#but if i do make him aroace then im putting an emphasis on the fact that dami is CANONICALLY the most empathetic of the Batkids
erinwantstowrite · 2 months
i know jondami is gonna win the poll but i really do hope you don't do it just bc of a poll. i sort of agree with the ppl saying that considering the original age gap it'd be weird? like im all for you ageing jon up but i feel like shipping him on top of that's a bit eh especially considering everything's based on the comics and the original characters are the ages they are. ofc it's up to you and i love the story but it sort of feels weird to me considering their original versions are 11 and 14
to be honest that's really why i didn't want to include jondami in the first place. it felt weird to me in general and i'm not the biggest fan of the supersons ship because of it. but people kept asking and i decided to make the poll to see if there was smth i was missing (not really). I know it's a popular ship but I don't really like it and I think I'm going to stick with the original plan of not having Dami with anyone, even Nika. I like Nika and think they're cute, but if they do have a "thing" in this fic, it's not gonna last
the poll was never a deciding factor for me, it's mostly just to see what everyone is thinking. Jon might even go back to his original age in general. he wasn't aged up for the ship, i just considered it because i wanted Dami to have more friends closer to his age that aren't. like. villains. Cause I think Dami deserves at least one, yknow? but Jon being 11 is actually growing on me + i'm nearly finished reading their comics so far
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solardashpraxus · 1 month
🎁, 💛, and 🔫 for the person ask game :D
PROXY HIIII MY BEST FRIEND PROXY THANK UOU I LOVE YOU SO MUCHHHHHHHHHH <3 <3 <3 kisses u thank you for doing this. cue “oh good i get to explain this to you. you will regret it” image :3 hold on to your hat it’s gonna be a wild ride
🔫 favorite S.E.E.S member?
oooh this one is hard! i’m not that far into persona 3 (reload) so i haven’t met them all yet but i’ve got a pretty good idea of what they’re all like.
ok i think i have to give 2 cop-out answers first: the protagonist (like yeah he’s literally there for the audience to project on but. ohohoho) and koromaru (has not actually joined the team yet but. he’s ouppy dog. the goodest of boys!)
OK now for real answer time: i’d have to say junpei? again im not super far into the game but despite his personality being… kinda annoying and sexist, he’s also just such a cheery and fun guy that i can’t help but be endeared to him! and i hear he goes through some big character growth later on. apparently he’s kinda like sokka? a big part of it is his voice actor too, zeno robinson did fucking amazing. also i haven’t gotten that far yet but i think im gonna really like ken when he shows up 👍
🎁 favorite character?
GRRRRRGH ok so. i could go on another huge spiel about which characters could claim this spot and why but. man there’s no contest. TATSUYA SUOU LETS GOOOOO YEAHHH TATSUYA FUCK YEAH TATSUYAAAAA!!!!!! WIN FOR MOTORCYCLE BISEXUALS VROOM VROOOOOOOM!!!!! (and also the suffering ^_^)
💛 favorite dynamic(s)?
hhhhhrhgk asking some hard questions here. this will be very long you have been warned. okkkk. ok so. starting off simple with joker and ryuji they’re just. so silly man. they’re just buds having a good time! and they’re just goofing off and hanging out but they care so much about each other and it just creates this sense of. light and warmth and joy and respite from the world around them. i think that “you make me feel free” goes both ways. and that’s not even talking about what happens with them in canon!!! god i love ryuji so much.
anyway for the next one we have to take a trip into my beautiful mind (aka I Am Just Making Shit Up)… ok imagine with me: joker is aromantic asexual but doesn’t know there’s terms/community for it yet. also he’s probably not cis but he doesn’t have time to think about that right now there’s ruin coming or whatever. and ann is a recently realized lesbian who’s coming to terms with how her experiences with sexual harassment + objectification affects her sexuality (and she’s in love with shiho!!!) and they’re each others first person to come out to and they bond so hard over being queer in ways that especially defy japanese social and gender norms (being a lesbian in a society where young women are sexualized + objectified while also placing huge importance on traditional values, marriage by a certain age, having children + starting a family 🤝 being aroace in a society where men are expected to sexualize women, be dominant + increasingly to gain a sense of power/masculinity in their sexual prowess [Belarmino, Melanie and Roberts, Melinda R. (2019). Japanese Gender Role Expectations and Attitudes: A Qualitative Analysis of Gender Inequality. Journal of International Women' s Studies, 20(7), 272-288.] sorry bout the citation i wanted to get my facts right) (also like, atlus come on. queer issues perfectly fit into the themes of persona 5 you’re just a fucking coward + homophobe) sorry abt the tangent ANYWAY they get just so much closer after that, as well as a lot more comfortable with casual platonic intimacy + physical affection cause they both know they can be safe + not have their actions misconstrued by the other. tbh i could see them being in a qpr? there like. gay best friends in a way that doesn’t put emphasis on stereotypes cause they just hang out and genuinely have so much fun eating crepes and trying on outfits and talking shit abt ann’s coworkers lol. they would have the best sleepovers.
ohhohoh and im not even done! ok so i haven’t gotten that far into persona 2 innocent sin cause i got softlocked 13 hours in somehow + now i have to restart BUT i know things, and hooooo boy tatsuya and jun lemme tell you. shuake fans eat your heart out cause tatsujun was doing it better back in 1999. like i haven’t read a lot of in depth analyses cause im trying not to get even more spoiled than i already have been but. the entire basis of innocent sin’s story starts with their relationship… and thinking about everything jun goes through and then what happened in eternal punishment… GOD they’ve got me so fucked up. head in hands. everyone play persona 2 please.
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