#but it probs wouldn’t be Darklina unless someone specifically asked for it
vanilla-vivillon · 3 years
Dedicating this to @infernigf for giving me the idea
When the Darkling built the little palace for Grisha there was one thing he wasn’t expecting he’d enjoy
The Darkling didn’t have a lot of experience with kids
Whitch was rather suprising seeing how long he lived
It started off as visits to the younger kids classrooms to check on them every once in a while
Then it became talking with instructors about specific talented children
Then the Darkling started to sit in on lessons
Children were one of the only people who treated him like he was a person
“So your the leader?” A child would ask
“Yes. I’m a shadow and summoner and The other countries fear me”
“Ok cool, what’s you fourth favorite lizard?” Lizard Girl would answer
Children were simple
Sometimes Aleksander found himself talking to Young Corporalki torn between becoming a healer or Heartrender
Or helping an Inferni not scorch there eyebrows
Or listen to that odd Fabrikator Davis go on about his inventions
One day an etherealki instructor says there going to the lake for a beach day
It was educational for the summoners
Tidemakers to mess with the water
Infernis to start bonfires
Squallers to estinguish the bonfires
And he decides to join them
By now the kids were comfortable with him
And so our Daddy Darkles adorned his best khaki pants and socks and sandals and went to the lake
It started off fun and great
Children were tame
Fun was happening
It was a nice time
He scanned the faces of the children
He felt a small twinge in his chest
He wished for that childhood
As a child he spent many of his youth training with Baghra
He couldn’t often goof off
Looking at a Squaller chase sand at a tidemaker running into the water he felt jealous
While brooding he felt something on his leg
Looking down he found that Inferni clutching his beige clad calf
Lizard Girl
“Mr. The Darkling Can you help me look for lizards?” She innocently inquired
With a small smile bending down Aleksander says “Sure Manya”
The Darkling loved his Grisha
So much
But he couldn’t weep
He couldn’t weep for his people
He couldn’t weep when that promising Fabrikator never came back on his expedition to the Shu Mountains
He couldn’t weep when the healer who had tended to his wounds for years was struck down by druskelle
He couldn’t weep when Manya, sweet Manya. Lizard Girl. Died on the fold
Nevermind that He would think I’ve got a Sun Summoner now
Hey y’all A short sweet Daddy Darkling. Ended up a little angsty. But some soft Darkling was fun to write. Give this a reblog if you made it this far.
My ask box is open and I take any Grishaverse requests
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