#but it's also about Kashimashi: Girl Meets Girls
pikachugirltits · 9 months
I gotta say..."character that gets magically gender bent only for it to crack their egg" is like... absolutely one of my favorite character concepts.
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becausegoodbye · 9 months
the greatest ever fantasy for passive and diffident trans girls
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The greatest ever fantasy for passive and diffident trans girls is a 2006 anime called Kashimashi: Girl Meets Girl. This, astonishingly, is the plot:
Hazumu is a very gentle young boy who loves gardening and has a crush on his classmate, Yasuna. Then all of a sudden an alien spaceship crashes into him, completely obliterating his body. The aliens didn't intend to do this – the aliens are nice – so they set about reconstructing the poor human they just squished. They're able to restore Hazumu to perfect health, with just one small alteration: something about the process inadvertently changed Hazumu's sex, and she's now a girl. Head to toe, unmistakably, a girl.
This isn't a secret. The aliens announce to the world whole that they've done this, and request that everyone simply treat Hazumu as a girl now. The rest of the show is mainly about Hazumu adjusting to life as a girl, and indecisively navigating a lesbian love triangle between her crush Yasuna and her tomboyish friend Tomari. But truth be told: there's not actually a lot of 'adjusting' that needs to be done. Hazumu is so plainly happier as a girl. There's no bargaining, no despair, no "oh no, how could this happen to me??" Hazumu just instantly rolls with it. Some others have a little difficulty with the transition, but Hazumu literally never does. She just wants to learn all the girl stuff she didn't know about, spend time with her friends, and live her best life. Which she does.
At Hazumu's age, I had no conscious sense of my own transness. There were all sorts of little signs identifiable in retrospect, but if you'd asked me whether I'd like to have a spaceship crash into my and change my sex, I think I would have been like, "Uhh no thank you?" But I'll tell you this. If a spaceship had crashed into me and changed my sex, I would have really impressed people with how well I took it. The adults in my life would have been stunned at how bravely and cheerfully I dealt with such a shocking blow, how quickly I adjusted to the idea, how naturally I just got on with things. "What an impressively emotionally mature boy," they would have thought – "I mean girl."
This is a curious and funny depth at which transness can be buried: unable to articulate a desire to be the other sex, but being able to deal with suddenly becoming the other sex with remarkable equanimity. One of the things that feels special to me about Kashimashi: Girls Meets Girl as a trans narrative is that it feels pretty clear that if the spaceship crash had never happened, Hazumu just ... would have been a boy. A quiet, gentle, uncomplaining boy, whose relationships with girls were a bit different to others, but other than that: a boy. But as soon as external circumstances intervened and made the decision for her – it's a repeated emphasis that Hazumu is very indecisive – the clarity is instantaneous. Hazumu was always a trans girl; she just only realised it through the gift of a medical transition so instantaneous and perfect that the fantasy of it can make a heart gallop.
This is rare kind of trans story. There are lots of trans people who always knew on some level, but there are also a lot of us who didn’t. It can be overwhelming to think about the contingencies involved with the development of even the thought of transition: the hideous army of unchosen circumstances penning our thoughts in at rifle-point and dictating our social and material possibilities. Kashimashi gives us a trans protagonist who, left to her own devices, probably would have just stayed a boy. She wouldn’t have wanted to put anyone to any trouble. But the story asks: "What if a giant fucking spaceship crushed your body into atoms and accidentally medically transitioned you, huh? Would you accept being a girl then?"
Which, for some of us, is weirdly the right question.
The show actually has another trick up its sleeve, and it's a beautiful one. Yasuna, the crush, has always liked Hazumu back, but she's been dealing with a strange and difficult affliction that's made things hard for her. For some reason, she "can't see men". That is: she can see women and girls perfectly well, but when men enter her field of vision, they're just these scary grey blobs. She can register their presence, and sometimes identify them by voice, but she gets them confused all the time, and it's been a lot safer to just try to minimise her contact with boys and men. It makes the world very intimidating to navigate, and is the source of her shyness and reticence.
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Obviously, "men are basically just grey blobs to me" is not a totally uncommon lesbian experience. But in Yasuna's case it's literalised, and deeply confusing, and you really feel how isolating it would be to attempt to live with it. There is never any attempt to explain Yasuna's condition, even to a goofy anime "aliens did it" degree. It's simply the situation for Yasuna, and she's been dealing with it alone for a long time.
The story feels like it's set up to say: oh, Yasuna didn't used to be able to see Hazumu, but now Hazumu's a girl, so now she can! And they can have a little gay love story! Cute! But that's not what the story does. Instead, the story is emphatically clear on this point:
Yasuna could see Hazumu the entire time.
During a time when every single man and boy on earth appeared to Yasuna as a featureless grey blob, Hazumu was the only 'boy' who was actually alive to her, who had a face, who she could bear to be around. Whatever was responsible for Yasuna's 'condition', magic or illness or curse or contrivance: Hazumu was always exempt. During a time when everyone else saw Hazumu as a boy, Yasuna was the only one who actually saw her.
This is unbearably romantic, but also shockingly affirming. Hazumu was always a girl! There is no non-trans explanation for any of this! The show has no explicit consciousness of this: the word 'trans' is never used, and nobody ever speaks as though anyone's ever gone through anything like this before. The language used (at least in the translated subtitles I had access to) is just "used to be a boy" and "is a girl now". And yet the whole story is the most remarkable trans fantasy, conjuring the most deeply blessed form of transness imaginable. A transness where the whole world knows you used to be a boy, but accepts you wholly as a girl. A transness of instant perfect painless transition, which you didn't even need to choose, but can simply enjoy. A transness actualised by aliens and confirmed by magic.
It's really something.
Distasteful post-script:
Would it even be an anime if there wasn't an incredibly gross and off-putting running 'gag' that makes it impossible to recommend without shamefaced caveats? Kashimashi is no exception. After Hazumu's transition, her dad becomes creepily attracted to her, and around once every episode, there's a brief interlude – usually less than 30 seconds, and played entirely for laughs – where he attempts to molest her. He's constantly attempting to bathe with her, take revealing photographs of her, and touch her sexually. These attempts invariably conclude with Hazumu's mother catching him in the act, making a snarly face, and bonking him on the head. Then everyone acts like it didn't happen, and he does it again the next episode.
This is the fucking worst. Everyone hates it. It's an intensely upsetting smear on an otherwise beautiful show. In order to enjoy the things about Kashimashi that are genuinely rare and good, you kinda have to just decide to ignore the dad stuff, and I wouldn't quibble with anyone who thought it not a price worth paying. (I'd really love to go through and – similar to what I did with My Hero Academia – edit together a version that just simply got rid of all of the lecherous dad shit. It wouldn't be hard; you'd only be cutting 20-30 seconds from most episodes, and these moments are never referenced outside of that. Unfortunately, I'm pretty time-poor at the moment, so this'll have to be filed under "something I'd like to do when I have more time". Hopefully at some point I'll be able to. I'd love for more people to see this show, but I also really don't want to expose more people to the world's worst fucking running gag, so being able to give people files with that shit neatly snipped out would be a mercy.)
Look, Kashimashi: Girl Meets Girl a silly anime in lots of ways. A lot of the episodes are kinda throwaway, the dad stuff is completely unforgivable, and I personally didn't love the ending (love triangles are annoying). But that core nugget of trans fantasy – what if aliens did it – is so resonant and joyous that I watched every episode enraptured. It's a cis cliche to call trans people "brave" without actually doing anything to make our lives easier, but the wonderful thing about Hazumu's story is that she didn't need to be brave. Honestly, she's kind of a scaredy-cat the whole series! And ruinously indecisive! Relatable queen!!! All of this, coupled with the after-the-fact clarity of her transition – delighting in being a girl only after being able to try it – makes her a trans protagonist I can see myself in to a pretty embarrassing degree.
Sometimes it takes a spaceship crashing into you, y'know?
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historyhermann · 2 years
Webcomics Focus: "I want to be a cute anime girl"
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I want to be a cute anime girl tells the story of a kid who likes dressing up as a girl and learns more about themselves along the way.
Reprinted from The Geekiary, my History Hermann WordPress post, and Wayback Machine. This was the twenty-eighth article I wrote for The Geekiary. This post was originally published on February 16, 2022. Also, this post has been slightly changed from the original.
I want to be a cute anime girl by Azul Crescent, an artist living in Myanmar, is a slice-of-life comedy. It centers around a kid who wants to "be a cute anime girl," her journey of self-discovery, her family, and friends.
As a warning, this review discusses some spoilers for I want to be a cute anime girl.
One day, Charon's big sister, Chelsie, gives a makeover, and she likes it so much that she decides she wants to be a cute anime girl. Her friends and sister, Chloe, are accepting even while finding it unexpected and surprising at first. Before her mom and dad accept her, Charon chooses the name "Cheryl," and her dad accepts her for who she is. The story then goes on from there.
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I liked that Cheryl's dad realizes the signs that Cheryl wants to be a girl more directly that Cheryl's mom. It pushes away the "bad dad / good mom" trope, which is sometimes used in comics with LGBTQ themes. Obviously, the comic is about gender transition and being transgender, as Cheryl puts on makeup and clothing as part of becoming her real self, later using she/her pronouns. Later, Cheryl has a crisis of identity, wondering if people, especially those at her middle school, will accept her as Cheryl. She even has to deal with someone having a crush on her when she and her sister go to the mall.
A central theme of this all-ages comic is self-acceptance. You should accept yourself for who you are, even if that journey to self-discovery has bumps along the way. In this way, the comic is like Acception or even Cursed Princess Club, which have similar themes. This interconnected with the comic's emphasis on family togetherness, since Cheryl has a supportive family.
Not only does I want to be a cute anime girl have short and easy to read issues, but it is a refreshing take on transgender people. This includes the anxiety, such as Cheryl worrying over which bathroom to chose. For those are are comfortable with their gender, it's no big issue to choose between a men's bathroom and a women's bathroom. But if you are struggling with your gender identity, it can cause anxiety, as those bathrooms are divided along the male-female binary.
This anxiety happens alongside moments of self-empowerment, like preparing to introduce themselves as Cheryl to school. There is casual homophobia by one of Cheryl's classmates. Cheryl sets a date to meet a cute guy in her class, tries to become better friends with her classmate, Delilah, and is surprised when her friend Adrian says he has thought he wants to be an anime girl.
I liked how I want to be a cute anime girl shows Cheryl slowly coming out to her classmates, starting with her friend Zack. This isn't something like Kashimashi: Girl Meets Girl, where an alien announces to everyone that you are trans, and to respect your changed name and sex (after that alien changed your sex by accident).
I want to be a cute anime girl can be sweet, like the moments between Cheryl and Chelsie. They work on makeup together, talk about cosplaying, identity, being yourself, and Chelsie helps Cheryl with her quest for a more girly voice. There are nice moments between Cheryl, Chelsie, and Chloe as well. We learn more about Chelsie and Chloe, including Chelsie's ex-boyfriend, during a discussion about romance.
I want to be a cute anime girl also highlights the fact that trans allies will mess stuff up. An example is when Zack accidentally tells Stella, his lesbian friend, that Cheryl is trans without permission. Later on, Cheryl is a bit annoyed for Zack for doing that, but she also wants to hear what Stella had to say about her. This is not a new discussion. Some have pointed out that you will screw up as an ally, will be hurt, will learn from your mistakes, and may be confused about the difference between sex and gender.
I want to be a cute anime girl is much more authentic since the author, Azul Crescent, is trans, herself, as noted in a Q&A. Authentic representation by those in the community is some of the best representation.
For instance, trans people voicing trans characters in High Guardian Spice, to give an example, felt more real than if someone who wasn't trans had voiced them instead, as happens too often. Cisgender actors playing trans characters in film has been described by some as something that seems to happen "in a way to make fun of the trans character or invalidate their identity."
The comic has received a positive reception, with fan art and cosplays retweeted by Azul Crescent, including fan art from Jocelyn Samara DiDomenick, who makes the soon-to-be-ending webcomic, Rain, which also has a trans girl protagonist (Liriel Rain Flaherty).
Currently, the comic also has a French version, in an effort to reach more people. Crescent is also known for the dormant webcomic "Daily Life of Dia." In 2021, the comic was nominated for a Webtoon award for slice of life webcomics. Others have even done comic dubs, which have been posted on YouTube, and has been shared on trans-friendly subs on Reddit, and likely across Tumblr.
I highly recommend I want to be a cute anime girl for those who are trans, those who are allies, and anyone else who wants to learn more. (If you're interested, there are a variety of other comics centered on trans characters such as Hyperfocus, Serious Trans Vibes, The Prettiest Platypus, and Transincidental, all of which are on Webtoon.)
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I want to be a cute anime girl is available to read on Line Webtoon. It can be supported on Patreon.
You can find Azul Crescent on Twitter, Twitch, Instagram, and YouTube.
© 2022-2023 Burkely Hermann. All rights reserved.
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yurimother · 4 years
2006 Transgender Yuri Anime 'Kashimashi' Licensed by Discotek Media; To be Upscaled to HD and Rereleased on Blu-ray
In a livestream on Monday, Discotek Media announced that it has licensed Studio Hibari's 2006 anime tv series Kashimashi: Girls Meets Girl for English release on May 25. The anime, based on the manga of the same name by Satoru Akahiro and illustrated by Yukimaru Katsura, was previously released in North America by Media Blasters in 2007.
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The series follows Hazumu Osaragi, a young person assigned male at birth. After Hazumu is rejected by their friend Yasuna, they run away but are killed by an alien spacecraft. The alien, Hitoshi Sora revives Hazumu changing her body to one with female secondary sex characteristics. She suddenly finds herself in a love triangle between her crush Yasuna and her childhood friend Tomari Kurusu.
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Although the series, based on a 2004 manga, never uses the word transgender and was not intended to be a trans narrative, it is understood that Hazumu's resurrection and changes are analogous to transitioning. The world and characters in Kashimashi all accept Hazumu's gender identity and she has no wish to return to a traditionally male body. To learn more about transgender representation in Kashimashi: Girl Meets Girls check out the article The History and Future of Transgender Representation in Yuri, available free on the Yurimother Patreon.
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Discotek Media's Blu-ray run of the series will upscale all thirteen episodes (12 TV episodes and one OVA) to HD quality. it will include the original Media Blasters English dub and redone subtitles. The subtitles from the original series were made back in 2007, a very different time for LGBTQ and transgender rights and representation. As such, they were not always cautious of the characters' gender and pronouns. Discoket confirmed that its revised subtitled would correct this issue. The Blu-ray will also include all of the original special features. It is scheduled for release on May 25.
Discoket Media is a self-described boutique publisher. It focuses on licenses anime, films, and television and performing "license rescues," rereleasing classic works from the 1970s, '80s, and '90s. Their catalog includes Lupid the Third, First of the North Star, and Lady Oscar: The Rose of Versailles.
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theothin · 2 years
Anime Rankings
Some personal rankings for anime I’ve checked out since this past fall. Which has tended to involve a lot of genderbending, magical girls, queer girls, and murderous girls, making for a pretty colorful mix. Most of these are shows/seasons I’ve watched to completion, I’ll note any exceptions.
Shows are tentatively ordered within ranks, but the categories themselves are more significant. I’m assuming watching with subs, there’s been big improvements to dubs over time but older dubs often leave a lot to be desired. Note that shows here are not necessarily free of various kinds of Anime Bullshit.
When I tried to actually explain the premises of the shows, it turned into a big mess very fast, so I’m sticking with brief comments here but I can elaborate if requested.
Rank A:
School Days
Magical Girl Ore
Revolutionary Girl Utena
My favorites of the bunch. School Days has gotten a lot of hate, but it’s an extremely underrated show that tops the list for its clever deconstruction of toxic masculinity. Magical Girl Ore is a rare example of F>M genderbending and I found it a lot of fun, although its humor isn’t always the most tasteful. Utena is extremely strange and certainly earns its reputation of "content warning everything", it’s also what started getting me back into anime about six months ago.
These three don’t have the broadest of target audiences, but I love all of them.
Rank B:
Fabiniku (“Life with an Ordinary Guy Who Reincarnated into a Total Fantasy Knockout”)
Revue Starlight
Magical Girl Raising Project
Saga of Tanya the Evil
So I’m A Spider, So What?
Some other shows I really enjoyed for various reasons, with quite a range of tones. Fabiniku is the lightest of the bunch, followed by Revue Starlight, and both of them are adorable. So I’m A Spider is pretty comedic overall but does get quite violent. (Those three are certainly the least eyebrow-raising of my current high ranks.)
Magical Girl Raising Project and Blood-C are on the much darker end of the scale and are particularly grisly, but they’re both fascinating in their own ways. Meanwhile, Tanya is, well, Tanya.
Spy x Family is still airing so I’m not fully ranking it yet, but once the season finishes, it’ll probably go here. In addition, expanding the scope to associated movies would put the movies for Revue Starlight and Tanya somewhere in here as well.
Rank C:
Princess Tutu
Kashimashi: Girl Meets Girl
Miss Kuroitsu from the Monster Development Department
Sailor Moon (S1)
Zombieland Saga (S1)
Slayers (S1)
This gets into the section where I have some more mixed feelings, shows I found usually fun but on shakier ground. Princess Tutu took some time for me to warm up to, but it’s quite good. Kashimashi is not good in any conventional sense, but I love it anyway. Miss Kuroitsu is generally pretty funny but also has its share of less-than-tasteful humor.
Sailor Moon and Slayers are classics but are noticeably dated. Zombieland Saga is pretty entertaining when its scenes land, which isn’t always. I've split off the second seasons of those three, although I haven’t yet watched far enough in Slayers Next to rate it.
High Guardian Spice isn’t an anime despite being on an anime site, but it would go somewhere in here. The Utena movie is very difficult to evaluate but would probably also go here. I could also throw in Konosuba and Isekai Quartet - at least their first seasons, which are what I’ve watched. They’re pretty funny but not the most memorable and don’t really fit my usual focus areas here, so I’m hesitant to actually rank them.
Rank D:
Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches
Ranma 1/2 [to ep22]
Zombieland Saga Revenge
These all have some appeal, but are hard for me to recommend watching in full. Yamada-kun is pretty fun when it’s not being uncomfortably horny or trying to have an actual plot, which is unfortunately most of the second half. Ranma is the oldest show here, I really enjoyed the first 13 episodes but then found it to get less funny and increasingly obnoxious. I think I’ve gotten as far as I can without using a watch list to seek out specific highlights. Zombieland Saga Revenge is fine, but I found it a bit dull and didn’t really like the season’s premise.
Rank E:
Sailor Moon R [to ep24]
Even after starting to use a watch list for Sailor Moon R, I still don’t think I’ve found an episode that’s better than mediocre. @delvinanaris has assured me that there's interesting stuff yet to come, so maybe this will go up a tier by the time I finish, but I don’t see it leaving the low ranks.
Blood-C’s movie would go here. It's pretty weak and contributes little, and even following the action can be tough with how terrible the lighting is.
Rank F:
Kämpfer [to ep2]
Kämpfer is garbage. I heard about its main character genderbending into a magical girl and foolishly got my hopes up for a character like in Magical Girl Raising Project or Miss Kuroitsu, but with a larger role. This was... not that. It's not even bad in a funny way, it’s just obnoxious in all the worst Horny Anime Bullshit ways. I suggest avoiding it.
That wraps up the rankings, as well as the admittedly silly number of almost-rankings. For others looking for genderbending, the relevant ones are Magical Girl Ore, Fabiniku, Magical Girl Raising Project, Saga of Tanya the Evil, So I’m A Spider, Kashimashi, Miss Kuroitsu, Yamada-Kun, Ranma, and (ugh) Kämpfer.
On that note, Zombieland Saga and High Guardian Spice have more realistic trans characters that I quite liked. (Personally I’d say Princess Tutu also has viable trans readings, but that’s getting further from the point.) Alternatively, for those who’ve brushed off School Days, maybe this will inspire another look at it.
Again, there’s plenty of colorful stuff here, so if you do check out any of these shows, don’t expect them to be particularly clean. (With how much I post about kid’s shows, I feel like I need to emphasize that.) But for those who are on board with that, maybe something will grab your interest.
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hotarutranslations · 5 years
Conan And Code Geass and Homare!
Its Ishida Ayumi
MV Viewing Meet has been uploaded--!
everyone met up to watch the, LOVEpedia MV but,
↑ in this way, it was exciting!
Man, at a glance, its obvious that we watching on the day of the Christmas event! lol Everyones reactions are fresh themselves so, please enjoy the feeling of us watchin the MV together
Together with the points the fans are excited about,
or perhaps they're different,
wondering where the members will be the most excited,
thats something to look forward to
Todays topics will be flying around a bit←
Follow me...
I was surprised but,
My phone will naturally give me news about Morning and Haropro but, when I saw this mornings net news,
"Matsuzaka Tori"-san "HaroPro"
I saw those 2 words lined up, I thought what happened......lol
Involved with Hello! Project,
"At that time. A Man's Kashimashi Monogatari"
thats the work, this topic is being made into a movie!!
lots of people,
have gratitude towards "HaroPro Love" <3
Those who lend their power to HaroPro, there really are a lot like that...!!! I've thought again recently, really, do your best! do your best!
Of courrrrsseeeee, Thats the presence of all of the fans
Our new songs release is the day after tomorrow right
Thank you for waiting
Interjecting some announcements,
For the new songs commemorative release events, 1/21 MyNavi BLITZ Akasaka 1/22 Shinjuku ReNY (day of release) 1/23 Ario Hashimoto (Nonaka Yokoyama Kitagawa Okamura Yamazaki) 1/24 Ikebukuro Sunshine City
This week we'll be able to meet a lot so definitely!
In particular the viewing is free on the 24th, Definitely come to the meeting place if you have time~~~~~! Of course I'll be waiting at the handshakes~!
On the 25th (Sat) and 26th (Sun), at the Hello! Project Official Shop (Akihabara, Nagoya, Osaka) or going to the Orix theater venue for "Hello! Project 2020 Winter HELLO! PROJECT IS "    " ~side A~ ~side B~" those that purchased the product "KOKORO&KARADA/LOVEpedia/Ningen Kankei No way way" NEW single,
get a signed poster as a present!
since this is here definitely do it
I'm also looking towards the completed movie! When it comes out I'll go and see ittt!
I'm saying this as its passed but,
Until today the Friday Road Show planned,
and have going on a, "Detective Conan Movie Popularity Vote"
Of course I also voted
I thought it would be breaking the rules if I said it during the voting period, but now that its over maybe its ok!?
What I voted for,
"Captured In Her Eyes"
Its that! Yes! I want to see it! Really! I want to see it!
The movie came out in 2000, its my favorite movie... <3
I realized that,
in 2000,
the 3 of the girls in 15th generation hadn't been born yet eh, its quite the shock lol
Makino Maria-chan, Yokoyama Reina-chan, and Haga Akane-chan weren't born yet either, those girls were born in 2001 and 2002, eh, a shock lol
That is I too, was only 3 years old in 2000,
I don't really remember when I saw this movie and how I liked it,
Ran and Shinichi's relationship, Conan's feelings of "I'll do anything if its for Ran" is really exciting, um, will they save her at the last minute or not!? the work has that kind of nervous feeling, in a hopeless situation where Ran has amnesia is too sad, do your best, Conan,,,its worth seeing
I was at a loss with Countdown to Heaven! And with The Phantom of Baker Street! And Private Eyes Requiem! Darkest Nightmare is a recent work that I like but I didn't think about it this time!
I look forward to seeing what work will be #1... <3
I'm still continuing, are you following!? lol
"Code Geass Lelouch of the Rebellion"
Include R2, its 50 episodes in total, I properly watched it all
I had a big cry in the last episode...... it had been a while since I was sobbing
When I first stated watching this anime, because it was recommended to me,
the first episode is a but uh? difficult? hm?
I was worried about it,
Ah, its a robot anime!? (I apologize for my real state of ignorance)
there was a wall to get into it...
...I had thought
Before I knew it was absorbed into it
Lelouch's side Suzaku's side
Which side!? I think you'll be asked that, somehow its, which one doesn't matter, because they want to protect things that are important to them...Good is evil, evil is good, why do they end up suffering so...Its the kind of thing where you want to look back on the beginning when you get to the end, it became as I thought it would in the last episode
From here I want to see the movies,
perhaps it would be good to stay a bit longer in its afterglow,
If you've seen it you understand
I'm sorry for that kind of writing If you're interested please check it out
I'm still really detailed! Since I'm not that person, I think there are still some places that aren't enough but, please talk to me about Geass at the handshakes...
I've decided, I'm going to watch
Demon Slayer
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Homa-chan <3
Today, I went and talked with the 15th generation, Homa-chan was reading a scary story out loud,
we listened to it together,
but the reader was too cute so it wasn't scary at all
Tomorrow is the Akasaka mini live & handshake meet! I'll be waiting!
The magazine "non-no" was published today
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Spring tour ticket blog advanced reception Its until the 23rd! Definitely!
Alright, its over!!!
see you ayumin <3
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asheternal · 6 years
your inbox needs happy um- recomend some yuris since you seem to be into bloom into you lately
I actually haven’t seen many yuri anime due to the period of time where it was mostly fanservice crap oops but I’ll try!
(If one you personally like isn’t on here, it’s because probably it has- incest, is blatant male gaze, pedophilic content or I simply forgot/didn’t hear about it. Or it’s like.. love live or something which is sort of yuri in my heart but not sure if it’s full on yuri BY THE ANIME ALONE. The manga gets pretty gay I know and there’s canon duets in game.)
Kashimashi, Girl Meets Girl:
 This was one of my first big things that helped me come out of the closet when I was younger. My aunt picked it up for me at some point in 2009 because “it looked like you” and well..
 Kashimashi is probably one of the few early trans friendly manga out there even if it’s not the best in comparison to modern stuff. The protagonist starts as a guy who doesn’t really care if he’s male or female (but thinks about it) and is hit by a SPACESHIP. Alien shenanigans happen and she’s given a new body- a female body. She learns that she feels better as a girl and has romance with two girls in her life- one who knew (and crushed on) her since childhood and her prior crush.
 It’s really cute and it also has a canon asexual character if that’s a bonus for you! I know a few trans ladies/folks who really like it.
 The anime takes a different path from the manga but only really for who the protagonist ends up with! It’s worth seeing both.
 I’d recommend Strawberry Panic since it was my first big yuri experience but in hindsight it’s kind of bad. It’s there and hella gay but has issues. If you want to see what us 2000s yuri fans got into, I do recommend watching it just for the history of it.
YuruYuri/ Kill Me Baby!:
 Both are 4koma sorta things from what I remember. I prefer KMB! due to the dynamic so I’ll focus on that one:
Not outright yuri, but heavily implied- it’s basically shenanigans between a genki girl and her introverted ACTUALLY AN ASSASSIN (girl)friend. The ending is a BOP too!
Wholesome outgoing popular tomboy gets with the quiet but not too quiet girl. It’s not really a serious plot but it’s adorably done!
Flip Flappers (I still need to finish this, if it’s actually bad please tell me and I’ll remove this bit):
Is everyone on drugs or something. It’s gay but... seriously. EVERYONE WRITING THIS WAS LITERALLY ON DRUGS I THINK.
It’s super gay but also super depressing but I’m an old lady and still love it despite it’s issues. Also can’t wait for Rebellion part 2.
I still need to watch Dragon Maid but I heard there’s issues (tm)
Bloom Into You:
 One of my newest favorite anime/manga of all time. It takes what would be a very stereotypical yuri plot and turns it on its head in the first episode, only getting better as it goes on. Touko and Yuu are flawed but amazing to see develop and progress as the anime/manga goes on.
 Also there’s an asexual character who happens to be a dude, yeah this yuri takes place in a co-ed school and the guys aren’t totally annoying/decent people.
Not to mention they also show an adult lesbian couple which has a cute dynamic/backstory.
I seriously say no matter who you are or what sexuality you may be- watch/read this anime. It gets characterizations so well and writes its story so well it’s worth seeing even if you’re not into romance.
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gaypril · 6 years
Kashimashi: Girl meets girl au
I wanted to write some stuff about this anime because I dont really know, when I was younger I really related to the main character Hazumu, if you don’t know about the show it’s a gender-bending yuri manga thingamajig that begins with the main character Hazumu getting hit by an alien space ship and them reviving her as a girl. Now there is a case for Hazumu was a trans girl before she got hit by aliens (how shes acts is very similar to how I was before realising oh frick and the character that CANT SEE MEN CAN SEE HER) So i kinda wanted to write an AU where instead of her being hit by aliens and being magically transformed, she gets hit by aliens and it wakes her up to the fact that shes trans. So Enjoy! I’m not the best writer so forgive me.
Basically instead of her body being turned into a completely female one, when shes hit by the spaceship it sends her body back to before puberty hit. 
Her body is still like the same age but its like shed been on hormone blockers as the ship couldn't replicate the changes puberty brought on. So basically shes at square 1 of transition and she tells her parents she is a trans girl. It was something that had been in the back of her head for a while but she didn’t think it was possible however after being hit by aliens possible didn’t really seem like an obstacle anymore. 
Her parents, who in the show are fucking nuts, but also really supportive. They buy Hazumu a girl uniform and the aliens who have decided to watch over supply her with hormones because shes understands the consequences and begs them, they comply because they  are curious about how relationships would work in such a situation. Because of that most things in the show play out very similarly. 
People still hound Hazumu but this time its because shes trans rather than magical transformation, because at the time when this is set it is a big deal and because she was still you know killed by aliens. As Hazumu begins going through transition: Yasuna realises why she was able to see Hazumu, she wasn't an exception to her male blindness but was just a girl, but she still loves Hazumu and continues to pursue her. 
Tamori gets those conflicting feeling because she still likes Hazumu and wants her to be happy, but she just doesn’t understand why she chose to go through all of this. She begins to remember when they were little and Hazumu said she wanted to be Tamori’s bride and a bunch of other smaller things that began clicking into place. Shes very protective of Hazumu as always but she still has those initial feelings of why did he become a girl. The bra fitting scene would take place later in the show and it would be the final straw for Tamori. Hazumu isn’t going to go back to being a boy and she explodes because of this Hazumu gets upset and begins crying. The two talk it out because Tamori despite being the cause of Hazumu’s distress just can’t let Hazumu be alone when she’s crying.
Asuta begins to realise that he has a crush on Hazumu and is like “but thats my best bro, but shes a girl now and is uhhhh really cute, oh shit i think i really like Hazumu”. And when those dickheads begin hitting on Hazumu at the beach he does that protective friend thing and pretends to be her boyfriend. He likes Hazumu as his best friend her being trans doesn’t change that, but he wishes that Hazumu wasn’t so god damn cute 
Hazumu wouldn’t change much she'd still be pretty clueless about how to act. But because instead of this thing being thrust on to her, she has time to adapt and go back to mannerisms she had previously tried to hide because “they aren’t manly”. She is still the same crybaby green thumb she is in the original she just chose it this time. She still goes shopping with Yasuna and buys her dresses and she still asks Tamari to help her get a bra since she has no idea whats shes doing. But she does these thing with the biggest smile on her face, she has her best-friends by her side and loves them both a lot and the fact that they are helping her overcome the discomfort they had been feeling for all that time helps deepen the bonds between the three of them.
The only scene i think would need to change is the locker room scene where everyone's like eh shes a girl now. It’s not as realistic as most of the show is in it portrayal of this stuff. And I doubt Hazumu would be comfortable changing in front of the girls and since she still has that thing she chooses to change in the stalls or something, but due to how her body is changing she does you know work with the girls and run with them and all that.
I’m just gonna say for the sake of this the town shes living in is super supportive.
The aliens would have a hard time understanding whats going on in ters of you  know gender. Maybe they scan her brain or something and figure out what dysphoria is or something IDK, they want to understand how this affects her relationships so they observe her. 
I’d say at the end she probably ends up like Hazumu of the original with a completely cis body because after a while she asks the aliens if it’s a possibility 
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recentanimenews · 4 years
Discotek Announces Sgt Frog and Dear Brother Releases, New 35mm Film Transfer of Project A-Ko and More
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  Discotek Media announced during their SUPER DISOTEK DAY stream even more upcoming releases of series including a limited-time release of Dear Brother, forthcoming releases of Nyanbo, Sgt Frog, and an update to their upcoming Project A-Ko release, and more.
  Announcements made during the panel are in alphabetical order.
  Dear Brother: 39 episode sub-only release expected this summer. The license period is unusually short and uncertain if it can be renewed, so Discotek advises fans not to wait on the release.
  Yep, we start off with announcing a Blu-ray release of Dear Brother! The classic drama is coming soon! Get it while you can, this one wont' be around for long! pic.twitter.com/InE94tX58N
— ????Discotek Media (@discotekmedia) March 9, 2021
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    Kashimashi ~Girl Meets Girl~: 13 episode upscale release with the Sub and Media Blasters dub. The subtitles are also newly revised to be much more careful about the gender pronouns. Scheduled to release on May 25. 
  License time! Kashimashi ~Girl Meets Girl~ Rescued & upscaled on Blu-ray! Also includes the classic dub & the legacy bonus features! pic.twitter.com/6wu7UThXpK
— ????Discotek Media (@discotekmedia) March 9, 2021
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    Kekkaishi: Will be streaming on Crunchyroll soon with the sub and dub. Home video release date is still to be announced.
    And a streaming license announcement! Kekkaishi! All 52 episodes dubbed & subbed are back! We'll be bringing it to Crunchyroll. pic.twitter.com/Trh2GtH8x0
— ????Discotek Media (@discotekmedia) March 9, 2021
  Magical Girl Ore: 12 episode sub-only release scheduled to release on May 25.
  Magical Girl Ore! Coming to Blu-ray soon. A fun magical girl series that adds what magical girls needed... MUSCLES! One of the episodes crashed the authoring software because it had so many subtitles. pic.twitter.com/gJJvUZf5xP
— ????Discotek Media (@discotekmedia) March 9, 2021
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    Memories: Blu-ray will have both restored and original versions, packed with extras, with a currently scheduled release of June. 
    Memories update! We recently streamed the premiere of the English dub of Memories on our Twitch and the Blu-ray is coming soon! Stereo and 5.1 in both Japanese & English. Both unrestored & remastered... and so many extras! pic.twitter.com/PVdOgvQJjn
— ????Discotek Media (@discotekmedia) March 9, 2021
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    Michiri Neko: 13 episode (at 3 1/2 minutes each) sub-only release, currently scheduled to release this summer. 
  Mitchiri Neko! It's coming to Blu-ray! More cats. We want to bring you every weird & surreal cat show that exists. Meow pic.twitter.com/rgiOJD9LSR
— ????Discotek Media (@discotekmedia) March 9, 2021
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    Nyanbo: 24 episode (at five minutes each) sub-only release of the CG cubist cat show featured in Yotsuba&!. Scheduled to released this summer.
  Nyanbo! CG cube box cats. A fun little series of shorts. You will even get to see Yotsuba! More details soon... pic.twitter.com/rukNNwzwZn
— ????Discotek Media (@discotekmedia) March 9, 2021
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    Sgt Frog:  All 358 episode sub-only SD-BD release, with the home video release date still to be announced. 
  MARCH! Because Sgt. Frog is here! pic.twitter.com/jitnAUYt1M
— ????Discotek Media (@discotekmedia) March 9, 2021
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    The panel also updated the status of the Project A-Ko restoration project noting that the original upscale project has been canceled with the 35mm film being found. A new, proper transfer has been made with further release plans to be announced. 
    How did we get Project A-Ko? Robert Woodhead realized there was a clerical error which allowed us to find it! Yes, that Robert Woodhead! pic.twitter.com/Q36pc0np6x
— ????Discotek Media (@discotekmedia) March 9, 2021
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      Kyle Cardine is an Associate Editor for Crunchyroll. You can find his Twitter here.
By: Kyle Cardine
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yurimother · 3 years
Growing up Yurijin: My Childhood Experience with Lesbian Anime and Manga Part I
This article is the first in a two-part personal essay about my childhood experiences growing up around Yuri in an environment where LGBTQ+ identity and culture were normalized. The article was original released exclusively on Patreon in February 2019. You can read Part II on the YuriMother Patreon.
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I was recently reading an article by one of the people I admire most in the world, LGBTQ+ manga tastemaker and lesbian icon, Erica Friedman, a person who, in my hubris, I sometimes compare myself to, qualitatively, of course, their achievements far exceed my own. In the essay I was reading, Friedman describes their struggle to find literature that reflected their queen identity in the 1980s. At this moment, it also occurred to me the Friedman had previously spoken about how they discovered anime and manga, which included lesbian elements, more commonly known as Yuri, in adult life, and found an affinity with the genre. Friedman went on to become one of, if not the pioneering individuals in the world of Yuri. As I reminisce on these facts about a person who I so deeply admire and am lucky enough to consider a friend, it occurred to me that, while they adopted the Yuri, I was born into it. Although, funnily enough, my existence as a Yurijin (lit. Yuri Person, an inclusive term for Yuri fans) likely would not have been possible if not for Friedman’s support and love of Yuri, more on that later.
I am rather young. Depending on who you ask, I am either one of the last Millennials or one of the first members of Generation Z, although, like most labels, I find using either one of these titles arbitrary. However, I am always aware of how immense of a blessing my youth is. Yes, being young is fun and dandy, but I am referring to my upbringing's social implications. From a very early age, since before I could even talk, I was exposed to homosexuality as normalcy. I did not think anything of it until I started to grasp the more significant history and circumstance around terms such as “gay” when I was about nine years old. My godmothers are gay women, as are my brother’s. I remember attending their second wedding in 2004, shortly after same-sex marriage was officially legalized where we lived, and I thought nothing of it.
As previously implied, around late elementary school, I discovered that being gay was a distinct identity and had a more serious and complex history around it, one which I learned about but never experienced. I think more than anything, my blessed lack of conflict around sexuality has been my greatest asset. Growing up in a progressive era and the late ’90s and early 2000s, I was never harassed, bullied, or attacked for being queer or talking about LGBTQ politics and media. To this day, I still never “came out” because there was no need to, although I admittedly have never been much of one to put labels on my sexuality. I was always just, queer, and there was never an assumption otherwise. On a side note, there is no possible way for me to express the breadth of my gratitude to the generations who fought for LGBT rights.
The reader needs to understand that, just as I was fortunate to grow up in a bubble that treated where homosexuality normally, so too was I luckily able to experience Yuri at such a young age. By 2010 we were well into Yuri’s third major movement, a period I often refer to as the “Current Era” of Yuri, although “S Revival” may be a more apt description. Sailor Moon had already dominated both Western and Eastern culture (a craze I was ever too slightly young for), brought Yuri into the independent comics market, and exposed audiences to one of the first positive portrayals of a lesbian couple in Yuri.
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Additionally, Revolutionary Girl Utena had smashed its way into the anime world, cementing itself as one of the most acclaimed and influential anime works of the 1990s and legitimizing lesbian storytelling in the medium. Most importantly for me, Oyuki Konno’s Maria Watches Over Us light novel series revived the Yuri genre's earliest tropes, known as Class S. Elements of S fiction, such as all-girls catholic schools, piano duets, and temporary lesbian-ish love would permeate the genre for the coming decades. These themes were eventually adopted and intensely exaggerated in the work that set me on the path of Yuri and transformed me into the “Holy Mother of Yuri.”
Furthermore, when I was in the early stages of life, Yuri was beginning to make its way Westward slowly. This expansion was thanks to the publishing arm of Erica Friedman’s organization Yuricon, ALC Publishing. ALC was founded in 2003 and started to publish the first Yuri manga in America, including the Yuri Monogatari series and Takashima Rica’s Rica’ tte Kanji!? A few years later, Seven Seas Entertainment started to published Yuri manga, such as The Last Uniform and Kashimashi: Girl Meets Girl. Around this team, thanks to the internet and anime’s growing popularity, anime and manga were more accessible than ever. Although Western Yuri publishing did not take off until the late 2010s, there was just enough of it readily available to create the perfect storm for my Yuri infection.
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Shortly after I started to gain awareness of LGBTQ+ rights, identity, and… existence, I was exposed to my first Yuri, although I did not recognize it as such. My middle school library had an extensive collection of manga, including the Tokyopop adaptations of Strawberry Marshmallow. I never read them, but a friend did and talked with me about them. Curious, I went home and searched the title online and found that there were anime videos uploaded to YouTube, with each episode separated into three parts (this event was before I was aware of what piracy was and how harmful it is to creators). I watched all of them with my brother, and we had an absolute blast. To this day, Strawberry Marshmallow is one of our favorite series to watch together and have a huge laugh at.
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Although Strawberry Marshmallow had subtle Yuri elements (this was before the 2009 OVA, which contained an actual kiss), I did not recognize them. However, this series led to my brother and I showing each other different anime series, in one of which I was very clearly able to see lesbian representation. I do not remember the exact year, but it must have been about 2010 when, sitting in our mother’s office waiting for her to finish with meetings, my brother pulled up an episode of Studio Madhouse’s Strawberry Panic anime and changed my life forever.
Part II of "Growing up Yurijin" is available to read as part of The Secret Garden series. The Secret Garden is YuriMother's exclusive series of monthly articles, available only for Patrons. If you want to access it and help support Yuri and LGBTQ+ content, subscribe to the YuriMother Patreon.
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pacsettravel · 7 years
Headlinin': 11/20/17
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WELL HELLO EVERYONE! Welcome to your official (as official as this can be) Thanksgiving edition of Headlinin'. We're a day late this week since we were returning from a conference in Nashville, which reminds me...
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We hit the Pinewood Social on Friday night for an Alumni Reunion! Thanks/shout outs to Sarah (Third Impact '14) and Andrew (Animated Spring '17) for coming by for a discussion of desserts, magical onsens, and the intricacies of Nashville beer. <3 If you're a tour alum, we'll be doing a lot more of these in the months to come because we like to travel and see you guys. Come through! :D
We start this week with the **biggest entertainment news **in Japan's year...
In Japan, one of the year's most watched programs is broadcast live on New Year's Eve, on public television. It's called the **Year-End Song Festival, **or "Kohaku Uta Gassen." The concept, for the uninitiated: two "teams" of musical artists, the "Red" team (Ladies) and the "White" team (Gents) compete to see who can give the best performances during a four-hour year end live show. While called a "competition," it's pretty friendly in nature and is more or less a chance to see a bunch of famous artists singing in one place at the same time. Nevertheless, getting an invite to this is a big deal in the music world, and you're guaranteed to have a lot of people watching since the new year in Japan is like Christmas in the USA: Nothing is open and everyone is home with their family, so all you can do is be social with your relatives or watch TV. I'm sure some of us can relate on Thanksgiving week, right? ^_~
NHK announced the lineup last week [NHK]. Some of the big names making repeat appearances (with YouTube links when available*): Shiina Ringo, AKB 48, Hirai Ken, Hoshino Gen, and Perfume. Getting their first invites to the competition this year: K-Pop sensation TWICE, rock outfit SHISHAMO, boy band Hey! Say! JUMP!, and alt-rock outfit/band with awesome name Elephant Kashimashi. The buzziest addition by far is TWICE, who will be the first K-Pop group to hit Kohaku since 2011 [All K-Pop/Mantan Web/Every K-Pop blog on the internet]; that year, KARA, TVXQ (also known as DBSK/Tohoshinki/so many names omg) and Girls Generation all performed.
Now I'm happy for the performers and the announcements as usual, but the real reason I'm pumped for Kohaku this year? The host: **Uchimura Teruyoshi, **also known as Ucchan.
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This man, my friends, is a national treasure. He got his start as part of manzai (japanese vaudeville-esque comedy) duo Ucchan Nacchan. You may have seen him online as part of the Warau Inu series of variety shows, which most famously produced the song Yatta! that took the internet by storm in 2001. Uchimura was not one of the people who donned leaf underwear and sung, but he WAS a part of some of the show's funniest sketches, including a series of skits about an actor so into himself that he creates a film in which he plays every part, sings the theme song, and tries to incorporate every film genre into a six minute short:
Seriously, skip to the 4 minutes in and listen to the song. MAGIC. I want him to sing like that at Kohaku. Please god, oh please. Evan needs this. If he doesn't sing, can we at least get him to dress in one of his old costumes from Warau Inu? Maybe this one?
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I know NHK can be kind of pushy about formality, but I really hope they let Ucchan kick back and get his silly on. Back in politics...
While our politicians are busy harassing women and finally (FINALLY) getting in trouble for it, in Japan harassing women [Japan Times] is still totally okay! Anime fans, however? That'll get you in trouble.
LDP Politician/Neighbor who spies at you through his window Yamamoto Ichita apologized for saying that liking Anime leads you to a life of crime [Anime News Network] last week on his blog. His apology, which was written in a less formal/more friendly tone, stated that as a representative of "the party supporting Cool Japan", to criticize fans was a "complete mistake." No word on whether anime fan, LDP veteran and ex-Prime Minister Taro Aso sent him a bunch of mean texts on LINE about his comments. And if he did, man oh man, I wish I could see those...
Speaking of LINE stickers: one of my favorite graphic designers and character designers is coming to America! From Arimura Moha's Twitter: 
来年の1月にアメリカのコロンバス州で開催されるアニメのコンベンション「オハヨーコン」にゲストで招待されました!詳細はまだわからないけれど、サインを描いたり登壇して何か喋るみたいです。中学レベルの英語力で頑張ります! https://t.co/y5yo2e8WUh pic.twitter.com/AYCEj96kQJ
Samezu creator Arimura Moha will be making his first US appearance in Columbus, Ohio at Ohayocon in January. For those not in the know: Arimura has been doing character work for years now, but really caught fire when his series of silly sharks doing silly things, Samezu, got a lot of attention online. He's also doing a series of comics about what demon dog Kereberos would be like if he were a cute puppy. It's hilarious.
I'm hoping that more graphic designers doing this sort of thing in Japan get more attention in the states. We certainly tried to help when ChibiTora designer and awesome person Kagezi joined us at Anime Expo last year. 
I had the opportunity to meet Arimura-sensei this summer and he is a really fantastic, humorous creator who clearly loves doing the work he does. I have a humble request for somoene in Ohio: someone please, please help this dude get some Buckeye Ice Cream. Please.
Okay guys, that's all for us! Enjoy your turkey week!
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   Under the cut for the ones interested,a meandering post about what I might end up watching, which is in a way a warning of what might come.
 Rumour has it that making a concrete plan of actions can help keep a person on track, and while keeping track of what anime I want to watch and in what order (and in accordance with what shared theme) is monumentally stupid and SUCH a waste of time... I’ll still do it. If for nothing else it can serve as a warning for what might flood this blog. 
 So, my current anime watch list shares the theme “shujou-ai (undertones)” because I remembered that the manga “Girlfriends” by Morinaga Milk exists (and is awesome). Unfortunately I fell LARGELY out of step with the anime community and what’s what (not like I ever really could keep up) so the quality of at least a some (definitely one) of these shows is not going to be anywhere near that. 
 So, without further ado, the titles on my current watch list in the order of planned viewing are :
 Venus Versus Virus (2007) - 12 eps --- 3rd attempt to watch this series  Uta-Kata (2004) - 12 eps --- TBH I don’t know if it really fits the theme or not, it was the sales pitch of a few AMVs I saw about it back in the days  Kashimashi - Girl Meets Girl - 12 eps --- based on a very entertaining manga  Maria-sama ga miteru (2004) - 13 eps --- I plan on watching all four seasons, so also Haru, 3rd and 4th (creative naming), but if it is not for me I might bail after the first one.   Revolutionary Girl Utena (1997) - 39 eps --- no list like this, even as small as this could possibly miss this. 
Now with all of these I will try to watch all the connecting titles as well (e.g. OVAs and specials, nth seasons, alternate versions), but only if I have the time. Right now I am trying to put together a school paper, so I might flood this blog with stuff connecting to that as well Also, for the first time in years I really wanna win the Goodreads reading challenge as well (totally hopeless). 
 My solid estimation is that I will get done with all of these titles by the end of November or mid-December when I will move onto romance. A preliminary list of titles for that includes:
 Kaichou wa Maid-sama --- I adored the manga  My Little Monster --- again, bc of the manga  Kimi ni Todoke --- I will TRY to watch it.... really not my cup of tea though  Kamisama Hajumemashita Kako-hen --- the best arc, also a rewatch. Might include the second season  Say “I love you” --- bc of the manga If by some miracle I get through all of this I will dig into EVERYTHING related to the Fate series... which at this point is a solid 3 months long endeavour... I mean.. the base Visual Novel is said to be 40+ hours long  Apart from these I might pop in some short stuff, or some things that I can follow on a week to week basis, but short seasons are really the most I am willing to commit to right now.For one,big project, for two... so many library books that needs to be read that I am drowning in them (srsly, I have at least 20 of them and many are 400+ pages long).  
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