#but i'm trying to 100% the game as i go along so i deal with it
bucketnewt · 8 months
my love of deep water freaks does not mesh well with my thalassophobia
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danieyells · 3 months
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@2flowerz also asked for Lyca so
NOW WITH 100% MORE DOGGO LYCA. HE IS DEFINITELY A HUMAN AND NOT A WEREWOLF. He is trying very hard to be a human. I love him very much. . . .
Hello: (the first time the game is opened after that character is set as home screen NPC. Only happens once per day, unless the character is switched out and back.)
"...You again. Where're we going today?"
You've Got Mail: (whenever there's something in the inbox, usually Arena rewards)
"Hey, you got letters. Don't you have to read them? Oh, don't you know how?"
he understands if you can't read, man. neither can he.
Default: (requires no affinity, has no time constraints)
"You smell sweeter than usual today... Stop. Go away."
after learning that the pc is going to turn into the anomaly that cursed them any sort of 'you smell nicer than normal' feels like such a threat lmao
"You want to touch me? Fine. Ten seconds and that's it."
that is more than enough my good sir
"When I find Neros, I wanna prove I've been getting along with humans. Then he'll definitely let me live with him."
considering he related the term 'neglect play' to what Neros did to him. . .I'm not so sure. . .and if Neros was as old as he sounds like he was, I wonder if he's even still alive. . . .
"Hey! Moth-eaten Casanova! Where'd you go? I'm gonna show you my special move today."
"special move" in Japanese is 「必殺技」 or 'lethal move'/'killer technique', usually unique to a person or fighting style. Not sure if he wants to show Ed how cool he is or try and kill him lmao--
"This phone thingy they gave me keeps making noises and making me jump... Why do I gotta carry it everywhere? It's scary!"
Affinity 1: (between 5am and 11am)
"Mnn... Let me sleep... Don't touch me... Zzz..."
Affinity 2: (between 11am and 4pm)
"Laws, school regulations, anomalous law... Manners, morals, rules... How're you s'posed to remember all that?"
man i wish i could tell you. . .i've mostly got the morals in order, that's basically just 'don't do harm to others' when you get down to it. laws are about 50% 'don't do things that may endanger you or others' and 50% bullshit. the rest you're kinda on your own with.
Affinity 3: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"Urgh... My skin's crawling... Moon must be gettin' round soon..."
Affinity 4: (between 8pm and 5am)
"At first I was sad 'cause I got put in a different house to Suba, but all kinds of stuff happens here every day so it was fine."
awww he was sad because he doesn't get to see Subaru as often but he's not bored so it's alright! glad he's comfortable ;u;
Affinity 5: (between 8pm and 5am)
"H-Hey, don't come so close! Somethin' about your scent makes my stomach feel weird!"
WE'RE ONLY ON AFFINITY 5 DUDE YOU CAN'T BE CATCHING FEELINGS THIS EARLY it's probably because he's scared of girls or something lol
Affinity 6: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"I didn't do anything wrong! Those guys were saying mean stuff about me 'cause they thought I couldn't hear. All I did was yell at them."
I hate how they won't even let Lyca defend himself verbally. . . .
Affinity 7: (between 11am and 4pm)
"I don't mind classes. The teachers say cool stuff. Once I learn to read the textbooks and the notes and the blackboard it'll be perfect."
Affinity 8: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"There was this big noise in our practical class and my ears popped out. Everyone ran away screaming. Damn it..."
wow they're cowards if the ears alone scared them. . .how're they supposed to deal with anomalies if that scared them!?
Affinity 9: (between 8pm and 5am)
"This? It's a picture book, duh. How come you don't know that when you're a human? I study with it before bed, everyone does it."
I wonder who made him a picture book of all the things he'd be learning as a first year to study with. . . . . .or maybe it's just a generic picture book lol
Affinity 10: (between 10pm and midnight)
"This blanket's not trash, it's just dirty. I can't sleep without it, so hands off."
he really loves that blanket huh. it must be one of the only things he had from his childhood or from being looked after by neros. . . .
Affinity 11: (between 5am and 11am)
"What's a "so-shul skill"?  That blond gigolo was talking about them. He said I don't have any. Is that a good thing?"
he's got social skills!! Just. . .not very human social skills!!!
Affinity 12: (between 11am and 4pm)
"I'm starving... I wanna eat Sho's food, but I can't order it without Suba... Wait, you can read, right?"
Lyca slowly realizing how many people he knows can actually read and thus can help him with placing orders for delicious foods--
Affinity 13: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"That moth-eaten Casanova's in his room all day so I tried to take him for a walk, but he locked his door and ignored me. The hell?!"
Affinity 14: (between 5am and 11am)
"That stupid blond gigolo ran off with my blanket. I'm not done sleeping yet..."
tbf your blanket is filthy. . .and I get it, it's what you've got and it smells familiar but. . . .
Affinity 15: (between 5am and 11am)
"I can't get back to sleep... I'm gonna wake up that moth-eaten Casanova for a walk."
lyca is a dog scratching at your bedroom door with his leash in his mouth like 'yes it is time for walkies now rise human'
Affinity 16: (between 11am and 4pm)
"The teacher asked us to name an anomalous plant you can eat but when I did he said humans can't eat it. So what? I can, so I'm not wrong."
I AGREE WITH HIM HE SHOULD NOT GET THAT MARKED WRONG. if you only want a human applicable question say 'humans' not 'you.
Affinity 17: (between 10pm and midnight)
"In the last place I never knew what time it was and I pretty much just slept all day. Now I gotta get used to having a "roo-teen.""
Affinity 18: (between 8pm and 5am)
"I'm drawing. If I draw all the good stuff and bad stuff that happened every day I won't forget about it."
if he could write he'd keep a diary but since he can't write he's keeping a picture diary. . .and he's a really good artist according to his character story, so it's probably a pretty faithful recreation of whatever happened that day. i'd love to see his picture diary. . . .
Affinity 19: (between 10pm and midnight)
"Huh? The blood on my bed? ...It's nothing. Don't touch my stuff, you're gonna get your smell all over it!"
Affinity 20: (between 5am and 11am)
"...Did you cry? Your scent is all squeezy. How come?"
smelling you sad makes him sad too so tell him why you're feeling sad and he can make the sad go away?
Affinity 21: (between 11am and 4pm)
"I wanna go to the cafeteria, but the teachers won't give me my pocket money. They said I'll get "spoiled." The hell does that mean?!"
Affinity 22: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"That moth-eaten Casanova told me humans like it if you ignore them sometimes. Something about playing hard to get? I'm gonna try it tomorrow."
I wonder if that has anything to do with Subaru's home screen chat where he wonders why Lyca hasn't messaged him back. . .he's trying to play hard to get because he thinks it'll make Subaru like him more. . . .
Affinity 23: (between 8pm and 5am)
"I'll stay here and be quiet at night, even when the moon's not round. 'Cause you're tired, aren't you? Go sleep."
even if he doesn't have to stay or even if he wants to make lots of noise, he'll stay and be quiet so it's easier for you to fall asleep. He won't be loud and you don't have to worry about him! so sleep tight!
Affinity 24: (between 10pm and midnight)
"Sleep here. Huh? Is there a law that says we can't sleep together? There's not, is there? Hurry up and lie down."
it's pretty much innocent. . .he just wants you close by. . .being able to smell you while he sleeps would probably make it easier to fall asleep. . .feel safe and familiar and everything. . . .
Affinity 25(max): (no time constraints)
"I'm gonna work hard... I'll gonna work so hard, they're gonna say I can live with humans forever..."
Lyca, despite being a werewolf, is a lot like Kaito in that he just wants to be a normal human. Except he never started as a normal human, so he has a bit further of a distance to go to become one. . .he's not a dog, he doesn't wanna be a pet or an animal or anything like that. He wants to be a person like everyone else. But it's hard when others reject him, and when everyone says they think he's too dangerous even when he hasn't done anything wrong. Other ghouls--other humans--do way worse stuff than he does, and yet he's still held to a higher standard. It's not fair. But he's working as hard as he can to catch up. . . .
Spring: (March-May) (between 5am and 11am)
"That blond gigolo tried to wash my blanket! He's never coming in my room again!"
he does not like spring cleaning--
(between 11am and 4pm)
"Lately there's flower smells everywhere, but sometimes there's one that kinda smells like you."
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"Harurin kept nagging, so I went to the safari park. Not gonna lie...it was super fun."
I love that Lyca uses the nicknames Rui uses for some people lol and I bet he loved running around Jabberwock!!! All that fresh open air and the wildlife. . .he's a wolf at heart really and truly.
(between 8pm and 5am)
"Cherry blossom petals are super fun. They're like, whoosh, then they fall everywhere. I wish our house had some."
Summer: (June-August) (between 5am and 11am)
"Urgh... My head...it hurts... This? It's shaved ice. The blond gigolo told me to eat it so I don't get "heat eggs-aw-schun.""
oh buddy you're eating it too fast. . . . . .
(between 11am and 4pm)
"I was just in that moth-eaten Casanova's room and it was so cold I thought it was gonna snow! Is he secretly a yeti?"
okay it was only 63 degrees in there it wasn't THAT cold Lyca.
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"I'm gonna go practice swimming at Harurin's place. Can you do other stuff besides doggy paddle?"
I can't swim at all so. you are miles ahead of me my friend.
(between 8pm and 5am)
"I know I said I always wanted to do sparklers, but... you sure this's okay? I thought we're not s'posed to play with fire!"
canid instincts are kicking in--fire BAD and SCARY and DANGEROUS. ABORT MISSION.
Autumn: (September-November) (between 5am and 11am)
"I just tried to join in with some guys playing with a ball, but they said I don't know the rules and told me to go away."
THEN TEACH HIM THE RULES god they're such jerks around here.
(between 11am and 4pm)
"Blond Gigolo was makin' this massive fire near the garden just now. It smelled all burnt and sweet... Is that some kinda ritual?"
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"Finished my picture. That Romi guy who comes to the bar all the time said he wanted one, so it's for him."
Romeo does like fine things. This just goes to show how good of an artist Lyca is! I bet Romeo's gonna frame it and put it somewhere people can see lol or maybe just keep it in his room. . .that or he wants to see if he can get him to make a forgery and profit off poor Lyca--
(between 8pm and 5am)
"Moth-eaten Casanova said humans like looking at the moon... D'you get sad if you can't see it?"
Winter: (December-February) (between 5am and 11am)
"I'm gonna go play at that big ice castle after class! Huh? 'Cause playing in the snow's fun."
(between 11am and 4pm)
"Mm, I don't really feel the cold. Humans get warm when they run around too, don't they? Race you over there! "
he is having so much fun in the winter ;;;;; just running around and playing. . . .
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"My fingers have been gettin' all tingly and stiff and my hair's all crunchy! What's up with that? "
maybe playing in the snow a little too much lol--
(between 8pm and 5am)
"How d'you drink hot drinks so quick? They always burn my tongue... Huh? Dogs have sensitive tongues? I'm a wolf, not a dog..."
His birthday: (April 19th)
"Oh right, it's my birthday. Neros told me my mom wrote down the date."
Your birthday:
"It's your birthday, right? No, I only know 'cause that blond gigolo was yelling about it. ...Here's your present."
I bet he drew something really nice or found you something really cool ;3;
New Years: (January 1st)
"Hope you have a happy and prop...props... prosp...prospinous? new year... Damn it, I practiced that for ages..."
Valentine's Day: (February 14th)
"Oh, thanks. Professor Nicolas said I can't eat chocolate, so I'll give it to Casanova and Gigolo!"
why would you even risk giving him chocolate in the first place lmao. . .also in Japanese he says "I'll share with those two idiots" instead of "casanova and gigolo" lmao
White Day: (March 13th)
"This is for you. I dunno what kinda stuff human girls like, but Suba helped me pick it, so it's prob'ly fine."
Subaru knows girls' tastes is Lyca's logic I guess lmao Subaru is a lil on the femme side comparatively--
April Fool's Day: (April 1st)
"Why's everyone being so mean today?! Telling lies and laughing at me... They're all jerks...!"
please explain the day to him. . .people are mean enough to him as it is. . . .
Halloween: (October 31st)
"My ears and tail are out? I know, I'm doing it on purpose. The moth-eaten Casanova said it's okay today."
THE ONE DAY HE CAN BE HIMSELF IS HALLOWEEN BECAUSE NO ONE WILL THINK ANYTHING OF IT. . .they'll just think it's a cool costume or maybe a fox robe! And he'll get candy for it!!!
Christmas: (December 25th)
"Hey, look! When I got up this present was next to my pillow! Santa really came..."
WHO TAUGHT HIM ABOUT SANTA. . .AND WHY. . .then again Romeo said Santa's reindeer is real so. . .it probably isn't actually harmful to teach him about Santa since Santa's probably somewhat real here. . . .
Idle: (about 20 seconds without interacting with the game) (below 13 affinity)
"...I'm going for a walk."
(13 affinity and above)
"Hey, you alive? Huh, you're breathing so I guess so."
Absent: (logging in for the first time in 2 or more days?)
"How come you stopped coming? Do you hate me? It made my heart all squeezy, so don't do it again."
oh no sweetie. . .sometimes we just have to take care of things and disappear without wanting to. . .sometimes life gets in the way instead of finding away. . . . . . . .
JUST. . .SWEETEST OF SWEETHEARTS. HE'S SO CHILDISH AND ADORABLE AND SWEET AND GOOD. . .I WILL USE MY TEN SECONDS OF PETTING TIME WISELY. He really does try harder than anyone, he's so determined and I believe in him so much. I want my boy to be happy.
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bookishdreamer28 · 10 months
kissing your best friend Satoru for the first time ♡
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Here's another tooth-rooting post with the fave boy Satoru 🙌
You were currently in Satoru's room, playing video games. This was something you did occasionally and you must say, being around Toru made you the happiest you could ever be. After a few moments, you stopped playing and decided to lay on his bed to watch a movie. You felt your phone buzzing on the mattress and you picked it up. You saw a message from the cute guy you met a few days ago, asking you about the time for your date. You started replying to him and when you sent the message, you turned your head to the side and saw that Satoru was already staring at you. With a frown on his face.
"So, who's that guy? What's his deal?" He asked while leaning his body closer to yours.
"I met him a few days ago and he asked me out. That's pretty much all." You explained and looked away from his intense stare. He huffed and circled an arm around your waist pulling you to his side. You felt your cheeks burning.
"Well, is he even worth your time? Cause lemme tell you, I think not."
"He's actually a nice guy Toru. Besides, It's not like I want to be in a relationship with him."
"I mean, as if! You can do so much better. AndbybetterImeanmebutanyways." He muttered under his breath fast.
"What the heck was that?" You asked laughing a little him.
"Nothing nothing. Just saying...anyways, since you want to go out with him and you...like him," he said a bit hesitantly. "what is it that makes you so nervous?"
"Nervous? Im not nervous! I'm fine. Relaxed." You tried to convince him but you saw how it didn't affect him at all.
"Yeah right...Come on princess just tell me." He rested his chin on my shoulder, looking up at me with those blue damned eyes. Why he's doing this to me?
"...ok. Look. You might find it weird and all but...I don't know If I'm a good kisser." You mumbled. Satoru raised an eyebrow and turned his body fully to you.
"What? Why you think that? Has anyone ever made you feel this way? Just tell who he is and I-." He said a little louder.
"No no no." You wanted to laugh so hard with his reaction. You see, this is the reason why you love him. He's the only one who can make you feel This happy, without even trying.
"It's just that I don't think I'm good- you know what? No. I know for certain that I'mnot good cuz to be honest, I've never kissed anyone before..." You didn't dare meeting his eyes, though you felt his stare burning holes to the side of your head. You continued. "But I want to find a way to see if I'm actually good... and I thought that maybe we could...practice? Together?." Satoru was staring at you like you were an alien.
"Hold on. You haven't kissed anyone before? And you want me to... be your first kiss? Just like that?"
" I know it's so weir-"
"NO! No. Don't even finish that sentence. Just because you have never kissed anyone before doesn't mean anything sweetheart. It'snot weird and you shouldnever feel uncomfortable about it. Now. Are you sure about this? I don't have a problem as long as you're truly ok with this." He asked me, taking a hold of my hand, rubbingsoft circles on the skin.
"Yeah. I'm 100% percent sure I want this. Don't worry Toru." You softly murmured.
You sat there, just staring at each other, without moving for a while.
"Uhm ok, do you want to move yourself on me- I mean, to sit on my lap? You know, just to be in a comfortable position. Or anywhere else you want. It's important that you're comfortable."
"Ah sure. I guess. Ok! Your lap is fine." You placed each of your legs on each side of Toru's thighs, and sat carefully down. His breath hitched with the contact and you were pretty sure that he could hear your heart beating now.
" Ok nice." He coughed. "Now, without getting into too much detail, we're just going get in the moment and everything will move along on their own, smoothly. There's absolutely nothing to worry about. Don't think too much about it just, let yourself relax," his hand started rubbing my waist slowly, "and enjoy it. Every moment." He whispered.
"Do I just...close my eyes and lean in?" You questioned quietly.
"Do what your heart says. No need to rush, or feel like you have to do something extraordinary." He played with a strand of my hair and placed it behind my ear. Ok, it was now or never.
You started leaning your face close to his, your lips were just an inch away from his, yet you felt your world spinning already. His eyes were on your lips, and then his stare went back on you.
His hands gripped your waist a little bit more tightly.
And finally, you closed the small distance and your lips joined together.
Your hands traveled through his silver, soft hair and Toru let out a low growl from your actions. He sat up a little, his hand going up to your neck slowly, feeling you shivering from his touch.
You felt his tongue poking your lower lip, and you instantly opened your mouth, giving him access to join yours. The heat of your kiss was too much to bear. You felt weak. You felt things you've never felt before.
You moaned when you felt his teeth biting your lip, and then his tongue smoothing the burning sensation.
I felt lost to the feeling of his lips against mine, that I didn't noticed we've been kissing for so long. We eventually pulled away and stared at each other. No words could be exchanged at the moment.
"Ih yeah ok that's definitely not a normal kiss I fcking love you." He what?!
Ypu stared at him with wide eyes, not being able to process what you just heard.
"Please you won't go on this stupid date with this jerk. Please" His body tensed at the thought of you being with someone else. He couldn't get enough of you. And he wouldn't hold back anymore. He needed you to know how he felt right now.
"Toru..." You sighed, still breathless from your heating kiss. Breathless from hwaring him saying the words you've been wanting to sau to him for a while. He was the only thing that consumed your mind. You forgot all about the date until Toru brought it up. And to be honest, you gave zero f about the other guys anyway.
"I just..."he took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He then opened them again, looking at me longingly.
"I just...I love you. You're everything I've been wanting in my life, and I tried to convince myself that it was all just an excitement. A burning passion. I was too stupid to think that these feelings, would just eventually go away. I- Yeah. I love you sweetheart. I want us to happen. I want us to be together. Just that."
You were burning. You felt your face burning. You felt you were not touching ground.
"Us...I like the sound if that." You smiled and pulled him in for a sweet kiss.
You pulled away. "Just so you know I love you too. So damn much."
Satoru looked at you, like you were the brightest star in his eyes. His eyes went back to your lips and softly smiled, slowly leaning in for another kiss, which you could never deny. He was kissing you with so much love. And the feeling now was even more powerful. You never thought that practice kissing with your best friend, would make you want to confess your feelings for each other. Feelings you both hidden for so long.
After the kiss session you two had, you laid back on the bed, your head on Satoru's chest, while he was placing soft kisses all over your face.
"I can't believe you're mine. I've been wanting to have like this, in my arms, for so- oh quit smiling like that at me, I can't stop messing my sentences when you look at me like that." He laughed and brought your face to his to give you a small kiss on your nose.
You laughed resting your head on his shoulder.
"Well I'll definitely take advantage of that." You teased and continued laughing.
Thank you for reading ❤
all rights reserved. please do not copy, modify, repost, translate, or claim my content as yours.
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starheavenly · 4 months
(this was about a million more questions than I meant to send sorry! I got ahead of myself, answer what you’d like, no pressure.)
You mentioned Pharma’s codependency with Ratchet and how some deceptions would fake injuries (or actually get injured) to see Ratchet. How do you think he reacted to that? / Was he allowed to help medical visits at all (not saying they allowed him to surgery of course, but more like a basic check up and etc) or was that only after the whole redemption/recovery happened?
Speaking of Pharma’s codependency; how did that work out when Deadlock started to warm up to Rachet? Had he gotten enough work and healing in that it wasn’t an issue or was it a mess? XD (Would be wild of Pharma and Deadlock got along before they added Ratchet)
I'm glad people are invested in these three; they're obviously my favorites! Okay, just had my morning coffee, so it's time for a wall of text.
I still think my idea that half the Decepticons have a tiny crush on Ratchet is pretty funny. It was a little joke on the fandom since so many simp for Ratchet (me, it's me). I don't think Pharma ever noticed the correlation, though. Like I've said, I've moved on from the yandere idea, so Pharma isn't actively threatening people; he's just clingy. Maybe the cons stopped getting injured because they were wary of Pharma being around.
Honestly, I don't think Pharma is ever getting his medical license back. But at the same time, I think part of healing is accepting that you can't be the same person you were or do the same things you used to do. He probably just helps with tools and getting supplies. After a bit of recovery, he would get some of his snarkier personality back and be a bit of a backseat medic to Ratchet. He's healthier but still a control freak, that's for sure.
And Pharma obviously has a resentment to Decepticons in general, so he did not like Deadlock at first; but Deadlock didn't really care about Pharma nor Ratchet either.
This is a super silly detail, but Deadlock writes/talks to Cyclonus on Cybertron since they're all supposed to write to someone. Cyclonus is the one who convinces Deadlock to make more of an effort to get to know people (like how she got to know a little sanitation bot) Once Deadlock actually begins to try, he finds out a bit more about Pharma's whole deal. Deadlock discovers that Ratchet still cares about and helps Pharma even after what he did. Seeing how different Pharma was (a bit of a parallel to Drift/Deadlock), he begins to warm up to both of them.
(Pharma 100% cheats at their games of Go, by the way.)
And I know you didn't ask, but I didn't explain how/why Deadlock leaves Earth. He noticed how fond he was of Ratchet, and that scared him. He really didn't think he deserved any sort of redemption after all he'd done. Windblade and Chromia visit, and he steals their ship. Yes, there is Zenith!Wing. I have to design him, but he's a silly hermit who teaches Deadlock that there will be people willing to forgive him and care about him (also swords; he shows him how cool swords are). So Deadlock goes back to Earth as Drift! And my dratchma bias continues.
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five-and-dimes · 1 year
So I'm reading through the Sandman comics, and I just got through "Three Septembers and a January" and it is just... SO interesting in terms of the Endless family dynamics.
(This is going to be so disorganized and rambly I just have a lot of feelings I loved this story okay)
Like, yeah okay I'm a Dream apologist, but seriously. Despair calls Dream (not in her gallery and without his sigil- very informal and borderline against the rules- and he still comes!) and challenges him to a game over a mortal's life. Dream is like "No, I don't play your games, I'm a goddamn professional" and Despair shoots back like "WOW you think you're soooo much better than us, not fucking around with people's lives, it's 100% your fault Destruction left" and Dream is like "...fine, hold my beer."
So that alone I'm like. Yeah dude. I get it. And if that's the shit he's been dealing with for all of existence? Yeah I'd be annoyed with my siblings too.
Another part I'm super interested in is seeing when Death shows up and when she doesn't (to be fair, we're following Dream, so it's possible we just don't see certain interactions).
At the very beginning of the challenge, Death shows up to like. Scold Dream for going along with it? She even says "I thought you were an adult" and like. Okay, sure, you think Dream shouldn't be doing this but are you going to talk to Despair and Desire about this? I love Death but a lot of times she gives me the vibe of an adult telling you "Just ignore them they're just doing it to get a reaction" instead of telling the other person to stop antagonizing you, y'know?
At one point Despair says "What's there to understand? He's mortal. He's nothing." And Dream immediately disagrees, and like. That feels like PRIME Death lecture area. Despair doesn't value mortals! The people they serve! Death if you can scold Dream for feeling lost and disconnected from humanity after being tortured for 100 years you can scold Despair for looking down on humans for seemingly no reason.
Desire eventually shows up to try to sway the guy they're following into giving into his desires, but he turns them down. And Desire is SO pissed like "what the FUCK this guy should be mine!!" and Dream's just like "¯\_(:/)_/¯" and then as he leaves is like "Tbh disappointed in you Desire, you weren't very subtle" which to me felt like an "I expected better from you" and, expectedly, Desire gets MORE pissed and as they leave, to themself are like "Oh he wants subtle? I'm gonna make him spill family blood and bring the Kindly Ones down on him!!" Which. To me. Feels like just a bit of an overreaction.
Seriously THAT'S why you want to kill him?? Because he insulted you during a challenge that he didn't even want to be a part of but got provoked into? That's your motivation? Holy shit.
Dream's done some fucked up shit, no lie, but when it comes to the family side of things? Honestly #TeamDream all the way, just leave the poor boy alone, Jesus Christ.
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writers-potion · 4 months
hey, you have helped me s much with my book. so in my book currently the mc is a new empress and she attends this ball where royals and the elite meet to celebrate the coming of spring but there will be like friendly trails (competition) kingdoms would have to go through to win to build allyship. the thing is i have no idea what trails do you have like examples?
Story Ideas for Friendly Royal Competitions
Hey, thanks for liking my blog!
If you like my blog, buy me a coffee☕ and find me on instagram! 📸
I've branched out into a few different themes (depends on which one you want to emphasize) for this Spring Networking Ball, so feel free to choose one & come back to me with further questions if you want me as a sounding board for your ideas.
+ I'm going to assume that magic exists, or at least is believed in. I've tried to make the ideas as friendly/fun as possible.
Competition for the "New" Empress
This is where the fact that your MC is a newbie ruler plays a factor in what games is played.
A Chance To Play a New Game. Once two kings/lords decide they'd hold hands, it is customary for the trade deal/military deal/general allyship to last for life. Now that the new empress is here, other rulers are hoping to win the favor of the MC.
-Each royal/elite will bring their national/family animal to be sacrificed in the holy fire which changes color when a sacrifice is burned. The empress just picks her favorite color.
-The new empress will bring along three Holy Children who'll make a gift of flower garlands to three lords. They would get a chance to sit at the empress's table first. How do you win over three innocent children?
-A masked ball where the new empress picks her first ally without knowing the true identity of the other. The new empress must be wise...but it turns out she picked her worst enemy after all.
A Husband For the New Queen. It is the universally accepted truth that a new empress must be in search of a husband. All eyes on the empress, who will win her heart (and her empire's favor)?
-A poetry competition (kinda like a medieval rap battle?) to please the new empress
-The empress will provide a keyword like "kindness" or "chivalry", and each lord will prepare an elevator pitch about their heroics to be shared at the table during the feast. Subtle stares and (un)friendly kicks below the banquet table.
Competition for "Allyship"
This is where the focus of the competition is the distribution of military and natural resources.
Annual Betting Table. Each king/lord must bet a particular amount of their resources (like 3000 kilos of sheep wool, etc.) to be traded off. A game is played, and the winner takes more.
-Can be a card game, like poker.
-The "gaming chips" are represented by flowers (e.g. one blue rose = 100 sheep, 1 red rose = 3 golds), and the lords and ladies exchange flowers throughout the festival. Lovesick lords giving their father's wealth away to their lovers; ladies trying to flatter and steal roses.
-If a lord/lady wants to win something over, they have to make a payment by dancing with the person who has it. How long will our empress last in her twelve-inch heels? What if she simply hates the lord who has what she wants?
Allyship Turnover. The Spring Ball is an annual event where all sorts of contracts (trade deals, borrowing of ports, arranged marriages) must be renewed; each year a new contract is formed.
-The spring festival basically becomes speed dating. The orchestra will play, and the lords move one seat to the right at every interim. You can drop out of a round by drinking a cup of strong mulberry ale. Drunk ladies ripping flowers out of each others hair?
-A game of human chess where each person plays the role of a chess piece.
Competition for the "Spring" Festival
This is where the theme of spring is emphasized.
The Spring Goddess Decides.
-The goddess of spring will express her divine wish by giving each person a tatto on their left forearm. They must find someone with a matching tattoo, or intentionally hide theirs and lie.
-The goddess will "bless" her favored lords and ladies for the year by crowning their head with flowers/turning their dress (like Cinderella). Everyone will try to form allies with these handful of Chosen Ones and spend the year preparing to win the goddess's favor.
A friendly 1-1 duel between lords (they either choose their opponent beforehand or the eldest gets to choose first or something) on a holy patch of ground. If a drop of sweat/blood falls on the ground, a flower will bloom. The one to make a flower bloom first loses.
Hope this helps
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* . ───
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💎Before you ask, check out my masterpost part 1 and part 2 
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just-my-type-x · 1 year
Heyyy i have a random request, I read your Colby X reader called “unholy” and I was wondering if you could do one where it’s still smutty (if you’re okay with that) and basically Colby and the reader are at a party and Colby basically saved the reader from another dude trying to force himself on her and when he’s trying to soothe the reader he basically admits he’s had feeling for her for a while and things get steamy
Hate The Game
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Angst, slight smut
Hello bby, sorry for the long wait, but i find it so hard to right anything. Also, another apology to the fact that, for now, i'm not writing Colby smut, but i transformed it in a way to involve ur full request.
Hope u enjoy it ♥️
The amount of people who are singing takes me by surprise as i enter the house party, rather shy. I look backwards and i laugh along with Colby, both of us noticing how everyone's already fired up by alcohol in a pretty small time frame.
We both enter the house and Jake's wide smile greets us in the small hallway, before the rest of the living room and kitchen space open up in front of us. With a bottle of champagne in his hand, he hugs us both and we wish him a happy birthday, patting him on the back and smiling.
"Have a great one, buddy", Colby smiles widely at his friend and i can tell he's reminiscing all the memories he's had with Jake throughout the years. I quickly look away when Colby catches me staring at him, but he chuckles and comes by my side so we would walk around the party together.
We get a drink and find an empty spot right around the open-space kitchen and i jump on the counter, trying to get a better view above all the people who are playing beer pong, Sam included as a competitor.
"I bet 5 bucks Sam is going to ace the game, but when there are 2 more cups to go, he'll lose", Colby laughs as i take a sip of my beer bottle. I laugh beside him and nod, agreeing with him.
"Everything works so smoothly until he's so close to winning", i agree with him and he bumps into me playfully when i jump next to him on the counter. "But, i bet you 10 bucks that it's not gonna be the case this time.", proudly and sure on himself, Colby takes a shot of the tequila he's just poured. We shake hands to seal the deal and watch the intense beer pong game, cheering every time Sam got the ping pong ball into the other's cups. The game went on for a few more minutes, ending in Colby handing me the $10. With a smirk on my face, i gladly grab the money and purse my lips. "i would've let you keep it, but i hate it when you play the I'm so sure on myself card."
He puts a hand on his chest, mimicking he's hurt. "I thought you liked confident guys."
"I do, but the way you portrait confidence has me a little bit nervous and i don't like it when i lose control over my emotions", the conversation goes from 0 to 100 pretty quick, but I've never been this honest with Colby before. The numerous shots of tequila and beer we took throughout the beer pong game make me bring out a certain honesty out of me. I've only known Sam and Colby for 8 months, meeting them when i got to film a ghost investigation with them in New York. Ever since then, whenever either of us had free time, we linked up. Now it's one of those times when i decided to take a break and enjoy a week of holiday and i chose to fly to Vegas to catch up with them.
"I'm not gonna lie, i knew there was something about you that caught my attention that very moment we met", Colby's eyes sparkle, but he almost gulps as he wasn't prepared either for the sentence that came out. "Uhm, I'm gonna go check on Sam real quick", he offers me a quick smile and i nod, my face morphed in a what the fuck expression.
I don't leave the open space living room, but instead of sitting at the counter, i sit behind it and look around the place for more familiar faces, but it looks like not even the other guests know anyone else other than the people that came with them.
"Is this seat taken?", a deep voice comes from behind me. A tall man with the features of an Instagram model, which i actually think he is, stands behind me with a whiskey bottle in his right hand, his left one touching my shoulder. The way he holds it makes me wonder if he can actually stand on his own 2 feet.
"Uhm, sure", i take the chair and move it a bir further from the counter so he could sit down directly and not fall with the chair and the bottle, causing a total mess. Call me practical. I study his face closer as he fights his own balance to sit down, but he keeps pushing the chair with one leg. He's now a lot further than at the beginning and i try my hardest not to roll my eyes, laugh in his face and leave to find Sam, because Colby looks like he lost himself. He has red cheeks and his eyes look heavy, like he's on the verge of falling asleep.
"I'm Ryan", he extends the Jack bottle towards me, only to realise he can't shake hands with the bottle. I bite my lip to hold my laughter.
"Too beautiful to be alone at a party", Ryan eyes me up and down and i cross my legs, feeling weird because of his unwelcomed stare.
"Well, it's not much of a party anymore, everything toned down after the beer pong", i let out a soft laugh
"We should have our own game", his words make me raise a brow, giving him a sign to provide me more information. "But not something lame like beer pong", he looks somewhere in the corner of the room, basically zoning out as the alcohol keeps ruining his neurons for the night.
"What game?", i cross my arms at my chest, already out of patience with this stranger that definitely doesn't deserve the platform he has, in case he has one. His smirk and the fact that he fights to get closer to me are the only signs i needed to realise that i shouldn't had asked.
"You see, it's me, you, naked and whoever takes more shots off that person's body wins.", he leans in closer and i lean further, but because of the corner cut of the counter, i don't have anywhere else to move. I push him back in his place, but he grabs my hand in his." And if we're not naked, it doesn't work, you know? Cause the glass wouldn't stay in place", he places a kiss kn my hand and i snap it away from him with disgust written all over my face.
"You should go take a shower, an Advil and never leave your room out of respect for yourself. You're making such a fool of yourself, I'm glad nobody's paying attention to you.", i snap and i get up from my chair, only for him to do the same and trap me between him and the counter.
"Where are you going? We didn't even start the game", Ryan's fingers run up my exposed arms and i try pushing him, but this time he doesn't move at all. Instead, he leans in more towards me. He tries to kiss me and i move my head, closing my eyes. I feel a gust of wind and then i hear, a whine. I open my eyes and i see Ryan on the floor, with Colby almost hovering over him.
"Get 10 meters close to her next time and you'll be flying out the window. Knock some sense into yourself, Ryan. Look how pathetic you are. You're hitting on my girlfriend now, tomorrow you'll be hitting on your mate's. You'll get your eyes black before you know it. Be happy i didn't touch your pretty face, otherwise you wouldn't be making bucks on Instagram.", Colby looks down at Ryan who just whines because the room is spinning and he can't grab a hold on himself to get up. We scoff at him at the same time.
"She didn't mention she has a boyfriend"
"She shouldn't. If she doesn't want you, you just let go", Colby grabs my hand and guides me outside the house, Sam following behind. I get inside Colby's Corolla and Sam gets behind the wheel of his car as well, both cars leaving towards their house to spend some time together.
"Thank you for that. I would've done the same to him, i just needed to push him one more time", i fake my confidence as i look out the window, my fingers trembling still
"Didn't you say something about confidence earlier?", Colby asks and we both laugh.
"Shut up", i pinch his bicep.
"You're welcome, I'm glad i could be there to help you", i smile at him one more time before silence takes over the car. We get to their house in less than 10 minutes, the silence being actually bearable and very needed after such a busy evening. "Don't go out yet", Colby stops me before i take one leg outside the car. "I need to talk to you"
"Oh no, am i getting grounded?", i laugh, hoping to get rid of some of the tension building inside. I close the car door and shift in my seat to look at him. He sighs and opens and closes his mouth, unable to come up with words.
"I was selfish tonight. I didn't want to rescue you, i didn't know he was actually forcing himself on you. I got there and snatched him away from you because i thought you were kissing or something", Colby looks away from me and shakes his head. "It was only after that, when i saw your face, that it was something else. And oh man how it got my blood boiling", he looks back at me and half a smirk lights up his face. I give him a small smile.
"I never thought a guy's jealousy would save me one day from a crappy interaction with a dickhead", we both laugh and he cups my cheek, caressing it with his thumb. "What did you call me back there?", he blushes at my question
"My girlfriend?"
"Oooh, that sounds good. Maybe we should rehearse-", he cuts me off by placing his lips on mine, the softness making me push my face closer to his to maks sure they're actually touching. A smile forms on his lips at my move and he pushes back just the way i did. His teeth find my bottom lip and i grab him by the collar as he slips his tongue in my mouth. He pulls me on his lap, our kiss deepening and making my head spin at the taste of him. We both gasp for air, looking in each other's eyes before closing the gap once again. I hold him by the neck and i place quick kisses on his lips, cheek and down his neck, his hand grabbing my ass. A surprised moan escapes my lips and his groan lets me know he liked my reaction. "That was amazing", i barely get the words out, feeling dizzy. Colby's hands rest on my hips and his eyes stare back into mine after he's done checking me out.
"You are amazing. Gosh you're beautiful", he leans in again and i take control of the kiss, biting his lip and running my tongue on top of his.
He lifts me off him to adjust himself better in the car seat, but because of the tight space, my ass presses on the honk, making both of us jump and curse under our breaths.
"Fuck, that's a mood killer", i say as i struggle to get back to my seat
"We have all the time in the world", he smiles widely at me and i nod with the same smile, his statement making me happy from many points of view.
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weemsfreak · 1 year
Full Circle -Par 3
Part 1
Larissa Weems x fReaderOC
Summary: After Prudence's fathers death, she struggles to get back to her sport, golf. Larissa finally has time to indulge in her long forgotten sport as well, meeting some friends and culprits along the way. Both women hope to find joy on the course, but will they find something unexpected as well? ~6.9k words.
✂ Song that goes well with the fic: Dear Prudence by Siouxsie & The Banshees (linked at bottom)
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Note: Hi everyone! So, many people seemed to like the idea of Larissa being part of a country club. I chose golf because I'm more familiar with it than tennis or anything else. There were so many ways I wanted this to go, so I hope that I met your expectations! This is pt 1 of probably 2. (If anyone else wants to be tagged in pt 2, let me know)
Warnings: A bit of misogyny, harassment, alcohol
@dopenightmaretyphoon @danverssawyer @dingdongthetail
Also, you're welcome for blessing your eyes with this image. I wanted to create digital art of her, but I haven't had time, so this is partially AI generated.
Larissa's life had always been busy, excessively busy. For years, she had been caught up in the rollercoaster of a journey to becoming a teacher at Nevermore Academy, and eventually the Headmistress. She has had little to no time for herself, even during the summer months. However, about five years ago, a weight had been lifted. Well, it felt lighter, as she now had time. Time to return to a passion that she had long neglected and missed dearly. 'You're not getting any younger', she reminded herself. 'Get back out there'.
With that, she found herself at a golf club just outside of Jericho, purchasing a new set of clubs.
After playing alone for most of the season and getting back into the grove of things, she crossed paths with a trio of seasoned golfers: Tom, Glen, and Richard. They had noticed her playing by herself a few times, and one day asked if she would like to join their group.
"What's a pretty little thing like you doing playing alone?" Richard asked, winking at Larissa. The headmistress scoffed at the label, 'pretty little thing'. "I'm just getting back into the swing of things" she replied, trying to brush off his comment. "Come play with us, we've never had the pleasure of playing with a young lady before" Richard replied, wiggling his eyebrows. Tom chimed in, "Yeah, we could teach you a thing or two."
Larissa reluctantly agreed to join the men, and found that their persistent staring during her address wasn't doing her any favors, as her shots were less than ideal. About halfway through the game, Larissa regained some confidence, and started putting more power into her shots. "Pretty good, for a woman" Richard commented with a sly smile. Larissa rolled her eyes at him.
Despite Richards teasing and rude comments, the older men had recognized the potential in the younger woman. They knew that she had strength hidden behind that 'slender frame of hers', as they called it. Hell, she already had the precision.
"I'll make you a deal" Richard smugly said, smirking up at the woman. She straightened her posture and nodded down at him, "Alright." Richard observed Larissa's clubs, noting that they were top of the line. Perhaps money wouldn't motivate this woman. "You got a very nice set of clubs there, it's clear that you have potential. If you beat me on this hole, I'll give you $100." Larissa raised her eyebrows, a bet? She wasn't motivated by the money much, but beating this elderly man and showing them up, well, that was intriguing. "Deal" she said confidently.
As it was, Larissa put her all into everything that she did. Her drive sent the ball soaring with remarkable distance and precision. When it came time to putt, she had hope that she could beat Richard, for she prided herself on her putting skills, which for a lot of people was not a forte. Larissa and Tom managed to finish with a birdie, and Richard and Glen on par. "Well I'll be" Tom marveled. Richard let his eyes rake over Larissa's tall form, a smile pulling at his lips. "She has talent and beauty gentlemen, she's a keeper." Larissa couldn’t' help but shake her head at him as she let out a giggle. "Here you are" Richard said, handing Larissa a crisp hundred dollar bill. "Don't spend it all in one place."
Larissa continued to play with the three men for years, earning their respect and forgoing genuine friendships. She learned a lot from them, not only about golf, but also about life. When a golf season ended, she looked forward to the next. But, as fate would have it, after three seasons Richard didn't show up for golf. Tom and Glen solemnly informed Larissa that he had passed away. She silently thanked him for what he did for her, for he had turned her into a better golfer.
You have been playing golf since you were a child. Over the years you have learned all the ins and outs of the game from your father, who had been a professional golfer himself at one point. His passion, and yours, for the sport was unmatched. Together you dedicated countless hours to perfecting your swing, honing your putting, and mastering every aspect of the game.
After your fathers passing, you found it very hard to muster the energy or motivation to play, especially without him by your side. Yes, you were grieving, your father and the game. It felt like when you lost him, that part of your life was lost too. Golf, for you, was lost in translation, out of the question, and thrown into the abyss.
And that was how you felt, for the longest time. That was, until your most recent life changing decision. You quickly fell in love with the mountains, greenery, and breath of fresh air that was Jericho, Vermont. You had never ventured far from your hometown, but now, you figured it was time.
Your father had gifted you a set of clubs once you had stopped growing. They were the latest models at the time, and they suited you perfectly. The only club in your bag that was not so new, was your driver. When you were younger and your father had stopped playing professionally, he had gifted you his pride and joy, his driver. After years of wear and tear, though, it was becoming a bit shabby.
You pulled up to the golf course just outside of Jericho, 'West Bolton Golf Club'. You had been here a couple of times recently, your first time back out was harder for you than you had anticipated. Yet, after not playing for a long while, you were still as good as ever. A tad rusty, you will admit, but you thought your father would be proud. You stood your clubs next to a table outside the clubhouse and opted for a sandwich before teeing off. You hummed quietly as you ate, soaking in the sun and the warmth it brought you. It was a beautiful day for golfing, gorgeous in comparison to the other days that you were here.
As you sat and ate, excited to get out on the course, you heard some men laughing at a nearby table. Old men jokes, you thought, never really funny. You turned your attention to them as you watched an older man reach his hand out and playfully swat at a woman's arm. They were all laughing, seeming like they were genuinely enjoying each others company, it made you smile. When you were finished with your sandwich, you walked to the trash and discarded your wrapper, then made your way back to your table. You had caught the eye of one of the older men, as he watched you sit back down and rearrange your clubs. You were glancing at the woman at the table, trying your best to be somewhat stealthy. She was an image, she looked like she was straight out of an old movie. She was definitely a member here, there was no doubt about that. Her whole demeanour screamed wealthy, though it was odd. Usually it would be no surprise to see an older woman at a golf club dressed to the nines, but this woman looked considerably younger than these elderly men. The color of her hair was making you think otherwise, but you'd swear it to be blonde, not white. "Hi there" one of the old men smiled, waving at you and pulling you away from your staring. You smiled and looked around, was he talking to you? He was looking at you. "Hi" you waved back, blushing in embarrassment.
Your attempt to be stealthy was not successful, it seemed. He definitely saw you gazing at the woman, what if she was his wife? The man smiled and made a 'come here' gesture with his hand, to which you stood and made your way to their table. "I haven't seen you here before, you new?" You looked around the table and found six eyes focused on you, two of which were distractingly beautiful. You swallowed, "Yes, I just moved here." The man nodded and responded warmly, "Well, welcome to West Bolton, sit, sit." You returned a quiet thanks before settling in the only empty chair, next to the woman. "I'm Glen, this is Tom" Glen gestured to the man beside him, then turned to the woman, "and this is Larissa." Tom nodded your way, and Larissa extended her hand with an enchanting red-lipped smile. The woman's appearance was nothing short of stunning. She exuded an air of wealth and sophistication, from her golf attire to her jewelry, from her meticulously styled hair to her bold yet elegant makeup. The way she laughed, the way she drank her wine, not to mention her confident demeanor, screamed at you. It was clear now that she was considerably younger than the older men, her porcelain-like complexion fixing you in a trance.
"Nice to meet you, darling" she greeted. You stammered as you shook her hand. You knew that you should give them your name in return, but your breath caught in your throat when the woman's smooth British accent hit your ears. "Y-you too, I'm Prudence." The woman continued to hold your gaze, and you then realized how close you were sitting to her. From this proximity, you could see that her skin was smooth and pale. You couldn't help but feel that you'd hurt her if you touched it. You didn't mean it in the way that she looked old and fragile though, heavens no, but in the way that artists would portray angels- bright, creamy, delicate, exquisite.
"So Prudence, do you play often?" Tom asked, breaking the silence. You shook your head, "Not much anymore, but I used to." Tom gestured to your clubs, "Those are nice clubs you got there." You smiled and nodded in agreement, "Thank you. My father gave them to me, he taught me how to play." "Who's your father? Would we know him?" Glen asked in curiosity. "Paul Clair" you replied proudly. Tom's eyebrows raised, "Paul Clair? From Tennessee?" You confirmed with a nod, "That's him." The old men paused and exchanged glances. "He was excellent at his sport, our condolences" Glen replied. After another moment of silence, Larissa turned to you. "We're going to tee off in a minute, would you like to join us, Prudence?" You considered her invitation, you were intrigued by this woman. But, you were working on your technique, and you didn't want to hold them up.
After politely declining, you allowed the group to get ahead of you before making your way to the first hole. You placed your tee into the ground and set up as you let the fresh air of the fairway fill your lungs, relief flooding your veins. You had always found solace in the manicured fairways and lush greens, which you desperately needed recently, especially today. After teeing off and sending the ball soaring through the sky, you smiled to yourself, "Pru, you still got it".
You took your time to correct your silly mistakes and scold yourself for things about which you knew better, until half way through, when you caught up with the group in front of you. Glen, Tom, and Larissa were at the next hole, joined now by two younger men. You scrunched your face up in confusion, there were only four allowed in a group.
Tom spoke to the newcomers, who looked eager to impress. "Newbies, eh? You wanna learn a few things?" The younger guys exchanged glances before nodding at the old man, "Yeah, sure." Tom demonstrated, setting up the ball and taking his shot, sending it straight down the fairway, out of sight. "Alright, your turn" Tom motioned to one of the boys. You observed the younger men, noticing that they carried themselves rather tall, chests puffed out and chins high. One of them walked up to the tee box and set his ball up, gripping his club and getting into position. The other boy was seemingly fixated on Larissa, and you realized that she was who they were eager to impress. You watched as the ball was sent flying with great strength, but it was a slice, and it landed in the trees. The next newbie took a turn, but didn't make contact with the ball on his first swing. He cursed before trying again and making contact, but not sending the ball far, at all. "Alright, alright" Tom intervened, giving the boys a few tips. After a few minutes, Tom walked back over to Glen and elbowed him playfully. You watched as Larissa chuckled and shook her head, as if she knew what was coming. "Alright boys, I'll make you both a deal." The boys smiled and replied with okays. Tom pointed to Larissa. "If one of you drive the ball further and with more precision than Larissa here, I'll give you each $50." The boys both turned their attention to Larissa, before giving her a one over and a smile. "You boys better buy the woman a drink with your winnings" Glen joked, the boys agreed happily.
You moved closer, eager to see how this bet would play out. Larissa turned to you as you walked up behind her. She smiled, "Shall I give them a run for his money?" You chuckled and nodded your head, "Give it all you've got."
The boys tried again, determined to impress. You had to give it to them, they did better than the first time. "Not bad boys, not bad" Tom praised. "You're up, Rissa." Larissa approached the tee box with a graceful sway of her hips, and placed the tee in the ground. As she set up, you couldn't help but roll your eyes. The boys wandering gazes were venturing lower, they weren't even trying to hide it. Larissa took an elegant practice swing before aligning her club up with the ball. You watched her, captivated by her movements. She was so proper and graceful with everything that she did, every move that she made. She swung and drove the ball, sending it straight down the fairway with grace. "I think that went further than mine" Tom laughed. The boys let out frustrated groans and chuckled in embarrassment. "Well boys, the lady beat you. Don't dwell on it too much, I'll buy you both a drink when were finished." You watched as they all packed their clubs and hopped into their golf carts. Larissa headed to the cart and returned her driver, but before she left, she turned her attention to you and gave you a wink, leaving you in awe.
After a particularly taxing day at work, you sought comfort from the golf course. You decided to sit at a table and order a drink before you started. It was relatively calm tonight, as the beautiful day had turned chilly far too soon. However, the day turned beautiful once more when you caught a glimpse of light blonde hair in a passing group of people. To your surprise, and utter delight, Larissa was sitting at a table, alone. You wasted no time in gathering your belongings and walking over to her. "Hi!" you greeted, gazing down at the older woman. Larissa's face lit up with a smile when she met your eyes, "Hi darling, have a seat."
You settled into the chair beside her and took note of her choice of drink, red wine. You watched as long elegant fingers wrapped around the stem of the glass and manicured hands brought it to her lips. "You blew the boys out of the water the other day, quite impressive" you giggled. Larissa swallowed and chuckled, "Oh, you flatter me so."
You looked around at her empty table, "Where's Glen and Tom?" Larissa waved her hand dismissively, "Sometimes they're too much. I'm flying solo today." You nodded in agreement, "So, how do you know them?"
The woman smiled, reminiscing about the day she met her older friends. "Well, when I first started here, they made a bet with me, much like yesterday. Richard, may he rest in peace, said that if I bet him, he'd give me a hundred dollars." Larissa chuckled, shaking her head, "I got the hundred, and they invited me to play with them. At first they flirted with me and made stupid jokes, but I fired back, and they soon learned that I wasn't going to take any shit." 
You laughed at Larissa's story, "Wow, that's amazing!" The woman nodded, "I still have the hundred, it's on my wall." Your eyes widened in shock, you would've spent that money so fast. "So neither of them are your boyfriend, or husband?" you blurted. Immediately regretting your question, you slapped a hand over your mouth. You don't know what prompted you to ask that, you just wanted to clarify, for some reason. Larissa burst into laughter, throwing her head back as her hand flew to her chest. "No! No love, I'm not with either of them" she replied reassuringly. You let out a breath of relief, "Oh! Okay." Larissa suddenly narrowed her eyes at you. "Did you really think I was that old?" Heat crept up your cheeks, and you felt the need to explain yourself. "Oh, no! I knew you were younger. Well you look younger, but that doesn't mean anything" you smiled, embarrassed. The woman nodded her head in understanding and looked down at her wine glass. "How old do you think I am?" she asked. You froze, you hated that question. Um, 30? 50? You were horrible at this guessing game. "Umm, 40?" you replied sheepishly, it really was your best guess. She smiled, "Close, I'm 49." Your jaw dropped, she didn't look anywhere near that age, not that 49 was old. "How old do you think I am?" you asked. Larissa furrowed her brow as she studied you carefully. You just sat there, feeling like you were being penetrated by her gaze. "Late twenties" she finally said. You shrugged and smiled, "Yeah, good guess."
After Larissa's red was gone, she asked you to accompany her on the course, to which you happily agreed. This woman was a beast at the game, being on par almost every hole (and sometimes under), and never slicing the ball into the trees, water, or bunker. She was a joy to golf with, sharing tips and tricks whenever you needed them. You thought that she would be an excellent teacher. It was apparent that she loved to help and pass on her knowledge.
You watched from behind as Larissa putted, noting the small details of her form. Her putting form, that was. Well, maybe her physical form too. She wore a baby blue colored golf skirt that showed off her long legs and accentuated her wide hips. Her white colored polo shirt fit her perfectly. Her clothes were always pristine with no wrinkles, you could learn a lot from her. Her shoes were white, of all colors, stained with nothing, no grass, no dirt. As your gaze raked over her form from head to toe, you berated yourself internally, for you were no better than any man.
As the sun set and darkness fell, making it impossible to see, you both decided to call it a night. "You did amazingly today, darling" Larissa complimented. Blushing, you packed up your clubs and took them out of the golf cart. "Thank you Larissa, as did you." Larissa's gaze shifted down to your clubs, and she noticed a charm hanging off of your bag. She took the photo delicately in her fingers, "What's this?" It held a photo of your father, which you had placed in a clear case and attached to your bag. It made you feel like he was with you whenever you golfed. "That's my father. I didn't golf for a long time after he passed, so this makes me feel like he's still golfing with me." Larissa looked at you sincerely before running her hand down your arm soothingly. "Well, I'm so glad that you decided to get back to your sport, Prudence. He would be so proud." Larissa smiled down at you before holding her hand out to you. "Can I have your phone for a moment?" You reached into your pocket and handed her your phone, unsure of her intentions. She quickly entered her number into your contacts and handed it back. She had called herself 'Larissa (from golf)' which made you chuckle. "There's my number, incase you ever want someone to golf with, or just to talk to." You smiled up at the lovely woman, reveling in the warmth that her bright blue eyes radiated. "Thank you, Larissa."
You found yourself driving to a liquor store in Jericho one evening. You had been non stop thinking about wine recently, but you were unsure as to why, you weren't usually a wine drinker. You were searching the store for a brand or variety that may appeal to you, when you set your eyes on red. You had in mind white, or perhaps rose, but something about red was very, very tempting. You picked up the bottle and read the description, you knew it would be strong and dry. You scrunched your face up in question, why was this so appealing to you? Suddenly, you remembered where you got the craving for red, Larissa.
You heard the door bell ding, indicating that someone was entering the store. Speak of the angel and she shall appear, or rather think of her. Her eyes scanned the store as she subconsciously made her way to your isle. She stood next to you and grabbed a bottle of red, the same bottle that you were holding. She didn't notice you standing there at first, and you used that time to take her in. She was wearing a sage green sleeveless dress, and a scarf tied around her head. She adorned nude colored kitten heels, and when you realized how tall she really was, you gasped lightly. Larissa swiveled her head around quickly to find you peering up at her. "Oh, hello love" she spoke, surprised but delighted to see you. You quickly smiled and averted her gaze, hoping she didn't notice your staring, "Hi Larissa." The woman took the bottle in her hands and held it next to yours. "We have the same taste, do we?" she chuckled lightly. You blushed and spoke hesitantly, "I actually never tried red before." Larissa turned to you with a grin, looking you up and down. "Well, I recommend it. It is my favorite, after all." You nodded, if this was Larissa's favorite, you'd at least try it. "So, I take it you live in Jericho?" You replied with a yes. "As do I" she smiled. After you purchased your wine, you walked out of the shop together. "Would you like to golf together again, Prudence? Perhaps Saturday?" You smiled wide and nodded your head excitedly, "I'd love to, I'll see you then."
Saturday rolled around and you were eager to get on the course. You had played a couple of times by yourself recently, and your body ached from the exercise. Being out of practice was defiantly taking it's toll on you.
You played with the older woman, and delightfully you two became closer. You  learned that Larissa was the headmistress of Nevermore Academy, which you were not surprised about at all. When she had told you what type of school Nevermore was, you were a bit nervous, due to being unfamiliar. As you and her talked though, you became increasingly intrigued by Larissa's stories. You learned that her name was Larissa Weems, and you decided that you loved how her name rolled off of your tongue.
"Do you mind?" Larissa asked with a grin, handing you a bottle of sunscreen. She turned around so that her back was facing you, and pointed to the parts of her shoulders and neck that weren't covered by her tan sleeveless polo. "I can't reach very well, but I'm afraid I burn fairly easily."
You poured some sunscreen out into your hand, gently smoothing it over her skin. The warmth of her pale skin, and the contact in general, quickly brought a blush to your face. You tried your best to not miss any spots as you focused on not feeling, or looking, too flustered. Once you applied the sunscreen, you ran your hands lightly down her forearms. On purpose? By accident? You didn't know. Larissa turned around and took the sunscreen from you with a side smile and a flutter of her lashes, "Your turn."
As you spent more time with the headmistress, you quickly found yourself becoming enamored with the tall woman. She was a remarkable golfer, and you both bonded over your similar taste in clubs and similar techniques. She was easy to talk to, she was very sweet, and she was incredibly kind hearted. She had a playful, youthful spirit that was apparent with her constant jokes and antics. She was always ready to bring a smile to your face. Yet, she possessed a mature and responsible side, and when the situation called for it, she could assert herself firmly. You admired this quality of hers, especially since you tended to avoid confrontations. Larissa was the guidance that you needed in life, yet the friend that would support you. You prayed that your connection with the woman would continue to deepen, as you cherished your moments with her.
"It's a beautiful day for it" Glen remarked, pulling his driver from his bag.
"Sure is" Tom replied. The older men watched Larissa as she prepared to tee off, carefully placing her tee in the ground and taking a practice swing to gauge her aim, factoring in the breeze.
"So Larissa, we haven't-"
"Tom, can't you see that I'm golfing here?" Larissa interrupted, standing and turning to her friend while narrowing her eyes at him. Tom held up his hands in surrender, "Sorry."
After Larissa took her shot, she turned back to him. "I was going to say that we haven't seen you in a bit. Have you grown tired of us old bags?" he joked, elbowing Glen.
Larissa chuckled and shook her head. "No, of course not. I've just been busy."
Tom and Glen teed off, moving to find their place on the fairway. "Busy huh, with what? You're off for the summer, you can't be doing work" Glen exclaimed.
Larissa rolled her eyes, they loved to get her going sometimes. She glanced down at her ball on the fairway, balancing her hand on her club. "I've just been doing my own thing."
Glen and Tom glanced at each other, giving knowing looks. "You've been playing with that young girl, haven't you?" Glen huffed in false annoyance.
The elder men knew that Larissa was interested in women, and they were always supportive. That's why they found it amusing to watch the young men flirt with her, for they didn't stand a chance. Yet, Larissa has been single for a long while, the old men were aware of that too. She didn't want them making jokes about you and her when you were purely just friends. Hell, she didn't even know if you liked women, let alone her. She scrunched her face up at the older men, hoping to appear convincing in her lie. "No I have not, why would you say that?"
Tom chuckled, "I saw your name in the books."
 Larissa stared at them, expressionless, before sighing and nodding her head. "Okay, we have played together a few times."
The old men laughed before moving on to their putting. "Nothing wrong with that" Glen spoke.
"Is she good?" Tom chimed in.
Larissa smiled, thinking back to the times that you two had played together. "Very good, almost as good as I am" she replied, sinking the ball and beating both men by a stroke.
"Shit" Tom murmured.
"Well, bring her out next time, Rissa. We'd love to see her play," Glen suggested.
Larissa gave them a knowing look, "You'd love to annoy her, you mean."
Tom chuckled and placed his hand on Larissa's upper back. "Yes, that too."
Although you were confident in your golfing abilities most of the time, you had always been nervous about golfing with others. You feared that you might hold them back, or appear too cocky, or god forbid have a particularly bad day. Alas, when Larissa texted you and asked if you wanted to play with her and the older men, you had decided that was 'the way of the game', as your father used to say.
You loaded your clubs into a golf cart and sat next to Larissa. Her outfit of the day caught your attention, as it always did. She looked stunning in her red sleeveless dress, which matched her red lips and contrasted nicely against her porcelain skin. She smiled down at you when she saw you eyeing her outfit. She reached out and stroked your arm, making a rush of warmth spread over you as your gaze shot up to meet hers. "How are you today, darling?"
You felt your heart flutter at her question, her eyes brightly boring into your own. She never failed to make you feel cared for and important. "I'm good Larissa, how are you?"
Larissa turned the cart on and shifted into drive, smiling wide.
"Much better now that I'm here with you."
As Larissa drove to the first hole, you dug out a cold alcoholic beverage. You knew it wasn't allowed on the course, as they wanted you to buy drinks from the shop. Sucks for them, you only had so much money, and the prices at the club were steep. "What have you got there?" Larissa asked, peering down at the can in your hands. "Vodka soda, want one?" You dug through your bag, pulling out another. Larissa shrugged and scrunched up her nose playfully, "Sure, why not."
As the day progressed, you found that you were playing rather well. Glen and Tom occasionally made remarks, one about you being so young, and something about Larissa and women. You didn't know what they were getting at exactly, so you ignored them. Larissa and the men shot comments back and forth as you sat in the background in hysterics. The old men really seemed innocent, and you now understood why Larissa liked them so much. By the 9th hole, you had become relaxed and comfortable with their bickering. It was all in good fun, after all.
"Aww, ducks!" you exclaimed, pointing to ducks in a pond while you were passing by in the golf cart. Larissa turned to catch what you were pointing at and stopped to let you enjoy the moment. However, she stopped so abruptly that Tom and Glen almost rear ended your cart. "Rissa, get going!" Tom yelled. Larissa ignored him and turned to you, "Do you want to go see the ducks darling?"
You excitedly nodded your head and exited the cart, walking over to the pond. You observed the ducks happily as they dived for food and quacked, swimming about the small pond. You remembered how your father would point all the animals out to you while golfing, the ducks in the pond, the rabbits in the woods, and the cows that lived next to the golf course, the one back home. You were always scared that if you didn't send the ball straight, it would curve and hit one of the cows.
"C'mon, they're just ducks" Glen chuckled.
"Leave her alone, what are you in a hurry for" Larissa replied, sitting in the cart patiently watching you. She smiled as she marveled over you. She thought that your interest and love for the simple things was adorable, and she would never want to take any joy away from you. She found that, even though you had only played together a few times, you reminded her to slow down and take her time with things, to appreciate them more. In Larissa's busy everyday life, she had forgotten how to do that. She admired the way you thought about things twice, so that you would do them right, but at the same time, you weren't too caught up in the competition, in the hustle and bustle. You went at your own pace and did your own thing, and that was how it should be.
You walked back to the cart and got in, smiling ear to ear. You were grateful for her support, and you appreciated her sticking up for you. "Thanks, Larissa" you said, blushing slightly at her. "Of course love" she replied, reaching for your hand and stroking her thumb over your skin.
You were teeing off at the next hole when Glen noted your worn out driver. "You got a lot of use out of that" he said, pointing to the scuffed up and dented head. You picked it up and brushed it off, "Yea, I guess I could use a new one." "You'd do better with a new one, that one is probably throwing you off" Tom noted. You nodded and chuckled, "I'll get a new one, eventually." Larissa took note of your attitude, it was like something was bothering you. "They have nice ones at the shop darling, we can go look at them" she chimed in. You shrugged, "Maybe another day, I'll have to save up" you embarrassingly admitted.
You sat in the golf cart enjoying a snack as Larissa conversed with the older men. Your jaw almost dropped when your gaze landed on her, the sun cascading around her form and accentuating her red accents. The sky was unusually colorful today, with pink, orange, and yellow hues blended together smoothly. Larissa's smile glowed even more than on a normal day, and her eyes crinkled with joy. She was truly a breathtaking image. An image. You gasped excitedly when you recalled packing your polaroid camera, and you quickly pulled it out of your bag. You looked through the camera lens and focused it on her, your hands shaking as you tried to keep it steady. As you were about to snap the photo, Larissa turned and started walking toward your cart. You pulled away from the camera nervously, hoping to snap a photo without her seeing. You said screw it as you lined the camera lens up with her, ceasing an opportunity that was too good to pass up. She smiled to herself and her gaze met the sky as she made her way to you. You snapped the shot. Candid photos were always beautiful, as they captured the essence of a person. You laid your camera carefully back in your bag, listening to the whirring of the printing photo. Larissa sat next to you, still smiling wide as she gestured to the sky. "Isn't it beautiful, darling?" You looked up at the array of colors, before lowering your gaze to your bag. You chuckled to yourself, debating on letting your thoughts run with the breeze and carry themselves to her ears, 'It's not as beautiful as you.' Alas, you refrained and your gaze met hers warmly. "It really is Larissa, it's so beautiful."
After the 16th hole, you loaded your clubs into the cart and settled in the passenger seat again. You had a few drinks while on the course, which may have affected your performance, but not too much. You were caught off guard as Larissa stepped on the gas, giggling, as she thought it would be hilarious to leave Tom and Glen in the dust. You squealed as you fell gently into the woman, and quickly grabbed the handle to pull yourself away. She raced down the dirt path to the next hole, and you watched as the sunscreen fall out of the cart and onto the ground. "Shit Rissa, the sunscreen!" you hollered. The older woman slammed on the breaks, the cart drifting in the dirt and gravel. You jumped out and retrieved the sunscreen, laughing hysterically. "Geeze, you gotta be somewhere?!" you said, eliciting a cackle from Larissa as she drove down the path. When you stopped, she leaned closer to you and took your hand in hers again. Her plump lips curled up into a cute smile as brown eyes met blue, and you blushed. "You're very fun to be around, Prudence. Thank you for coming out today" she whispered. Your blush deepened as you looked down at your intertwined hands and squeezed hers reassuringly, "It's my pleasure. You're a delight, Larissa."
Glen ended up winning this round, with Larissa in second and you in third. Tom, being the loser, offered to buy the drinks. As you all sat, worn out from the day, a man appeared at your table, "What can I get you all?" He looked younger than Larissa, yet older than you. You noticed that he was paying an unusual amount of interest towards the woman. He talked enthusiastically, and you watched him as he took the old men's orders of beer, your order of a rum and coke, and Larissa's order of red wine. He took Larissa's order last, looking her up and down with a smirk. He then opened his mouth, to your dismay. "I saw you playing today Larissa, not your best day huh? Maybe it's because you're not wearing your blue skirt. That one shows you off nicely" he winked. Before you, or anyone else could say anything, the man walked away. Larissa let out a groan in annoyance and placed her head in her hands. "What the hell is his problem!?" you asked, frustrated and confused. Larissa sighed and turned to you, about to respond, when Glen spoke up. "He's a cocky young thing. He works and plays here. When Larissa first started playing, he challenged her."
"He challenged her, and Rissa beat him! Now he's sour about it" Tom added, rolling his eyes. Larissa leaned in closer to the men and whispered in disgust, "He never leaves me alone. I always see him eyeing me, little pervert."
"He'll get what's coming to him" Tom replied confidently, taking a drink of his beer.
After a drink and some much appreciated golf advice from Glen and Tom, another man made his way to your table and stopped next to Larissa. "Red wine, a fine choice" he said, flashing her a toothy smile. Larissa smiled back and nodded, "Yes, it's my go to." The man looked around the table at the older men, then at you. "May I buy you another?" he asked, gesturing to her drink. Your eyes narrowed at him, how arrogant, it seemed that he had deemed her available to flirt with. Tom laughed and shook his head, "You're barking up the wrong tree pal." Larissa glared at Tom with an expression that said 'shut up.' She then looked up at the man and waved her hand dismissively, "Thank you, but I'm fine." The man replied while eyeing Larissa up and down. "Are you sure? I saw you golfing today, and I'm pretty impressed." Larissa chuckled but shook her head no, about to politely decline again, when you spoke up. You furrowed your eyebrows at the man and placed your hand on Larissa's, "She said she's fine." The man's eyes widened in surprise as they shot to you. He then nodded and headed back to his table. Larissa gazed down at you and chuckled in amusement and surprise, squeezing your hand lightly. She hoped you couldn't read it on her face, but she thought it was precious, how you defended her. "Someone has a crush" Glen spoke, picking up his beer and taking a sip. Larissa smiled, "I'm sure he just wanted to talk about golf." Glen raised his eyebrows as he looked at you, "I'm not talking about him."
Larissa gave him a questioning look before letting go of your hand, "I'll be right back." As soon as Larissa entered the building and was out of sight, the men turned to you. "So, what are your intentions with our friend here?" Tom asked. You tilted your head in confusion, "What do you mean?" "Do you like her?" Glen chimed in. You raised a brow, "Well yeah, I like her. Why wouldn't I?" Tom and Glen smirked at each other before chuckling at your obliviousness. "No, are you interested in her? Do you like women?" Your mouth dropped open as you blushed lightly. You knew the answer to that question, but why did they care? You shrugged, "No, no. I mean maybe, yeah."
Larissa was making her way back from the washroom when caught your conversation. She stopped at the door and discreetly listened in. "Well, she likes women, and she's single" Glen replied, hinting. Larissa's mouth opened in disbelief, they were just casually outing her to you? Okay then. "You know she's 49, right?" Tom laughed. Larissa's mouth dropped further, they weren't ones to talk about age. You chuckled and shook your head at the men, now eager to speak the truth. "I don't care if she's 49, she's fucking lovely." Glen and Tom erupted into laughter at your response, but inside, a toothy smile lit up the older woman's face. Larissa's heart swelled in her chest at your words, you innocent thing you. She returned to the table and settled down next to you, scooting her chair closer to yours. Her eyes crinkled as she smiled down at you, and when you returned a side smirk, she gave you a knowing wink.
Part 2
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byte-your-tongue · 1 month
could u mayhaps do deep cut x autistic reader :3
Deep Cut x Autistic Reader
(Platonic, GN Reader)
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AN: this is SUCH a good one. very blessed thank u very much anon for my request!! <3 As usual this was written platonic(since no relationship was specified) but could be read romantic if ya squint.
Shiver is 100% autistic as well if you ask me. BUT she was taught from a very young age how to act "proper" and how to deal with people so she can mask very well.
I don't think she would fully realize it until later in life but she eventually does and kinda goes "wait i can't be because- wait... maybe.. i- .... hm.. that... that would explain some things..."
Frye is AuDHD and has been aware since she was tiny.
Big Man i think could also be some form of neurodivergent.
Anyway. what i'm getting at here is that none of them would judge you and they instead would get along very well with you!
If you stim, don't even worry about any of them looking at you weird or asking you questions. They wouldn't even acknowledge it as anything out of the ordinary.
If you are stimming physically Frye might even end up copying you! She moves around a lot to stim and she especially likes rocking side to side and waving her hands.
If you stim vocally you can sometimes catch Shiver repeating you or picking certain stims from you.
If you have stim toys expect the rest of Deep Cut to take an interest in them. They probably also have some of their own and you all can sit in a circle showing off your collections :)
If you have trouble in social situations or get nervous/awkward talking to strangers you can count on Frye and Shiver to help you out! They can be the "They asked for no pickles!" friend for you. Big Man is more likely to be just as nervous as you.....
Shiver and Frye are both confident in social situations most of the time.
Shiver is confident because she can track patterns and people very well and prides herself on basically "picking the right dialogue option" to get what she wants. But sometimes things she didn't plan for will happen and it throws her off entirely and she doesn't know what to do.
Frye is confident because she is extroverted and just likes talking to people! Plus she just doesn't care if other people find her weird or anything. She's very confident in herself and her personality, so she doesn't care if other don't like it or judge her.
So go to those two if you ever need anything :3
If you have a stuffed animal you carry around for comfort Deep Cut will love it! Big Man would ask you what it's name is and Frye would totally fawn over it. Shiver would probably be the type of person to talk to it like it's a real person and greet it formally. It's very cute watching her shake it's hand and smile at it.
If you ever want to rant about a special interest, go to Big Man. He ADORES hearing you speak. Especially if he's working on something. Explain every last detail to him. He will listen intently as you talk.
Shiver is also a pretty good choice. She will ask questions along the way and try to understand every last detail. She may even take notes about important parts so she doesn't forget them when you talk to her about it again.
Frye meanwhile is not great at sitting still and listening to you talk for long times. She will try her best but really it's best to just show her what you are interested in. If it's a show she will be 100% down to binge it with you! If it's a game let her play it. If it's a book she will ask you to read it to her. If it's something more abstract like biology or such, bring out diagrams when you talk to her about it. She does better with pictures and will listen along like a student at a lecture.
If you have food related sensory issues, don't even worry. Shiver is also somewhat picky about her food(especially texture) and she will sympathize with you and help you avoid things you won't like. Frye will eat almost anything so whatever you don't want off your plate you can always toss her way and she will gobble it all up. Big Man will help work with you to make sure you are getting proper nutrition while still enjoying your meals.
All three of them like food a lot and have traditional food from their cultures they enjoy and want to introduce to you. They will help you find things they think you would like and respect you when you say you don't want to try something!
Shiver enjoys picking out outfits for you, and she always dresses you in the softest of fabrics if you have sensory issues. You will look good AND feel good by the time she is done with you!
If structure makes you happy, spend time with Big Man. He likes to plan things out meticulously and follows it no matter what.
If you are more impulsive, Frye will be your best friend! She is the QUEEN of impulsive actions.
Having a meltdown? These three would NEVER judge you. If you cry they won't see you as "immature" or "over dramatic" and will instead work on getting you happy as fast as possible. They will help get you away from any bright lights, loud sounds, or stressful situations that caused it.
Big Man usually has headphones on him so if you need them just ask! He is always ok with letting you borrow them!
If physical touch can help sooth you then Frye is perfect. She will hug you, rub your back, run her fingers through your hair, whatever you need.
Shiver will talk to you in a calm and even voice to try and calm you down and help you focus on her rather than what is overstimulating/upsetting you.
You guys can all have fun having ND moments like "Hey look at this cool rock i found!" *all stops and stares at it* "Woah this texture is so nice, come touch it!" and "Wait what did that person mean by that? did any of y'all get it????"
Basically all in all these three are perfect. All of them are ND and will just get you. You don't have to explain things to them, there's no awkwardness, and they will never judge you.
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Hi! I just wanted to let you know that I binged your Star Patient series in one go and I love how you write! I was so immersed I actually got so disappointed when I realized I hit the end of the uploaded chapters haha. I'm really loving Reader's character in terms of how she deals with the verrrrry questionable obstacles coming her way, girlie needs a break to just cuddle it out with Andrew or something. Anyway yeah I just wanted to drop by and let you know I'm absolutely eating your writing :D
Thank you so much! It means so much to know people enjoy the personality I chose for reader! I honestly love writing her.
I didn't want a Mary Sue type of reader, or a reader who just seems like a replacement of Ashley (I'm getting real tired of seeing these rip-offs of Ashley, she has her own charm nobody can compete with).
I wanted a reader with her own psychological issues and problems, this series is for Andrew, who is from the psychological game genre! It only made sense having a unique character to go with him! I wanted to match the game's elements and have the reader just like it; battling with her morals and if what she's doing is right, just in a different type of context and setting.
Reader's obstacles and drama in her life is just crazy, but we embrace the crazy. It'll be boring just reading the same thing you've already seen inside of the TCOAAL game, so I wanted to flesh out my own plot and characters. Reader might not be everyone's cup of tea, but she's mine and I love her.
Honestly, I'm still trying to understand Andrew's personality because of how complex it is (I simp for this man so hard, we need more fics of him). Andrew is such a pain in the ass to write sometimes, but I really love him for it, so please bear with me if he seems out of character, because he is! He's my own version of Andrew I wrote for this story, so he's not going to be canon, just like how the timeline and characters aren't canon either.
She really does need to sit back and take a breather with Andrew, but her trust issues refuse to and we'll see why in later chapters~
I've been hinting the introduction of a new character, and chapter 6 will have plenty hints of that, so I'm really excited for their eventual release since it'll really spice up the story and characters. It's a yandere story, after all.
Slight spoiler for chapter 6 down below, if you didn’t already piece this out:
I don't know if anyone has pieced this out yet, but our reader is bipolar (hence part of the psychological aspects of her), and it's something we'll see more of in chapter 6 and onwards. I'm going to do my absolute best to not make her a stereotype of the typical bipolar stereotype (0-100 real fast, sudden mood shifts, etc). I don't want it to feel like anybody is being targeted or portrayed inaccurately, nor to do I want it to feel as the disorder is glamorized/romantized. I want reader to feel like a real person, just like how disorders (especially mental) are real too.
I'm definitely going to have to update my warnings because I'll be honest, the plot is being written as I write along and I don't want to trigger anyone or have unsuspecting readers read something they weren't expecting, so make sure to reread my warnings when chapter 6 is out!
I genuinely didn't believe many people would care much about this series, and I wrote it for fun, but it's such a wonderful surprise seeing people engage in my stories and ideas, you're apart of this journey just as much as I am.
Chapter 6 is currently at 6,000+ words and still has a lot more to go through, so it'll be a long chapter! Thank you my stars, for your support, patience, and giving me motivation!
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The Andrew "Andy" Graves complete masterlist
Inbox is currently OPEN for questions about the story and new plotlines/ideas, temporarily closed for requests!
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failed-inspection · 9 months
Hii Hiii I'm very much in the mood to ramble about my Rain World ocs, so what better way to start off with that than going over the little guy in my icon, behold, Clump!
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Before I explain their deal I should preference by saying that:
1: they have no connections to the Notosverse (THE RW OCverse with Pioneer, Poet, Luminal, and generally the rest of my 100% serious Rain World ocs)
and 2: they started as a jolly co-op joke oc that was NOT meant to be taken seriously at all, but evidently I suck at making 100% joke ocs so whoops, they're now semi serious semi joke and all around all very goofy so please keep that in mind, and 3: uhh yeah
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- Clump is most certainly a purposed organism (obviously), most likely being created some time after the original Spearmaster was sent out during their first mission, but before the pearl was delivered/shortly before the rot happened, however, who created them and *why* is anyone's guess. No one knows, not even Clump. They'd just shrug if asked. But the most common theory is that another iterator saw Spearmaster, thought they looked weird as hell, and attempted to recreate them for themselves
- At one point they probably encountered the original Spearmaster and went along with them to Suns on their way back from the first mission... Suns was rightfully a bit spooked because Where The Hell did they come from and how, Clump ended up going their own way after the start of the second mission however so it wasn't like they ended up living with SM and Suns 😔
- Clump got their name from 'looking like a clump of [The Original Spearmaster's] skin', according to Suns
- they discovered what rot is after encountering The Memory Conflux Garbage Wastes Room, after being chased by a salamander, the both of them ended up falling into the rot pool, while Clump was able to make it out, the salamander was not so lucky, having been dragged down and eaten by the proto rot
- the reasons they give to wanting to cure the rot, according to them, are as follows:
1: They feel that slowly rotting away and being eaten alive is a horrific fate no one deserves, even for a god machine (though they claim to have little attachment to the iterators as individuals despite that, whether or not that truly is the case is a major point of contention, lol. lmao. they're clueless about it but deep down subconsciously they really do care for the iterators due to the lingering sense of familiarity.)
2: the fact that rot is being introduced to the surrounding areas is a major problem, as it puts everything and everyone else in the vicinity in active danger due to how the rot can become mobile and thus able to actively seek out and eat creatures, alongside being hard to kill, plus, who knows what else, what if it turns out to be infectious towards the wildlife as well!?, it's not worth finding out, so better get rid of it all than regret it... Maybe that could save the area or something
3: They want to have a name for themself, recognized as the one to took action when no one else did anything and cured The Rot, maybe even get on the cover of Time Magazine Slugcat Of The Year for doing so
- while their desire to cure the rot does seem to be genuine, if not just a little shallow in some aspects, their ways of trying to do so... Really lack surgical professionalism, it essentially borders on slapstick cartoon logic, they have tried the following in treating the rot: throwing ibuprofen at it, shooting it with a rifle they found, spearing it several times
- if their name followed in game scug titles (The Monk, The Hunter, stuff like that), they'd have 'The Medic' as a title
- They're!!! Stubborn!! They're determined to find a cure and won't take the idea of giving up as a possibility!
- they started wearing their bandana after discovering the rot as a means of defense against it, fun fact, their bandana is made out of the same stuff as the fabric that coats explosive spears, meaning they can wrap it around a spear as like, a one time use way to craft an explosive spear when in a tight spot since rot cysts are weak to explosives
Extremely goofy for a scug? yes but also I am having so much fun and ended up getting attached so oops
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isekai-crow · 8 months
The Witch and the Beast / Majo to Yajuu Episode 1
Overall Score So Far: 9/10
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Guideau on the left, Ashaf in the middle, and Genderless Hottie on the right :3
Anime, now with more CROW BAIT. This time it's literal!! :D
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OF COURSE the Goth With The Coffin on his back can use CROW MAGIC. AHHHHHHH.
Also, Guys. You guys. Fucking TOSHIYUKI MORIKAWA is voicing Ashaf.
And Guideau is voice by Taichi, You - Jousuke from JoJo, Suphia from TenSura, Saya from Dead Mount Death Play, and Dorothy from Princess Principal!! A great rough and tumble voice perfect for Guideau. (1st Epi Spoiler: I can't tell if she's voicing Guideau's true form.)
More Episode 1 Spoilers Below!
I don't really know what I was expecting except for Hot Goth Dude with a Coffin Boyfriend, and a badass punch-em-up beauty with a nasty mouth from the PV on youtube, but that's what I got and more, and I am so very pleased about it.
I was SO EXCITED ABOUT THE CROWS YOU HAVE NO IDEA. Hottie Mage whips out a spell covered arms and MY BABIES ARE BURSTING FORTH IN A MURDER OF ADORABLE!!! I might have woken up Capybara's deaf elderly neighbors in my excitement.
What I was not expecting was a giant Zom 100 Shark to show up in the middle of the city lmfao.
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Zom 100 Zombie shark on the left and Big Buff Giant Shark Dude on the right.
It's just a dude whose turned himself into a shark with magic, who immediately gets dispelled by a witch, and that THIS IS A NORMAL OCCURANCE??? People are like, oh noooo, there's a giant shark, Ione will deal with iiiiit, no worriesssss.
The implications this gives of a mixed soft/hard magic system tho.
I'm really looking forward to learning (or maybe not learning and discovering through negative space) the rules that don't get broken (which is necessary for a magic system), but also hope that they'll be playing hard and fast with what's possible. Cause seriously, wtf is this shark. Delightful, lol.
They mind games played with "Are Witches Bad or Not?" in this episode is fun, because as a viewer going in blind, we could have had some lawful good protagonists or we could have had some chaotic anti-heros, and I would have accepted either outcome. We kind of get both and that's even better!
Trying to include a speech about the morals of getting revenge with Ione as she tries to justify her actions for removing the lock on her grandmother was interesting, but I'm still not sure if her Grandma was the one to cause the fire and people 300 years ago killed her, or if her getting blamed for the fires and then killed just so happened to lock the fire away, but either way...
Along with this I'm not surprised by the coven of would-be witch's nor the attempts by them to claim that witches aren't bad, "you're just like everyone else," when you can tell from the art that the stereotypes in this world hold weight, lol.
However, I don't know WHY I was surprised by said witches getting their hands and feet removed as part of a ritual summoning of hellfire.
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How... how is there not blood E V E R Y W H E R E ??!!?? Some heavy duty arteries have been cut, yo. I guess there kind of is but there should be MORE.
Ashaf finally figures out what's going on and gives in to Guideau, letting her go wild, and HELL YES I love it when we get a beast gremlin on a rampage!
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Witch Laser Beams! Sure!
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I also LOVE when Characters get the shit beat out of them and then Keep. Standing. Up.
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The very purposeful listing of the two ways to lift a Witch's spell at the very beginning of the show, True Love's Kiss or A Change of Heart),was such a great Chekhov's Gun that I knew there was probably going to be another (secret) way to deal with it.
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Fuck yea, angry kiss!! Let Guideau feast on your soul!!
But the most surprising thing that has me fully on board and ready to rock and roll is Coffin Boyfriend.
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What gender is Coffin Boyfriend? We don't know.
Coffin Boyfriend is not a third character like I initially expected.
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Coffin Boyfriend is Mother Fucking Guideau Y'all.
Everything makes so much sense now. Ashaf carries coffin boyfriend's true body around in his backpack like it's no big thing.
And Guideau, with all that rage packed into a tiny little body, has to go around kissing witches to switch from her current body back to the original to then proceed to beat the shit out of said witch.
I fucking here for this. I'm so hype.
Hot Bois, Crows, Body/Gender Swaps, Witch and Magic Fuckery. I'm here for it all, y'all.
(I might even go read ahead in the manga for this one cause OH MY GOD MANGA ASHAF IS ALSO VERY GOOD)
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But also... Chrollo? Is that you?
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Ashaf on the left, Chrollo Lucilfer from Hunter X Hunter on the right.
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I love this. I love their vibe. After Apothecary Diaries, this might just end up being my favorite this season. I'll save that judgement for a few more episodes in though.
ep2 ep3 ep4 ep5 ep6 <- these will eventually become links
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thranduilland · 2 years
Head canon that started out with @msgeekstyle as a cracky 'haha, but what if?!' that has slowly started to consume my life. I'll have to write fic for it after I finish my fae Hob series but...
Hob as the spawn of Lucifer. His dad was some human, Hob never found out who. They spent their entire life hiding out in Hell, affectionally referred to as 'the Hope in Hell' because of how much everyone loved them. Then, into their 20s-30s they were like 'mother, I'm off to the human realm, I want to explore' and Lucifer is like '... you're just going to break out if I try to ground you here, aren't you?' and Hob is like 'what can I say, mother? You are the original rebel and I take after you greatly' and Lucifer is like 'God did this to me on purpose! Fine!! You can go! Be careful!!'
Hob hanging about with the humans, getting into some of their battles. Falling in love with their innovation and persistence. Stubbornly ignoring the baby demons Lucifer sent along to keep an eye on him.
1389 comes along, Hob's human friends have dragged him along to a pub. They're all chatting about death, because why the fuck not? and Hob decides to play devil's advocate and declare that he's simply never gonna die. Death is stupid and he has far more interesting shit to get up to.
Dream and Death are intrigued by him, because there is just... something about him. They have their wager and Dream goes to inform Hob, who has no idea who he is talking to but is like 'yeah, I'm game for this! :D ' and agrees to meet back in the pub in a hundred years.
Hob trots off back to Hell like 'Mother, I made a magical friend! We're going to meet in a hundred years to talk about my life' and Lucifer is like '... who is this person?' and Hob is just 'dunno, anyway, gotta run, promised I'd help my human friends with something!!' Lucifer tries to ask Hob's minders who the stranger was, but they're young enough they have never met Dream or Death before so they're like 'idk.'
The 1489 meeting happens as per canon and Hob has a moment where he is actually genuinely afraid he has made a deal with one of his mum's demons, though he's sure they all would know better than to fuck with him like that. So, he's really relieved when Dream clarifies it's nothing like that. Hob trots off back to Hell to tell his mother about his meeting with his stranger. She again is like 'wtf is it ?!' and he's like 'dunno!! Gotta run! :D' and she asks his minders again and they're like 'dunno', cos they still have no fucking clue who Dream is. Lucifer sighs about it and sends Crowley to keep an eye on him, because Crowley is old enough to have met basically every magical being that it could be. Crowley is like 'yeah, alright, I'll do it.'
1589 comes around. Crowley has already figured out that the mystery stranger isn't a danger to Hob, because if he was he'd have already done something to him at either their first meeting or their second. So he spends the time indulgently watching Aziraphale drink people under the table the whole night. They head on back to Hell and Lucifer is like 'so who was it?!' and Crowley is like 'oh, didn't see, I was busy keeping an angel of the Lord from noticing Hope's presence' and Lucifer is like '... fair argument. Fine. Do better next time!' and Crowley is like 'yep, 100% will do that!'
1600s come along, Eleanor and Robyn die and Hob goes into a full on bout of depression. Crowley has to dig him out of the river when they drown him as a witch. He gets quietly handed over to Aziraphale who plies him with tea and food and books to try and perk him up a bit, but it doesn't work, and he wanders off back into the streets of London. 1689 meeting comes along, Crowley is busy searching for him and has completely forgotten that the meeting was supposed to take place, else he woulda gone straight there. Hob doesn't go back to Hell to tell Lucifer about it, so she doesn't get an gossip from that session and when she asks Crowley about it he's just like '... he's having a rough time, can't chat long!'
1700s comes along and Hob has thrown himself into the shipping business, ignoring the demonic influence riddled throughout every single point of it. The influence is familiar to him, he grew up surrounded by it, so it's comfortable for him, familiar. So he stays. Has his 1789 meeting with Dream, where Dream tells him it's wrong and initially he's defensive, because who the hell does Dream think he is?!? but then he folds to it, decides to consider it more in depth later... they have their fight with Lady Constantine (Crowley was busy dismantling the carriage outside while the fight was occurring).
Hob goes back to Hell and tells Lucfer about it. She's livid that he got attacked, but he's just like 'nah, it was great and I ALMOST got a name out of my stranger, I'm sure of it!!' and Lucifer is like to Crowley 'did you see who they were finally?' and Crowley is like 'nah, I was busy destroying the carriage so they couldn't get away' and she's like '... fine, I'll allow it...'
1889 comes around. Crowley has a prior engagement with Aziraphale so some other smuck demon gets sent to watch over Hob. Hob doesn't return to Hell after the meeting cos he's too busy drinking his sorrows, but the minor demon does return after Crowley picks up their shift and they're like to Lucifer 'uhm, still don't know who they are, but they're an asshole and they broke Hope's heart D:' and Lucifer is like 'WHAT?! I am going to destroy them!! Whoever they are!!'
Dream doesn't show for the 1989 meeting, obvs. Crowley reports this to Lucifer who is like 'oh, I really am going to ruin them. Just absolutely smite them!! who do they think they are?!?! Playing with my son's heart like this?!?' Lucifer sends Hob a Hell Hound to try to cheer him up, but he sends it back and asks for a Hell Cat instead, Lucifer is like '... yeah sure, okay'. Hob immediately names his Hell Cat 'Eye in the Dark' and it becomes a ball of black fur, that is a stealthy beast of prey. Lucifer is like 'did you have to name it like that?!' and Hob is like 'what's wrong with that?!?!'
Somewhere around this time, Lucifer gives birth to Adam and the events of Good Omens start to kick into play, so some other poor smuck demons get stuck watching Hob, because Crowley is busy watching over Warlock, who he thinks is the Antichrist. Lucifer sends out a Hell Hound for Adam, who names it Dog. Lucifer hearing about this sends Hob a message like 'I take it back. Eye in the Dark is a respectable name for a Hell Creature, please impart this knowledge to your baby brother, who named their's 'Dog!' Hob thinks that is hilarious.
The Apocalypse that Wasn't happens a few months before Dream escapes. Crowley, following the events of the Not Apocalypse gets a message to Lucifer like 'you still want me to keep an eye on the Hell Spawns or nah?! I'm officially off the clock, otherwise' and Lucifer is like '... you know what?!? Yes, keep an eye on them for me and I'll grant you a pardon' and so Crowley continues to check in on Hob, Warlock, and Adam. Hob has basically adopted Warlock as his own baby brother, and dotes upon both boys... and all their friends.
Dream comes back. Has his duel with Lucifer, neither of them knowing about the other's connection to Hob. Dream still wins with Hope, which Lucifer takes hard because like... that's her son, not that Dream knows that. Dream leaves and continues on his canon path, talks with Death, gets nudged to come find Hob.
They meet at the New Inn as per canon, but they agree to keep meeting. Dream pops in at random times and they start dating. Hob misses a check in with Crowley one day because he's busy in bed with Dream.
Crowley bursts into the apartment like 'Hell Spawn?!?!?! Where are you Hell Spawn?!? You can't do this to me, Hell Spawn! I can't tell your mother that I lost another of her sons on my watch!! Don't do that to me, Hell Spawn!!' and Hob is like 'ugh!! I'm fine, Uncle Crowley, go away!!!' and Crowley is like 'nope. Not until I have seen for myself that you are not dying!! I have a duty of care, Hell Spawn!!' and Hob is like 'I AM A GROWN MAN!!' but he stomps out to the living room anyway like 'See?!?! Not dying. Now fuck off, please!!'
Crowley is like 'alright, I will go, but next time, text me, Hell Spawn. You can't just expect me to- Hell Spawn!!! Get behind me!!!!' because Dream has wandered in from behind Hob and Crowley a) knows who Dream is and b) is aware that Dream is on the DNI list for Hell. Hob is like 'what are you doing?! that's just my boyfriend!!' and Crowley is like 'YOU ARE DATING DREAM OF THE ENDLESS?!?!?!' and Hob is like 'His name is Morpheus!!!!' Dream is like '?!?!?!?' about the entire thing. Crowley is like 'Just wait until your mother hears about this!! Cannot believe-!! She is going to slaughter me!! Then she's going to slaughter him!!! then you're going to be grounded forever!!!' and Hob is like 'what are you on about?!'
Crowley eventually leaves, Dream and Hob awkwardly have to explain things to each other, including that one time like 'oh yeah, I beat your mother in duel by apparently invoking you?!?!'
Bonus scene 1:
Dream staring at Eye in the Dark, before he learns of Hob's true nature like 'Why do you have a Hell Cat?!' and Hob is like 'What?! That's just Eye in the Dark, she is a sweetheart!!! :D' Eye in the Dark meanwhile is hissing at Dream like 'hurt him and you won't see me coming!!!' and Dream is like 'So noted, little sister, I mean him no harm...'
Bonus scene 2:
Jed: Who are they, Uncle Dream?
Hob: Oh, these are my little brothers, Warlock and Adam.
Adam: I'm the Antichrist.
Warlock: Former Antichrist.
Adam: Well...
Jed: ...
Adam: Hey, wanna hear that time I almost destroyed the world?!?!?!
Rose: Oh, wow, yeah, they're definitely family.
Dream: !!
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ngmn2002 · 7 months
***Ch 111***
As always, just talking fast about a few things.
So yeah, I thought No.1 were testing things and all, so they can move accordingly.
Uh, finally it's confirmed what's within Tsukasa is Sumire's village entity. Feels good.
Laughed a lot at Tsukasa (what's in him) being shown as the "root" to what's going on, according to No.1. Like... I'm so shocked you know. Never expected such a twist. No. ~ Not ever. ~
So... what does it exactly mean to establish a new "present"???
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It's not like we are just merely back in time. Things changed.
Aoi's appearance is so questionable to me. I always assumed she kept her hair down due to her hand being damaged from her experience near the far shore. But now, that doesn't seem to be the case?
Following that line, if we assumed Aoi's hand is alright, then she was never scarified, meaning the severance never happened, meaning what had led to it happening never took place......
Wasn't it having near half the yorishiros down? I mean, that's what led No.6 to move to deal with what was going on back then, sacrificing Aoi in the progress.
Now, if that didn't happen... it means no yorishiros have fallen down? No mastermind was there? Then... does "Hanako-san" exist in this present? Mit 2.0 who was created by his yorishiro? Sumire is...?
Nene's lifespan? I mean???? In this present she won't die basically.
And that's not what we were told? This ideal present doesn't work well with what was said about her inevitable death? so something seems doomed to go wrong. she won't escape death just like that, it's so easy, just saying.
Thing is... Mirai and Kako went back to the past to change events, the year 1968 was shown, is it where they chose to start changing things from? Or did they keep going back? It's the year Amane and Tsukasa both were 12 y.o. So... did they go back to the time Amane was working around 'that' clock? Because yes, I've always ignored the clock the dog destroyed is not really identical to the one with a moon and son on top, there are other things too. That clock feels to control the school's time, while the other gets you to time travel? The school's time seems to be included, also. The clock Tsukasa was talking about...? Was it the one shown in this chapter? So like... Amane was messing with the wrong one all along? Unless he wanted to command the time of the "School" itself? it kinda explains why Tsukasa told Nene to use a clock then broke another? they are not the same?
Thing is, if the severance never took place, then Kou and Nene never met 4 y.o Tsukasa. Which means he never went back home. Which gets you to wonder... would Amane have any reason to work around the clock, then????
They are going back to that time so they will "eliminate" a Tsukasa that never exists??? That's still in the red house or something???
Thing is, why didn't Mirai and Kaku go back to the day of the twins' birthday instead? Or before Tsukasa made the deal with what's in him. You're after the "root" of the events?
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Hmm.... maybe not 'that' clock.
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Are you hiding something??? Your attitude is sus.
But in the ideal presnet, none of this happned? I mean, she never was with Mit 2.0, he is not even there, never went back in time to see Tsukasa.
So, what is it the reason behind time becoming unstable in the past as Tsukasa pointed out? Did No.1 try to change things in there, somehow this boy put and end to it, proceeded to meet Nene, putting the past, original present back on track? Like... we can't have over 100 chapters of the story erased?? Something needs to come to play?
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I'm so in love with those eyes, but I can't trust what's hidden beneath them. You and your games. ♡
According to the ideal present, he shouldn't be there? Hmm... the "root" must be there for No.1 to deal with him.
I will assume it is about what Kaku mentioned about Akane taking care of things until they set the ideal present in stone? Before they get to do that, things are "not" exactly that way.
So, they are after putting an end to the "root", past Tsukasa, what's in him?... so that ideal present can really take place. Seems he will be having some guests. ~ Wow, what an extreme value you have, little Tsu.~
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Hey, No.1.. get to this guy any time you want, just not during his singing section, do you hear me?
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Is it... a bad omen after all? Is is surprising knowing the type this story is?
So yeah, I'm just confused, if anything. And most likely, I'm just overreacting. Don't mind me. XD
Little note on Tsukasa and his games -with Nene:
First time they played together was in the red house when he was 4.
So, having 12 y.o Tsukasa asking Nene to come play with him again, feels legit.
What does "again" really means?
What if Nene played a game of time with him 'and forgot?' a little before meeting him once more and having him saying this "again"?
Hmm... so I wonder whether this "again" refers to the red house play time, or actually her playing with 12 y.o Tsukasa 'before' so that makes it 'again'...
It's the same boy who told her "of course I'm Tsukasa kun" "Amane's twin" when little and then as a ghost went with it again as if it never happened before, for the sake oh Nene who is confused.
But if anything, I will laugh because this ideal present has a fun thing within it... that is...
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Never reached this point. XDDD
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No, they didn't move a single step forward in what she wants. How sad. ~~~~
For now, I will enjoy it while it lasts, before things are back to the original path.
Yeah, right now... I don't really... have it in me to be so emotional over the start of the chapter. It's as if it never happened. At least in this ideal present.
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*sigh* I'm lying.
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... But wow, didn't really expect the same thoughts of his mother where in his head, too..... or my expectations of such a case were really low...it's too much....
But like... but like...
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Then... then... what. are. those?! it's not funny he asked "Are you really my brother" in some light!
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Ch 96: Random thoughts I take it back!! I TAKE IT BACK!!!
Finally got to see their reunion moment. T.T not really what I was hoping for... I was hoping to see them at the very least crying tears of joy, tightly embracing each other, falling to their knees...
BUT the bears are there.
Uhh… so it didn't take place on the same night included in the art we got of little Amane on the window
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... let's laugh the pain away... I myself want to do just that. Why do you think Amane doesn't want to get separated from you, huh? Is it because he "hates" you?
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... he is crying... oh boy...
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Boy... calm- calm down... Tsukasa can't laugh the pain away anymore... neither can I...
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Was he so hurt to reach the point he said that? I mean... he didn't seem to like what No.1 said or voiced to want to do. He took a defensive act, sheltering Tsukasa.
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WHY is it so hard for 2 boys to understand each other????
Thinking of something else! Quickly!!! I will leave thinking of this any further for later!!
I'm thinking of the future Amane gets to become a teacher within... is it similar to this ideal present or... it? It's confusing.
In this ideal future, teacher Amane should be around 60 years old... wow...
More importantly...
The KEY!! MR. KEY!! Is it with Nene in this ideal future or not??? It should be... not?
Why am I thinking the thing Tsukasa did in ch 21/22 with Nene will be important soon? Hmm....
Mr. Key!!!
Uh, the whole nowhere-everywhere space is... ??? Will it be used soon???
Present Tsukasa will ... ??? not ideal preset that isn't there
Let's put an end to things here.
Adding more:
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... You're never a fake in the eye of the one who truely loves and knows you well. They will see right through you, no matter what.
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Right, Hanako-kun? That works for both you and Tsukasa. Don't live in a fantasy. accept who you really are, and who Tsukasa really is.
You have your precious moon rock that you claim to be real, and the "he" your mother shouted in the shrine can work for either you or your father, then you had Tsukasa as his yorishiro and all……
Even if you had your doubts, you were like: ok, my brother has REALLY changed, but I know it's still him.
At times I used to laugh to myself saying he loves his brother more than his own mother, seeing his mother calling Tsukasa "not her son", while Amane is not bothered, holding his hand in the family pic, enjoying spending time with him, even if no one wants him, even if he is just in the shadows, to Amane he is real, he is everything.
At the end of the day, he notices a lot, even before his mother herself or anyone does. The moment they are together again. Wow...
Then we hear him saying you're not my brother, you're a fake. I get it… it looks like Tsukasa really hurt him a lot, to the point maybe Amane is like: Tsukasa would never hurt me this much. I did forgive him in the past, I trusted him with all I have, I devoted myself to him, I cherished him, he is MY moon. But was I wrong? Seems so. It's time to stop struggling and living in denial.
You doubt my love for you? My want for us to stay together forever? Not to be separated? My loyalty to you? How offensive. How rude. You Hurt me so bad. Ok, I will do the same with you. I will doubt your "truth". You're not my brother, you're a fake.
Then, after saying that he is back to his protictive mood. Seems it was just a passing moment of hurt and anger? I hope so. It will have more to it, surely... uh...
I feel sorry for him. He faced a lot. He is already way too broken.
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"I'm so happy to have you back" Well, it was nice while it lasted.
Was is supposed to be one identical to Nene's "I'm happy to have the "real" Aoi back"?
Well, kinda makes sense... if Tsukasa was convinced this love Amane shows for him or whatever, are not meant for "him". They are meant for the ideal version of himself Amane made up in his mind and wanted to have. The Tsukasa, his little brother, who he wanted to have.
Now it hurts twice as bad to see Tsukasa having Hanako voicing "you're not my brother. You're a fake."
Is he, Amane? Is he?
What's your standard in this judgment?
We need Yako's words of wisdom back.
At least it feels like something... we're back to this "fake" thingy, I obviosuly roll my eyes at, with Tsukasa, Kou and Nene wondered about it at some point, then they magically forgot about it just like that, whenever Tsukasa was mentioed or she interacted with him.
Teru and No.1... they seem to share the same view on things.
Both know Nene is fated with death and the cause of it. It's the same one to get the disasters they fear to happen happening in the first place. So, if they say her death is inevitable, so are the disasters.
Teru showed an indifference reaction to Nene's death in ch 28, now that's not the case, he showed to despise the 7 mysteries and call them evil and need to be gone, then he says twice they are the protectors of the land. So now, he is trying to stop whatever that might shake the balance of this peace.
No. 1 didn't show a reaction to Nene's case, merely observed things as Kaku said in ch 61, well... that can be because they control time, so they will react when the time is right. That is, not it seems.
Good to note, we got Nene getting asked some times to go see No.1 regarding her death case, she went to Akane of the present... at some point... Now Amane is in charge of things... hmm...
... What is it that Akane might want Teru and Nene to do? Maybe he is more specific about Nene? Anyway, he said "As soon as you can move again", it kinda means 2 options to me.
1- there was time for the 4 to get back to normal before Kaku and Mirai change things.
Then, in that light Teru was supposed to take Nene there before things are changed.
2- It's the opposite, so he needs to get to her after Kaku and Mirai do their thing.
Which is supposed to mean once things are changed, Teru will keep his memories of what happened, being a as powerful, and he will go get Nene. So, Nene... I think she will remember things, too. She is special after all, according to some people saying that about her, including Teru himself.
If we followed the line of the first option, when Teru breaks free, the twins will do too, so... what if what I was thinking about was true, let's say they got a feeling something wrong will happen with time, since we're dealing with No.1, and then used the elevator Hanako can summon, I assume Tsukasa as well to be safe from whatever that may happen? In a place cut from reality of its own time and space... it's safe for them to be there? Then they can use it to go to any place they want.
But having the note of "time moves differently in No.1's boundary"... who really knows...
Maybe it's just wishful thinking?
12 y.o Tsukasa did tell Nene to use the clock... but does it mean present Tsukasa is only into that? He used the 'nowhere' many times before, especially during the severance. He is in charge of the No.1 thing, he must be super careful, right? He gets No.1's power after all.
Like... it's a fantasy of mine... Amane and Tsukasa shaking hands in there. Let's get things back to normal bro, then we can talk.
and around 60 years old Amane is a teacher in the school, doing whatever regarding the festival, in that ideal present. no Tsukasa to be seen. what a dull life you have old Amane. No Tsukasa, no Nene, I assume, she might just be his student. how can you manage?
Uh... my fantasies are countless regarding this issue. Uhh, present Tsukasa taking Nene... to solve things together...
she goes to 12 y.o Tsukasa maybe using the clock who knows... he is there waiting for her with his hand open "oh, you came to play with me, Nene-chan? let's play a game of time!" ...
a wild thing within me wanting to see both Tsukasa together... oh...
But I don't know... maybe we will have to go just by the second option, anyway. Let's have the first as one for fun.
Speaking of the time changing... I wondered who would No. 7 be if it wasn't him… would be there a No.7? was there one before Hanako? from ch 95 it was kinda implied there used to be past numbers. But a No.7... hmm...
With this ideal present, the rest of the 7 don't seem to be affected, they don't have much to do with the twins, beside Tsuchigomori. Unless, he used to have another yorishiro before the rock?
If in this ideal present we came to the time Amane is a teacher, maybe Nene's teacher... it would be interesting to see how they might interact. Would they feel wired around each other in some way? Would then not really pay attention to each other... hmm...
Is it weird of me to be thinking , this happening was naturally meant to happen, so we will reach the present we've always known? I mean, every single time you try to change things in this story, even with time travelling when you mean to change events (the Nene Kou red house thing, they just ended up making the present come true), and the times time travel happened with Nene without her meaning to change anything, it's all meant to happen.
However things will go, they will end up having the future changed to the present we've always had. They won't be erasing Tsukasa themselves; they will be moving Amane a step into killing him, then himself. boy, this happened in the story many times, Mermaid asking Nene to come join her side, of course Nene will refuse so things will go as they are supposed to, the p.p arc ending just as it started, the severance not resulting in any significant change, Tsukasa in the red house with Kou and Nene, and I assume, this time as well with No.1.
So, this future Tsuchigomori talked about that Amane changed, the one where he becomes a teacher and doesn't die young, it can be happening right now.
Now, we need to take Tsukasa's important question to Amane, he is repeatidly asking him imprtant questions regarding "want me to stay or disappear", so he can act accordinly, how special you are Amane, just saying, the one to tie this boy to earth. No.1 trying to change the past, Tsukasa's words last chapter about Amane never wanting to have the 2 of them separated, it speaks for itself.
We're not going to change anything, we're setting the present in stone, not any Ideal present, but the one we always knew.
Nothing much will change, Amane by the end of the road will end up killing Tsukasa and himself, become Hanako - san again. The story is back to the way it is, or rather, goes the way it's supposed to.
It's just like the severance thing, we try to change things, switch the life of 2 girls, by the end all of that was meant to happen, then be reversed, we keep going with the present we know.
Same will happen here I assume.
With this, all we are doing is plant a new seed into the twins' death, and toward this present we know too well.
All comes to this little comment present Tsukasa commented.
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So, we're in for a treat to see how this came to life at some point?
After all, interacting with supernaturals and things beyond your understanding has its impacts.
Tsu ~ Tsu~ Tsu~.
Borrowing a little confession of mine... No. 7.
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"I've been thinking about these 2 things a lot... put side by side...
"using a power you can't control will only lead to ruin"...  "As the beginning of the Yugi family tragedy is finally unveiled"
Hanako seems to be talking from experience, maybe he is referring to himself, but also.. what if something similar was going on with Tsukasa, who got a huge amount of power while still little, in their past..."
I've always ignored the setting... saying maybe it was just an early manga error... but maybe it was intetional after all?
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It's all ???????
Thinking about the situation with Nene herself...
Nene's case is so confusing. Her future is based on this "Tsukasa" error in the first place, it's based on Tsukasa coming back and her meeting Hanako-san one day, having all that happened from the start until now happening. Her book has Hanako in it, has them in it. It has this present we had for all this time like……???
Shouldn't her book be originally based on the "ideal" present instead, like Amane's for example? Without changing, it's what we have in all these chapters in her book. She is fated with death later on, but in the ideal present No.1 want to make, really… she won't, at least the way of having Hanako-san and Tsukasa there.
Will she not die ever in that ideal present…? Or will she come to destroy the yorishiro another way? But if they are destroyed… the power they hold, where would it go? What original form would they come back to? If Tsukasa isn't there, if what's in him isn't there anymore? Since No.1 will git rid of what's in him and him?
From this ideal present, it seems to tell Tsukasa is fated to be gone. His job was to sacrifice himself so Amane could live and become Mr. teacher as his ideal future, and that's it, he will be in the house forever.
So, No.1 chose the year 1968, since it's the same one their clock got involved with the twins, with Amane trying to fix it. They connect to their clock, since the school's time is its and their job.
So yes, the time they can use effectively is that one, a time where both twins are students in the school and got involved with their clock. Cool.
Nene's fate, questionably, is similar to Tsukasa's. And I have to wonder how. If the ideal present is one where Amane lives. Nene's book comes… and it's based on the setting where Tsukasa comes back and gets killed so Hanako-san is there. How? She is connected to the twins. Or even better, maybe one of them for real.
Akane was told to look after whatever that may go wrong, so maybe... Nene being in the ideal present is wrong? one of the errors?
So now, I assume No.1 will use their powers back in that festival of the twins', maybe Nene will remember things, maybe use the clock herself in some way?, go meet 12 y.o Tsukasa who told her to come play with him again, uh... that one is funny... since he informed Nene of things when they already happened, so was he like "yeah, we dealt with it together Nene-chan, come play with me 'again'."
Uh... is ideal Nene and usual Nene the same girl btw?
I'm lost.
Time... playing with time is so ????????????????
Uh, the thing with Nene is as if we're back to the p.p arc again... but this time in reality, not in a picture. And I used to wonder why No.4 was mentioned in that arc... yeah... we're living in an ideal present this time, see what will Nene remember, do, act, accept, reject, etc.
Only the last moment of Mei walking to her death willingly... I don't know... will Nene go that way at some point herself? For real, not like in the severance?
An ideal present set on a Tsukasa issues, a perfect picture drawn on his order.
Now, I will be thinking of these things, too.
Like... if what I said before about this ideal present naturally taking place in the usual present we've always known, then that little Tsukasa was being so cheeky asking No.4 to draw a "perfect picture".
To him, these stuff that will happen later on are on the past right? So, uh... was he kind of prepared it will happen at some point during his hunt for the yorishiro? It didn't that way... hmm...
Time is ????? Tsukasa himself is ?????? and surely enough, his deal with time always is ???????
Well... let's wait and see... let's wait and see...
Ehhh... just thinking about things with this...
Ch 101- Tsukasa asking Amane to decided whether he wants him to stay with him or if he would rather him disappearing. As if he knew what will be happening next, with No.1 coming after him. So, was he supposed to take back his decision to leave the red house to join Amane's side or not. He gave Amane the choice.
"It's about time you decide what you want, Amane."
Did Amane also know somehow what was going to happen, so that's why he was desperate to fix the clock before the festival ends? The specific timing is questionable.
Then, the keepers are there to do their job, things happened.
And Tsukasa reaches the point of seeing Nene back in time with Mit 2.0, due to what happened reflecting on the future, it seems he was aware she was coming and waiting for her to show up, and he tells her time went unstable, apparently due to what No.1 did or tried to do, and asks her to come play with him again.
This boy... I'm not sure that's how things went, we're missing with time and all, but this boy is something to never underestimate. That's what I'm trying to say.
I'm thinking about present Tsukasa, if this thing really happned in his "past", he should be aware of it taking place soon, right? Like the time with Nene and the key. He was aware, this day of school, I have to take her to the nowhere so she'll go see past Amane. So, was he ready for No.1's move? Hmm....
His deal with time is really something.
So, we have Tsuchigomori saying Amane somehow changed the future in his book...
Was it only him the direct reason behind the change? We have Kou, Nene, Tsukasa, No.1, ..., . playing rules in getting that change to happen.
And then we have the nice comment of Tsukasa, "you still don't like it when we don't get to see each other. You've always been like that."
As if he didn't lose you before, so he won't want it to happen again no matter what after he got you back.
Ok, thinking over the situation again for a bit... (can't use any pic since long ago, sadly, hit pic limit)
Thinking over the clock keeper's first little arc:
1- Mirai said when time is turned back it will feel as if nothing happened. Then Kaku pointed out those powerful supernatualrs or those high powers will be less affected.
2- Akane stopping one's time while time is brought back or changing won't affect them, as their time is stopped. (Kou)
Alright, following these...
He stopped the time of the 4, Hanako, Tsukasa, little Nene, Teru. Then asked the later to do some business with her.
So, as their time was stopped, they won't be "much" affected?
Hanako and Tsukasa, since we are changing things on their regard, so apparently we won't be having the 2 in the ideal present, but what if Tsukasa or the 2 broke free, and Tsukasa could teleport the 2 of them into the nowhere space? It's a space of its own time, not affected by what will be happening. That way, both will be safe. It's funny reminds me of how Hanako and Amane who dropped his key existed at the same moment. Same as there.
Well, that's just an assumptions based on another, so... let's talk about facts once more.
Back to Teru and Nene, we can say they will be special exceptions to what is going on. And, maybe we can also include curses, bonds.
Back when the severance took place, Teru made a remark of Akane's watch that ties him to the supernaturals and Nene's mermaid curse are still there. So, can we assume with this case, too, her bond and curse are still there? They are so powerful, right?
Same can go for another certain girl had a bond with Tsukasa, and her "Fate" is tied to his, same as Nene is to Hanako. if she was together with her dog in the nowhere already, would they be really affected by anything? I guess not.
So, can we say... for now... assuming it anyway, Nene, that girl, Teru, Akane (being the present clock keeper anyway) are special cases in this ideal preset. To which degree it is for the first 3 cases, I can't be so certain.
Speaking of Mr. key... No. 1 can affect the school's time, so they are trying to work things out with that limit. Get past student Tsukasa (what's in him) at the school the festival day Amane did something with the clock and change the present into the ideal one accordingly.
I wonder what the deal of Mr. key would be... is it with Nene, or back at her home?
If it is with her would it still be there or not?
If it's in her home, would it still be there or not?
Mr. key...
As we're missing with time, seeing No.1's yorishrio a key, then near the twins' hands, its usage finally seems to be on the horizon, at least I hope so.
We also had the little matching thingy of Teru asking Akane to deal with Kou when he comes to him to ask him do something about time, and a reverse of Akane doing the same with Teru regarding Nene. Pretty interesting. Have to keep an eye on that one, too.
Akane, Teru -Time- Nene, Kou.
But, have to be excited, as this time it's not any random interference with time, it's No.1 who are in charge of time themselves.
Then, after I don't know how many chapters, we'll be back to the usual story as we've known it.
Well, this "ideal" present  No.1 trying to put in stone gives you some feelings...
On the Amane/Hanako, Nene and Tsukasa regards.
I'm a normal girl.
I want to live my "long" life in the world I know. (except her wanting it to be the world with Hanako-kun in it, as she voices out.)
Well, that "ideal" present works well with a part of her wishes. But will that really "satisfy" her or make her happy?
It seems she is given the chance. Be a normal girl, forget all about supernaturals stuff, live your life to its fullest, grow up, do all you wanted to later on, and here you are, in your real world. Just a different type of present, where Hanako- kun is not there with you, and Tsukasa - kun is also gone.
Would you "choose" to live that life? You want a life with Hanako-kun in it, huh?
Hanako -kun that you never wanted to kill anyone? To grow up and fulfil his dreams? Here he is. A grown-up teacher. Mr. Yugi Amane.
Yugi Amane-kun can live, a normal life, be a teacher, get his dreams. Would he like that?
Again, living a life with no Tsukasa and Nene in it?
Tsukasa-kun, the boy who is ready to give up on himself and his wants, always, to ensure Amane gets what he wants.
I want to become healthy again, archive my dreams. You have it, I will sacrifice myself for you.
Want me to be stay or to disappear? I will kill you so you can stay. Sure thing.
I want to live a real life with you, Yashiro. Kay, the 2 of you, a normal happy life. Nice. I will sacrifice myself in the process.
What would these mean to him if his little brother is not there?
In both ways, ideal present, usual present, we'll have him sacrificing himself for Amane, and the 2 of them, thinking that will make them happy, they will live a nice life. But, think of their feelings more. Would they want a world without you in it?
Without love... without those you love with you... is this perfect life meaningful or worth it?
I assume this time, again, Nene will willingly destroy No.1's yorishiro at the end, to put an end to this ideal present. Have the usual 'better' present back.
It's really something to see Nene put in a kind of trial of 'love and sacrfice'.
Having Amane/Hanako getting to have the future she wished he has, without her being a part of it. Will she accept it? what about her love for him? Will she give up on it for the sake of his “happiness”? Will she be willing to trade it without hesitation? Teacher Amane however, is this “happiness” even real to him? Does it mean anything to him? if he were not to have her and Tsukasa normally?
It’s just like what he did to her with the severance. He made the choice to erase himself from her life, to ensure she lives a long one and reaches her dreams. He took “love” away from her. Isn’t he the one she shouted “the person I love”. Now, she is facing just that. We’re trading “love” with supposedly bright “future”. The similarities are cool, aren’t they? In her case we traded “Aoi” and “Hanako”, and now in Amane’s case we trade “Tsukasa” and Nene".
Not only time that' is the issue at the moment, but also the wishes of some people, in a way, it feels as if both Nene, Amane, Hanako got what they wish for. I will talk really fast about it…
She wishes to be normal. There she is. Live in the real world. There she is. She wished Amane could get to his dreams, at one point "as if he never killed anyone", here he is! A "normal" teacher before your eyes. Do you want that kind of "ideal present"? Or do you want the same old present with all its hardships and Hanako-kun in it? Tsukasa -kun you got to know more into lately? Tsukasa – kun who is a big deal in Amane's life.
Amane, who wished since little to be this, he got it.
Hanako who wished Nene could live and all, there she is. Have a real life with here. There they are alive and all. The age gap doesn't really matter if they are willing to sacrifice a thing for their love. Yet? Would he want this? Does he want a life without Tsukasa? And if he were to not find it normal for him and Nene to be together, then it's with no Nene and no Tsukasa. only these ideal dreams of his nice job and he is alive. What is more important?
And Tsukasa, all the time, he is there to see his not a part of these ideal dreams. Never been asked directly for once to stay or told he is important. When 4, that was the case. When told Amane will kill him. he welcomed it. Now, for Hanako's "I wish to live a real life with you, '''''Yahsiro''''' " He is doing it. He goes for giving up on himself every single time.
Hmm… I see Nene, and maybe on a wishful thinking old Amane himself will reject this "ideal" present. She willingly destroys No.1's yorishiro, not bothered to be a step forward into her death, like she did with No.4's so we are back to how things were.
That can be one good lesson, huh? we're in a story about "love", a story to start with a wish to be loved, you're ready to sacrifice all else for love. We don't want whatever ideal dull life without love.
And, this ideal present can also be a nice way of showing Tsukasa's repetitive situation. In that ideal present he is naturally not there, and now in this present he is working to yet again disappear. The 2 will need to work so that won't happen, right? They get Tsukasa's "extreme value".
The p,p arc was fun on this regard, reflecting Amane's nice desires. Being Nene's classmate, a cool guy fitting for her type, etc. AND having his twin there. Tsukasa is right there!!! A reason why I love the depth of the 2 pages of Amane and Nene just turning around to look at him. yes. he needs to be there. don't let him go.
So, the 3 need to get past their struggles, have a clear state of mind on how they want things. Such ideal things in this ideal present isn't what they ask for, even though, on a surface level, it is.
So yes? let's change it. Amane doesn't want to go anywhere? Nene will get to her near death state of life? No Tsukasa? No Hanako-kun? Who wants to love a long life or whatever without that? without love? No way.
Poor Amane… thinking about how much he struggled…
His name is there to say 'normal' but all that happened with him is far away from 'normal.
He wished for the a really normal life… yet…
"I just want to be with those I love" - the world is against you, you will lose them all the time.
"I want to try to control time so I can do that." - Time itself is against you.
"die so we can stay together." – not really effective.
It is really something… if we imagined at some point, maybe when the time got messed up in the festival, Amane did get a glimpse of how his "ideal" future is "supposed" to be, he becomes a teacher with no Tsukasa in his life, and then, knowing how it's supposed to become, he refused it. Willingly.
"I don't want that sort of future. I don’t want my dreams. I even don't want to live that way. I don’t want to go anywhere."
Thinking a bit more about "teacher Amane".
Tsuchigomori pretended to be a human let’s say… since Amane’s time and before it, it seems. If we said he was at least 25 (human age, to normal people) at that time… now he should sound like an old man around 75 years old. Does he look like that?
So maybe… old men in this story still look young… or maybe it’s due to that being another form of a supernatural… but maybe we will still see a 60 y.o really hansom teacher? I wonder if girls will be like… "oh, our teacher is blah blah blah." I also imagined the thing of… since it’s an ideal present and all… rewritten present… what if in this present Nene wasn’t a student of his and all and they really went past each other like that, let’s say she remembers but still… it will be hard for her. Also, it's Hanako-kun she wants to be with and confess to, right?
And if… in that present the 2 naturally shared a good relationship... if they crossed paths in the festival, teacher Amane will smile at her and pat her head, asks if she is having fun……. now that is lighter than the previous but still just as hard……… like… will she be like his daughter…..?
I'm really looking froward to see teacher Amane, Nene coping with the ideal present and that version of him all together. It's pretty exciting.
Thinking about No.1 and Tsukasa's situation...
Isn't it something No.1 who are like puppets moved the way the world needs, carry on the logic of the world, etc are after the one to stand on sharp contract to the world? The one to defy it?
Uh, Tsukasa is a true mastermind. For days I’ve been wondering… what if Tsukasa is yet again playing another game with No.1?
/at the start he took Nene to destroy the yorishiro, seemingly got defeated but, he was acting and only waiting for the right moment to attack.
/seemed to be put under No.1's mercy during the court, turned out, it was the opposite. /?seemingly let his guard down after getting into his chat with Amane after asking Nene to do her job once again.
/?then seemingly get things going out of his hands with No.1 turning back time to change the present, seeing he is the root of the problem.
Thing is… What if this yet again is a second part of his plan to get No.1’s yorishiro destroyed?
-what if he knows what he is doing will lead No.1 into turning back time in the first place? Going to his advantage of setting the past in stone (like in the severance case) and having their yorishiro destroyed by Nene (willingly now) in the process like in No.4’s case and in a way No.6’s?
He gets what he wants from his game that way. In fact, he is the one who let this information of: I’m the one after this, in the first place to them. pretty much “luring” No.1 into doing what he wants, after they "understand" things. While they think they are doing what they want. Since, they are the ones to rule time after all, he knows how they work.
Tsukasa: hate to break it, but while you guys think what you’re doing is up to your own free will and against me, you’re being little good puppets in my hands, working for my sake all along. ~ it’s funny in a way, present them to be like… robots… Kaku with that puppet place… they are ruled by time instead of really ruling it, and it seems Tsukasa-puppet master, too
If that really was the case… then wow, Tsukasa. wow. you’re WOW. As expected of a Tsukasa. *clapping hard* I will praise you to no end if that was the case. He is playing with them, putting his own 'past' existence at risk (not really) doesn't remind of the severance at all with his also 'playing' with his past self. He is a fan of risky games, isn’t he? Always has been. Him and his games. 💜 His deal with No.1 reminds me of N.4’s case, the circumstances of the cases are really similar. One of then is that in No.4’s, he was the one after asking her to draw a pic in the first place, with No.1 he destroyed their clock to have them moving. He does what’s necessary with every case. Admirable. This boy……..
So, both Tsukasas are playing. Tsu rn lures No.1 into changing the past, to have them ending up with setting it in stone. ~ While 12 y.o is really... chill about the whole thing, assumigly knowing it will happen, and just singing isntead, before going to ask Nene to play 'again' with him. ~ How cheeky. Sly foxie. I mean, sorry… this boy is always full of surprises. Like if we said that wasn’t on his mind from the start, he can come up with plans at the spot, it’s easy for him.
let’s search over the boudary it’s inside of them let’s ‘force’ Nene to destroy it let’s allow them to change time, that will get Nene to do it willingly, and time will be 'fixed’. 2 birds with one stone. Let’s not forget his deal with the clock to force them to move, I assume it was a mean to have them going for a court, and later on to try to stop him, doing what they did last chapter.
It all brings me back to he wanted that to happen. Again, I’m left with… no one understands Tsukasa better than a Tsukasa. 12 y.o Tsu… and this Tsu will be the end of me. Uhh………… Such force………….. magnificent. How are we supposed to get around or understand his grace?????? Oh. *shakes Amane’s hand for the 100 time on this regard* let’s do our best to understand Tsukasa more!!!
I wonder... what that "try not to die" he said means.
Naturally, you won't die in a boudary, right? Unless that meant, he wll have to get about at some point, and leave the clcok behind?
Who will be the ones to go after him? The 2 with Tsukasa? hmm... nat? His blood power doesn't affect humans. Or maybe... it affects Akane in his supernatural from. Hmm, he can use his power in his human form, like what he did with No.6, if given the chance to do that. That way, assuming "blood" is the only thing nat can use against him, there is a big chance Akane can hold himself against him.
To be honest, I really don't care. When it's a matter of a the 2. But having things to do with Akane, I'm a bit intersted. Thinking back to their "talk" over the yorishro, and Aoi's hand.
Which is... in this present... "healed" or rather, didn't get damahed in the first place.
Hmm... can this be how Akane fulfils his promise to her? I don't think so. Given he promised to be the one to do that. And keeping in mind, at one point we will be back to the usual present. Can he do something while this situaton takes place, if given the right chance to achieve that?
"Tsukasa. Mr. Key. Nene"
Still waiting to see something gets done about that little thing.
Imagining yorishiro Tsukasa going to Nene, asking her to get out the key, saying it's time to use it. And from there, she keeps going back and forth between yorishiro Tsukasa, and 12 y.o Tsukasa until they achieve what they want on getting things back on track. Via the nowhere place, clock, ... . Interesting to think about for a moment. Since this arc seems to focus on the 2 of them pretty much.
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haz311bl0gs · 11 months
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Kitt | High Half-Elf | Dagger Wielding Sorcerer | Immortal (200+ years old) | Agent of Raphael | Neutral Evil |
Backstory under the cut (He's not a Tav, he's just a BG3 OC).
Kitt (real name unknown) is a selfish and narcissistic man but extremely powerful. Kitt comes from a noble family that had vast amounts of arcane knowledge and priceless arcane artifacts. Bored and in love with himself he feared aging, death and missing out on the carnal pleasures youth could provide. He struck a deal with Raphael to become his immortal agent and live a life full of pleasure, Kitt would want for nothing. For this Kitt gave up the souls of his family (5 souls total) along with all the arcane knowledge and artifacts that the house possessed. His family was forgotten and vanished like they never existed. 
Kitt's memory was mostly wiped clean, he remembers what he sacrificed but he doesn't remember what the importance of the items and knowledge he gave up were. His ability to wield magic like a master and fight with his dagger also remains intact. Kitt basically remembers everything in order to be Raphael's perfect guard dog and messenger boy. 
Kitt idolizes and loves Raphael to a fault. He takes great pride in being the property of the man that gave him eternal life and pleasure. His admiration for Raphael set in slowly but when it set in, it hooked into him, and that hook has no plans of letting go. He would lick Raphael's boots clean if he was told to. 
Some points about Kitt: 
Kitt is immortal but not unkillable and there are two ways to take him down. He must be stabbed in the heart by Raphael with a special dagger named "Warm Embrace" that Raphael gave to him as a gift. The other condition is that Kitt perishes should Raphael meet his demise. 
The dagger is magically bound to him and will return to him if out of a certain radius. It’s pretty much his leash.
Kitt met Raphael in his 30s which means Kitt has been in Raphael's service for almost 2 centuries. 
Although Kitt is very sure his Master cannot be slain, he will often be found at Raphael's side in moments of danger. Kitt is selfish at the end of the day, and he will do whatever it takes to make sure Raphael does not come to harm. 
Raphael chooses Kitt's clothing.
Kitt's good looks were another driving force behind Raphael making a deal with him. He finds Kitt very attractive, but Kitt wishes for more attention than his Master can provide. 
Kitt is a play on the word Kitten. Only Raphael can call him this, anyone else with this knowledge will not be able to utter the word towards him but only in the House of Hope the rest of the world it is free reign but not everyone knows this little fact. 
He detests being asked his age. He loathes the concept of aging and even though he doesn't show it physically he is over 200 years old. He also can't really recall as he stopped counting 100 years in. 
His fighting style is quick and sporadic. He moves in flashes with teleportation and creates illusions. Fighting him can be very disorientating. 
He's all about pleasures of the flesh, he loves sex. 
His favourite fruit is pomegranates, he likes things messy.  
He's never been with Haarlep, he hates them, and he won’t without Raphael’s say so (and that’s never happened). Raphael knows how weak Kitt is for carnal pleasures and fears Kitt may do something stupid if left unattended with Haarlep. 
He doesn't get to lay with Raphael as much as he would lead you to believe, and he hates it. 
He is so jealous of Tav/The MC it makes him sick to his stomach but he’s very good at hiding it. 
Fun or not so fun fact, if you slay Raphael, you can find Kitt's dagger and bones in the teleportation room in the House of Hope. (I'm still fleshing this and his ways of tying into the game out). But because I can be mean to my OCs I like to think he sensed something was wrong a bit too late and was trying to get back, but his attempts were in vain. 
You can find out that his name is short for Kitten and use it as a fun little dialogue option to piss him off. He will call Tav/MC a "little rat" in response.
I’m still figuring out romance with him, but it would be a one-night stand if anything. If you ask him about Raphael post sex he will be amazed that you even needed to ask and he will tell you how he sleeps with him every other night (a lie) and how wonderful it is (the truth to him at least).
Anyway, that's all I have on him for now. I know it's a bit wild just inserting him into the game like that but hopefully he's believable and stuff.
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sol-consort · 1 month
I actually would like the concept of being the only human in a crew for a Mass Effect game (maybe a smaller standalone game instead a full on main story one) but that may just be because I always preferred the alien characters over the humans in Mass Effect. No clue what the plot would be but for smaller game maybe hostile creature on board like Alien but I’m just thinking that because I’ve binged the Alien movies
But outside plots what would be your top three alien species in Mass Effect you’d want to be stuck with on a ship? I think Quarian, Asari, and Krogan would be mine
Dude, that's an absolute nightmare combo—for the quarian, at least. They're 100% getting sick every other day.
Krogans have heat and ruts, so....there is that. Oh, and the asari is 100% boning them, like you and the qaurian are going to be thirdwheeling 90% of the time.
It's going to like one of those drama reality tv shows, not one of those people gets along.
I mean, I do like humans a lot. Half the human kink stuff is stuff I genuinely find attractive in other humans. I am my own main source of filth, I would absolutely hate being the only human in a ship.
But if I had no other choice...hmm. My brain is just turning this into a list of aliens I want to bone rather than thinking about the logistics.
Well, I don't want to be charged with involuntary manslaughter, so turians and qaurians are off the table. The knowledge I could accidentally poison one of them by my mere existence is too haunting + I'm a curious creature with grubby fingers and will touch all of their stuff and food.
I would actually enjoy being stuck with a hanar on a ship. Toning out people trying to convert you into their religion comes naturally to me. Not to mention how refreshingly polite and well-behaved they are! Hanar forbid animal fighting sports in their entire planet because it lowers empathy! I love the hanar so much, aaa. I wanna get close enough to one to learn their soul name. They're so pretty and pink and jellyfish, my beloveds <33
A drell, though? No. I don't want them to feel subservient to the hanar, but also, I don't want to get drugged each time I used a spoon they haven't washed properly. It's a shame, I adore their raspy voice, but even touching one will give you a rash, so yeah.
I've always wanted to kiss frogs since I was a little human, not in search of princes but because I found frogs pretty and felt bad that people would only kiss them in hopes of them turning into something else rather than kiss them for them, so i swore to kiss any frog I saw. Now I'm older and realise the health complications and risks—that what living with a drell would be like, kissing a frog every day.
Elcor absolutely yes! They're big majestic elephants and I love elephants and I love their clear way of speech and I find them so adorable and I wanna be friends <33
I'm still not over the asari being an eldritch abomination that alters your perception of reality, so absolutely not. Plus, most of them aren't as nice or humble as liara. Instead, they're snotty and often look down on humans for being the youngest, newest species. I'm not bunking with one! They freak me out.
Salarians? Absolutely not. They only require one hour of sleep and have a perfect memory. They can't be gaslight into thinking it's their turn on the chores. They will be up ALL NIGHT every single day. They will wake me up at 3am. to continue an argument from 2 weeks ago. Plus they really dislike the eclor and I don't want them being mean to my favourite guys :( or else I'll slap a bitch.
Korgans? Fuck no. Anything with any heat cycle is not stepping foot in my world. Go deal with your rut elsewhere! I don't even wanna think about it. otherwise they'd be so chill and nice...albet too strong. Krogans need to go I'm sorry.
Angara? No, because I'd feel too bad separating them from their family. BPD and other emotional constipation things make me the worst person to deal with to an angara bc I would legit rather die than acknowledge any feeling ever. They're too emotionally intelligent and open for me, It will be frustrating for us both bc I will look for hidden bad meanings in their sincere worda and kind actions, and they'll take all my impulsive words and actions to heart. Also, I'm very touch repulsed, hug me, and I'll claw your eye out.
Now, you'd think, okay, there are no species left??
The best roomates! The geth!
They're built helpers! they take care of the chores, they stay in a dark room like a hermit connected to the web, you barely hear a beep from them.
Besides the risk of shattering my skull if I accidentally bump into them in the middle of the night in a dark hallway, everything else is very dandy.
So here you have it:
That's the realistic version.
Now if we're talking about my fantasy ideal alien foursome roommates dating sim:
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