#but if it's like morgenthorn or something i will also cry
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try not to cry challenge [FAILED MISERABLY]

#ik it's not confirmed but i swear to GOD if it's kitty#i am going to be sick#like so so sick#idek WHO this will be but the chances of it being kitty are SO high that im like s h a k i n g#but if it's like morgenthorn or something i will also cry#tears and pain are guaranteed in any case so???????#kit herondale#ty blackthorn#kit x ty#kitty#dru blackthorn#ash morgenstern#dru x ash#morgenthorn#the wicked powers#twp#tsc
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Morgenthorn First Date
Dru was happy to finally go out of the institute after days of research and nights spent in library.
She was just going for a walk to the beach because it was much more refreshing than hopeless atmosphere inside.
"Now is not the time to think about bad things" she told to herself and turned her attention to her dedicated companion.
Ash was waking at her right within the arms reach, in case a demon attacks she added professionally then she needed to remind herself this isn't patrol its a date.
Ash had no idea how to start a conversation with her when they're alone, in the midst of a problem sorrounded by others they act like a team and "they are a good one" he said to himself couldn't help but smile brightly to idea of being a part of something same as Dru.
Dru was about to ask Ash if he slept well the night before when she turned to him to see that smile made her think "Wow! No wonder why there isn't a big burning yellow sun in faerie land, it must have been so jealous of Ash's brightness and left." She had to shake her head to sent that thought away, she had never given too much credit to a boy because they wouldn't deserve anyways. Ash wasn't different than the ones before she repeated but she was taking a risk for the first time dating with someone around her family. He was something but Dru just couldn't find the right word for what she felt when she was around him.
Ash finally broke the silence saying "I was wondering if you could show me what does normal teenagers do in LA when they go to beach.." with a small hesitant smile.
Dru found herself thinking "That's the heart winning smile because he looks like a curious child with that face" and idea of teaching new things to Ash made her smile too.
"We are going to walk at the beach and we are going to our favorite ice cream place after that. What do you say to that? Cliche or boring? Well I love beach and I love that place's mint ice cream so you're stuck with me" Dru said.
"I would love to walk with you and I am sure that ice cream is beautiful too. What's ice cream by the way?" asked Ash sheepishly.
Drusilla was bewildered when she realized Ash truly didn't know what ice cream was still she couldn't help but ask "I thought you used to live in LA of Thule. How can you not know what ice cream is?"
"Because my father made sure all the beautiful things in Thule were gone before I even arrive there." he said with no expression.
And that's the prince face he wears around other people by other she meant everybody but Kit, Ty and Dru herself. That made her sad to see him like this standing so close to her and she felt bad for asking. She reached to hold his hand with hers which made him shake unconsciously.
Ash moved fast to hold her hand tight so that she wouldn't leave his hand and kissed her palm so gently, his lips barely touched her skin.
Dru was just staring and trying to grasp what he really feels when Ash pressed her hand to his cheek and whispered "I am not used to being close with people, at least close enough to touch them. But when you touch me even by mistake something inside me cracks and I feel everything more as if you are making me more mortal than faerie. That's why I don't know how to react when I am around you, I want to feel everything but it terrifies me" he let out a deep breath when he finished but it sounded more like a cry.
Dru closed the one step distance between them with the warmless of his words and she knew in her heart that he was telling the truth. She wondered how long had Ash kept these in him to not to make her feel uncomfortable considering all that went down in the past with their fathers. She was still surprised this Ice Prince of Seelie Court as they call him in faerieland opened his heart to her just like that, she could never say these on a first date to anybody. Not that she felt this kind of a connection with anybody before. She pressed her hands at both sides of his face and looked directly into his eyes "Then there are many things you should meet" she said in a very serious manner and broke the mood with laughter letting him go by only holding his hand lightly "We better start soon introducing you to wonders of the world if you intend to learn all before we will go to war again"
Ash laughed out loud to her enthusiasm and followed her.
It was a bright may afternoon and ice cream shop was crowded. They had to wait almost a hour before they had their ice creams but it was fun talking about which books Ash should read and which movies he needs to watch to catch up with other teenagers. To Dru's surprise he knew a lot about books and some classical movies she certainly hadn't thought Sebastian would love Shakespeare appearantly he did loved many classics and he made sure Ash read them too. Maybe parenthood was different than being a good person she thought even the most evil was capable of caring for their children.
About the time she was selecting ice cream for both of them Dru realized the looks to their direction, mundene girls whisper among themselves eyeing two of them behind them. At another corner of Ice cream shop there were a big group of teens staring at them too this time most of them were boys who seemed eighteen-nineteen years old.
Dru became consious that they weren't glamoured and they were atraching unwanted attention for the first time. She cursed and whispered to herself ''Why haven't I realized this sooner?!'' checking Ash as if to see anyone of these mundenes could have seen his pointy ears or his marble like skin. She bought the ice creams and hurried out of the store.
Ash was worried for the first time that afternoon looking at her uneasiness and asked as soon as they were out ''What is it Drusilla? Is there something that made you feel uncomfortable in there?''
''People were staring at us and I am not sure how much they could see of who we truly are? What if one of those mundenes has sight and will report to your mother that you're in Los Angeles working with shadowhunders. I don't want her to....'' she stopped there what was she going to say anyway 'lock you up?' rude 'be over protective of you' too kind besides whatever she can do or say will not chance the fact that she's Ash's mother so she won't speak bad about her.
Ash was used to everyone staring at him in faerie, giving names under their breaths thinking they are unheard, staring him with fear with distrust or even loathing only for being Sebastian Morgenstern's son and the politically risky captive of King Arawn in Unseelie Court. Everyone staring at him questioningly in Thule loyals and endarkened alike because they did not understand how he was Sebastian's son looking only six-seven years younger than him with a shadowhunter as his guard. Those looks from loyals of Sebastian of Thule later turned envy because he did not needed to do anthing to have a place close to their ''prince" he was taken in to his family with no questions asked(not that they know everything).
Ash understood Drusilla perfectly this kind of hide and run was new to her and his mother was a hard opponent to avoid, he came closer and ran his fingers on her hair lightly. He said ''Nothing she could do can ruin today for us, in fact nothing anyone could do...'' and hold her hand for walking to beach as if nothing happened ''But really what happened?'' Dru asked to herself and realized maybe she was worrying too much. Well taking care off four wayward boys was a work that made her worry a lot for the past a few weeks, this one day she could have for herself.
They went to beach their hands locked, happly eating their mint-chocolate ice creams. Okay Dru cheated, she bought Ash only mint but chocolate and mint to herself because she wanted to see what he would think about mint flavor in his first time eating ice cream.
They sat on sand with their shorts and t-shirts and talked about funnier things than the mess they called their lifes, like Kit's obvious crush in Ty and how fascinated Ty was with everything Kit does. Dru would never gossip about her brothers love life with anybody yet Ash directly asked her if they were secretly dating in that open faerie manner her brother Mark also has. She laughed so long to the suggestion because Ty was the last person in the world who can hide such a thing when he didn't need a reason to and she knew he would never hide anything from her. Ty and Kit's cute yet not-so-secret crushes to each other was a light subject for such a beautiful day. They talked about Emma and Julian too, about the last assigment they were asked:Co-heads of London Institute. That was a big step yet Evelyn Highsmith didn't trust many people in the world so she suggested Julian when she was asked who might replace her because of her retirement at age ninety last week. All family was happy about it but none of them wanted to be parted from each other. Ty and Dru were about to graduate in a few weeks and family was supposed to be together again maybe this wasn't such a light subject as they thought at first.
Ash loved mint ice cream and was ready to try all of the flavors in the store right now which she prevented him from returning by dragging him to the shore to dip their feet in the ocean.
Dru took her sandals to her hand a few step away from water and turned to see Ash was looking at ocean with wary eyes, he asked ''How do we know it is not poisoned?'' with a heavy expression. So she stepped into water to prove it is not(to which he seemed to want to stop her) and pointed many people arond them swimming or walking with their feet in the water.
Ash still didn't trust water enough but wanted to be close to her so he dipped his feet in the water too and they walked together splashing water around.
When Ash suggested to sit for a while Drusilla agreed but sent Ash first saying she has a little surprise for him. Ash amazed by his lovely companion went to find a place for them to sit on sands unwillingly. How was he supposted to stay farther than two steps away from her with this feelings in him?
Ash was trying not to seem like watching Drusilla as she bent to pick something from ocean when three mundenes approached to him. Three girls wearing sun glasses, shorts and swimsuits said "Hi!" to him. Never in his life he was adressed with first person by a Forsworn mundene in Thule, they would have been killed if they even try to come close to the family.Off course these people were free and he wasn't in Thule anymore still in his months in mortal world he never spoke with mundenes directly so he wasn't sure what he was suppossed to say in response. He realized staring them ice cold was probably wierd so he tryed to make a friendly smile and said "Hi!" back.
Girls looked very pleased by his made up smile and one of them asked ''Me and my friends think you have a very familiar face so I thought you could be one of the Hemsworth's but Veronica says you look more like Orlando Bloom, maybe his cousin? So we decided it's better to ask you in person.''
Ash opened his mouth to say something but nothing came, what were these people even talking about?! This was worse than he could ever imagine when he thought about making friends or even taking with people in the mortal world. He who have survived years of captivity, many battles and as much death and more destruction felt like dying with not-knowning.
He watched so many movies and read even more books about mortal world, name Orlando Bloom ringed a bell but but wasn't sure from where Was it Lord of the Rings Kit forced him to watch? He had no idea so he desperately looked for Dru to save him not caring the surprise anymore.
Dru picked up the beautiful orange starfish she saw moments before Ash suggested sitting and started walking to where he sat when two boys around Julian's age came and stopped next to her. She realized black haired one had some tattooes when he casually said ''Hey, I am sure I saw you a few times here but we haven't met before.''
Dru said ''No, we have not'' without trying to hide her annoyance yet the continued ''Your tattooes are in Nordic rune form aren't they? I thought I knew all the letters in that language.'' Dru wanted to scream how are these poeple can see my runes now?! But that wasnt the problem, problem was she had a charming green-eyed boy waiting for her a few steps away and these strangers were in her way to him.
So she showed her annoyance openly ''They are not any language and I would not like to share anything about my tattooes.'' and walked past them.
She found Ash hopelessly trying to ran from the mundene girls around him and she was sure she heard one of them say Liam Hemsworth aloud. What the hell is wrong with everyone in the beach today?!
Ash was so relieved to see Dru in front of him so he immidately walked to her and said ''Have I waited long enough to learn what is your surprise, my love?'' letting out a breath.
Dru could have been angry to everything around them if it wasn't for the lost puppy face Ash gave to her when he lightly hugged her. Okay then we move on ignoring intruders to our lovely afternoon, she held his hand as a response saying "You shouldn't have to wait at all, come with me" dragging him back to ocean.
Five mundenes they left behind without saying a word seemed displeased but none tried to interfere after seeing they were together.
Dru introduced Ash to her little orange friend and told him all the things Ty thought her about starfishes a few years ago when they used to look for starfishes in the ocean. "They are hard to find here lately but this one found us I guess" she said.
Ash loved small starfish, it was almost small enough to fit in his palm "It's really beautiful, I have never seen a sea creature like this before. Rivers in faerie are dangerous because of possibly enchanted waters and more dangerous nixies. I remember reading about starfishes a few days ago in the library. Did you know they sembolise infinite divine love? And you just said it found us"
Dru did not know that yet liked the implication regardless but said "I am sure devine love means something about believing and religions". Ash's respond was so natural it broke her heart when said "I know it is, we are the only thing I believe in this world and all the worlds that exist."
Dru slowly left the baby starfish to sea and pulled Ash closer. She asked so slowly "I don't know how or why did we found each other in all these worlds with endless possibilities but I am glad we did" before leaning to kiss him. Ash's last words were "You found me Drusilla, without you I would have been lost like all the ones before me" before their lips met.
#Morgenthorn#morgenthorn fluff#Morgenthorn fic#Ash Morgenstern#drusilla blackthorn#Dru x Ash#Twp fanfic#Dru Blackthorn#Morgenthorn first date#My babies#writing
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