#but it starts out with the weirdness of the canon africa stand-in also being mostly known for beast people living there
tinseltina · 3 hours
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trying to make fanart of leona from @kiame-sama's humans are extinct twst au (warning it is a yandere au and 18+ so minors DNI)
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blackevermore · 4 years
Jojo Sona info dump
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Name: Chiara Maka Le'Roy Namesake: Chiara - French for Light/Brightest // Le’Roy - French (Leroy) for ‘The King’ Nicknames: Chia Pet (Mista) Chi (naturally) Age: 21 Birthday: 05/07 Zodiac Sign: Taurus Chinese Zodiac: Rabbit
Personality:  INTP-T /  Logician - short patience - stubborn - a big on the loud side - turbulent -/+ blunt and straight forward -/+ Introverted -/+ very cautious and questions things -/+ sective empathy and sympathy  + Intuitive + Enthusiastic + Friendly
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Stand: [Truth Hurts] - Mid range attacker
💥 Addictive | This stand is able to numb the motor system in the nervous system with binaural beats that makes them dance nonstop in a relax trance. When the victim is subdued the user can set off internal explosions in the Neurons causing crippling pains in targeted areas of the body when made contract with.
the learned ability would be enhancing the explosions and leading them to the heart for a very painful heart attack and up towards the brain for brain cramping migraines (this would take a lot of training due to the user suffering a blowback if not powerful enough)
Another addition of this attack for the nervous system explosions are when the user lands an attack in the same place three times can shock the nerves in that limb/area rendering it unless
💥 Teleport | The stand can move its user in a teleporting way by blocking the visual motors in the eyes for short periods of time. To the person being distracted they just see veils flying over their eyes.
💥 Playback | The user can change the tone of their voice to mind control someone as long as they stays within 30 feet of each other. The farther away the victim gets from the user the weaker the hold on them gets, once they step out of bound they can pull out of the hold but are left confused and dazed.
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[Before GW]
x Born in Cameroon near the western region in a small village north of Yaounde to a well off mother who married an upcoming drug dealer. When she was born she was the youngest sister to her twin brother, this was considered a bad omen in many different tribes in Africa. Although her mother wanted to keep both of the children her father took it into his hands and decided that one of the twins would be killed in order to rebalance their "luck". Chiara was picked to be the one to die since girls aren't really seen as that important within the tribe while boys can easily be taught trade and what not. But the night Chiara was meant to die the wrong baby was picked and the boy was killed instead. The following morning was when it was discovered the mistake was made. Her mother knew that due to the mix up they would try and kill Chiara so she planned to flee from the village. But when she spoke to a voudou priest he told her that Chiara was protected by a floating spirit that refused to leave her side. The priest told her that since the spirit would leave, capture it and have the baby wear the spirit as a protect against all evils.
x The father found out the mother's plans and wanted to aid her but didn't know how but then he was told what the priest said and thought it was best to follow through with capturing the spirit. Her father took the only thing that was valuable to him which was his mother's emerald necklace and broke it apart get the gem. When they captured the spirit it didn't put up much of a fight and went willingly. What Chiara's mother didn't know was how to get the baby to wear the necklace at all time without it being broken. They thought of many things but nothing seemed to be reasonable without breaking the gem down again to make earrings but that might release the spirit. So they spoke to the priest for suggestions and the priest took the gem and magically implaneted it in the back of Chiara's neck
x Throughout her years of growing up there were always signs of bad luck that seemed to follow Chiara. She would be bullied by other students who parents told them not to talk to her and she would be yelled at by elders to get away bc they didn't watch to catch what followed her. Chiara couldn't see her "protector" but the elders could and they thought it was death hanging over the girls head.  Eventually, when Chiara was 10 her father had made it up the latter of ranks in the underground world that he sent her and her mother away to the states to live new lives. In the states  Chiara did have a better childhood but she was still treated weird for the gem in her neck.
x When she was 15 she went back to Cameroon to visit her father and was nearly killed when she was spotted in the market. The attacker blamed her for their parents' death with was the result of a bad drug deal from her father. Chia quickly returned home and grew to hate her father for what he was doing. She even developed bad self esteem for how much of a bad omen she was due to being a twin. This made her somewhat bitter towards her life.
x When she was 18 she wanted to travel to Europe for graduating high school. Her father offered to pay for the trip as long as she had someone there to watch over her. Chia didn’t think anything of it and took the offer, when she arrived in Italy she was already being waited on by two strange men who were younger than her. Bruno and Leone. She hated the idea that two 17 year olds were watching her which made her cause trouble. Leone was the first to put his foot in her ass and tell her the only reason they had to look after her was because her father was signing a deal with their boss (no off the info was shared) and Chiara ended up having a break down while in Italy. For a few days of her trip she locked herself away in her room and didn't go anywhere.
x It was Bruno who popped Abba upside the head and managed to get inside Chiara's hotel room but that lead to Bruno having to face off with her now discovered stand Truth Hurts ( not Lizzo ) who was protecting Chiara from anyone who tried to get close. After coaxing Chiara to stand down and trust him Bruno managed to comfort her and coax her out of her room with a deep heart to heart yada yada
x The last two days of her trip was her apologizing to Bruno and Abba grumpily apologising to her for cussing her out. From then on out she found new friends in the two and would often chat with them when she could. Within the next year she was traveling to Italy for vacations and meeting the new members of Bruno's gang
x In the year before the canon lore of GW Chiara enrolled in university in communications major and English minor. Bruno helped her find her passion in not only in herself her in what was around her. Her major issue was always feeling like she actually was a bad omen and her desire were to one day find her meaning and be her true self not only for herself but those around her.
x During the events of GW Bruno tried to cut ties with Chiara to protect her from being connected with him and it worked for the most part and she was really depressed because she realized she loved him. While he was gone living his upmost dangerous life she was in Italy hanging on to false hope that he was still alive (he betrayed his boss and was now wanted dead or mostly dead along with his team)
[After GW and everyone lives >:G]
x Neither Bruno or Chiara confess their feelings in words but in actions and a long kiss outside Bruno's hangout spot it obvious they are a thing and she becomes the second mom to the group and "adopts" Narancia and Giorno. It was also the first time Mista got to met her in person.
x She also becomes an activist to stop the slaughter of twins throughout Africa and with the help of Don Gio she is able to accomplish a lot more than she could by herself. She also helps stops the drug smuggling from Africa to Italy with taking over the northern part of her father’s routes and shutting them down. 
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[ Trivia!! ]
x Chiara tends to not voice it but when bad things do happen she thinks its because of her. If too many bad things happen at once she’ll distance herself from people.
x She knows her stand is hers but sometimes she talks to it like it’s her brother or a brother figure.
x She is a strong ride or die, she also feels strongly about people being abandon and having to make it on their own. She has a bad habit of babying Naracia that Bruno constantly tells her to stop doing.
x Kelpto, there was a phase in her life she was feeling rebelous and would steal things for temporary happiness. Old habits die hard and Brunp has to tell her to put things back a lot.
x She loves the fashy fashion life style and will not hesitate to spend someone else's money.
x Her pride is in her nails, which she gets done with fancy designs, if she breaks on you better fucking move.
x Has a strong attitude and when she starts counting “your red flags” and makes it to three you have crossed her patience line. 
x Should be wearing glasses but she wear contacts. On her down days she wears her glasses.
x Loves music and will play RnB on Bruno’s cleaning days
x She loves to dance, learning new dances, making dances, all of it. She was clown you in Just Dance in a heart beat. She can’t sit still and always has to move.
x She’s a kid at heart so sometimes Bruno is raising 6 kids and a grumpy teenager (Abba)
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@gunkyengines​ @kapperson​
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arbitrarygreay · 6 years
Soft Power (the play with a musical)
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