#but it just hurts because I always feel like I’m out second to whatever shiny new Instagrammable BFF she has
simpforrooster · 2 years
the princess and the hangman
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Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin x f!reader
you and Jake are constantly at each other’s throats. everyone can see why except for you. 
t/w: cussing, closed door scene, mentions of cheating. enemies to lovers. let me know if I missed any! 
“I hate you.” 
“Yeah, yeah. I’m hurt. Get in the fucking truck,” Jake “Hangman” Seresin slams himself into his truck and raises a brow at you. Your hand refuses to reach out towards the door handle.
He rolls the window down. “I will leave your ass here if you are not in this vehicle in the next five seconds.”
You know Jake well enough to know he is telling the absolute truth. Begrudgingly, you slide into his old Chevy. 
“I called Rooster, you know.” 
Your best friend, Rooster, was always your first call when you needed to get out of a horrible date. He always came riding in on his shiny Bronco, and rescued you. For some reason, Jake showed up this time.
“Well, I’m here instead. Rooster said he was caught up in something.” 
Or someone. 
The two of you rode back to the Hard Deck in complete silence. Old school country played lowly through the speakers, and you want desperately to make a comment about it. 
You decide against it not wanting to get into another argument with the Hard Deck three minutes away. The last thing you needed was the two of you flying into the bar at each other’s throats. It would only lead to the gang asking when y’all would finally admit your feelings for each other.
You did NOT like Hangman. No matter how fucking sexy he was. 
Jake pulls into the parking lot and throws his old Chevy into park. You both sit there, waiting for the other to make a move. These standoffs were pretty common. God, you were both so competitive. 
Jake finally speaks. “Next time, vet the guy a little better before agreeing to go on a date. I am sick of ‘rescuing’ you.” His voice is low, barely above a whisper. 
Your brows shoot up your face. “I’m sorry?” 
Jake doesn't answer. Instead, he slides out of his truck and slams the door. He stops at the door of the Hard Deck, “Lock the door behind you, Princess.”
That fucking nickname. 
You weren’t a naval aviator. You weren't in the Navy at all. You were a teacher at the school on the base, and one of the admiral’s daughters. Hence the nickname. You were untouchable. One call to Daddy, and you got whatever you wanted. 
So what? It wasn’t your fault you were the only daughter. 
The gang adopted you into their group the night you strolled into the bar after the first day of school. 
“The princess has been returned to our humble hangout,” Jake announces to the group. 
So much for coming in without arguing. 
You were hot on his heels. 
Coyote hands Jake a beer. Jake takes a long swig from it, and looks at you. He cocks a blonde eyebrow, daring you to say something. He knows you enough to know you can't pass it up.
“You’re an asshole.” You keep your voice neutral. 
“And you’re a brat. Tell me something I don't know, Princess.”
Rooster joins you at your side and throws an arm around your shoulders. “I wish you would have come,” you tell him.
“Yeah, I was a little preoccupied,” he winks at a blonde across the bar. “Besides, Hangman insisted.” 
Your eyes met Jake’s and for once you were speechless. He insisted?
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer,” Jake shot at you. 
“Take your insult back to the 80′s, dick.” 
Mischief flashes through those green eyes. Those eyes you'd be blind if you didn't think they were gorgeous. His famous smirk falls on his lips. The one that usually precedes whatever smart ass comment he has cooking. 
Before he can come back with anything, Coyote jumps in. “When are you two just going to sleep together?” 
Rooster rolls his eyes next to you, and Bob, who was quiet in the corner, was suddenly interested with his phone. 
“He wishes.”
“I’d rock your world, Princess.” 
You pray your cheeks remain the color they are. He cannot see you react to that comment, because you’re pretty sure Jake could.
“Flyer would disagree.” Jake’s grip on his beer tightens. It was a low blow. Bringing up the only girl who kept him tied down. 
Jake regains his composure pretty quickly. “Yeah well, I wouldn’t want Origin's sloppy seconds anyway.”
Your comment was a low blow, but his was a complete kick in the hypothetical nuts. Even Rooster stiffened next to you. 
Origin, the guy who captured your heart. The guy who swept you off your feet. The guy who promised you the world. The guy who ultimately cheated on you. 
“I think the two of you should take a breather,” Rooster says, trying to steer you away from Jake. Not being able to back down, you slip under Rooster’s arm. 
You close the space between you and Jake. He has almost an entire foot on you. Your head almost falls all the way back to look him in the face. 
“Why’d she leave you?” you ask. Jake never mentioned the break up to any of you. When she left him, he sulked around for about a week, and then was back to his old self.
Jake’s jaw tightens, but he doesn't answer. 
“Come on, Hangman, I want to know why she left,” you pressed. The two of you were standing dangerously close. 
“I bet you do,” he makes a big show of taking a sip from his beer. His lips momentarily throwing you off as your mind wandered to how they'd feel on yours. They say hate and passion is a fine line, and you’re tittering it being this close to him.
You put a hand on his chest and playfully shove him back. He doesn't move an inch, but he captures your wrist in his before you can pull back. You don’t mean for the gasp to fall out of your mouth, but it does and he definitely noticed it. You were careful to never put your hands on him, afraid you may like it too much. 
“Why’d she leave, Jake?” 
Jake closes his eyes and lets out a deep breath. When they reopen, it’s like he’s staring into your soul.
“Because of you,” he says so low you almost didn't hear him. 
His hand his still encircled around your wrist, and you're pretty sure those green eyes just flicked down to your mouth. 
Jake drops your hand before you can say anything and stalks out of the bar. 
A week passed by with zero contact from Jake. Not that the two of you talked a lot outside of the weekend gatherings at the bar. You could usually look forward to a witty text from him at least once a week. 
“Come on, Y/N, you have to see the way he’s always looked at you,” Penny says. You were sitting at the bar, keeping her company before the Friday night crowd came in. 
You shake your head. “Jake hates me, and I hate him. That’s our thing.”
Penny gives you an incredulous look as she dries a glass. 
Sure, Jake is fucking hot. And you have thought about what it would be like if he was yours. 
“He said Flyer left because of me.” You still hadn't be able to work that out in your mind. 
“I would have too,” Penny shrugs. When she takes in your confused look, she adds, “Because she knew he was in love with you.” 
Your forehead comes in contact with the bar. Letting out a groan, you say, “Impossible.” 
“Trouble in Y/N Land?” a voice appears to your right. You glance over, keeping your head on the bar, and see Maverick, Penny’s boyfriend, and your father’s biggest annoyance. 
“She’s coming to terms with Hangman being in love with her,” Penny tells him, leaning over the bar to give Maverick a kiss. 
“Oh yeah? Shit, it's been what? Three years?” Maverick says. He knew too.
You let our another groan. 
You were at the piano with Rooster later on that night. You tried to remain present with your friend, singing along to whatever song he had just learned to play. Your eyes kept scanning the crowd, looking for that handsome blonde. 
“He’s not coming, darlin’,” Rooster tells you. 
“I don't know what you’re talking about.” 
Rooster finished up his song and turned on the bench towards you. “You’re looking for Hangman.” Your head shakes widely. “Of course I’m not. Why would I be looking for him? I hate him.” 
Rooster hits you with a look you imagine an older brother would give. A look that says ‘do you think I am that stupid’? 
“Where is he?” you ask quietly. 
“His apartment.”
You waste no time throwing your card at Penny and running out of the bar, not even caring. You knew Penny would lock it up for you to get later. 
You speed down the highway, taking the familiar route to Jake’s apartment. Rooster lived in the same building. Parking next to his Chevy, you take a deep breath. Your mind is in a million webs, and you don’t even know what you’re going to say to him. 
Mustering up as much confidence as you can, you stalk up the walk to his door. Pounding on the door, you don't notice that he’s opened it. It’s only when your fist makes contact with his chest does it register. 
“What are you doing here, Princess? Hot date stand you up?” he turns his back to you, heading into his home. You fly in after him, all nerves gone.
“What the fuck is your problem?!” There is no way on Earth this man ‘loves’ you. Everyone is just confusing hate with love. 
“I don't have a problem. Seems like you do, though.” Jake leans against his kitchen counter, arms crossed over his chest. 
“Yeah, I have a problem. Why would you tell me Flyer left you because of me, and then give me the cold shoulder for a week.”
Jake smirks. “I wasn’t aware you were waiting around for some kind of contact.” 
“Cut the shit, Jake.” 
Fire flashes in his eyes. “What do you want from me, Y/N? Do you want me to tell you that even though I was with her, I thought about you? Do you want me to tell you how you encapsulate every part of my mind? Do you want me to tell you that I have a fucking photo of you in my cockpit? Do you want me to tell you that no matter how many wise ass comments you feed me, it just makes me want you that much more?” With every question, he steps closer to you. His chest heaves as he looks down at you. You look down and see his shoes meet yours in a little kiss. 
Jake hooks a finger under your chin, guiding your face up to look at him. “Is that what you wanted?” 
Your breathing matches his. The two of you in another stand off. This time, who is going to kiss the other first? 
“Is that what you wanted, Princess?” he asks again, his lips lowering to yours. “Tell me to stop if you don’t want this.” 
You can’t find your voice. Instead, you grab the collar of his shirt to hurry him along. His lips meet yours, and you taste the beer he was drinking before you came over. Jake’s hands cup either side of your face, like he's afraid you’re going to disappear. 
“Origin didn’t fucking deserve you,” Jake says against your mouth.
“Please don’t bring him up again,” you say as you pull Jake into his bedroom. 
a/n: so sorry it has been so long since my last fic! I appreciate all the notes, and reblogs, and follows from everyone. writing is one of my most favorite hobbies and I am so glad y’all are enjoying them. I am thinking of opening some requests?!
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likeahorribledream · 3 years
SUMMARY: After being kicked out by your roommate you have no choice but to move in with your brother who you haven't seen in years. He told you once that he had a new lifestyle but you never expected to find him in a biker bar, even less for him to be part of a motorcycle club. Bucky, their president, is ruthless but handsome as hell.
PAIRING: Biker!Bucky x Female!Reader
WARNINGS: Every and all warnings that apply to motorcycle clubs and bikers.
REQUEST: Number 22. That's a baby and number 49. Thank you for letting me love you.
Due to the nature of this AU, this mini series will be 18+. Minors DNI.
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Life sometimes takes you to unexpected places with unexpected people. You are a firm believer that everything happens for a reason and you’re always quick to turn yourself around and adapt to whatever situation presents itself.
One day, your roommate just kicks you out without a warning because her boyfriend wants to move in and ‘’they need the space’’. You’re usually always calm, it takes a lot to shake you up and make you lose your cool but you have to admit that this situation stresses you the hell out because you’re suddenly homeless with nowhere to go.
Once you’re calm and collected again, you decide to call the one person you can always count on: your big brother.
You pack your life into your car, which isn’t a lot, and you drive across the state to go live with your brother. You have to quit your job, but there are jobs everywhere. You’ll be fine.
Your brother had warned you that he has adopted a new kind of lifestyle since he left home years ago, you never would have thought that the ‘’lifestyle’’ he was referring to was being a biker. Yet here you are, after driving for over 6 hours, standing in the street in front of a biker bar. You most definitely stand out amongst all the shiny motorcycles parked in front, the big men with their kuttes made out of leather and you stand out even more compared to the women that are hanging out with them. They’re all dressed sexy, showing off their best assets and their curves whereas you are wearing a pair of old jeans shorts and a white t-shirt tucked into them. Not to mention the high heels most of them are wearing whereas you can barely stand in your old Converse. Most people would have been judgemental of them, thinking they need to go change and show a little less skin but not you. You envy them. You wish you could be as confident as they are and you hope they never lose that confidence.
You’ve been staring for too long and you have caught one of the big men’s attention.
‘’Are you lost, sweetheart?’’
You look up at him now that he’s standing in front of you and you can’t help but feel small. In more than one way.
‘’Mh not lost. I’m looking for Enzo.’’
The man rolls his eyes. ‘’What did he do this time? Told ya he’d called but didn’t?’’
You shake your head. ‘’It’s not like that he’s-’’
‘’I don’t really care. Follow me.’’ He turns around and walks into the bar, never looking back to see if you’re really following him.
It’s around 3 in the afternoon so it isn’t much of a surprise when you walk into the bar to find it mostly empty. It’s kind of dark inside and it takes a few seconds for your eyes to adjust now that the sun isn’t blinding you anymore.
It’s a small bar: there are a few tables scattered around with chairs, a couple of booths on each side of the room and the bar takes up the entire back. There are shelves and shelves of bottles lined up neatly behind the counter, not one bottle is out of place and you find it quite satisfying.
‘’Enz', your booty-call is here!’’ The man from outside yells across the bar to get the attention from the men sitting at the booth in the far, left corner.
Suddenly, all the attention is on you and you almost want to slap the man next to you but you decide against it knowing well that you’re the one who’s going to get hurt if you do.
‘’I’m not-’’
‘’Still don’t care.’’ He cuts you off rudely and walks back out.
‘’Enzo went to the bathroom, baby doll. You can come sit with us while you wait.’’
The man who spoke is sitting at the table facing you and he doesn’t even need to stand up for you to know that he’s tall and large. From what you can see he has the bluest eyes you’ve ever seen and his hair is tied at the back of his head in a messy bun. He has big silver rings on most of his fingers and the shirt he’s wearing lets you see that his arms are covered in tattoos, which you’re sure is only the tip of the iceberg. You’d be willing to bet that there are a lot more tattoos under his clothes. If you only look at his appearance, he is most definitely intimidating but there’s a certain warmth in his eyes that almost makes you feel safe.
You walk over to their table after hesitating for a couple of seconds but you’d only be making things awkward if you stayed at the door.
‘’What’s a gorgeous lil’ thing like you doing with Enzo?’’ The same man asks you, openly checking you out.
‘’Yeah, ditch Enzo. I’ll show you a good time.’’ Another man speaks up from his seat next to the wall.
This might be the most uncomfortable situation you’ve been in in a really long time.
You’re just about to excuse yourself and tell them you’ll go wait for Enzo outside, but you hear your brother call out your name. Thankfully.
You run up to him and crash into his arms, laughing when he lifts you up and holding onto him tightly. ‘’I missed you ‘Zo.’’
‘’I missed you too.’’ He carefully puts you down and grabs your face to take a good look at you. ‘’Still ugly.’’
You slap his hands away and roll your eyes. ‘’Still an asshole.’’
He wraps his arm around your shoulders and turns you around to walk you back to the table.
‘’Did you get a chance to meet the guys?’’ He looks down at you.
‘’Mh-mh.’’ You nod your head. ‘’Briefly.’’
‘’That’s Clint, Peter, Sam, Steve and Bucky.’’ He points at each guy as he says their name.
The big, beefy, blue-eyed man who was shamelessly checking you out is Bucky and the one who wanted to ‘’show you a good time’’ is Sam. Now that you know their names, it’ll be easier to avoid them.
‘’Guys, this is my baby sis’.’’
Bucky chuckles. ‘’That makes a lot more sense.’’
‘’What’s that supposed to mean?’’ Enzo looks at Bucky, clearly confused.
‘’We thought she was your sweetbutt. We didn’t understand how you managed to snatch one that’s way, waaay out of your league.’’
Your brows furrow and you cross your arms. ‘’Sweetbutt? What the hell did I just walk into? The 1940s?’’ You look up at your brother. ‘’Can I just get your keys so I can get my stuff in your apartment? I really need to take a shower.’’ You hold out your hand, palm up, and wait for your brother to give you what you asked for.
‘’Don’t take all the hot water, I’ll be home in a few hours and I like to shower with hot water.’’ Enzo takes the keys from his apartment off of his keychain and gives them to you.
‘’You can come to my apartment if you want, darlin’. We can save water by showering together.’’
You turn your head toward Sam and look him up and down. ‘’I’m not in the mood to be severely disappointed, but if I ever am I’ll give you a call.’’
Sam stops smiling and looks away from you when the guys start laughing and making fun of him.
‘’You can set up in the guest room and get some rest. We’ll talk when I get home.’’ Your brother hugs you and presses a quick kiss on the top of your head.
‘’Thank you.’’ You smile and hurry outside without looking back at any of the guys but you can feel eyes burning holes through your back, and even without looking you have a pretty good idea of who it might be.
Once the door has completely closed behind you, Enzo turns around to glare at the men in front of him. ‘’What the hell is wrong with you? She’s not some biker groupie, show her some damn respect.’’
Sam rolls his eyes. ‘’Relax dude, we’re just playing.’’
‘’Yeah? Next time your sister’s in town, I’ll make sure to ‘’play’’ with her.’’ Sam glares at Enzo, his jaw clenching. ‘’It ain’t so funny when it’s your sister uh?’’
‘’Is she single?’’ Bucky asks, still staring at the door as he watches you leave.
‘’Don’t even think about it. My sister deserves better than to be used and thrown away once you’re done. She’s off limits. That goes for everybody. We’ve got enough sweetbutts hanging around, you don’t need to go anywhere near my sister.’’
‘’How long is she going to be staying?’’
Enzo looks at Steve and shrugs. ‘’I don’t know. A while. Her roommate kicked her out without so much as a warning, she doesn’t have anyone besides me. I’ll find her a job and hopefully an apartment. Until then I’ll have to take care of business elsewhere.’’
‘’Don’t want your sister and your latest booty call bonding over breakfast?’’ Steve teases him.
‘’Fuck no. Kiddo is too sweet for her own good. Everyone loves her, if she talks to whoever’s coming out of my room, they’ll want to be friends with her and then it’ll be a whole thing.’’ He shakes his head. ‘’I don’t need that right now.’’
‘’She can work the bar, one of the girls quit last week.’’ Bucky finally looks away from the door and at Enzo. ‘’We all saw the way she handled Sam, she can take care of herself.’’
‘’I don’t want to bring her into this. She’s too good for that. She’s too good for this town, she deserves better.’’
Bucky’s jaw tick. ‘’Why don’t you let her decide, mh?’’
‘’I said no.’’ Enzo raises his voice, realizing too late what he had just done.
Enzo is by no means a small man but when Bucky slowly stands and goes toe-to-toe with him, he looks small and fragile. Every instinct in his body tells him to take a step back but he’s a stubborn man and there’s no way he is going to show weakness.
‘’I don’t care if we’re talking about your sister, your mother or your goddamn dog you better watch your fucking tone when you’re talking to me.’’ Bucky doesn’t yell, he doesn’t need to. Him not yelling actually makes it even worse and he knows it.
‘’I’m the president of this club and you’re going to show me some damn respect if you don’t want to go back to being a prospect and clean up our shit. Got it?’’
‘’Yes, sorry.’’ Enzo looks down, it’s better to comply than try to challenge him.
Bucky is an absolute sweetheart, a charmer even, but he has somewhat of a short temper and he can get scary. Every MC around knows not to mess with him and so does every member of his own club. What Bucky says, goes.
After that, Bucky walks away and Steve quickly changes the subject to try and ease the tension that suddenly filled the bar.
Meanwhile you get settled in your brother’s guest room. You have to admit, you were shocked when you saw how big and clean his apartment is. In your head you imagined some kind of bachelor pad; one bedroom and big messes everywhere.
Your brother hasn’t told you when he is going to come back, since you’re a guest and you don’t want to cause him trouble, you take a quick shower right away and then you begin unpacking. It doesn’t take you long at all, you don’t own much because you tend to move often. You’ve never been able to afford your own place and depending on roommates can be both a blessing and a curse, you tend to go down the ‘’curse’’ path more often than not. Thankfully you have a big brother to save the day.
While you wait for him to come home you thought you’d get a headstart and look on the internet to find a job. The faster you have a job, the faster you’re making money and the faster you’re making money, the faster you’re out of your brother’s apartment.
Slight problem: you are way underqualified for most of the jobs that you find. Either that or the salary is a big joke. This isn’t going the way you were planning it to. The optimistic part of you thought you’d find a job easily and get back on your feet quickly, but it doesn’t look like you had realistic expectations.
You let yourself fall back on the bed, feeling discouraged and disappointed but minutes later you hear your brother coming in and it makes you perk up.
Enzo doesn’t hesitate and goes straight to the guest room, standing in the doorway.
‘’All set up?’’ He crosses his arms, looking around.
‘’Yep.’’ You sit up.
‘’Good, I’ll get in the shower then.’’
You look at him, expecting him to leave but he doesn’t move.
‘’I don’t want you at the bar, ok? Unless I’m there.’’
Your brows furrow as you tilt your head a little to the side. ‘’Did something happen? Did the owner say something about me being there earlier? I don’t want to cause any trouble.’’
Enzo shakes his head no. ‘’Nothing like that. Just don’t go unless I’m there.’’
‘’Ok, ok. I won’t.’’
‘’There’s a party at the clubhouse tonight, I have to be there. You can come as long as you stay in my sight. I won’t stay too long.’’
‘’Jesus, I’m not a kid anymore ‘Zo. I can take care of myself. I’m a full grown adult.’’
‘’It’s not you I’m worried about. These guys are my brothers but they aren’t good men. I don’t trust them with you.’’
‘’Fine.’’ You huff as you give in, knowing full well that you aren’t going to win this argument.
‘’Wear something that doesn’t show too much skin.’’
You roll your eyes, shaking your head disapprovingly. ‘’Are the women I saw out front this afternoon going to be there?’’
Your brother shrugs. ‘’They’re usually always there, why?’’
‘’Then you don’t need to worry about what I’m wearing. No one is going to be looking at me.’’
‘’Just be ready by the time I get out of the shower.’’ He turns around and heads to the bathroom without waiting for an answer.
You get off from your bed and close the door to change. The best way to not stand out is to blend in and from what you’ve seen there’s a lot of black clothes and leather in their wardrobes, which is perfect because 98% of your clothes are black.
You put on a pair of black high-waisted skinny jeans with a black tank top that you tuck into your pants, you put on your black combat boots and your lightest leather jacket. Once you’re fully dressed you go stand in front of the full length mirror to check yourself out and make sure it looks good. When you are satisfied with your look you walk out of your room and go sit in the living room while you wait for your brother to be done with his shower.
20 minutes later he walks out of the bathroom, fully dressed. ‘’Ready to go?’’
You nod and stand up. ‘’Do we take my car?’’
Enzo laughs, shaking his head. ‘’No, Mini, if I show up to the clubhouse in a car Bucky is going to strip me of my patches.’’
‘’Oh, ok.’’ You shrug. ‘’Guess you’ll have to teach me the ways.’’
‘’All in due time, Mini. All in due time.’’ He pats you on the head before pushing you out of the door.
‘’Stop calling me that.’’
‘’No. You’ll always be Mini.’’ He grins, a big toothy grin, reminding you of when you were kids.
‘’Come on, we gotta hurry or Bucky’s gonna kick my ass.’’
Enzo leads the way down the stairs and to the garage where he parked his bike earlier. He sits on it and hands you his helmet.
‘’Shouldn’t you have a helmet too?’’ You put it on, clipping the straps under your chin.
‘’It’s legal to ride without one. We’ll get you your own tomorrow.’’ He straightens his bike and kicks off the stand before helping you get on the back.
You get to the clubhouse incredibly fast as you kept telling your brother to go faster the whole way there. It’s been a while since you’ve been on your brother’s motorcycle and you hadn’t realized how much you missed it until tonight. You hop off to let him park amongst the other bikes and you follow on foot while taking off his helmet.
‘’I forgot how much of a maniac you are.’’
You shrug and give his helmet back. ‘’I’m not a maniac, you just drive like an old grandpa.’’
He gets off his bike and glares at you. ‘’I do not.’’
You laugh. ‘’Yes, you do.’’
‘’I should have left you at home.’’ Enzo mumbles under his breath.
‘’I’m personally glad you didn’t leave her at home.’’
Great. Bucky.
You don’t see him as he’s coming from behind you but soon enough he goes to stand next to your brother, facing you. ‘’Hey, baby doll.’’ He smirks, looking you up and down. ‘’Still gorgeous.’’
You roll your eyes. ‘’Why don’t you try to get into the other girls’ pants instead of mine.’’ You look back to your brother. ‘’I’m gonna go… anywhere that isn’t here.’’ You hurry away and go sit in a corner where you’ll be left alone.
Bucky is very attractive, there’s no denying it but nothing turns you off more than being treated like a piece of meat. You know that the guys are only interested in you because you’re new in town, otherwise they wouldn’t have given you the time of day. Guys like them never go for girls like you.
You pull out your phone from your jacket’s pocket and sit back while you scroll down your Instagram feed.
You almost ignore the person in front of you but the tone of their voice makes you look up, which you regret almost instantly as you find Sam standing in front of you.
‘’Not you too.’’ You mumble under your breath, brows knitted together in annoyance.
‘’It’s not like that, I swear.’’ He holds up his hands in surrender. ‘’I just wanted to apologize for how I spoke to you earlier. I have a sister and Enzo made me realize that I wouldn’t like it if any of the guys talked to her the way I did so I’m sorry. It was disrespectful and it won’t happen again. At least not from me.’’
You narrow your eyes, looking at his face and searching for any kind of clue that he’s messing with you.
‘’Is that some kind of reverse psychology trick to make me trust you enough to sleep with you?’’
‘’What? No. No.’’ He shakes his head quickly. ‘’It’s nothing like that, I really mean it.’’
You eye him suspiciously for a few seconds longer before shrugging. ‘’Apology accepted. Thank you.’’
Sam nods and looks around. ‘’Where’s your brother?’’
‘’I don’t know. I left him a few minutes ago to get away from Bucky, when I left they were next to his bike.’’
He chuckles and arches a brow. ‘’Why are you running away from Buck?’’
‘’He’s relentless and his flirting is way too intense for me. Especially when you’re all interested in me because I’m new in town, it’s like a little game to you as to who will get to me first. I don’t want to play.’’
‘’That’s not true, and I’m saying that respectfully, you’re beautiful. There’s no game but it’s definitely funny to see you run away from him when women are usually throwing themselves at his feet.’’
‘’Well he can use them because I’m not going to be another notch in his belt.’’
‘’He’s not as bad as he seems to be. It’s rare that we see him with a girl, he’s just a flirt by nature.’’ He points to the empty seat of the outdoor couch you’re sitting on. ‘’Do you mind if I sit?’’
‘’Go ahead.’’ You move a little to the side to give him space, there’s already plenty but it’s like a reflex. You get out of people’s way, even if you’re not in their way.
‘’I like your sister.’’ Bucky smirks, pulling a cigarette out and lighting it up while his eyes never leave you. He’s been watching you interact with Sam this whole time and he’s pretty sure he’s seen his name on your lips.
‘’One night stands aren’t her style, you’re wasting your time.’’
Bucky takes a drag of his cigarette and exhales the smoke out of his mouth a second later. ‘’No one ever said anything about one night stands.’’ He tilts his head to the side curiously watching as Sam sits down next to you. He wets his lips with a flick of the tip of his tongue and smokes again, this time he exhales the smoke more slowly.
He finishes his cigarette and throws it in one of the many ashtrays lying around before making his way over to you and Sam without another look to Enzo. He clears his throat to get your attention, making the two of you stop talking and turning to look at Bucky.
With a simple jerk of Bucky’s head, Sam gets up with an apologetic smile to you and walks away without a word.
‘’What the hell was that? I was in the middle of a conversation.’’
‘’Sorry baby doll, I just need to talk business with you for a few minutes.’’ He sits down next to you, throwing his arm on the back of the couch and turning his body to the side to be facing you.
You want to tell him to stop calling you baby doll but you know it would be a waste of time, Bucky seems to only be listening to one person and that’s Bucky.
‘’Your brother says you need a job.’’
You simply nod your head yes, crossing your arms.
‘’I already told your brother about a job for you and he said no, so I’m guessing he didn’t tell you about it when he got home.’’
You shake your head no. Damn Enzo.
‘’One of the girls working the bar quit last week and I need someone to take her place. The job’s yours if you want it.’’
‘’Why did she quit?’’ You frown.
‘’Messy break-up with Clint.’’ He can’t stop himself and rolls his eyes as he says it.
‘’I appreciate the offer but my brother doesn’t want me anywhere near the bar and I have no experience whatsoever in that department, but thank you.’’
Bucky’s eyebrows raise slightly in surprise and he turns his head to look around the lot, looking for your brother. ‘’Enzo said that, mh? Interesting.’’ He turns his attention back to you. ‘’There’s only one boss here, baby doll, and that’s me. You’re a grown ass adult you can make your own decisions. If you want the job, I’ll train you and in a few weeks you should be able to work by yourself.’’
‘’Can I think about it and give you an answer tomorrow?’’
Bucky smiles. ‘’Of course sweetheart, take all the time you need. Like I said, the job’s yours. If you do a good job, there’s an apartment right above the bar where you could stay. I own it so I can make you a deal on the rent.’’
‘’Why would you do all of this for me?’’ You’re genuinely curious.
‘’Enzo says you had it tough for a while, never really putting down roots because you weren’t able to. It might not seem like it at first glance but we take care of our own. Who knows? Maybe this could be your home.’’ He winks and turns his head just as your brother approaches you two.
‘’I’m done, let’s go home Mini.’’
Bucky tsks, a sound that always makes Enzo nervous because it means Bucky’s ticked off by something and it’s never good.
‘’I’d rephrase that if I were you.’’
‘’Do you want to go home?’’ Enzo asks this time, clearing his throat.
You glance between Bucky and Enzo, not understanding what’s happening.
‘’S- Sure.’’ You hesitate, not knowing if it’s the right answer.
Bucky moves his hand from the back of the couch and holds it out in front of you. ‘’Give me your phone, I’ll add my number so you can text me when you make a decision.’’
You give him your phone that you’re still holding in your hand after unlocking it.
‘’Decision about what?’’ Enzo frowns, looking at you.
‘’Bucky has offered me a job, which I guess isn’t a surprise to you since you had already turned it down for me. Without talking to me first.’’ You take your phone back and stand up in front of the couch.
‘’There’s a reason why I said no, I told you I don’t want you near the bar.’’
Bucky opens his mouth to interjects but you’re quicker than him.
‘’I appreciate you letting me live in your apartment but you’re not my father, you’re not my guardian. I’m an adult and contrary to what you might think, I’m actually smart enough to make decisions. You’re my big brother and you want to protect me, I get it and I love you for it, but you can’t make decisions for me. That’s not ok.’’
Bucky stands up next to you and glares at your brother to keep him from speaking again.
‘’Can we go?’’ Enzo asks you instead of saying what he wanted to say.
He turns back around as soon as you give him your answer and hurries to his bike. You frown and put your phone back in your pocket, following your brother.
Bucky wraps his arm around you as he follows the both of you. As you walk he tightens his arm around you to bring you closer to his side. You curse yourself in your head for liking the feeling of him holding you close.
He drops his head close enough to speak directly into your ear, the combination of his beard, his breath and his lips right against your skin gives you goosebumps.
‘’You looked good on the back of your brother’s bike but you’d look even better on the back of mine.’’
He’s whispering but you hear him clear as day. You feel your cheeks getting burning hot and you hope he doesn’t notice the effect his words have on you. Thankfully, he lets go of you right after. Enzo would be pissed if he had seen him, and Bucky didn’t feel like humiliating poor Enzo tonight for being way out of line. Again.
As soon as you’re sitting on his bike, Enzo speeds away without saying another word to you or Bucky. You can feel how tense he is as you lean on him for the ride home and you know he’s going to lose his mind once you’re back at his apartment.
As predicted the moment the door is closed, Enzo explodes.
‘’What the fuck was that? I told you to stay the fuck away from the bar like 3 hours ago. You’re going to text Bucky and tell him you’re going to find another job elsewhere.’’
‘’There are no other jobs, Enzo! I looked all afternoon while I waited for you to get home. They all require levels of education that I don’t have. The sooner I make money, the sooner I’ll get out of your hair. If I find something better at some point, I’ll take it but for now the job at the bar is the only option I have.’’
Enzo runs his fingers through his hair, huffing. ‘’I don’t like this at all.’’
‘’What did they do that’s so bad?’’ You put your hands on your hips and look at him while waiting for his answer.
‘’Nothing.’’ He sighs and lets his head drop between his shoulders, looking at the ceiling before looking back at you. ‘’We’re not just a motorcycle club. There are things that we do that aren’t…’’
He nods. ‘’I don’t want you to get caught up in what we do.’’
‘’I’ll be behind the bar, ‘Zo. Nothing is going to happen to me.’’
‘’You’re an adult, you can do whatever you want but I want you to be aware of what you’re getting yourself into.’’
You walk over to hug him. ‘’Thank you for looking out for me.’’
He hugs you back and smiles. ‘’That’s what big brothers are for.’’
After getting into the cotton shorts and tank top you always wear to bed, you get under the covers and take your phone to text Bucky.
You: I’ll take the job.
Bucky: See you tomorrow at 10 am for your first day of training. ;)
You: I’ll be there. Good night.
Bucky: Good night, baby doll. Try not to dream too much about me.
You: I should be the one to tell you that. Keep me out of your dreams!
Bucky: I couldn’t even if I wanted to, and I don’t want to.
You roll your eyes and shake your head, a little smile tugging at the corner of your lips. You’re glad that he isn’t standing in front of you and that he can’t see that you’re amused by him. Otherwise he’d never stop.
You set up your alarm for the next morning and put your phone on the charger, deciding not to answer Bucky’s last text. You have a feeling that if you keep answering he’ll text you back all night.
Training with Bucky is surprisingly very professional. There are no winks, no flirting, his face gets all serious and he focuses on what you do instead of focusing on just you.
‘’You’ll see most people that come in here order beers but you need to know your drinks if someone asks you for something different.’’
Bucky is quite impressive as a bartender, you have to give him that: he knows his business inside and out.
It takes two weeks of training before Bucky feels like you’re ready and lets you work by yourself. He stays close-by in case you need him but he’s sure you’ll do just fine.
During those two weeks, you get to know the Bucky under the tough biker exterior and you actually get along with him. You’d even go as far as calling him a friend, which your brother absolutely hates. The flirting doesn’t really bother you anymore because you know it’s just a part of his personality, you’re sure he acts the same way with every girl he meets.
Except he doesn’t, but you don’t know that. He’s flirty with other girls, yes, but with you it goes further than that. He has a bond with you, a friendship that he doesn’t have with the other girls.
Your first night alone is a very busy night but you’re doing a good job at keeping up with the other barmaid. There’s a little bit of down time and you use it to clean up everything you haven’t had the time to do. Bucky comes to stand in front of you, on the other side of the counter.
‘’How’s it going, baby doll?’’
You look up and smile. ‘’Good. I think.’’
Bucky smiles, his little subtle smile that he has only when you’re around. ‘’I didn’t hear anything crashing, shattering or breaking and I haven’t heard anyone complain so I’d say you’re doing a good job.’’
‘’I had a great instructor.’’ You chuckle and look back down to finish cleaning.
‘’I heard he’s the best there is.’’
‘’I bet you did.’’
He grins. ‘’Can I get a beer, baby doll?’’
‘’Sure.’’ You put down the rag and walk over to the fridge that’s reserved only for club members, you grab one of the bottles and open it, putting it down in front of him.
‘’Thanks.’’ He winks and walks back to the table, taking big gulps of his beer.
He’s usually seated with his back to the bar but now he’s switched sides to be able to keep an eye on you.
‘’Your sister’s doing great.’’ Bucky looks at Enzo who only rolls his eyes.
Bucky’s jaw clenches and he puts down the beer bottle, keeping himself from slamming it down on the table. He didn’t want you to have to clean his mess up.
‘’You better change that fucking attitude before I change it for you.’’ He hisses through his teeth.
Enzo shakes his head and stands up. ‘’I’ll see you all tomorrow.’’
He goes to wait for you at the end of the counter while you give a drink to someone and when you're done you go to meet him there.
"I'm leaving."
You frown. "What do you mean you're living?"
"It means that I'm not staying and I'm going home."
"Enzo, are you serious right now? You told me not to take my car because you'd be my ride."
Anger sets deep into your features and Bucky doesn't like it.
"Get a cab or somethin'."
You pinch the bridge of your nose and close your eyes. "Just go."
You take a few deep breaths to calm down and quickly get back to work.
A perk of working at a bar owned by bikers is that there aren’t drunks lingering for hours after closing time. The bar closes at 2 am and at 2:05 everyone’s gone. It usually doesn’t take you longer than an hour to close up and clean and you’re home by 3:30.
Except tonight the other barmaid, Nat’s boyfriend is coming home and she asked you earlier if it was ok if she left early. It’ll take you longer to close up but it’s not like anyone’s waiting for you.
Once everyone left, Bucky comes to sit at the bar and watches as you clean up and put everything away.
‘’What happened with your brother earlier?’’ He hits his rings against the side of his beer bottle, something he does often you’ve noticed.
‘’He decided to go home.’’ You shrug, not looking up from what you’re doing.
‘’I know that, I want to know why you were mad.’’ He finishes his beer and hands you the empty bottle.
You take it from him and throw it in the bin with the others. ‘’Because before we left I wanted to take my car but he said he’d give me a ride to and from the bar. I don’t mind walking, it just annoys me when he says he’s going to do something and then doesn’t.’’ You walk out from behind the bar and start wiping off tables.
Bucky turns on his stool, following you with his eyes. ‘’Where’s Nat?’’
‘’Her boyfriend was coming home tonight, she asked if I could clean up by myself.’’
Bucky hums, taking out a cigarette and lighting it up, taking a long drag. You look up at the smell of smoke and point to the ‘’no smoking’’ poster behind you. Bucky smirks, exhaling the smoke which shouldn’t make him look so damn hot but it does.
‘’It’s my bar, I can do whatever the fuck I want baby doll.’’
You chuckle. ‘’I guess that’s true.’’ You go back to wiping off tables and after a few minutes you look up again to find Bucky still looking at you. ‘’You know it’s just cleaning tables and putting the chairs up, I’m ok to do it without supervision. I don’t think I can mess that up. You can go home.’’
‘’And leave you here by yourself in the middle of the night? I don’t think so.’’
‘’It didn’t seem to bother Enzo, why should it bother you? I’ll be fine. I’m sure you have better things to do than to babysit me.’’
Bucky tilts his head and takes another long drag, blowing out the smoke slowly. ‘’Do you always feel like you're a burden or is it something new?’’
Your brows furrow, confused. ‘’What?’’ You put the rag in the back pocket of your shorts and start flipping the chairs upside down to put them on the tables.
‘’You’re confident, you don’t let anyone walk all over you and yet you always try to make yourself as small as possible and you’re always speaking about yourself like you’re a bother. You say I’m babysitting you but you don’t stop to think that maybe I just like spending time with you.’’ He flicks off the ashes of his cigarette in the small sink behind the counter without turning away from you.
You scoff and roll your eyes. ‘’Because I know that that’s what you’re doing.’’
‘’You don’t know shit, you’re just assuming and stop rolling your eyes at me.’’ Apparently giving him attitude runs in the family.
You roll your eyes again and walk back behind the bar to grab the broom and get back to the other side and start sweeping.
Bucky stomps his cigarette in the sink and leaves it there as he jumps off his stool to walk over to you, with his long legs it only takes him a few strides. He’s so fast that you don’t even realize what’s happening until his hand is wrapped around your bicep and he’s gripping you. He towers over you and looks down at you, clearly trying to intimidate you.
‘’You and your brother need to get your fucking attitudes fixed.’’
You try to pull your arm away but his grip only tightens. ‘’Let go of me.’’ You hiss. ‘’Bucky, let go of me.’’ You repeat louder when he doesn’t budge.
He stares into your eyes a few more seconds and finally lets go. You take several steps back and go back to the bar. You lean the broom against the wall, toss the rag on the counter and grab your phone and your jacket from under the counter. You walk out of the bar without saying a word, just slamming the door shut behind you.
Bucky hits the table next to him as he realizes what he has done. ‘’Shit!’’
He’s just thrown all the effort he put into getting you to open up to him right out of the window. He gets his phone out of his pocket and dials your number, it rings a few times before being sent to voicemail.
You are so damn angry and lost in your own mind that you barely even notice when you’re home. Based on muscle memory alone, you find yourself standing in front of your brother’s door. You take a few deep breaths in, in case Enzo is still up. You don’t want him to see you like this because then you’ll have to tell him why and he’ll just say ‘’I told you to stay away’’, you don’t feel like having him gloat at this hour.
Thankfully you walk into a dark apartment, not a soul to be found. You lock the door behind you and walk over to your room, closing the door silently. Bucky keeps calling you and you keep sending him to voicemail. You can’t believe you were dumb enough to think that he was your friend. He’s probably calling to tell you to get back to the bar and finish cleaning up but as far as you’re concerned, Bucky can go fuck himself.
The next morning you stay in your room, in bed with your laptop opened as you look for a new job. There’s no way in hell you’re going back there.
At around 3 pm, Enzo comes to knock at your bedroom door.
‘’Mini, it’s almost time to leave for work are you almost ready?’’
‘’It’s my day off, just go without me.’’
Enzo frowns as he takes out his phone. Today is Thursday, your days off are Sunday and Monday because they are the slowest nights of the week and Bucky wanted you to be able to make a lot of money from tips alone. ‘’Ok. Call me if you need anything.’’
‘’I won’t, bye.’’
He sighs, thinking you’re still mad at him for leaving last night. It was a dick move but Bucky is pissing him off and he can’t say or do anything so instead he walked away.
Arriving at the bar, he parks in his usual spot and he’s surprised to see Bucky walking out to come meet him outside.
‘’Where’s your sister?’’ He looks to the street in case she’s coming with her car.
Enzo gets off his bike, taking his helmet off and putting it down on his seat. He runs his fingers through his hair to fix it as he answers Bucky’s question. ‘’Home, why? She said it’s her day off.’’
Bucky’s shoulders slump. ‘’Fuck.’’
‘’Why, what’s wrong?’’
‘’Bucky.’’ Enzo says in a warning tone.
‘’We had a small argument last night as she was closing up and she stormed out, she isn’t picking up my calls and now she’s not showing up for work.’’
‘’My sister stormed out? My sweet as hell baby sister stormed out and is skipping work because of a small argument? I don’t think so. What really happened?’’ Enzo crosses his arms in front of him, staring at Bucky.
‘’I kinda lost my temper and crossed a line.’’
Bucky’s words make his blood boil in his veins. ‘’Did you hit my sister ?!’’ He takes several steps toward Bucky, his face twisted with anger.
‘’What? No!’’ He shakes his head. ‘’I grabbed her arm and I shouldn’t have.’’
‘’What the fuck is wrong with you?!’’ Enzo’s voice keeps raising and Bucky gives him a warning glare, silently telling him to calm down. ‘’Fuck your ranks, you put your hands on my sister I don’t owe you any kind of respect right now.’’ He walks back to his bike and puts on his helmet as he gets on it. ‘’This is exactly why I didn’t want her anywhere near here, near any of you.’’
He bursts through the front door of his apartment, almost giving you a heart attack. ‘’Jesus, ‘Zo.’’ You bring your hand to your chest, trying to appease your racing heart.
‘’Did he hurt you?’’
‘’Wh- What? Who?’’ You look at him totally confused.
‘’Bucky. He told me he grabbed you last night. Did he hurt you?’’
You sigh and sit on the couch. ‘’A little bit but I’m fine. I’m just not in the mood for your ‘’I told you so’’ speech so can we please skip it? You were right, I was wrong and stupid let’s leave it at that.’’
‘’I’m not going to give you any speech, I don’t care about that. I just want you safe. You’re not going back there. We’ll find you another job, no matter how long it takes but you’re not working at the bar anymore.’’ He comes and sits next to you. ‘’I’m sorry I left. If I had stayed like I said I would, you wouldn’t have been alone with him and he wouldn’t have put his hands on you.’’
You sigh. ‘’He didn’t really put his hands on me, he grabbed one of my arms.’’
‘’Don’t you dare make excuses for him.’’
‘’I’m not making excuses for him, I’m telling you what happened.’’
There’s a knock on the door and without even getting up, the both of you know who is on the other side.
‘’Is he serious right now?!’’
‘’Enzo, calm down. Please. Don’t get yourself into trouble.’’
You both stand up as he nods. ‘’You’re right. Stay here.’’
Enzo walks over to the door and opens it. Bucky’s eyes find yours over Enzo’s shoulders as soon as the door is opened wide enough.
‘’What are you doing here?’’ Enzo steps in front of you, blocking Bucky from looking at you.
‘’I came to talk. To her.’’
‘’I don’t think so.’’
Bucky glares at Enzo. ‘’I just want to apologize.’’
‘’Enzo.’’ Bucky hisses, getting mad.
As you see the situation escalating quickly, you decide to intervene before your brother gets his ass kicked.
‘’Let him say whatever it is he has to say.’’
Both men freeze at the sound of your voice. Enzo turns around to face you.
‘’Fine.’’ He steps aside and lets Bucky come in.
Bucky makes sure to shove Enzo as he comes in before moving quickly toward you. You flinch and take a step back when you see him coming at you with his hand out to reach you. That stops him dead in his tracks. He can’t ignore the way his heart clenches at the sight of you being afraid of him. That’s the last thing he wanted.
‘’I’m so sorry, baby doll. Please don’t be scared of me.’’ He rubs at the back of his neck nervously. ‘’What I did was wrong not only because you’re a woman but most importantly because you’re my friend.’’
Enzo isn’t really surprised to see his ruthless MC president being soft with you, you’ve always brought out people’s soft sides, it was just a matter of time before it happened with him too.
‘’I promise, it will never ever happen again.’’
You look at Enzo. ‘’Can you give us a minute?’’
He shakes his head no. ‘’I’m not going anywhere.’’
‘’Fine, stay here.’’ You look at Bucky and turn to walk toward your room. ‘’Come with me.’’
Bucky is quick to follow you and sits down on your bed while you close the door. He thought about staying up but it’s a small room and he doesn’t want to look like he’s trying to scare you into forgiving him. You look at the man on your bed with your hands on your hips and you look mad, Bucky thinks you look hot when you’re mad but now is certainly not the time to bring it up.
‘’If I decide to forgive you, and that’s a big if, know that I give you one chance. You don’t get more after that.’’ You cross your arms, frowning.
‘’I won’t need more, I promise.’’
You move to be standing right in front of him, giving him your best threatening look which oddly enough actually looks threatening. ‘’I don’t care if you’re a big, beefy biker or the king of outlaws or whatever else they call you, if you put your hands on me one more time I will break every single one of your precious fingers that you need to ride. Got it?’’
‘’Yes ma’am.’’ He stands up. ‘’Does that mean you forgive me?’’
You narrow your eyes. ‘’It depends. Do you want to use your only chance now or do you want to keep it for when you fuck up even more badly later?’’
‘’Now. I won’t fuck up again.’’
‘’Then I forgive you.’’
He grins and pulls you into a hug, which is new for the two of you but you just go with it and wrap your arms around his waist.
‘’You know you’re the only person who’s ever threatened me and who’s still alive?’’
Bucky chuckles and twirls a strand of your hair around one of his ringed fingers. ‘’I gotta admit, it kinda turned me on.’’
‘’Of course it did.’’ You roll your eyes and shove him playfully toward the door. ‘’Go get laid then.’’
‘’Are you offering?’’ He smirks and bites his lower lip.
‘’No.’’ You bite the inside of your cheek as you try not to look amused by the situation.
‘’Why not? We’re friends right? Friends help each other. You scratch my back, I scratch yours.’’ He wiggles his eyebrows. ‘’It can be literally too, I like to mark and be marked.’’ His voice drops an octave.
You finally laugh. ‘’You’re turning yourself on, aren’t you?’’
‘’I really am.’’
‘’Well you better be on your way because I’m a good friend, but not that good a friend.’’
‘’You better be at work tomorrow night, baby doll.’’ He opens the door and walks out of your room. Enzo stands up straight when he sees you two coming out of your room. Bucky rolls his eyes. ‘’Calm down, we’re good.’’ He points at Enzo. ‘’You, I’ll see you at the bar in 15 minutes.’’ He then points at you. ‘’And you, I’ll see you tomorrow at 4. Don’t be late.’’
‘’Yeah, yeah.’’ You dismiss him by waving your hand. ‘’Go take care of your problem.’’
‘’I will.’’ He opens the front door and steps outside. ‘’When you agree to be the one helping me.’’ He winks and closes the door before you can say anything back.
You laugh and stop right away when you see the look Enzo’s giving you.
‘’I can’t believe you.’’
‘’Aren’t you supposed to be happy that I’m not making things more difficult for you?’’
‘’You aren’t making them easier either.’’ He throws his hands up. ‘’I swear I’m gonna ship you back home if you end up dating him.’’
‘’How the hell did you go from me forgiving him to me dating him?’’ You watch him with wide eyes as he makes his way to the door as he has to go back to the bar.
‘’You can’t be this dumb.’’ He shakes his head. ‘’He’s been wanting you since the moment he saw you, he’s dying to add your name to his long list of girls he’s slept with.’’
You let him leave without another word, speechless from the way he’s just talked to you.
What is up with the men in this town? Are they all assholes or your luck just sucks?
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I don't know if y'all are gonna like this but this might be one of my favorite stories that I have written.
@n3ssm0nique | @lover-of-bucky | @beingagodsucks | @littlemissthistle | @dancer3205 | @thatblondebrownie | @rainbowkisses31 | @benbarnesbussy | @emi11ie | @floral-recs | @bucky-hues
644 notes · View notes
mercy-burning · 3 years
She’s An Angel
Pairing: Spencer Reid x fem!Reader Summary: Spencer discovers that Reader has a rather promiscuous personality behind closed doors, and he can’t help but give into her. Category: SMUT (18+), (there’s a lil fluff at the end, but it’s mostly filth lol) Warnings: Language, heavy flirting and sexual tension, female/male-receiving oral sex, penetrative sex, unprotected sex, exhibitionism, innocence kink (kinda?), breeding kink, dirty talk Word Count: 10.8k
***EDITED: 7/23/2021***
NOTE: Hi, guys! This is my entry for @willowrose99 ‘s 1-Year Writing Challenge Celebration! My prompts were: Only Angel by Harry Styles (fun fact, this is my favorite Harry song! And the notes/texts that Reader sends to Spencer are lines from the song), stealing clothes, and the dialogue “You know, I kinda like it when you call me -pet name-” I hope you all enjoy it! I had SO MUCH FUN writing this!!!
Also! Little fun fact: sex and metaphors/references to religion is like... my favorite thing in the whole world, so I made a tiny playlist for you to give a listen if you’re interested! If you have song recs so I can add them, please let me know! I’m always on the lookout for new stuff :) Enjoy!!
He didn't think much of it the first day she started working at the BAU. If anything, Spencer was glad that they had an intern— someone who could share some of their responsibilities without completely changing the dynamic of the work. She even became part of their family, going out with them after cases, attending every workplace gathering, whether it be a wedding for a co-worker they didn't see often, one of Rossi's dinner parties, or Henry's birthday party.
It wasn't until they were setting up for the BAU office Halloween party that he noticed something was... different.
Y/N and Spencer were put on decorating duty while everyone else brought food and music, and whatever else. They stopped by extra early to set up, meaning they would be there together, alone, for at least two hours before anyone showed up.
Normally that wouldn't have been anything to worry about, but Y/N showed up in costume, and it completely threw him for a loop.
Now, he wasn't one to really care whether or not people used Halloween as an outlet to dress like sexy nurses or cheerleaders or whatever else. Sure, he'd rather go with something on the scary side, something with a creepy mask or intricate makeup, but in the end the holiday was everyone's to enjoy how they wanted to. And one way or the other, he never saw anyone in a sexy Halloween costume and found himself tempted by them in the slightest. In fact, it was rare that he ever saw anyone in one at all.
So, when Y/N slowed up to the office wearing a very skin-tight, tiny schoolgirl costume, and his heart leapt out of his chest, mouth going dry and blood running hot at the sight of her?
He was a goner.
Her eyes lit up when she saw him, dropping the large bag she was carrying to run over and give him a hug, which he shakily returned, trying to snap out of his daze. Suddenly he felt a little underdressed, not wearing his costume yet, and truthfully, he wasn't sure if he wanted to wear one at all now, fearful that she'd think it was too immature.
Even more frightening than the holiday itself was the fact that Spencer found himself caring about what Y/N would think of his costume when a minute ago it hadn't even crossed his mind.
He cleared his throat and blinked rapidly before she released him from her hug, hoping to expel his fear and remember that she was his friend and she'd never actually say anything bad about his costume. Not that that'd even mattered in the first place. It shouldn't have mattered, right?
God, pull yourself together! She's just a pretty girl dressed in a suggestive costume, it's nothing you haven't seen before...
Though, he wasn't even sure he could call her a pretty girl right then.
Because when she pulled away from him, talking about some of the decorations she brought, he had ample opportunity to get a good look at her costume up close. And she wasn't pretty. She was downright sexy, all legs protruding underneath a short plaid skirt and adorning shiny black heels, curly hair tumbling down her shoulders in pigtails. Her shirt was so low, most of the buttons undone to reveal a black lacy bra underneath. She wore a pair of glasses that sat cutely on the tip of her nose and minimal makeup, the only noticeable thing being bright red lip color.
That wasn't what was different, though.
Sure, she'd never worn anything that scandalous around work or even on nights out, but it wasn't the fact that she'd done so now that felt strange. No, it was the way she looked up at him, her head hung low and her eyes looking up through eyelashes. When she got excited to tell him something, she pitched her voice higher. And often times, she'd put herself in compromising positions, and it seemed like it was on purpose.
At one point she stood right in front of him trying to hang a streamer on a beam she was most certainly not tall enough to reach. Her arms stretched high, all fabric on her body rising up and exposing more skin. Spencer quickly tried to avoid any problems, offering to help so she wouldn't hurt herself, first of all, but also so that he wouldn't find himself staring too long when he shouldn't have been staring at all.
The whole time they were decorating, she found excuses to drop things and pick them up, to stumble and hold onto his arm for steadiness, to accidentally brush past him... And that's what was so different about her.
He didn't want to assume she'd been drinking before coming to the office, and if he'd known any better he wouldn't have assumed it in the first place. But that was the one and only thing that crossed his mind that could have been the answer to her strange behavior, despite the lack of alcohol on her breath. (The only reason he knew her breath didn't smell of alcohol was because at one point, she hugged him again and pulled back to look in his eyes, brushing stray curls from his face and telling him they did a good job finishing up the room they'd been working on.)
Now they were in the conference room, and Spencer was hanging streamers as Y/N sat in one of the chairs, wheeled back to the middle of the room so she could observe everything. Well... observe Spencer was more correct. At least that's what he figured, anyway. It was like he could feel her eyes burning into the back of him. Or maybe he was just still unable to get over the fact that she and her stupidly hot costume had had that big of an effect on him.
He stood down from the chair and asked Y/N to hand him more tape, refusing to look at her.
"Spence, are you alright?" she asked sweetly, rolling her chair over to the table so she could reach the tape. The innocent concern in her voice had that same suspicious tone to it that wouldn't leave him alone, like it was nagging him and calling to him... begging to confront her.
He flicked his gaze down to meet hers for the briefest of seconds before looking back at the table. "N—Yeah, I'm fine."
"Are you sure?" She picked up the tape and toyed with it between her fingers, which were manicured a light pink color. He couldn't help but stare at them. "You seem a little... on edge."
With a swallow, an attempt to bring moisture back to his throat, Spencer shook his head. "I'm... No, I'm sure. Everything's fine."
Y/N sighed. "Well, I've been working with you profilers for some time now, and... I think I can tell when you're lying. Was it... something I did?"
There she went again, her voice high and soft. Innocent. Like she was in character.
Spencer looked at her face again, and then immediately he regretted it. She was half pouting at him, doe-eyed and head tilted to expose her neck. He swallowed again, trying to figure her out while also figuring out what to say.
"No," is what he settled on, audibly nervous.
She could tell, too, because he thought he saw her smirk for just a split second. But then it was gone, replaced once again by her pout. "Oh... Good. Because I thought for a second that you didn't like my costume."
She obviously had to be up to something, right? Was she... flirting with him? And more importantly, did he want her to flirt with him? He'd never really thought about Y/N in that context before, but she was single, beautiful, and... well, truthfully that's all he really knew about her. They'd been friends for about a year now, and he couldn't put together one single thought about her other than the stuttering, muddled confusion over the fact that she was in a sexy Halloween costume and most likely openly flirting with him.
What was that Emily said once about his IQ dropping in the presence of a pretty woman?
Y/N had rendered him utterly thoughtless.
And speechless, too, apparently, because he stood there, staring at her without saying a single word.
"Spencer," she called out softly, almost like a lullaby. Her chair rolled back, away from the table to give him a better view of her legs as she un-crossed them and very slightly opened her knees. "Do you think I'm pretty?"
As if he wasn't already practically burning inside-out since the moment she arrived at the office, now his blood ran hot, and he was suddenly very uncomfortably warm. "U—Um, y—yes, you're... You're beautiful, y—your costume... It's nice, it looks nice on you."
Her pout slowly turned into a smile as she patted her knees. "Thank you... I wore it just for you, you know."
Is this some sort of bizarre dream? he wondered, his knees almost buckling at her words, their tone, and the meaning of it all.
"Y—You did?" he whispered brokenly.
"Mnmm," she drawled as her fingers toyed with themselves. "You teach, right?"
Y/N hummed and nodded, her legs still closed enough that he couldn't see anything... extra promiscuous. "You know, I bet you have quite a few students who find you attractive... Tell me, do any of them dress like this?"
She leaned back in the chair and started to run her hands slowly up the inside of her thigh, just above her knee. "Do they ever... Sit in the front row and... spread their legs just enough for you to see the pretty panties they picked out... just for you..."
By now her hands were resting on the inside of her thighs, her legs spread in exactly the way she'd described. He couldn't help himself. There she was, offering herself to him, and in his line of vision was the faintest glimpse of baby pink fabric that matched the color of her fingernails.
He didn't even know how to verbally respond. By now he was sure his face was beet red, and his palms were sweating so badly and struggling to keep him upright as he leaned forward on the table. Ah, the table— the only thing separating him from her, a fact which he wasn't quite sure if he was thankful for or not.
The spell she had around her broke when her phone rang. And just like that, it was like she was... herself again. At least, the 'herself' Spencer had always known. She sat up and walked over to the other side of the room to grab her phone from her bag, reading the screen as he struggled to catch his breath.
"It's Penelope. She has a costume emergency I have to help with. Are you good putting the rest of these up?"
"U—Um, yeah. Yeah, go."
Y/N smiled and grabbed her bag, thanking him as she walked past and left him behind.
He heard her call back as her figure was etching itself into his brain, ready to remain there until the end of time. "Can't wait to see your costume!"
Luke and Tara were having a conversation that he was supposed to be paying attention to, but Spencer's mind was still occupied by Y/N and her... outward display of sensuality.
Her voice was echoing in his brain, replaying over and over how she'd dressed up for him. And the longer he tried to wrap his brain around everything, the more he wound up confused. Where had her forwardness even come from? Had she been actively interested in him this whole time and he just hadn't seen it until now? A possibility, but why had she chosen to go to that extreme rather than just tell him the truth? Maybe she'd just found being overtly sexual an easier tactic than others?
Or maybe, in the end, she was just messing with him. Even though Derek had moved away, it was entirely possible that he'd somehow concocted one of his ridiculous pranks and roped Y/N into helping him since he wasn't around to do it himself. A smart move, though it was highly unlikely.
Spencer just didn't know what to do. Depending on how the rest of the night went, he was probably just going to have to muster up the courage to ask her what her intentions were. And depending on what she says, he was going to have to figure out what he wanted from their relationship... Did she want just sex? Did he want just sex? Did she want to go out with him? Is that something he would want as well?
He was just about to mull it over when Penelope's boisterous laugh sounded from the other side of the room. Spencer looked up, eager to see if Y/N was with her, since she'd been called away on a costume emergency. Penelope was dressed as a devil, red sparkly horns on her red-streaked, curled hair. She was dressed head-to-toe in a red dress and shoes that felt very much like her, with feathers and sequins, and her makeup was also red and black and absolutely glittery.
And sure enough, behind her stood the woman who'd been occupying Spencer's mind for the past hour and a half. Though, she wasn't dressed as a schoolgirl anymore.
He found himself swearing under his breath as he took her in, shimmering where she stood, dressed in all white.
She was an angel.
An actual angel. Her hair fell loose around her, accessorized with a headband with a golden halo attached to it. Her dress was still pretty form-fitting, though nowhere near as scandalous as her previous outfit. It was long and flowed out at the bottom until it hit the floor, a ring of gold at the hem. The sleeves were also long and bell-bottomed, accented with gold at the end.
And from where Spencer stood, even that far away, he noticed the glitter that surrounded her eyes, gold to compliment the color on her dress. Her lips were still bright red, and her glasses were gone. And the wings... As small as they were—most likely to keep from taking up too much space—they stood out in any crowd, purely white and outlined in gold, just like the rest of her outfit.
Why had she changed? Did... she actually change at all? Had he truly only imagined their encounter hours ago?
"Any... specific angels crossing your mind?" Spencer heard Luke say, punctuated with a pat on the shoulder.
He blinked and looked at him. "What?"
"Y/N... She makes a pretty good angel, eh?"
"Uh, yeah, I—I guess so."
Luke and Tara laughed, obviously amused by all of this. But they hadn't seen her earlier. They hadn't been there to witness her seducing him and acting like she'd done it a million times over. They didn't know what she was doing to him, inhabiting every corner of his brain and driving him mad trying to figure it all out.
But it wasn't uncommon for his friends to tease him about the female attention he got sometimes. And when it was obvious that he was flustered, they kept the friendly teasing going. And every time, he settled on leaving it alone, because he knew it would pass and he wouldn't have to worry about it again, at least until the next woman hit on him in public.
And Y/N? She worked with them. As long as she was in his head, he was afraid he'd never stop being flustered in her presence.
So he had to know. He had to talk to her and see what was going on, no matter how awkward it might get.
For now though, it was Halloween, and he was going to spend the night with his friends while doing the very rare amount of drinking and the more frequent amount of laughter.
The night didn't come without a few looks in Y/N's direction, though. She never came up to him directly, though a few times he'd catch her looking at him. And each time, she'd wave and continue on her merry way, laughing with Emily or doing some silly dance with Penelope in their coupling costumes.
Honestly, if earlier hadn't happened, he would have thought nothing of it. She was being completely normal. Happy, friendly... Simply Y/N, as he'd known her for the past year and a half.
He just finished saying goodbye to JJ, who was leaving early to go trick-or-treating with her kids, when she finally approached him. At the sight of her getting closer, her otherworldliness making his blood go warm again, he tried to compose himself. After all, there was no way she'd do anything sensual in public like this, right?
"I didn't get a chance to compliment you on your costume yet," she said brightly, her voice not carrying that higher tone from before. "You make a very believable zombie."
He looked down at his tattered clothes, a small laugh escaping him. "Thank you... It's no high-level makeup job, but I tried my best."
When he looked back up to her, the shimmer of her makeup basked her in a glow that made it incredibly hard to breathe. She really was pretty. Still sexy, of course, but in an understated way this time.
And he couldn't help but bring up the difference. "You... changed."
Something sparkled in her eyes then, giving them a devious glint that inherently contradicted her costume, and the mere implications of that made him tremble, especially as she said, "Mhm... I figured the schoolgirl costume was a little too inappropriate for the workplace. And besides... I did say I wore it just... for you..."
So he hadn't imagined the whole thing... On the one hand he was relieved to know he wasn't freaking out over something that hadn't actually happened. But... on the other, what did that leave him with?
It left him with a woman who was standing in front of him, dressed like an angel while giving him all sorts of devilish feelings.
Once again she'd rendered him speechless, though now his thoughts were filled with images of those pretty, glimmering eyes above him, watching as he worshipped her between her legs... Of her hands twisted in his hair as he showed her just how much he wanted her, to show her how beautiful she was.
Those thoughts were interrupted when she got closer, toying with a stray curl that stuck out from his head. She twirled it around her finger and looked up at him, doe-eyed again as she purred, "Happy Halloween, Doctor Reid."
She was gone too quickly, whisked away by the throes of an office holiday party that, one way or another, served as the beginning to a long, tempestuous affair.
In the weeks that followed, Spencer went about his days as normally as he could, focusing on work, and getting ready for another month of teaching, where he'd be away from his friends and, therefore, also away from Y/N.
It's not that he necessarily wanted to be away from her... Yet, after constant flirting with no direction other than his dreams filling with filthy images of the two of them together and no actual outlet for it, he figured a break would do him some good. Of course, he wasn't sure what would await him when he came back—if she'd forget about all of it and give up or if she'd come at him stronger than before.
It was his final day before leave, and so naturally, Y/N had to make it hard on him. He was sure that's what she was doing.
Since it was getting colder, she strayed away from skirts, though occasionally she would show up to work in a longer dress or a shirt that hugged her in all the right places, especially on the days that he would be working with her more. She had the BAU's schedules on hand always, so she had to be using that as a way to get to him.
On those days, she often used her higher pitch when she spoke to him, and her eyes were always adventurous— they wandered over every part of his body and sometimes quickly blinked away when he caught her, accompanying an embarrassed smile. (Though, Spencer was convinced she really was absolutely not embarrassed.)
Other times she pulled the "Oops, I dropped something," trick, and "You know, it's almost Winter but it's still so warm in here, don't you think?" followed by a stretch of her body as she slowly put her hair up or dragged it over her shoulder. 
His plan was to wait until he got back from leave, assess their situation from there after he'd cleared his head for a while, and then talk to her about what the hell was going on. Though the thought of confronting her scared him a little, he knew he couldn't let this go on any longer without some sort of conversation about what was next... What it all meant. It would drive him crazy otherwise.
With all the sensual, suggestive looks and actions she was throwing at him, though, it was a wonder he hadn't gotten to that point already.
As if she'd figured this out—because of course she would have found a way to get into his brain and know what he was thinking and feeling before he could even do so himself—Y/N stood by a storage closet with a clipboard. She pretended to write things down, when in reality she was looking up at him every so often, biting her lip and crossing her legs where she stood. She looked utterly desperate for something, almost like it was painful for her to be deprived of whatever it was she was looking for.
Spencer had a sneaking suspicion he knew what that was. And the thought sent a wave of electricity through his veins. All day she'd been going extra hard in attempts to catch his attention, and since it was his final day before leaving for a month, he knew that had to be the reason why.
If catching his attention was her goal, she'd definitely succeeded.
Across the room, and across a small sea of co-workers who were head-down, going through paperwork, he caught her eye and waited, his fingers twitching like they wanted to reach out to her. She tilted her head to the side and tucked her bottom lip between her teeth, staring back at him like she was in a daydream.
And sure enough, she was standing underneath a light, one singular beam that sat atop her head like a halo and bathed her in a soft glow.
Even without the costume, she was an angel... For a moment Spencer wondered if maybe she'd planed on it all from the start— making her move by dressing like an angel on Halloween for one night and then finding any way on purpose to replicate that presence without actually dressing up again. Was it a way to mess with his head, to make him believe that she was calling to him? That she would... save him somehow?
He had to know what she was doing.
So he gave in and stood up, his eyes keeping contact with hers as he got closer and closer. Before he could get to her, though, she winked and then turned around, entering the storage closet and disappearing before his eyes. Still, he followed her, desperately hoping that's what she wanted.
And with a silent prayer that felt ironic as he thought it, Spencer opened the door and entered the adventure that awaited him. Whether it would be heavenly or otherwise he wasn't sure, but either way he was ready to confront it.
Y/N had turned on a desk lamp, its orange glow the only source of light in an otherwise pitch-black space. She leaned back against a table, still standing with her legs crossed over each other, hands bracing themselves on the tabletop. "How's it going, Doctor Reid?"
"What are you doing?" he asked, almost immediately after she greeted him. Now that he was alone with her, away from unassuming eyes, he exhaled and visibly showed his confusion through pleading eyes. "Please, I need to know what you're doing..."
He barely saw the contours of her face through dim lighting as she smiled. "What do you mean?"
"Y/N... Don't do that." He took a step closer, even though the quick beating of his heart signaled that it might have been a dangerous move. "Tell me..."
"Isn't it obvious?" she cooed, her hands coming out to toy with the hem of her frilly skirt.
As he looked down at it, he had to wonder if there really was a God out there, some higher being that sent this angel down to destroy him. How else did it stand to happen that even though it was nearing the end of November, the one day it was warm enough for Y/N not to freeze while wearing a skirt was the final day he had before leaving for a whole moth?—Before it was inevitably snowy and she wouldn't have the luxury to tease him with her skin?
She must have caught his lingering gaze on her legs, because she laughed softly, spreading them to stand a bit further apart while her fingers very lightly pushed the fabric of her skirt up. "I've been trying to get your attention ever since I got here... But you never seemed to notice. So I figured... Why not be a little more... forthcoming..."
"Y—You could have... said something," he whispered, forcing himself to look at her face. But as he was learning, he couldn't look at any part of her without his whole body going up in flames. 
By now she was walking closer to him, small, languid steps that perfectly showcased how her body could move. "Well... Truth is, I was scared... Every time I tried to talk to you, I got really nervous..." Her voice was demure, apologetic almost... Embarrassed. But it had to have just been part of the allure, right? Part of her show? "You're just so... intimidating."
Spencer swallowed, a small laugh coming from him as he tried not to collapse at her closeness. "I'm... I'm really not..."
But she laughed, finally close enough to reach out and grab his tie, which is what she did. She held the fabric in her hands for a few seconds before letting it drop, bringing her pointer finger to gently trace patterns on his chest. "Not in a mean way, silly... You're... incredibly smart, and you're good at your job... You're always so nice to everyone... And I bet you really know how to make a girl feel good..."
He found himself trembling under her touch again as she brought her hand down to meet his. She leaned up to nudge his chin with her nose as she moved his hand to the inside of her thigh. It was only the slightest of touches, nothing rushed or passionate about it. In fact, Y/N seemed more taken with the idea of using her touch to draw everything out— to make him pine for it, lose all semblance of sanity until he finally gave in and did whatever he wanted to her.
"Don't you wanna know what it feels like to touch me?" she whispered, her breath hot on his neck. Meanwhile her hand guided his own farther up her skirt, until he felt her skin getting warmer and warmer with each millimeter. His throat was dry, breath shaky as he fluttered his eyes closed and embraced the moment, embraced the guidance... "To feel how wet you make me?"
His heart practically leapt out of his chest once his hand was finally met with said wetness. Her panties were damp and oh so warm, and he couldn't stop the whine that left his throat as she pressed his fingers hard into her against the fabric. Her fingers covered his like a glove, guiding them in small circles over her clothed clit as she sighed into his neck.
"You feel that?" she asked, nuzzling into his skin. "That's what you do to me, Doctor.  From the moment I saw you, I knew you'd ruin me..."
He breathed a laugh then, finding it utterly ironic how that's how she felt. She could have just been toying with him, but there was enough longing and desperation in her voice to let him know she really meant it. She'd been waiting for him to come along and whisk her away...
So that's what he was going to do.
Spencer removed his hand from her then, walking them over to the table and pulling her right to him by gripping the waistband of her panties and keeping her still. The gasp she let out fueled him in a way that would have wrecked him if the job hadn't already been done. As he looked down at her, her body was basked in the soft orange luminescence of the desk lamp, a sight that aesthetically added to his desire and farther fueled the heat that had been accumulating in his veins, waiting to be released.
"Is that what you want, angel?" he breathed, the words even taking him by surprise. His sexual experience was far from non-existent, but it was limited enough that he'd never acted this feral before. Never had a partner ever had this strong of a hold on him, so tight that he found it a struggle to breathe. Add on the fact that he wanted to embrace that struggle if it meant being this way with her, and you had a man who was completely unraveling under the allure of one single woman until she ultimately brought forth his demise. "You want me to ruin you?"
Though he was giving in, like he assumed she wanted in the first place, Y/N hummed, tilting her head again and blinking up at him. "You know, I kinda like it when you call me angel..."
Spencer gripped the fabric tighter, and she whined. "Is it what you want?" In other words, Do you want this? 
Y/N nodded, and then he crashed his lips with hers as he tugged at her panties and let them drop to the floor in a pool around her feet. She flung her arms around his shoulders and pressed herself into him more, allowing his tongue to part her lips and explore her with liveliness. She was more than welcome to embracing it, verbally giving him praises in the form of whimpers and physical ones in the form of her hips rolling forward to get more friction.
As one of his hands found purchase under one of her thighs, he thought back to Halloween night, and how he'd imagined his head between her legs. The memory had his entire body tensing with pleasure, and without a second thought, he pulled away and dropped to his knees, looking up at her with what he hoped was the purest form of desire.
He looked up at her, admiring the way her face looked in the dim light, as he lifted one of her legs and placed it on his shoulder. Still keeping eye contact, he tilted his head and kissed the inside of her leg. But eventually he let his focus lean to immersing himself in her pleasure, tearing his eyes away from hers and completely shifting his head to face her leg. His lips trailed upwards, taking his time to remember the taste and the feel of her soft skin. 
The higher he got, the heavier her breathing became, and it wasn't long before he fully had his head under her skirt. She tried to move the fabric so she could see him, but he gripped her wrists and pinned them at her sides, eliciting a laugh from her that quickly turned into a whimper once he brushed his nose over where she ached for him.
Without being able to stop himself, Spencer inhaled, breathing her in and letting out a shaky breath as he inched closer and involuntarily closed his eyes, completely wrapped up in her like he'd never felt before. He was intoxicated by her, even more so when his mouth finally made contact with her dripping cunt.
Feeling her shudder above him was almost as heavenly as the way she tasted, sweet and bitter and oh so delectable. He'd never craved anything more than her in that moment, his tongue lapping her up and making a point to taste all of her. He explored and worshipped and praised her just how he'd imagined he would, though now that it was actually happening and he'd really had a taste of her, he wasn't sure he could ever go back.
Not that he wanted to. Especially as she whined and rolled her hips against his face, seeking more pleasure as she tried to be quiet in the closet.
Spencer, though he knew the importance of keeping it quiet right then, couldn't say he was the same way. Since his head was hiked up her skirt, and his sounds were muffled by her skin, he was as loud as he wanted to be, groaning into her and mumbling praises in between while catching his breath. He reveled in the feeling of her wetness coating the lower half of his face and the sounds that both pairs of her lips were providing. It truly was better than any symphony or choir he'd ever heard, and if he could spend the rest of his life down there, worshipping at her altar and giving her everything she desired, he would have.
But they were at work, and if they were gone too long, it would get suspicious.
So, as much as he wanted to draw out her pleasure—and by association, his own—he focused on getting her to her peak, flicking his tongue out over her clit and letting her hips rock forward to get her exactly where she wanted to be.
He knew she was about to come when she stopped whining and whimpering altogether, the leg she had draped over his shoulder curling and tightening around him to keep herself steady.
His tongue was relentless, keeping at what it was doing while Spencer imagined what her face must have looked like. Were her eyes rolling to the back of her head or were they squeezed tight? And her mouth— was it hanging open? Was her bottom lip tucked between her teeth as she attempted to keep herself from yelling out? And as her hands struggled in his grasp, trying to escape most likely in favor of gripping his hair, he imagined them tied up above her head, attached to his bedframe as he took his time, drawing out every little sound she could have possibly made until she was just as unraveled as he was.
And then her grip loosened all around him, a whiny sigh escaping from her mouth, and Spencer reluctantly drew himself away from her. He dropped her leg from his shoulder and licked at his lips, tasting as much of her as he could before he had to return to work. And then, when he was moving to remove his head from under her skirt, he caught sight of her panties on the ground, picking them up and sliding the garment lightly up along her leg as he stood.
The only thing was, he wasn't putting them back on her.
No, they hung loose between his fingers as they tickled the inside of her legs, and when he finally stood tall enough to tower over her again, he got as close as he could to her, bringing the fabric up between her legs, right where he'd just been, and pressed them firmly to her sensitive pussy.
"Time to clean you up, angel," he whispered, swiping his hand forward and doing exactly that. Y/N whined against his mouth, faintly tasting herself on his lips as he cleaned her.
He kissed her then, gently, removing his hand from under her skirt and depositing the damp fabric right into his pocket.
If Spencer hadn't known already that he was done for, he would have figured it out right then, when he pulled back far enough to see the high, blissed out look in her pretty eyes. She blinked at him and sighed, telling him one final thing before she pushed past him and walked out into the office with no underwear and half-wobbly legs.
"I miss you already, Doctor..."
He missed her, too.
The month-long leave was supposed to assist in letting him clear his head, but the longer he was away from her, the more it drove him mad. Occasionally he'd still taste the sweet tanginess of her on his tongue, and no amount of coffee could rinse it out. Sometimes he'd be grading papers and daydream about hearing her whimper out his name as he took care of her.
It didn't help that she also sent him texts, little things that would have sounded innocent to anyone else but had a way more promiscuous meaning to the both of them. They mostly involved the discussion of angels, of course, as she left him with a quote or a song lyric, and other days with a fact about a specific angel.
Today, the morning before classes started, she sent him, She's gonna be an angel, just you wait and see... Spencer didn't know what it meant, what it was referencing, but it was innocent enough that he didn't think anything of it until lunch rolled around and he checked his phone to see another text.
...When it turns out she's a devil in between the sheets.
He couldn't stop thinking about it. All day, even as he was trying to distract himself by lecturing, all he could see in his mind was Y/N. Sometimes with her angel costume on, but mostly with nothing on, her body fitting into his like a puzzle piece as she sighed out his name like a prayer.
And to think, he had one more week until he would see her again.
But then he was looking through his students' quizzes, small sheets of paper with some terminology and matching definitions they needed to pair together. Since there were only about five minutes left until the class was over, he let his students spend the rest of the time how they chose, not really in the mood to burn himself out speaking when he knew it was only a matter of time before he slipped and said something about Y/N that he shouldn't.
The next quiz he grabbed was folded in half, unusual, but he opened it and was looking to go about his merry way regardless. But then he saw a post-it note right in the middle of the paper, reading She's an angel, my only angel, and punctuated with a pair of red lips.
The first thing he did was drop the pen that was in his hand. Not like he did it on purpose, though, he was pretty sure all joint and muscle function was lost upon reading the handwriting he knew so well, and a reference that only she could make.
And then he looked up, eyes scanning the sea of students to find her. She had to have been there, right? A few of the students found it odd that he was just looking through all of them, but all he was worried about was finding her.
And there she was.
Y/N had tucked herself all the way in the back, her eyes locked directly onto him. She winked then, when she knew she had his attention, and all Spencer could think about was how it must have been another dream. Her texts from earlier had gotten to him more than usual, and because of it, he was seeing her everywhere, seeing what he wanted to see.
Even though he wanted to keep looking at her, to try and figure out if she was really there or if she was just a figment of his devilish mind, he didn't want anyone to catch him. To anyone else it would look like he might have been staring at another student, and with the lust he knew was definitely swimming in them, the last thing he wanted to do was get in trouble like that.
So, to his dismay and reluctance, he slipped the note into the drawer beside him and quietly finished grading, even though he was longing to see how else he could let Y/N destroy him.
Even as the bell rang and everyone filtered out, Spencer kept his head low, refusing to look up until everyone was gone and only one person remained.
The quieter it got, the harder he could feel his heart beating. And then the only thing that cut through the silence was that unmistakable, angelic high pitch that would surely never fail to bring him to his knees.
"Did you get my note, Doctor?"
Only then did he allow himself to look up, and when he did, seeing her closer to him than she'd been in almost a month now, it was like the stars aligned. "Yes," he whispered, getting out of his seat and walking around the desk to be as close to her as possible.
She laughed and met him in the middle, nearly trapping him between herself and the desk. Her hands reached out to grab at his suit jacket and he wished that she'd touch him somewhere else. Anywhere else, just to feel the soft warmth of her skin.
"And my texts?" she cooed, taking another step and actually trapping him between her body and his desk.
"Y—Yeah, I got them."
"Oh, good. I've been thinking a lot about how you left me..." She slid her hands then, under his jacket and across his stomach until they reached his waist. "The second I got in my car to go home, you were already on your way here... And I couldn't help but wonder what you were doing with my panties..."
They were currently back in his hotel room, in the drawer and laying atop of his own clothes, a vision that had him reeling, wondering if she was wearing any now. So he asked. "Are... Um..."
Well, he tried to ask, anyway.
Y/N caught on, though, beaming at him as her hands removed herself from him and slipped up her skirt. "You wanna see the pair I'm wearing now?"
"Y/N... There's... Someone could come in, I..."
She clucked her tongue. "Oh, I wouldn't want to get you in trouble, don't worry. I'll just... Give you a quick peek."
She didn't wait for him to respond, lifting the hem of the skirt and stepping back so he could see the front of her underwear, which were white and printed with black cursive lettering.
As soon as he exhaled, loud and obviously very turned on at the sight in front of him, she dropped the skirt and smiled. "You like them? I needed to buy a new pair since you felt the need to steal my others..."
Spencer really didn't know what to say. All he knew was that his body was on fire, and the tightening of his pants was extremely dangerous since he had another class in a half hour and there wasn't enough time to take care of it unless they did something right now. And even then, they were in a public area with hardly anywhere to go. His best bet would be to go to the bathroom and be as inconspicuous as possible to take care of it himself. Or, Y/N needed to leave immediately so he could settle down and just let it go away on its own.
Unfortunately, he seemed to have a hard time denying her of anything.
Which was why he didn't stop her when she sunk to her knees.
As she undid his belt, looking up at him  with sparkling eyes, she spoke to him. "Honestly, I had every intention to just make out with you a little, just enough to satiate myself until I can see you again next week, but... Well, I'm wearing lipstick, and I wouldn't want to embarrass you."
He'd made out with a woman before, who'd worn lipstick, and surprisingly it was pretty easy to remove, so he knew she had to have been lying as some part of a bigger scheme, but... he couldn't quite figure out what that was. Obviously she had plans to take care of his erection for him, so why make up the story?
But then she kept talking, only slightly pulling down his pants and palming him through his underwear. "And then I thought about how pretty you'd look covered in lipstick kisses, and, well... It's always good to start somewhere, don't you think?"
His stomach did flips when she traced his dick through the fabric covering it, gently with her middle finger. And then, looking into his eyes from below, she pulled it out and slowly stroked it with her hand, a low hum coming from her throat. "Mmm, I can't wait to mark up this pretty cock..."
That's when he lost all semblance of control, a strained groan falling from his lips, coming from the great depths of his chest, just from her words alone. And she took that moment to lean forward and press the gentlest of kisses to the base of his dick. She held her lips there for a second or wo before removing them and moving just a little higher, her eyes never leaving his face.
Her kisses trailed higher and higher, centimeter by centimeter until she reached his tip, where she ever so slightly flicked her tongue over the slit at the top, tasting his precum. And then gave him one final kiss—one final red mark.
The temptation to grab her hair and hold her there while he fucked her throat was strong, but as he looked down at her, she was examining her handiwork with a seductive hunger that made him realize that no matter how strong his urges got, she would always be the one in charge. Even if she acted all innocent and submissive, she was the one who held the key to his sexual desires, and therefore she was the only one who had the ability to unlock them.
So, he contained himself as she looked up at him, winked, and quickly tucked his hard dick back into the confines of his pants.
And when she stood up, she leaned up to his cheek and pressed another kiss there, leaving behind a red mark and all all his sanity with it, quickly turning away before he could catch her.
"See you later, Doctor," she called over her shoulder before she disappeared out the door.
Spencer let out a long, unsteady breath, debating on whether or not he should take care of his situation in the bathroom or right there in the classroom, behind his desk and into the trash can underneath it while he still had ample time to do so.
He sat in the chair about a minute later, his hand moving furiously under the desk as he breathed out hushed whispers of her name.
No matter how badly he wanted more alcohol in his system, he wasn't going to allow it. After one drink he was already starting to feel the affects, veins buzzing right along with the low hum of the music from inside. The single streetlight above him provided only the dimmest of lights as he took deep breaths in and out, focusing on the bitter cold from the December air and the soft pelting of snowflakes upon the skin of his cheeks.
Y/N's touch still burned him, right along his inner thigh where her hand had firmly rested while they and the rest of their friends ate dinner at the bar. All night so far, she'd been teasing him to no end, whether it was a brush of her hand against his crotch or a tiny kiss on the shoulder when no one was looking.
How no one had figured them out yet was a mystery.
Spencer rubbed his hands together, trying to keep them warm when he felt it. She was behind him.
"You've been out here for a while, Spence, is everything okay?" Even when she wasn't speaking to him in her angelic higher pitch, he still felt like succumbing to the sound her voice regardless.
He turned around to face her, and sighed. It figured that even surrounded by a street that was covered in brown-tainted snow, she wouldn't have let it taint her beauty. He was convinced that no matter where she was or what she looked like, she'd always be perfect— capable of knocking the breath out of him every time he looked at her. "Honestly, you've been driving me crazy."
"Oh," she said, her eyes slightly shifting to the ground. "Maybe I... did take it too far, I... I'm sorry." The slight tinge of embarrassment and maybe regret that filtered through her voice nearly ran him to the ground— How could she ever believe that he would feel overwhelmed by her? Sure, to some extent, he was extremely overwhelmed by her, but it was never a negative thing.
"Oh, angel, that's not what I meant," he explained softly, taking a few steps towards her.
She lifted her head, eyes doe-eyed and sparkling, though not as they usually were. This time they were swimming in a softness that made him yearn for her even more. "What?"
"I don't know if you've noticed, but I'm absolutely mesmerized by you... Y/N..." Spencer brought a hand to lightly caress her face, and when she leaned into his touch it made him so warm he thought it would melt all of the snow. "I can't get you out of my head, and I... I don't know if I ever want to. I mean that."
"Y—You're not... weirded out or anything?" she asked softly. "That I just... sprung all my feelings and my lust out onto you all at once? B—Because I know it was sudden, and I came on really strong so fast, I just... I thought you liked it, and so I just kept going, but really I should have stopped and... I don't know, asked if you were okay with it..."
He'd seen this softness in her before— When she watched over JJ's kids in the office sometimes, and when she helped Penelope set the table for their 'family dinners'. Every time, on the rare occasion that she actually went on cases with them, when she helped JJ comfort the families who'd lost their loved ones, he saw it. And even through all the lust, that sweetness in her soul was what truly made her an angel. Even though the lust is all he'd been swimming in since Halloween, deep down he really knew that it was only a small part of who she really was.
So, he said to her, "Y/N, I'm enchanted by all of you. I don't... I don't know what happened to make you want to come on strong to me, but... I'm glad you did. Believe me when I say, there is nothing about you that would scare me away."
He didn't know how she was feeling, but she practically visibly melted at his words, right in front of him. "You really mean that?"
With a smile, Spencer stepped even closer and brushed a thumb over her bottom lip. "Of course I mean it, my angel."
She laughed then, her hands wrapping themselves over his waist. "Your angel, huh?"
"Mhm... If you'd like to be..."
Y/N leaned up and pressed her lips to his in answer, firmly and with all the sweetness she had nestled inside her soul.
But the longer they stood there outside the bar, kisses growing warmer and hungrier with each passing second, Spencer realized that he didn't want her sweetness any longer, not tonight anyway. He cradled her face in his hands, feeling the fire in his veins come alive when she whined into his mouth and willed herself closer.
Before he could say fuck it and decide to take her right there outside, he pulled away, still needing her but not entirely willing to get themselves caught for public indecency.
Y/N spoke before he got a chance to, her higher pitch coming back and almost bringing him to his knees.
"What do you say you take your angel home and show her a good time?"
She didn't even get a chance to close the door to his apartment before he was on her, his hands tugging at her coat to get it off.
It was a frenzy, at least while they were stripping. Jackets and boots and scarves were strewn across the entryway and leading into the living room, until each of them only had two layers: their regular clothes and what they wore underneath. And that's when they finally allowed themselves the luxury of wrapping their limbs around each other.
Her legs wrapped around his waist as he grabbed ahold of her ass to keep her steady. For added support, she flung her arms around his neck and kissed him the whole way to his bedroom, but not without a few stumbles. Either way, they were so quite literally wrapped up in each other that the imperfections didn't matter.
Like she could ever come with imperfections... Spencer thought as he set her down, immediately bringing his hands to the back of her dress.
Meanwhile she unbuttoned his shirt, fumbling around so much that he thought she might choose to rip it open, and selfishly he wished she would have. But she got it open without tearing any buttons, and the fabric slid easily off his shoulders at the same time her dress slid off her own.
He was going to kiss her again, but once he caught a glimpse of what she'd been hiding under her dress, there was nothing he could physically do but rake his eyes over her figure and pray for forgiveness for all the devilish things he wanted to do to her.
It was a white set, all lace that was detailed to look like feathers as it hugged every curve of her body perfectly. She wore a set of garters that attached to the panties, which he was pretty sure were crotch-less and outlined in a pretty gold shimmer.
"I knew you'd like it," Y/N drawled sweetly. The pure innocence that dripped from her tongue would have thoroughly wrecked him had her appearance already not taken care of that. And she seemed to understand how immobile he'd become at the sight of her, because she moved of her own accord, gliding over to him and reaching her hand out to undo his belt. "I'm gonna take your silence as a good sign..."
"You're stunning," he breathed, just barely, and she gave him a smile through softly biting her bottom lip.
"You're too good to me..." Her hands pushed down his loosened slacks and waited until they fell to the floor. And then she hooked her fingers under the waistband of his underwear and leaned into his neck. "And I think your kindness deserves a reward..."
Her lips gently pressed to his neck before she dropped to her knees once again, and as she descended, her hands and his underwear did the same, leaving him completely bare and open for her to do whatever she wanted. No matter how badly he longed to throw her on the bed and get to showing her just how much she'd inhabited his every fiber of being, he didn't dare stop her as her tongue darted out and licked a featherlight line along the length of his hard cock.
He let out a sigh and twitched at her touch, a feat that must have pleased her, because she smiled and hummed happily as she repeated her action. Only, this time her tongue was more firm on him— not teasing anymore, but it brought him to damnation all the same.
And then she fully wrapped her lips around the head of his cock, slowly gliding herself down until he hit the back of her throat.
The sound he made was inhuman.
She wasted no time then, bobbing her head at a steady rhythm and moaning around him as she did so. It didn't take long for saliva to start gathering above her chin and dripping down onto the exposed area of her breasts, just above her bra. Occasionally she would hold him at the back of her throat and choke as she looked up at him with tears in her eyes, and the sight of his little angel happily crying with his dick in her mouth sent Spencer into a tailspin.
But as tempting as it was to paint the back of her throat white, he knew he'd prefer to take that action to a more interesting place. So he pulled away from her and breathed out, "Please, not yet..."
He looked down at her as she smiled, wetness coating her skin in the form of tears on cheeks and saliva on breasts. Her hands rested at the tops of her thighs, even as she stood up and blinked a final stream of tears down her left cheek. "Why, is there somewhere else you'd rather fill me up?"
"Please," was all he said, his breathing labored as he imagined what she would feel like.
Thankfully she seemed to take mercy on him— Y/N grabbed his hand and pulled him to the bed, where she laid him down at the headboard and straddled his thighs. "As much as I love spreading my legs for you, I think I'd much rather take a ride..."
"Anything you want," he told her, his eyes traveling up the length of her body as she got comfortable. She was, in fact, wearing crotch-less panties, and the feeling that coursed through him at the sight of her glistening pussy in decent lighting (AKA when he wasn't under her skirt in a storage closet) sent him straight to Hell all over again.
He sighed out as she played with herself, gliding her fingers delicately along the planes of her body, from her thighs to her clit, and eventually she gripped his dick to line it up, lifting her hips above him.
"Are you ready?" she asked gently, rolling her hips to slick him up with her arousal.
"Always ready for you, angel..."
The pet name sprung her into action. She sunk down slowly onto him, and he willed his eyes to stay open so he could watch as her mouth dropped open, eyes rolling back into her head as she moaned out deliciously. He let out a groan himself, the feeling of her tightly wrapping around him like velvet almost too much to handle.
"Ohhh, you fill me up so good," Y/N sighed, gently grinding her hips in slow circles as she finally had all of him inside her. "Just like I knew you would..."
Everything she was doing, between the gradual increase of the speed at which her hips rolled and the way she looked down at him with pure desire, had Spencer wondering what he'd ever done without her. What had he known before knowing the feeling of her nails gently digging into the skin of his stomach as she rode him, before knowing the sound of his name falling from her lips in a whisper? It couldn't have been anything good, because as far as he was concerned, she was as good as it would ever get.
But at some point it felt like he needed to take more. She was giving him her body, offering it to him like the most precious gift she had to offer, and yet he wanted to tear into it and leave nothing behind except her voice, calling out his name into the heavens above. He longed to give her something in return, something that would leave her just as ruined as she'd left him.
And, as always, she could tell.
Y/N laughed seductively as she leaned down, her hips still rocking into his. Her lips pressed a gentle kiss to his before she spoke. "Everything alright, baby?"
All he could do was let out a broken moan as she clenched around him on every upstroke.
"Aww... You want more? Huh, you wanna lay me down and give it to me good? Show your little angel what it feels like to be fucked so good she can't even speak?"
"Don't... tempt me," he was finally able to choke out, and she laughed.
"Aww, come on... Show me what you got..."
Spencer wasn't sure when he actually did it, but one second she was nipping at his bottom lip, challenging him to take control, and the next he was on top of her, her legs spread as wide as they could possibly get as he rocked his hips into her at a deep, bruising force.
She laughed amusedly through whimpers of pleasure, her hands spreading out at her sides like wings as he gave her everything he had. Looking down at her, head thrown back and hair fanned around her head like some sort of angelic crown, he soaked it all in and wondered if this was what Heaven was— the feeling of her succumbing to his lust, the sight of her lost in the throes of weeks of pent-up sexual tension that never entirely got released, the sound of her near-incoherently whining at how good he was...
If it wasn't Heaven, it was surely something pretty damn close.
He was almost there, tension stretching out inside the pit of his stomach, when Y/N grabbed one of his hands and brought it to her lower belly. He felt himself slamming into her at full force every time, the small bump against his hand bringing him further along the road of release.
"You feel that?" she whined, keeping his hand there. "You know what that means, don't you?"
It could have meant a lot of things, but his brain was too far gone, lost in in the fog of pleasure to even begin to think about what it was. But then she answered for him, and it was just about the hottest thing he'd ever heard come from her mouth.
"It means I'm all yours... to do whatever you want with... to fill me up with your cum as much as you want... maybe turn your little angel into a mommy..."
With a loud, guttural groan, Spencer held himself still, deep inside her, and gave her every last drop, his hand remained pressed firmly to her stomach. If he concentrated hard enough, he could almost feel his cum spilling out and filling her to the brim through the barrier. She pulsed and came around him at the same time, warmth spreading between the two of them like a drop of water would soak through fabric, until it completely enveloped them like a heavy blanket.
And then they'd given everything, their bodies clinging to each other for dear life as they settled into the gentle aftermath of such a heavy feeling of ardor. Their breaths slowed and their lips explored each other tenderly, hands doing the same until, finally, they felt themselves drifting off.
Spencer dreamt of Heaven that night, glimpses of a future he'd always longed for with other people, but that he would get to spend with her.
A wedding dress, white, but haloed by a gold fog as the woman wearing it glided along the aisle and made her way to him.
A house, small, but fenced in and just perfect enough for the two of them and the baby that was on the way.
A picnic table, damp, but drying out in the sun as it gradually became littered with plates of birthday cake and a little candle that was shaped into the number 3.
A woman, old, but beaming as she showed a photo album to her multitudes of grandchildren, telling them stories about the wonderful life she lived with her husband who always called her Angel.
And when he woke up, seeing that old woman as she was now, sleeping in his bed as the sun beamed through the curtains and basked her in a heavenly light, he knew what Heaven really was.
It was her.
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studiojeon · 3 years
use me | jjk
this is part of my troubled outsiders series. i think you can read this by itself though :)
| summary | -   Jungkook was not someone to establish relationships and bonds out of interest, you knew that. Or maybe not, truth be told, he was an authentic enigma, so open yet so closed and shielded from others to see through, and that didn’t exclude you.
warnings: language (?), mentions of hook ups and situationships. mentions of emotional trauma.
contents: a compilation of moments that contributed to the growth of their relationship, jungkook is hard to read, jungkook is hard to read, jungkook is hard to read and sus. oc is kinda whipped and scared af. chaeryeong knows who you are and where you live. jk and oc are scared to let each other in. friends to lovers, idol!jungkook x student!oc.
author’s note: i hate this, but i have to get it off my chest. (the narration is off af but if i keep it in my drafts for longer this will never see the light of the day). p.s. thank u so much for the support on the last drabble <3
playlist: rain by trey songz (feat. swae lee). 
words: 4.75k
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“JK?” as his broad back faces you, you call out his name timidly, not missing the way he swiftly turns around as soon as he hears his name come from your lips. Hair wet and darker than usual, a very big sweat stain at the center of his hoodie. He had just gotten out of practice, you assumed. 
“___?” he replied with the initials of your name as well, one of his tired grins plastered on his face, he must have been exhausted. You had caught on to him just as he walked out of the practice room in front of the elevator on your way to your office, right when you needed him, but now you weren’t so sure if it was a good idea to pester him. Even so, you didn’t know anyone else you could ask for help, aside from Linh who was currently in her own office doing other tasks you had assigned to her.
“Are you busy right now?” your eyes stare at him shyly, in hopes that he was willing to help you out, because you wanted to be around him, so maybe he could share a bit of his positive energy with you, the past week had been hellish.  “Could use some help returning all those heavy stacks of paper in my office”.
“Of course! Why didn’t you give me a call earlier though? It’s pretty late” he walked by your side and you enter the elevator, beginning your adventure around the company.
Jungkook was fun. Always bubbly and reciprocative, constantly trying his best to make you laugh and make the absolute best of your situation, even if he could be a bit stubborn at times. You liked the spontaneity he provided though, the way he would switch from one topic to another and how he would make silly faces at you whenever you locked eyes. 
He didn’t know, but in pure ignorance, he had just made your day ten times better. 
In the past week, you had received a lot of counterarguments, one by one, on how useless your management tactics were. Granted, you hadn’t expected for your ideas to be welcomed with open arms, but at least you had hoped they would take them into consideration. You had also been assigned a team, in charge of social media management, who worked monotonously and with little to no insertion in the actual target audience… your logic was: how can you advertise products to an audience you don’t even have the mere interest to know? You had designed a strategy, presented it, and no one paid any mind to you. 
But for the most part, you felt lonely. Had no one to talk to, nor go to whenever you needed your spirits to be lifted up.
Chaeryeong was busy busy with group projects and work. To the extent where she would get up at seven in the morning and come back at 12 pm. It wasn’t always like that, so you didn’t worry too much, but the fear she would wear herself off like usual still crowded your mind.
You close your office door with a sigh. Tired from everything, but somehow, your heart a little fuller, knowing that maybe you could use Jungkook in the future to give you a lift. Both figuratively and literally because he had offered to drive you home, being the gentleman he was.
“Why do you look like a sad puppy?” he asked you once you were sitting by his side in his very expensive and luxurious mercedes. Tinted windows and jet black shiny paint covered the outside of his car, the smell of air refresher and pinecone filling the inside. Mans was getting hotter by the minute.
“It’s friday night after the longest week of work. How can I not?” you put on your seat belt and lean back against the leather cushions. He pouts in response to you, with a concerned look on his face. 
For a second you wonder if he did this with most coworkers… being nice to them and offering them drives after having met them just a few times before. Kinda risky behviour, considering his position and squeaky clean reputation. You figure this would only last a bit before he realized he had more important things to be focusing on.
“Do you ever get chased home?” you ask randomly. 
With one hand on the wheel and the other leaned against his door he meditated on his response. “It happened once… And then I moved out, got a new car and everything. Shit was wild” he chuckles and you think that was the first time you had heard him curse, like ever. Jungkook, friendly and everything, wasn’t too big of a talker, but with you he found himself spilling, without giving it much thought. It felt refreshing to hear his voice and listen to his stories and the way he expressed himself. He was more interesting than he seemed, apparently. “Aren’t you hungry, by the way? We can have something to eat before i drop you off”
Traffic was hellish in Seoul everyday at every hour, and choosing to drive through Itaewon on a friday night wasn’t the smartest decision on Jungkook’s behalf, but you didn’t have the heart to tell him that. Considering the demands of his job, he probably didn’t know his way around the city that well. You conclude taking a detour wouldn’t hurt. “I’m starving actually.”
He ends up taking you to a restaurant near your neighborhood you had mentioned being good and not crowded at all, the latter catching his attention immediately. It was a modest but nice place owned by a very funny and loud ahjussi. The man had lost count of how many times you had come down from your apartment at 11 pm and asked him to make you vegetarian tteokguk, but they were enough so that he could memorize your five orders by heart and the amount of saewoo mandu you could down by yourself in five minutes. You were making him rich at that point so the least he could do was comply when you gently asked him to shut the place down for you. Jungkook hadn’t asked you, but you knew how things could get awkward and dangerous quickly if too many people found out about him being there. “Ahjussi, you don’t have to” the boy protested as he noticed that the man had shut the blinds for him.
“It’s okay, boy. _____ has been single handedly paying the remnants of my mortgage for over a year now, I don't mind doing this for her.” he joked in his usual nature. already writing down your order and patiently waiting for Jungkook in front of you to voice out what he wanted for a meal. “And well, you and your friends are making our country proud, it’s the least i can do to thank you”
“Ah, thank you.” Jungkook bows to the older man. Your heart softened in your chest, seeing how considerate he was towards other people. He must be great with parents, you think. “Do you really not get that many people around here?” he asked worriedly once he sat back down on the wooden chair.
“We do! But she’s the one who comes the most often” he nods toward you and Jungkook smiles once he found your gaze, a glint of playfulness in his eyes. 
“Can you recommend me anything, miss?”
“Of course, sir. Yeol-ah, double up my order. Drinks are on me today.” You yell at the man’s son in the kitchen, who was still a bit older than you, but also close to enough to let you order him around shamelessly. You knew him quite well, actually. He was Chaeryeong’s boyfriend after all.
The tall boy pokes his head out of the kitchen door with a very confused expression plastered on his face. “Aren’t we supposed to close in like, an hour?” Chanyeol asks his dad in front of you.
“Just go cook, I'll explain later”.
The two men go back into the kitchen and Jungkook looks at you with an amused expression on his face. “What was that?” he laughs.
“I’m very popular, you know?” it probably wasn’t a good idea to go there, but you felt a little drunk on his voice that night, and you also knew your friend didn’t mind. “In fact, Chaereyong from ITZY is my best friend, who would have guessed?”
“Yeah and my son is her boyfriend, who cares?” Byung-ho yells back at you from the cashier, pulling a hiss from your lips. 
Jungkook still continued to stare at the both of you with confusion and intrigue, you guess he thought you were both joking.
“Wait, really?” he utters after a few seconds with big doe eyes and a pout on his lips, a combination that appeared when he was either confused or lying, which wasn’t the case then.
“Yes, my guy.” you laugh. “That juicy legged shortie is indeed my wife”
Jungkook loved the food, to say the least. It was all vegetarian and korean as fuck, a combination he never throught was possible, but downed like thristy camel. He was a loud eater, which was fitting of him and his politeness, something else you had noticed that night. You were the opposite, and actually despised the sounds of other people eating, yet, looking at him enjoying his meal so much made you feel full yourself. He made you feel like a kid in some ways too, brought back the times when being around others wasn’t so hard, and you still could have a sense of security around you. Talking to him was rather easy, maybe because of his welcoming nature, or because in fact he actually was interested in whatever stupid shit you were saying, something most people around you didn’t do. He also, amongst other things, seemed very interested in your job and the likes, always asking questions and absorbing information like a five year old. You had explained to him the five key steps of process design and the psychological effects on marketing in society to which he always responded with wide gentle eyes and attentive nods, not once looking bored or… annoyed in any way. 
Was he like that, with every girl? Because you weren’t anything special, there were many other girls who worked with him everyday and even if you hadn’t seen him in his work space, you could guess by the way most women in your company look at him whenever he passes by that either they were just as captivated as you by his beauty or that he had fucked them. You wouldn’t be surprised if he was just trying to get into your pants either, it wouldn’t be the first time it happened to you nonetheless.
“I can walk from here, JK” you mention once you found yourselves walking towards the parking lot. A bit sad about the expense you had just made on food, it was your fault for trying to seem cool and rich, neither of which you were. 
“Oh no, I’m not letting you do that, girlie” he unlocks the door and gets in, not even letting you finish or allowing you to fight back.
“My apartment is literally a block away” you protest in the car anyways. You fear you had been too much of a bother, and deep down, didn’t want him to feel like you were seeking his presence unnecessarily.
“Well, good for you. But, you paid for the food, which was a lot, and i don’t want my sugar mommy walking by herself at 12 pm on a friday night” you first freeze, and then burst a very loud giggle.
“Whatever” you slap his bicep and roll your eyes. “ Next time you can pay if it bothers you so much.”
“So there will be a next time?” wide eyes stare back at you. “Count me in. I´ll pick where we will be going, just lemme know when so i can plan ahead” he rambles, a little too excited about your suggestion. 
He drops you off with a smile on his face and hopefulness in his eyes, promising to see you around the company. You, on the other hand, feel a tad confused as you enter your apartment building. What was going on? 
You had overthought things so much your entire life that it suddenly became too tiring to do. During the past few years you had to learn how to detach yourself and just ride the wave sometimes. Once you had turned eighteen, everything started moving at a very fast pace, the pressure of adulthood fell upon you like a brick and everything was so overwhelming that you started to simply let the course of your existence take you wherever it needed to.
That’s how you ended up going out with Jungkook at least once a week for dinner or a drive around the city for more than two months. Without even noticing, he became so engraved in your everyday life that whenever he’d cancel plans because of work, you’d find yourself with a void in your heart and a rush of boredom filling your senses. Even if you found yourself in your living room with the company of your best friend whom you had seen at most four times in the past two months, you were still wishing you could share that intimate space with him instead, willing to let him a bit more into your life, in hopes that maybe he would do the same. Sue you, you were curious over the most intricate details about his personality, how his personal sanctuary looked and if the smell of his room is just as good as his car’s. You could bet a thousand dollars (maybe a little less, considering the unconventionalism that characterizes him) that he also had a few plants that only remembered to water three out of seven days of the week. 
Hopefully life would draw you closer to more people like him.
"How's your boyfriend doing?" Chaeryeong asks you from the kitchen counter, sweet popcorn cooking in you popcorn-maker. 
You sigh. "What boyfriend?"
She was a lot of things but oblivious, and you weren't either, just when you chose to be. "Cut the bullshit, you know who i'm talking about". The fake red head waits for your response as she pours the snack into a big bowl, and you on the other hand take this as an advange to search around the room for answers.
"He's just a friend" you say. "And he's fine, i guess… He doesn't really talk much about himself" you mention, matter of factly.
Chaeryeong nods beside you, understanding what you meant. Then, proceeds to tell a tale about her experience meeting the dark haired boy. "He's literally so quiet, but like, so incredibly kind. Once he tripped over and fucked up some of the decoration at an award show" she grabs a popcorn and continues her story. "He looked so panicked I thought his eyes were about to jump out their sockets — His eyes are huge, by the way." 
"I know" you smile.
"My point is, he started to help the staff put everything back in order again. I think he's the only idol I've ever seen do something like that… i decided i liked him then" her beautiful features light up with mischief. "I bet he fucks great too."
You slap her leg. Hard.
"I'm only telling you this now so you don't get caught of guard when he actually manages to fuck you," her soft hands run through your messy hair, motherly touches easing the fluster in your body. "You know he's a big whore, right?" She adds after a while. 
You didn't. According to Chaeryeong, who seemed to keep tabs on every single colleague of hers, Jungkook had quite the body count, not that you didn't have your suspicions before. Frankly, she only knew of two girls inside her company who had had some sort of situationship with him, but for the same reason, she also knew he had some history with other girls from different groups. "Yikes" you laugh nervously, in admiration of their ability to remain calm and collected without giving anything away to the public.
Thanks to your friend, you had heard lots of tea about other singers in the korean industry before, most of which were not as sweet or kind as they portrayed themselves to be, some even using their social status to get their way with girls. But for some reason, Jungkook had never made his way to your gossipping sessions, nor any other of his band mates (except for Jimin, who, if you remember correctly, used to have some sort of beef with one of Chaeryeong's company members). You guess it was because of his unproblematic nature that people chose to give him a pass for his sexual endeavors, not that they were of anyone's concern either. 
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A knock is heard against your office door. "Miss _____?" A girl with a brown bob cut pokes her head through it, the dim lights of your office shining upon her incredibly healthy locks. "Jungkook asked me to deliver this to you" sliding completely into the room, she places a box with a note on it on your desk.
"Thank you so much" you wave her off as she walks right out. 
The package had a strawberry flavored canned tea and a bento box inside. 
"I remember you telling me you'd never tried tofu pancakes before, so I made some for you last night. Hope you enjoy! - JK
P.S. Text me when you're done, maybe we can hang out tonight."
You felt like crying, in all honesty. The pancakes were heavenly, and he even added some slices of avocado and a few scoops of rice for you, despite not being the biggest fan of the fruit himself. With a warm heart and relief washing over your body because you wouldn't have to waste money on lunch that day, you had had half of your meal before said boy gave you a call.
"Did you like them?" He said almost immediately. "My assistant told me she already delivered them to you" he adds in a rush.
"Jesus boy, calm down." You giggle at his excitement. "Let me eat in peace".
"No, tell me right now." he demands with a fake angry voice. Cutie.
"They're alright".
"Figured… you have no sense of taste anyways" the hangs up. A giggle escapes your lips. Boy was something else.
Later that day, the weekend started it's course. Jungkook had offered to drive you to the Han River, careful to mention the fact he prepared a bunch of snacks for you two just about five times during your call. The place was almost empty, given that the rest of the city was doing something else more fun than staring at the night sky while sitting on itchy grass. Yet, you wouldn't change the setting for anything else. Usually, when you and Jungkook were out, he'd be in silent wary of your surroundings and the people who could be watching you. It broke your heart, knowing that most of the time he couldn't frequent places most regular people had the pleasure of enjoying, like the movies, for example, or a food stand in the middle of the street. Still, in that moment, the handsome man in front of you seemed as relaxed as ever, munching on grapes and strawberries as he sat in silence beside you. 
"This blanket is so soft, isn't it?" he commented all of a sudden, caressing the fabric with his hand. The thing was made out of polar fleece, no shit. You just nodded and grabbed a piece of fruit from his container. "One of my friends gifted it to me on my birthday" he adds.
"I know. It was me".
"Well, maybe you do have a sense of taste after all" he complies as he lays down on the surface, eyes facing the night sky above you.
"Says the one who uses toe socks" you say back, poking his weak spot.
Instead of going back and forth with you as he usually would, he just winks and closes his eyes. He looked so peaceful and serene beneath you, features carefully carved on his face and slightly blushed cheeks from the cold wind. Jungkook was like that, randomly over confident and flirty with you, but just as quickly would refrain from even disagreeing with you in the first place, scared that you would snap at him. He hadn't told you this, but the way you saw thoughts hidden in his eyes whenever you made a statement let you know his true intentions, leaving you to wonder where that came from.
"Are you tired?" You ask after a few minutes. Still with his eyes closed, Jungkook denies.
"I just don't want to look at you right now," he turns to the side, back facing you as an offended expression finds its way to your face.
"Yah" you slap his back playfully, not letting him finish.
"Because you look too pretty." he mumbles the remnants of  his statement.
Your breath catches in your throat as a shiver climbs its way down your spine. Why was he like that? He had no right tugging on your heart strings like that (if he was being serious in the first place because you never knew with him). You sigh, the blush his words provoked stinging your cheeks.
"You're supposed to say I'm pretty too" he turns around with a playful smile, expectant.
"You just go around giving compliments so you can get them back?" you hiss. "Why so insecure?"
"I'm not insecure, at all." He sits up again, ready to fight you and anyone who dares question the grandiosity of the confidence he had worked so hard for. "You can ask Linh about that".
To say you looked horrified was an understatement, hopeful that what you thought he meant was not it. "You fucked Linh?"
"Well, that's not for you to know". 
What a gentleman, you think. And at the same time, ouch. He had just slammed a door on your face.
"That would explain the way she looks at you whenever you come by the office" you realize. Frankly, the girl looked a bit too panicked whenever Jungkook decided to barge into your space, usually bored out of his mind during his english lessons, laptop and notebook in hand, or struggling to get the questions right. 
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"Well good afternoon to you too" you ironically greeted once he sat in front of you, frustration written on his face. Linh, who stood by your side, suddenly fidgeting with the papers in her hand.
"Not the time, _____" he slammed both hands on your desk, startling you and your friend beside you. "Why the fuck did you make me enroll into this in the first place?" 
"I did not make you do anything, dude. I just gave you an idea" you excused yourself, eyes back on your computer. You didn't miss the way Jungkook's eyes briefly followed Linh out the room, though. 
His eyes looked back at you, leg bouncing impatiently on the floor as he leaned back with a pissed off expression on his face. You'd never seen him this way, so you took that as a cue to enter under paid therapist mode. "What's wrong?" You questioned gently.
"I feel incredibly incompetent right now." His hands roamed across his face with frustration. A sigh escaped his lips as he held tears back. "School's always been this way for me, always trying my best and constantly underachieving" he explained.
He was obsessed with winning, you’d even go as far to say more than he was with his job (which was a lot). It didn’t root from narcissistic behaviour though, but rather out of external pressure to constantly overachieve and exceed expectations. He was mostly good at doing that, but everyone had an achilles heel, yours was reading for example, his was studying and school.
"Jungkook, you passed most of your classes with more than 90%, what are you talking about?" a fact he had brought up to you randomly when you mentioned absolutely nearly failing most of your literature classes.
"Yeah, except for English." he shook his head in the way he would when he'd feel conflicted or insecure. "I don't know what i'm doing wrong".
"Did you fail something?" you tried to get some more insight into the situation, still unsure of where all his worries came from.
"No, there's just this sentence I can't properly put together" he turned his notebook towards you. "Ah, just look"
There were some words he had to conjugate and properly place in order to form a grammatically correct sentence, more than five attempts written in neat penmanship on the page evidenced the boy's battle with the assignment. He missed one very important aspect of it, though. "There's a fucking word that's missing, dude" you explain, grabbing the pen from his hand and showing him where the mistake was. "It's not your fault, it's the teacher's".
Jungkook's serious expression didn't go away though. "Well, damn".
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You had some sort of emotional trauma with having people ask you for help, it made you think that they didn’t actually care for you as a person but rather just your skills. That was the way you’d grown up and what your position in society seemed to be as well, the one you could butter up and taste when you got bored. Heart had been broken many times too, whenever you’d realize what you thought to be a genuine connection was merely pure interest. Those thoughts clouded your head when Jungkook would randomly enter your office with a frustrated expression on his face, yet, that occurred less often than it didn’t. 
Jungkook was not someone to establish relationships and bonds out of interest, you knew that. Or maybe not, truth be told, he was an authentic enigma, so open yet so closed and shielded from others to see through, and that didn’t exclude you most of the time, hence your wish for him to let you in a bit more before you could allow yourself to free fall into whatever was going on between you both.
You reach for the fabric of his hoodie, tugging his sleeve with your fingers just because you really liked the color of it, and maybe because you wanted to feel closer to him. He doesn’t react to your touch, just looks at your hands briefly as they play with the edges of his clothing. “Where did you get this from?”
“An online store, I think.” he replies softly, reaching for your hand on his arm, caressing the surface of your nails. “It’s a unisex brand, i can send you their link afterwards.”
“Is it too expensive?” you inquire, not only to keep the moment afloat, but because you genuinely liked most of his pieces of clothing, especially his hoodies and shoes. Jungkook laughs at your question and looks at you with a smile.
“I don’t think i would know, ____. I’m rich.” he says, playfully. And he was right, what was expensive for you might just be cheap as fuck for him, you wonder if when a lot of money is in your hands you start to become very tuned out from what’s affordable or not anymore.
“I can buy you one, though. I don’t mind.” he adds. Soft look in his eyes, a pure and genuine offer that you had to deny.
“I didn’t say i wanted one” you lie, only partially, because although you’d not mentioned it, you did actually want it. “I just think it’s pretty” you finally let go of him.
“Or do you think I look pretty in it?” he pushes, a sucker for compliments.
“Yeah, that might be it.” you admit, because there was no point in denying your irrefutable attraction to the man, as much as you hated to be vulnerable, especially in front of him.
“I think it would look prettier on you”.
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Don´t copy or repost please. by studiojeon on tumblr.
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heyy it's the giyuu simp hiding in your request box ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ mind if i sneak in another request :> just gonna slide this with a belated valentines day card
may i request a giyuu x reader headcanons? where its just giyuu and the reader living a peacefull and happy life with their kids, just fluff of how their every day life goes and giyuu with his kids :D maybe even some headcanons of the other pillars meeting the kids and his s/o (feel free to change the idea ofcc i don't mind if you write it at all (~^.^)~)
Hello fellow Giyuu simp lolol
This sounds really cute! Of course I’ll write it! ʕ◡ᴥ◡ʔ♡
This turned out to be very long haha hope you don’t mind :)
Giyuu x Fem!Reader with Kids!! ♡
AU: Life Without Demons
♡ 𐐪𐑂 ₒ 𐐪𐑂 ♡ 𐐪𐑂 ° 𐐪𐑂 ♡ 𐐪𐑂 ₒ 𐐪𐑂 ♡ 𐐪𐑂 ° 𐐪𐑂 ♡
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♡ 𐐪𐑂 ₒ 𐐪𐑂 ♡ 𐐪𐑂 ° 𐐪𐑂 ♡ 𐐪𐑂 ₒ 𐐪𐑂 ♡ 𐐪𐑂 ° 𐐪𐑂 ♡
Giyuu was the first to ask for kids. It was a shock since you’d figure he’d be too nervous and insecure to think he’d be able to be a father. But he loves you too much to not have children with you. He just can’t picture his life without you and both of your guys’ children in his future.
“Y/N...” he approaches you timidly, “I have um something to ask you...” he kept fidgeting with his hands and struggled making eye contact. His cheeks starting to burn. “What is it, Giyuu??” He sat there a bit, his brows knitted together as if he’d trying to figure out how to compile his sentence. “Let’s have children!” He finally bursts out boldly. You were taken back for a second but smiled wide and hugged him, agreeing with all of your heart.
Giyuu didn’t want too many kids. He only wanted about two children. (Maybe three children he’s thinking on it 👀) And that’s what you both had. One boy and one girl. The boy took more of your looks but also had a good mix of Giyuu as well. He ended up taking his eyes and messy hair but had your hair color and overall facial features. The girl was a very good mix between the two of you. The boy was the eldest child.
Giyuu was the type of parent to spoil his children a lot. You often had to stop him because it got hard for him to say no to them a lot of the times. But when it came down to it, he knew when to be strict and stand his ground. Like if one of your children throws a tantrum for not getting the toy they want, Giyuu would have a stern tak with them about how they need to learn the importance of being told “no” and to handle it like a “big boy/girl”
Giyuu would also do whatever it takes to help you with anything around the house or with the kids. He’d also do anything to spend as much time with his children as possible.
Giyuu also secretly loved it when his kids would get nightmares and ask to sleep with the both of you. He really loved sleeping next to his family and would often invite the kids into the futon even if they didn’t have a nightmare that night. They’d always get really excited and join without hesitation. He also LOVES holding their hands. He loves how tiny and soft they are in his large, calloused ones. He also really loved having them ride on his shoulders
When it came down to being the good cop bad cop, you both had an equal share between it. I can see Giyuu being pretty strict but not to the point where it’s suffocating. He’d still take extra precautions to make sure his kids are safe and don’t get into trouble. He also tries to come to complete understandings with his children when they’re in disagreements with him. He’d sit and talk with them and make sure they don’t feel invalidated or hurt. Sometimes though, he’ll have to put his foot down and tell his children to listen to them and not question his thinking. He’ll often try to come back to them later and explain again.
Kamboko Squad and Pillars’ Reactions to First Born (and general interactions with kids)
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When the news got out to everyone that you both were expecting children, they were all so very excited.
You were a few weeks pregnant and Tanjirou (and the rest of the squad) came by to visit and he was able to smell it off you. You were a little shocked how he was able to notice until he explained how his mom smelled a certain way when pregnant with his siblings. Then it made a bit more sense. Kind of.
Poor little boy teared up because of how happy he was for the both of you. He was so happy to see Giyuu with the love of his life and now starting a family. Inosuke got all those fluffy things around his head. He was very soft and gentle around you and it was really cute. Sometimes he’d just stare at your bloated stomach and it seemed like he was having a psychic conversation with the baby lolol.
Nezuko was very excited to meet the new baby and couldn’t wait nine months! Zenitsu was really happy for the both of you and it really warmed his heart to hear the baby’s heartbeat. He also got very scared for you because he heard that giving birth if very painful and he’d never want to go through something like that either.
They all saw your kids as their own little siblings, especially Tanjirou. Tanjirou is very good with kids so they ended up liking Tanjirou a lot and would often beg you to let him visit more often so they could play with him. Nezuko also saw them and her own siblings and would always volunteer to knit/fix their haoris if they ever got damaged. She always brought snacks (usually toasted rice crackers) for the kids when she visited. She also helped with cooking dinner when she visited.
Zenitsu loved playing with them. Until one day your son found a worm and showed it to Zenitsu and he freaked out and thought it was a snake for a second. He started to become more wary of your son from then on.
Inosuke shared his boar mask with them and would let them ride on his back as he ran around. He also visited one day with a nicely wrapped box (wrapped by Tanjirou) and gifted it to your kids. You and Giyuu were very confused to see that it only had acorns in there.
You had Shinobu do regular check ups with you to make sure the pregnancy was going well. Despite her constant teasing, she actually told Giyuu how happy she was for him. This really warmed his heart and he couldn’t thank Shinobu enough for all her help. She helped with both the pregnancies/deliveries
Mitsuri was so so SO excited to meet the new babies!! She seemed more excited than you and Giyuu! She loves babies and thinks they’re really cute. And the fact that it’s going to be yours and Giyuu’s baby??? Geez, that just makes it 10x more adorable!! She really really wanted to be the first friend to hold the baby so you granted her wish. She was crying so much, she was so happy.
The baby’s cheeks became very red from how much Mitsuri pinched them. She nicknamed him her “Little Mochi” because of his squishy cheeks. (and she nicknamed your girl her “Little Sakura”)
Obanai kept trying to deny how happy and excited he was. “Hmph! I don’t do babies. Not at all.” But then he saw its cute, little chubby cheeks and couldn’t resist. He then vowed to be the greatest uncle to your baby boy (and girl once she visited the world)
Kyojuro was really excited to meet the baby too. His booming voice scared the baby and made him cry so Kyo learned to be more quiet around him. He was so nervous holding the baby but then got more use to it and didn’t want to hand him back. He wanted to hold on to the little boy forever!!
Muichiro was mostly dazed out but waved his finger in front of him and your little baby boy held onto him. Muichiro got very happy. “Y/N, Y/N! Look! He’s- he’s holding on to me!!” You’ve never seen him smile so wide. He’d often visit and be like, “Can I play with him today? I’ve missed him.” And he’d play with him for hours! He was the same with your little girl as well once she came around.
Sanemi kept trying to act all tough. “No! I don’t care about kids! Least of all babies! I couldn’t care less about Tomioka’s stupid ba-“ his eyes widened when he saw the baby. Then you saw the most softest smile on his face for the first time. He hugged the baby tight to him and didn’t let go or move for a while. He might or might not have teared up. But you swore with him that you saw nothing 👀 He’d make plenty of ohagi for the kids and make some extra for you and Giyuu. Giyuu was very happy to see Sanemi opening up a bit more and glad he became better friends with him as well.
“Tch, don’t get too comfortable, Tomioka. I’m only here for my niece, nephew and Y/N.” He was teasing he loved Giyuu too.
Tengen and his wives were all over the baby! His wives loved the baby so so so much!! They even planned out a baby shower for you when they heard the news so a lot of your baby stuff came from them! Once he finally joined the world, all of them teared up from joy. They all took turns holding the baby, playing with him, bouncing him on their laps. Tengen said that if you or Giyuu ever needed help, him and his wives were right there anytime.
The wives loved playing with your daughter! They’d often do her hair and make it really pretty. They’d also often spoil her with new pretty kimonos and hairpins and always said, “Once she gets older, we’ll always have girls nights out! Do all kind of girl talks and girl things! It’ll be so much fun!!”
Tengen got the baby a whole bunch of shiny jewelry and was like, “Ha! Now your baby boy shall be flamboyant! Even more flamboyant than he was before!!” He also secretly found it extremely adorable how he looked like a little baby Giyuu at first. Then he grew to have more of your facial features and it just made it even cuter for Tengen. He had a little soft spot for your daughter because he thought having a daughter would be very precious so he’d literally do anything for her (and would protect her with his life)
Gyomei was SO happy!!! He of course teared up too and was very very gentle with him. It was kind of cute seeing such a large man hold such a tiny little human. It’s like he could fit them each in one palm. He was one of your go to nanny’s and he’d always wear a pink apron when looking over the kids. He’d spoil them with lots of baked sweets. Everytime he visited, he always had a new beaded necklace to gift them. They ended getting too many and he stopped at one point. But he still gave them one on their birthdays
Shinobu found babies/kids a bit icky since they do have many bodily fluids they can’t control and sometimes don’t wash their hands but she still did normal check ups with them and was very good with them. She’d often visit with some new toys for the kids. She even got your daughter and little butterfly clip. Your son felt left out so she got him one too. For a while both your kids refered to her as the “Butterfly Lollipop Lady” since she gave them lollipops after every doctor visit. She’d just smile chillingly at Giyuu and say, “Tomioka-San, I figured you’d at least teach them my name after all I’ve done for you and your wife.” She was just teasing, she secretly loved her nickname
Shinobu also really loved listening to the baby’s heartbeat through a stethoscope. She also loved putting her hand on your belly and often talked to the baby. She’ll never admit to anyone else but she really enjoyed doing these things with both your pregnancies
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sluttywonwoo · 3 years
sunkissed || l.sk x reader
Summary: more like sunburned. on vacation with seokmin you lay out on the beach for a little too long, making for a very interesting night.
Warnings: swearing, smut
Word Count: 1.8k
A/N: originally posted on my tom holland fic account ( @wazzupmrstark )
The sun was absolutely blinding and even though you were wearing sunglasses you couldn’t see anything. You knew your boyfriend was still stretched out in a lounge chair under the umbrella behind you, though, because you could hear him humming along to the music streaming from his phone, and that was all that mattered. 
Last time you’d been able to see him he had been hiding a copy of his new Excalibur script behind a book and feigning reading. The two of you had agreed to a no work on vacation rule, and he’d been the first to break it, but you could tell he was just so excited about his new project that you let it slide.
It was your first vacation with Seokmin, and so far it had been wonderful. You’d checked in yesterday and done a little bit of the touristy thing, but today you were content to lie on the beach for hours with no intention of moving. 
The sound of the crashing waves had lulled you to sleep a couple of times already, and you knew Seokmin would make fun of you for it later, but with the salty breeze and warm sand beneath you, you couldn’t help it. 
The water was spotted with some swimmers and surfers, but the beach itself wasn’t very crowded. You and Seokmin had planned your trip so that you’d just miss the summer break rush so everything could be a little more peaceful. 
You were pulled out of your half sleep when Seokmin’s humming stopped. You opened your eyes and tried to blink away the spots dancing at the edges of your vision when a weight dropped on top of you. You smirked as familiar lips planted a kiss to your cheek and tried to squirm away, but he had you pinned.
“Almost ready to go back up to the room, baby?” he murmured in your ear.
You nodded, and managed to twist your body underneath Seokmin to look up at him. Your eyes finally adjusted and you grinned lazily at the sight before you. His fair hair framed by the golden sunset behind him, brown eyes more dazzling than anything you’d ever seen, faint freckles starting to show on his cheeks from the sun. You consider yourself lucky that you didn’t need to leave home to see such a beautiful view.
You hadn’t been keeping track of the time, but now that you saw the sun setting over the water you realized how long you and Seokmin had been sitting out there.
“Are you hungry? Let’s get something to eat, babe.” 
“I could eat.”
“So could I,” he whispered breathily, sending a shiver down your spine despite the heat. 
You’d been teasing each other with the clichés all day: being a little more thorough than necessary with rubbing sunscreen on each other, you untying the back of your bikini to sunbathe, Seokmin running into the water for point two seconds just so you could see him soaking wet and admire the way the water glistened on his body. You were on vacation, and the hotel room was beautiful. It had tub on the balcony and a breathtaking view of the blue-roofed villas cascading down the cliffs as well as the water.
However, the bed had yet to be broken in, both of you had been exhausted after exploring Akrotiri and Pyrgos, but it was something you planned to remedy tonight. 
You followed Seokmin up to the room where you both got ready for dinner at a restaurant a friend had recommended to you. You wore a short, white, linen dress and Seokmin wore a similar white button-up that he left the top buttons undone on, so that he could show off his tan.
Dinner was much like the afternoon. The details were blurry, but there was a lot of alcohol and a lot of back and forth. By sheer luck the host had seated you at a tiny booth in the back of the restaurant where you could still see the cliffs, but also sit smushed next to each other. Seokmin kept one hand on your knee throughout the meal, and if asked later, he would deny moving it any further, but you recounted the events very differently. At one point, your lips were moving in a whisper against his ear and the base of his neck and you swore Seokmin’s grip on your leg got so tight you thought you might lose circulation. 
“You want dessert, baby?” he asked when the waiter approached your table with the shiny silver menus.
“I’m good,” you managed to say, slowly, but steadily. “You?”
“What I want isn’t on the menu,” he replied in the same tone, looking directly into your eyes, ignoring how the waiter in front of your table pursed his lips.
He’d probably heard that line a thousand times, especially working in a vacation spot like this. His eyes screamed ‘just fucking say you want to eat her out and go’ but for what it was worth, the line worked on you.
“So I’ll bring the check then?” he asked when neither of you addressed him. 
“Oh, yes please. Thanks.”
After fumbling with the key and stumbling into the room, you were beyond ready to be fucked senseless when Seokmin slapped your ass cheekily, making you cry out in pain.
“Ow, Seok,” you bit out, putting your hand where his had just been. 
His face contorted with concern. “I’m so sorry, y/n! I didn’t mean-”
“It’s okay,” you said, smoothing your dress out over your body.
“Are you okay?”
He leaned back against the dresser, arms crossed, watching you with pain in his eyes. You knew how bad he felt about hurting you, but it wasn’t that big of a deal. Usually, there was pain mixed with pleasure, but this time was different. You could still feel the sting on your skin. Hesitantly, you lifted the edge of your dress and saw the unmistakable tint of a sunburn all down the back of your legs, complete with a still fading mark of a handprint on your ass.
Seokmin gasped. “Y/n.”
“What the fuck?”
“Baby, I’m so sorry, I had no idea,” he apologized again.
“Neither did I,” you groaned, squinting your eyes down at your body.
“You put on sunscreen didn’t you?” he asked and you had to bite your tongue before you snapped at him. 
“Of course I did!”
“Did you reapply?”
“Yeah, once I think.”
He didn’t say anything, but you knew he was judging you. “Here, I think we have some aloe,” Seokmin said and disappeared into the bathroom. He emerged moments later with the signature bottle of green gel in hand. 
“Take your dress off, baby,” he instructed and carefully helped you lift your dress over your head, careful not to let the fabric touch your body.
With a sigh, you threw yourself on the bed on your stomach, only smiling when you heard Seokmin’s little chuckle from behind you. You felt the weight shift on the bed as he climbed up next to you, and sat cross legged beside you. He pushed some of the hair out of your face with a soft grin and popped the cap on the bottle of aloe. 
You could tell he was trying his best not to come off as deflated, but you understood. You were disappointed too. You had been looking forward to getting good dick all day, and now every time you moved pain rippled through your body.
“This might be a bit cold,” Seokmin said as a disclaimer before rubbing the first bit of aloe onto your skin.
You sighed with relief as the gel instantly cooled your skin on impact. Seokmin was careful to rub it in gently, applying just enough so you wouldn’t be sticky later. He started with your calves and worked his way up, and you began to feel progressively better. 
Once he reached your thighs you fought the urge to clench them together. You knew it wasn’t the time, but your body didn’t, and your boyfriend’s fingers on your inner thighs was basically code for it. All of the feelings from the beginning of the night came rushing back and his fingers were just so close to where you wanted them. You had to actively fight the urge to moan. 
“Fuck, y/n,” he cleared his throat awkwardly as he continued to massage aloe onto your ass. “Are you, uh, wet?”
You only nodded in response, still not trusting yourself to open your mouth. 
“Do you want me to...” he trailed off, but you got the idea.
“God yes,” you sighed out and let the tension evaporate from your body as you felt Seokmin’s fingers work their way back down to your thighs, right where they had been. He was just about to give you what you wanted when you stopped him. “Wait,” you said, grabbing his wrist and he froze, afraid he had done something wrong. “Use your other hand,” you held up his right hand, covered with green goo for him to see. “I have a feeling aloe in my vagina won’t end well.”
He laughed and leaned down to kiss you. “Of course, whatever you want, baby.”
He started his ministrations again, continuing to rub aloe on your body with his right hand while he began to work two fingers inside of you. You moaned out, louder than expected at the combined relief from the gel and the pleasure from his fingers inside you. 
“Feel good?”
“So good, Seok, baby,” you breathed.
“Let me hear you,” he encouraged, inserting another finger. You gasped in response and felt your eyes roll to the back of your head. “Fuck, y/n, you’re so good for me,” Seokmin praised eliciting another moan from you.
You felt yourself getting closer and closer, teetering on the edge, but it wasn’t quite enough. “Seokmin,” you pleaded and looked back at him, catching him licking his lips, eyes filled with lust in the dim lighting, making you swear. “Fuck, Seok, please.”
“Hm?” he asked, ripping his attention from between your legs and meeting your eyes.
“Fuck, I need more,” you gasped. “I need you.”
“Don’t worry, angel,” he said in a raspy voice with a glint in his eye and a smirk pulling at his lips, “I’m nowhere near done with you yet.”
i didn’t go too in depth about what he sunburn looks like on the reader because…well, it’s different for everyone. like it’s a fucking tossup whether I’ll get sunburned or not because i’m hapa lol anyway lmk what you think I always appreciate feedback!!
send me an ask to be added to my taglist
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whumpzone · 3 years
Linden & Colton - 19
CW: references to noncon, Col fearing he'll be sexually abused, flashbacks, brief victim blaming, pet whump, dehumanisation
Linden’s phone buzzed again, and he knew exactly who it’d be before he even looked.
Sure enough, messages from his brother were crowding his phone screen. Vikram texted in small, frantic messages, that Linden found oddly funny.
lol fine knowing you you’ll never suggest a day
are you free tomorrow? I’ll come over for lunch or something
you know you miss me!!
Linden rolled his eyes, but truth be told, he did miss him. A new message appeared before he had the chance to start typing.
fine FINE I just want to see jaffa. you can die idc
That made him huff out a laugh, but he’d never give Vik the satisfaction of knowing that. Instead, he typed back:
Tomorrow is fine, don’t worry about bringing food. What are you doing now? Can you ring me? I have something to tell you before you visit.
Vik replied almost immediately.
yeah gimme 2 secs, who have you killed lol!
He checked around for Colton, but he was nowhere to be seen. Probably still working his way through the little chores and tasks Linden had given him, which meant he was either changing the roll of toilet paper in the bathroom (great for dexterity) or watering the balcony plants (providing plenty of fresh air and sunlight). Either way, he still positioned himself in the corner of the lounge, the furthest from his Pet’s ears.
He answered on the second ring. “Vik?”
“Hey, big man. You alright?”
“Yeah… yeah… I, um, I need to tell you something before you come over.”
“You sound tense, mate. What is it? Everything okay?”
“Yeah, everything’s fine it’s just- I have a Pet. Uh. Yeah.”
Vik didn’t miss a beat. “Are you serious? You, a Pet owner? Please.”
“I know, but there was this, this ad, in the paper, the council were talking about this random stray and they said if no one claimed him they were gonna put him down. They would have murdered him, Vik! And I don’t know. I just thought, fuck, no one else is gonna do anything are they. So I rang them up and they gave him to me for free.”
“Wow,” Vik said, a placeholder while he digested all of that. “So, how is he?”
“He’s alright, yeah. Only recently learned that he could speak. He’s still really really jumpy.”
“He’s scared of you, then,” Vik translated.
“Yeah. I don’t know how much of him you’ll see tomorrow. I’ll tell him it’s alright if he just stays in his room.”
“I can’t picture you as a Pet owner, even though you’re not a proper one.”
“Not a proper one as in I’m a good person with a soul?” Linden quipped. Vik snorted.
“Basically. Ew, it’s weird! He does whatever you say! But you’re just- you’re Linden. You’re my stupid baby brother. He should be telling you what to do.”
Linden smiled. Vik always put him at ease. Difficult topics seemed to flow off him like water off a duck. “Yeah, yeah it is kind of weird, I’m still getting used to it. But you see why I wanted to let you know beforehand.”
“Oh, yeah, totally,” he laughed. “Or else I might have thought he was burgling your house and I’d have asked to join in.”
“Oh, shut up. See you for lunch.”
“See you, Pet man!”
Linden felt the weight lift from his shoulders, but not entirely. Now he had to tell Col.
. . .
He had finished over ten minutes ago. Shiny drops of water still lingered on some of the wider leaves, not quite ready to drop into the moist soil below. But the balcony was too warm and sunny to resist, so Col was still kneeling there when he heard Master’s voice behind him.
He flinched hard at the sound, getting up quickly and ungraciously, tripping over his own feet as if he hadn’t just been caught lazing around.
Through the doorway, a perfect rectangle of light caught Master’s face, cutting down through one eye and turning his left cheek a tawny brown. He had his hands clasped behind his back, and leant forward slightly.
“Don’t worry about getting up, you’re fine, love. No, I don’t know if you heard, but I was just speaking to my brother Vikram over the phone. He’s going to visit tomorrow.”
Master was having a guest. Col nodded, but his mind went white. He suddenly felt like he wasn’t in control anymore. He was underwater, and Master’s voice barely faded through from above the surface.
“You can stay in your room, okay? You don’t have to come down and see him, if you don’t want to. There’s no pressure. I just wanted to let you know beforehand.”
The words flowed past his head, and whatever barriers had been pulled down over his mind kept them from making a dent. “Thank you, sir,” his body replied.
“Okay?” Master half-smiled. “Okay. Good stuff, Col. It’s a nice day- stay out on the balcony more, I know you like it there. I’ll see you later, okay?”
He nodded, but it must have been delayed, because he blinked and Master had left the room, as if he had never been there. Had Col dreamt it?
Turning around, the flowers were wet, so he had completed that task. He knew he had been ordered to stay, so he did, trying to keep the creeping dread from flooding him entirely.
The next day-
It all came crashing down. His eyes snapped open and he was in his room, waiting, and then there was the click of the front door and Master was speaking, speaking with another voice- there was a man in the house-
Master only ever had guests when his Pet had been bad, and he was going to be taught a lesson, and that’s why he was told to wait in his room, that’s why he was prepped, maybe it was a small mercy. But he had been in such a state of denial, barely able to process the news, that he hadn’t done anything to make it hurt less.
All he knew was that he was on the floor in the corner, the furthest one from the bed, and his arms were wrapped around him as if that’d do anything to stop the onslaught. He knew they would just force his limbs apart and restrain them like that until they were done, and it didn’t matter whether he cried and begged. Sometimes they even enjoyed it more when he did. Once he had been lifted up by his throat and told to beg for his life, and it made everyone laugh, because look at it, it wants this, it’s begging for it.
The door handle turned and Col could see Master’s face. His eyes scanned the room briefly before they landed on Col, tucked away in the corner of the room. “Col? What is it?”
. . .
Hey, Col. Vik is here, just so you know, but again, no pressure to come downstairs. He knew what he would say, the tone he’d say it in, so he could hopefully make Col feel secure. But it all fell apart when he laid eyes on the Pet, curled up and trembling on the far side of the room.
“Col?” he said. “What is it?”
“You promised,” Col sobbed, utterly betrayed. Linden’s heart broke. “You promised you wouldn’t- wouldn’t- wouldn’t do that…”
“I won’t,” he said, understanding immediately and wanting more than anything to go over to Col and pull him into a hug. But he couldn’t. He knew that.
“You said you wouldn’t let anyone else,” he whispered, looking up at him with bloodshot eyes.
Then- the moment of vulnerability passed. Not that Col looked any less vulnerable. He was still hunched, small and weak, programmed to do whatever it took to make Linden happy. But he caught his tongue, and the mask slipped back on.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. You can do- do what you want to me. Of course. I’m not, I don’t mean to question you, Master, I’m sorry, I know my place, I’m good, I promise I’m good.”
“You are, you’re really good.” He put a hand over his heart and kept it there. “I’m not going to come in, Vik isn’t going to come in. Neither of us are going to hurt you. I promised, and I’m sticking to it.”
Col was still sobbing, but it was more uneven breaths than actual tears. He couldn’t have spoken even if he wanted to with the way his lungs were pulling the rug from underneath him.
“For now, I think you might feel safer if I just left you alone, so I’ll go back downstairs, okay? And I won’t disturb you again. You just make sure you feel better, that’s all that matters. Don’t worry, Col. You’re safe.”
Vikram didn’t say anything as Linden returned, but he did raise his eyebrows. Linden just nodded, keeping quiet until he was sat back down and, hopefully, out of earshot.
“Poor thing,” said Linden. “He thinks, well- he just sees everything as a threat. I don’t know if he’s ever had a positive experience with another person before. At least not in his memory. Did you…”
He trailed off and Vik simply nodded. All humour was gone from his face; he knew when to leave it out, and when it would help. “Yeah, I heard a bit of it. Heard him crying.”
“I don’t want you to take it personally-“ Linden started, but Vik had already swatted at him.
“Oh, stop it. As if I would. But I am- I am happy I’m here, even though I’m sorry it’s scared him. You need someone too, Linden. Like, shit, this is a full time job.”
“You sound weird, being nice to me” he smiled weakly. Vik grinned back at him, in complete earnest.
“Well then, we can talk about something else, if you want. Something I can confidently mock you for. Where’s Jaffa, too?” he twisted around in his chair, searching for her. His floofed-up hair, hairsprayed to excess, bobbed around on the top of his head as he went. “Where’s my little main attraction?”
Soon Vik had Jaffa on his lap where he was brushing her absent-mindedly, listening to Linden talk about the latest book he had read.
“You are a fuckin’ hermit, dude.”
“And?” Linden pulled his best bored-looking face.
“Well… actually, yeah, stay indoors. Forcing you to come drinking with me would be at the rest of the pub’s expense.”
“You’re a bastard,” Linden laughed. “It’s you they should be worrying about, with that boulder of hair on your head. Look at the state of it, it crunches when you touch it.”
“The ladies love it.”
“Yeah, ‘cause they know if they get locked out they can use it to smash a window.”
. . .
Above them, Col listened. He couldn’t make out the words, but both men seemed happy and upbeat, excited about the night ahead of them, excited about the pliant little bitch waiting upstairs.
Before that, though-
Colton had been openly defiant. He had begged for it to stop before it had even started. He hadn’t taken an ounce of pain, nothing had earned him the right to plead for mercy. He had not only been insubordinate, but he had done it while Master had a guest. That kind of embarrassment would not go unpunished. Master would not have his authority undermined by some common stray.
Col desperately needed to apologise. He knew he shouldn’t just wait for his punishment like usual this time. This time he needed to right the balance. He would prove that he knew his place, and show Master’s guest that his rule here was absolute. So with shaking hands, he slowly creaked open the door, and went downstairs.
The laughter died as he came into view, and even the feeling of their eyes settling over his body made his skin prickle. For a split second, his feet locked in place, but as usual his fear pushed them onwards. He kept his head down, his arms behind his back, his shoulders hunched. As soon as he reached Master’s feet, he knelt. Forehead to the floor. Hands to his sides, ready to be stomped on or grabbed. He was a slave. He was always open for his Master’s use. He did not answer back and he did not question.
“Col, are you, are you sure you want to be here?” Master asked from above. He was very sure. But yes, of course, it was no use Col thinking these kinds of affirmations in his head. He had to make them clear.
“I’m here to apologise, sir, for daring to answer back and embarrassing you. Your Pet knows that he is owned completely and it was c-completely wrong to question you. I had no right to ask for mercy, I don’t deserve any. I’m a mindless Pet with no free will and I exist to serve you. P-Please, accept th-this apology. It won’t- won’t happen again.”
He stammered, towards the end. He could only hope Master wouldn’t get angry about it.
. . .
Ironically, it was now that Linden was embarrassed. He glanced over at Vik, and as the two brothers made eye contact, it was as if they had exchanged a whole conversation.
You see, see what I mean? See how he is?
Yeah, dude. It’s fucked up.
I’m sorry.
Don’t be. You’re doing your best to help him. I’m not embarrassed if you’re not.
He gently reached down to Col and rested a palm on top of his head. He jerked in surprise, a weak gasp escaping his lips, but he otherwise stayed perfectly still.
“Okay, love. Thank you. I’m not angry, okay? My brother is here and he always puts me in a good mood.”
He shot another glance at Vik, mouthing this is how I make him understand. Vik nodded. He was looking at Col curiously. Linden wondered if this was how he had pictured him.
“You didn’t embarrass me. You’re fine. I’m not going to hurt you. Vik doesn’t want to hurt you either. Why don’t you go and sit on the balcony, and I’ll sit with you later, and pet your head? You’re not in trouble.”
As he retracted his hand Col’s head tilted upwards, chasing the warmth of the touch. He kept his eyes low, but whispered, “Thank you, sir, thank you, thank you for having mercy. It won’t happen again, I promise.”
“Okay, you’re okay. Let me help you up.”
It was technically an order, and Col obeyed silently, offering no resistance as Linden slipped a hand over his elbow and pulled him to his feet. He smiled at Col, but his face was blank and resigned. Beyond fear. He had done what he could, and his fate was in Linden’s hands once more. It hurt to know that. Linden could decide to leash Col at any moment, torture him with knives and burning oil and belts, and Col wouldn’t be able to do anything about it.
Linden steered him to the base of the stairs, and then gently encouraged him upwards, until he had drifted out of sight entirely.
The house was silent. He turned back to Vik, but neither had to say anything. Linden already knew that he understood.
first half of the taglist!
@newbornwhumperfly @whumpadump1939 @firewheeesky @whump-me-all-night-long @captainseconds @grizzlie70 @unicornscotty @lave-whump @princessofonward @cupcakes-and-pain @bumbumbea @whumpfigure @yet-another-heathen @secretwhumplair @whumps-up @as-a-matter-of-whump @getyourwhumphere @itzagoodthing @whumpymirages @soapparentlyilikewhumpnow @zipadeedooda-drabbles @penny-for-your-whump @briars7 @legallylibra @angel-stars @loyds-of-registry @tears-and-lilies @badluck990 @rosesareviolentlyread
@vickytokio @neuro-whump @thingsthatgo-whump-inthenight @whumpsy-daisies @control-whump @theydy-cringeworthy @starnight-whump @cursedandtired @jo-doe-seeking-inspo @justabitofwhump @glamrockgregory @rippedjeansandfadeddreams @genesissane @justbreakonme @addyez @httyd-chocolate
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rose-lord-of-simps · 3 years
When Mammon Finally Snapped.
Request: Could you do something with mammon snapping at his brothers Bc of their words *insert emojis this author can’t- oh wait I can copy and paste hold on-
Request:  Could you do something with mammon snapping at his brothers Bc of their words 👉👈
First of all, just let me say, I too, am a slut for Mammon. Second of all, I got so excited at your request so thank you for sending it in!
Warnings: Cursing! (remember if cursing bothers you but you want to read feel free to just ask me for a clean version!) Mammon’s brothers being super mean to him. And mentions of blood but nothing detailed. Mentions of his brothers punishments and ripping of nails.
It was an accident. 100% pure accident. 
“Mammon what the hell did you do?”
“How come you always assume it was me!?”
“Who else besides you and Beel could manage this level of chaos in the kitchen?”
Mammon really didn’t mean to set the kitchen on fire! Again...
“This is getting expensive Mammon. You need to stop being a nuisance.”
“Hey guys, this smoke is not good for my complexion so can we figure out how to put it out already?”
“Don’t let Mammon do it, he’ll only make it worse, as always.”
“Scummy Mammon. Go away and leave me alone!”
He just wanted to see his brother. Levi hadn’t left his room for nearly 3 days and Mammon was worried.
“No let me show you brotherly affection and play video games with you!”
“I don’t want to play video games with you! Go find something else to do!”
Ouch. Normally he’d play with anybody.
It was not Mammon’s day.
The witches had called on him a lot and his clothes were all torn.
It’s started raining on his way home but he didn’t have an umbrella.
And he was operating on barely two hours of sleep.
All Mammon wanted was to sleep, but of course even that’d be a challenge. As he walked into the HoL the first thing he noticed was Beel and Belphie in a blanket nest snuggled up together.
“That looks so comfy, can I join?”
Cuddles sounded so good right now.
“No stupid Mammon.”
“Sorry, he’s grouchy because Lucifer woke him up from a nap on accident. But maybe it’d be best if you didn’t join.”
He should have known. This wasn’t the celestial realm. His brothers didn’t want cuddles anymore.
Mammon made his way back to his room, nearly tripping on air on the way, but didn’t fail to pass by Asmodeous undetected.
“You look like shit.”
“Gee thanks.”
“I don’t know what’s wrong with you but I’m going out and don’t need whatever it is. So just... stay away. Okay?”
He really should be used to this by now.
He shouldn’t be crying silent tears by the time he gets to his room.
By the time he falls asleep he’s so exhausted he doesn’t get dinner.
It’d been four days.
Four days of no Mammon around the house.
He was never at dinner, seemingly always sleeping through.
He didn’t show at breakfast, already having left the house.
And none of the brothers had similar classes to their scummy second born.
Lucifer was the first to notice and tried to catch him when he came home but on the fifth day, Mammon just didn’t come home.
When someone finally pointed out that Mammon hadn’t been around recently and possibly could be in trouble, it of course was Beel.
“He doesn’t usually leave for this long though, what if he is in trouble?”
“Then why not just let him perish?”
“I agree with Levi. Let him wither wherever he is.”
“Enough everyone. Mammon’s been keeping a few crows in the aviary right? I’ll send one out and we can follow it, see if it leads us to him.”
“How do you know that’ll work?”
“It’s a dumb crow. They like Shiny things and his hair is a shiny thing.”
“Ya’ll are welcome for that, that shiny hair is because of me.”
When they finally found Mammon, it wasn’t pretty.
His normally white hair with almost purple iridescence was now a light brown, covered in dirt and what looked like soot.
His glasses were no where to be seen.
And his demon form was out, wings tied and possibly bleeding.
And the responsible demons were no other than the witches.
What hurt the brothers the most was seeing their normally lively sibling looking as if the life had been sucked out of him.
“Do you think this image will haunt them in their dreams?”
“Can I eat em?”
“What if we rip off their nails first.
“You underestimated us.”
“He May be a scummy demon and a terrible brother.”
“But he is our brother and we will not tolerate you harming him.”
For once, Mammon thought his brothers cared.
“What were you thinking Mammon!?”
He was wrong.
“This is disgraceful, you can’t keep getting in these situations. It’s embarrassing.”
“You’re embarrassing.”
“What would be a suitable punishment?”
For what?
Getting hurt?
If they were just gonna do this then why did they save him?
“If you were just going to punish me then why save me?”
“You’re our brother, you may be annoying but we care about you.”
“Since when did any of you care?”
“That’s not fair, we’ve always cared you’re just being dramatic.”
“I’m dramatic? Lucifer makes an entire demon out of pure rage and I’m the dramatic one?”
“No! I practically raised all of you! I brought Lucifer meals when he missed dinner, I covered all of your heads on the fall down, I planned Lillith’s service without any help because you all were mourning, I was the one who cuddled all of you when you had nightmares, and how was I thanked?”
“Mammon you’re being ridiculous-“
“I got hung upside down from the ceiling for days on end, I have fucking scars that I don’t remember getting because my brain has repressed the memories, I’ve gotten called scummy and an idiot for giving into my sin when all of you are excused, I’ve nearly died on multiple occasions covering for your asses when you do something wrong so Lucifer doesn’t get you, and when I try to reach out I’m pushed away by my own family.”
“Stop being so serious you know we love-“
“Love me? Love me!? You never cared about me. It took you four days to realize I was gone. And when I was hurt and obviously traumatized I’m told that I’m getting punished for being a victim. For being an embarrassment. If you wanted me gone so badly then why have just let me die!?”
The worst part was they all knew he was right.
They knew they used him as a punching bag.
They knew he’d taken the blame for them on multiple occasions.
They knew he was the only one who got criticized for his sin.
They knew he raised them.
They knew that if it weren’t for Mammon then they wouldn’t know what to do.
Which is why it hurt when Mammon left and didn’t come back.
I don’t like how this turned out but I’ve been having a lot of writers block lately and I’m glad I was able to get something out. I may try and come back to this when my writers block isn’t so bad.
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Everybody Talks Too Much (Cassandra Dimitrescu/Mute!Reader)
Fandom: Resident Evil: Village Rating: T for language, brief violence Summary: Whenever Cassandra gets angry, no one wants to deal with her. Well, no one but you, that is. Thankfully, the middle child appreciates your company... not that she'd ever admit it. Notes: Another self-indulgent fic with a selectively mute reader. This one's a lil different. Sections in italic are mostly indications that the reader is miming actions in order to communicate, though there are a few internal thoughts that are marked as such. Unlike the past two I've done, this takes place pre-relationship, so there's some mutual pining of sorts. I think that's the word.
Among the many servants of Castle Dimitrescu, there were a number of secret rules to be followed. Guidelines that were never written down, only spoken in hushed whispers, for specific (and dangerous) circumstances. Most could be divided into one of two categories: 1, how to reduce the chances of a Lady of the house killing someone. 2, how to make sure that if they kill someone, it will not be you. Of these rules, there was one that you knew best of all, despite never having been told it. Why? Because you have observed it time and time again. After all, the rule revolved around you. To put it plainly… If Cassandra Dimitrescu was in an awful mood, but had yet to draw blood, send in the mute.
Even now, as you rushed down a corridor, you did not know why this rule was in place. You simply knew that you had been summoned countless times by frantic maidens, to go serve their volatile mistress. Admittedly you did understand their eagerness to thrust the task upon someone else. Cassandra was often considered the deadliest of the Dimitrescu daughters, for she was the quickest to anger, the one with the deepest bloodlust, and took the longest to calm down. Personally, you disagreed, believing that it wasn’t terribly hard to know what she did and did not like. All it took was some observation. It was Daniela who scared you, seeing as she was unpredictable. She didn’t even need to be in a bad mood to want to kill you.
Of course, that didn’t necessarily mean that you saw no danger in working with Cassandra. In fact, you saw a fair bit, such as now: Right as you round the corner, a shiny object hurls past your head, embedding itself into the wall. Had you been walking ever so slightly faster… Well, you preferred not to dwell on such things, especially not when the one who threw the thing was still nearby. Based on the howling laughter and swarm of insects that moves around you, the intended target was Lady Daniela. Across the room is the markswoman herself; Cassandra stood tall, huffing in anger, staring at the spot her sister had just vacated from.
“Damn it!” She yelled, stomping her foot as if the resulting shockwave might do what her weapon had not. Oddly amused, you’re quick to remove the sickle from the wall, careful as to not damage it. It’s a tad dirty, but nothing you can’t fix with your handy pocket cloth. Cleaning as you walk, you slowly move towards your employer, not even bothering to spare her a glance. After all, you had your own rules for dealing with her.
(1: Avoid eye contact for at least one minute after an outburst.)
By the time you make it to Cassandra, the minute has come and gone, allowing you to ever-so politely look her in the eyes when you return her blade. She scoffs, then practically rips the sickle from your hands. This was your job, however, so you made no complaints. Not that you could, at least not verbally. Instead, you gave a short bow of acknowledgement. Afterwards you stood still, awaiting either instructions or a dismissal. Neither came.
“I can’t believe that little shit tried to take my favorite dagger and thought she could get away with it! Agh, the nerve of her! Can you believe this?” Cassandra snapped, turning to you as if you might agree with her. Nod, simple yet effective. “At least you know how to handle a blade. Damn Daniela is lucky she didn’t get any scratches on mine.” Then she pulls the knife in question from its place on her belt, letting it gleam in the light. A soft exhale, head tipping to the side, wow is it pretty. So is the one holding it. Your mind wanders but your gaze does not. Always polite, always ready to serve.
(2: Do not get distracted; she is no patient lover, rather a demanding boss.)
“Cassandra! What was all that noise a minute ago?” Someone called, interrupting your ‘conversation’. The speaker soon appears, being none other than Lady Bela, the most reasonable of the castle residents. Though that meant little, considering the nature of her family. As if to prove your point, Cassandra merely rolls her eyes in reply, refusing to divulge the truth. And so Bela turned her gaze to you, perking a brow. “Feeling up to talking today?” She asked, already knowing the answer. Of course, your hands are already moving, not even waiting for her to finish speaking. This is a game you know intimately.
A hand goes to your belt, moving to pull a nonexistent blade from its sheath. Raising it, moving it forward then back several times, launching it towards the wall- towards the hole left behind. Then shifting, waving your hand in front of your face while exhaling a sharp breath. Flinching. An exaggerated gulp, pretending to check if your nose is still attached, sighing in relief. Lastly, an inclination of your head towards the culprit. Cassandra.
“I was aiming for Daniela. Not that it matters, nobody got hurt,” she stated, confident. Both hands clasped together, then tapping the palms together, mimicking a heartbeat at a reasonable pace. Suddenly a stomp. The beating stops, and you hold your hands next to your ear, as if listening for signs of life. Pause. Three seconds. Worried expression, eyes wide. Finally, fast as a gunshot, the heart beats again, wildly. At this, Bela shoots her sister a look of doubt, as well as judgement. Hoping to change the subject, Cassandra looks to you. “What are you doing here anyway?”
Rubbing your chin, thinking. Squinting for effect. Ah, got it! Both hands go to your sides, lifting the imaginary hem of a dress you aren’t wearing. Waltzing forward, yet in place, with the poise expected of a professional maid. Then the focus shifts to your face. Fear. A silent scream, a hand at your forehead, feeling like you… might… faint. Falling backwards, making a step at the very last second to prevent a real collapse. End scene.
“Someone was scared?” Bela asked, sounding uncharacteristically unsure of herself. When you nod, she does as well, considering the implications. “Why would they send you?”
“I hardly care why, I just want to know who so I can kick their ass,” Cassandra interjects, taking a step closer to you. All you do in response is shrug. Unsurprisingly this is not enough to please her, and before you know it she’s wrapped a hand around your throat. “Give. Me. A. Name. Now.” A perked brow. Thoughts practically telegraphed. ‘What do you expect?’ Opening your mouth, slightly, then wide, back to almost closed. No sound comes out. Obviously. It’s not like you wanted to break your own rule, but in this case you had no choice.
(3: Give her whatever she wants, consequences be damned.)
Luckily for you, Bela acts as a foil to Cassandra, there to smooth the seas. Moving behind you, she reaches into your back pocket and retrieves the notepad you keep there. Then she’s handing it to you while making eye contact with her sister. Cassandra promptly releases you, though she’s clearly not pleased, going so far as to push you away in one last act of anger. Internally you roll your eyes. On the outside, however, you quickly write down everything you know… which isn’t much.
“I don’t remember who it was. A lot of people have asked. This happens a lot.” Then you hand the paper to Bela, who soon looks back up at you in confusion. Too antsy to wait for her own turn, Cassandra yoinks the notepad from her sister’s hands, reading it over several times before reacting.
“What the fuck? Why would they send you to me because somebody pissed their pants in fear? I’m going to kill someone. Ugh, I don’t- this doesn’t make any goddamn sense,” Cassandra ranted, pacing back and forth, looking like she wanted to destroy something immediately. To your surprise, Bela doesn’t look the slightest bit concerned. If anything, she looks amused, and smiles when the two of you make eye contact. Something tells you that she knows something that you don’t. Before you can react, she quietly retrieves your notepad and returns it to you. Then she pauses, thinking, eying you with curiosity.
“Why don’t you go for now? See if anyone thanks you for stepping in, hmm?” She suggested, tone implying that this was absolutely about something else entirely. Still, you don’t care to disobey, and so you bid the two of them farewell with a deep bow. As you leave, you can almost make out part of what they say next. But you’re certain that you must have heard incorrectly. “Showing your favoritism a little too much, sister? If even the servants can see it-” the rest of the sentence is cut off by angry muttering from Cassandra. After that you’re too far away to hear anymore. What a strange day...
“Hey, you know where Lady Cassandra’s room is, right?” Ygritte asked, casually, definitely not having just been told by someone else that you were the solution to her problem. Pretending that you were unaware of this, you give her a smile and a nod. Later, behind her back, you will mentally add her to your list of people to watch out for. Maybe even decide to refuse to share your biscuits with her. In the meantime, you pretend that you don’t mind whatever task she’s about to dump on you. “Can you bring these books to her? I really have to get back to the kitchen soon, and that’s in the opposite direction…”
Technically true. Something told you that the real problem was that Cassandra had been extra loud the past few days. Regardless, you accept the books from her, leaving before she even finishes thanking you. Why do people do this? I don’t get it, you think. It’s like they think I’m immune to her rage. If that were true, I’d gladly throw myself between her and others. But no, that’s not the case. Hmmph, if only they saw my scars. Shaking your head to clear your thoughts, you keep walking, subconsciously rubbing the spot on your arm where Cassandra had cut you. Well, the worst spot. Being pain tolerant had made her take interest in you, during your first few weeks, but it’s what allowed you to learn her rules. Your rules, really.
Knock. Knock. A pause… three more, much softer. The door swings open, revealing your Lady, whose eyes widen at the sight of you. Tipping your hat (which you are not wearing), you greet her, forcing another smile. Then you present the books, free hand gesturing with a spiral motion towards them. She doesn’t respond. No, wait, she glances at the door hinges, considering closing the door in your face. Now both of you are staring at each other, daring the other to move.
“You’re not supposed to be here,” she finally said. There’s a gruffness to her voice that you hadn’t expected. It’s unlike her usual tone, less angry, more tired. Were those bags under her eyes?... No, just smudged makeup. “Don’t just stand there- tell me why you’re here.” Again, you gesture to the books, extending your hands further towards her. This time she takes a half-step backwards to avoid you. Peculiar. “Someone else was supposed to bring them, dipshit. Fucking hell, why can’t anyone around here do their damn jobs?” At last, she takes the books from you, carrying them deeper into your room. Though she does not close the door, you assume that your job is done. Or maybe you simply do not wish to deal with a Cassandra who’s frustrated by your specific presence. Either way, it breaks one of your rules, though you do not remember until it is too late.
(4: Do not leave until dismissed by a member of the family.)
“Where the hell are you going?” The sound of buzzing flies, a blur of motion around you, then the form of Cassandra solidifying in front of you. One of her hands is raised, pressing against the center of your chest. She pushes you, hard, making you stumble backwards into her room. Next thing you know you’ve crashed onto her floor. A tad stunned, you bring a hand up to hold your head, blinking rapidly for a few seconds. There’s the sound of a door closing, and then someone’s trying to help you stand. “I didn’t say you could leave yet. Now c’mon, I’ve got stuff for you to do.” Then she’s guiding you to her bed, making you sit down on the end. Panicked thoughts race through your mind one after another. What exactly was she intending? Thankfully you don’t have to wait long to find out. “Read through these, and-” a pause, like she hadn’t known what she was going to say until she was already speaking- “take notes. Make a summary of the bookmarked sections, or whatever.” Handing you a couple books (neither of which being ones you had just brought to her), she sits on the other side of the bed, refusing to look at you. She does, however, say one last thing, voice barely above a whisper. “Just stay for a while, okay?”
Inside your head, you make a mental note to amend your list of rules.
(4.b: Do not leave until dismissed by a member of the family. If Cassandra asks you to stay, you stay, no matter what. It’s worth it.)
309 notes · View notes
qjhughes · 4 years
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Pairing: Harry Styles x Reader
Genre: pure smut
Word Count: 3.7k
Summary: There’s something about Harry’s pearls that just get you going.
Warning(s): a fascination for harry’s pearls, oral (f receiving), slight degradation, he smacks her thigh one (1) time, unprotected sex (don’t be a fool, wrap your tool!!! (or make sure he wraps his!!!!), choking, breeding kink, aftercare
A/N: this is literally just smut!!!!!! reader’s discretion is advised!!!! read at your own risk!!!! anyway, i went completely in for this one please don’t come at me for my love of the pearls, okay????? it’s almost worse than the love for the rings!!! actually, who am i kidding?? it’s definitely worse than the love for the rings!!!!! the necklace is just so hot and it rests on his pretty little clavicle so fucking nicely like oh my god someone save me i cannot breathe!!!!! anyway!!!!! without further ado, here’s just a whole lot of filth!!!
also thank u to @glowunderthemoon​ for the visual and the ideas!!! also thank u to @strawberryystyles​, @sweetheartharry​, @soullikestyles​, @lookupandseethestars​, and @mindofharry​ for screaming about this with me <3 thank you guys for the ideas and the hype and for just being the way you are i love u guys or whatever
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Y/N’s been needy for Harry since he walked through the door. He came into their house in black designer dress pants and an extremely expensive white button up shirt that all but made her drool. She was sitting on the couch as she watched him kick off his shiny black boots and shrug off the jacket that matched his pants. 
All of these things made her want him, but what really set her off was the delicate string of pearls that were perched so perfectly atop his clavicle. He’s been wearing them for weeks and there’s something about them that make her arousal pool in her underwear faster than anything else.
She hasn’t told him this, of course. She doesn’t really think that he’d understand her fascination with a piece of jewelry, so she just went about her search for satisfaction like she normally would.
Harry, however, had different plans. Sure, she hadn’t told him about the infatuation that she had grown to have with his pearls, but he had easily found out. He could tell by the way that her eyes got a little bigger and she gulped every time that he would run his finger across the beads and pull just a bit when he was stressed. He noticed the way that her thighs would clench when he took the necklace into his mouth and how, just once, she let out a gasp when he let it fall from his mouth and there was a thin string of spit connecting his lips to the beads. That’s really when he knew, because she hid her face and tried to push it off even though he could see the way that she was rubbing her thighs together. 
So, when Y/N strolls into their room and comes up to Harry, giving him her signature pouty look, with her bottom lip jutting out slightly and her eyes wide, almost innocent, he gives in easier than she thought he would, but that’s simply because he wants to test out what exactly his pearls do to her.
He grabs the back of her head firmly and pulls her closer to him the second that she whispers to him, telling him that she wants him. He presses his lips to hers hungrily as soon as she’s close enough for him to do so. She immediately kisses him back with just as much fervor, loving the way that his mouth molds with hers just like they were made to be kissing each other. He pushes her back onto the bed as he swipes his tongue over her bottom lip, and she quickly opens up for him, letting him dip his tongue into her mouth to dance with her own. 
As her back hits the bed, he maneuvers one of his thighs to slot between hers and he applies the slightest bit of pressure when he feels the warmth of her heat seep through the layers of fabric that are keeping them from each other.
Harry pulls away from her mouth to catch his breath and smiles at the way she looks so fucked out already. “Look at you, puppy,” he teases. “Already look so gone and I haven’t even touched you yet.” 
She whines and leans up slightly in an attempt to kiss him again, but he wants something different. He leans down and begins peppering kisses along her jaw before traveling down and leaving open mouthed kisses to her neck. He stops briefly on her sweet spot, sucking and nipping at the skin until he knows that there will be a bruise for her to tend to in the morning. 
She tries to control her breathing as she feels his lips dance across her skin, and she almost succeeds until the cool surface of his pearls fall onto her skin. A shiver runs down her spine as the beads trail everywhere that he goes. 
He pauses his ministrations, teasing his fingers under the hem of her shirt as he looks up at her. When she nods her permission, he slips it over her head and haphazardly tosses it somewhere in the room. He looks down at her, tracing the skin that he just uncovered and licking his lips like he’s seeing the best thing in the world. And to him, he is. 
He then resumes his descent down her body, making sure to lick at every inch of skin that he can reach. He stops his trail as he reaches her breasts, which are bare due to the fact that she had foregone a bra today, which Harry personally thinks is one of the best ideas she’s ever had, taking one into his hand to squeeze just as harshly as he knows that gets her going, but doesn’t hurt her. He immediately takes the nipple of one into his mouth and licks circles around the peak as he pinches and rolls the other between his fingers. He’s always been one to pay equal amounts of attention to both, so he repeats his actions on the opposite breast before kissing down her belly. 
She arches her back slightly when he nips at the skin of her hip and the pearls fall directly against the part of her that needs him the most.
Looking up at her, he murmurs, “Can I take these off, doll?” He messes with the band of her sweatpants and panties, and he begins sliding them down her legs the moment that she lets out a breathy “please.”
Once they’re off, he throws them just as he did with her shirt and shimmies down until he’s able to press teasing kisses to her calves. He knows that he’s being slightly mean by not giving into what she wants, but he wants to let the chilly pearls slide across her heated skin to get her even more worked up before he gives into what he knows she’s aching for. So he leaves sloppy open mouthed kisses from her calf up to the soft skin of her thigh and then repeats on the opposite leg. By the time he’s at the top of her second leg, she’s squirming. 
“Daddy, please, wanna feel you.” Y/N begs, lifting her head from the mattress to meet his gaze. “Please.”
And really, how can he say no to his girl begging him to touch her? There’s no way that he possibly can, so he spreads her legs further, wrapping his arms around her thighs to keep them open for him. 
“Yeah, you wanna feel me, puppy? Wanna feel Daddy’s tongue against your pretty little pussy?” he teases as he leans down to lick a long stripe through her folds. She immediately arches her back, whining at the feeling of his tongue against her cunt. He smirks against your heat as you reach down and thread your hands in his hair, tugging when he circles his tongue around her clit before taking it in his mouth and sucking.
Breathy moans of his name fall from her mouth like a prayer and he traces patterns against her sensitive bundle of nerves. He pulls away from her and her hips immediately raise to meet his mouth once again. 
He brings his palm down on her thigh quickly, smacking the skin just hard enough to get her to plant her hips back to the soft surface of the mattress. “You know better, puppy. You take what I give you, nothing more,” he chides, caressing the skin that was tingling lightly from his slap. “Are you already feeling that good? Does my tongue make you feel so good that it’s the only thing you can think about?” He shakes his head. “Such a dumb puppy, yeah?” He chuckles when she whines. “Don’t worry, baby, it’s okay, because you’re my dumb puppy, right?”
She immediately nods. “Yes, Daddy, I’m your dumb puppy.” She knows that he wants to hear her say it exactly as he did, so she does. It’s a bit embarrassing, but when a bright smile bleeds across his face and he buries his face back in her cunt, licking into her until her thighs are shaking around his head. She can feel the heat in her lower stomach start to spread throughout her body. She’s right there and just before she opens her mouth to ask him if she can cum, he pulls away. She holds back her whine, knowing that it’ll just get her in trouble, but she’s not sure how well she fends off the pout from cementing itself to her face.
If she’s bad at hiding it, though, he doesn’t say anything. He just stands from the bed and begins unbuttoning his shirt so he can have even less fabric between the two of them. While he’s busying himself with that, she slinks off the bed to sit on her knees in front of him. He looks down at her, eyes slightly wide as he takes her in. The sight of her eager below him makes him throb in his pants, and there’s almost nothing more that he wants than to use her pretty little throat to get off, but he’d much rather see her suck on something else. Preferably while he fucks into her so that he can see her eyes roll into the back of her head as she tries to keep her mouth closed.
So, when she reaches forward for the zipper of his pants, he grabs her wrists to stop her. “Not this time, puppy.” She pouts at his words and he moves one hand to caress her cheek. “I know how much you love having things in your mouth. Greedy little puppy always has to have something to suck on.” He chuckles darkly when she whines low in her throat. “I’ve seen you starin’ at my pearls lately, baby, why don’t you put those in your mouth instead?”
Her nod is subconscious, her head bobbing before the words have even fully registered in her brain. The only thing she really heard was ‘pearls’ and her mouth immediately watered. 
She watches as he pops the button on his pants before dragging his zipper down. He lets his hands fall to his sides once he’s done. “Finish undressing me, puppy. You wouldn’t want to make me do all the work, would you?” he drawls, smirking down at her.
She reaches up and dips her fingers below the band of his pants and boxers before tugging them down his thighs. His cock springs free of the restraints and smacks against his stomach. The head is leaking precum, almost like it’s weeping to be touched. She yearns to smear her lips across the drippy tip but she knows he’ll be mad if she does, especially since he told her that he didn’t want her mouth around his dick this time. So instead, she leans forward to sponge kisses along his thighs as she pushes the clothing down to his ankles. After a few moments, she backs away to let him kick the pesky fabric off. 
Once he’s completely bare, she lets her gaze meet his again. She takes in the way that he looks so powerful standing above her, like he controls everything in the room. And really, at this point in time, he does.
“Stand up,” he commands. She listens without a second thought, pushing herself to her feet to stand in front of him. He takes a good look at her before placing his hand on the back of her neck and pulling her forward so that he can smear their lips together. He fits her bottom lip between his two as he walks them backwards to the bed. Getting lost in the taste of her on his tongue, he lets them both fall onto the bed again. When she moans into his mouth, he pulls away to allow them to catch their breath. 
He backs away from her, coming to rest on his knees in front of where she’s sprawled out on the bed. She looks up at him with lust filled, wanting eyes as he wraps his hand around the base of his cock and gives himself a few languid strokes. His thumb swipes across his tip to gather his precum and slick it down his shaft. Her eyes train on his tip, the skin flushed a bright red. There’s already more precum leaking from the slit as he continues stroking himself. After a few moments, he bucks into his hand and she whines, spreading her legs for him.
“You want me inside, baby? Wanna feel daddy in your tummy?” he teases, continuing to stroke his cock as his eyes roam over her body. She nods and he chuckles, shaking his head. “Beg for it, then. Show me just how greedy my pretty little puppy can be.”
She opens her mouth before closing it again, she can’t just beg him for that! “If you don’t want to, I can always get myself off,” he warns and her mouth immediately opens again.
“No, no, please,” she whines. “Don’t want you to get yourself off.” She pouts.
“Then do as I said,” he groans, rolling his head back as hips buck into his hands once again, “and beg.”
“Fuck me, please, wanna feel you,” she begs. “Feel so empty without you, wanna feel full. Daddy, please.” 
Harry gives into her begs, coming back over to her. He rests his hands on either side of her head, framing her in. He leans down, connecting their lips. It’s messy, all gnashing teeth and fighting tongues, but he wouldn’t have it any other way. She takes his bottom lip between her teeth and tugs slightly, causing him to groan into her mouth. He lowers himself onto his forearms so that he can take one hand down to his cock. Wrapping his hand around the base, he drags the tip through Y/N’s folds, causing her to let out a shuddering breath. 
The head bumps against her clit, making her arch her back slightly to increase her pleasure. One stern look from him has her pressing back down into the mattress, though. He smirks down at her as she obeys him with nothing more to go off of but a glare.
He leans down slightly, pressing a gentle kiss to her nose. “Tell me if you’re uncomfortable at any time, yeah? Just because I’m more on the harsh side tonight doesn’t mean I care about your comfort any less,” he reassures, looking deep into her eyes.
“I will, promise,” she murmurs, reaching up to grab onto his pearls loosely before tugging, causing him to fall close enough to her face so that she can ghost her lips against his. “Now, fuck me, daddy. Wanna feel you for days.”
He groans, pushing his cock into her dripping pussy as he breathes out puffs of air against her mouth. Once he’s buried to the hilt, he chuckles at her, smirking darkly. “You like my pearls so much that you just can’t keep your greedy little hands off of them, yeah?” he taunts before pulling out until only the tip of his cock is still inside of her. He thrusts back in harshly, making her cry out in pleasure.
He sets a steady pace as he moves his face down to her throat, leaving sloppy kisses along her pulse. When he meets her sweet spot, causing her to let out a whimpery moan. He bites down on the skin there, letting his tongue meet the skin afterwards to soothe the skin. His hips stutter for just a moment when she squeezes around him. “Fuck, puppy you’re so tight for me, so fucking tight,” he pants into her neck. “Every single time we do this—fuck—you take me in so fucking snug, so right. God it’s like you were fucking made for me.”
She brings her hands to the side of his neck in an attempt to bring his mouth to hers. She grasps on to the string of pearls that are bouncing against his collar bone with every sharp thrust. He gives in to her whines and places a quick peck to satiate her need before leaning up and grasping her hips, positioning his own in a way that makes him hit even deeper. She cries out as his cock hits that spot inside of her that makes her a whimpery, whiny mess.
He smirks when her head falls back in bliss and her mouth forms an ‘o’. Gripping onto her hips so hard that she’s sure she’ll have grape sized bruises tomorrow. Honestly though, as she wraps her legs around his waist, pulling him closer to her, she can’t bring herself to care about the marks.
He reaches down to rub circles on her clit, sending jolts of electricity shooting up her spine. She cries out, getting completely lost in the feeling of him fucking into her while toying with her bundle of nerves. 
After a few moments, he moves his free hand to her throat, wrapping his hand around her neck as she meets his eyes. He tightly, enough to restrict her breathing. His fingers squeeze against the sides of her neck, making the blood rush through her. The feeling is amazing, each thrust pairing with his grip on her throat pushing her closer and closer to the edge.
“D-daddy,” she rasps, bringing her hands up to wrap around his wrist. “Can—can I cum?” she begs, voice raspy due to his hand being pressed directly against her windpipe. 
“You wanna cum for me puppy?” She nods, desperately whining. “Then do it, soak my cock for me, baby. Show me just how good my cock feels inside your pussy.” 
She lets go, the bubble in her lower stomach popping as the euphoric feeling of her orgasm washes through her body. Every fiber of her being feels like it’s on fire as she squeezes around his cock, reaching up to bring his face closer to hers. He groans into her mouth, letting his mouth sloppily mold with hers as she whines, pulsing around his dick as she rides out her orgasm.
He continues rubbing against her clit as he ruts into her, helping her milk her high for everything it’s worth. Once it becomes too much, she pushes his hand away from her clit and peers up at him with a pout on her face.
“Will you cum inside me, daddy?” she begs, grabbing his shoulders and crossing her ankles behind his back to keep him close. “Please? Wanna feel full.”
“Yeah?” he breathes as she buries her hands in his sweaty curls. “Want daddy to fill you up? Fuck, you wanna feel me here?” he asks as he places his hand on her lower stomach and presses down lightly.
She nods, whining a repeated string of “yes” as he thrusts into her one, two, three more times before burying himself as far as he can and dropping his head to her neck, groaning as he releases inside of her, thick ropes of his cum painting her walls white. She whimpers at the feeling, loving the way that she feels so full of him. 
He sponges kisses to her pulse as they catch their breaths. “I love you so fucking much,” he breathes into her neck. 
“I love you, too,” she reciprocates.
He basks in the feeling of her snug around him for just a second longer before he gently pulls out. Both of them hiss at the loss of contact, but Harry’s quickly turns to a groan as he watches his cum drip from her. 
“You’re so messy, puppy,” he teases before leaving the room to retrieve a washcloth from the bathroom. While he’s gone, she lets herself relax on the bed as the exhaustion washes over her. 
“Don’t fall asleep on me yet, baby,” he coos as he saunters back in with a warm rag. “Gotta clean you up before we go take a bath.”
He gently runs the cloth over her thighs before gently wiping through her folds. She hisses when he runs over her sensitive clit, and he automatically apologizes before pressing a light kiss to her thigh.
Standing back up, he takes his hand in hers and tugs her from the bed. 
“Come on, baby, I know I fucked you so good that your legs are sore, but I need you to walk to the bathroom with me,” he taunts as she rolls her eyes. “On a serious note, though,” he begins as they’re walking towards the bathroom, “I’m glad you like my pearls so much.”
“Yeah, can’t wait to have you suck on them while I fuck you again,” he states nonchalantly as he leans over to turn on the water. When he looks over his shoulder and smirks, her breath hitches as she thinks about all the ways he’s going to absolutely ravage her later. 
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mammonshuman92 · 3 years
- It Takes Two -
(Mammon x GN!MC)
Genre: angst/hurt/comfort
WARNINGS: alcohol, drunkenness, cheating, **
** There is a moment where a character is drunk, and someone makes moves on them, character is too drunk to realize it’s not who they thought it was. Groping and making out, no penetration; character doesn’t consider is SA. I apologize if it is offensive.
Ya better hurry up, or we’re gonna be late!” Mammon was pulling you by the hand down the hallway to your first class of the day.
“I wasn’t the one who overslept because they kept saying “just lay with me for 5 more minutes.”“ You said, giving your best impression of him.
You’d become best friends rather quickly after your arrival in the Devildom, practically becoming attached at the hip instantly. It didn’t take long for that light, warm feeling to invade your heart. Now you’d been dating for a few months and had become even more inseparable.
“Details, details!” He responded, laughing.
The two of you came barreling through the door with only seconds to spare before the bell rang; hand-in-hand, laughing like fools.
You took your seats across the room from each other, being the professors current punishment for Mammon talking to you during class.
As you sat down you felt eyes on you and looked up.
A few succubi were not so casually looking at you and whispering.
It wasn’t uncommon though. I mean, you are a human in the Devildom. You also live with the 7 rulers of the underworld. You’d gotten quite used to people whispering about you. You decided to ignore them, and pay attention to class. Whatever they were whispering about was surely nothing you hadn’t already heard circulating throughout the gossip mill.
Throughout the day, you noticed the same group of succubi whispering and giving you looks. They even giggled a couple times. You tried your best to keep your cool, but it had been going on all day and it was really getting under your skin.
What is so damn funny? You thought to yourself.
The final bell rang and you couldn’t be happier. Now you got to put the day behind you and go home with Mammon. Tonight is movie night. Cuddling and eating junk food is just what you need after a day like today.
You rushed to the usual spot where you meet Mammon. Seeing his face would definitely make you feel better right now, but he wasn’t there yet. 
He must have gotten hung up in class or something.
You leaned against the wall, pulled out your D.D.D. and started surfing Deviltube to pass the time. You were so engrossed in your video that you barely noticed that same group of succubi walk past.
Until they made sure you noticed them, that is.
One girl bumped into you on purpose, sending your D.D.D. to the concrete, via crash-landing.
“Stupid human.” She sneered.
You rolled your eyes and bent down to pick up your D.D.D. It’s nothing you haven’t heard, quite a bit actually, since coming to the Devildom. She’d have to try a lot harder than that.
When you stood back up, the succubus in question was standing in front of you, arms crossed with a smug grin.
“Do you think you’re special?” She asked, looking you up and down. You didn’t respond and resumed your scrolling through Deviltube. Ignoring her made her mad.
“As soon as he gets tired of you, he’ll move on to the next one.”
Excuse me? 
“I don’t think MY relationship is any of your concern.” You said sweetly, slapping on your best fake smile. You looked around them, desperate to see Mammon walking up, but he wasn’t there.
Where is he? 
She was practically laughing in your face. 
“He made me feel special too.” Her words, full of venom as they left her lips, triggered something in your brain.
Flashbacks of your first day in the Devildom came rushing back. Specifically what Satan had said after Mammon made his grand entrance.
“Whenever he takes a liking to someone, they suddenly find themselves awash in money. But from what I hear, if he decides to break it off with someone, that wealth evaporates. They’re left without a Grimm to their name.”
The memory made your chest feel heavy. 
Could that pertain to people as well? They said a pure soul is like a shiny gem. What if..
“Everything he’s said to you, he probably already said to me.” She spat.
Your head was spinning, a knot forming in your throat. Her earlier words replaying in your mind.
“As soon as he gets tired of you, he’ll move on to the next one.”
What if..? No.. He wouldn’t do that...would he?
You quickly got so lost in thought as anxiety started to take root, plaguing you with ‘what ifs’ and hypotheticals, that you almost didn’t notice when someone stepped between you and the succubus. Putting a hand on either side of your face, he tilted your head up to look at him. Irises the color of tropical waters, instantly melt away your anxiety, calming the angry sea inside you.
“Let’s go home.” He whispered with a smile. His voice was soft, but you could see the anger in his eyes. He slung an arm around your shoulders and turned to start walking toward the House of Lamentation.
“We weren’t done talking.” She said vindictively.
“Don’t ya have anythin’ better to do?” Mammon snarled, glaring at the succubus.
She scoffed and rolled her eyes, leaving with her friends.
By the immense tension you could feel between them, you could tell that they had indeed been together at some point.
The walk home was quiet, which left you with ample time for your thoughts to run wild. 
Did she know him like you do? His little habits and his favorite things? 
Did she stick up for him when his brothers were dogging on him? Or afterward when he was down, did she try her best to drown out their hateful words with affirmations of love?
Did she play with his hair while he laid on her stomach, arms wrapped tight around her middle after he loved her? Hold her in his lap as he rubbed soothing circles on her back when she was sad? Whisper sweet nothings to her when he thought she was asleep?
...Did he love her?
“Whoa! Did ya see that, MC?!”
The two of you were curled up on the couch in Mammon’s room, watching a movie on his projector, just like you did every week.
Did they do movie night?
It shouldn’t be bothering you. Of course he’s had other partners. He’s been alive for thousands of years.
And you’ve had other partners. So what? No biggie. That wasn’t the issue.
The thought of him saying the same things, doing the same things with someone else...loving someone else, is what bothered you. It hurt to think that maybe you really weren’t that special; another weak, insignificant human, just like all the rest.
But the things she said kept playing on a loop in your head.
“As soon as he gets tired of you, he’ll move on to the next one.”
“He made me feel special too.”
Could she be right?
“Babe, are ya okay?” He had paused the movie and was now staring at you expectantly.
“Hmm? Oh, yeah I’m fine.” He saw through it quickly.
“Ya know, you’re not good at lyin’. What’s wrong? If ya don’t like the movie we can watch someth-”
“That girl earlier, at RAD? Is she your ex?” You didn’t want to bring it up, but you had to know before your thoughts could torment you further.
His face fell and he sighed heavily. “I was wonderin’ when you were gonna say somethin’..”
You remained quiet, watching his face, waiting for him to begin talking.
“We were together a long, long, time ago. Nothin’ serious. I broke it off when I realized she was only around for what she could get outta me. She didn’t take it too well.” He explained, his expression turning sour. “She had a different story, huh?”
“She didn’t say much really, except once you get tired of me you’ll move onto the next one. That I’m nothing special because everything you say to me you’ve probably said to her.” You said, keeping your eyes down as you fidget with the hem on your shirt.
He started laughing.
Your head snapped up, looking at him in shock.
“What’s so funny, Mammon?” You asked, getting a little irritated by his reaction. He stopped laughing when he looked at you and realized you were serious.
“Ya don’t actually believe her, do ya?” He scoffed, getting offended.
“No? I don’t know..” You replied, not meeting his gaze. Of course you wanted to believe him, but you already felt like you weren’t good enough for him, and that succubi’s words just watered the seeds of insecurity in your brain and helped them flourish.
You had always been the opposite of his brothers. You always believed Mammon, even when everyone else was against him. You were always on his side. Ready to stick up for him no matter what. To hear you now, was like a slap in the face.
Mammon’s face distorted in pain. And anger.
“What? Whaddya mean ya don’t know?” His voice was soft, “Ya don’t trust me?” He asked, meeting your gaze.
“Mammon, that’s-”
He shook his head. “No, I get it. A few bitter words from some random demon and now my words mean nothin’. “ He jumped up from the couch, making a beeline for the door.
“What about the last few months, huh? After all the time we spent together you think I’d do somethin’ like that to ya?” His voice cracked on the last sentence. He paused; hand on the knob as he stared at the door. You heard a small sniffle as his other hand came up to angrily wipe his face.
“I thought ya knew me better than anyone.” His voice was barely audible, but you could hear the hurt. He felt betrayed.
And with that he left, slamming the door behind him.
When he didn’t come back after an hour and wouldn’t answer your calls, you grabbed a few things and headed to your room. You still felt uneasy about the whole “his ex confronting you” thing and after what had just happened, you just wanted to be alone. 
Your bed seemed huge and your room felt odd. It’s not like you didn’t spend time in there anymore, you just didn’t usually do so alone. The silence was deafening.
I shouldn't have doubted him. He used to try and hide his feelings, although he was bad at it. But since we got together, he doesn’t hide how he feels about us to anyone.
You thought of all the times his cheeks had flushed scarlet when you caught him staring at you. How he sits and endures scary movies because they’re your favorite. The way he will randomly bring you your favorite snacks or other little gifts because he was thinking about you. Relentlessly tickling you just to hear your bright, uninhibited laughter. That even in his sleep, he has to be constantly touching some part of you, or he gets restless. 
You slowly drifted off to sleep, with tears staining your cheeks.
“Have you seen Mammon?” 
He never came looking for you last night and he wasn’t at breakfast. He even skipped RAD.
Asmo shook his head, “Not since yesterday. Did something happen?”
You decided to fill him in with all the details. He is the Avatar of Lust after all, so surely he could give you some advice regarding love.
He gasped dramatically, “No she didn’t! What a tart!”
“I know I shouldn’t have doubted him. He’s never given me a reason to, but I don’t know. She just got in my head, I guess. Poked at some insecurities.” You explained. “I haven’t seen him since he stormed off.”
“He won’t pout for long, he never does.”
“It’s more than just pouting. I hurt him just like everyone else. He feels betrayed.” You said, voice small.
You just wanted to pepper his face with kisses and profusely apologize for ever doubting him. Why did you ever let some random succubus get to you like that? To make your trust for Mammon falter, even slightly. Did you honestly believe he would toss you aside after he got what he could out of you? Really? 
Satan said it too though, in the beginning. That when you’re with him you find yourself drowning in gifts and the like, but once he outgrows you, you’re left with nothing. That’s the Greed.
You refuse to accept it though.
You know Mammon, better than anyone. He has changed so much since you came here. He’s not the same demon he used to be. He is more than just his sin.
“When he is ready, he’ll come back. He always does.” Asmo said, placing a hand on your shoulder, giving you a warm smile.
“Now, let’s go and change! You are depressing me and it’s ruining my skin. We are going out tonight!” He was practically vibrating with excitement. You, not so much.
“Ugh, no way Asmo. I’m not in a party mood.”
“Nonsense! It’s exactly what you need. We will have some drinks and dance and you’ll feel better. You’ll see.”
You relented, knowing that once Asmo got his mind set on something like this, there was no getting out of it. Maybe a few drinks really would make you feel better.
“Trouble in paradise?” She said, motioning to the drink in his hand.
His clothes were dishevelled, his hair mussed, eyes red-rimmed and puffy. He looked like he’d been through the wringer. Felt like it too. He’d been in the private lounge at the club for a little while now, nursing drink after drink, attempting to drown his sorrows.
“Go away.” He growled, turning his attention back to his drink.
“Is that anyway to greet an old friend?” She asked innocently.
“Nah, but it is a good way to greet a snake.”
“Ouch.” She put a hand over her heart, feigning hurt feelings.
“Haven’t ya caused enough problems? Leave me alone.”
She scoffed, plopping down onto the couch next to him.  “Oh, come on Mammon. You’re this hung up over a human?”
“Don’t talk about MC.” He snarled. In one big gulp, he swallowed the remainder of his drink. No matter what kind of situation the two of you were in, he wouldn’t let someone, anyone, say anything cross about you. At all.
“Oh, come on. You can’t seriously say you don’t miss being with me. A demon.” She leaned in close, her lips next to his ear, “Not nearly as fragile as a human. You can be as rough as you want..” She purred.
He jumped up from where he’d been sitting, attempting to get away from the succubus. “Get the fuc- Whoa.” He slurred, staggering slightly before quickly sitting back down, head lolling back to rest on the back of the couch. His vision was pretty blurry; the room spinning. He closed his eyes, hoping it’d help. 
Even in his deeply inebriated state, you were all that was on his mind. The feel of your hand running through his hair, lightly scratching at his scalp. The warmth of your body pressed against his, your lips; soft and delicate like rose petals, leaving small kisses across his face before finally meeting his lips. The bubbly sound of your laughter, beautiful like music. The way your eyes shine every time you see him, even if he only left your side for a tiny moment. 
After the fight you had and leaving the way he did, and now being away from you a whole day, not hearing your voice, feeling your touch, he was ready to go crazy. And although he did sneak back into the house after he was sure everyone was asleep, and slept in the backseat of his car so no one would find him, it wasn’t the same as sleeping next to you. He missed you.
But, it was more than that. He felt so incredibly stupid for reacting the way he had. If he were in your situation, and felt how you did, he would’ve had questions too. You love him, and all you wanted was a little reassurance that he in fact does love you. Man, does he love you. More than he’s ever loved anyone or anything.
With the attention span of a tuna sandwich, mixed with the levels of alcohol in his system, and being so deep in his thoughts of you, he hadn’t noticed the sudden shift of weight in his lap.
One hand found its way to the back of his head, fingers tangling in his hair. The other hand resting on his chest, slowly moving down his stomach, intently feeling every muscle. His mouth opened slightly, a breathy sigh escaping. He had missed you so much, your touch lighting his skin ablaze, craving you more and more.
Your hand moved lower, earnestly caressing his growing stiffness. Your lips crashed into his suddenly; hungrily, your tongue brushing his bottom lip. His hands moved up your thighs before firmly gripping your hips, grinding you against him.
Small alarm bells were going off in his head, something didn’t seem right. You didn’t giggle like you always do when he grabs your hips. Your kisses seemed sloppier than usual too.
He tried opening his eyes, blinking lazily several times. The room was still swirling around in his drunkenness, making it nearly impossible to focus.
Your hand moved to his pants, undoing the button and zipper. He removed a hand from your hip and grabbed your wrist, but didn’t attempt to move your hand from his swollen boxers. As he was about to break the kiss and suggest heading home and picking up with this make up where you left off, he heard a voice nearby.
“What the hell?!” They shrieked. 
“Mammon..?” You barely choked out.
That was your voice. He’d recognize it anywhere; the musical sound gently floating into his ears as it always did. But you sounded like you were crying..
And it didn’t come from the figure straddling his lap. How is that possible? He’s been making out with you, getting pretty heated actually, for the last several minutes.
He broke the kiss with you, confusedly turning to his left and blinking several times until his surroundings started to come into focus.
There you stood in the doorway of the private lounge with Asmo next to you, your eyes wide as s tears streamed down your cheeks, gaping at him in horror.
The alarm bells that had been going off, the red flags popping up trying to warn him that something wasn’t quite right, were about to become very clear.
- part two coming soon! -
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luimagines · 3 years
He reacts to seeing you Sick/Wounded Part 2
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Part 1 Part 3
Scenario under the cut! Blood ahead so be warned.
Twilight looked around the group for what had to be the umpteenth time, searching for you.
You had left awhile ago and had yet to return.
If it was Wild or Hyrule he wouldn’t have put much thought into it. The two of them were notorious for wandering off if something shiny caught their eye and they could be gone for hours.
Not you though.
If anything, you were the one to insist on keeping the group together and to avoid “splitting the party”. as you’d say. You even had a song to go with it, a catchy little tune from your world and he caught himself humming under his breath more than once when he realize someone was gone.
But you were gone long enough now that you even missed a meal.
Twilight started bouncing his knee in anticipation, the worse scenarios coming to mind at what could be happening to you.
“I’m going to find them.” He said, standing up and walking away from the group.
He waits until he’s far enough away to take out the necklace he’s been carrying around since the start of this adventure.
Twilight activates the charm and feels the magic wash over him, his vision and senses sharpening as the worlds color fade and his perspective changes.
There’s always a little discomfort as the beginning of each transformation so he takes a second to compose himself.
Twilight then starts sniffing the air and catches your scent, following where it leads. The path is pretty straight forward and he can almost reconstruct how long it took for you to reach the destination. Twilight travels a little farther than he was expecting, it’s way farther than hearing range, even with his advanced ears.
It’s a little concerning because even if you were to scream for help, there’s no way any of them would have known.
He’s trying to be optimistic. Twilight has seen you fight. He has seen you treat your own wounds. He was personally seen your resourcefulness in tricky situations. There’s little, he thinks, that can actually keep you down.
But then his worst nightmare comes to his nose and he takes off in a sprint. 
It’s blood.
It’s yours.
And there’s a lot of it.
He follows it as far as he can until he hears a pained whimper.
Twilight then follows the sound and comes to a stop, shocked at the sight before him.
You’re sitting up against a tree, the top half of you looks fine if only a little ragged and there’s tear streaks down both your cheeks. Twilight follows the line of your body and sees that there’s no injuries on your arms or torso even if your hands are covered in blood.
But at sight of your leg, he knows what’s happened.
There has to be people nearby, that’s the only explanation.
It’s metal trap with sharp jagged teeth that penetrate the skin and muscle in order to keep the prey from escaping, and they’re incredibly hard to break out of if you don’t have the right equipment. They’re also known for breaking bones if they hit in the right places.
It’s also clamed just above your ankle, blood weeps through still and has travels through the fabric of your pants un to your knee, pronouncing the injury even more.
“Wolfie...” You whimper and try to smile at seeing him. “Yay, you found me. I knew you’d come get me at some point. I tried calling but I think I’m too far away.”
Twilight’s heart bleeds for you and how scared you must have been before he showed up. And he wishes he would have gone looking for you sooner.
You sniffle and whip your face and nose with your sleeve, avoiding the mess on your hands. “I can’t get out. I tried but it’s stuck.” 
Twilight pads closer and sticks his nose by your hands but you pull them back. “I know it looks bad but my hands aren’t hurt...It’s all from my leg. I don’t want to get blood on your pretty fur.”
Twilight doesn’t take time to process the compliment and instead is focused on the choice he has in front of him.
Transform and reveal his secret to you, enabling him to help you here and now or go back and get help, leaving you to the mercy of whatever finds you in your vulnerable state.
It’s a pretty easy choice actually.
Twilight calls off the magic and lets the transformation wash over him. As per usual, the change is disorienting and it’s always hurt more to turn back human than it did to change into a wolf, so he takes a moment to breath before he looks at your ankle.
“Tw-Twilight? You’re Wolfie?” You splutter and try to wrap your head around what you just saw.  “It’s been you this whole time?!”
But he’s ignoring you.
He takes a good look at where the trap is and begins to prod ever so slightly.
“H-HEY!” You cry and try to reach for him. “Don’t! It hurts!”
He doesn’t have the key to unlock it and he doesn’t have the right tools at his disposal to try and pick the lock.
“Twilight please say something.”
“I’m going to get you out. Just hold on a little longer.” He glares at the metal for a moment before placing both his hands around it.
If there’s one thing he’s always been confident in, it’s his strength.
With both hands secured on the device he forces all of his weight to pry it open. He ignores how you continue to make sounds of pain, how his finger tips immediately become moist with your blood and how difficult moving this stupid thing to get you free actually turns out to be. 
After a battle of wills between man and the artificial, it moves and he tilts his hands to keep the momentum going until he’s moved enough of it for you to pull your leg out.
“Go. Get out.” He says with the strain in his voice.
You push away with your hands and your good leg to the best of your ability and slowly (well slower than Twilight would have preferred) to move your leg out of the trap and far enough away where he can simply let it clamp on itself again without fear of losing any fingers or hurting you again.
You gulp and try to move your pant leg to see the damage but it’s clear that doing that hurts you as well.
Twilight it quick to cut off the fabric with his trusted pocket knife and he peels it away.
Bones have definitely been broken.
And there’s certainly a lot of blood to deal with.
He twists the fabric slightly and wraps it above and around your injury to try and stop the flow of blood. Twilight can feel the glare he’s giving to your wound and refuses to look you in face so you can see it.
“Twilight?” You call to him. Your voice is small, weak, tired and afraid.
He can’t leave you to your own thoughts like he wants to so he takes a breath to calm himself and looks at you with as much gentleness and care as he can currently muster.
“You’re going to be just fine, ok?” He says with a small smile. “You’re actually pretty far from the others so it’ll be a bit of a trip but then we’ll get Hyrule to look at you, clean you up... find you some new clothes... You’ll be back to where you were in no time.”
Twilight’s not sure who he’s trying to convinced. It looks deep.
He hopes your foot won’t need to be cut off and that infection hasn’t already set in.
He moves towards you and stops on your good side, wrapping his arm around your shoulders. In one swift movement he hooks his other arm under your knees and picks you up bridal style and begin to walk away from the mess.
You sniffle again and wipe your bloodied hands on your shirt. “Thank you Twilight.” You say. “I won’t tell anyone, I promise.”
“Well you’re going to have to tell one of us what happened.” He responds. “The other are going to ask what on earth happened to you.”
“I meant about you being Wolfie.” You smile. “I’m fully prepared to explain my stupid decisions.”
The easy way you make that claim nearly makes him skip a step and send you both to the ground but Twilight is quick to readjust himself so that it never happens.
He had actually forgotten about that.
“I’d appreciate that.” He nervously chuckles.
“Don’t worry. I’ll cover you when you’re gone. I was starting to suspect something was related because your stories never matched up but I had no proof and no idea where to start. You’re... really not the best at it.” You say and pat his head. “So you save me, I save you. Sound fair?”
“That works for me.”
Time had let Warrior lead the group because he seemed to be the most familiar with the terrain, even if he claims that this isn’t his Hyrule.
With someone capable taking the point, he hung back and let the other walk before him.
He had noticed that you were... weren’t yourself. Like you were hiding something.
You weren’t really interacting with anyone, and you kept your head down, something he hasn’t really known you to do. On another note, you were actually at the back of the group where he was currently stationed.
You always liked to be in the upper middle, talking and entertaining the younger ones and keeping up the group’s moral.
So the fact that you quiet and trying to go unnoticed, arms crossed and head down, worried him.
“Rupee for your thoughts?” He asked you as you walked.
You glanced up at him but you didn’t meet his eyes.
Something was wrong.
“I’m not really thinking about much of anything.” You admitted and shrugged. “I’m just a bit under the weather. I’ll be fine in a bit.”
“You don’t feel good?” Time frowns and stops the both of you with a hand on your shoulder. “Why didn’t you say something?”
“And slow down literally everyone.” You raise an eyebrow at him and he takes a quick second to catalogue your pink cheeks and red rimmed eyes.
Something is wrong.
“It’s just a headache.” You insist. “We’re already behind by how knows how long and it’ll go away on its own. I appreciate the concern but I don’t want to be a hinderance more than anything think I am.”
“For one thing, no one thinks you’re a hinderance.” Time says, taking off his gauntlet and he presses the back of his hand against your forehead, then your cheeks and the back of your neck. “If any one of those boys has told you that, you tell me and I’ll set them straight.”
He doesn’t miss the way you lean and hum in relief from his touch.
Truthfully, you’re actually burning up more than your skin seems to show and his concern sky rockets beyond the moon and back of this proverbial saying.
“I appreciate the thought but it’s not that important.” You say and he catches the way you frown in displeasure when he pulls away.
“Who told you that?” He asks in lieu of bringing your illness to light.
“No one.”
Time frowns some more and says your name in his stern commander voice that he knows you hate.
“No one.” You insist. “No one here anyway.”
From your previous adventure perhaps? Time puts the information away in the back of his mind and vows to vanquish the thoughts from your head when he can, but your health takes precedence right now.
“I think it’s about time to take a break anyway.” Time puts his gauntlet back on and begins to walk forward, leading you with a hand on the small of your back. “Maybe the Champion would be willing to make something for lunch.”
“Think he can cook something up for my headache?” You sigh and massage your temples in a way that seems reminiscent.
“That and more, if you ask him.” He replies easily and lets out a loud whistle that has become their cue to set up for the midday break.
It takes a while for your duo to make it to the others but at least you weren’t so far gone that no one would have heard Time’s signal.
You instantly take a step down and sit on the ground, cradling your head in a way that looks more like you’re crying than merely resting.
Time feels his heart clench at the sight and makes his way over to Wild. He tells them what he found out and asks if he can make something special for you. Something to keep you going.
Because as much as he wants to, this is not the place to stop for the night and with your pride on the line, he doesn’t want the others to crowd and bring more attention than you’d be comfortable with to your predicament.
“There’s a town about three hours from here.” Warrior’s speaks up, having eavesdropped on the conversation Time was trying to have on the down low. “We can hit it before night fall and let them rest in an actual bed for the night.”
Time nods and agree with the notion.
The others seem to catch on that you’re not feeling well and Time discourages them from getting closer than they should, less they get sick as well.
The break is quiet and uneventful for a change and Time is quick to get the group up and moving again when it’s over, choosing to keep you company on the way to the town and trying to make it as painless and comfortable for you as he can.
A part of him thinks that he should just swallow his pride and yours and carry you to the town as you deteriorate on the walk, but it’s not like you’d let him.
He’d just have to satisfy his concern when he eventually takes watch over your bed side, just to make sure you wake up feeling better.
Wind was sure that you’re hiding something.
You’ve been shifty eyed and nervous, jittery and uncollected.
So unlike the you that he’s come to know, rely on and appreciate.
It scares him a little, to see you so unlike yourself.
Wind makes a calculated guess on why you’re so weird after walking by your side for most of the journey. 
You’re hurt and trying to not let anyone else know.
He can tell by how you’re trying to curl in yourself and fold over but have to keep righting your position. You’re having to walk with one foot on your toes because if you tried any more normally, you’d be limping. You’re a bit slower than your usual walking pace but you’ve been arcing your stride a little to the side so that it matches in length what you wouldn’t be able to make up for in number of steps.
He’s almost impressed by how well you’ve been hiding it.
But it’s drowned out by the irritation of your stubbornness. You could have just told someone, anyone, and they’d help you in seconds. You wouldn’t have to be in pain or having to stop every other second to hide a wince or a grunt or-
Wind is this close to just stopping everything to scream in your face.
He takes a small glance over to you as you walk, and sighs. He knows you won’t listen to him if he tries to say something. And you’d probably be irritated at him instead for trying to make a fuss about it.
Wind doesn’t know what to do, or how to help you, without being pushed away.
You trip.
Wind is too shocked by the outcome to even try to stop you from falling face first into the ground. 
Ok, not face first. You manage to twist yourself just in time to avoid a face on collision, but you land on your side in the process.
Your bad side.
You yell in pain which alerts the whole group ahead and behind you. But you don’t seem to care about that anymore. You finally give into the urge and curl in on yourself, rolling over so that the ground is against your good side and nothing is irritating whatever hit you’ve been hiding.
Wind has to nearly smack himself out of it before he makes it to your side. He can hear the other catching up, their footsteps thundering mutely on the dirt but he’s more focused on you and where your hand seems to be cradling your side.
He’s quick to peel your hand off and lift your shirt.
You’re too shocked and stunned from the pain to stop him. Enough so that you’re brain doesn’t even register it, so you don’t fight back.
He gasps at the the sight and his stomach turns ever so slightly.
It’s a massive bruise, from up to your ribs that are highlighted in a toxic green, down to your hip and it’s not even black and blue. It’s so bad there’s more red on the surface than purple and it makes it look like you’re covered in blood even if the skin hasn’t been breached.
He knows what caused this. 
Two days ago the group had found themselves in the middle of a fight with not one, but three infected monsters and one of them had a nasty looking club. You were fighting with him and on one of them and had taken a hit directly to your side. It was strong enough that it sent you spinning through the air and right into a tree. He didn’t think much of it since you simply bounced back like nothing happened and proceeded to stab the thing through the skull, but if he tries hard enough, he think you hit the same side on the tree as well.
But you didn’t drink a potion, he doesn’t think he even saw you being healed by Hyrule. Which means that you just had this on you for so long and you just- weren’t going to tell anyone?!
Wind can feel his heart clench in tandem with his first, your shirt nearly ripping since it was trapped in between his fingers. “HYRULE!”
“What happened?” Warrior makes it to his side first and stops mid-step when he catches sight of it. “I’ll... go get the Traveler.”
There’s a few seconds in between before you shake off the pain and rip your clothes out of his grip, forcing yourself to get to your feet again.
Everyone is too shocked by what they’ve seen verses how you’ve acting that they almost let you but Wind has been next to you, watching you, and he still is. He catches that your arms are shaking as you put your weight on it, and when you try and compensate for your bad side, you nearly throw yourself over again from your bad balance.
Wind pushes you back down and keeps his hands on your shoulders so keep you from trying that again.
Hyrule takes his cue and slides on his knees until he reaches your side, his healing spell fluttering around his fingers and into the nasty bruise.
“Guys, I’m fine.”
“Cut the bullcrap.” Wind says, knowing that Twilight and Time are behind him with Sky not too far behind. He hopes they let that one slide at least. “It’s looks like you were stabbed fifty seven times and poisoned to top of it all.”
You look up at him then and sigh, the fight leaving instantaneously. “Whatever.”
“It’s not whatever!” He argues but you cut him off.
“It’s just a bruise. It’ll heal in a few days and nothing is broken. But because it’s you holding me down, I’ll let you heal me.” You try for a half smile but Wind thinks it falls flat. “I’m not even going to try and fight a pirate in my state. Take your victory for now.”
“You didn’t have to let it get so bad.” Hyrule scolds you and you don’t even have the decency of at least looking apologetic.
“It was the fall that really made it hurt.” You clench your jaw when your shirt gets lifted higher for Hyrule to heal the bruise on your ribs. “It was just awkward before that.”
“No it wasn’t” Wind frowns even harder. “You were walking funny. It hurt like hell back there too and for a while as well. Why didn’t you get treatment with the others? Why didn’t you say anything?”
“Wind.” You say with as much patience you can muster. Your face begins to relax as the pain fades and the bruise changes to a more normal shade of purple with black spots. “We have no potions left. And Hyrule can only do so much healing in one go.”
“Speaking of...” Legend steps in and yanks Hyrule back by the shoulder, stopping the healing process.
Hyrule takes a minute to reorient himself and he steps away from a minute to catch his breath.
Wind takes another look at your injury and winces. While it looks significantly better than it did seconds prior, it’s not completely healed and would likely have to take more magic to heal on its own. They could just leave it there for the days it’ll take for it to heal naturally but Wind doesn’t like the idea of leaving you hurt for more than necessary.
“How were none of your bones broken?” Twilight asks in a quiet shocked voice.
“Oh no, there were many fractures, believe me.” Hyrule shakes his head. “Mostly minor but it’s crazy how they were able to still be standing, let alone walking. Didn’t any of that hurt?”
Wind takes a sharp breath and has to look away from you. 
You were really good at hiding it then.
He misses the pained look on your face as he turns away and can’t see the hand you reach out to him. “Wind?”
“No.” He gulps and stand up. “This isn’t ok. You can’t do this. Say something next time, or I’ll never speak to you again.”
The second he says it, he feel childish for coming up with that threat in particular and while he wishes that there’ll never be a next time, he knows better.
Occupational hazard and all that jazz.
Your face morphs into one of sadness and you take your hand back. “Ok. Ok. I’ll be better next time.”
He supposes the threat worked after all.
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fruitcoops · 3 years
You write Moody so well! I would love to see something where Moody and Remus talk for the first time after Coops was outed. Whether it happens after the meeting Coops had with Arthur and Alice or after the all star break. I feel like they have such a good relationship!
Thanks! This was partially inspired by watching The Karate Kid (1984) last night, so I hope y'all are ready for some mentor hurt/ comfort this fine Sunday! SW credit goes to @lumosinlove
TW for mentioned forced outing
Remus was almost done. He only had a few more drawers to clean out. The whiteboards were as squeaky and shiny as the day he arrived; the desk had a few more dents and coffee stains decorating the surface, but overall it looked decent. He still couldn’t bring himself to take the pictures off, though. It was his life. His friends. He just couldn’t do it.
The sleeve of his ancient Wisconsin hoodie was still damp when he smudged it under his runny nose. No tears had fallen, but he could feel the maelstrom gathering in his throat. Everything he had worked for, gone because of one stupid mistake.
Not Sirius, of course. Sirius would never be a mistake. It was Remus’ fault they had been caught in the first place.
He stared around his office in misery—no official notice of his layoff had arrived, but he knew it would come, and it was always better to be prepared. Maybe it would hurt less if he did it himself, one final ‘fuck you’ to the homophobes before he trooped off with his tail between his legs.
The tiles were cold through the seat of his comfiest jeans. He tucked his knees closer to his chest.
A quiet knock at the door interrupted the suffocating silence. He didn’t answer.
Remus’ lower lip wobbled and he croaked out a ‘come in’ with as much strength as he could muster; it wasn’t much. The door opened with a creak—he had never gotten around to having it fixed, after all—and uneven footsteps shuffled in, followed by a sigh as his visitor settled next to him on the floor.
“You have a chair, you know.”
“I know,” he whispered.
“Not all of us have young knees. Doesn’t your ass hurt?”
Remus nodded.
Moody huffed through his nose and hoisted him up by the arm. “Well Christ, kid, up you come. You’re awfully dense for a beanpole. What, you got concrete for bones or something?”
“No,” Remus mumbled as he followed Moody across the hall and allowed himself to be plonked down in the soft chair by the door. It was his favorite of both their offices; as far as he knew, Moody never let anyone else sit there. His chest seized as a sob tried to fight its way out. “I’m sorry.”
Moody shot him a look at he got comfortable in the adjacent seat. “For what?”
“I dunno.”
“I don’t like useless apologies, Lupin.”
Remus sniffled. “I should’ve told you.”
“Says who?” Moody snorted. “Your business is your business. You’re a bright young man, none of this is your f—oh. Okay, Lupin, easy does it.”
“I’m sorry,” Remus blubbered as the tears finally started to fall. “I’m sorry, I know you don’t like crying, but I’m kind of a wreck right now.”
Moody made a few soft shushing noises, inching closer until he could wrap an arm around Remus’ shoulders and pat his arm like he was trying to soothe a frightened dog. “Don’t be sorry,” he said. “You’ve got nothing to be sorry for.”
The sobs were near-silent; Remus never cried loudly if he could help it, and he already felt bad enough for dripping his perpetual raincloud all over Moody’s office. He caught his breath after a few hitching inhales and scrubbed at his face with his sleeve. “Are you mad at me?”
“You didn’t do anything wrong.”
Remus pulled his knees up again and hugged them tight to his chest. “I haven’t called my parents yet.”
“Did they know?”
His heart gave another painful yank. “Nobody knew. Nobody. And—and now it’s everywhere and people won’t leave me alone and I’m gonna get fired—”
“Woah, deep breaths,” Moody interrupted gently, giving him a little shake. “You’re not getting fired.”
“Yes, I am.” Everything felt gross and cold and sad.
“Who told you that?”
“Coach said it might happen ‘cause I’m a doctor.”
Moody scanned his face for a moment, then reached over and grabbed a box of tissues off his desk. “First of all, take some of these. You look like a mud puddle, Lupin. It’s very unsettling. Second, this is a complicated situation and I wouldn’t be too quick to make assumptions. And third, I’ll go to bat for you.”
He paused midway through blowing his nose. “What?”
“You’re a good man. An excellent PT. The best colleague I’ve ever had, actually. You know your shit and if they try to fire you over this, I’m not going to make it easy for them.”
More tears threatened to fall over the edge of his itchy eyes. “You’d do that for me?”
“Don’t sound so surprised,” Moody grumbled.
“He hasn’t called.”
“Sirius.” Remus swallowed hard and, before he could second guess himself, leaned his head on Moody’s solid shoulder. “I’ve called him 23 times and he hasn’t answered a single one. He just…left. Didn’t even look at me.”
“He’s making a mistake.”
“I ruined his life.”
“Hey.” Moody’s tone turned stern. “You don’t get to talk shit about yourself in my office. This is a Lupin Appreciation Zone.”
Remus’ shoulders shook and he closed his eyes; he wished he could just dissolve into the floor and stay there until someone mopped him up. Everything hurt. The world sucked. Moody—
Moody was petting his hair.
The tears stopped abruptly and Remus hiccupped in pure confusion. “What’re you doing?”
“I’m bad at comfort, kid, gimme a break.” The sat in silence for a few seconds as Moody continued to pat his head and muss his hair, which was in dire need of a cut but just long enough to cover his eyes when it was pushed forward. “Feeling better?”
“Yeah, actually. How did you…?”
Something akin to embarrassment tinted Moody’s cheeks and he cleared his throat. “My cat hates thunderstorms.”
“Oh. Cool. Thanks.”
“No problem.”
“Thanks,” Remus said again, much quieter. Moody’s office always felt safe; all the clutter was in its proper place, clean and homey. The touch of familiarity was more of a comfort than he cared to admit. He sat up straight and wiped his face clean, then leaned forward to rest his elbows on his knees. “If I do get fired—”
“You won’t.”
“If I do, I wanted to say thank you for changing my life.” The words hung in the air. “You—without you, I would never have felt at home here. You were the best mentor I could ever ask for and I’m never going to forget that. You did more than just teaching me routines. Thank you.”
Moody cleared his throat again. “Tissues.”
Remus silently passed the box.
“If anyone gives you shit for being gay, you call me and I’ll take care of it,” Moody said once the tissue had disappeared into the depths of his pocket.
Remis blinked at him. “Are you offering to hurt someone for me?”
“I’ll deny it in court.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” he laughed. “Fuckin’ hell, this is a mess. I’m a mess.”
“You just got outed and your boyfriend ditched you in an airport,” Moody said bluntly, fixing Remus with a look. “You’re allowed to be a mess. Now go talk to Lily. Call your mom. Do whatever you do that makes you so sunshiney, and then we’re gonna unpack all your shit and put it back where it belongs.”
Remus swallowed hard. Fuck it. Fuck the NHL, fuck the homophobes, and fuck being sad.
Moody narrowed his eyes. “You want to use the kicking bag, don’t you?”
“I really, really do.”
“Stupid—fucking—son of a bitch!” Remus gritted out as the beat-up and half-folded gym mat squeaked under his assault. It was two inches of plastic and therapy—he was 90% sure Moody had stolen it from a middle school gym, and it had rapidly become the team’s favorite way of winding down after a frustrating day.
“Harder!” Moody barked behind him.
Remus wound up and slammed his foot into it again. “I worked too damn hard to be kicked out for this bullshit!”
“Damn right you did!”
The kicking bag creased in the center. “And I’ve got too much student debt to walk out of here like—like a coward!”
“Yes, you do!”
His grief had burnt off at least five minutes prior. Remus was well and truly pissed now. “And it’s nobody’s goddamn business who I kiss!”
“That’s the spirit!” Moody cheered.
“And maybe his face is stupidly pretty!” Remus threw his shoulder against the mat before he resumed kicking it. “And, yeah, he has really nice shoulders and a great ass—”
“But fuck him for leaving me in an airport! What kind of douchebag does that to a guy? I’m hot and smart and nice and I can date whoever the hell I want if he doesn’t appreciate that!”
“That’s certainly one approach!”
Remus stopped with a harsh exhale and dropped one last halfhearted kick to the base. “I don’t want anyone else, though. And I miss his stupid pretty face.”
A hand, heavy but gentle, squeezed his shoulder. “Then go get him.”
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barnesbabee · 4 years
[B]reeding Kink || C.S
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[ꜱᴇxᴜᴀʟ ᴇɴᴄʏᴄʟᴏᴘᴇᴅɪᴀ - ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ʙ]
Summary: He broke into your house, and now he’s breaking you. (it's not fucking consentual non-con it's just inmate!San istg)
Pairing: Choi San x Reader
Words: my fairy godmother said it was 4311 words
Genre: Smut
⚠ mention of drugs, breeding kink, mentions of blood, mentions of violence, inmate!San ⚠
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  You woke up with loud banging on your door. It was so sudden, you didn’t know what time it was, what was happening, or where you were. It took you a quick second to scan your surroundings. 
    It was 2am, or so said the clock on your bedside table, and you were sitting up in your bed, startled and confused about the booming sound echoing through your house.
    You got up from the bed and hurriedly wrapped your robe around your body, however, just as you were getting to the living room to look through the peephole, the door burst open. You covered your mouth with your hand to prevent any noise from coming out and hid behind the sofa, praying to whatever wanted to help you that he hadn’t seen you.
    You closed your eyes tightly and started breathing heavily as you heard the loud footsteps roam around your house. 
    It was hard to breathe and you felt as if someone was pressing on your chest. 
    You opened your eyes slowly and peeked behind the couch. You could see a man… His appearance wasn’t clear as the whole place was dark, the only thing illuminating the room being the moon. He had a broad back and dark hair, that you noticed, and he wore heavy, black boots, that left a trail of dirt wherever he walked. 
   Who was he? What did he want? Why was he in your apartment?
   You hid back and waited until you could no longer hear him.
    The silence of his steps felt unsettling… Your chest rose and fell rapidly, and it took all of the courage you had to peek around the couch once more. 
    However, this time you were met with a man’s face. He wore a wide, Cheshire Cat-like smile on his face as he stared right at you. You could almost feel his warm breath hit your face…
    “Hello, doll!” 
    You opened your mouth to scream but the male was faster. He slapped his hand over your face, preventing you from yelling for help or anything of the sort. 
    The male approached his lips to your ears.
   “I’m gonna need your help doll…”
   You took a look at his appearance. He had on a white, stained, and slightly ripped wife-beater, along with a flashy orange jumpsuit. You examined his body carefully. His hair was damp and his inked, very well-built arms were shiny, he had been running. You were inspecting everything as carefully as you possibly could.. when you noticed.
     Was that blood!? 
     There were little spots and splatters of dried, red liquid all over his clothes, which made you widen your eyes. What the fuck had he done!? 
     He noticed your sudden change of emotions and realized you had seen the state of his clothes.
     “Listen, I don’t wanna hurt you. I need you to hide me, I’ll explain everything but you’re not in danger, yet.”
     The ‘yet’ at the end of his sentence sparked something in you and you began struggling under his hold. He gripped your arm and forced you to stop shifting.
    “Calm. Down. You’re not in danger, but if you call the police on me, if you yell for help, you will be. All you have to do is be a good girl and cooperate, because if anything goes wrong, all you need to know is that there are eight of us, if I get caught it won’t be looking too pretty for you.”
    You looked at him, eyes still widened and breathing very heavily.
    “You got it?” He asked.
     He slowly removed his hand from your mouth and placed it on his thigh. You were full-on crying in fear at that point. 
    The male said nothing, he just sighed and ran his hand through his sweaty hair. He also didn’t know what to do. He had no idea where the other seven were, he had no idea if they were still alive and he honestly didn’t know what happened next.
    “Y-you should take a shower.” You told him, as you finally felt the reek coming from him. 
   He looked down at himself and nodded. The male stood up and looked at you.
   “I can’t trust you though.”
   “W-what then? You’re just going to stink forever? Are you going to make me sit in the bathroom while you wash?”
   You were just mocking him, but from the way he shrugged you could tell he didn’t mind one bit to have you in the bathroom with him. You refused at first, but you didn’t really have much choice as he dragged you around looking for the bathroom.
    You sat on the toilet, facing the wall as you crossed your arms in front of your chest.
    “I can’t believe you’re okay with this.” You complained. 
   “I was in prison, doll, I had hundreds of men looking at my ass every day when I showered, having a girl in a bathroom with me isn’t exactly a nightmare.”
    You were both silent. The sound of the water hitting the floor echoed in the room and the water was so hot that the atmosphere around you two became foggy. 
    “Fuck, this is heaven…”
    You would’ve chuckled if you weren’t so scared and uncomfortable.
    “You know, we have warm water in there, but there are so many people taking showers at the same time so it just ends up being cold all the time. The showerheads are also really old, so they get clogged all the time and there’s barely any water coming out… You come out looking mustier than when you went in.”
    You smiled at that. You could tell he was a people person, he was comfortable enough in this situation to tell life stories and maybe that was the purpose, but you started slowly feeling a little at ease. So much so that you gained the courage to ask the question you were scared of. 
    “What were you in there for?”
    You had to know. You couldn’t have a conversation with him, you couldn’t not feel uncomfortable and uneasy without at least knowing. 
    There was silence, and the water turned off.
    Your eyes widened from the nth time that night and you felt all blood be drained from your body. The sense of fear and anxiety washed over you once more, and you didn’t know how to react. Should you run? Should you stay? Should you speak, or should you be quiet? 
    A little childish giggle sounded in the bathroom almost forcing you to look behind. He pulled the shower curtain to the side, and although this man was naked from head to toe right in front of you, your eyes were glued to his face. The giggling was creepy, you hated it.
    “I’m joking, I went in for drug abuse and distribution.”
    You took a deep, shaky breath and closed your eyes, letting your head fall forward. You shed a couple of tears out of stress and relief. 
    “You… fucking idiot.” You cursed at him, still feeling a little lightheaded.
    He giggled once more and wrapped a towel around his waist, after roaming about the bathroom looking for one.
    “Why… Did you have blood all over you then?” 
    He pointed at his abdomen, where a deep cut that your eyes had completely missed stood.
   “It was mine. Mostly… Listen escaping prison isn’t that easy and there’s trap wire and people shooting, if you’re not bleeding it’s because you’re Michael Scofield, and sadly we’re all kind of stupid.”
  Although he moved like the wound didn’t hurt, you couldn’t help but worry about it. You pointed at the ripped flesh.
  “Can I… Can I fix it for you?”
  He cocked his head to the side as he looked at you, silently questioning himself as to why you would want to help him. He shrugged, nevertheless. He wasn’t about to decline help…
   “I’d like that.”
    He tied the towel tighter around his hips so it wouldn’t fall, and sat down on the toilet you were previously resting on. You reached for the cabinet over the sink and took the medical supplies from it.
   “This is going to hurt a bit so just, distract yourself by telling me about you.”
   The male scoffed at your words.
   “I’ve been to prison, I don’t think I’ll be hurt by- oh f-fuck!”
   You giggled at his little curse as you pressed the gauze with hydrogen peroxide against his wounded skin.
   He rested his head against the wall and flexed his abdomen.
   “O-okay so, my name is San I’ve been in there for 2 years and- fucking Hell go easy on me!”
  You giggled and mumbled a soft ‘sorry’ as you listened to his stories. You tried very hard to focus on your job, but your eyes would sometimes wander around his torso and covered thighs.
  “I uh, I started selling drugs when I was eighteen, I got thrown out of the orphanage and my little sister came with me, and I wanted to make good money so she could go to university.” he paused for a second, wincing as you switched products “It was fine for a while, I made some friends there which was nice. I never really had friends, cause I kept moving from the orphanage to foster houses back and forth, so I never stayed in one place long enough to make lasting friendships… B-but it didn’t go so well cause I got caught in a swoop and the eight of us went in.”
  When he finished the story you had no idea what to say… You felt a little bad about what he had just told you. 
   “I’m sorry…”
   “It’s fine, life isn’t always kind. Plus,” he stopped to grab your chin and bring your gaze up to his “I never said I was a good person, doll. I just said I was tryna get my sister to a better place.” 
   You stared into his eyes for a second, before snapping back to reality. You stood up and mumbled something along the lines of ‘I’ll get you some clothes’ as you walked off.
  Some of your larger garments fit him quite well. A pair of large, black joggers and a yellow hoodie that looked stupidly big on you. He had to go commando however, since you didn’t happen to have a pair of boxers lying around.  
   You set up the couch for him to sleep in as you weren’t about to give up your bed for an inmate that had just broken in, but he seemed pretty content in the comfort of your couch. 
    “You sure you don’t need some company in there, doll?” 
    You chuckled at his bold attempt and pressed your tongue against the inside of your cheek. 
    “Yes San, I’d rather keep the convict at least one hallway away.” You joked.
    Although you felt a little more comfortable around him, knowing that he wasn’t 100% a scumbag, you couldn’t let your guard down. 
    Your theory was proven when you woke up not much later after you fell asleep with a shadow looking straight at you from the doorway. Not remembering that you had a guest, you yelled. 
    He immediately came rushing to your side and shut you up with his hand.
   “Why did you scream!?” San asked, panicking.
   You removed his hand from your face harshly.
   “Because a huge shadow man was standing in my doorway like a lunatic! What are you doing!?” 
  “It’s… It’s 7am I’m hungry.”
 You shot daggers at him through your sleepy, hooded eyes.
  “Do you not sleep?”
   “Not really…  We have a lot of sleep deprivation in there.”
   Somehow he had this habit of making you do things by making you feel bad. And this was no exception. 
   You groaned and dragged yourself off of the bed, feeling kind of embarrassed about how terrible you looked compared to him. Although his hair was messy, it still made him look good, as it further defined his jawline.
  You didn’t know what he wanted to eat, so you just pointed at your cabinets and began teaching him what was inside of each of them.
   As you did all of this, you realized how often he’d brush his dark locks back, in order to get them out of his face. You looked at your wrist and surely enough there was a spare hair tie on it. You offered it to San, who gladly accepted the item and tied his hair in a small ponytail.
  You started walking back to your bedroom, to resume your interrupted sleep, but a pertinent question popped in your mind, and sleep was no longer your biggest preoccupation.
   You turned around and walked back to the kitchen, to find San shoving his hand down the cereal box and eating it dry.
    “San… What’s your plan here? I mean, in the long run. You can’t just crash in my sofa forever.”
    The male in question looked at you, a suggestive gaze playing in his eyes.
   “I can always crash on your bed.” He wiggled his eyebrows at you as he said this.
   “I’m serious, San. This can be really problematic for me! Do you realize the trouble this could put me in? If someone finds out you’re here I’ll have so many legal complications! I’m on the fourth floor, why did you even choose my apartment!?”
   San went quiet for a second and looked at the floor.
   “You’re the 69th apartment…” He replied quietly.
   You rolled your eyes and turned around, stressed out about his response, while rubbing your temples.
  Before you could get very far, however, the man grabbed your wrist and made you turn around.
   “You’re right, I’m sorry… We agreed to meet up in an abandoned building a couple blocks down from where we lived. We needed to lay low for at least a couple of hours. I got lucky I managed to lose the coppers, but I don’t know about them…”
    He had sat down by the dining table and buried his head in his hands. For some reason, 
you felt as if you should comfort him, so you approached the male softly and pet his head slowly.
    “I can try to help with the smaller things!”
    But little did you know that that statement would soon come back to bite you in the ass, when you came home later in the day, after your very tiring night shift, and found eight very big men sitting around your living room, just chatting it up as if it was their own house.
    Ignoring the possibly dangerous men sprawled on your floor and couch, you closed the door and walked towards San.
    “What… The fuck.” You said through gritted teeth, trying to remain calm.
    “Well, you said you could help with the smaller things, and that side of the town was flooding with cops looking for us, so I figured we could come here to lay low!” He said, gesturing to his friends.
    You closed your eyes and inhaled deeply. 
    “When I said small things I meant maybe food or warm water to shower with. I didn’t mean I’d be the shelter for eight hooligans!”
    “What did you just call us?” One of them calmly asked. 
   You looked behind San to face the bleached haired male, who had a mixture of angry and offended on his face. It suddenly hit you that all of these escapee inmates were in your house, staring at you as you insulted them, and nervous tears started brimming in your eyes.
    “I-I’m sorry Sir, but you are sitting on my rug and you came from jail I think I’m entitled to be upset right now.” You told him, holding up your index finger.
     “Listen I’m sorry but overstaying my welcome-”
     “Oh, you think you’re overstaying!?” 
    Already sick of your snappy attitude, San gripped your arm and pushed you back against the wall, causing you to wince and drop your keys. His face was millimeters away from yours, so close you could feel his breath on you.
    “Listen doll, I don’t think anybody wants eight wanted criminals in their living room but you don’t have a choice, okay!? Neither of us would be here if we had a better choice but we fucking don’t, so why don’t you make this easier for all of us and cooperate?”
    You had no choice but to nod, as you swallowed nervously. San let go of you and sighed, disappointed that he had to resource to violence.
   There was an awkward silence, that the male you had known the longest felt the obligation to fill. 
    “So, uhm, these are my friends… “ He said and began introducing them one by one.
    Some of the men remained expressionless, only giving you a nod as a greeting, while a couple smiled politely and the rest chimed a small ‘hello’. 
   “Did you… All go in for the same thing?”
   “Friendship goals, right?” The male you now knew to be named Mingi said, stealing a smile out of you. 
   There was the heavy silence again… And you searched deep in your head for what could solve the awkwardness.
    “Are you guys hungry? I don’t have enough food here but I could go out and buy some chicken. I don’t think it’s safe to have people deliver.”
    They all agreed and so you went on your way, to buy food for all the unwanted guests. It was probably a bad idea to go out on your own and carry all this chicken and alcohol (that you bought hoping that the eight men would become bubblier and less threatening after consuming it) but you still thought that was a better scenario than being caught in public with a wanted criminal. So after about forty-five minutes of struggling, you managed to get into the house with three huge bags: two for the chicken and one for the drinks. 
    Their eyes all lit up once you stepped foot inside of the house and suddenly they resembled little kids. The men instantly attacked the food, proceeding to hurriedly unwrap the chicken.
    “Damn Y/N, were you in jail too?” San asked when he saw you hungrily devour the food. It seemed like you too hadn’t eaten anything that good in years.
    You quickly flipped him off and continued eating. 
  Your speculations were correct, and as the empty alcohol bottles started piling up, the room started echoing with happy chatter and laughter. 
   All of the stress and panic about the situation started washing off from them as the hours passed by and you had to admit, hadn’t they been wanted criminals you wouldn’t have minded being a part of their odd friend group.
    “H-hey Y/N, you should sit here, it’s more comfortable.” San joked with a sly smirk, as he patted his lap.
     “Keep trying, lover boy.” You told him as you rolled your eyes.
     San then placed his hands around your waist and pulled you to sit on his lap, keeping a slight grip on your body, soft enough for you to leave if you were uncomfortable. 
    “Was this a good enough try, doll?” He whispered in your ear.
    You said nothing, and your silence made him chuckle as he pulled you back, until your back hit his chest. Somehow he was right. It did feel more comfortable… And maybe it was the alcohol, or the fact that San was actually insanely hot, but all of the tension left in your body evaporated, and you felt yourself melt into his touch. 
    All of the sounds started fading into the background and you didn’t even acknowledge the rest of the boys, as all you could feel was the way San was drawing shapes on your thighs with his long fingers, and how you wanted them a little farther up your body. You pressed your thighs against each other, and this action didn’t go unnoticed by San, who squeezed them tighter in his hold and groaned in your ear. 
    You could feel a hard-on beginning to form in San’s pants, as it began poking your ass. You shifted in his lap, causing his boner to harden by the second. He gripped his waist tighter and pressed you down on his growing problem. 
     “I really want you, doll, I think you want me too…” He whispered in your ear. 
     “You’re imagining things San.” 
      He rolled his hips up and held you in place, so you could feel every curve of his fully hardened member press against you. Of course he noticed the way you inhaled shakily and giggled. Giggled. 
     San was indeed an intriguing person…
     He kissed a couple of spots on your neck, and bit down on an area he found softer, managing to steal a small whimper out of you. 
     A couple of heads turned towards you and they smirked, acknowledging what was happening, but not wanting to bother or steal the moment away. They turned their attention back to the other men, leaving you two isolated once more. 
    “Please, let me fuck you, doll… I wanna feel how well you clench around me. Will you let me do that?”
    Your mind was clouded by pleasure and curiosity, and so you stood up and grabbed his wrist, pulling him towards your bedroom, not even bothering to give him a verbal response.
    The second the male heard the door click, he pushed you against it with his body and smashed his lips against yours. His hands were obsessed with your hips and thighs, constantly squeezing them as you grinded against his crotch. 
     He tapped the back of your legs and you wrapped them around him. San carried you to the bed as if you were made of feathers, and even though his tongue was harsh against yours, the way he let you down on the bed was soft.
      The two of you only pulled away when the confinement of your clothes started becoming unbearable. You peeled the work clothes (that you had never changed from) hastily from your body. San undressed just as quickly, and he couldn’t believe his view. After all that time being incarcerated he managed to have someone so good looking so willing to fuck him… He smirked and slapped your thighs, proceeding to grab them as he kissed your jaw, then your neck, then your chest, then your stomach, only stopping when his lips were dangerously close to a place you’d be wishing for him to touch you. He stopped and looked up at you. God, he wished he could take a picture of you right now… All jittery and messy, needy and aching for his touch. 
   "F-Fuck San, please!“ You begged, finally, when the teasing became too much. 
   "Anythin’ for you, doll." 
  He teased your entrance with his tongue before entering two fingers, as to prepare you for what was to come. San squeezed and bit your thighs as his fingers entered you in a high speed. 
    "Oh my G-God, San- I want you in me." 
    He groaned at your neediness, and shoved the fingers that had previously been in you past your lips. 
    You maintained eye contact as you sucked slowly on his digits.
    San lined up his cock with your entrance and pushed into you slowly, causing you to wince slightly and bite his fingers. 
    The male immediately removed his hand and moved both his hands to rest on your waist. 
    "Y-you okay, doll?” He asked, afraid he’d hurt you. 
    "Yes- yes, move…" 
     San bottomed out inside you with a loud groan. He didn’t move for a second, trying to take in how tight you were and how good he felt. And even though he tried to hold back by starting to thrust into you slowly, he soon lost control. His hips snapped against yours uncontrollably fast and neither of you cared if the moans and whimpers could be heard in the next room. 
    "S-shit, look at you doll, taking my cock like a good girl-“ 
     You gripped his arms, digging your nails into his skin, loving the way he talked to you. 
    Something about seeing all of those artworks in san’s body made you feel more attracted to the male. 
   "You feel so good inside me Sannie.”
    The pet name and the little praise caused his cock to twitch inside of you, and you could tell he was almost there, by the sloppiness of his thrusts. 
    You wanted to see what he looked like in pure lust, you wanted to do the dirtiest things with this man, his sinful figure bigging out someone you didn’t even know you had in you. 
     "I-I need to cum doll, where do you want me to-“ 
    "Inside me! Please, please cum inside me San!” You begged as you clung onto him for dear life. 
    His cock twitched once more, and he looked at you with a mix of surprise and lust in his eyes. 
    "Y/N are you sure cause-“ 
    "Fucking breed me, San! I want your cum dripping out of me, please!" 
   The intensity of his thrusts increased as did the grip he had on you. 
    "You want me to breed you? Hm? Make you mine forever? Turn you into a bad girl for me? Y-you’re so dirty…”
   "Y-yes! God yes!“ 
    "Oh f-fuck!” Was the last thing he managed to yell as he buried his member deep inside of you, shooting white spurts of cum that covered your walls. 
    It was the way his body trembled and the way his mouth fell open with small whimpers that caused you to climax right after him. 
   His sweaty body collapsed on top of yours as he slowly pulled out, and you could feel the cum drip out of your hole. 
   For a couple of seconds all that could be heard was the heavy panting, until San lifted his head and looked at you. 
    "Fuck, I guess you belong to me now…“
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mizunetzu · 4 years
Lovely tags: @xstar-kidx @shiny-bun @runawayvictorianchild @tea-whore @mixijima @fudobaby @fa1ryblood4 @shawwniebinnie @2o77danilopez @cha-boi-after-dem-kneecaps @vincent0kirishima @dxcter @li-xero-x
Kuroo x reader - ...Yet it Happened Again (you did once pt.2)
⚠️Warnings - Bokuto running around without underwear so his pants and his asscheeks prolly stank, none
Pronouns - he/him
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You can find part one here!
“I never stood a chance, did i?” Kuroo chuckled. It was a sad chuckle, one that made (Y/n) want to cry as well.
“That’s the sad part.” (Y/n) pressed his lips into a fine line, turning it into a smile connotated with pity.
“You did once.”
(Y/n) rubbed at the back of his head, trying not to suffocate in the aggravating silence that consumed the air. He looked off to the side, looking to the ground where his feet stood, then kept his gaze trained on his feet.
He didn’t want to see Kuroo’s face again. Not because he was uncomfortable that he liked him, no. He was sure they’d be good buddies again in a few days. He just didn’t want to see that pitiful expression that hung heavy with rejection. Even (Y/n) was an empathetic person.
“We should head back...” (Y/n) said, mumbling into the ground. “Yeah,” Kuroo’s disembodied voice rang, albeit a bit wavy and dry. It twisted (Y/n’s) heart into knots.
(Y/n) pushed off the railing and began to walk away. People would be wondering where they went.
“Are you comi-“ (Y/n’s) voice hitched in his throat.
Kuroo was smiling. His eyes closed, a gentle, warm smile on his face as he held himself with his arms wrapped tightly around themselves. (Y/n’s) furrowed his eyebrows.
Kuroo seemed to notice the gaze of confusion from him, so he looked up. His eyes were gentle, they held no grudge or blame for (Y/n), eyes that respected and adored his decision, even if it was rejection on his part. Some part of him wished Kuroo would be more mad, so he didn’t have to feel so bad about turning down his confession.
“There’s...” Kuroo finally spoke up after what seemed like forever. “...nothing I can really do to change your mind.”
Kuroo’s eyes crinkled as he smiled. Not smirk, but a soft, clad smile. (Y/n) frowned.
“And it made me realize just how happy I am to still be your friend. And I think I’m satisfied with that for now.”
Kuroo hiked himself off the railing as well, not bothering for an answer from (Y/n) and his unreadable expression. He walked past him, before stopping and turning around.
“Thanks for hearing me out, (Y/n). I have my answer now and I can stop stressing, so thank you for that.”
“Let’s go back.”
(Y/n) nodded quietly. He didn’t trust his voice to come out the way he wanted, so he chose to silently follow Kuroo back to the gym.
Why did it feel so bad?
He knew rejecting people always felt sort of burdenful, but he never thought about things like that more than a day at most, usually forgetting the whole thing happened after a good amount of time. But (Y/n) found himself thinking about it even three days after his rejection to Kuroo.
Was it because it was his friend who he rejected? His old crush? (Y/n) bounced a volleyball against the ground, before bringing it up into a toss. He tossed the ball absentmindedly as his teammates did whatever solo practice they wanted to do.
(Y/n) hummed to himself. Even though he was confused as to why it felt so bad to reject Kuroo, he wondered why he didn’t take his rejection more heavily even more.
It was a rejection, he should’ve been at least a bit more sad then that. But he was smiling. Kuroo was smiling as (Y/n) so selfishly told him he didn’t love him. God, why did he have to confess so early into training camp?
Maybe it was because he was such a kind person...a kind, kind person. He was lucky to have a friend like that, willing to be happy being friends with someone like him, who broke his heart. So lucky. Lucky that Kuroo was kind and caring and-
The volleyball dropped and bounced off (Y/n’s) face, before tumbling onto the ground and bouncing away. (Y/n) stumbled back with a groan, tripping and falling onto his ass as he tried to regain his bearings. He must’ve been so lost in his thoughts that he forgot he was tossing the ball. He sat and rubbed at his face. It stung, especially since the ball dropped from so high up.
He heard a voice yell. (Y/n’s) heart swelled. From guilt or from something else, he didn’t know.
In a second Kuroo was standing over him, a worried look on his face. He crouched down to his side.
“Are you okay? That looked like it hurt.” Kuroo gave no time for (Y/n) to answer, as he pulled his hand away from his head and cupped his cheek. He brought (Y/n’s) face close to his own, examining it closely. (Y/n) held his breath, and looked anywhere but him. “Your forehead looks kinda red.”
“I’m sure I’ll be fine...” (Y/n) brought his hand up to Kuroo’s wrist to get him to let go of his face, but he held it firm, but with the gentleness of a feather at the same time. His hand was warm. He wished it was cold so his heart would calm down. He wished he would let go already.
Kuroo scanned the gym for the nearest adult. Coach Nekomata was busy being talked off by Karasuno’s coach, so he couldn’t go there. And he’s pretty sure everyone else was busy. Kuroo sighed.
“Get up, I’m taking you to the health office so you can rest.”
In a second, (Y/n) was pulled to his feet and walking towards the health office. Kuroo yelled something over to a nearby coach, who nodded and let him continue to the office.
“Wh-but it was just a bump-?!”
Kuroo held his fingers to his lips. “Dude, I’m bailing you out from practice for a few minutes, the least you can do is thank me.”
(Y/n) let his mouth fall closed. He furrowed his brows with a huff as he walked in silence.
Kuroo Tetsurou is such a kind person.
(Y/n) flopped onto the nurse's office’s bed face down, sighing into the dense mattress. It wasn’t even that comfortable, but to a tired volleyball player, it was like laying on warm clouds.
“Air conditioning feels so niiiiiiiice...” (Y/n) sunk deeper into the school-provided pillows, his sweat beginning to cool as the AC blew cold air into the room. Kuroo closed the office door, so no one would catch them ditching, and sat down on the bed next to (Y/n).
He sat there for a few seconds, testing the waters, before slowly laying down beside (Y/n). He looked up from the pillow, an unreadable expression on his face as he looked at Kuroo laying down.
“Am I not allowed to lay down?”
“Well-it’s just—“
“Calm down, (Y/n),” Kuroo chuckled. He shifted from his spot on the small bed, laying on his side and facing (Y/n). “Just cause I like you doesn’t mean I’m gonna pounce on you while we’re resting or something.”
“I’m tired too.”
Kuroo pulled up the folded blanket to both of their shoulders. (Y/n) shrunk back into the mattress slightly when Kuroo placed the bed sheet over him. “If they ask where we were, just say I was icing your forehead or something.”
Kuroo settled into the bed. In seconds, (Y/n) could’ve sworn he was already out like a light, quietly snoring while he wrapped his arms around himself atop the blanket. It didn’t help that the bed was small, made for people of normal height and certainly only for one person.
Especially with Kuroo, almost 6’2; (Y/n) was closer to Kuroo’s face than he would have liked.
He saw the way Kuroo’s chest would flutter every time he took a deep breath in, or the way his impossibly messy hair fell into his face, making it even more untamable than it already is. Or the way his lips were so deliciously parted, making his face look relaxed and peaceful.
He could stare at it forever. He could stare at him forever. And it was scary.
(Y/n) clutched the fabric of his shirt that clung right over his heart. There was no way he could sleep like this. Not when he was so close to Kuroo Tetsurou...
But even as he thought that, both of them somehow woke up entangled in each others arms, comfortable, and skipping practice peacefully. Not even Coach Nekomata had the heart to wake them up when he so curiously wandered into the health office looking for the two. Which is why they didn’t until Yaku dragged Kuroo forcefully onto the ground, bringing (Y/n) down with him.
(Y/n) thinks he knows why it felt so bad.
It wasn’t as hard to figure out. After all, the warm, fluttery feeling he felt as he woke up so suddenly, on the ground staring up at Yaku while directly on Kuroo’s chest was too telling.
The feelings he tried so hard to forget were resurfacing again. And he hated it.
Don’t get him wrong, Kuroo openly admitted to liking him just a few days ago, and just yesterday he woke up on top of his chest, but it was almost embarrassing to admit he was falling all over again. He didn’t want to. God, he didn’t want to.
Suck it up, keep it inside until training camp is over. That’s what he told himself. Then (Y/n) wouldn’t have to see Kuroo’s stupid, lovable face all day every day. Maybe then these feelings would bubble over again. That easy.
Or so he thought.
Kuroo came jogging up to (Y/n), a plate of breakfast in his hand as he slumped down in the seat next to him. Kuroo dug into his breakfast, piling rice into his mouth as (Y/n) hummed out a greeting.
Kuroo swallowed a big lump of rice thickly. He clasped his hands together, before rubbing the back of his neck bashfully. “Sorry about yesterday...totally didn’t expect to fall asleep on you...or koala you while I was sleeping…”
“S’fine…” (Y/n) said, hungrily shoveling food into his mouth. He barely heard anything that Kuroo said over the sound of his stomach rumbling. Kuroo raised an eyebrow.
“Did you hear what I said?”
“Yesh.” (Y/n) chewed, thought about it, then swallowed. “...No.”
“(Y/nnnnn)!” Kuroo banged on the table lightly as he whined jokingly. (Y/n) chuckled into his plate of rice.
“Kidding, kidding! Yeah, I heard-”
“Though I wouldn’t blame you if it went totally over your head there. Y’know, since you’re so dense sometimes~”
Kuroo cackled as (Y/n) spat rice at him while he sputtered. His laugh was unrestrained, and as funny-sounding as it was, it sounded so genuine and wholehearted that you couldn’t help but listen as his laughter sang. It was stupid. It was Kuroo.
(Y/n) stopped laughing before Kuroo, stopping unconsciously to listen to his contagious laugh. He only then realized he called him by his first name habitually, like he’d done years ago. As his laughter died down, (Y/n) quickly turned to his plate of half-eaten food to avoid being caught staring at him.
“Ahhhh sorry sorry-you’re just very fun to-Kenma! Get off you’re psp and eat, damnit!”
Kuroo stood up from the table, pointing at Kenma, who was trying to somehow hide himself behind Hinata. Kuroo turned back to (Y/n). “Sorry, let me grab Kenma’s psp real quick. He was gonna sit next to us until he saw Shrimpy over there, and he’s probably too busy showing him his games to eat. Gimme a sec, ‘kay?”
Kuroo fled from the table, disappearing off to nag Kenma like a mom. (Y/n) picked up his chopsticks, picking up a small veggie with his sticks when a phone buzzed.
(Y/n) fished his phone out of his pocket, switching it on only to be met with a blank screen with his background photo. A picture of him and Kuroo posing in front of a ramen shop’s fish mascot, pretending to eat it as Kenma set his hand on the fish to contribute to the photo. No notifications. It wasn’t his phone.
The phone buzzed again, and it was only then (Y/n) realized it was the phone on the table, in the seat directly next to him. Kuroo’s seat. It was Kuroo’s phone.
(Y/n) pursed his lips. He grabbed the phone, intending to turn it off or dismiss the notification, when his eyes caught the message banner.
One new message from “Yumemite”
Huh. He could’ve sworn the last time he’d seen Kuroo’s phone, her contact name was somewhere along the lines of “Cutie Yumi <3” or “love of my life”. But it was what was under that banner that really peaked his interest.
‘hows it goin with (Y/n)????’
(Y/n) knew he shouldn’t intrude on Kuroo’s texts. It was a breach of privacy, and Kuroo could come back any second. Still, the message was about him, so he had a right to know...right?
He typed in Kuroo’s password the last he remembered it. Yumemite’s birthday. Quickly typing in the digits, his cringed slightly when the words ‘INCORRECT PASSWORD’ glared at him, and erased the wrong password from the text box.
(Y/n) glared back at Kuroo’s phone, even as he felt a sense of pride that Yumi’s birthday wasn’t the answer. He typed in Kuroo’s own birthday into the text box with a smirk.
The screen flashed ‘INCORRECT PASSWORD’ once again.
Now, this really got (Y/n) confused. Kuroo was very basic with passwords. His birthday, or someone else’s birthday like his mom, had always been his go-to password. But it was almost always his own birthday. (Y/n) gulped, and hesitantly typed in one more birthday into the box.
The screen slid up, granting him access to Kuroo’s phone. (Y/n) couldn’t tell if his stomach dropped or if his chest exploded with butterflies.
The number he had typed in was his own birthday.
(Y/n) shook the butterflies off, clicking on the messages app and opening the conversation with Yumemite. He scrolled up until his name wasn’t mentioned in conversation anymore, which was a few days ago, the day he rejected Kuroo to be precise.
Yumemite - howd it go??
Yumemite - he said yes right??
Kuroo - no
Kuroo - brb gonna go listen to mitski and cry :,)
Yumemite - AWWW IM SO SORRY :(((((
Kuroo - wait lmao dont be i was joking
Yumemite - ?
Yumemite - wait so he said yes-?
Kuroo - well- no
Kuroo - he rejected me but tbh id rather be his friend than not have him in my life at all yk??
Kuroo - like i can learn to get over him but itd fuckin suck if i lost him altogether
Kuroo - hes too important to me for that
Kuroo - i love him too much >>>
Yumemite - gay
Kuroo - shut up u literally have a gf
Yumemite - yeah <3 unlike one of us
(Y/n) smiled to himself as he read through the texts. He felt oddly happy that he was ‘important enough’ to Kuroo that he’d be willing to stay as friends even though he was rejected.
(Y/n) switched off the phone as he heard approaching footsteps. He slid the phone back into its place as Kuroo slumped back in his seat, psp in hand.
He hoped he didn’t notice.
(Y/n) wished he didn’t know why he felt so bad. Now that he knew, it just felt worse.
Every little touch, every little ‘(Y/n)~!’, hell, every little glance he sent his way sent shivers down (Y/n) spine. And he hated it.
He hated how he couldn’t stop himself from falling hopelessly in love with Kuroo Tetsurou all over again.
He wasn’t deliberately doing anything to get him to fall so bad either. No flirtatious comments, touches that get a little too personal, nothing. It was just Kuroo being his friend, and that made it one-hundred times worse.
Did that mean Kuroo got over him that quickly? Did he not like him anymore, and that’s why he was so comfortable sleeping in the same bed as him? Or laughing and touching him all buddy-buddy during breakfast? Did he-
Did he really move on that quickly?
(Y/n) ran fingers through his hair as he walked into the gym. It should’ve been a good thing, Kuroo moving on. He should’ve been happy about that. So why wasn’t he? Why…
Bokuto’s voice boomed from behind (Y/n). He jumped, but before he could turn around, an arm snatched his wrist and pulled him along.
(Y/n) legs ran faster than he could keep up with. Kuroo lay ahead, sprinting as fast as he could with (Y/n’s) wrist in his clutch. He looked from a cackling Kuroo’s back, to Bokuto chasing behind them.
“I stole all of Bokuto’s underwear from his bag while he was in the shower.” Kuroo said between jagged pants as he turned a sharp corner. (Y/n) stumbled along, trying to keep up.
“And you brought me along why?!”
“Hey-! I didn’t mean to! You were just right in front of me and you were like-thinking about something so you probably didn’t hear me screaming to get outta the way so I just grabbed you-!”
Fair enough. (Y/n) huffed as Kuroo hurriedly opened up a storage closet and ducked into it.
It was fairly big, about the size of a volleyball club room and very, very dark. (Y/n) could barely see the faint outline of Kuroo’s jawline as he felt around the doorknob, snickering.
“Shit-there’s no lock…”
“Fuck! Uh-!”
Kuroo looked around as he heard Bokuto’s footsteps nearing the closet. Looking at (Y/n), he could very clearly see the bright white of his shirt, contrasting the way Kuroo’s black one blended into the dark. If Bokuto barged in, he’d see (Y/n), which would lead to him finding Kuroo, and...well.
Without thinking, Kuroo pushed (Y/n) against the corner of the room, placing each of his hands on either side of him as he practically smushed himself against him. The door barged open, faint yellow light flooding into the dark room as Bokuto angrily stomped in.
Kuroo mouthed a “Don’t...move…” as slowly as he could to avoid his lips smacking or making noise, and he’s pretty sure he got the message with how utterly close their faces were to touching.
(Y/n) was so close he could practically count the eyelashes on Kuroo’s pretty eyes. Were Kuroo’s eyes always so bright? They looked hypnotic and endless as he looked off to the side, trying to see Bokuto searching the closet childishly.
(Y/n) swallowed the lump in his throat as quietly as he could, pressing against the wall as much as humanly possible with how close Kuroo was.
Bokuto huffed, nearing Kuroo and (Y/n’s) hiding spot. Kuroo unconsciously pressed closer, hoping Bokuto wouldn’t see the white of (Y/n’s) shirt. Things disappear with the color black in the dark, he just hoped Bokuto was dumb enough to not see Kuroo’s hair or his black shirt.
Kuroo’s face was so close to (Y/n) that they were practically pressing on eachother. Kuroo’s lips lay a mere centimeter away from (Y/n), one push from Bokuto, one slip from Kuroo, hell, one little gust of wind and they’d lock lips anytime soon.
Kuroo couldn’t help but stare into (Y/n’s) wide eyes with a sweaty, flushed face. (Y/n) couldn’t tear his eyes off of Kuroo’s half-lidded golden ones, especially with the way his lips were so tantalizingly close…
They jumped, however, when Bokuto kicked over a bucket with a loud “Hey, hey, hey!”. They both tensed as Bokuto pouted once more.
“I know you two are in here-!”
Bokuto whipped his head around.
Akaashi held up a pair of light blue boxers. “He missed one. Put them on before your pants start to smell. We’ll find him later.”
When Akaashi appeared, (Y/n) didn’t know. Neither did Kuroo. Nevertheless, Bokuto swiped the boxers from Akaashi gratefully, and turned back to the “empty” room.
“I’ll pay you back for this! Stupid Kuroo! Dumb rooster! I’m comin’ back for my underwear! Hey, hey, hey!”
Bokuto’s voice faded away as he left the storage room. Kuroo sighed in relief. (Y/n’s) head and vision felt hazy and cloudy as Kuroo let out a breathy laugh, still very close to each other's faces.
“I bet Bokuto wasn’t wearing any underwear, how disgusting.” Kuroo chuckled, beginning to pull away from their very cramped position in the corner. (Y/n) looked at Kuroo’s shiny ember eyes, down to his plush-looking lips. His face was still mere centimeters away from his own, then they locked eyes and suddenly (Y/n) wasn’t thinking about Yumemite or his regret anymore.
It wasn’t just a little kiss. Not like a little peck or a hesitant first kiss with your highschool boyfriend on your first date. It was grab-him-by-the-neck, bury-your-fingers-into-his-messy-hair, why-was-I-so-scared-about-loving-you-again kissing right against the wall of the storage closet.
(Y/n) pressed his back against the wall, bringing Kuroo in as close as his body could. Kuroo circled one of his hands around (Y/n’s) waist, letting the other rest on the wall and for seven seconds everything was bliss until-
Kuroo pushed himself back, pushing (Y/n) off him and letting his head hang down.
He pushed. (Y/n). Off. Of. Him. He wouldn’t mind if the wall would open up and swallow him whole. Kuroo didn’t look at him, he refused to, as he kept his arms on (Y/n’s) shoulders to keep his distance.
“...why did you do tha-”
“Don’t you like me, Tetsurou?”
Kuroo finally looked up at the waverly tamber of (Y/n) voice.
“Just a few days ago, you were telling me how much you loved me,” tears stung at (Y/n’s) eyes like heavy weights. He grasped onto Kuroo’s wrists that were on his shoulders, albeit a bit looser than it previously was. “Why is it any different now…?!”
“Wait-(Y/n-” Kuroo was cut off when (Y/n) gripped his wrists tighter.
“Did you...did you really get over me that quickly…? Do you really not love me anymore?!”
Tears began dripping down (Y/n’s) cheeks. Kuroo retracted his hands back, only to have the collar of his shirt grabbed and tugged harshly towards him.
“Wait, (Y/n), listen-”
“No! Shut up!” (Y/n) pushed Kuroo up against a rack behind him, drawing up a grunt from Kuroo. He was about to say something, or maybe push (Y/n’s) arms off of him, when he heard a choked sob, followed by wavering lips and free flowing tears. “It’s not fair..!”
“Why are these feelings coming back..?! Why now! ....I rejected you, there’s...there’s no way you’d like me now…! Especially how fine and buddy-buddy you’ve been acting, it’s clear you moved on! Why do I always choose to like you at the worst times?! Why…”
(Y/n) sobbed, tears cascading in the air as he shook Kuroo up. Kuroo was about to open his mouth again when it ran dry, as (Y/n’s) grip on his shirt tightened even more.
“Why do these feelings always come back when you’re done with me?! When you don’t like me! It won’t leave me alone…! I waited and waited and waited and the one chance I had I threw it away…! But then I just had to love you again when you moved on!”
He melted into a pile of hics and violent sobs, grasping onto Kuroo’s shirt for dear life. Kuroo couldn’t find the words to speak at that moment. He hesitantly put his hands on (Y/n), stabilizing him as he cried into his chest.
“S’not fair...it’s not…” (Y/n) hiccuped. “Not fair...it’s alway you...why do I always come back...to you…”
Kuroo stayed silent for a second. (Y/n), once again, wished the wall would swallow him up. Kuroo then trailed his hand up to (Y/n’s) damp cheek, guiding it up to look at his face.
“When have I ever said I was over you, (Y/n)…” Kuroo’s voice was soft, gentle and scared of shattering the glass that was (Y/n). “Actually...as iffy as it seems...you saying all of this made me sorta...happy…”
(Y/n) sniffed, staring at Kuroo with raw eyes and waiting for him to go on. Kuroo stroked his face with his thumb, catching any stray tears falling from his eye.
“I’ve been really, really sad since you rejected me...I guess I was just that good of an actor since you didn’t notice how much I thought about kissing you and holding you like this everyday while we hung out as ‘friends’…”
Kuroo let his head loll back onto the metal pole rack behind him. “I was just pretending to be happy being your friend—when actually I just wanted to tear my eyes out and scream how much I love you, (Y/n).”
Kuroo gently grasped (Y/n’s) hand, giving him a tentative kiss on the knuckles. (Y/n) scrubbed at his eyes with his free hand, before cupping the hand resting on his cheek. Kuroo looked up from his hand. “This ok?” He asked. (Y/n) nodded with eyes red and numb from crying.
“Then how about this?”
The hand that was resting placidly on (Y/n’s) face brought him closer and closer until their lips met once more.
Kuroo snaked his arms around his waist, pulling him in closer until their bodies were touching. (Y/n) suddenly understood why people described kissing as melting, because every single square inch of his body dissolved into his. He felt weak in the knees, and all of his guilt, all of his regret washed away with each passing second he was in Kuroo’s arms.
Eventually, the two separated for air, half lidded eyes and staring into each other like one would disappear the moment they took their eyes off of them.
Kuroo buried himself into the crook of (Y/n) neck, inhaling deeply. “Aaaaah, i’m so happy right now…”
As Kuroo nuzzled into his shoulder, (Y/n) couldn’t help but think about how much of an absolute mess this whole thing was. Sobbing onto Kuroo, violently shaking him while screaming in his face about how much he loved him, before kissing him again in the corner of a dark storage closet. It was a mess, sure, but he wouldn’t have it any other way.
And that was something.
Haha..pls...giv serotonin in the comments or reblog tags or smth...would like...to hear...
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A Lesson In Mando’a [Din Djarin x Reader]
Title: A Lesson In Mando'a Summary: You'd been a bounty hunter most of your life; you were use to sleeping rough, fighting for your life, the harsh realities of life. What you weren't use to was the soft feelings of comfort, the warmth of a family. Warnings: Like one swear word I think ? Request: N/A
A/N: I posted this about half an hour ago, but it wasn’t showing up in the tags, so hopefully this one does! 
A/N 2: Let me know if you have any other Din or Star Wars requests!
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PART 1: A Lesson In Mando’a PART 2: A Lesson In Tradition PART 3: A Lesson In Touch
Din Djarin~A Lesson In Mando'a
Despite not fully understanding 'the Way', you had come to respect it. You particularly admired (almost envied) the beskar armour that came with it. It was certainly one of the better perks that came with being a Mandalorian. That, and the instant fear reaction most had whenever the Mandalorian walked into the room. Din (you had recently learned that was 'Mando's' real name) was quite a character as he strode into any cantina. He drew the attention of many patrons that occupied the bar, whether they chose to avert their eyes or stare at him. His shiny new beskar, along with the menacing helmet, was quite a sight to behold.
         And, yet, you found yourself -on more than one occasion- staring at the Mandalorian with admiration... Affection almost. You knew it wasn't allowed. It wasn't compatible with Din's lifestyle, nor yours; it didn't make any sense, logically. On the surface, you knew that, but deep down you longed for a connection with the Mandalorian, one that served as more than a business deal, or an alliance of convenience. For a while, you had tried to asses Din's feelings about you.
        At first, you were pretty sure he hated you: you did, after all, steal a bounty from him. It wasn't your fault that both your employer at the time and the guild he worked for had given you the same target, and it certainly wasn't your fault you were faster. As soon as you had caught the target, you were out of there: you knew of the Mandalorian's reputation, and you were smart enough to not want to fight him head to head. You didn't get to meet Din face to face until you had both been in the same town, both being hunting down by the Imps. You'd helped him escape them directly, and he'd offered you a lift in his ship, the Razor Crest. And, then you met his son... And, kind of never left.
        You'd intended just to leave as soon as you can, to be dropped off at the next planet. You didn't want to over stay your welcome; your companion didn't seem like the type to host company. Though, if you were being honest, you didn't think he'd be the type to have a child either. He was cute: the child. And, while you didn't have many parental feelings, you had to admit the little green gremlin was pulling on your heart strings.
        You sat in one of the chairs in the cock pit, with Din in the main front one flying. You suspected he'd put you there so he could keep an eye on you. And, while you couldn't blame him, you did start to feel tired. Did this ship even have beds? It didn't seem like a traditional living vehicle, definitely not built for comfort. Your eyes scanned around the cockpit, wondering if you could sneak down to the hull and take a nap there. While your eyes were wandering around, you spotted something out of the corner of your eye: the child. You smiled at him as he gazed a you. He turned his head slightly, his ears flopping to one side. The child looked curiously at you: you were a stranger, and you doubted he'd interacted with many people besides the Mandalorian. He seemed quite protective over the kid.
        Before you could realise what was happening, the child had wandered towards you and was reaching up at you. You hesitated for a second before picking him up. You didn't want to offend Din by over stepping any boundaries, but who could say no to those big, pleading eyes.
        You held him carefully, gently placing him in your lap, being mindful of how small he is.
        "He seems to like you," Din murmured.
        You jumped, a little bit startled; you'd be trapped in the moment, your eyes trained on the child. He smiled up at you, enjoying being held, and the feeling of warmth. You imagined your robes were much more comfortable than the beskar.
        "Huh, I'm usually not good with kids, but he is a cutie," you smile up at the Mandalorian, "Is this what you look like under the helmet?"
        You feel him tense up.
        "Sorry I didn't mean offense by it," you pause, pursing your lips.
        "No, its fine. Not too many people make jokes with me, that's all," he reassured.
        "Well, no offence, you don't seem like the joking type," you shrug, "Or, maybe, who knows: you might be laughing under there all the time and just nobody can tell."
        "Yeah, I'm the life of the party," Din dead panned.
        You chuckled a little, and although you didn't know it at the time, Din's heart skipped a beat. 'That was weird,' Din thought, 'That's never happened before...' He tried to bury it, hide the thought away, as he did with a lot of his emotions. This one, however, seemed to stick around.
        And, so did you.
        It had been a few months since you'd joined him. Originally, you offered to help on jobs, fix the ship, take care of the child, whatever he wanted- to repay him for stealing his bounty. Well, that's what you told yourself. Originally, you believed you were in his debt, but over time you grew more and more fond of his company- and the child of course. He was adorable, and he offered a light distraction from the chaos the universe seemed to be in. Not to mention, your growing affection for the Mandalorian was keeping you pleasantly occupied.
Din was off hunting a bounty. Usually, you'd go with him, but he had insisted it would be an easy job. Besides, you weren't going to fight him on this: you liked spending time with the kid, and it'd give you some time to catch up on your sleep. The Crest wasn't the most comfortable place to sleep, and you always felt slightly on edge because the Mandalorian practically slept battle ready. It was the perfect excuse to have a rest day- those came few and far between.
        The Razor Crest was parked safely in a remote location, with all security measured engaged. You told yourself it would only be a small nap. Besides, the kid was tired too. You'd fed him recently, and he always napped after food. If he was tired, you might as well sleep beside him- for his comfort, of course.
        Originally, you were going to put him to bed in the little make shift cot Din had made for him, but you figured he'd be just as comfortable in your arms. You made your way up to the cock pit. It was nightfall, and the stars visible from this planet were quite a sight to behold. Gently, you held the child and began explaining to him all the different star constellations, and what they meant. You weren't sure he understood basic, but the way he looked up at you, and then to the stars, you figured he was understanding something.
        "And, this one," you pointed out a large cluster of stars, "Is called 'The Warrior', just like your daddy, little one. That one is 'The Queen,' and this one-"
        You stopped yourself. The kid had finally fallen asleep. You gently wrapped the blanket around both of you, and leaned back into the chair. Within a couple of minutes, your eyes had drooped, and sleep had overcome you. Before you completely drifted off, you had one thing on your mind: you hoped you would see your dear Mandalorian soon.
When the bounty hunter turned dad returned from his latest outing, he was tired. He threw the bounty into carbonite, and trudged further up the ship. It was only after he'd had a moment to breathe, that he realised there was no sign of you- or the child. His heart began to race. He opened the closet, praying to find the child inside a sleep.
        He didn't.
        Fuck. This was bad. He should've never left the child- what if he was hurt now? What if you were? Surely, you hadn't taken the child. You wouldn't do that to him... Would you?
        His last resort before tearing apart the place was to check the cock pit. Logically, he knew you could be up there, but you usually spent most of your time in the hull. That's where your bed was, where the food was, where the child usually played. That's where he thought you'd be.
        Din climbed up the ladder, keeping an eye out in case anything had happened to you or the child- in case it was a trap. Instead of any sign of the Imps, droids, or guild interference, he saw your sleeping body. In your arms, was the child. Din pulled himself up and landed as quietly as he could, so as to not disturb you. He watched you for a second; you looked so peaceful, and so well rested. He was envious. His eyes dropped down to the child; he was curled into your body, with his fingers gently wrapped around your thumb. He was softly snoring, almost purring as he slept. Din took one step forward, but his armour boot clanked against the floor a little too loudly. The child perked up; his ears flinched at the sound, and he woke up. When he saw it was Din, he cooed for him, and began to wriggle in your arms.
        The Mandalorian stepped forward, and reached for the kid. You began to wake as well.
        "D-Din?" you ask, eyes fluttering open, and when you registered it was him, you sat up, "You're back!"
        You then registered that the baby was trying to wiggle out of your grasp. Adjusting your grip on him, you lifted the child up and offered him over to Din.
        "Sorry little guy, did you want to go back to your daddy?" you asked, and the baby cooed in response, "Here you go."
        Din gently took the child from you and held him close.
        "How was it? An easy job?" you asked.
        He was lost in thought. About you, about the child, about his new found family. His heart had fluttered when you had called him daddy. Well, it wasn't technically you, but he felt it in his heart nonetheless. He had been feeling that a lot around you lately: especially when you held the child. It almost felt like he had... Like he had a family. Din hadn't known what that felt like for a long time. Sure, he had the fellow Mandalorians, but they offered no affection like you did. He didn't feel as warm around them as he did with you. He-
        You were still expecting answer. Your smile dazed him.
        "Yes it was, cyar'ika," he murmured, looking down at his son, "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you missed my company"
        "Maybe," you smiled, "The child did at least."
        That was enough, for now.
        Din was about to turn around and go back down the hull, when you spoke up again.
        "Din, you keeping calling me... Ah, c-cyr-"
        "Yes, that!" you pause, "What does it mean?"
        "Oh that," Din could feel his face heat up behind the mask (which he was very thankful for at this moment, other wise he feared he'll die of embarrassment from the deep blush on his face), "I- Ur, it means... It's Mando'a for beloved."
        "Oh," you felt your face heat up, "I-"
        "-I can stop if it makes you feel uncomfortable-"
        "-No! No, I... I like it."
        It wasn't quite a full admission of your feelings, but for now... For now, you were happy. With Din, with the child: with your family.
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