#but idk i dont rly care all that much abt whether theyre actually gay straight bi etc
beacon-lamp · 4 years
oddly this kept me up at night and i would like to ask a bunch of people on tumblr sp here we go. have you guys ever thought about how george/dream may have gotten sick of the whole dnf thing? like what if one them just fucking snaps either live or not, they've stated that they're fine with it but at some point one of them has to get sick of it right? i feel like it would be george because dream would be "aha money" you know idk i feel like we're so close to that breaking point 1/2
and i've been to other fandoms where the two people getting shipped just snaps, dan and phil, larry stylinson. maybe i'm just being paranoid but they're both straight (dream may not be) but still if you identify as straight you'd be bothered by that yeah? do you guys think they had a huge argument about it or something god i'm getting scared rant to me idc just tell me something give me a paragraph go for it 2/2
honestly i don’t know anon.  it’s 4am i haven’t slept and there are too many questions and never enough answers. (also i lived through the phandom and one direction eras but never participated and only saw things from the outside so i’m not sure how things ended.)
i’m not very good at comforting people and your worries are valid but please don’t be scared and maybe go to sleep.  
the thing is, we’ll never know how the dream team truly feel as that’s how parasocial relationships with internet personalities are.  we can speculate on “is it queerbaiting or is it just closeted/repressed emotions” but none of us actually know.  
that being said, in this poorly written essay/stream of consciousness, i will speculate on this dteam situation you have asked about.
the three of them are Good Friends who have known each other for Years, long before any of us had ever heard of them.  i mean they spend half the day on call or falling asleep on call with each other.  and if you think about your own friendships with people you’ve known for Years, you (hopefully) respect your friend’s boundaries and are comfortable telling them if something made you uncomfortable and vice versa.  so i think if any one of them were to start becoming really uncomfortable with the Shipping and whatnot, they would tell one another and work it out in a way that respects their own personal boundaries.  because that’s what i would do with my friends and that’s probably what you would do with yours.  
so under the reasonable assumptions that they are all comfortable enough with each other and practice healthy communication with each other, i don’t think things would ever boil over to a point where one of them Snaps.  
ok but what if that does happen?  what if one of them does Snap?  
well i don’t think it would happen on a livestream.  they’re all Adults with an understanding of the public image they have put out into the world and probably have enough professionalism to not air out private matters publicly.  worst case scenario, the person would just end their livestream early.  and then the three of them will talk it all out privately because at the end of the day, they’re all friends and Care about each other.  and maybe they’ll argue, because it’s good to express your emotions and not keep them bottled up inside for too long.  and this might take a little while because emotions are a fickle thing.
so then what? after one of them becomes uncomfortable with the shipping and they’ve worked it out amongst themselves?  
i would assume they would all come to an agreement that respects all 3 of their boundaries.  a “statement” of sorts would likely be drafted up by them together and they would post it probably on twitter, likely reassuring fans that they are all still friends but that their stance on shipping has changed.  
the fandom would be on fire for a day or two.  things would trend on twitter.  
some people might leave the fandom; some might be toxic about it; but most would likely remain and respect the dteam’s boundaries/feelings.
and after the dust has settled, maybe dteam won’t want to do what they do anymore.  and that’s ok.  or maybe it’ll blow over and things will be the same except minus the shipping.  
who knows.  certainly not me.  and i don’t know if any of this will ever happen?  maybe one of them will come out and the timeline shifts?  maybe things never change for the duration of their mcyt careers?  or maybe something completely unforeseen happens because we’re talking about 3 guys in their early 20s who play a block game for a living.  who knows what could happen.
but i do think things will be ok in the end.  
because regardless of where the dream team’s careers take them, i genuinely believe that dream, george, and sapnap would Never put their careers ahead or at the expense of each other’s feelings.  and that’s perhaps the bottom line of it all.
so please don’t be scared anon.  and maybe go to sleep.  hugs.
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gaydinobots · 5 years
THANK U im gonna just. do every category because i havent talked abt them in a hot minute so obviously! its time to go ham
under a read more because wow. wow this is so long. im so sorry 
their first impressions 👁swoop thinks grim is pretty hot but to be fair. thats a fact. i think he respects grim just because grimlock is like. strong. he would want to know him more he feels like theyd vibe. grimlock thinks swoop seems fun, no special feeling or anything. hes drawn to him a lil but not because of looks (if anything hed find swoop more cute in a weird, ‘this persons objectively not attractive but i cant stop noticing them’ kind of way) . basically they like each others vibes 
their first date 🕯i think i made a joke tweet a long time ago that theyd probably have a date in a junkyard or something as their first date BUT tbh. i think they probably did go to like…a bar for their first date!! swoop drinks more than he can handle to impress grimlock and even tho grim tells him to lay off he thinks its cute hes trying so hard (grimlock pays for Everything) 
their first kiss 💋THINKING ABT THIS MAKES ME EMBARRASSED OH MY GOD………..ok swoop initiates the kiss impulsively, it probably happened on one of their first dates, and he didnt think much of it. grimlock thought abt it a lot longer than he expected to (it all worked out in the end)  
an inside joke they share 🃏they make fun of slug getting mistaken for a heterosexual by every lesbian he knows…………i think swoop would probably bring up anything dumb grimlock has said too but u see grimlock loves him so he just laughs it off 
a recurring fight they get into ⛈they dont rly fight fight because max dinos 3 proves swoop can only stay mad at grimlock for all of 5 whole minutes. i think they fight over grimlock getting too overprotective when they were starting out but theyve been together long enough to like. be more mature abt handling it!! 
their love languages 💞i think grimlocks highest one would be touch!! idk why im attached to affectionate touchy grim but i feel like he just likes to hold his partners….whether its straight up cuddling or just a casual hand slung over a shoulder. swoop is more of a quality time kind of guy!! i dont think they rly do gift giving often BUT theyre do a lot of nice stuff for each other instead. grimlock also rly isnt into like. verbal affection as much as swoop is. swoop is verbal abt his affection but isnt big on being complimented himself. 
how they feel about pda 🌹swoop LOVES pda because hes dramatic and likes to show off sometimes. he needs everyone to know he loves his wonderful bf and show him off!! grimlock isnt so big on the public part but he indulges swoop anyway + he likes being affectionate - its a win/win for him either way
their favorite things about one another ⭐️grimlock clearly has a type for airheads hgkdsf but for real i think he does love how cheerful and upbeat swoop is!! he likes how impulsive swoop can be too because it means he cant predict what he’ll do next….so he’ll find something new to love when he doesnt expect it 😳 (maybe im being a bit mushy here. whos going to stop me? no one thats what) i dont think swoop ever rly put thought into his favourite trait of grimlock or hed just give a superficial answer about it. but his favourite part about grimlock is his more compassionate side + i think he also likes how grim doesnt. particularly care what other people think of him! he thinks grimlock can be rly sweet and is maybe a little proud of the fact hes one of the few ppl that actually get the Whole Grim Experience 
how they would adapt for one another 🍂swoop has to slow down a lil bit for grimlock! he’s naturally high energy which can be overwhelming for grim, so when swoop realises this he starts to make sure that grim can keep up w/ him. he also does try to take things more seriously cause i feel like hed view his whole thing w/ grim as being casual up until a certain point. grimlock on the other hand definitely tries to be more attentive to swoop. grim is naturally just. not rly receptive to people but when he decides someone is worth the effort he goes ALL IN. hes not the best listener or anything but he does try his best to be interested! even if its for little things.
their favorite celebrations 🎃dinobots collective anniversary because they all decided to just lump up their anniversaries into one nice day + slash’s birthday !!!!!!! i think swoop would also like. get jokingly into knowing different species celebration days but he doesnt rly care much for the meanings
their domestic rituals 💆what intricate rituals do they do………………………i mean they WERE separated for most of post war so they dont rly have much material to go off of. i guess fighting is a good bonding activity w/ ur partner so you end up resting together at night………they definitely cuddle Quite A Bit, swoop and grim also allocate a specific amt of time to swoop gossiping abt something or laughing at other people…im bad at this part OOP 
their family and friends’ opinion ⚖️in an ideal world the dinobots (minus lesbian icon strafe and their daughter slash) r all dating each other in one big polyamorous marriage anyway….the scavengers are very happy that grim’s happy even if krok keeps asking them to stop making out on top of his fridge when he wants engex. misfire keeps planning really weird elaborate date plans which both appreciate even if grim isnt rly sold on shoot shoot bang bang as a date night concept. i keep thinking of a dumb au where the other dynos live and slug is kind mmm because he and swoop are dating and he thinks therell be drama but the spoiler here is that they all have 2 hands so swoopsluglock ends up being the REAL endgame 
their shared living space 🏡the dynos barely have a house half the time in idw oop. i like the idea of them all somehow finding…dinobot island. gay dino paradise if u will. perfect honeymoon destination complete with very nicely heated mud pits 
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