#but it isn’t mine and it is so annoying 😭
teamfortresstwo · 1 year
FUCK this hasn’t happened in ages,,, why now??
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hurts2think · 2 months
queen of hearts x fem!reader where shes like a human cheshire cat where she isn’t afraid of the queen in the slightest and the only one who dares to tease her (and it pisses the queen off to no extent)
and the only reason it hasn’t been off with readers head is bc the queen secretly enjoys readers company. mayhaps with the “kissing them to shut them up” trope incorporated. idk sorry if this req is nonsensical 😭😭
🌹The Queen of Hearts x Reader🌹
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Reader pronouns: She/her
Pairing: The Queen of Hearts x Fem! human Cheshire!reader
Plot: Wonderland is ruled by a cruel tyrant who shows no mercy to any. She has no heart and certainly no love. But one annoying cat seems to keep appearing by her side. A Cat that she has a lot of tension with.
Word count: 1.3k
Extra: This was succhhh a fun idea. QoH is big time crush of mine! She's kinda tricky to write though so I'm sorry if this is awful. I'm also starting classes again so my scheduled uploading is becoming a little more unorganized sorry
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Wonderland is a curious place. It was very unpredictable, as were the people and creatures that lived there. It was never a place that was meant to be made sense of. And for a long time there was no order in the land.
But these past decades there had been. A mighty tyrant was crowned queen and made sure that everything in the kingdom of Wonderland stayed to her liking.
Curfew's, no games, no fun, and definitely no wonder. And that was something you just couldn't live by.
For a long time you only sat in trees and caused mischief and pranks to passerbys. Going around and causing as much chaos as you felt the need to. But you still always noted to stay clear from the castle. You broke every single one of the rules that the Queen enforced and she was not known for being very merciful.
Of course you would just be a smile away from your favorite tree and disappear from any restraints. But maybe it was safer to just stay away.
Well, you wouldn't be the Cheshire Cat if you played things safe, would you?
Of course you just had to meet the Queen herself! Such a respectable lady. Though she makes everything utterly boring, she herself was anything but boring.
She was quite the character, in fact. Or so you heard.
One day you decided to introduce yourself. As in, one day a lonesome grin appeared beside her while she was alone in her room. A smile with no eyes, a smile with no face. A grin that resembled the crescent moon. A grin that sung a tune of how odd she was.
The smile only giggled at her disturbed state. Then the smile spoke to her and she demanded you revealed who you were.
It took a couple weeks of only messing with her and disappearing before she could actually do anything about it before you revealed yourself fully to her.
And now, a couple years later, when you find yourself bored you appear before the Queen and see how far you can push her.
"I'm quite busy today and certainly not in the mood for your shenanigans. So get lost, cat." The Queen of Hearts said in her regal accent and her usual nasty attitude.
She didn't even have to look to know that you had appeared behind her. She had quickly picked up the skill of feeling when you were around.
"Oh my, you look radiant as always, your highness. Why the bad attitude?" You grin wide at her clearly stressed state.
She only scoffed and kept her eyes on the papers in front of her that she was reviewing. Being a queen unfortunately didn't mean pampered treatment 24/7. She felt it was ridiculous that she actually had to do this awful work, "Flattery gets you no where. Now like I said, shoo." The Queen waved her hand in one motion to signal you to leave.
Though you being you, you wouldn't go away so easily.
In a typical cat-like fashion, you hop on the table in front of her, knocking her papers to the side, "Don't be such a sour puss, Bridget." You say, your boot kicking aside the other books on her table as you stretched out.
The Queen was practically fuming now. She could not believe the absolute audacity of the lady cat in front of her. The way you thought you could talk to a queen like that and knock over her stuff? Absolutely unacceptable! "Do not call me that. It's Your Royal Highness to you. Now get off my table immediately." She yelled, standing up to be more assertive.
The grin on your face only widened further as you laughed, "So serious all the time..." You tease, turning over to lay on your side and pose as if you were trying to appear more attractive to her.
"I am your queen and you best do as I tell you or I will have the guards—"
"Do what? Imprison me? Behead me? Yes... I'm sure that will work like the other dozen times it has." You were really pushing your luck, cutting off the Queen like that.
She looked down on you, her eyes narrowing and the scowl on her face only intensifying. That look she gave you was the one that excited you most. The whole reason you do any of this just to see that gorgeous expression. An expression to die for. Literally.
"Now, for how long do you think you will continue to get away with denying a royal command?" She asked, drumming the tips of the red claws on her fingers against the table.
"For as long as I'd like." You hum to yourself, only making yourself more comfortable laying on the table.
Bridget did not seem pleased with the answer you gave. She prayed on day you'd cower at her command but you never did. Never have you ever shown any sign of worry or fright which welled overwhelmingly in her chest.
"But really it's your fault. You do give the dearest reactions." You continue on with a smirk.
"Is that so?" An eyebrow raised as her posture still held her high and her expression rock solid.
"Why, yes of course~" You giggle, "Your reactions... They're all so entertaining yet predictable. All of your adorable expressions only fuel my need to tease you more. Who could resist a person such as yourself? I'm lucky to have the opportunity to be in your presence and—"
But just before you could finish your endless yet flirtatious flattery, Bridget suddenly grabbed you by the collar of your top and jerked you close. Before you could make any kind of remark, she locked her lips to yours to silence you.
And for once, you were completely silent. No stupid grin and no stupid remark.
The kiss was far from gentle, you could've sworn the aggression of it could've bruised your lip. It also lasted longer than you could even imagine. Well, it definitely felt longer than you could imagine. Your hands threatened to wander to her waist but you weren't sure how she'd like that.
Though her hand still held the collar of your shirt, but her free hand held your leg to keep you in place, the claws on her fingers digging into you slightly.
Ame After what felt like forever, she finally pushed you away and leaving you to stumble back. You were left stunned as she turned her back to you.
"That seemed to be quite effective." She remarked, "Tell me, was that predictable as well?" She asked as if she was mocking you. As if she was the one playing with you like a toy rather than the other way around.
In truth, she was quite fond of you. You could believe you got away from her on your own all you like; but she'd never scentence you to death. As much as she'd rather die than admit it, she would feel disappointed the days you wouldn't show up. The days she was left alone on the throne with her kingdom and own daughter to hate her.
She always believed it was better to be feared than loved, that she couldn't be hurt that way. But she felt more alive when you were right beside her. She knew you didn't fear her, and as much as she tried to make you, you never did. And she loved it.
"Wow..." The grin suddenly appeared on your face once again, "You're right, your highness. I didn't see that one coming." You hopped off the table and approached her from being, dropping your arms over her shoulders and leaning against her back, "Perhaps we should do it again~" you smirk.
"Get off of me, you miserable fiend. You're ruining my dress." She commanded, shrugging you off of her.
You back off with an even bigger grin, "You're quite rough, maybe we'll be a little more gentle next time?" You suggest.
"There isn't a next time. Get away before I shut you up in a way you won't find very pleasing." She threatened, shooing you with her hand.
"I just love when you threaten me." You mock a dreamy sigh.
The Queen only scoffs in disgust and rolls her eyes. How could a kitty be so insufferable and endearing at the same time? She swore you'd be the death of her.
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krewekreep · 4 months
Baby Daddy Red Flags: Bleach Edition (😜🤍)
This one…this one for the sluts! 😭💕 I’m an old anime bitch like lemme get it out my system! (We gonna tag this #ToxicTalk lmaoo, this is a safe space)
(If you wanna know who we share 😒, I’ll add an asterisk or whatever. ((They still mine first 😂💝🫡)) (will update and repost with new additions, semi-live post)
***ICHIGO: Lemme get my baby daddy out the way. Biggest issues would be his availability before and after the kid. Probably got pregnant in a makeup sex situation anyway. Ichigo doesn’t seem to type to breakup but will say let’s break. Based on how selfless he is it also can be seen coming from him not being able to save his mom—so he may have a savior complex. It may seem valiant at first like “oh wow you became friends with Chad helping him with bullies? You became closer to Orihime (😒) after helping her grieve her brother? You’re such a good person!” Til you realize seniority is in place and when his friends call he drops whatever he is doing to go help. It’s been time, money, etc and increasingly his selflessness comes off as codependent. Like he can’t stop trying to make up for something that wasn’t his fault.
He will also randomly reserve to right to become reclusive. Not necessarily secretive but less energetic, talkative, or engaged. (You def realize your baby got some functional depression going on. Iykyk). Might not annoy you but the random times he doesn’t want to be touched or seemingly avoids you does hurt…but he sincerely comes back letting you know he was in a weird space etc.
Ichigo’s biggest yes or no is if you’ll be able to sometimes come second or third (likely til you marry and/or have kids with him.) His father and sisters are absolutely #1, his friends are #2, and his oath to the Soul Society and humanity at large is a consequence of him protecting the first two so that’s of course #3. See where I’m going? Even on your best days you might be upset he runs off to Rukia’s or Orihime’s aid. That he has to “save the world,”to save you too. Jealous types might really become frustrated with Ichigo. And tbh I don’t see him breaking out of his ways. He won’t see a need to because there’s real results of his good deeds in his life. He knows he’s saved lives, so he knows he can continue to—so will you be able to handle the fact his duty and mindset will be self sacrificing? I don’t know I think I’d tie him down with a baby and move on.
**KENPACHI: I fully accept and am attracted to his animalistic tendencies. I absolutely can admit that about myself 😭 but…realistically you’d def have to tell him he’s too rough during sessions. He’s grown up wayward, defensive, survival mode, stomach touching his back— during a time so seemingly historical and old who knows how bad the conditions of poverty were—most kids died if they simply weren’t rich and able to eat. Or turned to crime at extremely young ages or exploited….That’s just global history in real life. And the soul society is that much more complex and arduous. Kenpachi will be a man of few words but immense action. If you want someone who will open up even eventually that is not Kenpachi Zaraki. You will highly likely never know of his past because he will never say he is excruciatingly doing everything to never have to. And no, he won’t communicate ever if anything terrible is on his mind. Although kenpachi is coded as barbaric he really is just that protective—he’s as angry as he will be based solely upon someone’s proximity to him emotionally. You and Yaru will be so exclusively held in a regard he won’t even understand. Just the black hole of his awareness he’ll surpass anything to save y’all. He won’t speak on why Lady Unohana isn’t around anymore (new anime, manga lore). But again, when he ends up rough too many nights in a row you distance yourself from him. He can’t admit to you he disassociates and goes back to bad times. He can’t tell you your comfort and warmth makes him remember the times he needed it before—he doesn’t mean to hurt you but he lives for a fight. But he wants to stop making everything and everyone something to “conquer.” He’ll be a real deal handful and it will solely up to you to either tell him you can’t be with him until he figure shit out or you’ll stick beside him and work through it together. (In this case Yaru is the “kid” yall share, I see him being weary of birthing a child and being a dad in such a “visceral” way. Will have total abandonment trauma and just can’t see him getting over it completely to bring new life into a world he already sees the worst in tbh.) but in terms of “baby momma” treatment? Or your prioritized and protected best believe. 💕 he also will force you to learn combat cause you should be able to take care yourself too. Which might either be hot or burdensome. You’re gonna know how to fight. And tbh he might try to bring it into the bedroom on some weird let’s play fight shit so watch yourself. That’s a BIG MAN! 😭😂💕 “HA! Now that you know how do a few things why don’t you test it on me?” Big cheeky sneaky ass grin girl don’t fall for it!
BYAKUYA: This is the guy who will match your freak everywhere but in public. No PDA—actually don’t even look at him or try to talk to him in public…be professional. He will be joking with others and you’ll get upset saying “Hey! You let the other members of the society tease you?” And in private he’ll admit it’s just to keep up appearances and he hates it all. 😭 I think his biggest issue will be coming off fake or disingenuous or you’ll have a hard time sincerely seeing him cause he’ll be so different depending on where y’all are. People wouldn’t know he’s like a mom boyfriend who makes sure you eat, sleep, and keep up with yourself. Yes, he will absolutely unintentionally say something insulting like “This doesn’t suit you. Find something else.” And yes he will be very clearly on guard when in public. People will openly wonder why you’re with him tbh. Which will frustrate the both of you of which neither of you ever bring up to the other. Byakuya has lost a love before—he won’t talk about it ever. You MIGHT get something out of Rukia about it cause it was her sister but I doubt she’ll go super intimate about THEIR relationship cause she respects both his and her sister’s privacy. So you might be stuck on an eavesdropping side quest with Renji that amounts to nothing cause he’ll sense yall. He’ll be amused and somewhat touched you wanted to watch him work though. He’s usually the one keeping check or track of things so he’ll never say he likes that you peep on him and mind his business. You care about him and he knows he’s a bit unfair not allowing any PDA. But he so openly loved on Rukia’s sister he couldn’t help the shameful self imposed embarrassment once he had to walk the halls alone…Byakuya will be a very intentional, quiet lover. I doubt he’ll moan very much tbh unless he’s exhausted and allowing you to take care of him. Sometimes he’ll absolutely disappear all day into work. Other times he’ll be sure to direct his underlings to wait on you in his stead. He’s more manageable if you can accept his sometimes snarky, distant, super private ways. As a father he’ll be annoyingly big on exceptionalism and them being smart and talented. You’ll have to be sure he isn’t burdening your kid when you aren’t around. And you’ll have to be sure he doesn’t inadvertently impart his insensitive habits too. Likewise, you’ll ABSOLUTELY have to “deal or no deal” him about giving affection to your kid in public. You will absolutely have to go off and tell him it’s y’all or his image. And yeah now he’s holding both yall hands albeit defeated. 💕😭
AIZEN: Shit…girl (im black my “girl…” is gender neutral don’t be annoying 💕) you already know what it is. Yandare, selfish, self righteous, MEAN, EVIL…but fine and rich as fuck. 😔🫤 it will be a doozy to be with this one. You literally have to know and accept what you getting into bestie. I can’t even warn you, you know! 😭 but seriously if your an aizen bias you accept him as is 😭 psycho ass. So I wanna just write how’d he be as a baby daddy. Now not to get…too mature…but if you happened to be someone captured/kidnapped by him and pregnant…baby you is a victim! BUT ITS FANFIC SOOO if you were the captured baby momma that’s in his realm with him…well girl you in the realm lord you stuck. “Can I go to the human world?” “For what?” “Uh, sun?” “Humph what do you need sun for…” He’ll look down at your crying child and be like “Ugh okay whatever but Grimmjow is your chaperone.” And you won’t care cause Grimmjow lets you run off and live life. Which Aizen knows but the minute you aren’t overtly scared and submissive to him he’ll lose his weird sense of “power.” You’re man crazy bestie. He’s definitely someone you won’t talk back to until you’re a parent and equally going to advocate for your kid. He’ll realize and laugh to himself “Their not really submissive at all…little minx…” and hold you in completely new regard. “So you took me as is because you wanted to?” He’ll start thinking shit that confuses him and decide to randomly kill a grunt to distract himself like no he’s not gonna reflect into a better person. 😂 you’ll have everything you want cause you can’t go nowhere 😭. Mind you yes the sex is mind blowing so you sadly do take what positives are there…his eyes don’t fall sexually to anyone but you. His body doesn’t respond certain ways to anyone but you. And as you stand next to him more and more he’s leaning into you and your baby’s energy rather than tryna to overtake yall with his. Just don’t speak about the change and it’ll be fine. The minute you tease or openly acknowledge his becoming softer and less controlling you’ll ruin all the progress you made. Let him feel like he’s in control or whatever.
New Additions (1):
Hitsugaya: (adult of course) Hitsu will be a blend of Byakuya and Ichigo. The best aspects of him will be how attentive and actionable he is about his love for you. But — he will shy away from PDA and sometimes have moments of separated solitude. Unlike Byakuya, he will absolutely open up to PDA, just will never be the initiator of it. Maybe grab your hand at the end of the day to hurry back home or stare at you as long as he can while he observes your dutiful working. He’ll be shy always which keeps your love feeling young and refreshed. You’ll always be able to make him blush and unlike Ichigo, he’ll warm up to you imposing yourself on his alone time. He’ll be big on love making and planning when to have a child so it will be less spontaneous. He’ll have the baby registry and wishlists prepared, printed, and passed out to members of the Soul Society. He’ll enjoy trips to the human world to acquire new toys and trinkets for your baby.
As a baby daddy he’s almost too protective. You wonder what he’s been through as he’ll have a firm grip of your hips as you cradle your child. He’ll have a habit of looking at your baby and then between the both of you stunned at how he can see the perfect blend of your features on your child’s face. He’ll be very close to a simp honestly (which I’m a fan of) and be at your beck & call no matter the hour. Definitely the dad to tell you don’t worry about tending to the little one, keep resting cause he knows how tired you get. He’s honestly the perfect idea of a new father as he’ll be bumbling a bit but with so much to prove. I realize I kinda didn’t write red flags cause I truly see Hitsu adjusting to parenthood and a long term relationship the best. Only thing I can think is that he’ll be overtly willing to sacrifice himself for your family’s safety. So any massive issue in the Soul Society will make your heart sink a little because while he’s capable he’s been in enough life threatening predicaments to cause ample, appropriate worry. He’ll be hard to break out of working I think until your child starts schooling which could be frustrating cause he’ll overcompensate parenting in lieu of his work commitments. Overall, I think he’d be the baby daddy with the least to really worry about.
Renji: Oh lord— all tea, all shade this man will STRUGGLE. « What do you mean the baby is hungry AGAIN ? You just breastfed! WAIT DO NOT PULL YOUR TIT OUT IN PUBLIC WOMAN ! » He’ll have a hard time adjusting to your freedom as a breastfeeding mom for sure (if you choose to). Work ? What’s work? One thing you can count on is that he will absolutely commit to being a family man and even a stay at home dad. He’ll take all his PTO or even « quit » (basically will say don’t call me to help unless the Soul Society is about to die.) He will wait on you hand & foot because he can’t imagine how much your body and mind has gone through and the strength it takes to be so tired but smile and laugh with him and your kiddo. But, he may end up a bit controlling about you leaving the house without him. He’ll either become a sad puppy or an angry old man. « Baby…what do you mean you want me to stay home ? 😓🥺 » or «  Woman, what did I tell you about going out without me ? What if a crazy person tried to rob you ? » You laugh at him always being some level of dramatic but it may get annoying how clingy and worried he’ll become. You’ll have to remind him you lived this long for a reason…and plan to live longer, so he can chill out sometimes cause his worried nature worries you…you might benefit from guilt tripping him into apologizing and giving you a breather on leaving the house. But just know someone is watching over you. Renji would be a great cook or a terrible cook who improves over time. He might be great at catching the baby right when they poop or…end up shat on rushing to a sink. I really see him either being weirdly good at being a dad or definitely suffering from the learning curve.
Your baby will definitely be conceived in a wild love making, (maybe rough, passionate sex) session. And you’ll catch him blushing when he holds your baby and looks at you remembering the night you had. You’ll be the type to walk in on them sleeping crazily on the sofa, his arm instinctively holding your baby firm. He’ll be grateful to not have to jump up to go to work honestly. His biggest red flags will be being overbearing, needy, and likely requiring a lot of overt reassurance. (Which isn’t necessarily a red flag given he just will want to be a really good dad and partner.) Otherwise he’ll become a stubborn dad who will try (and fail) to « put his foot down. » Which will likely result in him sleeping on the sofa…💕
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noirflms · 2 months
PET NAMES — haikyuu boys
what pet names they call you. or the dear names they use to have your heart racing.
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he calls you ‘love’ and in the most softest and sickly sweet voice possible. the word sounds like the call of a siren to you, it gives you butterflies. the name has you giggling and so in love and gosh, he adores that he does that to you. it’s always — how’s my love? . i’m home, my love . thank you so much for everything, love . and it is only him that whispers it to you in the most ugliest and baddest of days that might come in your life. it is only him that ever would call you ‘love.’
babe/idiot/sunshine — these are the names he calls you around the house. babe is for when he is annoyed with you, idiot is when he finds the most stupidest things you do adorable and sunshine is when he kisses your huge stupid smile and you giggle music to his ears and he whispers it in your ears. his voice will always be reverberating around the house — babe, not now . this is the most dumbest thing, idiot . i love you, sunshine . and he makes you feel like you own the world for he brings it to your feet.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ TENDOU SATORI !
he often calls you ‘chéri’ but on days he always whispers the name ‘sweetheart’ to you. whenever he is excited he calls you ‘chéri’ his voice enthusiastic and warm, eyes bright and the name would roll of his tongue just like the sweet chocolate he makes. the ‘sweetheart’ is reserved in the bounds of home, where he finally unfolds, tired and soft, eyes lidded with sleep, he whisper it in your ear. i think you’d absolutely love this flavour, mon chéri! . you just know how to make my day , sweetheart . and it has you all putty in love as you pepper kisses all over his face, too in love with him.
the whole world knows what he calls you. it is either ‘sunflower’ / ‘my star’ and at times it is ‘pretty girl/boy’. he screams these names to the world and it would have you laughing to your hearts content when he calls you you as he spikes the ball – this is for you, my star . or when he is too excited about something – isn’t this beautiful, sunflower? . the names have you becoming lovesick, heart only racing for him. but there are days which are gentle – thanks for being mine, pretty girl/boy . and bokuto wonders of you’d ever know how lucky he is to have you.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ SUNA RINTAROU !
with a smirk on his face, and eyes like the fox, he calls you these names with the most sultry and velvety voice. ‘princess/prince’ , ‘darling’ – a saccharine smile on his face as he speaks these with ease, calling to you like some emperor. what’s my princess/prince doing? . gosh, darling, i hope you know what you do to me . sometimes it is the mix of the two together – where’s my darling princess/prince going? . and you wonder if he knows of the effect he has you. where you go weak in the knees as you hear his voice.
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writing for them makes me so alsbekdnkdndod i love these boys so so much 😭😭😭
© noirflms twenty twenty four ─── all rights reserved . plagiarism is a crime . do not copy . love to everyone <3
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wileys-russo · 10 months
idk if this is really boring but could you do a leah x alessia x reader where r isn’t a footballer but has to do some charity football match for work or whatever (u can work out the details idk😭) & her gfs get competitive over teaching r how to play and prepping her for the game then they go support her at the match and r does really good IDK feel free to ignore if that’s rubbish lmfao
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psa; just because i write this does not mean i ship these two irl! offence and defence II a.russo & l.williamson
you looked up from your book with a hum to meet alessia's raised eyebrow, leahs head in your lap as she lay down on the sofa dead asleep. "what is this?" your girlfriend questioned, turning her phone to face you as your eyes widened.
"where did you find that less?" you sighed, the snap of your book closing causing leahs eyes to flutter open as she mumbled something incoherent and rolled over, burying her face in your stomach.
"its all over your companies social media, i hardly had to go looking." alessia holding up a screenshot of a poster for an upcoming charity football day ran by the company you worked for. "i'm not doing it anyway so it doesn't matter." you rolled your eyes.
"and why not?" alessia scoffed, locking her phone and crossing her arms. "because football is your thing, not mine." you gestured between your two blonde lovers and back to yourself. "babe its for charity!" alessia pointed out and you groaned, knowing now she'd latched on there wasn't a chance she'd let it go.
"i'll still go and help out with the fundraising and the event itself, i'm just not playing." you chuckled, leah pulling her face out of your hoodie with a tired scowl. "shut up!" the blonde grumbled tiredly, fixing the two of you with a glare, annoyed at the interruption to her afternoon snooze.
"sorry lee." you apologized softly, running a hand through her hair and kissing her forehead. "no you'll wanna be awake for this, get up!" alessia smacked the back of her legs, taking a seat on the opposite end of the lounge as leah groaned.
"leave her be and drop it alessia!" you warned the striker with a firm look who only poked at the back of leahs legs repeatedly until she finally sat up with a huff. "what?" she spat toward the other blonde with an unimpressed glare as the girl handed her the phone.
"so?" leah questioned, not quite putting things together still half asleep. "she's refusing to play." alessia spoke about you as if you weren't even there as leah paused for a moment, cogs turning until it clicked.
"you're playing." she rounded on you, handing alessia back her phone and rubbing at her eyes, face still a little puffy as you exhaled deeply.
"no i am not, please just let it go!" you pleaded, your puppy dog eyes which normally worked a charm to get you whatever you wanted not working for you this time as both your girlfriends stared on unfazed.
"suddenly i feel a cramp coming on. oh this might be fatal!" you groaned, clutching your hamstring with a dramatic cry of pain, a smile tugging at alessia's lips as leahs remained pursed into a thin line.
"guess you better rest it tonight then, we start training tomorrow." "what!"
"come on love, training time." leah clapped the moment the three of you returned from a run as you groaned, laying down on the floor in protest.
you'd hardly ran far, only enough to keep the girls legs warm on their day off, but kicking a ball around your backyard was the last thing you felt like doing.
"i'll just watch some football games, study them. that's fine!" you waved her off as alessia watched on amused after chugging a glass of water.
"no you won't. you're dating two professional footballers babe this is our area of expertise. let us help you!" leah loomed over you, holding out her hands to help you up, wiggling her fingers impatiently.
"i didn't ask for help, thank you though." you slapped her hand in a lazy high five before they slumped back to your sides. "baby." leah now addressed alessia who raised an eyebrow. leah only clicked her fingers, pointing to you and striding off outside.
"hi gorgeous." alessia grinned down at you, blonde hair tied back in a messy bun as she chewed on gum, a habit which stressed you out to no end when she'd do it while playing or exercising.
"fine." you gave in with a sigh, knowing what came next as you held your arms up straight. alessia grabbed your wrists, hauling your body up and over her shoulder, walking the two of you out to the backyard.
"first lesson. kicking!" leah announced as alessia placed you down on your feet, leaving it to leah as she sat down on your back steps, leaning back on her elbows and watching on with a toothy grin of amusement.
"okay babe. kick the ball!" leah ordered, placing it down by your feet as you glared at her, poking the ball with your toe as it dribbled a mere thirty centimeters and stopped. "the more you fight us on it, the longer we spend out here." leah warned, tapping the ball back as it returned to your feet.
"kick it." she repeated as you wound up, this time booting it with all your force as it went sailing up and over the back fence. "oh we lost the ball...what a shame!" you shrugged, turning on heel and trying to return inside as alessia grabbed the back of your shorts.
with a shake of her head she pushed you gently back toward leah who'd already returned with another ball. "you're gonna make a perfect striker with that right foot baby." alessia smiled happily causing leah to scoff.
"she's gonna be an even better defender with that power in her kicks." leah rebutted with her hands on her hips. "okay my loves lets not-" you tried to intervene, knowing all too well where this was headed, cut off before you could even finish.
"striker." "defender." "striker!" "defender!" "she's playing offence leah!" "she'll be playing defence alessia!"
you gave up at that point as their bickering erupted, alessia jumping to her feet as you rolled your eyes and headed inside. you gave your boss a quick call, updating you were in fact available to play and wincing at he announced the only position left.
"baby you ran off." alessia appeared as you'd hung up, leah not far behind. "no! the two of you started arguing like children, so i took a leave of absence." you quipped, staring them both down as they smiled guiltily.
"doesn't matter anyway, there was only one position left." you sighed, both your girlfriends staring at you eagerly awaiting your answer. "well?" leah pushed impatiently as alessia shoved her with a look.
"okay baby we're gonna start slow. lee will throw it and you'll just catch it." alessia instructed as you exhaled but nodded, readying yourself.
"see? easy love." leah smiled happily as you caught the ball, repeating the activity for a while, leah starting to throw in different directions causing you to have to move to catch it.
"now we move onto kicking and saving." you'd moved in front of the small goal which took permanent residence in your backyard. "go easy!" you warned nervously, having seen many a time just how powerful alessia could kick.
"ready?" you nodded, readying yourself as the blonde took a step back, boots hitting the ball with a thud as it came sailing toward your head and you darted out of the way.
"you're supposed to stop it not avoid it babe!" alessia lectured as you fixed her with a glare. "i will stop it when you don't kick it at my head!" you growled, booting the ball at her as hard as you could as she was now the one to dart away.
"stop laughing!" you turned your glare on leah now whose chuckles ceased, holding her hands up.
"okay! i think that's enough for today."
"baby think fast!" you barely had time to lift your head before alessia's trainer came flying at you, smacking you in the side of the face as leah choked on her mouthful of food beside you.
"alessia mia teresa!" you yelled, the blonde sprinting out of the room as you hauled her shoe after her. "something funny?" you challenged your other girlfriend, her smile dropping as she shook her head and you huffed, moving to the sink to wash your dishes.
"why are you so grumpy this morning my girl?" leahs arms wound round you from behind, her chin resting on your shoulder.
"why do you think? all week the two of you have been throwing things at me, kicking stuff at me, hitting me with shoes and fruit and books!" you scowled, trying to push her body away from you but the taller girl held on tightly.
"it was part of training! and hey you caught most of it...the last couple of days." leah winced at the memory, her and alessia perhaps a little too passionate in their mission to mold you into the best goalkeeper they could.
"well i didn't ask to be trained!" you reminded firmly, placing your dishes in the drying rack and shoving leah away. "i am not a dog." you warned her seriously, poking at her chest and turning, barreling right into someone else's.
"good morning i love you?" alessia tried, holding your body tightly to hers with a guilty smile, ducking her head to repeatedly kiss the side of her face where she'd assaulted you with her shoe.
"you're lucky i love you too."
"baby! you did so so so so good." you laughed as alessia picked you up in a bear hug, spinning you around for a minute before leah whined it was her turn, tugging you into her body and peppering your face with kisses, mumbling how proud she was.
"okay okay i am still at a work event." you gently pushed her off, face flushed bright red both from the game you'd just won and the showering of pda.
"-then when you did the dive??" alessia gasped, the three of you now sat in her car and on your way back to your shared home. "yeah love where did you learn to dive like that?" leah asked, leaning forward with a curious frown.
"watched a bunch of videos of mary. i told you if you just left me be to study i'd have been fine! instead of assaulting me with a barrage of household objects all weeks." you rolled your eyes playfully, alessia squeezing your leg with a smile, other hand on the steering wheel.
"well we're exceptionally proud of you baby girl." leah beamed, pinching your cheek before kissing it, dropping back into her seat. "good! because do not expect that ever again, god i don't know how you do that every weekend i am exhausted." you groaned tiredly.
"not too tired i hope love, we still have to celebrate you." alessia smiled suggestively, meeting leahs eyes in her rear view mirror as the eldest blonde leaned forward again, placing a few gentle kisses to your neck.
"yeah baby, gonna make you feel like a winner. our winner!"
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worldlxvlys · 9 months
pls pls write a mini lil smutty blurb fic thingy for your dealer chris series!!!
only fans
dwb! chris x reader
warnings: nsfw (don’t read if it bothers you) + mention of drugs, p in v, idk y’all it’s smut
this is based off of the dwb! chris series, the specific set of texts are here if you want to read !!
this def isn’t a blurb lmao 😭
hope you still like tho :)
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sure enough, when i opened the door chris was standing there. the look in his eyes told me that he had every intention to ruin me. fuck.
“so you gonna show me what your only fans viewers get to see?” he asked, his voice low and raspy.
“chris it was a joke, i swear i don’t have an only fans account”
“you better not” he growled as he pulled me inside and closed my door.
“bedroom. now.” he said as i followed him to my room.
“get on the bed and strip for me like the slut you are” and without a word, i did exactly that.
his gaze was intense and never strayed from my body.
slowly, i peeled off my shirt and bra. my sweats and panties following soon after.
“fucking hell ma you’re so fucking gorgeous. every fucking inch of your body is beautiful” he said as he left kisses all over my body, getting closer and closer to my heat with each kiss.
chris gave a kiss to my clit, and shoved two fingers in me.
“chris!” i moaned out in total bliss.
his pace was relentless, i was barely even able to form any words.
“yeah? you like that? i know you do baby, making such pretty sounds”
he somehow picked up speed, making me cry out even louder.
“mmmm chris feels so fucking good”
he then curled his fingers, hitting my g-spot perfectly.
“oh my gosh chris”
“who else makes you feel this good baby? huh?”
“n-no one chris, only you”
my legs started shaking and i couldn’t focus on anything other than his long, slender fingers drilling in and out of me as though they were created to do only that.
i felt the familiar knot in my stomach and knew that i was getting closer and closer.
“fuck ma, feel you clenching around my fingers. go ahead, cum all over my fingers baby”
and with that, i let go around his fingers.
before i could even catch my breath, he leaned down and licked up all of my juices.
“fuck ma, you taste so good” he said as he planted quick kisses on both of my thighs.
“you have way too many clothes on” i tell him, realizing he is fully clothed.
“let’s fix that” i said as i quickly helped rid his body of the clothing.
“want me to fuck you into your mattress now baby? or did you want me to find someone else to do it? i know how much you love to joke that you’re gonna find someone else to fuck”
“no chris, just want you”
“hmm, i think you should get on your knees and fuckin beg”
“are you serious right now chris?” i asked with a roll of my eyes.
“if you don’t want me, you don’t have to baby” he said as he reached for his boxers.
“no no, please chris! please fuck me! need you so fuckin bad right now”
“there you go baby” he said before he grabbed me by the waist, flipping me onto my stomach.
“did you want me to record this for your only fans?” he asked condescendingly.
“chris shut the fuck up and fuck me already “ i said, starting to get annoyed.
he pushed my head into my pillow, pulling my hips up so my ass was in the air.
“so fucking impatient baby” he said as he gave himself a few quick strokes and pushed his dick into me.
“holyyyy shit chris” i moaned out, surprised at his lack of warning.
“mmmmm fuck” he groaned as he bottomed out.
he then started moving at a brutal pace, again, without warning.
“fuck so good chris, fuckin love your cock so much”
“takin me so well baby, such a good fuckin girl”
he slid in and out of me so perfectly, like we were made for each other.
he leaned forward, his chest pressing against my back as he kissed my neck.
“think i should mark you up some more, make sure everyone knows that you’re mine.”
“fuck yes baby, love it when you mark me up”
he began leaving kisses and leaving dark, purple marks along my neck and upper back.
he never once slowed his movements, instead picking up speed as we both got closer and closer to finishing.
“fuck ma, you gonna let me fill you with my cum?”
“yes yes, need it so fucking bad chris”
my legs start to shake again, and his thrusts turn sloppy as we approach our highs.
“fuck i’m gonna cum baby, cum with me” he says as he continues to pound into me.
as soon as i felt his cum shoot into me, i came on his cock with a loud cry.
“fuck chris”.
breathing heavily, he pulled and watched both of our juices spill out of me and onto the bed.
“so if i do start an only fans, will you fuck me like that again?”
“you’re not starting an only fans.”
••••• ••••••••••• •••••
not to be cocky or anything, but why’d i kinda eat?
every single day y’all make me seem like more of a liar 😭 cause why y’all got me actually writing fics tf
lmk what you think <333
dwb! chris masterlist
tag list: @lovingsturniolo @lustfulslxt @gwenlore @flowerxbunnie @sturnssx @mattslolita @its-jennarose @sophssturn @bernardsleftbootycheek @chrissturnioloswifey @queen161718 @ciarasturn1 @bethsturn @stramboli4life @vib3swithanuk
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abbys-wifey · 1 year
video games
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pairing: jenna ortega x female reader
warning: sadly quite short, fluffy
a/n: short and sweet (i’m so lonely 😭😭)
I don’t hear the front door open or close, my headset blocking out ninety percent of all noises. Only when Jenna’s body climbs into my lap do I realise she’s home.
Freeing one ear from my headset I glance down at the girl in my lap with a smile. She feels almost weightless though her grip on my waist is firm, something she does when she craves my attention. Jenna’s thighs rest on either side of my own, her head burying itself in my neck. These tells cause my eyebrows to furrow slightly.
“Hey baby. You ok?” I whisper letting go of my controller to draw patterns up and down her back. My game can wait.
Jenna shrugs her arms tensing around my waist confirming my suspicions. “Come on, I need words.” I coax her head from my neck to find her smiling softly, tears welling up in her eyes. “Baby?” I breathe gently cupping her face, my thumbs stroking just under her cheekbones. “I’m ok, just very happy to be home.” Jenna chuckles closing her eyes and leaning into my touch before once again nuzzling her face into my neck. “Long day and I’m ready to sleep.” She yawns.
I sigh in relief and return her embrace.
Beep Beep
Jenna sits up alarmed, hands clenching my shoulders tightly causing me to chuckle. Her body tenses only to relax at realising it’s simply my game being left on paused for too long.
“How does a shower sound? Then we can sleep.”I kiss her jaw gently goosebumps awakening at my touch. Jenna’s hand traces light patterns on the curve of my sides. “Are you saying I smell?” Her nose scrunches slightly, eyes narrowing in faux anger.
“Your words not mine.” I tease. Jenna doesn’t accept those words, her hand coming up to slap my arm. “Ow.” I wince frowning at the chuckling girl on my lap. “Shower. Go.” My eyebrows furrow, playful anger coursing through my body. “Grumpy.” Jenna whispers under her breath with a cheeky smirk.
My hands press against her stomach, nudging her off my lap to which Jenna protests her own hands wrapping tighter around my waist. “Come with me?” She pleads gazing up at me with those eyes. I huff and look away from her only to feel her fingers close around my jaw tilting my face back down to her own.
“Please.” She whispers, lips ghosting mine. It takes all my courage to not pin her to the couch and kiss her hard enough to leave bruises. “No baby cause we both know where that would go and you need to relax, not get riled up.
Jenna debates my answer before moving off my lap and heading towards our bedroom. “Be like that then.” She doesn’t turn to look at me as she walks away knowing I’m right.
Although she puts on the annoyed facade I hear her yell I love you from the bedroom, those three words assuring me she isn’t seriously angry.
Fifteen minutes pass by, my solitude being kept cosy with my controller in hand, gentle music playing in the background keeping the atmosphere calm amongst the violence on the tv screen.
“Can you come to here please?” I’d be lying if I said Jenna’s shout didn’t scare me slightly. But I obey, turning off the console and tv before heading towards the bedroom.
Candles flicker, the breeze causing a slight chill inside the dimly lit room as the window beside the bed remains open. Jenna smiles dopily, a cigarette in hand as she smokes beckoning me to her side.
“I missed you today.” She reaches for my hand to pull me down. A smile adorns my face seeing her flushed cheeks. “I missed you too.” I whisper softly nuzzling my nose against the side of her face. “Want some?” She asks gesturing to the cigarette in her hand. I nod, holding onto her wrist gently as she places the cigarette against my lips.
As the the cigarette becomes a dud Jenna throws it onto the ash tray with a sigh. “Bed please.” She groans walking the mere three steps and collapsing face first into the mattress. Following my girlfriend I sit on the edge, my hand tracing patterns under her baggy sleep shirt and along the hem of her sleep shorts.
“Closer.” Jenna mumbles against the blankets, her hand flailing around in an attempt to find my body and pull me against her. “Please.” She whines scrambling up the mattress and resting her face on her pillow.
“I’m coming.” I chuckle standing up to blow out the candles before swiftly moving onto the bed and beneath the covers.
Jenna finally pulls her face away from the pillow, head tilted in my direction she smiles. “Come here then.” I whisper opening my arms for the smaller girl to fall into. And that she does.
Manoeuvring her body so her legs slot between my own, soft skin against soft skin. Her head lays on my chest and her eyes close, relaxed as my fingers find themselves tracing patterns under her shirt once again.
“Goodnight baby.” I whisper pressing a kiss to her head. Jenna hums contently. “Goodnight.”
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brittle-doughie · 5 months
Hey, not sure if an anon ask of mine got through, so might as well repost a better rendition of what I typed now lol (so sorry if it did get through and you were already answering 😭)
You know what we need more of in these trying times? Lord/Lady Harbinger Cookie having the wrangle the other CoD.
Recently watched the Cookie of Darkness 5-14 and 7-5, and boy let me tell you…. I started imagining Harbinger coming in and seeing what was going down, with Licorice Cookie being the only one to notice them, trying to get Pomegranate and Dark Choco to stop. But of course, since they don’t, Harbinger has to go and let them know themselves, right in the middle of Pomegranate casting her spell on Dark Choco. Of course, everything between those two stops, because regardless of context, not exactly the best sight for your Master’s second banana (who ALREADY doesn’t like it when you guys fight) to show up to.
And I especially started imagining Harbinger going “Pomegranate Cookie, you of all people have no right to talk about betraying one’s home…”
That’s right, they heard it ALL.
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But just as Pomegranate Cookie’s spell had begun, it was suddenly ended..confusing both Pomegranate and Dark Choco Cookie.
“What? How could…?”
Licorice Cookie finally piped up.
“Guys! They’re right there!”
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The faint ringing of a bell had made both Pomegranate Cookie’s and Dark Choco Cookie’s strawberry jam run COLD.
Pomegranate Cookie slowly turned to see none other then Harbinger Cookie behind her, in their hand was a bell as they gently rung it, its magic having completely overpowered Pomegranate’s.
If Pomegranate could shrink, she would’ve been the size of a mouse by now..
You had enough, these two were annoying you. It was one thing for them to argue amongst themselves, but to use magic to purposefully bring forth horrific memories to torment a cookie on the same side…that was something you would not allow….
Pomegranate Cookie’s demeanor changed, quickly becoming apologetic and shook.
“F-Forgive me, my Lord/Lady! I shall endure any reprimands you give me…”
Pomegranate Cookie…you let her know that while she is the most devoted to the darkeness, her behavior towards her fellow cookies could use some improving…
And she is NOT the cookie to be speaking about betraying one’s home, after all, she’s all too familiar with that, isn’t she?
Pomegranate Cookie could only continue to spout apologies as you turned to Dark Choco Cookie.
You ask of him to quit starting trouble on his end with his fellow cookies of darkness. Dark Enchantress’s goals cannot be reached if one cookie refuses to listen to instructions. Plant. Those. Seeds.
Dark Choco Cookie grumbled in acknowledgment before leaving.
You sighed as you left the room, with Pomegranate Cookie trailing after you.
You did make a quick comment for Licorice and Poison Mushroom to keep up the good work.
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“R-really? Hehe, I won’t let you down, my Lord/Lady!”
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“Harbinger Cookie..play with me after!”
Heh, you will as you took a shroom from them.
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luffyvace · 7 months
helooo can i request saiki x reader bf texts please? thank you so much !! anything is fine honestly as long as its saiki content i miss him 😭😭😭😭
ooooou I haven’t got a request like this yet and it seems very fun!! No problem hun <3
IKR after you finish the anime it feels like such limited content is left for the saiki k fandom!! 😭😭
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💓💗 Saiki and his boyfriend~ 💗💓
“Wanna go get some coffee jelly”
“This is oddly specific but can you tell the magician outside to leave please?”
”can you keep aiura and torisuka distracted so I can leave school?”
”thanks I’ll pay you back in (favorite thing)”
”let’s meet at the arcade”
”I’m annoyed my mom is forcing me to go outside but I know I’m gonna run into kaido”
”please come with me to make this more bearable”
”don’t forget to study for that test”
convos :3
”how do I make friends with that average guy from the other class without seeming weird”
”Kusuo idk just go up to him and talk to him 😭”
”yeah but if I don’t have something to talk about it’ll be awkward and my likeability meter will go down”
”can you figure out his interests for me so I can talk to him?”
”what? YOU do it 🤦”
”no i can’t the nuisances will find me”
convo 2 ;P
“Do you wanna come shopping with me?”
”your not gonna invite the nuisances too are you?”
”no kusuo 😭”
”oh okay well no”
“I'm NOT!”
“I know but nuisance number 4 just showed up”
”at your house?”
”no at the mall”
”ohh well fine 🤦”
convo 3
”can I borrow your bike nendo broke mine”
”idk he sat on it”
”I need it so I don’t have to go shopping with my dad”
”why is that so bad?? 😭”
”because he starts begging for things at the store”
“Isn’t he a grown man?”
”yeah I know that’s why I need to borrow your bike”
”sure babe..😭🤦”
convo 4
”my mom wants you to come over for dinner”
”oh alright!”
”say your sick”
”kuu why? 😭😭”
”can’t I come over??”
”no my parents are embarrassing”
”but I’ve come over plenty of times before tho”
”I know but, please just don’t come over”
”what’s happening??”
”fine. My dad wants to play a prank on someone because when he try to scare me it didn’t work. So I need you to come over and pretend to be scared so my mom doesn’t kill me”
”what?? So now I’m supposed to come over?”
”let’s just get it over with”
”you go through so much I swear 😭💗”
convo 5
”when you come over and my mom asks if you wanna meet my brother say no”
”whaaat but I kinda wanna meet him”
”say no”
”for both of our sakes”
”if you don’t go I won’t have to either”
”fine 😒”
convo 6
”goodnight kuu”
”goodnight m/n”
convo 7
“I hear nuisance number 4 isn’t showing up to school today”
”no she isn’t”
”rejoice. God is real.”
”KUSUO 😭😭”
convo 8
“your driving home today right? Can I hitch a ride? Nuisance number 1 is here”
”wait which nuisance is that again?”
”how can you forget? It’s the second most terrible one. Nuisance 1 is nendo”
”hurry he’s coming”
convo 9
”come with me to nuisance number 2’s house so I don’t have to go alone”
”kaido right? he’s not so bad right? I can’t I have homework”
”no he’s just really weird and cringe and awkward”
“I’ll wait”
”okay 😭”
convo 10
“can I come over and we can watch that show you recommended me?”
”yeah sure any time kuu”
”you really don’t have to ask, I could get you a spare key if you want”
”yes an emergency escape route in case of nuisance surprises”
”and you ig”
convo 11
”that was sweet. what you did for them”
“Yeah I guess they’re not so bad for now”
”for now Kusuo?”
”you sound like my mom”
”actually, that’s not an insult I love your mom”
”I know”
”WYM 😭”
”you hug her more than I do”
”well that proves smth 🤨🤨”
”eh. I’ll get her a gift”
”good cuz she’s awesome 😙”
convo 12
“let’s finish playing that game you have”
”you have never even played it he’s so annoying”
”you wouldn’t even think it’s funny if I hadn’t have told you”
”come on at least least me see the chapter you said you hated”
”you just wanna see me suffer”
”If I did I wouldn’t have distracted hairo for you earlier”
”LOL YIPPIE I’m coming over as soon as I’m done with my homework 🙂”
convo 13
“How do I transfer to class 2”
”you just wanna be with satou don’t you”
”you don’t know how?”
”no kuu, I don’t 🤦”
convo 14
“I have to go visit my grandparents and my granddad is really awkward come with me”
”why do you love my family so much?”
”they’re strange”
”I love YOU 😒”
”are you calling me weird”
”in what way are you normal mister magic powers with weird friends and family who also has to stop a volcano from erupting yearly”
”those are just ordinary daily tasks”
”now your coming right?”
”I should leave you”
”you wish you were normal so bad”
”when are we going”
”on second thought you can stay here”
convo 15
”let’s reschedule the coffee jelly date for Sunday”
”it’s too chaotic”
”it’s Friday”
”I know I’m dreading the weekend”
”my poor kuu 😭”
”you sound like my mom again”
*read* 1:39pm
LOL I LOVE CONVO 10-15 😊😈 (it got more chaotic as it went on- 😭)
muahahahahhaha hope you enjoyed! these were quite fun :3
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toppersjeep · 7 months
Let Me Go(Charles Leclerc)
mini series
summary: Nova Riccardo is the younger sister of Daniel. Nova is a race engineer at Ferrari she joined around the same time as Charles. Nova and Charles have been close friends for a long time. Most would think they are together but nobody knows if they are.But they have secretly been together for a while.However Nova feels as if she isn’t being treated well at Ferrari. So she decides to look at other options. But her decision might not go so well with Charles…
(tw//:loss of baby, swearing)
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apparently Charles thinks he’s the engineer now?? so does this make me the driver of his car??
- tagged charlesleclerc
Liked by 1 million
carlossainz55✔️: I would assume so nova 😀
ferrai✔️: hmmmmmm do we get nov ric on the track now??
danielricciardo✔️: this is a scary thought not Charles being the engineer but nova in an F1 car 😅
novaricciardo✔️: danielricciardo let me cook Daniel let me cook in peace
landonorris✔️: clear the track mates novas gonna cook on it 🕺🏽
novaricciardo✔️: landonorris this is why your my best mate thank you sir
lilymhe✔️: I think yes
charlesleclerc✔️: I mean I guess so can you drive ?? cause I have no idea how to engineer so
novaricciardo✔️: charlesleclerc I can drive duh Charles… that sucks for you not knowing how to engineer stay safe 🫡
charlesleclerc✔️: novaricciardo so this isn’t gonna work out then because how will you drive a car with no engineer 😔
novaricciardo✔️: charlesleclerc ummmm obviously I will do both sir. but I fear your a better driver so I’ll take my job back now 😀
charlesleclerc✔️: novaricciardo thank god I can not be an engineer anymore
charlesfan: the way he’s looking at nova behind the camera 😭
novxchar: they are flirting in the comments again 🤨
netflix✔️: get someone to look at you the way Charles looks at Nov 🥹
-liked by novaricciardo and charlesleclerc
Nova’s POV
“What” I said looking at Charles as he smiled. “Oh nothing just laughing at the fans comments” Charles said looking at his phone. “You truly are something” I said. “What imagine me doing your job” Charles said I laughed. “Haha I went to school for mine good luck” I said.
“Hey I kinda went to school or well training” Charles said. “Okay fair but you doing my job scares me” I said. “Fair.. I can say the same you behind the wheel of a F1 car scares me” Charles said. “Well that’s how I feel everyday with you” I said. “I know what I’m doing” Charles said.
“Yeah I know that I just worry” I said. “So she cares about me” Charles said I rolled my eyes. “I have a heart you know” I said. “Oh really” Charles said sarcastically. “Keep it up and I’ll go be Carlos’s engineer” I said. “You wouldn’t” Charles said I laughed.
“What am I gonna do with you” I said. “I don’t know” Charles said looking at me. I then took his Ferrari hat and put it on my head. He smiled and took my picture. “Hey that’s gonna cost you” I said. “Oh so we are charging for pics now” Charles said. “Yep pay up” I said holding my hand out.
“Pay up hmm” Charles said pulling me into a kiss. “You are so annoying” I said looking into his eyes. “But I know you love it” Charles said. I pushed his face away gently. “Shush” I said. “So what are you doing later tonight” Charles said.
“I have no plans” I said. “Really your boyfriend isn’t doing anything with you” Charles said. “No.. but he’ll probably annoy me” I said. “I’m sure he will” Charles said. “Why what do you wanna do” I said. “Wanna come over later” Charles said. “Hmmm I guess I could” I said. “You had no choice I drove you here” Charles said as he kissed my cheek as he got up.
“Do you want your hat back” I said. “It’s fine love I just gotta do a couple interviews” Charles said. “You sure” I said. “Mmmh it’s fine” Charles said I kissed him. “Okay good” I said. “I’ll see you afterwards” Charles said.
I watched as he did a couple interviews. Of course they’d ask more personal questions too. Rather than the car or our team. But we both knew we wanted our relationship a secret. Plus everyone just thought we were best friends. Which we were but behind the scenes it was more.
“So Charles is there anyone special in your life” the interviewer asked. I stood behind them. “Yeah.. I’d say so” Charles said with a smile. “What’s she like” the interviewer asked. “She’s… incredibly perfect in every single way” Charles said.
“I really … well this is a bit awkward I don’t really talk about her much in front of cameras” Charles said. I looked at him and smiled. “It’s alright she must be pretty special” the interviewer said. “She is very special to me” Charles said.
Charles and I walked to his car. We both got in and he drove back to his apartment. We finally made it up to his apartment.
“I’m so tired” I said laying on the couch as soon as we walked in the door. “What if I wanted to show you something” Charles said. “I’m sleeping” I said jokingly. “Sure you are” Charles said. “Alright what” I said. “Come” Charles said taking my hand.
He then lead me to his piano. We both sat down on the bench. “Okay char what” I said. “I just wanna play you something” Charles said as he started to play the piano. I rested my head on his shoulder as he played. He looked at me and smiled then continued to play.
“It’s very beautiful” I said. “You think so” Charles said. “Yeah it’s pretty” I said. “I uhhh wrote it for you” Charles said I smiled. “Oh” I said. “Is that weird or” Charles asked. “No” I said kissing him. “Oh so I have to write you song to get kisses” Charles said.
“You just have to ask” I said. “You.. doing okay recently with everything” Charles asked. “I’m alright Cha” I said. “You know we can talk about it” Charles said. “I don’t want to” I said sitting on the couch. “My love we have to eventually you know” Charles said sitting beside me.
“I know” I said. “Hey” he said hugging me. “It’s just difficult” I said. “I know it is difficult harder on you I imagine” Charles said. “Well it’s not easy losing a baby at all” I said. “Maybe down the road it will work out” Charles said.
“I just.. I guess I was excited even though it wasn’t planned” I said. “Nov me too but it’s alright these things happen” Charles said. “Yeah” I said. “I love you just don’t blame you self” he said kissing my cheek. “I love you more” I said.
“Enough sadness for now” Charles said. “Do you wanna go for a late night stroll by the water” I said. “That sounds lovely and we can go to your favorite bakery” Charles said.
“I’m in” I said.
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
I was playing Genius Invocation yesterday, but out of nowhere this idea came to me like tge whispers of an old god.
How would the characters react to knowing they are the creator's favorite card? (Mine are Beidou and Ningguang, but if you are confortable, I would like to know yours as well)
Thank you for your patience!! Sorry this is SO FUCKING late :0 and if it’s bad! i havent rlly liked my writing the past couple pieces, so i stuck with some fun headcanons i thought of while kicking me feet and twirling my hair over this question hehehe
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Sun: Gender Neutral Reader (they/them only)
Planet: General SAGAU/Isekai Stuff :)
Orbit: Headcanons
Stars: Beidou, Ningguang, Kaeya, Cyno
Comets & Meteors: Content Warnings: Cussing & Trigger Warnings: None Known.
Every fucking port knows she’s a favored one, every goddamn pirate knows it atp, hell maybe even some abyss monsters at sea too-
(Kazuha’s happy for her, but also lowkey jealous)
literally got one of her cards framed and hung in her captain’s quarters, and insisted you sign it omfg-
Ningguang isnt surprised tbh, (she knows u like strong women lol)
…she gives one of the most smug smirks of her entire fucking life.
All of Liyue is gushing for her, not that she isn’t also excited on the inside, she’s just more proud than anything on the outside/for appearances
Literally set up a whole date meeting that felt like it was about to turn into a goddamn wedding proposal
I’m talking giving handcarved furniture, household necessities but they’re in pretty colors that all match (like a gold tea kettle, gold throw blanket, etc.)
Full nine-yards different kinds of teas, cakes, and all accustomed to your taste
so if u dislike super sweet stuff there are more savory items, the teas can be more bitter, or if u love sweets, this woman is giving you a bakery basically every day for nearly 2 weeks, u dont have enough space in the cabinet for all these teas- help-
so fucking smug on the outside, def brags about it in Angel’s Share and he’ll only just be tipsy he’s so fucking excited to talk abt it
whenever conversations end or get a lull, he just, “So anyway, our All-Powerful Guide, really likes my TCG card, maybe even above yours, Diluc…”
pls stop him he’s annoying Diluc, and slowly other patrons 😭 (there are bar rules posted on the wall, and Diluc adds one, not for the first time, specifically for Kaeya to stop talking about TCG while in the bar LMAO)
Now all Kaeya has to do is just pull out his card (cough he’s constantly got it in his pocket, the one he asked u to sign cough)
Rosaria just looks the other way like if she can’t see it it’s not real, Diluc will literally be in the middle of making a drink for one of them and just leave it halfdone and attend to somebody else, Venti’s eye twitches-
and the entire bar just groans too LMAOOO
(have a meme I made just for you <3 )
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oh no.
Look what you’ve done, you’ve seduced the General Mahamatra!!
Take responsibility, play TCG with him every time you see him now lmao, the only reason all of Sumeru knows you like his card (which makes it all that more desirable to ppl who do play, and collectors)
is bc he talked to Tighnari about it for hourssss, and then it made it’s way down the grapevine, and if they didn’t find out that way, the other was just seeing the usually stern and formidable General Mahamatra nearly vibrate out of his headpiece when you come near him every time you visit
Cyno weirdly gains like, 20x the luck when ur either playing against him, or sitting watching him play someone else, he’s struggling to find partners tbh bc “you’re my lucky charm? Of course I’m winning more.”
When you initially told him about him being one of ur fav cards, he literally looked like there was a loading sign over his head… Then proceeded to nearly break your ribs hugging you so hard, and nearly take ur eye out with the ears on his headpiece lol
Sorry if all my writings shit for these past 2 posts! Idk im just thinking its not so good rn and idk how to fix it-
anyway I’ve started playing Breath of the Wild over the past like 2-3 months I think, and it’s amazingggg
I may or may not be both getting gender envy and also a huge crush on Link help-
Safe Travels Wandering Lantern,
♡the beloveds♡
An iced coffee? For me??
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist / @thedevioussmirk / @the-dumber-scaramouche
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faithst · 1 year
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synopsis reader and ricky were supposed to spend time together but ricky got distracted (by gyuvin) that left reader a bit jealous. in attempt for payback, reader tries to make ricky jealous.
pairing bf!ricky x gn!reader
genre fluff
mentions gyuvin, yujin
notes i’m really sorry for the delay ! this was a request before i accidentally deleted my blog and i had to rewrite this all over again ! though, thank you for enjoying my works and i hope you enjoy this, thank you for being patient 😭
it’s a bit rushed and not fully proofread !
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what do you do when your lover is occupied with someone else and you’re a teeny bit jealous? you make him jealous back.
well, not exactly the best idea as fighting fire with fire isn’t ideal but you were supposed to spend the whole day with ricky today! gyuvin and him were up cracking jokes and ignoring you the whole time.
ricky didn’t mean to as he got caught in the moment and who doesn’t enjoy a good joke? the jealousy wasn’t serious but making you wait for him wasn’t cool either.
so you made a pact with yujin to make mr young and rich, jealous. yujin agreed after bribing him to some ice cream so you continued onto the plan. ricky came back into the living room, trying to look for you when he saw you and yujin sitting right next to eachother, watching tv.
it wasn’t weird at first but he’s a little skeptical. how did you get yujin, out of all people to watch a show with you? “hey babe, what’re you watching?” ricky asks, settling down onto the sofa. “some show.” you answer, reaching to grab some popcorn and plopping it into your mouth.
“wait, isn’t this the show you wanted to watch with me?” eyebrows furrowed, as he shuffles closer to you. “yeah. anyways, yujin do you want anything? i’m heading to the kitchen.” you get up, in attempt to run away from ricky’s affection as that’ll make you forget about the plan instantly. yujin nods as he replies “strawberries, please!”.
ricky is wide-eyed at the thought of his strawberries, those were his! “wait, those are mine.” he stands up with a small frown “oh come on, ricky. let yujin have some.” you say, walking into the kitchen with ricky tailing behind.
“okay, what’s going on?” he asks, crossing his arms as he watches you open the fridge. “why are you suddenly so close with yujin?” you turn around to face him “oh my god! are you jealous?” you question back, putting on a cheeky grin as you poke his cheek “me? jealous of a kid? no.” turning his face away from your teasing gaze.
feeling pretty great that your plan worked, you put your attention back on the strawberries to wash them “that’s what you get for ignoring me..” you mumbled under your breath but loud enough for ricky to hear. he stops to think ‘what did you mean by that?’ and it finally clicked!
“oh my god! are YOU jealous?” his smile widening by the second. not even turning to face him but with visible flushed cheeks of embarrassment, you respond “no! of course not!” continuing to slice the strawberries into smaller pieces. ricky slowly made his way to you, slithering his arms around your waist from behind as he buries the crook of his nose into your neck.
“you know i love you, right?” he says as he turns you around to face him, the smirk he had was gonna kill you some day. you responded with a pout on your lips, crossing your arms as he took the chance to pull you closer and kiss you.
“i’m sorry for ignoring you.” you finally smile and cup his cheeks to pull him in for another until you were interrupted “can you guys give me my strawberries already?” an annoyed yujin said, disgust on his face as he saw the display of affection in front of his eyes.
yujin pushed past you both and grabbed the strawberries himself and walked back into the living room with ricky chasing behind him.
“hey! those are still mine!”
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© keiwook
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marvelouslizzie · 1 year
sooo, i read your fic "like someone i know" and it was absolutely hot AND amazing. i am obsessed with miscommunication of how they thought they hated/were against each other but not. 😭
if you do take requests, could you write a drabble or something of them finally dating and bucky still teasing the reader but obviously in love now? JBJDJSHS maybe make the entire class confused bc they're aware of their rivalry. i just LOVEEE the fluff after enemies/rivals to lovers plots. 🥹
if you don't take requests, it's okay!!! your fic was amazing and now i shall read more of your work to my heart's content!!!
Thank you so much for the kind words ❤️
Oh, I absolutely love this! I tried to write a cute drabble and I hope this works for you.
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summary: Set after Like Someone I Know. You and your former academic rival, Bucky, begin a secret romantic relationship. What happens when you two have another exam?
pairing: College!Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
warnings: None actually. Pure bickering and a bit of fluff + no mention of y/n.
word count: 842
All work is mine, please do not repost or translate without my permission.
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Another day, another test. You feel stressed by the number of lessons you had to study for this one. There were so many things, even though you went through all of them, you feel like you remember nothing. Nothing at all.
You open your bag and reach for your notes while your back rests against the cold wall. Maybe you will feel confident enough if you go through them one more time. Refreshing your memory does not hurt, right?
You start to read and repeat the most important info in your mind, trying to remember where and how you wrote them so you can use them during the exam, but it’s hard to concentrate. Especially, when Bucky’s voice is booming through the hallway. His laugh is so loud, and it annoys you because he isn’t laughing like that because of you. He’s just messing around with Steve, Sam, and Natasha, as usual. You are pretty sure Natasha is the one that made him laugh this loudly, and jealousy takes over you. 
“For the love of god, just stop talking for a sec! Some of us are trying to study here.” 
No one bats an eye. They are so used to you two bickering before and after exams, but Bucky immediately turns to you. You see the mischievous spark in his eyes. He’s so amused by the comment.
“Do you mean yourself, princess? Because I don’t see anyone else besides you studying right now.”
You make a sour face when you hear him calling you princess. That’s new. He usually calls you doll.
“Does it matter?”
“Matters to me.”
“Fine. I’m trying to study. Shut your mouth, kay? Bye.”
You try to turn back to your notes, but no, Bucky is not done bickering with you. Of course, he isn’t.
“Don’t worry, you will get a good grade. You always do.” It could’ve been such a sweet encouragement if his tone had been different. It just feels like he’s patronizing you.
“So what? I should stop studying?” 
“Yeah. Give yourself a break, doll.” He stops for a second, then dramatically adds. “Live a little.”
“Studying first, living later.” That kinda sounds like a promise, but no one but Bucky gets that.
You think you can finally read again, but Sam doesn’t let go of the conversation for some reason. He always likes to interject.
“Are you worried Bucky will get the best grade?” 
“Oh, come on, Sam!” Steve sounds tired already.
“I would like to see him try.” After years of being rivals, your answer comes automatically. You forget there’s no need for this anymore.
“I got the best score last time, remember?” Luckily he doesn’t sound offended. Maybe he just missed your usual bickering.
“And I will make sure that doesn’t happen again.” You give him a fake smile. You really want to get the best score, even if that means beating your boyfriend.
“You always say that, but…” Suddenly he stops talking, and you wanna know how that sentence ends.
“But what?” 
“Doesn’t matter.”
“Come on!” You challenge him. He shouldn’t stop himself from voicing his thoughts just because you started to date a while ago. Your rivalry is still there. He should be free to say whatever he wants. “Say it.”
“Maybe later.” He resists.
"Come on, Barnes! Since when are you afraid to speak your mind?" Your taunting works like a charm.
“You always say that, but I never saw you upset because I beat you.”
You can’t help but smile. If someone is gonna get the better grade, it has to be Bucky. Any other option is simply not acceptable.
You feel the stares of Steve, Sam, and Natasha on you. They didn’t expect this turn of events. They have been holding their breaths to see your reaction. Are you gonna get mad? Snap back at him? Shove his flirtatious comment up his ass?
“If it's not me, then it has to be you, right?” You watch Bucky’s smile grow while others mumble with confusion.
“If not my girl, then who else?”
Oh, he really went there. He didn’t miss the opportunity to claim you, and even though you wanted to do that very differently, you can’t help but feel giddy about it.
You don’t say anything at first, slowly walking towards him. You stop right in front of him, staring into his pretty blue eyes. He doesn’t know what to expect, so you can see how puzzled he is. You stand on your tiptoes and gently place a kiss on his cheek. 
“Good luck, baby,” you whisper into his ear, then you just turn on your heels, like nothing happened. “See you after the exam.” You don’t look back, but you hear others talk.
“What the fuck just happened?” 
“Did she just-” 
“I told you they would eventually fuck, Rogers! Pay up!” 
“Language, Sam! We don’t even know…”
“Oh, they definitely did.” Natasha sounds rather amused.
“Oh, come on! You betted on us?” Bucky’s charming voice is the last thing you hear before entering the classroom.
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linos-luna · 2 years
hii <3
i hope you had a nice day today🤎
i was wondering if you could do a fic where either yandere bang chan or lee know takes care of clingy-baby reader like where they do everything for the reader -honestly i don’t really know 😭i’m just in that needing to depend on someone mood i’m sorry if this is weird 😭😭 it’s my first time requesting~~
also i just wanted to say that your writing is amazing and you’re my favourite writer on tumblr at the moment 🧸
thank you so much please don’t feel like you have to do it i’m sorry if this bothers you🤎🤎🤎
I’m your current favorite?? 🥺 you’re so kind, I appreciate it 😭💜
I was actually planning on writing one like this for Yandere! Lee Know. So this is just perfect timing.
Hope you like 💕
Sorry it took so long!
Sweet Kitten ❣️🔪
Yandere! Lee Know x Fem!Reader
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Warnings: yandere, 18+, light smut, controlling behavior, fingering, ddlg ? , Stockholm Syndrome?
♡ —————————— 🧸 —————————— ♡
Daddy knows best so why would you question him? He loves and cares for you 24/7. All you want is his love. However, you never realized just how obsessed he was with you…
Minho came into the bedroom, obviously a bit annoyed but gave you a weak smile when seeing you on the bed.
“What’s wrong daddy? Who was at the door?”
“Ah… no one… it was nothing.” He lied as he patted your head.
You nodded and gave him a hug. He paused for a moment before hugging you back, thinking about the conversation from just a few minutes ago.
There was someone at the door; it was your friend Jihyo, and she asking about you. Minho was actually surprised you still had friends, he was sure he scared them all away. But this one was persistent. He thought back on the amusing conversation…
“You can’t see her!”
“Why not?! What’s wrong with you?!” She replied, very concerned.
“Because she doesn’t want to see you.”
“Not true. You’re insane!” Jihyo yelled as the door was slammed in her face.
“You can’t do this! She doesn’t belong to you!” She continued pounding on the door while yelling.
“Come on baby.” Minho said with a smile. “Let’s get you ready for bed.”
“Bath time?!”
“Yes bath time.” He chuckled at your enthusiasm and led you to the bathroom.
He got the water ready and started helping you undress. You got in the tub and was excited as he got some soap and a rag to clean you.
Afterwards, Minho dried you up and dressed you in some warm pajamas. He brushed your hair and had you sit so he could braid it. He loved braiding your hair.
“Daddy I wanna watch a movie.”
“It’s a little late for that, Isn’t it?” He replied while tying off your last braid,
“But I wanna cuddle with daddy” you pouted.
Minho couldn’t say no to you and agreed.
You watched as he made hot chocolate and pulled out some cookies as well.
“Where’d you get the cookies, daddy?” You ask curiously as you reach for one.
“A friend of mine made them.” Minho replied while handing you one.
You both drank your hot chocolate in the kitchen and Minho fed you some cookies before heading to the living room to pull up Netflix.
You sat on top of your boyfriend with a blanket as you watched the movie. He was so nice and warm. Minho slipped his hand under your shirt and was gropping your right breast. He loved the feeling of your warm flesh and he slipped his other hand in your pants.
You whined a bit at the feeling but it soon turned pleasurable as he went under your already wet panties and started fingering you.
“You like that baby…?” Minho teased, his hot breath tickling your neck. “You like daddy’s fingers?”
“Yes daddy…”
After putting two fingers in, he was slowly moving in an out with ease; he loved the sounds of your whimpers so rubbed your clit to hear more…
“More daddy.” You moaned. “More please!”
“So greedy hm? But anything for my sweet kitten.”
After continuing to rub your clit and pinching your nipple, you soon came with a loud moan.
Minho knew you wouldn’t last the whole movie so he wasn’t very surprised when you fell asleep soon after your orgasam.
He wrapped you up in the blanket and carried you to the bedroom where he tucked you in.
Your boyfriend stripped to his boxers and left for a moment to brush his teeth.
“D-daddy?!” You sat up and called out to him the second you didn’t feel his touch.
“Don’t worry, kitten” Minho chuckled while coming back to the room while brushing his teeth. “I’m right here.”
You got up and went to him, giving a tight hug. “I’m sleepy. Let’s go sleep.”
“Yes baby, hold on a moment.”
Minho goes to the bathroom to finish cleaning his teeth while you held onto him. You both went back to the bed and your boyfriend tucked you in. He laid next to you and you cuddled into him as you drifted off to sleep.
Later that night Jihyo and some others decided that they were going to get you out and devised a plan.
It was almost 4am and friend was able to unlock the window in the living room with a hair pin. She looked around and tried to figure out how she would get past a sleeping Minho. That’s when she heard the bedroom door open and she hid. But much to her surprise, it was actually you. You were going to the bathroom. 
Jihyo waited for you to come out and quickly grabbed you when you did, making sure to smother your scream.
“Hey! Hey y/n!” She said in a loud whisper. “It’s me, Jihyo!”
“Jihyo…?” You calmed down as she let go of you. “W-what are you doing?”
“I’m getting you out of here.” She said, now tugging on your arm.
“But why?” You ask while following her. “Daddy loves me, he’ll be so worried.”
Jihyo was appalled by what you just said and sighed as you both were in front of the window.
“Do you hear yourself?! He’s controlling you!”
“But I need him—!” You said this a bit loud and Jihyo was quick to cover your mouth and push you out the window.
In front, there was a car waiting and another friend was in the driver’s seat. Jihyo got in the back with you as the car started driving.
“Sorry jeongyeon… it took longer than expected.” Jihyo said with a sigh.
“It’s fine.” Jeongyeon replied, looked back at the two of you for a moment. “As long as she’s out.”
It was about a 45 minute drive and you were getting antsy.
“I-I’m cold… I wanna go home!” You cried out, getting jihyo to let go of you.
“Oh it’s that bad…” jeongyeon said as she pulled into the parking space.
“Y/n please!” Your friend said as she got you out of the car. “Minho is not as good boyfriend. He is controlling and manipulative. Not good for you!”
“B-but he takes care of me!” You cried, wiping your tears. “I miss him!”
Both girls sighed as they brought you in and were met with another friend, setting up a place for you to sleep on the couch.
“Hey y/n. Remember me?”
“Momo?” You were surprised to see her… actually haven’t seen her in a while.
“You’re sleeping here.” Momo patted the couch with blankets and smiled.
“No I gotta go home now…”
“Y/n…” jihyo sighed. “Get some sleep, we will discuss in the morning. You were reluctant but eventually agreed as you were very tired.
Meanwhile, Minho was in a state of panic, practically turning the place upside down looking for you. He had woken up around 5 when realizing you weren’t there and started freaking out.
“Y/n? Y/n?! Where are you!” He yelled out in desperation. “My baby, where’d you go?! Who took my sweet kitten?!”
Then it hit him. Jihyo. Your friend from earlier. She must’ve taken you! He was pissed and grabbed a jacket and his keys.
Who’s house did you go to? He thought to himself. Jihyo’s would be too obvious. Your friend jeongyeon lived relatively close so probably not her… so that leaves Momo. Of course! The furthest house of the three!
Soon he was driving, not only worried for you but also pissed at your friends… he wants to hurt them for taking his baby away…
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akira-hanaluvs · 21 days
yep, I’m going back to my old favorite with my current favorite, called me crazy but I actually think it’s a little bit more fun.
With the fact that Danny would in Twisted Wonderland and when it happens is after D-stabilize and before Phantom Planet or after Phantom Planet (I can’t decide which one) so with that in mind I can see when Danny meets Grim, he wouldn’t be fearful to him as that Ghost boy has dealt with worse.
In a way Danny can get away from Grim easily (the poor cat would struggle to find him until he did XD) though Danny would try to reason with Grim but of course he wouldn’t listen and try to attack Danny until Crowley showed up and stopped the devil cat.
Interesting Facts:
• Danny doesn’t fully trust Crowley as the headmaster wouldn’t keep his promise for getting Danny back to his world, in Danny’s case he isn’t really responsible enough. (Oof 😭😅)
whenever he gets annoyed or mad at Grim, Danny usually calls him ‘lil menace’, ‘gremlin’, and ‘Devil cat’ as he refuses to be called Grim’s “minion”
When Danny shows his ghosts powers to Ace and Deuce it was around in the dwarf’s mines when he saved Deuce from the phantom blot (at the time they didn’t know that)
In classes in NRC Danny actually had a good grasp on class lesson to a point where he gets genuine good grades, confused and surprised he goes up to Crewel asking if there is a mistake and when Crewel confirms that all his class work is correct. The poor Halfa was in complete shock that he would say “I- I never had this good grades besides that one test..” he said which would make Crewel genuinely concerned about the Halfa (papa Crewel is best Crewel QwQ)
In each of overblot victims’ memories came when Danny see them he would genuinely feel bad (pacifically Riddle’s, Azul’s, Idia’s, and Malleus’s) he sees those memories seeing them struggling with their trauma similar to his trauma (yes Danny has some trauma but hide it better until he lose his composure.)
The more time Danny constantly facing the phantom blot (since he doesn’t want to hurt the victims) after Grim in the end of book 5 scratches him in his ghost form, his injury would get infected with some of the blot that overtime he would have a high chance to be Overblot himself as well (the rest of the Twst crew would know Danny’s personal struggles and fears mainly of Dan Phantom)
Danny does sense a lot of ghosts in Twisted Wonderland as his own ghost sense would go off so if the Ramshackle ghosts try to scare Danny then he would be aware which actually amuse the Halfa as he is surprised that the ghosts in twisted wonderland is different in his own world and even the ghost zone as well.
When Danny befriended some of the main Twst crew, he is actually close to the first years though when he met Jack Howl it was awkward as his dad’s name is Jack so, to insure of no confusion Danny would call Jack Howl by his last name or ‘Jackie’ which it is understandable to Jack as he does not want Danny to be uncomfortable.
In story Danny would have to use his ghost powers in so many ways as in book 1 when Ace was kicked out and had Riddle’s collar on, out of curiosity and thinking Danny used his intangibility on the collar and taking it off of Ace’s neck which made the Heartslabyul student very happy but Danny told Ace that he had to put it back on his neck so that Riddle wouldn’t know. To the dismay of Ace but begrudgingly he agreed on it as it for safety reasons.
when Danny met Malleus, to the Halfa he thinks that Malleus is really cool and would call Malleus ‘Draco’ because of a constellation and also means Dragon as well, for Malleus was surprised that Danny would nickname him of thing that he was passionate about which made the dragon fae felt happy as they both would talk about their favorite interests (Malleus with gargoyles while Danny is Stars and space)
When any Twst characters asks Danny about his family and friends, he would definitely talk about them mostly he would also talk about his other friends from different dimensions, a boy who is big genius, a buck tooth boy with little creatures could give anything he wants, and finally a friendly sea sponge who is a fry cook. Danny would admit that he haven’t heard anything from them for a while now but understand if they find out that he is in another dimension they would be freaked out. (Aka Danny talking about Jimmy, Timmy, and SpongeBob though tbh I think Timmy would be jealous on Danny to be in a world that magic does exist XD)
The end of Malleus’s OB, Sam and Tucker did find a way to get into Twst with the help from Wulf who used his claws to get into the world and to find Danny, only to find out that he dealing with an overblot and become overblot himself.
in the Masquerade event would be interesting as Danny would have seen the ghost of Rollo’s late little brother Theo Flamme who stayed invisible in front of anyone except Danny could see him due to be a half ghost
Danny would tell about his ghost adventures to the first years group as Deuce would describe that Danny is a superhero which makes Danny happy about it
if Floyd or maybe even Grim would try to call him Dan or Dan-Dan you would bet Danny would get triggered as he would tell them in a coldest voice “Don’t EVER call me Dan again..!” and later he would tell everyone why after seeing his memories after his overblot.
so in short Danny would have to deal a lot issues but also would the moment that he would admit that he also has trauma issues.
I hope you guys like this idea that I come up with! I will also explain another AU that’s involved with Danny Phantom and the Owl House! Be on a lookout for that. Hope you guys have a good day/night!
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tsukasalvr · 11 months
can you do akane, kou, and hanako with a gn s/o with pain from braces? so sorry if you did this or was asked this before! just braces and rubber bands are painful as hell currently</3
AN: I’ve never had braces cus I actually have pretty good teeth (which sounds mean sorry😭😭) but they honestly look so cute and I remember an old friend of mine would always talk abt how it hurt when they first got theirs
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s/o experiencing pain from braces
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Anime/fandom: Tbhk
Characters: Akane Aoi, Kou Minamoto, Hanako
Warnings: I don’t proofread, veryyyyyy short
A/n: ate tacos and actually touched my eye so now my eye burns form the hot sauce😭😭
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Akane Aoi
Already treats you like royalty on a daily basis but hey prepared to be pampered even more with every minute now of him asking if you’re feeling okay
“Any pain, sweetheart? I’ve read online and have actually called some dentists how to lessen the pain!” He goes out and beyond for you
If you even hiss slightly or scrunch up your face, he’s rushing to you asking worriedly what’s wrong while you try to reassure him that you’re fine and it just hurts slightly
Feels horrible that you can’t eat some foods and will cry big crocodile tears for you, your pain is his pain as well
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Kou Minamoto
Isn’t super overbearing unlike someone (Akane), he still gets very worried over you and if you look closer, you can see him starting to sweat a little from his nervousness when he sees you put your hand on your cheek in pain
“Do you need anything? Don’t be scared to to ask me, s/o! I’ll help you no matter what it is!”
Will look up online when he can to search up ways to lessen the pain, it feels horrible to him to see someone so special to him in pain!
Does a deep dive on what foods could help the pain and what foods you could eat as well
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He loves you dearly and seeing you in pain makes him worried and likes to be very dramatic about it with acting like you’re dying whenever you express any sort of pain to your braces just to tease you
“No, s/o! Stay with me and don’t go to the light! Please don’t die on me!” He pretends to fake cry hoping to make you laugh to distract you from the pain
He can’t really just go online to search it up and he’s not sure if there’s any books in school that will give him information to help you at least a little
Will annoy Tsuchigomori to help him and will say it’s a matter of life or death, and will even ask Yashiro or Kou for help as well
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