#but i think i'll probably end up doing these in little batches
gwinverarrouz · 2 years
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Skiing! Well. Attempting to, at least. You know, she’s a sea cat, skiing isn’t exactly her thing...
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miss-musings · 4 months
"You Weren't Loyal To Me": How Crosshair's Brothers Absolutely Failed Him in "The Bad Batch" Season 1
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I know I'm not the first person to make these arguments, but after recently rewatching "The Bad Batch" Season 1, I feel compelled to play Devil's Advocate and assert that Crosshair's brothers absolutely failed him in Season 1.
Now, don't mistake me. I don't believe Crosshair was 100% in the right. Once he regained his free will -- whether he actually removed his inhibitor chip, or whether his injury on Bracca deactivated it or lessened its impacts -- he definitely should've left the Empire the first chance he had.
I imagine he was trying to make the best of a bad situation, but I don't see why he would stay with an organization hijacked his mind and ordered him to kill his family, civilians and other people who were trying to do the right thing.
But, I don't think his brothers -- I'm excluding Omega because she's a child and was following everyone else's lead -- are 100% in the right either.
I believe Crosshair's brothers basically abandoned him.
Now, I understand that they didn't initially plan to abandon Crosshair. But, once they knew he was being mind-controlled and especially once they knew how to undo its effects, they never even considered going back for him.
We never see them debate trying to save Crosshair. They don't discuss whether it's feasible, whether it's worth the risk, how they would even attempt it, etc.
I think this was a much-needed moment that we never get to see. In fact, as others have pointed out, we don't really get much discussion about Crosshair at all.
He's their brother. He's been by their side from infancy through their time as cadets through dozens of missions. Why aren't they more upset about him turning against them? Or being mind-controlled by the Empire?
They seem so blasé about it. Like it's more of an inconvenience than a tragedy, especially by 1.12 "Rescue on Ryloth." Like "Ope, Crosshair's here. I bet he's gonna try to kill us again."
As I'll discuss more later, Hunter gets captured on Daro, and Omega loses her frickin' mind. Even Echo, Wrecker and Tech seemed distressed too, even if the show didn't focus on their reactions as much.
But, Crosshair's mind and body get hijacked by the Empire, and nobody seems to give a shit.
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No wonder why Crosshair felt so betrayed and said everything he does in 1.15 and 1.16. It probably confirmed something he always felt, or always feared:
That he was the odd man out in his squad -- the last to be included and the first to be excluded.
That they never cared about him as much as he cared about them.
Based on experiences in my own life, with friends and coworkers, I do wonder if Crosshair was always insecure about his standing within the group. This makes sense given that he's likely the youngest of the four original brothers, and that as a sniper, he isn't always in the middle of the action like they are. His personality doesn't really help either, but his brothers seem to be able to navigate it just fine in their "The Clone Wars" Season 7 arc.
Maybe this is partly why he seemed OK with Echo joining the squad at the end of TCW arc: because he felt like Echo would become the new 'odd man' considering that he didn't grow up with the Bad Batch and wouldn't know Crosshair's brothers like he does.
It's been a while since I watched TCW Season 7, so maybe I'm wrong.
But, I definitely think this is partly why he resents Omega so much in Season 1:
The Bad Batch -- mainly Hunter -- decided to risk their lives and their freedom to go back to Kamino for Omega. She might've been their "little sister," but they'd known her all of one day and Hunter still decided it was worth going back for her.
Yet they never went back for him.
Hell, as far as we the audience know, they never even considered it.
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I'm not saying it would have been easy or risk-free. They also now have Omega in their care, and trying to extract Crosshair from Imperial custody while all parties involved would be trying to kill or capture them isn't an easy undertaking.
But, as I'll talk about more later, these guys do rescue and extraction missions all the time. They put their lives on the line for complete strangers several times in Season 1 to save them from Imperial custody, slavery, etc.
And I'm not saying they were wrong to do those things. It was objectively good that the Bad Batch saved the people they did.
But, I can absolutely understand why Crosshair would be infuriated that his brothers take on all these missions to help complete strangers but never bother to help him...
I understand that, before he confronts them in the hangar in 1.01 "Aftermath," that they were planning to go back for him. And that they were forced to leave him behind because he was literally gunning for them. And -- as far as his brothers knew -- he was doing it of his own free will.
However, in 1.02 "Cut and Run," Omega tells them about the inhibitor chips, implying that that's how Crosshair is being controlled.
Then in 1.03 "The Replacements," we see that Tech is building a device to locate their inhibitor chips, and Omega tries to tell the Batch and specifically emphasizes to Hunter that Crosshair has no control over his actions. Hunter admits that he's angry at himself for leaving Crosshair behind, and Omega reassures him that they'll get him back someday.
So, it seems like -- at least in Omega's eyes -- the Batch was planning to save Crosshair at some point. And, Hunter at minimum feels guilty for leaving Crosshair on Kamino, even though they didn't really have much of a choice at the time.
However, the Batch gets sidetracked in 1.04 and 1.05. First, they need supplies; then bounty hunters are after Omega; then they need intel on who's after her and why.
Then, by the events of 1.07 "Battle Scars," we see that they've fallen into a routine of doing jobs for Cid. It's safe to assume they've done -- or at least attempted -- a dozen jobs for her at this point, based on Wrecker and Omega's 20 orders of Mantell Mix.
And then Rex shows up and tells them point-blank that the clones can't fight the inhibitor chip's effects, re-emphasizing Omega's earlier point that Crosshair had no control over his actions.
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The Batch then experiences this firsthand with Wrecker, whose chip activates before they can extract it. We see that, even with Wrecker fighting the chip's effects with all his might, he endangers his brothers and was *this* close to killing Omega, before Rex stunned him.
Now, we have confirmation based on both Rex and Wrecker's experiences that removing an active chip restores a clone's free will.
Thus, by the end of 1.07 "Battle Scars," the Batch definitively knows:
Crosshair is being controlled by an inhibitor chip and is being forced to do the Empire's bidding;
How to remove an inhibitor chip; and
That removing a clone's active inhibitor chip will restore his free will
And yet, despite all this knowledge, the only effort they make to save Crosshair is to tell him about the inhibitor chip.
They don't attempt or even discuss possibly stunning him on the artillery deck and taking him with them.
But, admittedly, this isn't the best time to attempt a rescue, as they're outnumbered and essentially trapped aboard the Jedi Cruiser. And then Omega gets captured by Cad Bane and Hunter gets shot, and the others are desperately trying to get off Bracca before Crosshair & co. shoot them down. Fine. Getting off Bracca safely and then trying to find Omega should be their priority.
But, once they recover Omega on Bora Vio, and their lives aren't in immediate danger anymore... this would've been the perfect time to at least debate going back for Crosshair.
Again, they have all the information needed at this point.
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As for how they find him, well, I'm sure they could get the information somehow. Or they could just cause a stir somewhere so he'd show up to arrest them again, like he did on Bracca.
But, no, they just continue doing jobs for Cid in 1.10-1.13. They don't bring him up at all until they see him on Ryloth in 1.12 "Rescue on Ryloth," and again, the tone is like, "Well, Crosshair is here. That's annoying."
If not being able to locate him was the only reason they didn't try to save him after 1.08/1.09, that argument doesn't apply to 1.12 "Rescue on Ryloth." He's there. They know he's there. They're already there doing an extraction job anyway... why don't they just grab him too???
Which brings us nicely to:
Throughout Season 1, but especially in the latter half, we see The Batch putting themselves in harm's way for complete strangers, or at most, friends-of-friends.
They rescue Muchi the Rancor and other people from enslavers; they extract the former Separatist Senator from Raxus; they extract the Syndullas from Ryloth; they break Gregor out of the Imperial base on Daro.
In the latter three cases, the Batch went to Imperial-occupied planets and an Imperial base, despite all the risks involved. And, especially when they saved Gregor, they had very little information going in and basically just winged the entire thing.
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It just feels like, when you look at all these cases, any argument the Batch could make for not saving Crosshair just falls apart.
"We didn't know where he was." He was on Ryloth -- grab him then.
"We didn't have enough information." You didn't on Daro, and you still snuck into a heavily fortified Imperial base to rescue Gregor.
"Everyone there would've been trying to kill us." You literally extract/rescue people from Imperial forces for a living...
"It would've endangered Omega." Well, buddy, have I got a story for you...
You see, when Hunter falls on Daro and gets captured, the Batch still comes to his rescue despite knowing it's a trap AND THEY BRING OMEGA WITH THEM!!!
Every excuse they could've made for not saving Crosshair sooner is gone. The Batch will literally run into a trap for Hunter, and they constantly throw themselves into danger to save Omega, but they never do the same for Crosshair.
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It really feels like such a double standard.
They seem to care about everyone BUT him.
Plus, sadly, there's one more parallel I can draw. One more instance where the Bad Batch put themselves in harm's way to save a fellow clone who was being mind-controlled by their enemies in an attempt to kill them...
Yes, remember all the way back in TCW Season 7, when we find out that Echo is the one behind the algorithm that's giving the Separatists an advantage in all these battles?
Even though Rex thought Echo was dead, the minute he suspects Echo's still alive, he goes after him. He even punches Crosshair over it, after Crosshair bullies Rex for leaving Echo for dead at the Citadel.
One of the "regs" went back for his brother despite knowing he was being mind-controlled by the enemy and forced to attack them.
Rex, Anakin and the Bad Batch save Echo from a terrible fate. They extract him from the Separatists, restore his free will and essentially give him his life back.
Yet, when the exact same thing happens to one of their own, the Batch don't even consider going back for Crosshair the way Rex went back for Echo -- hell, the way they went in for Echo too, even though they didn't know him!!
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I will give the Batch this: once Crosshair confronts them on Kamino and Hunter stuns him, Hunter decides not to leave Crosshair behind this time. And that was even after Crosshair refused to say when he had his chip removed. So, for all they know, he might've been acting of his own free will when he tried to kill them on Bracca.
While taking Crosshair with them at the end of 1.15 was a step in the right direction, I don't think it was enough to make up for everything they failed to do.
And, while he doesn't specify exactly what, Hunter later admits to Crosshair in 3.05 "The Return" that he has regrets too. And considering the context and the timeframe they're talking about, it's possible Hunter regrets not going back for Crosshair sooner/at all, among other mistakes he's made. (Story for another time.)
I'll also give some consideration to Wrecker, who was the only one of the brothers who said he actively missed Crosshair in 1.03 "The Replacements." Tech mentions Crosshair very flippantly a few times, and Echo doesn't really mention him at all.
(EDIT: Looking back now, Echo *not* talking about Crosshair is such a weird choice. Shouldn’t he of all people know what it’s like to be mind-controlled? To be weaponized by your enemy and forced to kill your loved ones?)
(ANOTHER EDIT: I was rewatching 1.14 “War-Mantle” today and this line stood out to me:
Echo: If there’s a chance that trooper is being held against his will, we have to try to get him out.
I realize that being imprisoned is different than being mind-controlled and actively hunting down you down, but it’s still weird that Echo of all people doesn’t seem to give a flying eff about Crosshair’s situation while practically begging Hunter to rescue a clone they’ve never met.🧐)
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Obviously, we'll never know for certain, but I do wonder how Crosshair would've reacted if his brothers had rescued him and removed his chip at some point. Would he have stayed with them? Would he have wanted to rejoin the Empire voluntarily?
Considering he (supposedly) had his chip removed and still stayed with the Empire willingly in-universe, it's possible he might've wanted to do the same thing in an AU where his brothers rescued him.
He definitely despised that they were fugitives and "scavenging like rats," while he had authority, respect and purpose as a soldier of the Empire.
But, I think a large component -- although not the only one -- of why he stays with the Empire is that he felt like his brothers abandoned him. He brings this up several times in 1.15 and 1.16, and the way he does indicates this is a major sore spot for him.
We see in 1.01 "Aftermath" that the chip enhancement procedure is painful. He scrunches his face, flexes his hand and squirms around in the chamber. Plus, the machine itself looks similar to the Mind Flayer from other "Star Wars" properties.
Crosshair was literally being tortured by the Empire. Maybe he doesn't recall that once the procedure's done, but we see him getting his chip enhanced in both 1.01 and 1.03, and it's possible it was enhanced even more times off-screen.
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I cannot stress this enough: the Empire basically took Crosshair prisoner, tortured him and hijacked his free will.
And his brothers essentially did nothing to save him.
It would be one thing if his brothers were civilians like you and me, and didn't know the first thing about how to infiltrate an Imperial compound or how to navigate a firefight despite being outnumbered.
But, that doesn't apply to The Bad Batch. That's literally their bread-and-butter.
And Crosshair -- especially once he seems to regain his free will between the Bracca and Ryloth arcs -- watched his brothers risk their lives to save complete strangers while doing nothing for him.
I would've been livid too.
Not to sound like Tech, but while I don't agree with Crosshair's decision, I can understand why he decided to stay on Kamino rather than go with them at the end of 1.16. His brothers offered him no real comfort and no real apology, and I think he desperately wanted to hear that, especially from Hunter.
I know after everything that's happened -- especially Crosshair refusing to say when he had his chip removed -- that it would've been hard to admit their mistakes. But, Crosshair wanted to hear something beyond: "You can come with us if you want. And if you don't, we don't have to be enemies."
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The closest thing to comfort any of them offer is Omega affirming that, despite everything, she still cared about him. This seems to be the only thing that really effects him, that causes him to doubt his decision, that causes him to show any kind of emotion beyond anger.
I legitimately believe that if someone had talked to Crosshair one-on-one for like five minutes, and really showed how much they still cared about him and always did, that he would've rejoined them.
Granted, it's really hard to tell.
Crosshair has, as Tech said, always been severe and unyielding. Plus, he really suffers from this "in for a penny, in for a pound" kind of mindset, which is partly why he stays with the Empire for so long even after regaining his free will.
But the fact that all his brothers leave him on Kamino again so effortlessly, so easily is just tragic. No final goodbye. No hug. No nothing.
For all any of them know, this could be the last time they ever see each other. (And, for Tech and Crosshair, it was.)
I know it wouldn't have been easy after everything that's happened, but for crying out loud, I just wanted them to try.
And I imagine Crosshair did too.
Honestly, I think the TBB writers and producers purposely never gave us a scene of The Batch debating whether to go after Crosshair, or a scene of them outlining to us the audience why it wasn't possible even though they wanted to.
I think the creative team wanted us to sympathize with Crosshair when he says "You weren't loyal to me," while also arguably giving our protagonists a weakness to overcome later.
This really seems like the case if we look at Season 2.
Once the Batch finds out Crosshair's being detained by the Empire's Advanced Science Division in 2.14 "Tipping Point," they immediately start discussing whether and why they should try to save him, even after everything that happened between them in S1.
On top of that, this time they actually decide to do whatever it takes to get him back, despite limited intel and the imminent danger behind such an undertaking.
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I think the Batch genuinely learned from their mistakes in Season 1 and, as Hunter maybe alludes to in 3.05 "The Return," regretted not going back for Crosshair sooner/at all after the Empire started controlling him.
I'll admit: I think when I first watched Season 1, I was basically in the Batch's corner. Crosshair was gunning for them at every opportunity, and Omega's well-being quickly became their priority (understandably so).
But, after rewatching Season 1 -- especially now that the show is over and we see how everyone's arcs play out -- it really hits me just how much Crosshair's brothers failed him in Season 1.
Again, I'm not saying Crosshair didn't make mistakes too. He definitely did.
But Crosshair's brothers failed him first.
(EDIT/UPDATE:) Since writing the above, I've stumbled across a few other posts of people making the counterargument, saying they believe Hunter was in the right and don't appreciate the hate he gets for not going back for Crosshair.
People are more than welcome to make that argument. I think that kind of debate just shows how nuanced this show and its characters are, because you can make valid arguments for both sides.
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And to clarify, I don't hate Hunter (and the others) for not going back for Crosshair in S1. As Hunter says later in 3.05: "Nobody really understood what was happening back then." It was a chaotic time -- for the galaxy and their family.
In the span of one episode, the Jedi are exterminated; the war ends; the Republic is reorganized into the Empire; the clones' future role in the galaxy is questioned; and when CF99 refuse to kill civilians, they're declared traitors and arrested.
And to top it all off, Crosshair is acting strange AND they find out they have a little sister who's in danger.
So, when Crosshair seemingly betrays them, and they barely escape with their lives, it's understandable that the Batch's first move is just to get their bearings and figure out their next steps.
And, of course, all the dominoes fall from there.
So, while I definitely don't hate him and I understand why they don't go back for Crosshair initially, I am disappointed in Hunter.
If the writers wanted me to be on his side and understand that it was basically impossible to go back for Crosshair, then I needed a scene showing/telling me why they can't. Or I at least needed a scene proving that they care about him, because based on what we actually got in Season 1, I tend to fall on Crosshair's side when he argues his brothers didn't care about him the way they clearly care about Hunter when he's captured.
You can certainly make arguments that, because Crosshair's their brother and he knows all their strategies, strengths, weaknesses, etc., that he's even more dangerous than all the other Imperials they might face. Yes, definitely. I argue that's all the more reason to try to save him.
Yes, there would be risks. But, if you succeed, not only do you lose a very dangerous enemy -- one who knows you inside and out -- but you would (hopefully) regain a teammate.
Imagine you're in Hunter's shoes and your sibling -- or if you don't have one, a really good friend who feels like a sibling -- gets taken captive and mind-controlled by an evil organization. Wouldn't you try your damnedest to get them out? Or at the very least, wouldn't you be sad about their situation?
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Rewatching 1.03 "The Replacements," there's an interesting scene that's probably the closest we get to a real discussion about Crosshair -- how they feel about him, whether they miss him, whether he really betrayed them or was being influenced by the chip.
@laughhardrunfastbekindsblog did a great analysis of each character's reaction, which I recommend you read at some point.
I want to take a quick look at it too, starting with the brothers looking at Omega with Crosshair's weapon kit like she just knocked over Grandma's urn or something.
It feels like, for the first time, they're starting to let themselves process what really happened. This is their first real chance to mourn losing their brother.
Tech wonders whether Crosshair's actions were influenced by his inhibitor chip, and Omega basically confirms that theory. Wrecker is excited by the possibility that Crosshair didn't willingly betray them, but Hunter very quickly shuts the conversation down, saying they have other problems to tackle first.
While he's not technically wrong, Hunter pulls out the "raincheck card” too frequently in Season 1. And subsequently, a lot of the topics that come up in conversations keep simmering in the background while the Batch does other things until they're FORCED to confront them.
This scene is the perfect example of that. The Batch didn't mention Crosshair except in passing in 1.02, and it's only when Omega finds his weapon kit that they are FORCED to talk about him. (EDIT: Check out the 3:45 mark of this video on 2.09 “The Crossing” for more examples.)
I get the sense that Hunter's reaction in this scene, plus all the distractions that come up later, is why the others never really bring up Crosshair again, except in passing. It's a sore subject for Hunter, and they all tend to take their cues from him, especially this early in the show. Plus, they're probably still processing their own feelings, so they might not be ready to bring up the topic.
One last thing from 1.03 I want to note is that, later in the episode, Hunter is telling Omega about his and his brothers' enhanced abilities, and he automatically excludes Crosshair from the list.
It really feels like Hunter -- and the rest of the squad by extension -- labeled Crosshair as a lost cause very early on. That it was a given that he was their enemy now and there was no real chance of getting him back (unless he came to his senses on his own like Howzer and other clones later do).
This might be why they're so shocked when he reveals he removed his chip, because they were hoping that once he "woke up" that he would come back to them. Wrecker even says as much to Crosshair in 1.16: "We still would've taken ya."
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Ultimately, I think the characters had differing perspectives on who had the responsibility in the situation.
It seems Hunter and the others took a very passive approach. They told Crosshair about the chip when they had the chance, hoped he would "wake up" on his own, and would've accepted him back if he had.
But, Crosshair feels they should've taken a more active approach. He's hurt that they never came back for him, whether to save him or to join him.
(EDIT #2: I realize that by 1.15, at least, Crosshair seems to be arguing that they should’ve come back to join him in the Empire. He might be making that argument, but I’m saying his brothers had a responsibility to try to save him, and in that regard, I believe they failed.)
This is essentially the exchange Hunter and Crosshair have in 1.15:
Crosshair: They don't leave their own behind, most of the time. Hunter: You tried to kill us. We didn't have a choice. Crosshair: Hmm. And I did?
And, as I said before, based on everything we saw in Season 1, I tend to side with Crosshair.
Hunter made mistakes -- never talking about Crosshair and shutting down the others when they did was a big one. He never addressed the elephant in the room until he HAD to, and by then it was basically too late. And, of course, it seems the others took their cues from him.
As the leader, it was his job to -- at some point when they weren't in immediate danger -- introduce the topic and ask the others for their thoughts about Crosshair, especially once they knew how powerful the chip's influence was and once they knew how to remove it.
But, he didn't.
If the writers wanted me to side with Hunter when he says "We didn't have a choice" -- especially given the double standard I discussed earlier -- I don't think they gave me good enough reason to.
However, I think that's ultimately why the writers did what they did.
Both Hunter and Crosshair made enough mistakes in Season 1 that you can argue all day about which one of them failed the other more, which makes the show and characters all the stronger for it. Because neither one is 100% in the right or 100% in the wrong.
I just wanted to play Devil's Advocate, and try to explain why Crosshair felt like he did, and why I believe he was (at least partly) justified.
So, feel free to continue debating it, but I at least believe that Crosshair's brothers failed him first.
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Does the End Justify the Means?
CX-2 (Clone Assassin) x Reader
Summary- CX-2 never planned on forming a relationship, but once he did he had to protect it. Even if it meant killing hundreds to keep you away from Hemlock.
A/N- SPOILERS FOR THE BAD BATCH FINALE. I feel like people forget that deep down, CX-2 is still a clone being forced to serve the Empire. Maybe I'm delusional though!!! MENTIONS OF BURNS AND TORTURE!!
Word Count- 5,253
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"You know, CX-2. There was once a time where I considered scrapping you. The very cloning program that made you..." Hemlock started. "You were hard to control. My methods had little effect on you. Considering you had little to live for, well that didn't help."
CX-2 stood, arms crossed behind his back. He listened intently, staring at the grey border of the wall.
"You were too, hmm. Rebellious should I say?" He walked slow circles around CX-2, studying him. "That was until I found your little secret out." Hemlock laughed at his own wit. "Who knew a medic trainee would have an Assassin Clone falling so hard!" He seemed to think the situation was hilarious.
Silent, CX-2 contemplated killing Hemlock where he stood. It wasn't possible though, he was smarter than that. He probably had a weapon on his beloved as they spoke. Perhaps Scorch was with her now...
He didn't want to think about it, so he didn't. Opting to stare back at the wall again.
"Truly, I created you better than that. The problem with you clones is your loyalty. It would typically disgust me. Though, unlucky for you, this all plays out in my favor." CX-2 swallowed hard at his words.
There were not many things that scared CX-2, but the thought of Hemlock hurting you consumed him. Striking him with a never ending fear.
"You will bring me Omega. Unless, you want an accident to happen. That would be tragic, wouldn't it?" The man asked, taunting the clone. All while fiddling with his gloved hand.
For the first time in many minutes, CX-2 spoke. "I will retrieve the girl."
"Good, I do not doubt your abilities." Hemlock stepped closer, right in The Assassins face. "Dire consequences are at stake..."
CX-2 made sure his next stop was Pabu.
CX-2 had no intentions of forming any friendships, especially not a relationship. You, however, came natural to him. In one of Hemlock's attempts to have complete control over CX-2, a burn was implemented on his waist. He remembers the day vividly, as it was the first time he'd met you.
You were only on Tantiss because of your mother. She worked for the Empire as a medic, a famous doctor of some sort. While you never had the knack for the medical field, you enjoyed helping people. It was in your blood after all.
CX-2 was taken to a special room for clones of high status. You were there by sheer accident. A mishap guided you to his side.
"Uhm, hello sir." You introduced yourself. "I'll be your medic today. What's your name?" You asked, a little nervous to be assessing a clone by yourself. He wore black armor, head still covered. You'd never seen that style before, maybe he was new?
CX-2 just stared up at you, a hard gaze. Out of fear, you started to breathe a little heavier. He could have killed you there and no one would have batted an eye.
"Sir, is something the matter?" You pressed on, trying to mask yourself with professionalism.
He continued to stare, eventually pointing at the chart In your hands.
"Of course, uh. CT-4340?"
CX-2 didn't say a word, just tilted his head. You looked at him with doe eyes. "Are you CT-4340?" you hesitated.
"My code is CX-2." He commanded out, a modulated voice appearing.
You almost jumped at the sound. "I uh, seem to have the wrong chart. I am so sorry, I should get a higher official-"
Under his helmet, CX-2 resisted the urge to roll his eyes. His shoulder dropped, annoyed. This caused his side to jolt. The pain of the burn on him was strong, but he withheld any reaction.
You, on the other hand, seemed to notice the very small twitch his waist gave out. "Where are you hurt?" You asked, the words now flowing with a motive in mind.
CX-2 instinctively started unbuckling his chest piece. You flushed slightly, ashamed you couldn't be more serious in the situation. "Do you need help?" His head rose quickly, falling after looking at you for a second. He didn't respond, just continued to take his upper armor off.
Guess not...
The second you saw his skin, you suppressed a gasp. It looked gruesome, like something had repeatedly been burning him. With a deep breath, you shoved down any lasting fear.
Getting to work, you prepared bacta and bandages.
He was still, almost too still. You'd seen plenty of procedures and medics fixing up clones. There had been wincing, complaining, and fidgeting on lesser injuries. You would have expected tears and need of an anesthetic for any other man. But he was still...
You prayed you didn't hurt him more than he already was. You knew your hands were clumsy with inexperience. If you did, he made no effort to tell you nor pull away.
From then on you saw each other more and more. While your mother made sure you got plenty of experience working on clones, you were extremely busy. Never getting a second to actually talk to CX-2. A particular encounter with a clone in the hangar would change this.
You were helping a trooper with a broken arm- Simply wrapping it to prevent further injury. You crouched down, examining the break.
CX-2 was just passing by, heading to see what his next mission was. He barely took note that a soldier under his command broke an arm. Why would he? Clones die everyday, including ones under CX-2.
He did however take note of you. He recognized you immediately. He surprised himself, why would he care about some medic? He'd never remembered the ones that had worked on him in the past.
At this, he stared at you. He took in your silhouette, something deep down told him to bask in your every feature. So, he did.
Of course you felt the beaming eyes of CX-2. It made you nervous. Was there something on your face? Did you make him mad? It distracted you.
"Ow!" The clone exclaimed in pain, face screwing. He yanked his arm up. It was an accident, you were sure. A response to the pain you caused unintentionally. CX-2 didn't seem to think this when he saw the clone raise his arm to hit you.
It all happened so fast, you didn't have time to lean back or even register what was happening. The next thing you knew was that the unidentified clone was on his back. CX-2 stood over him, a vibroblade at his neck and foot on his chest.
Falling onto your butt, you gasped and regained some sense. "CX-2...."
He slowly turned around to face you. The two of you looked at each other. His hand still expertly rested centimeters from killing the clone.
Adrenaline pumping, you spoke. "it's okay. It was an accident."
He pushed the clone back with his foot, hand raising. With the vibroblade still wielded, he stormed to you. Your heart pumped viciously, though not in fear. If he was going to really hurt you, he would have let the clone hit you.
No, your heart thumped in your ears in anticipation.
He grabbed you by the forearm with his free hand, careful of the blade. He yanked you up, off of your position on the cold floor.
You briefly noticed eyes around the hangar now in your direction. You grew nervous, only at their judgmental looks.
The quickness of it all made your head spin. You stepped out, trying not to fall. His hand still gripped your arm, he stood unmoving. He let you catch your balance, just watching you.
"Excuse me, what is going on here?" A vice admiral questioned, appearing from your left.
CX-2's modulated voice said your name. It was harsh and cold, but you somehow knew it wasn't directed at you. "She is my medic."
"And? What gives you the right to attack a clone for no reason?" The admiral demanded.
CX-2 didn't like being questioned. Before you could get a single word in, CX-2 pulled you with him as he turned to leave the hangar.
"Wha-" You decided not to protest, the man was on some kind of mission. One he had made for himself the second he saw a threat to you.
He guided you two through the complex halls and levels of the lab. You were beyond lost, but he seemed to know where he was going. After a few minutes of paced walking, you stopped him.
"CX-2, where are we going? I don't want to risk getting reprimanded by the admiral." You were cautious, the smallest of complaints could get you reassigned. Tantiss was not for the faint of heart.
"You won't." He would make sure of that. He continued to walk, this time a little slower.
Finally, you found some familiarity in the halls. You noticed he was leading you to the very room you met in. The examining room for special operatives.
He pulled you into the room, making sure the door shut behind him.
"Examine me." He demanded.
You were dumbfounded, "Excuse me?"
CX-2 actually rolled his eyes this time, even when you couldn't see them. In response to your confusion, he removed his left arm's armor.
A gash that went from the top of his shoulder to before his elbow was present. "CX-2..." Your sadden voice spoke.
You didn't actually have clearance to be in that room, nor the supplies. But you worked nevertheless.
"Please, sit." You asked. He followed your instructions immediately, sitting up on the exam bed.
Just as the day you met, you retrieved bacta and med patches. You coated the wound in extra bacta, then prepared the gauze wrap.
"So," You held his arm up gently, starting to wrap it. "How did you get this? Was it your latest mission?" Your hands carefully worked, moving under his arm.
"No." Was all you heard.
"Oh, how did it happen?" You asked, trying to make conversation.
His skin twitched as a subconscious response when you smoothed over it.
"Better if you don't know." He kept his eyes on the wall ahead of him. "Sorry I asked..." You really were. He said nothing.
After a few more moments, you made sure the wrap was steady in place. "I think you're done!" You smiled at him. He dropped his arm at his side.
After, he promptly nodded, but gave little indication on what to do next.
You looked around, feeling a little awkward.
"So... What division are you from?" You tried to ease the tension.
"Project Assassin." He said, being short.
"I haven't heard of that, wha-" He inturpted you. "Tell me about you."
You blinked. You'd only seen this man a dozen times, many of those in passing. Even so, a shot of nerves flowed in you each time. There was something special about him. It was like your heart knew something your brain didn't. You weren't a child though, you knew 'love' was something of fairy tales. That there must be a perfectly rational reason you were feeling this way around him.
"What do you want to know?"
Though, if that were true, why did you sit up next to him and tell him everything?
From that day on, the only medic he allowed to work on him was you. The number of visits varied, depending on how evil Hemlock was feeling. CX-2 tried to hide the backstories from you as much as possible, sometimes even ignoring your questions.
Though, late at night, when he'd sneak into your room, he'd tell you the truth. At first he would listen. Anything you'd tell him, you had his full attention. Then, right before you fell asleep, he'd whisper his secrets.
He'd whisper them to the only person he ever trusted, you. Then, it was your turn to listen.
You cried for him, the pains he had went through. He was the perfect clone in your eyes. The only problem was how stubborn he was, no matter how hard Hemlock tried- you were still the only one who could persuade him.
Despite his grunts of protest, you'd just hold CX-2 some nights. Using your fingers to rake through his hair, cradling his head. You tried you best to give him the comfort he had never experienced before.
Everything was going so well. You would continue your training, he would continue his missions, and at night, you would talk and he would listen. You would spoil him with affections under the nights bask.
Of course, all good things must come to an end.
The day Hemlock found out about you was the worst day of CX-2's life.
CX-2 was called in for a meeting about his next mission, something he was used to. He only received orders from the highest of officials, so seeing Hemlock or Scorch was common.
"I have... a special mission of some sort. One I cannot risk incompletion of." Hemlock began.
CX-2 stood upright, ready for instructions.
"Now, despite what we have tried to instill into you- I do not want you to listen to any other orders. I think this particular mission requires your mindset." His words didn't effect CX-2, he'd heard worse.
"One of your fellow operative has been captured. Alive. I will not accept him risking our organization."
"My orders?" CX-2 asked.
"Find and neutralize him." CX-2 nodded at his words.
"You have 48 hours to kill him." Hemlock walked up to CX-2, arms folded behind his back. "If you fail, that...medic... you are so fond of? She will reap the consequences of what you sow."
It was impossible to cover up the way CX-2 breath hitched. If he didn't have a helmet on, Hemlock would see his eyebrows scrunch in anger.
"Yes, that's right. I know about her." Hemlock said, his voice mocking. "Oh, don't fret my little assassin. She will remain unharmed, that is... unless you fail your duty..."
"I trust you will locate him and rid the republic of any information?" Hemlock taunted.
"Yes sir."
How? How did Hemlock find out about you? He was so careful... He immediately headed to your quarters. Damned everyone else, he pushed through crowds and odd stares.
He banged on the door, fist closed. If you hadn't opened in the next 10 seconds, he'd shoot the door down.
"I'm coming, I'm coming." You 'tsked.'
"Oh, CX-2." You breathed out once you opened the door. Unsure if he was there for pleasantries or business.
He shoved his way past you, pressing the button to close the door shut.
"Wha-" He stormed around your rooms, it was quick considering there were only two. A bedroom and bathroom.
He held his blaster up as he checked every crevice of the room. His eyes glanced back at you quickly to make sure you were still there and alive.
"CX-2." You raised your voice. His head shot your way. "What's happened? You're scaring me..."
He paced up to you, removing his helmet as he walked. "He knows about us." Was all he managed out, throwing his helmet to the floor in favor of grabbing your cheeks gently.
Your face dropped, heart pounding in your ears. "How? I don't understand!" You started to breathe heavily.
"I just had to make sure you were safe." His gloved hands felt cool on your hot skin.
Your mind wandered, what would they do?
"I have to leave now." He said, dropping his hands. "No, wait. You can't just drop that bomb and leave!" You had so many questions, and you didn't want to be left alone freighted.
"I do not have time, if I don't complete my mission he will kill you." Your blood ran cold. "I am so sorry I brought you into this. I should have never stepped between you and that clone." He readied himself to exit the room, turning and putting his helmet back on.
"CX-2!" His shoulders dropped, he stood silent. You walked around to face him.
He let you reach your hands up and lift his helmet off. "I'm not upset at you. I only want more time..."
"I can't."
"I know." At your last words, you pulled him down by the collar of his blacks. Now level, you kiss him. Scared it would be your last.
The few seconds your lips touched felt like an eternity. All the time you needed with him...
Eventually, he pulled away. "I-"
"I know... please be safe..." You asked only one thing of him.
He nodded, placing his helmet back on snug. He then walked out your door, your thoughts consumed with wishes of his safety.
CX-2 would fulfill his mission, killing the compromised Operative. Though, that was only the first time he'd have to leave your grasp to keep you alive...
CX-2 reminded himself why he was currently headed to Pabu. 'Dire consequences are at stake' echoed in his mind.
He would capture Omega. He had no care for the innocent people he might have to kill. In his eyes, all of his actions were justified in the name of your well-being.
He never told you of his endeavors, now being sent on more gruesome missions than ever. He knew you'd be disappointed in him, but he also knew he had to always protect you. No matter the cost.
While expertly leading a fleet of soldiers, the only thing that let CX-2 think straight was you. He filled his mind with memories of your laughter. Of the times you begged him to choose a real name, even when he protested. When you first touched, when you first kissed.
He worried for you until the second he had Omega tied up on his ship.
Even after, he was anticipating his reunion with you. He had the girl, he had what Hemlock wanted. He could see you again.
And he did... Hemlock was consumed with his experiments and testing on Omega. So much he that didn't bother CX-2 for a few days. Oh, it was bliss.
The time you shared reminded you of before anyone knew you were together. You both still had your duties as clone and medic, but spent any free time with each other.
You laid in your bed, a glance at the clock scolded you for being up so late. You paid little mind to it, just enjoying the feeling of CX-2's arms around you.
With your head now buried in his chest, you let your hands wander. Slipping under the top portion of his blacks. He used to shiver reluctantly when you felt his skin, now it seemed like second nature.
You loved tracing his scars, the texture consuming you. While they were painful memories, they were treated with love and tenderness. He looked at his scars and thought of you, how you took care of him so nicely and delicately. Not Hemlock.
A light flickered from his panel brace. The one that rested on your nightstand. It lit up the room, and CX-2 immediately reached for it. he pulled away from you, but was careful to keep a connection with his leg still feeling you.
"I have to go." He said, standing to put his arm and chest armor back on.
While he was always quick and determined when hearing from Hemlock or Scorch, he was frantic here.
"Did something happen?"
"Nothing, do not stress. I love you." He gave you a quick kiss on the lips, and an affectionate rub of your thigh before putting his helmet on and leaving.
You sighed and leaned back when the door closed again. This was slowly becoming the new normal for you. You still savored every spare second you had together...
Just as you rolled over to fall asleep, the door opened. "Did you forg-" You jumped up, almost hitting your head on the baseboard of the bed. It was Scorch.
"Come with me. Now." He grabbed your arm and pulled you rough out of bed.
"You are under arrest until further assessment." He forcefully put you in handcuffs.
You tried to resist, but put up no real fight in comparison to the trained clone. He grew tired of you and stunned you with his blaster.
You fell unconscious.
"You activated me?" CX-2 asked over Comms, like he would in any other situation.
"It seems we have another problem with our favorite girl." Hemlock said.
"You see, she has managed to escape with the other children. Did I mention she also freed the zillo beast?"
CX-2 listened intently, not moving a muscle.
"You have been the only operative capable of capturing Omega thus far. I will see that you will find her again. Before she finds some way to leave the planet." CX-2 could hear the frustration in Hemlocks voice. It made him flicker a smile.
"Oh, and as a little motivater, I think it would serve you well to know your medic is currently held up in a cell." Hemlock went radio silent, leaving CX-2 to head to the exposed section of the base. The hole the Zillo beast left, and the way Force 99 was headed.
Your head throbbed, vision a little blurry. Raising your head from the cold of the floor, you noticed you were in a cell.
The room spun around before you sat up. Your whole body ached. Not to mention the confusion you were feeling.
Looking around, you saw other prisoners lining the walls. You knew exactly where you were. The hall where all the traitors and experimental clones were kept.
Were they going to experiment on you too? Was CX-2 okay? Did something happen to him that made Hemlock finally get you?
The building shook with a loud boom, it did nothing to help your nerves. It sounded like some kind of cannon went off.
"You okay?" A clone asked in the cell across from you.
"I don't know..."
With the effort and passion of a man whose entire reason for living was at risk, CX-2 and the other Clone Assasins were able to capture the rouge clones.
With his blaster barred in his hands, CX-2 guarded the three prisoners. He was occupied with the thought of what The Empire was doing to you.
You must have been so scared in a cell... He knew you didn't like small spaces. With his new fury, he closed his fist, doing yet another round of the platform they were on.
Boredom was unable to strike you, anxieties kept you busy. Your mind ran wild with the possibilities of CX-2. For a moment you questioned if he had just abandoned you as a whole, but quickly shunned yourself for bringing it up.
CX-2 loved you, and wouldn't dare leave you to rot.
"Look!" A clone yelled out, just as you saw a small girl and a storm trooper running by.
What were they doing?
They crept around the corner, swiftly blasting and taking out 2 storm troopers in the process. The girl got to work on the main computer that operated the cells.
"Hey kid, whats going on?" Someone asked.
"We're breaking you out."
Seconds later, your cell door opened. You slowly walked out, unsure what to do. What would CX-2 do in a situation like this? He'd probably tell you to keep your head down and blend in. Stay out of trouble, 'for his sake.'
You did just that, creeping out of the cell and hiding within the groups of clones.
Apparently, the 'storm trooper' was a clone, so was the girl. They were on a mission to free their three brothers, recruiting clones as they did so.
Was this the big mission CX-2 was called to? To capture the people they were here to rescue?
"We've checked all the cells, they aren't here."
You knew where they probably were... The training room. The very room that tortured and left your beloved marked. You didn't dare say a word. As much as you hated Hemlock and his 'methods,' worse things would happen if CX-2 failed his mission...
"Well... they could be in the training room." Damn, another clone had though the same as you.
They decided to head there, a few turning for an easier escape.
What should you do? Warn CX-2? You weren't raised as a soldier, you had no training. No fighting experience. You knew how to save and help, not attack and kill.
A small hand was rested on your arm, the girl from earlier. "Hi, I'm Omega."
You looked down to her. "I know it's kind of scary, but we have to fight for what's right.." If only she knew your true intentions...
"You're right... i'll come with you..." All you wanted was to find CX-2.
So, you did. Following them to the training room, they planned an attack from the lower circle.. You, however, had a new idea. To come in through the main balcony. The one that led directly to Force 99.
You managed to sneak away and climb the steps that brought you to the main doors.
"Hey, you! Are you supposed to be here?" A trooper stopped you.
"Yes sir," You gave him your chain code, "I am a medic. Hemlock has requested my services in the Training room." You lied, faking a confidence you never had.
"I never heard about Hemlock ever needing a medic in the training room..."
"Well if you want to ask him, while the Zillo beast is one the loose, he has new prisoners, and while his top experiment is lost- Be my guest. I just don't think he'd be very happy with you questioning his methods." You crossed your arms behind your back, something you'd seen CX-2 do many times.
"Fine." He moved out of your way, letting you head to your destination.
You walked to the door, ready to put your mother's clearance codes in. With a steam they opened, leaving you to witness a terrible sight.
The 3 captured clones were out, fighting. You got there in time to see the big clone burst out of the glass, tackling a special operative.
With the sound of the door, the man with a bandana looked your way. Along with CX-2, who rose swiftly upon seeing you. You distracted him long enough for the clone without a hand to blast him in his side.
You gasped as you watched CX-2 fall in your direction.
With an electrospear in his hand, the bandana man stepped to him. He only managed to zap him once before you ran in.
"No!" Your scream pierced out, you threw yourself onto CX-2. Using your body to cover his.
You didn't care if you died then and there, at least you'd die in CX-2's arms. You'd at least die together...
"No, don't!" You squeezed your eyes shut, prepared for a shock that never came. You felt a weak hand raise from under you to grip your clothes.
Tears streamed down your face violently. Pattering on CX-2's armor.
"You do realize the crimes he has committed..." The man panted out, he was also wounded.
"Please, it was for me... It was all for me..." You sobbed out. "Hemlock threatened my life..." You buried your head in his neck, holding him tightly.
"Hunter, no. We should kill them both now." The handless man spoke.
The man you assumed to be Hunter didn't have time to respond.
"I swear we wont follow you... Hemlock is probably on his way to his private ship... I swear..." Your words were muffled but they understood well enough.
"We are wasting time, lets go." Hunter commanded, the two of them left.
You gave out a whimper, "CX-2... Please... Stay with me." You pried his helmet off. He was in a rough state.
His eyes struggled to focus on one thing, but he still tried to find your face. "It'll be okay, just let me grab a med pack." You went to pull away, but he gripped you tighter.
"Let me.. hold," He coughed, "You.."
"You are not going to die on me. You wouldn't do that to me, would you?" You tried to joke. He shook his head, 'no.'
"Then let me do my job, and help you." He still held you tightly. "Please... you deserve to live..." He let you go.
It was only half a minute, you grabbed a medics kit that was nearby and began patching him up.
Making quick work of taking his armor and blacks off. It reminded you of the first time you'd done this to him. A very similar wound on his waist.
You forced him a pill, and squeezed out as much bacta as you could from its packet.
"Can you roll over for me, baby?" You asked, helping him get on his side.
He complied as much as he could, and you were able to patch up his other side.
"Okay, this will hold you over. I know the closest procedure room, a droid can give you a proper examination." You helped him stand, an arm under his own to keep his balance.
"You'll be okay, we'll be okay..." You whispered praises and words of affirmation to him. The walk was extremely painful for him, you could tell he was hiding most of it from you.
Lucky for both of you, a droid was able to identify where the blast was and give him a proper cleaning of the wound.
He was still woozy, but forced himself to stand. "We have to go. Tarkin is on his way.." CX-2 strained out. He was stubborn and refused any medication that would cloud his mind.
"W-where? Your ship?" You were scared, not just for CX-2, but your futures as well.
He pressed a few buttons on his panel brace as you picked up his helmet.
"Turn left." He instructed you all the way to his ship, even with the pain starting to blur his vision.
The two of you somehow managed to make it to his ship, you opened the door with his panel brace and sat him in the co-pilot's seat.
You clicked away, starting the ship up. Though, you did need some guidance from him.
You had never flown a ship before, but knew you had to take the risk to save CX-2. It was wobbly, but you raised the ship and let Auto-Pilot blast you into hyperspace. It had a set of coordinates in, ones you didn't know the location of.
A groan made you turn to your lovers direction, you were at his side immediately. Crouching down you spoke, "Hey, its okay... We're far away. You can take the pain medication, its just us two."
He peaked open an eye to look at you, his face barred disappointment in himself. Almost like he was a lesser man if he took the meds.
"Take them. If not for yourself, for me." You pulled them from your pocket. He did take them, minutes later he felt the relief.
You took another look at his wound, it was stable for now. You figured that he would need a cleaning and new bandages in a few hours. Hopefully his medkit was fully equipped on his ship. If it was, you'd be able to last many days without needing to land.
You stood, pulling his head to your breast. "Shhh, rest now. We are both safe."
He truly did feel safe in your arms, like he didn't have to always be on guard. A huge change from his normal. One he'd hoped he could live out with you for the rest of his life...
A/N- Thank you so much for reading! I got a little carried away with this one... I just had to get this idea written down!!!
Tags-(lmk if you want to be tagged as well!) @thethreeeyed-raven @knight-of-flowerss @dangraccoon
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takecareluv · 1 year
omg meg baby imagine giving steve a haircut <3 he’s like so anxious at first n then he gets so so relaxed n he’s lowkey nappijg by the end and u wake him up and he’s like. hm? with the softest voice ever <3 <3
— @inkluvs (ivy)
mr. perfect hair | steve harrington x reader
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word count : 777
author's note : omg it’s so funny you sent this in because i’m literally getting a hair cut tmr !! anyway. . . this is my first stevie request :3 eeek im a little nervous. i hope it's okay! <3
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
although you adored your boyfriend's infamous hair more than anyone, even you could admit he was in dire need of a trim. getting steve to agree, however, would take some serious convincing on your part. especially considering his last trip to the barber shop was, in steve's words, "scarring for life". he didn't leave the house for almost a month after the disastrous haircut without any sort of hat atop his head.
luckily for you, you had that boy wrapped around your finger — knowing exactly what it would take to get your stevie to do just about anything you asked, including giving his precious hair a little trim.
. . .
adorned in your boyfriend's favorite dress, and shoes to match, you pulled a fresh batch of your homemade chocolate chip cookies out of the oven — baked to perfection — and placed them next to a bottle of steve's preferred beer, waiting for his arrival.
as if on queue, steve walked through the doorway, smiling at the sight of you before abruptly pausing due to the sweetness that filled not only the air, but now his senses. "i know that smell. those are your bribery cookies... what are you up to?" he questioned with a suspicious but ever so loving look, preparing himself to inevitably say yes to whatever it is you were about to ask of him.
"well... you see i just made an appointment for a haircut and i was thinking maybe it's time you get one too," you smiled hesitantly, attempting to gauge his reaction.
"i don't know, baby. i don't think i can go back to that salon. they messed up big time. practically ruined me. i can't be steve 'the hair' harrington with no hair."
you rolled your eyes at his dramatics before cutting off the rest of his rant, "i'll do it for you, stevie." noticing him soften at your plea, you continued, "please let me do it for you? can't see those beautiful eyes of yours with all that hair in the way." you spoke calmly while looking up at him with your award-winning puppy dog eyes, hoping it would do the trick.
after a brief moment of silent contemplating, steve let out a loud sigh, "fine." you began to jump up and down in celebration. "but," he emphasized, "only a little bit, baby. no more than an inch, okay?"
you nodded excitedly in response.
"you promise?" steve gave a pointed look, holding his pinkie finger up towards you, waiting for your own to intertwine with his. "i promise, stevie! i'll do just enough to get off all the dead ends, that's it!"
"hey! I don't have dead ends. my hair is perfect!"
"keep telling yourself that pretty boy," you teased while ruffling his truly perfect hair.
. . .
after a few minutes of anxiousness, steve remembered it was only you doing his hair, not some stranger who didn't know the first thing about him, but you. you who probably saw his hair more than he did. you who knew exactly how he liked it styled. he knew he could trust you, he could always trust you.
as you began to gently brush through his ends, you felt him relax and even lean into your touch, letting out a long, content sigh.
knowing he was finally calm enough, you grabbed the scissors you had prepared next to you and slowly started to snip away at his hair, small pieces descending to the floor after every cut.
soon after, you were making one last snip before placing the scissors down and brushing your fingers through steve's soft strands, noticing the way your boyfriend's eyes began to flutter closed.
"feel good, stevie?"
goosebumps cover his body from your whispered words and soft touches. "yes," he hummed in response. "can you play with my hair forever, sweetheart?"
"i'm not sure about forever, but i'll try my best. do you wanna see how it looks?"
he shakes his head. "if you did it, i'm sure it's perfect." pressing a quick kiss to your temple while guiding you towards the couch. "right now i just want you to keep playing with my hair. please?" practically begging at this point, how could you say no to your sweet boy.
. . .
you remain on the couch for the rest of the night, steve's head resting on your lap while you give him all the head scratches he wants and deserves, almost lulling him right to sleep.
"i hope you know you're the only one who's allowed to cut my hair from now on, sweetheart."
you giggle. "are you sure you can afford me? i'm pretty expensive. and those head scratches are extra you know."
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jordosprout · 5 months
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What do you think the batch spends their time doing on Pabu? What occupies their time now that they are retired? I have only pieces of ideas but I have been tryna find some other folks thoughts. But to get er' rollin' I'll share my ideas.
• He's definitely a community man from what we saw so
- Maybe he babysits
-Maybe he helps fish like we saw in the past
- Or perhaps he carries heavy equipment for repairs/building
- Maybe he helps figure out the best fishing spot for every passing day
- Maybe he builds boats or surfboards? Definitely got old surfer vibes from him at the end of Bad Batch (I am so sorry but I could not get Barbie's dad(?) from that one surfer movie out of my head)
• Cross was the hardest to figure out for me due to how little of what he is skilled at outside of being a soldier. But once I thought about it I couldn't stop LMAO
- I think for a long time he struggles with figuring out what he wants to do now that he's free to be whoever he wants to be. He's used being told what to do, and now that he doesn't have someone controlling him he's having a difficult time adjusting. He probably asks Hunter to give him tasks frequently, and after a while he's given the task of taking care of himself. Learning what he wants.
- I definitely imagine him trying multiple things such as: fishing, farming, all the good stuff
- I see him landing on something creatively driven like tattoos and painting. But I do think it takes a lot of time and soul searching before he gets to that point.
- Probably really distant for awhile, he wants to be around the others but feels he doesn't deserve it
- Reluctant on getting a prosthetic, I can see him choosing not to have one
• Omega wasn't too difficult for me, seeing what she ends up going off to do at the end of the last episode.
- After using pieces of the Marauder to fix up her own ship with Phee (and Tech depending on your thoughts on it), I see her convincing Phee (again, and Tech depending on your opinion) to give her flight lessons.
- She practices the Tech Turn often, doing her best to perfect it. (If you think Tech should stay dead then let's say she does this late at night on her own and has gotten in trouble for it a plethora of times. She can never quite do it as he does. But if you're like me and he lives, then of course he'll help teach her.)
- Omega probably sneaks off a lot, wanting to explore her new home
- Then I think she eventually gets into contact with Herra, and that she's the one who convinces her to become a rebel pilot
• In my perfect Bad Batch, Tech is alive. He will always be here in my mind; even if I'll have to mourn him as a character in canon alive and well.
- Tech spends much of his time recording and noting down the things he learns about the new island he lives on. Likely going off with Omega.
- I think Tech and Phee try a relationship at one point or another, maybe they decide to break up, maybe they're together for the long run. His calm nature mixing with her unpredictable one perhaps. She helps him feel more comfortable with himself, and he reminds her she doesn't need to change her stories to make them enjoyable. I think he'd love hearing about the artifacts she brings to Pabu. But it's possible their personalities don't mix well. We didn't get to see as much of their relationship on screen as I would have liked. (Came to rewrite this a bit. Was worried with how I wrote it didn't come across as I wanted)
- Tech probably has his own repair shop, or maybe he creates his own inventions.
More Group Stuff
- Definitely live together at least for a long while
- I think Hunter would get into a relationship before anyone else, then Wrecker getting into one kinda on accident? He'd be super oblivious and go on dates without realizing that's what they are. I think Cross n Tech would be last if they were to get into relationships (personally I see them on the aromantic spectrum, specifically Tech being demi and Cross being recip-romantic or Grey-romantic)
- They do a lot of stuff together, swimming, getting tattoos from Cross, therapy, family dinner all the lovely stuff
And I Think That's All I Got
Thanks for letting me ramble in your feed :)
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yuurivoice · 3 months
Do you have any sort of dislike toward autistic people?
This is a wild question, but I'll bite.
I interact with multiple autistic people in my day to day life, and that expands beyond my inner circle of friends and into the broader community as well. As an ADHD haver, we're sorta rubbing elbows here and I wonder what would have turned up had I been tested for autism myself. We spoke about it during my screening and it came up as a "huh, maybe" but we didn't pursue it and it didn't get diagnosed.
In the course of my eight years of doing this whole YuuriVoice thing, I have dealt with a wide variety of internet strangers. Unfortunately this includes people who are purposefully rude, entitled, or some flavor of shitty and I have taken a firm stance when certain attitudes and language smacks me in the face. It has saved me a lot of grief from jerks.
Even more unfortunate is that sometimes there are autistic folks who for no fault of their own might come off that way when dealing with me anonymously, when I have no clue who a person is, what their intentions are, or what tone they are trying to take. So they end up getting bonked when they didn't need to be, and I wouldn't have bonked them in the first place had I known.
As it turns out, when someone is a random anonymous message in a sea of hundreds, I cannot actually decipher who is who or what is what. In any interaction I have had with someone I am familiar with and have even a slight understanding or inkling that they may be autistic, it's a whole different story because I can use my understanding and experience to manage my own expectations and comprehension of the interaction we are having.
It is sort of a strange phenomena because it's not like there's been some sort of sudden spike in autism amongst my audience, that's not how that works. They've been here the whole time. If I had to hypothesize, the latest batch of young adults who've found me might have folks who have not had the same experiences online that us older folks have had that sorta trained us differently. Not to sound like a boomer, but I think most millennials dealing with a variety of cosmic mental gacha rewards could probably attest to this. So we might have a lot of people having new types of interactions in new spaces.
I think on my end, I need to start assuming the best of people's intentions instead of the worst. I had to be hard in the early years, and there were genuinely people who would behave in ways that would bug the shit outta me and it had to be called out and dealt with in the light so people understood the expectation. It could also turn off people, and that was a loss I was willing to accept if it meant people didn't treat me like a content machine to be bent to their will and poked with sticks if their favorite blorbo didn't want to have a damn pet...for example. I swear to you, that exact interaction could happen with someone neurotypical who just wanted to kick my shins and give me a hard time because they didn't like the way I was writing my character. We've seen it happen plenty over the years, I've lived it, it's a thing.
So no, I have no issue with autistic folks. I cannot immediately diagnose someone based of the flavor of their text and assume the nature of their intentions. Through years of being an online person, I've been conditioned to be on the lookout for certain flags and unfortunately there are times where a completely innocent person ends up bumping into a guardrail.
Much like how I cannot control how people react and behave, I would caution against expecting me to not also react and behave in my own ways. I'm a person who struggles with my own shit too, and have had to manage it and purposefully adapt to my situation.
My little comfort characters I cooked up for my own delight ended up getting popular, and at any given moment they're loved, hated, slandered, adored, hyperfixated upon, not good enough, the best thing ever, absolute abominations, or just ALMOST okay but I didn't do it exactly how they would have done it. It's obviously a wonderful thing, that's the dream, people give a fuck about my work! But the downside is, that shit has my head in a blender constantly and is why I try to step back from wading into the deeper waters of the community, because I'm managing my own shit and trying not to make it everyone else's problem.
When things land in my inbox, anonymously, it's a big ol soup of everyone who could at any point be either my biggest hater, biggest fan, or just a troll who wants to piss in my cheerios.
So again, I will endeavor to try and assume the best intentions instead of the worst, and when in doubt I can just...STFU and not respond. It's that easy, so I should probably keep that in mind.
Hopefully that helps explain some of what's up in that regard, and certainly if anyone has felt like they've burdened me or been a nuisance, they should know that I understand and immediately recatagorize that interaction in my brain. So for example, the Finn Pet thing, I responded by stating that I was uncomfortable and understood and accepted that they did not have ill intentions. I'm not going to pretend I liked the question or the tone, but I respect that it was not coming from a place of trying to give me a hard time and I don't hold it against them. I like to think that is how moments of unintentional friction should be handled among adults. Apologies do not suddenly make things okay or undo your discomfort, but there is an understanding of the intent and an acceptance. I don't want to infantalize people, if I said "awww it's okay you're not dumb here let me indulge your headcanon" that not only sends the wrong message about how to respond to people who self depricate in response to negative reactions, but...no, I'm not just going to double back and treat the question differently.
Alright, I gave this a whole lotta energy and genuine care. I hope it is taken as such and we're all square.
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yiga-hellhole · 2 months
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hiii i was going to make more of these but i realized i cant be arsed for all of them in one big batch. anyway @smilesrobotlover thank you bestie for reminding me this template exists. too bad there isnt a slider for "beats the other up - is beaten up" because you know the boys are FIGHTINGGGG
some rambling under the cut
big spoon and little spoon is a straightforward one because well, you're not going to get a bigger damn spoon than zant. he's massive. but sometimes even he likes feeling small and cared for, so they're not beyond having him fold his spindly limbs up like he's a dead spider and let ghirahim scoop him into his arms
i don't see them as a big "sharing clothes" type of couple. ghirahim's are far too small for him and his wardrobe flusters zant to no end. inversely, ghirahim wouldn't be caught dead in most of zant's things. but zant would find a lot of enjoyment in giving him clothes
pet names, ghirahim has like 2~3 for zant that he uses, and they're never particularly sappy or anything. zant however makes up new ones every other day. he's sick in the head
introverted-extroverted scale is a little complicated because ghirahim strikes me as more ambiverted. he's well-versed socially and loves attention, specifically loves bullying people, but after spending so long in solitude without proper peers, i think being alone has grown rather comforting for him too. who knows how it'll pack out when he has more like-minded individuals around him? i'm not sure yet.
for love-language, like i said, ghirahim isn't very sappy. he's far more touchy-feely in that aspect where he will just grab and kiss and tease when he feels the need. zant is a solid 50-50 because he loves being touched but also makes up sappy little nicknames on the spot or a long-winded declaration of love to the point it starts getting a little annoying. he's just kind of intense.
confession... well ghirahim would be quick to start doing things that typically denote a couple, but leaves it up to zant to actually officiate the whole thing. partly because he has issues. but also because he loves any chance at making him flustered (issues... 2!)
i don't think either of them are scared of bugs. but ghirahim is callous in getting rid of them and zant will just add them to his personal collection if he can catch em
twili society is rather high-tech. they probably have vehicles of some kind, and zant strikes me as the kind of guy who can drive. irresponsibly, i'll grant, but he'll do it. ghirahim would know how, but he refuses to. he's spoiled like that
the cooking one is funny because anyone in my server will know about the 'zant meal' phenomenon. he can cook, at least to keep himself alive, but the things he makes are horrifying to witness. unprecedented flavor profiles and chaotic execution. just don't worry about it. ghirahim, meanwhile, has a built-in chemical compendium and a heat sensor. theoretically he'd make an excellent cook and baker. he just doesn't want to.
zant loves affection, but is a very private person. he knows ghirahim is very showy and obnoxious, so if he lets him get away with slobbering his face even once, he;d have to deal with it every single hour of the day. and that'd embarrass him!!
theyre BOTH overprotective. it's a problem. though, zant in the sense of, "i want him to be all mine, i want to be all he thinks about, i want him by my side every minute of the day", and ghirahim in the sense of, livestock guard dog with spiked collar to murder wolves.
ghirahim has more relationship experience in that he's met many faces in his millennia of living.... but this kind of romantic intimacy is unknown to him. the whole song-and-dance of courtship he knows, but genuine love, he doesn't. zant had one FWB in college that he fell in fairy-tale love with and planned their wedding in his head after one (1) kiss. needless to say when that guy broke up wih him he was very normal.
i think the horny-awkwardness-jealousy levels speak for themselves.
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wishjacked · 4 months
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Happy #WebcomicDay!! :D
This year we're celebrating the process of making pages... so below the cut I've got a bunch of pictures sharing how I go about making pages of my evil post-apocalyptic workplace sitcom, Cargo!! :D
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So! My process!!
Writing-> I think sometimes there's pressure to "write" your comic a certain way, I see people talking about script format and stuff a lot. That really doesn't work for me, though! I write my "first draft" script in short scenes on scrap paper, in whatever order they come to me. Sometimes a scene will just be one or two lines, and then a little description of what I want to happen in the rest of the scene.
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Later I type the scene up, and write the "connective tissue" that fits between the disjointed scenes so they all flow together like they ought. I don't do page breaks or even character tag or action notes hahahaha I like it to be as BASIC as POSSIBLE so it's easy to edit. And since I'm the person drawing it I can almost always remember who's supposed to be saying what lmao
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I edit a lot, but the most major editing is also probably the last bit... when I letter my pages usually I realize "they would never say that" and so I end up rephrasing everything. My art brain is sometimes waaaaay better at phrasing hahaha. Like you can see in the finished page for this script I rewrote like basically all of it, and actually went back to the original "sketch" script in a lot of places.
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Thumbnailing-> my thumbs are really big, I draw them with markers on printer paper and keep them in a binder!! I like to thumb scenes in batches and I also usually write my dialogue on them, just so I can read through them before (and while) I draw to get a feel for how the pacing works. :)
Sketching-> OH sketching is also really hard for me! I don't have a good visual imagination so it's really important for me to make sure I have good references. Last year I was especially focusing on setting.
My comic is set in Florida. I'm lucky in that I used to live there and still go back to visit sometimes, so sometimes I can gather my own reference images! But more often I start on Google Maps or Zillow, trying to find buildings that have interesting features or the right kind of "look" for what I want. I'll also look up other interesting elements, my comic is set in a post-apocalypse and I'll research home gardening and things like that which people would probably have.
For example, in this set in chapter 7, I used Google Maps images, photo references of indoor hydroponic gardening, and like, 90's-00's hacker computer setups haha. Also my BFF Roomstyler.com, where you can make 3d house interiors haha!!
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Lineart-> I LOVE lineart it is my favorite!!!! I sketch and ink two pages at a time, and it usually takes somewhere between 10-12 hours to do both steps.
I actually think my art looks best when it's just lineart... but I think my STORY is better with color, like it makes it clearer and easier to read and it has a better atmosphere HAHA.
Colors-> I think it usually takes me 4-6 hours to do 2 pages (I haven't timed myself as consistently as I time my lineart and sketching). I have a big file with small copies of my previous pages that I color drop from, and my characters are all flats only. The limited palette that I use is also really handy, it streamlines coloring a LOT.
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Finishing Touches-> aka I steal mercilessly from my one true love, my internet home, the beautiful and blessed Wikimedia Commons
I put lots of overlay layers on my art! I like textures so having some strange little textures or pictures on things makes my art feel a lot more finished to me.
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And finally my very most favorite ✨finishing touch✨ is the bright colored/patterned gutters that I use. Here are some of my favorites that I've made and used in the past!
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And that's all!! I hope you guys have a very happy Webcomics Day and find lots and lots of wonderful new things to read!!!
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scarletwinterxx · 1 year
glitter pens and goodnight kisses with the Lee's - dad Mark lee scenario
hi! this one is a request and honestly I missed dad Mark too so here you goooo. hope you like it!! 💛😊
part1: day with dad mark lee
part2: another day with dad mark lee
part3: a day with the lee's
part4: (prologue) i don't know how to make eggs
part5: glitter pens and goodnight kisses with the Lee's
part6: first love and kisses
part7: naps and baby kicks
part8: then there was three
part9: just like you
if you have a request or scenario you want me to do, just send me a message I'll see what I can do😊💌
For my other works you can check them out here, and for my other story series’ you can check them out here.
All works are copyrighted ©scarletwinterxx 2023 . Do not repost, re-write without the permission of author.
(gif not mine, credits to rightful owner)
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It's a bit earlier than the usual time Mark drives back home. It was less hectic at the office today so he decided to call it a day and come back home to his wife and kids, surely his favorite part of the day.
When he enters your home, he can already smell something cooking in the kitchen. Probably a new batch of cookies since he knows you love baking.
Walking towards the delicious scent, he sees you standing in the middle of the kitchen with your cute red apron with hearts all over it and all over his eyes. This right here is the life he has always dreamed of, he thinks quietly to himself how he's the luckiest guy on the Earth to have married a woman like you. He must've done something so right in his past life.
Sensing another presence in the kitchen, you look over the doorway to see your husband with this animated look in his eyes. A look you've memorized through the years.
"You're home early" you tell him, he walks towards you giving you a hug from behind. Molding himself behind you, with two kids running around Mark makes sure to savor these rare moments when it's just the two of you.
"Missed you too much" he mumbles, burying his head on the crook of your neck. He then pepper kisses all over the side of your face, the shell of your ears, stopping to rest his lips against your head while he still holds you in his arms.
"Where's the kids?" he asks, the living room was empty when he entered and he knows the two kids are already done with school.
"In their playroom, I should check on them in a bit it's too quiet" you joke
"I'll do it, you finish up here. I'll go check on the kids and change" he gives you another kiss on the cheek before breaking away.
He then makes his way down the hall to where the playroom is, just when he was about to open the door he heard a scream from the inside.
In an instant, his protective instincts kick in. Throwing the door open, ready to fight whatever or whoever dared to scare his children but he only saw his two little humans in there.
"Daddy!" Minjee says the moment her eyes land on her dad, running towards him to hug his legs.
"What is going on in here?" he looks around the room, checking to see if everything's alright then looking at his oldest for an explanation.
"We were just coloring" Minjung mumbles, Mark knew that wasn't the end of the story so he asks his daughter
"Oppa broke my glitter pen" she cries
"I didn't! I wanted to use it for my drawing but she wouldn't let me use it!" the 8 year old retorts. In the middle of the commotion, Mark didn't notice you approaching.
"What's happening here?" you ask, standing behind Mark before entering the room. This time Mark leans down to pick Minjee up while Minjung turns to you,
"Minjee didn't want to share" he frowns while he tells on his sister, "Did you ask nicely before you took it?" you asked calmly
"Yes" the young boy replies, you then turn to the little girl in your husbands arm. She knew it was the only place no one would ever dare to harm her, even you. Mark is Minjee's protector.
"Minjee? Did you not want to share with your brother?" you ask
"But I wanted to use it" she grumbles
"Yes, love. I know but were you using it when Minjung asked if he could use it? He did ask you first before taking it"
"No" again the little girl mumbles, looking down on her fingers currently playing with her father's buttons
You share a look with your husband before signaling for him to put Minjee down, at first Mark was hesitant but he followed your command anyways. His kids might have him wrapped around their fingers but at the end of the day he's most scared of you.
"Minjee, come here baby. Will you say sorry to your brother? It's not nice. Minjung you apologize also for taking the pen, next time you wait until she finishes then you ask again nicely. I don't like it when you two fight" you tell the two kids, both of them looking at you with glassy eyes.
"Sorry" Minjee mumbles, looking over at her brother
"Me too, I'm sorry" the older one says, holding out the pen to her which she gladly takes. "Good, thank you to the both of you for listening to mom. Now why don't you clean up before we eat dinner? I made cookies" you smile at the two, giving them each a kiss on the head.
The youngest one already running out the room to clean, nothing gets her going more than the promise of dessert.
Meanwhile, the oldest Lee sibling stays behind catching your attention.
"Mommy, is it okay if I get glitter pens too? Dad got it for Minjee last time. I wanted some too to color my drawings" he asks you, immediately you felt bad. You didn't mean to make your son feel left out, and you're sure that wasn't Mark's intention either.
"Of course, love. We can get you some" you tell him, ruffling his hair
"And I'm sorry for being a bad brother, you always tell me to be nice to Minjee because she's my sister" he says, looking over at you then at his dad still standing by the door. This made Mark walk towards the two of you, crouching down until he was eye to eye with his son
"You're not a bad brother, siblings fight sometimes but that doesn't make you a bad one. We know you didn't mean it. And I'm sorry too, how about we go to the craft store this weekend to get you some supplies?" Mark asks him with a small smile, feeling bad and trying to make it up to his son
"Really? Can Minjee come too? She loves it there" that made the two of you smile, Minjung always taking care of his sister.
"Sure buddy, whatever you want. Now, before you go can dad have a hug?" Minjung grins before running straight to his father's arms, looking at your two boys you're sure your heart is about to burst
"Hey, don't leave me out" you tell them, the two boys turn to you before embracing you.
Once dinner was done and the two kids are tucked away in bed, Mark waits for you in the bedroom while you finish you nighttime routine. When you slide on the mattress next to him, immediately he pulls you to his side.
"Long day?" you ask him, a lazy smile on your face while you brush the few strands of hair falling on his eyes
"Kinda, and to think you do this everyday. God, you are amazing" he tells you before giving you a kiss. When the two of you broke apart, he just stares at you,
"You think Minjung's okay?" he asks
"What do you mean?"
"The thing with the pens? I really didn't think about it, I just thought Minjee would love it. I don't want him to think we have favorites" he tells your worries, nights like this are his favorites. When he gets to talk about his day with you, to say every worry every thought to his other half.
"No, he doesn't think that way. We love them both just as much"
"Mhm, it's okay for our kids to have favorites but we can't" he jokes, "What are you talking about?"
"Clearly Minjung likes you now more than me, I'm starting to get jealous. We used to spend more time together"
"Silly, he loves you just as much"
"Na uh, he likes you more. He told me so when I jokingly asked him, believe me I was silent the way home" he tells you, making you laugh.
"If I'm Minjung's favorite then you're Minjee's, but what's new. She's always been a daddy's girl"
And Mark wears that badge with honor. Minjee will always be his little princess. Of course he loves both of his children equally.
"Okay then one's a mommy's boy and the other one is a daddy's girl" he says
"Yea apparently, but we love them both" you mumble, burying your head on the crook of his neck.
"Yea" he breaths out
"Years later it's still unfair how I carried them for nine months only for them to look like you, down the habits" you tell your husband.
The kids are old enough for Mark to finally stop denying it and say otherwise, his two kids are his carbon copies without a doubt. But you love it.
"You love us" he tells you, hugging you even closer until you're completely laying on top of him
"You know how we can solve that?" Mark asks with this new twinkle is his eyes, a cheeky smile on his lips
"And what do you suggest, Mr. Lee?"
You feel his arms snake around your waist before he flips the two of you over, this time he's the on top.
"What if we make another one?" he whisper, dipping his head down to kiss the shell of your ear then down the hollow of your neck. Already, you're putty under him. Like he knows just how to put you under his spell and make you do his bidding.
"And have another version of you?" you asks, voice sounding more breathy. He smirks against your skin, his mind already imagining you pregnant with his child again. This was enough to lit a fire in him.
You continued before pulling him for a kiss "Sounds like a dream to me"
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kybercrystals94 · 4 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
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1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 75
2. What's your total Ao3 word count? 92,568
3. What fandoms do you write for? Currently, Star Wars (mostly Bad Batch); however, I've written for a lot of TV shows over the years. (I prefer TV shows over movies simply because I can get to know the characters better and have a better feel for them when writing)
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
1. Unconventionally Easy (Star Wars: The Bad Batch) - a pre-Order 66 story about a mission gone awry for the Batch. 2. I Miss You (Star Wars: The Bad Batch) - Echo finds an unexpected message from a brother. 3. Regroup (Star Wars: The Bad Batch) - Tech and Omega have to leave Hunter and Wrecker behind when a job for Cid goes sideways. 4. Just Sit With Me (Star Wars: The Bad Batch) - A Cadet Batch fic featuring young Crosshair and Tech. 5. Resilient (Star Wars: The Bad Batch) - Echo struggles with his PTSD.
5. Do you respond to comments? Yes! It's one of my favorite parts of writing fan fiction!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? This one is really hard since I did Whumptober and Febuwhump and Angstpril 😅 I'd have to say maybe Haunting Failures or Sick Day (although my readers would probably choose different ones).
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Probably the Stardust Conspiracy or Detail Work.
8. Do you get hate on fics? In other fandoms, I have...I have yet to experience hate in this fandom.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I don't read or write or watch it...not my thing.
10. Do you ever write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? I haven't really written any...but I did kinda play with the idea of writing a Psych and Bones crossover 😂 I was gonna call it The Psychic in the Capital.
11. ?? (there was no question for #11...so I'll just say....nothing, I guess)
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Not that I am aware of, but that would be so cool!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Kind of! I wrote Where Fears Are Born & When Fears Are Faced as companion pieces of @just-here-with-my-thoughts' fic Phobia. And then @just-here-with-my-thoughts wrote a couple cute companion pieces for The Stardust Conspiracy! (Find the Stardust collection here!)
14. What's your all time favorite ship? Kanan and Hera 🥰😭
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Mmmmm...I don't know. Any WIPs I have chapters posted for I have plans to finish...the ones slowly dying in my folder, however...😅
There's a Fives Survives AU I've been writing where he's actually the one who finds and rescues Omega from Kamino that I would really like to see through.
16. What are your writing strengths? I love character studies, so I feel like that really helps my writing!
17. What are your writing weaknesses? I hate writing action scenes...and I tend to lean heavily on dialogue.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in a fic? The only time I've used "another language" in a fic is when I have clones use Mando'a words...but they don't usually use full sentences.
19. First fandom you wrote for? When I was an early teen I wrote for the Disney show Pair of Kings. 😂 However, I think I deleted the story after a couple of days...the first fandom I stuck to for a bit of time and still have stories floating around out there was Bonanza.
20. Favorite fic you've written? Basically any story I've written with the boys as cadets. They All Fall Down is probably one of my favorites, just because it reminds me so much of growing up with siblings. I also loved writing the Stardust Conspiracy.
Thank you for tagging me, @the-little-moment! This was so fun!!
Is it possible to tag all my moots?? Because I wanna see all your answers...(**cough**cough**if you've read this far, consider yourself TAGGED)
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clockworkdragonffxiv · 11 months
I started my D&D campaign back in April of 2020 shortly after the COVID Lockdown hit. I was bored out of my skull and stressed, and a friend had expressed his frustration with his own D&D group and I just went "Fuck it."
I hadn't played DnD since college. I had never GM'd a tabletop game. But I had nothing better to do. So I went on to Discord into, like, the three channels I'm active in and rounded up a gaggle of friends from FFXIV and from my old City of Heroes group. For my starter campaign I used the very first Eberron campaign ever published for I think 3e or 3.5e, converted to 5e, "The Forgotten Forge."
And three and a half years, multiple cases of COVID, two rounds of cancer and chemotherapy, four or five moves, three kidney stones, multiple bouts of depression, and a half dozen job changes, we finally finished the campaign at level 16, having convinced the Lord of Blades to devote his talents to building the new Warforged nation and healing the Mournlands using the unique techno-organic warforged plants and animals we'd discovered, instead of his original plan which was to absorb the power of a Creation Engine and a Demon Overlord into himself, achieve apotheosis, and drown the world in a tide of blood.
My original plan for the final battle has in large underlined letters the phrase "Biblically Accurate Chainsaw Angel" and included a speech with lines like "LET THE SEAS BOIL AND THE SKIES FALL! LET THE WORLD BURN!"
Also probably ending up with the players picking the Red, Blue or Green endings from the End-o-Matic 9000.
But that didn't happen.
So instead, the campaign that started with our little group of heroes stumbling onto the murder of a professor with the clues to a hidden workshop, ended with the wedding of Seeker the Warforged Artificer, the man who'd talked the Lord of Blades down (despite having a Charisma of 8) and now holds the title of Maestro Seeker, is an advisor to the national leadership, and is the teacher of a whole new batch of warforged, and the warforged medic Solace, an NPC whose existence began as a joke about Seeker having a whirlwind romance with a medic in the space of about 23 minutes while the rest of the party were running errands.
Hot damn was that a lot of work. Three and a half years, and despite it starting in modules by the second I'd decided I didn't like the story as it was written, threw it out, and told my own story. Featuring friendly little fire elementals named Phil, packs of extremely patriotic and laddish mimics named Jimmy, an eight foot robotic sweetheart named Friend whose primary weapon was an equally massive tower shield and her totally-not-boyfriend warforged druid/allosaurus/swearasaurus Din, a wrestling match with a hobgoblin that nearly turned lethal when an 18 foot tall warforged titan came in with the steel chair, an alligator with a gun, and banishing the elemental dragon powering a flying battleship while A) the team was still on the battleship and B) it was still several hundred feet in the air and C) it was the only thing keeping it there... it's done.
And it was all worth it. God I love these guys. So here's to you, Katie, Jacquie, Mike, Stan, and Will. I'll see you all next week for our next adventure.
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photogirl894 · 4 months
Sun and Rain Part 2: Age of the Empire
Chapter 32
"The Gamble"
A "Bad Batch" fanfic!
Pairing: Hunter x fem OC, Echo (more best friend pairing)
A/N: Well, I know I said I was gonna wait until all my celebration requests were done...but turns out, I lied! 😜 I got hit with inspiration for this chapter and I was starting to miss it, so I went ahead and wrote the chapter anyway! I'm sure a lot of you are complaining 😜
Plus, it's just all been on my mind since season 3 ended and man, I am gonna miss this show so freaking much, but this story will continue on! We've still got a long way to go and a lot of things yet to happen; lots of twists and turns still to be revealed in the future 😆
Enjoy this, my loves!! It's a little shorter than normal, but fun nonetheless!
Taglist: @the-sad-batch , @nimata-beroya , @intrepidmare , @legolkenxbi , @tech-aficionado
@ladykatakuri , @d1n0-dan , @sammi9498 , @darthzero22 , @scarlettrose9901
@thebadbatchscyare , @chxpsi , @ilikemymendarkandfictional , @4pplecider , @locitapurplepink
@l-lend , @nekotaetae , @eternalwaffle , @merkitty49 , @avathebestx
@idoubleswearimawriter , @techs-stitches , @fantasyproductions , @sverdgeir , @totallyunidentified
《 Chapter 31
》 Chapter 33
All chapters (Part 2) (Part 1)
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Explanation: Risks are taken when Omega decides to take on dejarik matches for money.
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When Kimber, Omega and the Koriena Force returned to Cid's parlor, they found the building empty save for Cid sitting at a table with Bolo and Ketch, all of them in the middle of a game of dejarik. 
“Wow, I think we're gonna have trouble finding a seat, girls. It's packed to the walls in here,” Rina remarked loud enough for Cid to hear after taking a drag of sweetblossom from her vape mod.
“I know, it's amazing how popular this place is right now,” Kimber added sarcastically. 
Cid looked up at them, displeased at their remarks. “Ha ha, you all are hilarious,” she responded flatly. 
As the ladies filed in, Irys informed Cid, “Jido's credits have been acquired and have been transferred to your account.”
“Let me double check, make sure it's actually there,” Cid replied, leaning over and picking up a datapad from right next to her.
“You doubt my skills?” Irys questioned.
“Or our credibility?” Kimber added. 
With a sneer, Cid snapped back, “I don't trust anybody, especially when it comes to my money.”
When she went back to her datapad, Kida asked in comment, “Honestly, ladies, should we have expected anything else?”
Sighing with defeat, Lex answered, “Probably not.”
A few seconds passed and then Cid declared, “Would ya look at that? You ladies came through.”
“Doubt doesn't become you, Cid,” Kimber said back. 
“And I believe you owe part of that to us for getting it for you,” Rina reminded Cid.
Waving them off, Cid said back, annoyed, “Yeah, yeah, don't get your britches in a twist, Shortstacks. I'll get to it after I finish this game.”
“Ugh, well, in that case, let’s hit the bar, girls,” Lex suggested, waving them over in the direction of the bar. “And Omega, I’ll grab you some juice. We hid a bottle for you behind the bar.”
“You’re the best!” Omega praised gladly as she took a seat on a barstool.
Lex went ahead and grabbed a couple different bottles and started pouring them into cups for everyone as they all sat down.
“To another job well done,” said Kida, raising her glass and everyone touched their glasses together in toast to their success. 
As they took sips of their drinks, they heard Bolo behind them exclaim to Ketch, “You got her cornered!” 
“Oh yeah, I’m real scared,” Cid replied mockingly. 
The girls all turned in their chairs to watch, curious to see how the remainder of the dejarik game would go. 
As Cid contemplated her next move, Ketch taunted her, “Delay all you want, you’re not getting out of this one.”
Cid moved to press a button on the table when Omega suddenly spoke up, “I wouldn’t do that.” 
Kimber and the Koriena Force all looked down at her curiously.
“Hear that? We got an expert here,” Cid said snidely before rolling her eyes and going ahead with her move anyway. 
Her piece in the holochess game moved around on the board, but ended up getting knocked down by Ketch’s piece and it disappeared. 
Bolo laughed triumphantly and declared, “She’s done for!”
“I told you,” Omega said with snark that made the girls grin.
“You kinda suck at this, Cid,” commented Rina.
Kimber chuckled quietly as she took another drink. It was kind of nice seeing Cid get knocked around for once. 
Looking to Omega and ignoring Rina, Cid asked, unamused, “Well, expert…what should I do next?”
Omega slid off her barstool and walked over to the table.
Leaning over to Kimber, Lex whispered, “This ought to be interesting.” 
Omega proceeded to press a couple buttons on the console and then looked up as Cid’s dejarik piece knocked out Ketch’s piece easily, earning her the win. Bolo and Ketch weren’t happy about it; Bolo told Ketch he blew it while Ketch blamed Bolo for telling him to bet everything, so the two of them decided to take their disagreement outside. While that was happening, the ladies were all impressed with Omega’s easy win on Cid’s behalf.
“How’d you know to do that, kid?” Rina asked her.
With a casual shrug, Omega responded, “It’s a strategy game. I’m good at strategy.”
“Well, I’ll be…,” commented Kida.
“How good?” Cid asked her, a sly grin curling up on her scaly mouth. “Enough to uh…win some matches for some money?”
Kimber opened her mouth to reply, but Omega spoke up first: “Depends. What’s my cut?”
“Omega, no. You cannot be serious,” Kimber protested.
Ignoring Kimber, Cid told the kid, “Thirty percent.”
Wasting no time, Omega fired back, “Sixty.”
“Ohhh, she knows how to hit where it hurts. Way to go, kid,” commented Rina.
“Don’t encourage her,” Kimber chided her.
However, she heard Cid say, “Deal,” in response to Omega and said she’d start getting some matches set up before heading back in the direction of her office.
“Cid, you are not going to exploit a child to try and make more money for yourself,” Kimber stated, bolting up from her barstool.
Turning back over her shoulder, Cid shot back, “Hey, the kid agreed to it, Dollface. You wanna argue with somebody? Talk to her. I got some matches to set up.” Then without waiting for anything further, she went into the back hall towards her office, which only irritated Kimber even further.
Behind her, Irys said, “It’s not a terrible idea to make some extra credits.”
“That doesn’t matter. I don’t want Cid to take advantage of Omega and besides, Hunter said he wanted her to keep a low profile.”
Then she noticed Omega walking up to her and the young girl said to her, “I have a plan, Kimber. Don’t worry.”
Folding her arms, Kimber questioned her, “What is your plan?”
“I want to still help the squad even though I’m not on the mission with them. We didn’t get any of the weapons we were going to sell from Bracca, so we still have a debt we owe to Cid,” said Omega. “I can maybe help pay off part of the debt by doing these matches, which is why I asked for a sixty percent cut. That should get us a good amount to help pay Cid back.”
“I like the way you think,” said Lex before taking a swig of her drink.
Looking to Kimber, Rina put in, “That’s actually not a bad plan, boss lady. The kid knows her stuff. Might as well put that brain of hers to good use. If she wants to help, I say you let her.”
Kimber still was unsure. She despised the thought of Cid using Omega for any sort of gain, especially after her remarks earlier about trying to get free labor out of the girl. Even though Omega’s intentions were good, she worried Cid would try and pull a fast one on them, like taking more money than what was promised or making Omega do something that wasn’t part of the agreement. Kimber didn’t trust the Trandoshan for anything.
However, looking back down at Omega, she saw there was a pleading look in her bright brown eyes that made her heart drop just a little.
“Please, Kimber,” Omega insisted. “I want to do my part. I want to help our friends.”
Kimber sighed, knowing it was hard to say “no” to Omega sometimes. “Oh, all right…,” she relented, “but I’m keeping a close eye on both you and Cid. I don’t trust her to not pull any tricks.”
“Don’t worry, princess. None of us trust her either,” Lex said. 
“You’ll have plenty of eyes on both Omega and Cid,” added Kida.
Irys slipped off her barstool and said to Omega, gesturing with her head to the dejarik table, “Come on, Omega. You and I can get a couple practice games in to prepare you.”
Omega gleefully agreed and ran over to take a seat.
“Be warned, though: Irys is also a pretty decent strategist herself,” said Lex.
With a look of confidence on her face, Omega replied, looking at Irys, “You’re on.”
While those two were starting up a game and Lex and Kida gathered around to watch, Kimber walked out of the parlor for a moment, needing some air and just some time to think. She limped to the top of the stairs, her leg still on the mend, sidestepped in front of the wall and then leaned back against it, letting out a sigh. She trusted Omega, but she still wasn’t sure about this gambling plan the girl had up her sleeve. Omega was confident, but Kimber still feared the plan would maybe backfire.
“Credit for your thoughts, boss lady?”
The smell of sweetblossom accompanied the sound of Rina’s voice and Kimber turned to see her reaching the top of the steps and looking her way. 
“I don’t know about this plan, Rina,” Kimber confided in her. “I’m afraid Cid might try to trick us or Omega. I don’t like the thought of her using the kid like this.”
“Hey, child exploitation is no laughing matter,” Rina said back, “but Omega wants to do this. It’s her call. Frankly, I think she should’ve pushed for seventy-five percent.”
“Rina…!” Kimber scolded her.
Rina held her hands up defensively. “I’m just sayin’. It wouldn’t have hurt to milk a little extra out of old Scales.”
Kimber snickered. “Scales…that's new,” she commented. Then she let her head fall back against the wall again. “Am I doing the right thing? Hunter didn’t want her to draw attention to herself and I’m supposed to mind her while the boys are gone. I see why she wants to do this, but…I just don’t know.”
After taking another inhale of sweetblossom from her mod, Rina stepped closer to her. “I get your concerns. The kid’s your priority and you wanna do right by the Sarge…but Omega’s also her own person and she’s made her choice. She wants to help out, even though she’s been sidelined. This can be a great opportunity for her to prove herself and, if things go south, she’ll learn from it. Not to mention she’s got the Koriena Force watching her back. As long as she's not betting the ship, she'll be fine...plus, I haven't seen Scales take any fingers or limbs as a down payment.”
“Rina!” Kimber chided her, unamused. 
“Sorry, sorry,” Rina apologized. She then laid a hand on Kimber’s arm. “Look, if Lover Boy gives you any grief for this, you know we’ll back you up, if needed. We’ve got your back and Omega’s. Gambling in and of itself is a risky business. Some people get real shady with that stuff.”
“You sound as if you’re speaking from experience,” Kimber remarked.
Rina scoffed a bit in disgust. “Not my own experience, but my old man's,” she replied. “He ended up with a lot of gambling debts which made him turn to smuggling in order to pay them off. He dealt with a lot of messed up people…including the likes of the Pyke Syndicate.”
“You’re serious?” said Kimber.
Nodding, Rina answered, “Uh-huh. Got in too deep with them and now, he owes more to the Pykes than he does to any of his gambling debts.”
“That's a shame.”
“Meh, it is what it is. He made his bed and then he got to lie in it. Ain’t my problem. The only thing all that taught me was to never mess with the Pykes. They're worse than bad news.”
“Well, good thing the Pykes won’t ever come here.” Kimber then looked up to the sky and her hand came up Hunter’s necklace lying against her chest, wondering how he and the boys were doing on Raxus. 
Once again, she felt Rina’s hand on her arm and a light wave of calm seemed to wash over her. “Relax, Kimber,” Rina told her. “Everything’s gonna be fine. Omega is confident in her abilities; I think she’ll do us proud. If things go wrong, then she’s got us. You’re not dealing with this alone, you know that.”
Feeling content with Rina's reassurance, Kimber reached up and grasped Rina's arm, smiling gratefully. 
Then Rina added, “Plus, you're turning into the Sarge with how worried and protective you're getting over the kid, so it's my job to tell you to lighten up.”
“I'm sorry, can you blame me?” Kimber asked in reply. “With Hunter not here, I'm just extra anxious, especially regarding Cid, that's all.”
“Are you gonna be this high-strung by yourself when you guys have smols of your own?”
“Whoa, now! We're nowhere near close to that point, so don't jump the gun on me.”
“I'm just sayin’...you gotta get a hold of yourself.”
“I know, I know….” Kimber then gave Rina a light, friendly jab in the shoulder. “Thanks for always looking out for me.”
In response, Rina playfully punched her arm back a little harder, reminding Kimber a lot of Wrecker, which was fitting. “Hey, Lex said it once and now, I'm gonna say it again: we're part of the Koriena Force. Like the wolves we're named after, we're in this pack for life.” Then she took another inhale from her mod and gestured back to the stairs with her head. “Come on, let's get back inside and help your kid get ready to kick some butt in dejarik.”
Shaking her head, Kimber said back, “She's not my kid.”
“Yeah, she is,” Rina immediately replied. 
Kimber simply grinned as she followed her friend back inside. 
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Within a couple hours, Omega had won five matches. 
By the end of the day, she'd won twelve.
Within the next couple of days, she'd won over a hundred. 
The girl was on fire and the Koriena Force were cheering her on and encouraging her the entire time. It was impressive seeing how skilled at strategy Omega actually was. Even the cockiest and confident of opponents were beaten by her, which took their confidence down by a bit being beaten by a young kid. A couple people tried to pick fights, but the ladies were quick to either get them to back down or give them a good beating before throwing them out. Lex was certain she accidentally broke one guy’s nose because, out of habit, she threw a punch with her cybernetic hand. They weren’t going to let anyone mess with the kid.
Naturally, she was raking in the credits with all the bets being placed on her, which seemed to make Cid a bit more appreciative, to say the least. Appreciative of more money, anyway. Over the course of the couple days, Omega had accrued more than enough credits to pay off the Bad Batch’s debt, which made her happy. She was able to do something good for her brothers while not being on the mission with them. Despite the reservations she’d had previously, it made Kimber glad to see Omega feeling good about herself and what she’d done.
One match had started with a Pantoran man and the stakes were high. A lot of money was on the line because the man was a renowned dejarik player who was confident he would finally be the one to take Omega down. Tons of people who had either been in over the last couple of days or had heard word on the street about the dejarik matches were watching, cheering on both the Pantoran and Omega. 
The match was nearing its end with only possibly a couple moves left. Both players had two pieces left on the holoboard. Cid stood beside Omega, her hands on the kid’s shoulders as she watched closely. Kimber stood on Omega’s other side with the rest of the girls next to her to keep the onlookers in line.
“No one can stop this kid!” one guy cheered in the crowd.  
Kimber looked over her shoulder to see a few more people had entered into the parlor…including a few familiar faces that made her smile. 
The Clones had returned from Raxus.
Most of them looked either curious or pleased to see Omega in her element…but Hunter didn’t exactly look enthused about the situation as Kimber spotted him shaking his head indifferently.
The Pantoran man clicked a button with a smug grin on his face. One of his pieces moved forward and took out one of Omega’s, leaving him with two and her with one. The onlookers all gasped and murmured in awe at what had happened and with wonder at how Omega was going to retaliate. 
“Take him out, kid,” Rina encouraged her.
After studying the board for a few seconds, Omega looked up at the Pantoran and got a smug grin of her own. She hit the buttons on the console and her last remaining piece proceeded to take out both of his two, securing her the win. Everyone cheered excitedly for her while the Pantoran looked shocked at being beaten and then abruptly left. 
“Well done, Omega! You sure showed him,” commented Kida, giving Omega a pat on the arm.
It was then Omega happened to catch sight of Hunter and the others and, after greeting them with a wave, she slid off her stool and ran over to see them while Cid informed the crowd that the matches were over and there were to be no more bets and she shooed the crowd out. Kimber and the rest of the ladies made their way over to greet the Clones, as well.
Wrecker swept Omega off the ground and settled her on his arm as he exclaimed with pride, “Kid, where’d you learn to do that?”
“She’s a natural. I’ve never seen anything like it,” said Cid as she approached them.
“Truly, she is an intelligent and gifted child. You all should be proud of her,” Irys added.
Omega beamed with gladness at their compliments.
However, Hunter looked up at her and remarked, almost annoyed, “I told you to keep a low profile. This is the opposite.”
“Hunter, we can explain,” said Kimber.
Though, before she could, Cid gave Hunter a shove back and scolded him, “Ease up, Bandana. Omega made enough money to pay off the debt you boys owe me, so try showing a little gratitude to my friend.”
“She’s got you there, Sarge,” Rina commented. 
As Cid walked over and greeted another man behind them that Kimber assumed was the Senator of Raxus and his Droid, the rest of the Clones followed them back to Cid’s office. Wrecker set a dejected Omega down, but roughly shoulder-checked Hunter as he walked by him, gesturing to the kid with his head and giving Hunter a glare that told him he needed to talk to Omega.
“Well, ladies, I think that’s our cue to leave,” said Lex to the rest of the Koriena Force.
“You want us to stick around and back you up?” Rina asked Kimber in a low voice.
She shook her head. “No…Omega was my responsibility and I supported this decision, so I’ll handle it.”
Kida laid a hand on Kimber’s shoulder and told her, “We’ll see you all back at the Aurora later then.”
Kimber gave her a nod and the rest of the ladies exited the bar, but not before Rina punched Hunter in the arm as they walked out.
He looked to Kimber, looking lost on what to do or think. 
“She had good intentions,” was all she said. Then she gave him a reassuring smile and motioned with her eyes towards Omega, who was beginning to walk away with her head low, urging him, as well, to just talk to the kid.
Then he turned over his shoulder and asked, “You really paid off our debt?”
Omega stopped in place and said, without looking back at him, “I wanted to be useful…even if I couldn’t go on the mission.”
He hummed contemplatively and turned to Kimber before grinning, which slightly startled her. Then he declared, “How about we put those strategy skills to the test?” As Omega turned around to look at him, he walked over to the dejarik table and said, “One match. If you win, then no more sitting out on missions.” He set his helmet down on the ground and turned the table on, signaling with his head for Omega to come join him. 
Now with renewed excitement, she ran over and sat on his other side.
‘You ready for this?” he challenged her.
She replied back with a confident grin, “Are you?”
Kimber smiled with gladness at them. It made her proud to see Hunter beginning to broaden his mind in regards to Omega’s choices and being willing to include her more as part of the squad. Even though the condition of her not being left out of missions was her winning, she knew Omega would win. Whether it was on her own--which, more than likely, it would be--or Hunter would let her win. She could see in his eyes that he had no intention of leaving the kid behind again.
Watching them play their match gave Kimber yet another small glimpse of what a possible normal life could look like for them. Sitting around a table and playing games like a normal family…it brought a light tear to her eye. 
Suffice it to say, Omega beat Hunter at the match easily. 
The rest of the squad came out of Cid’s office just as the game was over and Omega happily exclaimed as she saw them, “I won! I don’t have to sit out on missions anymore!”
“Well done, kid,” replied Echo proudly. “Glad to have you back on board.”
“I assume Kimber shall be joining us again soon, as well?” Tech inquired.
“I believe so. My leg’s feeling much better after taking some time these last couple days and some of Kida's bacta salt treatments,” Kimber replied, “so I think I should be good to go.”
Wrapping his arm over her shoulders, Wrecker responded, “Good ‘cause we’ve missed you.”
“Come on, then. Let’s get to the Aurora and meet up with the girls,” suggested Echo, making his way toward the door with Tech. 
“Good. I need some kisses from my girl after that mission,” said Wrecker, grinning as he followed. 
Kimber went to walk after them, but was stopped by Hunter grabbing her hand. She turned back to him and found him eyeing her closely. 
In a low, gravelly voice, he told her, “Wrecker's not the only one who needs a kiss from his love.”
She smiled even wider as she obliged him, stepped closer and pulled him in for a kiss, his hand cradling her cheek as he returned the gesture. 
“Thank you for looking after Omega,” he told her when he pulled back. “I know I wasn’t pleased with what I saw when we walked in, but…I should’ve known things were under control because you were here.”
“Indeed. You should have a little more faith in us, darling,” she responded. “That and we had the Koriena Force with us.”
He chuckled. “Well, that doesn’t always inspire confidence.”
“Don’t let them hear you say that,” she said, chuckling with him.
His hand came up and he traced her cheek gently. “I hate having to leave you behind. It's never the same without you with us.”
“It's what needed to be done,” she replied, “but I'll be with you next time.”
“Thank the stars,” he said before joining his lips to hers again, this time with more passion.
“Oh, for the love of--would you two cut it out?”
The two of them broke apart and heavily sighed in frustration as they heard Cid ridiculing them.
“Sheesh, just get hitched already, will ya?” Cid added.
Fed up, Kimber spat back, “Cid, you just made a ton of money for your bar thanks to our kid. Would you just lighten up for once in your life?”
Cid simply rolled her eyes in disgust and then went over to manage some things behind the bar. 
Hunter, when he looked back to Kimber, raised an eyebrow at her. “Our kid?” he repeated, a small grin on his lips.
Her cheeks went red, not realizing what she’d said. “Sorry…that just slipped out,” she admitted sheepishly.
His arms came around her waist and pulled her close, he gave her another kiss and then stated, “What I wouldn’t give to have a proper moment alone with you right now.”
A flirty smirk crossed her face. “Well…everyone else is on the Aurora right now…which means the Marauder should be empty.”
Hunter then got a devilish grin of his own and his eyes darkened with desire. “Then why are we still here, my love?”
The two of them wasted no time running out of the parlor, eager for a little alone time together before joining back up with their squads.
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lindleland · 6 months
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And just like that, I'm done with Moon.
I was worried that I'd end up disliking this on a replay but it was much better than I'd remembered. Honestly one of my favourite games in the series.
These are still some of the best characters in the series, it has one of the best batches of new Pokemon they ever introduced, and you have a great set of team options throughout the game without it ever feeling like they're giving you too many options. I feel like the last couple entries have been maybe a bit too generous with the Pokemon you can get early on plus giving you enough XP to easily raise multiple teams, making each playthrough seem kind of indistinct. This one hits the perfect balance.
The region looks goddamn gorgeous and I love the aesthetic of these 3D models, there's a good balance between detail in the models and pixellated textures that have a real low-poly charm to them.
And this is still probably the best plot in the series, barring maybe Scarlet and Violet's.
I do have one big criticism though, and that's that this game is overwhelmingly handholdy. I think a lot of the changes to the formula were a good idea, but incorproating a strict linear plot with exactly one quest marker at a time makes this really feel like you aren't on your own journey, you're being guided through a series of preset objectives. So many roadblocks in this feel aggressively guiding, like the game is saying "this is NOT the way to progress the story, go follow your quest marker NOW", and there are very few opportunities to go off the beaten path. Additionally, while I do like the cutscenes, there are way too many of them. You can hardly enter anywhere new in this game without a cutscene happening.
With that being said, I still had a fantastic time here. And in fairness, Sword and Shield had similar problems outside of the Wild Areas despite barely even having a plot.
Glad I'm putting some good distance between this and Ultra Moon, though. Probably the worst pair of games to play through back to back given how little freedom there is in the experience. I'll be playing through the Violet DLC whenever I can afford it, but the other games in my immediate replay lineup are physical copies on old hardware that I can't screenshot on. Once we get back to the 3DS era though I'll probably liveblog Alpha Sapphire and Ultra Moon as well.
...Though I'm not really done with this liveblog yet, since Moon has (holy shit) an actual substantial postgame! Stay tuned.
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rays-of-fire-and-ice · 6 months
Hi! congrats on the anniversary 🫶
For the fanfic request: Ichihime + second date ( first kiss ) 🍓🍞
As the Rain Falls
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Rating: K/General with mild themes
Setting: little over a month after We do Knot Always Love You
Synopsis: Ichigo and Orihime go on their second date, both anxious and excited about their new relationship, but Ichigo has things on his mind he can’t shake off.
AN: First up, a sincere apology for how late this is!!! >_< I must admit, I kept getting writer’s block with this one, but I still wanted to persevere with it and try to write for different characters and a different ship.
At the same time however, I'll admit I’m nervous about this. I've never written a fic where Ichigo and Orihime are the main characters, and I know that they'll be written out of character as a result. And it's me, so this is probably more angsty than you wanted ^^;
I tried, and hopefully it makes for an entertaining read.
Hope you enjoy this one!
Ichigo tucks his hands into his jacket pockets and bounces his knee as he looks around AB Cookies.
Arisa, who is currently at the counter, told him Orihime was getting changed and should be out soon. It had been only two minutes since then, but why did it feel like longer?
He sits in the corner at one of the few indoor tables, mostly ignored by the customers coming and going from the store. All around him, the room is brightly coloured in pastel hues and styled in a way that makes it appear homely and cute. If not for Orihime, he wouldn’t normally come to a place like this.
When another minute passes, he thinks to pull out one of his textbooks and study while he waits. He only gets as far as frowning at his backpack. Why is he so nervous? It’s not like this was their first date – that’d happened just over four weeks ago – so where is this anxious, fluttery energy coming from?
He blinks at hearing Orihime’s voice drift from the back. He straightens when she emerges from the doorway behind the rows of breads. She’s dressed in a bright sweater and skirt, and her boots clack on tiles then the wooden floors when she lifts the counter top and steps out to his side. She smiles widely when she glances at him, and he can’t help but smile back in return – she’s one of the few people who has that affect on him. 
She only gives him her full attention after she says goodbye to Arisa, who in turn thanks her for her work. He stands up, shouldering his backpack as she approaches.
“Kurosaki-kun,” she greets. “Sorry for you keeping you waiting.”
“It’s fine, you didn’t take that long,” he says. He tips his head towards the exit. “You wanna get going?”
They end up in the main street of Karakura Town, walking towards the shopping district. Cars rush by and people crowd the streets. Above them is a mostly blue sky, but clouds linger.
“How was your day?” Orihime asks.
Ichigo shrugs one shoulder. “Nothing much. Just went to lectures mostly.”
“Which ones were they for?”
“English studies. What about you? Anything happen today?”
“A lot, actually. I told Ari -- Oh, wait!” She comes to a stop and reaches into her bag. “Are you hungry?”
Before he can even respond, she pulls out a bread bun and breaks it into halves. “It’s got red bean paste and strawberry in it,” she says as she offers one half to him. “It’s spares from the batches I made this morning, and I thought, since you were up early…”
He smirks fondly as he takes it from her. It’s so typical of her to think of something like this. “Thanks, I think I need this.”
She practically glows, and he has to bite into the bun to not embarrass himself with a stupid grin and chuckle. He hates how this reminds him of the way his father acted around his mother. He hopes to never be like that with Orihime, but even so, there are those moments where she gets to him, where her happiness and excitement become almost infectious.
“Is it good?” she asks.
He nods, mouth full, and it only makes her beam wider. He bites harder into the bun the next time as heat rises up his neck.
“So, I made that new donut for Arisa-san and Ichinose-kun,” she says.
“Oh, the one with seaweed, strawberry, and cashews?” he asks, trying to keep the wariness out of his voice; these new recipes she comes up with always mean a lot to her, even if he can’t comprehend them.
“Yes! Although I had to change it. I think I brought them around to it after create one without the cashews, but I'm starting to wonder if maybe peanuts might work better.
"I-Is that so?"
"I just think it needs a salty or nutty element! It still tastes good with jut the seaweed and strawberry though. They’re thinking about putting it in the front.”
Despite his reservations, he can’t help but he proud of her and his smile returns. “That’s great, Inoue.”
Something must show in his expression, because a faint blush colours her cheeks. “A-Anyway, after that I was speaking with Arisa-san…”
They keep walking down the street as Orihime talks and occasionally nibbles on her half of the bun. He listens to her, and as she carries on about her work – about the small things like finding a gacha trinket on the ground on her way to work, and bigger things like a corporate event who requested catering from the bakery – they wonder from the streets to a nearby park.
For not the first time, he thinks about how peaceful its' become. He still fights Hollows, but isn't as often as it used to be. There’s no looming threat over them, nothing to stop them from being by each others’ side. It’s why, along with seeing how happy Renji and Rukia were, and the former’s encouragement, he finally decided to ask Orihime out.
Their first date had been clumsy in the first hour. He’d planned dinner and a movie, a typical date night according to Keigo and Tatsuki. After Ichigo arrived late and Orihime got flustered trying to reassure him it was fine, the air had been awkward around them. Just the week before he’d confessed to her, and she did the same, and now it’s apparent their feelings for each other were more than either of them thought. Gradually, after they'd finished their dinner and they left to go see the movie, things eased.
Perhaps that where these fluttery nerves came from, left over from their last date. He'd thought he'd be more relaxed consider today’s date was even simpler: a walk in the park, then find a restaurant for a late lunch. It’d been Orihime’s idea, claiming she didn’t need to do anything fancy or complicated with him. He can’t help but suspect she had him in mind though, knowing he’d be tired from his studies and late nights of fighting Hollows and performing konsos on a wondering Souls.
Yes, he thinks as he finishes off his half of the bun, he’s grateful for this peace.
However, like how Zangetsu’s voice had haunted him in the months after the Arrancar’s invaded Karakura Town, there’s a part of him that lingers in the back of his mind, skeptical. It makes him notice the crowds all around them. Parents watching their children run and play around the park. Couples occupying benches or walking past them in their own worlds. A group of teens in school uniforms hunched over a manga magazine, laughing at something they’ve read. Everyone here had been under threat just over three years ago, and they hadn’t even known it. He’d defeated Yhwach, and yet he’s still haunted by ‘what-ifs’. What if he hadn’t defeated him? What if another threat lurks right beneath them, one that hasn’t been seen yet?
Ichigo blinks out of his reverie. “Ah, sorry.”
Orihime blinks up him in concern, and had brought them to a stop at the park’s fountain. “Is something wrong?”
He thinks to hold it back in, to do what he always did and bottle it up. He’d stew on it, but it would pass or continue to linger somewhere within him, as everything else had. But what had helped him get over it? Rukia had, and Chad, and Uryu, and Renji, and Orihime. He should be able to tell her anything, especially now that they’re going out.
He doesn’t want his mood to bring the date down, and he knows if he says it’s nothing, she’ll drop it, not wanting to pry further. Even so, he knows she’ll worry about whatever is bothering him. He can’t do that to her.
He’s not sure where to start, but he opens to his mouth to say something.
And then there’s a plop on his head.
Orihime had imagined scenarios like this many times. Ichigo would grab her hand and they’d rush down the street, the rain falling over them as their feet splashed through puddles. Somehow, the clouds would be thin enough that the sun would peak through, making colours more vibrant beneath the glittering rain. At some point, in slow motion, Ichigo would look over his shoulder at her, hair somehow unaffected by the rain and haloed in a lighter shade of orange. smiling confidently, and saying something heroic or sweet.
And right now, Ichigo turns his head over his shoulder, cringing with his bangs plastered to his forehead, panting for air, and trying to blink the rain from his eyes. “You okay?”
She too has to get rid of the drop falling around her eyes to see him, wiping them and a strand hair stuck to the side of her face away with the heel of her palm. “Y-Yes! But where are we going?”
The rain comes down in torrents, drenching them in less than a minute. Around them, everyone is rushing out of the park and back to the shops that line the streets. She considers asking if they can head back to AB Cookie, but considering how soaked they are, she doesn’t want to cause any trouble for the staff in cleaning up after them; they’d probably make puddles in the middle of the store.
They run across a zebra crossing, and then next thing she knows, Ichigo brings her under the awning of a closed up shop. They almost hit the shutter door, stumbling under the shelter.
They take a moment to catch their breaths, with Ichigo hunched over and Orihime leaning against the shop’s garage door.
“This rain came out of nowhere!” she says. “The forecast was sunny. Guess I should’ve known better when I saw the clouds.”
Ichigo rises from his hunch. “You can’t predict the weather, Inoue.” He half teases and half reassures her, and she’s grateful for it.
“It’s still a shame we can’t go to the park now,” she says.
“We'll go another time. There's other stuff we can do. Unless you'd rather head home."
"Maybe we should wait until the rain stops...or there's less of it."
He only hums in acknowledgement.
It’s only then she realizes he still hasn’t let go of her hand, and she fears looking down at their joined hands and drawing attention to it will make him want to pull away. She discovered very quickly he got embarrassed by PDA – whether it was between them or with other couples. It’s oddly cute to her, and she herself still wasn’t sure if she likes it either. Holding hands like this, though, is something she’s always wanted.
The skin of his palm and fingers is rough from callouses, but the back side is softer than she expected. And it’s warm despite the rain.
Without meaning to, she squeezes his hand, and he looks down. Instead of pulling away, he tilts his head to the sky, almost shyly. She withholds a bewildered giggle. He can still surprise her, it seems.
It’s a minute later when the rain lessens.
“It’s not as bad now,” she says.
“Yeah…” He’s not fully there, his gaze turned up at the clouds. The rain affects him in a way she doesn’t fully understand yet. In the years since she first met him, whatever grips has gradually faded from what it used to be.
“We can probably head…” she starts, but trails off.
Now what? They can’t go to the park, and they can’t go out to lunch with their clothes so drenched. Maybe they should call it a day, and try again for next week sometime. But as Orihime eyes Ichigo, seeing the slight clench in his jaw and the way his eyes narrow at the sky, she knows she can’t leave him alone.
At her nervous fidgeting, he blinks, coming out of his daze, and looks to her. “What is it?”
“We can, um…w-we can head back to my place. It’s close by, so…”
Orihime tries and fails to push the heat rising to her face. Yes, Ichigo has been to her place many times before, but not since they started dating. Who knows what could happen? She tries to dismiss the sparkling fantasies that threaten to take over her mind.
“If you’re okay with that," he says, "just until the rain stops.”
“Of course!”
“Well, then, thanks.” He gentle pulls on her hand. “We should get going.”
He begins to lead her back out into the rain again.
At his raised brows, Orihime quickly bows her head. “Ah, yes, sorry! I uh, just…actually, nevermind!”
“Hey, come on. What is it?”
Orihime drops her rueful smile with a defeated chuckle. “It’s just that, after our date, I planned to go to the convenience store to pick up a few things. With this rain though, it’s probably better that we just head back.”
“We can still stop along the way. You’ll need help carrying things, right?”
She’d never point it out, but there were times she senses an eagerness from him, one he’d keep reserved under many layers. It’s another endearing quality she secretly loved about him. With a nod, she says, “Then, if it’s not too much trouble….”
He gives her a small smile. “It isn't, Inoue.”
She has to turn away as her heart skips a beat.
They make a quick dash to the convenience store that’s a few minutes from her home. She stops under the entrance’s awning and grabs the end of her skirt to wring some of the rain water out. She barely hears Ichigo’s quiet chuckle over the rain. “Don’t think it’ll make much of a difference.”
“Well, we might end up making puddles in there,” she reasons.
“It’ll be fine, we’re not staying long, right?”
As soon as they enter the convince store, Orihime bows apologetically to the cashier. Ichigo just sniffs, trying to cover up another chuckle. She’s quick to go the aisles for milk and despite the slight indignation rising in her, Orihime is glad to see faint amusement in Ichigo's expression.
She’d also imagined a scenario like this, albeit without them being wet and cold. Somehow, though, she liked how this was turning out instead. Maybe it’s knowing Ichigo is following her as she went down the aisles, his footsteps always behind her or at her side. Maybe it’s the fact that when she picks up a cup of noodles, he asks what she’ll make with it, and even as she lists off all the ingredients that sound odd to put with it, he offers weary encouragement. Maybe it’s discovering he likes a particular brand of rice crackers when she goes to pick up her usual one, and explaining to him why she prefers this one over the others. They’re small, mundane things, but every little part of it is something she can say she’s experienced with him now.
Everything comes to a halt when they get to the freezers. Orihime almost frowns when she has to crane her neck to see the milk she normally buys. “They must have moved everything  around, these never used to be so high up.”
She opens the fridge door and stands on her tippy toes.
She stops when Ichigo steps up behind her and reaches his hand into the freezer. “I’ll get it.”
Her back is almost pressed against his chest, and as she turns to look at him, she’s struck once again by how tall he is. From this angle she can admire the strong line of his jaw, and watches a raindrop roll off it and hit the collar of the shirt beneath his jacket. Once he hands her the milk, she snaps out of it. “Ah, thank you!”
However, neither of them moves. Orihime stares up at him, and he stares back. Her heart flutters at the hint of softness in his gaze. It’s nothing like her fantasies, where there’s sparkles and flowers magically appearing around them. She swallows, unsure if she’s bold enough to do what she’d always wanted to ever since he confessed to her.
Before she can think any further, Ichigo clears his throat and abruptly turns away. “Sorry, I, uh…”
Orihime shakes her head and takes the bottle of milk from him. “Ah, i-it’s fine! I, um…hey, look, there’s my favourite icecream! I should grab a tub while I’m here!”
She quick to move away, and she’s certain the heat colouring her face will dry her scalp in no time.
Several minutes later, she pays for the milk, a tub of biscuit and tea flavored ice-cream, three cups of noodles, two ramen kits, and a packet of rice crackers.
When they step back out, he holds out his hand. “I can carry it.”
“There’s no need.” When his hand doesn’t drop, she takes out the milk. “If you’re sure.”
Whenever Ichigo enters Orihime’s house, he’d find his gaze wondering over to Sora’s photo. It happens not long after he takes his shoes off and he steps into the main room, and today is no exception as he removed his jacket and hangs it on a free hook; it drips over his shoes. He only looks away when Orihime puts the shopping bag on the kitchen counter.
She puts away the ice-cream, and it prompts him to hand her the milk again. “This too.”
She comes over to him, takes the bottle, and as he makes to step into the main area, she holds up her hand.
“Hold on a second,” she says before turning and putting the milk in fridge.
He doesn’t move beyond the tiny foyer, waiting for her after she dashes off to the bathroom. She comes out with two towels and holds one out to him. “It’s not much, but maybe for your hair?”
“You didn’t have to,” he says. But the it occurs to him he’d probably drip all over her floorboards. “You sure you’re okay with me coming in?”
There’s a pause, and a faint blush rushes up in her face. “O-Of course! Why wouldn’t I be?”
“Think I’m going to make everything damp,” he says while rolling up the sleeves of his shirt.
“Oh, no, it’s fine! It’ll dry eventually.” She lifts the other towel. “If you’re worried, you can always put this over the cushion at the kotatsu.”
He normally wouldn’t care, but he takes both towels from her. “Yeah, sure.”
“Make yourself comfortable,” she offers. “I’ll just go get changed and then make some tea. Or would you like hot cocoa? I got some a few days ago, I haven’t tried it yet.”
 “Tea is fine.”
She smiles with a nod before going to her bedroom.
He remains near his shoes, drying off his arms, face, and hair before going to kotatsu. After laying the second towel down over the cushion he sits. He continues patting down and drying his hair as he waits. He ignores the rain thrumming gently against the windows, and once again, his gaze wonders to Sora’s picture. A bowl of nashi pears lies on one side of the photo, and a recently lit incense stick on the other.
A part of him wishes he’d properly met her brother while he was still alive, so that Acidwire and the night he was brought to the Kurosaki Clinic weren’t the only memories he had of him. Compared to everything else, however, it feels like a distant memory, and it thankfully ended in a better outcome than others.
Orihime emerges from her room, now dressed in a new sweater and jeans, and a headband pushes her damp hair behind her shoulders. She hums while boiling the water and taking out the teapot. Watching her brings a sense of calm to him, and a relief that doesn’t surprise him as much as he thought.
It’s not the first time Ichigo wonders if everything they’ve been through has affected her. Does she still have bad dreams? How much had she told Tatsuki? Were there things she hadn’t told him yet? Would she ever tell him?
And perhaps that is what bothered him most. He, Orihime, and their friends had to live with those memories, and all of consequences that came with them as the world went on ignorant to what had almost happened.
He’d been almost ordinary once, going to school and getting into trouble with humans. At the time seeing the Souls always reminded him he was anything but normal, and since becoming a Shinigami, any chance of him being fully human had been dashed.
It had been his choice, one he didn’t truly regret despite everything that came after. He had been powerless to help others in need, to protect those he cared about, and Rukia had given him that chance on that fateful night.
But Orihime had been ordinary – or at least, more ordinary than him.
He didn’t know much about her parents, but of what little he did know, he knew they were the kind of people he would’ve kicked to the curb. And yet she had gone through that and was still able to smile, just as she had with everything that happened in Los Noches.
So caught up in his thoughts, he doesn’t notice her approach until she sets a mug down in front of him.
“Here,” she says. “It’s just black tea, I ran out of green. Didn’t think to get it while I was at the convenience store, silly me.”
He manages a faint smile. “It’s fine, thanks.”
She settles down to right, wrapping her hands around her own mug. After a moment, she says, “Before…there was something you were going to say. Do you still want to say it?”
He stares down at his dark reflection in the tea, considering. “It’s nothing major, and it’ll pass.”
She shuffles, and then her hand slides along the table and into his view, stopping centimeters from his. “It’s okay if you don’t want to talk about it,” she reassures. “I don’t want to upset you.”
“You don’t,” he says, raising his gaze to her. “You never have.”
It’s a bold confession from him, and he’s saddened to see her withhold a wince. Perhaps there are still some things she holds from the past, misplaced guilt in her role of situations beyond her control.
“Inoue.” He gingerly takes hold of her fingers, and struggles to find the right words. “It’s nothing for you to worry about.”
“Maybe it is.” She brings her hand around his, her grip warm and firm. “Whatever we face, it’s together, right?”
For a second he’s brought back to facing Yhwach. He’d asked Orihime to be his shield, to fight at his side against a foe of unknowable strength, for a future that wasn’t guaranteed.
How could he have been so foolish right now?
He can’t help but smile ruefully to himself. “Yeah, of course.” Then, after swallowing thickly. “Are you happy?”
It’s a sudden question, one he hadn’t thought to ask but had come forth anyway. Sensing how loaded it is, Orihime looks out the window in thought for several heartbeats. Her lips form a slow, sweet grin. "I am."
He tries to ignore the skip of his heartbeat, and the uncomfortable way his throat constricts. Before he can say anything, she continues, and her smile wavers slightly. "What about you, Kurosaki-kun? Are you happy?"
He thought it would take him longer to answer, but it comes to him with a few memories. The first is returning to everyone after Yhwach’s defeat. Despite the mix of emotions -- the melancholoy of Yhwach’s final words and the pinch of fear for the unknown ahead of them --  it all dulled away to an intense relief at seeing his friends. Uryu stood far away, watching as everyone rejoiced at seeing one another. Ichigo knew a conversation would be had some point, but the fact he was there was enough hope for him for now.
The second was his high school graduation. He grumbled on the day it on the day, and despite how mundane it would seem to many compared to what he’d achieved in other worlds, he felt a small sense of pride at having finished it. Isshin of course was an embarrassment on the day, one minutes shouting his praises about Ichigo and the next weeping about how he's grown so much. He'd taken a picture of him and his friends together, one that Orihime had a copy of on the wall near her bedroom door.
The last was watching Renji and Rukia get married, seeing their friends and the Shinigami happy for them. It was only then the peace truly hit him, that maybe he can gather the courage to tell Orihime how he truly felt. And the excitement and anxiety that came when she said she was free three days from then.
The nerves from before hadn't just come from a change in their relationship, from friendship to something more, but from the thought it could be disrupted by a new threat. But he had chosen this dangerous life, and she had joined him and others in it. They all know the risks, but they didn't have to always be hyper-vigilant. They had to live.
“Yeah, I am.”
At her widened grin, he remembers for a short period of time after Yhwach’s defeat when Orihime had put on smiles, attempting to mask the sadness and pain she truly felt. According to Tatsuki, it had been while he was in his comatose state after Aizen’s defeat. In both cases, that gradually changed.
In the face of everything that had come before and because she had the courage to in the face over everything that tried to take it from her, she still smiles and laughs. She helps others and protects Karakura Town. He can see why otherwise would under-estimate her – he may have once himself – but in truth, she’s probably one of the strongest people he knows. He’d grown to love her for those reasons and more.
And he loves her for it. He gets strength from her because of it. He can go into this peace with her because of it.
It’s only then he realizes he’s gotten closer to her, so much so her face takes up most of his view. She stares at him wide eyed, her lips parted and her cheeks flushed as she tries to stammer out his name. It's just like before in the convenience store; she'd captivated him with just a look.
“Ah, sorry,” he chokes out, but he barely leans back. It’s as if he’s frozen in place, and the only way to come unstuck is to lean forward.
With one last gaze flickering to her lips, he leans in. She does the same before he closes his eyes. He’s be ashamed to admit he’d imagined this at more than once, but it’s not how he expected it to be. It’s soft and awkward, both of them frozen in place, afraid to move despite how misplaced their lips had locked. He pulls back a little and tries again. If Orihime’s quiet, pleased sigh and the way his heart beats faster is any indication, it’s better.
A warmth spreads through him, radiating from his chest and thrumming through his fingers. He’s light-headed as they pull apart, and when their eyes flutter open, his heart skips a beat at seeing the softness in her expression. He’s with her, holding her hand,
When the haze of whatever this is has worn off, he’ll elaborate further on what bothers him. And when he does, she’ll listen intently, holding his hand, and smile when he he’s done, and be glad he told her. More than that, however, she’ll be glad they can go together into this newfound peace.
Dealing with the memories of the darker and weaker moments had become easier him and the others as time went on. He, Orihime, and their friends kept walking forward in the face of it, and eventually alongside it, and one day, past it as they forge their futures.
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nimata-beroya · 8 months
Last season, I gave wild guesses as to what each episode would be about based on the title alone, so it's fitting I'm doing it again for the final season. So, let's see:
Let me starting saying that the first 3 episodes (and the whole season) are going to be EPIC!!! Counting that are 3 episodes in one day, it's going to be the equivalent of the pilot of over an hour and 10 minutes long, or more if you don't skip the end credits (and I'm sure everyone will do).
Episode 3×01 "Confined" will shows a loooooot of Mount Tantiss, Dr. Hemlock, Emerie and co., and how Crosshair and Omega are fairing, which it's not good for what they showed in the trailer 😭 Altho they might not be as explicit as what the heck Hemlock is doing. That comes later.
Episode 3×02 "Paths Unknown" This will be when the focus turns more on Hunter, Echo and Wrecker, that can't be very good either 💔 They'll show what TBB has been doing to find their siblings.
Episode 3×03 "Shadows of Tantiss" is when we'll get more insight to Hemlock experiments and all that stuff.
Episode 3×04 "A Different Approach" Here when TBB realizes that what they've been doing is taking them nowhere close to find Omega and Cross and decide to switch strategy. Maybe Rex and co. gets involved more.
Episode 3×05 "The Return" Asajj Ventress' episode?? Or maybe Cad Bane and Fennec Shand's return too? Either way, it's gonna be epic.
Episode 3×06 "Infiltration" & Episode 3×07 "Extraction" DEFINITELY Crosshair (and Omega ??) gets rescued!!!! My baby is coming home at last!! 😭
Episode 3×08 "Bad Territory" If 3×05 isn't with Ventress, then this is the one. I mean, after the (successful) extraction, the price on the TBB heads probably went up, calling up all bounty hunters available. The question is on which side Ventress will fall on. Because I'm guessing Fennec will still have her side deal with Nala SE, so she'll help them eventually, maybe? Bane, considering their history together, will try to kill them on sight. But Ventress, it makes me wonder, despite what the trailer shows.
Episode 3×09 "The Harbinger" I'm thinking that the new unknown?? clone will be the focus on this one.
Episode 3×10 "Identity Crisis" Hear me out. Theory time. Let's say that mystery clone turns out to be Tech (brainwashed and all that stuff) and start questioning what he's doing and who he is. But also, at the other side, the batch ends their questioning about who they are, especially Hunter who's the one who struggled the most. This is when they commit to fight till the end.
Episode 3×11 "Point of No Return" No idea what this is about but sounds like "Tipping point" which scares me a little.
Episode 3×12 "Juggernaut" The empire, Hemlock, any of the baddies will do something awful here, which will lead to...
Episode 3×13 "Into the Breach" Something big is happening here. What exactly? no idea, but Hemlock will be involved.
Episode 3×14 "Flash Strike" Clone counterattack that might not go as planned. And that's why they'll need for....
Episode 3×15 "The Cavalry Has Arrived" At least 1-hour long episode. And I'll be crying all the way through, of happiness or sadness? I'll have to wait and see.
Probably I'm way off in most of these. I'll find out on February 21, I guess.
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slifarianhawk · 1 month
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Chapter 8: doctors warning
"Now be a good girl for me, sweetheart. I know you can handle all of me." Wriothesley said while having me pinned against his desk.
"Your grace, please. I can't wait much longer. It's just so hot." I tried pulling against the cuffs, but they remained clasped against my wrists.
"Don't worry, my sweet little princess. I'll get you where you need to be." He said his icy eyes alight with passion as he pulled closer, his lips nearly grazing my neck.
"Wriothesley, please, your grace." I panted out.
He smirked as I felt a sharp pang in my neck, "You're as sweet as how I like my tea."
"WRIO!" I gasped.
"Hmmm, you need to wake up, little princess." He chuckled as he stood up.
"Silva! Wake up! Silva!" I heard a muddled voice.
"But your grace." I whimpered as the chains faded along with most of the surroundings.
"Don't worry, sweetheart. I'll see you soon." Wriothesley said, fading to black.
I slowly opened my eyes. Sam was standing next to me with a female I at the end of my bed. He offered his hand, and I happily took it. He helped me sit and stand up.
"Thanks Sam, how's the wife and newborn?" I ask, stretching out.
"They are well. My little girl finally has slept through the night. My wife was so happy. She told me to tell you thank you if you pulled through. I'm quite glad you did." He said,"You probably want to shower and change, right? Melissa has been assigned to help you by Sigewinne."
"Well, I more or less actually volunteered Sammy. Hi, I'm Melissa. I'm this doofuses cousin. On behalf of my family, thank you for keeping him safe. Please call me Mel." She smiled.
"It's nice to have pleasant faces around, but I do agree a shower would be nice. Could you guys help me down to the gym? The water gets warmer there." I asked, looking for my toiletries.
"I'll be glad to escort you. That way, Sam can make sure your food is ready by the time you're done." Mel said, smiling.
"Yea, Wolsey has a fresh batch of Fontaine onion soup being made just for you, apparently." Sam chuckled, then looked at me, "His grace put most of your belongings in the crate on the table. You should be able to find your shower kit there."
"Thank you, Sam." I chirpped, quickly grabbing my shower stuff as well as a change of clothes.
Mel led me to the shower rooms in the gym. I quickly washed my body and hair. The pluie lotus scent gently caressed my skin. I had to unwrap the bandages before I stepped in. Old scabbing fell off, revealing scarred but new skin.
"Hey Mel!" I heard a familiar male voice shout.
"Hey Roussimoff, sorry on duty right now. I can't really talk." Melissa said.
"It's alright, Mel. I still have a bit to do. As long as I can change in private, it's fine." I sigh, "Hey Roussimoff, any interesting matches coming up?"
"No, the matches have been pretty dull. I want to schedule you, Silva. How bout it a couple of weeks and have you back in the ring?" He asked, letting out a hearty laugh.
"Given the fact I was dead less that twenty four hours ago, I think my comeback to the ring will need to wait longer than two weeks. But I'll say this when I do return, it'll be a good show." I chuckled as I scrubbed my thighs.
I heard Mel and Rouss continue to chat about mundane things. Weather outside and the lineups for an upcoming tournament. I heard Roussimoff say something interesting. That his grace was participating in the tournament as a wild card finale.
That tournament was in three months. I smiled. I'm sure I'd be at a hundred percent by then. I'm going to join that tournament.
When I finished my shower, I stepped out to find a fresh towel laid out for me. Swiftly drying off and changing into the light outfit I brought with me, I went to find Melissa.
Caddy in hand, I searched the weight room. I couldn't find Melissa anywhere in the gym. Suddenly, I felt a cold hand on my bare shoulder. I felt my body jolt as I turned around.
"Who in the archons fucking hell ....Wriothesley!" I shouted placing my hand over my heart as I saw his grace with the biggest smirk I'd seen on his face.
"For someone who was just dead, you turned around pretty quickly." He chuckled.
I sighed and took a few deep breaths, "Could you wipe that grin off your face? Archons, are you trying to kill me again?"
"My apologies, I was actually looking for you. I was the one who told Melissa and Roussimoff to go to the ring. I need to bring you to the observation ward. Sigewinne sent for a doctor when you didn't wake up the third day of your coma. He arrived a little while ago. He also instructed me to bring this." Wriothesley said, revealing the unopened letter from Zhongli.
"That would mean... She didn't!" I covered my mouth and ran past Wriothesley.
If I had to say so, I moved fast for someone who was dead not too long ago. Getting to the observation ward from the gym normally would take about a ten minute fast walk to the lift alone. But I made it to the lift in nearly six minutes.
Sam was waiting by the lift and sent it up as I stepped on. Once we reached the upper floor, I stepped off, nodding at Sam, and took off once more. A strong medicinal scent lingered in the air. I practically leaped the steps up to the observation ward.
"It's a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance, I've heard nothing but good things about you from Silva." I heard Sigewinnes soft voice say as I dashed up to the observation ward.
"Like wise, and I must thank you, Ms. Sigewinne for being so kind to her. Silva is like a daughter to me. I'm glad she has such a capable doctor nearby." A sweet familiar voice said that brought a smile to my face.
She did.
"You two seem to have company." The shrill voice of the snake said.
"Thank you for noticing me, Changsheng." I smiled as I walked into the ward, "Baizhu, it's great to see you."
He simply let out a chuckle and hugged me. The scent of older medicinal herbs filled my nose. I squeezed tight as my heart shook.
"Now, now Silva, I need to take a look at you." He chuckled, letting me go gesturing to the closest bed.
I nodded and headed towards the bed, taking a seat. Baizhu quickly got to work, and Changsheng slithered around my neck. I simply closed my eyes and let him do his exam.
My mind drifted to my dream. How cold his grace's hands felt on top of mine. I imagined his lips being the same temperature. How he'd wear the smug look he had on earlier when I ask.
"Silva, what's going through that mind of yours?" Changsheng said, "Your pulse sped up significantly."
I felt my cheeks burn red. Baizhu had a light smile and pat my shoulder. His kind eyes were soft.
"I have some good news and a hypothesis for you, Silva. Which would you like first?" Baizhu said, offering his arm out to Changsheng, who remained coiled comfortably around my neck.
"The good news, archons know I could use it." I chuckled as Sigewinne pulled out a notepad.
"To start the dendro energy that resides in your body is finally stabilized. I noticed that when you came in for your check-up before you left, it wasn't at a safe level. It's why I had you take that course of dendrocide potions before you left. While I think it was enough to suppress it while through the dendro rich Chenyu Vale. When your assailant drugged you the first time, they reactivated the dormant energy. The people who attacked you and drugged you the second time, what they did forced enough of that energy out by over activating it." Baizhu explained, "Ms. Sigewinne told me you learned your mother was a dendro elemental. So I'm going to recommend you be taking that dendrocide potion here as well."
I sighed, "She's more than an elemental. I don't know if Monsieur Nuevillette would want me to say anything to his grace, but both of you are my doctors, so I think it's fine telling you guys."
"What do you mean, Ms. Silva?" Sigewinne asked, and Baizhu gave me a curious look.
"I am the daughter of Apep, the dragon sovereign of dendro and a human." I covered my face with my hand only to feel a thunck on my temple.
"Why do you look ashamed?" Changsheng said, wrapping around Baizhus's arm, which was now on my shoulder, "Do you even understand how much this explains!?!"
"If I was to be frank Mr. Zhongli had that theory. Once he saw the dendrocide potions in your bag and the reaction to being stabbed with the drug. He had me create you a special medicine for something. He had a feeling that would happen soon. It was in the parcel I sent. Given that you were in a coma and haven't been taking it, I honestly think in about a weeks time. You should be kept in seclusion." Baizhu said, "In all honesty, I'd rather bring you back to Liyue for observation, but I know I can't. The Iudex made that very clear."
"Is Zhongli's explanation on everything in the letter he sent?" I asked.
"That's my guess." He said, pushing my hair back behind my ear.
"Then, by all means, please take it. You don't have to read aloud." Wriothesley said, slowly walking in letter in hand.
"Dr. Baizhu, this is his grace." Sigewinne said, introducing them.
"It's a pleasure. As I told Ms. Sigewinne, thank you for treating Silva so well." Baizhu smiled.
"You're welcome, and I'd be beating myself if I didn't thank you for coming. In the short amount of time she's been here, I have grown quite fond of Silva." Wriothesley said, handing me the letter.
When our hands brushed, I felt my cheeks heat up. They were cold to the touch, just like in my dreams. I shook my head and flipped open the wax seal on the letter. Zhongli's voice played in my head as I read.
"My dear Silva, I'm glad to have your correspondence. I have done some research in liyue's and even some of Sumeru's libraries. I know who she is. I'm working on a way for you to meet her after you are released, but until then, I'm having our friend Baizhu prepare a medicine I myself am on for you. It'll prevent a very dangerous aspect of what we are. Please stay safe til I see you once more, my treasured friend, Zhongli." His voice ended.
"What does a dangerous aspect even mean?" I ask my green haired friend.
"Your mother being a dendro elemental means certain steps just need to be taken to prevent any harm to you or say someone you care about when you are experiencing your monthly cycle. Although that might be different as well." Baizhu said, sitting next to me and speaking very quietly, "Especially since the elemental you were born from is a dragon."
"I understand, Baizhu." I said, "Did you leave a good stock with Sigewinne?"
"I did. Now, I need to do a full medication work up and make sure everything is in working order for when I leave. Why don't you go with Mr. Wriothesley and get some food. I'll be in the infirmary with Ms. Sigewinne, but don't worry, I will come say goodbye when I'm done." Baizhu said.
I simply nodded and stood up. Baizhu offered his hand to his grace, to which Wriothesley shook it. Our previous conversation crossed my mind.
"Baizhu, what was your hypothesis? About me?" I asked.
He turned to me and smiled, "No need to worry about it, Silva. You'll know soon enough."
"Alright, I'll see you in a bit, Baizhu." I said bowing.
Wriothesley led me away from the observation ward. He walked on my left, his steps falling heavily against the metal floors. His handcuffs sway with each step.
"You're as sweet as I like my tea." Echoed through my mind as I watched him pull his cuffs off his belt,  spinning them on his finger.
I bit my lip as he pulled ahead. He was very much a fine looking man. Even with how many layers he was wearing, I could see how well built his back was. Something was different, though.
"Wriothesley, where's your coat?" I asked, confused.
"I had a guarde bring it to one of Fontaines' best cleaners. There was a pretty big stain on it." He said, looking back at me, "Come on, let's go to my office. I have something for you."
I nodded and followed relatively close behind. I noticed the gaurdes were out in force today. Was the fear of a riot, maybe?
When Wriothesley and I arrived at his office, he locked the doors behind him once we walked through.
"Why did you lock the doors your grace?" I asked as I walked up the stairs.
He sighed and pulled out a red box of tea I had once seen in the Kamisato house.
"Care for a cup?" He asked a bit of hesitation in his voice.
"Of course, I'd love tea with you." I smile.
Wriothesley sat in front of me, and he took my hand. He looked me dead in my eyes. He tried to speak twice, but no words managed to escape his lips.
"Archons, I didn't expect this to be so hard." He managed to wrestle out that much.
I walk up next to him, "it's OK, your grace. No matter what, you can tell me."
I forced my courage up and took his hand. At the contact, Wriothesley took a deep breath and pressed a kiss on my lips.
"I'm sorry I shouldn't have," He said, trying to pull away, but I quickly pressed another kiss on his lips.
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