#but i'm gonna fail anyway so yolo
avenyl · 8 years
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me 2 @zilla0128 when i got on skype yesterday
it was intense. it was a bloodbath. it was paragraphs upon  p a r a g r a p h s  and i didn’t even get to the plot
the entire thing, to me, felt kind of like this
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or even better, like this
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10/10 would repeat. i know i will
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addiewho · 3 years
i have a crush on you. i very literally have a crush on you omg but i'm gonna try that flustering ask thing anyway cause you know yolo and shit
you're kinda awesome. like really awesome. and i know i'll never actually be able to muster up the courage to talk to you with anon off any more than a simple hey but i want you to know that seeing you reply to my posts, or even seeing you being you on my dash, it makes even the worst of my days a little brighter. i found your blog a little over a month ago when you added something hilarious in the tags of one of your reblogs and ever since then, ever since i clicked on that follow button, you've honestly never failed to make me smile. so yeah. that's my confession. you'll likely be weirded out by this like you were with that one other guy who wouldn't stop pouring out love confessions in your inbox but i swear i dont mean this to be creepy in any way. i'll end this here now. have a great day, addie.
Anon. Anon oh my god. I think I'm actually going to cry wtf like dude I don't even know who you are yet but you already have my heart sdskjdkskhdl thank you so much
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sillygoof · 4 years
"You have no right to be so goddamn attractive" [Midoriya Izuku🍓 x GN!Reader]
A/N: He looks like he's scared of the stars lol. Fear the sparkle Hello, I'm kind of new to Tumblr. I downloaded it a while ago but didn't use it much. This one-shot—drabble—thing(?) wasn't planned. I'm actually working on another one-shot but I got inspired to do this. I'm honestly really pissed about how badly I'm thirsting over this character. Like, CHRIST it's just AGHDHGWJJ! This is a really bad first impression, I'm sorry. I swear I'm a nice person. Anyway, enjoy my angry short fic(?) Also I don't think I'm very good at writing so I'm sorry if this is bad or if Midoriya seems out of character.
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Warnings: Mild cussing, thirsting, pining, angst if you squint, terrible humor
Genre: Fluff ☁ (and a pinch of crack)
You weren't sure what on earth he was talking about. His endless rambles about whatever came to mind fell on deaf ears as you were too busy lost in thought.
Why is he so damn cute?
And you couldn't understand it for the life of you but the serene way the setting sun made him look like he was glowing had you locked in a trance. The soft light shadow that cascaded over his face seemed to show off the dark freckles that were splayed across his face and the sunlight that reached his eyes gave them a lime glow. He looked so ethereal. And if you were gonna be honest; it was annoying.
You couldn't focus on anything that wasn't him. He was the subject of all your thoughts and seemingly the reason you woke up in the morning if it meant you can see his precious smile again. When you first caught sight of him in his new costume, you were practically drooling. Scratch that, you were drooling. Let's just say you did not win your sparring match that day. Not only is it his appearance, but it's also just him in general. He's just so kind and an absolute sweetheart. His shy but out-going and determined attitude had you enamored at first meeting. You just like everything about him and it's just frustrating.
A shiver rolled up your spine as you watched his uniform hug his upper arm as he moved them animatedly and you internally groan. You felt like a pervert or even worse; a fangirl.
All this useless pining and thirsting over this boy was getting on your nerves. Your grades were suffering and the rest of your classmates were growing annoyed as well. Uraraka and Tsu have been encouraging you to confess to him but you were convinced he did not like you like that. Though, at this point, you were considering just yoloing it and facing rejection.
You didn't notice, but Midoriya had stopped talking once he noticed you weren't listening to him. Your eyes seemed unfocused with the bridge of your nose scrunched up which he recognized as your concentration expression. Though, the fact that you were just staring at him, unblinking, worried him a bit.
He'd caught you staring many times before and it never failed to make him blush. At first, his wishful thinking had almost convinced him that you might have liked him. But that was impossible. How could you like someone as plain as him?
He waved a hand in front of your face, successfully breaking you from your trance, "Is something wrong?" He asked nervously.
You shook your head trying to clear your thoughts, "Honestly," you started, "You..." He visibly tensed, "You have no right to be so goddamn attractive."
He stood there for a moment, processing your words, "Huuuh???" His face bursts into a scarlet red. He reminded you of a strawberry, "Y-You-You think I'm a-attractive!?" He stuttered as his arms wrapped around his head to hide his brightly reddened face.
"You sound shocked," Your tone was teasing but you were actually quite relieved he didn't find your statement creepy.
"I-I-I am," He said. You frowned. How could the boy you've been fawning over and crushing on not find himself attractive?
"Your mirror must be smudged than," You gently grabbed his wrists and pulled his arms away from his face, "Because I find you so alluring," Your head tilted slightly as you gazed at his face. His eyes were wide with tears pricking the corners, his face still very red, "I can't take my eyes off of you."
He passed out. You practically watched as his soul left his body. Maybe I went a bit too far. You've flirted with him before but those were more like teasing remarks and he's never passed out like this before.
You attempted to drag him back to the dorms and luckily you ran into Shoji and Tokoyami who happily helped you bring him back to his dorm room.
"Did you kill him?" Shoji had asked.
You laughed, "Not sure, I didn't check for a pulse." You thanked him after he laid the unconscious boy on his bed. After they left you sat beside his bed and began to poke his slightly flushed cheek, trying to wake him, "Midoriya...~" You whispered in a sing-song tone. His eyes opened slowly after a few minutes of calling him. He stared at the ceiling for a moment before his gaze drifted towards you. You watched the gears turn in his head as his memories came back to him.
He blinks rapidly before jolting up into a sitting position with his back against the wall, "I-I-You—" He shook his head trying to collect himself, "Did I...Did I pass out?" He asked.
"Yep," You nodded, "And I gotta say, Midoriya, you're heavier than you look." His hands quickly covered his reddening face. How embarrassing. He thought.
Peaking out from between his fingers, he noticed you staring at him again, loving his embarrassed state, "Um..." Lowering his hands, he began to fidget with his tie. His eyes were looking away from you at first before they locked with yours, "I find you very attractive...too." It was your turn to become flustered. Your face warmed and you smiled bashfully at him.
Perhaps...just maybe...he likes you too.
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tamiddyinyourcity · 5 years
Gonna get all my thirst thoughts out now
Their hair was way too damn pretty, did you see those highlights? Oh my god and the shine and waviness were the best parts. Caramel colored, gone head!
His jawline was huge, and angular as fuck. He knows it of course. I want to sit on it.
He was really good at eating pussy, thats all ive gotta say. I guess that is a perk about dating someone who genuinely did want good for you, theyll actually go down on you and make your soul leave your body five times in a row. (Last time was too damn good, it made it even worse when things had ended. Who the hell else had made my legs shake like that? Something about the way it was done, AND i barely even got to tao his shoulder before he had started going down all over again.... Whew, shit...)
He really did have a nice ass. I wonder what makes a guy have a big butt? Why was he so caked up? My favorite part to stare at. Other than his face or body, of course.
Had to get that out.
Should probably bang someone else.
I mean, I already am tomorrow, for a seperate reason.
But I mean more, "Having a genuine connection with someone new will have me thinking of my last genuine connection much less, and I won't be thinking about the times we plowed as often.")
Aaaaah just remembered a sad moment.
Basically any moment ever of seeing Patrick and him instantly smiling.
Hell, even him being sad at that Halloween Party in SC, he still laid next to me in bed, giggling like alls hell, just because he was happy to look at me or some shit.
(He had no memory of that the next morning, but i noticed hes a lot more randomly affectionate whenever he gets a little tipsy..... its pretty damned adorable, and i will still miss it.)
And even that night where we talked about things a few days after the breakup, his first instinct, despite all the bullshit? Smiling hella hard at me again.
And then same for the next time I saw him.
......it kinda sucks.
I guess I'll just have to do to Patrick what I did with Blonde Patrick....
A) focus so much on my goals that i forget they even exist (which failed, several times since i wanted intimacy more than lonely days painting at the library for hours)
B) fuck someone else. and not just ANY person, someone who genuinely has a connection with me, one way or another. makes me blush, takes me on dates, preferably does not have creepily jealous friends, and then hopefully i can feel good after getting my cervix turned into a fine dust by a hopefully charming future individual.
I guess I shouldn't wait to see if they wanna go to the party?
Will I be okay going alone, or will I be angsty?
And, if I did bring him, as a buddy, then...
Would I still want to plow him?
Would I feel comfortable meeting anyone else and plowing them?
I dunno.
Its odd.
Anyway, yolo, bitch.
I'm just gonna prep for tomorrow, or whatever.
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