#but i'm more likely to want to skip smth
nyxqueenofshadows · 1 year
tagging meme
i was tagged by @suchine-toki to share the songs I actually listen to, and to put my playlist on shuffle and post the first 10 songs. i shuffled my youtube music mix for the first one, cos i use that more, and then spotify for the second.
Songs I listen to:
EVERBLUE by omoinotake
現状ディストラクション by SPYAIR
Yuki no Tsubasa by Red Balloon
Some Like It Hot!! by SPYAIR
Kickback by Kenshi Yonezu
Watching the Credits by The Beths (this album was so good)
Koi no Jumyou by Galileo Galilei (fave)
ビリーバーズ・ハイ by flumpool
廻廻奇譚 by EVE
Replica by mol74
bonus: angel in realtime by gang of youths
Random songs:
Bored in Bristol by Alvvays
未来 by Kalafina (miss them)
wind by HEIZE
Graduation Song by Murphy Radio (...have no memory of this ngl)
Serotonin by girl in red (banger)
Guiding the Sentinel by David Garcia Diaz (rime was so good)
La Vida Moderna dels Déus by Blaumut
いやしらんけど by Galileo Galilei (oh hey it's from the koi no jumyou ep asdfghjkl)
The Stardrop Saloon by Concerned Ape
The Dreamer's Hotel by Enter Shikari (specifically the acoustic version)
tagging anyone who wants to do it! you can share just the songs you listen to, random ones on your playlist, or both! ☀
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alixmarauders · 12 days
hiw Abt a marauderers x FEM reader, like where it's after a double moon or smth and Remus is EXTREMELY clingy to the reader, snuggled in her, doesnt let her move, literally anything...and sirius on the other hand is in an awful mood cuz he had some family problem or some thing...he needs support and the reader or Remus aren't there to help him out..and jamesie? Well he had a quidditch match and lost that and is in an equally depressive mood...they all need the reade..but she isn't able to comfort them all...
Sirius becomes and and shouts at the reader...rmeua shouts at sirius for shouting at the reader and James (he can't shout, he's too sweet lol) argues with Remus for being to clingy to the reader...
And so they all get mad and stuff and go to other rooms of the house (lol)
This keeps on continuing until the reader lashes out on all three of them!!!
(p.s: u can totally not do it, if u don't like it lol)
my first request! I'm kind of nervous. My requests are open, and while writing this I realized how much I love them! So feel free to send them <3
Love can be overwhelming | poly! marauders x reader
slight angst / a bit of fluff
word count: 1.8k
CW: mention of abusive household
part 1, part 2 , part 3
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When you started dating the Marauders, the first thing that your friend Dorcas said was to beware, polyamorous relationship could be tough. At first, you brushed her off: you knew that, but your love for the boys would have overcome everything.
Or at least you thought so.
You have been experiencing the worst week of your whole life, you were stressed over your head with schoolwork, wanting to stay on top of your class but, also, struggling too, and this time, your boyfriends weren’t helping at all.
It all started with the fact that, obviously, it was the week before the full moon, meaning that Remus was extremely on edge, but also clingy. Having an afternoon for yourself was a luxury: the werewolf had to stay by your side all of the time. You didn’t quite get this clinginess, because he behaved this way only with you; he wanted to have the other two marauders near, of course, but he was fine as long as you didn’t wonder off, and sometimes he seemed to be a bit possessive over you. So, let’s say that if you felt the need to have some practice lessons for potions, he had to be there, and it didn’t matter if the professor didn’t want anyone else in the room with you: you had to choose between having him near you, or skipping the extra lessons you so desperately needed.
“Remus, I know it’s stressful for you, but you must understand I have to take this class. It’s not like I’m going to be gone all afternoon, I’m asking you for two hours maximum. You know that Slughorn doesn’t like having other people during these lessons, and he’s doing me a favour here” He looked like you just might have kicked him.
“I don’t understand why my partner suddenly doesn’t want me around.” You took a deep breath: truth was, you knew that he wasn’t being unreasonable because he wanted to. If his werewolf instincts weren’t acting up, he would have probably pushed you to take even more lessons, but now he wasn’t in his right mind. You had to chance tactic.
“Baby, you know that I love you, right? I love you so, so much” You took his face into your hands, you saw his expression visibly shift. “And I know it isn’t easy for you, I know that. I swear, if you go napping now, you won’t even notice I’m gone”
“But napping is way more fun with you” His voice turned sultry, his hands now groping your ass lightly. You couldn’t help but feel a pang of need, but now was not the time.
“Tell you what, I’m going to lay down with you until you’re asleep. I’ll give you some head scratches, then, when I’ll be back, you’ll have me all to yourself. Does this sound good?” His pupils were now a little bit wider; he nodded and hauled you on his shoulder, making you yelp when he made you fall on the bed. He positioned his head on your chest, a hand crawling underneath your shirt to grip one of your tits possessively, while the other one stayed underneath your ass, the tips of his fingertips hovering dangerously close to your core.
You knew that his hold wasn’t casual: he was trying to make you stay, knowing the effect that he had on you, but you couldn’t give in: you had to stay strong,  because deep down you knew that, if you failed this exam, you wouldn’t be in the right mind to help Remus during the full moon.
You just had to get through this week, it was only 7 days, right? And most of today was gone, if the other boys would be helpful, as they always did, everything was going to be just fine.
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You wandered off to the Great Hall for breakfast, exhausted. After the lesson with Slughorn, you came back to a very needy Remus, who took all of his clinginess out of you, leaving you sore and tired; while he slept soundly, though, you had to study and make up for the hours lost being supportive for your boyfriend, leaving you with about two hours of sleep in the last forty-eight hours.
“Hey girl, didn’t see you in our dorm room yesterday, oh what the fuck-“ Dorcas looked at you like you might have grown another head during the nighttime. “Babes, have you slept? Like, at all?”
“No, I haven’t. Remus is being extremely clingy, and you know that I’m not the best when it comes to Potions. Given the fact that the test is going to be next week, I barely have time to rest” She scoffed, but you interrupted her before she could start. “I know that James and Sirius should help, but he’s being this clingy only with me, and they can’t do much about that; plus, the upcoming game is stressing them out so much, yesterday they came to bed after practice, they didn’t even eat anything. I just want to support them”
She sighed. “I know baby, but try to not burn out, okay? If you need any help, I’m here, you know? Now, let’s go eat something”
You were happy to share some time with her and your boyfriends, but when you sat next to Sirius, one look at him told you anything that there was to know.
He didn’t greet you, didn’t sport his usual smirk: he was looking down at his plate like it might have held the answer to all his problems, while James looked at you preoccupied. Remus just held you close to himself. You tried to peel yourself away from his embrace, to not avail.
“Sirius, baby, do you want to talk? We can skip the first few hours and go on a walk to the Black Lake?” Now he was looking at you, his eyes were red and puffy, you tried to not cringe at his expression.
“It’s okay, Y/N, just the usual” You hated how he always seemed to shut down, not wanting to share his problems with you. As you tried to reach for his hand, Remus snatched you back, holding you close to him: you could see the moment in which Sirius shut you out for good, and you wanted to kick Remus for it.
“I’m going to handle this, you’re going to think about Remus, okay darling? Then I will report back to you, I swear” James whispered in your ear, You took a deep breath, nodding: you were thankful for him, but you still didn’t want to make Sirius feel like he couldn’t count on you.
You had the time to eat a biscuit before you had to head to class, Remus trailing behind you. You just had to wait for a few days, a few days and all of this would be over, and you had James to help you get through this week. You would be fine, you told yourself.
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On Wednesday, you were thankful that Remus had an important herbology test, which gave you enough time to check in with Sirius. You entered their dorm room, spotting his curled frame under piles of blankets: you felt a pang of guilt, you swore your heart broke just a little.
Without making any sounds, you peeled the blankets off and wrapped your body around his, he startled in his sleep.
“Shh, baby, I’m right here. You’re safe, you know that? And I’ll always be here for you, no matter what” It was like you opened a faucet: his body started trembling, and then came the sobbing, he turned around and hugged you back, you caressed his head and back softly. After he quieted down a bit, you took his face into your hands, forcing him to look into your eyes. “Would you like for me to sing for you?” He nodded eagerly, burying his face in your chest, while you sang him a lullaby.
After a bit, you heard his breath even out. Your heart ached for your lover, you didn’t know what living in an abusive household felt like, and you sometimes even felt guilty over the fact that you had the most loving parents someone could ever asked for. You knew it was silly, but if you could, you’d swap family in a blink of an eye, everything to take this burden off of Sirius’s shoulders.
“Is he okay?” James whispered, startling you. He bent down, placing a soft kiss on your head. “I don’t know, Jamie. He had a breakdown, now he is asleep. I don’t know how to help him, I don’t want him to suffer like this every month.”
“I know, love, I know. You’re doing your best, and he appreciates it. But” He looked at you embarrassed, and you already knew what was going on, you sighed. “Remus just finished his test, and he’s going kind of nuts, he wants you by his side. You should go”
“Can’t he just come here, so we could cuddle?”
“I don’t know, love. This moon seems different, he got a lot more possessive over you. He just wants you for himself, I think we’re going to fix this before the next month, but for now, I think you should go”
You nodded, looking down art Sirius for the last time, before looking for Remus.
You prayed Sirius didn’t feel abandoned by you,  but you still had James to count on.
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On Thursday, you stayed in bed all day with Remus. You studied, of course, and he seemed happy to have you around. You didn’t see Sirius at all, given the fact that you stayed at your dorm, but you thought that James was handling him well.
Exactly, you thought, because, as you and Remus took your seats for the Friday’s night Quidditch game, after having studied all day in the library, you felt a bit anxious. You told yourself you were being paranoid, but deep down, you knew something was off, and when Sirius entered the Quidditch pitch, you knew he wasn’t okay. He didn’t come to greet you, didn’t even look at you, and when you shoot a glance at James, he just averted his gaze: you were fucked.
You took a deep breath and snuggled closer to Remus, his clinginess now comforting, as the game begun. From the first actions, you knew that they were going to lose: Sirius looked like he wasn’t even trying, while James was too preoccupied to check on him to score a single goal.
And as the game ended, you knew your night was going to be an awful one: Gryffindor just lost the game.
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maple-the-awesome · 5 months
The Chain Meets Your Baby || 1/2
Part 2 ||
Pairing: Hyrule, Time, Wild, Four x Reader
Requested by @kieradumpzz081927: I hope your request are open(or if ur free for requests), so i saw ur LU oneshots about the one that is called ' He becames a dad ' or smth. So, why not that he would introduce his kid(s) to the chain? That ones going to be interesting Interesting indeed 😈Now, I have my own set of headcannons for what order the Chain becomes dads in, but regardless of their own experience, I'm sure the Links would all subject the new dad to lots of support and teasing. Here you go 💜 Warning: Some mature jokes here and there. Nothing major, but gotta give the new dad a little hell, right? ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Zelda Masterlist 🤍Fandom Masterlist
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The last thing Hyrule was expecting to encounter during his village visit was his old traveling companions, the other heroes of courage. Then again, life has been full of surprises lately and it wasn't like he didn't already know that the portals between their worlds are still active. It was only a matter of time before their paths crossed again and honestly, it couldn't have aligned more perfectly.
Happy to see the rest of the Chain again, Hyrule takes the liberty of inviting them back to his home so that they can properly catch up and not be the subject of so many judgment stares from villagers. Throughout the short trip there, the group’s laughter is vibrant as they detail accounts from their recent adventures, soon turning it into a friendly competition of who has the craziest stories. 
This conversation stays well alive all the way from their first steps outside of the village gates to the second Hyrule opens the door to his house, at which point the spirited teasing immediately dies off into a stunned silence.
“Oh! Hello again!” You’re just as pleasantly surprised to see the boys as your boyfriend had been, your smile more than welcoming as you turn around to greet them, yet they’re less focused on you and more so on the small infant you cradle in your arms.
“...I think the Traveler wins,” Wild mumbles, his disbelief shared amongst the rest of the group who merely nod distractedly. 
“Right! I forgot to mention -” Hyrule excitedly hurries to your side before turning to his friends with a thrilled smile, “- This is our daughter, Hope.”
“You just casually forgot to mention you have a kid now…?” Legend narrows his eyes while pointing to the kid in question. He should probably be more annoyed with Hyrule’s tendency of always skipping over important details, but honestly he’s just too shocked to process it right this second.
“Well, she’s only about a month old. Being a dad now takes some getting used to,” Hyrule defends, rubbing the back of his neck timidly, but when you pass your daughter over to him, he shows practice in the way he gently holds her securely to himself before approaching the boys to properly show her off.
Despite their surprise, they’re eager to crowd around him, each wanting to get a good look to ensure this isn’t some clever joke you’re both pulling on them. Fluffy head of dark wavy hair…A little button nose…Sharp pointed ears…Yep, this baby must be yours. She looks exactly as one would imagine the product of Hyrule’s sex life to look like…
“...Geeze. She’s adorable,” Warrior awes, practically leaning over Legend who elbows him back with a glare.
“Isn’t she?” You preen.
“She’s strong, too,” The Vet acknowledges with an unamused pout. He had made the mistake of holding a finger out to the baby only for her to grasp it in an unwavering grip. His attempts at pulling away are fruitless, not that he’s actually trying that hard. Maybe he even likes the feeling of his heart melting just a bit.
“Congratulations. You two must be very proud,” Time praises kindly, having already felt the joy that comes with being a parent himself. He can recognize it in the way Hyrule and you affectionately watch your giggling baby with a pleasant glow surrounding you both.
“We very much are…”
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Muffled commotion outside alerts you to the fact that you have visitors long before they stumble into your home, not even bothering to knock as their excitement gets the better of them. Now, any other day, your husband would be quick to scold such ill-mannered behavior, but fortunately for your guests, he's in far too good of a mood to let it be soured.
So, instead of acknowledging the Chain’s less than graceful entrance, Time immediately rises to his feet with a proud hand left upon your shoulder, "Everyone, we'd like you to meet Saria and Mallory."
The young heroes are in awe as they crowd around the bed just to get a look at the small bundles held within your arms. Sure, they've seen babies before, but these are Time's babies. For many of them, the complicated concept of love alone had once seemed out of reach for any hero of courage, yet here the Old Man is, hitched to a lovely wife and now the lucky father of two adorable daughters. It's an amazing accomplishment, really; one that has the entire Chain feeling happy for him.
"They're so little," Hyrule whispers, scared to speak any louder out of fear he'll accidently wake them.
"They inherited their dad's nose, poor things," Warrior jests, throwing a smirk Time's way.
"They'll grow into them," Rather than take it personally, he chuckles while carefully taking one of the girls from you. Despite having only become a father a few hours ago, he's already a natural at handling them. Ever so gently - as if handling the thinnest of glass - he cradles his daughter to his chest and fixes the tiny hand-sewn blanket around her; a gift from her godmother, Malon, of course.
"You'll have your hands full with twins," Four remarks prudently.
You sigh at the thought, your head thrown back against your pillow, "Ugh, we know…”
Although you’re visibly tired after having undergone hours of stressful labor, you still look upon the baby in your arms with nothing short of pure admiration, clearly having no actual regrets towards having either of them. In your eyes, twins just mean all the more love to give.
"Nothing we can't handle," Time promises before getting a mischievous glimmer in his eye while casually extending his sleeping baby out to Twilight, "This one is Mallory, by the way -"
"- W-Wait -!" The Rancher is immediately caught off guard by it, yet his objections are ignored. Time drops the baby into his arms anyway, practically forcing Twilight to take her, not that he truly minds. A natural around children himself, it takes him only a few seconds to adjust the baby comfortably in his hold.
Blind to the other boys who hover around his shoulders, Twilight's eyes are locked in amazement upon the tiny bean who scrunches her nose and whimpers quietly before soon settling down…To think, this small infant no more than a few hours old is a relative of his. He can't help but wonder how closely related they are. How many generations between them? Three? Two? Maybe even just one? It's a strange thought to consider...but also a very comforting one, too.
"...She's a real beauty, isn't she?" Time asks softly with a strong pat to Twilight's back. The only reply he gets is a wordless nod and whimper as the teary eyed Rancher sniffles.
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What kind of horrors do they need to prepare themselves for? That's the question that rings through every hero's head as they approach Wild's home. They're concern only grows when - as if sensing them - the Champion suddenly appears in his open doorway with an ear-to-ear grin greeting them...Not the most comforting sight seeing as they've come all this way under his vague request.
A letter had been sent to each of them only giving the minor hint that there’s a certain 'surprise' he can't wait to show them, and with someone as chaotic as their accident prone centenarian, the Chain has every right to be anxious about it.
Even as they all crowd outside of his home, Wild refuses to add any context, instead maintaining his mysteriously upbeat aura before finally stepping aside to allow them in. It's only then that the heroes realize what his 'surprise' is, welcomed by the sight of you as you stand there matching Wild's grin while holding an unfamiliar baby in your arms. She can't be much older than a few weeks, judging on both her tiny features and the obvious bags under both of her parents’ eyes...
"You have a baby?!" Wind screeches with delight, not wasting a second to race to your side.
"Her name is Mikan," Chuckling, you kneel down to let him better see your pride and joy. It isn't long before you're surrounded by most of the heroes who are immediately taken by your daughter's cuteness.
"When did this happen?" Time inquires through a raised eyebrow, one of the few Links who had remained by the door with Wild.
"Uh, she'll be three weeks old tomorrow," Wild answers, his hand darting up to rub the side of his neck. He knows that isn’t exactly what Time meant, but it’s the easiest answer.
"I didn't think you -..." Begins Twilight quietly. Although he ultimately cuts himself short, the curious look he gives his successor wordless finishes what he might've said.
Nodding slowly with some hesitation, Wild bows his head while looking back over to you. There's a fondness in his eyes as he watches you carefully pass your daughter over for Wind to hold, "I know what I said before. I...I didn't think this was something I could have - something I could want this badly, but...Well…I probably don’t need to tell you how it is…”
Twilight pats Wild’s back with a knowing smirk, indeed understanding. He’s happy to see his friend finally accept the peaceful life he deserves instead of continuing to run away from it, after all, Twilight has never been blind to the curiosity and faint jealousy that would shine in Wild’s eyes whenever listening to the other heroes talk about their families. He’s been long overdue to have one of his own.
"Hey, just one question," While Wind is busy cooing and rocking your daughter, Four turns around to address Wild once they finally join everyone else, "Did you really name your daughter after a fruit?"
Wild's cheeks flare in embarrassment, "I - It can be a pretty name, too!"
"I'm actually the one who chose it," You confess sheepishly, taking the attention away from your partner, "I was really craving tangerines throughout the whole pregnancy."
"At least it's a somewhat normal name. I was half expecting you to name your future kids something like 'Biscuit' or 'Curry'," Legend snorts.
"...We did consider picking 'Sage'.”
Warrior laughs heartily before throwing a hand over Wild shoulder with a suggestive wiggle of his eyebrows, "Can we expect that to be the second child's name then?"
"Woah, woah, woah - Let's settle down now, gentleman,” You immediately scold while also taking the chance to save your poor partner by pulling him away from the onslaught of teasing he was about to endure, “One baby at a time. It’s not easy carrying those things, just ask your wives!”
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Four has been off into his own little world - That is to say, he’s been both distracted and extremely tired; a terrible mix, but hey, it’s nothing he hasn’t dealt with before. Despite his eyelids feeling like bricks, he remains awake and alert, arms folded across his chest as he sits in the bedside chair keeping watch over your sleeping form. 
You need the rest more than him anyway. Your husband has been through some pretty fearsome and ravenous beasts in his time, yet your work last night easily trumpeted every hell he’s undergone himself. Best to let you sleep unless he wants to change that statement.
A series of echoed knocks send Four bolting through the house, hissing a curse under his breath before tossing the front door open with plans to scold whoever’s on the other side, yet he’s stunned into silence when he realizes it’s no poorly timed mailman, rather the very friends he had invited over…although, they did come a lot sooner than he thought they would…
“- SHHH!!!” Four nearly smacks a hand over Wild’s face. 
“- …The baby…” Wild finishes with a whisper and a grimace.
Four quickly ushers the Chain inside, allowing them to make themselves comfortable with STRICT orders to keep the noise level down. Yes, their early visit may not have been exactly anticipated, but Four holds no ill feelings towards it, in fact, he’s rather smiley while leading them to the nursery.
“Here they are,” He practically sings, eagerly looking inside the large crib as if he, himself, still can’t get enough of its contents. He has every right to be infatuated, “These are my girls~”
Although Four is bubbling with joy as he admires his little creations, the rest of the Chain stands by with wide eyes. Some even take the time to count each baby just to confirm that they are, indeed, seeing triple. Inside lies three little newborns, each fast asleep after having about as stressful of a day as their parents.
“We’re thinking of naming them Marigold, Amber, and Camelia. You know, keep to the color theme and all…”
“Damn, three of them, huh? You didn’t hold back at all, did you, Smithy?” Warrior observes aloud, much to Four’s instant lack of amusement.
“They’re so cute~” Wind coos, Twilight having to pull him back before he accidentally falls into a crib again.
“I suppose it’s a good thing I brought some of the twins’ old stuff then,” Time hums, his smirk holding a hint of sympathy. Needless to say, he doesn’t miss those early days of juggling babies himself, as much as he loves them dearly.
Four preens at the attention his daughters get, however his smile falters when he notices Sky sticking to the very back of the group, awkwardly rubbing his arm and chewing down on his lip. Four frowns.
“...I’m sorry. We should’ve waited until we told -” He keeps his voice down as he joins the older hero who is quick to shake his head and muster his best smile.
“- No, no. We’re happy for you both. Really…” Despite the sorrow stuck in his voice, Four can tell Sky means every word of it, even the sighed: “...You’re a very lucky guy.”
“...I am,” While there could be more said, he realizes now might not be the time to discuss it. Not with so many new babies in the room.
“No wonder you wanted us to be quiet. I can barely handle one newborn at a time, let alone three at once?” Legend mumbles half to himself, his finger gently cresting one of the baby’s chubby cheeks.
“You know, if you ever find your house getting a little too quiet, you can always babysit -”
“- No way in hell. We already have our hands full as it is.”
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weepingwillowwonder · 15 days
here to annoy more mwahahahahha TW! sk!pp¡ng m3@ls
if ur comfortable, could you do some poly! fizz x asmodeus x reader who skips meals??? like, has coffee for breakfast, skips lunch and has a light dinner or smth???maybe with a hint of smut???
if you’re uncomfortable/don’t wanna do this request, i totally understand!!!
You're not annoying at all!!! Thank you for the requests! Also hello againnn~ :) I did my best with this one (except I barely proof read it, oops!)
Side notes: Please please please remember to eat & drink water yal! <3
CW: Talking about meal habits/skipping meals, A bit of angst, kissing, dry humping, choo choo train
[NSFW Under the Cut, MDNI 18+ ONLY]
Welcoming the end of the day, you laid relaxed and especially comfy on the couch with Fizzarolli snuggled up on top of you. You were watching your favorite comfort show on TV, listening to the distant sound of Asmodeus humming and shuffling around in the next room over. "Is anyone hungry? I'm thinking of making burgers~" he suggests, peeking his head around the corner with his eyebrows wiggling suggestively. 
Fizzarolli, who gasps excitedly, almost launches himself off the couch when he shoots up from his position. You fling your arms out to hold him steady by his hips as he bounces in your lap with a raised hand. "Ooo! Me me me me!" You grunt as he almost knocks the wind out of you. "I think he wants burgers," you giggle out jokingly. He sticks his tongue out at you and you return the childish gesture, earning a chuckle from Asmodeus. "Alright alright! So that makes two burgers." He then calls your name in a gentle voice, "Would you like one? I can make you something else too if you'd like…?"
Before you realize, you're blurting out, "Oh no, I'm okay! I already ate." Asmodeus hums in thought. "Well, what did you have to eat?" You swallow. Technically you DID eat today, just earlier…
"I had the leftovers from last night! They were so yummy even a day later!" Now why did you feel the need to say that? You tried to give him your most convincing grin, knowing you were lying straight through your teeth. He watched you carefully for a moment. The pause silence was enough to even calm Fizzarolli down, now both of them eyeing you suspiciously. Asmodeus sighs in defeat and makes his way into the kitchen. "Alright, well let me know if you change your mind. You know I’ll make anything you want, baby." 
Once Asmodeus is back in the kitchen, Fizzarolli's focus shifts back to you. His hands settle on your tummy as he straddles you. "Babeee," He calls to you teasingly. You give him a smile and call back to him in a similar tone,  "Yes babeee?" When he leans down to give you peck on the lips, you giggle and reach up to tug on his shirt, pulling him in closer to kiss you again. The temperature in the room seems to skyrocket as the kiss quickly gets more heated. You pull away briefly to catch your breath, only for him to chase you back into the kiss.
 Keeping your lips connected he maneuvers his legs between yours and slides his hands along your thighs. Grabs the backs of your knees, he slowly pushes you into a mating press and grinds himself against you. You gasp at the feeling of his hardon dragging against your core, trying your best to match his rhythm in your position. He pulls away and begins  kissing along your jaw, continuing to move your hips together. "Mmm baby, tell me something..". You offer him a whiny ‘mhm’ at the sound of his gruff voice. "What all DID you eat today?" He asks matter of factly. Confused, you let out a breathy 'what?' in response as you lift your hips against him, seeking more of his touch.
He murmurs the question again into your neck, pulling away just enough to see your reaction. You look up at him as he continues to hump himself against you, making you moan out softly, "mm...what do you mean?" He pauses for a moment, leaning down to give you a slower, sweeter kiss, then sits up, still holding your thighs. "I meaaan, what all did you have to eat today? You SAID you ate earlier, but what did you have?"  You blink up at him slowly before answering, "I told you guys I had left ov-" He cuts you off. "I know what you said…”, His voice starts to get quiet, more careful. “But I also know that's not true..." 
Shit. But how would he know that...? "I-I'm not sure what you-" he cuts you off again. "Babes, I ate the rest of the leftovers this morning for breakfast." You swallow and shift uneasily under him, even as his finger run comforting circles along your thigh. "So what did you actually eat today?" He asks again gently. You avert your eyes and laugh awkwardly, already knowing how this conversation was going to go. "Well, I had an iced coffee and one forth of a cookie this morning...hey, don't look at me like that!" He covers his face, fighting a smile "I’m sorry! I wasn’t looking at you any type of a way..." You grumble back, "You were...anyway I was..." A pause.. "...busy today so i forgot about lunch, but as soon as I got home I had some soup and crackers.."
"Babe, you came home with Ozzie at 11 this morning. It’s now 9 o'clock at night. " He says in a scolding tone. "Mhm yeah, I don't wanna talk about this anymore. I'd rather you kiss me," you say dismissively. Stretching your arms out, you make grabbing motions with your hands towards him. Fizzarolli leans back from your touch, making you frown and drop your arms. "Hun, you NEED to eat. And I don’t mean just coffee or soup either. You need REAL food! You can't take care of your body properly if you're not getting the right nutrition. Trust me, I know more than anyone how hard it is, but you'll only make yourself sick..." 
You know he's only trying to help you, but you can't help but feel defensive and snap back. "I DO eat Fizzarolli and I'm perfectly fine! I don't need you talking to me like I'm some child or something, telling me what to do." He falls backwards as you suddenly sit up and move off the couch, storming away into the hallway. As he sits in shock for a moment, trying to process how things escalated so quickly, Asmodeus peeks around the corner. "...Is everything alright in here?" He asks, eyebrows knitted together in worry. Asmodeus watches as Fizzarolli throws himself on the couch and lets out a muffled yell into the cushion. He then sits up and sighs, "I ate yesterday's leftovers." Frowning, Asmodeus crosses his arms. “What do you mean? I thought baby said-" 
"Yeah well baby lied. And on top of that they barely ate anything today! I just-," he takes in a shaky breath, wringing his hands together. "I'm just worried, ya know? I know what it's like...I don't want baby going through that..."
Meanwhile, in the room you're sprawled out in bed, yelling into the pillow you have squished on your face. You then lay still for a moment, trying to calm yourself down your heavy breathing. You do find some comfort in the softness of the pillow, using it as an attempt to hug your problems away. The click of the bedroom door opening and the soft call of your name has you holding your breath. Light footsteps make their way to the bed, and you hear and feel the springs make way for someone else. 
You hear your name again and surrender when the pillow is moved from your face. Asmodeus gives you a knowing smile and moves to prop himself up next to you. "Sweetheart," he starts, wrapping an arm around you. "Do you wanna tell me what happened?” You don’t immediately decline, mulling over the previous conversation with your other partner in your head. “I dunno… I just got upset I guess…I really didn’t mean to yell at Fizz…” You roll to face away from him and he pulls you closer. “I know you didn’t mean it…I think he knows that too.” He kisses the top of your head. “You know you shouldn’t miss meals hun, we’ve talked about this before. Froggy and I..we’re just worried about you because we love you.” 
You can’t help the tears that threaten to fall, nor the soft sniff of your nose that breaks the silence in the room. “I’m sorry…” The arms around you tighten and you find yourself tucked under Asmodeus’s chin. “It’s okay baby...” He murmurs comfortingly. “We’re here for you every step of the way.” You both stay cuddled like that for some time before he suggests rejoining Fizzarolli since he had been eating alone. Reluctantly you agree, gathering yourself and making your way into the kitchen. 
To your surprise, there were only two place settings at the table, one where Asmodeus sat down to eat and the other where Fizzarolli was sitting. You sit down in a chair next to them and look over to Fizzarolli. “Hi…” you speak to him shyly. He raises an eyebrow and gives you a gentle smile. “Hi…” He responds. Asmodeus interestedly watches you to share your awkward exchange, biting into his food.
Ready to peel off the bandaid, you begin to apologize, not for forgetting to eat, but for speaking to your partner harshly when he was only trying to express his concern. Fizzarolli listens and offers you the same, knowing that it’s a sensitive topic for you. After you talk things through, he asks if you’d like a hug, which you accept graciously. When you sit back down you notice Fizzaroli cutting into his burger with a fork and knife. Odd. 
He takes a small piece and turns to you, suddenly making train sounds. “Choo choo choo! Here comes the train!” You stare at him dumbly as the fork moves closer to your lips. “Open wideeee!” Rolling your eyes, you let out a laugh and open your mouth, taking the fork in your mouth. He grins looking between you and Asmodeus as you slowly chew the food, preparing another forkful for you. Asmodeus coos from the other side of the table, watching you take another bite. “Good job baby, if you can finish some more we can have WHATEVER you want for dessert~”  
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melodic-haze · 5 months
☆ — DEMO TRACK: bottom!Robin (HSR) x top!Reader
☆ — CONTENT WARNINGS: Semi-public sex (it's in a venue green room), reader has a cock/strap
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Can't believe that my first post is Robin thirst (I say that when my acc theme is literally her 💀) but I REALLY can't stop thinking about fucking her in her private dressing room LOL
Like imagine she calls you in or smth as a form of "distraction" from "pre-performance jitters" with both of you knowing FULL WELL that she isn't nervous in the least. She's even acting the part: her eyebrows furrowed, a hand lightly tugging on the fabric of your clothes as she's asking you to stay with her
"I don't think I'd be able to get out there and sing without your help." Her eyes look at you as if she were pleading, though you've spent enough time with the singer that you easily spot the tiniest glimmer in that alluring sea of green, "Won't you care to stay a little while longer..?"
Doesn't really take long for it to go from simply talking and hanging out to bending her over on the table. All it took was a squeeze here, a graze there, and suddenly neither of you can keep your hands off each other
Could be that she's laying down on her back, legs spread and on your shoulders as you move your fingers in her to find that sweet spot that has her singing your favourite song made just for you on the fly. Could be that she's facing down as you use her wings as handlebars to keep her upright and she can see herself and her perfect image get absolutely RUINED and railed by none other than you on the mirror and her insides just clench at the sight
Her appearance is absolutely MESSED THE FUCK UP right now (the hair and makeup people are Stressing) but Robin really can't bring herself to care. Not when her brain's gone to who knows where. All that's important right now is chasing that high until she--
You hear a somewhat urgent knock on the door, your efforts stuttering at your moment's intrusion, "Miss Robin? We need to set you up in five."
You don't see or hear your pretty little angel respond, though judging by the dazed-out look on her face it's clear that.. well, it's not as if she's so dazed out that she can't begin to process the current events—it's more like she doesn't want to process it.
Apparently whoever it was didn't take the hint because the staff's voice rang past the door once again, "Miss Robin? Are you there?"
You eventually see her sigh resignedly, her eyebrows furrowed genuinely this time as she cleared her throat and answered awkwardly, putting all her strength into making sure she doesn't sound like some fucked-out mess.
"Yes, I'm fine! I'll be there on time," she let out a seemingly good-natured laugh to sell the charade, though the corners of her mouth twitched the slightest bit.. before she bit her lip as she slowly grinded herself on you. "Though careful there—worry like that and-- mm.. I might think you like me."
You hear the staff member stutter past the door before footsteps begin to scurry away. With the way your lover was just moving, you'd have thought that she wanted to continue.. but she pushes herself off of you and pulls up her panties with a small apologetic smile.
She tells you that as much as she really wanted to continue, she shouldn't. She has a job to do, and being late or skipping on a show just wouldn't do! She promises to finish things with you when she's done, and that promise comes in the form of cleaning her slick off of you and leaving a lingering kiss.. before asking you to help her with getting her appearance back to looking AT LEAST presentable LMAOOOO
It takes you both more than five minutes and the staff are baffled but it's not like you can explain it 😭😭 so have fun with the scrutinising stares 🫶
Robin's got better self-control than me I would've died if I had to perform while bricked the fuck up LOL. But trust me when I say that it's worth it when she gets off the stage and she pounces at you and begs you to finish what you started bc she deserves it as a reward after a hard day of work, right?
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ohbo-ohno · 11 months
I’m feral and need more of your a/b/o thoughts. Like I need to know your thoughts on alpha!141 snatching omega reader to keep for themselves
yknow i was gonna say that i haven't touched abo in forever, but then i remembered the gaz thing i just posted the other day lmao
(btw i wrote alpha 141 here but i think abo poly 141 would have alphas price/ghost and betas soap/gaz. probably. maybe. idfk.)
cw for noncon and kidnapping below the cut
i find poly 141 x reader really difficult to write outside of porn, since there's already so many interesting dynamics in regular poly 141. i have a hard time adding in a FIFTH element, yk? especially when that fifth element has to be a reader insert instead of some sorta OC or smth
anyway, i think the best dark poly 141 x reader idea is basically reader being used as a sex toy for the guys. like, she's there for them to relieve their stress in. but in an abo au i could totally see them using her as an element of softness in their lives. with 4 alphas in one home, you need an omega to soften things up a bit
and there you are. soft and sweet and small (compared to them at least) and just so perfect. you're the unlucky bastard who happens to smell appealing to all of them, and you're whisked away before you really even know it
they'd have to be sneaky, probably. you'd have a positive reaction to their scents too, so maybe johnny or gaz gets you to go on a date with one or both of them and then kidnaps you. maybe price or ghost just grabs you one day. something like that, i think, but there's much higher angst potential is kyle and/or johnny lulls you into a false sense of security first (and you know i love a good betrayal)
they'd push and prod at your instincts to force you into a heat before anything else. lock you in their den (soon to be their nest) and surround you in their scents, make low purrs to convince your instincts that you're safe
and as terrified as you are - and oh boy, are you - there's only so much you can actually fight your instincts. lets say you're either not on heat blockers, or maybe the blockers are weak, but for whatever reason you're very susceptible to all of their little pushes
they've got you knotted and mated by the end of the week
it's odd, coming up from that heat. your neck aches all the way around, to the point that it's painful to even turn your head. despite the unfamiliar room, your brain screams at you that you're safe, that you're in your nest.
it doesn't take long to put together the pieces. it also doesn't take long to become very very upset
thing is, it's too late to do anything now. you can't break a bond, and they're not giving you any opportunities to get away. you're stuck with these alphas who have performed the greatest invasion possible on your body and soul. it's crushing
cue lots of attempted comfort. soap and gaz would be the softest with you, always trying to tempt you into realizing how good it is to be with them. soap is rougher when he fucks you, but they're both equally soft outside of that. they bring you nesting materials, constantly make sure you're covered in their scents, and bicker over who gets to cuddle you on the couch
ghost isn't willing to coddle you. he's sweet (in his own right) but he's not nice. he doesn't try to make you feel better - you're meant to be with them, why should he apologize for making it happen? all they did was skip the courting process, this is always where you were going to end up. he refuses to apologize for that. but he also doesn't want you miserable. he holds you close at night, soaks with you for long hours in the tub, and is always making sure you clear your plate
price is... weird. i'm never sure if i should make him the meanest or a softer kidnapper. because i could absolutely see a version of price whipping your ass raw every time you scream at them and call them names, but i can also see a version of price who just levels you with a disapproving stare and locks you in a small dark space when you get like that
regardless, they all smother you. you help balance out their dynamics a bit more, but they're always fighting each other for your attention. especially with the bond making it so they always know what you're feeling. and your instincts scream to trust them (and you can feel their emotions too, know that they really meant for the best, as sick and twisted as it is).
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TKATB: More theories! Yay!
This most certainly will contain spoilers for Days 1 and 2 of @fantasia-kitt 's 'The Kid At The Back', along with containing mentions of material found on her Twitter (https://twitter.com/fantasia_kitt).
Quite a lot of these may allude to the ones I posted a week(?) ago, but my brain has brained REALLY HARD (almost as hard as when I get when I see Geo) and I think I have more ideas/more specified ideas of what could happen.
- So, I am correct in assuming the fact that the Hallow's Ball is on Day 5 (because Day 1 is in fact Monday); now this might be a stretch, in fact, it probably is, but due to the fact the Higher Class paid a visit to the school, maybe some of them might show up? Or maybe the people who bullied Brittney (think the food fight route) try to publically humiliate her or something, because something tells me she's got a lot of enemies, and something pretty bad is gonna happen to her.
- Geo is mentioned to have been disqualified due to 'accidentally' shooting an arrow at another person and it cutting their hair. Jess mentions we'd have to go 'next year' to see him partake again, so I'm gonna guess this competition is an annual thing. Maybe (and I'm assuming this as well) Geo and Hyugo were part of the Higher Class (because their dad works with the city's Founder, so that's gotta be High Class if I've ever heard it), but they were moved down. Geo is seemingly using archery to try and get selected to return back to the Higher Class, but if so, why get purposefully disqualified over almost potentially killing someone? Maybe, someone *really* pissed him off, or maybe got him sent down for whatever reason (we know Geo has daddy issues so maybe his father treats him like shit because of it) and he's subtly trying to threaten them?
- Along with that, MC wonders why he didn't get arrested. Think about it, he's got money, a lot of it. Hyugo says how corrupt this city is, their father (I believe Geo is an illegitimate child, due to the mother cheating or smth idk) probably paid the cops to not give a shit.
- Hyugo also has a LOT of connections, is often MIA, and is in the student council, so he's got influence. (Maybe adding salt to Geo's wounds indirectly?) I have a feeling he goes MIA for his syndicate activities (he has access to sleeping pills); and maybe because he's part of the council and gets stupidly high ass grades, nobody questions it. Besides, he's probably got some sketchy operations going on to maintain it all.
- With Crowe asking about Marie Antoinette, I now feel that our 'responses' to whether she was a good or horrible person are things HE did. "She was ignorant, she raved while people were starving..." - MC to Crowe when choosing the 'She was a horrible person' choice. I'll ignore the latter part for now, because that was a normal thing for rich people to do at the time. But the ignorant part is interesting. Maybe the reason Crowe is so nice (and it's not a facade, according to Fantasia herself) is because he's trying to redeem himself? Sol, if you don't skip class and let him escort you, states: "Ichabod (Crowe's surname) it's always been you. I should have dealt with him years ago..." So, maybe, at some point, Crowe had a pristine relationship with his family, mother specifically, (he doesn't anymore) and the reasoning behind this is due to the fact he believed he was superior? Maybe he was even a bully at some point? Hell, maybe he even made fun of Sol, and Sol wants to obliterate him for it. He (Crowe) was making him (Sol), and now he is trying to steal his so(u)lmate?! How fucking dare he?!
- Brittney also states that she's astonished about how Deryl has almost no friends, so I think that's incredibly fascinating, because it's true. How does a bubbly, happy jock like him get ignored by so many? Maybe because he helped Brittney (along with Jess) when she was low?
- Again, about Brittney, I feel that that frat party 2 years ago shattered her reputation, her image, everything. I bet some damaging info got spread about her and it led to her 'mysteriously' leaving the cheerleading squad, becoming more isolated and essentially (I'm assuming this) getting moved down with Jess. (Check previous one for why I think Jess got moved down as well, but tldr is she lost her shit, maybe got physical and it got her and Brittney sent to the worse school together). - On Fantasia's twitter, there's a Day 3 nsfw image of Sol essentially standing in front of a mirror with blood everywhere (ill link the slideshow that i have of every image i found/liked), anyway it's the right one on slide 9; with the caption "All I see are flaws"....so maybe if you ignore him on Day 3 and hang out with Crowe, he'll start losing his shit? Maybe thinking he isn't good enough? - Also, in the Day 2 NSFW scene, there are some prominent burn marks on Sol's back...does he get abused to this day? Does he live alone and they're scars?????? Maybe that's what he meant when he says "I've been dealt worse" in relation to the bullying? He does have history with them after all.
So. That's basically it, brain will continue to brain. Until then, ciao. (and yes the Geo fanfic is coming dw) Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Wb_biHRk6g1gKj0WZ5XVwEtKGjFRTapDYerlEyhYPGE/edit#slide=id.g2cffd4cd112_0_34
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groovyfrog420 · 6 months
SV Redeemed AU
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First things first, these designs for Shadow Milk and Pure Vanilla are FAR into the future. Quite literally end game phase of the story, the “they grow old together and live happily ever after”. There's a long way to get there, and while I will write some of my thoughts about their journey, I'm a shitty writer. There's no single thought-out plot, it's just bits and pieces of my thoughts in one place. 
I don't think I'd be making a tag or naming this AU anything specific. I'm still calling it an AU because there is a bit of canon divergence, but I don’t have a start-to-finish story. (EDIT: wellp that lasted long. new name is #False-Truth AU because I like the oxymoron. I still don't think I'll do much - maybe a few short comics, which you'll be able to find under that tag on my profile)
Keep in mind that these are just my own interpretations, if you imagine these cookies acting differently, that's ok! This is just my own made-up alternate version
LONG POST UNDER THE CUT - don't say I didn't warn ya
I’ve tried to divide it into sections, so if you are looking for just smth specific / only care about one of the characters, you can skip right to it!
Prepare for the ramblings. 
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more relaxed now - doesn’t need to keep up perfect appearances and the image of a hero, so he can lay back a bit more. (messier, less perfectly styled hair - more like his younger years. comfier clothes.) 
focusing on herbology - with less power now (why explained below) and trying to not overwork himself, he’s taken to different healing methods, as well as taking on gardening as a hobby
slightly more open eyes - (heavily elaborated on bellow) 
different staff - due to being able to use his own eyes more now, as well as staying more on the low, he’d decided to retire the famous staff. Since it’s a flower, it was planted somewhere and allowed to blossom and grow freely - fitting symbolism for a new beginning, I think. The lantern light glowing blue makes it easier on his eyes.
In this AU Shadow Milk and Pure Vanilla retire together. I think PV would still like to teach, but would focus more on the medical and practical side of things, like herbs and healing practices. (He’ll leave telling tales about the past  to Shadow Milk, though he might throw in his own comments from time to time…) He mostly offers advice and shares every-day methods for protection of different kinds with those who ask, but may take on an apprentice or few to fully pass down his healing knowledge to. He uses magic sparingly now. 
This way with not focusing on a variety of subjects and many, many students, he’s able to rest more and doesn’t have to split himself between multiple worries. He can focus properly and give his students more individual attention, to make sure his knowledge will be retained for the future. 
(don't jump me pls read the footnote) 
I've decided to take the closed/covered eyes motif PV has in a bit more symbolic way *. I want to interpret it as PV being blind (=ignorant) to the world around him, choosing to see the world and his own actions in an idealized light, and to look away from anything that doesn't fit that idea. Light sensitivity would be very ironic yet fitting - since his own powers are very light-based, by using them to help others he’d be blindinding/hurting himself in the process... 
Over time, he realizes how futile it is. Even if he turns his eyes away from the wrongdoing in the world, from his own mistakes and imperfections, they will still continue to happen. He begins to understand that he has to accept that neither he nor the world is perfect, to stop wallowing over the past and start fixing the present. To keep moving forward and keep working on himself, not hide his imperfections under literal and figurative wraps. 
With the help of Shadow Milk, he begins to open his eyes more and more and accept the real truth, no matter how imperfect it is. 
*I’m not sure how confirmed it was in canon that he’s blind (from what I’ve seen it was mostly implied, but still). I'm not erasing that - for the sake of this AU, I'd like to say that he has partial issues with sight (including the mentioned light sensitivity), but now he learns to accommodate them rather than ignore them and hurt himself more for the sake of others. No, he doesn't magically gain full sight now, but he's more comfortable, healthier, and more honest about the world around him with all of its imperfections. 
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I believe SM and PV complete each other so perfectly because they can help each other grow in areas where the other is lacking/struggling. With PV, I’d like to focus on burnout, false ideas, and how the pressure he’s constantly under has affected him. He was very much just a normal guy before receiving his Soul Jam. Years beyond a normal cookie’s lifespan of hard work and trying to be the perfect leader, to always ensure the happiness of all his people (whether that be as king or otherwise) are bound to take a toll on anyone. Obviously he'd never admit that, always putting everyone else before his own needs, and he’d likely run himself into the grave. That's where I think Shadow Milk would be helpful - he’d make him realize how unsustainable what he’s doing really is. He wasn’t built for handling immense power for all of eternity, he’s just a single cookie and whether he likes it or not, he can’t save everyone or make every single one of his people happy... Being selfish isn’t entirely wrong, sometimes might even be necessary. 
Onto the idea of false truth - Pure Vanilla has a very idealized view of a lot of things and people. He’s trying to see everyone in the best light, but he also holds a high standard for himself - that he must be the ideal, shining and caring hero and a beacon of perfection . Shadow Milk is likely to pick that image apart - probably not in the kindest way, saying that in trying to be perfectly selfless, PV is putting himself on the pedestal above everyone else while still being just a single cookie with limited capabilities. He’d likely call this image egoistical, and while PV would argue that he’s doing it for the good of others (he is helping after all, right?), Shadow Milk wouldn’t be entirely wrong - this way of thinking, that he’s the one who must take care of everyone else, is harmful for both him and the ones he’s trying to protect. 
Shadow Milk would show him that truth is relative, that “pure truth” doesn’t exist, for anyone could interpret it differently. That PV isn’t (and doesn't have to be) the perfect blameless hero. That his people aren’t as good or pure as he’d like to give them credit for, but neither are they helpless. 
Shadow Milk metaphorically and literally helps him open his eyes - he slowly learns to lay back, to accept the reality and “truth”, whatever it may be, and is no longer blinding and burning himself out by trying to help everyone at once. With a new mindset and outlook of the world, he can allow himself to retire, and leave a calmer, out-of-the-spotlight life. 
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Ok, controversial idea, but I think the ancients will have to one day retire and pass down their SoulJams. Yes, I played Cookie Odyssey, I know how important it is to them, but hear me out. As I said above (which is shown in the game btw, but correct me if I'm wrong), they were just normal cookies before taking on the roles of the Ancient Heros. Cookies with high achievements, yes, but still. They aren’t The Beasts, baked specifically for the purpose of handling the Soul Jams, and even then, The Beasts weren’t perfect. I’m not saying they’re bound to get corrupted like their predecessors did, but I am saying that this role is bound to take a toll on them. Not even just from the perspective of power, even just handling so many responsibilities with running their kingdoms is going to be extremely draining mentally. (Physically likely too, even if they’re said to stay “always young” thanks to the Soul Jams - many stories teach that you can’t mess with nature and that nothing lasts forever...)
I don’t know who they’d pass the Soul Jams along too - whether that’d be Gingerbrave and his friends, or a new batch of heroes, that is to be decided. The point is, they have served their purpose, they have (from the perspective of this AU) defeated Dark Enchantress, and deserve to now leave the rest of  their lives in peace.
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“mellowed out” a bit - continues to be eccentric and dramatic, but less manic
still unsettling - most level-headed cookies upon meeting him immediately get a feeling that there's something.. off about him, even if they can't put their finger on it. (I purposefully left some of his corrupted design elements or callbacks to them, like the marking over his eye, for that reason) 
vibrant, colorful, very extra in both behavior and looks, everything he does he does with drama and flourish 
quiets down when out of the eyes of the public, or alone with Pure Vanilla 
peacock elements - fitting for someone with such a vibrant personality. also the eye connection is perfect - if you look closely at the feather he's wearing, you might even notice a familiar symbol in its “eye”
a playful bard - (elaborated heavily bellow) - an identity allows him to enjoy his favorite activities, while also being a slight callback to his academic past 
The bard 
While spending more time with Pure Vanilla, PV encouraged him to pursue his creative interests. Partly to have smth to get SM’s mind off of causing chaos, and partly because they let him indulge and express himself without causing any serious damage. Now he’s joined PV in retirement, though still not fully stepping down from the stage.
Being a bard allows Shadow Milk to indulge in everything he likes most: being the center of attention, dramatics, theatrics, mischief, a tasteful dose of lies and half-truths, but also, in a way, calling back to his past self: for while a lot of his stories are made-up tales, he can also share the history of Earthbread that he’s witnessed. Yes, he may do so through over-dramatic performances or behind caricatural characters, but every tale holds a grain of truth, does it not? Whether his audience chooses to believe him or not is their choice to make.
Referencing the fact that a big part of human history survived through word of mouth, and how storytellers play an important role in preserving it, I think it’s only fitting to make him a bard.
About visual choices
I made his redeemed design less chaotic and asymmetrical, but still vibrant and based mostly on his current color palette, rather than the one from Blueberry Academy. That's because while he may be rediscovering his interests from the past, he’s not the person he was before corruption and never will be again. Instead, he too is learning to rediscover the world in a new light, with a new identity. 
Visually I’ve tried to keep some elements from his current design, if slightly toned down: a wide collar, puffy sleeves, a flowy cape. Elements of his corruption are also still there: different colored sclera (= his one eye being black), the sharp teeth. He may have settled down and calmed down slightly, but he remains as playful as ever :)) 
He still causes local chaos once in a while or resorts to pranking unsuspecting cookies nearby (the slight charring at the bottom of PV’s robe is a result of one of such pranks getting out of hand), and PV has accepted that he'll never be a calm, put-together cookie he once might have been. However, SM's learned to not be a danger to others for the sake of the one he cares about the most, and that's enough for the both of them. 
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And that's all for now! If you've managed to get this far, thank you SO much for your patience, I hope you've enjoyed my thoughts and brainworms <3
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itsjaywalkers · 7 months
a lil smth under the cut for u guys <3
part 2 part 3
"Potter, if you dare to step any closer, I swear I will knock your teeth out."
Potter halts his advancement as soon as the sentence is out of his mouth, but Regulus remains tense, alert, shoulders stiff and hands itching to curl into fists. Maybe it's because he knows Potter more than enough after all these weeks of watching his matches and interviewing him after them. Weeks of listening to him brag, and taunt, and flirt shamelessly, despite Regulus always being set on retaining some sense of professionalism.
Maybe it's because of the way he smirks at Regulus' threat, or how he raises both hands in mock surrender, the gesture lazy and insincere.
Or maybe it's the fact that they're alone in the ring, even though Regulus should've left with his crew more than half an hour ago. And the fact that Potter isn't wearing a shirt, but he seems to be allergic to them, anyway, so it's not like it fazes him at this point.
That's what he keeps telling himself, at least.
"You can certainly try," Potter says with his hands still up, and offering a tiny shrug. "I don't know if I like your chances, though."
Regulus narrows his eyes. "You don't think I can fight you?"
"I don't think you can win."
He crosses his arms over his chest as he lets out a scoff, and Potter's smirk seems to grow bigger at the sound.
"And why the fuck not?" Regulus questions.
"Because I'm a professional boxer, love," Potter explains, his voice patient, but there's a certain mocking edge in his words that makes Regulus grits his teeth. "I wouldn't be where I am if someone like you could touch me."
"Someone like me?" Regulus repeats a bit incredulously. He can already feel that one vein in his forehead starting to pop out.
James chuckles, shaking his head a little. He finally drops his arms down. "You know what I mean."
"Actually, I don't. And I'm not sure I want to."
"C'mon, love—"
"Don't call me that."
"—you don't even know how to throw a punch."
Regulus blinks at him, not sure if he's heard correctly, and then he does a double take, barely repressing a derisive snort.
"Excuse me?" he murmurs. "Of course I know how to throw a punch."
"You think you know how to throw a punch," Potter corrects him, that infuariating smile still in place. Regulus is tempted to prove him how well he can actually throw a punch just to wipe it off his face.
"I mean, obviously I can't do it like you do, you're a professional athlete, for fuck's sake—"
"Oh, love, don't worry, I'd never hold you to my standards," Potter intervenes with a laugh, eyes shining with mirth. Regulus face is beginning to heat up, and he isn't sure if it's because of anger or something else. "I'm not talking about a boxing punch. I'm talking about a proper punch."
Regulus exhales loudly, fingers twitching. "Potter."
"I know how to throw a fucking proper punch."
Potter raises an eyebrow and he lets his gaze to go up and down the length of Regulus' body, slow and intentional. Regulus has a hard time not squirming, battling against his instincts to keep his face empty, to stop his thighs from pressing together.
"I bet you don't," Potter comments, once his eyes finally find Regulus' again. Unsurprisingly, it doesn't make breathing any easier. "You're too pretty to have been getting into fights."
Regulus is unable to suppress an indignant huff, cheeks coulouring at an alarming pace while his expression twists into a scowl.
"You don't fucking know me," he seethes, jaw so clenched it's slowly becoming painful. "You've got no idea of how my life looks like, or what I've done to get where I'm at."
Potter seems unbothered by the outburst. In fact, he kind of looks a little entertained.
"Maybe so," he concedes with a tilt of his head. "But I know you'd break easy."
Regulus' heart skips a beat. "I don't—"
"Just look at you," Potter goes on, staring him up and down once again. He still sounds slightly mocking, but there's something else in his tone this time. Something darker. "So fucking gorgeous. Holding yourself like you're goddamn royalty. You're feisty, and you're sneaky, I'll give you that, but you'd fold embarrisingly fast against me, wouldn't you, love?"
Regulus gulps, throat suddenly so dry it feels like sandpaper. He tries to shake his head, but his body isn't responding, and when he opens his mouth to snap back, nothing comes out of it.
"You like to act all tough and cold and as if nothing can touch you, but if I were to lay my hands on you—"
"Potter," Regulus manages to spit out, but it sounds hoarse. Weak.
"Oh, you'd break so beautifully for me, right, love? You'd put a bit of a fight at first, because you can't help yourself, and I like that about you anyway, but you'd let go at some point."
"Potter," he tries again, and it sounds a bit sharper, but still too close to a whimper for Regulus' tastes.
"I'd fucking ruin you if you allowed me to, Regulus." His name makes him tremble, goosebumps breaking into his skin, and Regulus has to bite his tongue to stop an inappropriate noise from escaping. "I know you want to. You're really fucking stubborn, and you almost fooled me that first time, that's true, but one can only keep that facade for so long. I've seen how you look at me."
"And how do I look at you?"
"Like all those girls who can't ask me for an autograph without blushing, thinking of me when they have their hands between their legs," Potter responds, gaze so intense it makes Regulus want to scream. "Like your cameraman whenever I stand a bit too close to him, always shifting his body the slightest bit so his shoulder grazes mine. Like Lily whenever I'm between her thighs, and she's begging me to let her come."
Regulus almost gasps, burning with fury but also with something that has nothing to do with it.
The audacity of this man, really. Regulus hates him. Despises him, even. Him and his absurd amount of confidence that has no business being this attractive.
It's hard to pretend to be unaffacted. To pretend he doesn't feel a stab in his stomach by that last statement, by the thought of James and Lily being together, even though it's something he's known almost since the beginning. To act like he doesn't care, like he isn't fucking aching between his legs, wet and hot and desperate.
Regulus doesn't think he completely manages it.
"You're so fucking full of yourself," Regulus grinds out, digging his nails into his arms so hard he's sure to leave marks.
"And yet I'm not hearing you deny it," Potter sing-songs, still grinning widely.
"I don't like you," Regulus insists, raising his chin.
"But you want me to fuck you."
This time, a strangled sound, high-pitched and bordering on needy, manages to slip out of Regulus' mouth, and James shows teeth, that feral light that appears every time he wins a match shining in his brown eyes.
"You wish," Regulus says, trying to save whatever dignity he has left, trying to fix this stupid mistake, this amateur slip up.
"I do," Potter confirms with ease, and Regulus can't swallow properly with the knot he has stuck in between his vocal chords.
"Shut up," it's all that Regulus can get out, which is quite pathetic, but still better than nothing.
"That's still not a denial," Potter points out, satisfaction oozing of him and making Regulus see red.
"I literally can't fucking stand you. I don't think it's necessary for me to tell you that I don't want anything to do with you," Regulus snaps. "Besides, if so many people are tripping all over themselves for you, then I don't understand why you're not bothering them instead."
"Because I want you."
Regulus actually chokes after that, a gulp of air getting stuck in his throat and his heart beating madly between his ribs.
"No." He shakes his head, furiously, desperately, and takes a step back almost at the same time that Potter takes a step forward.
"Yes," the other man presses, undeterred. "I want you, Regulus."
"Potter. Shut up."
"I can make you feel so good, love. You need to stop depriving yourself."
"I know you've thought about it. About me. I'm sure you're thinking about it now, about how amazing I'd feel between your legs, on top of you. Inside you."
"Potter. Stop."
"I bet your underwear is fucking soaked—"
It slips, sneaking past his lips without Regulus' permission, going unnoticed until it's too late to stop it, or take it back. He has the silly urge to cover his mouth with his mouth, as if that'd be enough to erase the word, the power and implications that name holds.
The reaction is almost immediate.
James' pupils spread out, eating at his irises at a concerning pace. Regulus is so distracted looking at them, that it takes him a moment to realise James is advancing, rushing towards him like a man on a mission.
Regulus retreats, nearly falling over in his haste, doing his best to get as far away from the other man as possible. But James is faster than him, and his back ends up colliding against one of the pillars of the ring. James has his arms bracketing his head in a matter of seconds, and all of a sudden, Regulus is trapped. With absolutely nowhere to go.
"Get away from me!" Regulus exclaims, voice all wrong and wobbly, hands coming up to push at James' chest but not daring to touch.
"Say it again," James demands, completely ignoring him.
"Say it again."
Regulus scoffs weakly. "I don't want to."
"Get. The fuck. Away. From me."
It shakes him to his very core, and he's helpless to the shudder that rattles his frame, to the way his eyes screw close, so very tight his vision fills up with shiny spots.
When he opens them again, a few moments later, he ends up meeting James' hungry gaze head on.
It destroys the last of his defences.
"James," he repeats in a whisper, heat coiling in his stomach at the other man's intake of breath.
"Again," James asks, almost demands, voice low and strained.
"Again." And it's a beg.
"Yeah," the other man mumbles to himself. "Yeah."
James leans forward, and Regulus feels like he's about go into cardiac arrest until James turns his head at the very last second, mouth grazing the lobe of his ear instead of his lips.
"I'll teach you," he tells him softly. Quietly.
"What?" he asks, hardly breathing and refusing to move a single muscle.
James huffs, and it's amused. "How to throw a punch."
"My brother already taught me," Regulus retorts with a roll of his eyes. "And he's better than you."
"Was better than me," James shoots back, and despite this being a topic that usually annoys him, always getting him all petty and defensive, it barely drags an irritated sigh out of him this time.
"Winning one match doesn't mean anything."
"Except that it does."
"No, it doesn't. Sirius' been unbeatable for literal years, and he's worked his arse off to get to where he is, and you'll never—"
"C'mon, love," James whines against his ear, and Regulus has to swallow a gasp. "I'll lend you some comfier clothes and I'll show you how to stand and some tricks, make sure next time I'm being too much of a prick you can shut me up nicely. Maybe you'll even break my nose."
Regulus bites his lower lip, refusing to allow the corners of his mouth to curl upwards. "That does sound good."
James chuckles, and Regulus doesn't acknowledge the way that sounds fills his chest with warmth.
"So? Okay?" James wonders.
Regulus closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. Hopes he won't come to regret this, and sends a silent apology to his brother.
He opens his eyes.
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kazutora-kurokawa · 7 months
Taiju x reader where she put herself in a dangerous Situation but taiju saved her before smth bad happend and he dont look happy about it. So he decided to spank her until she's crying and sobbing with muchhhhh aftercare please 💕
Protective!Taiju x Naive!Bratty!Reader
♡ SFW->NSFW->SFW, fem reader, reader almost gets drugged, spanking, aftercare + soft dom!Taiju ♡
note: anon this idea is literally so good 🩷 this is kind of a long read I'm sorry 😭 if you don't really care about plot just skip to this emoji: 👋
He had told you multiple times, don't go out to that club alone. Yet something about the tone in his voice made you want to go to the club even more. You slipped on an outfit, then slipped out the door, which was pretty easy considering Taiju was at work and not home to stop you from leaving.
You caught a ride to the club and at the same time, Taiju was about to make his way home. He decided to come home early, desperate to see his beautiful girlfriend. When he got home the only thing he was greeted with was an empty house. At first he was worried, but that worry soon turned into frustration and anger. He knew how stubborn you were, so it was no surprise that you disobeyed his orders, that didn't stop him from being royally pissed off though.
You stepped into the nightclub, the smell of smoke, cheap cologne, and alcohol filled the air. You made your way over to the bar to get a drink, not even noticing that a man on the other side of the room was watching your every move. He approached you as you sipped your drink, introducing himself in an overly friendly manner. He reached in his pocket to grab his wallet, offering to buy you another drink. What could be the harm in letting him buy you a drink? He seems nice enough.
You and the man sparked up a conversation, nothing serious, just friendly chat. You mentioned that you had a boyfriend and the man understood, at least it seemed like he did. You got up mid-conversation to use the bathroom, leaving the man with full access to your drink. He pulled out a small bag of pills and when no one was looking, snapped a capsule in half and poured it in your drink. What he didn't realize is that someone was looking and that someone was Taiju. He made his way over to the man, trying to confront him as peacefully as possible.
The man cowered in fear at the sight of your boyfriend. He wasn't expecting the man you mentioned to be twice his size or for him to be in the club. He apologized profusely and walked out of the club, Taiju would handle him later though. Right now he was still upset with you. He waited outside the bathroom door, scaring the hell out of you, then he proceeded to grab your arm and drag you out to the car. He immediately started scolding you when you got in the car, not letting you get a word in.
"What the hell is wrong with you y/n? Do you realize how dangerous it is to be out right now? Not to mention the fact that you left your drink unattended around that creep. You know he slipped something in your drink, and if I wasn't here...I don't even wanna think about what would've happened. All I know is that when we get in this house, I'm gonna give you a good spanking for being such a disobedient little brat."
You stayed quiet as he pulled the car into the driveway and you both made your way into the house. You took your heels off and sat your purse on the kitchen counter, awaiting Taiju's next move.
👋 "Bedroom now, don't make me say it twice."
Taiju placed his hand on your shoulder, motioning you down the hallway and into the bedroom. Sitting on the bed, he tapped his leg with his hand, signalling you to lay across his lap. He pulled your dress up and your underwear down, putting your bare ass on display for him to see.
"You know I love you darling ♡ This isn't meant to hurt you, just to teach you a lesson."
The tone in his voice was sincere and you could feel tears welling up in your eyes before he even brought his hand down on your ass. The loud smack echoed throughout the room. The pain was so blinding it made your legs shake.
"Count the smacks, if you mess up I'll start over."
1, 2, 3, 4, 5. This continued for about 20 more minutes, with Taiju getting in well over 40 smacks. You messed up twice, losing count while trying not to lose consciousness. By the time he was done you were a blubbering mess, with tears, mascara, and drool running down your face. His large hand rubbed your back as you sobbed profusely, before grabbing you and laying you on the bed.
"Alright darling let's get you cleaned up."
Taiju made his way into the bathroom, running a bath and grabbing some towels from the shelf. He walked back into the room and picked you up off the bed, carrying you to the bathroom. You sat in his lap in the bathtub and let his strong hands roam and massage your body.
"I'm sorry if I was too rough, you know I only did it cause I love you. I just want you to be safe and to listen to me, I only have your well-being in mind y/n."
You nodded in acknowledgement and he could relax now that he knew you weren't upset at him. He might be the dominant one in your relationship, but that didn't mean he wasn't extremely considerate of your feelings. You felt the tension leave his body as you relaxed against him, listening to the soft thump of his heartbeat. Taiju was so relaxed he didn't even notice you had fallen asleep. All he knew was that he was gonna hold you extra tight when you cuddled tonight.
@arlerts-angel @i-literally-cant-with-this @trevengersprincess @giugiette @katkitkats @happy-trenchcoated-impala @rindousbabyg
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zerobaselove · 11 days
ever seen | zhang hao
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pairing: zhang hao x reader
genre: fluff
word count: 711
warnings: nothing that i can think of?? lowercase intended, not proofread
notes: this is so rough and thrown together i just rlly wanted to write smth kinda inspired by a song on beabadoobees new album and im on the verge of biasing hao so here we are
"y/n, shouldn't you be asleep?"
you sighed in relief as you heard your best friend's voice over the phone, although more gravelly than you're used to, but you suppose that's because its almost two in the morning.
"i didn't think you'd be awake still," you mumbled, your eyes scanning your dark room, faintly lit by the moonlight through your window. his voice sounded back over your phone, "everything okay?"
you shook your head, though he didn't know that. "can't sleep, and i miss you." your voice trailed off, hoping the last part of your confession and your shaking voice had fallen victim to the static, but it hadn't.
you could hear the smile on his face as he responded, "do you need me to come over?" you only hummed in response before he said a quick farewell and headed out.
this had become a sort of routine as of late. much to your heart's dismay, you both knew you slept better when you weren't alone, and your best friend, and crush zhang hao, had no problem helping you get a few more hours of rest on nights like this.
despite his ability to make your heart skip a beat, he also was the only one who was able to calm you down enough to fall asleep. and that's how you ended up here, waiting in your bedroom as you quietly hummed a song to yourself.
you heard the front door unlock, having given him his own keys months ago, soon followed by a faint knock at your bedroom door and the door silently opening, revealing your safe haven and ticket to dreamland, hao.
he slid himself in your bed next to you, wrapping an arm around you tightly, "i'm here now," he said reassuringly, rubbing circles on your arm with his thumb. "do you want to talk about it or do you want a distraction until you get tired?"
"just wanna lay here with you for a bit," your voice had finally stopped shaking as you took in a deep breath, inhaling the faint scent of his cologne.
the two of you settled into a comfortable position; both laying facing one another, letting the moonlight illuminate a part of hao's face. his eyes seemed to sparkle in this lighting, like shining stars.
you were mesmerized.
your eyes trailed over his features; his slightly messy hair, clearly he hadn't had time to brush it between your phone call and him leaving his house. your gaze stopped for a moment on his lips, slightly parted as he focused in on your hands that had found their way to his own. and then there were his eyes. his eyes that seemed to hold all the love in the world, at least that's what it felt like when he looked at you; especially now.
"hao, you have the prettiest eyes i've ever seen." you blurted out, too tired to consider the weight of your words or the effect it would have on the boy who now flushed pink in front of you.
he stuttered out a denial that you couldn't quite understand, and before you could give it a second thought you broke your hands free of his grasp, bringing your hands to cup his cheeks. the warmth radiating from his face left you with your own warm and fuzzy feeling as you watched the emotions flash on his face. confusion and anticipation.
even you weren't anticipating your next move as you brought your face closer to his, feeling his breathing match up to your own at the new proximity.
before your brain could catch up to your body and tell you to back out, you pressed your lips to his, savouring the feeling for a moment before pulling away.
you both took a moment to compose yourself. taking the time to process what just happened. what were you thinking? you wondered to yourself. but before you could spiral down that path, his lips found their way to yours, this time taking you by surprise.
time had seemed to slow, and by the time you pulled away from each other, you both were nearly panting to catch your breath.
"well y/n, i think you might actually have the prettiest eyes i've ever seen."
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minnielvr · 9 months
cold chocolate - kim seungmin
˚ ༘ pairing bf! seungmin x fem! reader
˚ ༘ genre fluff, angst!!, seungmins a bit of a meanie :(
˚ ༘ wc 3.4k
˚ ༘ note never writing smth this long (okay 3k words☠️) again idfk how sum ppl do it😭 sorry if this bad guys i cant write rlly good🦦merry xmas!!!
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"hey y/n can you come out here?" seungmin called to you from your guys' living room.
"yea whats up babe?" you went over to the couch and sat next to him.
"promise you wont be mad?" he looked at you and raised a brow while grabbing your hand.
"oh god seungmin what did you do now?" you chuckled. obviously you thought that whatever he was going to tell you wasn't that shocking and he was just exaggerating, but you were so wrong.
"no y/n this is serious."
"o-oh okay. uhm whats wrong?" you were starting to get nervous now. does he want to break up? did he cheat on you? a million thoughts raced through your head but not one of them was what he was about to tell you.
"i'm not gonna be home for christmas.." he said it so casually as he looked down in his lap.
now usually missing holidays wouldn't be such a problem for you two, except christmas. you guys dont really celebrate anything other than valentines, chuseok, and birthdays, sometimes you guys dont even celebrate birthdays. but christmas? it was a must. you were going to go back home to your family with him for the first time. he had even said yes. now all of a sudden he cant? whats more important?
you inhaled a shaky breath and asked, "why?"
"well you know, we have practice to do, and we have to record some things. so i'll be staying at the dorms." he shrugged and let go of your hands. thinking you were fine.
now that pissed you off. practice? recording? he couldn't skip one week of work for christmas? he was never like this, he has never put his work over you.
"seriously seungmin?. you cant just skip a week of work for christmas? you're putting 'some practice' over me?" you looked up at him with an open mouth.
"no y/n, i cannot." he glared at you. why was he giving you attitude all of a sudden? its not like you're the one who will be missing christmas.
"care to explain why?" you crossed your arms.
"dont you get it y/n? my work is harder than yours, you literally do nothing but sit down at a desk all day and book peoples appointments," he slowly started to raise his voice. "you dont get it all. i cant just be home all the time to give you attention. since when were you so clingy?"
you stood up from the couch and backed away from him, scared of him yelling at you. were you really that annoying? your eyes started to water.
"seungmin wh-why are you getting so mad? i'm just asking you to take a week off for christmas, im sure they'll let you. beside you need a break too." you said while looking down, trying to avoid eye contact so he couldn't see your tears.
"i'm mad because you're annoying! i dont want to take a week off. i cant be with you all the time y/n. leave me alone." he turned to the tv and turned it on, acting as if nothing happened.
at this point there were tears running down your face. how could he be so rude and say something like that? sure you guys have had arguments before and said things, but never like this. he the level-headed one in the relationship. he always keeps his cool during arguments because he knows how upset you get.
maybe it is your fault though. maybe you ask for too much attention and let him do all the work in the relationship. maybe you should leave him alone until christmas is over.
"okay. i'm sorry that im too clingy. i'll just leave" you turned around on your foot to go get your backpack with all your things. you'll stay with a friend or something. maybe you were overreacting a bit but you didn't really care, how could your boyfriend just ditch family plans for christmas like that?
"yea whatever, i dont care" and he dismissed your statement just like that.
now that hurts.
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one of your best friends since you were 5, areum, was jeongins girlfriend. you and her were out one day and saw the two of them together, jeongin asked for aerums for her number first and seungmin asked you out a few weeks later. the rest is history.
you just arrived to aerums house and she graciously welcomed you in. seeing the tear stains on your face and your nose red, she figured you had walked here. she was correct. on the way out of your and seungmin's shared apartment, you had forgotten your car keys. but by the time you realized you were already too far down and didn't want to go back up to grab them, especially because seungmin would probably still be in there.
"so? tell me what happened babes" she guided you over to her couch and sat down next to you.
you explained what had happened and she fully agreed with you on your view of the whole thing. i mean, if he already said yes to the plans, why would he switch up all of a sudden? and seungmin would usually take a sick day or soemthing if you asked, he cared about you a lot. you're not saying that he has to prioritize his work over you, but the least he could do was tell you in a nice way or just take a few days off for christmas.
"but wait. that doesn't make sense.." aerum furrowed her eyebrows.
"huh? why?" you looked up at her.
"jeongin said that they have a little christmas break or something like that. i mean, we aren't going anywhere but he said that the boys have no schedules and practices," she looked at you nervously. "do you think that maybe seungmins lying to you?"
well he definitely is, theres no question about that. you just didn't want to believe that he would actually lie to you about something like this.
"n-no he would never..," you looked down in your lap. "oh my god he doesn't want to see my family. he probably thinks i'm rushing into it right? but we were supposed to go to his parents house after that, how is that fair?" you were coming up with all these excuses to not make him look like the bad guy in this situation but there really isnt any. he lied to you and called you cling and annoying. thats the hard truth.
"hey hey calm down its okay," aerum side hugged you and started rubbing your shoulders. "i'm sure it's just a little problem with miscommunication hm? it could be fixed like this." she snapped her finger.
"y-yea of course." you hiccuped. "can i just stay here for the night though? i don't feel like going back yet." you looked up to aerum with wide, teary eyes.
"aw of course honey." she squished your cheeks. "go shower and i'll get some food ready for us. we can watch a movie." she smiled at you and tapped your back to usher you to the bathroom.
you smiled and agreed with her and went to shower. turning the water to borderline boiling so you could release all your thoughts.
you put on some of aerums spare clothes and stepped out of the bathroom and walked to the main room. she had the movie 'home alone' waiting to be played on the tv. she knew it was your favorite christmas movie.
aerum saw you step out and turned her head back over the couch to face you with a big smile on her face, beckoning you to go and sit next to her. you could see a plethora os sugary and salty snacks sitting on the little coffee table in the middle of the room. she really knew how to cheer you up.
you guys ended up watching both home alone movies and ate almost all of the snacks. you guys also fell asleep next to each other on the couch. which was typical for the two of you when you ahd movie nights.
you were the first one to wake up the next morning. rubbing your eyes and aerums foot being the first thing you see was not so pleasant. the sun was shining through the window and you could hear the bustling city of seoul outside. what time was it?
you sat up from the couch while gently taking aerums leg off of your lap. you bent down to grab your phone to see that the time was..2 PM?!?!? seungmin must be worried sick!
you turned to the side and looked at aerum sleeping so peacefully. a little drool coming out the side of her mouth.
"aerum! hey! hey! wake up! it's 2'oclock!" you violently shook her shoulders.
she hummed and swatted your hands away from her body. telling you to shut up.
"as much as i would love to stop doing this i still love you and you have work today. so...get. up." at this point she had opened her eyes and you were staring straight into them.
"oh my god! i have work!" she kicked the blanket off her feet and scrambled to get up off the couch. running to her bathroom to go shower and get ready.
"hey wait! i was gonna go in there!" you chased after her but to no avail. she had already got in and locked the door.
"i know you have boyfriend problems right now but im already late for work! which one is worse y/n?" you could hear her starting to turn on the shower.
"fine, you win." you lightly kicked her bathroom door in anger.
you headed to the kitchen and opened the fridge, looking for ingredients to make breakfast for the two of you. there was nothing inside the fridge except some eggs, bread, butter, and milk. how did aerum and jeongin even survive in this house? at yours and seungmin's apartment, the food inside the fridge and pantry is always stocked. you guys go grocery shopping together too, just to make running errands a little more fun. sometimes he would ride the cart trying to run away from you or sneak in some extra snacks that you guys certainly didn't need to spend so much money on. but thats what made it fun. those little quirks are why you loved seungmin.
as you were reminiscing on those little memories, you heard a door to the apartment open. looking towards it, you saw jeongin walk in. since you started tearing up thinking about yours and seungmins relationship, you quickly wiped them when jeongin came a little closer to you.
"y/n? oh my god! seungmin is so worried about you! you should go to him. like now." he looked genuinely concerned.
"y-yea i should haha," you looked towards the eggs cooking on the stove. "just make sure you keep on eye this food though. me and aerum woke up late so while she showered i figured i could make me and her some food. but i'm leaving now. also you guys should really go grocery shopping." you laughed at him while packing up your things.
he frowned at you and opened the fridge "hey it's not that b-maybe it is..."
aerum walked out of the bathroom wrapped up in a towel and looked at you wide eyed. she heard you talking to yourself so she decided to come out.
"damn babe" jeongin turned towards aerum and looked at her while raising his eyebrows.
"jeongin! what are you doing here! you weren't gonna be back until like...2...oh." she looked at the clock and now realized it was 3. "oh my god i'm gonna get fired!!"
"chill out aerum, i'm sure one day won't do anything" you chuckled at her over exaggeration.
"okay y/n listen," she went up to you and put her hands on your shoulders, staring you dead in the eyes. "you back in your apartment and be very clear to seungmin that you're sad and man and whatnot. be confident and don't cry." she pursed her lip at you.
"okay! got it. now go finish getting ready so you can leave before jeongin makes you stay!" you winked at her and left her apartment.
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you were in front of your apartment door, giving yourself a pep talk about why you shouldn't be scared to go in there and confront seungmin. communication is key right?
you opened the door and were met with an empty house, no sign of seungmin anywhere. maybe he was sleeping? they didn't have any schedules today if you recalled correctly.
you walked towards your guys' shared bedroom and opened the door to be met with a sad sight. it was seungmin, curled up in the bed, holding onto your pillow. he seemed to be asleep and you didn't want to wake up him up. you were still mad at him, but the sight made your heart clench.
you went to your dresser and set your bag down. then you went to the bathroom to do your skincare routine since you hadn't gotten the chance to do so at aerums place. seems as though that woke seungmin up because next thing you know he's walking up to bathroom door that you forgot to close. you saw him behind you in the mirror.
"y/n?" he came closer to you and wrapped his arms around you. "i-i thought something happened to you when you left, i got really worried y'know..."
"well, i'm fine see? no need to worry." you unwrapped his arms from around your waist and stepped away from him. you appreciated the gesture but he's acting so normal, as if nothing happened between you two.
"oh...okay." he got the memo that you wanted to be left alone, so he left the bathroom. this time closing the door.
you were conflicted. you were mad at seungmin and he really hurt you. plus, the holidays were coming up and you didn't want to be in a sour mood for it. but at the same time, you could see he felt bad. him just initiating physical contact and being the first one to talk said a lot.
you see, both you and seungmin were both very prideful people. that means that when the two of you argued, instead of being normal and talking it out a few hours later. you guys stretched it on for 1-2 days before either of you came to apologize. communication was something your and seungmin's relationship was heavily lacking.
you decided that you would wait for seungmin to speak to you. and if he doesn't then well, you'll cross that bridge when you get there.
once you finished up in the bathroom, you made your way out to your bedroom and saw that seungmin was curled up on the bed with his phone.
"thought you had practice seungmin?" you crossed your arms and raised your brow.
"o-oh well you know i decided to skip today because i was so worried about you and i was waiting for you to come home." he made up an excuse.
"well im fine so, you should probably get going now." you patted his back and shooed him away.
you guessed that was his breaking point because then he turned around to face you with tears in his eyes and said
"y/n please...i'm sorry. i lied okay? i don't have any schedules or practice for the next whole week." he looked down in shame.
you already knew that so it wasn't that much of a shocker. but it really hurt coming from him.
"why would you lie to me seungmin?" tears were now starting to well up in your eyes. "i'm sorry if i rushed you into meeting my parents. it's just that we've been together for 2 years and you never got to see them except on calls so i thought it would be a nice trip for us...." you wiped your tears.
"no love trust me thats not the reason at all." he sat down next to you in the bed and took your face in his hands.
"so then why did you lie to me and call me clingy and annoying?" he winced when you mentioned what he called you. he really didn't mean to. he doesn't think that about you at all. it came out of nowhere.
"because y/n....i was scared to meet them. i thought that maybe they would think i wasn't good enough for you." he looked down in his lap.
"seungmin why on earth would you think that? my parents already love you and they've seen you on call. they practically adore you." you took his face in your hands now. "seungmin no one would ever think that about you. you're perfect in so many ways and you deserve me just as much as i deserve you, if not more."
"y/n how can you say that when i said all those things?" he was referring to when he called you clingy and annoying.
"because i know you didn't mean it baby. it did hurt a lot, but it's nothing you can't make up for." you smiled at him. "i know you've been a little stressed with all the end of year activities and stuff. but you're getting a break now! enjoy it."
"i just feel so guilty for lying to you and saying those things y/n, i truly am sorry. how can i make it up to you?" he looked at you wide eyed.
"cuddles and kisses. but we can do that after we pack since we're leaving in 2 days." you giggled.
seungmin pulled you by your waist into a hug and kissed the top of your head. "you know i love you a lot y/n, right?"
"yes i know that baby, i love you too" you smiled up at him. "now! lets get to packing!" you got up from the bed and started pulling clothes out of your drawers. seungmin groaned, not wanting to get up from the bed.
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it was christmas eve and you and seungmin were at your parents house. they were thrilled to see him and loved him very much. not failing to make him feel very deserved.
you guys were all sitting in the living room and it was 11:30 pm. your parents decided they would go to sleep and give you two some alone time. you guy's both said goodnight and waited for them to leave until you started talking.
"so, having a good time so far?" you turned sideways to face seungmin.
"of course, the best time even." he smiled at you. "wanna watch home alone? i know it's your favorite and we didn't get to watch it back at home."
"yes! i'll go make some hot chocolate for us." you hopped off the couch and made your way to the kitchen to boil some milk.
it's been about five minutes and the milk was still boiling. seungmin came into the kitchen to keep you some company. he walked over to where you were by the stove and wrapped his arms around your waist from behind.
"could this thing be any slower?" he whispered right into your ear.
"ugh, i know right. i don't even care anymore," you turned off the stove. "we can have cold chocolate i guess." you started pouring the milk into yours and seungmins cups.
"anything is good when i'm with you." he kissed the side of your neck and swayed you side to side.
you giggled and turned around towards him and said "awww look at you being all flirty" you teased.
he shrugged his shoulders. "it's the christmas spirit i guess."
you then looked at the digital clock behind seungmin and it read 11:59.
"oh seungmin look!" you point behind him at the clock. "it's almost christmas! in five....four....three....t-"
he pulled your face towards him and brought you in for a kiss. he rested his hands on your hips and then pulled away. you looked up at him with wide eyes.
"man, i wish it was christmas everyday if you're gonna act like this"
he chuckled. "merry christmas y/n." he pulled you into his chest and rested his chin on your head.
"merry christmas seungmin."
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x-liv25-jamieswife · 5 months
sad avery head canons
@ariscats requested this in a comment under my sad grayson hcs, and i'm more than happy to do it for my fav girl avery. trigger warning for self-harm, suicidal thoughts, and sexual assault. pls don't read if this might trigger you, and if you ever need help, there are helplines you can contact for free. family and friends are obviously also an option (if you'd rather talk to a stranger, you can always dm me (or whoever you feel comfortable with) <3). sorry if some of this doesn't make sense. i wrote this at 1 am. hope you enjoy<3.
avery used to pull out a guitar (cause i hc she can play the guitar) and sing songs for her mom when she was on her death bed
she now visits her mom's grave and does the same thing. she sings her mom's favorite songs on the verge of tears (if she isn't already crying).
avery used to wear an elastic band around her wrist and would snap it repeatedly until her wrist became sore and red (it didn't always make her stop though) when she was feeling overwhelmed or did smth she deemed wrong.
whenever avery would drive across bridges or anything really high up, she would think about jumping off of it.
she used to get her mom or libby to help her bake cookies that she would bring to school to try to get people to become her friend (it never worked)
she used to eat lunch in the back of the courtyard in a secluded place most of the time bc no one wanted to eat with her (until she met max obviously)
i'm currently rereading tig and i can't help but notice how uncomfortable she becomes when someone touches her so i hc drake or some other random creep sexually assaulted her once (or multiple times) and that's the reason why she seems so uncomfortable with physical touch.
she used to cry in her mom's arms wondering why she wasn't good enough for people to want to be her friend
when her and libby were struggling to get by and couldn't afford food, she would save the food for libby and not eat (she would tell her she ate at the diner she worked at but didn't)
when she realized, at the age of six, that her father was a piece of shit who didn't actually want her, she started trying to find faults in her to explain why this might be (she thought that if she could 'fix' herself, her father might want her)
she sometimes purposely gives herself papercuts when she feels really numb just to make herself feel something
when she would live in her car, she would sometimes continuously bash her head on the steering wheel wishing her life could be different.
when she was younger, to get people to like her, she would give them everything she had. she would do their homework for them, would cover for them when they wanted to cause trouble in the school, etc, but, in the end, it was always temporary
whenever she comes across someone who looks like sheffield grayson she freezes up in fear/shock. a little voice in her head tells her she's in danger and they'll hurt her.
after all of the almost-death experiences she's been through, she developed a panic disorder (this is already sort of confirmed) that she has to treat with pills.
she sometimes takes the haters' comments to heart (the comments about her weight, etc). she would start telling herself that skipping one meal wouldn't hurt. jameson noticed really early on though and stopped her before it became too severe.
she's convinced people would be better off without her and that she only causes pain and destruction everywhere she goes (bc of what happened with toby)
she actually hates getting drunk because it reminds her too much of her father. jameson started to notice that she would get really uncomfortable whenever he got drunk so he started to drink less. when he did drink though, he made sure it wasn't enough to get drunk.
because of everyone comparing her to emily, she's convinced herself that she's just jamie's second option and she'll never measure up (personality wise, looks wise, everything). jamie and her talked about it a lot and she's now less insecure.
she gets terrified when she hears noises at night bc she's convinces someone's there to hurt her
she forgives people so easily bc she desperately wants people to actually like her.
in the books she says she doesn't allow herself to want to want things bc it could potentially distract her/hurt her. i also think she doesn't allow herself to want things bc she doesn't think she deserves to want anything.
when she's in a stressful situation or she's having a panic attack, she'll start scratching her arms really roughly until they start to bleed to get herself to focus on anything other than the stress/panic.
the scratches on her arms became too obvious so she started scratching her sides instead.
she can't watch any tv shows with violence/war bc the loud sounds remind her too much of the shooting.
one of the reasons why she realized her father was a piece of shit was bc, once, he got way too drunk and slapped her. that was sort of like the catalyst for her.
bc she grew up so isolated, she's afraid of emotional and physical intimacy. she's afraid she'll start liking feeling loved/close to someone too much since she believes it'll never last (jamie showed her she was wrong)
i'm an averyjameson stan so don't take this the wrong way but avery was affected by jamie thinking of her as only a game way more than she lets on. even after they got together, she was paranoid that he had ulterior motives.
she blames herself whenever something goes wrong in the foundation or hawthorne house even when she had nothing to do with the problem.
she's extremely paranoid when it comes to locking her bedroom door and stuff like that bc of how often her privacy is invaded.
i said this in another post but, especially before she inherited the money, she would sometimes smoke weed to lessen the stress she felt for a little while.
she hates going to sleep bc her sleep is always invaded by horrendous nightmares. it became so bad she ended up in the hospital (jamie was absolutely terrified and made her promise to talk to him more).
she has this one stuffed animal that her mom gave her not long before she passed that she cries into whenever she feels like her life is going to shit.
before she inherited the money, she was actually near her breaking point. she was seriously considering if staying alive was actually worth it.
before she inherited the money, she used to count on her fingers how many people would miss her when she died to convince herself to stay alive (the number was never more than three). the fact that the number was so low made her feel even shittier and made her spiral.
her grief for her mom is so intense sometimes she can't get out of bed. she doesn't eat, sleep, drink water, etc. alisa had to contact a therapist/psychiatrist to help avery get out of bed.
to end on a brighter note, here's a happy avery head canon:
she used to dance all the time when she was younger. she would pull out her mom's phone, start playing some music, and jump around waving her tiny little arms everywhere whilst singing along. she would pretend she was a popstar. her mom would film her and send the videos to libby. the brothers have seen all of them bc libby showed them.
not proof read so i apologize for any spelling mistakes<3. again, pls contact someone/helpline if you ever need help. speaking from experience, things tend to get better. sending everyone lots of love (and my girl avery).
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jasmineoolongtea · 2 months
Hiii i hope u're doing good and i have a req pls? Could you do smth like gojo just hanging out with student reader like father and kid? Just one random day (or some other scenario) gojo just yoinks reader and goes 'let's do something together' thxxxx :D
a/n: hiii anon, hope you're doing good as well !!! of course i can do your request so hope you enjoy this short drabble (^▽^) also sorry it took a while for me to get back to you since i've been away from my computer for the past few days :((
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to say that gojo satoru is an eccentric teacher might possibly be one of the biggest understatements of the century. even if you were to put it nicely,
it's been a few days since you've stepped foot into the classroom on account of being put out of commission for a bit after a particularly nasty encounter with a semi-grade 2 curse on what was supposed to be a relatively easy mission. it would have been nice if the higher-ups could have mentioned that the curse had a tendency to travel in packs of 3 or 4 but in the world of jujutsu, you knew that's already expecting too much of them.
the first sight you're greeted with is your teacher, the strongest himself gojo satoru, leaning back in his desk chair with his feet up on the desk as if he had little to no care about anything in the world. if the higher-ups were to walk past and see this, they would definitely screech at the top of their lungs and die from shock or maybe it would finally be their bodies finally giving up on them in old age. you don't think you would be that sad to see them go.
"nice of you to finally show up to class. even if it's on the wrong day." your teacher huffs from his seat. there's a slight sting at his words but you choose to grit your teeth instead of replying.
albeit, you don't necessarily blame your teacher for his off-handed comment because, from his and everyone else's point of view, it just seemed like you were simply just taking the chance to play hooky and skip a few classes here and there even if it was far from the truth.
you made shoko promise not to say anything to anyone when she was patching you up, even if she gave you one of those looks that silently asked you if you really wanted that. it wasn't a matter of pride per say because having your classmates know that you got ganged up on by a couple of curses was honestly the least of your problems.
rather, it was because you didn't want to bother anyone more than you had to or even worse, be on the end of some surface-level sympathy from some people who could care less if you lived or died. to you, this was simply how the jujutsu world worked so what point was there sitting around and lingering on all of its problems when it would do you no good?
"...i've had a rough week. can i just get the work that i've missed out on and i'll be out of your hair." you mutter while avoiding eye contact with the taller man, deciding that all of a sudden the wooden panels of the floor were more interesting.
there's an instant switch in his relaxed demeanour as his voice is laced with strong hints of concern when he asks, "you wanna talk about it?"
you open your mouth to speak, to make a half-hearted attempt to brush off his concern and maybe even throw in a snarky quip to really cement the act that everything was fine but for some reason, you decide against that and so you end up saying nothing back in response.
it's quiet for a minute, the both of you unmoving, before your teacher suddenly stands up from his seat and strides towards you which takes you by surprise.
"alright, new plan then." gojo claps his hands, the sound reverberating slightly off the classroom walls as his typical attitude makes a return. "me and you are going on, let's call it, a class trip to the arcade!"
you roll your eyes, arms still crossed over your chest as you look at him, unamused. "i'm pretty sure that this isn't part of the class curriculum."
"when have i ever been a stickler for the rules, kid?" and without further ado (and a seeming shortage of verbal complaints from your side), you find yourself whisked off to a nearby arcade and being ushered into the doors of said establishment by your teacher.
so much for your original plan of retreating back to hide under your blanket for the rest of the day, you think to yourself.
as you step inside, memories of after-school hangouts with megumi, nobara and yuji as you guys make it your mission to burn through your monthly allowances on the various games and machines flood your mind and you can't help but smile whilst reminiscing, though it fades quickly when you realise that it feels like forever since any of you guys have had the chance to relax with each other like this considering how time has become more and more scarce and more like a luxury that one had to earn rather than anything else.
there's the sound of coin swishing around in a bucket coming from your right and when you turn to face the sound, you see your teacher making his way towards you hugging a comically large amount of coins in an insanely large bucket in his arms. if it were any bigger, you might have been obligated to call it a chest instead of a bucket. you do a double-take at the sight in front of you.
"are you planning to buy out the whole arcade with those coins?" you remark, a bewildered expression clearly painted on your face as you try to calculate in your head the amount of money he must have spent on that stash.
he looks down at the bucket of coins in his arms which were almost on the verge of overflowing and shrugs. "eh, this is nothing." he replies with an air of nonchalance.
you're ready to contest that statement of his but then you remember gojo satoru, aside from being a teacher with interesting teaching methods, to say the least, is also one of the richest sorcerers in the entire country of japan as well so whatever he did spend on those arcade tokens is probably nothing more than a drop in the vast ocean that is his bank account.
in the blink of an eye, gojo sprints off to the brightest and flashiest machine in the arcade and you can't help but question if he might be a child trapped in the body of an adult. begrudgingly, you trail behind him and watch as he slots in the appropriate amounts of tokens and boots up the game. while waiting, he starts absent-mindedly button-mashing the controls in a vain attempt to make it load faster.
you sigh to yourself as you watch from over his shoulder. "is this day more for me or you?" you ask, your eyes still trained on the screen in front of you. "because from what i'm seeing, it looks like you're enjoying this waay more than me."
gojo laughs softly to himself, not even pausing the game before turning to you with a smirk on his lips. "that's because you're spending more time complaining rather than having fun."
to be fair, you couldn't really argue with that so you quietly concede (though very unwillingly) to him as you take an unoccupied chair from another game booth and return to where he was playing. before you know it, you find yourself deeply immersed in the game as well and you start reacting to his gameplay like cheering when he makes it past a level or groaning in frustration when there's a roadblock standing in his way.
for a split second, you notice that there's a faraway look in his eyes which looks eerily similar to the one you probably had when you stepped into the arcade and began to think about happier times but before you can even spit out a question, it's gone and you're left wondering if it was nothing more than just a trick of the light.
the game is over quickly soon enough when the words 'you win' begin flashing in white on the screen with gojo's high score written underneath the text. you then scramble to take his place in the seat when he stands up to stretch, very much intent on beating his score and a competitive glint in your eyes as you stare at the machine with laser focus. behind you, he smiles to himself and watches on proudly, letting out a cheer that's probably too loud and earns you two a few weird stares from the other passersby whenever you progress on to the next level.
the rest of the afternoon flies by like this as you and gojo constantly bounce from one game to another, challenging and throwing some light-hearted taunts at each other as you attempt to beat the other's score. this does rapidly deplete his coin stash but by the time you're down to the bottom of the bucket, you two have already beaten all of the available games in the arcade with some of them being beaten more than twice as well.
gojo takes the bucket from your hands and heads over to the counter to exchange the remaining ones for money before returning to you and pointing to the door, signalling that it's time to head back. you do a quick look back at the place behind you, feeling much lighter inside than compared to when you entered, and walk out with your teacher
while walking down the street, you feel a nudge against your shoulder and turn to face him. he gestures towards a small pastel stand on the side of the both of you. "hey, check out that crepe stand over there. they have some of the best ice cream crepes in the area." your teacher states.
you look at him, unconvinced. "i'm not sure i can really trust your taste buds considering how much sugar you consume on a daily basis."
"come oon, i'll even pay for yours if you get one." he offers, a bit too eager as he tries and fails to hide his own craving for it. you feel the corner of your lips curl upwards slightly and it seems that your stomach agrees with him as it growls quietly in an attempt to signal its hunger.
"well if you were paying, why didn't you say that earlier."
you order the first thing on their must-try section since it was your first time there, which appears to be a vanilla ice cream crepe with cherries and whipped cream, and gojo decides to go with a custom order of a matcha-flavoured crepe base, three scoops of strawberry ice cream piled on top of each other, a mountain of whipped cream with fresh strawberries placed inside but not forgetting the finishing touch of matcha powder sprinkled on top.
you would feel bad for the poor employee tasked with creating that monstrosity when they give him a knowing look, implying that this was not their first time dealing with him and his strange orders. you wait for a bit before receiving your order with him having to try extra hard to make sure nothing would slip off his order and find a seat on a nearby bench.
you two sit in silence, side by side, and eat your crepes, taking this as a chance to unwind. as you take your first bite, the soft cream simply melts in your mouth and the crepe is just the right amount of sweetness with the cherries giving you a good burst of flavour and you secretly commend your teacher for his recommendation.
taking another bite of your crepe, you look at the sky and admire the way the clouds drift lazily across the blue canvas behind them. "hey, thanks for this gojo sensei. it's been a while since i've been able to...relax." you admit, an element of vulnerability hiding behind your words.
he turns and looks at you with a soft smile. "anytime, kid."
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ilikemicrowaves · 19 days
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I'm normal about Carnelian (I say as I read her wiki for the 7262763 time)
Anyways, I here's all my hcs off the top of my head that I have. I'll probably add more or make another post with. But any ways, there's A LOT so under the cut
• She calls Turtle, Tortise and Kinkajou monkey because she forgets their names or wants to be a brat
• Her and Winter talk shit 24/7, 365. Mostly about Qibli and some of the gold winglet.
• hates the other skywings except Flame she fw Flame and thinks hus scar is badass (he doesn't believe her, womp womp)
• The only dragon she doesn't name call is Winter, Moon, and Umber. Qibli gets called sand muncher or Kibble.
• after a while she call Moon moron out if affection.
• Hated Scarlet not just because she was awful but tried to execute her for being friends with Peril at one point
• Hunting (or rather killing) is her unhealthy coping mechanism
• Truly dislikes Kinkajou and can't stand her
• likes Bigtail
• HATES Webs. She would have killed Webs during the invasion if she knew
• Prefers the dark
• Really idolized Tsunami and thinks she's pretty cool
• keeps trying to convince Tsunami to add a combat class and mentions it frequently
• rain makes her mad
• allergic to pollen. Blud is not smelling the flowers during spring
• Trying to convince Clay to let her and Flame wear matching Spike collars (he's scared she's gonna use it to kill someone)
• temper issues
• bad memory from ptsd effects
• orphan (parents died lmao)
• Is scared of Onyx (wtf is there an adult here???)
• wants ppl to think she listens to heavy metal but really she likes depressing hypepop and speed core stuff
• speech problems, struggles pronouncing L and S. (S sound like "sh" and L sounds like "y"
• Steals a lot of ppls food when she's to lazy to kill smth (usually from Qibli or one of the skywings)
• hates being looked at
• always squinting her eyes and RBF
• hates her name
• gave herself a nickname that nobody uses (Carnage)
• would wear a lot of baggy clothes and denim (her and Flame are pretty similar when comes to clothes)
• Pretty selfish but she's learning to be slightly nicer (it's not progressing well)
• reluctant to tell people about her nonexistent parents
• what would beak her? An explosion (😀)
• human!Carnelian would have a perm that almost hangs over her eyes and lots of face piercings
• has a husky and hoarse voice.
• HATES the noise of ppl tapping their claws (she does not understand adhd dragons 💔)
• Even though she was in the camp that believed Scarlet was deceased, I think she more of hoped than believed
• She misses her battalion a lot (they miss her skill, but not her.)
• out of her 14 battles, one was the invasion to the summer palace. She killed atleast 20 seawings
• She has a few broken teeth
• Her breath smells like ass (doesn't like brushing her teeth because her broken teeth hurt.)
• Her favorite color is actually maroon
• I based her design slightly off of a Harris hawk
• her and Flame have matching copper bracelets they made in art class.
• has Moonwatcher help her with the homework and reads to her
• Wishes Peril would talk to her (Very self-conscious about it and thinks Peril hates her)
• says dipshit a lot
• She thinks she's badass (she's not in most aspects)
• She looks a few years older than she is because of her squinted eyes and muscular build
• Mad JMA wouldn't let her bring in her spear
• skips music class almost every day
• Would refuse to go to any school dances unless Flame or Moonwatcher would ask her to go. (Most the time it's Moonwatcher, Flame hates the dances too.)
• hates all of the seawings but Turtle (DONT TELL ANYONE!!)
• wants to knock out Pike but restrains herself for Flame. (She's a little jealous of there frenemy-ship)
• Umber/turtle/Carnelian trio!!!!
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changbinsboiledegg · 11 months
Girl your skz "another member walks in" reactions gave me intense Changbin brainrot and I need a full thing but where his gf is feeling insecure about herself so he fucks her and doesn't let her cum until she repeats the praises and compliments he tells her 🤤🥰🥰
No because why does he seem like the type?? Insecure?? Nope. Not on Changbin's watch. Also, in case no one told you told Anon; you horny mf. Anyways, I hope you enjoy :,)
AFAB! reader x SKZ Changbin.
Warnings: Insecure reader, issues with body/self image, SMUT. SMUT. SMUT. Explicit, swearing, petnames, praise kink, edging?, cum lol, creampie, unprotected seggs, usage of the word 'dick' because I was scared to write 'cock'. Maybe a little dirty talking? I feel like I'm forgetting smth but y'all get the gist.
Note: Please don't blacklist me lmao I'm only here to provide for anons and smut readers alike. Longer than I intended but I don't think y'all care lol. Anyways, ily, I hope you enjoy, and I'm going to log out for a day because I'm nervous. And obviously if smut makes you uncomfortable, SKIP. any grammar/typos, look away 🫶 I tried.
btw, Changbin is my ult lol. Okay adios.
You tried on way too many outfits within the past ten minutes. Each one leaving you with a sinking heart and a frown that grew the more you overthought how you looked.
You felt yourself on the verge of tears from the frustration. You and Changbin were supposed to go out on a date later that night and nothing looked right on you. The insecurities were eating you alive and you even went as far as to think, ‘why is he with someone like me?’
“Baby?” You knew Changbin was coming over but you lost track of time. He saw you frowning in disgust at yourself in the mirror, noticing the glint in your eyes from the tears about to give out.
“What’s wrong? Talk to me.” Changbin wrapped his arms around you.
“Why are you with me? I can’t even make an outfit look good on me! People are going to see me with you and wonder why you’re with someone so—”
“Nope. No. No. Stop that. Look at me.” Changbin’s tone was stern, turning you around to face him.
“You are beautiful, gorgeous, a Goddess. If you don’t think these outfits look good on you, then it’s the outfits fault.” He started, lifting a hand to your cheek and wiping the tears that fell down your cheeks with his thumbs.
“If you need me to take your shopping for outfits that won’t make you feel like this, I will. But Just know that I think you could make literal trash look sexy.”
You couldn’t help but chuckle at his statement, now wiping your own tears. You looked back at the mirror again, feeling your heart sink. “But—”
“Take off this dress.”
“What?” You were taken aback by his interruption. Changbin stood firm where he was, crossing his arms as he looked at you in the mirror. ”Take off the dress. I want to show you something.”
You did as he said, slowly peeling off the dress that didn’t make the cut. Letting it fall to the floor, you were left in just your bra and panties.
Changbin slightly smirked, placing his hands on your shoulders and leaning close to your ear from behind. “See? It is not you making these outfits look bad.”
You glanced away from the mirror, still feeling insecure in your skin. You wished he wouldn’t stare so much, not wanting him to see what you saw. But at the same time, you felt good feeling his eyes roam your body.
“Don’t look away. I’m not done yet.” Changbin regained your attention. You reluctantly looked at yourself, waiting to see what he was trying to show you. You guaranteed that it wouldn’t work.
His hands trailed down your back and to the clasp of your bra, unclasping it and pulling it off.
You were still left in your panties as his hands reached around to cup your breasts, gently massaging them.
“So gorgeous. How could you ever think otherwise?” Changbin huskily whispered, pecking the side of your neck near your jaw.
“No, I’m not—”
“Yes. You are.” He moved his hands down your stomach and to the front of your panties. He noticed you looking away and stopped right at the band. ”Look.” He whispered again, pressing himself against you from behind. You looked back at yourself, feeling his hard erection poking you.
“Do you think I would be this hard for someone I didn’t think looked this fucking gorgeous?” He kissed your neck again, moving his hands to clasp the sides of your panties before pulling them down to your ankles. He stood back up and moved his hand back down to your sensitive, wet clit.
“You’re so beautiful, already ready for me? You feel good when I tell you the truth, don’t you?” He smirked smugly as he rubbed circles around your clit.
You elicited a moan, biting your lip as his touched made you shudder. Changbin paused, raising an eyebrow. “You didn’t answer me.”
“…Yes… I feel good when you compliment me.” You replied in a pleading tone, wanting him to continue. Changbin kissed your neck again.
“You agree that you’re beautiful?” Changbin watched your face in the mirror, waiting for your answer. You hesitated.
Changbin slowly retracted his hand.
“No! Wait… please keep going.” You begged. Changbin clicked his tongue, “Do you agree?”
“Yes! Please?”
“What are you agreeing on?” Changbin quizzed, his hand still not budging. You squirmed but he wrapped his other arm around your waist.
“I’m… I’m…” You couldn’t say it. Changbin waited a few seconds before pulling away from you.
“Beautiful! I’m… beautiful.” You said, feeling a bit awkward— but desperate. Changbin smiled, putting his hands on your waist and guiding you down to the floor and pushing you on all fours.
“You sound so sexy complimenting yourself. You should do it often.” Changbin trailed his hands down your spine and stopping at your hips, gently squeezing them.
“So sexy.”
He took his hands off of you and when you looked in the mirror, seeing how you looked in this position, you also saw Changbin undressing himself. He kicked the clothing away from his immediate surroundings and kneeled down behind you. He was so close that you could feel his hard dick laid on your ass.
“Now, I know you want me inside of you but only if you look at yourself in the mirror and if you repeat after me. Got it, baby?” Changbin stroked himself in slow motions as he used his free hand to spread your legs apart more.
“Oh… Okay… I can do that.” Your eyes flickered to yourself, digging your nails into the carpet a little. You couldn’t help but look at Changbin, though.
“Look at you. Not me.” His stern tone came out again, sliding the head of his dick inside of you. “Do you want me to fuck you or not?”
“Yes!” You answered quickly, trying to focus on yourself. He was watching your face. Your eyes specifically. He knew when and where you were looking.
“Good.” He slid into your wet hole, gripping your hips to pull you closer as he filled you up and stretched you out.
“Don’t you agree that you’re stunning?” He paused, not daring to thrust yet but you felt his dick twitching inside of you.
You wanted more. He definitely wanted more.
But you hesitated. Changbin slowly inched himself out of you.
“Yes.” You caught yourself looking away from your face before quickly staring at yourself again. Changbin, satisfied, snapped his hips forward, sending himself pounding into you.
You covered your mouth, not daring to look away from the mirror as his thrusts were so powerful, the room was filled with the sounds of skin slapping against each other and the moans, groans, and whimpers that emitted from both of you.
Changbin’s grip on your hips tightened as he grunted, “come on, baby. Don’t cover your mouth. Let me hear how good you feel, gorgeous.”
You slapped your hand against the carpet as your walls clenched around his dick, earning a groan as he threw his head back. Your legs felt like goo, knowing you made him feel like that.
His pace continued before abruptly stopped and feeling you pulsate around his length.
“Ah-ah. Don’t close your eyes. You need to watch how good you take it.” He reached a hand to your shoulder for more leverage. You slowly opened your eyes, whimpering from the pleasure and the need to cum.
“Fuck, I love the sounds you make.” He commented in a low whisper, thrusting into you again, only this time he went deeper, harder, and even a little faster.
You weren’t sure which of you were more needy.
“You’re so beautiful.” Changbin watched you in the mirror. Your moans became louder the closer your were about to orgasm.
You almost forgot what he said about repeating him when he stopped abruptly.
“I’m-I’m beautiful…” You repeated. He continued.
“A literal Goddess— Fuck, you feel so good.” He groaned. His thrusts getting faster.
You grit your teeth, trying not to close your eyes as you felt yourself about to let go any minute now. It made your eyes water, but as you looked at yourself being fucked by him, you started to like how you looked.
“I’m a-a Goddess!” You bit your lip, only to moan louder. Changbin smirked, loving the way you were complimenting yourself— finally.
“That’s good, baby, keep doing that.” He cooed, He was satisfied. He was able to take your mind off of your insecurities and seeing you like this, writhed and moaning as he took you from behind? That was one of his favorites sights. “I’m so proud of you, beautiful.”
You were about to cum, feeling your walls contract and clench around him, hearing his groans and moans from the feeling of you on the edge.
You felt euphoric, keeping your eyes on the mirror and trying not to close them because you didn’t want him to stop. But then you did.
Changbin knew it was an involuntarily reaction— that you couldn’t stop yourself from closing your eyes.
He continued, feeling himself about to cum after you. He wanted you to watch yourself cum though.
“Open your eyes, look. Don’t you agree you look pretty cumming?” Changbin was breathing heavily, almost panting as he kept his pace. You forced your eyes open, screaming out from your orgasm as you were cumming.
“Pretty, right? So fucking pretty.” Changbin felt his own orgasm wash over him and you continued to take him, smirking as you watched him in the mirror as he started to fall apart inside of you.
“Very pretty.” You commented, watching as he clenched his jaw and filled you to the brim with cum. He almost collapsed on top of you, had you not been on all fours.
He regained his composure and pulled out as cum dripped out of your hole seconds after.
“You did amazing as usual.” Changbin complimented as you had turned and sat, facing him. You were barely catching your breath.
“I could say the same for you.” Your smirk was still on your face, just as satisfied as he was. “Thank you for…” You paused, thinking of how to word your sentence.
“Thank you.” You settled, feeling a lot less insecure than you did before. Changbin smiled.
“Of course. I will always be here to remind you of how amazing you are.”
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