#but it's worth a shot to save the day for once tarn
transingthoseformers · 4 months
Megatron just has the right sort of egotistical brand of crazy to think he can order the war to pause while out of his mind on baby making hormones. Especially if the heat/rut is hiting extra hard on the rebound the rebound because of being suppressed. Howwell the war listens varies by continuity.
Optimus and Megatron are basically garunteed to spark each other up in a record breaking hate frag.
The two are holed up in a cave together unable to donate nanites but desperately needing them. But neither will let mates from the oposit faction in or accept a mate the other defeated. Because their both completely off their tits trying to get satisfaction. Which leads to the most akward video call in the history of either faction.
Tarn gets a call from a beat up and scoched Starscream with a battered Soundwave at his side. He's fully prepared to go into denial over the Death of his Lord™️. Instead he's being briefed on Megatron forgot his dose of suppressors as did Optimus and now the two idiots clanged sparklings into each other. The idiots are both puting off distressed carrier signals but they've imprinted on each other as the sire.
"Tarn you hold the distinction of being the most durable mech loyal to the cause. We need you to sacrifice your virtue to save Lord Megatron's sparklings both the ones he's carrying and the ones he hate fragged into Optimus if need be when the incompetent fools fail to provid a sire who can run the gauntlet with you! Those tinny newsparks are the hope of our species! " Starscream sounds impassioned as well as slightly concussed.
"Sparklings: Lord Megatron's heirs regardless of carrier or sire. Decepticon code donation may cancel out Autobot influence." Soundwave's visor and mask are both badly cracked. His voice statics in and out alarmingly over the comm. "Tarn: last best hope for the Cause."
Tarn is just siting there like he got hit with a board.
Hhxhxhc yes
These cycles are hitting HARD
They've did it
They've came so many times that they can't provide enough for multiple sparklings (especially if, I'm heading you right, a multiple each), plus the war JUST came to a screeching halt I bet (though I imagine in some areas there will still be fighting)
Omg tarn
Soundwave this was such an idea
Taaarn oh no (oh yes) (yes yes)
The most durable mech loyal to the cause
The two adjectives needed the most right now: durable and loyal
Run the gauntlet with you
Honestly I'm torn on who should succeed with him... or if nobody does succeed but Tarn
Because I love the idea of Tarn fucking the daylights out of Optimus too For The Sake Of Megatron's Heirs and having a ✨thought process✨ about it
Plus, SOMEONE needs to take care of these two while not under the influence of a heat/rut Cycle. Make sure they're getting fuel/fluids and all that. Those are important when expending so much energy.
oh tarnnnn
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blue-mint-winter · 5 years
BSG 2x01 Scattered rewatch
Season 2 opener is reminiscent of 1x01 “33″ with the Fleet running from Cylon attack. Unfortunately Gaeta screwed up the coordinates, so Galactica jumped somewhere else and the only way to find the Fleet is to go back into Cylon arms to calculate the jump again. Similar to “33″ the ship is under time constraints and the stakes are high as Adama is in critical condition after being shot, but the doctor is with the Fleet.
The episode focuses on 3 characters: Tigh, Gaeta and Tyrol.
Tigh is in a pinch - the old man, his best friend, his commander, is critical. He doesn’t want the command and he frequently flashbacks to their younger days. He was a sad drunk brawling in bars after the first Cylon war. It’s Adama who got him back to the Fleet. Tigh owes his life to him.
His loyalty is tested. Tigh has to compromise. To get back to the Fleet in time and save Adama’s life, he allows something the old man would never - to connect ship computers into a network for Gaeta to quickly calculate the coordinates. The other compromise is to let Lee out of the brig so he could pilot in the battle.
Meanwhile, Ellen is already thinking ahead how Tigh’s command could be permanent. That one is always looking on the bright side...
The saga of Lee following his instincts continues. He kind of regrets siding with Roslin, he did it for principle, but he feels it wasn’t worth it. He can’t even stay by his dying father’s side :(
Gaeta. He’s one of those amazing minor characters. He’s got some little moments scattered through s1, like his admiration of Baltar, playing cards, friendship with Boomer (that funky dancing in Colonial Day lol), that little headshake in disbelief when Adama orders president’s arrest. His friendship with Dee gets spotlight in this ep, when she reassures him when he mopes in the bathroom. Gaeta messed up, but he managed to make up for it, so all’s good :)
On Kobol, once again Tyrol has to clean up after Crashdown’s lack of foresight. They run from the Raptor without taking a medkit, so Tyrol takes Cally and Tarn to retrieve it so they can treat their injured buddy. Unfortunately Tarn gets shot and dies. All of this could have been avoided if Crashdown listened to Tyrol’s suggestions in the first place and made sure they took everything before they ran. Tyrol’s much better under pressure.
Funny how Helo argues on Sharon’s behalf with Kara. Just recently he was very harsh on Sharon himself. Kara’s unforgiving attitude must bring things into perspective to him. But it doesn’t stop Sharon from escaping in Kara’s raider.
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Boys Will be Boys
Peter Pan x Mermaid!Reader | Part 6
Summary: Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5  Part 7
Fic Type: Peter Pan x Mermaid!Reader Series
Warnings: Idk... None I think.
Author’s Note: As always, comment or message me to be added to the tag list. Constructive criticism is always appreciated.
I got the idea for this chapter from another imagine I saw somewhere else on Tumblr (and/or possibly Wattpad)... I can’t remember what it’s called and I can’t find it. If you know, please let me know so I can give credit.  
Escaping Neverland was nearly impossible. Anyone with half a brain could tell you that. No one but the mermaids, who could travel across realms, could leave. And that was exactly what Y/N was counting on. However, the journey could cost her life. Was that a risk she was willing to take? Was she willing to give her life for her freedom? Anything to get off this damned island.  
Y/N leaned back against the tree trunk. She was a good ways off the ground, and beneath her by the bonfire some of the older lost boys were talking, oblivious to her presence. She abandoned her plans for the time being to listen in on their conversation.
James’ voice floated upwards. “She’s alright though, isn’t she?” “Yeah, I mean, it’s not like I’ve actually seen a girl since I’ve been here, but she is pretty.” That was Owen. “I know right, I mean what I wouldn’t do to hit that.” Rufio chuckled lowly. “I would have her.” “Shut up! If anyone were to ‘have’ her, it’d be me. She is mine.” Devin argued defensively. “Yeah, like that’ll last!” “Uh, obviously it will.” The lost boys continued to argue while Y/N sat in the boughs of the trees, shaking her head. And they were all fighting over her. Men were so… Childish. They talked as if she was an object, something to be owned and controlled. It was ironic, seeing as how usually mermaids were the ones controlling men.  In truth, though, none of them particularly struck her but Devin. Felix was alright: he was tall and muscular. He, for the most part, was calm and quiet, watching and listening. He knew more than he let on, was shifty and clever. But he would on occasions turn dark, and all the things that brewed beneath the surface would burst out in fits of violence. Once when Owen asked about his family, Felix flipped out, beating the kid to within an inch of his life.
James was just plain stupid. He was always doing things that nearly got him killed. Jumping off things, throwing backflips, and doing anything and everything anyone told him he couldn’t or shouldn’t do. Anything. Dares were just a game to him, as if his life (or anyone else’s for that matter) weren’t worth anything more than a good laugh. So what about Rufio? Yeah, no, he wasn’t even going to make the list at all. Sure he had big arms and could run faster than any of the others, but he was always the one to get himself hurt doing nothing and he was always the one who refused to shut up, even when everyone else was trying to sleep. The guy was never silent and always restless. His limitless energy became irritating, especially when he decided to wake everyone up for a round of hide and seek in the middle of the night. Owen? He was sweet and cute; he made her laugh when she needed it and he didn’t constantly want to fight, like the other boys. But that said, he couldn’t actually fight, and the kid was about as strong as a limp daisy. However, he was light on his feet, and quick too. He could climb trees and jump from limb to limb as agilely as if he was a squirrel. None of the lost boys particularly appealed to Y/N except Devin, who had his own flaws that she overlooked for the sake of his companionship. His main problem was that he was arrogant, and infuriatingly so. He thought he knew everything, and had an unshakable God complex. “What are you talking about, boys?” Y/N heard a new -but instantly recognizable- voice come into the conversation. Pan. The conversation suddenly clipped to a new level of interesting. She shifted in her spot so she could watch the boys beneath her. “Oh, hey there, Peter.” Devin greeted the boy king of the island with nervous causality.
Rufio nodded. “We were just talking ‘bout Y/N. She is pretty, isn’t she?” There was heavy pause, in which an awkward feeling that was weighted with a strange energy settled in the air. Y/N frowned. Not being able to see Pan’s face, she didn’t notice the scowl that was twisting itself onto his features over Rufio’s remark about her. “That’s who you’re talking about?” He asked, his voice oddly quiet. Neverland seemed to pause, as if waiting for their response. Devin faltered but, being the idiot he was, didn’t realise that that was the perfect moment to shut up. “Yeah, I mean, you see that she’s hot, right? I would seriously hit that, do you reckon she’d be up for it? Well, if I snuck her a sleeping poppy, it wouldn’t matter would it?” He joked, laughing loudly.
A couple of the other boys nodded in agreement, nervous smiles on their faces. They had tried to dissipate the awkward atmosphere. It didn’t work. Bastards, Y/N thought bitterly to herself, making a mental note to be wary around the poppies. “What the hell is wrong with you?!” Pan suddenly bellowed, the feeling in the air shifted. The heavy feeling in the air ignited with a intense fire.
Y/N raised her eyebrows. Twisting around in the branches, she could see his face now and a shiver of fear shot down her spine. Never before had she seen so much anger surround a person. His eyes glowed with a tangible and zealous fire, his feelings on the subject now obvious. Devin was practically done for. Pan’s eyes were dark with anger, his fists clenched and jaw set. An imposing aura radiated off of him that even Y/N could sense from far above. Devin was struggling to comprehend the change in the situation and stuttered. “Umm, well, I- err.”
The other boys, entranced by the wrathful atmosphere, watched in terror. No one wanted to be Pan’s victim, especially when he was in such a dangerous mood. In one swift movement, Pan had Devin by the neck. Gasping for breath, Devin clutched the hand that held his writhing figure just above the forest floor and begged him to release him in a strangled and nigh incomprehensible voice. Y/N gasped in shock. Unfortunately, just loud enough for Pan to hear. He looked up upon hearing Y/N’s voice from above, and searched for her face through the branches. He dropped Devin, who was gasping for breath, and cocked his head towards the canopy of leaves. “Y/N?” Pan called hesitantly.
There were more than a few hard swallows and nervous coughs when the lost boys heard Pan. If Y/N really was up in the tree and had heard everything they’d said… There’d be hell to pay. She shifted in the tree, praying that Pan wouldn’t spot her. Her attempts to stay hidden proved useless, however, when she lost her balance and fell. She crashed through branches, grasping for something to break her fall. Over fifteen feet gave her enough time for the split thought of I’m going to break at least a rib, and there aren’t even any hospitals. Which was an odd thought because 1) she had never been to a hospital, never even seen one, 2) they were on a bloody island, of course there was no hospitals, and 3) she should probably be more worried about how Devin was going to react to finding out she was listening in on his conversation.
She fell down, down, down… into someone’s arms? “I- um, I-” She stammered uselessly as she found herself in Peter Pan’s grip.
Pan was shot with a sense of déjà vu as he held Y/N in his arms. A sunny day, saltwater licking the rocky shore, a girl in his arms, eyes filled with panic. The day he found her on Skull Rock. Gingerly, he set her back on her feet.
The lost boys saw their opportunity, and wisely turned tail and fled into the forest. The further away from Pan, Y/N, and Devin, the better.
Y/N stared at him, jaw set, trying to regain her composure, but she couldn’t keep the confusion out of her eyes. He could have just as easily let her fall. So why did he catch her? “Thank you.” She whispered when Pan set her down. She dismissed herself quickly, leaving the campsite to clear her head.
Devin didn’t fail to notice the exchange of glances between the two, and as he followed Y/N, he brushed past Pan, murmuring a threat. “Go anywhere near her, and I’ll kill her.”
Devin perched on a rock at the edge of the small tarn, watching a streamlined form with a glistening tail swim just beneath the surface. “Y/N, I was just joking-”
“I’m not mad at you, Devin.”  Y/N surfaced, pressing water from her hair. A swim always helped cleanse her mind. “I basically lived on a ship as a kid. I grew up around men, I know how they think. Though I do find it quite funny that I keep having to save you from Pan.” She looked up at him, a smug grin playing on her face.
“Hilarious.” Devin rolled his sea-green eyes. “Let’s not forget who broke you out of your cage.” He leaned back, basking in the warm sun.
“Well, if we are going to go back that far, then let’s not forget who’s fault it was that I was in that cage in the first place, hm?” Y/N pulled herself up out of the water, and lay next to him, pulling her cloak around her shoulders from the stack of clothing next to her.
“Certainly not mine.” Devin rolled over on his side so he could talk to Y/N. “It was Pan’s. He brought you here.”
Y/N sighed, shaking her head. “I didn’t decide to come here. I washed up on shore, and Pan won’t let me leave.”
“Why?” Devin pulled her closer to him, letting his chin rest on her head. “Don’t you like it here?” He asked quietly, tracing circles on her back.
“No, Devin. I don’t. I want to leave. To go back...” She murmured against his chest.
“Back where? What could possibly be better than Neverland?”
Y/N let out a long sigh. “I can leave, you know. Swim away. I want to.” She sat up suddenly. “You should come with me! Devin, we can leave. Go somewhere without Peter. I can show you the pier, and my father’s ship, and town, and-”
“C’mon, you really want to leave?” Devin asked irritably.
“Yes, of course. Don’t you?”
Devin shook his head. “Where I came from- Well, let’s jus’ say I’m lucky Pan took me. I don’t plan on leaving anytime soon.”
The sound of footsteps attracted the couple’s attention, as a young, copper-skinned, dark-haired boy ran up to the beach of the pond. “Y/N and Devin, Peter’s called for everyone to return for dinner!” He shouted across the water.
“Alright, thank you, Parker!” Y/N called back. “I suppose we should go back.” She sighed, watching the water glisten in the light. She’d rather to be anywhere but in Pan’s presence.
Tag List: @masters-madness @truestbeliever28 @dreamsandtropics @gunnergirl117@sarcastichater @myfandomismyreality @sneakered-salamanders  
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