#but it's established that sakura is more powerful than clow + the clear cards are her power going out of control
tsukimine-moonlight · 2 years
i’ve started reading generations of card captors by tamchronin and there’s a short scene early on where clow has to throw out a card because he didn’t illustrate it properly. a line was off, so it couldn’t be turned into a magic card. and that made me start thinking about - what if the cards got to be involved in the process of creating their appearance? rather than taking forms that were drawn for them, or those forms being what they were like as spirits before they made contracts with clow to become cards, or those forms being things subconsciously formed by clow’s mind only. i like the idea that the spirits-that-became-cards had a little window of time to hover over clow’s shoulder and give him ideas and feedback and participate in the detailing of their form as a card. the analogy is silly, but what comes to mind is temporary license plates - it is a license! it is legal and valid! but it’s just paper, and there’s no design on it, and you know the real thing is going to come in the mail soon. so there’s a similar thought that when clow created a card maybe there would be a halfway point first, a sort of temporary and partial corporealization-binding that allowed the spirit to hang around a bit and test the waters to see if they wanted to stay, and if they did they’d draft the resulting card and form together.
yes this post is half because i cannot believe clow’s subconscious would give the Song the headgear that she has, but i can imagine the Song deciding that she’d like something like that.
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the-musical-cc · 3 years
Either Clow lied to Yuuko's face or Eriol lied to Sakura's face and the memories left behind for her were lies too.
Or maybe a bit of both?. Bear with me. Basically, the problem is there are conflicting versions regarding Clow's 'Death' and his motivations for it between CCS and Tsubasa/Holic:
I've said it in previous rants, but Yuuko states in the Holic Kei CD drama that his death came as a surprise to her ('Even though red wine was your favorite, I couldn't make you have some- by then you were already gone, all of a sudden') which- you'd think maybe if he and Yuuko are like the big masterminds behind everything that's going on along with Fei Wang, he'd like.... let her know what he's going to do??? Specially since he knows (Either because he decided or just foresaw it) WHEN he was going to 'Die'?? Like he let Yue and Kero know in advance and all??? He definitely knew WHEN he was going to 'Die' and just decided not to tell her. So that's one thing.
Then, when her time starts moving again and she's disappearing, she's expecting to reunite with him ('To death... to where you are...') which kind of makes sense within a simplistic vision of 'He died' that she's seemingly subject to... except, we know Clow is not as much 'Dead' as 'Nonexistant' by then. As per CCS canon shown to us through a vision Sakura has, at the time where he was supposed to die, he split into two separate, living beings: Eriol, who has all of his memories and magic (And yet is still a different person as per his own statement.), and Fujitaka, who is a common human being. In other words, he can't meet her ever again because he isn't anywhere. But she doesn't seem to know this.
(You could argue that he didn't as much lie to her as deliberately with-held information- an you'd have a point, but it's still a pretty shitty thing to do to the woman you're already leaving with a shit-ton of problems to solve in your stead, specially if she's under the impression that the two of you will eventually meet again when she's done playing her role cleaning after your mess.)
Not sure why Eriol didn't like- drop by and explain things to her but perhaps he didn't want to pain her further by letting her know Clow didn't exist anymore? And instead he left her with an empty promise. Charming. (To be fair, he's not Clow anymore, so technically this wasn't his business anymore, but like- he's just not gonna say anything because he's technically someone else? Bruh.)
Then there's the matter of Clow having spent some time (At least a good five years) as the king of Clow Country. By TRC's account, this would have happened after he told Yue and Kero that he was going to die- an here's where another contradiction enters because, as I've already stated, Sakura Kinomoto SAW the moment where he split into two happen. So we're left with- he either was lying to Sakura in her vision regarding WHEN his 'Death' happened (In reality it happened years into Yue and Kero being asleep and not on that same day.) OR he lied to Yuuko and was coming and going from Clow country for years, even as they were still making the Mokonas and later when they were sharing custody of them, making his final moment with Yue and Kero completely true.
(In the case Sakura summoned that vision by herself without his participation, this would make it the truth and mean he definitely lied to Yuuko.)
The only other options are: 1- Because time flows differently in each dimension, he managed to live a handful of years in Clow Country and then go back to his world to 'Die' within the same day. Or 2- Because logic was already collapsing, the timelines are not really meant to add up in any way that makes sense... which just sucks for the reader because everything else can more-or-less be explained in a satisfactory way, even if it's one that includes time paradoxes. This just feels lazy.
Now, timing aside, the contradictions between Sakura's account of his 'Death' and what Yuuko thinks it to be leave us with another matter: Either he, once more, lied to Sakura in that vision he left behind for her OR he lied to Yuuko, making her think he was going to come back to visit still when in reality he was going to 'Die' and THEN making her think he was dead and in the world of the dead when in reality Clow is completely gone and what's left of him is still among the living.
(Once more, Even in the case Sakura summoned that vision by herself without his participation, it'd only mean he definitely lied to Yuuko.)
Then, Eriol reveals that when Clow split himself in two, his wish was to 'Not be the most powerful magician in the world anymore', and the motivation behind this, he says, is that the knowledge of the future was too painful a burden for him. Meanwhile, Tsubasa establishes that the reason he begun to hate his power and his status as the world's most powerful magician was his accidental wish. So what is the truth?
Look, I know, OK? I know CCS predates Tsubasa and Holic and it's possible CLAMP hadn't really planned on explanding the Clow lore like that, but the matter still stands that these conflicting statements make Eriol look like a liar.
(UNLESS, an this is something I for whatever reason had stored in my memory as canon but I don't know WHERE I got it because it's nowhere in the manga and I don't think it's in the anime either, though it's been a good ten years since my last full rewatch... unless Eriol has lost all the memories of Clow's life and therefore completely forgotten about Yuuko. Which would make him an unreliable narrator more than a liar, but certainly adds insult to injury where Clow's treatment of her regards.)
Finally, there's the matter of Clear Card's current problem being that Sakura is growing too powerful to control her magic- which, Tomoyo HAD pointed out it sounded like it could happen when Eriol revealed he was wrecking shit up to help her become more powerful so that she could help him give half of his magic to Fujtaka at the end of CCS. What did the creepy little ferret say back then? 'Nah, we're good, she can handle it'. So, that was a lie. It's specially bad when you realize it's also stated that Touya is recovering his powers little by little- meaning their magic grows with time. Meaning there was no way Sakura's power wasn't going to grow enough to start being a problem eventually.
Again, Clear Card is a new work and CLAMP probably didn't plan on expanding CCS when they finished the original manga, but the fact that all of this happened despite Eriol straight out telling them it wouldn't makes him look like either an idiot or a liar, and one that threw Sakura under the bus to save himself. I have a feeling a lot of things in Clear Card are going to get reversed conveniently because the wand Sakura Kinomoto hands to her adult!clone self in Tsubasa is still the star one (which doesn't exist anymore in Clear Card), but right now as per April 2021, Eriol is not looking great.
Of course, it's always possible this is just CLAMP not quite fact-checking themselves as well as they could before referencing their other works in the newer ones or something like that but if I'm right... we just added another layer of fucked-up to Clow's character.
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Ayesha Liveblogs Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card S1
Not to be someone born in the 90s but wow this is a change from the more simple animation style new anime truly likes things shiny, intensely bright and round lmao
Ah I guess the prologue is just a reanimation of the original anime finale? That’s fair it helps you reintegrate if it had been nineteen years for you
“That way, you’ll realize who you consider to be your Number One” Eriol’s advice has gotten less cryptic since he stopped lying
“The person I love the most... is you” Lmao didn’t Syaoran ALREADY do this confession in the final battle this is like in Naruto the Last where Naruto just forgot that Hinata had already said she loved him
Fdshkfjhkjdfhksjhfkjh wow Yukito appearing with a flower background and shine effect and softened face is this a style choice or is this just Toya Vision™
I think Toya’s voice IS different rest in pieces I still respect u bro 
“How do I feel about Syaoran” [Pan across Syaoran in floral background] It is a style choice how very shojo manga of you
I’m really very confused by the references to Tokyo Tower bc I’m pretty sure they were battling at Tsukimine Shrine did I miss something??
No I just checked it was definitely at the shrine in the anime did THEY not check or were they like ‘hmmm not enough drama only Tokyo Tower for our battle backdrops pls’
This is the third or fourth flower backdrop in the first ten minutes jkhkdjhg the floral effect artists said ‘I WILL BE SILENT NO LONGER’:
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I DO NOT understand the chronology of this the bear exchange was the last scene in the anime is this before or after the finale???? If it’s after then why is Syaoran still in town
Rjhkjhgkj is the entire point of redoing this episode so Sakura could also give Syaoran a bear
“Toya was too embarrassed, so he had me bring it over and went back to his room” Lmao @ Toya sending his boyfriend to be nice to his sister in his place 
If this show does not stop the floral cutaways I will not be able to take it seriously it is Ouran High School Host Club levels of intensity jdshfkjshdfkjhsdk
“Will you wait for me?” “Yes! I’ll wait! I’ll be waiting!” I think they threw out all continuity just so they could establish that these feelings were for sure mutual for the setup of the sequel series
That, or the original series so heavily discarded manga continuity that they are trying to walk it back to something more accurate without any real explanation
Rffkghkfghkdfhgkj if they’re referencing the original anime bear scene what was the point of that stupid prologue SO WHAT IS THE TRUTH
“My name is Mike. I’m from Portland” LOL references to Americans in anime are always so funny 
“Now I can stay in Tomoeda forever” did u bring ur mom and sisters orrr
Gosh I’m actually quite thrown by how quickly this romance escalated it took them 57 episodes to just use each other’s first names and now it’s taken them one (1) episode to Commit 4Ever At Age 13
HAHAHA do they have smart phones now? Always on the cutting edge
“I Am a Stuffed Animal” some of the quirky captions ARE worth it
“Make sure you tell him... even the smallest things” Yue has become more of a romantic since he got closure and a part-time boyfriend 
“I never knew! Thanks for telling me!” “Never change, Li-kun” kjhgkjhdkj STILL MY GULLIBLE BOY some things don’t ever change
Is that a dragon?? They are really expanding this magical universe
It bears repeating the polar opposite levels of pacing from the two shows it’s only episode one and they’ve already established so many new rules and powers 
I don’t blame them for it though bc they have to put forward some kind of plot progression
There were so many visual effects in that scene I couldn’t even tell what was happening lmao it’s like reading manga battles
“But why are these things happening in Tomoeda again?” I mean not to point fingers but Syaoran’s arrival is fairly recent
“Did Wei-san come back with you” “No, just me. But he said he’d come to check on me in a while” HE’S 13?? CHILD. WELFARE. LAWS!!!!
“I wish that I could’ve used it as a reference” “For what?” “To make something that would look wonderful on you” LMAO now that Syaoran and Sakura are a thing He is Included in the outfits 
“’Great to have you’ so you can do what?” don’t bully ur sister Toya, u r both happy with your respective relationships now
I understood “Gale” but what exactly is a “Siege” card this feels a little abstract 
“We managed to keep him in the dark” did u tho? Again. Moon boyfriend
“So it happened in her room” Did u put a protection spell on that bear or something Syaoran 
I genuinely do not tire of Syaoran and Sakura’s shared gullibility this couple is morosexual solidarity
How convenient that Sakura’s new key just announces whenever there’s a new clear card to collect lmao
I meant what I said about Toya’s love language being touching Yukito somewhere above the shoulders 
“You’ll find out when the time comes” Dfddjhfjkdhf Toya what are you going to DO 
Two cards in one episode is quite a bit for ep 3 I guess they’re trying to give her some more fighting options lol 
Is the implication of the way Sakura just happens to be coming across magical phenomenon that Clow Reed didn’t make his cards but just harnessed magic that existed in nature 
For no reason other than my own suspicion I think that something funky is going on with Syaoran’s powers
“That person was almost the same height as me” I mean so was Eriol
“Sakura and the Lovely Transfer Student” we know by now transfer students mean that shit’s about to get real
“And then you slept with your belly uncovered” “I did not!” Toya’s gentle bullying to distract Sakura is always weirdly sweet
“Your brother is so funny Sakura” CHIHARU’S RIGHT STAN TOYA
“I hope we can be friends” if I know anything about this show this means she’s going to do something very shady immediately
I wonder if this will be the season that Tomoyo’s filming of everything Sakura does finally becomes plot relevant
I do think it’s weird that Sakura trusted a new key without questioning it
I KNEW Syaoran was being suspicious!!! Talking about Sakura with Eriol in secret phone calls
“I came here to be ready for that time, when it comes” current theory is that Syaoran has NO powers and that’s why he is not running out of his classroom for teenage battles with the Forces of Nature
“How much has Yukito-san been eating?” “Not as much as he did when you were in elementary school, but he still eats a lot for his size” This must be a strange conversation for their dad to listen to but I like how this is code for Does Yukito Have Magical Chakra Exhaustion
“Um, I just... Phone call” said Sakura, as she was forcibly moonwalked away right in front of her friends’ eyes
LOL is Tomoyo being unable to film Sakura going to be a recurring joke 
“Don’t worry about it” “I have to, when it’s about you” Syaoran really going Full Boyfriend Mode huh
I’ve never questioned it in until precisely this moment but who pays Kero’s phone bill?? Is it Tomoyo? Who is the account holder for this stuffed animal did she establish Kero as a legal person
“Momo-chan, let’s be friends okay?” I feel like this has to be immediate foreshadowing for Momo being alive
[Cucumber cut incorrectly] “Gotta show Yuki” hjkfhksjdhfkjhd rude of Toya but the caption kills me
Ddjkhfkjdhfjkdhfkjh the pure juxtaposition of this energy:
Tomoyo: They have other things to do
Chiharu, thinking that it’s a romance thing: [Winks]
Syaoran and Sakura: [In the shadows while threatening music plays]
“I didn’t feel... anything” oh NO why r their magic senses NOT tingling
I feel like I have been had, they had an episode called the “Song of the Moon” and Yukito didn’t even show up?? Rude
SCREAM this magical FaceTime call is much funnier than I could’ve imagined
“Yukito is in a recitation club, which he takes very seriously” GDGJFGJGJHGDG Yue very respectful of not occupying Yukito’s time with magical shenanigans LMAO
“And we’ll make them the cutest oxygen masks you’ve ever seen” Tomoyo, like the background effects artists in this anime, will not be stopped
Well colour me inaccurate I guess Syaoran can use his powers and he can do a fancy new sword thing
I like this flying scarf it’s the first of the new cards with a personality
Poor Syaoran always so serious to being a Teenage Wizard is hard
Wow I bet there’s NOTHING weird about the fact Akiho lives in Eriol’s house it’s just pure happenstance (said no one)
“Could we um, go out together?” I think this is the first time someone has explicitly scheduled a date in all 80+ episodes
I really do enjoy Toya’s never-ending list of temp jobs lmao 
“Still going on, huh?” Toya’s older brother senses are unparalleled
Ghgjhfjfjhfjh what is the scale for these heights why is Kaito twice the height of these 13-year-olds
Unsubtle shot of this man’s pocket watch echoing Sakura’s dream
I’ve never seen a more Rich Person Reaction than Akiho getting upset that Katio, a service worker, stated that taking care of her was his job hfkjdhfkjh
“I came to Japan because there was a book I wanted”
1. VERY Rich Person thing to say
2. Wow I wonder which of you has a MAGICAL BOOK that’s been doing weird things lately
“What language is it” “I don’t know, but I’ve learned to read it” me when I hear people speak South Asian languages LMAO
Why does everyone keep referencing the Time That’s Coming? Toya, Syaoran, Eriol... they’ve all caught Mizuki’s affliction of vague and unhelpful prophecies
*One more go to jail Mizuki for the road
I hope that these stupid FaceTime calls with Yue are in EVERY episode from now on
Does the fact that he’s listed as Yue-san in Sakura’s phone mean that there’s a phone for each personality omg
OMG I just realized the ep title (Sakura’s Thrilling Aquarium Visit) must be a throwback to “Sakura’s Heart-Racing First Date” which was not a date but took place at an aquarium. Cute!!
GJHGSHJGFSGH Yue is me whenever people talk about video games:
Kero: Hey, Yue, play an online game with me
Yue: [Hangs up immediately]
“I made you wait” “Nah, I got here too early. It’s still twelve minutes before our meeting time.” I think she and Yukito had this exact exchange in that early ep
“She doesn’t have magical powers, but she’s oddly perceptive” I hope that Meilin’s one and only magical power is precognition lmao
Omg every time someone in this show speaks English I am so thrown 
“I wasn’t sure how I should look at him” awww Syaoran trying to re-establish himself in the family
I guess this aquarium HAS changed in that it developed a security system for when the tank breaks [youknowwhathatisgrowth.gif]
LOL I guess it’s convenient to have an invisibility cloak when ur breaking and entering I was wondering how they were going to deal with their criminal behaviour in the age of cameras
Ep 10. Sakura’s Unbelievable Juvenile Detention Centre
Weel weel weel looks like Sakura isn’t the only one with new powers nice ice Syaoran!! I missed their tag team fights
“You want the person you like to eat good food” Besides the fact Kaito is twice your height and therefore probably an adult... u should not make advances on people u employ - this is all very bad-vibes-no-jutsu
I am shocked that it took this long for Sakura to notice that her new cards paralleled the old cards
Syaoran is staring at Kaito like he murdered his spouse in a previous life 
Also very unclear why Eriol keeps leaving her on read if he’s talking to Syaoran what
I love how Kero has independent friendships and communications with both Yukito and Tomoyo lmao
How many times has Penguin Park been destroyed by now
“Perhaps your dream is gradually progressing” Progressing into what exactly the Battle of the Nice Thirteen-Year-Olds
Why is it that magic in this universe comes with above-average athletic ability LOL
Once again, without a body/personification, these cards seem harsh
Kaito seems like too much of a red herring a la Mizuki so I’m going to assume the other presence we see is someone we either haven’t met yet or smth really fucked up with the rest of the main cast 
I’d lose my mind if it was Toya but I genuinely hope not he’s too nice
I honestly missed Meilin ever since she chilled out a bit she’s very fun
“The emoji in her message definitely looked thrilled” [Bob Dylan voice] For the times they are a-changin’.....
“I don’t know when it’ll happen, but when it does you’ll know” Toya.......
Toya’s absolutely nonplussed reaction to his Moon Boyfriend never ceases to amaze
Yukito: [Sighs and floats into the air to wrap in a wing cocoon]
Toya: [Sitting and staring unfazed] 
Also am I crazy or was that transformation on purpose bc it really had the energy of ‘Fine if you won’t talk to me maybe you’ll talk to Rude Magical Me!!’
“Did I change again?” GUESS NOT LMAO 
Also it’s fun how as different as Yukito and Yue are, their shared brain cell says ‘TOYA COMMUNICATE WITH MEE’ 
“But ever since Syaoran came back, he’s had something important on his mind” People don’t give Sakura enough credit for her emotional intelligence
Can we take a minute to appreciate Sakura’s outfit fashion ICON
What is this Furry card that makes u dress up in ears and a tail lmao
“I’ll treasure [these cookies]” “I’d rather you ate them” LOL
My Furry card prediction gets more and more accurate with each passing second (even a broken clock’s right twice a day)
Uhhhhh Syaoran what did u sell to the moon devil to be able to cut through the space-time continuum
SCREAM this family and their circle of hair cutting (also if Yukito cuts Toya’s hair, does Toya cut Yukito’s? Or does it not grow bc magic jfhkfh)
“I’m pretty sure that was middle school English” Sakura hearing English is me hearing French LMAO 
“Sucks, doesn’t he?” MEILIN PLS
Djhfjkdhkjfhjk Tomoyo’s immediate rage at being the centre of attention
“Surround the entire mansion” Very subtle Sakura I’m sure no one in your whole town will notice
“I hear her father specializes in archaeology, so he might have some interesting books” “Have I mentioned Sakura-san’s father to you before?” [Dramatic cut in music] WELL
Oh my GOD did Kaito just turn back time bc he regretted what he said immediately? Honestly a mood
“You’re so alike, and not just because of your names” I have to say I’ve been thinking since her first appearance that Akiho looks like Nadeshiko so if they’re not related I will be surprised
“Sometimes watching good people makes me feel sad” well damn Meilin
I’m going to guess this Teenage Robot is the equivalent of the fight card that Meilin fought upon her introduction
“Aren’t you and Syaoran doing too much for those you care about, and forgetting to care about yourselves?” WELL DAMN MEILIN U R THE NEW TEENAGE SUPERHERO THERAPIST
 “Can I call you ‘Sakura’ from now on, too?” AHHH THESE KIDS
“We are indeed progressing... toward that time” I feel THREATENED
Once again I cannot stress strongly enough how much I love physical comedy
Sakura: They don’t seem to be causing any harm
The dessert rolls:
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GOD the roll cakes eating each other to form one giant monster Babushka doll roll cake jhfjkdhgkdjhgkj incredible
“Please laugh again” Akiho is v nice I really hope Kaito isn’t mean 
“Once a magical contract is formed, it can’t be broken, unless something really serious happens” [Quirrel voice] Can anyone tell me what foreshadowing is?
“What do you feel” “I think it’s a card” Very observant Sakura I think they gathered that
When Sakura gets all four of the base elements is Momo going to turn into a 200 pound giant rabbit
I like that every time Toya is concerned about Sakura, Yue appears suddenly to discuss the matter seriously with him [Gay and Wondorous Life of Caleb Gallo voice] He’s in this relationship!!
“When you’re angry or upset, it shows on your face, even if you don’t say it” Yue IS in this relationship woooow
“When humans realize they’re talking to a fox, they won’t sell you mittens. In fact, they’ll catch you and put you in a cage.” UH who is the fox in this metaphor not Sakura I hope???
Years later Syaoran is still winded if Sakura makes too much eye contact khgkghkjg 
The fact that Yukito reads at a children’s hospital... truly one of The Nicest Not-Humans On Earth
Well with each passing episode we have less and less reasons to trust these cards and Kaito the Young Magical Butler
Ever since Kaito reversed time, I cannot shake the persistent thought that Akiho IS Nadeshiko. That’d be weird but u know... I’ve seen this show do weirder
“Your sweets look better” “No, yours!” Grandpa witnessing this date
“Also if Sakura-chan goes to college or wants to do something else, he wants to help” TOYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
“Any further, and you won’t be able to return” NADESHIKO BE MORE SPECIFIC 
“It was my robe” Wait what ur family is a magical society or smth and somehow u don’t know Akiho??? How in the whomst
Everyone in this anime is like, ‘Haha Yue looks mad’ as if Yue does not look mad every second that he’s alive
“Nadeshiko would talk to things that weren’t there, and try to reach an understanding with things that couldn’t talk” 91 EPISODES LATER AND MR. KINOMOTO FINALLY ACKNOWLEDGES MAGIC?? OKAY
“I want me to tell me [about your pain] too” wow this is the CALL-OUT EPISODE
“The house they live in was once torn down and replaced with an amusement park” were the continuity errors of accepting the second movie... A PLOT POINT?!?!?!
Yue: Evil magic looming overhead is bad for your wifi signal actually
“I will obtain these new cards. So I can use the relic I took from the association to activate that magic spell” Kaito really laying out his motivations out loud in a library. Insensible. Vague and probably misleading. 1/10 villainous monologue 
Sakura’s powers are WILD she can duplicate the strength of her magic 
“Power that’s too strong will bring unhappiness to its owner” SYAORAN :((
I feel like the only way this can end is Toya giving Sakura magical noogie so she doesn’t have to carry all of her powers like the reverse of what he did for Yue-kito 
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Clow Sorcery: Clear Card Edition
Alright, so I recently caught up on the CCS: Clear Card manga and am therefore back on my bullshit with regard to Clow sorcery stuff. I have a lot of thoughts on various aspects of this arc and what the potential implications are for those of us who like to play in that magical sandbox, but for now I’d like to start with taking a look at the original Clow cards in comparison with the Clear cards. Specifically, I want to delve into what these two systems (because yes, I am about to argue that they are in fact separate systems) can tell us about a) the types of magic present in this paradigm and b) the different types of magicians we’re working with.
As a note, this post will be somewhat image-heavy so I apologize for that in advance. Additionally, I will be discussing SPOILERS UP TO MANGA VOLUME 5 since that’s where we really start to have a clearer picture of things. I won’t be addressing anything specific to the anime because I’ve not watched it yet and have discovered via discussions with other fans a number of divergences on some key plot points, so I’m leaving that alone atm. Be advised.
Now, we have concrete confirmation that the Clear cards are the sole product of Sakura’s power and imagination (something which I speculated on nearly a year ago, so I feel rather validated on that front). For anyone who has been dipping into Clow sorcery, this is kind of a big deal on multiple levels. First and foremost being, they are not Clow cards. These new card spirits exist wholly outside of the original framework that governed the Clow. This is evidenced by a few things, starting with the names and appearances of the respective spirits.
A large majority of the Clow cards were anthropomorphic/humanoid in appearance. Only a handful of them did not fit into this category, and even most of those could be identified as an object of some sort. With the exception of the Illusion and the Wave, every Clow spirit had a definitive and recognizable form that personified its inherent power. The Clear cards, on the other hand, are largely abstract. Even those that are described as birds (Gale, Aqua, Blaze) are not any kind of bird that is immediately identifiable as such. To date, the only truly humanoid Clear card spirit is one that is directly inspired by a Clow card, and consequently shares the original spirit’s name (Mirror).
You may be asking why any of this matters. Obviously they needed a new #aesthetic to hook people, so that covers that, right? Well, I think it’s a little more significant than that, especially since Sakura responded so well to the original cards and developed a decided friendly relationship with them. Why, then, would her own cards be so different to the friends she had already made?
I believe it boils down to a key difference between Sakura’s and Clow’s magic which becomes pretty apparent when you examine their respective mahoujin. Looking at Clow Reed’s magic circle, we see a TON of different magical elements. At first glance, we clearly have some astrology, some sacred geometry, the kanji for the four cardinal directions, and a host of symbols, sigils, and script all divided neatly into sections that obviously have some type of mystical correspondences. This mahoujin is absolutely packed with occult knowledge that Clow spent years painstakingly crafting into a coherent system, the final product of which were the original Clow cards.   
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Some of this detail and structure is maintained in the magic circle Sakura ends up using in the second half of the series, but some of it is also lost. We retain the astrological symbols and the Sun, Moon, Star motif (slightly rearranged to reflect the source of Sakura’s power). We still have the cardinal directions and the interlocking geometric designs, but the rest of the glyphs and magical script have gone missing. Looking at this mahoujin, there are enough similarities to clearly show these magicians are still working within the same paradigm. One is a little more heavy on the elements you might expect to pick up over a life-long study of the occult, while the other has been parred down to reflect a magician who is still growing into their craft.
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Virtually all of this changes with the Clear cards, though. Absolutely everything about the original mahoujin, save for the presence of the Sun and Moon, has been edged out by the dominance of the Star. Even the four kanji representing the cardinal directions have been replaced by the kanji for Fire, Wind, Water, and Earth. Perhaps even more fascinating, the circle no longer even manages to contain the whole of the design. This magic circle is literally bursting with Sakura’s own power, and very little else.
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What this says to me is: Sakura is not only stronger than Clow was, but she is also an entirely different type of magician. While Clow relied heavily on various elements of ceremonial magic and established lore to create a new system that married Eastern and Western philosophies, Sakura isn’t so much creating a new system as she is unconsciously harnessing raw elemental power through sheer force of will.
This is also demonstrated in the different incantations for unleashing the Wand. Both the original incantation and the one Sakura uses in the latter half of the series call upon a very specific force - the “power of the Dark” or the “power of the Stars”. In the Clear card arc, however, she calls upon the “Force without Master” to release her staff and secure the new cards. Honestly, I suspect the only reason the new cards are even cards at all is because she is mimicking a familiar template without realizing it.
The point is, this explains a hell of a lot. The reason the Clear cards are more abstract is because they haven’t been refined by any formal rules or tools beyond the power that is required to wield them. It also explains the disparity in the range of their application as compared to the original Clow. Clow spirits all had a very narrow set of skills and parameters specific to their nature. By contrast, the Clear cards have a broader range precisely because they are, in essence, still very raw. Which is understandable, since it takes years of learning and practice to develop the control necessary to work with fine lines as opposed to broad strokes.
But what this proves is that Sakura’s power is far more chaotic than anyone except perhaps Eriol may have realized, simply because she has no boundaries to contain it.
I’m still not entirely sure what all this means for practitioners of Clow Sorcery, but there are a few things I can say with relative certainty. The first is that I absolutely believe one can choose to work with the new cards without having to give up the Clow. The second, is that anyone who does decide to work with the Clear cards should probably keep in mind that they are an entirely different beast born of a much wilder magic than the original Clow, and therefore may not necessarily play by all the same rules.
Tune in next time...
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Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card Is Not for New Fans
Despite nearly twenty years of being off the air, Cardcaptor Sakura returned with its sequel series, Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card. While fans of the original series can reflect on and enjoy the aspects of familiarity found in Clear Card, new fans might struggle to catch on.
The original Cardcaptor Sakura series—based on the shōjo manga by the esteemed manga group CLAMP—aired from 1998 to 2000 and followed the story of Sakura Kinomoto, an elementary school student who discovers that she has magical powers after unintentionally freeing a set of magical cards that had been sealed away for years. One of the guardians of the Clow Cards, Keroberos, tasks Sakura with retrieving the cards to prevent the onslaught of calamity upon the world.
Nearly twenty years after the first series ended, Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card picks up some time after with Sakura in middle school. Similar to the start of the original Cardcaptor Sakura, Clear Card begins with Sakura having a prophetic dream about the Clow cards. In her dream, the cards she collected suddenly become blank. When she wakes up the next morning, the cards appear as they did in her dream. Sakura is once again forced to recapture the cards, only now, the cards themselves have changed with The Windy becoming The Gale. 
During the first few episodes, it's difficult for fans of the franchise not to be moved by nostalgia. Madhouse, the studio who animated the original series, returns to give fans an identical style of animation with nearly two decades of improvement to the familiar tones and Sakura’s intricate costume designs. The original cast reprise their roles, and the music maintains the same magical-girl charm through recognizable piano melodies. 
Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card sticks to its routes in regards to having a simple narrative arc for each episode. Like it’s predecessor, each episode focuses on Sakura capturing the Clow Cards and harnessing their power. The new series does not take any early risks by straying from what fans loved about the original style, but since so much has changed for the characters of the series, it doesn't have to. 
By the end of the first episode, Syaoran Li—who had left for Hong Kong at the end of the original series—has returned, and while there is certainly a familiarity that appeals to viewer’s nostalgia, it's more complex than that. The new season is intentional with how it uses aspects of the past to show the audience that things are different now, no matter how comparable they may seem. For example, when Syaoran Li and Sakura are reunited, the musical score is “Platinum” by Maaya Sakamoto, which was the final opening theme to the previous series. The callback is recognizable to older fans who now have the chance to revisit the series, but it also shows how things have changed. The dynamic between Syaoran Li and Sakura is more complex now that they are older. With their feelings for one another no longer a secret, it could potentially complicate matters going forward. 
That said, the nuance of Sakura’s relationship with Syaoran Li may not work with fans unfamiliar with the first Cardcaptor Sakura series. Even with a basic understanding of the plot, the complex relationships between not only Sakura and Syaoran Li, but all the other characters who still hold a strong presence in Sakura’s life are not presented with any explanations for new viewers. Without seeing them in their formative phases, it might be difficult for a new audience to appreciate the dynamics. Even Keroberos struggles to summarize the events of the first series at the start of the first episode, and without any prior knowledge, understanding the new series on its own may prove to be off-putting to unfamiliar viewers.
Even fans of the original series may have to go back and refresh their memories before taking in Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card because so much happened in the original arc. The plot of the original show was so intricate, with such a variety of characters, that some confusion on the viewer’s part is understandable. That said, it would slow down the show’s pacing if the new series spent too much time trying to establish what took the original 70 episodes and two movies to create. While new viewers can catch on quickly to the monster-of-the-day format and the basic plot of the show, the nuances and complexities of character relationships will be hard to follow without understanding how those characters got to where they are now.
While Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card has a lot to offer viewers familiar with the original series in both its callbacks to what they already know and love, and its new, more complex dynamics between characters, it may have a hard time capturing viewers new to the anime. However, with its stunning style and engaging characters, it would be hard for newcomers not to look back at where the series started, and go from there. 
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