#but i'm pathetically bad at separating blogs so other things i like will probably end up here
rockangellouis · 7 months
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hiiii! <3
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onewomancitadel · 3 years
I know I have been messaged before about Skimming Eye hitting x number of hits but I don’t want to sound entitled, like I am very very aware that doesn’t translate to actual readers (or people who like my fic), I’m very aware it’s not good.
C'mon dude your doing great, stop looking at the negatives, I get criticism is important but not when you drown yourself in it.
Oh and you've also got like
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That many comments. The attention is there for sure, also the number of people that read it but don't review is probably also a reasonably high number.
Pretty sure most wouldn't consider this mediocre. Especially not when each chapter a little over 10,000 words like wow Holy shit, upload schedule might not be to your liking, sure but you sure leave us with a lot of meat to chew on.
also slightly off topic I might've said this before but it's really hard to run a prompt idea by you cause it's like "if I wait a few weeks this may very well just happen in Skimming Eye anyway sooo it might be redundant to ask lol" so I make myself get creative as possible with the prompts I send your way haha 😄
(Psst btw don't know if you remember me talking about this but that one fic idea about Cinder being treated by the Arc family after being defeated by Raven is all yours, I realize prompts aren't a focus right now but regardless it is what one might refer to as Free Real-Estate )
Speaking of which have you considered doing prompts in between chapters of Skimming Eye?
Like I know you wanna go full speed into Skimming Eye cause of your deadline but a rare prompt in between might do a lot to ease burn out and help with any potential Writers block or if you're getting bored with any one idea...
Mind you the last thing you probably wanna do is rush right to the end cause your deadline is closer then you'd like it to be, soooo I dunno, it's an idea...
I can't see the positives, I'm sorry. I can only see my failure. It really hurts. It's really embarrassing, too. I'm terrified of people thinking I'm conceited, and equally terrified of people thinking I'm pathetic feeling so sorry for myself. It's really hard for me to run my blog/be in fandom sometimes, I love it as a hobby but I'm also just really socially poor - I do own that though. I've become socially reliant on the Internet a lot more than I used to be too, given... you know... everything. I would be at home with my parents this time of year (and I live fairly far away from my best mate now and travel makes me antsy), but my mum had surgery again (not bad news - first was good, second was just a necessary, separate procedure) and I really didn't want to risk getting her sick when she's recovering (even vaxxed).
"if I wait a few weeks this may very well just happen in Skimming Eye anyway sooo it might be redundant to ask lol" so I make myself get creative as possible with the prompts I send your way hah
Yes, but it is really amusing for me.
(Psst btw don't know if you remember me talking about this but that one fic idea about Cinder being treated by the Arc family after being defeated by Raven is all yours, I realize prompts aren't a focus right now but regardless it is what one might refer to as Free Real-Estate )
Thank you, I do appreciate that one but there is a reason I haven't filled it, and I really don't... want.. to say so yet. I may in the future, it's on my mind still.
Like I know you wanna go full speed into Skimming Eye cause of your deadline but a rare prompt in between might do a lot to ease burn out and help with any potential Writers block or if you're getting bored with any one idea...
No you're right, it's just I have another longfic in the background along with a ~30k fic, and writing those alongside Skimming Eye is eating up my spare time. I also have a third chapter planned for The One Known By Many Names, and a fourth. (Rule of four lol).
The other fics are AU enough that I can actually like... write them after V9 conceivably if it doesn't make me cry but Vacuo makes me a cry a little, but Skimming Eye will be done.
Thanks for your ask. Hope you're having a good one.
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