#but it's also completely sauceless
aleppothemushroom · 1 month
I feel nothing from this
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goldensunset · 7 months
pla was an insane game. you get eeby deebied back in time like 200 years by capital g God for the crime of having the audacity to be stronger than cynthia because we need someone competent enough to deal with her sauceless grandpappy with a god complex who’d rather collect cool rocks to try remaking the universe in his image than do his crummy retail job. also you’re working with the predecessors of the evil team you just got done beating up who were trying to pull that exact same stunt and they constantly keep threatening to throw you to the mercy of the murderous wild animals if you so much as breathe wrong even though they should be the ones begging you for mercy because you’re single-handedly carrying the team’s entire operation and you frequently challenge said wild animals for fun and could very easily kill everyone here if you wanted. fifteen year old on steroids falls out of the literal void in the sky and proceeds to go on a rampage through the entire region beating up every god demigod or squirrel in sight and trying to negotiate the tense political relationships between two tribes trying to avoid another holy war and the complete idiots who showed up two years ago and are still afraid of starly. also you can play dress up and balloon pop minigames 👍
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psicheanima · 2 days
I've always admired your eye for fashion. Your posts about it on twitter are some of my favorite of yours. Out of curiosity, did you ever encounter a character who had a sense of style you thought didn't suit them which couldn't be explained by purposeful characterization? And if so, how did you think they would dress?
Thank you very much. Yes, it happens a lot, but to answer I suppose I want to talk about a problem in comics of continuing to write characters who were very much a product of their time fashion-wise: Laura Kinney and Nico Minoru. Despite these characters being incredibly gothic with unique outfits, and saying MANY times that this style of dress “felt like them”— in recent years, Neither of them are goth, ever. Especially Laura. She is only drawn in incredibly bland clothes. The edgiest she will ever get is a leather jacket. She dresses explicitly like a girl version of her father, when her unique taste in fashion was a clear stand-out from the writers to create her own unique, more emo identity than Logan had— he is very recognizable by his flannel and more western biker clothes.
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For Nico, it all starts with that demon Kris Anka. In his defense, Nico had been wearing increasingly un-researched gothic fits the more she was divorced from Runaways comics. Her outfits got more stereotypically emo rather than punk, clearly drawn by artists who weren’t too well educated in fashion. Nico was known for being a goth character. It is essential to her moody history and even her powers— they involve her needing to cut herself, clear goth stereotype which is deconstructed.
But Kris Anka’s designs of the Runaways were very “updating to suit modern sensibilities.” Karolyn’s, who was peak 2000s soft bohemian— with wrap around tank tops and NEVER without her frayed jeans, was now a complete prep, wearing things that her more down-to-earth, hippie original never would.
In Nico’s case, she is not a goth anymore. She is alt, yeah, but alt grunge. She wears bright colors, dyes her hair in a distinctly 2016 way, and for some horrible reason— is very attached to flannel. This portrayal of her fashion became repeated by other artists to the point that it’s her look in the new Spider-Man show. You understand how upsetting this is to Me? It’s like if someone ripped off all my finger nails than made me eat them.
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Yes, the type of goth they were was most popular in its time. But they were characters constructed around those styles and should keep them. They should not grow out of the styles, but evolve with them. I am also an adult and I dress the way they did. It just hurts to see characters with my fashion sensibility have their drip taken away in such a barbaric manner. And have these sauceless outfits now be their style. Laura is her own person— why would she just be a woman version of her dad? Because she’s figured out her life she went from painstakingly choosing her presentation to being a lazy bum who wears only primary colors? To being the lobotomized man’s view of “badass woman clothes”? Just make genderbend Logan art, I will fucking kill you.
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sho-minamimoto · 1 year
neo neku's ntwewy design is so whatever for me the gatto nero jacket idea is cute and all but idk he looks so sauceless to me. It felt like the only Distinguishing design element they brought back was the colour scheme and nothing else. the other outfits he had in the concept art book looked so so much better and more like him im so upset they didnt use any of these
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more rambling abt nekus outfit under the cut i didnt meant to type this much
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ok after looking at these side by side i think i pinpointed why i dislike neo neku's design so much and like his concepts a lot better
his neo design is so utterly uninteresting to me and devoid of any personality and uniqueness he had in his previous design and a lot of it has to do with the plaid jacket. Both in that it looks ugly and feels incongruous to his character but also in that it feels like a band aid fix to add some visual interest to his design bc literally everything else is so boring.
like, take away the jacket, and hes just wearing Solid Colour purple shirt with Solid Colour black pants. beyond the story/sentimental element the jacket itself as a pure design choice doesn't really say anything about him as a character it feels so generic and plain.
in his og design theres a cohesive element with the way stripes are used in his weird collar shirt and the pockets of his shorts, and you can definitely pick out that he has an attitude + is individualistic with his sense of style. i get that they wanted to update his design in neo to both incorporate a Better fashion sense (bc of shiki's influence) and show his maturity while keeping the same visual elements of his old design, but i feel like the concept designs do that job much better, AND they look way cooler.
they look more subdued than his og design and stand out less (what with them being mostly black + white and having purple and yellow as accent colours) but still maintain the stripes motif and have more visual interest than his official neo design. i like how he layers his shorts over some leggings in the first concept to the far left, and the way the pants arent completely solid black + have very slight tone variation is neat too.
but the standout is ofc the jacket, the first one on the left isnt half bad and i like how they have some layering going on there too but the ones used in the other two is really slick-looking to me. i love how this would've been an inverse of neku's og design in that he has a white top (jacket) with black pants when it was the other way around in his younger design. maybe they tried to achieve the same effect with the design they went with but bc of the plaid + how grey it is it doesn't come across as strong imo.
also the concept art looks like og neku's shoes but way less goofy and neo neku's shoes are just kind of dull in comparison.
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bendyguitarpick · 7 months
Finished the last 3 episodes of the Netflix last airbender....
This yall iroh?? He's absolutely sauceless. No drip. Not an ounce of playful charm. I cannot believe people are saying he's the best cast actor in the show
It's zuko and aang and you know it
The only two actors (and honestly also yue) that bring more than 2 goddamm emotions to the table
POUR EXEMPLE in kataras flashback I thought they had a other actor playing her as a child! Literslly up until now!! Because she hasn't been delivering anything the whole movie and i was like, wait is that even her? Young zuko in his flashback scene? Actually trying to change his behavior to reflect that of a child. It's really that easy oh boy!!
And I can't even blame kataras actress bc in the scene where she's giving her empassioned plea for aang to come back, she fucking aced it!!! I was like, that's her that's katara she finally showed up!!!
So it must be the terrible dialogue and sloppy ass directing!!!!!
Like how are you as a director not walking your actors through any of these scenes!!!
I'm so mad about katara. It's like without making her the object of aangs desire they dont know what to do with her. How do you as a writer not have any Damm shame that you gave the co-lead of your show absolutely no bonding time with aang, no central plots to develop her story, and then pat yourself on the back for giving her her girl power moment in the end.
It's frankly insulting to your actor and to your audience to completely drop their character in this way.
I would argue there are 4 katara centric episodes in season one. The boy in the iceberg, the waterbending scroll, Jet, and the waterbending master. We get only two of those in the show! And our of theose two, katara is only an active player in the last one!! So how dare you think you made a successfully well rounded alternative to the animated counterpart!!! It's fucking insulting
Also would it fucking kill them to have them do ANYTHING while talking
There's so much talking, there's SO M7CH TALKING.
Also, looks like they're saved all the sick ass waterbending for THE LAST TWO EPISODES.
You couldn't sneak in a single moment where katara is practicing??? Nor a single one? Fuck you
Anyway I was hype as hell when we got the big water monster.
That's like all I got
No I forgot to talk about yue
She was actually so good. I was surprised.
The only reason her and sokka had any chemistry was because of her
Sokka is in permanent 🫤 face. Every line punctuated with an oh shucks
I hope season 2 comes out and all the visuals are completely different honestly.
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Bittersweet Cravings
Warning: this fic contains possesion, alot of killing, oh also some saucy moments
Sauce Warning - Sauceless
Chapter 6: Sweet and Salty
Jack sat on a chair as Flakes dabbed a bit of antiseptic alcohol making him his and flinch away.
"I know it hurts but i need to clean the wound..." They pouted only to receive an eye roll from him.
They huffeded in response and grabbed his arm forcefully and dabbed the wound a few more times and then wrapping the bandage around the his hand.
"You know you didn't have to help me... you're only wasting your time..." He glared at them only to receive a huff again.
"Well unlike you i actually like to help others! Even if the one im helping is some jerk!" They hissed at him a bit before covering their mouth. "S-sorry..."
Jack's eyes widened a bit in surprise from the sudden hissing but laughed receiving a judgemental look from them.
"You're getting all feisty with me all of a sudden hehe! Why's that?" He chuckled now focused on Flakes' reactions, completely forgetting his hand was being taken care of.
"Well i guess its just my natural instincts... usually i can control them better if im full human but i guess with the uhh... collar it brings out more of me..." They laughed nervously as they cut the bandage short to seal it.
Jack looked at them curiously, their facial expression showing they weren't comfortable showing their hostile side. He let out a chuckle as he shook his head.
"You know being a bit feisty isn't all that bad... look where that brought me!" He smiled proudly of himself.
Flakes smiled and shook their head.
"Again im not like you... i like being quiet, i like being a pacifist and i like hiding in the shadows!" Their smile faded as they said this.
"You're a really bad liar... ive said that before haven't I? Hehe you really need to work on that..." He chuckled as Flakes frowned more.
"How's your hand? The bandage isn't too tight is it?" They responded, trying to change the subject.
Jack rose a brow as he looked at his now wrapped hand and moved it a bit to test.
"It's fine... But you're clearly trying to change the subject..." He chuckled standing up to continue his cooking only to stop when he saw the worry in their eyes realizing they were bothered by something. "You're afraid of something... aren't you?"
Usually the fear of others was entertaining to him but he's never seen them intentionally show their's. Flakes was the kind of being to be scared but never to show it and keep their head high even if they already were trembling their face never showed that kind of vulnerability.
Flakes closed her eyes and took a deep breathe and stood up walking off to grab the pan they had set aside.
"I rather not talk about it..." They looked at their reflection through the pan in dissapointment before handing over the pan to him.
Jack looked at them as he set the pan down, he wasnt gonna be able to continue cooking until he got some answers. Flakes looked at them wondering why he was even so invested in their story, but they soon figured out it wasn't that he was worried, but more on the fact he was curious and intrigued.
"You're my belonging, i think i deserve to know don't you think?" He chuckled.
Flakes sighed and nodded as they leaned onto the kitchen table trying to gain the courage to talk.
"You know that book you read? Saying how we're all hostile,  deadly and blood thirsty? Well it's not completely true... First of all we don't attack others just because we can, we do it because we have to... people think we're deadly because of our shape shifting abilities and how we use other species to kill or intimidate others..." They frowned looking away.
"And what about the blood thirst business is that one just lies too?" Jack seemed a bit confused but he was listening quite well.
"No unfortunately that one's true... we like blood... it's what gives us the energy to shapeshift in the first place... the more blood we take in our bodies the more stronger we are... unfortunately just like everyone we get unhealthy addictions... some of us fall to that faith and get out of hand and end up doing anything just to get more blood into their system! It doesn't matter where it came from it doesn't matter who its from and it doesn't matter how they get it! And with people attacking us it gets awfully easy for us to get a hold of that need... they fight, we defend ourselves, they die... then we eat them..." They were quiet for a bit.
"That sounds cool!" Jack chuckled as Flakes just looked at them with a rose brow but sighed remembering who they were talking to.
"But that's why i rather stay quiet, stay calm and stay hidden..." They looked away again and closed their eyes trying to calm themselves.
"Are you prone to that addiction?" He asked intrigued and curious.
"I could be... i mean the taste of blood is good sure but its not enough for me to kill anyone i see just to get it... it's the kind of liking where if i get my hands on it im just grateful! If i did have an addiction i probably would've bitten your hand instead of helping it!" They laughed a bit.
Jack looked at them for a while before walking off to his fridge to get something.
"What are you doing?" They tilted their head and followed.
He then pulled out a large raw steak and handed it to them before giving them a pat on the head and walking back to the stove.
"A treat for being good trophy this far." He chuckled and finally started cooking.
Flake's eyes widen as the large raw steak was handed to them. A bit of drool seeping out the corner of their lips, they gave the raw flesh a sniff as their ears twitched in delight of the fresh smell.
"How long do you think you can... finish that..." Jack smirked and turned back to them only to be surprised seeing they had finished it all and was now just licking the bone.
Flakes looked at Jack only now realizing they wha trey had down and swallowed what was left before looking away blushing a bit from embarrassment on their feral eating.
"How long have you not eaten?! That was the size of my hand!" He seemed genuinely shocked they consumed something big so quickly.
"I-in my defense i haven't eaten anything fresh in a while... also i haven't had unicorn flesh in so long..." They licked off the blood on their hands as Jack proceeded to stare.
"You're sure you dont have an addiction?" He grabbed a tissue to hand over to them.
Flakes only glared at them as they took it to wipe their hands and lips.
"All us shapeshifters eat like this! I-i think... or maybe i really am just disgusting..." They laughed a bit to themselves.
Jack tried to take away the bone from them to throw into the trash only to receive a terrifying growl startling them so they smacked their face with the spatula in their hand.
"Hey! No!" He frowned still genuinely surprised from the hostile growling.
"S-sorry! Sorry! I- really didn't mean to i- i have food aggression!" They whimpered as they handed over the bone.
Jack sighed taking it to throw out. He then paused remembering something.
"How did you even know the steak was unicorn meat?" He was back to focusing on his cooking.
"Ah well... I've hunted down some animals in my past to eat... Unicorn meat just so happened to be one of my favourites, its got a sweet but salty taste to it and not to mention its really juicey and soft... im drooling aren't i?" They looked at Jack a bit concerned for themselves as a bunch of drool was dripping down their chin.
Jack looked at them and laughed, causing him to almost mess up his cooming. Flakes rolled their eyes and giggled a bit before wiping their face with the same tissue they had before.
"So you really like meat! Haha!" Jack finished up his cooking to set aside the dish onto a counter.
"Okay so maybe i do! To be honest i never really noticed til now! I usually live alone after all!" They smiled feeling a sense of comfort with him, it was odd but it was nice too...
Flakes looked at the dish on the counter top and took it in their hands.
"I'll bring it to the dining room for you. Your hand still needs rest." They smiled againa nd walked off.
Jack rolled his eyes but a small smile crept onto his face.
"Fine fine but only if you keep talking about your species! Your book doesnt give you any justice!" He snickered.
Flakes does a fake offensive gasp as they set down the food on his seat.
"Heeeey! I didn't write it!" Their ears twitched happily as they stood aside to let Jack have his space.
Jack chuckled shaking his head as he sat down to finally eat but paused and looked at them who was standing away from him. He sighed and got up to pull a chair next to him making Flakes a bit confused.
"You don't have to always give me space. I would much prefer you to be close, its easier to look at you that way..." He gave them a serious look this time.
Flakes'eyes widen seeing he wanted their company but smiled as their ears started twitching, their face now redder as they were now just flattered by him. They didnt wast any time and sat down with him. Jack let out a small chuckle seeing their pathetic flustered face.
He ate peacefully while Flakes avoided looking at him as he did, not wanting to be rude. However he let out a quiet cough making him grab Flakes attention. They looked at him immediately and saw he was holding out a spoon full of his food.
"I want your opinion on how it tastes..." He demanded.
Flakes just shrugged and took the spoon in their mouth, their eyes glimmered at the taste makung their ears twitch again.
"It tastes really good!" They chirpped as they licked their lips.
There are those stupid eyes again, Jack thought.
He glared at those eyes but shook his head out of the thought and instead smiled cockily.
"I didn't teach myself culinary to be a bad cook after all!" He smiled proudly of himself.
Flakes giggled looking at them full of love in their eyes but slowly that smile died down again... with thay they stood up.
"May i be excused? I need some fresh air..." They looked away not wanting Jack to see their current expression knowing he could read them well.
Jack could care less and just nodded.
"Yeah yeah go ahead. Again just dont go past the gates. " he reminded.
Flakes then took off to the garden and rubbed their head. They felt confused and overwhelmed...
He was nice... why was he nice... he already got what he wanted and yet he wasnt being a full jerk like they felt they should be.
They kept walking inthe garden looking for the flower that they found before. Once they found it they sighed and sat next to it.
"This is all so confusing... We had a moment together... i know it meant nothing but... My heart can't help but want more... But i also know he wont want more... This is Jack Horner for pete's sake!!!" They whimpered and laid next to the flower. "And here i am talking to a flower... you probably cant even understand me..."
They sighed and looked up at the stars, their eyes getting heavy only now feeling how tired they actually were. Today was alot to take in but that was just the beginning...
Slowly as their eyes closed shut to sleep the flower bud next to them slowly bloomed.
To Be Continued
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devitalise · 3 years
anyone else watching love island all the men are as evil as expected
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iturmom · 2 years
rating kiba’s canon outfits
team 8 pt 2
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this outfit is so fucking cool i don’t care i literally don’t give a SHIT there is no rhyme or reason it’s just cool. i loved it as a kid 10/10
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STONE BUTCH KIBA SLAYYYYYYYYYYYY holy fucking shit he is so fucking iconic everything about this outfit is so cool it needs no explanation 10/10
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he looks fine and normal in the shinobi alliance uniform good for him. 8/10
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kiba why did you stop letting your lesbian mom pick out your clothes whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy what is this???????????????? also similarly to shino i have never seen this outfit before in my life but i’m choosing to believe it is canon. it’s awful but his face looks very good good for him 4/10
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god he used to be such a fucking fashion icon before he became a cop and got a catgirl gf i don’t like this fit i don’t like his hair he looks like the funny uncle and it’s not working for him. completely sauceless. not a drop of swag. 1/10
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riosnecktattoo · 5 years
I do have a question. Dont you have a problem with the fact that Beth is still all cozy with Dean after all that happened? I hated the scene were they both kissed, and I dont think she hated it completely, she is also sleeping with him again. Also to show that right before the Beth Rio montage, just awkward.
I deffo have a problem with it! But I gotta say it barely phased me.
I don't think there's anything deep or genuine in this cosyness. While I don't like it or want to see it, I get that she has reverted to a previous safer, sadder version of life. She's also trapped in that house with him in so many ways. You know if Beth was given unlimited money and full custody, she would be nowhere near Dean.
I feel like we've already been through so much with Death that it was barely anything to worry about tbh haha. For me, anyway. But obvs I get why people are sick of it and annoyed. I am, too. But I'm hopeful it's nearing an actual end.
Sure, I think there's a moment in the kiss where she tries to be in to it. But I have literally never seen anything so sauceless in my life. I remember when the trailer dropped and lots of people theorised that it would happen after Rio had come back and she was trying to force a spark with Dean. I feel like that's exactly what happened. And her face as he pulls away? Her mouth is tight. Her eyes are tight. She's just cold to it. I was more bothered by her joking around with Dean in 2x13.
Also, though they are in the same bed (ugh) I don't think they are still having sex. I think that stopped as soon as she didn't need to put herself through that haha. I also think that feeds in to why Dean goes for a romantic kiss there.
But yeah look I hate Dean. I don't think we need to be shown him as a sexless foil to Rio and Beth sizzling away in the very next scene. We know he's dry. We know Rio and Beth are flames. Nobody needed that kiss.
But Dean and Beth ain't it. I'm optimistic that we've been through the worst of it in terms of watching Beth try to fit herself back in to that horrible box Dean wants her to be in.
Fingers crossed! 😊
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strife-and-discord · 6 years
Small Allies
Read on AO3 here
Characters: Aizawa Shouta, Todoroki Shouto
Summary: Aizawa has been turned into a teenager by a villain’s quirk. Until the issue is resolved the adults decided to put him with Class 1A. Unfortunately, teen Aizawa is a lot more vulnerable then he is as an adult and he gets a bit overwhelmed... until someone unexpected comes to save him.
A/N: Uh hey! Long time no see, I’m back with one of the most common tropes known to man but this idea was just too cute not too do.
This story is unrelated to my other one, this is just some wholesome bonding between characters I think share a lot of similarities.
I also decided to try shorter paragraphs, tell me what you think! I hope this story manages to brighten someone’s day like it did mine!
This situation was less than ideal.
It was also stupid. What kind of quirk is turning your opponents into teenagers! That’s gotta be one of the weirdest things Shouta’s ever encountered and never would he have thought it would cause him this much damn trouble. Nonetheless, here Shouta is, in a body he can’t say he missed. He forgot how perpetually uncomfortable it was being 15.
Despite still having all his memories and years of experience, being a teenager means that all the decisions are being left up to the adults. They- with their fancy, fully matured brains- came to the genius conclusion that Shouta should just stay with class-1A until either the quirk wears off or someone figures out how to change Shouta back. Shouta, personally, voted that everybody should just mind their own damn and let him go home to rest up in peace.
Alas, apparently Shouta’s plan was “ridiculous” and considered “a security risk to himself”. This is how Shouta finds himself gazing after the sauce at the other end of the table with numerous rowdy teenagers between him and it. He’d try and ask for it but he genuinely didn’t think he’d be heard and, well, class-1A seem a lot more intimidating given his current stature.
Shouta resigns himself to a bland, sauceless meal and sets himself a goal of just getting away from all this mayhem as soon as possible. Another forgotten discomfort Shouta had forgotten from his childhood was just how overwhelming everything could be sometimes. While this hadn’t gone away as an adult, it was certainly much easier to manage.
Right now he couldn’t help but feel like his students were trying upset him. Shouta makes his way out of the dining area and curls up on one of the living room lounges. Shouta knows the kids don’t really have any ill will towards him- despite how much of a hardass he can be in class- they really are just a very energetic group of kids. This is only exaggerated by the fact that it’s the end of the day, they’re all packed under one roof, and they’re completely unsupervised.
He’d leave if he could but he doesn’t really have anywhere to go. He was told he has to stay with the class so he doesn’t get into trouble and, considering he doesn’t have a room, he would probably be sleeping on the lounge anyway. At the very least someone could have given him his sleeping bag, his students would probably leave him alone than out of habit. What he wouldn’t give to just curl up and go to sleep right now.
With dinner and clean up all done, everyone starts to make their way to the living room, much to Shouta’s chagrin. How could these kids possibly have so much to talk about? Even as a teenager, Shouta was a man of few words. He just didn’t see the purpose in mindless chatter, not that that ever stopped his friends back then. When Shouta finally tunes into the conversation, it’s to Kaminari and Jirou arguing about what they should watch for movie night.
That gives him a sliver hope, movies are something you’re supposed to watch in silence right? Although, Shouta doubts class-1A’s ability to anything quietly and at this point just being around so many people is upsetting. Shouta tries to curl in on himself further, praying no one notices him and tries to engage. God, Shouta wishes so badly he was allowed to go back to his nice, lonely apartment, where it was quiet and he had his cats and his sleeping bag.
Suddenly the smell of popcorn washes over him as Mina returns with a full bowl. Shouta hides his grimace into the lounge, it’s not that he doesn’t like popcorn, but when he’s as worked up as he is right now the smell just makes him nauseous. Shouta takes several deep breaths in through his mouth and out through his nose in an attempt to forget the overpowering smell, with littleeffect.
Shouta resorted to just doing his best to just disappear. He curls up so tight it’s uncomfortable and squeezes his eyes shut just to try and shut everything out. He refuses to let himself cry in front of his students but damn if the idea isn’t tempting him at the moment. It’s all just too much, too much, and he wants to make the whole world stop for just a few minutes until he can come back to himself.
Suddenly, something taps Shouta on the shoulder. As a pro hero, he’s ashamed to say nearly jumped out of his skin and barely managed not yelp out loud. When he turns to see who the hell had snuck up on him he’s greeted by Todoroki’s face only inches from his. Shouta imagines he looks something like a startled cat when jerks his head back into the couch at the site before him.
Todoroki seems completely unperturbed at Shouta’s reaction, tilting his head curiously as he continues to look Shouta straight in the eye. After a moment of just staring, all Todoroki gives him is a gesture to follow him before heading to the dormitory exit. When he gets there he turns back to Shouta, once again staring at him with expectation.
For a second, all Shouta can do is sit and ponder just how fucking weird this kid is, before deciding that he can’t get in trouble for leaving if it’s with another student. If anything goes wrong he’ll just pin it on Todoroki, Shouta’s sure he won’t mind. Too much.
Shouta scrambles, but by the time he’s off the lounge, Todoroki is already making his way out the door. He almost runs to catch up but that would draw the attention of the other students. Calmly and quietly, Shouta leaves the dorm, closing the door quietly behind him. Class-1A is easily distracted, so the chances of them noticing the disappearance of him and Todoroki are low.
Reaching the hallway, Shouta looks around for any signs of where Todoroki ran off to, he finds him standing at the end of the hall, once again staring Shouta down. Before heading to him, Shouta considers the fact that this feels like he’s being lured into a murder trap. Regardless, Shouta sets off towards his possible doom. Like last time, as soon as he starts walking, Todoroki moves on as well in another direction.
The journey continues on like this and Shouta can’t help but be reminded of a video game he played as a kid that made the player do something a bit like this. Although he doubts Todoroki is going to lead him to a magic sword, the situation is still one of the stranger ones that Shouta has been in. Is Todoroki always this weird and cryptic?
When Todoroki leads him up the rooftop access staircase, Shouta’s starting to get pretty nervous. Todoroki’s aware he’s still his teacher right? He’s not going to participate in anything against the rules. God this is all so creepy. Shouta wishes Todoroki had at least walked with him so he didn’t have to go up the dark staircase alone.
He’s at least pleased to find Todoroki waiting for him at the top of the staircase, not running off this time. When Shouta reaches the door to the roof, Todoroki just looks at him before wordlessly going through the door. Shouta has to brace himself before doing the same, hoping he’s not about to enter into Narnia or a murder trap.
What Shouta finds on the roof almost seems less likely than either of his guesses. Right in the middle of the roof, between the two tall towers of the UA dorms, is a fort. Like a pillow fort that kids make in their lounge room. It’s not very fancy, just a mattress with some sort of pole and a couple of chairs as the support and a huge blanket as the roof. It looks fucking cozy as shit.
Todoroki just walks straight up and tucks himself in like it’s a completely normal thing to have a secret fort on the roof of your dorm. Shouta absolutely wants to join him but right now he’s too shocked to move, after a few seconds, Todoroki pokes his head out and says his first words of the night.
“Are you gonna join me or what?”
Shouta doesn’t really know how to respond to that, so he just does as Todoroki says and goes to join him in the fort. On the inside, he sees that there are a few pillows, some… comics? And a gaming device? Shouta wouldn’t have thought Todoroki would be into such things.
Once he’s settled onto the mattress, Todoroki grabs one of the pillows and starts rummaging around in the pillowcase, in the next second he’s holding a Kit Kat out to Shouta.
“Do you want something to eat?” Todoroki says it so deadpan that Shouta can’t help but take a second to appreciate how surreal all of this is.
“Sure,” he responds, figuring a Kit Kat would be nice after the flavourless dinner he was subjected too.
For a while they just sit, like that, munching on their respective Kit Kats. After a minute or so Shouta starts to appreciate how peaceful it is. He can see all the stars clearly, he’s warm in the fort, and it’s nearly silent up here. He’s feeling a hundred times better then he was just a few minutes ago down in the dorm living room.
Shouta swallows his last bite of Kit Kat, “Why did you bring me up here? I’m still your teacher, you could get in trouble for having all this.”
It’s the one thing that’s still bothering him about all this.
Todoroki munches on his Kit Kat, looking like he’s pondering the question. “I suppose I could get in trouble, but you looked like you needed help. I think that’s more important.”
Shouta stares at him for a second before turning to look at the stars. The simple kindness of it all, in Shouta’s more vulnerable current state, is making him emotional. He feels a surge of pride and, for maybe the first time, he thinks he must be doing something right teaching his kids. It could just be Todoroki, but Shouta can’t help but wonder how such a genuine kid could be raised by someone like Endeavour.
After their short exchange, the pair just sat together in silence. Todoroki got out a blanket from somewhere to spread over them, and Shouta fell asleep along the way. It was everything Shouta had wanted. A little while later, Todoroki woke Shouta up to tell him it was nearly time for curfew, and they should head back down now.
As they walked down the stairs side by side, Shouta took a moment just to say,
“Thank you, Todoroki.”
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