#but it's insane to me how these two outfits only got like two minutes of screen time
misspoetree · 2 years
Shoutout to Tankhun's sunflower suit and his futuristic space man outfit because I feel like they are complete opposites...and it's fucking hilarious how they happen within 5 minutes of the same episode.
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(And I totally forgot about both of them even though they're amazing)
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likeumeanit9497 · 4 months
wanna see? | c.s. |
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chris sturniolo x fem! reader
summary: during a night of heavy drinking, y/n tells chris that her roommate, who had slept with him weeks prior, had been less than impressed by his skills in the bedroom. chris asks if y/n believes her roommate, and when she says she does, he decides to prove her wrong.
warnings: SMUTTTTT; established friendship; oral (m/f receiving); p in v; DIRTY TALK; unprotected sex; drinking; spanking; ROUGH; 18+
notes: not to gas myself up but...this smut...is insane. i literally wrote all of this in like three hours idk what happened i think my body was taken over by my hormone monster or some shit. but anyways i hope u chris girlies enjoy <333
“Y/n! Our Uber is two minutes away, are you ready?” My roommate Bree called from the other side of my bedroom door just as I finished applying my lip gloss. “Yep! I’ll be out in a second.” I replied, taking one final look at myself in the full length mirror and adjusting my pleated mini skirt. Satisfied with my appearance, I finally exited my room and found Bree struggling to tie her corset top up herself. “Oh god, let me help.” I sighed, grabbing her shoulders to turn her around so that I could lace her up. “Thanks babe. Oh my god, you look unreal!” She exclaimed, facing me once I was finished, and I smiled sheepishly. “You don’t think it’s too much?” I looked down at my tiny skirt, low cut top, and chunky boots self consciously. “Absolutely fucking not. As a matter of fact I think you should wear that outfit every day for the rest of your life.” She replied before poking my cleavage playfully. I rolled my eyes and laughed. “Oh shut up, let’s go.” I shoved her shoulder jokingly and we both headed for the front door of our apartment.
“So,” I began once we got on the elevator, “Who’s all gonna be there tonight?” Bree’s fingers were flying across the keyboard on her phone, frantically texting someone. “Um…the usual group I think, probably gonna be a few other random people we don’t know yet, but Nick told me they’re keeping it pretty small this year.” She replied as we got into our Uber and I nodded in acknowledgment.
We were heading to the triplets’ house to celebrate their 21st birthday. Bree and I had met Nick Matt and Chris about a year ago, and the five of us had grown extremely close since then. It was a short drive from our place to theirs, but still I pulled out two mini bottles of tequila and handed one to Bree. She raised an eyebrow at me and I shrugged. “We didn’t have time for a pre game.” I said simply before raising my bottle to cheers her. She laughed before doing the same, and we both took our shot. “Fucking ew,” She said, shuddering, “I hate tequila.” It was my turn to laugh. “The first shot is always the worst, remember?” She nodded hesitantly. “True enough.”
“So…you think things are gonna be weird with you and Chris? This is the first time you’ve seen him since-” Bree cut me off by waving her hand nonchalantly. “Nah, it’ll be fine. For him it meant nothing, and you already know what it was for me.” I bit my lip to stifle a laugh.
A few weeks ago, I was awoken from my sleep at 3 a.m. by Bree barging into my room to tell me that she had just slept with Chris. This news shocked me, since I knew that she had been pining after Matt since we first met them. When I asked her to explain how the fuck that happened, her only explanation was that she was drunk enough to pretend that Chris was Matt. Initially, I had been concerned that their intimacy would make things weird in our group, but both of them seemed to be completely unbothered by it.
“Alright well, let’s just enjoy the night.” I said as our Uber pulled up to the house. “And who knows, maybe you’ll get lucky with the right triplet tonight.” I joked before walking up to the front door, side by side with Bree. She sighed. “Probably not. Pretty sure all hope of that disappeared once I opened my legs for his brother.”
Staring at myself in the bathroom mirror, I realized that I was drunk. Bree and I had arrived at the house about an hour ago, and we both immediately took three tequila shots back to back in honour of the triplets’ birthday. Thirty minutes later, we took another trio of shots, and that was more than enough to get me absolutely wasted. I haphazardly reapplied my lipgloss before exiting the washroom and heading back over to the kitchen to grab something else to drink.
“Whoa whoa whoa.” Shouted Nick over the loud music before rushing from the cluster of people he was with and grabbing the bottle of tequila from my hand. “Pretty sure you don’t need any more of that right now. How about some water?” He phrased it like a question, but didn’t wait for me to respond before grabbing a solo cup and filling it with water. I made a weak attempt at protesting, but deep down I knew that he was right; I was so far gone and the night was still young. “Thanks Nicky.” I said once he brought me the cup of water, and he rolled his eyes. “Ew. Don’t call me that. Now come over here and hang out with us.” He led me to the kitchen table, where him, Chris, Matt, Nate, and a few of their other friends were chatting.
“Hey Y/n, you want a shot?” Nate asked, a bottle of vodka gleaming in his hand. Just as I was about to respond, Nick cut me off with an aggressive “No!”, causing me to pout. “Oh yeah, you’re wasted kid.” Chris said with a shot glass in his hand. I looked at him for a moment, taking in his disheveled appearance and blood shot eyes. “Yeah well so are you.” I retorted weakly, and he chuckled. “It’s my birthday, so no judgments allowed.” He said before immediately lifting his glass to cheers with the rest of the group.
I stood there sipping my water slowly as they all took their shots, my eyes focused on Chris’ sharp jaw as he grimaced from the taste of the alcohol. I continued to watch his mouth as he spoke to the person to his right, caught in a drunk trance and intrigued by the rosy colour of his lips.
If I was being honest, I had felt a certain attraction towards Chris since I met him. It wasn’t exactly a crush, and I certainly didn’t have any sort of serious feelings for him, but I would be lying if I said I hadn’t ever been tempted to go there with him before. There was a time, early on in our friendship, where we almost crossed that line.
I had been helping him hang posters on the wall above his bed, when he suddenly tackled me onto the mattress. It started off playful, but after a few moments of us play fighting, he ended up on top of me and the mood in the room completely changed. The smiles on our faces disappeared, and I felt my heart begin to race as his lips moved closer and closer to mine. Just as our lips brushed, the sound of Matt’s footsteps coming down the basement stairs caused us to jump apart, and we never spoke of that moment again.
Outside of that time, him and I had only ever acted as very good friends. As a matter of fact, out of all of the triplets I definitely got along with Chris the best. We both had similar personalities, and could joke around without worrying about hurting each other’s feelings.
I was pulled out of my thoughts by Nick’s voice to my left. “Y/n, did I tell you how unbelievably hot you look tonight?” I giggled, noticing that his voice was beginning to sound slurred even to me, so he was clearly drunk. “You did, but thank you Nick.” I replied, smoothing down my skirt and batting my eyelashes jokingly in his direction. I thoughtlessly glanced at Chris, and found his glossy eyes trailing slowly down my figure; clearly admiring my outfit.
“Hey Y/n, have you seen Bree?” Asked Nate, and I looked around the room quickly, realizing that I hadn’t seen her since I used the washroom. “I saw her go outside a little while ago, probably went to smoke.” Replied Matt, and I smiled to myself knowing that Bree will love the fact that he has been secretly keeping tabs on her whereabouts. “Speaking of Bree,” Chris started, turning back to look at me, “Did she tell you about what happened two weeks ago?”
The group grew silent for a moment as they waited for me to respond. I took a sip from my water and nodded. “She sure did.” Chris smirked. “I’m surprised she even had to tell you. You must have been out cold if you slept through all that noise she was making.” The entire group groaned, clearly disturbed by Chris’ lack of filter. “Oh my god! Goodbye.” Nick threw his hands in the air before storming off to join Madi on the couch in the living room.
I scoffed, grabbing the bottle of vodka from Nate and taking a swig. “Bullshit.” I replied simply, wincing from the burn as the vodka travelled to my stomach. Chris raised an eyebrow. “Oh? How so?” Even in my drunken state I was very aware of the amount of eyes on me awaiting a response. “Well, I asked her to rate the sex on a scale from one to ten. She said six.” The group broke into laughter, and Chris’ jaw clenched as he smirked. “Hmm, funny.” He replied.
“You asked for the wrong number,” Said Nate through his laughter, “You should have asked her for the inches.” Chris grabbed the bottle of vodka from me before bringing it to his lips. “Oh I did,” I smiled, leaning towards Chris’ ear before continuing in a whisper so that only he could hear, “I believe her exact words were, ‘nothing special’.” Chris smirked, swiping his tongue across his front teeth. “Oh really? And you believe that?” He responded, and I nodded, crossing my arms across my chest. “I have no reason to not believe her.” We stood there for a moment, both of us just staring at the other tauntingly as the rest of the group just watched in silence, clearly feeling left out of the conversation all of a sudden. Finally, after letting his eyes travel down my body slowly again, Chris spoke.
“You wanna see for yourself?”
It took every fibre of my being to keep my jaw from physically dropping at his words. “Uh, what the fuck are we talking about here?” Nate said, his voice tentative. I kept my gaze on Chris, hoping that my eyes weren’t giving away how shocked I was. I watched him watch me; his bright blue eyes drilling into mine, his lips upturned in a confident smirk. Realizing I had been silent for too long, I blinked repeatedly and cleared my throat to regain my nonchalant composure before shrugging. “Sure.” I heard Matt groan beside me as I grabbed the vodka from Chris, taking a sip as I followed him towards the stairs to his bedroom. “I’m gonna be sick.” Matt’s distant voice shouted as Chris and I descended the stairs and walked into his dark bedroom.
Once Chris shut and locked his bedroom door, I felt a pit in my stomach begin to grow. I suddenly broke into a fit of laughter from the ridiculousness of this situation. “What are you laughing at kid?” Asked Chris, beginning to chuckle himself. I took a moment to catch my breath before responding. “You’re not actually gonna let me see your dick, are you?” I clutched my stomach as I tried to control my laughter, and he shrugged. “I will if you want to see it.” I bit my lip in contemplation, trying desperately to think properly through my drunk fog. Failing miserably, I nod my head.
Chris smirked. “Come here then.” I put the bottle of vodka down on his desk and walked over to where he was standing in the middle of his room. I stopped about a foot away from him, but he gently pulled me closer. Looking at my face, he finally pulled me up against him; rubbing an uncertain thumb against the small of my back. “Wait, I’m not hard right now.” He chuckled, seeming to have his own moment of consciousness. I smiled up at him and tilted my head, placing a hand on his stomach. “Well I need to see it in its full glory. How else am I gonna know if you’re telling the truth?” His thumb stopped its movement on my back, and a glimmer of something flashed in his eyes.
“Okay, then make me feel good baby.”
My stomach did a somersault at his words, and I wrapped my arm around his shoulders. Leaning forward, I brushed my lips against his before grabbing his bottom lip with my teeth and pulling slightly; watching as it snapped back into place. My right hand slowly traveled down his stomach towards his waistband, where I let it linger for a moment before moving down to his crotch. There, I had to keep myself from audibly gasping; as even through his pants, his fast growing bulge was in fact huge.
Chris smiled lazily as my hand continued to palm his clothed dick. “Impressed yet?” My eyes snapped to his, and I decided to maintain my unimpressed persona. I hummed, my lips touching his but not quite kissing them. “Is this all you got Chris?” I bit his lip once more just before it turned up in a smirk. “Not quite.”
I gasped in shock as Chris spun me around and slammed me against the door, attacking my lips with his own. His kiss was full of a sort of animalistic hunger, and I was consumed by the taste of peppermint and vodka. He pressed me even harder against the wall as he rolled his hips against me, and I fought the urge to whimper at the feeling of his restrained cock against my needy core. He brought both of his hands up and pulled my low-cut top down to free my tits before grabbing one in each hand. Detaching his lips from mine, he took a moment to look at my chest before attaching his mouth to my left nipple; swirling his tongue around its sensitive nerves before moving onto the right.
Pulling away from my tits and once again coming face-to-face with me, he spoke. “Get on your knees.” He placed his hands on my shoulders and began guiding me down to the ground. Now at the same height as his bulging member, I watched as he wasted no time in removing his jeans. Now only concealed by his thin boxers, the true size of his cock was much easier to see. I stared in silence for a moment, taking in the fact that his boxers just barely covered its entire length. “Now do you believe me?” He asked from above me. I struggled to find my words, but I didn’t want to end this crazy game that we were playing, so I shook my head. “I’ve seen bigger.” I replied, looking up at him with doe eyes.
Chris rolled his eyes before pulling his boxers down to his knees. Now fully exposed, his cock smacked my face as it sprung free from its restraint. I couldn’t help but stare at it in awe — it had to be at least eight inches — as the faint light in the room reflected on its beautiful veins. “Open your mouth.” Chris’ commanding voice pulled me from my trance, and I looked up at him in shock. “What?” He tilted his head, “You said you’ve seen bigger, so you should have no problem swallowing this cock. So open your mouth.” His dirty words went right to my heat, and I felt my panties begin to flood with arousal.
Chris used both hands to collect all of my hair and held it out of my face as I wrapped my lips around the first few inches of his cock. Starting slow, I swirled my tongue around his sensitive tip before bobbing my head; taking a bit more of his length with each pump. I released his cock from my mouth for a second to catch my breath, before quickly leaning back in and deep throating his entire length. I heard a hiss escape his lips as my nose brushed against the sprinkle of hair against his lower stomach, and I began moving my head up and down his entire length; making sure to get every inch of him in my mouth.
“F-fuck, Y/n, that’s good. Keep going.” Chris rasped, and he began thrusting his hips at the same pace I was moving at. I moaned around his cock as his grip on my hair tightened; halting my movements entirely as he began face fucking me. Tears welled in my eyes as his cock repeatedly slammed into my throat, and I watched his face as his jaw went slack in both concentration and arousal.
Suddenly, all his movements stopped and he pulled me up to my feet. With his lips on mine and his hands tightly grasping my ass, he walked me backwards towards his bed. Once my heels reached the edge of the bed, Chris reached under my skirt and slid my panties down my legs. Feeling myself lose all sense of control, I didn’t hesitate when he ordered me to lay on my stomach with my ass in the air. I began trying to remove my skirt, but was stopped short by a sharp slap to my ass. “No, leave it on. You have no idea how sexy you look right now.” My back arched subconsciously from his words, and I began to tremble in anticipation.
I felt the bed shift as Chris climbed on, and I shuddered from the heat of his breath against my core as he spoke. “You want to talk shit about how you don’t think I can make girls scream, then you better stay fucking silent.” He gave me barely any time to register his words before his mouth connected to my core. Working his tongue relentlessly against my clit, I buried my face in his duvet to keep from making any noise. Using both hands to massage my ass as he continued to devour my cunt, he very quickly proved to me that he did in fact know how to eat pussy.
His mouth moved from my clit to my opening, and I couldn’t stop the guttural moan from passing my lips as his tongue began to plunge into me. Immediately, he stopped his movements and slapped my ass hard. “What did I say?” He asked, his gravelly voice filled with a sinister edge. “S-sorry.” I replied, pushing my core back in an attempt at reconnecting with his talented mouth. “That’s my good girl.” He replied before finally re-attaching his mouth to my hole. I bit down on my lip — so hard that it began to bleed — in order to keep myself from making another noise as I felt an orgasm approach. Chris continued using his tongue to fuck me as my legs began to shake and my brain grew fuzzy.
Like a tidal wave, my orgasm overtook my body and I began to convulse uncontrollably. I was somehow able to stifle my sounds of pleasure, even when Chris moaned into my pussy as I felt myself squirt all over his face. Without even giving me a moment to recover, Chris straightened his body up onto his knees, grabbed onto my hips, and plunged every substantial inch of his cock into me. At this, I couldn’t help but scream out in shock, and Chris promptly pulled out of me; leaving my dripping core feeling empty. “I told you to shut the fuck up. Do you want me to stop?” He tapped my pussy with his cock as he waited for me to respond. Scared to say anything, I simply shook my head. “Are you ready to admit that Bree was lying?” I turned my head so that I could see him behind me.
“Size doesn’t mean shit if you don’t know how to use it. So go ahead and prove yourself right.” At my words, Chris shook his head as his lips turned up in a smirk. Immediately, his dick slid back into me slowly, and I felt my hole stretch more and more as he bottomed out. He stayed still for a moment, before pulling his hips back so far that his tip was barely resting inside of me; and then slammed all of himself back into my cervix. He continued at this agonizingly slow and deep pace for a while, and used his words to taunt me the entire time.
“You’re such a good girl, taking all my cock like this.”
“I bet you feel so good right now baby.”
“Oh fuck, keep creaming all over this big dick.”
Suddenly, Chris pulled out of me and flipped me onto my back. Wasting no time, he hooked my legs around his neck and pushed his inches back into me. I stared at him, mouth open, as he watched my pussy swallow his cock with each quick thrust. Using one arm to support his weight, he placed his free hand on my stomach and pressed down. “You feel that?” He began, finding the spot where my stomach was bulging, “Feel how deep in your guts my cock can get?” My eyes rolled to the back of my head and I bit on my own arm to stifle the noises that were dying to escape it as I felt my second orgasm approaching.
Chris seemed to notice my impending climax, as he leaned forward to reach even deeper into me. “You want to cum, hmm?” He cooed, bringing a hand to my cheek. With my face contorted in the confusing combination of pleasure and frustration, I nodded my head. He moved my arm away from my mouth and planted a deep kiss there. “You can cum as hard as you want, just as soon as you tell me how good my cock makes you feel.” I whined silently, my overstimulated nerves causing my body to fill with a sudden desperation. “Come on, Y/n,” Chris brought his thumb down between our bodies and began rubbing my clit, “I want you to cum for me.”
I was panting now, feeling as though I might explode from the overwhelming pressure within my body. I was quickly realizing that I was losing this battle, and it was time to throw in the towel.
“Fuck Chris you’re so big.” I nearly screamed out, gripping onto his shoulders in a weak attempt at keeping my composure. “Feels so good, please let me cum.” I begged, and watched his face as his pupils dilated from my words. “That’s my girl. Now let go.” His hips continued pounding into me as I finally gave into my orgasm, and I lost all control of my mind as I spewed a plethora of moan-filled profanities into the room. My walls contracted uncontrollably around his girth as my orgasm tore through my body, and I felt my nails dig into the skin on his shoulders.
“Oh fuck Y/n, gonna cum too. Where do you want me?” His words came out shaky, and I didn’t hesitate before responding, “In me, please baby.” I begged, wanting to feel his warm seed spill into my worn out core. “Shiiit.” He hissed, his body slowing to a near-halt as he rode out his own orgasm. With slow, lazy thrusts, he pushed his cum deep into me as his cock twitched repeatedly.
Eventually, his movements stopped completely, and he slowly pulled out of me and walked towards his bathroom. When he returned, he came back with a towel and used it to help clean me up in silence while I caught my breath.
“I might be drunk,” He started, “But that was hot as fuck.” I laughed, holding my spinning head before sitting up. “We are never to speak of this again.” I said as I got to my feet to retrieve my underwear. “Sure sure…until the next time we do it right?” I rolled my eyes at his response and nudged his shoulder playfully. “Shut up. I need a shot, let’s go.” I headed for the door once he was fully clothed and together we began to climb the stairs. “How likely is it that everyone up here knows what we did?” I whispered to him as we neared the top. “Oh very likely, but who cares? It’s my birthday, so no judgments allowed.” He winked at me as we made it to the kitchen, where everyone’s eyes immediately landed on us.
“Oh god.” I muttered under my breath as I hurried over to Bree, who was smiling knowingly at me as she began pouring out two shots of tequila. “Please tell me one of these are mine.” I whispered to her, and she laughed. “It sure is. You have a good time down there?” She wiggled her eyebrows as she handed me a slice of lime. “If you really meant it when you said his dick was ‘nothing special’, then I’m gonna need the names and numbers of the guys you were ranking him against.” She tilted her head back and exploded into laughter before lifting her shot glass in the air and urging me to do the same. “You got it, babe. Just as soon as I get Matt to fall in love with me.” I laughed, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek before raising my own glass. “Cheers!”
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cordeliawhohung · 2 months
the prowl - single dad! Price x teacher! stripper! Reader (fem) taglist
[5] guys your age
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“You doing okay?” 
No matter how hard you try, you cannot get the smooth vermilion lipstick to form correctly. It’s blurry. Refuses to crisply line the ridge of your lips. Lopsided and fuzzy, you feel more like The Joker than a stripper. It’s been five minutes, and you haven’t stopped quietly cursing at yourself as you try again and again to force it to comply — there are only so many times you can repeat the same thing before the brink of insanity begins to loom in the distance. 
“I can’t get this lipstick to work with me,” you mumble. You snatch a tissue off the counter — this is your fifth one — before wiping at the corner of your mouth. After this, you’ll have to fix your foundation, too. You wouldn’t be surprised if you were missing a layer or two near the corner of your mouth. 
Chuckling, Chrys slides into the seat next to you, vibrant xanthic outfit dazzling beneath the harsh lights that line the mirrors with fat bulbs. She’s covered her skin with a glitter spray, and with her darker complexion, the sparkling reminds you of radiant stars twinkling in the sky. 
“I’m not talking about that,” she clarifies, head tilting to the side and into your field of view. “I’m talking about you.” 
Crumpling the tissue and tossing it onto the counter with the others, you turn your full attention to Chrys. She leans against the counter, hand pressed against her cheek to prop her head up as she examines you with warm eyes. You suddenly feel less opaque than ever — glass skin, bones, and organs, she can see right through you. It’s like you’ve never had a properly formed body to begin with.
“What about me?” you ask, capping your lipstick and setting it to the side. You’ll deal with that little demon later. 
“Dunno. Been worried about you since last week when you nearly bolted out of here Friday. Now, you’re shaking worse than a wet dog,” she says, eyes flickering to your jittery fingers. 
Your laugh comes out breathy and caught in your throat as you swipe your thumb across the palm of your hand. A decent layer of sweat covers your skin and you try not to grimace. Usually, you’re better at hiding your emotions than this. Teachers often time have to mask disappointment or laughter, but this is different. 
“Yeah, uhm, I guess my mind is a little occupied,” you admit. 
“Work getting to you?” she asks. “I mean your actual job, not whatever the hell this gig is. Can’t imagine having to keep up your energy to work with kids and then come here and deal with rowdy men.” 
“It’s got… something to do with work, yeah,” you nod. 
Instead of questioning you further, Chrys stares. It’s white hot, boiling the truth inside of you until it sears the pit of your stomach, and you find you can no longer hold your breath. 
“I… might have given one of my student’s dad a private session last week,” you finally reveal in a whisper. 
Glossy lips curve in on themselves as Chrys hums, head nodding as she attempts to hide whatever emotion or surprise lurking beneath her facade. “Did he recognize you?” 
“See, that’s what I’m not sure of,” you sigh. “When I entered the room, I recognized him instantly. Chrys, I can’t lie, he’s an extremely attractive man, but I wanted to run. But I was worried that if I did, he would get confused or figure out who I was, so I sort of rolled with it anyway and… and fuck.” 
“So, you gave him a dance?” she prompts you to continue as you rub at the corners of your eyes. 
“No, he had me sit with him to talk.”
“Oh. Oh, that’s worse.” 
You groan, spine curving forward until your forehead comes in contact with the cold counter. It offers little reprieve for your hyperactive brain and it’s never ending thoughts, but sweat still builds on the palm of your hands. At this rate, you might as well go home before you hurt yourself dancing — too much moisture to grip the pole properly would send you crashing in a heartbeat.
“That’s not all,” you continue. “He bought me flowers on Monday.”
“To your teaching job?” Chrys clarifies. 
You nod as best as you can before you turn so your cheek is pressed against the counter. “Had his daughter bring it in and everything. Had a note too, thanking me for helping her out when she had fallen on the playground but it seemed… I don’t know. I don’t know if I’m overthinking it or not. If this got out I could lose my job, but I can’t quit working here… I can’t live off of what the school pays me. It’s just not enough, not with the cost of living.” 
“Hey,” Chrys shushes. Her hand reaches for the exposed skin on your back where she rubs loving and soothing circles along your spine. It’s a tenderness you’d never expect to receive at The Florist’s. It calms the storm swirling in your brain, electrifying your nerves, if only for a moment. “I’m sure if he knew you would’ve found out by now. Besides, even if he did, he would have to admit where he was at in order to get you in trouble. Depending on what he does, he might not want to out himself to the school either.” 
“Unless he does it anonymously,” you retort. 
“Even then, it’s some random, faceless person’s word against yours. I’d like to think the school would have a bit more faith in you than that.” 
You take a deep breath, chest shuttering with the movement as you push yourself away from the counter. Unrelenting nervosity still grips you by the throat as that tempest builds in your mind, but you know Chrys’s words bear weight. John Price is a good man — at least, you think he is. Hopefully he wouldn’t be so willing to destroy your career, especially after thanking you with an expensive bouquet and kind card. 
“Yeah… you’re right. I just… I can’t get him out of my head. Even before he came here, I’ve had this stupid little crush on him. Like I said, he’s very attractive. But ever since then he’s just… constantly on my mind. This isn’t healthy and it’s so frustrating because I’m constantly going back and forth between some weird attraction or worrying I’ll be jobless because of him and-”
You’re spiraling. Body contorting and falling into some deep pit you’ll never crawl out of, and before you can gush further, Chrys cuts you off with a simple raise of her hand. Your mouth seals tight, tacky lipstick sticking to itself as you roll your lips out with a sigh. 
“Sounds to me like you’re living at work and visiting home,” she says with a chuckle. “You need something to do outside of work life. Something to take care of yourself, or at least take your mind off of whatever sticky mess you’ve found yourself in.” 
Defeated, you shrug. “Like what?” 
“Well, dunno about you but I prefer spa days. If not that, then Tinder,” she says flippantly. 
“Tinder?” you repeat incredulously. 
She smirks, lips curling up like a playful cat. “Going on a date would be one way to get this guy out of your head, yeah?” 
Both of you turn your heads, snapping to the edge of the room where a technician waves his hand through the door in signal. Chrys turns back to you where she gives you a quick smile and a reassuring squeeze before standing to her feet. 
“Just think about it, yeah?” she requests before sauntering out of the room. 
You watch her leave with hips that sway in time with the clack of her heels and you groan. There’s no time for you to explain or dwell on your failed dating life. Men your age are avidulous and oftentimes dishonest in the best of scenarios. Most of the girls you had gone to university with were lucky enough to have a ring on their finger before graduation. Married, double income, and lovely homes — it’s something you can only dream of now. 
John isn’t your age. 
That thought hits you with such effusive force you nearly lose your breath. It’s… naughty. A perverted thought that shouldn’t creep into the depths of your mind, and yet it does. It grows long, swirling roots where it soaks the nutrients of the grey matter of your brain. It takes place with relentless force and refuses to let go. Judging by his looks and the air that surrounds him, he’s mid to late thirties minimum, perhaps even early forties. And you? Some new, not even tenured school teacher? 
Shaking your head, you bring yourself to your feet, chair scratching and squeaking against the tile floor as you back away from the mirror. No, you shouldn’t be thinking about that — you can’t think about that. About him. About whatever twisted delusion you’re fabricating and torturing yourself with. 
Your locker swings open with a squeak and your hands dive into the bag shoved in the back. It doesn’t take you long to fish out your phone, and it’s even shorter before you have your app downloader open. 
Downloading Tinder: 7%
If this is one of the steps you have to take to forget all about John Price, then so be it.
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justliketoreadsowhat · 2 months
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Princess Treatment ✬
✰ 𝐟𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟, 𝐟𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐟𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟 ✰
"Show Me What Color You're Wearing Again" your voice echoing through the phone speakers.
Paige huffed at your question, fixing the color of her burnt orange button-up. She had been ready to go 30 minutes ago, yet your indecisiveness slowed down the process of her leaving out the door.
"If you want me to change just say that" Her face scrunched up, beaming through your phone screen propped up on your vanity.
"No! don't be such a teenager, I just want to make sure our colors match" color coordination was important to you, especially for a day like this. It had been 3 weeks too long since you two last saw each other. The words "summer break" meant the complete opposite for Paige, her schedule was overly hectic, to say the least, you couldn't recall the last time she stayed in one place for more than 24 hours.
"Awh baby you wanna match with me?! I feel so honored" she teased, twirling the lonesome braid stitched in the front of her hair.
"You've been influenced by KK way too much, don't ever do that again please" The feeling of cringe shivered down your spine.
Throwing her hands up in self-defense "It's whatever you want to make of it, just be ready when I get there" Hanging up quickly you were left to hassle with your thoughts
Ready for what exactly ?
You had no clue
The only information you were given was, to be dressed in nice attire within the next hour, although that was never enough time for you.
No complaints would slip from your mouth though, being tucked away in your condo all alone for weeks drained the life out of you, it felt as if the days were all mushing together, repeating in an endless loop.
You were desperate for a change.
Swinging open the door, you were met with Paige dressed in all her glory, before you could analyze any further, your body flung towards her with an overlying feeling of excitement.
With arms naturally wrapped around your waist like a 2nd nature, every inch fit so perfectly.
"I missed you so much" Your voice trembled with emotion, taking in her aroma of sweet mahogany and amber. You felt her chuckle against your skin "I missed you more princess"
Releasing her from your death grip, you stepped back revealing the now flattened bouquet of flowers. Trying to stifle her laughter "Yeah um.. these were for you but don't worry bout it I'll get you some more" fiddling with the petals trying to make them look alive again.
Taking them into your grasp shaking your head "No it's okay, they're still beautiful" Looking up at her, your eyes met evenly, too evenly.
Breaking eye contact Paige glanced down at your orange heels that matched her outfit perfectly, "I knew something was off, no way you're ever getting past 5'5"
"So you can make fun of my height, but when I tell you you're not 6ft it's a problem" tilting your head, arms crossed instantly waiting for her rebuttal.
"Lying in my face is insane, I'm actually 6'1 so ion wanna hear nothing!" putting up her "talk to the hand" notion. it was good to see her sassiness never left after all this time.
"Let's get going before the sun goes down" taking your hand gently placing it in hers.
"What's so important about the sun?"
"it makes life possible on earth"
She laughed at her own antics "Just come on and you'll see" opening the car door for you, pulling down the seat to buckle you in. No matter how many times you told her you could do these simple tasks on your own, she insisted every chance she got. Deep down you loved it but she would never get that confession out of you, ever.
"Can I at least get a hint of where we're going"
"Nah, that would ruin the surprise. Just sit back and look pretty" Her hand patted your thigh "Here you can even play your own music" Pressing the Bluetooth button on the screen display.
Your eyes widened "Oh this must be serious, I never though I'd see the day you let me have the aux"
Paige was very serious when it came to her music, it was like touching a thermostat in someone's house, don't ever touch or change it.
"Alright just don't do too much and play that sappy shit" her eyes adverted to you "You know what I'm talking about"
"You're my biggest hater"
"At least you know I'm the biggest" a smug smirk plastered at her face.
After a smooth 20-minute drive, pulling into an empty parking lot accompanied by a movie theater, but not just any movie theater. This is where you and Paige first met 5 years ago. Dating all the way back to late 2019.
Hopkins high school girls basketball team decided to take a trip to see the new movie "Us" on a cool Thursday night before they played their next opponent the following Friday.
You on the other hand had picked up a quick shift that night as a ticket holder. The night was slow until the entire in swarmed in gathering around the glass you stood behind.
Nobody caught your eye except Paige. She was talkative, very talkative. She sweet-talked you so well, the entire team got in for free.
She promised she'd make it up to you, 5 years later it's safe to say she did just that.
Surrounded by hundreds of fairy lights and different variations of flowers, roses, tulips, lilies, you name it. The sun shined on them perfectly projecting their vibrant colors.
Parking the car swiftly, you looked at her, tears threatening to form in your eyes. She quickly noticed, swiping a tear that had begun to fall. "Baby don't cry, we haven't even done anything yet" she pleaded, hopeful you'd abide.
"I know but, it's just so beautiful" you sniffled, glancing out the window once more. Eagerly you unhooked your seatbelt wanting to emerge into the theater, before you could open the door Paige grabbed your wrist "Don't even think about it"
Opening the door your feet planted on the ground, following behind her, constantly looking down at the red rose-petal path that led you through the double doors of the theater.
Nobody else was in sight, besides the two of you.
"Where is everybody?" you questioned noticing how bare the concessions were.
She smirked grabbing a bag of popcorn freely "Ion know, probably at home"
There was no way to legally walk into an establishment unless you owned it, or in Paige's case, rented it out. Her humble traits would never allow her to admit her actions, especially when it came to money.
"Come on I already got your snacks for you, the movie is about to start" holding up an assortment of candy and your extra-large slushy you never end up finishing.
"What movie is it!?" your eyes searching at all the advertised posters of the new releases, there was entirely too many to count.
"Just come onn" she dragged, moving quickly down the empty rows of theaters. Following in her pursuit, the sound or your heels echoed through the hallow hallway, turning a corner Piage disappeared into a theater that glowed with a purple ambiance.
Slowly walking up the ramp to keep up with her, the purple glow became brighter, the lights beamed a deep purple, the screen displayed the Disney Pixar introduction you memorized all too well.
"The Princess and the Frog"
"My favorite!!" gushing with excitement you found yourself nearly toppling over your girlfriend. "i never seen this on the big screen before, how'd did you do all this?.. and the- the purple lights it's so beautiful"
She laughed softly at your reaction, stroking your hand in small circles motion "It's only right I do something special for my special girl"
"You're so cornyyy" you laughed pulling her into a sweet kiss. Pulling away her demeanor switched, becoming slightly nervous. "You okay? if you're gonna complain about my lipgloss again I'll change it"
Paige shook her head "No no it's not that" Fumbling through her deep pockets, pulling out a purple heart-shaped velour box "I got you something, so when I'm away you''ll have something to keep with you" her tone soft as she placed the box in my hand.
You swore she could hear your heart pounding out of your chest if it wasn't for the movie beginning to play through the ceramic speakers. Without wasting a second more you opened the box, revealing a ring engraved in a crown, with purple diamonds in each curve, leaf-shaped, just like your favorite Disney Princess.
In awe you looked up at Paige, tears now falling freely, "This is beautiful Paige, I don't even know what to say" you choked.
Wiping your tears with her thumb, she lifted up her other hand revealing a ring placed on her thumb nearly identical to yours, crown-shaped fairly different with a lighter purple tint of diamonds in each wedge. "Every princess needs her prince right?"
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fingertipsmp3 · 2 years
Well tomorrow is certainly going to be a day.
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jenniekrj · 5 months
“I said,delete it.”{Roommate!Dom!Hyunjin x Sub!F!Reader}
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Warnings:Mentions of drinking alcohol and smoking weed,blowjob,fingering,cum play,daddy kink,choking,spitting,riding,unprotected sex,spanking,creampie,oral sex and just straight up filth.
A/N:The tumblr algorithm works on reblogs,so please consider rebloging so it can reach more people,enjoy!! 💖
Hyunjin has been your roommate for over a year now and it has been great.Sure you didn’t know much about each other,but you still really liked his company around the place.
All you knew about him is that he would often go to parties,come home late at night drunk and high,bring girls over and have the nastiest sex with them,smoke lots of weed and just smoke in general,have parties at your shared apartment and cook really good food.He seemed very popular and like everybody just wanted to be around him.
At some point,all the pornographic moans that came out of his bedroom did annoy and bother your sleep,but his kindness and calm energy made up for all the disturbances.
Last week,he started following your Instagram.All he did was just view your stories and very rarely like anything you post.You guys never chatted on there,but why should you? You have his number and you literally live with the man.
Hyunjin was almost everyone’s type,he was muscular,tall,handsome,funny,smart,he had a few tattoos,charismatic,strong and he was two years older than you.Just your type.
It was your second year of college and you made a few friends,they were the best.On the other hand,Hyunjin had a whole group and there might be more that you don’t even know of.
Every weekend he would invite his friends over and pull an all-nighter with them.You knew his friends since they follow you on Instagram.You only ever said a simple ‘Hey,how are you guys?’ whenever you saw them.
It was a Saturday night and you were very bored,all you did all day was lay in your bed.You were thinking of ways to cure your boredom when you suddenly got the idea to post some pictures on your Instagram account,so you got up and picked an outfit from your closet.
After you put the outfit on you posed in front of the large mirror and snapped a couple of photos.You were wearing a baby blue lace mini crop top with a white mini skirt and some knee high socks.
You weren’t lying if you said you dressed this slutty just for Hyunjin to see,you had the most massive crush on the older and it wasn’t just some random crush,it was a sexual type of crush and you couldn’t help it.You posted the photos with the caption, “Is this sexy enough for you?” It was obvious you were trying to get someone’s attention,and it might’ve worked.Not even five minutes later and your post had so many likes and comments,people loved this look,especially Hyunjin.
You were scrolling around on your feed when a notification pops up,it’s from none other than Hyunjin,he sent you a DM.Of course,you rush to his profile and check the DM.
“Delete the post,I saw it already.”
Is all he said.
“What? Who said it was for you?”
You replied back,you wanted to seem hard to get even though this post way mainly for him to see.
“I said,delete it.”
He said before barging into your room.
“You really think I’m gonna let other people see what’s all mine,hmm Y/N?” Hyunjin said as he grabbed you by the arm and pinned you against the wall. “But,we’re not even dating,why do you care?” You replied back,trying to push back the urge to just kiss him right there.Your voice was shaking and almost filled with stutters,but you couldn’t show him your weak side,you wanted to see how far you could push him. “You belong to me,Y/N.I’ve seen and heard how you touch yourself to the sounds of me fucking other women,so don’t act all dumb right now.”
What? How’d he know? How’d he know you get wet by just the thought of him? It’s insane how well he knows you when you’ve barely spoken to each other,but you liked it.
“Mmm,how about you get the fuck out of my face?” You said,trying to seem intimidating,but Hyunjin wasn’t having it. “How about I fuck that attitude out of you? You’d like that,wouldn’t you?” It’s almost like he read you,and you enjoyed everything about it.
“Make me.”
Was all he replied before smashing his lips onto yours,he pulled you closer into a rough but sloppy kiss and you just let him have you.His hands ran all over your body and your arms were wrapped around his neck,occasionally caressing his face and tangling your fingers in his hair.
Hyunjin moved his lips down to your neck,he slightly bit on your skin only to find your sweet spot,once he had found it he started sucking hard.He grabbed your ass,giving it a few light smacks.
“Get on the bed.” He said after he pulled away,signaling with his head towards your bed.You laid yourself onto your bed,with only your elbows holding you up.
Hyunjin dropped to his knees and kissed all over your inner thigh.You sighed a little before you had realized he was getting higher.He ran his fingers up and down across your clothed clit.He then slid your panties off and almost immediately attached his lips to your swollen cunt. “Fuck,you’re so wet.All for me,right?” Hyunjin said before licking up your folds while maintaining eye contact.You cried out a ‘yeah’ only for him to slap your thighand say “Use your words,princess.” Even though he knows you can’t utter a proper word,he still wanted to tease you a little. “Come on,don’t make me say it again.” Hyunjin says into your pussy which makes your head fall back. “Yes yes! Oh- please just go faster,I’ll do anything for you daddy,please.” You practically scream,not yet processing what you had just said.
“Since you’re so nice.”
He said before his tongue thrusted in and out of your pussy.It drove you insane at how good he was.Though,you were expecting this because of how loud the women were whenever he brought them over.
“I- cum please..” you managed to speak as you rolled your hips. “Go on,cum for me like a good slut would.” Hyunjin encouraged you and you came almost immediately after he spoke.You came all in his mouth and all over his face. “Fuck,you taste wonderful.” He praised.
He sat next to only to say, “Get on your knees.” and of course,you did as he said.You almost immediately dropped to your knees and started undoing his sweatpants.Once they were off,your eyes widened at how large he was and he just smirked.
“Too big? Or are you just weak?”
“Don’t fucking call me weak,Hyunjin.”
You rolled your eyes and started stroking his dick,he rolled his head back and his right hand went to your head. “Open up.” And you did.
You licked the slit on his tip as he groaned,you could tell how much he enjoyed this.Your eyes started getting watery as you slowly took his whole dick in. “Come on,be a good girl and take all of me.I know you can.” Hyunjin said with a moan coming after his words.
You started bobbing your head as tears fell down each one of your cheeks,even though it hurt you still loved it.His grip on your hair tightened as he moved your head closer to his veiny cock. “Fuck,right there baby.I’m so close.” He moaned out and came right after his announcement.
You felt your mouth get filled with a warm and thick liquid that tasted sweet.You were about to swallow,but Hyunjin stopped you and said, “Open your mouth.” You did as he said and he stuck two fingers in,he moved his fingers all around your cum-filled mouth and soon took them out,only to put them into his mouth and lick all of the cum off of his fingers. You swallowed and got up to sit next to him,but Hyunjin had other plans.He laid down and pulled you on top of him.
“Ride me.”
“Come on,don’t run away from it.”
“I’m not,I just..”
“What? What is it,sweetheart?”
“I’ve never done this before.”
“It’s fine,I’ll teach you nice and slow.”
You nodded your head and positioned yourself above his still hard dick and slowly lowered yourself onto him.You gasped at how much he stretched you out and he just let out a dark chuckle. “Hyu-Hyunjin it’s too much.” You stuttered as you breathed out. “I know ma,but you can take,right? Aren’t you a good girl?” He said as he caressed your face. “Ye-yes I am!” You said as you started moving your hips.
“You like that?” Hyunjin said as he thrusted up into you and your response was just moans and whimpers. “I’ll take that as a yes.” He chuckled.You bounced up and down on his dick and all you could think of was how good it felt.
“Go faster,ma.” Hyunjin said after spanking your ass and grabbing onto your neck,basically chocking you.You tried to go faster even though your legs gave up a long time ago,but you went on and soon felt a knot in your stomach.His thrusts were becoming sloppier and you knew he was close. “I’m gonna c-cum,daddy.” You said. “Me too,princess.” Hyunjin said before you both came together.
His cum filled your cunt and now it was oozing out of your heated hole.Once you both came down from your high,you fell down onto him,your head now on his chest.Hyunjin flipped you over,now he was on top of you.He grabbed your jaw and said, “Open up,baby.” He spat in your mouth and you swallowed.Hyunjin leaned down and kissed you,but this time it was a passionate kiss,slow but still somewhat messy.Your tongues moved in sync as his hands slowly massaged your tits.He pulled away,leaving you panting and breathing heavily.
You laid there for a couple of minutes when it hit you that his friends are still coming over in a few minutes.Your eyes widened and you tried to push him off of you. “What’s wrong?” Hyunjin questioned. “Your friends,aren’t they coming?” You looked at him with a slight pout. “Yeah,but that’s nothing to worry about and you said you would do anything,
right my love?”
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stillmonsterz · 5 months
it's gonna get better (teaser)
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(this is the final part to brave it together)
pairing: jay x reader genre: suggestive, angst, slight humor summary: your tumultuous tryst with jay might have ended, but your relationship with the karma club and its members has only grown more entangled. a winter trip to the swiss alps tests your friendships, your willingness to lie, and your resolve in staying away from jay. despite your previous inclinations towards isolation, you're starting to realize, a little too late, that being around people isn't too bad. content: drinking, drug usage, sexual themes, rape mentions, murder mentions, suicide mentions, threats, more to come. estimated word count: 20k
taglist: @moon7jay @belowbun @bambangan @praliliaaa @jjklvr9 @iveivory @magicshop1913 @sseobonggs (if i forgot you, please let me know!)
It took you until evening to gain even a semblance of your composure. You had spent some time working on your scarf, mindlessly purling and knitting. You had tried to watch a movie, but your eyes grew unfocused. Finally, you had decided to lie on your bed as you did at the motel, staring at your ceiling. If you focused, you could still smell Jay's woodsy, spicy scent, as though it had permeated the very walls of your room.
When dinnertime approached, you stripped down to your underwear and examined yourself in the mirror. Your body was a patchwork of fresh skin and mottled bruises that Jay had given you over the past month. When you raised your arm, you could see the nail marks he had made. As usual, bright red hickeys adorned your neck. You’d have to cover them up again so no one would get any ideas.
Then you realized that this was the last time you’d have to cover up a mark that Jay had given you. After this, the evidence of what the two of you had had would fade away, your cells would replenish, and it would be as though he had never touched you in the first place.
It didn’t seem right, that you and Jay were finished. At any second, as you rummaged around in your closet for an outfit to wear, you imagined that Jay would burst inside of your room, demanding something. He’d lie on your bed again, smoking your cigarettes while complaining about how they tasted. He’d tell you that he had been joking, that he had never intended to leave you, that you were his. He would kiss you again, choking you in his grip.
Instead, the minutes dragged on, and Jay never showed up. You pinched the inside of your arm and once again, you didn’t feel a thing. Just a dull register of a sensation.
After you got dressed in your usual sweater and long skirt, you checked your phone. You had gotten a text from Riki.
Riki: how’s my favorite traitor 😂
You: Not a traitor. Didn’t betray anyone.
Riki: when you give me an explanation for saying one of my friends raped you in a group chat literally called “anti-kc”
Riki: then you can be not a traitor
You had to admit, the evidence against you was stacked. 
Riki: are u ready yet
Riki: i’m hungry
Riki: i’m thinking i’ll get the “she lied” salad with the “our friendship is ruined” combo
Riki: the “i can’t believe i was going to take her to cliffside laser tag” meal 
You: That was never going to happen.
Riki: stop
Riki: haven’t u done enough
Riki: maybe a side of “lying wench” chips
You: Are you done?
Riki: not even close.
You: I’ll be there in fifteen minutes.
Riki: good
Riki: that’s plenty of time
Riki: the “hoes mad” burger with the “she’s a bird” fries
Riki: crisp waffle fries with extra salt
Riki: ketchup representing the shed blood
He kept going on like that, so you turned your phone off. It bothered you that you couldn’t tell Riki the truth. Well, you could. But if you told him that Jay raped you, and Riki somehow found out that you had been hooking up with Jay for the past month, you would look insane. Or like an idiot. How could you explain something that you didn't even understand? No, you’d rather have Riki hate you than tell him the convoluted truth.
You were used to Karma Club members hating you, anyways.
Dinner with Jake and Riki at Stoker’s cafeteria was as insufferable as you had imagined. Bundled under a coat and a high-necked sweater that masked the marks made last night, you wordlessly ate your meal while Riki and Jake talked. Riki sat on the right side of you, jostling you whenever he would gesticulate wildly as he recounted some story. You weren’t really paying attention to anything he said. Your focus was on Jake, on the way he bit his lip as he looked between you and Riki.
“Sorry to interrupt,” Jake said slowly, setting his fork down, “but are you and Wednesday, uh…”
Riki winced, and you marveled at his acting prowess. “It sort of just happened,” Riki said. “ We were at the party, and she came to see me, and well, I just went for it. It wasn’t like I meant to steal your girl or anything.
“No, no, no,” Jake said, waving his hands furiously. “No, it’s fine. She wasn’t my girl, never was, never…haha. You guys are cute together, honestly. Same age and everything.” Nervously, he started folding his paper towel into small, neat squares. 
“No, I really should have told you,” Riki lied, swallowing a bite of chicken breast. 
“It’s cool,” Jake said through gritted teeth. “Why would I want to know if my best friend and the girl I, uh, know, have a thing? That’s none of my business.” 
“Glad you understand,” Riki said, beaming at Jake. 
Jake got up from the table. “Gonna take a leak,” he muttered before staggering away from the long bench. 
As soon as Jake disappeared from view, Riki’s face fell.
“What are you doing?” you asked. “Why are you telling Jake we’re together?”
Riki leaned towards you so that he could whisper. The Stoker dining hall was relatively full at this hour, mainly by students from other dorms, and you were beginning to learn that there were eyes and ears all over Sadame University. “Because,” he began, voice thick with anticipation, “things were getting way too dicey in our dorm. “For whatever reason, things between Jake and Jay got worse after last night. Jake’s skittish as fuck, and Jay’s acting like he wants to kill Jake. I figure this has something to do with you.”
You winced. 
“It’s no good,” Riki continued. “Jake’s been going to Jungwon’s room and pacing around and shitting himself and whatever. Remember how I told you that there has to be a balance to shitstirring?”
“I do recall that.”
“This is it,” he said. Riki used his hands to mimic a scale, one hand representing a plate dipping too low. “Right now, tensions are too high. That’s no fun, you know? So I have to even things out.” Riki brought both of his hands to the same level. “If I redirect their attention, make myself the target, then they’ll both hate me instead. But they like me, so nothing bad will happen.”
With your index finger, you pressed down on the palm of one of his hands, forcing it downwards. “What if something bad does happen to you?”
Riki pushed against your finger, steadying his hands once more. “It won’t. I know you and everyone else loves to pretend like the Karma Club members have their own special brand of evil, that we’re just, like, complete sociopaths, but I know them.”
“It’s been three months…”
“A lot can happen in three months,” Riki said. If you reflected on the path your life had taken in merely one month, you would be forced to agree with him. 
You pulled your hand away from his and sighed. “Why do you like bad things so much? What about good things?”
“That’s not true,” Riki said. “I love good things. I like bad things too. I’m a very deep person.”
“As deep as a kiddy pool,” you said. 
“Don’t make me laugh,” Riki said. “I’m still mad at you for trying to fuck us over.”
You thought about arguing with him, but you decided against it. Riki felt like a true friend to you - at least, he had felt like a true friend - but the thought of baring your soul to him only for him to be unreceptive to your sorrows made you feel sick. You pushed your plate of food away.
“You know, for a while there I almost thought Jay had like a weird thing for you,” Riki said offhandedly, cutting another piece of chicken breast and spearing it with a fork. “I know, I know, it doesn’t make much sense considering he hates your fucking guts. But the dedication with which he hates your guts was scary. Elite hatred. What did you even do to the guy, anyways?”
“Nothing,” you said, “which seems to be the problem.”
Riki chewed his food, staring into space with a thoughtful expression. “He still hasn’t brought Isa over,” Riki said. 
“Maybe you just haven’t noticed,” you said. Memories of that night with him in his dorm room, sex tinged with a faint hint of romance, your limbs tangled together in post-coital bliss, spun through your mind. 
“No, he explicitly said, ‘Don’t let that bitch Isa get near my room or I swear to God I’ll kill you all,’” Riki said, mimicking Jay’s voice perfectly. 
You shrugged. “I don’t know, then.”
“I just always found it weird,” Riki said slowly, “I’ve never seen him be nice to her at all, besides when I would come to the library to pick you up to get a smoothie and I would see them flirting or whatever. Isn’t that so weird? Like, why would Jay get close to Isa in public? Specifically, at the library.”
The hickeys still marring your neck felt as though they were burning, and you scratched at them absentmindedly. “Yeah, weird…”
“Hey,” Riki said in an unusually light voice. “How did you get home last night?”
Riki’s long bangs had fallen into his face, obscuring his eyes. For the best, as you didn’t know how you’d be able to look into them. “What?”
“How’d you get home?” Riki repeated. 
“Uber and a bus,” you said. 
Riki nodded and leaned away. “Interesting.”
“What’s interesting?” Jake asked. He swung his legs over the bench and settled into his spot again.
“Interesting she’s okay with us sharing a room, considering she’s just so, so shy,” Riki said, putting his arm around you in a constricting half-embrace. “The third-floor bedroom has two single beds, right?”
Jake’s lips twitched. “Uh, yeah,” he said. “It does. Jungwon and I were thinking about taking that one, though.”
Riki waved his free hand dismissively. “Just sleep together, Powerpuff girls style.”
“Fuck off,” Jake said with a smile, playfully pushing at Riki.
“You’re going to knock your soup over,” you said, but it was too late. Jake’s chicken noodle soup sloshed over the table, staining the crisp, white tablecloth. 
“Aw, man,” Jake said, pouting slightly.
Riki shoveled the last of his chicken breast into his mouth. “Let’s get out of here,” he said. “This is the second tablecloth we’ve fucked up.” 
“Third,” Jake said, picking bits of pasta off of himself. “When we left Sunoo alone with the chili and he fucking-,”
Riki laughed. “Oh shit, yeah.” Riki stood up and held his hand out towards you, his gaze imploring. Reluctantly, you loosely joined hands with him, and he pulled you to your feet. “Come on, let’s go watch the Scream movies.”
“No,” Jake whined. “I wanted to watch the Amazing Spiderman.”
“No one asked,” Riki said, pulling you along with him. You stumbled after him, disappearing into Stoker’s dorms. Despite yourself, you scanned every possible corner for a hint of Jay, a trace of his breath, the sound of his sardonic laughter. 
He wasn’t around.
Halfway through the second Scream movie, Riki announced that he had to take a massive shit. 
“And why did you choose to tell us that?” Jake asked, slapping Riki’s leg as he got up from his plush bed. 
Riki shrugged, shimmying between piles of laundry he had left on the floor. “I thought you might need to know about my bowel movements.”
“For what?”
“I don’t know, that’s up to you,” Riki said, leaving to use his ensuite. 
As soon as the door clicked shut, Jake scrambled on top of the bed to sit next to you. He had been sitting cross-legged on the floor; Riki had insisted that you sat next to him. 
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Jake asked. 
“Tell you what?”
Jake gestured wildly. “That you had a crush on Riki. I guess I could have guessed, but like, come on. Instead, you sort of made me feel like, I don’t know, I might have had a chance at some point…”
Had you? “Uh, it sort of came out of nowhere,” you said, belatedly realizing that you had copied what Riki said almost verbatim.
Pushing his tousled hair back, Jake licked his lips and sighed. “Right. Right, yeah. It’s just that I feel like kind of a dick now.”
“You didn’t do anything,” you said awkwardly. 
“I mean, I don’t want to seem like I’m being pushy or that I’m entitled to anything, but you could have told me. Or Riki could have told me. I mean, like, you guys were pretty close and everything, but I didn’t think he was into dating…”
The name “Sieun” came to your lips, until you remembered that no one knew that Riki had dated Sieun. “Well-,”
“Like, you didn’t lead me on, I knew you had your own issues and all to sort out, but if you were going to date one of my best friends, I think it’s only fair to tell me. You know, out of…respect for my feelings? And so it wouldn’t be like I was hitting on my friend’s girl.”
If this was how Jake reacted to the mere idea of you and Riki getting together, you didn’t want to know how he’d react if he found out about you and Jay. “Sorry, Jake.”
Jake sighed again, his entire being seeming to deflate. “It’s fine, whatever. It’s cool.” After a period of silence, Jake said, “I don’t even care, you know? I mean, it wasn’t like it was serious. Like I like you and all, but it wasn’t serious.”
“Right.” Then you recalled what he had said at the party, when he had came out of the bathroom so flustered. “You said you had something to tell me, back at the party?”
“Oh. Yeah, that.” Jake slowly made his way to the floor again, one knee tucked into his chest, the other leg spread straight. He looked at the plasma-screen TV mounted to Riki’s wall blankly. “Well, I was going to ask you to go on the KC trip with me. I was going to pay for everything, but I guess Riki is going to take you now…”
You nodded, then realized he couldn’t see you. “Yeah.”
Jake bobbed his head up and down slowly, his lips pursed together. “Cool.” 
When Riki came back, Jake stood up as though being pulled by strings. “I’m gonna head in,” Jake muttered. “I’m still a little hungover.”
Riki clapped Jake on the back. “See you, Jake.”
Jake made a little wave, bid you goodnight, and left Riki’s bedroom. Riki sat down beside you and smiled. “So, what’d you guys talk about?”
“He had an episode,” you said flatly. 
“Perfect,” Riki said. “It’s all going according to plan. Now get out of my room.”
You didn’t have to be told that twice. “Good night,” you said, gathering your long skirt up and standing. 
“Good night,” Riki said, zipping his hoodie all the way up and covering his jet-black hair with his hood. “I mean, just night. Bad night. I hope your night is shit.”
You squinted at him. “You’re really bad at this.”
Riki had turned the lights out to fit the gloomy atmosphere of the movie, but you could make out his features via the light from the television. Suddenly, he looked older than his age. “I’m bad at it because I genuinely liked you a lot,” he said quietly. “I saw you as a friend, like a real friend. Everyone knows I really liked you. But you lied on one of my friends, and not something petty. You lied about something really fucked. I thought you’d be above doing something like that. It’s something… something I would probably do.”
He pointed at the door. “Out, before I lose my nerve.” 
You wouldn’t tell him the truth, couldn’t tell him the truth. He wouldn’t respect you at all if he knew what you did with the man who sexually assaulted you.
 With some horror, you realized that Riki didn’t know that Jake had a problem. If Riki kept pushing Jake, who knew what he would do? The only thing you could do is trust that Riki knew how to balance the scales of his bizarre game. 
The walk to Fawcett left you with far too much time to reflect. You knew that you had never fully had Jay, that he wouldn’t allow you to possess him in a tangible form. But you hadn’t realized that you would lose your friend, too.
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writerslittlelibrary · 8 months
I'll always be your safe space, drabble
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summary: when you come home overwhelmed from a long day of school, all you want is to feel safe and unwind. Lucky for you, your mom and dad are home to comfort you with whatever you need
pairing: Natasha x autistic daughter reader, Bucky x autistic daughter reader
warnings: none I think?  
genre: fluff
words: 858
a/n: hello lovelies, this fic is based on how I experience my autism. please keep in my mind that while maybe your autism might not act this way, that doesn’t make it a wrong representation 🫶
(I was diagnosed by a therapist, please don’t hate on me. I’ve never posted about my autism before because I’ve been afraid of wrong accusations)
You do not have my permission to repost, copy or translate my work
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Everything had gone wrong today. You woke up with your pyjama pants twisted around your legs and your socks were half off. On top of that, you missed your first alarms, and so you had to wait till 7.30 to get out of bed, instead of 7.15. 
Your days had started off terrible, and it was only getting worse. When you went to get dressed, you discovered the outfit you had planned in your head, was in the wash, and so you had to settle for a different one.
You ran out of your favourite breakfast yesterday, and Bucky had forgotten to buy it, so you had to settle with a bowl of simple cereal instead. 
When you had gotten to school it seemed like everyone had it out for you.
The classes were too loud, and the teachers were annoying. Everytime you zoned out, or decided to doodle a bit to calm down, the teachers called you out and told you to pay attention.
Once you got to maths, the teacher had actually given you detention for doodling instead of listening to her lesson. You tried to explain that by doodling you could focus on what she was saying better, but she wouldn’t hear it. 
Therefore, after the school day, which had already left you insanely overstimulated, you still had to sit through an hour of detention.
After you were finally done, you realised there were no busses driving at this time, so you had to call your mom to come pick you up. Of course, Natasha was happy to do so, and when she opened the door for you, she immediately sensed your mood. 
She didn’t try to talk to you in the car, rather just handed you your headphones and allowed you to go in your own little bubble. 
Once you got home, Natasha had opened your door, letting you out of the car, being careful not to touch you. After you two had gotten up to the apartment, she opened the door for you, allowing you to walk in first.
Bucky was at the kitchen island getting some work done, yet when you walked in he immediately shut his laptop. 
He greeted you with a smile but you didn’t acknowledge him. 
Instead, you kicked your shoes off, heading for the couch and letting yourself fall onto it. Natasha gave Bucky a glance, letting him know what was going on. Of course, he understood immediately, getting up and preparing you a cup of hot chocolate, that, according to you, only he could make properly so that it wouldn’t be too sweet or too watery. 
Natasha took it upon herself to grab your favourite blanket and made sure to grab your some inside clothing, walking to the couch and letting you get changed. 
You had specific inside and outside clothing, and after wearing your clothing outside, it was impossible for you to sit on any furniture in your room with your outside clothing still on. 
After you had gotten changed, Natasha helped you get comfortable on the couch, finally starting to speak. 
“Would you like to watch something, cuddle, or be alone for a moment?” Natasha asked you gently, wiping some stray hairs from your face. You shrugged, not being sure of anything at the moment. 
After a minute or two Bucky walked into the living room, three mugs of hot chocolate in his hands. He had made sure to use your hot chocolate mug, which was different from you cold chocolate milk mug, and he made sure to use the proper spoon. 
He handed you the mug, and you smiled slightly, leaning forward to give him a kiss on his cheek. 
He knew you weren’t up for speaking right now, and he didn’t dare think about pushing you. He always valued the physical affection you used to express your gratitude. 
You sat up on the couch, your favourite blanket draped over you, comfortably weighing you down. 
It was then that you decided you wanted to watch your comfort show, but you didn’t feel like talking, yet you didn’t know how else to express yourself. You though for a moment before turning to Natasha, looking at her with pleading eyes. 
“Do you need something my love?” she asked, softly stroking your hair. 
You nodded and motioned at the tv. Whether it was the fact that they were both highly trained assassins, or the fact that they were your parents, both of them immediately knew what you meant, and they didn’t hesitate to turn your comfort show on. 
They waited for you to initiate the cuddling session, and they allowed you to snuggle into them when you were ready. 
You put your now empty mug down and leaned your head over to Bucky, snuggling into his warm, strong arms and letting yourself feel safe in his embrace. You laid your legs over Natasha’s legs, and she smiled as she say you and Bucky being so close. 
She might not ever admit it, but there was nothing in the world that would ever make her more happy than seeing her child snuggled up with her dad.
Permanent tags: @marvelnatasha12346 @lesbionion @nova-kyle @darkstar225 @saraaahsstuff @marvelwomenarehot0 @screechcat @iheartjohansson @simp-erformarvelwomen @swaqcenix @karmasgxrl @marvel-lous3000 @mxximoffswifey @lorsstar1st
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forbebeandjam · 6 months
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Summary: You see your first love for the first time in three years at your father's engagement party.
Word count: 3.1k
Warnings: VERY Explicit language and scenes. SMUT!!! 21+ Ex. Thigh riding, fingering, etc... MINORS DO NOT INTERACT.
A/N: Hello •u• I am brand new to this app and I... I feel like a baby learning how to walk but l am also happy I got to find this app... again... after five years ANYWAY!! I bring this small piece of work I made hoping you'll like it!! I don’t know how often I’ll post on here but I’ll keep you updated ☺️ Also feel free to check out my Wattpad books!! And thank you @dearminaa for your help!! You are awesome!
P.S. apology for any mistakes or errors in grammar. English is not my first language!!
You sat in front of your vanity getting ready for the party. A party to congratulate your father's recent engagement.
You couldn't care less on who he decided to marry this time. It was probably the same as the last person he married. Young, stupid, and a gold digger that only wants his wealth but will end up failing and he will divorce her. You could never forgive him for cheating on your sick mother.
You blame him for her death because he decided to cheat while she was in the hospital and when you took her home for a while, you two found him in bed with some girl. You mother become depressed and died a few day after that
You tried to push aside those thoughts and get ready. You were still dependent on him after all and had plans to take the company away from him. As you fixed you blush, you did one more brush stroke and looked through your jewelry box.
There, you spotted a choker your first love had given you. You met her in high school. She was two years older than you but you love her like you've never loved anyone and she was always there to comfort you when your mother passed.
She was your first kiss, your first love, and your first girlfriend. The day she graduated she was offered a big scholarship in the United States and since she was poor she decided to take the opportunity. You become so mad at her that you pushed her away and broke up with her. A few days later you received a box with that necklace inside and you kept it to cherish the beautiful relationship you two had.
"You look gorgeous, honey," your father said as he hugged you. You didn't return the hug and just stood there.
"Be nice to her okay? She's had a rough life. She suffer a lot and I really like her. Please?" He said and you looked at him with a wry smile.
"How much do you think mom suffered when dying, knowing you were fucking the maids daughter?" You whispered in his ear.
"Stop that. I made a mistake and I regret it. It will haunt me for the rest of my life. Now try to be nice to her and drop the attitude," he whispered back making you roll your eyes and sit back down.
A few minutes went by and the so called fiancé was no where to be seen. You sighed resting your chin on you palm until you spotted a familiar figure. Tall, slim yet well built and the same hair from years ago. You bit your lip as a scream was about to escape your lips. You didn't know why she was there.
You followed her figure until she reached the table and with a big smile she greeted your father.
"Bada, my darling. Was there traffic on the way?" Your father said a she placed his hand around Bada's waist. She didn't answer and just nodded before turning to you.
"Oh! This is my daughter. Honey, greet your future step-," he said and you stood up. You couldn't form a sentence and were already about to bust in tears.
"Hi." You said in a quick manner before looking away. Her eyes were scanning each part of your body. The outfit you were wearing was driving her insane and she didn't know how to hold back from touching you... and she didn't.
She placed hand index finger and thumb under your chin and turned your head towards her. You were startled by her actions so you froze under her touch.
"She's beautiful," Bada said. Her eyes showed sincerity and warmth but you were too upset to see it. You took her hand and tossing it away you excuse yourself leaving the guests astonished by your actions.
"I'm sorry, darling. I'll go talk to her," your father said as he was about to get up but Bada held his arm.
"Let me. I think it's best if we have a conversation from woman to woman. I'll ease my way into her heart, okay? Don't worry,"
"Just how you eased your way into mine. You're just perfect," your father said and Bada gave him a soft smile before walking out the door you went through.
You wonder the halls of the mansion talking to yourself. You were beyond mad, confused, and heart broken. How could your first love be engaged to your father? Your heels clacked and suddenly you began to hear an additional set of footsteps. You looked back but there was no one so you assumed it was one of the servers hired for the party.
"After three years of not seeing or talking to me she shows up. And she's going to marry my father? How disgusting can he be? She swore she would come back to me and she's with him. She can go fuck herself for all I care. I hate her guts. She's so annoying yet so beautiful and... I want her so badly. Am I the sick one? Oh, for fuck sake! I'm talking to myself," you rambled on and on.
"How about you talk to me instead?" You jumped when you heard Bada's voice but immediately kept walking towards your room ignoring her presence next to you.
She grabbed your hand and pulled you into the room where she assumed was your room and she was right. She pushed you against the wall and you let out a squirm as she did so.
"Let me go, you psycho! What is wrong with you!?" You shouted and pushed her away from you. She stumbled a back and chuckled. You look at her with a scowl. How could she find this funny when your blood was boiling?
"You find this funny? You're an asshole," you pushed her to the side and sat on your vanity trying to ignore her so she would go away. Your mind was clouded with thoughts and emotions so you fumbled trying to get the necklace off of your neck.
Instead of walking out of the door, Bada walked up to you and moved your hair to the side. She carefully took the necklace off and you began to melt under her soft touch. She put it in your hand and you just placed it on the vanity not caring where it landed.
"Why... why are you marrying him? My dad. You said you would come back and... I waited. I waited for three years and when I finally see you again you are engaged to... that? Why the fuck!?" You shouted not holding back anymore. Your tears began to fall and she only softened her gaze.
She walked to you slowly and took you hand while you wiped your tears away.
"I'm not going to marry him. I came here for you, my love," she said as she cupped your face.
"Don't. Don't do this Bada. If you're just going to break my heart and walk away from me again, just leave and go with my father," you said looking away but she pulled you into an embrace.
"Baby, look at me. I would never leave you again. Never again. I'll do everything I can to be next to you always..." he hand traveled from your cheek to your exposed shoulder. You shivered at her touch and then she planted a kiss on your shoulder making you bite your lip to prevent any noises from escaping your mouth.
"You have no idea how much I longed to touch you. To kiss you and make you mine. That is all I could think about. You wouldn't leave my mind for one second all I could think about was for a way to come back to you," she whispered into your ear as she walked. You took small step back until your legs hit the bed.
Her hands were on your arms and her gentle touch made it hard for you to hold back. You used your hand to create some space between you and her. You couldn't deny that you wanted her to touch you. You wanted her to make you her but you were sacred. Not if your dad. Never if your dad. He was a weak man after all, but she was engaged to him.
"Please promise me that you won't leave. That after this, you won't walk away from me. I will run away with you if we need to but please don't continue this if you can't promise me that," you said as you closed your eyes.
She cupped your face and you opened your eyes at the sudden skin contact.
"I promise with my life. I will never even again leave, my love. I will stay by your side and we can do whatever you want. We can stay or run away and I will be there because I love you and I should've never left but I had to think of my mother. Please understand. I'm so sorry," a tear escaped her eyes as she was practically begging for you to forgive her and understand her reasoning and you did.
You nodded and wiped her tears before kissing her lips. You kissed her hungrily and she responded with the same intensity. The kiss become for sloppy and wet as snacking sounds began to fill the room. You thanked your father for the first time for making the rooms sound proof.
"Tell me you want it. Tell me how you want it and how badly you want it. Tell me what you want," Bada said as she left love bites in your neck.
"I want you. I want all of you. I want you to touch me everywhere. I want you to fuck me, please," you said and let out a loud moan as she dragged her tongue across your collarbone.
"I didn't know you were so needy, my love. But you're such a good girl using your nice words for me," Bada said as she pushed you lightly on the bed. Your legs were slightly parted and she took the opportunity to crawl on top of you placing her knee in between your legs and slight pushing into your folds.
You moaned at the contact and moved your hips searching for more friction but her hands immediately went to your hips to halt your movements.
"Wait a minute, baby. I want to be the one to please you," she said sending you over the edge. You bit your lip and groaned in desperation . You need her touch. You wanted her so badly and when you opened and saw her remover her bra you almost came untouched letting out whispers and moans
"Calm down, baby. I'm all yours and I'm not going anywhere," she said as she lowered herself on you. She admired how your legas partner with no shorts and your panties were soaked. She pulled them down and kissed right above your sensitive bud making you part your legs even more. You wanted her and you couldn't handle any more emptiness.
"Bada, please..." you whispered.
"Yes, my love. Anything for you,"she immediately attacked you clit with her tongue and used her hand to pull you dress down revealing your tender breast and she didn't hesitate to begins massaging it as her tongue flicked on your bud in all the right ways that were making you let out moan after moan.
Your nipples were perky and sensitive and she let go of them to instead one finger into you. You were still a virgin so you felt a bit of pain as you felt her go in a cried out loud. She looked up at you. You were the most beautiful thing. Your skin glistened as small beads of sweat formed on your forehead. Your face was flushed in a a bright pink color and she moved up to kiss you tenderly still inside of you.
"It's okay. I'll be gentle. See?" She said as she began to slowly move her finger allowing you to adjust to the feeling. She placed soft kisses on your cheeks, forehead, lips, and chest helping you ease out the pain.
You slowly began to moan in please as you felt the pain dissipate and she sped up a little. You lips were slightly parted and your hand made it way to her breast. The soft skin was so pleasant you wanted to taste it. Using you elbows, you pushed yourself up and put her nipple in you mouth sucking and lightly tugging with your teeth. She began to let out soft and deep moans.
"That feels so good, my love. I'm going to add another finger okay, lay down for me and hold my hand," she intertwined your hands together.
She added a second finger and you felt like you were levitating as her warm tongue assaulted your clit. You felt her curl her fingers inside of you and you clenched around her as you felt an odd sensation at the pit of your stomach.
"Bada... Bada, fuck~ please. Let me cum please!" You begged as you back lifted from the mattress. She slowed down her pace making you  take a a hold of her hair and tugging.
"That wasn't nice, my love," she completely pulled out leaving you feeling empty and a tear rolled down your cheek.
"I'm sorry. I just need you. Please~" you whined softly as your eyes begged for release.
"Please what?" She asked.
"Please, baby. Please, Bada," you said and she smiled as she thrusted into you with great force. You yelled at the unexpected motion but you began to moan as her tongue started to work on your bud once again but this time she was slight biting down making you shout her name in pleasure. A pleasure you had never experienced before and when you least expected you released on her feeling a pulsating feeling as she licked you clean and then her fingers.
"You taste so good, my love. All of these years of waiting finally paid off. Now helped me," she said. You were still trying to come back to your senses as everything was blurry and you could only see how she was undressing herself. Your dress was now bunched on your waist.
She hovered above you and you felt a wet warmth on your thigh. When your vision was finally adjusted, you saw her beautiful figure on top of you. Her fringe stuck to her forehead as she was riding your thigh trying to reach her high.
Your hands traveled down to her waist as you helped her ride you. You used one of your hands to rub on your clit once more and she watched you actions letting out shaky breaths and moans biting her lip.
"You look beautiful riding me like that, baby. Keep going. Cum for me. Cum in me please," you said making her roll her eyes back as her hands rested on your breast for support and with a loud moan she came on your thigh. You sided your fingers to collect her juices and taste her the way she did with you.
"Fuck, that was so good,"you said and she collapsed on top of you. The two of you lay there for a few minutes as you were still throbbing with pleasure and catching your breath.
After a few minutes, Bada fixed your position removing the dress you had on and you both cuddled your bare bodies under the covers.
"Thank you," you said. Bada pulled you closer to her.
"For what, my love?" She asked as she planted multiple kisses on your shoulder.
"For this. For coming back and for loving me," you replied as you turned your body to face her and play with a stand of her hair. You admired her body. Beautiful as always. Then when you saw a ring on her finger, it hit you. She was way out to marry your dad and you just let her fuck you... You felt like a monster. You were no different than your dad.
"Bada, I think this was a mistake. You're marrying my father and this doesn't make me any better than him," you said on the verge of tears but she quickly embraced you.
"How about we go down and I explain everything to you. Trust me, okay? Nothing is what it seems," she helped you stand up and you both got dressed. You fixed you hair into a high ponytail and fixed your makeup as well when you  noticed how messy your face looked.
Bada also fixed herself and held you hand. You made your way down the stairs and into the big hall where majority of the guests had already gone home. That's when you saw you father kissing a woman around his age. You furrowed your brows in confusion.
"Mom!" Bada shouted and the woman turned to you with a bright smile.
"This is, Y/N. The girl I always told you about," Bada said and the lady pulled you into a hug.
"Wow! You're even prettier in person. I'm so glad I get to finally meet you. Bada and your father have talked wonders about you and do not feel pressured to call me mom or step mom. You can just call me Haneul," the woman said and you started to put the pieces together.
"I'll go to your father now. He seems to need me but let's all go on a ladies fun day one of these days. Bye girls. Y/N, honey... cover your neck," she said and waved before walking off.
Your face tired a bright shade of pink making Bada laugh. Bada pulled you out to the balcony where there was no one around before anyone could see the marks she left on your neck.
"You see? I'm not marrying your father. My mom is. When I saw her get engaged and I saw your father I didn't hesitate one second to leave it all behind and come here with you," she said and you internally smacked your face at how dumb and clueless you had been.
"I'm sorry, Bada. I should've listened and now I just feel stupid," you said as you lowered your head. She used her index finger and thumb to raise your chin and kiss your lips with tenderness and love.
"It's okay. I'm here and I'm here to stay. I love you so much," she said and connect your forged with hers.
"I guess now we are even," you said making her chuckle. She hugged you from behind placing her chin on your shoulder and you two watched the sunset with sweet kisses and soft laughs.
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blippymilk · 9 months
Do You Have Something to Tell Me?
Veneer x GN!Reader
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Summary: You’re a normal teen in Mount Rageous, and the biggest Veneer fan known to man. Everybody that knows you knows it too. Unfortunately it’s highly unlikely to date the celebrity of your dreams…unintentionally.
A/N: I’m working on the request but I’ve had this for a bit so I finished it today and uploaded it for the time being.Also please forgive me if I use a certain amount of pronouns. With other content I’ve made before I’ve usually made female reader content so if I say she, as in referring to you please forgive me.
Happy New Years 🥳🎉
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“Seriously (____)?” one of your friends side eyed you as as you burst out in giggles in response. You had invited your two best friends over (Liliana and Romar) for your annual two night sleepovers, and currently you were killing time by watching Veneer and Velvet’s (mostly Veneer) latest concert footage. Well not really killing time according to you, it was a way of life.
“You seriously brought us over here to watch you drool over Veneer?” Liliana continued as your giggling came to a halt. “I did not invite you over here for that. Especially since I am watching Veneer AND Velvet, get it straight guys.” You replied as Romar got up and came over to your bed where you were watching on your MacBook. “Sweetie you literally zoomed in on him and cropped his sister out…” you started kicking your feet and giggling again. “This is insane, I’ve never met anyone with such an obsession over anybody ever. You don’t even pay your boyfriend this much attention.” Liliana said and Romar agreed. “Who?” You said still staring at the screen as your friends both leaned back and cocked an eyebrow at you. “Oh, Jalen…him…right.” You sighed closing your laptop.
It was silent for a while before anyone spoke again. “How about we do our favorite activity to do when we’re all together?” Romar asked as you and Liliana perked up. “SHOPPING!” You all shouted in unison.
“Let’s do a challenge guys.” You said to your friends as you all entered the Mount Rageous Mall. “Let’s put outfits together with a budget, a timer, and a person to customize.” You said as your friends agreed. “Bet. But where will we get the details from?” Liliana asked. “A generator or something.” Romar grabbed his phone and typed in a few things. The results ended up being: a budget of 35$, 40 minutes, and Romar got you, you got Liliana, and Liliana got Romar.
“On a count of three…” Liliana started, suddenly both of you almost fell over with the quick take off of Romar running through the mall. “HEY! WE’RE NOT done y-yet…and he’s gone.” She said as you both simultaneously face palmed and took off two different directions.
Your first stop was a store that was highly underrated in your opinion. It had great and reasonably priced outfits and none of your friends knew about it (yes you were gatekeeping but who cares). You ran all up and down the store for something Liliana might like. ‘Her favorite color is green, that’s a start’ you thought. You finally found a green top in her size and were now looking for some bottoms. You looked at the timer ‘32 minutes left’. You had to hurry and find some bottoms because more people started to enter the store. ‘Huh, guess this store’s not too underrated anymo-” your thoughts were cut short as you noticed someone running at the same pace towards you, and quite literally collided with them.
‘Sh*t that hurt’. The person you collided into let out a sort of high pitched “OW” that was very dramatic and dragged out. He almost sounded like…no. You sat up planning to apologize to the person, hoping it would roll over and you could be on your way. After all you only had 29 minutes left to checkout then hit up the accessory store.
“I’m sorr-”
“Ow, what the hell’s wrong with you?”
That shut you up real quick. What weren’t about to do was apologize to a blockhead. There was something weird about the way he responded. His high pitched voice had deepened when he came to his senses. “Excuse me?” You said standing up as he did too. The guy had a purple hoodie on covering his hair, but left some strands of it hanging, which was green. He had on glasses covering his eyes, pale white skin, and purple lipstick. He almost reminded of someone but you couldn’t put your finger on it.
“You should watch where you’re going next time.” The boy said dusting himself off. Now you were getting angry and the guy stuttered a bit. “Wait that’s not what I-” “Who do you think you are?” You blurted out.
“I was just saying…”
“Well maybe if you’d stop running your mouth every three seconds, your future altercations could be less painful.” And with that you grabbed your items off the floor, and made your way to the checkout leaving the boy stunned.
After hitting up the accessory store you and your friends had planned to meet up in the food court. “I seriously think I won this, like no joke.” Romar said. “Absolutely not it was me!” Liliana said shaking him. “I don’t know Lili, the outfit I picked out for you was kinda cute.” You said as you three went back and forth.
“Y’all are exhausting and I’m hungry, let’s eat.” Romar said and the disagreement was over as you three frantically traced the smells in the food court. Once in line you told your friends about the interaction with the rude guy you’d met in the store you went to. “Girl I woulda beat his as*” Lili said getting rowdy. “Uh we don’t condone violence over here mam.” Romar laughed as you two chuckled.
Once you ordered Romar offered to wait for everyone’s food and Lili took a phone call. You decided to sit down at a empty table and scroll through social media to kill time. You had scrolled endlessly for a few minutes before a Veneer edit popped up on your for you page. You stopped and watched it again, and again, and again, and maybe another time.
It’s only when a sudden voice snapped you out of your daydream, “Hey.” You jumped quickly and looked where the voice was coming from. It was that rude dude from the store earlier behind you. Rolling your eyes you quickly got up to leave but he stopped you, “Wait please don’t go.” He said. ‘He thinks I’m really gonna stay after the way he was talking to me earlier’ you thought, but you did stay.
You looked up at him waiting for him to speak again, you also noticed him eyeing your phone. The Veneer edit was still on repeat. ‘How embarrassing’ you turned your phone off and laughed nervously. You wondered if he had been behind you when you had the edit on loop, or if you were almost drooling or flustered at all.
“What is it?” You asked him as he turned his attention back to you. “Oh right um,” he sat down in the chair across from you, “I just wanted to apologize for earlier. I don’t usually act that way I actually felt really bad.” He said as you eyed him, like you were scanning him. “I’m so serious, like what I was saying I didn’t mean for it to come out like that. I have a lot of things to think about right now and I guess I didn’t think too hard on how to approach the situation.” He continued. You “scanned” him even more, he seemed sincere.
Suddenly your face softened and you could to tell his worry dropped a little too. “It’s ok I get it, I’m sorry for not hearing you out I was just in a rush.” He smiled a bit at this. “So what’s your name?” He asked. “I’m (____). What about you?” You asked. “Oh I’m V-Victor.” He said almost as if he was thinking too hard. “Nice to meet you Victor.” “You too.” “So do you live around here?” You two were in such deep conversation you didn’t see your friends staring you and this boy down until the had to frantically wave at you. You let them know you’d be there soon with your face and they took off somewhere in a hurry. Actually a couple people did, there was a little crowd forming at the front of the mall.
“What’s going on?” You said looking at the front, mid conversation. Victor looked almost panicked for a moment but calmed his face. “Not sure but I think I have to get going.” He said grabbing his bags. “Ok I get it, do you mind if I ask you one more thing though?” you asked. “Hit me.” He replied. “Why are you wearing glasses, can I see your eyes before you go?” You chuckled as he did the same. “Not this time, maybe another time.” He smiled at you, grabbed his last bag, and just like that he was gone.
‘Another time?’ You thought. He’s gotta be stupid there’s like a one in a thousand chance you’ll ever run into him again at Mount Rageous. You looked down at your phone and on top of it laid a piece of paper. You opened it to find a note: “Call me sometime? ;)” with a phone number under it and Victor’s name. He was quick with it.
Was he flirting with you? Why else would he put a winky face. ‘Little does he know, I’m loyal to my boyfriend’ you thought. “And my future husband Veneer.” You thought out loud before quickly closing your mouth and hoping nobody heard you. That’s when you realized more than half of the people at the food court was gone.
Suddenly Lili came up to you and grabbed your hand, “Come on come on! (Name) you will not believe what’s happening!” She sqeauled. “What? Just tell me!” You shouted while she dragged you to the front of the mall. “No you have to see it for yourself.” She said. “Nope,” you stopped and pulled your arm back, “I won’t go until you tell me what it is.” You tried being stubborn and it was working, Lili’s eye twitched a bit. “Fine! You wanna know so bad, it’s Velvet!” She sqeauled loosing her composer. “Velvet? As in-” “THE Velvet! Superstar and sibling to your man Veneer yes!” But you had only heard up to the Veneer part because you took off.
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Poolverine oneshot
Summary: this is my idea of what happened right after Deadpool introduce Logan to Althea
Warnings: foul language, a lot of foul language, also it's got deadpool and wolverine in it, that's a warning in and of itself I think
"Now that you're acquainted with my mom, I meant mother, oh sorry, I dont know what's happening to my mouth muscles right now." Wade chuckled. "Anyways, now that you two have been acquainted, let me give you the grand tour, peanut."
"Make yourself at home, I'm going to take a nap," Althea said, not unkindly, before adding under her breath, "motherfucker's been back for less than five minutes and I already have a headache."
"I heard that!" Wade called after her cheerily, with a hint of middle fingers and a sprinkle of passive aggression.
Logan wondered whether Althea had developed a sixth sense to compensate her blindness when she returned the gesture right back at Wade before slamming the door behind her.
"I guess you won't be getting a tour of the master bedroom then." Wade turned to Logan. "It just so happens to be the only bedroom. I hope you're alright sleeping on the couch, peanut. I can show you how to unfold it so you have some more space." Wade looked Logan up and down. "I can borrow you some comfier clothes too, we can go shopping tomorrow for something that might fit you a bit better."
"I don't have any money on me, bub."
"I don't have much money either," Wade said with a grin. "Once you get settled I can try helping you find a job, if you like acquiring stuff the legal way, I could even put in a good word for you here or there, though that depends on whether you mind acquiring the money legally or not. Oh boy, I'm getting ahead of my self. You hungry, peanut?"
"I could eat a horse."
"Unfortunately, that is not on the menu, we do have an insane amount of instant noodles."
"Do you even know how to cook?"
"I'm not gonna dignify that with a response. I did manage to blow myself up once by leaving the gas on. Kitchen safety is no joke, kids!"
"Who the fuck are you talking to?"
"Nevermind that. Can you cook, peanut?"
"Of course I can cook."
"Damn, no need to get so high and mighty bout it. You know what I'm not even hungry anymore." Wade walked over to a closet and pulled out some items of clothing from the haphazard piles within. He walked back over to Logan and handed him sweats and a t-shirt. "I'll go get changed in the bathroom, you'll have to wait your turn, peanut."
Logan couldn't help but roll his eyes again before quickly changing out of his costume and into the sweats and t-shirt. The shirt was a bit tight and the sweats were too short, but he had to admit he hadn't felt so comfortable in a long time. He'd been in his costume for days now, and before that it was always jeans. It was a strange feeling, but a good one. The apartment felt a little warmer.
Wade walked out of the bathroom wearing pink pajama bottoms and a hoodie.
"Nice outfit, bub"
"Why thank you, peanut, I do try."
Logan couldn't resist the slight upward twitch in the corner of his mouth.
"Now the couch."
"Thanks." Logan lied down on the couch and sunk into it.
"You're one big boy, aren't ya?"
"You'd sink into this softass couch too if you had metal bones, so shut up asshole."
"Touché," Wade replied as he lowered himself down onto the floor.
"What the fuck are you doing?"
"Trying to go to sleep, but that's a bit hard to do with all your talking, peanut."
"Why don't you just sleep on the couch."
"Because you're sleeping on the couch?"
"Get over yourself, bub," Logan snorted. "This won't even be the closest we've been these past few days. I really don't care anymore."
"This feels like a trick." Wade narrowed his eyes at Logan but got up off the floor.
"I promise I won't stab you," Logan smirked before he turned to look at the ceiling and his expression turned serious again. "At least not on purpose. I should probably warn you. I have nightmares sometimes, and I get violent when I'm scared."
Wade sat down on the couch. He didn't say anything.
"You can have the couch, bub. I'm sinking into it like fucking quicksand anyways."
Wade lay down, on the couch. "Get over yourself, peanut. You couldn't hurt me if you tried."
Every adamantium infused bone in Logan's body screamed at him to run, to find the nearest bar and never look back, to find a place where no one would get close to him again. But he held onto that. No normal threat could kill the man on the couch next to him. Even he couldn't kill Wade. They even survived the time ripper, and if that had proved anything, it was that they were stronger together. Logan held onto these solid truths. He held onto them like a man clinging to the edge of a cliff. He'd have to start making his way up eventually, but for now he just focused on not falling. There was going to be a tomorrow. And he would make his way up that cliff at his own pace. An inch at a time, if that's what it was going take, but he'd get there eventually.
There was always tomorrow.
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buck-up-buck · 5 months
Canon Events that have happened over the three episodes that have me going INSANE (like, these actually happened and are not Fanon.)
Buck asked Tommy for a tour of Harbour, not because he wanted to consider learning to fly, or leave the 118, but soley because he wanted to hang out with Tommy.
Buck used Christopher for information on Tommy.
Buck pretended to suddenly be into Basketball so that he could go to the game, just because he knew Eddie and Tommy would be there.
Buck body slammed Eddie while playing Basketball (honestly, I still cannot get over the fact that he YEETED THIS BOII).
Tommy got Buck's address from Eddie and chose to come around to apologise to Buck even though, TECHNICALLY, Buck was the one acting like a spoilt brat all episode.
BUCK WAS KISSED BY A MAN. SPECIFICALLY, BUCK WAS KISSED BY TOMMY. And then proceeded to be swept off his feet by this man and was left starstruck in his apartment, after Tommy openly communicated that he had to go to work and wasn't just kissing and bailing.
"I'm an Ally."... Need I say no more.
Buck acted like a totally fucking idiot on his first date with Tommy, and proceeded to have Tommy cut the date short because of how unready he seemed. WHICH BY THE WAY, TOMMY AGAIN COMMUNICATED SO BEAUTIFULLY WITH BUCK AND PROCEEDED TO STILL CALL THIS MAN ADORABLE. HE CALLED HIM ADORABLE FOR CRYING OUT LOUD.
Buck accidently outed himself to Maddie because he was doing a ramble ramble about his lil buck'ed up date.
Buck told Eddie he was on a date with Tommy, and Eddie proceeded to be the bestie of besties to Buck and told him, they all loved him anyways. HE USED THE WORDS. Bucks face in that scene will forever make my lil gay heart WEEP.
Buck told Eddie he couldn't stop thinking about the hot pilot that kissed him. CRYING.
Buck proceeded to grow the fuck up and apologised to Tommy, face to face, out in a public space, knowing full well that Tommy could have dropped his ass there and then, but still wanted to show him how sorry he was, and that he was, in fact, ready.
Buck also then invited Tommy to Chim's bachelor party, HELD HIS ARMS OPEN ACROSS THE ROOM READY FOR A HUG, told Tommy off for his outfit, showing off true Clipboard Buck form, AND THEN TOUCHED HIS PECK.
Eddie, the bestie of besties, got all sappya and jokey when he saw Tommy and Buck together.
Buck got all pouty when Tommy had to go to work, BUT TOLD HIM TO BE SAFE. HE SAID BE SAFE DAMNIT.
Buck got all goofy and smiley when he saw that Tommy had arrived at the hospital, MEANING, that he was most likely texting Tommy all day updating him on everything that was going on, even if Tommy couldn't respond while attending to the fire.
Buck, the idiot that he is, proceeded to out himself, to his entire family, by coming back into the room, most likely 15 to 20 minutes after leaving, covered in soot because he had been uncontrollably making out with his hot pilot boyfriend.
Hen, the queen that she is, has most likely spoken to Karen about her suspicons of Buck's sexuality, and procceed to say ABOUT DAMN TIME. SHE KNEW THIS WHOLE TIME. HER GAYDAR IS ON FIRE. I LOVE HER.
Again, all of these events happened IN ACTUAL EPISODES, not in a fanfiction. I am FERAL over this. Bi!Buck is the best thing to ever happen to me.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk and if you don't ship BuckTommy, leave.
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janesociety · 1 year
how different marauders characters would act at a taylor swift concert w/ you ⭑
inspired by this post by the lovely @bealovesmarauders
remus knows her discography by heart. he was originally a little insecure to sing the whole time, but he can’t help but sing along when you look so cute dancing and screaming the words to each song. he probably would’ve been the one to buy tickets after you came to terms with your chances of getting them being so slim, so when he surprised you with them you were over the moon. he would’ve gotten you two lower bowl seats so you would be really close but also able to see every single visual. he also would’ve offered to stand and wait in the merch line during the openers and before the concert started so you could have fun and watch them and have a cute t-shirt to take home.
james “swiftie” potter would be going absolutely feral. he would’ve gotten floor seats that were at least in the first ten rows so he could feel everything. he would’ve made a huge ordeal about surprising you with the tickets. i just know he would take you out to a fancy brunch before you guys got ready for the concert. he would probably want you two to go as miss americana and the heartbreak prince and people would definitely use your pictures as inspo for their shows. i also think he’d be the type to propose during lover or love story if you were at that point in the relationship. he would’ve been all cute about it too and told everyone around you so they could film and take pictures for you guys during the moment. he would also make a show of carrying you back to your car after the concert, even if your feet didn’t hurt that bad from the extremely uncomfortable shoes you inevitably would wear.
oh, sirius. i feel like he’s a total music snob and was really only going originally because you were so excited about it. but then he gets to the concert and he’s awestruck. he would’ve gone insane during the beat drop in don’t blame me but also prob would’ve teared up during my tears ricochet. he would’ve loved every moment of it and would immediately regret not learning all her songs before the concert. i think he’d be so obsessed that the minute he got home he would’ve gone online and bought you two more tickets for either the second night in your city or the next closest show. he’d also probably make you explain all the lore and stories behind everything on the way home. you just know that next time, he will be so prepared he will outshine every other swiftie boyfriend in the crowd. he’s also a rep girly.
lily is a swiftie through and through. there’s not doubt in my mind that she’s not an evermore and lover girly. she would’ve fought hard for those tickets and she would be so proud when she surprised you with them. you and her would spend so much time picking out the perfect themed outfits for the night and would definitely end up in a few of those “my fav outfits i saw at the era’s tour!” videos. she definitely has a note in her notes app where she keeps track of all the surprise songs and which ones she wants (she was heartbroken after dbatc and clean were taken in the same night, but she also knows that there’s not a single song that she’d be disappointed in getting). it honestly doesn’t matter where your seats are because no matter what you two will be having so much fun it won’t even matter in the end.
regulus, unlike sirius, actually prepared for the concert. he was definitely doing his research before hand. he was never a big taylor swift fan before, but when he saw your eyes light up when you told him you got tickets, he knew he had to be ready. he spent months listening to each album one by one, making playlists, attempting to learn words, and maybe even looking into the meaning behind the songs. he may get a little too caught up in connecting each song to one of her relationships and prob would wear and “i <3 T. S.” shirt to the concert. like james, he would’ve offered to carry you out of the arena, but unlike james, he would’ve listened to you saying no and would’ve been content simply holding your shoes in one hand and your hand in the other.
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haddonfieldwhore · 1 year
safe and sound - jeff hardy
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2000s!jeff hardy x fem! reader (requested)
word count: 1.9k
warnings: none i think, fluff, ended up mostly gender neutral except for a few pet names
november 8th 2001:
you were standing ringside as your two best friends, lita and jeff, took on lance storm and ivory in a mixed tag team match. originally, matt was supposed to be out here with lita, but he ended up in an intercontinental championship match instead, leaving her without a tag partner, until jeff stepped up. lita and jeff were both amazing to watch, but it stressed you out just how easily they threw themselves off the top ropes and around the ring. you hadn’t been wrestling as long as they had, and you were still in awe everytime you got to see them in action up close.
jeff jumped over the top rope, taking out lance as lita slammed ivory down in the centre of the ring. the redhead climbed up to the top rope and hit a perfect litasault, pinning ivory to win the match for her and jeff.
jeff, who was still outside the ring next to you hugged you and spun you around, before lita pulled him into the ring for the official to raise their arms as the winners. the three of you heading up the ramp and backstage. the three of you hugged to celebrate the victory, and you and lita went to your shared dressing room so you could get changed.
“you were incredible! you and jeff make a really good team, ya know,” you smiled, as she grabbed an outfit from her suitcase and began getting changed.
“thanks. you guys would make a better team though,” she replied.
“i doubt it. i’m nowhere near as good as you.”
“that’s not true. but even if it was, you and jeff have this… insane chemistry that i don’t have with him. you understand eachother in a way i’ve never seen before,” she said as she finished getting dressed. you and the hardy’s had been friends for years, and while you also considered lita to be your best friend, you and jeff did have a special bond; a closer connection than you’d ever had with anyone.
“maybe. but you guys work great together regardless. i don’t think i could do some of those moves you did tonight.” you knew that you weren’t on the same level as lita, and you were okay with that.
“yeah, but you and jeff are really on the same wavelength. maybe one day it’ll be you two against me and matt. that would be fun,” she laughed, grabbing her bag and getting ready to leave the venue.
“that would be amazing,” you agreed.
“that is, if matt actually showed up,” lita added, still a little upset that he had not been the one in the tag match with her tonight.
“are you guys okay?” you asked, concerned.
“yeah, we’re great. it was a title opportunity for him; i can’t really blame him for taking it.” you nodded in agreement.
you picked up your own bag, following lita out of the dressing room, and heading back to the hotel.
you and lita were watching tv in your hotel room, when she received a call from matt.
“right now? oh- okay,” she laughed. “i’ll meet you downstairs in a minute i just have to get dressed,” she spoke into her cell phone. “yeah i’ll ask them. okay see you soon.” she hung up the phone and stood up off the bed, and you looked at her expectantly.
“matt and i are going out for drinks or to the club…i don’t know he didn’t specify. you’re coming too, and jeff,” she explained, sliding her shoes on and checking her appearance in the mirror.
“lita, you know i hate the club -“
“i said i don’t know if we’re going there, matt just said out. it’ll be fun, pleaseee,” she begged, pouting and tugging at your arm to get you up off the bed.
“okay fine, but only if jeff’s going. i’m not third wheeling with you and matt again,” you laughed, recalling the last time you went out with just the two of them, and you had felt like a buzzkill the whole time.
“fine, go get him. matt left their extra key card here for me, the room numbers on it.” she sighed, grabbing her purse and putting her shoes on. “meet us downstairs in a few minutes.” you nodded, quickly fixing your appearance as you hadn’t been planning on going anywhere, before leaving the room to go find jeff.
you got to his room after a few turns down the hallway, and knocked on the door.
“who is it?” you heard jeff’s voice from in the room.
“hey, it’s me. lita gave me the key card; can i come in?” you called.
“yeah, o’course,” he replied, and you swiped the key, letting yourself in. “what’s up?” he asked, sitting up in his bed as you walked into the room.
“matt and lita want us to go out - i told her i would only go if you do.”
“where are they goin?” he asked, looking uninterested in the idea of going anywhere. he was wearing a black tank top that was tight to his torso, and some black track shorts that you could see as the blanket had gathered around his waist when he sat up.
“i don’t know, lita wasn’t sure. i guess matt didn’t say,” you answered. “they’re waiting in the lobby.”
jeff groaned as he flopped backwards to lay down again, his eyes closed. you laughed, sitting on the edge of the bed next to him and gently shaking his shoulders.
“c’mon, j.”
“do you really wanna go? baby, you hate goin’ out.” you didn’t think much of the pet name, people from the south said it all the time.
“not really, but- hey!” you yelped in surprise as jeff grabbed your wrist, gently pulling you down to lay next to him.
“good, let’s just stay here then,” he said, rightly wrapping his arms your waist, clinging to you like a koala.
“at least let me call lita and tell her we’re not going before she sends out a search party, you laughed. jeff let go of you enough for you to sit up, and you dialled litas cell number.
“hey, i think jeff and i are gonna stay in tonight. i’m sorry lita, next time. yes i know that’s what i say everytime but i promise. i know i say that too. okay, be safe, i’ll see you later.”
you hung up your cell, placing it on the nightstand before you kicked off your shoes and cuddled into bed with jeff. you had been friends for so long, it wasn’t wierd at all, often sharing a bed or falling asleep on the couch together after too many horror movies.
“your match tonight was great, by the way,” you complimented, and jeff smiled.
“thank you, i try to put on a good show. maybe one day we’ll have a tag match together,” he hummed as you laid back down, curling into his chest as he pulled you close again.
“that’s what lita was saying. she thinks we have some magical bond that would make us unstoppable,” you mumbled, your voice muffled because of how you were laying.
“i think she’s right,” jeff replied. “one day i’ll get you in the ring with me and we can prove matt’s theory. he thinks we can read each others minds and that’s why we think the same thing all the time.” you laughed at him, and jeff smiled wide at the sound.
“we’ll see. you scare me sometimes with how much you throw yourself around. and i don’t know about wrestling guys yet,“ you admitted.
“c’mon, you’re better than some of them already,” he said, ignoring your concern for his well being.
“i don’t know,” you mumbled. jeff pushed you back gently so you could look at eachother.
“well i do know. you’re amazing. and i would never let anything bad happen to you,” he promised. “inside the ring or outside of it.”
“i know. i feel safe with you,” you admitted, and jeff smiled.
“darlin, that’s the best thing i’ve ever heard.” you relaxed into him again, nuzzling into the crook of his neck.
“i don’t want anything to happen to you, either,” you said. you knew jeff was amazing at what he did, but that didn’t make it any less scary when he threw himself off of twenty foot ladders.
“you don’t have to worry about me, i ain’t going anywhere,” he said, kissing the top of your head.
“promise?” you asked, and jeff’s arms tightened around you.
“i promise, babygirl.”
“i love you, jeff,” you sighed happily.
“you mean it?” he asked, and you kissed his cheek.
“of course.” jeff rolled over so you were both laying on your sides, face to face. “you don’t know that already?”
“i just like hearin you say it,” he smiled, and you laughed. “ya know you do this little nose scrunch when you laugh sometimes, it’s really cute.”
“shut up, i do not.”
“you just did it!” he laughed, and you hid your face in his chest. “it’s cute, don’t be embarrassed.”
“too late.”
“you don’t have to be embarrassed around me, hell we’ve seen eachother at our worst and we’re still friends.” jeff was right; you had been through a lot together, and at this point you didn’t think there was anything that could come between you.
“i know,” you sighed. “i don’t think anything will ever change that.”
“good. and i love you too.” you hummed in response, and there was a comfortable silence for a minute.
“we would make a good tag team though,” you admitted, and jeff laughed, and you could feel the vibration in his chest.
“damn right,” he agreed.
“lita said we should have a match against her and matt.”
“oh hell yeah, that’d be so awesome. any excuse to wrestle my brother, and you and lita against eachother would kick ass.”
“you mean she would kick my ass,” you laughed.
“you don’t give yourself enough credit. yeah she’s great but you are too.”
“thanks jeff, i appreciate that.”
“o’course,” he kissed the top of your nose, and you giggled. “you did it again -“
“shut up!” you laughed, punching his chest playfully.
“yeah? you gonna make me?” he asked, and started tickling your ribs, causing you to laugh harder. you wrestled around until you managed to get on top of him, straddling his hips.
“stop - or i start tickling you next.”
“alright alright, truce.” he held his hands up in surrender, and you caught your breath, realizing the position you were in. jeff sat up, holding you in his lap.
“you said nothing could change our friendship right?” he asked softly, his eyes looking into yours.
“yeah, why-“ jeff leaned forward and kissed you softly, his lips barely touching yours before he pulled back. he waited for you to react, nervous that he had ruined everything, until you kissed him back, hands tangling in his messy blue and purple hair. jeff’s hands rested on your hips as he returned the kiss, smiling against your lips, before you separated.
“okay, maybe something could change the friendship slightly; but in a good way,” you smiled, and jeff bumped his forehead against yours softly, before laying back against the pillow, pulling you with him.
“i love you,” he said for the second time that night, perhaps meaning it a little differently now.
“i love you too,” you replied.
“say that again,” he breathed, squeezing you tighter.
“i love you.” jeff smiled as you kissed the underside of his jaw softly, and he turned off the lamp on the bedside table as you tangled your legs together under the blankets. jeff’s hand slid beneath the hem of your shirt slightly, drawing little shapes gently on the skin of your back as you both drifted off to sleep.
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your-local-hoemie · 1 year
What if we spend the entire day with him and then when we come home, we give him another surprise *wink wink* (pls tell me yk what i mean 😭😭 i dont know how to say these things withoit feeling awkward)
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My fingers went nYoooooom! Also don’t feel awkward! I hear you and I shall feed you the crumbs of my brain basement
At least I hope this is what you mean otherwise I’m so sorry for your eyeballs-
warnings: ns!fw, Oral spice, lots of spicy words (I went all in for this one aaAAA), swearing, gn!reader, not proof-read.
Characters: Tartaglia (Childe is the worst name for spice istfggggg)
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It had been a busy week preparing for the big day.
You could of been doing commissions, relaxing with friends, enjoying the beach and the warm summer sea, but no-
You had been practically ripping your hair out planning for you boyfriends birthday.
Tartaglia was a very… interesting character-
You knew he’d love whatever you got him but the thing is, nothing felt special.
He had the ability to buy anything he wanted, whenever he wanted. So trying to find something that would impress the ginger was becoming more challenging than his impromptu sparring “dates”.
That was until you caught sight of a small, very discreet looking stall hidden behind some crates near Liyue’s harbour that sold silk clothing that definitely wasn’t intended to stay on for long.
And so began your special birthday surprise~
“There’s my birthday boy!”
Running over to Tartaglia, you flung your arms tight around his waist.
The day In question had finally arrived and so had your mildly insane but lovable boyfriend.
“And there’s my favourite comrade! Didn’t miss me too much now did you?”
Smiling wildly, you rolled your eyes at him before the two of you started catching up on what he had been doing the past few days that he was away.
As a few minutes turned into hours, you both talked and walked around Liyue, visiting your favourite spots and giving him a giant whale plushie that you had spent the last few days seeing together, along with a extremely romantic dinner at the Liuli Pavilion.
When I say romantic I mean romantic-
The table was set with candles and silk flower petals, and not a chopstick to be seen, much to the gingers relief.
“You know, you’ve really impressed me this time. I don’t think I could of asked for a better birthday even if I tried”
“Good thing it’s not over then~”
“Not over? Have my irresistible charms finally decided to accept that sparring challenge you’ve been avoiding~”
Rolling your eyes, you promptly paid the bill before you decide to change your mind about the entire plan.
“No, you know I wouldn’t walk out of that alive. Now just shush and follow me”
Taking his hand, you eagerly pull him along in the direction to your home, not paying attention to the endless pestering of your boyfriend who’s curiosity was doing more than struggling to stay contained.
“Is it a surprise party?? Oh wait, did you kidnap someone for me!? Babe you’re so swe-”
“SHH! No I didn’t kidnap anyone and you should know not to say stuff like that while outside!”
Shaking your head in frustration, you finally reached your door.
Quickly unlocking it, you pulled Tartaglia in with a small grunt before closing it behind you.
“Alright, stay right there. I’ll be back now- and don’t get into trouble!”
“Huh? Wait- where are you going?”
With a giggle, you gave him a kiss on his cheek before running to your bedroom and closing the door.
Laying out on your bed was the outfit you got earlier that week.
Without hesitation, you pulled your clothes off and threw them to the floor, quickly putting on the outfit, albeit with some mild confusion to how it went on.
It was made from a delicate silk, framed with lace and ribbons that hung down your body, perfectly framing your figure.
Giving yourself a quick look over in the mirror, you took a deep breath and opened the door, peeking outside just incase your boyfriend was waiting outside.
Once you found the coast clear, you took a step out as started walking to the living room where you could hear him humming while obviously nosing around your belongings.
“Finally. you were taking foreve…r-”
Dropping a book he had been flipping through while waiting for you, Tartaglia’s expression shifted from shocked to embarrassed, then to a dangerously sly grin as the ginger took in your appearance.
“We’ll, well, well~ is it just the weather or did the room suddenly get extremely hotter”
Instinctively shrugging off his attempts at flirting, you took a step closer; placing your hand on his chest you pushed him down to the couch with a smug grin before sliding down between his legs.
“W-wow, really… really not wasting any time today, are we comrade~”
“I don’t want to keep the birthday boy waiting now, do I~”
With a purr in your voice, you began rubbing against his crotch that was already straining from his… impatience~
Working your hands against the growing tent in his pants, your fingers found their way the button before releasing his erection causing a quiet groan from the ginger who was now watching your every move like it was the most important thing he’d ever seen.
“So hard already? Just for me~?”
Grinning even more as you can’t help a sense of pride rush through your body, you placed soft kisses along his tip, moving down his shaft all the way to his balls before repeating the process, refusing to break eye contact with him.
Spending a few more minutes enjoying watching your boyfriend start to squirm and get impatient under your touch as your hand slowly pumped up and down his shaft, pulling out soft grunts of pleasure from him as you do.
Finally deciding that you’ve teased him enough you start to let your mouth do the work for you.
Still locking eyes with him, you rub his tip against your lips, savouring the taste of his pre already forming a pearl.
With one swift motion you slide his length inside your mouth, making Tartaglia let out a sharp moan as he threw his head back in pleasure.
“O-oh fuck… babe that’s… Ngh~”
You be lying if you did admit that it even shocked you a little, how well you took him all in first try.
Hearing him whimper and moan every time you bob your head up and down his length, enjoying his slightly salty taste.
“Archons, babe… keep going just like that~”
Feeling his hips start to buck into your mouth, pushing his length even further down, making you gag a little bit still not discouraging you from reaching your goal.
“Oh fUuck- babe I’m going to cum…~”
Without any time to brace yourself, you felt his fingers grip tightly onto your hair as he thrust his hips harder, causing you to gag even more and grip onto his thighs for support before he finally releasing his load.
“Holy fuck yes~!”
Pulling back to admire his breathless, shaking state, a trail of white dripping down your chin-
You can’t help but feel a little more excitement for the rest of the night as you pull out a pair of handcuffs from the draw next to the couch.
“I hope you’re not too tired just yet, I’ve got a lot more in store for you yet~”
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This was so bad, I’m so sorry hdicufif.
I’m back into doing requests as normal now that’s I’m pretty much completely recovered eeeeee I’ve missed it so much T-T
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d3m0nicdream · 10 months
Prom Night: Colby Brock (Part 2)
**Colby Brock Prom AU Poll Winner**
Colby Brock x fem!reader - a budding story about two people believed to be unobtainable to anyone, until they set their sights on eachother.
tags: Slow-burn romance, multi-parts, POV change, kissing, drinking, partying. (smut in later parts)
If you havn't read the 1st part:
Part 1
"Do you have date for Prom yet?" Kat asks through the screen of the facetime call. You were rummaging through all your dresses and outfits trying to pick on out for this party you guys were going to tonight.
"Ugh, don't remind me." You sigh. It was going to be really hard to find a prom date that wasn't looking to score you because of a stupid game.
"I just want to find a genuine guy. This sucks."
"Bitch, prom is next weekend. What are we going to do? This is senior prom we are talking about." Kat flails her arms before crossing them in thought.
"Why don't you just ask Sam. You literally won't stop thinking about him. Just go for it." You wiggle your brows at her as her face twists in disgust.
"Ew, I'm not asking a boy to prom. They need to ask me. Duh.... And I don't think about Sam Golbach. Gross." You laugh at her response. She was so dramatic but you wouldn't trade her for the world. She was the only one that didn't turn her back on you after the 'game' started. She never got jealous or changed her view of you in any way. She was indeed your best friend.
"What about you and Mr. Brock? You're telling me there isn't anything going on there?" You roll your eyes, trying to ignore her question.
"Bitch, you're dumb. Do you think I should just go with a little black dress moment? What do you think?" You hold it up against your body, modeling it for her.
"Oh yeah! And I have a cute little red one, we can complement each other!" You nod in agreement, happy to have a plan of what to wear, now it was a matter of being ready and looking hot. You had to make the 'game' interesting.
"Where is this party anyway. You didn't tell me anything except 'we are going to a party.' and now I'm curious." She sheepishly looks over at you.
"Well, it's sort of... at Sam and Colby's house." Your eyes go wide.
"Why wouldn't you tell me that!"
"Because I was afraid you wouldn't go." Kat was right. after what happened at school, the last thing you would have wanted was to go to Colby and Sam's house but it looks like this time, you have no choice.
"You are so lucky I love you." You laugh at Kat. It was a good thing there was going to be alcohol because you were going to need it.
"This is their house?" You marvel. It was huge. Where did they get the money for this?
"Oh yeah, this is your first major party. Yeah, they always host the biggest 'Before Prom Party' both this year and last year. It's always a rager." You pull your dress down a bit, suddenly very aware of how short it was. Kat grabs your arm and pulls you to the door. Unfortunately you don't go unnoticed. The minute you and Kat walk in the door, the music stops and the room goes silent before you hear somebody speak from the top of the stairs in front of you.
"Y/N is here." The audience cheers and its deafening. The music starts to play and a path opens for you towards the kitchen where there sits a familiar dark haired boy staring at you.
"Y/N has shown up to one of MY parties? This is insane." Colby giggles at your look and pours a drink, handing it to you.
"For you." Colby winks at you while holding out the red solo cup.
"Hey, what about me?" Kat spats.
"You're not the guest of honor. I see you all the time." Colby scoffs.
"I'M the one that got her to come here so I deserve some compensation." Kat stomps her foot like a child, seething at Colby's sarcasm.
"It's okay, Kat. I gotchu." Sam speaks from behind us as he makes his way into the kitchen.
"I'LL show my gratitude for the arrival of our guest thanks to you, Kat."
Thank you. At least someone appreciates me." She scowls at Colby before he laughs and passes you to leave.
"Have fun, drink up." He winks at you before walking out.
"You never told me you were sort of close with them, Kat." You kind of feel a little sad.
"I go to a lot of their parties so it's kind of inevitable to not be social with them. Plus, I'd rather talk to them than any of these knuckleheads but when it's school, we don't speak." She explains. It still would have been nice to know. Regardless, you down your drink and pour another. You came to get drunk and drunk you shall be. You and Kat are glued to each other's side until you are about four more drinks deep. The night was going exactly how you thought, every man coming up to you trying to shoot their shot. It was exhausting. This was the point when you end up losing Kat and go looking for her. The only problem is, now the drinks are starting to hit you. Your vision is blurry and foggy, everything is delayed. The music is unbearably loud and now without Kat, you were starting to panic.
You find an empty corner and stand there trying to gain your bearings but nothing was working. Your eyes scan the sea of dancing bodies for Kat but no luck.
"Hey Y/N. You okay?" Your thoughts were disrupted by Colby who you were pretty sure had just appeared out of nowhere. His hand touches your arm as if to stabilize you.
"To be honest, I'm fucked up and need to go home." You try to yell over the music but it was so loud. He looks around and nods for you to follow him. You both go up the stairs and down a busy hallway, bee-lining it to a door which Colby pulls out a key and unlocks. He leads you inside and the door shuts with him locking it again.
It was Colby's room. It reflected him almost to a tee. The dark and brooding lighting, the black bed sheets, curtains and couch. you were undeniably in his room.
"I know it's super overwhelming out there. It's more quiet in here. You can sit on the couch. Gimme a second." He rushes to the bathroom attached to the room and shuts the door. You look around the slightly spinning room. It was way more quiet here. Your headache was slowly subsiding.
Colby comes back out and he sits next to you.
"Are you okay?" He places his hand on your knee. You nod your head, not saying anything. Your eyes dart to his. they were a very pretty blue. The contrast even stronger with his dark, black hair. You take in his facial features, darting down his neck, his chest and then subconsciously his crotch. Your train of thought fumbled by his finger grabbing your chin, forcing you to look at him.
"Y/N. Are you good? You need to lay down?" Without thinking you lean forward, pressing your lips against his gently. His lips were surprisingly soft. It was probably the alcohol, you were never this forward. It takes Colby a minute to realise what's happening before he starts following along. His lips dancing with yours, lightly biting your bottom lip. You decide you weren't trying to fight it so you let his tongue slide past, exploring every part of your mouth. The heat of your body starts to rush to your head. The kiss getting heavier with every second. You eventually move into his lap, straddling his legs. Your hands find the back of his neck, pulling him into you. Your bodies are pressed close together while his hands find their place on your now uncovered ass, your dress riding up your thighs. You were about to make some very bad decisions. Or so you thought before Colby breaks the kiss.
"Hey, I think we should tone it down a bit." Colby moves your hair out of your blushing face, your feelings on top of the alcohol misting your face with a pink hue. You lean in again and start kissing him once more, you can feel his arousal under yours as you desperately try to deepen the kiss but again, he pulls away.
"Y/N, seriously. Please, we are not doing anything else. You're drunk. You need to go to sleep."
"Mmmm you're right but... I feeeeel so good nooow." You slur as he stares into your eyes. Your hands roam his chest and then his abs. You pout and he leans in placing a quick peck, taking you by surprise due to being impaired.
"I know you do but I think we should revisit this when you're sober, okay?" With his hands still on your ass, he locks his fingers while leaning forward. He stands up, picking you up in the process and walking you over to his bed. He places you down and walks over to his dresser, grabbing a shirt and tossing it your way. You barely catch it and immediately starts taking your dress off with the awkward realisation that you would need help with the zipper.
"uhm... Colby , could you.."
"Yeah, lemme just..." He delicately pulls the zipper down your back, causing chills to run down your spine.
"Thanks. Now turn back around." You mumble. You don't have to tell him twice. He patiently waits for you to finish.
Once you are covered, he lays you down and covers you with the blanket. He turns to leave but you grab him quickly.
"Colby, will you take me to Prom?" You try your best not to slur your words. You genuinely wanted him to. He chuckles at your request.
"I'll give you an answer when you wake up, okay?" You nod before finally letting go of his shirt. Within seconds, you are out cold. He turns off the lights and heads back out to the party.
Colby's POV:
Now that she was asleep, I check the time. 3am. The music had gotten quieter and over half the amount of people were still here and leaving.
'I need to find Sam.' I start looking around the house, picking up cups and plates and throwing away trash as I find it. I head back up the stairs when I don't find him in the kitchen or living room. I hit Sam's room, knocking on the door. He was definitely in there as I heard him shuffling to answer.
"Hey, what's up." He peeks his head out, clearly very much not wearing any clothes. He was holding his door close to shut so I couldn't see past him but there was definitely someone in there with him.
"Hey, tell Kat that Y/N is asleep in my room. I'm going to be sleeping in the living room. I'll clean up a little before I sleep." Sam blushes when he figures out that I know. He nods and closes the door, returning to doing whatever they were doing.
I yawn and start walking around with a trash bag. Everyone left except Jake, Corey, Seth and Nate, them being passed out in random areas of the house. It's not long before I decide the house is clean enough and I pass out too, on the couch in the living room.
Hope you guys are enjoying the series so far. Thanks for all the love
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