#but in reality he's just afraid and insecure and also sensitive.
spaceradars · 7 days
forever thinking about ray kowalski's "you ever feel like you don't know who you are? like if you weren't around somebody or somebody wasn't around you, that, uh, you wouldn't be you? or at least not the- the you that you think you are? you know you ever... you ever feel like that? me neither"
#i love how ever since pretty much the first few episodes of s3 (particularly since 3x02) we can tell how sensitive he is and how. like.#idk if sensitive is the word actually but whatever.#y'know he's a bit cocky a bit moody so cool and always has an answer or a sneaky remark for everything#but in reality he's just afraid and insecure and also sensitive.#and all of those things can coexist of course. but it's like. idk how to properly put it in words but it's like. during s3#(partcularly during the last 2 episodes) there's this clash with fraser because of how different their styles (lets call it that) are#and we start with this kowalski who's apparently so cool and sure of himself and blah blah. that's how we meet him! but THEN#there's the verge of the divorce during 3x12/3x13 and then s4 arrives and they don't forget those last s3 episodes. on the contrary!#you can tell how much impact they've had on both fraser and kowalski. but i think that particularly on kowalski.#i've made a post about it before but whatever there's a change! and it's telling! kowalski's calmer and more communicative and less moodier#he's still insecure and troubled. but he talks to fraser about it. he opens up! so it's all balanced. UNTIL cotw.#it's like. i dont mean to say there's a setback because it's not that. but he's got this moment of honesty in the car with thatcher#(and not that he never had those moments of honesty before -but they've all been with fraser.)#and now it's *about* fraser. who has become (technically bc of this job) a pivotal part of his life.#and (he feels like) he's about to lose it all (let's not forget the context of all this even if it's not where i'm going to with this)#so in a way during cotw there are a lot of old insecurities coming back to kowalski. and i dont think they'd ever left it was more like.#they weren't really present bc he was comfortable with fraser and his relationship with him. like those insecurities weren't about fraser!#but now they've come back and they are about fraser! like kowalski's afraid of being left behind by fraser.#and it's heartbreaking in a way but also hopeful bc of how it all turns out. and. yeah.#idk this all makes sense in my head i just don't know if i can properly explain it here but. yeah. i'm always thinking about this scene#due south
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sleyu · 11 months
thinking abt an sfw thing for mean bf!remus and mean bf! sirius rn (separately). hes a loving boyfriend and ofc his gf is the apple of his eyes but he was in the worst mood when the poor girl walked in on him one day just sweetly inquiring whats wrong with his mood and if she can help but when hes in a bad mood...hes just soooo much meaner and poor girl glares at him, tearing up and before he can even process his guilt storms off, ignoring him calling her name and oh now hes grovelling like hell
remus in particular fits this concept so well.
i think this is predictable, but this happens once every few months, particularly at the end of the month when the full moon is approaching and what remus considers his worst, most menacing traits manifest and reveal themselves.
before dating you, remus was consumed with foreboding and anger. of course, his friends helped and even school took his mind off of his transformations. however, remus never had a release—someone in particular that he knew he could rely on—someone he was certain would adore him unconditionally. since dating you, remus found a sense of normality in his life.
despite this, as the full moon crept, so did reality. this damned remus with not only his transformations but also with his most haunting, reoccurring insecurities. it was inevitable and as his mood and disposition heightened, he became increasingly sensitive, triggering sinister, petrifying fears in his mind that pertain to his biggest weakness: you.
in actuality, remus is terrified that one day, “you’ll come to your senses” and leave him. he’s afraid because he knows that he would easily let you. he is conscious of the fact that he’ll accept it despite the crushing, torturous pang in his chest that yearns for you.
with these rising, uncontrollable, and inevitable emotions and oversensitivity, remus is prone to hideous, gut-wrenching jealousy. of course, remus is possessive and territorial already, but its toxicity is never directed at you. however, near the full moon, his corrupted mind deludes him into believing that you take interest in the endeavours and offers of the people that flirt with you—that you reciprocate and feel fondness for the subtle touches, teasing whispers, and longing eyes that you receive from everyone else but him.
you begin noticing his peculiar behaviour in class when he didn’t greet you as you slid next to him on the desk bench. anyone could tell that it wasn’t remus lupin’s day and that they’ll receive the worst end of his behaviour at any attempt to interact with him, but usually, you’re not included as another target of his anger.
his hostile behaviour and refusal to talk to you continued the entire and it wasn’t until you kindly asked him what was wrong that he finally broke, speaking to you as if you were foreign to him.
‘just can’t ever fucking leave me alone, can you? y’know, y/n, why the fuck don’t you go on and talk to someone else? been smiling and eye-fucking tremblay all day and now you remember me? fuck off.’ he all but spits bitterly.
his heart immediately drops when your frightened look twists into one of hatred, bitter tears filling your narrowed eyes. his hand twitches as your voice shakes, attempting to fight back any sobs to prevent him from gaining any satisfaction from your sadness.
‘you’re a right foul delusional git, lupin. you should fuck off. come back and talk to me once you’ve come back to your senses, fuck.’ despite your shaking voice, you maintained a scarily calm demeanour before storming off, ensuring to slam the door behind you, the loud sound reverberating throughout the room of his dorm.
he was so stunned that all he could utter was an apologetic, disbelieving, ‘y/n,’ that you rightfully ignored before you left. it was only then that remus groaned and slammed his fist on his desk in frustration, feeling far worse than he’s felt all day.
tears of frustration would sting his eyes, an aching lump in his throat would form, and all he can do is sigh shakily, feeling his hatred for himself only grow more. he hates himself, knowing that he constantly sabotages what he feels is the one thing he breathes for—the one thing that calms his heart and alters his view of the world.
remus would take his time in attempting to give a sincere, deep apology. the full moon was approaching and after the turmoil he’s gotten himself into, he’s lost all his energy to provide you with the sincerity he knows you deserve. all he can do to cope is unleash his sharp tongue on everyone else. in between his threats to his desk mate, his heart would twinge and his cheeks would flush when he catches your distant stare.
all he can do is clench his jaw and let his heart ache in yearning, watching you from afar, looking as though you’ve already moved on from the fight whereas your awfully mean glare haunts him day and night.
all he craves is for you to pet his head and coo at him, assuring him that you’ll always be there to take care of him no matter what. all he pines for are the tender, sweet kisses you press to his temple and his cheekbones. he tries to replace the feeling of your chest by lying on and embracing his pillow but he can only kick it off the bed and groan at the unfamiliar, unpleasant feeling that isn’t you.
remus becomes ridden with anxiety while imagining his apology, fearing that when he does beg on his knees for forgiveness and takes accountability, you are indifferent. he’s terrified that you’ll shake your head, and instead of cradling him in your arms, you would tell him that you’ve had enough and that you can’t possibly deal with him anymore. it’s these thoughts that have tears streaming down his eyes in the shower, that have him breathing heavily in the middle of studying, that break his heart into pieces.
before he has enough energy to verbally communicate his regret, no one has ever seen remus lupin as pliant and obedient since he stepped foot into hogwarts. as soon as slughorn would declare the materials necessary for the potion, remus would be bouncing his knee anxiously, waiting for his professor's approval before he jumps out of his seat and races to the cabinet, carefully studying which material was flawless and polished enough to present to you.
you’d take it with silence but he would inwardly beam. this is a step in the right direction, he thinks. the marauders would be gawking at him, watching him say a quiet ‘here you go,’ with a tight-lipped smile and soft eyes.
he couldn’t care less if he was left with a tarnished cauldron or rusty textbook. what mattered more was that he gave you the best one and he was slowly redeeming himself.
before class would end, remus would hurry to the door, holding it open for every single person in the class and holding it especially wider for when you walk through. every other person that walked out of the door was shocked and hesitant to take advantage of his kind gesture—remus, however, didn’t spare them a glance, his stare intensely focused on you, studying your reactions to his unusually chivalrous demeanour.
he has to charm you with this. but there you go, laughing happily with one of your friends, completely ignoring your miserable boyfriend’s existence and walking straight toward the great hall.
‘fucks sake,’ he mutters before racing there, determined to fix a plate full of your favourite food himself.
once the full moon passes, remus decides to make a move, heading straight toward the library where he knows he’ll find you studying away.
you’re so focused on your parchment. his heart swells at the sight of your furrowed eyebrows and the slight pout on your lips. he’s so in love with you. that softness is quickly interrupted when he realizes your eyes don’t even look up when he walks towards you, quietly whispering your name. fuck, he thinks.
remus walks behind you and bends down near your ear, slowly and carefully brushing a strand of your hair behind your ear. you didn’t flinch. you didn’t move away either. you didn’t reject him.
‘oh, darling, i’m sorry.’ he would mumble despairingly, reaching down to gently take your hand in his. ‘i didn’t mean to, you know that, right?’
between every tender kiss to your head and the gentle, soothing stroke of his thumb on your hand and shoulder, his sweet words only continued. ‘i’ll lend you my books, sweaters, anything you want, baby. everything of mines is yours—i’m yours.’
suddenly, you immediately snatched your hand out of his grasp and continued writing, concentrated on the piece of parchment in front of you as if remus wasn’t even there. his eyes widened and his stomach dropped, churning unpleasantly.
remus tries to squeeze your shoulder as gently as he can to remind you that he’s there and that he would wait as long as it takes. he remains calm, taking deep breaths, all the while inwardly panicking, unknowing of how long he can keep up with your silence and lack of concern.
after a couple of long, tedious minutes of standing, remus quickly pulls a chair beside you, eliciting a sharp scratch against the hardwood floor that the librarian narrows her eyes at. remus rolls his eyes before settling annoyingly close to you, hesitantly resting his chin on your shoulder after pressing a soft kiss there as well.
‘i could help you with the test, i got an outstanding on the last one.’ he says quietly, smiling weakly, attempting to mask the desperation he knows is laced in his tone.
still, nothing from you. not even a glance, not even a hum of acknowledgement. he hasn’t even gotten your eyes to meet his and he begins feeling a wave of nausea at this realization and his lack of success.
‘please, love, just say anything. take me outside and yell at me if you must—please do. just anything. i just wanna hear your voice. i’m sorry—i’m so, so sorry.’ he takes away his seemingly calm, indifferent facade, voice wavering pleadingly, and you inwardly smirk at the difference in his tone.
remus takes your head in his hand and presses a firm kiss to your temple in an attempt to coax you out of your indifference.
‘i’m so fucking sorry, baby. i was a git, right foul one, yeah?’ he laughs forcefully, miserably attempting to soften the tension in the air to which he failed. ‘you could do anything to punish me. yell at me, hit me even, do anything but this, please. do whatever you want to me—just not this.’
again, you do nothing. he desperately wants you to push him away, to yell at him and tell him to leave you alone. any form of eye contact, any sound of his name—acknowledgment is all he needs.
‘i’m not leaving—i hope you know that. i’ll follow you right back to the common room and i’ll steal you away so that you end up in my dorm. i’ll even get on my fucking knees for you and beg you to forgive me. i’m staying here.’
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zeldasnotes · 1 year
”Be grateful for triggers, they show you where you are not free.”
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• Ive seen Chiron in the 5th house in the charts of people who were involved in a very nasty custody battle.
• Chiron in the 2nd house might feel like everytime they get money some issue pops up so that they have to put money on that. They might get the biggest paycheck they ever got in their life and that same day their car breaks down or their dishwasher breaks so they have to put that extra money into that.
• Chiron rules scars. So of you have Chiron conjunctions your scars might take a very long time to heal.
• Chiron in the 3rd house might have been teased for their accent.
• Be careful with what you say to people with Chiron in the 1st house because its common for people to comment on their appearance. They are just as sensitive as anyone else. People are just way too ruthless with what they say to Chiron 1st housers. I know some people with this placement and ive noticed that people can comment on their appearance when its uncalled for.
• Venus conjunct Chiron gives very outstanding artistic abilities because here the sense of taste is super sensitive.
• Chiron in the 6th house can be very envious of other peoples work. Might experience people who do the exact same job as them getting more clout etc.
• Chiron conjunct Mars in a mans chart can make him feel like hes not ”man enough” while Venus conjunct Chiron can make a woman feel shes not ”feminine enough”. And Im talking feminine and man enough according to societys standards.
• Mercury conjunct Chiron can have a hard time with communication. Some people with this aspect likes to argue and disagree just for the sake of disagreeing. And if Pluto is involved can be very combative with how they write and talk. Chiron can create a need to outdo others where its placed. But it can also result in the opposite, someone whos afraid to speak up. But a lot of times these people can be very: ”Nope you are WRONG! GOTCHA!” (Other aspects to Mercury can change this)
• Chiron Square Neptune can make you daydream too much. Having a sense of reality might be an issue for you which hinders you from getting things done. Dreaming just feels so comfortable.
•How you handle Chiron in synastry depends a lot on how you handle you own natal Chiron wound. Some people can be VERY triggered when someones Chiron touches their Moon while some wont.
• I also think what planet of yours the other persons Chiron is important. I dont want someones Chiron touching my Venus because I do have a lot of unresolved Venus issues within myself. But I have no issues with someones Chiron touching my Moon.
•People with Venus conjunct Chiron no matter how beautiful have this one thing that people commented on during their younger years that can later become an obsession. They might have grown up with acne and later became obsessed with skincare.
• A lot of people with Chiron in the 1st house likes to walk around with sunglasses on so that people cant see if they look insecure and afraid.
• Mars conjunct Chiron in synastry can make you feel healed by the touch of the others body. Seeing or touching eachother can make you go ”wow”.
• Chiron in the 9th might have had to change schools a lot. Or might have just hated school and didnt want to go there.
• Sun aspecting Chiron is common in the charts of people who have a father who left the family. The ”dead beat dad” placement.
©️ 2023 Zeldas Notes
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yellowbluemoonshine · 10 months
The Mystery of Fontaine and Furina and Others;
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I love the concept of hydro, its about justice, its about drama and most importantly, emotions. (Region is inspired from France). It makes sense because justice is about empathy, about caring about victims, its about emotions but sometimes, its also related to sempaty, the drama, because thats what happens when you are overflowing with emotions. Which perfectly fits Furina, the Hydro Archon. She is very emotional character but she hides that side of her for the sake of her land. She seems full of herself from outside but actually, very insecure and sensitive. Its important to remember that we didnt meet the Furina when she is not on public yet so we will see.
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This sitution is most likely, its related to prophecy. I wonder, the reason is trials? The way trials work? The sin might people seeing other people's misery as entertainment or maybe the mysterious Oratrice, that somehow knows who is guilty, who is innocent. Maybe Furina was very afraid of not finding true justice, very scared of sending innocent people to prison, that she started to rely on this machine but it end up resulting water's overflowing? Furina seems to know why or at least has an idea whats going and she seems to handling things on her own way but it seems to fail miserably. Or maybe this land suffers from self-fullfilling prophecy. They or Furina believe and pay attention to prophecy too much that they unconciously turn it into reality. Maybe its related to 'overflowing emotions, the tears'. Furina's design is, her necklace, especially her eyes are include tear design too so yeah.
Freminet talks about Furina in his voicelines;
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'Uhhh...I am in no position to give a well-rounded opinion on the Hydro Archon..so......I'll pass..I mean..I've only seen her a few times..So I am sure I have a..somewhat skewed view of her.' 'Okay…Fine…I've seen what the Hydro Archon's like when she's sitting in the audience…In my view..she's a very charismatic speaker..But its her silence that intrigue me more…Her eyes..They are like the darkness at the bottom of ocean..Hiding a-deep secret..afraid of anyone ever getting close to her…Uhh. Sorry..I…I let my imagination get better of me...' (Source)
First of all, kudos to Freminet for being the only person who actually understand Furina, somehow.
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All this talk about Furina by Freminet and the trailer picture might be important clue in the future. Maybe Freminet will be one of the first ones who will find out Furina's secret.
Lyney mentions that his 'naive' brother Freminet believes in fairy tales' in his voiceline but i wonder what is this fairy tale he is talking about, maybe it is really true and its related to Furina's secret, as reference to Furina being fairy since her design also resemble it.
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This hydro archon quest is really dark, both with people turning into water as experiment and Lyney and Lyneytte's backstory. While they might be good people (which we can see with their relationship/gratitude with Cesal) and they still have their own agenda as fatui members.
We dont know what Arlecchino is planning but Wanderer and Childe said she is wolf in sheep clothes in his voice lines so most likely, she uses twins and other orphans for her plans but we will see. Its also interesting that every fatui member is doing something? with their own homeland. Signora with Venti in Mondstad, (Not sure about Liyue part), Scara with Ei in Inazuma, Dottore with Nahida in Sumeru and now, Arclecchino with Furina in her own homeland Fontaine? I wonder this is all planned by Tsaritsa or she just lets them take revenge on their homeland as they please. Well, we will see.
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Neuvillette is really look and act like Hydro Zhongli. I thought he might be Edgeworth like Ace Attorney Game since game is turning into one (more realistic version, thankfully but he seems softer than he looks, maybe more mature version of him). He seems a lot more human/passive than it seems but also powerfull secretly. Its also been theorized that he might be hydro dragon, elemental creature and if thats the case, he seems to hiding this for some reason, (wonder if he hides this from Furina too), and he secretly cries/being sad and thats why rain starts.And i think its worth to remember that for some reason we never see 'guilty/not guilty' results, he is the only one who looks at results or maybe there are no results at all and he makes it up? If he is elemental creature, he might also be related to Primordial sea or at least, he might know something about it. We will see.
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And Childe backstory, him somehow awaken something and it seems to be relating people's disapperance with water. And his dream in deep sea. Very interesting. I love how he randomly shows up and meets with traveler and he sure is close to being one of the main characters in the story. And the fact that he will stay in prison until 4.1-4.2 is very funny, lol. You wait for us, Childe.
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And my general opinion about the characters; I really love Furina, just like Ei, she is very interesting deep character. She is also very entertaining and i love her design. She is my favorite archon. Cant wait to get more of her. I like Lyney, Lynette and Freminet but for now, i love Lyney the most, compared to them, he is such a cute, gentleman. Childe is of course, one of my faves and he definitely should interact with Furina and others more, lol. I am notr with Neuvillette and Clorinde and cant wait to find out about them and his dynamic with Furina. Navia is design is very good and character too but i wish she get less screentimes in archon quest since this is not Navia quest, lol. Generally, i love the animation, characters, music, concept, and story. And hydro is my favorite element, i love everythig about it. Anyway, we will see with other characters/things later so for now, thats it.
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evans23 · 1 month
The first time you were enough
Pairing : Snape x Reader OC
Summary : Like him you were there to serve the purpose of others. Like him you were distraught over by your past and your aimless future. Like him you needed to be loved. And finally you found each other.
Tag(s)/Warning(s) : Angst. Depression. Not an easy past. A beacon of love in the darkness.
A/N: Hello dear 😁 this his my very first fanfiction. I’ve already written stories but always original stories with originals characters so please be indulgent. Also, English is not my mother tongue so feel free to correct my grammar or my misspelling, I swear I won’t hold grudges as I wish to improve my skills language (but please still be kind, I have a soft little heart 😂).
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It was a stormy night. The thunder reasoned all around the house, you could see the flashlight hitting de floor across the window.
You hated that kind of weather. That reminded you of the war. And also of your childhood when you were afraid and no one was there to comfort you. Your mother told you to not be a coward and go to sleep. Your father just didn't care. And eventually, you grew up by shutting yourself up, by bottling up your feeling, by thinking you were unworthy and your sensitiveness a shortage you have to conceal.
After your years at Beauxbatons, you fled away in a not-so-secret school in Denmark to learn to master your potion skills but above all to learn the art of dark magic. The Art of Demonic Cultivation wasn't forbidden there and you find a master in Elijah, a powerful wizard and a Master of the Demonic Cultivation. He saw through your soul that you were a fragile little thing with a lot of insecurities. That you were leaving with the need to make proud your parents, your teacher, to be love by everybody because since you were a child, everybody let you believe that you could only be valid if you were enough. Except you were never enough. Never enough smart, never having enough good grades, never enough pretty, never enough...
And so, the wizard took you under his wing but as a matter of course, it wasn't disinterested. He quickly realized you were a skillful legilimens. This compensated for your mediocrity in occlumency. Anyway, whoever would have tried to read your mind would have lost himself in a maze of uninterrupted thinking. Your brain never took a break, making difficult even the more experienced occlumens to read your open mind. On the other hand, you have no trouble to read the mind of anybody just by one glance. You didn't even need your wand for that.
This is how you meet him the first time. If Elijah wanted to mold you to meet his expectations, it's finally another wizard that took advantages of your talents.
Dumbledore. He came during a stormy night like this one in the lugubrious castle that was serving as a school in the middle of nowhere in the Scandinavian country that you learned to like. He needed a favor. It was not a request. Elijah and his relatives owed him this favor. And without a blink, he gets rid of you for the profit of another wizard.
You can't really remember if you were hurt in first place. In fact, you were used to never gain the favor of anybody. Although Dumbledore was kind with you, you didn't buy his kindness. You knew he wanted something from you. You were fine with that. After all, you had nowhere to go except for your parents' house. In reality, they weren't bad people. They were muggles, both of them and if they were absolutely fascinated by your magic, they never understood you and who you really were. Anyhow, you weren't enough.
You will never forget the first time Dumbledore introduced you to him. Severus. It was a Thursday. You had occupied yourself in the library, helping Mrs Pince around even if you had the feeling that you were annoying her more than anything but you couldn’t help. You were aimless and you couldn’t bear another day at wandering around, enduring the not discreet glances of the students even less the ones which started at you unabashedly.
Dumbledore arrived, followed by a tall, dark and absolutely grumpy man all dressed in black. By definition, he wasn’t really handsome. Pale, a sallow complexion and crouched teeth. Not that yours were perfect, the they of your lower jaw were crouched too. Yes, he wasn’t an Apollo and yet, you were instantly captivated by him. He wasn’t handsome, nevertheless he was alluring. In one stare, you were bewitched. Fortunately, all these years at keeping you shut from the world around you permitted you to stay totally stoic. Him seemed totally unfazed by you. By everything. Probably he was able to conceal his feeling as easily as you, you thought.
You knew you were right when Dumbledore explained to you that he wanted Severus to read your mind. Of course, he did it easily but he wasn’t able to see one of your memories in his entirety. Only some scraps here and there, nothing enough to really comprehend who you were. He couldn’t even say if you were happy or depressed, if you have had a happy childhood, who were your friends or if you had some. For the first time, Severus was destabilised by another human being.
“I would like you to try.” asked you Dumbledore.
You wanted to pass on this game but you knew you were there for a purpose even if you didn’t know which one. At this time, you were totally oblivious of the war coming. Harry Potter was still a young child and if you had heard about Voldemort, it was just a souvenir now.
But not matter your reluctance, you obliged the Headmaster but not before asking Severus if he agreed to you intruding his mind.
Taken off guard, he nodded once and just due to that brief gesture, by that short moment were his eyes flickered at your questions, you had understood how much the both were more similar than once could thing.
You met his eyes and in one moment, as easily as it was for one to lace up its shoes, you were in his mind. He tried very hard to repel your invasion and for the first time, you found it challenging but you were able to push back his walls. You had to admit that he was the best occlumens you had ever met, but despite of his talent, and even if it wasn’t without difficulties, you finally pass over his fences.
Out of kindness and also because you hated intruding the only privacy a human could have, you didn’t really try to catch any of his memories. You just proved that you were able to read his mind.
It never occurred to you that Severus would have been impressed by your bestowal but he was. It was the first time someone defeated him in one of his most impressive talent. He was also grateful that you didn’t intrude him as far as watching his souvenirs. He was afraid of you snicking around his worst moments but you didn’t. You just had seen his house, his almost empty and filthy room when he was just a kid, a werewolf, Lucius Malfoy and a Lily. Not enough to grasp who he was. Nothing really compromising.
And this his how your friendship began. Dumbledore didn’t expect that. Not that you were arm in arm and all smiling but during his free time, Severus could be indulging himself with your company. You weren’t one to talk about the sun and the rain. You could stay silent for hours, watching him brewed some potions or experienced a spell of his own. Because you had learnt a lot about the Demonic Culture and the Dark Art, you were capable to help him to improve a spell or even a brew. And this is how your agreeable kindness and your desire to be, if not loved at least appreciate, enforce itself. And Severus, which for the first time have someone he considered as his equal was content to have what was the closer to him of a friend.
The more time passes, the more you confided to him. Your insecurities, how people have always take advantages of you before throwing you away like Elijah and how you weren’t duped by the intentions of Dumbledore towards you. Snape softened more and more, igniting in him a feeling he didn’t feel for a very long time. But he couldn’t think of you like that because contrary to you, he knew what was to happen.
He kept his resolve to not show you anything more that a little kindness to not give you any hope until one Halloween night. He was drunk and he wa la crying. You caught him in the forbidden section of the library, tears shredding freely on his cheeks. In first, you didn’t know what to do. You never ever witnessed anything else than stoicism and temperance from the man who was now on his knees, not really himself.
You helped him up and brought him back to his quarter. As you were about to leave, he grabs your hand.
“Stay.” he whispered.
You agreed without even thinking and you let him cry on your shoulder without exchanging a word, prying that he will not shut you out the next morning or worst, put an end at that kind of friendship of yours just because he had let you see him in his most vulnerable state.
Your fear were wiped out the next morning. He was ashamed of course, but eventually, he told you everything. You didn’t ask, never you would have done that, but despite your attempt to stay discreet about last night, he felt as he owed you an explanation. After all, you told him everything about anything each time the two of you felt talkative. He knew so much about you and conversely you knew so little of him. And then, you passed the night watching over him. So he told you about the marauders, about Lily, the “mudblood” incident and the mark on is arm. He told you not too much about his sad childhood but enough to you understand why he once felt the need to join a powerful congregation or at least it was what he thought back at this time. He told you about the death of Lily as well as why you were there. He didn’t hide anything about the price he was paying to have wanted to save the only woman he ever loved.
“At least before…” he interrupted himself just on time.
But of course you had to hear it.
“Before what ?” you asked in a whisper.
Severus stated intensively at you and you find yourself sinking into his onyx sight.
“Before you.” he blurted out not louder than was your question.
It was at this precise moment that you realised that you felt something stronger than a simple friendship for him. You were totally and irremediably in love with Severus. However, because of your lack of confidence and because you weren’t enough, you wasn’t really sure that it was what he was meaning.
“[Y/N] ?” he asked precautionary as if afraid to make you flee away as the shy and fragile little dove that you were.
In one stride he was in front of you. Putting his hand on your cheek, he forced you to look at him.
“I am not an easy man. And I don’t know how to love someone. I will hurt you, it’s a certainty.”
“I am not really gifted in the matters of the heart.”
“We could figure it out together.” he suggested with and hopeful look.
You agreed by nodding, eyes closed as your anxiety and the little voice which accompanied it invaded your whole being.
“[Y/N], I needn’t use the legilimency to know what his in your mind right now.
You opened your watery eyes, fearful to see the rejection but Severus wasn’t keen to the deceit. Not with you. Never.
“I never think I was worth to be loved.” you said while holding your tears.
“You are. You complete me. And to me, you are more than enough. You are everything.”
You fell into his embrace and for the first time you felt that you were enough.
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k-rising · 10 months
Yunho & Mingi dynamic (tarot reading)
DISCLAIMER: This tarot reading is for entertainment purposes only.
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how's their overall dynamic?
knight of cups + the emperor + the devil + the lovers + 6 of pentacles + ace of swords + the wheel + 5 of pentacles (rx) + 10 of pentacles (rx) + 7 of pentacles
their relationship is very nice! I can even say that, at times, it was like doing a reading to a romantic couple :0
their relationship is very stable and calm. both are very compassionate and generous with each other, and they openly demonstrate their affection for one another. they also love to share everything with the other person! I don't know why, but I'm visualizing one of them buying the other something that he always wanted to have. the two are very attentive to one another and always keep each other in mind.
there is a deep emotional bond here and I feel that from the very first moment they met they got along very well. yunho and mingi are different, but they complement each other in some way. both feel confident and comfortable when they spend time together.
it seems that one of them is convinced that they were destined to meet and considers that the connection they have has taught him a lot about different things in life.
however, the challenge presented here is control and authority. one of the two parties can become very possessive and bossy with the other, which makes the other party uncomfortable. there may also be a battle of egos here.
there is an insecurity of being left alone, so there is a lot of possession and even an obsession with the other... but it is unconscious. that is, the person who receives all that kind of affection does not rationalize it so easily.
idk why, but as soon as I saw the ace of swords I thought "they would do a good job if they worked in a sub unit together". although they do a very good job working with the other members, I feel that if they work together alone they would also do a very good job. however, this can go very well or very badly, because their ideas may clash a lot. this not only applies to work, but also to their personal life.
yunho and mingi are afraid of failure and lack of money. they are also afraid of losing the stability they have in their connection.
even though they have a good relationship, I think there are still some things that need to be improved, such as how they behave at work and how to handle that possession they have.
what do they think of each other?
the moon + king of wands + knight of cups
yunho ⇢ he thinks that his colleague can be very unconscious about certain things and it's difficult for him to separate his imagination from reality. yunho considers that mingi has his head in the clouds 24/7... but he also acknowledges that he is very ambitious and that, no matter how difficult it is to fulfill his dreams, he does not give up so easily. mingi is a natural leader with great optimism and passion.
yunho thinks that mingi is generous, compassionate and that he's in touch with his feelings. he also considers that he is a calm person when he wants to be lol.
the chariot + king of cups + strength
mingi ⇢ he considers that yunho is a person who has a lot of self-control, willpower and who knows what he wants.
mingi also thinks that his colleague is compassionate, generous and diplomatic. he thinks that yunho is a sensitive person, but that he knows when to show that side and when not to.
he acknowledges yunho to be very brave and loving to the people he loves the most. he's always there to protect his loved ones. I just heard "he's loyal".
‧͙⁺˚・༓☾ 𝑇ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑘 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑠𝑜 𝑚𝑢𝑐ℎ 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔!  ☽༓・˚⁺‧͙
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relicsongmel · 1 month
Was doing some thinking today and realized that one of the reasons I'm really drawn to Kieran is because he's a rare example of a character that's shy (and usually good-hearted) but still has some rougher edges to him.
I feel like all too often shy characters are shoved into being portrayed as either "smol bean who would never hurt anyone and just wants friends uwu" or "brooding loner who snaps at people to cover up the fact they don't actually know how to socialize" with not a lot of wiggle room in between. While I can and do enjoy characters that (arguably) fall into those respective categories, they're a bit reductive in the sense that things are very rarely that black and white in reality. Even the kindest people have a limit to what they can tolerate. They have bad days or respond poorly to events around them that cause them stress. And the same can be said in reverse as well—point being, people are multifaceted and don't always behave as predictably as we'd like to think.
And I think Kieran reflects that dichotomy perfectly. When we first meet him, he's meek, timid, and relies heavily on his more brash and forceful older sister to help him navigate social situations where he would otherwise lose out on something valuable because he's too afraid to come forward and ask for what he wants (like how she has to ask the player to battle him on his behalf). He's often quick to cower whenever she starts to get heated, but he's also not afraid to point out when he thinks she's wrong and sometimes even gets sassy with her himself. He's undeniably sweet and gentle and shows eagerness to make friends with the player, but he becomes much more curt when he notices we're lying to him about Ogerpon. The rest of the Teal Mask storyline shows him fluctuating even further—yelling at Carmine and the player for keeping secrets from him, punching things in fits of anger...then backpedaling and apologizing for the trouble he caused a few scenes later. Spreading the truth about Ogerpon to everyone in the village to help make her happy...then selfishly demanding a battle to see who's worthy of being her Trainer when she has already clearly chosen the player.
After being lied to and suffering repeated losses at our hands (including the Pokemon he's idolized all his life choosing us over him), he leans even more heavily into his bitter side during the Indigo Disk—being cold and ruthless to pretty much everyone around him, but at the end of the day it's primarily overcompensation for what he perceives as his own personal weakness (because he's still just a kid trying to be taken seriously). He's shown to drop the act on multiple occasions—most notably when he's caught off guard by our appearance at Blueberry Academy and at a few points during the Area Zero expedition. He antagonizes the player up until the moment of his defeat and tries to catch and use Terapagos in a last-ditch moment of desperation that ends up going horribly wrong, but after everything resolves he's quick to admit his mistakes and asks the player for forgiveness and if they can still be friends. After the epilogue he's mostly back to his old self, but still seems to get worked up when provoked (e.g. when he yells at Drayton for refusing to stop calling him "ex-Champ" in one of their League Club Room interactions).
And I think this varied and sometimes contradictory behavior is precisely why Kieran is such a cohesive and believable character—because it shows how even kind, well-meaning people may have a hidden darker side that can show itself under the right circumstances. How they might let their insecurities get the better of them. How a shy, timid kid might not have the experience to know how to deal with sudden feelings of frustration and/or jealousy that are far too strong to keep to himself, so he lashes out as a result. How despite all this he remains kind, sensitive and loving at his core and shows willingness to learn from his mistakes. And that is what makes him so compelling to me.
#mel's musings#kieran#pokemon#all this to say i now have brainrot and you all are going to suffer for it#me: *sees any pokemon boy with attitude problems* son? son boy? he my son boy? ;_;#kieran is also. oddly relatable to me in a way#in the sense that i was a neurodivergent kid whose overstimulation issues among other things weren't taken seriously#and it made me really bitter and angry at both the people who caused them & the people that didn't know how to deal with me#i lashed out a lot back then. i yelled and hit and said things i didn't mean and lied so i could stay in control#and while i still think i deserved better than the shit the adults who were responsible for me put me through#i do regret a lot of what i did. and i try to make up for it by being as patient as i can with others#ALSO. oc tangent time. kieran and denise are very similar in this regard#dena felt a lack of control w/ her dad leaving but couldn't blame him bc then she'd have nowhere to vent her anger#but she's also too young and too hurt to blame herself. so she lashes out at her mom instead (granted. jen made some poor choices too)#but after her treasure hunt and her first trip into area zero she sees things in a different light and is able to reconcile with her#and that's the exact reason she's able to forgive kieran so quickly. bc she had been through a similar thing with jen#i am filled with a whole WHIRLWIND of ideas for my au denise and this cast are a match made in HEAVEN#forest for the tree#mel plays scarvi
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wittybibliophile · 1 year
"@ To anyone fighting an invisible battle, i see you!!"
* DECLAN (36yr old): The eldest of the three Kane brothers, Mr. Not-So-Ready-For-Commitments. A person who thinks he's unlovable (as told to him by his father), works too much literally too much. He doesn't want to lose his best ever assistant iris but marrying her was not in his to-do list (at least not in reality), well until she did tell everyone she's his secret fiancée. He likes her as an assistant and as a woman (which he totally denies all the time). Like every book husband ( referring to marriage of convenience or haters to lovers troop) he starts to understand that he likes iris, and all the emotions that he had trapped after his mom passed away, are coming back in full surge... He is a very caring, understanding, a little too much workaholic husband to iris ( i meant fake-husband guys). It took one woman which is of course Iris to disturb his work riddled mind ( he hadn't thought about a woman in fourteen years since he started working without rest). He is also very jealous or rather possessive kind. i mean is it not too CUTE to see a strong- headed man to just swoon over for one woman only. To remember each small information or detail which relates to her. For a man like Declan to be afraid to tell himself that he cares, loves and is scared for someone other than just his work and company or himself.
Declan is a man who can describe sentences or i would rather say his emotion in one word. He is so precious. I did not like the selfish business self of him in the middle or the end of the book but it is expected from a person who doesn't have any goal in life other than take care of his company, its profits and his brothers (just from difficult situations). He is my favorite when he shows his venerability only to iris, when he does not think that showing her how he feels not only about her but every other thing in the world or about himself is not a sign of weakness but strength. How when he realizes he loves her, he doesn't shy away from that feeling but rather tries to win over his wife. Too sweet. I love how he knows about iris's difficulties and have always been caring for her without knowing it himself. Always been helping her overcome everything she needs to, to become a strong and independent woman, even if she does not get to know till the end section of the book.
There was just one part where i thought that maybe i would have left him if i was to be put into iris's shoes, when he used her insecurities against her in a bout of anger and stress. Blaming her was one thing but to say something so offensive, poking the sensitive topics, was something which i didn't like at all. I do not think so i could forgive a person who can hurt me deliberately at my face by using something I'm too sensitive about. Or make fun of it, just because you are angry and do not have the ability to think so the first thing you do is attack personally (maybe i would give a second chance to that person but after a lot of time). Maybe i am not at that place right now, but if i could be iris and love a person so much and it was someone like Declan i might forgive for real... ( i haven't been in love irl).
Overall i loved his character, it was just amazing reading from his prospective. i always love a good book with tells the story from both sides.
*IRIS (24yr old) : Personal assistant to Declan and is herself Ms. NOT-SO-READY-FOR-COMMITMENTS. Goal-oriented woman, who didn't think she would be Mrs. Kane and bear his kids any day, and not when she definitely had a 5year plan to make a family. She does not understand why she cares too much for Declan, apparently just enough to actually marry him for his benefit and also bare him a child like for real.
Iris is afraid of commitments, she is a person who leaves or bow out of a relation before it gets too real for her, too emotional, attached or too open. It all comes down from her parents relation, which was not a smooth one, it was abusive, and they had to leave or can i say "run" to protect themselves and their future. For iris " love marriage means to lose more than she is willing to part with".
We also see iris struggling with words since she was a child , and of course as always being bullied for it by her father, friends, schoolmates and so on. Because apparently people can not shut up or mind their own business like ever, so for her to overcome that barrier or at least work on it and outshine everyone has always been her one and only goal. She is a strong woman who does not let her disorder define her.
I particularly loved her and Callahan's friendship in the book, how these two bestfriends stood for each other every time, anywhere. From feelings and heartbreaks, to littlest things like chatting or gossiping. It came with a downside that we see iris having no friends other than Cal because she is always working extra hours and on holidays even to complete assignments. ( that is what you get for being personal assistant to a very busy boss, who thinks of work even in his dreams maybe). She is a selfless woman for Declan, loving and kind, just right for him and him alone, but too good for anyone else.
Overall, i loved loved loved this book. i would definitely would want everyone to read it, ( if you haven't read already and also maybe if after reading almost everything happening in the book) sorry for some solid spoilers people but i assure you, who ever would want to read this book that little details i missed will be worth reading. One of the reasons that i think we should make Declan our one of the favorite book husband is because that it is very difficult to get a man like Declan in real life and also it is almost impossible to be someone like iris.. ( although i feel it is too much to actually marry someone and bear them children for their own benefit in today's time like in real life). But nonetheless it was a fantastic one of the three. Of course you can make it out from the way i have written about Declan and iris (and Zahra and rowan from book one. Vast difference, I think I have something for troubled billionaires just like iris and also for this particular troop of marriage of convenience)
Well, i am reading the third and last book of the Dreamland billionaire trilogy and hopefully will write soon... Keep smiling!!
Ironically Witty!
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Hi i heard u are opening matchmaker with Kimetsu no Yaiba so i'd like to try
I choose Hana as my character name
Well as a Leo ISFP,im a clingy person,a bit of dreamy,quite honest but sensitive,i like to to comfort people when they're in trouble,shy when starting a conforsation with strangers but very open with people i know,i can be a bit short-tempered and impulsive too
I dont know drawing is a talent or not but its one of my hobbies,or may be watching some videos,eating and sleeping
Im interested in some movies are often depth along with the issues in society and life,or just some cute and funny cartoons,history(idk thats all i know)
Im a girl,and my sexuality is straight
I have a tan skin,fluffy long hair,average height
I Like Sanemi,i think he's really cool athough hes kinda mean and rough(my friends hate him lol)
I also like Iguro,Gyutaro too
U can match me with anybody in kny ^^
Before we get started I’d like to thank you for the submission, it makes me overjoyed to see so many people have taken an interest in my game! Btw you sound really really cool and it’s really awesome to meet you so, thank you! Without further ado,
Let’s play the Game!
These are the results of the Matchmaker’s assessments:
Gyutaro: Sitting solid at 70%, I believe that you are most compatible with Gyutaro. The start of your relationship with him would be strange at first. He might try to pretend he doesn’t like your or wants nothing to do with you but in reality he’s just fighting back his own desire. He would act like this because he was afraid of your rejection, but after spending time with him and assuring him you did in fact enjoy his company, he would become softer. Soon though, because of your loving actions, he would start becoming cocky (in a cute way, ngl with all your attention and love he felt like a true man). It would be difficult at first convincing him and gaining his trust but once you did, baybee this demon ain’t going nowhere. Be prepared to always, and I mean always have him by your side. You drawing? He’s there. Watching videos? Right next to you. Eating? Sitting across from you. SLEEPING?! Literally cuddled so tight around you, you may have trouble breathing. (If you or a loved one have been smothered to death by an extra clingy demon, than you may be entitled to compensation. Jk. But not really). In all seriousness once Gyutaro realizes that you are for real about loving him he’s never going to let you out of his sight again. He’s very protective but loves you more than anything, he falls hard and it scares him how much he truly adores you. What attracted him to you in the first place was your shyness, he took notice of this and soon found how caring you were. He likes the way your mind works and your thoughts on life. He finds you intellectually stimulating. Finds it adorable when you are daydreaming. His mind is constantly filled with your praises. In conclusion Gyutaro loves you more than life itself and would sacrifice himself for you. Has a hard time with his trauma and insecurities but you always help him through.
Giyuu Tomioka: At 30% I think that Giyuu would be another person you are very compatible with. The two of you share several similarities but Giyuu is a bet more reserved. That is of course if he is around other people, with you, it’s a different story. Giyuu is rigid and a bit hard to take (kinda like a cactus) but when he is with you he’s much more comfortable. In fact you are the only person he is comfortable with. He’d quiet and extremely reserved, except when he is spending time alongside you. In those moments he is much more relaxed, calm, and tranquil. He can loosen his muscles and his mind will go silent while he listens to your words. He doesn’t say much but the longer you are together the more he will open up. It isn’t long before you see him crack a smile. (It was terrifying as he had forgotten how to smile). Nevertheless he did, it was all because you ignited something he never thought would be possible for him. True love. He too would have a difficult time accepting love but when he does it isn’t an obsession, instead undying loyalty. Once he accepted that you loved and he loved you, he knew then he would do any and everything in his power to protect you. Since day one he was willing to die for you. As a result of this, he can’t say no to you. It doesn’t matter what you ask him for or what you ask of him, he instantly does it. (Spoils you rotten, tbh). If you ask for a glass of water he will stop what he is doing and run-not walk-but run to go get you some. He loves very very quietly, isn’t huge on verbal stuff but physical and acts of service he has down. (What did you do to him?). Quite literally loved you with his entire being, would do anything for you. You ask him to climb up to the moon and bring it back for you? He’d start building a latter. He’d either get there or die trying.
Honorable mentions: sanemi shinazugawa
Thank you for playing! I hope you enjoy and if you have any requests of any kind please let me know! Thank you and thank you for the opportunity to write for you!
Thank you for playing!
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diedbutterflies69 · 2 years
Insecurities- Hyunjin
Contains: hard!dom Hyunjin x female reader, oral (fem recieving) , fingering, using panties as gag, smut
This content isn't for minors so don't interact if you are one.
It's work of imagine doesn't describe anyone in reality .
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Anyone can get insecure because in our eyes the person infront of us is always superior in our eyes but deep down sometimes the ego screams ' you obviously better than that trash ' and sometimes That's the only voice everyone needs.
Different people deal with thier insecurities with different ways. Some make themselves reach so high in the sky that they can only see thier opponents as mere insects. Some succumb to voice opposite thier ego and get used to fact that they are just loser and nothing else. Some project thier own insecurities on others to feel better.
And people like Hwang Hyunjin fucks his insecurities inside you.
"he won't be able to eat you out so well right? Fucking fetus won't even know where the clit actually is" Hyunjin spoke against your thigh , kneading the soft skin mercilessly. His swollen lips were glistening with your cum and his own spit , you don't remember how long it has been since Hyunjin has been sucking your cunt with such hatered that just makes you reach your high again and again. You were clenching around nothing resulting in more of your juices to drip down along with Hyunjin's saliva, view that makes the man over you painfully hard.
What you had with Hyunjin can't be described as relationship between two people or love. You were one of the employees in his large empire who occassionally gets on her knees whenever he wanted. Hyunjin is always extremely vague with his words but that's what you love about him that he didn't care. So you allowed the new guy to flirt with you during the campany dinner, not caring to button up your top shirt buttons, leaving your divine figure exposed to everyone's hungry eyes. Not even once glancing at Hyunjin cause you never ever found his eyes on yours, right cause he didn't cared about you
Or , so you thought. Maybe you were always so slow in your tracks that you never once in months caught him admiring you from afar. He noticed you every time , you were the first person on whom his eyes would fall in crowd of millions and it wasn't because of your exposed cleavage or markable neck but because of your little habits or because you were just you. He liked how vague and silent you were always were, just speaking when it's really necessary and doing tasks silently never once glancing at him. He felt you never cared, back when the whole crowd was shocked when he went blonde you didn't once looked at him it made him feel you don't care about him.
That's what made him want you, and he had you and he was beyond happy the day when you first moaned his name while he destroyed you on his expensive $8800 desk. However he didn't know how to approach you, even when he dominated the living hell out of you, he was afraid of not being able to make you really his.
So tonight when he saw, how opened up and caring you were with some new colleague, smiling and laughing. Fuck he loved how beautiful and enticing you looked but he hated the guy who made you smile. His jealousy and hurt knew no rules and the only way he could confront you by fucking cause he was just a sensitive guy who was afraid of his heart getting scattered by your words lowering him into just an office fling. So he did what he was best at, driving you back to campany and taking you on that expensive desk just like your first night.
People who are in love and who are also stupid are people like you and Hyunjin.
" Tell me, you owns you little bitch?" Hyunjin questioned, while his long digits worked inside your cunt in a fast pace, reaching deepest corner of your insides, pads rubbing the sensitive skin brutally while his thumb circled your clit, flicking the sensitive bud over and over again. Embarrassing noises coming out your pussy and echoing the empty floor. Your arousal was dripping down from your thigh to the hardwood floor, splashing everywhere, on Hyunjin's forearms, his shirt, the shirt that could pay your whole two months rent , but he didn't cared about the stains inside he was proud of making you so wet, needy and moaning mess for him. Right just for him, you were only his and his only.
"You... yes you own me" you whimpered, voice high pitched like some fucking porn star, your eyes were almost blinded by shutting them too much from the pleasure Hyunjin was torturing you with. You never thought he could get jealous like this, but you weren't complaining, you liked how utterly humiliated and owned Hyunjin made you feel. Blurring out the same line over and over again you are mine mine mine while he he sucked, slapped and fingered you. You found his digits fastening up each time you answered his statements. Your orgasm was approaching you again as you clenched more tightly around his fingers, the wet squeaky sounds dominating dead silence of room along with your moans.
" I am close ... So fucking close" you cried out, your stomach tightening at the feeling , orgasm threatening to rip out of you any second but you know better. Not to be disobedient bitch and ask Hyunjin for permission.
" who made you feel so good? Is it me or that seugmin something from seventh department?huh?" Hyunjin's word carried pure venom when he said out that guys name, his actions halting fingers stopping deep inside you making you whine, fearing of being left on the edge. You didn't gave a single shit about the guy Hyunjin was talking about, even his face was disappeared from your memory as Hyunjin fucked you so good at cloud nine.
" fuck.. you , you made me feel so good I don't remember that guy I swear I won't even look at his face .. just let me cum" Hyunjin admired the mess he made out of you, so cockdrunk and begging for orgasm forgetting all your morals for just that ruined orgasm . He felt almost too bad for you, your wide eyes dripping with mascara, you looked absolutely fucked out and he loved it. Hyunjin undid his belt throwing it away at some corner, suppressing his desire to bondage you with it. He finally let his hard dick out, tip already dripping with precum screaming just to be inside you.
"My good slut, I will make you cum so much that you will be begging me to stop" Hyunjin said, his words dropping low as he rubbed the tip of his cock up and down on your slit collecting your gushing wetness and mixing it with his own. He pushed his hair back before kissing you harshly on your neck, sucking the same area where that guy had his gawking eyes over.
" yes please" you begged pushing your hips upwards, getting desperate as each second passed by, he was so fucking close to you yet far. Hyunjin let out a hiss at your constant beggings , detaching himself from you and looking at the floor for something, finally his eyes fell on the material he wanted. A smirk made it's way on his face as he went to pick your panties from floor fisting it into ball and shoving it inside your mouth, your own arousal taste landing on your taste buds. You knew you looked so filthy and ruined but it only turned you on more.
"You talk too much" Hyunjin spitted shoving the lace more inside your mouth before, his one hand gripped on your hips and the other circled around your waist as he entered inside you. A euphoric feeling washing over both of you.
Without wasting any more moment, he started raming his length inside of you, hips meeting yours harshly. He loved the way your walls sucked him up so greedily , while your loud moans were muffled by the material of your panties, looked so fucked out and still begging for more .
" What a needy bitch I own could fuck you till daylight still you will keep begging more " Hyunjin hissed, his tone dripping with poison, you loved how he was now just using for his own pleasure, rutting hips with you, just to bury his own load inside of you, it made you feel absolutely small, you were fully bare just your skirt bunched around your waist, while Hyunjin was still gloriously fully clothed, looking so expensive just having his cock out to fuck up your insides. Having such a strong grip onto your thighs that could leave marks for weeks.
" fuck fuck fuck" Hyunjin cried out helplessly feeling his orgasm close, his dick could burst out any second inside of you leaving you stuffed with it. His pace increased your grip onto his shirt tightening, not caring about ripping the fabric off.
" Fuck I love you so much" Hyunjin said, realising just a second later that he said the words out aloud, regretting as he saw your wide eyes, staring into his.
Yeah what a lovely time for making heartfelt confession.
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lavendertales · 3 years
hello! i saw your requests were open so i thought i would send one in!
i was thinking something along the lines of soft, inexperienced din with a reader who is also inexperienced. so they’re sorta just figuring it out together and being super patient with eachother, like there’s just no pressure there. i saw these prompts from a prompt list a while ago and i thought they’d fit: “pulling away from a kiss to look at each other, to then burst out in laughter over what's about to happen” and “are we really about to have sex? “ “ i think so, yeah.” - i think maybe it could just be super lighthearted and soft, and maybe din is a lil shy? i’ll leave the rest to you! <33
Shy, inexperienced and flustered Din???? YES I have suuuuch a soft spot for this! bless you for this idea 💖 this turned out longer than I thought but here we go!
Set afire || Din Djarin x f!reader**
word count: 2.6k
warnings: virgin reader, shy!Din, first time shenanigans, mutual masturbation (sort of?), piv, softness.
read on AO3 
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gif: @boardboxes 
You’ve been watching Din tend to the ship for most of the day and you’ve helped him wherever and however you could, but he insisted he did the heavier work. With each loose screw or place that needed drilling, you gradually began to get lost in the sight.
It’s not as if this crossed your mind for the first time. You’ve been thinking about being intimate with him for… probably as long as you’ve known Din, but it was easier thought than done. It took time for him to trust you and vice versa. You’ve built the foundation of your relationship slowly and steadily and over the course of the months, you’ve grown so fond of each other that it inevitably turned into love.
Yes, you loved Din Djarin. You loved how strong and capable he was, but also how open he learned to be around you. He gave you his most precious possessions: his trust, followed by his name and eventually, his face. It was far more than what you would’ve ever hoped for, and yet now, you find yourself with a stronger craving.
Your eyes follow Din’s silhouette up on the ladder as he does the final retouching on the wing of the ship. He lets out a few soft grunts and the helmet’s modulator makes his voice even coarser. You stare at him with a ridiculous thirst; it feels quite vexing that you’re nearly running low on air watching him do such mundane tasks, but it affects you nonetheless.
There have been plenty of chances at intimacy for the both of you, as you confessed to each other. But neither saw those chances as something stable which was something that you desired. Of course there was tension built inside of you and the farther you’ve gone with Din was a very heated making out session—coincidentally the night that he removed the helmet before you – but you pulled back. You felt insecure and unsure, afraid that you might’ve been taking advantage of Din’s sensitivity in the moment.
“That should do it,” he announces.
That snaps you back to reality. You realize you zoned out for a good while because Din just came down and was tucking the stair away. You gaze over at his body, built so sturdy and so broad that you feel incredibly parched. You’re not sure why this is happening right now, when there’s nothing inherently sexual about the situation whatsoever, but you just feel a pool of heat forming in the depths of your stomach and you instinctively know tonight’s the big night.
He turns to you, helmet covering that gorgeous face of his.
“Um… there’s something I’ve been… thinking about.”
“What is it?”
His voice, soft-spoken as usual, throws you aback much more than you thought it would, making the moment all the more suffocating.
“I—well, I should probably let you get cleaned up first.”
You sport a shy smile as you walk away, leaving a dumbfounded Din behind. You return to the cockpit, trying to calm yourself.
This is Din. Your Din. Calm down. Just talk to him, it’ll be fine.
You knew that intimacy was a topic of interest for the both of you and you both agreed to wait until the moment felt right. But all of a sudden you felt like you might be pressuring him into it because—who the kriff gets turned on watching some fix things??
“Cyar’ika,” Din catches up with you, “what’s going on?”
He knows you cannot resist that pet name under any circumstances. You huff, turning to face him and Din is surprised to see your reddened face.
“It’s nothing, it’s no big deal,” you try to explain. “It’s just… you were working for most of the day, fixing the ship and… and you just looked so—“
Din remains silent, awaiting for a continuation though underneath the armor he’s sweating buckets, and that has nothing to do with the physical labor.
“So good,” you finish saying.
He’s taken aback and flustered himself. The mere idea that someone could get turned on by watching him do a basic job is… a lot to handle. Very flattering as well.
“And I thought that… maybe… we could—I mean, obviously not if you don’t want to, there is no pressure on you, on any of this—“
Din clears his throat in an attempt to hide his own nerves. “I should get cleaned. Wanna join me?”
The suggestion makes your pupils dilate and your heart rate to speed up. Many were the times you not so shamefully imagined taking a shower with Din, just having that hot water drip down on your naked bodies as your mouths explored each other’s body, tugging and nibbling at places that only the other was allowed to see, and now to see it shape into reality was a lot.
Reading your silence as agreement, Din leads you by the hand to the fresher. It’s small and can barely sustain two people, you have to make do. Din removes the helmet and you stifle a gasp when your eyes are finally blessed with the sight of his face; few locks of hazelnut hair are messy on his forehead and on the top of his head, his eyes radiate kindness and lust alike and his lips—oh gosh, his lips. He has a stubble and it adds to the existing heat in your belly.
One item by one, Din undresses himself right before you and you are too mesmerized to speak. You absorb every inch of his silhouette. His bronze skin is carrying scars, reminders of battles won and lost, and there’s a tattoo on his chest that makes your eyes go wide again. The sight is utterly stunning and you once again try to compose yourself.
You start undressing yourself as well, kicking your clothes to the side and stand completely bare before him, heart thrumming nervously in your ears. Din moves closer to you and runs his fingers across your arms so gently as if afraid he’ll break you. His eyes remain locked on your lips as he steps into the tiny space and lets the water run down his body. You join him and reach for the soap, starting to scrub the day’s sweat off of him, nearly shivering at the contact. You stick to the upper half and Din notices that. He grabs your wrist, taking the soap out of your hand, and guides your hand all the way down. This time you do gasp in awe and pleasure when your hand reaches his belly, feeling the happy trail descending to a patch of hair and eventually, a full-on erection. Din gasps softly as you quickly learn the touches that make his head spin.
“See how you make me feel?” he says to you. “You always… make me so hard…”
He seems too flustered to go on, but he finds he doesn’t need to. You slowly jerk him off, and his gasp turns into a moan.
Shit. Shit, shit, shit, that’s about the sexiest sound you’ve ever heard in your entire life.
Eyes locked on his face and gazing once in a while at the tattoo, you do your best to move your hand along his cock and when Din feels overwhelmed, he comes seeking for your lips. He smashes them to yours as if that would take his mind off the treatment you’re applying to the most sensitive part of his body. You allow his tongue to slide right in and then he moans right into your mouth and you nearly explode. That’s also the sexiest sound you’ve ever heard in your entire life.
Fuck, this man is gonna be the death of you.
He breaks the kiss, staring at you breathless, and you stop what you were doing. You resume your cleaning as if the previous moment had never existed.
“Turn around,” you tell him.
Din follows your instruction and while you’re using the soap to make sure he’s clean, you let the water run down his back; your nostrils pick up the fresh scent, and your lips press on his back while your hand roam on his tummy. Din huffs, hair soaking wet and erection nearly painful at this point.
“Did that feel good?” you check in.
He turns around again and nods, eyes wide and soft just like him. You bite on your lower lip just as his thumb goes to your lips to glide over them, as if making sure their plushness is still intact.
“Touch me. Anywhere you want.”
Albeit taken aback and insecure, Din’s hand traces in between your legs. His movements aren’t precise, disclosing his lack of expertise, but he’s more than determined and clearly eager to please you. He touches spots that you barely found yourself, and leans in to kiss you again as his fingers tease your clit. It’s your turn to moan into the kiss; the sound reverberates through Din’s body, and he feels like he’s going to explode soon.
The kiss deepens and soon, both your hands are wrapped around each other, moving to the improvised bed Din had purchased months ago for the both of you to rest on. Still wet, you fall back the mattress with Din atop of you as he still kisses you, his lips leaving a wet trail down your chin, jaw and neck. Your fingers tug on his wet locks, thus spurring him on even further.
When he feels out of breath, Din stops and stares at you like a puppy. On instinct, you both giggle and smile shyly at one another.
“This is really happening,” you coo. “We’re really about to have sex.”
“I think so, yeah.”
You chuckle some more, hands cupping Din’s cheeks. You felt like you held the entire world in your hands, your entire world, and that nothing could be more incredible than this moment you share right now.
“If I somehow hurt you… please tell me, okay?” Din asks of you.
Admittedly, you stole a few glances and quickly wondered how exactly it would feel, considering that Din was generously gifted, and it stood out even more when he was aroused. But you put it at the back of your mind, not worried one bit about Din hurting you in any way.
“I’m not sure what or how it’s all supposed to go or feel, but…”
“It’s okay. We can figure it out together.”
Definitely feeling more at ease, Din repositions himself and guides himself to your entrance while you part your legs some more. The image alone is lewd and filled with the kind of pleasure you only dreamed of, but the moment he fits the tip, the entrance nice and wet for him, Din feels flustered yet again. He fails to understand how he can make you feel this way, how the sight of him simply fixing things is making you want him so intimately and deeply, but he is nothing if not grateful for it and stunned by it.
You moan as he thrusts in you little by little, closely watching your expressions. One hand holds your thigh and the other supports his weight atop of you. Once he’s finally sheathed inside of you, he exhales, head lowered and water drops falling down your belly. He moans just as much, not moving yet. Fuck, it feels like you’ve trapped him inside you, and normally he’d be alarmed maybe but the warm feeling that rushes through him is so damn good, he gets goosebumps.
“Din—Din, please move,” you all but beg.
“Just—give me a second.”
“Are you okay?”
You cup his cheeks again to catch his eyes and he seems oh so blissfully messed up that you could cry.
“It’s just—you feel so good… I didn’t think… shit…”
“I didn’t think you’d feel this good, this… oh, kriffing hell.”
Staring at you, Din gives the first thrust and your mouth forms the perfect shape of O. He smiles, gaining more confidence through that act, and thrusts again, pace slow and calculated just like everything else in his life. Then another thrust till he drags his cock out of you almost completely and then pushes back in. You can surely feel his length and girth and it’s unusual, but you learn the gist of it. You wrap your arms around his neck for support, his forehead locked with yours as truly starts to move this time. It’s nothing rushed; it’s just you and him exploring each other. Each time Din moans, there’s a greater fire burning inside of you that begs to be put out.
Your hands start to travel on his back, making him break into a cold sweat as he pushes in you at a steady pace. When he feels your nails dig into his flesh, he lifts your right thigh and gets a better angle. Then he dares move a little faster, encouraged by your touches and moans. Your body moves to the rhythm that his hips dictate and you smile, staring at him with a concoction of love and lust, but mostly gratitude to have him in your life.
“You’re perfect, you know that?” you say nearly breathless.
“N-No… no one is. I’m not.”
“You are. To me.”
Gods, he’s knocking the air out of you with the slowest movements and it’s driving you insane. He might not be an expert at this, but he’s a fast and eager learner and his movements showcase that.
Din feels an unfamiliar burn in his lower belly, one that’s threatening to make him lose himself completely.
“Shit, I’m—I’m not gonna last,” he tries to warn.
But it’s no warning. It’s a sign of how tightly you have this man wrapped around your finger.
One of your hands is pressing into the ridges of his spine, then travels further up and you feel his muscles flex the more Din’s breaths become shallow and rapid.
“It’s okay,” you reassure him again. “It’s okay, cum—cum for me.”
Din mumbles something, half the common tongue, half Mando’a, his voice sounding pained.
“You’re—so good—you’re doing so good—you got this—“
“Fuck, I’m g-gonna—I’m—“
With one final roll of his hips and a fiery kiss, Din breaks: his breaths get hitched and his head falls into the crook of your neck as he buries himself inside of you, balls deep, and he comes—hard. You know that, more than anything, Din needs the reassurance, the comfort and warmth that your sweet praises provide him with, and this is no different. You feel him deep in you, you feel him throbbing and aching and giving you his load.
When he picks up his head, he looks absolutely ravished. He smiles through it all and barely moves, but he doesn’t leave you.
“You did so good, you felt… amazing,” you tell him.
His smile widens. With that, he pulls out, watching half mesmerized and half stunned his seed slowly dripping out of you. He gulps, staring at you with an aching desire on his mind.
“Could I taste you?”
You try to steady your breaths when your eyes meet. “What?”
“I want to put my mouth on you,” he clarifies. “Down here.”
He finds your clit again and teases it, clearly nervous and excited for more, and you are just the same. You nod, heart in your throat and body set afire at the anticipation of feeling his mouth on your most sensitive part.
Thank the Gods he decided to fix that wing today.
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jjkyaoi · 4 years
(yes, the majority of this is projecting, what about it)
C!WILBUR: lmaoooo i can smell the mental illness from a mile away, luv. you half were rooting for villbur because you thought it was hot, but also just ‘cause you wanted to see the explosions, and honestly, valid. you’re probably unintentionally the parent of your friends, and you’re also probably high strung and tense all the fucking time, calm down. you want to protect ghostbur w/ your life, but you severely miss the old wilbur as well— not a day goes by where you don’t think abt the pogtopia arc. “independence or death” is constantly playing in your head. the end of the finale arc— wilbur’s death scarred you more than anything else in this fucking smp, but to cope you make shitposts about it through your tears. please  get therapy 
C!TOMMY: you have ADHD.  half the time you’re just crying abt how tommy deserves better, and you want to thrown down w/ c!dream more than you’ve wanted to throw down w/ any character, ever. valid. you stan c!tommy ‘cause you relate to him and his experiences, but also because he acts a lot  like you and you don’t even fucking realize it. you’re probably the loudest in your friend group and constantly try to bring up the groups spirit, but also you’re extremely insecure and sensitive, and it takea a lot to bring your self esteem up— same, but jesus christ. you’re probably obsessed w/ wilbur and tommy’s relationship more than you should be, and you’d do anything for them to just interact again.
C!TUBBO: you’ve definitely went through a bad friendship breakup in the past, or just generally half trust issues. did i mention that you’re the most nervous person to ever walk the earth? you’re the type of person who pushes people away whenever you’re too busy w/ something / gets overstressed w/ something you think you need  to do that you just end up unintentionally ruining friendships. also, you’re shit at texting, i can just smell it. you lowkey felt annoyed at how c!tubbo wass treated in the beginning of l’manberg, and you’re a dadschlatt stan— daddy issues who? you’re ignoring the festival. but, you’re also torn between wanting captainsparkles to be his dad-- infinite dads.
C!NIKI: half the time you’re the sweetest person in the world, but also holy shit  im afraid of you. you’re the friend that’s either protected by your entire friend group, or you’re the big sibling who’s protecting everyone. you’re quiet most of the time, preferring to be on your own, but you’re surprisingly really fucking good in an argument? you’re constantly upset that niki isn’t getting more time to development as a character, and schlatt’s character frustrated you as much as it did niki— you’d do anything to fucking thrown down w/ him.  i feel like people go to you for advice and you’re the therapist friend, but you do not  know how to handle your own emotions. mood
C!FUNDY: lmaoooo, alright kinnie. honestly, beforehand you probably thought that wilbur and fundy’s relationship was cute before you realized how awful it was, and mood. you want nothing more than good things for this boy, but he constantly gets slapped around and you’re constantly in tears. you’re in denial of what happened at the wedding— fundywastaken is canon in your mind. ,,,,are y’all,,, are y’all okay? i feel like y’all are lowkey intimidating to talk to, but in reality you’re just a socially awkward nerd who thrives  off info dumping on your interests but you’re so used to being overlooked that you’re hesitant. though, you’re definitely petty and are always ready to prove your point in an argument— stubborn as fucking hell, alright. how’s those daddy issues?
C!SCHLATT: i’m torn between laughing at you, and genuinely being concerned for your mental health. you’re definitely the fucking cryptid of the friend group; the one that’s mostly silent but whenever you do speak it’s some wack fucking shit, what do you mean. you’re a lesbian. you’re just—you’re a fucking lesbian. you cover up how you feel w/ a tough bravado but you’re really not, and the slightest things— even if they’re jokes, hurt you deeply and you keep them inside you for years. a lot of repressed rage. you have essays in your drafts about how schlatt wasn’t that bad of a person, and i want them right fucking now. you also miss wilbur and schlatt’s dynamic
C!QUACKITY: hello simp. you’re torn between simping for him, or feeling extreme gender envy. you’re definitely fucking funny— you’re the comedian friend of the group, but you don’t even have to try. did i mention a raging bisexual? you’re a blue gay, through and through. you’re extremely stubborn and set in your opinions, and you’re always willing to go on an hour long debate w/ someone. i feel like you’re extremely protective of your friends as well. you’re in love w/ quackity’s arc rn and you’re frustrated that nobody’s really paying attention to it, because snapping after everything he’s been through is what he deserves in your mind. you have abandonment issues and are unheathily attached to his dynamic w/ karl
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tth-pdf · 3 years
Burning for love; JJK [03]
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Contents: Smut, little bit of dirty talk, supernatural themes, romance, fluff, unedited.
Pairing: Werewolf!alpha!jungkook x omega!reader
Summary: A handsome man is hunting you in the dreams world, making every day more difficult to repress the need to come find him in the middle of the night to submit yourself to his every wish.
Requests: ON
A/N: Hello angels, sorry for the LONG wait, was so busy with school and depressing myself, but here it is, I tried to do my best and please also remember that English is not my first language be kind (😩), sorry for any grammar mistake, enjoy it and take care besties! 💖
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Jungkook was insatiable, he just couldn’t seem to get enough of you, he has already fuck you senseless on the kitchen counter, the sofa, the living room floor, the restroom sink, simply everywhere, but he seem to want more and more and more, he wanted so much that you could hardly believe it.
Right now you were waking up, feeling incredibly good, feeling like everything was fine, but those emotions were gone as soon as common sense started to come back to you. Yesterday, Jungkook’s hands everywhere, that incredible first orgasm, but the one who made it happen… His scent, his bright eyes, strong arms making you feel like you can do it all, but above all the interest he had in you, what makes you feel on cloud nine it’s the way he seemed to be mesmerized by your expressions and sounds, knowing right where to touch without a doubt. Almost every space in your skin was painted by the ferocity with which he seems to love you, that marks on your skin being the carnal representation of your wonderful night but insecurities started to rise right at this moment, your mother will be mad, she will yell at you that in the pack were more suitable omegas for alpha Jungkook, the nasty glances and the possibility that some of the females in the pack may try to take what is yours, damn, the mere thought of it makes your eyes turn bright red provoked by the sudden rage coursing through your body. Immediately sensing the unpleasant feelings in you Jungkook comes out of the bathroom, wet hair and drops of water running down his body, making your mouth water, so just like magic your body and inner wolf instruct you to crawl to the end of the bed and touch him, to offer yourself to him, second thoughts completely forgotten by now so you follow your instincts and touch and admire from his hard abdomen to caressing his broad shoulders and just show him that look in your eyes, the one he knows like the back of his hand consequence of all the hours spent admiring and getting to know your body.
“Little girl woke up hungry?”
A hand of his goes to your waist and the other caress your cheek and just like fire can light up the darkest place your senses explode inside of you and once again everything feels a hundred times more, all the textures around you, you can hear the sounds of children and women playing in the distance, even the steps of the smallest animal but his deep chuckle brings you to him again and you feel like melting. Even kneeling at the edge of the bed he is much taller than you, (like a shelter for the most difficult moments in life), warm and golden skin beneath your fingertips and the delicious beating of his heart calming all your nerves and insecurities.
You look right back at him with the same intensity, different shades of golden dancing in your eyes while his are different shades of deep purple, the connection between both of you more palpable than never, trying not to break the eye contact you turn your face to his nearest scent gland, which means is his wrist, basking yourself in his delicious aroma.
“I see what you are at puppy, but I’m afraid that I can only deal with you once before I leave”
His last words hit you hard making you feel like drowning and desperate from one moment to another.
“Are you leaving?, I thought that this days… Were for us”
He can see your teary eyes making him wish he had never said that, breaking his heart a little.
“Don’t be like that baby, I will make sure to end that meeting as soon as I can to come back to your arms but you will have to be a good girl and wait here”
You know he is in a hurry but you can not help but want submit to his wonderful hands and simply seduce him to have him eating out of the palm of your hand, have him only for yourself and memorize all his features.
“You promised it, you said you were going to make me a priority always, you lied to me”
You weren’t usually like this, but when he is around your common sense flies out of the window, so while you're throwing a tantrum and moving uncontrollably under his body he grows impatient and his alpha instincts kick in, putting with undeniably force both your wrists above your head and growls, the signal he’s giving you to submit, the air in the bedroom changing its way.
“Pretty girls know how to wait and to obey their alphas, I already told you I was sorry puppy and remember that I don’t fucking owe apologies to anyone, if I knew this wasn’t important I would have told them to fuck up, you should know your place baby, but good news for you, I’m feeling like even though you have been a little bit of a bad girl you deserve to remember me all over this pretty skin while I’m gone, isn’t that what my puppy wanted, huh?”
He manhandles you until you’re comfortably seated en his strong tights, holding his gaze you can see all the things he wants you to know, all that shit that cannot be said, all the things that are not expressed in a good way by putting them into words, so instead you will use your bond and body.
“Sit on my dick slow baby, make it hurt so you have something to remember, get yourself full of my pups”
And you do as you are told, you slip right where you belong to, starting to bounce yourself slow and hard but even though it feels like heaven you feel like you’re going to die because he doesn’t touch you, he is just watching.
“Touch me please or I’m going to hit you hard”
He laughs but you know he's holding back the urge to order you around.
“I love when my little girl turns all bossy”
You wiggle your hips not exactly knowing where to look but what makes you let out a loud moan of his name is the way he thrusts his incredible hips harder than you had planned, tip of his touching the spongy spot that makes you meet god in person.
“If I’m not gonna have you for a while at least show me that fierce side of you one more time baby, gods above, look at you, bouncing tits and pretty face with an even prettier voice filling my ears of pretty sounds, fuck puppy, turn around and see yourself on the mirror”
You tell him to wait a second because you want to remember him like this, beneath your body and that playful smirk but when you do turn a little your face to see the image that bites back at you is incredible, you even smile don’t exactly recognizing you but looking damn hot on top of your man. You can’t with the feelings so the first thing that comes to your mind is to grab a hold of some of his beautiful locks of hair and tug hard, enough for him to gain some more lustful rage and suddenly slam you in the mirror that both of you were looking a moment ago with such excitement, what brings you back to reality of the pleasure that does nothing but increase is the manly hand grabbing at your jaw, making it open slightly, enough for him to spit on it. And you fucking love it.
“That’s a good mate baby, swallow it all and show me”
All this time he hasn’t stopped that sinful hips of his so at this time it’s starting to hurt and you begin to loose all your grips but you now that he will catch you anyways.
All you are feeling is incredible, you fell full, satisfied. Your throat feels hoarse but it doesn’t matter as you held gazes once again, but it’s the whole moment, your own bubble. Watching his pretty eyes you realize that you have won in live, entirely.
“You don’t have a fucking idea of how bad I want to mount you everywhere until I know you are really pregnant, hell baby I love you so fucking much”
He is right in front of your face, both of your moths open but your not kissing, now he’s the one grabbing your hair into a fist but he can do whatever he wants with you right now and all you will say is thank you.
You’re both touching the finish lines and it’s then that you wonder if this is how it will always be, hot, sweaty and just incredible.
He kiss you right at the final, where both of you have reached the peak, smiling at each other like fools but entirely living the dream.
You know that Jungkook told you to not leave the room until he was back but you were really hungry and needing some fresh air, so knowing that maybe everyone was serving him in that meeting you dared to head for the nearest kitchen to just grab something and come back. You are happy when no one approach you on the way, focusing on the task to make you a quick drink and cut up some fruit.
You feel happy and complete, at ease with the environment despite missing your alpha a bit, but your clothes and body still smell like him so that’s something for now. That’s the same reason why you don’t hear the pretty and stealthy she-wolf approaching the kitchen, watching you closely.
“It stinks in here, you must have had a very good night young lady”
You jump a little because you are not supposed to see anybody in the sensitive state in which you now find yourself.
“Sorry, I wasn’t supposed to be here”
You murmured your words shyly so low that if it were not for the incredible senses of the lycanthrope body, the girl would have miss it.
She chuckles lightly and by her smell you know that she is a rare breed of a female alpha, but right now every smell its simply too much, almost unpleasant.
“No worries baby, no one else is here but me”
She is a little intimidating to be honest and It’s evident that she knows clearly what to do to get what she wants.
“I should… Probably go”
You try to rush towards the exit in order to feel protected inside the four walls where everything smells like Jungkook but just as you are about to walk through the door the pretty girl grabs you a little hard enough to make you let out a whimper. And it’s that exact moment that lets you know that something is awfully wrong, that you should have never left the room.
“Where are you going?, let me talk to you for a moment, I never had the pleasure of knowing you formally”
You know that she can her your heart beating uncontrollably and smell the fear mixed with nerves.
“Don’t be scared pretty thing just wanted to chat with you”
There’s something strange in her, something that you can’t quite put your finger on.
“This shouldn’t be happening, I’m sorry but I really should get back to-”
While interrupting you she is also forcing you to sit on the small benches that are situated in the kitchen only to bring you to a full state of discomfort and nervousness.
“Is Jungkook really into you honey?”
The sudden questions makes you blink twice and hold a breath, this seems like a pointless conversation, she didn’t even try to do some more small talk .
“Oh my, was I too direct?”
You still don’t see the clarity of the conversation because to your eyes she looks like a lunatic, asking questions about of nowhere.
“Honey, it’s just… Have you never heard what is whispered around the pack, about him and the pretty girl of the Kim pack or even worse… The boy with the deadly beauty from the Park family”
You do have heard the rumors, they were too strong when you were younger and more naive.
“I’m afraid that… I can’t help you with anything, I should really go…”
She puts his body in front of yours so that both of her arms are locked on the wall behind you, blocking any way out.
“Damn, just listen to me for a fucking second, I thought that you knew what was best for you”
You sit still because her harsh words came out more like an alpha command and you just couldn’t fight your true nature.
“Good girl”
You would never imagined that such a mundane phrase would disgust you so much.
“I know you don’t like me wolfie but I have been very well aware of the second thoughts that run at full speed in your little head about the bond that you share with that man”
if you had one wish, you would ask to disappear from this awful situation, if only you had listened to your alpha…
“I don’t understand what you want from me, please just let me go, I’m not going to tell Jungkook”
The female alpha just laughs a little, like you have said to her the funniest thing ever.
“He and I are at the same rank honey and of course you will not tell him anything, I have something that might interest you.”
Your posture is defensive but when she says that she backs a little and you take the opportunity to relax only little bit, a new look of curiosity in your angelic and innocent features.
“I don’t want to upset you honey but look at yourself for a second and tell me if you see yourself as the perfect representation of a good mate for someone like him”
She can easily see the insecurity cross your features because if anything has been bothering you since you found out about the bond it is that.
“I have the perfect solution to all of your concerns baby, there’s someone far more suited to take your place. Look at your neck, he hasn’t even marked you, but really, don’t worry and don’t overthink it, he will be in good hands. I know someone who can make the arrangements, all safe and of course you will be having a far more suited alpha”
It’s really stupid, but you actually think about it, as if all the previous moments with him didn't matter. At the end of the day all you're looking for is his well-being and happiness, isn't it?
People are going to talk, that's for sure, but you could assure him better commentaries and a better future, even if it's not by your side, but what will happen with the few moments that both of you have shared?
“In case you were wondering… No, you will not remember, everything will be gone as soon as the bond is broken. Just think about it for a second, remember all your insecurities and the bad feelings while being his mate, that must be annoying, let yourself be happy, both of you”
You are deep in your thoughts so you miss the way her canines grow in size and that dangerous gleam in her eyes.
“I… I’ll do it”
Call yourself a fool, but that tempting offer was enough for you to maybe, just maybe get yourself a better life, but above all a better life and opportunities for him… Or at least that was what your insecure brain thought.
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Tag list: @min-nicoleee, @in-a-way-that-i-should-not, @imluckybitches, @teresaisla, @anachikartadze, @jeonwiixard, @seagulljjk
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Nexts update: ?
All rights reserved.
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gangrenados · 3 years
Yandere Jason Todd
I have to say that these are a bunch of multiples ideas, so it might a little bit dispersed.
Warning: murder, kidnapping, manipulation
I don't condone any of this behavior, we all know this is a really shitty thing to do.
Matthew Daddario as Jason fancast cuz I like it!!
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▪Let's start with something simple: Jason is a very possessive and over protective yandere who doesn't fear to kill whoever dares to put themselves between him and you, especially if they're rivals.
▪There's a big difference when it comes to how he'll be with you depending on what state of his life he's in.
•Fresh of out of the Pit Jason will obsess over you for the sole reason that he wants to posses something in order to feel like he has gained some control over his life.
° Jason doesn't love you, you're just an object that he use to feel in control so he will manhandle you and break you as he pleases.
°It's hard for him to realize that what he's doing is wrong and by the time he finally accepts it, you'll probably be death or in a terrible mind state.
°Jason will have succeed in breaking you and he will punish himself about it.
•Arkham Knight Jason see you as a something that he needs to possess in order to feel human and loved again. He almost worships you as a higher being.
°Jason will hold on you in dear life, hoping that your company will make him feel better.
° Jason is more mindful over your needs and what you might feel about him and being held hostage, those thoughts makes him deeply insecure and sick to his stomach. However, Jason can't bring himself to let you go, he needs you.
°He wouldn't hurt you on purpose, but rather will choose to threaten you with breaking all your bones or killing those you love.
°This applies when he's jealous. Jason will pin you up against wall and point a gun at you as he cries and screams why was the cause for you to betray him.
°You always knew Jason was by far more strong than you but having him towering over you in the middle of a breakdown as he waves around a loaded gun is making you panic.
°Jason wouldn't kill you, but he know where to shoot without killing. You're gonna suffer with him if you don't start to give him answers.
°This version of Jason is mentally and emotionally unstable, he's more likely to breakdown and cause chaos since he can't fully control what he's feeling or how to process it.
°Jason might worship you and treat you as if you were made of glass, but he might kill you in one of his anger rampages.
• Red Hood Jason in the other hand is in a better mental place so it's less likely that he'll hurt you out of an emotional decontrol.
° Also there's the fact that, as that his Arkham Knight version, Jason prefers to use threads to keep you under his control rather than physical punishments. However, he'll use them if your being too defiant.
His punishments tend to be: isolation, spanking, making you use a collar shock, etc
°Jason doesn't see you as an object that will make him feel better, he genuinely loves and cares for you.
°He's deeply afraid that something bad will happen to you if he's not there to protect you.
°Jason see you as a defenseless, naive person who needs him to survive. He's gonna be your savior and lover even if you don't want him to.
°Oh don't try to escape, he'll find you pretty easily and drag you back to the safe house as he scolds you for being such a stupid brat. And if someone else was helping you escape? Jason will kill them in front of you to show you a lesson.
°He might nice and caring to you, but Jason doesn't tolerate when a darling talks back or defy him.
He doesn't like a bratty darling since it makes him think you don't trust him enough. Jason truly believes he knows what's better for you, so it's not gonna end well if you question his decisions.
°Might pull up a dirty move to make you stay, like hiring some goons to scare you if you decide to leave him. So Red Hood can come, kill them and be your hero!
°One thing to keep in mind is that all of his version are deeply insecure and touched deprived. They might want to hold you and kiss you, but it's gonna be a long way until they finally don't hesitate to do such thing.
°Their distan and pretty close to you at the same time. This goes more with the Arkham Knight and Red Hood though.
I'm gonna keep talking about the Red Hood version, so keep reading!
▪Jason wants you and will have you, he doesn't care how far he has to go for that to become true.
▪He wants to know every little single detail about you, it doesn't matter if they're insignificant.
▪So he will study you and take notes about your preferences, your weaknesses, what you like and what not and what are those little habits you have so internalized that you don't even notice you make.
▪It will lead to a point that Jason will know you better than you think to know yourself.
▪He will set cameras and a security system in your house and you will notice that Red Hood has been appearing too much near your neighborhood lately...weird.
▪Also the crippling sensation that someone is watching has been being so persistent when you go out.
▪You have tried to calm yourself down saying that it's normal since you live in a city like Gotham, but that doesn't make it any better.
▪Also lately you don't feel alone when you're in your apartment. You don't feel alone at all to be honest and it's creeping you out.
▪And what about this new guy in your life? He looks so mysterious and bad boy-ish, also wow he's pretty damn handsome and easy to talk to! How this guy can be friend of yours!?
▪Yeah, Jason got over his doubts and went out of his way to reach to you and be part of your life (with you knowing this time)
▪There's something we have to address here: at the beginning Jason couldn't accept that what he was doing was wrong. He didn't even want to acknowledge that he was deeply infatuated with you.
▪Jason didn't mean for this crush to go that far and the idea of what he's really doing, looking through the cameras he installed in your room, was making him sick.
▪However, he couldn't be away from you for long, if something happened to you it would drive him crazy, since the idea that you weren't there was enough to make anxiety paralyze his entire body.
▪Jason needs to protect you like he needs to breathe. It's not an option but a vital necessity.
▪What happens is that Jason's mind is torn between the voice that tells him to watch you closely and the one who's screaming at him and begging to stop all of this.
▪ Jason wants to possess you so he can keep the dangerous world away from you, is better than the rational part of his mind that tells him that what he is doing is foolish and will end badly.
▪But to be honest here, Jason doesn't pay much attention to the rational side of his brain unless he has a breakdown since he's more sensitive and open to those sad thoughts.
▪During one of those breakdowns were the main reason why he took you one night after about a month of overthinking every decision he has made so far and the numbing that he might lose you if he doesn't do something drastical.
▪So during a seemingly normal night in Gotham, when the rain soaked everything in it's path and made your warm bed even comfortable than ever, an exalted Red Hood broke into your apartment to kidnap you.
▪He didn't leave any space for doubt, so without hesitation he pricked your neck with a needle and carried to one of his safe houses.
▪Jason feels like he can breath again now that you're on his bed, sleeping fondly thanks to the tranquilizer.
▪You look so beautiful and innocent, it only reassures Jason that what he did was the right thing.
▪You need him to protect you from the horrible things of the world, it's more than obvious that you can't take care of yourself and Jason is more than glad to keep you safe.
▪Yeah, that's all he wants in reality. Jason doesn't give a fuck if you don't love him right away since he have the hope that one day you'll understand and finally accept his love and devotion for you and you'll do the same.
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natsukitakama · 3 years
Headcanon : Control feat Floch Forster
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"Well since some writers claim that Floch would be rough in bed then how about smut Floch with a fem soft s/o, she’s not exactly a tease person, she’s just incredibly shy, needy and sensitive who gets embarrassed easily. I’m really curious if Floch would be rough or gentle with her if his s/o is soft and shy but when she’s naked, she gets embarrassed and cover herself"
Author note : Gotta admit I’m a little bit curious too, I mean the big boi got a huge switch energy. Like I can’t totally picture him being a 100%DOM or a 100%SUB maybe it’s just me but I feel like he is a switch a big one. I wrote a headcanon + a tiny scenario.
As usual I apologize for taking so long I hope you’ll enjoy it ♡
Also I don’t know what to do with my life anymore lol was it nasty enough ? Was it good ? I need to write more caliente headcanon I’m still insecure about it lol
Warning : NSFW / SMUT / Mention of spoil from season 4
SMUT : mention of spanking, mention of spitting, mention of rough sex, a little bit of hair pulling nothing bad
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Sex with Floch is difficult, there’s nothing wrong with neither of you.
Since his return with Shinganshima, he kinda lost a part of him. He was never the tender one but this event surely broke what was left of his kindness.
It doesn’t mean he would act violently toward you, but he became easily frustrated and not in the good way. Meaning sometimes he will get angry easily, he tends to be violent each time someone doesn’t agree with him. He became a monster but he hasn't known that yet.
Now, he was really in love with you and knowing your personality he couldn’t really be too rough on you.
A part of him really enjoy being rough on you, knowing he was corruption you a little bit more each time he was thrusting into you. It fascinated him the way you would bend at each of his command, opening your mouth when it told you so, screaming begging when he gave you an order. Instead of being rough for the thrill of it, he was rough on you because he loves seeing you getting all red from pleasure not being able to talk because he was fucking you dumb.
Since back in Shinganshima he couldn’t control anything, he would be in control now especially in his sex life and since you were just co compliant with him. He couldn’t just leave this opportunity.
The fact that you were so shy around him even though you’ve been naked in front of him a lot of times never felt to tease him to be a little more rougher on you. Your personality just triggers his « dark instinct »
Now, we must not forget that in the beginning Floch was and would remain a switch, which mean sometimes he needs to feel you taking care of him. To put it simple Shinganshima broke him, and since no one tries to bring him back, he works on his own to not just fall apart.
Some times he needs comfort, some times he needs to be in control. Especially for sex, during a period, when he felt especially « weak » or at least fragile, he would put extra roughness on you meaning he’ll tend to bend you over a desk or anything for that matter as long as he can bend you over, moving your ass up spreading your legs widely so he could get a nice view of your ass and leg.
He might even went as far as to took a bunch of your hair and pull it so you would scream at the pain, and while your mouth would be widely open he won’t hesitate and spit into your mouth.
He also tends to put extra slapping at your ass just because he feels like it
You’re lucky that he is hitting all the good spot, cause the man is too lost on his own pleasure to even notice that well he is particularly rough. But don’t worry, you two got safe word just in case he is too lost on his feeling.
Or, when he feels cocky or just because he is tired from his works. Floch would just lay down on his bed, hands behind his head as you’re looking at him expecting to be taken by him. Then he will just narrow one of his brown eye and say « what ? You’re expecting me to take care of you ? Naah it’s not how it’s work (scuse me sir aren’t you the one who broke me last night ???) you want me y/n then take that cock cause I won’t put a single finger for you ».
But when he feels lonely or sad, or just because you feel like you needed to put him at his place. Spank him, edge him, overstimulate him, make him beg for release and that fucker would even cum harder than usual (little bastard). There’s one thing he might be against, it’s pegging, like a finger or a two why not but a whole toy in his butt ? You’ll need to be a little more convincing for this one (read : fuck him dumbs until he can’t even remember his name and he won’t even whine)
But to do that you’ll need to be extra confident with that, cause even though he is a switch don’t forget that he is most and foremost a jerk, so basically he won’t let you have his way with you easily especially if you tend to be super shy.
If you think that fucker won’t tease the hell out of you for being cocky ? You don’t know Floch.
« Well well what do we have here ??? And here I thought you were innocent Y/N »
« S-Shut up Floch »
« Make me. »
Damn brat *cough cough*
Anyway, if during foreplay or even in the « it » of the moment you felt insecure or sad, use your safe word, Floch isn’t really good at reading people and he might think you were acting extra shy as usual while in fact you were feeling bad over something. Then proceed to explain to him what’s wrong.
He is the stupid worshipper. Always like « Huh ? You think you’re ugly ? Are you stupid ? Of course you’re hot look at you ? I thought you were smarter than y/n » damn buddy it hurts coming from you. Also the dirty worshipper.
« Such a nasty hole you are y/n look at it all clutching around nothing waiting for me to fill it entirely. Fuck you’re wonderful y/n »
« Mamama look at those legs they were made to be wrapped around my hips »
« Damn it y/n you sure know how to suck a cock »
« Look at you taking my cock so well, I swear your swallow me without a blink of an eye what a good slut you are y/n »
Yeah that’s his praise
I’m sorry
He’s doing his best
So yeah he might be a switch if you’re too shy to dom him, well all he has to do his to take the leas right ?
Now if we’re focusing about your first time not just with him, like if you’re a virgin that would be another story.
A part of him want to be extra rough on you like he will corrupt you, you know ? Not really a kink of him but the thought of it got his dick hard as rock so safe to say that he is not against the idea of fucking you dumb.
But as the thought was starting to drive him crazy he realized that for a first time, knowing your personality being quite shy and embarrassed easily he might not be the best idea to just jump into you. Maybe taking your time together would be for the best, so both of you would learn about each other’s body, sweet spot, what to do or not do.
He won’t be too vanilla because that’s not how he is especially now that he joined the yeagarist, in fact his return from Shinganshima changed him into a cold man, mentally instable but somehow strong when it came to follow his belief, but still as I stated before he always needed control but also need a way to get out of his nightmare. So being rough with you in bed sound like a perfect way to escape his reality, of course it’s not healthier way but it’s work so he won’t complain.
Now that being said, even if it won’t be your first time together I can’t see him forcing you into things that make you uncomfortable. He is a dick, but he cares about you. He might try to convince you to at least give it a shot, especially if he felt that the reason that you’re refusing it’s just you being shy (even if he told in his own way that there no need to be shy round him). But he felt that something scares you, he won’t force you and won’t even bring it again.
I don’t feel like he is into gun play/ arm play for that matter, not into blood play either. He is surrounded by blood and weapons all the time, sex with you is supposed to be a safe place where he can escape his old demons so no gun for the baby.
In conclusion, the fact that you are shy angel won’t stop him for being you so it’s up to you to tell him what’s good for you or not.
I know for a shy person it’s difficult to talk about the sensitive subject but remember that communication is a key, he might be a dick and sometimes you’d feel like you can’t talk to him like he is an ass (he is but hey you love him) like he didn’t care about your opinion but that’s not true, you are important and probably the only thing that matter to him (aside from saving paradise but you includes so) so don’t be afraid.
Tiny scenario because it took me forever to post it as a compensation :
« Fuck yeah you feel amazing y/n »
For some reason today Floch was particularly generous with you, not that usually he is not. But today he felt like spoiling you. At first it started with multiple hot make-out session everytime you two were alone. Pushing you against the near wall or holding you against his firm chest, it’s like his lips couldn’t leave yours for like one minute. One of his hand was behind your neck keeping your head firmly against him as the other left for your ass to grab it. Your body was caught between his body and the wall, so all you could do was putting your arm around his neck and just enjoy his warmth as he was greedily kissing you. After all, you hadn’t got the chance to see your boyfriend for a while, to be exact after your mission in Mahr and the capture of Eren you barely caught a moment together to share a kiss. He claimed that there was nothing against you and that he was just very busy since the situation between Mahr and Paradis was still tight.
So, his little greediness was welcomed, you couldn’t help but starting to feel touch starved. You were missing him to the point that you started to wear some of his coat just to be able to catch some of his warmth. Of course you didn’t say anything about it, knowing your boyfriend you wouldn’t see the end of it. After kissing you for like the tenth time, Floch finally moved a little to be able to see you from your entirety. Lips swollen slightly open as you were taking your breath since he barley left you time to take a breath, hair a little messy for the way he was grabbing it firmly, cheeks all pink (probably because you were both embarrassed and turned on by his action). It was definitely a view that was worth it. Since his return from Mahr, Floch hasn't had time much to his dismay to mange some quality time with you, hell he couldn’t even remember the last you two has gone on a date together. Knowing the situation, and what was about to happen with the yeagarist he won’t be able to take you on a date before a long time. So he felt like he needed to take every occasion to have his way with you, kissing you, stroking your body, feeling you against him cause who knows when he’ll be able to have you close to him again ? He was starting to feel angry and eager;
Alongside, let’s be honest the yeagarist didn’t do anything to help him. All the time, he could hear them whining about some soldier who apparently wasn’t on their side, or about the fact that yeah some of them have spent a couple of days in jail. They were starting to get on his nerve, most of them were just spoiled brat who never went into hell and here they have the guts to complain about their condition ? What a shame. He started to feel his shoulder getting heavy. His muscles too were sore, his patience was slowly disappearing worst, he started to have nightmares again. It all started because he wasn’t with you, because he barely spent time with you. He needed you. He needed you right now.
« Floch a-are you okay ? Y-You keep staring at me »
« Do I ? Sorry you just looked amazing all fucked up because of him »
« I-I’m not fucked up »
« Yet. »
A race and a couple of clothes on the floor later, here you were bending over his bed. Face down with a hand firmly against your neck, ass up all good for Floch as he was grinding against you as if it would be the last time that you two would have sex. You were used to Floch being rough against you and to be honest you didn’t mind it since he was hitting all the good spot, and the way he is grunting each time you were clutching against him was music to his hear. Also the dirty talk didn’t help. But today was different, for some reason the foreplay lasts longer than usual, you noticed that Floch took extra time kissing each inch of your body, stroking everything that he might forget. He also ate you out longer than usual putting extra time to make you cum multiple time before he could even put the head of his dick in you. You didn’t mind though, it was good to be spoiled by Floch without even begging for it.
« I could spend my life between your leg y/n but now it’s time for the real fun, come on I want you on four for me. Spread those gorgeous legs of yours for me cause I can’t spend any minute without being in you »
As he was thrusting into you senseless, you felt that he was slowing down but still keeping a firm rhythm against you. Then you felt your body moving, so you could be face to him, he moved his own body too bringing your ankle around his head as your legs were now on his shoulder. The light coming from the windows highlight his toned chest and his arm muscles, his hair were a mess from all the time he put them in place. Even after getting intimate with him multiple times, getting naked in front of him was still something that embarrassed you. He knew that. So it was no surprise for you that you hear him chuckled at your state before slowing down putting your knee at your chest, so he could kiss you again for like the hundred time.
« You felt like heaven babe I’m not kidding I can die now it would be perfect. So tight and warm for me »
And then as if nothing happened, he roughly starts to thrust into you. Floch’s head was now in the crook of your neck as he was breathing heavily, your hand were now on his hair grabbing it each time he was hiding your sweet spot. His movement were kinda slow though as he was taking time to thrust deeply into you reaching whenever spot he was looking for, you swore you could feel his head on your stomach or maybe it was just you losing your mind. It didn’t help that you suddenly felt his hand between your leg touching you, stroking you, teasing you so you would approach your climax quicker than him. No doubt that Floch planned to either edge you or overstimulate you, knowing how he spoils you before, he might overstimulate you until you would be nothing but a mess.
How long would you last before loosing your mind ? That’s what Floch was about to know.
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sailorhyunjinz · 3 years
Alright so since bangchan is the type to definitely have trust issues and super insecure i feel like he had a relationship before but was faced with reality that is nothing lasts forever. So that's why i think even he feels like a perfect relationship exists and won't date anyone easily. My point is what's that thing that would make skz members date you👀👀
no this is so fun, IM REALLY GONNA TRY TO LIKE,,, be a spiritual queen (LMAOJGDAHSD IM NOT BUT LIKE,,, lemme pretend like i am) but i think i would have to agree with you. BUT LEMME SEE WHAT I CAN SENSE
also all the astrology in this is kinda half assed since we dont know their exact birth time BUT LETS JUST KINDA,,, wing it. also not saying that someone only needs one of these aspects in an relationship, you obviously need all of them but these are just the ones that stood out more than others. 
ohoho,,, this is important.
his trust has been broken far too many times and therefore he doesnt trust people as easily (just like anon said heh,,)
except,,, he does,, because as soon as somebody shows even an ounce of affection he pours his entire soul into this person
which is both good and bad
you have to be the one to open up first because he’s now hesitant
take the first step, show him that you’re actually interested in his mind, his thoughts, his soul, everything about him
only then will he know whether you are worth his time or not.
he loves people that are hard to get 
not too much tho cause then he will lose interest completely
but if you are mysterious it means that he gets to uncover your personality bit by bit
he will know things no one else knows about you
which makes him feel so special 
he likes this mutual exchange you guys have when the both of you get to know each other more and more since he’s also kinda mysterious in the beginning
but then when you actually do get to know him its so rewarding and vice versa
ah,,, he’s the cutest, showing sides of himself he doesnt show to anyone else!
also wanting to add this; scorpio sun, scorpio venus... I MEAN COME ON,,,
i get this feeling that he’s VERY picky 
its not that he thinks he’s better then anyone else, he’s very humble and stuff 
but he’s afraid to get hurt?? or like get in a relationship that will end messy
and so he’s VERY careful,,, but if you show him that you are loyal to him and ONLY him he will love you unconditionally. 
i mean nobody likes someone thats not loyal duh but its so important for his to know that you will stick with him through his,,, even a bit questionable ideas and plans
but he makes it up to you since he’s always very loving because you give him this sense of being appreciated and seen
which feeds his sun and moon leo OOP- 
if he’s not careful he will date the wrong people
and he will forgive them even if they’ve hurt him
he’s too nice for his own good basically
so if you show that you have respect for his bounderies he will love you more than anyone
he expects you to treat him the same way he treats you 
which is very very good btw
very respectful of bounderies and always asks for permission whatever it might be 
he’s also very emotional (pieces sun and pieces venus,,, yikes)
but he gets to get his emotions tangled and devalues them
so please,,, take care of this ferret boy. 
Emotional Intelligence
i know everybody likes to think of him as this always happy person, an actual giggle machine but his thoughts are very deep
this is gonna sound weird but if you display weaknesses he has mad respect for you
somebody that is in tune with their feelings and can help others with genuine advice and not just telling them to “calm down” or “not worry” 
THAT!! THAT IS HIS KINK (lmao- ok stop making this sexual)
he doesnt want to be alone in his struggles and if you have been through something similar to him he will cling to you as if theres no tomorrow
i dont know why but i keep hearing the word “ok” or “i am ok” which is great but,,, i feel like he craves that, he craves someone that will keep him in that “ok” state.
he’s afraid of his feelings.
sounds ~deep~ but whenever he’s feeling down he tends to be drawn to comforting people
like chan for example! ok sure,,, chan is their leader but he’s a very comforting soul and he just throws himself onto him
he would so the same with a s/o
show him a safe space and he will never leave~! 
he’s been alone many times in his life and he never wants to be there again and therefore he will be very clingy 
but its cute
not in like,,, a sexual sense or whatever but more like,,, kinda this free spirit that both wants to lead him and be led kinda??
he likes to take care of people but doesnt get to do that too often so if you show that you like to be taken care of he will do it kinda subconsiously
almost like a mama bird taking care of their baby (w-wait this is so cute :c)
hmmm i feel like he’s very much also kinda a free spirit,, liking whoever he likes, whoever he vibes with
but theres one thing that will never ever attract him and thats being quarrelsome
yeah sure! voice your opinions! he’s all for that but dont be defensive, starting arguments because he’s a) scared of argumentative people and b) will get tired of trying to battle you with words
this is gonna be so fitting but he wants a fox-like partner
somebody that knows how to use their brain and can captivate others with their general charisma
somebody whose scent will linger around but who is never seen
its very very sexy,,, when you have this confidence about you, walking around like you know who you are and what your purpose is
he also likes it if you can give him actual feedback and voice your opinion!
he wants to learn from you, look up to you and be you good little boy
that doesnt mean he can’t be leading, he definitely can but he wants someone reliable to lean back on sometimes
wants to be cuddled
bonus points if you’re very giggly and touchy sometimes
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