#but it's the little details that get me. like the nobles being descended from dreamers who could communicate with the old gods
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anywayhereskirkwall · 4 months ago
Tevinter is so Roman it's wild. Like I would bet money that someone on the staff had experience in classical studies or at least took a class at some point when they were writing the conversations you can have with Dorian.
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ldnonpoint-blog · 7 years ago
Why I voted Corbyn (and why I won’t again)
Communist traitor, messianic saviour. Whatever the term you wish to use, you can't help respect the traction him and the momentum movement have gained in such a short period of time. Jeremy Corbyn has gone completely against the status quo, and by bypassing tradition press and summoning the untapped power of social media, has propelled himself and his politics into viable contention for government. Leaving all competition, no matter how seemingly powerful, found wanting and looking like clueless sub-sentient marmots in comparison. They're scared shitless at the prospect of a Corbyn government, more so than brexit even. Regardless of all the lame smears though, all this did was embolden my belief that he was the one, the answer to all of society's ills, and was the man to lead us all out of this neo-liberal quagmire that's engulfed our beloved green and pleasant land. Hope and glory awaited! At least that's what I thought, but not now. Not anymore. 
A couple of years back, around the time of Jeremy's metoric rise, I wasn't in a very good place. Which is strange, as I'd just finished the knowledge and had a whole new career and chapter to embark upon in life. Without going into detail though, the trade had been besieged by a level of corruption that I'd never personally experienced before. I know, I know. The black cab trade needed a bit of a competition. We're not against that. What we're against though are our politicians being bought off and our regulator coerced, allowing the compeition to dodge tax, avoid regulations and avoid paying a minimum wage whilst using investment funded subsidises to destroy through predatory pricing a 364 year old trade that's built it's reputation on merit and expertise alone. 
I'm happy to report though, they failed. In spite of all that they have thrown at us, we're still here, and the start to this year has been the best the trade has seen in decades. This is still a banging job and you get out what you put in. If you want any proof that hard work and merit eventually pays off in this society, regardless of race, colour or creed, being a black cabbie is a perfect example of that, even in the face of unfettered corruption. And driverless cars? I shit 'em. Minicabs outnumber us 8 to 1 already with subsided fares to the tune of 59%, yet people still use us in droves. I'll start worrying when instant teleportation is invented, until then, no one can do the job better than us, and these techno-dude-bros in silicon valley are simply reinventing the wheel. Anyways, I digress...
When all that corruption was happening though, I was left bitter at a system I felt had pulled a fast one on me. It caused me to hate the city I know in such detail that I can summon a map in my head instantly, and even the mere mention of a street name causes my brain to instantly recall the entire area in precise detail. London is apart of me, it resides within, whether I like it or not. So watching all this corruption conspire right in front of my eyes, it enthused me politically like I never have been before. I became a right little social justice warrior, must to the detriment of my facebook friends. To me, Jeremy really was the answer. He was the man to put the banks in line and put the evil corporations back in their place, which are sentiments I largely still agree with. So what gives Paul? Why the change in heart? It's not him that troubles me. It's his legion of cultural nihilists and professional victims that he's on the verge of ushering in, that gives me cause for concern.
Yes, the radical left. The purveyors of all that's righteous, and boy, if you're ever to question that, you'd better watch out. They destroy careers like a black cabbie can destroy a sausage roll in the morning, and it's all justified through this unfettered push for "equality". It's the holy grail, the pot at the end of the rainbow, and is about as obtainable as those two examples are real. 
Nothing in life is equal. Nature, people, genders and even cultures, all operate on parallels that you just can't feasibly measure. Even people in subgroups aren't equal. You think Lenny Henry can hold a candle to Richard Pryor? Get the fuck out of here! And me? I'm a scrawny 5'9 shrimp who's got a head like a domestically abused potato, my modelling career ain't going anywhere. Yet this is exactly what the radical left want. For no one to be judged, for no one to be offended and for no one to be punished, no matter what bad decisions you choose or if you’ve even got any talent for the job you would like to do. They think that by just guilt tripping people into conforming, redefining laws on free speech and sacrificing proven logic for politics driven by feelings and emotion, everything will be fine, fan-tabby-dosey, and a tax-payer funded bliss of round-the-clock-reach-arounds awaits for one and all. Well, I'm sorry to say, human's have already tried that, and the results have been dire. (citation; Russia, China, Venezuela, Cambodia, North Korea, Cuba, and any other country that has a death count in the tens of millions and has predicated it's whole meaning around equality) 
Communism has failed. Socialism has failed. But by just re-framing the parameters and changing tactics, the radical left still think that such a society is feasible. It isn't. It's a cancer that's predicated on oppressor vs the oppressed, the weak vs the strong, the noble victim vs unfettered power. It's identity politics and politics of envy, and the element that hooks them the most, like opiates do, is that does away with the need to take any personal responsibility for your actions what-so-ever. No matter how much of a fuck up you are, there's always someone to blame. Whether it be the patriarchy, racism, class, homophobia, or gender. It's a system that rewards weakness. Here's a radical idea, maybe, just maybe, your race, gender, class or appearance has nothing to do with people discriminating against you, that maybe, well... I don't quite know how to put this, but you're just a bit of a cunt? Has that ever occurred to anyone? But no one can ever bare to think of themselves in those terms, so the patriarchy it is! 
Here's an example of what I'm talking about. Jeremy Corbyn recently came out and announced that if he was in charge, he'd give every single homeless person in this country a house to live in. On the surface that seems noble enough, but all I can think is why? I know not all are to blame for being homeless, and mental illness is a major factor in causation, but what about the people that regardless of the warning signs and signals, still ventured down the path of criminality and drug abuse which lead them to living on the streets? As far as I'm concerned, that's on them, and maybe their whole point in life is to remind others how far the human condition can truly fall. I'm a dreamer, that I am. but I'm not the only one... 
That's not to say that capitalism is perfect. It isn't. The biggest difference is though that unlike communism, it rewards hard work, personal endeavour, responsibility and achievement, which is the sole reason and drive behind our civilisation reaching the heights it has. Everyone see that Space X falcon heavy test flight the other week right? Amazing right? That's pure capitalism in motion baby. Look around you, at all the other countries and civilisations. Most are run by absolute thugs, that lock up journalists, kill dissenters without trial and are corrupt to the very core. Yet all people in western countries do, is piss and moan because you're next door neighbour is doing better than you. It's a form of mental illness, and is a consequence of well-to-do middle class white people with nothing better to do than to play "make believe oppression". Want to talk about oppression? Speak to a descendent of a peasant farmer in Russia during Stalin's reforms. Oh wait, you can't. Because they're all fucking dead. 
Here's another prime example of the self-loathing, cultural nihilism  that's sweeping through Labour at the moment, summed up in one picture.
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For those that are unaware, she's (that's a different kettle of fish altogether, one which I ain’t willing to go anywhere near right now) the model that got sacked from L'Oreal for writing in a lengthy facebook rant that "the white race is the most violent and oppressive force of nature on Earth" and that our "entire existence is drenched in racism". Yeah. She's just been appointed as an adviser on equality for the Labour party. How politicians can be so politically blind-sided as to think promoting a deeply entrenched, bitterly enraged bigot (which is exactly what she is) is fine and dandy, is utterly beyond me. The rotherham scandal is another example of the lefts blind spot being exposed, hundreds of girls could have been spared from being groomed and gang-raped. Yet they weren’t, all because the police force and the labour politicians there didn't have the guts to stand up for them. That’s white guilt for you. 
But that's exactly it. They (the guilt ridden white folk) hate our culture, and have been coerced into thinking it's responsible for everything that's wrong in the world. They want to see it diluted to the point of irrelevance, and there's a number of angles that it's being attacked from. All based around the notion that white & male = evil and everything else = lovely ^_^
Don't be confused. If you're white and working class, labour simply doesn't give a fuck about you, and that's just the truth. If you're from an ethnic minority though, they're just using you as a political football to beat the opposition with. It's driven by power, pure and simply. They've patronised you into believing you're victims and that no matter what you do or how hard you work, society will always push you back down. It's a falacy, all to serve their blinded sided ends. Racism exists still from all sides, but pure graft and tenacity will overcome that always. 
So I'll repeat, there's nothing wrong with capitalism. It's just been momentarily coerced by cunts, but even still, life really isn't that difficult. Here's what you do. You wake up, take a shit, find something you can bare doing for a living, and just get really fucking good at it. Simple! There are people that work in McDonalds now that earn more than I ever will. Why? Because they're hard working, and are willing to do what needs to be done to carve out a half decent life for themselves. These opportunities are available to everyone. They wouldn't be if the Marxists had their way. 
I'll end this morose rant by evoking one last point. Next time you see the radical left protesting, just take a look around at what types of people you see. They ain't smartly dressed, they care little for there appearance. They're made up of misfits and overgrown kids without an ounce of work ethic what-so-ever. The politically correct ringleaders are the worst, defining their entire living and career on being professionally outraged (see Owen Jones as a prime example, a man that has never had a single job in his life, other than writing books on how hard life is for people that work). 
So don't buy into the bullshit people. Anyone with the slightest knowledge of history knows where this path leads. Don't let them patronise you. Don't let them fuel the fires of division. They want equality, but only on their terms, and believe me, the end results won't be pretty.
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