#but if you are someone who feels beaten up by their current artistic skill.. please be nice to yourself…
littlestpetgoth · 1 year
Do you think natural talent is required to be a great artist?
not at all, im sure that the rate of improvement will vary between people based on whatever it may be, but art is not a talent it’s a skill. like most skills its easier for some than it is for others, but i think if you can teach yourself to have a good mindset about learning and improving then anyone is capable of becoming a good artist.
i see a lot of people who feel stumped and frustrated that they aren’t learning or improving as quickly as other artist/ aren’t as good as artists that have been practicing for longer than them, but like working out it’s hard work and everyone’s experience is going to be different. some people have an easier time understanding shapes, colors, and volumes, those people will have an easier time understanding the. fundamentals ig! your process is never going to be the same as someone else’s so you shouldn’t compare your journey with theirs..
ive seen plenty of people create incredible things from all different kinds of backgrounds, ive seen an artist who is unable to draw with their hands so they’re forced to use their feet/mouth, their disability hasn’t stopped them because they don’t feel defeated to create..
sorry if it’s hard to understand what im saying im sure there’s a better way to word it, but if you’re ever feeling sad that you’re not where you wish you were on your art journey, just remember that as long as you don’t give up you will always improve. those improvements are slow and subtle but they are there, you just won’t notice it until you take the time to look back on your old work.
if you feel like you are stagnating, try doing studies, draw something out of your comfort zone, identify a part that you feel unsatisfied with and work on improving it.
im purely a hobbyist, so im not under any pressure to perfect the things i create for the art industry. i think its really important to prioritize your own enjoyment when creating art, because it should be fun! it should be fun to use your brain and to put out something that you felt in your creative organs.
it always breaks my heart to see people be so broken about their natural ability to create whatever their brain comes up with.. so i feel very passionately about enjoying the process..
i understand thst finding that patience is harder for people who rely on their art for money, so i have no advice for relieving that stress. unfortunately the art market is very over saturated (does not help with all of the ai art bs) and i wish you good luck..
uhh tldr i think that art, like most skills, is something that everyone learns at a different pace. one workout routine is not going to bring everyone the same results at the same time. everyone’s needs and experiences are going to be different . people need to accept that..
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cerise-on-top · 7 months
hey!! its me again. your only current madcom requester (as far as i know), i was wondering if you could please write skittles and possibly deimos (seperate) with an artist s/o? specifically one who is constantly doodling them and making art for them? thank you!
Welcome back! Thank you for another Madcom request, I was looking forward to writing it! This one was also really sweet!
Deimos and Skittles with an Artist!S/O
Deimos: He draws from time to time himself and isn’t even that bad at it either. Sure, it’s never gonna be an elaborate painting or anything, but small drawings of Sanford eating some kielbasa or Hank getting beaten by Doc again. His drawings are usually more on the humorous side since he prefers those. Either way, he’d feel honoured that you like him enough to want to doodle him this much and draw for him. Yes, he knows that he’s hot shit, but it’s still nice. In fact, everyone at S.Q. will know about you being such a wonderful artist since he’ll show those drawings to everyone. You’re such a nice person, and so good at arts, it deserves to be shown off to everyone he knows. Give him enough drawings and he’ll draw something for you as well. As mentioned before, he’s pretty decent at drawing, but he’ll genuinely put in some effort into drawing you, for example. Deimos gets around a lot, and he does loot quite a bit whenever he can, so don’t be surprised if he walks up to you with some art supplies that he got from somewhere. You’re always on his mind, so naturally he’ll get something for you just so he can see you draw. Sometimes you might even get to draw with each other since he would get into it again ever since he received a few doodles from you. Although I should mention that he’ll still draw funny things to get you to laugh, he does want to see you be in a good mood. And if it’s because of him, even better. However, he’ll keep each and every single drawing of yours in a box, they’re near and dear to him. I know he can draw too, but he would love nothing more than to ask you to draw a picture of you and him together as a keepsake. It’s more personal than a picture to him and takes more effort.
Skittles: Like Deimos, he, too, draws from time to time. Unlike Deimos, he’s not very good at it, but that has never discouraged him from drawing a nice scenery. In his eyes, with everything he creates he’s only gonna get better and better at it, so he really doesn’t mind not being the best at drawing. He likely has tried drawing other grunts as well, including you, so you’ll likely see a drawing of you here and there. How could he not, after all. However, he proudly does show you his drawing as well. Hypes you up like no one else when it comes to you drawing. Sure, he’ll be quiet when you are drawing, but he’ll never miss an opportunity to ask you about some new creations you may have made. He’s as genuine as it gets about it too, he really does want to see your drawings. However, he’s not a very good critic since everything you make is the best thing ever in his eyes, so you really shouldn’t ask him for constructive criticism if you want some. He can and will find something good about each and every single one of your drawings, whether you like it or not. He hangs the drawings you give him up as well. Especially with magnets on the fridge since he wants to see them for as long as possible. Also keeps them in a neatly decorated box, and also shows your skills off to everyone willing to listen to him. If you’re ever down to take some commissions, he’s your best bet since he can always find someone willing to buy from you. Very excitable about your skills and loves talking about you in general. Nevada deserves to know about how great you are. Skittles will also come up to you with some art supplies here and there, if he can find some. As long as you’re happy doodling away, he’s happy as well. Gives you a big hug for each and every single drawing you make for him, he wants to reward you somehow.
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thecorpulentbeagle · 5 years
Okujima Week 2020: Pre/Post Game
Road trip! Today’s prompt is Pre/Post Game, and I decided to take Post, just because I think it’s a little bit easier to write a story after the characters already know each other pretty well. Although, I am curious to see people write/draw creations before the game starts!
As I warned in the beginning of this challenge, this will contain spoilers for the end of Persona 5, and this chapter is the main reason. If you have beaten the game, you could probably decipher what this will be about from the first thing I said, though!
Please enjoy this third part of the Okujima Week 2020 Challenge!
Here is the fanfiction.net link.
Okujima Week 2020 Challenge:
Pre/Post Game
This had been a crazy year, to say the least.
Makoto gave a quick turn of her head to look over her shoulder at the group of rowdy teenagers behind her. The bus that she was currently driving had three rows of seats, and each row was packed.
Ryuji was currently bickering with Ann about something or another, with an awkward-looking Akira sandwiched between them. Based on what Makoto had heard earlier, the two blondes had been fighting over whether meats or sweets would be the better option to, as they had phrased, “stuff their face with.” Akira had tried to mediate the two, but had given up after a few fruitless attempts and was now sitting there, waiting for them to eventually come to an understanding.
Akira noticed her looking back at him, giving her a defeated look with a shrug of his shoulders. Makoto gave him a jokingly-pitiful smile, which caused him to chuckle slightly.
Behind them sat Futaba and Yusuke, who were, surprisingly, not screaming at each other. This was probably because the two were engaged in two different activities. The artist was looking out the window at the scenery, using his fingers to frame different aspects, while the hacker was absorbed in her phone, no doubt playing a game of some sort.
That was all Makoto could observe before turning back to face the highway, as the last thing that she wanted was to go careening off the road. That would not be appropriate behavior coming from the group’s senpai.
Though in reality, none of them really gave a moment’s notice to titles, rankings, or things like that. Even though there were a mix of different school levels in the vehicle, as well people from different social standings or ‘cliques’, they all got along. It warmed Makoto’s heart to know that everyone in this bus cared for one another, as the girl had always struggled to make friends growing up.
However, if Makoto were honest, there was one person who shared an even deeper connection with her.
Makoto turned to look at the last occupant. Sitting next to her with a smile on her face was Haru, a person she had come to trust fully in the past few months. Even though the girl had joined the Phantom Thieves towards the end of their campaign, she was still able to endear herself to the entire group almost immediately.
The two were of the same year, but they had never really interacted in school before the Phantom Thieves. This wasn’t strange, though, as Makoto had no interest in forming relationships with others due to her rigorous schedule of studying and maintaining the student council. As she got to know Haru, however, she realized it wasn’t unusual on her end either. Haru would purposefully prevent herself from forming relationships, given that those who grew close to her would only ever use the girl for political reasons.
But these rules seemed to go out the window when it came to the two of them. Makoto’s defenses seemingly melted whenever she would interact with Haru. She would catch her off-guard in the most unusual of ways. Upon their first real-world interaction, Haru complimented Makoto on her Metaverse outfit, which, even now, made her heart beat a little bit faster in her chest. Her earnest compliment was stated so abruptly that it seemed like a statement that was just an apparent fact, rather than something to be used to flatter someone.
As their adventure progressed, so too did Haru’s advances. Makoto had let everyone know that she had no need for honorifics, and she assumed that Haru would abide by that casualness even more, given that they were both third years at the time.
What she hadn’t expected was for Haru to instead add an honorific that was infinitely more impactful. Makoto could never remember anyone calling her Mako-chan, and it had stunned her so much that she had been unable to reply via text for a few moments.
Again, Haru had almost effortlessly found a way to worm her way into Makoto’s heart. Truthfully, it sometimes made Makoto jealous that the other girl was able to navigate social situations such as these so easily. Makoto always struggled, and most of what she expressed was carefully crafted after painstakingly thinking everything through. Half the time, whatever she said wasn’t what she intended in the first place, and was slightly (or highly) awkward.
Haru, however, was not only adept at instigating social cues – she was also skilled at reading them. This was one of the reasons why Makoto liked her so much. Makoto knew that whatever she said, Haru would be able to interpret and respond accordingly.
Makoto had read about topics such as these, given that this was something she had struggled with her entire life. There were all different kinds of intelligence, and Makoto, however pridefully, knew that she excelled in the conventional form of intelligence.
However, when it came to emotional intelligence, she was sorely lacking. Sometimes, she knew someone would be upset, but wouldn’t quite know how to react. Other times, she would be unaware of someone else’s feelings entirely. It was frustrating to learn, but also helpful. It meant that she could take that into consideration when trying to determine the best course of action in a social situation.
When considering these things, Makoto realized that Haru had emotional intelligence in spades. She always seemed to know how others were thinking, how they were truly feeling. When Morgana had struggled to admit his feelings to the Phantom Thieves about the true reason for his departure, Haru had been able to coax it out of him, even though she barely knew the group or understood its dynamics at all.
Speaking of which, Makoto brought her focus back to the present Haru and saw that the reason for her smile was because the cat was in her lap, tilting his head this way and that as she scratched under his chin and behind his ears. The girl giggled slightly as Morgana began to purr. Makoto quickly looked back out at the road, not wanting Haru to catch her staring.
The trip was going to be another few hours, but she didn’t want to change this current set up. Originally, Ann had been sitting next to Makoto, and the two had talked about random things, one of which being that the younger girl would totally be bringing her senpai to one of her favorite sweets stands, since they had released a new flavor of crepe. Ann refused to let her know what the flavor was, but she insisted that Makoto would love it.
That was when Ryuji had overheard their conversation, which had started the current argument. Makoto could only stand to listen for so long before pulling the bus over to a gas station for a quick break to hopefully cool their heads. While that didn’t work, Makoto noticed with a smile that when everyone filed back into the bus, Haru had jumped up to the front with Morgana in her arms, stating that she wanted to move up from the back to be able to sit next to her.
Makoto continued to drive, attempting to tune out the two blondes, who had devolved into merely screeching at each other incoherently.
Makoto jumped slightly at the quiet voice next to her, startled after hearing nothing but yelling for the past few hours.
She glanced at her side and saw Haru looking over at her with a calm smile. “How are you holding up, Mako-chan?” Her voice was soothing, and almost impossible to hear over the current noise.
Makoto smiled warmly. “I’m alright,” she answered honestly. She knew that Haru would be able to distinguish her current mood regardless. The question itself was a pleasantry more than anything.
Haru nodded. “I’m sorry that none of us know how to drive, let alone have a license.”
“Don’t worry about it, Haru.” Makoto glanced back at road before looking back at Haru. She noticed that her hands had stilled on Morgana, and decided to act.
Makoto reached out a hand and laid it over top of Haru’s own, gently peeling it away from Morgana’s torso. “It’s only a few more hours, after all.” She moved their hands to the middle of the bench, slowly stroking Haru’s with her thumb.
Makoto’s stomach fluttered at Haru’s giggle. “I suppose that’s true.” The girl turned her hand so that she could interlace their fingers. “I’m glad I can at least comfort you a little bit.” She squeezed her hand gently.
Makoto flushed and said nothing, merely turning back to face the road.
It felt nice to be able to hold hands with Haru like this, even while driving. Perhaps the next few hours wouldn’t be so bad.
“Oi, look at the two lovebirds up front!”
For that.
Makoto looked back to see that Ann and Ryuji had finally stopped arguing, but that they now had a new focus. Ryuji was currently grinning madly at the two senpai, and Ann was following suit. Akira looked relieved, but then soon looked at what was being discussed, and quickly grinned deviously.
“What are you talking about Ryuji? Oh? Oooooh,” Futaba had looked up from her phone to admonish the boy, only to look up front and see what was happening. She chuckled.
“Indeed. I had been observing for quite some time, wondering what to call a work of art based on this scene,” Yusuke mused, framing them with his fingers.
“G-guys!” Makoto choked. She looked back out front. “I-I have to look at the road. Stop distracting me!”
The rest of the group continued to tease the driver, making her face redden after every comment. She was torn between berating them and potentially crashing the vehicle, and focusing on the road but having to be the target of their attacks for the next few hours. Clearly, everyone was bored, and this situation was too good to pass up.
After a few more minutes, Makoto was seriously considering careening off the road, just to have them stop for one moment.
Instead, she decided to chance a glance at Haru, who had been surprisingly quiet this whole time. She saw that the other girl was in fact looking back at her, and her eyes sparkled when Makoto met them with her own.
Makoto wasn’t quite sure what to make of this quiet affection, so she merely smiled back before looking back out at the road.
“Pfft. This is boring! Neither of them are saying anything!” Futaba whined. Makoto glanced back to see that she was slouched in her seat with her arms crossed.
“I think we probably broke Makoto, and Haru doesn’t even mind it!” Makoto heard Ann reply.
“Eh, we’ve probably teased ‘em enough anyway,” Ryuji added.
After a few more exchanges, the topic of conversation drifted to something else entirely. Makoto was thankful for that.
“Well now, that didn’t take too long, did it?” Makoto inclined her head towards Haru, indicating that she was listening without taking her eyes off the road.
“What do you mean?”
“I knew that everyone would become bored eventually, but even I have to admit that was rather fast.” Haru giggled.
Makoto realized that Haru had read the situation again. Rather than react to the situation, she had pleasantly ignored it, knowing that with no reaction, the teasing friends would eventually switch their attention to something else.
It seemed so unfair. Makoto had barely been able to conceal her embarrassment, but Haru had been able to do that, as well as read the situation to figure out a solution.
“Well… thank you for that,” Makoto replied. She squeezed her hand, which (she realized with a start) she hadn’t let go of the entire time.
“Of course. Like I said before, I’m glad to be able to give you any sort of comfort.” Haru squeezed her hand back.
Makoto nodded.
Haru truly was a good friend.
And based on her friends teasing, maybe even something more.
Done! Hopefully you enjoyed. I’ve always been interested in characters who show great amounts of emotional intelligence, because it’s hard to put into writing. It can be so easy to write a character as… sort of bland.
For example, someone might not react in a strong way, but that’s because the person is restraining their emotions, knowing that freaking out won’t help the situation. But sometimes, that can come off as the character not having emotion/not being developed properly. It’s an intricate sort of balancing act, and when it’s done well, I really like it. That’s one reason that I appreciate Haru’s character so much.
I also think this is why I ship these two together. Makoto is a little socially awkward, but Haru helps her with that. Whereas Haru struggles to trust people, but Makoto is so earnest, that she helps show Haru that it’s okay to share her feelings with others. Since this was from Makoto’s POV, I didn’t talk about Makoto’s strengths as much, so I just wanted to mention it here. See you tomorrow!
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patriciaselina · 7 years
Step-up Talk for Nizista - Komatsu Shohei (2/2)
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I like karaoke, but I don’t particularly like being alone, so right now, I’d like to have friends (lol)
T/N: This is the second half of the interview Nizista did with voice actor Komatsu Shohei. The first part of this interview could be found here - both translations are posted today because May 14 is the birthday of the character he made his debut with, Idolm@ster Side M’s Kizaki Ren. お疲れ様でした!
This entire interview is crossposted onto Wordpress for my own archiving purposes, but can also be found under the cut!
Komatsu Shohei interview (last half) – “I was blessed with really good productions, I could really feel the connections with people.”
This is an interview with Komatsu Shohei, who is part of the currently-airing TV anime DAYS (as Sato Hideki) and in Idolm@ster Side M (as Kizaki Ren). This time, we’ll be talking about his feelings at the actual site [of the recording] and about his time with his senpai.
I want to show people the acting I can do because of my previous experiences with action.
As a member of HIROZ, since Komatsu-san was mainly in charge of action performances and MC, he went to Ken Productions in order to focus on his voice. And how did he actually start his work and study?
How was being a voice actor like?
Komatsu Shohei (Komatsu, for short): I had quite a lot of confidence, and I felt that I wouldn’t lose to anyone, because I used to do plays, but...’acting’ using only one’s voice is completely different, so from the beginning my confidence had been crushed completely (lol) But since I’d decided on doing it, I thought I had to focus on studying, so I went to our company’s training school. Every time I wasn’t recording, I was studying.
Your first [named] roles are from DAYS and Idolm@ster Side M. Since DAYS is a TV anime, how was it after recording?
Komatsu: Yoshinaga Takuto-san, who plays the lead character, is a rookie, but he’s [just as] awesome as the entire main cast. Every time I studied, I got to be part of dozens of workshop class lessons. I think that I really was blessed with a really good company.
Who was impressive to you, in particular?
Komatsu: I think Matsuoka Yoshitsugu-san is amazing. He plays Kazama Jin [in DAYS], a cool character, but [in real life] he’s a more passionate man than one might think, and every time he acts I feel like he’s the very embodiment of passion. And then there’s Seki Tomokazu-san, who is good at using different voices according to the scene. Anime is all about “how much of this can you imagine?” What kind of voice would you make, if you’re the one taking the place of the character on-screen? I thought it was amazing to be able to put myself in that position.
Because it really is amazing.
Komatsu: There’s also something else that makes me happy [about being a seiyuu]. Terashima Junta-san and Hamano Daiki-san are in the same unit as me as part of Idolm@ster Side M, and we’re also all part of DAYS as well. Even up to now, after recording would end, we’d all go out to eat together. In the midst of such great senpai, I’m grateful that I got to meet them.
It really seems like a good encounter.
Komatsu: The three of us are always talking to each other. It’d be nice if we all became well-known together, and meet in other productions again.
Recently, the opportunities for you to sing have increased, so how are you with singing?
Komatsu: In anime there are character songs, there are also songs within games, and there are seiyuu who go beyond their work and end up doing lives. I thought that it’d be nice if I was someone who could sing after all, so I studied voice acting and singing at the same time. And that’s also why I ended up making a band again [at the time] (lol)
What were you in charge of in the band?
Komatsu: I used to play the guitar a bit, but at that time I was solely the vocal. But since we broke up shortly before I joined Ken Productions, it felt as if I was just practicing singing normally (lol)
Aside from songs, seiyuu also have a wide range of activities such as radio shows and events.
Komatsu: I agree. Since I’d often talked and sung in front of people, I appreciate being able to make use of my past experiences. And that is also why I do not want to miss out on other skills I might have as a seiyuu. I have a few other things I’m a part of that are not just about recording, and I know I shouldn’t be content with just that.
By the way, what kinds of roles are you good at?
Komatsu: Considering how I use the experiences with what I used to be doing, I think I can characterize myself by not thinking of myself as just “a seiyuu who can do action [stunts]” but rather as someone who can figure out “what kind of voice should one do in action scenes?” For example, what kind of breathing would one make when they’re punching someone out, what kind of voice would one make when they’re on the receiving end of a blow? I’ve actually experienced these myself, so by all means I wanna get into more anime about fighting games or action stuff. Even if there’s no one else good at action [stunts] to [work off of], I can pretend to be someone punched out just fine (lol)
If [someone who was listening to Komatsu] was to close their eyes, they’d understand completely where you’d have been hit.
Komatsu: I also do work for drama CDS, and I think would like to be a seiyuu who can express when he has been beaten, what kind of movements he has been doing, even without video. In those kinds of situations, you can’t fight with anything but your own capabilities as weapons. There are lots of young seiyuu, after all.
Do you ever feel restless?
Komatsu: Because I’m someone who hates losing, I feel frustrated each and every day. If I see other people on Twitter saying “I’ll be part of this work,” I end up saying “damnit!” And whenever I see young seiyuu appearing in anime, I end up saying “GODDAMNITTTTTT!!!”
So that also becomes your motivation.
Komatsu: That’s true. In the face of that, it’s easy to say “I’m hopeless” or feel like “I have lost.” Whenever I see young seiyuu act in anime, I end up thinking stuff like “If I were in that role, I would do it this way,” “That’s good but if they did it a little bit like this, would it be better,” and I end up actually trying that voice out loud. It’s free training, yanno (lol)
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When I’m just at home I usually just do stupid stuff, solo karaoke
Now knowing his past and his attitude towards work, lastly I asked Komatsu-san what kind of person he is normally, and he answered me from his heart.
You really are a person who hates losing, but can you talk about other facets of your personality?
Komatsu: I’ve also been called “too damned earnest” (lol) When I’m working there are times when I get too serious and there are times when I end up being boring, so I think I gotta study when to “let myself loose”. The way I’m thinking of going about this may be way too serious too, though (lol)
Let’s let go of work for a bit; what kind of person are you at home?
Komatsu: I keep talking about action this and action that, but on my off days I’m ridiculously the indoors type (lol) Because I didn’t wanna go outside at all, one time I bought all my food the day before, and decided “I am not gonna take even one step out of this house”, and just do stupid stuff. I watched TV and played games.
What kind of anime or games do you like?
Komatsu: I like stuff with robots in them. I’m rather good at the game “Super Robot Battle”. After I became a seiyuu, I think I’d like to do a role where I go and ride a robot.
By the way, what kinds of robots do you like?
Komatsu: The real kinds of robots, like those in Gundam. The super robots from way back are also cool, but I like those sharper kinds of robots.
Aside from that, what kind of ‘stupid stuff’ do you do?
Komatsu: Stuff so stupid that I don’t like other people knowing about it (lol)
Are you the kind of person who’s too loud in his room?
Komatsu: I’m insanely messy, and I end up looking very sloppy (lol) But since karaoke is my hobby, sometimes I’ll go out and go to the nearest karaoke place (lol) I’ll sing alone for around five to six hours.
What kind of songs do you sing?
Komatsu: Lots of kinds. I started playing guitar in high school through BUMP OF CHICKEN songs, but I also sing Visual Kei songs, songs from Johnny’s idols, female artists. I think of it as seiyuu practice, too.
Do you go out to eat with friends?
Komatsu: Fukuoka is my hometown, so I don’t have much friends living in Tokyo (lol) I didn’t go to college, and since most of the people I did the action group with are in Kagawa prefecture, I don’t have the opportunity to go out to eat with friends much. So I guess, if I get more friends through work who are as close to me as Terashima-san or Hamano-san, I’d be happy (lol)
So your wish right now is “I want friends”, isn’t it!
Komatsu: I like karaoke, but I don’t particularly like being alone, so right now, I’d like to have friends (lol) I think I’d get more friends as I get more work, though, so I’d like to have more work first! (lol)
Lastly, please tell us about your goals and what you look forward to in the future.
Komatsu: I’d realized that as I became a voice actor, my prior experience with doing action [stunts] onstage is my weapon, and I can use it to my advantage. There are also seiyuu who also take part in stage plays like Ono Kensho-san and Aoi Shouta-san, so I think it’d be nice if I were able to do that as well too, someday. But of course, first of all, I will focus on studying my voice, and as an active seiyuu, I’ll do my best to let my name be known.
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My intent was just to ‘do whatever’, but it was only after my first loss that I realized I was taking it seriously...
It almost sounds like lyrics from a song, but unbelievably, these are his real words. Komatsu-san said that he is the kind of person who hates losing in any way. But, when I’d actually talked to him, the gap between the passionate heart of his that hates losing and his ever-smiling face that talks about ‘doing stupid things’ is also charming.
I think that whether it be in DAYS or Idolm@ster Side M, he had been blessed with good productions and good companions. And I look forward to his rapid growth, to him being part of series and stage performances making good use of his action [stunts], as well as roles that are far from the ones Komatsu-san are taking now; I look forward to see what kind of figure he’ll end up showing.
Article: Chiba Kenichi Photographer: Takenaka Tomoya Hair/Makeup: Nagaki Mizuho
my translation index
breathe if you think chiba-san was charmed by shohei by the end of this interview,
please do not redistribute this translation anywhere without permission and credit!
thanks for reading!
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