#but it does suck for instances where you anon are likely a normal person sharing their experiences but i do appreciate you sending an anon🙏
shalom-iamcominghome · 6 months
hi! you asked for kippah comments on your post but u also locked comments on it :/
anyway I absolutely can feel when it's not centered but also I secure mine w two hair clips (one in the front and one in the back) bc it fucking wimbdy so like. for it to have moved out of place Something had to happened + the pull on my hair from the clips makes it very clear. (the Something is usually the rabbi's young child pulling it out of my hair or a combination of the wind + chasing the kid around)
I've always secured mine with bobby pins, but man it takes a while to actually figure out "how" I want it centered. I'm super picky about it because I really like wearing mine and don't want it ever to be negative 😭
And just so it's made clear (I'm not mad, just want to clear confusion about my intentions with this blog!): comments on this blog are, as far as I remember, locked until you (general) have followed this blog for a week. It's one of the few blog restrictions I think is vital for every blog to have (as well as closing media inclusion with asks!), and I think it's made my experience with this blog so much better. Please enable or try it out if you're openly jewish/jewish-adjacent 🙏🙏
If you want to enable the option and don't know how, go under the replies setting in your settings menu, and click on the blog that you want comments restriction on. You can have some blogs where commenting is completely open to the public, and others where only certain people (blogs you follow/blogs following you for a week) can reply!
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gemsofgreece · 4 years
Bad Boys of the Greek Cuisine
Everyone’s taste is different but the Greek Cuisine is generally acknowledged as a very tasty cuisine with both European and Middle Eastern influences. Not only that but it is considered one of the healthiest diets in the world with one of its branches, the Cretan diet, taking the first place the last time I checked. The secret of this cuisine’s success lies on the use of top quality and very fresh products and not so much on the use of many or unusual ingredients. However, that’s not to say that the Greek cuisine does not come with its fair share of extreme dishes. Here are some of them: Πατσάς - Patsás Patsas is a tripe soup / stew aka a stew made of stomach. It looks innocent and it is usually eaten as a comfort food but the cooking process smells like the name sounds... In Greece, there are shops called Patsatzídika that stay open until way past midnight and offer exclusively this dish and they are preferred after a lot of alcohol consumption. I had to remove the picture because I had eleven in this post and Tumblr sucks. I removed Patsas because it is the most normal looking one. Χοχλιοί μπουμπουριστοί - Hochlií buburistí Probably the Greek dish with the hardest name, at least for me. It is a traditional dish of Crete island but you can enjoy it all around Greece, provided that you are eager to eat... snails.
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Κοκορέτσι - Kokoretsi Kokoretsi is a roasted dish made of animal intestines, livers and lungs served in slices. While this name does not originate from the Greek language, the dish was already loved by the Byzantine Greeks who called it “Chordae” meaning cords. The dish is hard to be prepared as it is necessary that the intestines are very carefully cleaned with tools such as pencils and knitting needles. In Greece it is often served at Easter.
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Σπληνάντερο - Splinándero It is what its name means: Spleen and Large Bowel. Plus heart. From old sheep and goats. Also served at Easter because apparently Greeks go feral during Easter.
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Μαγειρίτσα - Mayiritsa Another Easter classic, served during the Holy Saturday, Mayiritsa is a liver and heart soup. It’s certainly not for the faint of... nose such as me who I had to leave the house as my mum was cooking it. This is why recently a new type of Mayiritsa is trending, which replaces the organs with mushrooms and it is ideal for vegetarians and people with a sensitive nose. Nevertheless, most people love traditional Mayiritsa. Once I found an ice cream shop in Thessaloniki serving a mayiritsa flavour. What the heck.
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By they way we have like another gazillion intestine dishes for some unknown reason but I will skip them to make this post more varied. Αχινοί - Raw Urchins This is a delicacy to several sea cuisines around the world. Greece is one of them. Recipe: go to a beach with clear waters, look for an urchin, hold it carefully, cut the living urchin in half with a knife and pour fresh lemon juice on it. That's it, that's the recipe.
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Χταπόδι - Octopus This is by no means an extreme food in Greece but I include it here because I was surprised to find out it is nowhere as common in most countries and people often have a strong reaction to it. Well, in Greece we only have a reaction of fierce love for it. Octopus is used in several Greek dishes but the most iconic is probably grilled octopus marinated in vinegar often served with Greek sauerkraut salad. Seafood restaurants often hang fresh fished octopuses outside their shops and let them dry in the sun. It is a classic image of Greece and a sign the restaurant offers very fresh products. It was literally grabbed from the sea and flung to your face, top that level of freshness if you can.
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Σπινιάλο - Spinialo Spinialo is a traditional seafood dish originating from the island of Kalymnos. The dish consists of fouskes, sea squirts that are marinated in a bottle of seawater. These primitive marine vertebrates usually attach themselves to shells and rocks, and when cut in half, fouskes reveal a soft flesh with a strong and bitter flavor and a texture that's similar to scrambled eggs.
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Αρνί στη σούβλα - Skewered lamb If you are in anyway familiar with Greece, you probably know what the main event of our Easter feasts is. Roasting a whole skewered lamb. I imagine people freaking out at that. But, hey, it's a huge part of our tradition. And don't mind me saying, it bloody tastes insane. It's funny that in 27 years of life, now that I'm typing this in English, it is the first time it occurs to me that some people could potentially find this weird.
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Πεσκανδρίτσα - Angler fish This hideous fish is eaten in two ways. Its...uhm... head is a common ingredient of Greek fish soups. I am personally not that much into soups or fish but let me tell you and sign this as well: this unassuming fellow has the most delicious tail. Its tail is called Μπρασκοουρά (Braskourá) and is heaven when fried. Don't look at it, just read my words and trust them.
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Κεφαλάκι σούπα - Head soup The name sounds too generic but at least it is only about (poor) goats and sheep. This dish is getting a little too extreme for young Greeks but in my parents' generation, parents would chase the children to eat the eyes because that supposedly made you clever. The tongue was enjoyed too. Anyway, I'll spare you of a graphic image.
I am loth to end this fantastic post but the new BETA mode I am on forbids more than 10 pictures (that’s the actual reason I did not add a head soup picture and not that I am kind-hearted) so I'm gonna end this with the weirdest type of meat we eat. Like I said above, some things here might look a bit much, but when it comes to the types of meat Greeks eat, we really don't like taking the uncommon path. Greek cuisine is more mellow than extreme. Ironically, Greeks eat meats well done or medium at most because they are squeamish at the idea of eating bloody or remotely raw meat. So they eat a load of bowels and heads that stare at your soul but at least they are cooked for, like, 6 hours, you know, to ensure they are absolutely dead. Greeks typically devour eat farm animals, poultry, boars and a few commonly hunted birds, almost all fish and seafood. They also eat rabbits and hares (would that be considered uncommon? IDK) but that's where it ends. For instance, deer can be found in Greek supermarkets but nobody wants to eat such a gorgeous being and if you eat horse intentionally, you might as well get kicked out of the country (exaggeration but still). So, farm mammals, a few birds, fish and seafood. And snails. That's all. Oh! And- Βατραχοπόδαρα - Frog legs Frog legs is a traditional delicacy of the mountainous lakeside city of Ioannina. It is the only region of Greece where frogs are eaten. It is a tasty looking dish and those who have tried it say it actually tastes a lot like chicken. Actually sign me up for this. I mean, look at that. Why the hell not?
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Now I wonder how many people decided to all of a sudden not travel to Greece and how many decided to come just now. And I wonder what that nice Anon who complimented my delicious food posts thinks now. But remember, Greek cuisine might have some bad boys but it also has many good good gooooood ones.
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musette22 · 4 years
is it weird that I can't even look at their pics right now (seb and chris) because I can't help but feel icky and disappointed? the recent evens reminded me that they are truly two rich and privileged white men who are so dumb just cos they wanna get some. I'm out. Maybe in a year or so I'll check what their projects are. maybe never. I just can't right now. what a shame.
Okay guys, I’ve been debating over whether or not to “open my big mouth” about this (as one anon so sweetly put it once), but I’ve been getting quite a lot of messages like this one and I think I do want to share a few thoughts with you all. I’m going to put them under the cut because this is a long one, and I don’t want to clog up everyone’s dash ❤️
First of all, let me just make it clear that I am fully aware of the severity of this pandemic, especially in some places, including in the US, and that I am in no way trying to make light of any of it or undermine how serious this situation is for a lot of people around the globe right now, many of you included. It’s a terrible situation, and it’s far from over. I’m also not aiming to be an apologist for the bad decisions of privileged white males just because I have a crush on them, because that idea is abhorrent to me, but I’m aware some of you might still feel like I am, and that’s your right.
Having said all that, I am getting a bit worried about all the posts I’ve seen about how people are angry and disillusioned with Sebastian and Chris’s behaviour. I’m not trying to invalidate your disappointment, because it’s totally fair to wish they’d made different decisions, more akin to the decisions you yourself presumably would have made. And if that disappointment goes deep enough then it is absolutely fair if you want to unstan them and stop following or supporting them (that does not extend to sending them hate though, that is not in any way acceptable, no matter how disappointed we are).
But, as anon rightfully points out, the fact of the matter is that they are privileged white male celebrities. This is not news. They (especially Chris) have been successful celebrities for a long, long time, and with celebrity come certain privileges. They can afford massive houses in LA and big apartments in expensive areas in New York City, for instance. They get to go to cool parties, they get free stuff, everyone kisses their ass. They get paid exorbitant amounts of money (Chris much more so than Seb of course) that bear no direct relation to their work and responsibilities anymore, at this point.
And that’s not to say they don’t work hard, they do - but so do most of us, and we’re not getting paid nearly as much as them. It’s inherently unfair, but that’s what celebrity culture (and capitalism) are. Now, I’m not saying everyone has to blindly accept the status quo and just ignore how unfair it all is – far from it. In some ways, I wish more people would denounce celebrity culture, because it is in some senses terribly toxic and unfair. But listen, if you want to stan celebrities because it brings you some joy in this fucked up world, then I think that’s also perfectly understandable. That’s what I’m doing too. And to stan celebs (at least of the calibre of Chris and Seb) we need them to be famous, otherwise we wouldn’t even know them and we would get no content to consume. They are famous because they are in Hollywood movies, and they are in Hollywood movies because they play the Hollywood game - to some extent, at least. Playing the Hollywood game means everything from flying all over the world for movie premieres and leaving a huge carbon footprint, to going to glitzy parties where there a are lots or questionable people present, to “lying” in interviews because of contractual obligations - and sometimes it also means playing along with fake PR rumours or relationships, even if it’s bad PR.
I know people are worried about Chris, and especially Seb, being “bought” by Hollywood and its money and temptations, and losing his integrity and that he won’t be that sweet, soft-spoken, well-read boy who loves his mom anymore. I personally believe that so far, both Seb and Chris have managed to maintain an impressive level of integrity throughout it all, and I’m still hopeful that that isn’t going to change (much).
But it’s not realistic to have the same expectations for them you would have for your loved ones for instance, because they’re not. We have zero relationship to them as people, and they owe us nothing. They give us movies and pictures of their pretty faces, and occasionally good advice or lovely hugs at comic cons, but that’s all we’re gonna get from them. They are not our friends or potential partners. They’re human of course, and in that sense just like you and me, meaning they have feelings and thoughts and a right to privacy and they make mistakes, but their circumstances are wildly different from most of ours. They’re surrounded by the Hollywood circus. They are PART of the Hollywood circus, because they’re actors and if you want to be a successful movie actor you have to play the game to some extent. Sebastian cannot be expected to be home all the time and decline going to parties because he prefers staying in with a good book even if he did prefer that, because that way he’d never be noticed by the people who matter, and who could get him where he wants to be. He said it himself, he’s an ambitious guy. He wants bigger roles, bigger challenges. And he’s not going to get them if he doesn’t do some annoying, dumb shit sometimes, unfortunately.
In my view, that doesn’t make him a bad person who doesn’t care about anyone but himself, but it does make him a privileged human. Being a privileged human also entails some responsibilities, though – if you don’t want to become corrupt, you have to make sure you also use your privilege for good. And in my opinion, both Sebastian and Chris do that. They use their voice and their money to help people less fortunate than them. That’s part of that integrity I was talking about. Some of you may disagree, and that’s fine, but this is how I view it.
As for everyone who is upset with them for traveling to Europe during a pandemic and not wearing a mask in public: I completely understand your frustration, and I am frustrated too. This is literally a deadly virus and it has to be taken very seriously, and unfortunately, they’re not taking it very seriously right now, and that kind of sucks. But the truth is, neither of them are breaking any rules and neither of them is being more callous than the majority of people in the countries they’ve been seen in are. The situation in most of Europe is stabilising (not everywhere, and the UK isn’t doing all that great to be fair), and governments are reopening their countries and facilities. Wearing a mask in the street is not mandatory in either Spain or the UK, except for in specific situations such as public transport or if you’re in certain professions. The rules here are different from those in New York etc. because they have been adapted to how each country is faring. 
I live in the Netherlands, and no one here is wearing a mask in the street, not even in the hospital or at the doctor’s, and yet the situation continues to stabilise (I hope to god it stays that way, but that of course remains to be seen). From my friends in Spain and the UK I have heard the situation is much the same. Yes, Sebastian is acting differently from how he did in New York, but he’s in different circumstances too, so that makes sense. Moreover, both Chris and Seb will have been tested before traveling, because they’re privileged celebrities who have access to testing even where lots of normal folks unfortunately don’t.
Now, I’m not saying both guys shouldn’t just have stayed put and not left the country (especially a country where the virus is still rampant), because they should have, and they’re both dumbasses for not doing so. I am definitely disappointed that they’re not being smarter and more considerate about this, but I recognise that my disappointment in part stems from the fact that I put them on a pedestal that I shouldn’t have put them on in the first place. And I know a lot of you are mad at them for flying to Europe “just to get some”, but that is disregarding the fact that both Sebastian’s holiday and Chris’s trip to London seem to be at least partially for PR reasons, most likely pushed and arranged by their agency. The exact extent of how much of it is PR is still a little unclear to me at the moment, but I think it’s fair to assert at this point that they did not just fly to Europe to “get some.”
I know this is ridiculously long, but I have been thinking about all of this a lot these past few days and wanted to get those thoughts out! I hope most of you can understand where I’m coming from here. Love you guys ❤️
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syllvaiin · 4 years
Oh i have a halloween request! How about some headcanons for vampire dimitri and vampire felix (separate pls🥺) × a f!reader thats their girlfriend? And she has like, a really rare blood that is also the most delicious? And so they always try to restrain themselves from sucking her blood? But one day they kinda snap and just bite her neck? Thank you! You are really amazing at writing and i really like all your works! (I literally spent all night reading them👉👈🤍)
(This is right up my alley, thank you, pumpkin! And that is way too sweet of you to say!!! 💕💕 It really made my entire day, so I want you to know that, my special anon! 💖 This was fun to write, and I went a little overboard with Dimitri’s, but I hope you enjoy!)
Vampire Dimitri
Because the Blaiyddid bloodline is known for their immense strength, those who have become vampires also boast heightened abilities beyond the realm of an average vampire; such as, better hearing, improved night vision, and a keener sense of smell. All of these abilities give them a natural advantage over other creatures of the night, which extends into their well-known leadership roles as the heads of a prominent vampire clan
These heightened senses can have a downside however, as their natural desire to feed is much higher than normal, prompting them to require more frequent feedings, and it can also lead to going overboard when drawing blood from a victim — though Dimitri is a vampire, he loathes killing his victims; instead, he opts to drain as much blood as he can before he withdraws himself, but mistakes do happen more often than he would prefer, especially when he encounters such a strong, enticing scent, such as the one belonging to his partner
He tried, although fruitlessly, many times to distance himself from you, and was extremely tentative to the idea of starting a relationship with you, as his worse fear is that he would accidentally kill you. No matter how hard he tried, he just kept coming back to you — your blood was the most inviting that he had ever come across, and your warm, welcoming demeanor would have drawn him to you otherwise, vampire or not. So he was always so careful with you, taking extra precautions to keep himself from succumbing to his nocturnal instincts
Dimitri almost always tries to satiate his innate cravings by draining from other victims, seldom from you, but one evening, his lust was sickeningly high, and you kindly offered up your neck with a small turn of your head, and he could not find it in himself to refuse you. Like a moth to a flame, he latched himself to your exposed neck, punctured your unmarked skin and experienced a euphoria he has yet to find elsewhere. He tried so hard to hold you as gingerly as possible; your subtle gasp of pain at the initial bite pained him, but it failed to deter him. Your blood was far too sweet and smooth and much too warm — flowing like honey down his frigid throat — that he could only continue to indulge himself further, until!
In the back of his mind, he heard a voice urging him to stop, and it wasn’t until he felt a force attempting to push him away, that he realized the voice was that of his lover. Your weakening cries grew in volume, ringing in his ears and bringing him back to reality. When he finally retreated, he was afraid that he was too late.
Your complexion had fallen ashen and appeared an unhealthy pale color, your skin grew clammy and cold to the touch, and you had collapsed, unconscious, in his arms. Every bone in his body was yelling at him to act! Save you! There still might be a chance! But a haunting thought crept forward and taunted him, ‘Too late! You shouldn’t have done that! Boar! Boar!’ it said, roaring in a threatening tone.
With a ferocious growl, he demanded a healer to come, and when you were removed from his arms to be examined, he fell to his knees and wailed an ugly, thundering cry that sent the night birds that perched atop the castle a flutter in a cacophony of cawing and flapping wings. He cradled his head in his hands, and when he examined his open palms, they were wet with tears and stained red from your blood. ‘Too late!’ the voice laughed. ‘Too late!’
“It’s not too late! Your highness, please, it’s not too late!” This voice was prompt and loud, but it was not the same teasing voice in his head. Dimitri looks up and he meets the hopeful eyes of the healer who has you lying across their lap, the soft glow of healing magic radiating from their palm; and it may be subtle, but the beating of your heart is nonetheless present, and he feels a heavy weight lift off of his chest. While the healer works their magic, he does not leave your side
Vampire Felix
Unlike Dimitri, Felix does not share the same qualms about completely draining his victims of their life force; but do not be fooled, it isn’t something he takes particular pleasure in either! He does face some trepidation when drinking your blood at first, but he has far better self-control than Dimitri — it just isn’t something he does all the time, maybe two or three times a month, as he wants to give you ample time to recover properly from each feeding.
He is someone who enjoys the thrill of the hunt, and he likes the sensation of adrenaline that he gets when he stalks a victim and he finally subdues them, piercing their skin and ingesting their blood — it makes it much more rewarding for him.
But, his absolute favorite way to feed is by steadying you in his arms and indulging himself in the divine taste of your sweet, intoxicating blood. He is not always the most romantic person, yet this act is more intimate than nearly any mortal one. There is complete and utter trust between you two; if he truly wanted, he could kill you. It’s extremely special to him to know that you would allow yourself to put your life in his hands and is the ultimate act of your love and devotion to him.
Although, there was one instance where he may have gone too far — you had been ill the previous day, but had insisted that you fully recovered from your short bout of illness. Felix did deny you, insisting that you must rest and that he can find another source to quench his thirst, and yet, he ended up drinking from your neck despite his objections. There was something a little off in terms of the taste of your blood, a sour aftertaste, but it wasn’t until he had pulled away and assessed you that he realized you were still sick! His first reaction was to scold you for being so careless, but he thought better of it and instead focused his efforts on getting you comfortable and fetching you some water
He did tell you that the next time you were fighting an illness, to remind him not to drink your blood for at least a week because it was too sour, but you knew it was just his way of saying that he gets worried about you
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