#but it’s so lovely and so funny and so whimsy and soooo silly and
jackshiccup · 11 months
just watched over the garden wall for the first time oh i love it so much :(
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mlfirescaped · 24 days
posting stuff cuz i can
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hey look its me x2
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errr me again but being whimsy
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no one needs context its already those 3 words for said context-
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one i like how i drew this XD its fucking funny and two i love you indy <3/p look fam when i talk to u, u make me happy idk why i mean i might know why but....im not gonna say it here in this post-
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silly in a box that is me im the silly in a box-
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speaking of sillies XD too me the way i drew u indy looks soooo funny XD sorry indy lmao
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this was yesterdays doodles of what i did in vrc the pics above this one was like a day before i did vrc
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me (hr) @chiprevvingtoncogger (chip) and @scrapchinchilla (Dana) messin around in vrc merk was uh screaming and crying for help because leash physics are funny
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Dana avatar has follow me eyes so dana cant help it
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was drawing in my world and drawing random things and 1 of those random things is drawing indy but its a shit doodle and then the other thing i drew was an explosion of hearts why? idk-
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heres merk dieing inside there was a mettaton tryna bang him and merk as chip was trying to run away (since override didnt help) and me and sans are just chilling in the background just watching-
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this is just a doodle i did today cuz idk i can? that and i kinda just like writing "indy is whimsy" cause it rhymes lol
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and this is me going insane :D
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nutzworth · 3 months
its 6/12! i HAVE to read homestuck! i didnt read ANY last month. oops
DAY 9: JUNE 12, 2024
STATS: read for 2 hours and 30 minutes pages read: 1903-2068. 165 pages. act 5!!!!!! page 2000! slur count: 13 + 0 = 13 silly count: 13 + 0 = 13 piss count: 2/3
THOUGHTS: ohhh my god. ok not much original thought here but by god did a lot happen
ok LOTS OF TROLLS. this time. but we will get into that later
johnkat is so funny. karkat just kind of sucks. i guess were getting into it now HES SO FUNNY! hes so mean. esp to his troll friends in act 5. he has no whimsy and no fun. he loves to lie. hes oppressed hes a MUTANT yet he wants to join the military. even though the military would KILL HIM for being who he is. ohhh my god. his clean ass room. his romcoms. he loves romcoms. he sucks at programming. he keysmashes in here WHATEVER. back to the kids
soooo much guardian lore... so much LORE. i love nanna and i love pa harley. and their upbringing THEYRE SO WEIRD.
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(about pa harley) ADVENTURE!!!! oh my god. "She can handle it, he tells her. He believes in her." AHHHHHHHH!!!!!! HOPE PLAYER! i love the hope aspect im gonna go crazy in act 6 when jake is there. but right now? this is FOOD. im EATING IT UP!
michael guy bowman is so john egbert voice. its canon that dave strider is a whiteboy and that michael guy bowman is literally john egbert and thats IT.
dave is being so rude and mean to terezi. for the girl that said to john "WOW. MAKING FUN OF A BLIND GIRL? FUCKED UP!!!!!" she sure does turn a blind eye (LOOOL) to dave being like "yeah me and this guy? all up best friends. you know why? we can both see. and were going to this see party and theres so much shit and paintings and its great. to look at. and FUCK YOU. for being BLIND." and terezis cackling about her wonderful D4V3 1S TH1S YOU? drawings. theyre funny
[S] DESCEND!!!!!!!!! oh my god. what a flash. this would make me crazy if i was an upd8 reader. JACK NOIR IS INSANE. HE JUST KILLS EVERYONE! the music is sooo good too. it matches so well. its SCARY.
speaking of jack noirs destruction: ok here's more about wv. this is probably so surface level but it drives me crazy i need to restate it ok wv is a regular ass farmer. hes normal. the WAR comes. hes like GOD THIS SUCKS! he starts a revolution. he unites both sides. hes radical hes powerful and by god is he AWESOME. he faces jack noir. him and his big ass army. jack noir KILLS ALL OF THEM. ALL OF THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THEYRE ALL DEAD! except wv. which hussie puts it in the recap "Jack then killed the entire rebellion army, sparing only WV?. Perhaps to leave a survivor to tell the story, or perhaps out of respect for a fellow mutineer. Only he knows." WHAT????? WHAT!???? OKAY and so wv is surrounded by his brethren. his friends. his army. ALL DEAD. and at the same time prospit falls to skaia. and out from it is johns dream self. and a PLUSHIE. OF JACK NOIR.
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this is insane. its like humiliating. its awful. its like jack is laughing at wv's face. oh my god. anyway wv rips it apart and hes real for that. I LOVE YOU WV!!!!!!!!!!!
not to mention PM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! let me just put some badass images in here. so you know
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SHES SICK!!!!!!!!!!!!! shes pissed off shes SO pissed off. she kills hb and uses his walkie talkie to call over jack noir. shes standing on that hill with the blood of jack's coworker flowing in the adjacent creek holding both the crowns covered in blood. she gets the promised package and SHOVES it in johns arms and storms off. shes PISSED OFF!!!! RIGHTFULLY SO! OH MY GOD!
and then the PACKAGE.... obviously you KNOW im crazy about the jake english cameo. but also....
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this made me crazy. i like almost cried. oh my god. shes JUST DEAD. ON THE FLOOR. JOHNS SITTING THERE READING THESE LETTERS AND JADE IS DEAD!!!! IN FRONT OF HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sob. oh my god. and he sheds One tear. and then jack comes to kill him
i loooove how homestuck goes panel-heavy sometimes... along with the short "a [...] is [...]. [...], [...]." which makes no sense in writing. let me give you some examples
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i love it. it makes the reading more poetic and slow. its like, make your own opinions on the subject matter. its matter-of-fact. its simple. its SAD. its like this event is so disconnected from everything were going in third person to describe it. its curt and its AWESOME. I LOVE IT!!!! i think if skaia had dialogue or narration or anything this is what it would sound like. it would give you pictures and a short description, and it would say "go fetch".
ok recap. not much but hussie says "Back in the meteor lab, John began the ectobiology session which appeared to have been prepared for him in advance by the guardians who had just been there." which i think is so cute. the guardians prepared it FOR him.... homestuck is truly a story about kids and the things that control/lead them. guardians/skaia/fate/each other/first guardians(bec, doc scratch). even the story itself. so awesome
THEN ACT 5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the silly name for alternia translates to "turd odor fuckball" which is funny. and karkats silly name translates to "nookstain bulgereek" which makes sense
whats REALLY interesting to me is karkats parallels with dave. even in these first few pages karkat is SO SIMILAR to him. both slice their teasing names in half and say that they dont have time. theyre "Kind of a big deal, ok?". they have a need to seem "cool". karkat narration has the line "This was not the coolest thing you could have done just now." which threw me for a loop: i never thought of karkat needing to seem Cool. but he does he wants to. hes a leader. he pretends to be a leader. he doesnt want to show to sollux that he thinks highly of him cus he needs to seem COOL. i love karkat
alternia is a planet full of tragedy. they need to sleep in sopor slime to assuage the nightmares of "blood and carnage". theyre surrounded by so much evil and destruction that they need DRUGS EVERY NIGHT to be normal. auuugh.
honestly i pity gamzee waaaay more than i pity karkat. karkat has it good for all i care in the beginning. hes just not sharing his blood color. GAMZEE THOUGH? everyone thinks hes annoying. you can tell hussie writes him as if he's a joke; its clear hussie hates gamzees character and wants you to hate him too. but i cant. hes a hippie and an addict and a black boy. and i feel SO BAD that hes written like that. he could have been great if he wasnt in this situation :-( im sorry gamzee
rip sollux you would have loved reddit
karkat at the end of the karkat/sollux convo kills me. "hey i know we just bantered about how much we hate each other and stuff, but are we still friends?" hes so cute. are we still friends. yeah... yeah. and sollux is like "you say this EVERY TIME. are you joking" and karkats like "Yeah. Yeah im joking haha. Sure am" the poor guy. just wants friends THEYRE JUST KIDS!!!!!! SOB!!
i love terezi. shes so ANNOYING. and i love her for it. shes just fooling around all the time. she wants to piss people off. "Ohhhh karkat youre sooooo handsome and heroic!" hahahahahaha. she does NOT care. "But all of your scalemates are alive to you. ... At least you pretend to believe that to annoy people." SHES SO FUNNY! she gives NO fucks. i love how shes drawn too
then karkat comes in all like HEY TEREZI. IM THE LEADER!!!!!!!! FUCK YOU! what an asshole. but terezi dont care. you know what she does? "lol ok." and then "yeah the leader goes on this badass and seriously cool heroic adventure and hes awesome. and me (the second in command) gets to sit down and do nothing and be bored and its no fun" and karkats like "YEAHHH!!!! IM THE HERO! WOOOO!" and then it cuts to the actual game and terezis been fooling around with her gamey god powers. hahahahahahaha so awesome
okay thats it. i love aradia i saw like 2 of her. maaaybe ill read more this summer :-) bye bye thanks!
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delusional-mishaps · 3 months
NOO THE ROCKS!! /silly
man i love stardew valley's vibes but i haven't gotten a chance to play it myself 😔 i also had no idea you could decorate your house lol- is there a specific theme you're doing? i love decorating things but only in a way that's as funny (haters call it ugly /silly) as possible
and i am doing pretty well!! yesterday was my sister's birthday so we went to the beach + i did a silly little scavenger hunt for her :)) less silly is i have to work at my family's donut shop and there's So Many People bc it's summer 😔😔 but it's FINE we're full of whimsy and that'll see me through (this is a lie /hj)
ITS SUUUCH A FUN GAME I LOVE IT I LOVE I LOVE IT i just recently converted one of my friends to a stardew player so we've been playing co-op together sometimes :]] AND NO!! i do not have a certain aesthetic, just.. whatever i wanna put down LMFAOO
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^ thas m house right now :33 i just put down whatever i think looks nice LMFAOO i like the plant room :) i need to make tea saplings so i can grow tea plants in there but I Dont Wanna Do That Right Now (i still have more work to do, and i can ALMOST!! fully upgrade my house !)
AND OOOH THAT SOUNDS FUN!! the birthday beach part, not work 😭 but i get it, i work at DAIRY QUEEN.. it gets so busy in the summer i wanna gnaw at the bars of my enclosure FREE ME FROM MY SHACKLES!!!! but my paycheque will be soooo big and juicy 😫😫
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