#but it's smth I've noticed in a lot of his films
hayden-christensen · 1 year
hayden’s really REALLY good at playing those tortured conflicted types of characters and those super super intense expressions gets me every time
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spoodrm4n · 2 years
hii, requesting something with angsty steve! maybe something where the reader almost dies (+ bonus if she does die and is then revived in hospital or smth) and steve is just screaming crying throwing up.
lmao i love pain. tysm ♥️
I love me a good angst ;)
(also i'm so sorry this took so long, college is starting back up for me soon and i've been running around this past week getting prepared!)
Submit requests here.
I Thought I Lost You
Pairings: Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
Warnings: mentions of injury, mentions of surgeries/hospitals, lots of angst.
Word Count: 1.8K
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The day had been going smoothly for Steve at Family Video; he was working with Robin, it wasn’t a busy day, and he had caught up on inventory. He had more of a pep in his step today, due to the fact that you would be coming over to his house after his shift today. Robin was helping him sort through the new arrivals when the phone rang in the back room. Robin stood and waved Steve off, telling him that she would answer it and that it was probably Mrs. Perkins asking about the newest films they had in stock. He continued to sort through the films, mind trailing back to you. You were supposed to be coming over to his house after you got done running errands, you parents out of town for the weekend visiting the rest of your family out of state. 
“Steve!” Robin was throwing the door open and running over to him, shoving his jacket, wallet and keys into his hands. “You have to go, now. Y/N was in a car accident and they’re transporting her to Hawkins Hospital now.” Steve fumbled to grab his stuff, panic rising in his throat at the news. He tried to comprehend what Robin had just said as he slid his wallet into his pocket.
“I-Is she okay?” He stuttered out, throwing his jacket on. Robin only shrugged, lips pulled together in a thin line. “Shit. Will you be okay here by–”
“Steve, just go. Make sure she’s okay for me.” Robin insisted, ushering him out the door. He ran to his car, no other thought in his head other than you. He didn’t really register starting his car and tearing out of the parking lot, but he blinked and found himself already halfway to the hospital. His left leg bounced nervously and his grip on the steering wheel was tight, worry threatening to pull him under.
You were everything to Steve. You had met when he started working at Scoops and Steve had instantly fallen for you. You had this effect on him to where he could barely speak around you, he would trip over himself, and he was just altogether flustered around you. His cool persona was instantly demolished when you entered the room.
For a while, Steve hated that he liked you so much because it was like you barely even noticed him. He swore that you didn't even know he existed sometimes. He started avoiding you for a while, trying to fight the crush he had. You had asked Robin what you had done wrong, unaware of Steve’s feelings that you reciprocated. He tried so desperately to get rid of his crush on you because he was absolutely terrified of getting his heart broken again, yet he couldn’t shake it. 
After he came to terms with it, he started looking forward to seeing you. The both of you started having more fun on your shifts, often going home with your stomachs hurting from laughing too much. You both were still completely oblivious of each other’s feelings and Robin was about to have an aneurysm about it. You had planned to tell Steve how you felt, but you had figured out there was a secret Russian base beneath you and that had put quite the damper on your plans. The Russians had injected you, Robin, and Steve with truth serum and after you had escaped, still drugged up and sitting on the floor of the bathroom, you had told Steve you loved him. 
Steve, having just gotten done puking his brains out in the stall next to you, had been thoroughly shocked. After a minute, he had slid into your stall, but cringed when you started throwing up. The drug had taken more time to wear off for you than him and Robin.
He had taken you out on a few dates before you both made things official and Steve absolutely adored you. He only had eyes for you and he loved you with every ounce of his being. He had even bought a ring already, entirely sure that you were the only one for him. 
The thought of you being hurt shook him to his core. He pulled into the parking lot and tried his best to be calm. Maybe he was just overthinking the whole situation and you were just a bit scratched up and bruised. Hawkins hospital was a small hospital– it was a small town after all, you didn’t need a giant hospital and before all of the Upside Down shit had gone down, there were only a few accidents here and there that called for a hospital. He walked in, quickly finding the front desk and jogging over, ignoring the rude glares he got from others in the lobby.
“Hi, I just got a call that Y/N Y/L/N was admitted here?” He tried his best to smile at the receptionist, but it only chalked up to a grimace. 
“Relation?” She peered over her glasses at him, eyes scanning his face. 
“Dammit– I’m her boyfriend. Her parents are out of town and all of her other family lives out of state.” He ran a hand through his hair, losing his patience quickly with the lady. 
“She’s on floor three, but I’m sorry, her condition is cri– sir!” Steve was already halfway to the staircase as she called after him. He flew up the stairs, taking them two to three at a time. He pushed open the third floor door, repeating the same process with this reception desk. 
“I’m here for Y/L/N.” He breathed, leaning his elbows down on the counter of the desk. She frowned at him, sympathy in her stare. 
“Honey, she’s in surgery now. You’re free to sit in the waiting room and we’ll call you–”
“Surgery? How bad was the accident?” Steve was panicking now, hands shaking slightly. 
“Chief Powell is in the waiting room, he can explain, hun.” She motioned with her head towards the room on her right. Steve didn’t like how vague she was being, it didn't bode well for you. He walked into the waiting room, seeing Chief Powell sitting on the far end, arms resting on his knees and hat in his hands. There were only a couple of other people in the room, but they sat on the opposite side. He straightened up when he saw Steve approach him.
“What happened?” Steve’s voice cracked; he just wanted some damn answers and no one was giving him any. He just wanted to make sure his girl was okay.
“Sit down, son.” Steve sat down across from him, jaw clenched. These were all bad signs. The reassurance he had convinced himself of on the drive here was looking less and less like a reality. “She was hit at the Barton, Oak, and Howard intersection by a pickup. They hit her driver’s side and the impact rolled her into the ditch. When we arrived, she was passed out and we got her free from the car. Once we got her out, she had no pulse.” Steve stopped breathing. No pulse. You had died. “The medics revived her on scene and transported her here. She’s in surgery right now for a collapsed lung and some shrapnel in her abdomen and arms. Unfortunately, everything is touch and go right now, son.” Steve didn’t move, eyes locked on the tan wall behind the chief. He sat there for a moment longer before the anxiety in his stomach crept up his throat. 
He was rushing to the nearest bathroom, quick to throw open the door and duck into the first stall. His knees hit the tile and he heaved into the toilet, white-knuckling the porcelain. Tears dripped down his cheeks as he finished, leaning back on his heels. His mind drifted to the first time you ever told him that you loved him in the mall bathroom after escaping the Russian base. 
“Fuck.” He breathed, flushing the toilet and standing. Steve didn’t think he could even process what losing you would mean. You were everything to him. You understood him and loved him for who he was. You didn’t let his past taint your view of him now– you understood that people grew up and learned lessons. You loved him for him. No one had ever loved him like you did. And he didn’t want anyone else to love him. He only wanted you.
It had been a couple of days since the accident and you were finally on the better side of recovery. Everything had gone smooth with your surgery and you were recovering in one of the hospital rooms. You had spent the first day after surgery sleeping, but Steve had been there regardless, holding your hand and staying by your side to keep you company. He had prayed to a god above that you would be okay and he had been thankful that his prayers were answered. He viewed his time with you as precious now, soaking in every second he had with you. 
The second day you were in and out of sleep. You would wake for maybe half an hour, then go back to sleep for a few more hours. Steve had been there every time you woke, asking if you were okay, if you needed anything, and telling you he loved you so much. 
It was the third day and when you woke up, you were actually lucid, staying awake for more than just a couple hours.
“Hey, Stevie.” You opened your eyes, seeing him in the chair next to your bed where he had been the last few days. You gave him a weak smile and he returned it, setting down the crossword he had been working on. It was early morning and the sun streaming through the windows bathed the room in a warm glow. His hands cupped your face and he leaned in, kissing your forehead gently. 
“Hi, sweetheart. How are you feeling?” kept one hand on your face, thumb tracing the curve of your cheek. 
“I’m okay. The pain medication is doing its job,” you chuckled. He nodded and moved the hand on your cheek to brush back the stray hairs that had fallen onto your forehead. 
“I’m so happy you’re okay. I was so scared I had lost you.” He mumbled, fingers tracing your jaw line. The last couple of days Steve had remained composed for your sake, not wanting to stress you out when you were already dealing with so much. The flood of emotions he had been holding back were slowly seeping their way through; you could hear it in his voice and see it in the way he looked at you. 
“I was scared.” You admitted quietly. You frowned as Steve’s face fell, eyebrows pulling together and lips turning downward. “I thought that was the end of me. I didn’t want to die.” You whispered, tears brimming your eyes. Steve sat down on the edge of your bed, shushing you and wiping the tears from your cheeks. 
“You’re here. We’re okay. You're still here with me.” He comforted you, hands running up and down your arms, being careful of the IV in the crook of your elbow. You scooted to the side on the bed, grimacing in pain and Steve got the message, moving to sit beside you. He gently pulled you back towards him and you rested the back of your head on his chest. He ran one of his hands through your hair and the other found one of your hands, lacing your fingers together. “I love you.”
You breathed out, shoulders sagging against him. You closed your eyes, tiredness seeping into your bones. “I love you too, Stevie.” You opened your eyes and stared up at him. His coffee, brown eyes met your and he smiled, lowering his head to kiss you. You smiled into the kiss. 
You were here, alive, with the person you loved most. You would be okay. 
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(you ship literati too? AAAAH you truly are the best) how bout an ASP/Fashionable Ppl Extended Universe sandbox?😁 say, Jess and Rory meet Joshy (he's looking into Truncheon,idk -depends on what you see his career path looking like- if he himself wants to publish smth or-) and his parents come up. or something along those lines?
(One does not ship Midge/Lenny and turn around and not ship Literati lol. Also I'm an ooooooooollllllllld Lit shipper. If you dig through ff.net you'll find some intensely ancient litfic)
How about a different thought, though.
Let's call this season 3 of GG
Jess hates it when Luke calls his name like that, because it means Jess has to do work. And it's not that Jess is work-averse. He just...
Hates Stars Hollow.
A lot.
"I just need you to take an order over to Maple," Luke tells him. "No big deal. Just take it over to 36 Maple."
Jess narrows his eyes. "Are you sure you don't mean 37 Maple?"
"Rory didn't order food," Luke tells him, amused. "Mrs. Schneider ordered food. Do not drop by Rory's place until after you deliver the food."
Jess gives an eyeroll, but he grabs the takeout bags and heads out.
At least the Schneiders are nice. They tip well, too. They're only here in the fall, though, September through November, and otherwise disappear for the rest of the year. They're good friends with Babette and Maury, and they certainly make town meetings interesting (not that Jess bothers with those normally. Still. Nothing quite like Mr. Schneider calling Taylor a "fucking twat" that one time, scandalizing everyone, except Mrs. Schneider, who had done her best to hold back laughter).
Their house on Maple is painted a darker blue than the Gilmore's place, but it's the same kind of bungalow-type, with a nice porch, and when Jess knocks on the door, Mrs. Schneider calls out from inside.
"It's open!"
Jess frowns. Usually one of them comes to the door. He awkwardly opens the door and steps in, greeted with a well-decorated front hall, the walls decorated with family photos and old show posters.
He hears someone struggling from a room off to his left, and he when turns, it's to find Mrs. Schneider pulling herself up off the floor.
"Whoa." He rushes forward, setting the takeout bags down, and helping her. "Are you okay?"
"Oh, I'm fine," she assures him, looking a little winded, but otherwise okay. "Go figure that the second Lenny goes out of town for the day, I have a 'help I've fallen and I can't get up' moment." She gives him a sheepish smile and smooths out her dress. "Thank you."
"Sure," Jess says, grabbing the takeout bags again, noticing his surroundings for the first time.
The room is painted a tastefully light pink, and the walls are lined, again, with old photos and show posters. Mostly comedy shows.
Mostly those of Midge Maisel, world-famous comedienne.
Above a cluttered desk is a large print of a man with his back to the camera, cigarette in hand, lit up by the lights of a large stage.
It's a pretty famous image. Taken sometime in the sixties, and used in Rolling Stone Magazine and on posters, too.
Jess slowly turns back to the older woman, who has grabbed her cane. "Uh..."
Mrs. Schneider looks a little sheepish. "Yeah."
She shrugs.
"What are Midge Maisel and Lenny Bruce doing in Stars Hollow?!"
Mrs. Schneider laughs softly. "Bring those bags to the kitchen, and I'll tell you."
He does, following her slow movements through the first floor of the house, and he sets the bags down, helping her unload them.
"So. Back in the early eighties, Lenny fell off the wagon," she explains. "A combo of deep stress over trying to write a film script, and a few years hanging out with Richard Pryor. And after throwing his stupid ass into rehab, we decided that maybe getting out of the city for a little while wouldn't be the worst thing. Lenny's old buddy Maury was living here already, and he recommended we come check it out. So we stayed at the Dragonfly Inn - before Lorelai bought it - and we fell in love with this weird little town. So we bought a place, and we've spent a few months a year here ever since."
"And only Maury and Babette know you're...comedy legends."
"Lorelai knows," she tells him. "We had dinner at the Independence Inn one night when she was working there, and she recognized us immediately. But other than that?" she shrugs. "Mr. and Mrs. Schneider shop at Doose's and we do the Bid-a-Basket festival every year - which - Lenny hates, but plays along anyways, and we won the Dance-a-thon in 1990, though I'm pretty sure we almost died."
Jess stares at her. "Huh."
Mrs. Schneider shrugs again and smiles before turning to one of the kitchen drawers and pulling out money for the order. "I will give you way more money than this is all worth, if you promise not to tell anybody but that cute girlfriend of yours."
Jess nods as he accepts the cash. "Deal."
"Good boy."
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unsaidholland · 3 years
I'm so sorry... I've been obssessed with harry lately... It's okay if I send you a few 🪐?? There's this scenario that it's been on my head where singer!reader and him are dating but nobody knows and she release an album (smth between positions and maybe a london boy vibe) and everyone thinks its about tom and reader gets annoyed and finally makes their relationship public?? I'm so sorry if it is too long basdfghjkl
will b using a lot of taylor swift songs for this bc no one does it like she does <3 
🪐- blurb request
the secret’s out! | h. holland
when you released your last album and released gorgeous as a single, it sparked rumours that you were ‘romantically entangled’ with either tom holland or niall horan. you had no idea how they suspected niall horan. sure you tweeted him once asking to collab, and he talked about how he liked your music, but you never met. the tabloids exclaimed about how you were flirting, but that eventually died out when he was spotted on a date with a girl who wasn’t you by some fans.
then the tom rumours started to get bigger and bigger. paps had you photographed with tom and harry, and fan spottings did back up those claims, but they didn’t realize that you were with harry, not tom. 
fans couldn’t see the loving gazes he would give you when he was at your concerts with tom, all they noticed was tom. they didn’t notice how the initial on your necklace was an h for harry, all they saw was the circle pendant. 
a year later you played a song called daylight at a concert, and the fans went nuts over the lyrics. that night, you and harry scrolled through twitter only to see all the fans talking about how tom was a really good match for you, but he wasn’t. sure he was a good friend, but you fit more with harry, the fans just couldn’t see that.
when you released your album, the fans gravitated to a song called beside you, and began to create theories on how that song was about being apart from tom while you were on tour and he was filming, except it wasn’t about tom. it was about harry, as all the other songs were. harry decided to take matters into his own hands and clear the rumours in his own way.
he took a selfie of the two of you smiling, laying together in bed and posted it to his story with the caption ‘your wish is my command’ along with beside you playing. when fans saw his story and heard you singing “i wish i was, i wish i was beside you,” they immediately went crazy, making you trending on twitter.
“well, at least the secret’s out,” you said before kissing him on the cheek.
“yeah, it is.” he pulled you in closer, and even though you were in their atlanta rental house, you never felt more at home.
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logicalstansadvice · 2 years
"He’s been in this industry for 2 decades - if he’s an asshole, we’d have heard of it by now. Our industry friends have all nice things to say about him so we’ll believe them over DM and Enty 🙄 "// Exactly that. He's still friends with ppl he's worked with at the beginning of his carreer. Both cast and crew still gush over him, even long after working with him. I've seen this done to other (really nice) celebs as well, trying to start shit. No one believes it since everone who's ever truly encountered said celeb always only has nice things to say about them. Like you said, if he was truly an ass, this would have been not only heard, but seen as well already. The guy is a gem and ppl need to get over themselves.
Anon 2: With a lot of respect I don't agree because even from the last big scandals, take mr. big no one said anything bad about him even though everyone knows what he was like and only after the victims came forward, a mountain of info opened up, so you never know what is discussed inside for years.
Anon 3: Let's wait until he's 60-70 and see if they expose him or not. P. S. I just notice that all the disclosures come at a more respectable age.
Anon 4: A friend of the person who sent the email confirmed on reddit that it is infact about about sebastian stan, and a bunch of people asked how he concluded that sebastian is difficult on set and he said that he went down a rabbit hole looking him up after finding out the news and he realized from the “fans” that the guy is not good news and is a bad person and bla bla bla and basically what all the antis were saying….so its all bullshit hearsay (as rottenborn would say)
Anon 5: Some of you don't even know how haters work? Seb gives an interview saying he doesn't like people who misbehave on film sets. Suddenly someone sends an blind to a site that posts everything he was asshole in a set. Also, only fan blogs are speculating he'll be in Coppola's movie, no one on any site has talked about it. An internet search shows Coppola film has not started filming and will star Oscar Isaac, Zendaya, Michelle Pfeifer, Jessica Lange, Forest Witaker.
Anon 6: He's secretly a serial killer, didn't you know? 😂 It's always the nice, polite, quiet ones. Just look at Steve Kemp.
Anon 7: Even before his big success with TFATWS, P&T and Fresh he's been called A- on every blind from every gossip site. Why would they suddenly start to call him B list, especially since his fame is way higher than before?
Anon 8: Revelations appear after a few months from filming smth anon. Not after 20+ years of career. Seb did dozens of movies until now. If he really behaved that way, people would have said so after each of his movies. They wouldn't wait 20+ years to reveal Seb is evil.
Anon 9: Yeah right. Unlikely information comes out after 20 years. He's secretly a serial killer. Fooled us all. Good acting Seb! I'm being sarcastic in case it's not clear.
Anon 10: I’m sorry, but co star and crew will never speak ill of each other until the situation really gets out of hand." // What are you talking about, in this day and age when everyone posts everything there are multiple "reports" of celebs behaving like shit with co-stars, crew and so on. If Seb was one of those celebs, do you not think we would have heard about it from multiple verified sources, as it happens with those who are actually rude? Seb is known to be nice, too nice for his own good actually. Ffs he's nice even with stalkers who follow him around and try to stop him on his way home. I'm not saying the man is an angel, at the end of the day we don't really know him. But he knows how to behave and is civil, always has been.
Ah so they found the anti blogs and took that as proof he’s trouble on set? What an idiot.
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