#but if you want to know more about metal sonic and sages relationship then continue reading
operationlove · 3 months
What would Sage think if her brother was in love with Amy and her father's immortal uncle was in love with their enemy?
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There is a 50-50% chance that things would go well
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kittygamer2888 · 6 months
I apologize if this is overstepping but I believe you should continue your Evil Sonic AU.
If you lack story ideas you could consider things like:
~ The Metal Tails Sonic intends to build ; What abilities does Metal Tails? How does Metal Tails vary in personality and behaviors from Organic Tails? What's Sonic's relationship with Metal Tails?
~ Would Sonic feel the need to create a Metal Sonic as well? What about versions of other characters like Amy and Knuckles?
~ What would happen if Sonic succeeded in his revenge plan? How would that effect the other characters? How would that effect even Sonic himself?
~ How would Eggman creations, like Omega and Sage, be brought into the story if at all?
~ How did Shadow get integrated into the plot since the events of Sonic Adventure 2 likely didn't transpire identically?
~ What is the Resistance like? What's Tails' experience as the newest recruit? Also, a sepreate question:
~ Aside from revenge, what does Sonic want? I mean that in what would make him happy?
If you are burnt out on your story you shouldn't force yourself to work on it and you should wait until you recover and if you still don't want to continue it after that, perhaps you should consider leaving it behind as making yourself work on something you aren't enjoying often isn't good for you or your project, but if you regain the passion for it I believe you should do it.
I'd love to see what you would come up with for this AU :>
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That's da thing.. I really want to continue, but from an artistic perspective, I have been procrastinating in doodling them. My motivation's been chipping away for this AU, but that still won't stop me from thinking about it, nor will it stop me from answering these questions. So, after panicking internally on the math test, re-reading these ideas,the math teacher forcing me to eat lunch,
and heavy thinking during the day--
I guess I could answer some of these ideas (thx btw).
1. For Metal Tails' abilities, they're the same abilities as the Metal Tails from Sonic Superstars, which is fly, and fire, and electricity. As for his personality, it's not too out of the ordinary I guess.? If anything, he's emotionless and follows orders. But when he's in battle, he's reckless when attacking and is likely to react quicker to anything approaching around him due to the antenna on his head that detects incoming attacks. Kinda like a motion detector--
2. Sonic wouldn't need to make a Metal version of himself since he already knows he's the best (little sh-) but he does eventually make a Metal version of the crew, mostly Amy, Tails and Shadow besides just relying on Metal Knuckles all the time.
3. If Sonic was ever to actually succeed, it wouldn't affect him much as he would enjoy every second of it. Though.. since Tails isn't there to witness it all with him, it does make him feel a bit more alone despite the robots keeping him company. But who says he hasn't been alone before? He's fiiine, isn't he? And as for how this could affect the others, they would be devastated, of course, but they wouldn't just give up right then and there, they would all still use any power they have left to win against that ol' needlemouse.
4. Well uh... Sage isn't cannon in this universe, and even if she was, she would most likely be a little wooden figure that Robotnik made for the little kids in this AU. As for Omega? Yea, he's in this. Miles was the one who created him at the time while Sonic was the one to come up with the blueprints... sorta, more like ideas, but yea.
5. This is something that I was thinking about and, after reading SA2's plot on the wiki, you could say that the events were most likely the same, the only difference is the use in characters in the story, but over all, it's most likely the same, just with different characters.
6. The resistance is most likely the same as in cannon, the only difference being is that Silver wasn't there for a long period of time. Tails' first impression in being the recruit of the team was.... a little complex at first due to him used to be working for Sonic, so it only took at least 3 months or more for Knuckles to start trusting him, so he was the only one to need time to trust Tails while the rest of the team was already starting to warm up on him.
7. Actually, deep down, Sonic doesn't know what he wants, he just knows that gaining power and taking over the world would be the only thing to make him feel somewhat content. You see, after having planned to conquer the world ever since he first met Knuckles, he stayed dead-set on that plan for years, and over the years this mindset of his would slowly start to make him blind in his own plans to the point where he would look as if he's committing all of this destruction for no reason at all, but yet, he's still focused on conquering the world. Despite all of this though, who knows if this would actually make him happy, he did all of this due to what life threw at him, so now he's going against it to fulfill the respect that he deserves. But it's been years since he started feeling that way, so.. could this be what he really wants? No one will ever know.
Welp, that's all I could really think of. Also, for those who replied on my recent post with reblogs relating to this, yea, sorry if I made you guys worry or anything, I was just feeling a bit down that night. I still kinda am, but I think I'm starting to feel a bit better. Thanks for the kind words though, I'm honestly surprised you guys are actually interested in the AU, but I'm glad you guys at least enjoy it <:]
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snaketailthecat · 2 years
So I may have caved and made a Sonic OC
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Meet Plasma the Serval! A being made shortly after the events of Sonic Frontiers due to the ancients’ technology.
Also tumblr killed the quality I’m so sorry
More info about them under the cut if you’re interested!
They were created shortly after the events of Sonic Frontiers, dazed and confused where they soon collapsed after coming in contact with one of Eggman’s computers, knocking out power to the entire EggNet for a few seconds.
The doctor went to investigate the cause and found a serval with electricity coming off of them on the ground, he soon took them with him to conduct a study on their abilities.
Plasma woke up a week later and was informed by their current situation via Sage. Upon hearing why Plasma was there they gladly agreed to the study, admitting they didn’t know about their origins either.
The tests were, inconclusive, to say the least, however Eggman’s leading theory is that the ancients’ technology along with a bit of Sage’s programming may have interacted with Sonic and co. memories leading to Plasma being created.
Plasma was trained on their energy but were never able to get the hang of it no matter how hard they tried. After accidentally interacting with a chaos emerald stored in the base they caused the area around them to collapse and was found unconscious.
It took them two months to recover.
That’s when the doctor decided to design a collar that would allow Plasma to balance the energy levels more properly, and assigned Metal Sonic to keep an eye on them.
-A bit of info on that shown below-
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Plasma enjoyed the company and wasn’t intimidated by Metal whatsoever, leading the two to form a sibling-like bond of understanding. This lead them to being paired on missions since Plasma could give Metal energy if he was running low, and could keep up with Metal and Sonic if at high energy.
Plasma surprisingly became a part of the Eggman Empire and has a sibling-like bond with Orbot, Cubot, Sage, and Metal, seeing Eggman as a father-figure. An unexpected addition to their little found family but a welcome one.
Plasma is very chipper and sees good in everything. They’re always trying to cheer others up and help in anyway they know how! They’re not naive though, they know the destruction the Eggman Empire causes and doesn’t want to be a leading factor in it. So instead they play support for the others not really getting into the conflict themselves.
This has lead to many interactions with various characters due to their non-violent and positive nature. One of which being Belle who they love as a sibling as much as they would Sage or Metal much to their siblings’ (and in some cases Eggman’s) disapproval.
They still stay by their found family’s side though stuck in an inner turmoil of morals, where they want to know others outside their family, but can’t due to said family’s reputation. Despite the turmoil they hide it with a smile knowing their siblings are experiencing some rough patches lately.
They’ll just keep quiet and continue sneaking out to meet Belle for the time being, at least until their family realizes this conflict between Sonic isn’t worth it.
Surely they’ll see reason eventually… right?
-Relationship chart with Plasma down below-
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-Relationship chart without Plasma down below which helps in understanding these character’s relationships outside of Plasma-
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-If you read this far thank you so much for listening to my dumb rambles about this character it really means a lot!-
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