#but it was bizarrely lore heavy for a dream about a franchise that im honestly only a casual fan of
noahlivingston · 2 years
just had a dream about a legend of Zelda game that centers around a player Link who for some reason has to travel through time to try to enlist aid from all these different incarnations of Link and Zelda, except the only Links and Zeldas u encounter r absolute dissasters.
the first other Link that u find is this jaded veteran Link who lives in a modern fantasy world that's basically identical to the real world except there's still zora and magic and shit. he's already defeated like three different big bads and he didn't even get a pension out of it. he's unemployed, he's clinically depressed, and most importantly he's a gym bro. like you meet him in a gym and learn that he spends most of his time working out and trying to get people to spar with him. the gym staff have blown past being grateful to him for saving the world, through the phase where they were annoyed, and are now extremely concerned about him.
then the first zelda u meet has done that thing where she takes on an alter ego for idk shits and giggles, but her alter ego is this crazy die-hard yiga clan warrior. it is genuinely not clear whether she's trying to infiltrate the clan to defeat them or if she actually believes this stuff. in order to enlist her help u have to defeat her in a boss fight, and even after she allies with you she doesn't drop the bit. sometimes she'll do that magical outfit change thing and look like a generic princess again but as soon as she doesn't need to it's straight back into cultist ninja mode. the dream didn't reveal this information to me so I can't decide if it would be funnier if she still acts like a yiga cultist in princess mode or not. either way she and gym bro link would be besties.
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