#but it was probably a .wps file which was deleted with the alua documents and all my old writing stuff
aohendo · 2 years
Charybdis for the wip titles game 👀
Oh, Charybdis!
I've been poking at this thing for... twelve years? And by poking, I mean, every so often I completely forget this thing exists and then I'll write a character and go 'oh this one's just like Jason!' and then I'll go on a Charybdis kick again.
Jason Chabtan is not my first-ever mc, but he is my second and the oldest surviving (the og OC, Alua? something like that--her document was deleted during one of many moves--really a shame 'cause I would have liked to look back on that).
Charybdis doesn't have a plot and never has. The core concept is that there are certain sentient animal species (some real, some myth, some completely imagined) which are capable of turning into humans through use of a magic pendant. They've chosen to remain hidden until one day, the Charybdis (think giant, extremely long-lived electric jellyfish that are by no means jellyfish) decide humans are ready to know of the non-human species. Jason, one of the Charybdis, has spent the most time as a human, and as such is designated to be the representative.
Lots of politics. Lots of world-threatening, life-ending shenanigans. Somehow he's at college for a chunk of it? He really likes hot chocolate. Sometimes random fandoms show up for a plot-thread or two (NCIS had a good one for a bit, and so did Supernatural). Lots of fluff and angst.
It's very much a comfort document of miscellanea revolving around this one character. Could there be a marketable plot in there? Sure. Quite easily, in fact: a murder mystery where Jason, although a benefactor to the investigators (and, in fact, their boss), is the primary suspect. Is it something I'll ever write?
I like poking at this thing. It makes me happy.
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