#but i’m pretty sure the words ‘you have given me an insane workload and i’d rather be unemployed than deal with this’ left my mouth
fingertipsmp3 · 1 year
Thinking about when my mom (a temp) got ordered to handle the switchboard at this company she was temping at (narrator: she did not have any switchboard training) so she decided to just plug all the wires in randomly and bugger up the machine and when management found out she got escorted out by security
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lolabean1998 · 5 years
This Better Work Part 3
Sweet Pea X OC
Summery; Hey guys, not sure how well this is going to go but I originally put it on Wattpad so its way long, but hopefully its not horrendous. Let me know what you think! So, it follows the story line kind of, it’s not exact but I have tried and it follows my OC Ali as she navigates through the hell that is Riverdale. Whilst struggling with financial, social and romantic difficulties, she has the added pressure of keeping up with school work and bonus of being thrown into the frightening world of the criminal underground.
Side Note; None of the gifs or pictures I use are mine, I’m not talented or smart enough to even begin an attempt at making my own. Thank you to those who have such abilities and if you don’t want me using them then please let me know so I can remove them for you. 
Word Count;  4,525 (Give or Take)
Masterlist   Part-1   Part-2
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The next couple of weeks were filled with Black Hood scares, investigations and lots of homework. Ali had somehow managed to maintain her usual workload. Whilst balancing her free time between helping Betty investigate the Black Hood and aiding Cheryl in coping with the horror of living with her mother.
"So, Ali. Are you able to make some time in your busy schedule to come to the little soiree I'm holding tonight?" Veronica asked as the girls made their way to cafeteria for lunch.
"I'd love to Ronnie, but I have so much homework to catch up on and I promised Izzy I'd take her to her friends house for a sleep over." Ali apologized. "But I'll be coming to the open house thingy." Ali promised with her signature, unbreakable smile.
"Ok, I guess since you have SUCH a busy schedule and you have managed to squeeze in the MAIN event, I can let you off the hook." Veronica exaggerated playfully as they took their seats either side of Archie. 
"Hey Arch, you looking forward to the party tonight?" Ali asked politely pulling a large box of pasta salad from her bag and digging in. Archie and Veronica watched in amazement as she began to inhale her food. 
"What? I'm hungry, Don't Judge Me." Ali defended innocently, her stomach growling angrily as she spoke. 
"See" She cried pointing to her well-toned stomach.
"It's just amazing how such a tiny girl can eat so much!" Archie chuckled shaking his head. Betty sat opposite Ali as Archie spoke, a grim look holding her delicate features hostage.
"Hey Betty, you ok?" Ali asked through a mouthful of pasta. Frowning when Betty nodded giving her a false smile. Ali knew she had been under a lot of pressure with the Black Hood lately. But something had clearly changed for the worse. 
"Can we talk? I need to run something by you about the Blue and Gold if that's ok?" Ali improvised thinking quick on her feet.
"Uh yeah sure shall we go there now while you have some free time?" Betty suggested knowing how busy Ali was. Ali nodded packing away the rest of her food and jumping to her feet. Linking arms with Betty as they made their way to the room for the Blue and Gold.
"So, you want to tell me what's bugging you?" Ali asked as they entered the small room, closing the door behind her and perching on the edge of a desk giving her blonde-haired friend a concerned look. 
"Come on Betty you can tell me anything. I'm hardly one to judge. You of all people should know that." Ali smiled straightening out the light grey vest she wore under a baggy cream cardigan, her ripped, pale blue skinny jeans showing off her muscular legs.
"It's the Black Hood. He's been contacting me. Threatening to hurt my friends if I don't do what he tells me." Betty sighed looking down at her feet, rubbing her arm as she spoke. 
"He says I have to sever all ties with my friends, or he'll do it his way." Betty looked as if she was about to burst into tears, causing Ali to leap off the desk pulling her friend into a bear hug.
"No matter what happens. No matter what you do. I will always be here for you. Let him try and come after me. See what happens. I didn't take 12 years of MMA classes for nothing." Ali comforted her friend, talking into her jumper as she spoke. Betty pulled away wiping a tear from her eye.
"Ali I can't put you or anyone else in that kind of danger. I just don't know what to do any more. He wants me to destroy my friendship with V." She sobbed leaning back on the desk behind her.
"If he's threatening V then she'll understand. For now, I think you should do as he says. He's a wild card Betty and I don't want you getting hurt. As far as everyone is concerned, we had an argument and are no longer friends. The only time we talk is when we're working on the Blue and Gold or you're helping me in the garage on a school project for extra credit." Ali planned taking control of the situation for Betty. She clearly needed the support. 
"Everyone knows I'm crazy hard working and friendly to everyone, so it won't raise any suspicions. If the Black Hood does see through our smoke screen. Let him come after me. I have both Malachi and the Serpents protection. I'm covered." Ali winked, she made sure she covered all basis when she put a plan together. Betty stared at her in shock and curiosity when she mentioned Malachi and the Serpents.
"Who's Malachi?" She questioned tilting her head slightly, her eyebrows knitted into a puzzled frown as she crossed her arms. 
"Oh, Ghoulies leader. I'm the only one that does a good enough paint job apparently." Ali answered brushing it off casually. Betty's face dropped at her statement. "What?" Ali frowned defensively.
"You're insane. You've gone completely mental. Ali you can't be friends with 2 rival gangs. Its going to end in mayhem." Betty declared.
"I'm not. I'm friends with the Serpents and the LEADER of the rival gang. If it ever came down to it Malachi would turn me to the hounds without a second thought. The Serpents however have taken us under their wing. They would never betray us." Ali explained like it was the most obvious thing in the world. Betty nodded slowly as she wrapped her head around it when the bell rang signalling the end of lunch. 
"Care to walk with me to chemistry?" Ali asked offering her arm. 
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The day of the open house was a rush of last-minute preparations. Ali had dropped Izzy off at the Lodges place early so she could get ready with Veronica. Whilst Ali whizzed round on her bike picking up some last-minute things.
"Thank you for helping on such short notice Ali. I hope it wasn't too much trouble." Hiram Lodge thanked Ali as she handed him the box of expensive champagne.
"Oh, not at all. Always happy to help. I hope Izzy hasn't been too much trouble." Ali smiled politely, following the man inside to be greeted by Hermione Lodge, Izzy and Veronica who were all sat on Veronica's bed getting ready.
"She's been a star helping us get ready. Thank you, Ali." Hermione Lodge answered looking up from styling Izzy's hair. She had put it up in a very stylish fish tail plait with a few loose strands curled to frame her face, she wore a pale blue dress that ended just below her knees matched with an adorable pair of silver ballet flats. 
"Why don't you jump in the shower whilst we finish up here. Then we can help you get ready on time." Veronica suggested pointing towards the door to the bathroom. Ali smiled giving her a salute as she bounced into the bathroom. 
After a quick shower and being prodded and poked as the girls styled her hair and did her make up Ali was finally ready. Her hair had been curled and pinned to the side, so it fell elegantly over her shoulder. Showing off the black, backless, halter neck dress she wore with a pair of red ribbon heels. Veronica had given her subtle smoky eyes and classic red lips to match the red nail varnish on her surprisingly well-maintained fingers.
"Ali you look amazing!" Izzy beamed looking up at her sister. The girls all stood back to admire their handy work only to be interrupted by Hiram Lodge, who had knocked on the door to tell them their car was waiting down stairs.
"Now are you sure you'll be ok riding you're bike to the venue. I don't want you crashing and ruining your dress." Veronica teased as Ali swung herself onto her bike carefully tucking her hair into her helmet so it wouldn't get ruined.
"I'm sure V. I'll be fine besides, I can't turn up to the ball without a date and I only have eyes for Harley." Ali smiled brightly patting the handle bars of her bike before speeding down the road towards the Venue.
"You're sisters a crazy person." Veronica whispered to Izzy as they got in the car.
"Now who might you be?" A handsome dark-haired boy addressed Ali, who was stood awkwardly at the side of the large ballroom looking for her little sister.
"Hey, I'm Ali." She smiled offering her hand to shake, containing a cringe as the boy took her hand bringing it to his lips and kissing it. Maintaining eye contact the whole time. "You must be Nick St. Clair, Ronnie's told me so much about you." 
"Good things I hope." He grinned returning Ali's hand.
"There are bad things too? She had me under the impression that you were a good boy!" Ali replied, smiling her cheeky bright smile.
"You know, several people have warned me about you Ali Masters. You and your contagious smile but I had no idea it was so hypnotizing." He flirted stepping a little closer. He had that aura about him that sent the hairs on Ali's neck standing on end. He reminded her of Malachi, the way he looked at her like a meal or chew toy. 
"Care for a drink?" He offered calling over one of the waiters with a hand signal.
"A drink sounds pretty good right now. I'm not used to being quite so dressed up. I feel like I'm on display." Ali joked, although she was being very serious. Nick handed her a drink smiling innocently at her. She knew that smile all too well. She had used that smile plenty of times herself. It was the innocent smile of trouble. 
"Thank you but I don't trust drinks handed to me by strangers. I hope you don't take offence to this. But I'd feel much better if I got my own." She smiled apologetically placing the glass on the table and grabbing another glass from a passing waiter.
"By all means, whatever makes you comfortable." Nick replied holding his innocent grin, however there was a glint of disappointment in his eyes. Ali had been stood talking to Nick for a few minutes when Izzy came skipping over looking very pleased with herself. 
"Hey Izzy, what are you so happy about?" Ali grinned looking at her sisters happy face. 
"Oh, Izzy this is Nick St. Clair. Nick this is my little sister Izzy." Ali quickly introduced.
"I just met Mr. and Mrs. St. Clair and they said I looked lovely and that I was one of the nicest girls they'd met." Izzy beamed proudly, making Ali and Nick chuckle.
"And why wouldn't they say that? You're the prettiest girl here." Nick complimented her. 
"Mind if I steal little Izzy here for a dance? I'll be good I promise. Wouldn't want to upset the big sister." He joked waiting for Ali to give him the all clear.
"Hey, it's not me you've got to worry about. I mean sure I'll kick your ass if you hurt or upset her." Ali paused placing a hand on his shoulder and leaning in a little. 
"But who do you think my sparring partner is? I'm not the only Masters with more than one black belt." She winked sending them onto the dance floor. Nicks face turning a slightly paler shade. 
Her phone buzzed with a message from Betty, 'Sending Archie to do it, don't think I can face Juggie.'. 
"Bugger! Betty what have you done?" Ali muttered to herself as she made her way quickly towards Veronica. 
"Ronnie, thank god. Somethings come up that needs my urgent attention. I'll be back as soon as I can, but can you keep an eye on Izzy. She's dancing with Nick for now. Is that ok?" She hurried, Veronica nodded looking over to where Ali was pointing on the dance floor.
"Yeah, no worries I've got this." She confirmed looking a little worried for Ali. 
"Thank you!" Ali called back already jogging to the parking lot where her bike was. Cursing her heels as she went. Throwing her Helmet on as she swung herself onto her bike and speeding off in the direction of Jugheads trailer. 
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She came to a swinging halt outside Jugheads trailer just as Archie was storming off. Leaving Jughead a broken shell in front of a young group of Serpents. She heard him yell something to the group. But it was hard to make out what he said with her helmet on. Jumping off her bike she threw her helmet to the ground, sprinting towards to boys. She may not like wearing heels, but she can certainly run in them. This isn't the first crisis to arise during a formal event.
"Juggie, JUGHEAD." She called but he ignored her calls. 
"FORSYTHE PENDLETON JONES THE THIRD DON'T YOU DARE IGNORE ME!" She screamed running over to where he had now stopped. Frozen like a statue. She never used his full name. 
"Another one of your Northsider friends. Oh joy." One of the serpents snarled sarcastically from behind a very angry looking Sweet Pea.
"Shut it snake or I'll turn you into a shoelace." Ali snapped glaring viciously at the group.
"Easy Princess, in case you haven't noticed we out number you 10 to 1." Sweet Pea warned. But Ali was in no mood for playing games.
"Then I suggest you save your selves the humiliation of getting beaten up by a single cheerleader and Shut. Up." She snapped, venom dripping from each word. 
"Don't be rude, give a girl some privacy." She commanded flicking her wrists towards them and pulling Jughead out of earshot. 
Sweet Pea bit his lower lip when he saw her bare back. The way it glowed in the evening sun. There was something about this girl that challenged his control. He'd only seen her a few times since the water fight night. Passing glances when she'd drop by the Wyrm to drop something off for her mother but every time he saw her it felt like his blood turned to pure sunlight.
"Dude you're staring." Fangs muttered under his breath nudging Sweet Pea's side. Pulling him back to Earth and his depressing reality. A girl like that would never fall for a guy like him.
"No I'm not. Shut up Fangs." Sweet Pea growled under his breath.
"Jughead you have to listen to me. Archie went way out of proportion there. She's not breaking up with you. Just... asking for some space. She has some stuff she needs to figure out is all." Ali tried to explain without giving it away. She knew that if he knew the real reason, he would only make things worse for himself. 
"Look Ali I get that you're trying to protect my feelings. But she made it clear when she sent Archie. It's over between us. Now you need to go. You can't be here." He snapped before storming off leaving Ali stood alone by her bike.
"God damn it Jones. I am not wearing the shoes for this." She muttered angrily under her breath. Jogging back over to where the group of Serpents were now trailing off behind Jughead. Ali managed to catch up with the last of the Serpents when one of them stopped, grabbing her wrist and pulling her back.
"Where do you think you're going Princess?" The boy hissed, his grip getting tighter as she tried to pull away.
"I really don't have time for this." Ali sighed feeling very annoyed and a little threatened. She grabbed the boys wrist digging her nails deep into his flesh drawing blood. The boy let out a pained yelp and punched her. He had a strong swing and caught Ali clean on the side of her face causing her to yell out in frustration. Her cry rang clear in Sweet Pea and Fangs ears and the pair immediately bolted to the other side of the trailer to find Ali slamming the boys face hard into her knee. The side of her face bleeding and a bright red hand mark on her wrist. 
"God dammit. I am supposed to be clean and presentable." She growled as she let the boy fall to the floor. Her voice shaking with rage, body slumped against the side of the trailer trying to control her trembling limbs. The boys hurriedly rushed over to her, signalling one of the other Serpents to check on the unconscious boy.
"Ali cat are you ok? What happened?" Fangs asked walking her over to the steps so she could sit down. Sweet Pea following close behind.
"I was trying to get to you so I could make sure Juggie would be ok. That you'd look out for him. But he grabbed me and when I tried to break free, he hit me." Ali choked, fighting back the furious tears that were threatening to ruin her make up. Ali never cried. She never allowed herself the luxury of showing her vulnerable side and she sure as hell wasn't about to let a bunch of Southside Serpents see it. 
"I'm so sorry Fangs. I just got spooked when he grabbed my wrist. Is he ok?" Ali asked with concern, glancing over to the boy who was slowly coming too.
"It's fine Princess. He had it coming any way." Sweet Pea replied. His voice was deep and chalky but something about the way he spoke made Ali feel as though he cared. "What happened to your back? Looks like you got hit hard."
Fangs moved her slightly so he could look. Spotting a pale blue mark the size of a large fist just below the left side of her rib cage. Ali shook her head waving it off. She had calmed down now and just wanted to get cleaned up and go back to the Open house to dance with Izzy.
"Look guys I'm fine it's nothing honestly." She stood up putting her usual bright smile back on and turning to face the pair. 
"Just promise me you'll look after Jughead, I know he's joining the Serpents. Toni told me. I just need to know that he's going to be ok and that someone else has his back as well. Then I can get out of your hair." She begged, her smile as bright and warm as always but her eyes were broken and desperate.
"I promise he'll be ok. Now you better go. Cinderella can't be late for the ball, now can she?" Sweet Pea replied almost smiling. Fangs had to stop his jaw from falling to the ground when Sweet Pea spoke.
"Cute. I'm no Cinderella but thank you." Ali retorted heaving a sigh of relief.
"You sure about that? All work and no play, sounds a lot like you if you ask me!" Sweet Pea remarked raising an eyebrow at her.
"Yeah but I don't need a prince charming to rescue me. Plus, I love my job." Ali called back before disappearing down the road on her bike. 
"Sweet Pea in case you've forgotten. We don't even know if Jones is going to survive tonight." Fangs reminded him as they made their way back to their bikes.
"He'll survive. He doesnt have a choice." Sweet Pea growled determinedly.
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Ali arrived back at the open house just in time to catch Veronica, Josie and the Pussy cats performing. She waved at them as she made her way over to her little sister. Izzy looked up at her sister shaking her head and pulling a face wipe from her cream purse and handing it to Ali when she saw the blood on her forehead. 
Ali smiled accepting the wipe and cleaned the blood from her face. Mouthing a "Thank You" to her as she did. Looking back up at the stage she noticed a sudden wave of horror crash over Veronica's face as the girls gaze fell on the exit on the far side of the room. She turned to see what had her friend in such a state. Her heart froze when she saw her best friend looking very limp and out of it being carried by the one and only Nick St Clair.
"Izzy come with me NOW." Ali commanded pointing towards the exit Cheryl had just disappeared through. Izzy didn't even question it. She just followed her sister as she fought her way through the crowds. Bolting towards her bike the minute they were free from the mass of sweaty bodies. Closely followed by Veronica and the girls. Ali threw Izzy the helmet on the handle bar. Since Izzy had come by car her own helmet was still at the Pembroke. But Izzy's safety was far more important than her own. 
The girls flew down the road towards Nick's hotel skidding to a sliding halt and tearing into the building. Veronica and the girls hot on their heels. Ali's heart was racing a million miles an hour as she charged up the stairs. She knew that even in heels she was faster than the elevator. Cheryl was her closest and best friend in all the world if anything happened to her there would be hell to pay. Ali's wrath would put God AND Satan to shame. Veronica  was well aware of this as she bolted to Nick's room. She had to stop Ali from killing him. Even if he did deserve it. 
Ali slammed into the door but it was locked. Josie and Izzy quickly began looking for a way in. But Ali was already seeing red. With one ferocious kick she sent the door flying, splinters of wood soaring everywhere. 
Even in heels Ali put most men to shame when it came to kicking doors down. The girls were impressed. They crashed into the room tearing through it to Nicks bedroom. Where Ali found him stripping himself of his blazer and climbing on top of a very unconscious Cheryl. Ali wasted no time in throwing him to the ground. 
Dragging him to the next room before proceeding to punch him relentlessly. Blood covering her knuckles as she pounded his once handsome face with the wooden knuckle duster hair slide she always wore. Josie, Melody and Valerie struggled to drag Ali from the boy with the help of Izzy, who held her in a firm headlock. They were almost certain if she'd carried on, she'd have killed him. Veronica sat beside Cheryl checking her over. Wrapping her in a blanket as she slowly came too.
Izzy had managed to drag Ali outside the hotel room and was now struggling to hold her down. The others had left her with Ali so they could kick Nick in the balls several times for good measure. Ali's eyes had turned terrifyingly dark and she was becoming increasingly stronger by the second.
"Ronnie I can't hold her much longer!" Izzy shouted her voice wavering with fear of what her sister might do if she got free. 
"RONNIE SHE'S GETTING LOOSE!" Izzy screamed desperately pinning her sisters hands between her shoulder blades. Gripping as hard as she could with her knees as she sat on her sisters back holding her down. Josie ran out leaping down to pin Ali's inhumanly strong legs down whilst Veronica called the only person she could think of, Sheriff Keller. Within minutes of her hanging up there was the familiar sound of police sirens outside and Sheriff Keller bolted up the stairs followed by 2 of his strongest Deputies.
"Be careful with her. The only reason she's still down is because that's her sister holding her. If it was anyone else, I dread to think what she'd have done." Sheriff Keller warned as the deputies made their way hurriedly over to the girl on the floor. Flinching at every growling roar she let out. It wasn't the first time she'd been put in a holding cell to cool down. It was a rare occurrence that she lost her temper as savagely as this. Thankfully for the Sheriff it had only happened once before. However, to this day no one knows the full story behind what provoked such a full-blown flick of the switch. She had been found covered in blood sprinting down the road leading to Riverdale from Greendale barefoot. 
"She's not in trouble, is she? I just didn't know what else to do." Veronica panicked watching as the men struggled to control Ali who was now handcuffed and being dragged down the stairs as she fought to get back to Nick and finish what she started. 
"No, she's not in trouble. She'll stay in a holding cell for the night until she's cooled off and I'll deal with this mess tomorrow. For now though, I need to make sure my men aren't mauled to death getting her there. Is that ok? One of my deputies will be here in a minute to take statements and what have you." Sheriff Keller answered looking worriedly towards the staircase Ali had vanished down.
"I understand Sheriff Keller, we've got it here. Thank you for coming so quickly. I don't know what we'd have done if you hadn't arrived when you did." Veronica admitted before turning and making her way back to Cheryl leaving Sheriff Keller to deal with Ali.
The journey to the station was short but eventful. Ali had spent the whole journey trying to kick through the windows. It was well past midnight and apart from the occasional drunken ramblings, the station was surprisingly quiet. Until Ali arrived. 
The moment she felt the grip of one of her escorts loosen on her arm, she swung herself up wrapping her legs around the guys throat heaving him to the ground with a loud thud. Sweeping the legs from underneath her second escort as she spun herself back to her feet ready to take on the three officers charging towards her. Completely unaware of the pair of eyes watching from the shadows in a nearby cell. Ali was quick to jump on the shoulders of the first officer using the wall to launch herself higher, swinging herself down slamming the man, beer belly first to the floor. Before leaping up to kick the second man clean in the chest sending him crashing against the wall and head butting the woman behind him as he fell.
"Ali I'm sorry but you leave me no choice!" Sheriff Keller called apologetically before aiming his taser and firing at Ali who released a groan as she stumbled to the ground. Fighting the unbearable electric pulses with all her might. Once the Sheriff was sure she was completely out he quickly picked her up carrying her to the nearest empty cell and placing her carefully on the bench. Throwing a small blanket over her and a lumpy pillow under her head. 
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"That was some fight you put up there!" An impressed voice applauded when Ali's eyes finally started to flutter open.
"Do you have to be so loud? I just got tazed in the ass and hit my head on the way down. I'm in enough pain without listening to your dumbass comments." Ali groaned covering her head with the scratchy blanket she had covering her.
"All I'm saying is those guys didn't stand a chance against you. Keller didn't even try he just pulled the taser out." The voice continued sounding amazed by Ali's performance.
"You, my friend, are a Master of the fucking obvious." Ali stated, drawing out the sentence to make sure they heard each and every syllable. Her strong English accent ring clear a whistle as she spoke.
"Easy tiger. It's not very often I dish out compliments." The voice chuckled. 
"What's a Northside Princess such as yourself, doing in a jail cell anyway? Shouldn't you be dancing the night away with Prince Charming?" The moment Ali heard those words she knew exactly who was talking.
"Oh god! I should've known it was you. Aren't you supposed to be doing some weird boy scouts initiation for Jug?" Ali groaned turning on her side to try and get comfortable.
"Got caught fighting after initiation." Sweet Pea replied nonchalantly.
"Well that was stupid. What did the guy do to warrant that?" Ali asked still trying to get comfortable but failing miserably with the pillow.
"He was disrespectful to a friend and then accused me of going soft. So, I proved him wrong. What's got you all riled up anyway?" Sweet Pea asked moving to lean against the bars separating the two cells.
"But you are soft. I can't see why Fangs would require a marshmallow to stand up for him." Ali answered, her voice deep and croaky from all the screaming she had done earlier. Making it worse as she sat up to try to mould her pillow into some form of comfortable shape.
"It wasn't Fangs I was defending and I'm not soft." Sweet Pea replied shortly watching as the girl struggled to get comfortable. "You haven't answered my question."
"Oh please, you're softer than puppies. Also, Toni can fight her own battles. So, why'd you step in?" Ali snorted slumping back against the wall finally giving up all hope of ever getting any sleep.
"Try this and answer the question Princess." Sweet Pea instructed taking off his Serpent jacket and folding it up before passing it through the bars of his cell to Ali. Ali gave the boy a confused look but accepted the jacket without hesitation after a stern glare from Sweet Pea.
"One of Veronicas old New York pals, Nick St. Clair, drugged my best friend and tried having his way with her. We got there just in time to stop it but barely." Ali reported emotionlessly. Lying back down using the perfectly folded jacket as a pillow, which was considerably comfier than the actual pillow. Sweet Pea could sense there was something behind her lack of emotions. Something about her body language and the way she spoke told him she was hiding something. Not from him, from herself. 
"Do you want the pillow? Its a piece of crap but its the least I can do." Ali offered pushing the pillow through the bars as she spoke. Sweet Pea nodded in thanks folding up the pillow and getting comfortable on the floor along the partitioning bars.
"Sounds like that Nick guy is a piece of work. You get any good hits in before they hauled your ass here?" Sweet Pea asked staring up at the ceiling, his eyes half shut.
"Not enough." Ali yawned, rapidly dropping off to sleep. A blanket of warmth wrapped around her as she inhaled the sweet scent of engine oil, leather and liquor from the jacket beneath her tired head. 
"Good night Princess." Sweet Pea muttered before closing his eyes and allowing himself to drift off to sleep.
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kagetsukai · 5 years
Drops of Satina: Day 18 - Distance
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Raphael Trevelyan belongs to @out-of-the-embers​
Excerpts of correspondence between Hannah and Raphael as they travel around Thedas and miss each other terribly. 
Words: 2048 || Read on AO3
My Darling Hannah,
My life is agony. Whoever decided that Western Approach was a good place to inhabit was mad and I would like some words with them. It’s incredibly dry here and the temperature never stay the same for more than a few hours. Some days it’s terribly hot and other days I have to wear my jacket for warmth. It’s insane. And let’s not mention all the sand; it must’ve seeped into every crevice of my body and no matter how hard I try, I can’t get rid of it. I long for a bath, but that won’t happen until we’ve reached our next destination. At least Varric understands and commiserates with me.
I miss you dearly. I know it’s only been a week since the last time I saw you, but it feels so much longer than that. I really miss our daily walks around the gardens - it’s made even more acute by the fact that there’s almost no plant-life around here. I did come across a flowering deathroot and picked a few buds to send with this letter. Didn’t you mention once how purple was your favorite color? I hope you like them.
Are you well? Were you able to travel safely? I do trust Cullen and his men, but I can’t help worry about you; there’s too many horrible people who do awful things just for a laugh. I hope to hear from you soon, because I desperately need to know you’re alright.
Yours, Raphael
Dearest Raphael,
I must confess, your dramatic depictions of the Western Approach had me giggling like an idiot. Surely, it can’t be that bad? I’ve never been to a real desert so I can’t say if I agree with your description, but I do hope you got to have a better time than what you’ve described. If not, I’m sorry for your discomfort. If it makes you feel better, I really appreciated the deathroot flowers you’ve sent me - did you know they are hallucinogenic and are used by some as a form of intoxicant? I caught someone eyeing the petals, so I had to hide them in my engineering journals. I hope you don’t mind.
To answer your questions, I am well. As much as I’m thrilled to be out of Skyhold and seeing the world, I desperately miss my own bed. I forgot how much I hate sleeping in tents. That being said, I’m currently in Caer Bronach to look into repairs to the castle, so at least I get to sleep in one of the rooms here. I’m amazed how much lack of proper maintenance can put such a young stronghold into immediate decrepitude. I got to inspect other Fereldan places as well, but I doubt you care to read about it - this isn’t an official report after all. The most important part is that I’m almost done with Inquisition properties here and I’ll be traveling to the other side of Frostbacks soon. Judging by how angry Lily got over the bridge in Exalted Plains, I’m sure to find a doozy.
I will admit, I can’t wait to be done with all inspections so I can be back in Skyhold and awaiting your swift return. I never considered myself the waiting type, so I place all the blame squarely on your shoulders; considering you have strong and capable shoulders, I’m sure you can handle it. I miss you terribly, too. I just don’t have a reason to laugh as much when you’re not around to do dumb things at the most inappropriate times. I also miss having you around during mealtimes - things just don’t taste the same without you adding your salted garlic paste. And really, I just miss your kisses. Your kisses are the best.
 [added in a rushed scribble]
Ps. Chargers just arrived with summons to go directly to Western Approach. They are to escort me to Griffon Wing Keep so I can oversee urgent repairs and construction of a bridge through some horribly noxious area. If I’m lucky, I’ll see you there - I cannot wait.
My Darling Hannah,
I tried to postpone our departure from the Griffon Wing Keep until you’ve arrived, but Lily would not be convinced. Logically, I understand that the sooner we’re done exploring western Orlais the sooner we can be back in Skyhold, but my heart wanted the gratification of seeing you immediately. I hope you received the note I left for you with Rylen; he was terribly amused by it and poked fun at me, that cheeky bastard.
We’re in the Forbidden Oasis and it could not be more different from the Western Approach. It’s still technically in the middle of a desert, but this place has canyons shaded from the sun where all sorts of waterfalls and verdant pools sit in a warm shade. I took the liberty to soak in one of them and it was glorious. I wonder if you’d like it here. According to Lily there isn’t anything to build so she won’t be requesting your presence, which I’m sad about, but perhaps it’s for the better; I loathe the thought of you traveling through the desert. Still, I miss you dearly. It’s been entirely too long since I’ve seen you last and I’m starting to suspect it will be even longer before I see you again. This expedition is shaping up to be long and arduous. I just hope you’re well.
With all my kisses, Raphael
Dearest Raphael,
Thank you for the lovely note you left me at the Griffon Wing Keep; it brought a smile to my face. Granted, Rylen decided to be a little shit and make fun of me for my reaction, but he changed his tune once I reminded him he’s just a man and can feel pain just like the rest of us. Perhaps I shouldn’t have kicked his balls, but maybe he’ll learn the lesson quicker that way.
Anyway, I now understand why you hated Western Approach so much. This place is so dry, my face has turned into a prune! By the time you see me again, I’ll have aged 20 years and I’ll no longer look youthful; I hope you’re prepared to court a grandmother, because that’s how I will look from now on. At least the area is interesting and should keep me occupied for a while.
Speaking of which, I know I had originally estimated it would only take me a month to attend to everything, but with the exploration of the Western Approach and increased workload, I doubt I’ll make it back to Skyhold anytime soon. Just judging by my initial sketches, I’ll have to stay here for an extra month to make sure everything is done correctly; who knows if something else doesn’t crop up while we work. I hear Lily might be returning to the Griffon Wing Keep at a later date so maybe I’ll get to see you here instead of Skyhold? I would very much like that. As much as I enjoy Rylen and Krem for company, I terribly miss having you around. Can you imagine having a date on the dunes? Sand would get everywhere, I’m certain, but I’d still enjoy it.
I’d like to thank you for all the little flowers you’ve sent with the last letter. They are so pretty! They’ve joined all of the other blooms I keep in my journal and now, whenever I open it, they make me think of you. And they still have the scent! They’re wonderful, so thank you once again.
I hope you’re well and you continue to be well. I cannot wait to see you next, because I miss you dearly and it’s horrible how long I have to be without you. Maybe fates will bring us together soon.
Yours, Hannah
My Darling Hannah
It’s been a while since my last letter, because we’ve been slowly exploring the entirety of the Hissing Wastes and haven’t been back to the main camp in what feels like an age. Yes, you read that right. Hissing. Wastes. In case the name isn’t a good enough clue, the place is an even larger desert than the Western Approach with even less friendly flora or fauna. The wind blows at extreme speeds and everything is so grey and muted, I think I’m sad just from looking outside my tent at night. I suppose it’s an important spot to the Inquisition, though in my humble opinion, I’d just let it fall by the wayside. Why does Lily have to be the one to look at this stuff? Can’t we send some archaeologists to excavate the dwarven ruins? I suggested that once and Lily only got annoyed with me. I thought it was a good idea, but oh well.
I wonder if you’re still at the Griffon Wing Keep. Judging by my count, you’re probably done with your work and heading back to Skyhold as we speak, though I do hope you are still there when we arrive later this week. Maybe that way we could escort you back home? I’d love that, I won’t lie. I miss you so damn much. Normally I don’t mind traipsing around Thedas with Lily, but being away from home is really difficult this time; not only it’s a longer trip than any before, but I now have a reason to want to return. I wish all of this was over already, so I wouldn’t have to travel so much. I miss our daily chats. I miss you.
Always yours, Raphael
My Dearest Raphael,
I miss you, desperately. It’s been too long since we’ve kissed or held each other or even talked, and I’m going a little crazy from this clutching feeling in my chest I associate with not having you around. I hate the fact that we’re apart and there isn’t much we can do about it. I cannot wait to be back at Skyhold with you, so we can go back to some semblance of normalcy. I’m done with being on the road and constantly sleeping in a bed that isn’t my own. I’m done and I want to go home.
Instead of Skyhold, I’m in Exalted Plains. When Lily first told me of how Master Wardell completely neglected his duties when constructing this bridge, I hadn’t expected this level of incompetence. I mean, it’s a functional bridge, but with the kind of resources we are given, he should have been able to repair this gap properly and in no time. Thankfully, the team I already have here is hard-working and not afraid of challenges. Once I draw up new plans and divide up the responsibilities, all work will be done fast. I hate that I have to once again clean up Wardell’s messes, but it can’t be helped. At least this is the last of it.
I hope you are well. I hope you are taking care of yourself. I hope to see you soon.
Yours, Hannah
My Darling Hannah,
We are on our way home. We just passed through Exalted Plains and I got to admire your handiwork in person - you’ve done a fantastic job here, dearest. Lily is also happy with the results, but I’m sure she’ll want to thank you in person, so I’ll let her speak for herself. Still, I’m proud of you. This bridge and what you’ve done in the Western Approach proves that you are the right person for the job and I’m so glad you are finally recognized for your hard work.
I will see you soon, my darling, and I cannot wait. Lily wants to stop by Emprise du Lion to take care of some dragons, but once we’re done, we’re coming home. I cannot wait to see your beautiful face again. I miss you so fucking much. We will be together soon.
Forever yours, Raphael
I came back to Skyhold two days ago and I am thrilled beyond words to finally have my own bed back. I cannot wait to have you back as well. I spoke to Leliana and she said you should be home within a week, so I won’t be making this letter long. I miss you and I’m looking forward to seeing you again. Be safe.
Yours, Hannah
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