#but i've said that i won't forget ll the shit buddies have pulled
shaunashipman · 1 month
I'd take your concern for toxic buddies more seriously but you reblog that blog who literally harassed that 911 update account for no reason other than they like buddie. They're literally a full on freak lying about having connections saying they have connections with the social media team and being serious about it. They talk sh*t about Oliver & Ryan bc they like buddie more than bucktommy. That blog posts have got deleted not only off the 911 reddit page but the bucktommy reddit page too for making up lies and starting problems. But yeahhhhh bucktommys aren't toxic huh? They had to run to tumblr bc there's less ppl on here & a less active fandom so they can hide here without getting called out. I'd take you more serious if you weren't a hypocrite but you're an expert on performative activism 😔
nice ending with the little sad emoji, really trying to sell how you're disappointed in me, a random stranger on the internet.
this 911 update account, would it be the same one who essentially sicced their followers on a black teenager on twitter for supposedly making an alternative 911 update account? the same alternative account that was quickly revealed to have been made by a buddie to specifically stir up animosity towards bucktommys and who then quickly had to make a blubbering apology and say that they didn't mean to be racist when they posted racist stuff on the alternate update account to frame bucktommys? and then this original 911 update account just never addressed their accusations and pretended it never happened?
is that the one you're talking about? just so we're clear.
is it toxic to screenshot some people's tweets and mock them? maybe. it's certainly childish and annoying, and i know, i've done it. but i'd consider toxic, flooding the comments of a birthday post for a main cast member with insults and hatred because one man made a comment, or flooding the replies and quotes of a random mlm account with insults and hatred because they posted the bucktommy kiss, or the repeated homophobia towards a gay character that fostered an environment for someone to start sending CSA to people's inboxes, or you know, sending death threats to the showrunner because a 20 second scene that added nothing to the plot got cut and they won't pay $30-$40 thousand dollars to release it on instagram.
but yeah, screenshots and mocking, toxic. huh, i'll really have to think about that.
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