#but it probably wont be posted until tmrw anyway lol
supermantv · 3 years
daxton + “it’s just a cut, really.” requested from this prompt list. an alternate ending of season 2, episode 5!
Devi’s legs feel like jell-o and every step she takes she's less and less certain that they'll continue to hold her up. Honestly, it's something of a miracle that she's still standing at this point. She shoves her hands deeper into the pocket of her sweater, and there's the familiar, tell-tale burning sensation behind her eyes- a forewarning of oncoming tears. Exhausted and upset, Devi spots the nearest empty couch and practically throws herself into its cushions, wanting nothing more than to end her miserable day curled up and crying herself to sleep right then and there. The universe seems to have other plans in store for her though, because right after she's seated, the blanket on the other side of the couch begins to shift, and a familiar mop of hair emerges. 
“Devi?” Paxton blinks blearily at her, voice thick and a little hoarse from having just woken up. He clears his throat and Devi hunches her shoulders. 
“Sorry,” she whispers, and even though the simple sight of him has relieved some of the tension in her chest, she feels guilty for interrupting his nap. “Go back to sleep.”
But Paxton is already pushing himself into a sitting position, the blanket falling to his lap from where it had been tucked under his chin and across his shoulders. He rubs at his eyes and scrutinizes her, lips quickly pulling downward into a frown as he takes in her messy appearance. 
“Shit, are you okay?” 
He reaches past her to pull a twig from her hair and if Devi weren't so emotionally and physically drained, she might have found it in herself to be embarrassed by the disastrous state she's in. 
“I'm fine,” she says, but even she knows she's not trying very hard to be convincing. She reclines further back into the couch, tugging on the corner of the blanket Paxton had been using so that it now covers both of them. 
“Geez, did you get mauled by a bear or something?” He's completely awake now, scanning her face, and she's moved by the concern present in his voice. However, this sentiment is quickly forgotten when he drags his fingers softly on her cheek, his fingers coming back coated in blood. Her blood. Devi feels slightly queasy at the thought. She hadn't stopped to take stock of her injuries, one minor crisis after the other preventing her from letting herself feel any of the pain either. She winces now, feeling the way her cheek throbs, but she still tries to wave him off. 
“It's just a cut, really,” she tries to reassure him. “I'm okay.”
Paxton doesn't seem to believe her though, because the frown never leaves his face, seems to deepen if possible, and he lifts a single brow to express his doubt. “Three,” he says. 
“Three what?” 
“Three cuts, Devi,” he tells her and her face must give away her shock because he shakes his head and asks, “how could you not notice? There's two gashes on your cheek and one on your forehead.” 
“I was a little sidetracked,” she murmurs, and she doesn't know why, but the self-loathing wins out at this exact moment. All the anger and frustration and sadness finally push their way to the surface, tired of being ignored, as a single tear trickles down the side of her face, followed quickly by another, and one more after that, until she's left sobbing silently. 
“Uh.” Devi can hear the panic in his voice this time when Paxton speaks. “I'll be right back.” 
Through her tear obstructed vision she can see him stand and take off in the opposite direction. Which is fine, really, because it's not like she had been expecting him to stay and comfort her. He wasn't obligated to. He'll probably return with Fabiola or Eleanor in tow, and he'll hover in the background to make sure she's okay as one of her friends attempts to calm her down. Still, she doesn't know why the sight of his retreating figure makes her cry just a little harder. 
A minute passes, maybe five or ten, Devi can't really be sure, but soon the spot beside her on the couch is dipping under the weight of someone new, and soft hands are pushing her tangled hair out of her face as something wet is rubbed against her forehead. The tears are still falling, but slower now and with less force, and Devi is able to make out Paxton sitting next to her again, with a stack of napkins clutched in his fist. When he notices her focus on him, he smiles uncertainly. 
“I mean, I'm no doctor or anything,” he says, still dabbing away at the cut on her forehead with the damp paper. “But I figured this was better than nothing. I couldn't find any tissues.” 
She nods, grateful, and he holds out the napkins to her, pulling his hand away from her face as she wipes at the lingering tears on her cheeks. 
“What happened?” he asks, pulling her head down to rest against his shoulder. His hand finds its way back into her hair, fingers weaving gently through the tangles and stray leaves. 
“I got mauled by a bear,” she tells him, allowing her eyes to drift shut as he continues his ministrations. 
Paxton falls silent at her obvious lie and doesn't prod for more information. Devi presses herself more firmly into his side and he lets her, leaning back and pulling her with him until he's laying flat on his back and she's on top of him, her head tucked under his chin. He continues to play with her hair. And maybe Devi should care more about the rather intimate position they find themselves in, but as it stands, his fingers feel too good against her scalp, and his chest makes for a wondrous pillow, and she's too tired to pretend she doesn't like it.
“Thank you,” she mumbles into his shirt, and is already asleep before he gets the chance to reply.
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