#but idk. i guess itd be weird if there was just a weird phenomenon where teenagers just kept getting isekai’d to the past for no reason LOL
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digitalresorts · 4 days ago
how are we feeling about the PL:Z-A trailer?? i'm lowkey in shock i was expecting it to be completely different idk not like a SEQUEL to XY?
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anyway idc i’m excited to do some team building tho hehehehe here are my teams from my XY playthroughs, so excited to bring em back
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comicteaparty · 6 years ago
March 21st, 2019 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party chat that occurred on March 21st, 2019, from 5PM - 7PM PDT.  The chat focused on Asteroid 8082 by Will Quinn.
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Good evening, everyone~! This week’s Thursday Book Club is officially beginning! Today we are discussing Asteroid 8082 by Will Quinn~! (https://asteroid8082.com/)
Remember that Thursday discussions are completely freeform! However, every 30 minutes I will drop in OPTIONAL discussion questions in case you’d like a bit of a prompt. If you miss out on one of these prompts, you can find them pinned for the chat’s duration. Additionally, remember that while constructive criticism is allowed, our focus is fun and respectfully appreciating the comic. All that said, let’s begin!
QUESTION 1. What is your favorite scene in the comic so far and why?
my favorite scene is probably at the beginning when corrina is getting a tour of the colony. i really love the design for the colony and how theres just like this conveyor belt that goes through the whole place. for the life of me i never wouldve thought of a design like that but it works so well in making it feel familiar, foreign, and futuristic
but i also like the door designs you see as they pass by because it still has that mark of needing to be kind of a sterile and effecient environment
but all around i really enjoyed how quickly and simply it built up the world in the background and really kind of drove home how corrina is in an entirely new situation
Hmm, that's good to hear. I was worried about the sterility being too much
i mean, I'm used to drawing outdoor environments, so it was a challenge
Oh! I'm Will Quinn, by the way!
sorry, I forgot that wasn't clear on Discord.
thank you for coming~! its nice to see a creator come by.
well, I usually lurk around here
...but rarely comment
thank you for having me!
another scene that i really enjoyed was the one where theyre kind of bantering over the hoverbike and corrina accepts the challenge and is like "nah i can drive." that was the moment where i truly felt that corrina was indeed a kid since she was trying so hard to look cool. but it was also a nice moment of vulnerability too in that way. like showing that you can be as mature as you want, but that doesnt mean peer pressure isnt there
Yeah. Corrina really does try to act cool
And before that scene I guess she succeeded
idk if she succeeded so much as a lot of scenes her uncoolness felt like it came from a different place of insecurity. like not so much peer pressure, but more from being alien to a new place and being insecure in her own adjustment
Hmm, that actually reminds me of something.
When my spouse was reading the comic, she saw Corrina as the main character.
But my original idea was that Iris was (my spouse is an immigrant)
So I've always been curious about how people saw that
i personally saw corrina more as the protagonist myself. not that iris wasnt a main character. but corrina felt more like the main of the main characters. but this is inherent bias that between the two, corrina was introduced first.
I see!
Thank you
I should mention that chapter 3 was originally supposed to be the first chapter
hmm, interesting. that def would have changed things then cause itd have been a lot more even.
but it is pretty even between the two as is. i just connected a bit more with corrina. i think it also has a lot to do that corrina feels like the more grounded character between the two. Iris as been on the asteroid for years upon years so none of the culture stuff feels weird to her or anything. Whereas Corrina is like "yup this is weird." and as an earthling who doesnt live on an asteroid, that is basically how you feel seeing everything. so corrina provides a really needed grounding influence for that reason. its a lot easier to understand how she feels in regards to the world and shes easier to sympathize with from the immediate start cause its kind of a fish out of water intro.
Made it here. I rather liked the "no use of ozzes", just as one-off comedy.
Also the conversation near the start of "you live in one building?" "oh no, no... three".
Checking the backlog now. Yeah, the conveyer belt was a neat idea too. There's a lot of interesting science happening behind the scenes that comes out every so often, which is pretty neat.
QUESTION 2. The comic’s setting is quite futuristic and different from Earth, causing a number of culture clashes for the characters. What ways of life on the asteroid interested you the most? What sorts of details did you notice in general in how the colony was culturally and physically structured? Of the culture clashes that occurred between the characters, which one did you find the most compelling and why? Which culture similarities did you notice remained between Earth and the asteroid colony? Why do you think those cultural elements and traditions stood the test of time? Last but not least, how similar or different do you feel other colonies would be?
hey math~!
i did enjoy that joke as well about the nah we live in three buildings
like that was supposed to be marketably better XD
I think I see Corrina as the main, in large part because we see her arrive as the outsider. Outsiders are generally mains in stories, because stuff needs to get explained to them the way it needs to get explained to readers.
Also, she's from Earth, and so are we.
Hi Rebel & creator!
One of the things that I found kind of interesting was the whole planet/asteroid loophole issue. Hadn't thought about how governing would work in that sense.
But there were also subtle details, like the colour of the sky on Earth.
yeah i was really interested in the politics. especially cause they briefly mentioned a war and like...man. space wars already. thats a pretty heavy thing to admit in passing.
but it was interesting to see that there is some complicated governance stuff going on cause i feel thats reflective of how itd probably be in life
I'm not sure I even picked up on the war aspect. It was more the trying to get rights and using ships as bargaining points.
It makes sense but I doubt I'd have thought of something like that.
I'm glad someone liked these science/future bits, because I definitely spent a lot of time planning them! (compared to how often they come up, of course.)
And Math, there was a war mentioned briefly
Yeah, that's always the lament of worldbuilding, you do all this stuff and then it never really comes up. The short strip about the gravity thing in between parts was a good way to do it though.
Oh, I don't doubt it, just mean it kinda sailed over my head.
Actually, Iris's father was closely involved in the war, btw
thats fair cause when i said it was mentioned in passing, i really mean it was mentioned in passing. but it was bad enough to cause some long lasting political effects for even their asteroid. and considering their asteroid is kind of out there, you can only imagine the effects it had on bigger colonies.
that is an interesting factoid
Iris' father does seem the type
I made an upcoming short comic where Corrina talks more about it
The war, I mean...
But it'll be in a printed anthology
I wonder if the spacers know about trees and plants and stuff.
Though that reminds me of another interesting aspect, that whole idea of "wearing the clothes of another culture". And Iris is like, wear whatever.
yeah i really liked how thinking of things like "oh that person is japanese" is considered archaic by iris
cause it opens up the question of at what point in someones heritage do they stop being one nationality and become another
and i liked seeing how that question had evolved in regards to space travel in the comic
cause space travel comes with a lot of huge punches in that arena
Yeah, it's sort of a planet culture rather than a country culture.
But an asteroid isn't even big enough for a planet culture, so it's more of a mixed bag.
yeah, but still i think the point stands. in that the comic really makes you think about what constitutes a culture and how a countries culture may no longer matter in the future. it may come to be entirely about each particular communities culture.
speaking of culture, i really liked the bit with corrina and iris arguing about child labor laws. i thought that was such an interesting piece of culture. but also sensible because generally a colony would need everyone pitching in to survive so it makes sense iris would help. not to mention i cant imagine theres much for a kid to do on an asteroid. yet, i also understand corrina's point. so it was just an interesting argument where both sides had some fantastic points even though nothing was solved.
Community, that's a good way of putting it. And yeah, nice to have those grey debates where neither side is necessarily right.
Also, the way Iris summed it up later as "she concluded she was smarter than me" (or whatever it was) felt true to the age (whether it really is I dunno, but it felt that way).
When I was writing a lot of these scenes, I was worried people would take it the wrong way, politically. I was trying to have sort of "grey" debates like you said, and I'm glad that came through
yeah i think the comic did a great job of being more thought provoking than anything when it came to these sorts of areas. cause theres a lot to dissect.
like another moment i really enjoyed was how even though the asteroid is seemingly very disconnected from a lot of earth culture, everyone was still super stoked to watch some sports. so it was interesting to see how even when separated, older cultural phenomenons still kind of continue to be present. not to mention theres lots of one culture affecting another, even though its earth culture affecting colony culture in this case.
That reminds me, the asteroid was always seemingly having internet troubles, yet the door to the food station room said "free wifi". I found that funny.
Oh, that's right!
It was also a bit amusing that when they finally got to watching the sports game, there was almost more interest in the field and the spectators.
tbf wifi and internet are separate entities. you can have wifi without the internet. so not false advertising, just a useless service.
I figure they bought the door surplus. One of those items they were paid money to take off someone's hands.
QUESTION 3. Though filled with lots to say about culture, the story also has a strong focus on character. For what reasons do you feel Corrina and Iris struggled with their relationship initially? Between the two, which one did you identify with more in regards to their feelings? By the end, did you feel the two characters truly overcame their issues with one another? Or, did you feel that there would still be many moments of strife between the two? Equally so, between all three children characters, how do you think their perceptions of each other changed over the course of the story? Finally, which character did you enjoy the most overall and why?
I will say that as soon as Corrina confused Iris for a boy, I was shipping them. Or a future them in a few years, at any rate. Gotta get my ships in there.
Though I think wondering if Iris was a "fanboy" was almost the greater faux pas. With the implication of Corrina's popularity in there.
As to which character I enjoyed more... that's tough. It really kind of depends. I think maybe overall I prefer Iris, but she does go a bit too far sometimes - or in the case of giving up on fruitcake, maybe not far enough - and in those cases I'm more for Corrina.
Heh, if I ship them too, is that canon?? I definitely identify with Iris more, but I like Corrina better I think
i think i overall identified more with corrina more just because i felt corrina was trying hard at least to make friends while looking cool. whereas iris was just a grumpy bear of insecurity. so between the two corrina felt more sympathetic. not to say corrina was perfect cause that whole "fanboy" thing made me think "girl turn it down a notch we get it youre very cool"
Yea, both of them need to take it down a notch...
but tbf, i think the reason that they struggled with their relationship is that theyre super similar. cause they both seem to be insecure and have a desperate need to appear cool to each other. but because theyre trying to achieve the same thing, they both come off kind of pompous and butt heads. cause even though they have the same goal, they each handle it super differently. cause corrina is focused on kind of raising herself up to appear cool whereas iris feels like she wants to just not be looked down on.
I worked as a teacher before doing this, so I tried to make them seem like the kids I taught
in terms of their insecurities
Heh, canon ship is now in. Yeah, Corrina's more sympathetic, but I kind of like how Iris is outspoken at times, like even speaking up about politics and things.
I teach high school, so I kind of know the feeling.
Meanwhile the guy is just basically clueless to all that.
I hope I'm not too kate~
hey super~!
yeah i agree, between the two i felt iris was perhaps more worldly and that while she might know all the tech stuff corrina does, shes way more versed in like social and political situations than corrina
...Wow I'm amazed at how much progress this comic made in only about almost a year of production.
And it finds a way to work in monochrome as well
I'm with the commenter on that one strip by the way, where Joe was saying to Iris "Corinna's the only cute girl out here", I'd have kicked him.
i really do think the black and white suits the world too. makes it feel more space like.
i was super surprised joe got away with that XD
Yeah, that's a good point, what with space being black.
not that i dont understand where joe is coming from. not that iris isnt cute, but iris is also his bestie so automatically not available or even on the consideration block.
“i really do think the black and white suits the world too. makes it feel more space like.”
I second that- makes me wonder what will happen if the main cast ever lands on a regular planet- will the story suddenly shift to color?
Oh yeah, I get it, guy be clueless because he grew up around her. I suppose I shouldn't complain, he'd spoil the Iris/Corinna ship.
I'm not sure I'd be good at drawing Luna or Mars...
There's a short comic about Corrina on Earth though
(also black and white)
oh lol I didn't realize the creators were here, heh.
Well I think the black and white works regardless
There's a good usage of clever shading to show depth
I kinda wonder what it is they study out there. Aside from each other.
(also I'm in love with the simple character designs and the bead eyes, they fit the style of the comic)
yeah i was wondering that too. especially in regards to what corrina did to get labeled a genius and made an intern despite her age.
Corrina's main area of study is physics
specifically "gravity manipulation", a relatively new field that Iris's father helped develop
Sorry if I'm not focusing on the questions atm, I'm kind of stuck in conversations in other chats.
So she understands the gravity of the situation.
"gravity", heh.
slow claps
yes, so im sure shell stay grounded in her studies
I suppose gravity's lighter on an asteroid, must make things easier to monitor for fluctuations.
this reminds me that one moment i found really funny was when they were fixing the tower and then the thing they used to fix it was a fraction of the size of the original
Yep. That's how technology!
QUESTION 4. As a slice-of-life, sci-fi, there is a lot to be said about the comic’s approach to life. In what ways did you see our present day lives represented in the comic? Additionally, how did the comic affect how you think about the way we live life right at this moment? Given this comic is also set in the future, what scenarios from the story do you think are the most plausible that we’ll see in real life once we reach that level of space travel? Alternatively, what scenarios do you feel might change due to the length of time it’s going to take for us to get to that future? Overall, what is your ultimate take away from the comic’s message about life, people, or anything related?
yeah. that was a moment i indetified with iris tho. cause it made sense cause that is how technology do, but i was equally confused how it was meant to be replaced at first when they didnt have a giant thing with them
That remark reminds me of the fear of heights. It's nice to have little things like that which characters have to overcome, or otherwise delegate.
If the future happens I don't want it to be on nothing but meteorites and other extraterrestrial masses of land.
Feels... lonely too in a way
I like how they still do stuff we do, like try to watch sports, or bake fruitcakes. Even if they don't necessarily do it often.
(Resulting in ghosts speaking to you, eerie.)
i enjoyed that fruitcake was still considered mostly awful
except by joe who has nostalgia glasses for it
Heh, yeah. Also, Christmas, still a thing.
(Who won the 'war on Christmas' then?)
I thought "of course they'll still have Christmas"! We don't sacrifice a goat anymore, do we??
Space Christmas: The holiday of the Future
Well, in Sweden they kind of do. (Google 'straw goat'.)
I've seen those! they're cool
speaking of xmas i found it kind of humorous that iris kind of assumed joe was just in some sort of cult
Oh yeah, the Pilgrims
I imagine any religion would seem a bit cultish to Iris.
tbf tho there is kind of a fine line between a cult and religion in some respects. so it makes sense for any child to not really necessarily understand the difference.
As to character bonding, the ship is maybe starting at the end there with the having something to drink together while watching the fruitcake.
of the scenarios we see, i actually think the lack of attachment to nationality is the most plausible for a real life future for us. cause its hard to be attached to that when the world is spread out.
you mean your corrina iris ship?
yis. must have yuri ships.
I second that, Rebel.
cause personally i thought that ship started there
cause knowing iris' personality she tots thinks that looks cute but wont say so
Heh. I'd forgotten about that moment. It was nice too.
Iris probably kept the clothes in case Corrina changed her mind.
tbf where would the clothes go otherwise?
its a 3 building colony that doesnt sell anything according to iris XD
Maybe someone will offload some dept store dummies.
oh boy we got ships in this comic? owo
We can ship Joe with one of the dummies.
Iris think she's cute. pay attention to the phrasing: https://asteroid8082.com/comic/chapter-3-page-7/
Finally a cute girl.
Good point there.
Incidentally, I wonder if 8082 has any particular significance.
look at that ship sail
the number 8082? hmm, not a lot
space ships
ba da ching
I wanted it to be like "there are a lot of other asteroids; it's not important enough to have a name"
that is the impression i got. that it was just a no name number cause heck there be a lot of colonies and asteroids and stuff
I wondered if there was some kind of filing system, like it was system 80 and they were on the 82nd rock or something.
There is a system! Asteroid 8082 isn't the 8082nd asteroid.
the 82nd rock from the sun
the 8 at the beginning is the number designation for that charter
so that's right!
There are 8 charters. think I mentioned that... so there are no asteroids in the 9000's
https://asteroid8082.com/comic/chapter-4-bonus-2/ off topic but before i forget, i really liked this bonus comic. it was nice to see that there was kind of no reasonable expectation for the kids to fix it. and it more seems like adults being adults and just wanting the kids out of their hair so they can work.
Ahh, that makes sense.
Yeah, that extra comic was fun, but I think in part because they were keen on the outcome too. Happy ending all around.
(Until they learn of the crash.)
yeah i was kind of sad we didnt get to see them react to that
the adults
cause i bet that was a scolding about hovercraft safety
I thought of making a bonus comic where Joe gets his hat back...
Other ship: Joe and his hat.
It was nice that Iris cared about getting it back, when he couldn't seem to vocalize it.
Before the end, also want to mention that some of the science behind the scenes is cool. Like what happened when that hatch opened, I hadn't thought about that stuff.
yeah i was a little surprised corrina was so cold hearted seeming about it. not that i didnt understand her point, just was surprised. especially considering corrina was the one who was like "lets make fruit cake for joe"
Also the initial visual of walking away from the ship itself is interesting, what with wondering about being able to breathe.
I don't think Corrina was cold hearted, it was more, I'm busy trying to fly this thing, let's deal with that another time.
Anyways since the CTP is ending soon, I'd like to wish the authors luck on the rest of the comic- it's coming along great so far and the artstyle is amazing and well-drawn.
Woohoo for bonus content.
Thanks everyone for coming and talking!
Thanks for creating!
Oh, and if anyone's interested in that prequel story on Earth, it'll be in this kickstarter anthology (we just went live today!) https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/386994989/planetside-anthology?ref=cbco55
Sadly, this wraps up this week’s Thursday Book Club chat for now. Thank you so much to everyone for reading and joining us! We want to give a special thank you to Will Quinn, as well, for making Asteroid 8082. If you liked the comic, make sure to support Will Quinn’s efforts however you’re able to~!
Read and Comment: https://asteroid8082.com/
Will Quinn’s Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/willquinnart
Will Quinn’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/willquinnart
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