I wanted to have just died back then. I wanted to have just died before I discovered that life can be better. I didn't need hope. I feel forever tired. No amount of winter breaks will fix this. No growing up will. And if it will I'll kill myself for it. Because it's just too embarrassing to lie. And I'm not lying. I'm not. I'll kill myself. I'll kill myself if I was lying. I'm not lying. I'm not exagerating im not being dramatic im not im not im not i just want people to HEAR me. I just want to be heard. Please. Please . Please. Please. Im so sorry. Please. Please. I hate myself and all that i get embarrassed for. I hate evrything i am. I hate how i cant seem to do anything. Im a liar. Im a liar im a dirty liar. Please. Please.
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sulkyshot · 4 years
Finished angel beats like 2 days ago... reaction on snap memoriesssss
My heart
Ahah... so i heard abt banana fish and I saw this one girl come out crying like CRYING WITH SOUND SOUND yk and im like o shiet it must be good. But Whenever someone mentions it in like tiktok comments or w.e. they're like " so sorry u had to witness that" or "that broke me" or "that was the best anime it was so sad"
So now I'm scared but imma still watch it yk
Oh also atm I'm watching 8 animes.......
-Hunter x hunter (just need aeason 3 but I don't qanna watch it bc its the last one )
-attack on titan ( almost done with season 2 ...season 4 is coming out soonn.... only reason I dont watch often like many others is bc its online and I can't keep track yk)
-fariytail ( epsidoe 234 or 5 or 6 i forgot but idk it got kinda boring eh imma stil finish it sometime this year)
Those were the ones I've already been watching then theres:
- parayste ( with Mark, I got kinda bored of it but eh getting there ) 24 ep count
-avatar ( if u count it as an anime ...i started like a week ago or 2 I think , im grtting there still in season 1 but I like it...o netflic)
-bungo stray dogs ( finsihed season one in a day 💀) bug surprise but it was actually interesting and funny yk different.well I started watching bc of daiske or w.e. the hot bestfriend guy who got our otonashi a job n shit but year I saw an edit and im like oh sheit I should watch that and I did :))
-neon genesis Evangelion ( this one i started watching bc i was bored and wanted to watch netlfix and didn't wanna watch avatar nor hxh sooo I started this one like on Monday or sum and its intresting too ...I'm guessing jts a 90s or early 20s anime bc of the art but I like it i got used to it and in reality it was a bit slow at the beginnijg but now its less slow but im enjoying it.
- saiki ( this one i started when we went to teos house like Tuesday ig , and I was like ou let's check this out i hear its popular too... and I saw the first like 5 min and im like shit this is funny ill leave it so mark can watch too. And yesterday I got him watch with meeeee and were in episode like 3 or 4 and he likes it bc its funny and stupid funny and yes ik his taste ...anyways yea)
Anywyas thats all I have rn ill finsih each one eventually hopefully by the end of the summer ( don't doubt it would be sooner but im also trying to learn janpanese and started this drawing as a hobby Nf got an app for it today tooooo for both things actually (both reccomended by tiktok ) yeah so idk if i even have time bc i also need to copy some chem notes that i got from tiktok heh ...yeah thats all for rn ig ill prolly have another storytime tomr abt today so ..yeh lol
FUCK ITS MARLENS BDAY TOMR UGH and I really dont wanna to go to the driver thing its so embarssing and cringy , like what if a lot of ppl dont come or what if a lot come and u don't get noticed and idk i hate this sm and im glad it wasn't a thing when it was my bday , it would've been so awkward like what are u even suppose to do just wave :|
Also yesterday and today we started waking up at 5 am to go run in the morning and my legs eh are sore ish lmaoaoao mom and Mark were more sore tho they couldn't run today all that much.... yes
Im done gn
June 11 2020 11:58
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