#but it's still a beautiful way to tie it all back to kuina and his mourning process
future-supertuna · 3 months
this is very in-text but i love that zoro gets attuned to kiku from the get-go not only because of this sword wielder code that he's followed through all extremes of the practice, from brook to kin'emon -- recognizing and respecting all masters -- but because her existence is the solid evidence, the living proof that kuina was wrong
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creamwh0re · 3 years
Kuina walks through the empty city of Japan passing the quiet Shibuya crossing, it gives her chills knowing that in just a snap of a finger everything changed it also made her angry but she would hide it.
Making her way up to the empty mall entrance she turns her flashlight on entering the building catiously msming sure theres no danger in sight, looking around for any stores with any cute looking outside having no luck.
Walking up the escalator stairs that no longer move she continues her movement steady and slow in hesitation, walking inside of one of the stores she looks around only seeing plain colored outfits giving her an idea. Grabbing a purple bikini top, a pink jacket, and blue shorts she put the outfit together making the bisexual flag.
She continued this, making outfits out of many flags she could think of off the top of her head. By the time she was finished, the sun was setting looking at the beautiful view from out the window. Folding up the outfits and putting them inside boxes transporting them from upstairs to the downstairs area.
Loading the car box by box until the truck and backseat were full, getting inside the car, turning the flashlight off, and setting it down, starting the car she begins driving back to her destination.
Arriving at the beach she unlocks the truck grabbing one of the boxes, heading inside, and setting it down on the table looking at hatter who was admitting himself in the mirror she rolls her eyes clearing her throat “Can I get a little help?”. You look up at the gorgeous woman standing up you put your hand “I’II help you!” raising her head at you she looks at you “thank you “ she sends a wink your way before heading back out.
“Y--Your we-welcome?!” the wink set you off-guard you rush out of the building almost slipping from your clumsiness you see the white man helping Kuina with the boxes as well, walking up to the truck you grab a box and make your way back inside the building putting the box down heading right back outing loading up the room until all the boxes are out.
Kuina and Hatter leave the room after everything is loaded inside making you slightly curious but you don't wanna invade privacy as that's none of your business but you can't help it getting close to the door trying to listen in before the white-haired male ruins it “being nosy, aren't we? Hasn't your parents taught you any better”. You let out a groan before standing up and snapping right back at him “Hasn't your parents taught you to not be a smartass and mind your business “ he lets out a hm “sounds hypocritical your eavesdropping on someone's conservation when it's none of your business”.
He has you there you scoff before standing up and sitting against the room from him waiting for them to come back in, they enter the room not too long after hatter making his way to the balcony making a big speech on how we have new beachwear everyone hyped up on it on how it's based on your sexuality you thought about it for a minute what if your straight what do you wear? Your not straight or anything your just wondering but totally forget about it after all the chaos abrupt.
You leave the meeting room heading downstairs to get an outfit before they're all gone everyone is sorta confused but everyone gets their outfits and moves out the way it's your turn next grabbing your outfit hearing to the bathroom. Putting on your gray top with black shorts you slide the purple gloves and socks on. Kuina has incredible taste in clothing which it's coming from the best you suppose making your way out of the bathroom everyone back to their hectic ways.
You spot Chishiya and Kuina among the crowd Chishiya outfit being slightly different he still has a white hoodie but his pants are pink and blue the look isn't bad but you are more focused on Kuina, tie-dye purple, and gray top tie up top with a black bikini bottom.
She's a glamorous view but you try and stay out of her sight as you know she'll never go for someone like you or that's what you think making your way over to the bar you order a drink trying to keep on the lighter side so you don't get too drunk, The male puts the drink down shooting you a smirk leaving you uninterested.
Lifting the glass to your lips you let the liquid drizzle down your throat the burning sensation making you scrunch your nose up but after the sensation is nice not so heavy tasting the vanilla and the lemon in the drink giving it a nice tangy flavor. Continuing to drink away someone has their eyes on you but you don't know who it makes you creeped out but you don't mind Kuina looks at you among the crowd your beautiful features like your hair how healthy and natural it looks along with how your body hugs onto the outfit she has to have you.
She examines your outfit closely realizing that you're also demisexual which makes it an even better chance she looks over to Chishiya “I’ll be off” Chishiya shrugs his shoulder before walking off without another word she just looks at his leave before pushing through the crowd of people making it to the bar she gently taps your shoulder making you flinch.
“If you're trying to fuck..go away,” you say in a harsh tone this makes her lift her brow do people try to have sex with her? like they’d ever have a chance with some beautiful as you a bunch of lowlifes. “I am not here for sex I just wanna talk” that voice you try to talk but your words come out slurred clearing your throat and straighten your posture “Kuina? What are you doing here”.
She sits next to you “I'm here to thank you for helping me with boxes along with something else” You nod putting your drink down to listen to her “Go on then” smiling she begins “Well I noticed your outfit are you also demisexual” “yep! it's nice seeing a fellow demisexual I don't see a lot around here” she smiles which melts your hearts “we're not well known” “you got that right” you both continue talking and chatting leading up inside the bathroom where you and Kuina are hanging out in.
Kuina is extremely close to your face hands on your hips as her lips hover over yours crashing them into each other you don't know if this you're doing or if it's the alcohol but you like it her kiss is gentle she can taste the vanilla on your lips licking the bottom of your lip allowing her access as she deepens the kiss pulling away to catch your breath, a single of saliva being left behind she looking up at you making your face heat up
“Wanna take it farther?”
Note: writing for Kuina is so much fun I’m not even gonna lie this was so much more fun than writing for anything else
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mrs-hatake · 4 years
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A/N: what is up with me and writing about zoro and his admiration over his crush’s hair???
also this is lowkey a self-insert type of one shot 👁️👄👁️
The heavy pounding of the bass matched Zoro’s heartbeat.
The night was young and the party was lively. Bodies glued together swayed to the rhythmic music blasting through the speakers. The sounds of laughter blended with the chatter of the villagers.
Tonight was the Strawhat crew’s first reunion together after they had been separated for two long years.
Zoro was happy that they were back together. Ecstatic, even, to see his friends after not seeing them for a very long time and laying wide awake at night wondering if they were still alive and doing well.
However, Zoro was most excited to see her.
Her, who was sandwiched between Nami and Robin, danced carelessly to the upbeat song. Expressing the overwhelming joy that she and the rest of the crew shared.
Zoro would’ve joined her in the makeshift dance floor - his now larger arms wrapped around her tiny frame - and tried to follow her movements but he opted to watch her instead while moderately drinking his sake. Still remembering that she wasn’t a fan of alcohol or drunken people.
It wasn’t until much later into the night and the party had just died out did Zoro finally manage to have some alone time with her.
After the crew had reunited at Sabaody, the crew didn’t have the opportunity to greet each other or take in their appearances as they were too busy running away from Sentomaru and his army of soldiers.
Now, however, Zoro had the chance to take in her appearance.  
Zoro couldn’t help his eyes as they trailed over her physique as he made his way to where she stood.
She was a naturally tan woman, though, she seemed to have developed a darker shade of tan, almost resembling a golden caramel color, after living in whatever island she had lived in for the past two years.  
Her breasts were slightly bigger and more pronounced, heavily emphasizing that she was a woman and no longer a young adult.
She was just as slim as she was before. Though, the muscles in her arms were toned and her posture screamed that she wasn’t a woman to be fucked with. Challenge her and you would be wishing you were dead. A new trait that Zoro was surprised about when he had seen her fight earlier but greatly admired.
“You cut your hair.” It wasn’t a question. Just a mere observation.
Her once waist length hair that was as thick as a horse’s mane was now cut right above her ears which made her features sharper. However, if she forgone styling her hair upwards, Zoro was certain she would’ve had what he remembered Nami call a baby face.
“I did.” She said with a smile, her body leaned against the ledge of the Thousand Sunny. “Do you hate it?” She glanced at him through the corner of her eyes.
Zoro shook his head, “No.” he replied. He then brought his arm upwards and buried his fingers deep into her short tuft of hair, “It suits you.”
And he was right. She was beautiful with long hair - resembling those princesses that Kuina had often criticized whenever the elderly villagers had questioned her choices in becoming a swordsman - now, however, she looked ethereal.
The blush on her cheeks and the tint of red in his ears did not go unnoticed to either of them but they both chose not to comment on it so as to not ruin the moment.
“What made you do it?” The swordsman asked after racking his fingers through her hair one last tome and brought his arm back to his side.
She answered with a shrug, “It was too difficult to maintain. The island I lived on didn’t have any of the products I used to tame my hair and it was getting bothersome to deal with when I was training.” She said casually, completely unperturbed that her hair - which many people had idolized - was mostly gone. It sounded as if she was relieved with her decision.
Zoro nodded his head in understanding. He remembered how she would constantly tie her hair upwards and  would complain about the weather being too hot whenever they embarked on a summer island. He briefly wondered if Nami was suffering with the same dilemma as her now that her hair is much longer than it used to be.
Silence settled upon them as the two gazed into the dark ocean. There weren’t a lot of stars tonight but the moon was full and it illuminated the ship enough for them to not need a candle with them.
In the distance, Sanji had finally managed to free himself from Luffy’s clutches and his insistent whines for more food despite almost emptying out their pantry that was meant to last them three weeks.
Just as he was lighting his cigarette, he spotted Nami, Robin, Franky and Usopp watching someone out of his line of view. He moved closer to where they stood and saw they were watching Zoro and Y/N who were standing awfully close to each other.
He took a large inhale of air, the first letter of Y/N’s name on his lips ready to be boisterously shouted so that she could pay him attention than that stupid moss head when he was roughly elbowed in the stomach. Sanji let out a painful “Umph!” and tried not to glare too harshly at the breathtakingly beautiful Nami.
“Shhh!!” She held her finger to her lips and Sanji wished it was pressed against his instead, “Can’t you see they’re having a moment?”
“A moment?”
Instantly, he was shushed to silence once again by the four. Sanji grumbled quietly to himself at the mistreatment but complied.
Sanji stood to Usopp’s right and watched the two do...nothing basically. Which was fine but he didn’t like how closely they were standing to each other.
He didn’t know how long they sat there watching the two gaze out into the ocean. Sanji would’ve fallen asleep from the boredom he was experiencing had it not been for Y/N to rest her head on Zoro’s shoulder and for the moss head idiot to rest his ugly head on her beautiful head.
But before he could react at the scandalous display before him, several pairs of hands were shoved into his face to silence him.
Though, it wasn’t Sanji who broke the spell the two crewmates were in. It was Chopper who sleepily bumped his head against Zoro’s leg and tilted his head as if to ask if it was time for bed.
Sanji watched as Zoro and Y/N smiled at their doctor and picked him up to head to the bedrooms below and Sanji felt a shiver rack his body at how much they resembled a loving family rather than a group of pirates who were feared all across the seas.
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