#but it easily was probably a month which is a huge chunk of the semester
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cinnabeat · 6 months ago
im trying to think of the last time i hyperfixated on something and genuinely i think it was when i was reading tcf and that actively left my grades in shambles
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pepperoniwhirlwind · 7 years ago
~Honesty Hour~
     I was asked by @lovelynhiddenkittens to do all 150 questions in the Honesty Hour tag! 😮 Thank you, lovely and curious stranger~! 😆 But since that’s a lot for one post, I’ll break it up into chunks of 50 questions so it’s easier for all my blogging buddies to digest. 😊 Starting... now! 😝
1. Who was the last person you held hands with?      That would have to be Alex. He was warming my hand for me because it was ice cold. Though he doesn’t know that’s because I intentionally held my super cold drink for a really long time with that hand, then casually mentioned how cold my hand was so he’d try to warm it... >//> Introverts are sneaky flirts, what can I say? 😆😏
2. Are you outgoing or shy?      Shy, definitely. Though there are alters in the system much more outgoing than me.
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?      Tyler! 😄 I’ve been staying over at her apartment every weekend this past summer, and always enjoy our movie and gaming marathons. 😝
4. Are you easy to get along with?      I think so. I’m not very easily angered, a pacifist at heart, and a people-pleaser at my core. 😂 So it’s pretty hard not to get along with me.
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?
     I don’t know, Alex is a sweetheart so he’d probably help, and Tyler cares but she doesn’t do bodily fluids. 😆 So, it depends. And considering I’ve never been drunk, and seem to have too high a tolerance to get drunk without having to rob a bank to fund the sheer volume of alcohol needed, I doubt this problem will ever arise. 👌
6. What kind of people are you attracted to?
     Kind and funny people. 😊
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?
     I have no idea, but I won’t rule it out. Alex has kinda been cute and flirty towards me lately, so maaaybe~? >//>
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?
     Uh, well, the subject of the last question was Alex, so, him. 😆
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
     A wee bit, yes. 😅 I put up a good facade though, but being asexual, sex is kinda... bleeehhh~ for me. e~e
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
     That would have to be Tyler. :3 She’s my bestie from my ASL classes~ 💜 We have a looot in common, so we talk for hours at a time, in between movie and game marathons that is. 😆
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?
     Context: I was spamming Tyler gifs of adorable animals earlier today.
     The Text: “Aaand now I gotta get ready for therapy, so this shall be the crowning gif of adorable goodness!”
     Followed by a gif of two golden retrievers fighting over a tennis ball, with a third retriever (being shoved into the frame by a fourth, offscreen, retriever) resting his head on the two dogs feuding over the aforementioned tennis ball. 💖
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
     This is rather hard... so I’ll just list the songs that I listen to on repeat a lot.
     1. “The Cure” by Lady Gaga
     2. “Insomnia” by IAMX
     3. “Middle of the Bed” by Lucy Rose
     4. “All the Rage” by Allie X
     5. “Wires” by The Neighbourhood
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?
     Yes. No. Kinda? It depends... If I’ve just had a shower and my hair is clean, I love it. ^w^ But if it’s been a bit and my hair isn’t all that clean I just feel embarrassed if people touch my hair. e~e
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?
     Ehhh... Depends which alter you ask really. Me, personally? Not so much. My family has always told me our family line is cursed to have bad luck, so if I believed in such things, I guess I’m doomed. 😂
15. What good thing happened this summer?
     I’ve started working on myself and my social life, strengthening friendships irl and online, or, at least attempting to. 😅 Sometimes I’m just bad at not isolating. But this past summer I’ve been spending basically every weekend at my friend Tyler’s apartment and hanging out with her core group of friends. It’s been a nice break from the chaos of the school semester. 😊
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
     Well, considering she’s on the other side of the country back in my home state, probably not. She was a lovely first kiss, but I’ll leave it at that. 🤭
17. Do you think there is life on other planets?
     With how many planets there are in the galaxy; the universe? Not to mention how many planets within The Goldilocks Zone that share a similar atmosphere to earth within the observable universe alone... How could I not think other life exists? At the very least, in some kind of bacterial form, though, I dare to dream a little bigger. ✨
18. Do you still talk to your first crush?
     Well, I’ve never really had a crush, per se, though plenty of squishes. :3 But my first squish did not turn out well, so, no. :c
19. Do you like bubble baths?
     Yes, especially if I go all out and light candles and play music on my phone. 🕯️🎶😌 However, I don’t do that very often. I take showers mostly.
20. Do you like your neighbors?
     Yeah, they’re chill people. The neighbors with the overly-territorial pitbull that kept us prisoner in our car for hours and broke into our fenced-in backyard to take massive doggie dumps out of sheer hatred for us moved away because their dog kept terrorizing the neighbourhood and was going to get put down if it didn’t stop breaking out to chase children on trikes and joggers onto rooftops. So, the neighbors we have now are awesome! 😆
21. What are your bad habits?
     Sometimes I’m too honest and don’t know when to stop talking, other times I’m so socially anxious I might as well be a feature of the wall at parties. 😂 I also have trichotillomania, a compulsive disorder related to OCD, in which I get really strong urges to pull out my hair sometimes, so definitely a bad habit... Just talking about it kinda... ehhhh... moving on. e~e
22. Where would you like to travel?
     A lot of places. Though Scotland is at the top of my list. Scotland is a huge part of my family’s heritage, and some of my family still lives there. So I would love to visit and spend some time in nature there~  💕
23. Do you have trust issues?
24. Favorite part of your daily routine?
     Well, anytime I get to de-stress is nice. I know wiping down my face with a face wipe always feels nice and refreshing after a day out running errands and attending classes. It’s the little things that are the most help~ 😊
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?
     All of it. If I could edit my body, that would be nice.
26. What do you do when you wake up?
     Hit snooze on the alarm a couple times, get up, walk to the bathroom... you can imagine the rest.
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?
     Nope, I’m quite happy with my vampire pale skin, and even my dirty blonde, curly lion’s mane of hair, and my blue eyes ain’t so bad either. I’m not completely hideous, just 97% hideous. 👌😂
28. Who are you most comfortable around?
     Myself. My alters. Tyler. Alex. My Tumblr fam~ 💞
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up?
     No, because I usually cut them out of my life after they break my heart. Some have tried to stay friends with me or become friends with me again years later, but... no. I don’t need backstabbers in my life.
30. Do you ever want to get married?
     Maybe, someday. When the time is right, I’ll know, until then, I’ll enjoy my singledom~ :3
31. Is your hair long enough for a ponytail?
     Yes, it’s in a ponytail right now actually. 😆
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?
33. Spell your name with your chin.
     gtlo nhy (Oh gawd... What a name. 😂)
34. Do you play sports? What sports?
     Mi-Suk used to play on tennis and basketball teams, but our spine is a little too deteriorated nowadays to attempt such things.
35. Would you rather live without TV or music?
     Without TV, hands down. I’d die without music. I bleed music.
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?
     Yep. I had a bit of a squish on this kid named Travis in elementary school and never told him. My frenemy told him I had a crush on him, and he never talked to me after that. 😭
37. What do you say during awkward silences?
     I either make a joke or just enjoy the silence. Depends what mood I’m in. Sometimes I’m more introverted and just want to sit in silence or listen to music instead of talk. Other times I just wanna connect with people and I tend to crack a lot of darker, self-deprecating jokes as a way to break the ice, or tension if I feel some.
38. Describe your dream girl/guy?
     I want someone who is genuinely kind, patient, and funny. It also helps if they are neurodivergent like me, and have similar enough interests, sense of humor, etc. to my own. c: Overall, I just want to feel comfortable and safe with someone. 😊
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?
     I buy food at Fry’s... so... Fry’s?
40. What do you want to do after high school?
     I’m already out of high school, bub. Now I’m in college, and I still have no idea. I have dream jobs, dream homes, dream lives. But none of them seem realistic.
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
     Depends on the crime, really. If I hired someone to babysit my hypothetical children, and they forgot to tell the children to clean up their toys, I believe a second chance is in order. If they, however, ditched the job to mack on Paul Puffy Lips next door, leaving my children to starve, I don’t believe I’ll be giving them another call.
42. If you’re being extremely quiet what does it mean?
     It means I’m probably really socially anxious at the moment and would prefer to not be made the center of attention. o~o’
43. Do you smile at strangers?
     Yes, sometimes to spread cheer and joy, other times because I’m worried they’ll think I’m an up-to-no-good deviant or zombified by depression, which is how I feel at least 80% of the time, and worry everyone notices, even strangers, who probably would not assume such things, but that’s social anxiety for you. 😂
44. A trip to outer space or the bottom of the ocean?
     Why not both? However, humans are so preoccupied with space that we’ve only explored 5% of our oceans. I don’t want the oceans to feel lonely, so I’ll visit them first. 💙
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?
     Sometimes the looming responsibilities in my life, other times I just don’t get out of bed. 
46. What are you paranoid about?
     A lot of things, but the most pressing concern of mine is that everyone will inevitably leave me because I’m a terrible, horrible human being who doesn’t deserve friendship. 😅
47. Have you ever been high?
     Every day, if I can help it. I have a medical marijuana card and have for a couple years now.
48. Have you ever been drunk?
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?
     No, not really. Nothing is coming to mind. 
50. What was the color of the last hoodie you wore?
     Well, I’m wearing a hoodie now, and it’s gray, with the Nirvana emblem on the front. 😝 It’s my favorite and coziest hoodie of all.
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sadplantgame-devblog · 8 years ago
Extended Hiatus
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Summary: Despite the already 3-month hiatus, school and life obligations need my attention and the result is going to be approximately a one year hiatus. I’d ideally like to have time to work on and post some character/setting concepts to fill that void, but the next twelve months are going to be pretty rough. Please rest assured that this project is still INCREDIBLY important to me and I fully intend to see it to completion!!! Thanks for sticking with me this long, and I hope to have your continued support!
In-depth details under the cut!
Greetings from Sad Plant Game! 
If it wasn’t clear already, I’ve been on a bit of a hiatus! I didn’t announce it properly because I didn’t know how long it was going to go, and it wasn’t intended to be a hiatus actually. Just got busy and, huh, never stopped being busy. Welp. That was a semester’s worth of time.
I thought I might be able to get back to the game in the summer for sure, but it turns out my summer is actually going to be pretty consistently busy, and the upcoming schoolyear is my senior year of college. Given all the work I’ll be taking on now and in the near future, I’m estimating that I’m not going to be able to work on this project for about a year.
Here’s how that span breaks down for me:
Currently I’m enrolled in two summer online classes. I also have a graphic design internship pending that should start up within the next week or so. When the school year starts up I might have a job on the library graphic design team? We’ll see about that. Most of all, as an art major at my school, I have to take on a senior project which involves putting together a gallery show. For this project, I want to try developing and completing a comic I’ve wanted to execute for quite some time. I’ll probably make a post about that here as it becomes more relevant, but yeah it’s going to be taking a HUGE chunk of my time.
The senior project might have to be finished by some point in the first semester if my show gets stuck with an early deadline, but I’d ideally like as much time to work on it as I can get. I’ve gotta write, thumbnail, lay out, and complete an entire comic book between now and then! x___X (Wish me luck everyone!) But yeah, these next bunch of months are gonna require some major crunch time and concentration. And lots of naps.....
✿ Summer classes ✿ Internship ✿ Possible school job ✿ Fall/Spring school workload ✿ Senior show gallery + book ✿ Suffering
Sorry again for the absolutely HUGE delay. This project is near and dear to my heart with a message I really want to get out there because I don’t see enough works that handle suicide quite realistically. So I hope you all can believe I will not let this game fall apart so easily. Between now and when I get back to it again, I’d like to try to include some concepts/holiday greetings type stuff to give the blog some life, but yeah, it’s going to be a while.
Thank you for sticking with me, and I hope to have your support throughout the future development of this game!!! ;-;/
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