#but im also reading the quran rn
scatmaan · 2 years
Bro do Jewish ppl ever get a fuckin break
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jennaissantes · 1 year
homophobia issue …
first of all,,, im bisexual!! so if anyone has a problem with that, please get off my blog. i will not be tolerating homophobia of any kind.
i really, really didn’t want to have to come out in this way, bc the situation is so bad right now. i really didnt expect enhablr to be facing this kind of a problem.
when i first heard about the issue, i was thoroughly shocked. like completely.
before anything, ill let you all read the definition of homophobia.
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“discrimination” “dislike against the community” this. disrespect falls in the category of homophobia as well.
now to address the issue at hand. i wasnt directly involved in this problem. some of you may even be wondering why im making a post about it.
but as a part of the lgbtq community, i think id like to speak what i feel about this.
the situation we heard about was that an enhablr writer, had written dni: lgbtq in their account, which literally anyone would be surprised or angry at, especially if you belong to the community.
OP’s friend, who had recently become my mutual, was defending OP’s actions, which made me think of unfollowing them and i wanted to unfriend them. but then i found out it involves religion.
religion is a very sensitive topic for everyone and could go wrong in multiple ways. i respect all religions and beliefs.
so i texted OP’s friend, asking about the situation at hand, in case it was a misunderstanding.
i am aware that the quran forbids acting on gay feelings. it teaches you to not accept the gay ‘Lot’. (i have done my reading on this topic so i rlly hope im not saying anything out of line. if i am, please forgive me.)
but as far as i know, and have heard from my other islamic friends, the quran also tells you to respect and love everyone, no matter what they are or identify as. respect and acceptance are two different things. islam doe not encourage lgbtq, but doesnt tell u to NOT respect people of every kind.
if what they say is correct, then being on tumblr and reading and writing fanfictions is very much considered as haram as well.
in the above conversation, i texted them wanting to hear their side of the story as well. OP’s friend constantly used the word ‘opinion’ along with ‘belief’.
now, opinion and beliefs are two different things. opinion is something that YOU FOLLOW on your own will. belief is something that your religion teaches you to follow, against your will or not. you can notice OP’s friend has used the word opinion quite a lot.
OP’s friend had received an ask and this was their response.
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‘everybody has their own opinion.’
again, the word opinion is used here, which conveys to us that they’re not wanting to interact with lgbtq community on their own accord.
i tried to explain that most of us get enough hate for being a part of the lgbtq community, and seeing dni:lgbtq, doesnt make it any better.
now, about OP.
when OP was answering asks, most of their answers were very mixed up,
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in the third picture, you’ll see ive highlighted a sentence.
they say THEY DONT LIKE lgbtq. usage of first person is used. “i don’t like what they’re doing” which conveys their opinion on the community.
in the first picture, they claim that if tumblr was only lgbtq people, they’d never stay. how mean is that?
second slide, ‘escaping them’ escaping us????????? what does that even mean.
there was another pic, (that i cant add rn bc tumblr has an image limit), where they said “why do people have a problem w us saying dni lgbtq but no one has a problem if people say dni homophobic?”
… are they being for real.
i genuinely dont think they understand the situation properly. they keep saying the same thing, and mixing up opinions and beliefs.
the replies under OP’s pinned post were terrible. people said things like “im so sorry. what they’re doing is so fucking messed up.” we wouldn’t call out people for no reason just like that???
extra info: OP had written a suggestive niki fic before too.
people of the lgbtq community are humans too. it doesnt make us any different from everyone. please stop treating anyone differently, we are all of the same bone. spread positivity and happiness, not this negative energy.
please feel free to dm me if you’d like to rant abt anything! im here to listen anytime ❤️
please reblog this!
tagging mutuals: @haknom @amakumos @soov @soobnny @dazed-hee @chiyuv @delcakoo @dearheemain @kimsohn @goldenhypen @wonieleles @jaeyunverse @haerinz @hanniluvi [my head is poundinggggg rn so im sorry if i forgot anyone!]
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taflan · 5 years
4, 5, 9, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22, 25, 26, and 43!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you reblogged such a nice ask game omg im really interested to know the aswers to these questions!!!
4: How long do you lay in bed before you finally get up?
depends on the day, but i usually dont lay around much because i try to sleep as long as possible so when i wake up i need to be quick and get ready fast (and yes i am the type of person who organizes everything the night before like my clothes, bag etc) so i just wash up and get dressed 
5: Is there a food you’ve never had but always wanted to try?
i’m not really familiar with south/ east asian food so anything from that cuisine would be nice
9: What’s a little thing in life that you love?
i had to think about this a little...maybe i’m a little to emo rn but looking up at the sky (especially at night) it comforts me somehow 
10: Favorite color aesthetic?
uff this is hard..i really like every color it also depends on my mood
13: Do you have any candles? what scents are they?
YES i love candles!!! my room smells like lavender and wild violet rn!! other scents: rose, citrus, cherry blossom, anything with flowers really 
16: What’s a language you’d like to speak?
i wish i could speak arabic :( i can read the quran so i’m familiar with the alphabet and stuff ( my soon to be sister in law is from algeria and she said she can teach me a little so i’m excited for that!) other than that i would love to speak japanese
19: Favorite Ghibli and/or disney movie
ooh okay i love them all, but spirited away was the first one i watched as a kid and it had a huge impact on me (but i also love princess mononoke & kiki’s delivery service //also got a black cat because of this movie lol...//)
22: What’s an underrated video game/ movie/ show you love and think it needs more recognition?
there are soo many shows that come to mind: trial & error was amazing...also lots of korean (and japanese) dramas like diary of a prosecutor, secret boutique, welcome to waikiki, d-day, zenkai girl, omukae death ..i could write an essay about this topic tbh
25: Do you have a favorite type of art style? (eg: soft looking, no to little color, sketches, crisp and clean, minimalist, pixel art etc.)
i def love sketches and do them myself the most, but i love impressionism & art nouveau if i had the utensils i would paint all day but its expensive af :((
26: What would you do if someone gave you flowers?
thank them and put the flowers in a nice vase :^)
43: First video game you ever played?
super mario world i loved that game but i’m def not a big gamer lmao i suck at it 
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miheartsays · 7 years
July 8, 2017
I hope in four years I can come back to this and share my story to the world. For anyone struggling with anything rn, i just wanted you to know that a couple years ago, I was severely depressed and suicidal. This is going to be long but I hope you get the chance to read it all. This will probably be a shock to a lot of you. Im not posting this for attention and whoever may thinks so (I know ppl will), you are completly missing the point. For a long time I woke up with this horrible feeling of dread, of no motivation, no interest in anything, no enjoyment in anything, I hardly smiled and when I did it was forced , I wasn't in the mood to eat, I hardly slept at night and i just didn't want to live at all. No, I dont mean that in a “omg i have so many exams i want to die” way, I mean that in the literal sense.“How is that even possible? A girl who had it "all” cant be depressed. Why would you want to kill yourself? Its not like your house is being bombed every day, or that you lost your parents or that youre being oppressed. Youre muslim, just pray your daily prayers. Read the quran and you will be “cured”. Theres no such thing as depression in Islam. Youre just seeking attention". Shit like this is why so many years ago i didnt seek help. Why I struggled alone. Why I couldnt speak to anyone about what I was going through because I kept telling myself that i wasnt allowed to feel the way i was feeling. That I was so blessed, that I was so lucky to have a family who loves me, a roof over my head and a shot at an education to be feeling so sad and miserable. That “there are people who have it worse”. But you see what i failed to realise and what a lot of people fail to realize is that mental illness isn't something you can control, it isn't your fault. It is as serious as any other physical illness and we need to start looking at it that way. Its not a tumblr thing. Its not a millennial thing. Its not a female thing. It's not a "trend". It is REAL. WE (yes including me), as people who use social media, have desensitized that word. Before I went through what I did, I used to throw the word depression around like crazy. “Oh I have so much school work to do and am so tired and depressed". "Ugh I had such a bad day I'm so depressed". We make "relatable" tweets about it, make memes about it and basically treat it as something that's very casual. But you see, until you actually go through real depression and not just a feeling of being in a weird mood for a day, you dont know what it actually is like and that is why a lot of people dont speak up bc it's not being taken seriously. I am writing this because I know that if I were to go back all those years ago, I would want to have known that someone I knew personally also was going through what I was going through. I would have wanted to know that someone whos smiling in all her instagram pictures, who sometimes makes jokes and laughs, and who comes across to everyone as someone who has their “life together”, could be going through the same thing that I was going through. I am writing this for the people who feel alone. Who are struggling with speaking up. For the people who are putting up a facade when in reality, there mind is spinning in a gazillion different directions. To those people, I want you to know that all those years ago, I didnt think I was going to get out of the rut I was in. It literally seemed impossible, that only a miracle could take away the pain I was in. But here I am, four years later, surrounded with the best people, with a career that i love and most importantly with happiness in me. I am so glad that I didnt go through with my thoughts all those years ago because if i did, I wouldnt be able to witness the person I have become. I am writing this because i want everyone to know that despite everything they may be dealing with at the moment whether it be mentally, career-wise or personally, life WILL get better. Youre not going to believe it right away. It doesnt happen over night but it will happen. Everyday I would keep telling myself that I would get better and yeah everynight id go to bed the same as the night before but look at me now, I GOT THROUGH IT. I DID! I DID I DID AND YOU WILL TOO. Take each day one at a time and if you cant do that, take each minute one at a time. Its going to be hard. Some days you're not gonna be able to get out of bed. You're going to feel hopeless. You’re going to have bad days, good days and then bad days again but just dont give up. Speak to someone if you need to. Yeah its easier said then done. There have been many occasions where I tried to bring it up to my friends or family but I was too scared that I was going to be judged, that I wasnt going to be taken seriously. If this is you, look for a different option. Dont make the mistake I did by struggling alone for so long. There are people out there who want to help you. There is help available through your school, talk to your doctor who can then refer you to a therapist and dont be afraid to call a help-line. We are human. We need help sometimes. I hope this helps someone, even if its one person or even if its none. This is a topic that is so important to me especially as a Muslim girl because it is seen as such a taboo topic that I thought it was important to shine light on the fact that mental illnesses can happen to ANYONE. It doesnt matter if you believe or dont believe in God, if youre rich, pretty, educated, successful. Mental illness doesnt discriminate and doesnt just happen to a certain population and until we realize this as a society, more people are going to suffer. Lets talk about it. Lets normalize speaking up and seeking help. Lets start the conversation. #BellLetsTalk To the person who helped me along the way, I thank you with all of my heart. An ear to listen and arms to hug is all you need. Its hard finding the right words to say to someone who is going through a difficult time. Advice is not always welcomed bc there's no "quick fix" in overcoming/dealing with a mental illness. Sometimes your mere presence is all that really matters. For those of you who made it this far down, next time you speak to a friend, a family member or a loved one take a moment to look at them. I mean REALLY look at them and ask them this simple question, "are you happy?" and you may just end up helping change someone's life. #BellLetsTalk
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