#but it would be so funny & sweet just seeing Al & Charlie bonding over alien stuff
sunflowericescribbles · 3 months
You´ve heard of SpyxFamily AU, now get ready for:
Men in Black AU! with hazbin charas
This would be so much fun, just make them aliens instead of demons :D Ok, hear me out:
Alastor (aka A) has already been working for the "men in black" for a long while - to keep his mom safe, he watches her occasionally through cams). He used to team up with Vox, but that ended because they had a kinda nasty fallout.
They let him work solo for a little while, but he needs a new partner, especially after they got the news that rumor has it that the location of the king of the planet "Pentagram" is supposedly here on earth. See, the throne of this particular planet has been (unofficially) vacant for many years now and it´s said that the king fled, landed somewhere & has gone in hibernation or something like that, because no one could track him down even though his presence is said to be so immense and powerful that you can feel him even over great distances. He´s called "the Morningstar", an ancient powerful alien, and if someone else were to find him while he´s still asleep and vulnerable, then everyone´s gonna have a huge problem.
A is not thrilled to get a new partner, but he has to admit, the young police officer named Charlie (aka C) is quite impressive and also amusing to him. She´s surprisingly strong and she understood the assignments better than anyone. She gets way too excited over all the different alien species she´s meeting, like
Angel, the spider alien, who is always present at the main quarters and busy typing away at multiple keyboards and many screens.
Rosie, a naturally very human looking alien, who´s A´s and C´s superior and assigns them their missions.
Husk, their informant, who actually isn´t a real cat, but still grumpy. Especially when A is putting him on a leash to "take him on a walk" with him. C is the only one allowed to scratch his ears.
A and C like to argue about the memory erasing, because A doesn´t really care what to tell the people, but C cares and makes him correct some of them. ("Really A, can´t we tell her, I don´t know, something nice?" - "Fine. You´re allowed to spend the money he kept from you, it´s yours. I advise you to get a new wardrobe with it.")
C is not entirely sure how to feel about all the high tech super weapons she discovered at Carmilla´s shop, but she likes the little ones that look kinda cute. Fortunately A doesn´t have to teach her how to hold a gun, just how to handle some special ones, because she already learned that at the police - and demonstrated it at the selection process. All in all they get along surprisingly well (A would never admit it out loud, but she´s the best partner he had had so far, even though her soft heart is getting her - and him - in more trouble than necessary sometimes)
They go through a lot of fighting alongside each, especially once they find out another (human) organisation decided it would be safer to send the "exterminators" and to kill the morningstar. They meet Vaggie, who got left behind injured and eventually told them about it. Adam is leading the exterminators and they are closing in fast.
When they finally find the king, the morningstar, he´s still asleep and just a mass of dulled energy, barely recognizable. And nothing seems to be able to wake him up. No one ever told them how (only what to show and tell him when he finally wakes up to prevent him from destroying everything around him the second he opens his eyes.) Adam and the exterminators arrive, it´s a desperate fight to hold them off and shield the king, it´s getting very messy and very chaotic, but suddenly there´s a rumbling sound, the earth vibrates, the movements still as the mass finally stirs awake, many many glowing eyes opening, taking in the scene and finally landing on Charlie.
She begs him to help fend off the exterminators, who wanted to kill him, A already severely wounded and barely holding it together. (Is is his true nature finally slipping through?)
It´s over so fast, they barely have time to gather their bearings as the morningstar emerges, blooms into full power (and rage) and eradicates every enemy in their vicinity in the blink of an eye. The king is back. And he´s slowly transforming into a tangible shape, getting smaller and smaller until.. he stands in front of them in human form, totally unassuming if it weren´t for the raw power he still exudes.
Finally, the king is back, they can send him to his planet to rule again! But, oh plot twist: "Charlie, my daughter, you´re back!" C is the princess of Pentagram! They´re finally safe and reunited! A has to say goodbye to C! He will be alone again, because he accidentally found the princess, too! Can you tell he is angry at the king?
Epilogue: A and his co workers send the king and the princess back to Pentragram. He doesn´t look forward to working alongside Vaggie, who joined the men in black after all.
Start of Part 2: Surprise, the king is back! And he wants to help the men in black! Get ready for a new partner, A! :D
"You can call me Lucifer, A!" - "Fuck you!"
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