#but idk the whole ''oh such and such word originally came from this so its badwrongevil to use it''
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daisywords · 1 year ago
you can talk about the ethics and stuff all day long but at the end of the day getting mad about language change is just unproductive. you can't put that word back where it came from. we are all being swept along in the tide whether you like it or not. might as well direct that energy somewhere more fruitful
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seastarblue · 2 months ago
Writemas Day Twenty-Three
here’s a lil thingy with child Kaiden (about 6-7) and her family! very cute teehee
I originally was gonna do an angst thing but idk it wasn’t hitting so yuh
today’s prompts!
and the ones I used:
setting: blizzard
feeling: the charm of a smile
Kaiden pressed her face against the window, mesmerized at the blizzard raging outside. She wondered how much snow would fall; if their house would be covered in it, or maybe the whole mountain would be a blanket of fluffy white frigid-ness. That would be fun. All that snow to play in!
“It is snowing out there, isn’t it?” Mama asked, knitting as she always did when the family of four was trapped inside.
“Mm,” came Papa’s reply, eyes still closed while he lay on the couch.
“Oh, Kaiden, come here. You’ll catch cold if you’re too close to the window, dear.”
She reluctantly followed her mother’s words, sitting near Issac instead. He played with blocks, clacking them around and giggling at the sounds they made. She still stared at the furious fluttering snowstorm, slightly annoyed at not being able to press her face against the window. It felt nice.
“That’s better. Thank you, dearie,” her mother smiled, and Kaiden felt its charm from the other side of the room. She liked Mama’s smile. It felt nice, too.
What didn’t feel nice was the sound of her baby brother banging his blocks together. It hurt, kind of. Not like a scrape, or a tummy ache, but another kind of hurt. She wanted him to stop. But how…?
After some thought, she decided a gently placed pillow smack would do the trick. Standing up, she took a small pillow from her father, and as she raised it over her head—
“Kaiden, no,” Papa said, eyes still closed.
“…wasn’t gonna do it hard…” she mumbled.
After some more thought, she supposed giving him another toy would have to do. One that was small. And soft, so it wouldn’t make noise. She looked around the living room, searching for the perfect toy to replace the blocks, and… there! A little stuffed chicken, right next to Mama’s knitting chair. Kaiden stepped over the blocks, and the scattered pillows, and finally the chicken was in her hands.
She went back to Issac and waited till he looked at her. Then, she showed him the stuffy. He didn’t seem interested at first, but after seeing her pretend-play with it, he started babbling and making to take it. Kaiden gave it to him gladly.
Another victory! Kaiden sat closer to the window as a little reward for herself.
waaaaaaaaaaaaah baby Kai baby Zac I love them <3
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yay I hope yall enjoyed :>
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aphverse-confessions · 5 months ago
OK- I'm gonna be honest. I like MyStreet, but not as a show. More as a minecraft story series in general if that makes sense. (not comparing it to MCD in this bc its been waaay too long since ive watched MCD for me to actually write abt it like this)
srry if this is annoying lol, long post.
Some disclaimers!! A lot of these r assumptions btw! Pls do not take these things as 100% fact, this is just how i saw things/"theories". This is also not an attack on Jess, i dont have the authority to judge someone as a person and I dont claim to. these are very strictly my opinions on Mystreet, not Jess as a person. It's hard to take the early seasons very seriously considering its origins as essentially a tropey, slice-of-life version of MCD, and these tropes continue on throughout the series until (i can only assume) Jess went "oh, we're making this more serious, and if the series is more serious, these tropes (Travis being an anime perv, Katelyn being an anime tsundere, Nana's whole thing..) make certain characters unlikeable/weird/problematic/whatever else so we'll just write them out" (Travis confronting Katelyn, the whole Nana Ashida reveal).
While these are occasionally done well, to me it just seems like Jess trying to write out the tropey or bad things that came from the earliest versions of the characters without actually IRL addressing the initial issue with their design (with Nana even dating back as far as MCD, with her first appearance being 5 months before the the start of MyStreet. I'm counting the whole "Kawaii-chan" thing as problematic here bc to me it's.. weird.. but idk, im willing to be educated on that if im wrong!) maybe she doesnt NEED to address some of the character design choices irl but I feel like itd be better to clarify things (I could be wrong). There's a lot of earlier creative decisions (especially with things played as jokes) that don't help with the tone as the series became more and more serious, and even some things in those more serious seasons that were really questionable, and I often feel like I have to just decide which parts of certain episodes are canon or non canon because of things like that. Don't get me wrong, it's very good for something that started out with the technology that it did, but in my opinion it just doesn't really reach "show" quality to me. It leaves a lot to wish for. (I know that there are TV shows that have the same problems, but i wouldnt even bother watching them normally because they dont have the saving grace that is the fact that this is in Minecraft, a charming style of storytelling that kept me interested even when I had these major criticisms about the actual content of the story.) Anyways sorry for incoherent babbling! ^^; Just had to get that onto paper to see if I'm just being crazy or something. I know I might not be right about all (or even most) of the things I said here but thats just how it came across to me. Of course this might not fully convey what i mean to say or even say it in the right way, maybe eventually ill talk more abt this somewhere(I had other things I wanted to talk abt but was scared to) but im too nervous to say it without the safety of anonymity rn haha. I'm open to other opinions, learning, etc. especially if i said something in this post that was problematic or already disproven! /genuine A/N: srry abt forgetting that The Big Move came out before MyStreet (i never watched it unfortunately, probably wouldve mentioned it in the main part if I knew but I dont think it subtracts too much from what im trying to say) & for the overuse of the word problematic, I literally did not know how else to put it :,]
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danpuff-ao3 · 1 year ago
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@hprecfest 3/3: Days 21-31
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Day 21: a thought-provoking fic
When the Rose and the Fire Are One
by perverse_idyll (@perverse-idyll). Harry/Severus. Rated: E. Words: 81,618. Dysfunctional relationships. Minor Harry/George. Dubious consent. Sex magic. Secondary character death.
Harry’s haunted by guilt. Snape’s warded by roses. Each must free the other in order to free himself.
This is the fic that has ingrained itself in my brain more than any other, I think. PI is so clever and this whole world is well considered and fleshed out. 
This story features probably the best original character I’ve seen in fic (Odile, my love). The magic in this story is phenomenal and I’m actually obsessed with it. The magic and history of Spinner’s End, and Severus, and Eileen, has fully become canonized in my brain, I swear to god. The characterizations of Harry and Severus are top tier. The sex is scorching. The emotions are a rollercoaster both exhilarating and terrifying. And the end!!!! Oh god, this is the fic that I think about for days after I read it, wondering what comes after. 
While another of PI’s fics has captured my heart more, this is a close second and captured my mind more. It’s truly a masterwork and I cannot recommend this fic enough to people.
Niemöller, or Four Times When Harry Didn’t Speak Up and then When He Finally Did
by Leela. Harry/Severus. Rated: E. Words: 7,904. 
They came, and they came, and one day Harry noticed.
When I posted the original version of Masquerade (new version on AO3 | old version on FFN) years ago, someone commented that it reminded them of Niemöller. So of course, I had to look it up and read it, and I fell in love! It really makes you consider an alternate way the world could have gone in the wake of Voldemort’s demise, and veering too hard in the opposite direction of Voldemort and the Death Eaters. It’s all the more real as time goes on and we see how prone our society is to extremes, and how our natural inclinations may be to “over-correct.” 
In the notes Leela linked to this poetic version of a confessional prose from Martin Niemöler, from who this fic gets its name:
First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—      Because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—      Because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—      Because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
Day 22: an unfinished fic
The Release of Sisyphus
by starcrossed. Harry/Severus. Rated: E. Words: idk. LJ link.
The epilogue to Nights of Gethsemane and Invictus.
I've been waiting for TEN YEARS. TEN YEARS!!!! And I'll keep waiting cuz I've still not given up hope 🥲
This is the follow-up to NoG and Invictus that takes place years after the fact. Post-war, adult Harry, reconnecting with Severus. The last posted chapter is the worst place to leave off on, only because it was so close smut!!!! You just KNOW that's where chapter 16 would have gone if it had updated.
It hurts my soul a bit because I love this series so much, and so my soul will always be waiting for closure with this story. You know, until the author comes back in a year or two or ten with updates!! (Rec for NoG here.)
Day 23: a soulmate fic
Corresponding Shapes
by bleedcolor (@bleedcolor). Harry/Severus. Rated: T. Words: 5,516. Soulmate identifying marks.
For a very long time he hadn’t known what the names meant. He’d woken up the morning of his 7th birthday and there they were; red as blood, one more thing to brand him as a freak in the eyes of his aunt and uncle.
I love the idea of this one, Harry marked by two fates. I’m forever a sucker for soulmate-identifying marks, but the idea of this one is too neat, and Harry not knowing which name is which right away! It’s so sweet and lovely
Day 24: a holiday fic
The Christmas Hate List
by lizzy0305 (@lizzy0305). Harry/Severus. Rated: E. Words: 11,465. Humor. Romance. Fluff.
Most people have a wishlist for Christmas, but Severus Snape is not most people - he has a hate list. There are five things Severus hates about the season, but with Harry Potter’s help, he gets reminded of the one thing he still loves about the Holidays.
GOD, Severus is such a HATER and I LOVE IT. But also, Mr. Grinch over here falls in love and we get a good laugh out of it. What a good time this is!
Gratia Plena
by Femme (@femmequixotic). Harry/Severus. Rated: E. Words: 18,972. 
Memories of a drunken kiss lead two lonely souls together at Christmas.
One of the more serious and angsty Christmas fics I love, but love it I do! I can’t help but love Femme’s work. This is right up my alley in general, even outside of the holiday season, as it features 2 difficult men with a hell of a lot of chemistry (and history). This suits just right when you’re in the mood for something less merry and bright.
The Nutcracker’s Delight
by perverse_idyll, rinsbane (@perverse-idyll). Harry/Severus. Rated: E. Words: 17,119. 
Severus Snape meets the Nutcracker. 
A fun holiday crackfic! It’s such a good time, full of whimsy and festivity, and written by 2 creators I’ve long admired. It’s such a good time and will for sure get you in the holiday spirit!
Day 25: a fic rated T
a scratch for every itch
by bleedcolor (@bleedcolor). Harry/Severus. Rated: T. Words: 11,478. Magical maladies. Pining. Humor. Idiots to lovers. Fluff.
Severus Snape is an itch that Harry just can’t scratch.
This one can also work for the “comfort fic” prompt. It’s a lighthearted, feel-good Snarry with a lot to love! The magical malady here is so whimsical and cute and so fitting for the HP-verse.
The Sleeping Prince
by who_la_hoop. Harry/Severus. Rated: T. Words: 42,758. Postwar. Hogwarts 8th year. Deaging. 
It’s hard to ignore your past — and impossible to do so when you can’t remember your future. But a meddlesome portrait, a dragon with an ancient grudge and true love’s kiss teach an unlikely Prince that a regrettable past doesn’t have to mean an unhappy ending.
This is one of my favorite fics. I don’t generally care for de-aging fics, but this one is exactly what I would hope for. Lots of cute, awkward teenage romance. I love seeing how distrustful and angsty teenage Severus is. And how sweet and dorky Harry is!
Day 26: a fic with an ending you can't stop thinking about
Penance is the Play
by Maeglin_Yedi (@maeglinyedi). Harry/Severus. Rated: E. Words: 66,439. Underage. Student/teacher. Dysfunctional relationship. Manipulation. Coercion. Humor & angst. 
Harry wants revenge. Harry has a plan. But is Harry Slytherin enough to avoid his own trap?
Yet another fic I read way too many times back in the day. And still do. But it’s so good!!!! And that ending still haunts me to this day, I swear to god.
And Mine the Gall
by perverse_idyll (@perverse-idyll). Rated: E. Words: 5,505. Sequel to In Infinite Remorse of Soul (Albus/Severus, Harry/Severus). 
It’s one thing to deny oneself; it’s another to be denied. In which Albus learns (again) that sins of omission have consequences, even unto the next generation; and that what he denied to Severus shall be visited upon Harry.
These 2 fics are dark and delicious and AMAZING AND PERFECT AND I’m obsessed and will think about them forever. It also features a line that has lived rent free in my head fOR YEARS. 
“Severus,” he sobs, an explosion of defeat, because the love that will poison his life has a name.
Day 27: a Muggle AU
by florahart. Harry/Severus. Rated: G. Words: 5,136. College/university. Student/professor. Podfic available.
Harry's a computer science student, but he needs a writing credit to qualify for an internship. All the writing classes are full, so he ends up in Snape's lit class as a substitute. Snape has a reputation as a hardass, but it can be said that no one passes his class without learning to write, so that meets the requirement, and then, once Harry starts working on that, it turns out they have something else in common.
I nearly recced this fic a handful of times already, for podfic day (JocundaSykes did a terrific narration of this!), comfort fic, and a fic rated G. So when it came time to choose a Muggle AU, I finally had to choose this one! There is still the essence of what I love about Snarry here: a bit of student/teacher (though as unproblematic as can be), with Snape as the mean teacher with a bad reputation, and Harry as the student who is smart and competent in some areas, but not Severus' area. It's a feel good fic that I often return to when I need something light and easy.
Day 28: an underrated fic
A Series of Events
by babygray (@babygray). Harry/Severus. Rated: M. Words: 67,251. Mpreg. Miscarriage. Underage. Student/teacher. Angst.
In January, the impossible occurred. It took Severus until April to realize just what that was, and to believe.
Not gonna lie, I don’t know how to gauge what’s “underrated” or “overrated” or “appropriately rated” but I do know that this is a fic I love too much to have no one to talk to about it. It’s like…idk how to explain this fic. It’s niche. It’s unique. It itches.
Okay “it itches” might sound weird, but like…this fic crawled under my skin and randomly reminds me of its presence. It’s not a happy fic, there are no easy answers, it’s all gray and complicated and sad and so real in a way that I’m obsessed with.
Molly’s Advice
by Arrisha (@arrisha-ao3). Harry/Severus. Rated: M. Words: 7,189. Postwar. Angst. Infidelity. 
Snape used to have a secret; Harry only now begins to realise his own.
Okay, Arrisha’s work is all amazing, but this one is my favorite and no one talks about it???? Or at least, I’ve not seen anyone talk about it, WHICH IS A SHAME, YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED, THIS FIC IS WONDERFUL, PLEASE READ IT PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE.
Day 29: a post-canon fic
The Beating of This Fragile Heart
by Writcraft (@writcraft). Harry/Severus. Rated: E. Words: 33,146. Fluff & angst. Hurt/comfort.
After the war, the last thing Severus Snape needs is the memory of a fleeting wartime kiss and a very persistent Harry Potter thwarting his plans to live a peaceful and solitary life. It’s only when Harry’s life is endangered that Severus is finally forced to confront his feelings head on.
This is one of my favorite fics and it does my heart so good! It’s such a lovely love story featuring a Harry who knows what he wants, and a Severus too scared and insecure for his (or Harry’s) own good. Their love here brings me so much joy.
Day 30: a pre-canon fic
Buried Roots
by yletylyf (@yletylyf). Severus-centric. Evan/Severus. Rated: M. Words: 19,036. First Wizarding War. Violence. Romance. Tragedy.
Severus Snape and Evan Rosier nurture their shared love of the Dark Arts, and find themselves drawn into Voldemort’s world. Severus is sure he can navigate anything in life, with Evan by his side.
I so thoroughly enjoyed this fic, as a well considered look at how Severus might have come to the Death Eaters. It does my heart good how impressed others were by Severus and his gifts, and how those gifts drew the Dark Lord’s eye. It was good to see his friendship/relationship with Evan Rosier, as well as the other connections Severus makes. There is no real goal to “excuse/forgive” Severus’ choices, but also makes his journey understandable and very real. I really appreciate Lety’s grasp of various characters and showing them in the best and worst ways, which is exactly what I love to see! 
Day 31: a fav amongst favs
The White Road
by perverse_idyll (@perverse-idyll). Harry/Severus. Rated: E. Words: 47,887. Lily POV. Romance. Redemption. Afterlife. 
One day, comfortably set up in the afterlife, Lily Evans Potter switches on the telly and gets hooked on the Harry Potter show.
I’m pretty sure this is the fic I’ve read more than any other, except maybe some of my shorter faves. Maybe. I first read this fic around the time it was first posted, and I’ve reread it at least once a year ever since. It’s TRULY one of the best stories I’ve ever read. Seeing Snarry’s romance unfold from Lily’s POV is incredible, and PI is so masterful in making us feel their great love when we’re not in either of their heads. 
Not to mention Lily’s character here is incredible. She’s spunky and vivacious, but has moments of meanness and vanity. She’s no saintly vision of Lily, but a very human Lily, for all that she’s dead. This is the story that really made me love and appreciate what Lily could be, as more than just Harry’s perfect martyred mother. 
Also this is the fic that gave me a voyeurism kink. 
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imraespace · 1 year ago
HELP hi guys😆😊 I have a funny story to share(it has a serious topic(?) just anemia so don't worry too much abt that) it will probably be long idk and also it's the reason I didn't updated the megumi smau yesterday so I say blame the discordians!
ALSO why did I blink and saw that I have 441 followers it probably went up but I'm too lazy to check.
okay anyways so my friend and I have this small server on discord it was originally my kpop server I made back in 2022 bc I wanted txt friends but then we kinda shut it down last year AND NOW ITS BACK UP! so we talk a lot in that server and SHE ASKED ME to pretend to be boys on the Greg bot yk the phone bot thing! so I was like oh okay! BC PPL ALREADY THINK IM A BOY ON MY REGULAR ACC so I used my second acc and created a whole other person(his name is ezra and he's a bleach fan.) right and it was harmless when we went on the Greg bot right made some mini bro friends right! I think someone actually wanted us bc they asked for our ig but um anyways.
to understand my story better I have to over share on some stuff. my race is black and I'm anemic so since yk that my story will make some sense.
firstly when we said hi I said "yo" bc idk boys say that and my friend she had gave up on being a boy I just continued bc being a boy is fun.. AND WHEN MY FRIEND SAID HI she was like "HELLO" and boom drama started BC APPARENTLY THEY WERE LIKE "ik this call abt to be ass" and started talking abt how she said hello in all caps and my username (it was fw.ez HELPME) and I didn't notice them talking abt my friend first and only saw when they talked abt my username so I was like "dang dawg I'm.not even a boy" bc i thought yk harmless prank! but apparently I was using the word "dawg" wrong? WHAT😱 AND THEN PROCEEDED TO CALL ME WHITE. WHITE PPL CANT USE THE WORD DAWG? AND THERES A RIGHT WAY? so I was confused at first then I understood what they meant and told them im black I think they short circuit but still carried on with their arguments so I got mad and my chest began to race bc my anemia sometimes affects my emotions and I will get a tad bit emotional! so um I couldn't think straight I wanted to tell them some very bad words in dialect but they wouldn't even understand me so I was like I bet yall annoying as hell and it shut them up apparently AND YK MY FRIRND WASNT EVEN ON DISCORD I HAD TO DEFEND FOR MYSELF AND HER AND SHE CAME BACK AND WAS LIKE what's happening. GIRL. I told her what was happening and she called them dumb HAHAHA anyways then we came off the phone but THANKS TO THEM I HAD A RACING HEART AND A SEMI WEAK BODY with cold fingers and toes so I couldn't do anything I was going to write a new chapter for the megs smau bc I forgot to do it eariler in the day but I couldn't even think straight so I was up until 4am😒 with a racin heart and random emotional changes with my mommy gossiping abt some game we play(romance club it's like episode but better i recommend that you play the story called song of the crimson nile hehehheheja) and now IM HOME FROM SCHOOL BC OF THEM🤨😒😒
lesson of the day- ignore THOSE discordians!😉
oh and um a megumi update later when I'm feeling better🤫😉😉
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stonyponyofficial · 2 years ago
hi!!!! :3 here are "some songs" ive been "listening to" that "i" think "you" should too!
spotify || youtube
notes on each below ^w^
Big Dipper - Death Grips: this song has such a good bounce to it, it makes me move no matter what, i cant help it. especially the chorus cuz ill start singing along and, well, then theres no stopping me. ill wiggle in my seat or like put some bounce in my step. which is all fun when im listening to music at home, but at work, where i mostly listen to music, i cant i have to skip the song. plus i love u songs that end with a good few minutes of noise just because, i never skip u i swear 🥺
classic j dies and goes to hell - glass beach: im fiiiinally getting around to glass beach and why didn't ANYONE say it was good? don't think ive heard the opinion that the first glass beach album is good yet. i wanted to listen to more bc of the hazel "Twinkle Park" version of the self titled song which is also very good but i put this one on this list bc it builds energy and emotion soooo well. it starts so somber but builds and builds till we're screaming about supporting each other and making a home for yourself despite despite despite.
DOGTOOTH - Tyler, The Creator: he creates once more! i always forget i had a kinda big tyler thing in high school until he releases new music. out of all his recent releases post-Flower Boy, Call Me didnt connect with me as much, but this single from the Call Me If You Get Lost "estate sale" of stuff that didnt make the album surprisingly did! it feels a little flowerboy-ish in the production but has the call me vibes of like "i can afford all these cars, buy my neighbors house, and ill still take my private plane to Switzerland for the day just cuz i was craving some nice chocolate" very braggadocio, very tyler, very good :)
Dumbass!! - Machine Girl: this song both sounds like and has similar effects as brainworms. it fuckin. got in there and made me quantifiably more insane than i was before. said brainworms make me wanna scream the lyrics and scuffle my feet and just like run into traffic and dance around the cars bc this song makes me believe i could and id be fine. i hope to fucking god they play this at the mg/100 gecs show. this song is also one of the few times ive looked up the lyrics for a machine girl song, usually content to just let the beats jar my head, and as soon as i did i couldnt get them out :) like some sort of... thought... eating... something or other idk theres probably a word for it (<-the worms are finally getting to her)
Fantastic Cat - Takako Minekawa: this song is sooooo cute, there is so much synth and whimsy to be had! unfortunately i don't know much about the artist bc this was one of the first songs i found after using Radiooooo (which u should be basically required to use if u like music and finding new music) set to Japan in the 90s, but she's part of the 'shibuya-kei' genre/subculture that was popular during that time, which sounds like an interesting topic to dive into :3 the whimsy contained in this song is almost too much tho. the melody is so sweet, that wind instrument is so silly, and the moog breakdown in the middle too is. well, its all quite fantastic.
HI 5 - Frost Children: i took too long making this post that this entry went from originally a cheeky indirect plug for their upcoming album bc i just really liked this single to just,, oh the album came out... but either way i wanted to talk about the song bc 2 me its just more proof of how exciting of a voice in hyperpop the frost children are. the bass on it is as crazy and slick as the one on the cover. this whole song just explodes with eccentricity i think ull really like it :) also check out the epic music video! its ai generated for those who'd like to know beforehand, but they use it to like. rotoscope real footage its preddy neat!
Introduce me to your family - Otoboke Beaver: i made a little post recently about Otoboke Beaver's influence on six impala's WFLYTD, and after revisiting their album, Itekoma Hits, after making that post i got this one stuck in my head for a while. the hook hooks (the main reason i had it in my head for so long), the bass is groovy, the guitars are sharp, the rage is channeled, its all here! they keep all the energy going and growing the whole time until you cant help but scream along.
こんがらがった! (Kongaragatta!/Tangled up!)- Necry Talkie: started reading the bocchi manga recently (im just past where the show ends as of now :3) and they have art at the beginning of each chapter with the kessoku band members that references visuals from like irl japanese bands and music videos which i thought was really cool! of course i had to find a collection of all the referenced songs, and what do ya know... this cute little number was in there! (if ur wondering it's the art for chapter 18 that references this song's music video :3) its such a dinky beat at first (said so so lovingly) but it evolves into a precise, energetic little jam.
One Million Dollars - 100 gecs: this fucking sonnng.. not everyones fav off 10k i know but it is for me :3 it just rattles me in such a specific way. it originated and is the only way to sate the need in my brain to hear what it was like for nic cage in that "not the bees!!!!" scene. i love it sm, but im absolutely biased from my hearing this at a gec show and falling for it right then and there. the live version and the album version are a bit different and i think the changes they made for the album make it a fuller song i just. loved the feeling of hearing this live so much. i would just search up the epic live version at terminal 5 where Laura fucking SHREDS on the guitar at the end over and over while i was waiting for the album. again, makes me very excitied to see them and machine girl soon :3
o (__*) - Hakushi Hasegawa: i dont know much about this artist but goddamn the few songs i have heard from them have made such an impression. u know a song is good when its not even dnb but uses the "yeah.. woo!" sample to keep everything going. and yeah with how crazy fucking banana bonkers jazzy and technical the drums and piano get at times it needs that tiny bit of stability at least. this song feels like the epitome of controlled chaos in the absolute best way possible.
PARTY GIRL - Angel Electronics: after rook's latest solo album came out i decided to go back and visit this collab project of hers with ash nerve i had missed at first and.... weeeeeeh ;w; this song makes me wanna cry every time. rook can obviously write some bangers but i love her more tender songs too. so many parts come together to make it just the sweetest thing. the part that stuck with me the most was the chorus, like it's sooo cute id just sing it to myself on loop bc it leads into itself so well. i wanna just keep talking about how fucking cute this song is but like George Costanza voice the love story between the party girl and the weird shy girl got to me okay?
Prime - Marnie Stern: kinda the reason im making this list hehe :3 this song was on char 'igottawin' mp3's most recent WILT (what im listening to) poast (hi char :3) and it was What Im was Listening To... too... (both of us bc of this epic animation) so here it is on MY knockoff WILT post too mwahaha hahaha! haha but seriously guys this song is quite good. it does so much with all the variations on just that one verse and i get sucked into the lyrics and the guitars. and by the fourth time im chanting this same unending verse the song is surprisingly over and i just wanna listen to it again. this one deserves a 10 hr extended version frfr
Wait and Bleed - Slipknot & 青春コンプレックス(Seishun Complex) - Kessoku Band: whats this? a double entry? ahaha yes! 😈 i would've put these songs here separately bc ive been getting into both slipknot (thank u char :3) and the actual kessoku band album, both of which are quite good on their own. but i only combine their entries here bc of this epic mashup of these two songs by the aforementioned rook blackdresses which makes me unable to sing either without thinking of the other song. like the first three chords of the bocchi theme start playing and my brain wants to scream the GOODBYEEEEEE from Wait and Bleed. the slipknot chorus melds with the kessoku band guitars soooo well. to me they are pieces from different puzzles entirely but they still fit together <3
wants mom to know she looks cool and doesn't plan on changing - leroy: i finally listened to the dariacore and accompanying berdlycore serieseses and ive loved diving into this little subculture of silly hyperpop meme mashups that fuck immensely. takes the silly to earnest and very good pipeline to a new level. plus having been a fan of dltzk and jane's other stuff its the one thing i never really got into but there are. so many dariacore related things i need to listen to now. i feel like theres lore i have to catch up on but im excitied :3 this is one of my faves off dariacore 2: electaria corebaloo (not what its called)
This has been... Post! thanks for your time. if u read this far i love u so much please never forget that. 'til summer music-heads! *curtsies and shows myself off-stage*
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fluffbeast7 · 2 years ago
Concept ideas for my sona: Fluff! (i just have to write things out dont mind me, sorry for any writing mistakes)
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this doesnt look as good because i just wanted to get the idea out of my head, plus, its the very first concept of fluff's portals, i'm already having a few ideas on how to make this look better
i will ramble a lot now, long post warning!
fluff existence is veeryy,,,, weird. their origins explain why they can shapeshift. i dont have the best words on what fluff does- i would say ''reality shifter'' but that's a thing that actually exists and, idk how i feel about it.
fluff is a creature who was born/created within the ''wall'' that separates every reality, so they actually do not belong anywhere- they are just a blob of the universe that accidentally grew sentient, meaning they do not have parents, meaning they can take up any physical form they wish (as long they know what it looks like! before their favorite form was created, they observed many animals, slowly building up their figure. when fluff was younger, they looked different due to their taste changing over time!)
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when you are a creature from the ''wall'' (yes that's how im calling it), you learn that there are many little secrets and stuff to understand to how it all works- the ability to shapeshift and to visit other realities came in natural for them, but learning to revisit places and what fluff should and shouldn't do were things they had to learn on their own
plus! there ar not many, but fluff isn't the only creature who was born withing the wall, they are friends with other people who all have their own opinions on this whole thing- fluff apparently is one of the younger ones to appear. each creature have different goals and views about visiting other realities, also different morals and philosophical thinkin' and stuff!
list of the other creatures they met (they are all based on things around my life :) )
fluff: i'm not going to explain much about how fluff looks like, but just their views and goals. fluff decided very early on that they want to get to know as many different realities and study as many different creatures (so they can shapeshift into them), they have many different sketch books they draw on addressing the people they met. fluff is dangerously open about being a shapeshifter and is not aware that, saying stuff like '' Oh there are many different versions of you but slightly different! :D'' usually sends people into an existential crisis
differently from their friends, fluff adores shapeshifting, but also tries not to think too hard about their existense, they just want to live, and feel normal.
froggy god: a frog, that's it! froggy is non-verbal, but it's said they like to bring luck to other people. frog does not shapeshift (they can, hey just won't). they are mostly seen hanging out with other frogs or along with our next creature on the wall- moth.
moth: a giant, GIANT, moth. they also do not speak! but it seems they are the oldest creature from the wall, at least that's what everyone thinks. Moth rarely visit other realities, but when they do- they don't bother to shapeshift, they just fly around in the sky. it's a breathtaking sight!
Tigrinho: Fluff's best friend (almost sibling), born at the same time as fluff! you can call him just tiger, in portuguese, it means ''little tiger''. Tigrinho is a mix of different breeds of ''big cats''. Tiger is very, VERY kind, too kind for their own good. Tiger prefers to spend more time on the reality he and fluff first visited, and he works to build his own life there- but takes on adventures with fluff sometimes. he struggles to shapeshift, so he doesn't do it as much.
Dusk: dusk is very interesting, he constantly changes forms but not because he likes it, but because he cant decide exactly what he want's to look like. but it's always a variation of a dark colored creature, sometimes brown, and always, ALWAYS with black eyes with red pupils, and sharp teeth. Dusk is grumpy, not as nice as the others. he thinks fluff decisions are risky and irresponsable, but never bothers them too much about it, he just doesn't approve any of it
he has a deep voice and is constantly growling, he's usually very serious, he travels and tries his best to understand this whole ''wall'' thing. Dusk didn't use to have a name, but fluff named him without him wanting to anyways (He ended up liking his name..). He likes being scary for fun, sort of like being a villain, even if there's not really a reason for him to be evil. Fluff plays along, just to make him happy
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explaining things on this doodle:
fluff once found a reality that was completely empty.. they claimed it as their room, bringing stuff (cough, stealing cough) to make it comfy, also, they bring things from their fav realities, making a little collection! (a rule about the wall: for some reason fluff is allowed to take only 1 item inside the wall for each reality, if they take more than one item, it disappears)
fluff chose to be able to digest food, they dont need to, but they like food so- yep
fluff found out during an accident that, no other living thing can go in the wall, (only the ones who were born within it) to say it simply- they die, and i say any that has some sort of intelligence- meaning sometimes not even robots make it through! fluff doesnt understand completely how it works, but the way they found out was- hm, very sad
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god i feel like i'm the only person with a correct take about gen alpha slang like the correct stance definitely lies somewhere in between "oh no they're ruining language" and "it's ok don't worry about it you were just like them, generations going to hate"
Because like ok so most egregiously is (full disclosure I do not care about the difference between gen z/gen alpha or like responsibility really; I mean yes i do find the narratives associated with gen alpha being doomed by their langauge somewhat compelling emotionally but also that's not really my point):
Why are gen alpha fucking mewing like that is just an incel thing straight-up. There are two caveats which are:
From what I can tell not a whole lot of incel terminology has been directly acclimated into gen alpha slang (alpha/beta/sigma is like kind of that but it's been more broadly distributed, same with chads)
Actually wait i lied. They do seem to have kind of died down/I stopped interacting with gen alpha as much but looksmaxxing & mogging are like at least in the zeitgeist. But still like it doesn't seem like the ideology really got through at least to everybody.
The second part of that is that I'm not entirely sure all of them are doing it like for the purpose of getting a better jawline like some of them definitely are but like when ... the rizzler does it it's kind of hard to tell.
Though like. I have my personal beef with the kid who calls himself the rizzler because like. That's just a word; and often functions as a title bequeathed unto individual people in certain situations and you have little to make you especially deserving of the ideal of that title.
Since we're already talking about rizz like I mean in itself isn't like too bad of a word but it's often used in weird ways when not used ironically like it's kind of based in like manosphere ways (to my best understanding); now granted like all terms the definition is loose and certainly encompasses an ironic understanding of the concept (i.e. the "can i rizz you up // pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls" post) but it's kind of hard to detach yourself completely from the original meaning
Though like next we have "skibidi". I have it on good word that this word means nothing, like it's arguably more commonly a positive word but even taht is unclear, it does generally serve as like a modifier though also sometimes it's just like a substitue for cool (i.e. "that's not very skibidi of you") like I mean I don't have too many particular issues but also it is serving a pretty different use to any slang in the past, yeet came kind of close but was centered around meaning like "to throw"
Fanum tax uh. I honestly don't know.
Now for the terms I don't really have an issue with:
pookie - not really my thing but sure
giving/ate/etc. - yeah same thing
aura - I mean if i squinted there's something going on but like eh.
Ohio - Kind of the same
what the sigma - lol funny
Now comes the big one which is the like "What is bro yapping about :skull: :skull:". Like yes I do acknowledge that this is sometimes a way to like... not necessarily hold people accountable but like there's a bluntness that sort of shatters through *a* social norm, but there isn't really much care as to who it's directed at, and it's also oftentimes just a very unspecific argument. Sometimes it's "this is too long" sometimes it's "this is too much fluff" sometimes it's "you're just like wrong" or it could just be "this does not interest me". And it loses a good bit of its charm when it's used in like informal contexts. And simialrly like it provides a new word for people to depricate themselves with like "idk i'm just yapping" is a way too common sentiment; not necessarily the word's fault or even gen alpha's fault but.
There is also AAVE stuff there too
And like i do want to stress the extent of my actual slang (& other "annoying" kid culture i participated in i suppose) i used growing up was like I used the word yeet sometimes. Asterisk in that sites are saying that some things are slang that i wouldn't consider like i've probably called something a bop or said mood (though not really in sincerity ever); oh vibe that is a quintessential like "this is a space in the language that it's surprising wasn't already filled"
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namelessmewmew · 3 months ago
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Old Art Archive Part 6.
Original captions under the cut.
1 -2. Title: New Icon :]. New Nea icon cause its been a while since I have drawn him :]. I do like having myself as my icon but Nea is my mascot and I like how chibi this came out.
3. Title: I need a idea 44 [original filename]. Artblock? Just tired? Melting from the current heatwave here? [Yeah but still]. Point is haven't really been drawing much lately. So here is a sketch I had lying around of an attempt to slightly redesign Meta [I wanted to give her bigger paws and more face fluff like an actual lynx].
4. Title: Met-a Cute. Hi my brain has been pestering me to draw a cute Meta for a while so here's this, its a bit rough but overall like how it came out. In doing this I tried to do a pose I haven't done before without a ref so the pose probably looks at least a bit off lol. As well as that I had fun with the symmetrical tool [for the big butterfly] and even made a very quick brush! [those little butterflies in the back].
5. Title:   What the 'dog' doing? The slightest design update, he now has hands rather then paws [oh and his scythe is now cooler now :]] Need to figure out how to get his eyes to look properly creepy though. Also I tried to do something interesting with the perspective and shading.... -w-
6. Title: Horse. This is a week or so old but didn't know what to do with it so just slapped some yellow and purple light and a bunch of sparkles :], the hair shading looks kinda nice!
7 -8. Title: Metamorphosis * Glitter. Just wanted to make another of these pixel glitter gif with little pixel borders things with Meta... Like how it came out [especially the shading and the border] :]
9. Title:  Just a Lynx. Just wanted to draw a little Meta, cause its been a a bit. Shading is a bit scuffed but eh, whatever.
10. Title: Catboy Jumpscare! I finished this a few days ago but keep delaying posting it to get the energy to not just leave this with a blank desc. Like 100% of my writing anything energy for the past few days has been going into the yuri game jam submission I posted about a few days ago [which is currently at a whole 300 words! /sarcastic [I am not good at dialogue at all].
11. Title: My at least once a year pinkie. Been to long since I have drawn my favourite pink pony :] Even tried to make it look like a birthday card [ish], I also made a little confetti brush :]
12. Title:   Metamorphosis now in 3D! A little Paint 3d thing? Feels a bit weird to call it a model as most of the parts are just 3d shapes in front of eachother. Also I didn't mean for the image to be so small but that's how big I made the model I guess??? Oh and the little glitchy looking stuff in the back is a brush I made :].
13. Title:   Metamorphosis now in Motion! I have been trying to get into animating and I been starting with this very uh... square style? cause its alot easier than my usual style. That right ear is very scuffed though lol, but the rest didn't come out that bad! [for someone that can't animate well]. I think maybe I should try more tweening rather than frame by frame like this one.
14. Title:  Them. Just a little thing of my immortal giant sentient plushies... particularly when they were younger, they look alot more like plushies when they get older [they get a bunch of stitches and scratches]. Hope that its possible to tell that there eyes and mouths are shiny plastic [which is why they can't change expressions, faces are just plastic.]
15- 19. Title: Sparkly Unicorn. Uuh wanted to make a very very simple little pixel thing but ended up just adding more and more stuff.... had alot of fun! I made the pixel star brush and the lil heart border : D Oh and Petal still does have the verrrrrry long hair but couldn't figure out how to fit it all in so gave her some short ponytails : ] Looks cute
20. Some arm practice stuff, yeah not very great at arms [or legs] yet but at least I'm practicing. Sorry just verytired so idk what to say…
21. Title:   An anthro raccon idk. Hi! been a bit busy but hopefully will be able to post more! Worked on these over a few days... originally was going to be more simple but just added more and more little accessories..... Shading the little chains and studs took soooo long [though thankfully didn't decide to draw the chains individually, just made a chain brush for that :]] Also the slight texture over everything was an attempt at a 'tv static' brush, not sure how well it will work for that but its nice for texture [love when digital art has texture to it!]
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some externalizations from mod sundew. its long, irrelevant, and rambly so, cut :-0)<
guh. weve had. calliope finally step out of the metaphorical cupboard i shoved her in, a five pebbles resurgence (he decided i will be bodilt wearing a trans flag for the forseeable future and i could not agree more), locust trying to get the body to break something, looks to the moon came back and shes a comfort headmate i think- caretakers the word. uhh god. am i missing something
im gonna be mentally hugging a fat blue robot for a while.
its wierd to explain but like. i guess the kind of- our body gets really really- right- better phrasing: we're super like touchstarved. and touch is a really good way for us to calm down, but with our moirail living on the other side of an ocean, well yknow. so like. idk basically think if maladaptive daydreaming was less maladaptive, more(?) involuntary(??? (it occurs to me i dont know the mineutia of what maladap dayd actually Is)) and also shaped like a blue robot with paradoxicaalgy squishy everything.
what was the tag pepples used for his rambles, iterational externalizarion or something... maybe i should call mine weufing or yapping. what are husky noises called. awoowa borealis? well now i have to call it that...... no.. nevermind
calliope the headmate is so small in headspace. this is like. a whole ass child. like four feet tall what Are you you tiny wierdo
she is So incredibly a Something bearer though. intrusive bearer? like mituna but Not. Mituna but instead of impulses its something else
BSM appeared for the first time since. forever ago... ironically actually now that i think of it... her original forming was. Also while we were talking to a distressed Australian who is younger than us. note to self, BSM is all australian queers' sister i guess.
Ob also by the way headmate Locust is Sooooo a BPD holder. that little bug's borderlines can SO personality. its disorderly.
Pebbles being here and the Catharsis from . the crying. has made us. Angry. thats good. Anger is a very. very good thing for us. bodily, systemly. nothing convinces us to overpower our limitations like boiling fury.
Oh oh oh ... ohhh god who was fronting i think it was me yeah cause that was- Yeah that was me! ok i showed our art to a couple of the workers at the rafectory- the uhh cafeteria at my college, the lady who works shifts at the desk and who i always make a point to talk to, since i once accidentally said "you too!- er- eventually!" to her when she said enjoy your meal- i showed her our sketchbook. ot was really cool. it made our day i think.
huh this is probably what pickle was talking about when they (not to self ask pronouns) reprimsnded about uh. vent blogging. euuups.
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scudevils · 4 months ago
thriller — NH13
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pairing: nico hischier x fem!reader
warnings: swearing, mention of murder, blood and knives, nico is a movie nerd, not proofread!
synopsis: halloween movies were never your thing, but they were nico’s [<1k]
a/n: idk if i hate this or not but oh well it’s from this prompt list!!
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"why is she still answering the phone?" you say with a grosn of annoyance, rolling your eyes when ghostface was on the other end of the phone yet again, just like he'd been the first three times it bad rang. "why can't this guy be more original."
you heard nico shushing from beside you, completely enthralled with what was happening in the move despite him forcing you to watch it every year, like a child watching his favourite movie no matter how bad it was. you hated scary movies, always had, and you were certain you always would, the experience of being voluntarily scared one was that did not appeal to you and you couldn't imagine why it would appeal to anyone.
to nico however, it very much attracted h. it had become somewhat of a tradition now, a halloween movie marathon, while you complained about how cliche and unoriginal every movie was, nico stuffed his face with whatever halloween sweets that had been for the trick or treaters (you would definitely have to go to the store tomorrow to get more).
the silly ones you could handle, hocus pocus being one that you had to force nico to watch now. one of the reasons that you hated the scary ones was that you couldn't help but be spooked a little by them, an unexplained noise outside your room would have you awake for hours, despite the swiss man reassuring you it was nothing. you'd imagine you were seeing things in mirrors, convinced you were about to be the next victim of a non existent serial killer.
another was that the movies were mediocre at best, the attempt at gore came off as cheap, the characters making idiotic choices had you rolling your eyes, the trope the same in every movie you were sick of it by the end of the first one.
but as you looked over at nico, you stuck it out for another 30 minutes, then another, eventually a scene piquing your interest.
you wouldn't lie and say you knew what had been going on, the last scene in your mind being when drew barrymore had been killed, but you could tell that had been well over an hour ago, characters who’s names you couldn’t even hazard a guess at now filling the screen. the setting of the room helped set the scene, an amber glow emitting from the candles which bounced off of the white walls, a warmth coming off of them as you settled into the blanket on the couch, laying your head against nico's arm as his attention was focused on the screen.
at the next scene you feigned a scare, watching on as ghostface appeared behind principal himbry's door, a little comical to you, but you felt nico's arm drape over the back of you, holding you closer to him. he looked so comfortable, the grey hoodie he had on fitting his shoulders perfectly, his soft features illuminated by the changing colours on the tv. you weren't worried about being caught staring, trying to get nico's attention whilst watching a movie was practically impossible.
he winced slightly at the decision one of the characters had made, clearly one he disagreed with, and rolled his eyes as it ultimately ended in their death. you were sure he'd be able to recite the whole movie script by now, holding in a laugh at his disapproval.
"you see why i think they're silly?"
"its just, why would she go to the garage alone? when there's a killer!" nico exclaimed, eyes flickering down to yours and you could see the seriousness behind his words before they focused back on the movie, even when you were sat there laughing at him, finding how seriously he took these movies adorable.
you pressed a chaste kiss to his cheek, feeling his day old stubble scratching against your lips, patting his thigh as he continued his rant about how stupid it was of tatum to go to the garage herself. "it's just a movie, babe."
nico ignored your comment, and you sighed making yourself more comfortable against his body, forcing yourself to actually watch the movie. this time, when you jumped, it was real. the killer appearing behind one of the girls had actually surprised you, they hadn't played it as comical as before, and no music accompanied. you'd actually been scared by a horror movie, and scream of all of them to be scared by.
you would’ve felt embarrassed at the scare if you weren’t so focused on the film, practically shrieking when billy was revealed as ghost face, covered in 'blood'. “what the fuck do you mean he was the killer!" nico looked down at you, waiting for your reaction to what was next to come, your lips falling open in a gasp when he revealed, "he killed her mom!?".
you whipped your head to look at up nico, who'd now been the one laughing at you, he’d been waiting for your reaction to the reveal ever since he realised you were actually paying attention. "it's just a movie, babe." he mocked, earning a quick and playful smack across the chest from you.
"i can't believe they made the hot guy the killer!" you spoke as nico scoffed, pulling the blanket over your head and keeping you under. managing to break free, you're stomach was beginning to hurt from laughing, the pout on his face a picture you wished you could frame. "yknow, you kinda look like him, next halloween costume?" you wiggled your eyebrows, a half smile forming on nico's face.
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ace-hell · 1 year ago
1. I disregard the UN bc they do nothing against all the active war crimes and human rights violation that are being done by muslim countries like oh i don't know? Child brides? And SLAVERY?? Horrible executions of queer people? They don't commit at all about the genocide that happened for the past like, 100-200 years against jews all over the arab and muslim countries. They just sit there and talk and they sound like they don't k ow anything. Also btw 100 of the hamas terrorists that attacked on 7.10 graduated from the UN university for palestinians, so idk how i perceived the UN anymore besides ignorant
2. Yes nowadays israel will take control over gaza that much is true can't say i support that israel aren't made of pure gold, im pretty sure your country isn't made of angels for government. Seriously people judge israel as if all the countries in the world are pure gold hearted angels sent from heaven. Like get out of your own ass. Also ppl in the WB are not israeli citizens they are under the PA and israel gives them jobs, i would know bc the busses in center of israel-the ones israeli ppl use- are absolutely PACKED with palestinians from the WB around 6-7 am
3. Lol as european you can sit your ass down bc you are the part of the reason jews felt so unsafe they wanted a country of their own to feel safe- jews aren't colonizers- they can't be especially not white considering after the holocaust the majority of the jewish population kinda ceased to exist. You completely overlook all the mizrahi, sefardi and tzabar jews which is absolutely hilarious. You can't demand jews to "go back to the middle east where they came from"and when they do that be mad at them. Jews are indigenous, cope in silence.
Also "palestine" is a derogatory name for the land-canaan. It comes from the greek word "philistine" which technically means barbaric and from the aramic word "plishtim" which means invador. Palestinians means "barbaric invadors" so if you want to jeep calling them that have fun
4. Bro what do you want the ottomans and arabs colonized the land, the brits also did that, EVERYONE fucking colonized the land and brutally opressed the jews. You really don't know about the opression they did? Really? It didn't happen at first, no, at first they came and build muslim settlements on the land and actually loved jews,jews even worked at the royal palance at some point. but one king came up and just decided that he hates and jews and chritians
5. The first pogroms against jews started in 1908,then became worse in the 1920's. The brits actually tries to come to their aid multiple times in so many ways even opressing jews by writing 3 fucking whole books with restrictions to jews such as: limiting the amount of jews that can immigrant and forbidding jews from buying land- yes bc jews didn't come and just went house to house and kicked arabs out, they bought lands and build villages of their own. All the cities the arabs lived in are original jewish cities from thousands of years ago that they occupied. Stop denying jewish heritage, history and connection to the land you antisemite freak.
Also the nakba happened in 15th of may 1948- a day after the declaration of israel and when arabs started the 1948 war. How did you say it? That arabs were "pissed off"? Yes so the jews were also a little "pissed off" after they started a fucking WAR (surprising) with 7 other nations + the arabs within the land. Mind you A LOT of arabs fled themselves, not everyone were expelled. Wow i guess its not the first time the palis waged war on israel and started to cry when israel answered back with brutality. Also there were less than 1 million jews at the time - including elderly, children AND HOLOCAUST SURVIVORS agains millions of trained military nations and they still won.
6. Again, the nakba happened AFTER they started the war-i don't support it, i condemn it, it was horrible- so yes they could just declare themselves a country on 14th together with israel. In the israeli declaration of independence they call for peace amongst the arabs in the region and the neighboring arab countries and to that they answered with war. Not a really peaceful move ey?
7. It is, in fact, about religion. You really act so self rightous bc you truly don't understand how deep it all is. Pro palestinians march with swastikas, praise hamas, attack jews- the antisemitism is rising WORLDWIDE everytime there's something about israel. One thing you are right about- israel does not care about the ethnicity nor the religion considering there are 2.048 million arabs palestinians that are citizens that are free- they are doctors, in the knesset, they are truly everywhere and we can live with them just fine? Lol my dentist is a palestinian arab. Oh wow and lets not talk about the beduins and druze, fucking hell they are more zionists than a lot of jews that i encountered with- they serve in the IDF wholeheartedly and oppose the sharia laws that the palestinians support and know what hamas, isis and all the terror organizations are. You TRULY don't understand anything about israel
I recommend you to listen to Yusuf mosad hassan, he is a son of one of the head leaders of hamas- he was a terrorist that served 2 years in the israeli prison fully believing whatever propaganda you say, he was raised in ramallah IN A SCHOOL FOR SHAHID since he was a CHILD after he was released he walked around israel streets in tel aviv and got the shock of his life and now he is super pro israeli.
You really suppose to have a bigger insight over all that instead of seeing posts like the og posts that are just straight up BS and lies. Cheers
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missbaphomet · 2 years ago
How MOGAI labels harm the LGBT community:
Oh boy here I go having Opinions again!
So, hi, if you don't know me, I am a bisexual woman. I came out in June of 2021 at the age of 21. I was a late bloomer, and it's totally normal and ok to not discover things about yourself in your teens. My issue was never with teenagers experimenting and trying to find themselves. My issue was always the blatant fucking lies MOGAI people tell you that muddy the waters.
I have been on tumblr for a long fucking time. I wasn't as active when I was younger, but I have had a consistent presence since about 2016. What I'm trying to say is I am one of your tumblr olds, and I've seen discourse some of you never thought imaginable. I survived Mishacolypse, The Skeleton War, the Sixpenceee controversy, the original homestuck Fandom, Hetalia in its prime, the porn ban, and I followed Pizza. I've been here fucking forever.
When I was 16 I started making steps into understanding my sexuality because everyone around me seemed to have it all figured out. After doing a lot of research I found the label I would use for probably about a year: heteroromantic demisexual.
Not a single fucking word of that was actually applicable.
What I ACTUALLY was was a confused, traumatized 16 year old who was raised religious. I couldn't even conceive that I might be Not Straight because it simply wasn't an option. There was no way I could be sexually attracted to women! It didn't matter that I liked them more than men, I liked men so therefore I couldn't like women! Duh! And obviously I was demisexual because I was a teenager who didn't want to have sex like those stupid gross horny other teenagers! Never mind that I think sex is kinda gross because I was groomed at 14 and the sexual stuff then made me feel gross. I'll have sex one day, have some children, then never have sex again, just like my mom!
I was 20 before I realized I was bisexual, and it was only after a good friend of mine (who is straight) had a genuine conversation about what attraction felt like for monosexuals that I realized that I wasn't monosexual. It took a genuine heart-to-heart conversation with someone outside of tumblr bullshit for it to all make sense.
I was roughly the same age when I realized my aversion to sex was because I had been groomed and preyed upon and I was scared of my own body and pleasure. I have since overcome my trauma and I think sex is a wonderful thing.
I had to leave Tumblr to discover these things, because other tumblr users would tell me that it was normal and okay to compartmentalize my sexuality into tiny boxes so that I couldn't see the whole picture. When your "I was groomed" is in a different box than "I am scared of intimacy and sex", it can be stupid difficult to realize that those pieces are part of the same whole, the statement that "I am scared of intimacy because I was taken advantage of and hurt, and so I am scared of being hurt again". When "I have a lot of female friends and I have very strong emotions about them" is separated from "I don't have male friends, but I find them very attractive and I like them a lot", it's easy to overlook "I have the same feelings for both men and women, and therefore I must be attracted to both".
Breaking down your sexuality into teeny tiny boxes is not normal or healthy, and it often makes it extremely difficult to understand what it is you do actually want or need. Not only that, it can be incredibly fucking isolating because no one else will experience it the exact same way you do, and it's so much harder to try to relate to others.
My life got infinitely easier when I could walk into a room and go "I am a bisexual woman" and have dozens of others go "same!!!" It's so fucking lonely to break down everything into the split attraction model and have everyone else in the room go "what the fuck are you talking about?" The split attraction model hurts people, plain and simple, and it should be fucking done away with immediately.
"Idk I just find labels too restrictive" babygirl you don't know how labels work. They are intentionally designed to reference everyone with a shared experience universally. Aside from that, you use something literally called a "microlabel" specifically designed to fit absolutely no one on the planet but you. There are millions and millions of bisexuals or lesbians or gay men, and *maybe* a dozen other people that share your specific collection of buzzwords. I think I'll take my chances with millions of people that I could potentially love than a handful.
Anyway fuck MOGAI bullshit, fuck the split attraction model, fuck anyone who purposefully confuses people just trying to discover themselves.
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writeshite · 3 years ago
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Running into the woods was never a good idea, much less in the middle of the night, with snow all around. There was also the fact that Tony couldn’t see shit, but hey, impulsive decisions led to shitty situations. At least the weather was nice.
Tony Stark x Krampus!Reader
Mild Smut
Author's Note:
I was thinking of what to write for Yule; then my gremlin mind was like Krampus!reader. Idk when this is set; let’s just say Tony is alive, he’s thriving, and so is everyone else, except Thanos, fuck him. Other people write fluffy Christmas fics; I, on the other hand, write atrocities like this. Originally this was going to be a naughty or nice kinda fic (if you catch my drift) the I remembered Krampus was a thing and bam! Also I have no idea where this was going but anywho. Enjoy :)
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A particular type of curiosity came when one was being watched; for Tony, it came from being a billionaire, then Iron Man, then part of the Avengers. Much of it also came from his love life, or rather lack thereof; being a playboy didn't exactly lend itself to any meaningful relationships. Sometimes he’d hope the person/s he slept with would stay behind, that he’d wake up to find them still there; the closest he ever got to anything like that was with Pepper, but that had barely blossomed before being nipped in the bud. The city didn’t help either; there was still some loneliness despite being surrounded by people. He’d briefly shared these thoughts with Rhodey, who, in turn, suggested Tony take a break from everything. Get away from everything.
His choice had been his family’s old cabin in the Alps, excellent location, skiing, snow, just relax. He’d practically left in the next hour, leaving behind a message of ‘DO NOT DISTURB,’ and with only a handful of people with the knowledge of his plans, he was off. Ten hours and twenty-seven minutes later, and he was in Switzerland; another hour later, and he was standing in the cabin’s foyer, grimacing at the dust gathered everywhere.
Tony dropped his luggage off in the master bedroom, flopping down onto the bed caused a duststorm to encase him, leading to the most irritating sneezing storm he’s ever had. The first order of business; clean-up. As he began the dusting, he took note of the empty kitchen, the second order of business; food. Once Tony was satisfied with his cleaning, he moved on to the food portion of his to-do list; with J.A.R.V.I.S’ oh so lovely input, he had a grocery delivery system set up for his stay, which looked to be up until after New Year’s. The temptation to join the others back in New York was there, but he found it far more appealing to look over the scenery.
Back to the start, the whole being watched thing was something Tony was accustomed to, which is why he almost didn't react to it when he felt like he was being watched. Almost. But after two days of the feeling, he grew sick of it and decided to investigate; by that, he meant sending out a few smallscale drones to do the investigating. The first few came back with nothing notable- a few animals here and there, the occasional person skiing down the mountains - but then he opened the last one and nearly had a heart attack. A prominent dark figure encompassed the image, its form appeared to be running, and as Tony flipped through more of the pictures, he realized it was running at the camera. The last photo was too close for him to make out much, other than a pair of golden eyes.
The drone was in tip-top shape, practically unharmed. Now Tony’s not saying he believes there’s some kind of cryptid thing somewhere in the mountains; he’s a man of logic. So, logically he brushed it off as someone messing around. Promptly, he yelled out his lungs at the mystery person - who might’ve been the one watching him, and if so, by all accounts, this was an idiotic move - he assumed was out in the forest until he was satisfied, and he thought that was that.
Then the gifts (?) started showing up.
If he could even call them gifts, but what else would you call a dead deer on your doorstep? There was also the chopped firewood, snow constructions, wood carvings; if Tony didn’t know any better, he’d say he had an admirer. An admirer who was good at staying hidden. At best, all he could get from security footage was a fast blur here and there. Whoever was leaving him this stuff barely ever got close to the front of the cabin, taking care to keep themselves away from being seen. According to J.A.R.V.I.S, an admirer who may be a stalker and/or possibly, improbably, also be something of a cryptid. Pepper hadn’t been much help either, citing that Tony may be the subject of a werewolf’s affections if her numerous romance books were anything to go by.
“Werewolves aren’t real.”
“Tony, you’re on a team with a literal god and a giant green humanoid, and you don’t think werewolves are real?” Pepper asked in disbelief.
“Who cares about that?! The point is, I’ve got someone leaving me things, and I don’t know what to do about it!” he exclaimed.
“Why don’t you set up one of the suits to get better footage?” Pepper suggested, “Or better yet, come back before whoever this is hurts you.”
“I’ll be fine; besides, who’s stupid enough to take on Iron Man?”
After that, he’d taken the first suggestion, not only using the suits but also the drones. Once he was done, every inch of the cabin’s exterior and nearby forest was under surveillance. Even then, it took two days before he got an answer, but it wasn’t from all that. No, Tony got a live response in the form of two glowing eyes staring at him from outside the kitchen. Naturally, seeing that, he screamed, dropped his glass of wine, and sent out a suit in his stead to confront whatever was out there.
The eyes disappeared as soon as a suit touched down; the sound of thrusters was in the air for a bit before there was silence. Tony found himself standing near the back door, ready to gear up and go himself when he spotted the suit. It was leaned back on a tree, completely unharmed, with ice creeping up its bottom half. Officially, this situation had gone from mildly inconvenient to somewhat slightly terrifying. He was ready to book it to the nearest plane when he caught sight of the eyes again. They appeared almost hesitant; there was a low rumble before the eyes yet again vanished, and against all better judgment, Tony ran in that direction.
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Running into the woods was never a good idea, much less in the middle of the night, with snow all around. There was also the fact that Tony couldn’t see shit, but hey, impulsive decisions led to shitty situations. At least the weather was nice.
Of course, as expected, Tony lost his footing, tripping over a branch and nearly sending himself falling off a rather cliff. Though that never happened, a hand shot out and grabbed the back of his shirt, bringing him close to a solid body. Tony glanced up, his eyes meeting the now-familiar golden ones; he squinted his eyes to get a better look at the face. He could vaguely make out horns, pointed ears, and a set of rather sharp teeth from the slightly open mouth.
“Hello,” the stranger’s voice was deep and sent a shiver up Tony’s spine.
Your head tilted to the side as he curiously observed Tony, chuckling lowly as he breathed out a response. “Apologies for the disturbance; it’s been ages since anyone’s been up this side of the mountains.”
“Uh, it’s no trouble, I just didn’t expect to meet,” Tony gestured at you, mimicking horns on his head and fangs, “whatever you are.”
“Most humans know me as Krampus; I deal with the naughty children during this time of year,” you explained.
“So, Santa with horns?”
You sighed, “I suppose, except I don’t do presents. Sometimes I eat naughty children, and if I’m feeling generous, drag them kicking and screaming to hell.”
Tony would’ve taken that as a cue to turn tail and run, where the words not said with a low growl that had his mind supplying rather, shall we say, explicit thoughts. Now, he’s met a lot of people who tickled his fancy. Still, he’s never given being a monsterfucker any thought - then again, the average person probably doesn’t unless you read fanfiction like this, but I digress - but being this close to you was starting to give him some ideas.
“Then why all the, um, stuff around the cabin?” he asked.
“What else is one to do when faced with a vision of beauty?” you replied, pulling him closer. “If they are unwelcome, I can stop.”
There were barely any thoughts running through Tony’s head as of now, at least any useful ones. He stumbled through his words for a bit; he could practically feel the blush rising as you amusingly laughed at his predicament. At this point, he was probably running more on instinct than thought as he flicked your nose, earning him an amused huff.
“Careful,” you warned, “I might find you adorable, but in no way does it prevent me from devouring you.”
Ok, if he wasn’t blushing before, he most certainly was now, “What’s stopping you then?” he dared.
Without warning, he found himself held up by the waist, feet off the ground, and his face level with yours. “Is that what you want, Schatz? Would you like me to ravish you?”
Like any reasonable person, Tony agreed when faced with the proposition of sex from a devilishly handsome man in the middle of the woods. Quite enthusiastically. Your grip on his waist moved to hold his thighs, settling them around your waist. Your face moved to his neck, dragging your nose along his pulse and drawing out a breathless sound from the man in your arms.
“What was that?” you asked after he murmured a response.
“T-Tony. My name. And yes, if i-it’s not too much trouble, I’d love to be ravished, right this instant,” he sputtered, “please.”
He barely finished the last word as your lips caught his, tilting your head slightly to get your tongue space to explore. After a while, you move on to his neck, open mouth kisses and small bites strewn along as Tony’s moans fill the surrounding forest. At one point, he bites his lip to silence himself, but a well-placed bite brings the sounds back. Your claws make quick work of his pants; you half-heartedly apologize before inserting one finger. Slowly but surely, you add more two more fingers, increasing the pace; you move forward to support Tony’s body. Your tail comes up to hold him as your other hand moves around to take hold of his cock.
After two orgasms, Tony’s head was slumped to the side, his breathing slightly labored. You moved him from the tree to the forest floor, positioning yourself and slowly moving forward; the head of your cock went in, causing him to whimper slightly; you muttered words of encouragement into his skin. Stopping every so often to get him used to the feeling. Once it was all in, you didn’t move; Tony breathlessly told you to proceed, you drew out and back in, again and again. The thrusts were slow at first, picking the pace to become faster until growls and moans accompanied the sound of flesh against flesh. No words are exchanged aside from the occasional ‘fuck’ here and there; your movement halts as you release a load, and soon enough, you’re collapsing on top of Tony.
You come down from the bliss to hands roaming up and down your horns, “Next time, I want to hold these while riding you.”
“Next time?” you raised a brow, head moving up to glance at him.
“I’d like to hope I’m more than just a one-off for you,” Tony commented.
“I assumed you’d be returning to your home after this,” you replied, “but if you don’t mind, I’d be happy to follow along.”
“Good.” he exhaled. “Because after that, I don’t think I’d be able to settle with anyone else. Now, if you got us back to the cabin, we could go for round two.”
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End Note:
I'm not saying Tony is a monsterfucker, but like idk what else to tell you. You're welcome though for this mess. Hope you enjoyed my shite. Stay Hydrated.
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heatwa-ves · 2 years ago
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@deepeststrawberrymoon oh boy. here we go. looks directly into your eyes. so. izuleo.
izumi and leo are both members of the unit knights that they formed together in the past (long story) anyway izumi is a model and he's so annoying and he's a bitch and I love him so so much. leo is a composer he's extremely talented at writing music and its his biggest passion, anyway they were close friends and izumi was basically half of Leo's impulse control and everything was great. and then stuff happened. by stuff I mean eichi and the reformation of yumenosaki but that's a story for another time and tbh I don't fully understand it myself 😭
anyway izls previous unit, chess, was disbanded and all the members split off to form their own units, mostly named after chess pieces which is where knights came from. izumi got his friend arashi (enstars' one and only woman 😭😭 unless you count anzu but she's like barely a character) to join their unit and also ritsu who he found sleeping on the ground and was like hey. join us. and ritsu was like ughhhdhhshhh fineee but only if I have to.
they had a big live concert called checkmate against one of the other units originally from chess, and before the live leo went over to them and was like "hey if you had to pick between having all my songs for free but me being your enemy or us being friends still but you never being able to use my songs what would you pick" and they said they'd pick his songs over him and that fucked up Leo a bit like he'd just had the revelation that the unit he had loved so much was using him for his music which was extra devastating bc songs are his way of showing love he writes songs for people he cares about (izumi has an entire ipod full of songs Leo has made for him. jsyk)
checkmate happened Leo said that even if the whole world hates him he'd be happy as long as he had izumi. okay. both of their mental states deteriorate Badly and their relationship develops into codependency they love eachother so much, too much, that it's hurting them both and both of them have this underlying self loathing that they don't know how to deal with so they require external validation to be able to function, izumi needs to be pretty he wouldn't know what to do with himself if people didn't think he was beautiful and so he relies on leo loving him and calling him beautiful and for leo izumi is his muse they need eachother and it's very unhealthy for the both of them until eventually they both break
and then more stuff happened idk exactly I haven't read all the pre ! stories but Leo breaks down entirely and shuts himself away in his room becomes extremely self destructive (haha. remember checkmate epilogue 2 where izumi is like "leo will bite his hand and write songs even as he bleeds" haha. lol.) (I took that line and fucking ran with it and so now I have a fic set in the time period of Leo isolating himself and he's just slowly destroying himself and izumi is breaking too and it's sooooo fun) and this. this is where lionheart comes in.
lionheart is the number one thing that ruined my life. it's 3k words from izumis pov that discusses his relationship with Leo and has some fun character introspection, there are some scenes that make me die like "sena, instead of hating mozart, I might be jealous of him" and leo talking about the tower of babel (SYMBOLISM. I am foaming at the mouth) and Leo saying he feels like simply a burden on his family and they'd be better off without him (have I mentioned I am not ok about leo tsukinaga) and at one part after leo shut himself away izumi has to visit him for knights reasons and when he arrives Leo's little sister Ruka starts crying and asks him to please tell Leo to come out "Izumi-san...? If it's you, I think he'd listen." and there's this.
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and then izumi leaves Leo's house and goes down to the beach and plays his ipod of Leo's songs and has a bit of a moment and then a song comes on from when he was new to being an idol and his singing wasn't that good and Leo is like "your singing is out of tune lmao but you have such a pretty voice it'll get better with practice!" and then there are the most soul destroying words ever this makes me insane I am not ok over them!!!!!
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while leo is off doing his thing (isolating himself and then travelling the world idk) izumi is uh. not doing great. he reunited with a childhood friend that he met when they modelled together and becomes borderline obsessive over him and he becomes the replacement to leo bc izumi can't deal with anyone else leaving especially not someone so important to him. so he feels since he failed leo he has to do everything to protect makoto and keep him safe. obviously tho this is not great for makoto who doesn't want any of this
anyway then leo comes back and tries to destroy knights or something idk I haven't read judgement or requiem (yet) but eventually he rejoins knights and hands over the title of leader to a new member tsukasa. and izl are slowly healing again!! they're not perfect but after graduation they moved to florence together for izumi to pursue modelling and Leo to work on his music tho they do still go back to Japan semi frequently to work on knights stuff. also they're roommates now. teehee ( I haven't read next door either but I Will. Soon)
so yeah. izuleo. I'm normal I'm fine I'm ok.
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familyofpaladins · 9 months ago
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HI SONDER @sonderquill !!!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU!! You have no idea how happy your tags make me!! <3
Your enthusiasm definitely makes me want to maybe write something. Maybe maybe. Maybe once I have a few more things concretely planned
The thing about their "original traits even with the age swap" is honestly kind of the reason I came up with this au XD. Like. I literally went, I'm gonna make an au where mikey is oldest and leo is youngest! Hmmmm but I still want leo to be leader.... what would cause that to happen? And originally i had Splinter being a less than stellar parent with obvious favoritism towards leo and lack of knowledge of how to deal with his more nuerodivergent kids. But I didnt really like that idea, I wanted Splinter to be a good and loving dad. At the same time I was coming up with this idea I had a seperate little idea of the turtles getting kidnapped by shredder and how theyd escape him, and then realized "OH! I CAN JUST INSERT THAT INTO THE AU INSTEAD! IT WOULD MAKE SO MUCH MORE SENSE" and the au was born :)
As for How the boys find out Splinter is alive and get back to him.... well it's a little complicated :3 (more below)
Okay. Know how I said that originally the whole "taken by shredder to escape later" part of the au was originally a seperate idea? Well the "how they get out" part I wasnt sure if I wanted to keep in the au because it's a little... idk, silly? Odd? Unnecessarily complex? ..... And that was why it took me so long to respond to this part. BUT, I created more lore which makes it make more sense and also it's my au and I get to decide its convolutedness lol. ANYWAY
So shredder is obsessed with gaining power through whatever means necessary. Whether that means political power, army of gang members, alien technology, or mystical relics. He has a magical object that sort of functions as a genie's lamp (but its actually alien in origin, but has been on earth for centuries). It can grant one wish a day, but a single person can only ever have one wish granted in their life. Shredder is very proud of the magical object and shows it off to the turtles and asks them what they would wish for.
At first they give answers like, Their Dad to come back soon, or to have objects from their home that they had to leave behind, or more kid things like going to coney island or a lake filled with ice cream. Shredder wasnt too impressed with those options basically told them theyd need to have better wishes if they ever wanted to use the magic wish.
What they tell shredder often varies, but would have some benefit toward the foot clan or shredder to keep him off their backs. (And it's not like he's ever going to let them have their wish granted anyway). But their real wishes are usually something along the lines of:
Mikey wishes for Splinter (or SOMEONE) to return and take them home, or at the very least get them out.
Raph wishes to not be bossed around by Shredder or his goons, and have every aspect of his life controlled.
Donnie wishes he could make technology and know that it would be used for good. (At one point he [got Leo to] tell shredder that he could build stuff and wanted to work with technology. But now that he's doing that, he doesnt like the possible applications of his work and Shredder doesnt tell him what he does with the stuff)
Before leo finds out the truth about shredder, Leo wishes to be a good/the best student to his Master. It's also what he tells shredder he wishes for and never reall changes his wish. By Master he means Master Splinter, but he words it that way that it could also be shredder as long as he's taking care of them. But when he finds out about shredder. He changes his wish. He wishes his brothers wishes to come true. They brothers talk so they know each others wishes, and Leo knows that the wishes they make would most likely Get Them Out.
Shredder usually asks them what they wish for but not every time. Leo gets lucky and the first time he changes his wish, Shredder doesnt ask them about it, so Leo doesnt have to lie (he's very bad at lying). The next time shredder asks tho, leo says "I wished the same as last time", and it's the truth, and since previously Leo had never changed his wish, no one bats an eye at it, and thinks hes still wishing to be a good student.
Now. Another way the Magical Object works, is that you can "tell" it a wish every day, by being close to the object, looking at it, and thinking your wish. but the wish isnt actually granted until you make physical contact with it.
One day, around 2 years after Shredder "killed" Splinter, (about 3 years [exact numbers possible to change] of being with Shredder and making wishes that never get granted), they have a rough day and make their wishes. Mikey wants someone, anyone who would love them, to come and take them away from here (shredder seems to get worse every day). Raph doesnt want to be bossed around by Shredder or Hun or Leo (Shredders been having them work in teams and puts Leo in charge since Leo listens to him and the turtles will listen to a brother. But it can be annoying to be bossed around by your younger sibling). Donnie really wants to make technology that he knows wont be made to hurt anyone, wants to make things for fun and to help, not just want shredder wants. Leo wishes the thing he's been wishing. For his brothers wishes to come true.
Well shredder decides that apparently this is going to be the day that they can be granted a wish. But they will have to race/fight to be the first one to the object to get their wish granted. Well the brothers werent going to play Shredder's game and turn to each other to decide whose wish should be granted.
Except.... Leo had already sprinted ahead. (He doesnt have time to stop and tell them his real wish, afraid that if they stop to talk Shredder will take away their opportunity. So he runs ahead) (Leo has also been trying to plan for an escape. The building they live in goes into the ground and also connects to some sewers/tunnels/caves. Leo has managed to spend some time slowly mapping the tunnels and figuring out which is a possible escape route. He's still trying to work out where to go After that and what supplies theyd need to take, so with the possibility of the Wish being able to get them out NOW instead of him trying to plan it, he's going to take the chance)
When Leo touches the object, it sorted stops time as the Spirit in the object talks to him. It asks him if this is really the wish he wants to make, that he will not be able to make a wish for himself ever after this. Leo says he knows and doesnt want to change his wish. The spirit makes a comment about doing three wishes in one was sort of abusing the one wish rule, and Leo replies that all of their wishes could all be the result of a single action (getting them out). The spirit recognizes Leo's selflessness and good intentions and warns him that it may not work out for him the way he wants. Leo says he still doesn't care. he wants his brothers wishes granted.
The spirit concedes and tells him that "to fulfill wishes past present and future: you will not be able to go with your brothers".
Leo is a little shocked by that, but nods his head and then before he knows it the spirit is gone, and suddenly alarms are going off in the entire building.
Shredder sends the turtles back to their rooms to be escorted by a random foot solider.
As they're going back to their room, theyre quiet because of the alarm, but also because the brothers are mad at leo for taking the wish, and Leo cant explain with the foot soilder right there.
Halfway back to the rooms, a figure drops from the ceiling.
Turns out the alarm was because of an intruder.
The figure is a 6ft alligator man, that starts fighting with the foot soilder. The boys duck into a hall to get out of the way of the fight.
Leo hadnt known at first if the alarm had had anything to do with his wish, but now Leo thinks this might be their chance to get out during all the commotion. They continue away from the intruder and the fighting foot soldiers. Leo gets his brothers attention and asks mikey if he could lead them past the cameras down to the lower levels. (Leo knows Mikey knows how to get past cameras unseen because he's caught him setting up pranks before). Mikey is like, yeah but why? (They're all too startled by the alarm and the intruder to be mad about the wish thing anymore) .
Leo tells him, that they're going to leave. This surprises the brothers, because as far as they know, Leo is the one who has wanted to stay the most and dislikes shredder the least of them. So his sudden decision to leave is shocking.
They may or may not argue about it, and this may or may not be when leo finally actually tells his brothers about the truth, that their father is gone and Shredder was never a friend. That no matter how sad they may be about losing splinter they cant stay with shredder anymore.
Either way, they work their way down to the lower levels, avoiding foot soilders and cameras. When they're nearly to the tunnels, suddenly the giant alligator is back and someone is with him.
A gaint rat, with some scars that are new, but a loving face theyd know anywhere. Its Splinter, alive and right in front of them.
(We're gonna go back in time just a bit)
When shredder "killed" Splinter, he told splinter that he had the boys and planned to get rid of them after he killed splinter. Splinter would have died from his wounds, but the Utrom (more backstory lore about THAT in a later post maybe) found him and put in a healing pod/capsule thing (very similar to what happened in the 03 series). But Splitner was VERY injured and it took him Months to recover. So by the time he got out of the healing pod, he figured his sons had been killed and had lost any chance of saving them long ago. (The utrom are hiding from shredder and have no idea that the turtelws are alive either). He's depressed for a while and then starts to plan revenge agaisnt the Man who has taken All his loved ones from him.
Leatherhead is a mutant who was made from the same mutagen that changed the turtles and splinter. It was just from mutagen that washed further down and reached a young alligator that someone had gotten as a pet and then tossed out when he was getting too big. (The mutagen was a byproduct of the utrom, and they lost some of it due to and an incident and when they went to retrieve the lost stuff they found leatherhead and took care of him). Shredder and [other agencies] have been hunting down the utrom, so leatherhead is all for getting rid of shredder and joins splinter on his mission of vengeance.
They snuck into Shredder's building and were going to take it down one way or another when somehow they set of the alarm (They didnt really. It was Leo's wish that set of the alarm and a chain of events). They split up at that point so leatherhead could distract the foot grunts and Splinter could go looking for shredder.
I'm not sure if splinter actually makes it to shredder /they start fighting before Leatherhead contacts him and tells him that he saw some other mutants in the hall that looked like turtles. At which point splinter completely abandons going after shredder and trying to find the boys. (Meanwhile either because splinter made it to shredder or he later sees splitner on the cameras, he's PISSED that splinter survived. But nots not super important at the moment). Anyway Splitner and Leatherhead try to figure out where the turtles went (leatherhead thinks he saw them heading down). But they also need to Get Out because part of their Vengeance Plot was destroying Shredder's computers and arsenal and what not, so like half the building is on fire and its spreading.
Leatherhead is practically having to drag Splitner out of the building, going down to where they (also) know there are tunnels and looking for the boys as quickly as the can.
And that's when they run into the boys.
It's a very teary reunion and hugs. but it's also rushed as they really really REALLY need to get out of the building, as it's on fire and starting to collapse in areas, and therefore shaking a lot of things. The tunnel Splinter and leatherhead came through originally has already collapsed, so Leo says he knows another way out and points them to the tunnel he was originally planning to escape through.
When they're almost there, they can hear the foot soilders echoing in the tunnels behind them, getting closer.
They carefully crawl through the opening of the tunnel, ehich is half boarded up and looks like it could collapse any second.
Leo knows that this tunnel doesnt connect to any of the other tunnels past this point. At first he thinks that's good. But then he realizes that if the approaching soldiers figure out they went this way, they wont have anywhere else to turn or loose them.
But if he could get the foot to think they went down a different tunnel (and maybe block this tunnel so they didnt know it was open and that they could have gone this way) then maybe it would give his family the chance to get out safely.
And Leo remembers the wish spirit's words, that because of his wish he wouldnt be able to go with his brothers, and figures this is what it means.
Leo manages to turn back with out his family noticing (but maybe Donnie notices, but while overwhelmed cant speak to get anyone's attention) and runs back to the tunnel entrance and manages to knock a board loose and the entrance collapses. And just as the dust settles, the foot soldiers come into view and Leo bolts down a differnt path, leading them on a chase. When the soldiers and eventually shredder catches up to him, he makes it sound like he was chasing after his family, and trying to get them "to come back" so that it doesnt sound like He was trying to escape.
Shredder is overall pissed, and doesnt take a lot of time to hear him out, just sending more men down the maze of tunnels to look and a couple soilders to take Leo ... well not back to the burning building but to somewhere secure.
When they cant find the intruders or other turtles, Shredder comes back and questions Leo more. Leo has had a little time to try and come up with a lie/explanation that sounds convincing to shredder. Shredder asks him why he was in the tunnels. Leo says he was following his family, trying to get them to stay but that they left him behind (Leo starts to cry a little at the lie because it's not true and it hurts to lie about his family, but Shredder assumes he's crying because they left him). As far as shredder is aware, Leo shouldn't have any idea that Shredder and Splinter were enemies so he asks about what splinter said he was doing here. Leo (truthfully) tells him that Splinter didnt stop to tell them, and asks shredder back why he thought Splinter would only come back during an invasion. (And really Leo's trying to figure out HOW his dad is alive when he thought he was dead and it's been a very emotional day). Shredder comes up with his own lie that Splinter was a traitor who never really loved them and that Leo was better off with out splinter or his brothers. Something something "you can't trust anyone, not even your family. You can only trust yourself"
Shredder also asks him at some point about if Leo had wished for this to happen since it was right after that. Leo says that maybe it was that (with the lie that his wish was "to be the best student to his master), and that the only way for his wish to be true was by getting rid of his brothers if leo was to be the best.
Shredder wouldn't be entirely convinced by all of this, but like the night where Leo learned the truth about shredder, Shredder doesnt have a whole lot of reason to believe that Leo is lying to him, since he was the "most behaved".
Since his building got partially destroyed, and he doesn't want to risk Leo escaping/his family coming for him as well... he takes Leo to his home in Japan >:3
(Dont worry, he only spends about a year in japan and WILL (eventuall) make it back to his family. but uh. There'sa lot to that and This is already pretty long so I'm gonna stop here for the moment)
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When you overhear something you weren't supposed to know
*throws these unfinished pieces up and runs away* jk. couldn't decide which perspective i like more so im putting them both up, I liked working with the colors
whats going on below
so this from my own little au/iteration of the tmnt. In it the boys are happily being raised by Splinter, but then one day when they're all about 7 are told to hide when Splinter realizes someone is near their home. They wait and wait where their father puts them, but the person who finds them is someone else. Someone who introduces himself as an old friend of their sensei. Oroku Saki
As far as the turtles are concerned he is the strict friend of their father who isn't maybe isn't super nice (he's really really NOT) but is at least providing a safe place for them "until their sensei returns for them"
What's happening here^^^ is Leo finding out the truth. That Shredder had only taken them in to hopefully Lure out Splinter and take care of him once and for all, and he has finally done so (at least that's what he thinks).
Poor little Leo had just woken up in the middle of the night and was hoping to get a glass of water, only to hear that the person who had been taking care of them for the last year or two has killed your father and plans to get rid of "those useless turtles" now as well.
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