#but i'm sure he has more of his people with him to support him as well
ellecdc · 3 hours
ive been thinking about stone-faced unamused independent reader and how james and barty would absolutely love to baby her and treat her like a princess and she has none of it..until shes feeling sort of down and like she needs their love and support so she gives in and theyre both so shocked and excited theyre like little dogs wagging their tails spinning around her
hiii....I'm back to apologizing to everyone who sent me in requests 2.5+ months ago for me to hoard them until inspiration struck! hope I did it justice hahaha
poly!darksun x black cat!reader and Sirius who just doesn't Get It
CW: fem!reader, reader is maybe a little mean but obviously James and Barty are into that shit, Sirius' POV so a very unreliable narrator
Sirius Black believed himself to be a pretty open-minded person.
He believed that love was love, he staunchly disagreed with blood status and had a lot of respect for muggle-borns, and believed in the fair treatment of beasts and other magical creatures in the Wizarding World.
But no matter how open-minded Sirius believed himself to be, he could not for the life of him figure out how in the hells James Potter and Barty Crouch Junior found their way to you.
Sirius admittedly had a hard enough time finding out that his best friend was dating his semi-estranged little brother’s maniacal (read: bat-shit crazy) best friend, but this? 
This made no sense to him. 
At least when it came to the likes of Barty Crouch Junior, James had found someone who could rival him in energy and enthusiasm. James could run for seven hours straight at a gods-honest sprint and Barty was just about crazy enough to try as well. Barty never denied his more intrusive thoughts and James was morbidly curious enough to watch those thoughts play out.
And both of them seemed to love hard; even if Sirius didn’t approve of that love, even if he didn’t like that love, he could admit that it, at the very least, made sense for him.
But where James was all golden retriever energy and Barty was some kind deranged, rabid mutt straight from the depths of hell, you….
Well, Sirius wasn’t sure exactly what you were. 
Where James was sweet and Barty was enthusiastic, you were utterly unimpressed. 
Where James was excitable and Barty was chaotic, you were completely apathetic.
And where James and Barty could be…slightly codependent, you seemed wholly disinterested in having either of them (or anyone for that matter) near you. 
“Sod off; I can carry my own damned books.” You had spat at Barty as he tried to take them from you. 
And Sirius had to stand there and watch both Barty and James stare after you with a lovesick look adorning their faces as you stalked away from them. 
“Well isn’t she just a ray of sunshine?” Sirius muttered derisively, earning him a threatening glare from Barty and a frustrated stare from James.
“You’re one to talk, Pads; I watched Remus actually growl at a first year who tried to take the last pumpkin pastie at dinner last night.” He grumbled before redirecting Barty away from Sirius’ jugular. 
And that seemed to be your response to pretty much anything those two did; you elbowed James in the stomach when he held the door open for you like a ‘poncy chauffeur’, you stomped on Barty’s foot when he offered you his elbow on the moving staircase, and you never seemed particularly pleased should they wind up in your vicinity.
Yet you never made any effort to actually remove them from your vicinity, nor did you make any effort to leave theirs.
In fact, if Sirius wasn’t mistaken, he was sure he saw your shoulders relax ever so slightly when you realised the people pulling out the chair across from you in the library were James and Barty. 
They tensed right back up when Sirius and Peter accompanied them, but that's besides the point.
No, you didn’t converse with any  of them. Yes, you completely ignored any attempts at conversation from James or Barty - save taking the opportunity to correct them in their debate about their potions homework. And just once, Sirius was certain he’d heard you whisper a quiet thank you to Barty when he helped you find the page number for the answer to number 47 of your Herbology homework. 
It seemed to Sirius that no matter how staunchly you refused to allow either boy to fawn over you, you weren’t completely averse to their company. And though this amount of dedication didn’t exactly surprise Sirius coming from James, seeing as he spent four and half years of his school life pursuing a completely disinterested witch, he was confused that Barty hadn’t gotten bored yet.
It was all very peculiar, Sirius thought. 
Even more peculiar was when Barty and James had been snuggling in James’ bed as James quizzed Moony for the upcoming Alchemy test when there was a tentative knock on the dormitory door. 
Peter looked up from his Ancient Runes homework to look at Sirius, James and Barty lifted their heads to look at Sirius, and Remus turned in his desk chair to look at Sirius.
“What?” Sirius asked. “I didn’t knock.”
“You’re the only one not currently doing anything.” Remus countered.
Sirius paused in his throwing and catching of James’ pilfered snitch to look at him incredulously.
“I am too doing something.” He argued, holding the snitch between his thumb and forefinger and waving it at him. “Besides, Junior’s just laying there.”
“I’m a guest, Black. It’d be terribly improper for me to answer your dormitory door.”
“Answer the sodding door, Sirius.” Remus grumbled as he turned back towards James.
“A ray of sunshine.” James sing-songed for Sirius’ benefit, clearly still not over his passing comment of you from days ago. 
Sirius let out a dramatically petulant sigh as he stood to open the door.
Your face pinched when you saw who had answered, though Sirius had to hand it to you how quickly you corrected your expression.
Before you had a chance to tell Sirius why you were here, he looked back over his shoulder at James’ bed.
“See, I don’t think I should have to open the door for your bird!”
All that was heard was a painful sounding thump and James muttering “Barty, my glasses” before Barty materialised at the door. 
“Hi Treasure!” He greeted enthusiastically.
Sirius watched your eyes narrow as you seemingly debated whether or not to make a fuss over his nickname before ultimately deciding against it. 
“Angel!” James cheered as he, too, rounded the corner and shoved Sirius out of the way. “To what do we owe this pleasure?”
Sirius sat back down on his bed where he could see you consider your options carefully. 
Finally, after having the two sods stand there no doubt smothering you in smiles and soft eyes did you look shyly down at your shoes. “Can I…hang out with you guys for the afternoon?” You asked quietly.
Barty and James exchanged a - quite comical, in Sirius’ opinion - excited look before returning their gazes to you. “Of course!” They chorused; the volume startling you into lifting your head to look at them nervously. 
James cleared his throat and moved out of the door frame, ushering you in. “Of course you can.” He offered quieter this time, guiding you towards his bed as he looked over his shoulder and mouthed “oh my gods” at Barty who was eagerly following behind you. 
“What have you been up to today?” James asked then, clearly wondering what motivated this impromptu and voluntary visit but not wanting to chance whatever spell had been cast to get you here. 
You sat down on the edge of the bed, anxiously picking at your nail beds as each boy sat tentatively beside you. 
“I was studying in the library…” You offered, sounding horribly robotic and rehearsed in your response before you let out a shuddering sigh. Sirius watched as you visibly deflated and leaned slightly closer into Barty’s side. “I’ve had a bit of a headache all day.” You admit.
James and Barty both coo in unison as James cautiously rubs circles on your back; you let him.
“You have a headache?” Sirius deadpanned from across the room. “And you came here? To these two? Are they not the source?” 
“Get out.” Barty spat, braving himself as he tightened his arm around you; once again, you let him. 
“You can’t kick me out of my own dorm room, Junior!” Sirius argued. “Why don’t you go to your dorm room?”
“Oh, do you want to know what your baby brother and Rosier were up to before I left? Because I’ll happily scar you with that knowledge, Black.” Barty threatened. 
Sirius, who was not ashamed to admit he was perhaps more than slightly immature, simply covered his ears and started singing to drown out the sound of Barty’s voice.
“That’s it, everyone out.” James barked then; tone taking on an air of Gryffindor quidditch captain.
Remus scoffed indignantly at that as Peter - clearly the wisest of the bunch - simply began packing up his homework. “You promised to help me pass this test!”
“Oh for Salazar’s sake, Lupin; the answers are A, D, B, B, A, C, D, A, A, true, true, false, Nicholas Flammel.” Barty barked at him, causing Remus to blink owlishly at him. 
“Fine.” Remus finally said as he stood, shocking Sirius into silence at his quick acquiescence to such abhorrent demands. “Let’s go, Sirius.” 
Sirius, feeling awfully petulant, hurled the snitch towards James’ head who quickly and calmly caught it before offering it to you as Remus hauled him off the bed by his wrist and all but dragged him towards the door. 
“But it’s not fair, Moony!” Sirius pouted as he slammed on the breaks just outside the threshold of their dorm room.
“Sirius.” Remus started solemnly. “How many times did you try to convince me to snuggle with you at night before we started dating?”
“217.” Sirius answered readily, relishing in the soft smile Remus had clearly tried and failed at fighting off. 
“Right, 217 times you tried to convince me to snuggle with you; and how many of those times did I deny you?”
“Right.” Remus agreed. “And what had James done to ensure that I would relent that one time?”
Sirius let out a pained sigh as he looked to the heavens. “He charmed his, Pete’s, and your bed to the ceiling so there was only one option.” 
“Right.” Remus agreed again, softer this time as he rested his hand at the juncture of Sirius’ neck and shoulder and rubbed his thumb along the column of his throat. “So don’t you think the least we could do right now is just let them have the room?” 
Sirius looked back into the room in time to see you smiling softly at something James was saying as Barty placed what appeared to be a wet cloth to the back of your neck; your eyes closing and face relaxing in relief, leaning back into Barty as James massaged your calves and carried on in his story. 
“What did I do to deserve this?” Sirius whined then, leaning his head into his boyfriend’s chest as he watched you curl up, not unlike a cat who had finally decided to sit on its person’s lap.
“Can you maybe try to remind yourself that James deserves this?” Remus whispered into Sirius’ hair.
“For Godric’s sake, Moony.” Sirius grumbled as he stood and began storming off in the direction of the common room. “Why d’you have to be so bloody reasonable all of the time!?”
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Precious Truths: Part 10
Fandom: Bridgerton
Pairing: Benedict Bridgerton x F!Reader
Summary: After your father finds out you’ve been writing under a male pseudonym, he threatens to marry you off to an atrocious man unless you find yourself a husband within a month’s time.
A/N: a short one, but i hope it still gives the feelings i was trying to capture. enjoy!
Series Masterlist
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Weddings are meant to be a joyous occasion. A ceremony to celebrate the unity of two people. However, Benedict Bridgerton, isn't feeling joyous at all. Rather, somber...melancholic...heartbroken. Today, he gets to see you walk down the aisle but it isn't him waiting for you at the end of it. Marquess James Montclair is a man of status and wealth. Not only that, he is kind, compassionate, and accepts you for who you are.
Benedict couldn't have wished for anyone more perfect for you.
However, he still wishes it was him that could have given you everything. And because of his never-ending love for you, he's come to a hard decision.
You're looking at yourself one last time in the mirror. The veil you have chosen falls over your back. The dress you and Aunt Eliza worked on turned out so well. As it should since Aunt Eliza paid Madame Delacroix handsomely for it.
Nearly a month ago, your life had changed. You didn't know for the better, at the time, but as you became more familiar with James, you knew you will be okay.
Regardless, that still didn't stop the wedding jitters. Just moments ago, Aunt Eliza had informed you of what happens on the night of one's wedding. You were nervous about that, rightfully so. But you were also sure that James would be kind when it comes time to it.
Now, you're trying to muster up the courage to walk out that door to head to the church.
You hear a knock at the door and you call out, "Just a few more moments, Aunt Eliza!"
The door opens and in the reflection, you see Benedict. You immediately turn to face him, "Ben!"
He stands at the door looking stunned, his eyes wandering over your wedding dress, "You-You look beautiful."
You smile, "Thank you," you tilt your head curiously, "Is something wrong?"
"No, I-I just wanted to speak with you," he clenches his fists at his side, "I'm leaving for France."
Your brows furrow in confusion, "When?"
"Now?" you ask him disbelief, "Benedict, it is my wedding day!"
"Which is why I am leaving," he says with heartbreak, "I cannot watch you marry another man. I cannot stand there and witness you declare yourselves to one another not when....not when it should have been me there with you."
Your breath hitches when you realize what Benedict is saying to you. A part of you is elated to know that Benedict has held the same affections for you, and another part of you, a much bigger, stronger part of you, is angry. Angry that he should have told you his feelings years ago. Angry that you and he could have been married already and living happy in love. Angry that he finally decided to tell you this before you marry another man.
"Why? Why didn't you say anything sooner? Why didn't-We could have-"
Benedict, seeing your distress, rushes up to you and takes your hands in his, "Listen to me. I love you, Y/N. Truly. Deeply. Wholeheartedly. But I am not enough for you. I cannot give you the life you deserve. I am but a second son. The marquess is what you deserve."
Tears are running down your cheeks as you look at Benedict, "You are so much more than that. I told you-"
"I know. I am forever grateful of your support and friendship."
"Benedict, I love you. I have always loved you and now you're leaving?How can you expect me to go out there and marry James now? After everything you've just told me?"
"Because you have to. Darling, it's because I love you that I am doing this. I am letting you go."
"No, you are running away!"
Benedict lets out a deep breath, leans in and kisses your forehead, "I truly hope you will be happy with him, Y/N. I love you." his hands slip out of yours and you watch him in heartbreak as he exits the room without looking back.
When Benedict steps out of the room, Aunt Eliza is there waiting with a look of sympathy in her eyes.
"It is admirable what you are doing, Mister Bridgerton."
He wipes the tears from his eyes, "Am I doing the right thing?"
"It may not feel like it right now, but I am certain this is how everything should be. I wish you all the success, Mister Bridgerton."
With a nod, Benedict rushes down the steps to leave. France is waiting.
After fixing up your makeup and taking slow, deep breaths, you waltzed out of your room with determination.
Aunt Eliza has a neutral expression, "Ready?"
You give her a smile and a nod, "Yes."
She escorts you out to the carriage where you father is waiting. He's been in better spirits lately. Primarily due to James paying a larger dowery to get him out of debt. You didn't want him too, having resented your father for the position he's put you in, but James did it with the insurance that your Aunt will have full control of the money. So that made you more at ease.
"I'm proud of you, Y/N. Your mother would be proud of you," your father says with a cocky grin.
You clench your jaw and give a polite smile, "Thank you, father."
The ride to the church is much shorter than you remember. People are already waiting inside for you. Your aunt steps out and then your father. He holds out his hand to you as you step out.
Aunt Eliza hands you your bouquet and you link your arm with your father's.
The church door opens and everyone stands. Your breath hitches when you see James waiting for you at the end of the aisle. He looks handsome in his dark blue velvet suit. The sun peaking through the church windows shines down, making his dark skin glow.
He stares at you with love in his eyes, his smile beaming as you walk closer and closer to him.
As you reach the end of the aisle, your father hands you to James. James gives a nod to your father and you follow him to stand before the bishop.
"Dearly beloved..."
You glance at James, your hand still in his. Feeling your eyes on him, he looks your way with a smile. He winks and squeezes your hand. The anger and sadness you felt earlier eases to a dull pain. Benedict has left you. He has let you go.
It's time you do the same.
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egophiliac · 2 days
#i feel you op i also started initially to read the stories but got busy grinding for events instead 😭 #i also haven't read any of the events not even madguy bc i feel like im gonna miss a lot of context i feel sorry for my boys #although I've recently caught up to ch7 and it made me a stornger more brainrotted madguy fan than before #ppl said it's gonna get more insane later on and im nervous #but so far. the stories are GOOD i highly recommend reading it if you're able to #it's just kamen rider but with extra steps #also to assuage your fear (i hope?) i heard from the grapevines that the change to leon is minimal you can easily miss it (via @chipsncookies)
YES I feel a lot better knowing other people are in the same boat as me! :') as someone who only plays games very casually, the events are fun (and have been a good excuse to get those support stories on characters I was kinda ignoring) but SO distracting -- and they have a connected overarching narrative of their own (make sure you read them in order when you get to them!) so I don't want to skip any. which I guess is to say that my problem is that I'm enjoying the writing too much! how dare they.
overall it definitely has that Kamen Rider tone and feeling I was hoping for and I am VERY pleased with it! I do kinda miss the kitbashy monsters, though otherwise it's basically just Rider But With More Random Scenes of Characters Being Ridiculous At Each Other and that is exactly what I was after. (also exquisite taste, Mad Guys are best guys 🤝)
and as long as I still haven't gotten to episode 13 and can therefore continue to be hilariously naive, let me just say that I know what I'm dreaming of for Leon. he deserves it.
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...although I do think it would be VERY funny if they made that whole big "WE WILL BE UPDATING LEON'S SPRITES TO REFLECT STORY CHANGES!!!!" announcement and then it turns out that they just like. hue-shifted his eye color slightly to the right or something. it's not even a big story beat, Leon just decided to try out some color contacts, maybe comb his hair back a little, and we don't have the heart to tell him to stop. :(
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itsabouttimex2 · 2 days
not sure if anyone asked about the Monkie Glaive AU yet, but how does it work, exactly? I'm really curious to know about the group and character dynamics considering it's a Monster Hunter crossover! (I was listening to some MH + MHS themes today and it reminded me of this au ! :D)
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Monkie Glaive
(I’m really glad you asked this! I was hoping to expand on this AU!)
So, to start- it basically transports the beasts and ecosystem of Monster Hunter into the world of Monkie Kid, which maintains a very high-tech and futuristic world.
It also turns demons and Celestials into monster-hybrids! Here’s five of the characters who are monsters in the AU:
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For example, Sun Wukong is a Rajang, which means he can potentially tap into lightning abilities- after consuming a Kirin horn. He can also transform into a full-sized form, and is capable of entering a “Furious” state.
Also, instead of beetles or moths- glaive wielders partner with little FFM monkeys! These monkeys also take the place of Palicos! So, Wukong’s legacy spreads beyond his defeat of the Black Dragon- people to this day emulate his fighting style and actively live with his subjects in day to day life.
No single weapon- he cycles through old glaives and hunting horns as he pleases- after all, he gave the Ruyi Jingu Bang to MK!
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Macaque is actually a Nargacuga! Instead of commanding shadows, he can turn invisible and fling spikes from his tail. And, like any Nargacuga, he’s sensitive to sound- especially to Sonic Bombs, and he’ll immediately enter a rage state once he recovers. Macaque wields Leumundslist, and has his own little melanistic monkey partner- she’s the only thing he really cares about. Although, meeting Y/N might just change that…
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The Brotherhood is active even to the present day, having never been sealed in the Ink Scroll. They still command Camel Ridge and keep their “subjects” locked up nice and tight, refusing to allow any mortals amongst them to become Hunters or Riders. Instead, they themselves do the defending and fighting, and all their cherished mortals stay perfectly safe inside their walled kingdom- no one leaves.
But, with a little convincing and begging, a stranger may be allowed to come inside for safety and supplies- but only if they’re willing to stay. Expect to sign lots of contracts and papers written by Yellowtusk (who is a Gammoth, giving him the ability to create snow and ice. He wields the Iceshaker.) that were created for the sole purpose of keeping innocent and kind souls trapped inside their smothering protective city. These papers will be cited and show any time you try to leave.
Peng is a Gold Rathian, giving them the ability to both spit fireballs and secrete poison- instead of a tail, though, Peng’s poison is spread by their quills. Those quills also contains a mild paralytic, useful for quieting dissenters or subduing runaways to ferry back “home”. They wield the Gold Chordmaker and maintain a more supportive combat role than their Sworn Brothers. They’re usually first in line to track down any “wayward souls” that leave the loving protection of Camel Ridge.
Azure Lion is obviously a Lunastra, which gives him both a big pair of wings and ability to breath fire- as well as spread flammable dust to ignite later. With the Roilcloud Sword in hand, Azure has sworn to protect all his cherished prisoners subjects from the violent woes of a monster-ridden world- whether they like it or not. There’s not a single resident of Camel Ridge that he doesn’t adore with all his heart, nor even one that he’s forgotten the name of.
And not one is allowed to leave his care.
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redphlox · 2 days
Are you feeling about Touya? I can't imagine Horikoshi it would be way too cruel, especially since him and Shouto need to eat soba together.
Feeling hopeful. I know the general consensus in the Dabi fandom right now is fear and despondency but when I look at the overall picture of the story, Touya dying doesn't make any sense and there's a lot of setup for him to survive.
The random guard/whoever saying Touya is heading toward a slow death means nothing to me. Not when Ujiko, the brilliant (but evil) doctor who saved Touya from certain death on Sekoto Peak, was wrong about Dabi's body not surviving a month after he woke up from the coma. The core of Touya's character is literally about survival and determination, going above and beyond to exceed expectations to live and be seen. I also feel that there might be something within Touya that allows him to survive, which is how he has any fire resistance at all. He was crying actual real tears this chapter instead of blood, which hints that his body is healing. I've seen other people theorize that Shouto's Phosphor has healing properties, which is promising and more in line with the stories' themes and messages than Touya dying again.
Overall, the tone of the Todoroki family arc is positive and hopeful. Yes, Fuyumi quit her teaching position, but one of the students' parents helped her find another one. This means that not only does this one parent believe in her, but so does this new employer. And those kindergarteners that Shouto connected with during the remedial license Arc have been supporting him this entire time. These instances show that society is changing their attitude towards the relatives of those who commit crimes and are willing to accept the Todorokis back into society and are literally cheering for them. This doesn't change the fact that some people will definitely hate them, but it's not all doom and gloom. And the soba thing - what a way to connect to someone who was born to replace you! That's a deep connection right there, and that's good. The story has focused a lot on connections and how life-saving and important those can be. Dying would rip that connection and go against the themes
Also, I feel like the Todoroki family would be much more worried and emotionally wrecked if they thought Touya was actually dying. Endeavor keeps talking to Touya about the future and visiting him. Unless all of them are in denial about what is happening, then why would they torture themselves talking about something that can't happen? All these conversations they want to have etc etc. It would be cruel, and Horikoshi is a sensitive guy. I don't think he could write something like that, and it doesn't fit what he's written so far.
To go further than Touya, I wouldn't be surprised if we see Toga and Spinner also on their deathbeds currently too, tbh. I'm thinking that mysterious new character (who is Tenko, no doubt), saved by his regeneration quirk, may help them. There's set up for it via Kurogiri telling Shigaraki his friends are waiting for him, and not to mention Shigaraki's always been the hero of the lov. He might not have saved them emotionally like the hero kids did, but he can save them physically. I'm not sure how exactly it'll all happen but I think they will all be okay in the end.
I know some readers have a different, more critical/negative opinion than I do, and that's fine. Ever since Shigiraki died, I've been saying that it's going to get worse before it gets better and that we're not going to see a resolution to that soon, and that's all been happening. I hate this saying, but, it's not over till the fat lady sings. I'm just going to keep on reading. I keep telling my friends this over and over again but it's kind of like reading the last Harry Potter (author is dead to me) book and stopping/rage quitting when Harry is killed by Voldemort in the forest. Keep reading. The story is not over yet, and a lot can change for the better. Let Horikoshi tell his story.
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codenamesazanka · 2 days
Initial 426 thoughts
Endeavor stole the scene here. I feel it's not so much Family-Shouto/Dabi reconciliation as Endeavor's atonement arc conclusion. Shouto nearly felt like a sideshow. Supportive younger brother asking the cute line about soba, then going back to school with a shonen 'I'm chasing my dream!' line.
Don't get me wrong, that moment was so good. Dabi during the battle swore that their lines/path would never intersect, that Shouto's was too straight and narrow, while his was warped. That was the memory Dabi's recalling as he cries. That he said they would run in parallel, remaining apart—but then here was Shouto, asking him about his favorite food, wanting to intersect. And they do - they have the same favorite food.
But I wanted more. And because we can't have more because of Endeavor, I want Endeavor to at least get yelled at for this. I imagine it already happened before this visit, when the family received the diagnosis. This is after that, this after those feelings had run its course and they're resigned to this, what's left to do.
And so Endeavor gets to have his one final cool line, which is infuriating because it is a good line, responding back to Dabi's invitation to dance. It's such a good line that wonder if Natsuo saying that line was cool isn't Horikoshi patting himself on the back. But it shouldn't have been delivered here on the epilogue. It should've been immediately post Jaku, and Endeavor had been prepared to truly taste the hell of dealing with his son directly.
Fuyumi says she quit but I wonder if she wasn't asked to resign, or felt she had to quit due to her being from a perpetrator's family. Especially since she has to say she's already got another job lined up, referred by a student's mother.
Hawks becoming HPSC head makes me livid. Toga should've killed him. He goes on TV and admits he killed a guy without following proper procedure, and he's HPSC president, who will be in charge of making sure Heroes follow proper procedure. I guess things at least are more transparent!
You know Hawks still doesn't think killing Twice was wrong. So if something threatening comes up in the future, he might well think 'KILL THEM' yet again, and being HPSC president, give the order to do so.
Get Nagant out of jail. If she's afraid of being used, give her a vacation in Bali. Why stay in jail????
Feels like Horikoshi is keeping her in prison because she'll be too troublesome to handle if she's out. She'll bring up questions like "Can she function in society after 15 years? (Answer tends towards no, she said the world outside prison is scary) What will she do now, after all that? WILL THE TRUTH OF THE ASSASSINATIONS EVER COME TO LIGHT?" And we can't have that.
I hate this cutesy-ness with Mr. Optimism Hawks. Jail is a joke now, because meals are provided at taxpayer's expense and Nagant has been moved to a lower security prison (but prob not anyone else). Call her Villain 😋 as if that's not a label that's gotten people unfairly judged, or justified their killing.
The facility Dabi is in is probably a Villain Hospital. Those exist - they've been referred to a couple of times in the manga and vigilantes. Probably a combination of prison and hospital. So of course the guard's uniforms look a bit like Tartarus uniform. But white.
Which makes it interesting, because SPINNER is still at Central Hospital. Too weak to be a threat?
SPINNER. 😭😭😭 If you look closely, his eyes are open. You can see his pupils. He's looking over at the door opening.
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I'm so scared. SPINNER.
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moirindeclermont · 1 day
Daily thread about BridgertonS3 and are we ready to talk about trauma?? A short disclaimer, I'm not a mental health provider nor I want to diagnose them. My following observation is just my theories about them and how about certain things may affect their relationship. Also, this is only based on the show, so if in the books it is different I would not know.
The thing is Colin has obviously a big trauma, which is Edmund's death. That's the biggest one for sure, but he is also a very passionate person and, through the seasons, no one listen to him when it talks about his travels. It's not as big as a parent's d3ath, but it does something to one self esteem to have the people lost close to you brushing aside your passion. And then there is the Marina scheme, which also left a mark. The guy is deeply scared someone is going to fool him again.
Pen, on the other hand, has a life of microagression. Yes, being ignored is part of that. But also the whole behavior of the Ton, her sisters and her mother, Cressida. Feeling that alone all the time leaves a sign. There is an episode of Buffy in which the girl who is feeling alone actually turns invisible... That might have happen to Pen too is Bridgerton was another show.
So, when they enter in their relationship, they are both deeply insecure about the other feeling. Pen asks esplicitly "are you sure?" to Colin's declaration because, for her, that someone stand up to her and declare their love is absolutely impossible, up until that moment. Colin is also insecure, continuously asking if she returns his feelings, that it's okay if she doesn't, because for him that a person might actually listen to him is also out of this world.
They cope in different ways. Pen has learn to do everything on her own, never asking for help, being hyper independent. When you learn that you need to do thing alone because no one will come for your help, trusting people back into your life, asking for help, it seems impossible. You may feel like a burden, a weak person who cat stand up to themselves. Relearning to trust is a process. She needs to learn that she can count on Colin, she is not alone anymore.
Colin copes by trying to feel useful all the time. Also, by trying to appeal to people by changing his persona. He needs to feel like he can do something, like he can't possibly believe that someone might love him for all the things people always judge him for. He also have trust issues, but he copes by trying to make himself indispensable. He needs to learn that Pen loves him because of all the things all the other people made fun of him for.
In that sense, their deep friendship allows them both to get over some of their trauma, at least for a bit. But, after the first real conflict comes on (LW), the both return to their own coping system. The resolution can only happen the moment they both do the work and incorporate into their belief system that theirs is a true partnership. Only then Colin can let go of the envy and the anger and Pen can learn to accept its support and take accountability.
In this sense, this is perhaps the most healthy dynamic on the show, one I'm so grateful to be witness to. And it's healthy not because there is no conflict - that s not what healthy is - but because conflict is used to make the work and grow, that is what makes this healthy.
And I can't help to fall in love with their love a bit more, knowing that now they are both secure in their partnership.
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smytherines · 3 days
☠ agent curt mega pretty pleaseeee
Ooooohhh angry/violent headcanon for Curt. This is an interesting one. I wrote waaaay too much here and I'm probably gonna end up in fandom jail for this one, but...
I mean we've talked about this before, but I genuinely do not see the horrible toxic manipulative Owen/little innocent cinnamon roll Curt dynamic that a lot of people seem to get from A1P1. It just doesn't track for me with what actually happens in that scene. Interpretation is an art, and everyone's art style is different, I just personally can't see anything to support it.
For me, pre-fall curtwen is a relationship of equals. Equals who often irritated each other because they were very different people (but also because they were very similar people), equals who didn't have any real concept of how to have a healthy relationship (especially with another man), equals who individually had a lot of flaws and messed up coping mechanisms and (in my headcanon at least) neurodevelopmental disabilities that made them uniquely suited for espionage, but also gave them all sorts of weird problems that they had no way of understanding or fixing. For me, they each gave as good as they got. For better or worse.
So keeping that in mind, I think about that part of A1P1 where Cynthia is insulting Curt while trying to recruit Owen to A.S.S., because that interaction, and what comes after it, is very important for my understanding of who pre-fall Curt was as a person.
Even though Owen doesn't entertain the idea of working for A.S.S. for even a second, Curt gets jealous, and pissed off, and hangs up on Cynthia. I think Owen's line is "What are you, jealous? You know I'd never work for the Americans," and its incredulous, like its a silly thing for Curt to get upset about because Owen would never even consider it. Curt pulls his flask out as soon as the call is over, and he responds to Owen pretty sharply by saying "Oh I do know that you couldn't handle it." He responds as if Owen has threatened his status at A.S.S.
We see this dynamic again when Owen chastises him for drinking, and Curt mocks his accent while saying "not until the jobs done." We see it again when Owen gestures to the banana peel like "what are you doing," and Curt responds fairly harshly with (I think, I'm doing this off memory) "this whole place is about to be garbage anyways, who gives a shit."
Those moments, for me, imply that Curt gets embarrassed easily, he gets jealous easily, and that he reacts very defensively when he is criticized, which is just Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria 101. It couldn't get more typical RSD than that. And each criticism, even though they're individually pretty mild, just seems to make him act more recklessly during A1P1, like he's trying to show that actually he's a badass and Owen just worries too much. Again, very RSD.
The thing about RSD is that- especially when you don't know you have it- sometimes your first impulse is to get furious. Not annoyed. Not irritated. But like blood pulsing in your ears, seeing red kind of furious. Your heart rate elevates. It's like your body goes into fight or flight, and more often than not your body is going to pick fight. And because ADHD is a lifelong thing, unless you're getting treatment or at least a diagnosis and information, you literally have no concept that this is not how other people react emotionally, so you justify your own behavior because you truly do not understand that this isn't normal (ask me how I know hahahaaa)
As much as we love them, and as much as I truly believe they loved each other, they probably got into a fair few fistfights over the years. These are two men who are accustomed to violence. Who are very good at violence. Who have a flirty torture scene and then tell the guy whose knees Owen just shot out that "you've just been used for sport" (Owen), and "I hope you had fun- I know we sure did" (Curt).
To me, pre-fall Curt seems like the type to put Owen down a lot with relatively minor digs "as a joke" (aka he is bad with feelings), and to some degree it doesn't bother Owen that much because that's just how they are. They banter. But sometimes, maybe when Owen is tired or feeling particularly sensitive that day, he'll go straight for the jugular- zero in on the thing Curt is most sensitive about. With Curt its death by a thousand cuts, with Owen its a laser guided missle.
I've talked about this before too, but I think that by the time we get to A1P1 Curt probably already has a bit of a drinking problem. After the fall, drinking is just how he manages to survive his grief. But I think before the fall he could get miserable and sour and petty while drunk, take out his insecurities on the people around him, and probably on occasion just start fights because he's bored and will take any stimulation he can get.
I don't think this is just a thing he does with Owen either, I think this has probably been a problem for him his whole life. He feels things very close to the surface. He is very emotional, which is a thing you're not allowed to be as a man, as a boy/teen/man in the 30s, 40s, and 50s, and a thing that is very dangerous if you are a gay man during this time period.
He also has a big fucking ego. During the 54 Below concert spoken intros they describe what happens in A1P1 as "when these two spies are together they are gay and unstoppable- until Curt's ego gets in the way." And I think a big part of that ego is wrapped up in his performance of his gender. That if he's the very best at this extremely hypermasculine profession then nobody will notice any of the stereotypically feminine traits he has, no one will think he is actually sensitive and tender-hearted and more vulnerable than he appears. He thinks that performing stereotypical 1950s masculinity will insulate him from anyone ever finding out his secret- that he likes men, that he's in love with a man.
Also, ADHD can make you very impatient, easily bored, and Jesus let me tell you I know from experience that when an ADHDer gets too bored for too long, they get irritated. At everything, at nothing. So the combination of these factors makes me think that he probably was the kind of kid to get into scraps (especially at any suggestion that he was not masculine enough), the kind of adult who felt too much and got it out with aggression. He was a brawler. Spying helped focus his aggression. He got to still have it, but he got to feel like it was serving a noble purpose.
I do also think that, even if he gave Owen a lot of shit (particularly for the crime of not being American), if someone insulted Owen in front of him, or if one of their enemies hurt Owen, I fully believe Curt would go full-on berserker mode to defend Owen. So it isn't entirely a negative thing. He can utilize his anger and violence to protect people he loves too.
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jojotichakorn · 11 hours
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happy early birthday (it is actually july 5) to the guy, who has accomplished more by the age of 21 than most people can accomplish in a lifetime.
pond said that he comes to phuwin's birthday celebrations year after year and that he is really happy to see how the number of people who love and support him grows, which is just the sweetest sentiment 🫶 there was also a lot of talk about resting and looking after his health, which i'm sure we all agree with. phuwin has been pretty overworked this year, so let's hope he gets to rest more soon.
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mama-qwerty · 1 day
Okay, I'm gonna get political here.
I've been seeing some alarming posts going around, in which people seem to think that Biden is somehow as bad as, or worse than, Trump. And a lot of the reasoning seems to come down to how he's dealing with Israel. He's not doing enough to stop Israel and is actively supporting them. Which, he has to, because the US is Israel's ally.
Is it ideal? Is it great? NO. It absolutely sucks, and we really should not be involved, and be doing more to stop them.
But that seems to be the single issue most people mention when talking about not voting for him. And my question to them is, do you seriously think Trump will handle it any better??
And let's put Palestine aside right now. I know it's terrible, I know it's my privilege to look away for a moment, but I implore you, I fucking BEG you to remember that the US president affects laws and policies here, which affects each and every American who lives here.
This post lists, in a convenient little checkbox format, what each candidate is for and against. As you can see, Trump will support Israel, too. Moreso than Biden. But he will also remove rights and destroy protections for countless other groups.
Both candidates are absolutely NOT THE SAME. Biden, while not perfect, has done a lot of good for the country, it's just not reported because negative things get more views than positive. He had A LOT of cleanup to do after Trump finally dragged his ass out of the White House. And he's done what he could.
I get that Biden isn't ideal. He's not who I would want, either. But he's the Democratic candidate, and we absolutely cannot afford to "send Washington a lesson" by abstaining or voting third party. We are a two party system, and with Trump on the ballot, we cannot, CAN FUCKING NOT afford to split our forces.
Every Republican will be out in droves, casting their vote for Trump. One vote for a third party candidate, is a vote for Trump. If you do not vote for Biden, you are essentially handing Trump the victory.
This country will not survive another Trump presidency.
I sincerely believe that. The damage he did the first time around was bad enough, when he didn't know what he was doing. But now? Now he's had 4 years to scheme and plot and work behind the scenes with his cronies so that when/if he gets back into office, he can go all in on gutting the government, stacking the Supreme Court, enacting whatever laws he likes, and simply declaring himself dictator and never leaving office again.
And the Republicans will help him.
Every one of those spineless bootlickers will be trailing behind him, nodding like a fucking bobblehead, agreeing with whatever asinine idea tumbles out of his third grade brain.
"For the good of the country," they'll cry, as they gut support for the poor.
"For the helpless little babies," they'll weep, eliminating health care services for women and removing any help for families.
"Make America Great Again," they'll chant as they send the military to drag children away from parents and lock them in cages because they dared come to the US--a country that was founded on the backs of immigrants--for a better life.
Republicans only care about keeping themselves rich and in power. They don't care about the poor. They don't care about women or minorities or LGBTQ+ rights. They don't care about YOU. They only care about themselves. They've proven it time and time again, yet they always try to convince their base that it's really the Democrats and radical Left who are the bad guys. Because they constantly want to *checks notes* make sure people are safe, healthy, and cared for.
And that's not the America the Republicans want.
I am begging all US voters to look past Palestine, for just a moment, and realize that choosing the wrong man in November will have very, very, VERY long lasting repercussions for this country. We can't afford to "send a message". We can't afford to simply not vote. We can't afford to throw out the old "they're all the same" line.
Please, please, please. Think about the people who will be hurt under another Trump administration. Think of those who will lose their support, lose their aid, lose their protections. Think of those who can't protect themselves.
The only message we need to send to Washington this November is NOT TRUMP. NEVER TRUMP.
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annabtg · 1 day
Can I ask why you like James? Everything he and his friends did are toxic male traits. They deserved to be expelled for how they treated Snape. All that guy wanted to do was study and spend time with the girl he loved. Snape shouldn’t have called her a mudblood but that was provoked by James. That guy had ruined Snape’s future and made him turn to the dark arts. How can you support someone like that?. Lily was in love with Snape and I’m certain James snuck a love potion to her or manipulated her into thinking Snape was evil. Snape deserved a happy ending with Lily, and he would have been a better father to Harry than James ever could have. Unfortunately, James arrogant and bullying personality rubbed off on his son. I don’t get how you people can like character like that. Snape deserved Lily because he loved her more than James ever could have.
Is this 2015 Quora?
Well, I meant to get some writing done, but there's always the afternoon, I suppose. I can never resist an opportunity to ramble about my favourite characters!
Can I ask why you like James?
Sure you can (case in point) but why do you care? Do I know you? Do you read my writing? It doesn't seem like it, because he has a central role in it, often highlighted with tags such as "James Potter is a Little Shit", so you'd have an idea already. You're probably just asking to distract me from writing more fic about him. Slightly bothersome, but ultimately beneficial to my essay-writing skills.
Everything he and his friends did are toxic male traits.
As a pharmacist, I will tell you that the dose makes the poison. Anything can be toxic if you take enough of it.
They deserved to be expelled for how they treated Snape.
They did die in the end, which I understand is not as good a punishment as being expelled, but it will have to do.
All that guy wanted to do was study and spend time with the girl he loved.
Spending time with the girl you love is only a nice and honourable thing if she also wants the same thing. If she tells you she's not interested, it's creepy and disgusting.
Snape shouldn’t have called her a mudblood but that was provoked by James.
I fail to understand how a boy who can't even begin to utter the word and is obviously smitten with a girl, can convince another boy to call that same girl a racial slur. It seems rather counterintuitive.
That guy had ruined Snape’s future and made him turn to the dark arts.
Okay listen, I know that working with teens can be a pain sometimes but overall getting a job with tenure at the most prestigious magic school of Britain at the age of 19 is hardly a ruined future. I have many friends who would turn to the dark arts for it.
How can you support someone like that?
Well, he's hot and I have a thing for arrogant smart-arses.
Lily was in love with Snape and I’m certain James snuck a love potion to her or manipulated her into thinking Snape was evil.
Wait, no, we're not on 2015 Quora. 2015 Quora would be claiming that Lily was an ungrateful bitch who treated Snape so badly even though the poor sod loved her with all his life. Because honestly, we never see her showing any kind of love towards Snape. She's always lashing out at him or trying to get something out of him. So self-centered.
Snape deserved a happy ending with Lily, and he would have been a better father to Harry than James ever could have.
As the wonderfully loving way he treated Harry in the books proves beyond doubt, I assume?
Unfortunately, James arrogant and bullying personality rubbed off on his son.
I'm going to have to play the scientist card again but I have to inform you that genes don't work quite like that.
I don’t get how you people can like character like that.
Does this post help at all?
Snape deserved Lily because he loved her more than James ever could have.
Lily was a whole person and could choose her own partner. If she would rather marry the guy who loved her less, that's on her, not on James. I suppose he must have had some qualities that compensated for his less-than-perfect love.
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bestjaydee · 3 days
”He's just so hungry for attention, and yes, I think it's a sign he's anxious it's going to disappear. The thing is, it may well disappear in part because of this behaviour.”
Exactly. Don’t remember where I heard this, but it was something like, all actors are thirsty, but Hollywood doesn’t take the ones who look it seriously. If he was set up with JA early on I can’t believe he also wasn’t set up with media trainers and brand specialists. Did he just ignore them? Did he take them to heart too much then decide to add his own extra extra twist? More is better! He is a case study for sure. And while of course your co stars will say nice things to the public, I’ve wondered for a long time about the disparity between what people say about him and what he shows us.
I believe he must have had media training in the last ten years. I don't know when exactly, but at some point he became a little more at ease in interviews. But the thing is, to be really good at it, you must have some confidence in who you are and what you stand for.
And I don't think he has any idea who he is truly. That's why he seems so full of contradictions all the time.
He also listens to the wrong people. I'm thinking of AN, of course, but also his mommies who praise him whether he's good or bad. They're also a hungry bunch, who will take anything and everything he can give. They don't care wether he's constantly shilling, encouraging them to go see his movie in the midst of a pandemic, reading from a phone book or walking hand in hand with an escort, they'll take it all and ask for more. And Sam delivers, oblivious to how thirsty he looks in the industry he so wants to be part of, and which, as you point out, does not take kindly to such behaviour. That's why I have such a hard time with these women who think he can do no wrong and deserve all the awards. They think they're supporting him, but they're just flattering his ego, condoning mediocrity and, at their worst, making a mockery of their idol. I wish better for him; I wish he made the effort to be better at his art, and that's why I speak up when he under-delivers or messes up. I'm sure some of his co-stars think like me and wish the same things.
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petit-papillion · 9 days
I also noticed that today Charles doesn't seem very well. But it's understandable. Today is the anniversary of his father's death, it has been 7 years since he died. This can't be an easy day for him. I can't imagine how difficult it must be to do all this media stuff on such an emotionally difficult day.
I didn't realize. It makes sense now. Sending him lots of love and virtual hugs. ❤️
Thanks for letting me know, Anon.
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randomnameless · 9 months
The phrase “we have been aware of the high levels of competency from KT's writers, especially with their work for 3H” is worrying; i'm not going to shit-talk them just for thinking that 3H has a good story, especially when someone's standards for what makes a story good or not is subjective and could be different from ours, but KT's story-telling skills are never going to improve if people keep only telling them that Three Houses' deeply-flawed story was actually a narrative masterpiece, instead of a self-contradicting mess with plot points it introduces solely as gotchas and has no intention of ever following up on in any meaningful way, characters getting assassinated left and right to try and argue that female Ashnard might actually be right and not so different from them in terms of morality and goals (while they're in the middle of fighting for their lives and watching their friends die in battle because she decided to invade their home unprovoked and solely for a landgrab), and an over-powered villain group that should have ended the story long before it even started because the writers decided to give them a stockpile of magic nukes they can launch at anywhere in the world, which was also introduced solely for shock value and without them realizing how much of the story is ruined by making it so that the villains who want to kill everyone and take over the world can just nuke anyone they want (that isn't inside Garreg Mach when they launch it) with no consequences.
I just don't like what it means for the future of FE stories if the worst story in the series keeps getting praised as one of the best, even by separate developers, is all.
Wait and see anon!
For what it's worth, while Engage's sales are apparently not as stellar as Houses in the same timeframe (like House after month 1 and Engage after month 1?), Nopes totally crashed.
Amazon isn't the only market in the world, but in some places in the world (tfw not for amazon.fr) Nopes is now sold at around 15 bucks, which is ridiculous considering older games released on consoles still being in circulation are more expensive than this thing that is barely 1 year old(even the first FEW?).
Also, Engage was supposed to have been released earlier but Covid and Houses being released later than planned meant it was delayed, but Engage was supposed to be Fodlan's antithesis, at least writing wise - you'd think IS would have tried to retrofit more Fodlan themes (maybe more uwu maybe some villains aren't BaD and earl grey because they luf u) but they didn't.
Imo, fwiw, while KT apparently loved how Fodlan was received, IS is aghast and doesn't want to touch it within a 10 meters radius, only if it means selling units in FEH and even there, they sometimes retcon Fodlan units (hello F!Billy/Sothis) or challenge them in various FB (Brave!Supreme Leader, but also in the most recent one, Sylvain harping on his Crust being BaD...) clearly showing how they don't really want to follow KT's direction regarding those units - at times, it's almost as if the CoS receives more development in Heroes than in both Fodlan games!
So I'd like to see what IS has in store for the next FE games (or the next non remake FE game), even if in my opinion, given how Heroes has to retcon/finish the writing (Mercedes reveals more about her Adrestian family in FEH than in two of her games!) for characters just to sell them in the gacha game ffs, speaks volumes on what they think of Fodlan's writing.
On top of that, FE16 was the first game where people received surveys/mails from Nintendo/IS asking them if they understood the game... - so despite Fodlan selling well (better than expected?), imo it's clear the writing isn't to praise, at least for IS, and they don't want anything to do with it (Nopes' DLC was scrapped, when shiny!Rhea's sprite was datamined, so either they made an useless sprite, either this sprite might have been used in a future DLC?)
They can still butcher a future remake (plz no jugdral) by adding pointless supports between units and trying to uwu more than needed the red emperor - or add an OC waifu du jour who will sell merchs and try to uwu her if she is on the side of the red emperor - but I feel like we will see where they will go with a brand new game (since Heroes's writing is... as consistent as a fog and basically circles around "women sad'n'lonely*, men evyl", female playable OC simps after the avatar and is useless in the resolution of the plot because Alfonse will finally find a mc guffin way to defeat the villain of the year).
*i truly hope Vero isn't any indication to what the writing of the future games will be, like heavy retcons from her first apparition to "i was brainwashed and akshually everyone supports me from my home even if i send them to death against askr because the voice in my head told me to do it" because that'd suck, but vero is a young woman, thus she could be monetised for alts, figurines and even DLC content in a main game!
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g8d · 2 months
i feel like if that one guy ever dare make eye contact with me he will die on the spot that's how much i hate his pathetic coward hypocrite guts.
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candied-cae · 9 months
"Izzy's appearances in 2x03 with Stede were some of the only times I could stand him." - Allow me to further explain
I want to preface this with "I know." I know I was not an Izzy Enjoyer during Season 1 and I know I wasn't really looking forward to a redemption arc for his character because I was worried it wouldn't be taken seriously enough, since this show is a comedy. And, so far, I feel like I was right. His forgiveness feels rushed to me, and Stede's adverse reactions to him are the only times where it felt like this was in fact Izzy Hands from season 1 and not a guy with the same name and face but with a clean record and softer disposition.
The instances where Stede is put in Izzy's proximity are the only ones that really make sense coming out of Season 1. As far as we see, a few months has passed and pretty much everyone on The Revenge has forgiven Izzy for the simple reason that they can tell Ed is taking a little extra of his anger out on him. We see no apologies made, we see no kind gestures, we see no really complex stuff about him realizing he fucked up.
They skip right to his breaking down and the rest of the crew picking up the pieces behind Ed's back, even though for most of them Izzy was their torturer at least twice before all on his own.
So it felt weird and jarring that he seemed completely washed free of his "sins" of the last season, especially since it happened right there in the first episode. I wish the production team put more time in making Izzy "earn" the kindness the crew affords him, but I digress. The interactions Stede has with Izzy feel the most right (to me) and I adore how much character work we can pull from them.
(In agonizing detail by going over every word of dialogue and expression exchanged between them, you've been warned.)
The first time they address each other, goes as follows:
"Bonnet. Good to see you." "Piss off, Izzy. I don't wanna hear from you."
With Izzy approaching Stede without reason and speaking first. He limps on over and opens up with something polite almost. But when it comes from Izzy Hands - the man who personally insulted Stede, insulted all his favorite activities, insulted his crew, challenge him to duel and skewered him through the side, went on to call on Calico Jack and the Royal English Navy to take down The Revenge, who stole his crew and ship after he'd been arrested, and Stede's clearly got suspicions that Ed's behavior was influenced by him - that greeting is a slap in the face.
It's that kind of fake sweet pretend-we're-friends-for-the-sake-of-social-graces thing that Stede left behind on the mainland.
So he just tells him to leave. That he doesn't care what he has to say if it isn't information, and even if it was, Stede doesn't trust what Izzy shares.
And Izzy's a little caught off guard by that reaction. We see him sort of sway and look to the side. He looks rejected, which he is. And it's the first time all season that someone hasn't really let him have a fresh start (except for Ed). It's the first time anyone's tried to hold him accountable for the litany of things he'd done to the crew in the last season. Events that seem to have taken place only weeks/months before.
The second time Izzy speaks up, he does so to tease:
"What about my painting? Why was it all stabbed up?" "That was me." *sighs*
Izzy puts on a smile and leans his head back a bit. He's try to act proud and sort of snarky, since Stede isn't playing with him like they did previously. So, he tried to goad him into saying something. Into getting snippy or bitchy in return. He's trying to push Stede into giving him something to work with.
Because if people talk to him, and they play his games, and they soften up, that's how (it seems) he's been able to win them over and get into folk's good graces.
But Stede doesn't give. He doesn't want to play Izzy's mind games. He doesn't want to volley a few insults back in forth until it's fun. He doesn't want to give Izzy any of his time or attention or energy, because Izzy doesn't deserve any of it to him.
Stede walks away, and we see Izzy's expression freeze and fall. He's stuck and confused, because he thought that was a good move. He thought that one was going to get a reaction. And maybe that's how he's always gotten people to talk to him, by pushing them into a retaliation, but it doesn't work.
What's the quote? About how hate isn't the opposite of love, indifference is? Stede is being indifferent to Izzy's presence, and that's doing more to Izzy's feelings than if he outright hated him.
The third time they interact, Izzy's followed Stede into the captain's quarters and jokes:
"Don't cry, Bonnet. We just redecorated." "I don't mind, actually. I think the knives really help bring the place together."
Again, he's tried to push Stede's buttons. Playing on already used jokes that Stede's too posh and soft to, say, appreciate something like a dozen knives thrown/stabbed into the walls and ceiling of his cabin.
He's teasing, on the edge of calling Stede a cry baby, either just to see if it'll work him up, or if that's the only way he knew how to start their discussion. But again, Stede isn't playing with him. He brushes past the implied insult and moves to something more like "I don't care" in response.
Instead, turning his attention back to the subject of Edward Teach. Because he knows the crew were all dodging the question and he knows Izzy would have to know what happened to Ed.
During that same conversation they pivot to more serious matters:
"What'd you do with him? I know he wouldn't have left by choice." "I know you think you understand him-" "He was either going to watch the world burn or die trying. So which was it?" "Alright, Bonnet. Have it your own way. He went mad. He tortured the crew. He took my fuckin' leg 'cause I dared to mention your fuckin' name. He was a wild dog, and we dealt with him like one." "You sent him to doggy heaven." "No, I could never do that. We deserted him on a beach. Left nature to do the rest. More than he would've done for us. You and me did this to him. And we cannot let this crew suffer any more for our mistakes." "Why would they suffer?" "If your captain senses mutiny, she'll kill us all. That's pirate code."
The most notable expressions during this conversation are Stede's who almost seems to wince when Izzy says Ed retaliated against him over mentioning Stede's name, his defeat when he believes Ed was killed in mutiny, and his concern about making sure his crew will be spared.
These are feelings that are barely about Izzy, and mostly about the fact that Stede is taking on a lot more blame than he's saying. He feels a lot of the responsibility for what's happened (further exemplified by him cracking to tell Zheng Yi Sao that he should've told Ed how he felt and avoided all of it). And this is the first time Izzy really gets anything out of him from all his poking and prodding he does in the episode.
And though Stede is convinced that Ed was simply marooned and it's its own kind of tragedy and means there was somewhere to go to try and get him back, Stede worries about saving his crew first. He pleads with Zheng Yi Sao and even wins her over until Auntie finds Ed's "body."
After that revelation, Izzy's in The Red Flag's brig and only says:
"Go on, Bonnet. Give me your worst."
And Stede says nothing. He looks at him. He hears what he has to say. But he doesn't do anything. Nothing except having to physically push himself off the bars to walk away.
And again, we can tell there's blame he's assigned to himself for it.
It's a little bit his fault that Ed's "dead." It's a little bit his fault the rest of his crew is going to be executed. It's a little bit his fault, and it's a little bit Izzy's. He knows so, because Izzy said it to him himself. "You and Me did this to him." And Izzy huffs, gives him permission to fly off the handle. To pour his rage and grief all over Izzy, to retaliate with words or with blades.
Izzy would take it. Whatever Stede was going to give him, he was going to take it. Just like he was trying to make him mad earlier, Izzy was still grappling for something. For acknowledgment. For something in his last moments before an entire career of piracy ended at The Pirate Queen's behest.
But Stede gives him nothing.
And that hurts worse. That brings tears to his eyes. That settles in the quiet idea of "I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed" that cuts so much deeper.
And the last time Izzy tries for anything, he tries being grateful:
"I just wanted to thank you for-"
But Stede still doesn't listen. Doesn't even let him finish thanking him.
Even though he went as far as to save Izzy's life along with the rest of the crew (he could've struck him down or declared he was unwelcome to join them back on The Revenge if he really wanted to), he still hadn't earned acknowledgment. Hadn't deserved pity or anything else. He doesn't even deserve to stand next to Stede and fluff his ego, as far as Stede seems concerned.
Stede hasn't forgiven Izzy. And maybe it's because he feels there's nothing to forgive, it's mostly Stede's own fault- maybe it's because he blames him too much and will never let it go- maybe he's too hurt to feel anything but tired and sad once the immediate danger has passed... Izzy doesn't know.
What he does know, is that he has tried everything to get reactions out of Stede. Everything except apologizing. So, I'm personally hoping for an apology in the upcoming episodes. For some vulnerability and truth and embarrassment. Because these are the beats of a redemption. These are the plot points of turning your life around, and people either don't believe it's genuine at first or don't care.
This is the "cost" of Izzy's actions in Season 1. And it's something they haven't given us from anyone else yet. I'd also really like Ed to make some kind of address of the fact ("You wanted Blackbeard as dark and demanding as he could possibly get, I gave that to you"). Because that's how a redemption arc works best. The guy who fucked up has to put in an effort expressly to be forgiven.
To me, it's not enough that his life sucked for a couple months and he didn't get exactly what he wanted (aka, he didn't realize he didn't actually want it like that) and he lost a leg. He's going to keep pirating on one foot, but to receive a position on The Revenge happily shared, there needs to be something more.
#Cae Has Lots of Feelings About Our Flag Means Death#Okay - this analysis took all my fucking brain power holy shit#But SEE!#I told everyone I had a reason for adoring their interactions and it's not because I'm a Steddyhands shipper (I'm not)#I do not like Izzy yet. He hasn't won me over by just crying.#I need there to be that visceral understanding between everyone.#I need him to do something more to feel it.#But I know people love him and that's a big part of why he got redeemed so fast initially.#I'm sure some could argue they wouldn't have wanted to waste screen time on Izzy being miserable enough to start acting better on his own.#But I'm simply not in that camp. I wanted to see him hit that rock bottom and learn it's no way to live like that.#And I wanted him to do some of that realization on his own! The crew can support him once they see he knows he fucked up.#Once they see regret for Calico Jack - the English - his time as Captain - for pushing Blackbeard to be that bad.#That is when there's something to build off of.#And it is my personal opinion that skipping that bit was a mistake.#And perhaps it was even planned for and scripted and filmed and had to be cut for time. I don't know. But I wish we got to see that part.#Our Flag Means Death#OFMD#Our Flag Means Death Season 2 Spoilers#Our Flag Means Death Spoilers#OFMD Spoilers#OFMDS2#OFMD s2 spoilers#Izzy Hands#Israel Hands#Stede Bonnet#The Gentleman Pirate#Edward Teach#Blackbeard#Izzy Hands Character Analysis#Izzy Critical
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