#but if keith has sense he won't let him yet
chibi-pix · 2 years
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”Why can’t we pilot the lions full time, too?” I love Realities Collide AUs where VLD Pidge is blind. I love her like that, making her even sassier and even making Daniel a bit more jealous upon meeting her because he really wants to be a pilot. Through someone liking it and bringing it up out of the depths, I was reminded of this older piece and thought “Hey, what if I revisit it, but revamped?” So, I got part of it and set up like a screenshot. Sorry, no Vince or Alluras for this one. But. I think it turned out well.
Anyway, I hope y’all enjoy this one. Until next time!
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lilflowerpot · 5 months
so you've talked a bit about Voltron and Last Airbender on this blog, and I was wondering about what both the galra populace in general and Lotor specifically would think of Zuko's refusal to fight his father. would it be viewed as noble or as disrespect/cowardice?
Zuko's conduct would be considered noble, but Ozai's was disgraceful.
Zuko: "If I'm going to lead this nation one day, don't you think I need to start learning as much as I can?"
One of the very first things we see of the events leading up to the Agni Kai, is Zuko's reasoning for even being present in that war council in the first place: he is determined to learn from his father and those whose council the Fire Lord keeps, so that he himself may be properly prepared to wear the Fire Nation crown when that burden ultimately falls to him. This is not only noble, but dutiful too, and shows an incredible level of self-awareness & responsibility given that Zuko was only t h i r t e e n at the time.
When one of Ozai's Generals explains his plan to sacrifice a division of entirely new recruits to an Earth Kingdom battalion, intending to use them as a diversion with the self-confessed expectation that they will all fail and die, Zuko's response is one of outrage—
Zuko: "You can't sacrifice an entire division like that! Those soldiers love and defend our nation! How can you betray them?"
—and this is exceedingly telling of his moral character. Where all the veterans in that room take this to be an acceptable loss (and the General who suggested it in fact seeming quite perversely pleased with the idea), Zuko views these untested greenhorns not as pieces on a board, but people; his father's people, one day his people, and though everyone in that room sees great value in them and their loyalty to the Fire Nation, Zuko alone thinks not of how to exploit this but rather how to be worthy of their devotion rather than see it misplaced.
So from a galra perspective, Zuko has many of the qualities that I previously expressed would win Keith favour:
straightforward without a taste (let alone the aptitude) for mind-games
stands with absolute conviction and is willing to fight for what he believes in
kind, considerate, and loyal
Iroh: "The Fire Lord became very angry with him. He said that Prince Zuko's challenge of the General was an act of complete disrespect, and there was only one way to resolve this. [Agni Kai, a fire duel.] Zuko looked upon the old general he had insulted and declared that he was not afraid, but Zuko misunderstood. When he turned to face his opponent, he was surprised to see it was not the General. Zuko had spoken out against the General's plan, but by doing so in the Fire Lord's war room, it was the Fire Lord whom he had disrespected."
Now this is actually crucial to understanding Zuko's character and sense of loyalty, because he never intended to disrespect his father, and frankly I don't think he had any idea that Ozai had even taken offence until he was stood across from from at the Agni Kai.
Zuko: "Please, Father! I only had the Fire Nation's best interest at heart! I'm sorry I spoke out of turn!" Ozai: "You will fight for your honour." Zuko, falling to his knees, head bowed: "I meant you no disrespect! I am your loyal son." Ozai: "Rise and fight, Prince Zuko." Zuko: "I won't fight you." Ozai: "You will learn respect, and suffering will be your teacher."
By the end of this exchange, Zuko is on his knees, tears literally streaming down his face, and trembling like a leaf. He is terrified, and yet, despite that, we are explicitly told that Zuko outright refused to fight his father—nor did he resist in any other manner, or so we can assume by the placement of his burn scar being the entire front half of his face, rather than on his arm had he shielded himself, or on his back had he run—and thus Ozai further condemns him, claiming that Zuko's refusal to fight him had been a display of "shameful weakness."
This would be significant to the Galra threefold.
For one, and I cannot stress this enough, Zuko was a child. As I've reiterated a thousand times children are precious to the galra, immeasurably so, and therefore to raise a single hand to a child is grave offence, but to not only burn them so severely that it scars, but make a public show of it?? That kind of cruelty is an outrage. If Zuko was wrong, he deserved to be corrected and educated (something he himself actively sought hence his attending the meeting in the first place!), not mutilated.
For another, there's the scar itself. Horrific as the circumstances surrounding its acquisition were, from a galra perspective Zuko's handling of the situation was befitting of the greatest of warriors. Imperial attitude towards scars are such that they are generally considered badges of honour: something to be revered and even reveled in. A scar is the mark of a battle survived, and in fact, the only instance in which a scar might be treated with disdain is if it were on one’s back, as this might imply either foolishness for having turned away from your enemy, or, worse yet, cowardice due to the bearer having tried to flee rather than fight. Zuko, however, despite his youth, despite his fear, despite not deserving it in the slightest,,, faced his father head on and accepted Imperial judgment. There are fully-fledged warriors ten times his age that would struggle to do the same, and that alone is worthy of the highest commendation.
While the galra would consider the Agni Kai itself a perfectly acceptable method of resolving an otherwise unsolvable dispute, the bare minimum one would expect would be each participant knowing who the other was and on exactly what grounds the challenge was set. So finally, even if Zuko were an adult who spoke out against a plan that his Emperor endorsed, he did so without knowing that his Emperor endorsed it: Ozai at no point made this clear, we know from context that this was Zuko's first time in the war room (so he had no prior frame of reference for what was / wasn't appropriate), and upon learning that his father had taken offence he immediately //throws himself at his feet in sincere apology and pleads for mercy//... there were several steps that should have been taken before resorting to rite of combat, and Ozai disregarded each and every one in favour of making a malicious point. It wasn't behaviour befitting of any galra in a position of power, but least of all the Emperor.
Ultimately, the galra consider it the Emperor's duty (or, in this case, the Fire Lord's) to serve and protect the Empire and all its citizens; yes, sometimes this is going to come at a steep cost, and yes, sometimes the good of the many may indeed come at the cost of the few, but irrespective of whether Zuko's opinion at the war council was right or wrong, Ozai's reaction was entirely disproportionate. For all the galra are a people with a strong sense of loyalty to their Emperor/Empress, this is something that’s supposed to go both ways, so they will remain loyal to their Monarch only for so long as said Monarch is loyal to their people in return, and absolutely nothing about Ozai's conduct surrounding the Agni Kai indicated that this was the case.
Tldr; Ozai's a POS, thanks for coming to my ted talk.
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dualityvn · 1 year
Slightly tears up, before motioning for Keith to step even closer
"Oh, flowerboy
I may not be able to touch you more than I already have for today, I'm sorry. But let it be so you will be forced to hear me clearly.
Tenebris will never scare me away. Hell, even when confronted with him, I chose to face my fears and speak my mind. Sure, I could have probably found a way to get him to switch back. Yet I wanted him to know the truth. I didn't want him to doubt for a second longer my intentions towards you. And yes it was a silly idea, it could have gone terribly bad, but I don't regret it one bit. You may not care right now much, but I do. I want one day for tenebris to actually approve of me being in a relationship with you. And I won't stop until he is finally forced to acknowledge my efforts in this connection with you and my love for you in the future. It's a silly notion, but one that forces me to try harder every time.
For you deserve to be with someone who will one day cast away any doubts you have and love you for you. And although I don't know Tenebris that much and he scares the living hell out of me, I know I can trust him that should I ever be truly unfit for you, he'll either beat some sense to me or force us apart until I realize my mistakes and come back to you. Because Keith Madden, us being together is inevitable. All paths that I can take right now, no matter how different, will always lead me back to you.
And I'm not sure, for me it sounds way too easy to put the blame all on tenebris. What if those people you did meet just weren't the ones? If the foundations between two people were so strong as you believe, would they easily be as broken as they are as of now? Tenebris scared the living hell out of me as well, probably in the worst situation he has ever done so far judging by the context, yet I'm still sitting here with you. I'm standing right next to you, chest to chest, even though for all I know he could come out at any time. Why do you think that is?
You're so silly and oblivious, flower boy. I could have literally run away while you were waiting for me, I could have made an excuse and left. You wouldn't have done anything, and we both know it. So, why do you think, I'm placing my own life right between your hands? Why am I allowing myself to be this vulnerable with you, knowing full well where it led me in the past?
Because I already trust you, silly. I trust your words, I trust your every action. I trust you, Keith Madden. Maybe more than myself at times. Why else would I even move into your guys' house despite Tenebris. Even though, we barely have placed a label and undoubtedly have gone on zero dates. Naivety? Perhaps. And maybe it's really too soon to give my trust to you this freely, but something deep down tells me I won't regret this.
And if there is one thing I know, it's that my gut feeling has never been wrong. It won't start being wrong about a guy who is so kind, sweet, understanding towards me, even when I majorly fuck up. A man who spends hours making sure his plants are properly cared for and makes a list of every single thing I dislike or like. The type of guy that reads books in his spare time somehow without getting bored while also somehow tolerating the horrible puns I make.
So no, Keith Madden, I fear you're stuck with me for the foreseeable and unforeseeable future. And maybe it's about time, you start getting used to it. I'm unfortunately staying right where I am, next to you. Through thick and thin. There's nothing you can do that will push me away, and I will gladly spend all my remaining days on earth repeating those words until you believe them as the truth, all on your own."
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"I- I don't know what to say. For a while, I thought you were coming around and helping out because you wanted to make up for what you said before. I mean... I was really hoping you felt this way, but I thought it was false hope. But... but I do want to be together! And go on dates. I would've asked sooner, I just wasn't sure. I didn't want to rush you." - Keith
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mythical-song-wolf · 1 year
Sugar Apple Fairy Tale AU that has no proper name yet but Anne is raised by Kat & Hugh in a comedic co-custody arrangement part 2 (part one here)
Shenanigans that occur before Anne is 15, plus whatever random shit my brain's rattling off
Kat & Benjamin having matching ascot things when Benjamin just starts wearing his wing around
Between Kat and Hugh, the most responsible parent for Anne is Salim. This small child was not part of his contract when he started working for Hugh but by god is he letting two idiots raise this poor girl alone
When Hugh becomes the Silver Sugar Viscount, the King and Queen meet Anne when Hugh had to bring her along once. They adore her, but the fairies serving them love her even more. Alas, Anne's encounters with them are incredibly far and few
Lady Christina lives in this AU since Anne has been making confections for her when Hugh could no longer
Hugh or Kat make the "terrible" decision of taking Anne with them to the Paige workshop
Anne & Bridget pack bond immediately like two lost birds in the middle of winter
Bridget and her dad have A Talk about thing, and suffice it to say Bridget's future is still tough but brighter
Bridget & Anne have a Sister Dynamic because Women Supporting Women goddammit, and by their many similarities
Anne grows up studying her mom's notes, but also the styles of the many fellow artisans she gets to watch growing up
She hits a brief slump of not finding her own style, but on a rare breezy summer's day, she gets to witness Lady Christina fly and that's when it clicks
Now onto her Dads™, smart and capable men, yes, but by god are they not at all prepared to father a small child. Benjamin and Salim are the main reasons Anne didn't die
But that doesn't mean they were bad dads, just not prepared at first, once they get the hang of it, its a mix of who's the mother hen at any moment
Anne loves her dads very dearly, she mostly calls them by their first names but when she does call them dad, they're dying inside because they love their daughter so very very much
Lady Christina & Sir William always plan their monthly visit to Lewiston around an event happening within the city or area at the time, so generally they're there during the festival for the royal medal
Naturally, the Mercury Workshop knows of Anne, but given who her dads are and the fact that even after several classes with both the Viscount and Alph Hingley, they can't catch up to Anne's early nurtured talent, so most accept her as their own, a collective little sister/cousin in a sense
The Radcliffe Workshop knows of her, and generally despises her because Master Marcus doesn't like nepotism unless it favors him and his favorite students (even then, Anne's situation isn't nepotism, he's just bias and cannot fathom why a girl would be considered talented in a craft that is etched into her bones)
Jonas is the technical heir to the workshop, but by Master Marcus' favoritism, if he could he would make Sammy the heir and Jonas knows this but that won't stop him from doing whatever he can to become the Master of the workshop and become the next Viscount
Keith & Anne are childhood friends, though they don't get to hang out as long as they'd like as they get older and Keith joins the Radcliffe Workshop
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soldiersscream · 2 years
he wouldn't enter the room until he was asked to come inside. gently knocking on the door twice. he hoped that his visit was alright, but he would understand if erwin had rather keith leave again.
once inside, keith shut the door behind him carefully, then turned to his former comrade. "they told me that you were asleep." said keith. "i figured that that would be the perfect opportunity to come see you." a little tease like the ones he would blurt out as a commander back in the day. erwin rarely slept when keith was around. in fact, he couldn't remember ever seeing this man sleep at all. a habit he figured he might have adopted from his very own commander.
keith felt guilty.
"i... don't really know what to say. i think 'how are you' is futile, given your situation." this man had just lost an arm after all. there was nothing about it that would call for a positive answer to that question. "and you don't want me to pity you either. so you won't hear me say that i am sorry for what happened to you. you have my word."
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yet, there was an urge inside of keith to say SOMETHING. ANYTHING. anything at all that would tell the other just how much value he had to his former commander. "..." but keith just didn't know what to say. he walked up to erwin's bed and sat down. seeing him so vulnerable was like a bad dream. erwin smith. the protégé of his entire squad. a remarkable cadet. even more remarkable squad leader. defeated by a titan.
"so..." said keith eventually, sighing. "...what are you planning to do now? i take it you won't give up the goal to reclaim wall maria?" no, he didn't think of erwin as the weak type at all. this man wouldn't let a missing arm stop him from his cause. keith was sure of it. hearing about the scout's plans had him leave the training ground for an extended vacation - he was still unsure whether to return in the first place. "you won't be able to ride a horse like that that's for sure..."
@keith-shadis || Unannounced
Erwin thought he was finally alone. Hanji and Levi had only just left his side. Hanji was off to see Connie's mum, and Levi headed back to update others on his situation and to appoint himself a new squad. He loved them both, appreciated their concern and help, but sometimes he just needed to be on his own. Even the nurses had told him to get some rest. But despite the quiet in his hospital bed, Erwin couldn't slip into sleep, he wasn't even trying when his door opened again to show his old friend.
"Keith" Erwin waved him in, a small smile on his face as he shuffled and sat up against the headboard. The stubble around his jaw, his hair unkept, it was a far sight from the well groomed soldier Keith had passed over the Commander title to. But Keith hadn't changed. There was still that sad look in his eyes, the scent of guilt that followed him, even as he pointed out the obvious.
Erwin gave a small nod in appreciation, glad to not hear another person tell him they're sorry about his arm. It was his own fault. A mistake that he should have been aware of. But at least he knew the scouts had enough sense to continue on the attack and not pause to save him. It filled him with hope for them.
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"Maria is still our main focus" he confirmed, glad for the distraction of the pain, to discuss the plan for the future, "But Hanji has come back with some news that you wouldn't have heard yet. It's a good job you're sitting" he spoke and decided to fill Keith in with the latest theory of their smart friend. He started from when he had met up with Hanji on the wall, where she had told him of the three other shifters within the 104s.
"Braun, Hoover, and a girl called Ymir" he explained, looking at Keith to see if he had any idea of their secrets. He had to tell him about their next move, to overthrow the government, but for now, he needed to let Keith know.
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hepaidattention · 2 years
the crazy things that have happened in One Tree Hill and I'm only in s4:
1) Brooke and Lucas got together twice. Like I'm serious that shocked me, he cheated on you honey. and then they got back together and she just lost feelings??? made no sense, the girl was very in love with him and then no love at all? confusion
2) Peyton literally trying to steal Brooke's (her best friend) boyfriend whom she loved not once, but twice
3) just the entire plot about Lucas and Nathan's dad literally just disowning Lucas despite him living in the same small town??? this baffles me like what. AND THEN the man tries to have a relationship with Lucas and Lucas literally just accepts so he can ruins his life I mean wow
4) how that man was elected mayor like how
5) Lucas's uncle literally raising him, his brother/Lucas's dad still living in the same town, and never once trying to be in Lucas's life until he was good at basketball
6) Lucas and Nathan pretending they didn't exist for like 15 years???? if I had a brother I'd say screw you dad I want a brother okay? like thank god they're close now but I would not have wasted so many years tormenting each other no ma'am
7) ummmm how about Keith being murdered by his own brother because his brother thought he tried to kill him but it was actually his ex wife
8) oh yeah right Nathan's mom attempting to murder his dad but failed cuz LUCAS saved that man's life and for what??? we all wanted him dead Lucas why do this to us
9) yes almost forgot Lucas having a heart condition that could kill him and his dad was just like 🤷🏻‍♀️ guess you're just gonna die because I won't pay for your meds anymore. and then Lucas stopped taking them so he could be better at BASKETBALL. what.
10) everyone determined that basketball will heal everything in that show and that its a supernatural gift or something
11) Peyton being an idiot and telling the world she has a brother named Derek even after seasons of her getting creepy stalker messages, and then proceeding to let a random guy into her life without any look into his history to make sure he was telling the truth, and then said guy attempting to murder her
12) lol Peyton having two dead moms and a half brother yet her adopted dad is never around for absolutely no reason??? the girl lives in that house all alone and honestly I never even see her in any other part of the house is there even furniture
13) everything with Josh like????? what? I never understood why they they wouldn't do like joint custody with the mother it made absolutely no sense and he just made life really hard for himself
14) where the hell are Brooke and Peytons parents???? this is illegal at this point like actual neglect
15) oh yeah um Nathan and Haley getting married at like 16 just because they could and Haleys parents just allowing it so they could go backpack around the world??? I'm sorry??
16) Haley getting an offer for a solo tour? at 16? with subpar music? and going on tour at 16 without even a guardian was legal somehow??? I guess once married you count as an independent but that girl was 100% still a child and how did she even get discovered in their small town with only one to two performances how
17) Nathan and Lucas have almost died too many times to count. Once you've been in not one, not two, but three car wrecks that almost killed you combined I just wouldn't drive anymore personally
18) the whole shooting that happened was crazy, especially how Peyton was technically the only one injured like the odds are pretty wild but the writers clearly hate her so
19) Brooke just teaching herself how to sew without even YouTube videos to help her, just all on her own, and then suddenly just making it big and selling clothes left and right.
that's all for now. will likely be continued because this shows on drugs I swear
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pacifymebby · 2 years
Apart from the band and Alex Turner, has miss groupie been 'involved' with any other famous people?
Haha I decide this purely on vibes as I write the fic but in my head there's been a LOT and Bondy probably knows about all of them. But the other lads probably don't because like, obviously Bondy and y/n have been pals for years and he probably knew her when she was off with other bands.
I also secretly think the reason he even introduced her to the band was because he was lowkey wanting to have her around where he could keep an eye on her.
But let's see, definitely toured with the strokes, definitely goes for older men most the time, but fucks with the younger bands for fun if that makes sense.
In my head she's actually spent two nights with the rolling stones and probably fucked at least Keith and Mick... But like, has never told anyone because she was so excited about the whole thing she just was not cool about it. She managed to control herself around them and didn't fangirl but if she were to talk about it she'd embarass herself by just screaming and crying haha
Noel and Liam, definitely winds Noel up telling him Liams a better shag, but it doesn't work the other way round because Liams too arrogant to ever even think about believing her when she says she likes Noels dick more.
Probs shagged the Carl Barrat but honestly (irl) I've heard he's pretty easy. So y/n wouldn't say this was an achievement at all.
Probably fell off the radar with Pete Doherty for awhile (probably also what motivated Bondy to ask her on tour with them)
Johnny Marr maybe, I haven't yet decided whether she was being serious when she claimed to have shagged Bono.
Damon Albarn, Graham Coxon, not the tory with the cheese farm because you never fuck a tory.
You know who she'd love to but never has? Brandon Flowers and Kelly Jones. Both of them give me wholesome won't cheat on their wives vibes. Wouldn't even be fun to try and make them cheat on their wives vibes. And y/n is devestated about it.
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keith-claes · 3 years
Again my writing skills airnt that great this will possibly be more than one chapter too depending how well it does.
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(Girl from the future)
*Chapter 1*
One week before Katarina started work at Ministry of Magic with Maria, Katarina walks around her family gardens alone wanting alittle time to her self, once she starts her new job she wasnt going to be at home that often and wanted to visit some of her favourite hang outs, before checking her veggie garden she took a trip to her favourite tree she likes to climb, she walks over and spots something or someone passed out up in the tree.
Katarina: "is that a girl? She doesnt seem to be moving, I better check if shes okay"
She runs over to the tree as she climbs up, shes gets a good look of her, she appeared to be breathing still which was a good sign, she takes her hand as she checks her over, she looked awfully familiar to her, she has the same blond hair as her brother, so she wondered if perhaps this is a relative of Keith's possible cousin maybe that's why shes at the Claes mansion.
Katarina: "hey are you okay, you shouldn't sleep here, you might fall"
The girl slowly opens her blue eyes same shade of blue as Katarina's, luckily she was sat up in the tree, she places he hand behind her head as she winces out in pain"
Katarina: "hey are you okay"
???: "my head hurts... where am I, last I remember I was kidnapped and dark magic was casted on me by one of my uncles"
Katarina: "dark magic?, where are you from?, maybe I can help what's your name?"
Alice: " my name its Alice Claes, but um its werid now I look at you cause you look alot like my mom"
Katarina: "Claes? I never meet you before, oh you must be one of my cousins.... wait I look like your mom?"
Alice: "yeah my mom is Katarina Claes"
Katarina: "oh my name is katarina claes too, that's pretty cool"
Alice: "that can't be right... if your Katarina and you look like my mom..... what year is this?"
Katarina: "2021?"
Alice: "Wait what! But how, it can't be unless..... I was sent back to the past.... which means...."
Her body starts to tremble with fear, katarina holds onto her stopping her from falling.
Katarina: "time travel! Wait I think I studied about that in class, theres black magic that can send someone to the past or future, if that's the case then...."
Alice: "I have to go back home, I can't say anymore with out changeing the future I've said enough"
Katarina: "from what you said does that mean your my future daughter!"
Katarina wasnt expecting this, she was in shock, but remained strong for Alice who was scared, thoughts ran threw her head, if this really is her future daughter then who is her father and who sent her to the past like this, was this part of her future doom flags. Was someone going to target her threw her future child.
Alice remained silent not wanting to talk anymore about where she came from, one wrong word or move she makes could change the future.
A voice calls out to Katarina taking her away from her thoughts it had also pulled Alice away from her thoughts too. They both looked down the tree and see Keith calling.
Keith: "hey sister we've all been looking for you, Anne has tea and sweets prepared"
Alice: "I know him to he looks alot like someone I know...."
Katarina places her hand on her shoulder.
Katarina: "why don't you join us, are you able to climb down?"
Alice: "I don't have much of a choice do I?"
Katarina: "nope, your eatting sweets with me and Keith, I guess that would be your uncle Keith right"
She teases her as she Pat's her shoulder.
Alice: "I can't say anymore, I've gave too much away already telling you your my mom"
Katarina: "wait so he might not be your uncle?, hmmmm well I will stop asking, let's go down shall we?"
Alice nods and gives her a sweet smile, she follows Katarina down the tree, Keith watches both girls coming down but was curious who this other girl is.
Katarina: "wow you really can climb trees"
Alice: "yeah my mom taught me, through my father doesn't like me doing it he thinks it's to dangerous so I get into trouble alot.... hes pretty stricken and to over protective of me"
Katarina: "sounds alot like someone I know, my mom scolds me too for climbing trees"
She giggles as Keith runs over to her.
Keith: "sister dont tell me you've seduced another one!"
Katarina: "oh no it's nothing like that Keith! Shes lost right Alice"
Alice: "yeah...."
Katarina: "hey you know, now that I look at you both you guys could be twins"
She couldn't help but laugh at there reactions as Keith and Alice look at each as there faces flush red.
Keith: "sister what are you talking about, I dont have a twin, we look nothing alike either"
Katarina: "oh that's right Keith, this is Alice Claes, shes been sent from the future and she needs help to get back home, isn't she so adorable!"
Keith: "wait what.....future! Is that really possible, I didn't think time travel was possible"
Katarina: "yeah, someone casted dark magic on her and she ended up here, oh shes also my future daughter, how cool is that Keith!"
Keith: "wait did you say daughter? Shes your future daughter?"
Alice remains silent not wanting to interrupt them. As Keith looks at her.
Keith: "if that's true then how do we send her back to her own timeline, and who's her father?"
Katarina: "who knows she won't tell me, something about changing the future?"
Alice: "if I say anything about the future it may change things..... as for who my father is, I thought maybe you might of worked that out by now based on who I resemble most"
Katarina: "hold on not twins you guys ain't twins, woah hold up, for real! I know who it is, it has to be you keith! She has my eyes, and she's clearly resembles you in looks and same hair colour too!"
Keith's faces flush red as she points at him.
Keith: "wait what!"
Alice nods as they both look at her.
Alice: "yeah he's my father, I cant say anything else about the future, enough has come out as it is, I may of damaged the future enough as it is coming face to face with you both...... I just want to go home to my mom and dad"
She clings to Keith as she cries into his chest, Keith really didnt know what to do at this point, he was shocked, but yet happy too, hearing he will one day win Katarina's heart.
Keith: "dddddd daughter, I have a daughter with........"
Katarina: "I'm shocked, Keith! I know you confessed lately but this, I never expected"
Keith: "I think we should talk about this later sister, shes really clinging onto me in tears, we should do something"
Katarina: "I know what to do!"
She goes over placing her hands on her shoulder .
Katarina: "hey, it's going to be okay, let's eat some sweets then we can go and see a friend of mine, he knows alot about dark magic, maybe he will, know how to send you home"
Alice: "uncle Raphael and uncle Sora?"
Katarina: "yeah, through maybe you shouldn't call them uncle when we see them"
Alice: "yeah your right, I don't want to mess anything up, dad will be super annoyed with me if I mess the future up, I call all my mom's friends aunt and uncle, it's a habit I have, I will try and not say it if I see them"
She let's go of Keith as she wipes her tears.
Keith: "makes sense I'd be annoyed if you messed up the future, what's been said today stays between us three for now, lord and madam can't know about this either, for now we tell them your a guest staying for a few days till we can find away to get you home"
Katarina: "oh man, wish I could tell everyone I have a really cute furure daughter"
Keith: "no sister, bad idea if Geordo and the others find out, don't you think they'd end up hurt? That could most definitely change the future, they can not know about her"
Alice: "he's right, they can't know, if they ask just tell them I'm a distant cousin, its okay to tell sora and Raphael, the rest is to stay between us, through I'm finding it real hard to call you both by your names, I mean your both going to be my parents one day"
Katarina: "hm then why dont you just call us what ever makes you feel comfortable, but only when where alone? I don't mind if you call me mom"
Keith: "Sister!"
His face turns red with embrassment from hearing her say that,this was all a shock to him still, he never expected to run into his future daughter and here's Katarina acting all normal with this situation.
Alice: "sure if you don't mind me calling you mom"
Alice smiles at her, causing Katarina's heart to flutter she has that same cute innocent smile as Keith did as a child.
Katarina: "your so cute! Hey how old are you"
Alice: "I just turned 15, so um i dont want to sound rude but, I'm getting pretty hungry"
Katarina: "yeah me too, hey Keith or should I say dad"
She nudges him in his side with her elbow as she teases him.
Keith: "hey! Sister don't call me that, its embrassing!"
Katarina and Alice both giggle at his reaction.
Alice: "he hasn't changed a bit, he even calls you big sis still"
Katarina: "what for real?"
Alice: "yeah, I asked him about it once and he said it's a bad habbit of his"
Keith: "you really are from the future huh? Which means you weren't making it all up, your really my daughter?"
Alice: "sure am, I have two younger twin brothers and another sibling on the way, you will have your hands full future dad"
She playfully winks at him as she links onto Katarina's arm. Keith's face couldn't go any redder than what it was already.
Keith: "that many, lots of kids? With sister!"
His heart was racing in his chest to the point he felt like he was gonna pass out. What struck him the hardest was being called dad, it felt kinda nice to him but also made him feel weird.
Katarina: "hey hurry up Keith, or we will eat all the sweets with out you"
Alice: "yeah hurry up dad!!!"
Keith: "ah! I'm coming sister..."
He mumbles alittle something to him self not wanting them to hear.
Keith: "does she have to call me that, I'm not prepared to be called such things...."
To be continued.
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sailormew4 · 6 years
Story Summary:
Chapter Summary: Keith sees some people from his past, and he isn't exactly a happy cat.
~~ Snippet ~~
There's a lot things Keith hates being about a cat, but there's also some perks like landing on his feet, being agile, but the best would be having this sixth sense of danger. Anytime at his time at the high school he could just sense when a dumb teenager would try to grab him or pick him which usually they met with his claws - another thing Keith slightly enjoys having. Though he doesn't like having that feeling when he's vulnerable in Lance's house. His fur stands on its end as he holds back a hiss. He looks up to see none other than the Witch sitting on the couch.
Keith lets out a hiss as Lance looks confused at the attitude. Maybe Lance does know of his curse and toyed with him to get his trust, but some part of him didn't believe that. His posture is too stiff near Lotor, granted though everyone felt uncomfortable around that guy. Though it's better to be vigilant than let his guard down for even a second.
Lance looks at him then at Lotor as he asks, “Are you sure this is your missing cat? He doesn't look he's…. fond of you.”
Missing cat?! I'm no one’s cat! Keith lets out another hiss before Lance looks at him with a sad look, as Keith stops hissing for a moment. Why is he sad?
Lance strides over to Keith as he picks him up gently petting him, but is a touch harsher than his usual way of petting. Keith looks at him as he's slightly shaking being so near to Lotor. Lotor smiles at Keith as he extends a finger at him as Keith simply bites the finger.
“Ow! Why you little stra-” starts Lotor before looking at Lance who's terrified of Lotor right now. “ Strange kitty... I missed so dearly .”
'Wow. Don't hurt yourself with that 180 Witch' Keith looks at Lance who's staying as far away from Lotor as possible. Lance looks at him with a pitiful look as he places Keith right in between him and Lotor.
“Well Lotor, before you take Red back how about I give him some food and water,” says Lance as he quickly stands up as he walks in the direction of the kitchen with stiff movement before turning back to Lotor with the fakest of smiles. “Would you like anything to drink Lotor?”
“Some tea would be perfect if you have any,” says Lotor with a smile as he goes in to pet Keith, but Keith retaliates with a scratch. Lotor grimaces in pain holding his bleeding knuckles.
Lance quickly mentions how it might take a while as Lotor looks at Keith with an evil glare as he replies, “Of course. Take all time you need.”
As soon as Lance is out of sight Keith feels sharp nails run through his four as he hisses at Lotor. Lotor looks at him with a bored expression, but still has a smile at each wince Keith shudders from pain. The sound of a can opens and a teapot whistling causes Lotor to grab the scruff of Keith's fur as his bored expression turns into a deathly glare.
“You think you can escape me by running off and finding Leandro's reincarnation? Not a chance Kogane,” bites out Lotor with an angry expression before tossing him on the floor unceremoniously and yanking him by the scruff again.
Keith doesn't have time to react to the pain more concerned at Lotor’s conclusion. Lance is not Leandro. Lance is just Leandro's descendant. Anyone that knew Leandro well enough could see that Lance may look like him, but he doesn't act like him. Lotor growls at his silence as he yanks harder on Keith's scruff where he's certain a couple hairs must've been plucked out despite the curse. Lotor’s eyes glow a deadly gold as he puts Keith right in his face.
“You really think you can break my curse simply by waiting out with him? Oh nonono no . That's not going to happen, you lowly stray. Because I will win Leandro's love. In this lifetime and every lifetime. And you know where that will leave you ?” taunts Lotor with a fake pitiful smile before throwing him on the floor. “You'll be all alone again.”
Keith lets out a hiss, a mixture of pain and anger, as he turns to Lotor ready to scratch out those eyes and ruining all the beauty that he loves to brag about. Though before either of them can do anything a metal clatter breaks their attention. Keith looks back to see Lance with empty hands and Keith's bowl of water splashed all over the floor.
“Lance?! You finished…. earlier than expected,” comments Lotor actually looking like he feels bad about what he just did.
Lance doesn't reply before rushing over to Keith and holding him protectively before giving Lotor the coldest glare that Keith's never seen on even Leandro's face. Lance pets Keith soothingly and gently as possible to rid any of the pain that Lotor gave him.
“What are you doing to Red? I thought you said you were his owner. You're supposed to love and care for him! Not hurt him! I'm starting to see why he ran away!” explodes Lance not loosening his grip on Keith one bit before rushing over to the front door and flings it open before pointing to it. “Get. Out. Lotor. If I ever see you again near me, my house, or even Red. I will not hesitate to call the cops! So I think it's in your best interest you leave .”
Lotor looks gobsmacked at Lance's explosion and honestly Keith is too. Leandro's family were strong in religious beliefs, but they were kindest people anyone had the pleasure of meeting. Keith can't help, but purr in awe at it. No one expect Keith everstood up to Lotor. It's truly… enlightening to see it.
Lotor stands up in shock, but at of the mere change Leandro went through. It's actually a welcoming change. Lotor enjoys a person playing hard to get, so if Leandro became more outspoken in this life Lotor welcomes it with open arms. Though he does know his place as stands and walks out the door, yet not without stopping in front of “Lance” and Keith.
“I do hope one day we can clear this up my dear,” says Lotor before looking at Keith. “And maybe. someone won't stop us.”
“ Please leave,” says Lance ignoring Lotor’s comment. As soon as Lotor leaves Lance slams the door and locks the door.
Lance waits for a moment looking out the window making sure Lotor leaves. He holds out hope Lotor lied about being a neighbor, but nope of lives right across the street as he kicks down a ‘SOLD’ sign. Apparently, he's a new neighbor. Lance closes the curtains before taking Keith to the couch with him. He groans before looking at the time. He's got an hour before he's late to work.
Lance looks down at Keith with a sad look as he says, “Well, I can't leave you here with that psycho out there. Who knows what he might do.”
Lance looks at the time and his messages to see both Hunk and Pidge sent him about being busy (Hunk with a date with Shay and Pidge is hanging out with Matt). He can't trust any of the other neighbors in case Lotor is watching and goes there.
Lance pets Keith gently before placing him down as he grabs the bowl of food he left on the counter and places it in front of Keith. Lance sighs sadly, before smiling seeing Keith eating away.
“Yep. Better eat up Red. You're coming to work with me,” says Lance as he hopes that his boss isn't going to be mad at him bringing a cat in the Diner.
Keith loved diners when he was human. His favorite are the times he took Leandro the famous Lion Diner. He still remembered the time he took him there for the first time.
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lvtvr · 6 years
hey, i just wanted to. like. talk to someone? and you seem really nice ;-; i feel like sk relationship is going to go in a direction i won't like and that makes me uncomfortable (i.e romantic). i don't mind people shipping it but in the actual show it makes me very uncomfortable, is it bad that i'll feel disappointed if it happens? i'll live because it's a show lol but i can't help but feel like i'll be disappointed about that if it becomes true
“i’ll live because it’s a show but i’ll be disappointed” A PERSON BEING RATIONAL? ON MY TUMBLR? IT’S MORE LIKELY THAN YOU THINK... bless ur soul friend...
dgsjdgsdlgk jokes aside pal, you’re not alone in this!! i used to be fine w sk (and i still am totally okay with people shipping it) but after canon established certain things about their relationship i’m not really comfortable thinking about them together that way anymore. with that said, i truly do not think it’s being set up to be canon. part of the sk fandom has developed a weird, obsessive conviction that their ship will go canon, similar to That part of the kl fandom, so a lot of the content floating around tumblr is deliberately cherrypicked to make the framing seem romantic when it’s really, really not. not saying you can’t read romance into it -- they’ve got chemistry for sure -- but objectively, it’s just not in the cards.
here’s some reassurance for u why sk will Not go canon!
voltron is a show for kids aged 7 and up, which means there are themes that would be acceptable in a show for adults that are simply too mature for this material deal with. romantic sk would deal with a LOT of such themes.
for instance, shiro has been shown onscreen in an instructor/teaching position to a class keith was in, and has continued being a mentor/guiding light to keith even in current canon. while there are tons of YA novels and stuff where older teens get it on with their teachers/authority figures, it’s, um, not very common for the younger demographic. (inb4 “keith’s the leader now not shiro so he’s not an authority figure anymore”: take your navel gazing technicalities elsewhere and use some common sense bls.)
keith has referred to shiro as being “like a brother to me” and said “you’re my brother, i love you” (bc yes, people do in fact say "i love you" every day and mean it platonically, regardless of what the fandom tries to tell you -- “i love you” is not romantically coded lol wtf). while i absolutely do not condone shoving these lines in shippers’ faces to make them feel bad about their ship, they’re still explicit canon. we haven’t been shown anything that indicates keith’s saying it to deny his feelings in some way. like, by the time katara said aang was like a brother to her, aang had been shown to have a crush on her from day one. the set up is entirely different.
going off both the above points, krolia also thanked shiro for helping raise keith. now, obviously, shiro didn’t rear him from the time he was a baby, but he was the adult figure in keith’s life during his adolescence and formative years. i believe i’ve also seen word of god that confirms this. a young twenty-something seems very adult to a preteen/young teen. sending the message that the trusted adults around you will end up as your romantic partner one day is... probably not something the show intends to do.
voltron is a MAINSTREAM kids’ show. the mainstream is not tumblr. it does not -- and often cannot -- correspond to tumblr levels of progressiveness. the crew had to fight to get shiro confirmed mlm. they’ve mentioned they had to be adamant, no pun intended, to make sure adam was acknowledged as shiro’s boyfriend and not just his “roommate”. making one main character mlm is already a HUGE step. two characters would be nearly unheard of -- especially two members of the main cast in a relationship with each other. like, don’t get me wrong: i want to live in the world where we can have that. but we aren’t there yet. we just aren’t.
which btw is why NO gay ships between any paladins will be canon. any same-sex romance will be between a paladin and a side character, as we’ve seen with adam. and THAT’S the tea.
i hope that could help put your mind at ease!! now let’s hype s7, ship whatever we want, and remember that it’s just a show. have a great day
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s0urin · 7 years
Just read your post about the clone theory! Awesome! I noticed Keith knew exactly who the Weblum Galra was the second he met her. He just sensed it. (There's some great meta about him & quintessence / sensing things out there somewhere.) I think he definitely senses something not quite right about Shiro, which is why their interactions seem off. He doesn't want to believe it, but his instincts won't let him be as close as he would if things were normal. He doesn't trust his instincts tho..
Thank you for reading! I’m glad you liked it.
I agree that there is something more going on with Keith than simply being part Galra–just the fact that he was able to sense Blue back on Earth makes me think he has some abilities he isn’t aware of yet. The writers did say we would see more of Keith’s Galra side this season, especially in relation to Shiro’s disappearance and the way his grief made him lose control over his emotions. It could be that his weirdly tense interactions with Shiro are connected to that, too, and that his alien side is making him sense that something is off.
It might also be simply a matter of Keith knowing Shiro better than anyone else on the team. Their shared history and Keith’s incredible devotion to Shiro would probably make him aware of any suspicious stuff going on with Shiro pretty quickly. Just look at the way Keith is always the first one to notice Shiro is having a panic attack/flashback, and the first one to run to Shiro’s aid when Shiro is in trouble.
At this point, there isn’t really any logical reason for Keith to suspect that something weird is going on with Shiro, so his behavior might simply be caused by his doubts about his current status as the leader, but if the clone theory is real, at some point the truth will come out and IMO Keith will be the first one to notice the signs.
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