#but its all real to them. its real. yes the town turning on edgar cuz they tgink hes eating their livestock (the cows are dying because thy
ascendandt · 2 years
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fatesinthenight · 7 years
Ed's Son (part 4)
Jr. made it back to the ranch alone. He gave his horse back and walked away from the barn over to the side. He sat under a tree and leaned against the trunk of it. Jr. didn't know why he was feeling this way. His head felt fuzzy and he just closes his eyes to try to compose himself. He hears footsteps coming toward him and sighs.
"Dad I want to be alone right now." Jr. saids annoyed.
"It's me." Jr. opens his eyes and sees you standing infront of him. 
"Did my dad send you here? He cant come here himself." Jr huffs and looks away from you.
"No I wanted to come here myself. Can I sit with you?" You point to a spot beside him. Jr. shrugs and you take that as a yes sitting beside him. "Jr. I know we don't really know each other so it isn't my place to tell you anything but I think you need to hear your dad out."
"Why? It is pretty obvious he doesn't want me around. Im clearly being replaced." Jr. saids straight forward.
"Is that what you think? O no Jr. that's not what he is doing. He would never replace you. He wants you in his life very much your his son." You look at him softly.
"Am I really his son. I mean I was made to be his son sure but I don't feel like I am sometimes. I mean when I was created I was already older not a kid or a baby. I just popped out. Dad didn't really get a chance to raise me because I was made already old enough to take care of myself." Jr saids picking up a leaf and fiddling with it. "So when I saw how he was with you and your daughter it was like he was getting that chance to be with a kid unlike with me who he couldn't do that with. It made me feel like that's what he wanted and since I'm already older he can now have a chance to see someone grow up like actually raise them." He looks at you. "I know he gets busy and I know he has to deal with fans on him at times or whatever madness the other guys are up to but I still feel like he could have made more time for me. You seem like a really good person and im glad my dad found you don't get me wrong. But I feel like im slowly getting replaced..."
You look at Jr. feeling sorry. "Jr. your dad is never going to replace you. Your his son. I still don't fully understand how this whole ego thing works but to me you two are a real father and son not just some characters that were made to go together." You turn over to face Jr. "You know when I first met your dad it was because he was trying to sell me something. Katie was already in school and I was home alone having a pretty shitty day. My ex partner said that were to busy to be with Katie and were going out of town. I was so mad and telling myself how could I have fallen for this guy back in school. Then when we found out Katie was coming they didn't want anything to do with it. But Katie came and to me that was the only good thing from that relationship. My ex was around for a while but them they began to slowly back away. But after a few years of being gone they came back and said they wanted to be with Katie. I gave them a chance and Katie spent time with them. It seemed good but sometimes they just say they don't have time for her and leave her alone only to make up for it with a gift of anything Katie wanted. That day I had enough of the cycle, Katie didn't deserve that." You smile suddenly. "Then here comes your dad at my door. I didn't want to open it but did it anyway. He was standing there with that stupid stance of his holding onto his pants. I am a fan of Mark so I reconized him. He saids of course I did im the handsome one ya know. So he starts trying to sell me some of his merchandise saying it was for charity but also if they raised enough money he gets to shave Willford's mustache off. I told him sounds like a good reason to get something and went for my wallet. Funny thing is I honestly wanted a shirt of Silver cuz he is my favorite but I didn't tell him that. As I went into my wallet a picture of Katie fell out and he picked it up for me. He said I had a cutie on my hands and wait my partner and I must be proud. When he said that I started to tear up suddenly like my pent up feeling couldn't take it anymore. So I cried infront of him."
Jr. remembers that charity event. He remembered his dad didn't get enough sales that day surprisingly. You continue laughing softly. "He was so confused and didn't know what to do. He said he was sorry if he said something wrong and stayed there while I cried it out. I told just let it all out to a complete stranger. I told him how I was practically a singe parent and how I wish I could make things better for Katie. How I felt so alone in this because no one really came to help me the whole time. I did everything on my own. I didn't mind it as long as Katie had a happy life but I know I need to but I would give it up for her just to see her smile and not cry when my ex bailed on her again. After I let it out I realized I just told my life story to a random person. I thought he was going to think I was stupid and walk away but he didn't. He said well that's some bullshit." You smile more. "He told me then my ex is a darn fool to be missing out on being a parent. That being one is great and he should know because he has a son of his own. He told me he was also a single parent and understand how hard it could be. How sometimes he wishes he had someone to help him because he feels he is doing something wrong and the other egos were not much help because they weren't parents. He said some days he feels like he is messing up but when he sees his son do something good it gives him hope that he is going something right. He made me feel so much better, I always felt like that and it was the first time someone told me it was ok to feel like that sometimes and I wasn't alone. I thanked him and went to give him the money for the shirt and he didn't take it. He told me it was free for me but if I really wanted to pay it off I would go out with him. Gosh he was such a dork saying he was putting on the southern charm."
You pat Jr's hand. "Parents aren't perfect. We mess up too even if you think we don't. When you become a parent you don't get a handbook with all of the answers. You have to go through trial and error. Some days you think you got it then others you have not clue what to do. Its a learning process. We think was are doing the right thing when maybe it isn't. We want to make our child's life better than the one we had wanting them to be better than us. We want them to not want to be like us when they grow up but better than us. Jr. your father wants you to be better than him and wants you to have something better. I know he has a hard time expressing himself being the business man he is but he tries. All you have to do is listen to him." You stand up and look down at Jr. "Your dad is still at that opening if your wondering. I came here alone. You can still go to him. I'm going to see how Katie is."
You start to walk away when you hear Jr. move. "(Y/N)..." You turn to see Jr. standing. He doesn't say anything but then he walks over and hugs you. You didn't expect that to happen. You don't know what to do exactly but decide to hug him back. "Thank you for that." He lets go and backs away. "I'm really thankful you came here to talk to me." He goes on ahead of you. "I meant what I said though. I'm really glad my dad found you, I haven't seen him look this happy in a while." With that Jr. goes off in the barn and you see him come out on a horse running to where Ed is at.
You watch him leave hoping everything will be fine. Jr. makes it to where Ed is and ties of his horse with his father's. He walks over to Ed who is now sitting at the boulder he was at with you sulking. Jr. comes up slowly. "Hey dad."
Ed doesn't look at Jr. as he continues to look at the water. "I know im a bad dad Jr. I know you think I don't care and only wanted to get rid of you but that's not it. The reason I put you in a different place was because I didn't want you to get mixed up with me. I have to deal with a brooding devil, crazy pink maniac, a egotistic doctor, a complicated blind man who's mood swings are something else, a hero who keeps wanting to get bitten by something radioactive go get his true powers, a cocky T.V host who is really a big pushover, a crazy obsessed little lovestruck psychopath, a man who sometimes gets stuck in a tree trying to be one with the squirrels, and a droid who thinks he is so smart but doesn't know a thing about human interactions who's three brothers each make up a part of the human emotion he cant handle."
At the ego house everyone sneezes. They look around feeling someone just insulted them in some way.
"Even so I love them all to death because we are all the same. Except Dark, he gets a small five present of love cuz he keeps the house in order and pays the bills, yet still a dam ass."
Dark sneezes again.
"I don't want you to be around that. I want you to have somethin normal. I have to deal with that 24/7 and sometimes it does drive me mad but I know I contribute to the chaos too. I wanted ya to have a real life than what I have. When you were made with me I had no idea how to be a parent. I remember askin Google to help me and he gave me online tips and Host found me parenting books. We had good times together even if I tried to sell ya off at times as a gag. Then after some times when Dark said we were all getting a house together I wanted to take ya with me. But then after thinking about it for a while it hit me what you would get yourself into. I decided maybe if ya weren't living with all of us ya would be better." Ed looks at Jr. seriously taking off his glasses. "Ednarb Eddeth Edgar Jr. you are my only son and I love ya."
Jr looks at his dad full of emotion. He hugs his father tightly and Ed does to with his hat falling off. "I love you too dad." Jr saids softly.
"Mister Ed!!! Jr.!!!" They let go of each other and look out to see Katie from a distance jumping up and down. Once you notice her she runs over to meet you. "I did a lot of fun stuff today!"
"Ya did now hu?" Ed smiles at her.
"Yes. We saw all the animal. We got to pet them too. I held a baby chick!! We got to draw stuff and we learned stuff about cowboys. Oooo we made some bracelets." Katie pulls out two bracelets from her pocket. "These are for you."
The bracelets had on colorful beads on them and their name spelled out in square beads. Jr's string was red and had blue, yellow, orange, and green beads. Ed's had a blue string with pink, purple, red, and black beads.
"Awwww thanks Katie I like it." Jr puts his on. "Did you do it by yourself?"
"I did. I did. It was fun." Katie saids twirling around. "I also made friends!! They go to school with me and we talked about horsies."
"Now that sounds great. Hey how about we go look at the lake. You and to learn how to skip a stone?" Jr. asks.
"I wanna!!" Katie tugs Jr. away and he laughs at how strong she is to pull him off. They are close to the water and Jr. picks up some rocks and starts teaching Katie.
"She was so excited to give those to you two." You sit beside Ed. He looks at you and notices you have a beaded necklace.
"Why do you get the necklace? That's unfair." Ed pouts.
You laugh and put on Ed's hat back. "Hey im the parent. I get the better bling." You smile at Ed. "So how did it go?"
"I think it's a start. But im gad we talked." Ed holds your hand. "Thank you for talking to him. Ya really didn't have to do that."
"I wanted to. Your important to me so he is important to me to." You lay your head on his shoulder. "I'm glad we did this Ed." You watch Jr. and Katie throwing rocks at the water happily and she giggles at a big splash of water from a big rock Jr. tosses in. "They seem to like each other."
Ed snuggles closer to you. "Yea they do. Kind of like a family."
When he saids family it makes your heart skip a beat. You look up at him and kiss his cheek. "We will see wont we."
"O I believe I can be persuasive in that. I can sell you off on that." Ed laughs. "Well I think we are good here. Want to go somewhere else?"
"Hmmmm I want dinner." You pat your tummy. "You know I have a big appetite so what do you say."
"Did I ever tell you I love a good person who knows how to eat?" Ed smiles and kisses you softly. He wraps an arm around you and you don't want time to let go.
"Ewww kissy faces." You stop and see Katie covering her eyes and Jr. smirking.
"I think that means we should go." You laugh.
You all  go back to the horses laughing. Katie wasn't to ride with Ed. He get up and Jr. passes her to him in the front. Ed tells her to hold on as the horse walks off. She giggles at Ed making jokes and he tells her he likes his bracelet as it dangles on his wrist. He even puts his had on her and she saids she is a cowgirl. You look at them happily and so does Jr. He watches everyone smiling thinking this wont be so bad.
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