#but ill see how ot gets handeled
tiny-huts · 2 years
I finished the companions! Drizzt half dead on a mountain seeing his friends like hey guys I think Dahlia gave me more concussions than I thought she did or I am dead
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liz-allyn · 2 years
Hi so I read pt 18 very quickly and I want to take some time to sit with it I feel like I haven't quite absorbed it into mu blood stream yet because that's what this chapter deserves to be its so much for me to Handel right now though because I have to prep for new semester and final results are out in like two days so I'm sorry if I'm not articulate as before when it come to this chapter
As always the opening I'm coming to believe personally are your strongest suits as a writer you know exactly how to open up a story set the scene and put us in place as reader to let us know what is happening it's literally perfect not too much information blasted on my face as soon as I jump in and not to little I felt jittery excited and uncomfortable as soon as I read the opening lines I anticipated the episode coming but the anxiety was there I was scared the mood was set the tone was firm opening with expsotion about the mental illness breaking it down and sprinkling it in through out the introduction was awesome it's my favourite opening since pt 9
Honey is at her absolute rock bottom in this there no lower she can go in terms of breaking down than this and the best part about hitting rock bottom is that the only way you can from here is up she has my entire heart I will give my soul to protect this woman and good news is so will Peter I love the idea that you're breaking down your characters in the I'm lighting them up on fire and there is only gonna be ashes left kinda way because they hold such power over each other and I think they both particularly Peter acknowledges that they have the power to break each other and build each other they have as of this chapter seen each other at their absolute worse and if they can get through this they're gonna be unstoppable I don't remember where I might have to re read a part where Pete mentions that his worse is all he had to offer now he's seen what honey had to offer too I think he still loved her and she does too she has to acknowledge it though
Gwens reveal was surprising In a I can see where and why she would have done that way it's heart breaking that both women Peter chose to love have to go through this I'm glad that the secrets and dirty laundry is all out and nothing is hidden the only theme I clinging to solely in this chapter is the one Eddie so beautifully put that bad people don't try to do the right thing that scene is soft and tender and slow amongst the chaos of the ploy picking up it gives us such a nice breather it made me tear up when he said that to her #eddiehoneyfrienshipsupremacy
Felicia oh my god she's a force of nature as always her clearing it up to honey that they were not against her is so crucial because when honey is gonna replay all these incidents all over like me i think she might understand and appreciate this as you're my friend I love you I'm sorry we didn't know I understand but fuck you for trying to hurt yourself because watching you like that hurts Me and never ever will I allow you to do that to yourself so much said in so little I weep and sob
This packed an emotional punch which like I said I was not comptely ready for I might not re read this chapter as compared to the others that much because ot makes me so sad ATM to read this but I might come back to it for intorpection when the story is over because it's so important to the rest of the story I read in some ones review of this Chapter that Peter relaseing venom to protect her is so poetic because him relaseing this monster Is symbolic of there is nothing in him to keep at bay if she dies and that is such an astute observation so funking brilliant kiss that person for me because it really hammers home how much weight she carries in Peter's life for him and how important she is for him
I have a few ideas where Pete might be I'm excited to see where this goes can't wait to see if I'm right
That's all for now all my live drink water
These are such great things to read (except the part about you struggling rn) so thank you for sharing! I agree with you, I feel like we're at a point where they are so near the bottom it's hard to see how they'll get out of it, but trust me! After the pain there will be some sunshine. By the way, I think it was @blooming-violets that mentioned how Peter became a monster to save the woman he loved, so kiss her, she loves kisses! (but not cooties).
Speaking of kisses please take care of yourself! As far as the finals being out soon—there's nothing to worry about (or at least nothing else that you can do anything about?). When I used to prep for new semesters, it felt good. A chance to start over, in my experience.
OMG I need so much water 😭 so thank you for the reminder 💜 Please join me in drinking some to our healths.
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