#but it's awesome for learning the actual geopoliticals in Europe
ickaimp · 3 years
Russia and Ukraine in Eurovision
A friend knows I love Eurovision and let me know that Eurovision has banned Russia from Eurovision 2022. And I immediatly flailed and info dumped, because hyperfixations.
2014 was the first time I got to see a live streaming Eurovision finale and it was as Russia invaded Ukraine. The 2014 Ukraine entry, “Tick-Tock” by Mariya Yaremchuk, has lots of visual about being trapped and literally running out of time. Which may not have been the intention, but contrast it with the 2014 Russian entry: “Shine” by the Tolmachevy Sisters, which… Has some very 1920s Metropolis propaganda vibes, and the lyrics include: Now maybe there's a place Maybe there's a time Maybe there's a day you'll be mine And this is while Russia is invading the Ukraine. 😬 Very yikes. This sets the tone for rooting for Russia in Eurovision. (nope) 2015, Ukraine didn’t participate in Eurovision, they were dealing with an invasion. Russia almost won, the Eurovision live audience was very vocally FURIOUS, as were the commentators. Thankfully Måns Zelmerlöw from Sweden wins with “Heroes”. In 2016 Måns performed the greatest Eurovision song that isn’t in Eurovison, “Love Love Peace Peace“ where the 2014 Ukraine entry makes an appearance onstage as “Man in a Hampster Wheel”. 😄🐹 Eurovision also changed its judging in 2016. They seperated the judge votes from the audience televoting, which makes the final score less obvious and more of a nail biter. (2021 was fantastic!) 2016 was also kind of interesting as it’s very obvious how much money Russia puts into their entries in “You Are The Only One” by Sergey Lazarev. It’s one of the more technically complex visual entries. Taking a cue from Måns, there’s fancy interactive backgrounds, and the guy walks upright up a wall, no wires invovled. Russia also tried to get Ukraine’s entry, 1944 by Jamala, removed by claiming that it was poltical, talking about the 2014 invasion. Eurovision rules state “no lyrics, speeches, gestures of political or similar nature shall be permitted“.
This was rejected as the song is about the deportation of the Crimean Tatars at the hands of Joseph Stalin, which included Jamala’s Great-Grandmother and her daughters, one of whom didn’t make it.  The lyrics, in both english and crimean, are very emotional and worth a read. Ukraine wins the 2016 Eurovision Song Contest. 2017, Ukraine hosts Eurovision. And Russia isn’t in it. 😂 Russia has a song, “Flame is Burning”, they have a singer, Yuliya Samoylova, and the singer is banned from entering Ukraine for breaking Ukrainian travel ban in 2015. 2018... does not go well for Russia in Portugal. Yuliya Samoylova performs a new song, “I won’t Break” and it scores at the bottom of the second semi-finals. Russia fails to make it to the finals for the first time since 1997. Ukraine places 17th. The past couple of years have been kind of quiet. Russia’s 2020 entry, “Uno” by Little Big went semi-viral (personally, I think “Hypnodance” is funnier) and Ukraine’s 2021 entry, “Shum” by Go_A, placed fifth and exploded on tik-tok. And now Russia’s banned from 2022. 😂 It’ll be interesting to see how Eurovision goes down in Turin, Italy this year.
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anonymoustalks · 4 years
The left has become absorbed by identity politics and is obsessed with race.. it scares me that they will create more racists than before they started
(6-17-20) You both like politics.
You: heyaa
Stranger: Hi
Stranger: How are you
You: anything you're interested in?
You: I am fine
Stranger: I'm interested in hearing opinions on things
You: oh, me too ^^
You: what kind of things?
Stranger: Politics is divisive, but in order to get a better understanding I wish to listen to both sides
You: awesome, I think that's great ^^
Stranger: :) thank you
You: do you have issues you care about most?
Stranger: The current fall of western society
You: fall of western society huh
You: can you elaborate more?
Stranger: Over the past few years we have seen western society devolve. Where once we were fairly united and we stood strong, we have become more divided and with the introduction of identity politics, that has just worsened till we have gotten to where we are now. China is currently pushing her borders, and yet with the US in flames and the uk following suit (along with France for that matter), noone challenges it
You: mhm *nodsnods*
Stranger: To speak out against the lunacy is to be called a racist and a bigot, not that that's anything new of course but those who are calling for these things seem to not really understand the importance and significance of their actions. I see this as akin to the 1920s Weimar Republic. They are pushing for things they don't want
You: you type a lot haha
Stranger: Sorry i am choosing my words carefully
You: mhm it's fine
You: so you think strong foreign policy is very important?
Stranger: I do. I am from South Africa, though I live in the uk. For those who live outside the us and Europe, we see the importance of Baro and the us on a geopolitical scale. China owns the east of Africa, if not central as well. The us has been the top dog preventing them and Russia from doing much for years, though that's going to change in the coming years
Stranger: NATO not baro* bloody autocorrect
You: oh okay I was wondering what that was haha
Stranger: If I may ask, where are you from?
You: the us actually
Stranger: I thought you might be given the time :) it's half 1 am here
You: yeah it's late!
You: so in your view, western countries need to have more of a spine?
You: is that basically what you're saying?
Stranger: Always. But history has a cycle.
Stranger: Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. Weak men create hard times
You: very fair
You: speaking of cycles, I think something that is floating around these days
You: is whether it's sort of like the beginning of the end of american hegemony
You: sort of like UK's empire gradually had its sunset
Stranger: This is what I am concerned with. All empires have their time in the sun, and all shall fade. I had hoped I would be dead before it happened. I made a prediction several years ago that should trump win in 2020 again, there will be civil war. I am unsure on my prediction of civil war, but I can see that he will win. Should there not be war, I give it another 2 presidencies before yourselves will fall, and ww3 breaks out
You: hmm the us is steamy right now, but idk about civil war
Stranger: It's been brewing for a while now by my estimation
You: that said I would not be surprised about China continuing to be more aggressive
You: that stuff with India yesterday?
You: ^^
Stranger: Without strong willed opposition, they will always push more overtly. They have done so in the shadows for years now
Stranger: And that's just one example
Stranger: They have intruded on Thailand air space as well
You: I don't think either democrats or republicans are very foreign-policy aggressive right now though
You: idk if your concern will be that much better with biden
You: clinton was a little hawkish but she lost 2016
Stranger: It would be much worse with Biden, or anyone from the left EXCEPT Tulsi Gabbard
You: oh you sounded like you didn't want trump to win lol
Stranger: I don't like him. But honestly, he's the best option out of what has been shown. Bernie is a socialist, Hillary is a warmonger, Biden will probably be a puppet. Who can stand? Hillary could be strong, but you would go to war. For all his faults, Trump has avoided war and conflict. He brought North Korea to the discussion table.
You: okay ^^
Stranger: I may not like him but he is effective, and has been a boon to you economy though as someone who works in finance, the next crash is due soon
You: fair enough although I think a lot of places are hurt by the coronavirus economy anyways
Stranger: Yeah.. the lockdowns are odd.. why quarantine those who are healthy? We have always quarantined those who were I'll first, and then those who go out and riot get a free pass? It's a bit confusing, and is a little bit of double think. Rules don't apply to you if you have the correct opinions it would seem
You: idk the US never really had forced quarantines
You: everything here was just you were supposed to do it
Stranger: The uk did, apologies
Stranger: Well not heavily enforced near me
You: we had college students going to beaches even though the quarantine was happening
You: because young ppl think they are invincible
You: and dumb ^^
Stranger: Hahaha yeah you aren't wrong in that
Stranger: But I have waffled on, may I hear your opinions on what we have discussed?
You: mhm, I disagree but it's cool yo~
Stranger: No that's great, it shows that we can discuss and hopefully come to compromise
Stranger: Thank you for being chill and relaxed
You: mhm I'm basically a hippie though so I don't usually take strong stances on international intervention
Stranger: That's fair and understandable. I used to agree with that as well for many years
You: I kind of think it's a little bit of a selfish position to take (the peace one)
You: in the sense that I don't want to deal with other people's problems
You: so in a sense it's kinda selfish
Stranger: It is and it isn't :)
Stranger: It's a moral good and a difficult thing. Peace only exists as reprieve from war. Humanity is a war like species, and peace only ever exists between them. And I applaud your pacifism
You: idk I'm not sure if it's always something to applaud
You: I think in a sense it's a kind of inaction
Stranger: A good thought experiment for you then, look at ww2
You: yup
You: I'm familiar with isolationism in history and its ramifications
Stranger: The us was neutral officially for years, and because they took no strong stance, the Nazis rose to power. Admittedly it was partly the fault of all the allies and ww1 but that's a digression.
Stranger: But war was thrust upon them officially by what happened. The peaceful stance can be taken from you, but that is not a bad thing in my opinion
You: yup
Stranger: What would you do if you could, at that time?
You: at that time?
You: hmm
You: it's not a question I've thought very much about
Stranger: I thought on that myself
You: and what did you conclude?
Stranger: My answer was intervention. Stop the Anschluss, the Munich agreement, the extremely harsh measures of the treaty at the end of ww1
You: oh yeah that was a terrible treaty
You: I kind of imagined myself as an average person though haha
Stranger: But I understand the reasoning at the time for allowing all those things to go through
Stranger: I am too
You: you would have protested your government signing that treaty?
Stranger: That's why thay generation was called the greatest generation. We the average man stood up and took up arms, because they believed what was right.
Stranger: It is difficult to say that if I lived in that time I would. Of it was today, 100%
You: mhm... war is frightening
Stranger: We cannot judge the past with the same moral standing we have today
You: of course
Stranger: And yes, war really is a horrible thing
Stranger: If peace was an option, I would go for it. Often times though, we have no control over that
You: mhm there is suffering in a lot of places, and violence that arises from suffering and hatred
Stranger: Look at the Nazis and the hatred of the Jews. That was extremely common all across Europe, the uk and the us. Many leaders in politics and business liked the Nazis initially. But just because something is common, does not make it right
You: I actually never understood antisemitism
Stranger: You are quite wise, and I agree with you. But the sad thing is, there will always be suffering
You: or why people hate(d) jewish people
Stranger: The scary thing is, many of those in BLM look up to a man called Farrakhan (forgive me on the spelling) who is a huge antisemite. Like he openly calls for violence against them. He gets away with it, because he is black. Why he hates them I don't know. They are hated I think, because they are the oldest abrahamic religion and the oldest monothesist one as well, from which both Islam and Christianity draw their teachings from initially
You: I just don't understand why they are hated
You: often by christians too
Stranger: Me neither, I find it abhorrent. They have been persecuted for thousands of years
You: yeah idk I just don't understand why
Stranger: I have yet to find out why. I know in Islam they hate them as it is dictated within their scriptures, though the exact wording I am unsure on. Christians I would think it's because they don't believe that Jesus was the son of God
You: I guess so
Stranger: But I may be entirely wrong
Stranger: Which I probably am
You: idk I don't know anything so I have no clue
Stranger: Hence why I like and want discussion :) we learn more through communication
Stranger: We become better the more we communicate
You: is there a reason why you dislike blm so much?
Stranger: I stand against identitarianism
You: so basically all those "pride" movements?
Stranger: I come from a racist country that segregated everyone and everything based on the colour of everyone's skin and I was hated for being the colour of my skin just for being born. I cannot condone movements that wish to implement the same things, as it will lead to suffering and hatred.
Stranger: I have nothing against being proud of your race, though I think the idea is a bit stupid. I have an issue with everything needing to divided up based on the colour of ones skin, I choose to judge someone on the basis of their character. I'm not perfect and there are times where I have been prejudiced but it is something I am consious of and wish to not do
You: mhm okay
You: I'm not sure if blm wants things to be divided up based on race though
You: I thought they were mostly against police brutality
Stranger: Some very much so are. Though I will concede that not all of them are, and I should tar everyone with the same brush. But as a counter to that, look at CHAZ in Seattle, they have segregated farms though calling them that is hilarious
You: I thought chaz is just a city block?
Stranger: On the police brutality, I agree with them and that reform must happen. Abolishing police is not a good idea. More funding is required, better training and better internal policies and structures to vette and review the officers is needed. Abolishing them will lead to anarchy. You are correct that Chaz is, but it is a microcosm showing the very things I stand against. I am against racism of all kinds, segregation is a form of racism. The us had a history where they did it too and agreed that it was wrong
You: mhm
You: I just wasn't familiar with blm as pro-segregation
You: that said, most blm activists are just really young
Stranger: They have been co-opted by those who are. And many activists are young white kids
You: I don't think mainstream democrats take them very seriously
Stranger: I'm not so certain. But I hope I am wrong
You: idk I mean these days who knows what kind media we each read
You: so I'm sure I'm in a bubble too
Stranger: They may see these things as a good and helpful idea, but the road to hell is often paved with good intentions
Stranger: Of course, and I hope I'm wrong. I recommend a variety of news sources, especially independent ones. A great one is a guy named Tim Pool on YouTube. He is a left leaning centrist guy who is upfront with his leanings. But he gives the news as it is
You: mhm I try to avoid youtube news
You: although idk if it's truly reliable to always go through bbc or ap or others
You: they are just mainstream
Stranger: BBC is very biased in my opinion. Tim used to work on mainstream media but he left. I would call him credible, he looks at news sources and verifies them. He's very milk toast and fence sits allot the problem with news is that all sides want to spin things the way they want it
You: mhm okay
You: is there any kind of mainstream media that you like?
Stranger: I don't trust any of them when it comes to almost anything except weather and sport scores. I will listen to what is said from various sources before coming to my own conclusions. I have lost all faith in the media since 2016
You: I see, I guess it ends up being hard to find something to trust
Stranger: Unfortunately it is. My reasons for it was both the elections in the us for 2016 and the brexit vote here in the uk. I was very similar to you then, very much so a hippie and very left leaning. I disagreed with Trump and Brexit, but I lost. But the way the media and society within the left handled themselves and the situation, that put me off completely and pushed me to become more conservative than what I was
You: interesting, although I'm not exactly following what made you more interested in conservative things
Stranger: The constant denigration of those who you disagree with. The treatment hat those people got, most of whom are the working class, upon the backs of which society is upheld. They are not racist or evil. They have a different opinion and different values. How does making a choice in a democracy make someone evil when neither side is perfect?
Stranger: The left preaches tolerance, except that it doesnt in reality
You: mhm yeah I don't like that
You: I don't think it is effective either
Stranger: All it does is polarize people
Stranger: And drive them further away from reaching g a compromise
You: right
Stranger: Don't get me wrong, I don't agree with Brexit, but as a democracy we made a decision. So now we need to exact that decision. I would have voted for trump despite my disdain for him
Stranger: Enact not exact*
You: I think there are a lot of people who think similarly as you do ^^
Stranger: There really are
Stranger: The left has become absorbed by identity politics and is obsessed with race.. it scares me that they will create more racists than before they started
Stranger: Constantly calling your opposition racist and evil will force them into being it
You: mhm I think there are some things to distinguish between social media left-wing people and people in everyday life I think
You: the vitriol is always much more amplified online than people are irl
Stranger: Oh agreed! Twitter is not real life, but it has started to bleed over
You: I live in a fairly liberal state, although I don't really think I have ever seen twitter irl
You: although I do think there is probably self-censorship occuring
You: in the sense that people are afraid of what their neighbors will think
Stranger: There is allot of that
Stranger: Anything you say will be used against you. Even if it's not that controversial
Stranger: People have lost their jobs for an opinion not done at work
You: that said, I don't think that's per say the "left's" fault though -- I just think that public opinion has shifted dramatically in the last 10 years
Stranger: Or how about the man who lost his job because his wife said something controversial
Stranger: I agree with you
Stranger: I really do
Stranger: Allot of this I do think could have been stopped years ago
You: I don't really like the lynch firing of people
You: that companies do for their public image
You: because the truth doesn't matter
You: it's just public image
Stranger: They do so because they are scared of the mob
You: but at the same time, I think public image is a thing because majority opinion really has shifted in the past two decades
You: opinions on homosexuality have swung dramatically in the US
You: ten years ago it was totally okay in public to be anti-homosexual
Stranger: Obama was against gay marriage until it was politically important for him to win the next election
You: but public opinion I think has swung really fast
You: yeah
You: I think he swapped at the first poll that showed >50% of americans supported it
Stranger: Yep! I find it hilarious that that was the case
You: yes but I think conservatives find this kind of fast change extremely uncomforting
You: I can understand that sentiment
You: also isn't it getting kinda late for you? ^^
Stranger: Conservatives are by their very nature are conservative. Change is neither malevolent nor benevolent, but we cannot look at change as universally good. Not can we disregard tradition
Stranger: It's 3 am and I can still keep going, I'm enjoying this conversation :)
You: I need to do the dishes eventually lol
Stranger: If you wish to leave you can by all means :) I won't hate you for it
You: I'm fine either way tbh
You: are you working right now? if you have work tomorrow you should prob go to bed
Stranger: It's up to you :) I can go for ages though my coherence Kay descend
Stranger: I'm sadly unemployed at the moment having lost my job earlier this year
You: coronavirus?
Stranger: Sadly yes
You: that's unfortunate, I'm sorry
Stranger: Not your fault :) so don't stress
You: so aside from Russia and China and the decline of western things, is there anything else that you stress about lol?
Stranger: The drive of censorship
Stranger: I have serious issue with censory
You: mhm
Stranger: And yourself?
You: mhm I dunno really
Stranger: That's good, though I would urge you to become concerned with censorship
You: mhm maybe
You: for me it's sort of a contextual concern I think
You: in the sense that it depends on your vantage point
Stranger: Opinions, art and books doesn't matter. Today it is their voice, tomorrow it is my voice. The day after it becomes your voice. Censorship takes away their rights to speak, and your rights to listen
You: mhm, what I mean is that my family immigrated from China
You: so my reference point of censorship is literal government censorship
You: in comparison the "political correctness" thing just doesn't seem as big to me imo
You: because 90% of it to me is sort of like a person's relationship with the neighbor basically
You: the US government doesn't censor what you can publish essentially
Stranger: That's fair enough, but this is where it starts. Things take time, and if anyone gives in (such as they have in several cases) that builds. In time that becomes the norm, there after what gets censored will not be at the choice of the people but of those who are in power
You: perhaps, although I kind of have faith in the 1st ammendment and the US supreme court
You: we barely have libel laws or defamation laws in the US because of the 1st ammendment
Stranger: I have seen calls to change and amend it. In the uk we have no freedom of speech, people have been arrested for jokes, what's been said on Twitter, etc. There are those who say that it's ok to censor this and that because e they are problematic or it would be good for everyone. But that is how it starts. The US has so much freedom
You: ahh... yeah I feel like it is different in the uk
Stranger: The uk doesn't care for free speech. It's very worrying and there are calls for even more censorship here.
You: mhm that sounds worrisome
Stranger: I guess I project it across to all western countries, and that is something we have seen recently
You: I don't think the US will lose the 1st amendment anytime soon, it's not politically realistiic
Stranger: Look at Amazon censoring books and movies being removed etc, this is how this begins. If it is allowed now, how can we stop it in the future
You: idk the status of free speech in other countries
You: actually this is a very interesting topic
Stranger: The us is one of the only countries that has it
You: do you think freedom of speech should be protected in private spaces?
Stranger: Codified in law that is
You: because technically freedom of speech for us is supposed to be only related to public government relationships
Stranger: I believe it should always be be protected
You: specifically "congress will make no law restricting freedom of speech" (paraphrased)
You: so you believe that private companies should not control what is said on their premises?
You: I mean it's fine if you believe that, it's actually just a bit further than what the current status quo is
Stranger: Yes. They are not above the law. Society may shun them, but they should not become involved. Outright calls for violence are against the law and that should be honoured, outside of that no they should not impose on pthers
You: hmm in the US this is where things get super complicated
You: because conservatives are also the ones who want content restricted/said in their religious schools too
Stranger: I've noticed.. and that has an effect on the rest of the world
You: basically "freedom of religion" and "freedom of speech" being on the same political side here makes things very weird
Stranger: And yeah I am aware of that as well, though the pendulum seems to have swung to the other side now. And it will swing back to the other side again
You: kind of like "My store should have the freedom of religion to deny my patrons of being homosexual in my store" kinda thing
Stranger: Yeah it is hard but there is more to the opposite side than just the one thing
You: it's a weird convoluted thing when both are conservative issues
Stranger: That's a difficult one, but I would say that should be discussed and debated but the highest courts. I cannot say from a legal sense one way or the other, morally I can say that it's hard to decide. I think that everyone should get a choice but I am uncertain
Stranger: By not but*
You: mhm that's fine ^^
You: I just think it's very interesting because most laws here, they govern the relationship between between the government and the people
You: so our freedom of speech laws do not apply to amazon censoring books because they are a private company
Stranger: Which is the difficult thing
Stranger: They are protected by being a private company
Stranger: As it's not just them
You: maybe ^^ we have a free market though, so things that cannot be published on amazon will find an outlet elsewhere
You: provided there is a demand for it
You: that said, it also has some gray area with morality laws
Stranger: That is true but monopoloes make things harder to find
You: kind of like youtube banning pornographic content
Stranger: Yeah I can understand that morally, legally I don't know but I would assume that there is some laws regarding that
You: I mean I'm just used to many various sites having bans of various sorts
Stranger: The uk has some
Stranger: Yeah, but there are protections for them being platforms not publishers
You: I don't think there is any law forcing youtube to ban pornographic content; it's just a branding choice by the company
Stranger: If they are publishers, those protections don't apply
You: like I think they want to be seen as family-friendly
Stranger: Fair enough, would have thought there might be
You: porn sites are not illegal in the US lol
Stranger: Not family friendly, advertisement friendly
You: lol true
Stranger: Sorry I don't know enough to be able to say :) I'm happy to admit that
You: mhm aside from political correctness, I guess I just don't personally see a big problem with censorship in the US
You: although I think I have a different belief than you that I think it's okay for private companies to choose what they want to publish
You: even if the ban content
You: these companies still need to compete
Stranger: Them doing so is fine, but if they wish to be protected as platforms they cannot act as a publisher. I think that's the Crux of their protections
Stranger: It is something that has been going for a while though
Stranger: And I think Trump will have it in his campaign for reelection this year
You: okay ^^
Stranger: But I don't know, he has been interested in censorship and has said he is against it in the past
You: I think people mean different things by censorship
You: but that's just imo
You: there are almost no western countries that experience censorship by their governments
You: so people mean things like censorship at their workplace
You: although imo that's kind of less censorship and more on the political correctness spectrum
Stranger: True. That is very true. But if you don't stop censorship openly, then should it come from government you don't already know you can stand against it
You: but to me, that "political correctness" isn't anything new either; it's as old as time
You: like did we always worry about saying something that would offend our boss?
You: ^^
You: it's always been there
You: I just think people are uncomfortable because bosses have changed in the last few decades
Stranger: It's not just their work place. The new "town square" is has become online. Your freedoms online are not protected despite it being codified in law
Stranger: And you aren't wrong, and coming from China or at least your family, you bring an interesting perspective
You: I feel like in the US we have very little digital legislation
You: the US of is head of hear
You: *there
Stranger: The world needs a digital bill of rights, to protect us all and our data. But we won't get it
You: but I don't think we have anything guaranteeing that speech on the Internet is free by any regard
Stranger: I would argue we do
You: hm? which law?
You: I like most websites have ToS's and rules banning X Y or Z on their site
Stranger: Freedom of speech and expression
You: oh I mean in terms of law
Stranger: That is what I meant, so that we are free to speak and express ourselves. I also believe that our data should be private and cannot be sold and that should be protected. There are other things that I have heard but it's difficult to remember all those that were proposed
You: ahh
You: yeah we don't have those laws right now
Stranger: Today stuff is okay but you are not protected
You: although the EU has some privacy ones that we don't have in the US
Stranger: The EU doesn't care mostly
Stranger: Some laws only protect some information, I'm talking about all of our information
You: ^^
Stranger: Everything we post and do is tracked, monitored and sold
Stranger: We revel in it, "I was talking about cats/dogs and all of a sudden I got adds for cat/dog products"
Stranger: We hear that often
You: yup
Stranger: Also, with regards to our rights and things, who holds these companies accountable?
Stranger: Take google for example
Stranger: They have been caught tampering with the elections
You: well, again, we have basically no laws about this in the US so there is no accountability
Stranger: They openly censor news and opinions
Stranger: They are a monopoly
You: although some europrean countries have lawsuits whatever with them
You: yup they totally are
You: where are anti-trust laws lol?
Stranger: That's what I think Trump will be looking at, I would if I was in his shoes
Stranger: But they were given special protections
Stranger: Those need to be taken away, the large companies need to be broken up but governments are incompetent
Stranger: I don't trust them to do it well
You: mhm it actually reminds me of south korea actually
Stranger: I mean there are a few senators in the states that I think have the moral fortitude to do so, but I don't know
You: countries are loathe to break up companies that they're proud of basically
Stranger: Yep
You: like samsung in south korea lol?
Stranger: They wouldn't break them up
Stranger: It would do serious damage to the economy and blah blah blah
You: their revenue was like 20% of the entire country's gdp
Stranger: Yep it's a difficult argument
Stranger: And I can understand why you wouldnt
Stranger: That 20% could drop to below 1%
You: anyhow it is getting kind of late
You: it was nice talking to you
You: and you should sleep ^^
Stranger: Likewise! :) I needed to move my sleep schedule for a 24 hour race on the weekend anyway, sp thank you for occuping my time and mind :)
You: goodnight!
Stranger: I'm glad to have met another willing to talk, take care my good friend
You have disconnected.
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l-in-c-future · 5 years
Battle Lines: Technology Rivalry and the Rise of Nationalism Global Asia Vol 14 No.1 March 2019
Letter from the Editors:
The world is edging into another technological transformation, the so-called Fourth Industrial Revolution. The last one, centered on the Internet, PCs and smartphones, gave birth to tech giants such as Google, Facebook, Apple and Amazon, as well as China’s Baidu, Alibaba and Tencent. But the coming revolution promises more radical changes and could upend global business models, impacting societies in ways only starting to be imagined. Developments in artificial intelligence, quantum computing, Big Data, machine learning, the Internet of Things, new frontiers in medicine, science, transportation and municipal governance herald the next Brave New World.
These developments come as decades of widening income and wealth gaps and a political backlash against globalization have given new life to an age-old scourge of international co-operation: nationalism. From the US to the UK and other parts of Europe, and China and beyond, nationalism has again reared its ugly head and promises to be a potent force in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The recent horrific events in New Zealand serve as a reminder to the Asia-Pacific region that the pathologies of race-based nationalist extremism, amplified by social media networks, are a threat to peace all over the world.
In the Features section, there are two articles explore differing visions of a “Free and Open Indo-Pacific,” that of Japan and India. For New Delhi, the issue is central to managing Beijing’s encroachment on the Indian Ocean region. Tokyo’s vision is central to its desire for a greater regional role. That put backs the old player Japan since Meji’s era’s role in Asia back into the puzzle. There is a featured essay about the folly of international peacemaking groups in their efforts to resolve long-running ethnic conflicts in Myanmar. A lesson that is unlearnt by the West in their wishful thinking of ‘peace’ largely driven by their own ‘peace’ industrial order parallel to the military industry based back home. The mistakes not only do not help in any peacemaking, it lengthens the long sufferings of local people while helping not much to the rest of the world.
My featured articles and essays:
Techno-Nationalism vs the Fourth Industrial Revolution by Mannings R. A of the division of Foresight , Strategy and Risks of the Atlantic Council.
“The next major technology leap is being challenged by a resurgent nationalism. The US, China and EU must work together to find common rules and standards.” Technology is on the cusp of the next major revolution. This will involve a convergence of artificial intelligence, Big Data, the Internet of Things, advanced robotics, nanotechnology, 5G and other cutting-edge innovations that promise to radically transform the very way we live. But at the same time, a seeming relic of the past, nationalism, is vigorously reasserting itself. Indeed, the world appears to be sliding from globalism into techno-nationalism. The US, China and the EU must work together to find common rules and standards for this Brave New World in order to reap the benefits and avoid conflict.”
  Is this easier to say than done when “the three key global actors, the US, EU and China are evolving into separate and not entirely compatible digital regimes”? This imperils cross-border data flows, the future of digital commerce, and hence, global trade. “ The US and the EU differ over many tech issues, as the EU has moved ahead in developing standards and rules, while the US has no comprehensive national framework, but rather a mix of national and state laws and regulations. At the same time “China, the third digital superpower, is adopting policies and restrictions at odds with the other two” while pushing forward its “China model” to other nationalistic and undemocratic regimes turning the world wide internet free flow of information and data into broken spheres of intranets?
The US, China and “Technology War” by Lim, D.
“ The most consequential impacts of technology competition between the US and China may, however, not lie in the race to develop or protect some specific technology, but in how the heavier burdens of national security policy-making affect the political systems within which they are nested. The contest between the two great powers is assumed to include a battle of ideas and contrasting models of political order and economic organization — the awesome potential of the technologies on the horizon might result in both sides playing the same game.” Thereby accelerating what in the context of system thinking the archetype of escalation of the dynamics of insecurity, describing the destructive  arms races by US and Russia in the cold war era.
Take some steps back, how did the world get to the new geopolitical era of technology rivalries?
Data, Rivalry and Government Power: Machine Learning is Changing Everything by Weber, S & Nicholas, G.
“The methods and rules that humans contribute to the system (machine learning) are its engine, sitting at the intersection of advanced statistics and computer science. Data is the fuel that makes the system run. But the analogy only goes so far, because the engine and the fuel both fade into the background as the system learns and improves its performance. And this is where the new dynamics of rivalry come to the fore, because data and machine learning systems together constitute a positive feedback loop where the leaders will tend to accelerate ahead of the laggards at an increasing rate. Those leaders and laggards can be countries just as easily as they can be companies, replacing corporate competition with national rivalry that itself can become a positive feedback loop and something of a self-fulfilling prophecy, at least for a time.”
“Normative power is also becoming more concentrated in the two leaders, for whom norms serve as another way of reinforcing the positive feedback loops that keep them racing ahead of others.” 
 “ This also suggests that digital geopolitics should not be seen as a layer superimposed on conventional geopolitics, but as a major geopolitical force itself that will create its own new alignments among new actors, and not only states.” “ The boundaries are blurring along almost all the key dimensions that defined the core geopolitical alignments of the post-Cold War era, and it may just be the rise of machine learning rivalry that puts the final nail in the coffin of that old order.”
On the background of these mega trend rivalries, how do some regional players reposition themselves? 
Some articles in this issue analysed the strategic vision of Japan in the Indo-Pacific realm. e.g. Miller’s article on Japan’s changing vision of a free and open Indo-Pacific region that connects the oceans and seas of India ocean, South China Sea and further down all the way through to Australia. As the author mentioned, the idea has been percolating in the region for years, but the strategy and vision of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe have evolved over time. Actually, in a big history context, the idea had been there since 19th century Meji Reform when Japan rose to the first modernized strong political, economic and military power in Asia directly challenging China’s regional hegemony. In the course of Japan’s rise, she had to compete with existing foreign hegemon powers that all claimed various slices of interests in Asia and Asia through their controlled territories. Japan had to fight against the South encroachment of Russia directly threatened her interests in NE China provinces and North East Asia. Building up a prosperity zone (literally was what Japan tried to do in WW2) is her way to make sure this island country, highly dependent on inflow of resources and exports of products is not restricted or killed while not being subdued by regional and global powers at different eras.
And in this current era, who is the elephant in the room that may hold the stick of balance of power, as some players wish? 
The Elephant in the Room: India’s Nuanced Approach to the Indo-Pacific  by Das, R.N analysed India joggling between US, China (and their respective competitions to lure her into the room) and other Asian countries.
Where to go or not? Some fatal mistakes of  wishy ‘peacemaking’ made by the West not being learnt as illustrated in the article Minorities, Money and Getting it wrong in Myanmar by Litner, B.
“Myanmar has been riven by armed ethnic conflict for decades, despite numerous efforts to reach peace agreements. The latest iteration of those efforts has notably involved financially well-heeled foreign peace-making groups that have little understanding of the historical complexity of the underlying issues, but who are eager to claim credit for any progress in the peace process. China, meanwhile seems to hold many of the cards.”
As a result, there is ‘peace’ followed by endless fightings. 
“Failed ceasefire agreements are nothing new in Myanmar, and the only difference between the present “peace process” and what happened in 1958, 1963, 1980 and in the late 1980s and early 1990s is the involvement of the foreign peacemakers and their money bags — and, as we have seen, insights into the actual situation on the ground has never been their strong suit.” 
“Myanmar now, it seems, has its own “peace-industrial complex. A foreign human-rights activist familiar with the situation in the war-torn frontier areas describes the foreign-dominated peace industry as “a cabal of carpetbaggers and con men whose real contribution to the peace process is shrouded in self-laudatory assessments that have no basis in reality.”
Meanwhile, China, through its traditional policy of separating “government-to-government” and “party-to-party” relations, China is able to send diplomats to take part in the peace process at the same time as its security agents are arming the UWSA. While Sun Guoxiang, the main Chinese diplomat who attends talks in Naypyidaw and elsewhere, where he promotes peace and continued dialogue, another game is being played out from behind the scenes. China does not want to see more war in northern Myanmar, but the UWSA has to be kept strong enough to deter the tatmadaw from attacking it.For China, the UWSA is an effective bargaining chip when it wants to put pressure on the Myanmar government not to stray too close to the West. The threat posed by the UWSA, and China playing the role as the sole arbiter in talks between the rebels and the government and the tatmadaw, are also useful tools when the Chinese want to protect their investments in Myanmar.”
“China has become involved in Myanmar’s so-called peace process — but Beijing is not necessarily interested in a final, peaceful solution to Myanmar’s civil wars; rather, it wants stability that it can use to protect and enhance its geostrategic goals, now under the aegis of the massive, all-encompassing BRI. And because of its close relations with the UWSA and its allies, China has made all the Western peacemakers redundant.”
The West’s inability to understand not only the fundamentals of Myanmar’s civil wars but also the role that China is playing in the process is a recipe for disaster. A completely new approach is needed to bring to an end decades of war in the frontier areas. Myanmar’s ethnic conflict is a political problem demanding a political solution, not merely a repeat of what happened in the 1950s, 60s, 70s, 80s, and 90s. The alternative is to leave Myanmar wide open to Chinese penetration and exploitation. And that is not in the interests of Myanmar, its long-suffering people — or those in the region and beyond who are becoming increasingly wary of the rise of China and what it means for the rest of the world.” Tragic consequences caused by wishy thinking of the “peacemaking” did  not only happened in Myanmar. In other Asian countries that walked through other miserable ends of death-’peace’ followed by taking over of a country by very oppressive regimes or endorsement of manslaughter autocrats such as in the case of Vietnam and Cambodia as the frontiers between US-Russia, US-China and China and Russia’s communist front regimes in Vietnam and Cambodia. In luring China towards US against Soviet Russia, USA turned blind eyes to China supported Pol Pot’s bloody dictating rule at Cambodia against Russia supported Vietnam communist party government. Vietnam’s invasion to end Pol Pot was indeed the better part of all existing evils to end Cambodians’ long sufferings but USA took the wrong side. Before that, USA’s ‘peacemaking’ in Vietnam started the Vietnam wars, her withdrawal from Vietnam left the country plundered into the path of communists rule. Decades later, when relationship with China starts to turn sour and bitter, USA finally ‘realized’ that a mistake was made back in 1960s-70s. Now the axis of friends and foes have come back to the favor of Vietnam again. 
Asia isn’t the only continent suffering from such switching games of friends and foes. More bloody wars were seen in other continents.
Where is the way out?
New ways usually come from new thoughts that see the world differently. And in the processes resist the temptations to claim credits of some unviable  ‘peacemaking’ deals or whatever deals that are purely aimed at short term interests of the West. But can they really able when the Western democratic countries’ politics are driven by election cycles only with the rise of populism? Let alone the intra party de coups during the tenures. That said, Achilles probably wouldn’t demise if he didn’t have his ankles.
Read the full issue articles here: http://www.globalasia.org/latest-issue.php#BookReview
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