#but i wish this fandom had more content for selfshippers or just x readers
ecto-gorper · 3 months
i remember making a group writing account with my friends because at that time it was like a popular thing to do and we never deleted it and all of my old writing is still on it and it makes me CRINGEEE 😭😭😭 it was like 2018 god bless i couldn’t make it through the whole thing
i miss that. can we bring Back writing blogs with multiple mods we need more regretevator writers anyway!!!!!!!
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I know people say this a lot, but I'm severely tired of untagged x fem reader fanfics. As a trans man selfshipper, it brings me a lot of dysphoria to be reading a fic and to suddenly be hit with characters I love calling me a girl or being described with feminine anatomy or titles (I'm fictoromantic too so that adds to how much it stings to read my F/Os misgender me). My biggest F/Os have fandoms that make content so catered to fem fans that I can barely find any gn or masc reader fics at all, and over half the ones I think are safe are just untagged fem fics. I have nothing against fem fans getting content, but I wish the creators of said content would stop refusing to include other audiences or tag their posts properly. It takes two seconds to tag right. I've blocked every single tag I can, and I still get hit with the fics constantly. It's getting so bad and giving me so much dysphoria that at this point I've had to unfollow the main fic tags for the characters and only follow the maybe one x masc reader tags while blocking like 50 tags that'll make me dysphoric. I know I might sound a little dramatic here, but it really isn't hard at all to be a more inclusive writer or to tag posts properly.
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