#but in the meantime heres a very simple shaped lupin
http-wolfstar · 3 days
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Wahoo!! Quick lil turnaround of Remus :D
Trying animation for the first time in like,, 2 years? And its my first time animating people (pray for me-)
Its just a simple walk cycle but im having fun with it!! Hopefully i can finish it and share it soon :D
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Hear me out but Fyozai crack/fluff
Madam I applaud you for figuring out a favorite Crackship of mine
I hope I can do this justice and not be punished for committing such a sin~ I will let you be the judge of that of course.
Crackship Fluff: "Fyozai in a game of Cat & Mouse.. but who is chasing whom?"
The Hunt for the sake of Curiosity
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The game started with a simple note of exchange from the rat man himself. It found its way to a certain detective from the agency in good health naturally. This man wasn't one to let himself seen unless wanting to be seen. But he had his eyes set on one person in particular that he saw as more than a match in clever plotting. The letter he sent said this:
"The one who has it does not keep it. It can be large or small. It is any shape. Can you find it?"
Dazai grinned and pocketed the playful note he received. It had been awhile since their last game of Cat and Rat. He couldn't call that destructive man a mouse because mice were harmless and frightened of everything that surrounded them. Rats however, may be frightened but they tend to have more fight in them to live.
He left the building to set off on his venture to find this answer to the riddle written on paper. It could be any shape or size.. something you don't keep because you give it away. A gift perhaps? It made him excited to know that Fyodor had a hidden gift for him somewhere in the city. That riddle was much too simple for him to solve but maybe that was exactly what he wanted.
But it had him wondering as he searched throughout Yokohama, what was the gift then? Something big? Something small? It could be anything and he was staring at anyone who held a box in there grasp. He even snatched it out of their arms to open it up and ended up getting hit almost every time. Others would run away out of fear while he looked through the package.
He frowned, this couldn't be it he told himself. There would be an attached note or some indication it was from him. Dragging his feet onward he was searching for hints. Until he came across a familiar alleyway towards Lupin. Dazai walked into the alleyway, his hand caressing the brick walls. A loud squeak caught his attention and he caught a rat scurrying it's way further into the darkness.
Filled with determination and excitement of the thrill of finding his present he persistently followed the rat until he spotted a familiar figure with it's back to him. Fyodor was sitting on the cemented ground surrounded by many rats. Petting them and offering bits of cheese and breadcrumbs. Dazai didn't hesitate to approach him then embrace the Russian from behind.
"Oh, so you found me? That's a new record time for you, Dazai. So, did you find the gift I left you as well?"
"Yeah. I'm holding my gift right now in my arms."
Stunned by that response, Fyodor's poisonous yet intoxicating purple gaze widened from the genuine emotion behind Dazai's words. He felt stiff in his grasp and found it nearly impossible to breathe in that moment while processing. However, he did soon relax into his embrace, closing his eyes. If anyone understood the way he functioned it was Dazai, for they shared the same side of a coin.
"You out of all people.. know very well if someone other than you were to tell me such a vile thing I would drag out their death."
"That's why I said it, my poisonous rat. Only I can claim you as mine."
"You are the sweetness to my bitterness in life, хризантема."
Fyodor spoke with such a smooth voice like fine silk. He adored Dazai in the fashion of being fascinated of another brilliant mind existing so close to him. They shared the cynical perspective of how ugly people truly are and that they should perish for their crimes. Although Dazai committed the biggest sin of all which was desiring death, Fyodor took it upon himself to keep him close and often called him his Chrysanthemum. The flower symbolizing death and yet it's appearance gave off such a purity. Identical to that of Dazai's nature as well as looks.
"I'm here until you take your last breath. Unless you decide to take mine first."
Dazai's voice gave off a slight edge of him wanting Fyodor's full attention on him and him alone. From hearing that edge he turned his head to face his forbidden lover to gaze into his darkened brown eyes. The same blacked out color that drove him to wanting more of this side of the nullify ability user.
A few seconds passed as they looked into each other's eyes. The intensity of the way they looked at each other suggested they wanted nothing more than to rip each other's throats out. But no, they closed the gap between them with a harsh kiss. Lips smashed against each other and a brief second of opportunity where Dazai bit the bottom of Fyodor's lip, tugging and pulling. Then not too much long after he let go, Fyodor returned the favor by pulling Dazai close by his clothing to hold him in place while they made out heavily.
Dazai was the one who broke the kiss with a warning slash of a pocket knife to the neck of Fyodor. He carried it in case his toxic lover might want to get handsy in his excitement. The wound wasnt deep enough to kill but enough to sting. It was a good distraction while he put space between the man. And so their game of Cat and Rat resumed as the bandaged detective ran off after giving Fyodor a last playful wink.
"I can't wait to see what riddle you come up with next time."
Fyodor watched the figure of his tricky lover fade into the depths of the alleyway. A satisfied grin played on his lips. He was already working out another riddle in his head to send out.
"I'll see you soon, my хризантема."
The two ability users were cunning and extremely dangerous apart. But together, the world was at their mercy. In the meantime the pair decided to play along in life for awhile longer for amusement.
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