#but im a freak who likes to keep busy and sweat. food service 🫶🏼
antariies · 6 months
obviously line-cooking is not for everyone but. ohhhh my god it is so much fun. like aside from the restrictions of Must be physically able and Must be comfortable with knives and fire and heat and Must be able to multitask efficiently under pressure and not take it personally when u get yelled at. LIKE ASIDE FROM ALL THAT. it is so fun and so straightforward. every day i wake up at ass o’ clock in the morning and put on my hat and chef coat and go to work and when i get to work there is a prep list that tells me what needs to be prepped and how they should be prioritized. NICE! i slice a million fruits and roast a million vegetables and portion a million meats and print TEN MILLION labels. if i ever forget how to do anything i can consult the RECIPE BOOK (ipad). and then once prep is done i go on the line and wait for tickets on my screen and if there are tickets i MAKE THE ORDER and pass it down the line. and if i ever forget how to make/plate the food there are cheat sheets taped to the wall in front of me and other cooks right next to me. and i do that until the restaurant is closed then i clean up and go home. rinse and repeat. farengar voice Simplicity itself
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