#but i swapped it for the hot-headed trait bc there's no way..
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a sulani trip for mars' birthday :)
i've finally escaped the toddler phase yippeee
#summer and travis are currently going through a messy divorce so the scott kids came with#can you believe mars rolled the EVIL trait??#i normally let the game do whatever it wants#but i swapped it for the hot-headed trait bc there's no way..#not my BABY#fun fact: judah grilled so much on this trip that i had to delete the grill#bro wasn't even hungry#just the dad in him ig#ooo another fun fact: they stayed in the same rental that eva got pregnant with venus in lol#makoa is scarlette's vacation crush#dw he is an unmarried teen in this save lol#will do proper updates on everyone in the next few posts#ts4#the sims 4#sims 4#the sims#simblr#raines legacy#gp#eva rapp#judah rapp#varkato#venus rapp#mars rapp#scarlette scott#serena scott#makoa kealoha
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For the writer asks 1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 49 ❤️❤️❤️ sorry it’s lot but i’m curioussss
omg thanks for the numbers boo! i love talking about myself so feel free so send as many numbers as you want lmao
1. things that inspire you
usually the sky and scenery/settings! different variants of the sky give me different moods for writing usually, like sunsets will make me want to write really pensive pieces, or bright neon-lit city skies at night want me want to write something where two people are sitting in an empty basketball court drinking and being nostalgic lol. i’m also inspired by random pieces of dialogue and i’ll file them in my notes app or a new word doc and literally think of a plot and write a fic just so i can use that one line of dialogue. and i’m often inspired too by just scenes that i want to see myself - fanfic is great bc you have the base characters and contexts already written out for you and you can just fill in the gaps with whatever you want. pretty much all of my fics that aren’t requests are just self-indulgent pieces because i want to see a character react in a certain situation lol.
3. name three favorite writers
ahh it was so hard to pick just 3 but i’m going to name some of my fav fanfic writers since the next question is about authors! i’ll keep it to people who have written for voltage since that’s the main focus/fandom of this blog.
@effloresensemn writes the best hue i’ve ever read. this is my absolute favourite hue fic of all time - i actually reread it recently and left a comment, forgetting that i already left a comment 4 years ago. i love her characterisation in everything she writes so much and the tone of her first person povs.
@zacroix gorgeous, gorgeous writing. she writes smut that’s not just hot but also delicate and sensual and intimate. i love all the little details that just add so much depth and her lovely, sultry dialogue.
@drawthecurtainstarttheplay it’s been so long but her work is still some of the best in the fandom imo. the amount of time i spent reading her bmp fics when i was an undergrad is insane - i’m surprised i even graduated. they’re creative and sophisticated and delicious.
anyway as i was writing this i realised i couldn’t choose just 3 so here’s some more
@spyoflove (another classic!) for not just great smut and meltingly cute fluff but also some really fun and silly pieces.
@heartofsnark i don’t even care that much about kbtbb but i read her fics just bc they’re so well written. i found her through her hue fic and i was like shook that she’d never written him before bc it was so good lol.
@duchessmimrose for being not only a prolific but absolutely quality writer, and for reblogging and promoting so many great fics on her blog.
4. name three authors that were influential to your work and tell why
banana yoshimoto is probably my favourite author. i love the pensive tone of her writing, where it’s both detached but incredibly sensitive at the same time. every time i read one of her books i try to emulate the tone to practice but i can never get it. she makes me want to be really experimental and find my own voice. the soft endings of her books make you feel so satisfied but yearning for more at the same time.
i adore michelle moran’s historical fiction. nefertiti, the heretic queen and cleopatra’s daughter? incredible. i love the way she writes clever, bold and charming women without making them mary sues. her worlds are so vibrant and immersive and i love the way she describes the grandeur of places and clothing in particular.
i’m a sucker for historical romance novels (and also modern tbh) so i love lisa kleypas. the chemistry between her characters is always so palpable and i love her heroes (who doesn’t lol). i love the way she writes sex scenes too, they’re super sexy and so intimate and loving and passionate but not explicit? i often try to emulate that style of writing when i have to write nsfw scenes because i don’t always love a super brash/explicit tone.
7. early influences on your writing
that mates dates series of books? and also the truth, dare, kiss or promise series. also jacqueline wilson lol. and then fictionpress stories, ff.net, and fanfic i read on livejournal communities for sure (the latter being probably the reason why i (1) put my stories behind cuts and (2) have all my titles lower case.)
8. what time are you most productive?
4-7am after not having slept lol. also literally right as im falling asleep
49. writing advice
for me, characterisation is #1! i think esp in a fandom like voltage where there are hundreds of characters, it’s so important to have the specific traits of the character you’re choosing to write for/about down to a T and think about how they specifically would react even in an AU or a situation where they wouldn’t normally find themselves. if you need to stretch beyond a situation in which they would reasonably be, make sure you provide enough context/exposition to make it believable and still recognisably that character.
i like to go back and reread substories, epilogues and povs to refresh myself on the character’s dialogue patterns, how they react to certain situations, how that differs from other characters, how they express affection (what sorts of love languages do they gravitate towards), etc.
also write down phrases you like whenever they pop into your head! sometimes it’s a good way to come up with new ideas, or you can always keep them in the bank for future use.
and don’t be afraid to experiment with tone. sometimes it’ll be successful (in terms of audience reception), sometimes it won’t, but it’s always fun to stretch beyond how you’re used to articulating certain ideas.
also make sure to double check for tense inconsistencies. something that peeves me is when pieces swap back and forth between past and present tense by accident! (unless it’s deliberate, like a flashback or something)
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I have headcanons... Head Cannons if you will
I thoroughly believe Bakugou is the type to bullshit his way around every little truth so honestly this shit might as well be canon bc he is Absolutely That Extra
- The new reveals told that: The reason we didn’t see his room is because it’s got shelves of romance manga.
-Therefor : Bakugou is a MAJOR BOOK NERD NESTER
-He has cookbooks, his trashy literature, his classics, his mangas, every school book he ever owned has been kept.
-This includes shit he wrote himself
-Cookbook notebooks, its a full wall to wall scenario. He has books in every language and they make a librarian weep.
-The books he can’t read?? He has notebooks filled with translations he’s jot down after hours of scouring the internet and his OTHER books.
-TBFH his self written notebook collection puts “shitty nerdy fanboy deku” to shame
-Not only does he have this many books, they have consumed him. His room is wall to wall with them and they are so neatly organized to his mind that he just AUTOMATICALLY knows EXACTLY where every little page is.
-You may think, “Bakugou is the neatest of the students”
-He understands his methods. You could never. I’m not shitting you, we have only ever seen his bed because its the only clean spot. He has piles of books, his closet is filled with his novelty t-shirts--
-Oh, he swaps out his wardrobe every season. Not because he cares per say but rather if he didn’t he’d drown in the clothes. His parents own a fashion line, every. single. month. he gets something new.
-Clothes mean jack shit to him. Sure, he gets it. He understands that clothes are “Expressions”... but to him its just bullshit extra merchandise that he gets in packages once a month since he born. He long since left behind any attachment to anything that wasn’t some doofy bs novelty shit. His skull shirt collection is hideous and he loves it.
-Bc he gets clothes so often, he just as often donates them.
-Everyone in 1-A has received a mysterious package of clothing. Everyone. And it’s always customized because like hell he’d just throw clothes at people puh-lease his father DESIGNS FASHION FROM SCRATCH
-It’s also ‘secretly’ his way of trying to put some kind of fashion sense in the heathens he lives with.
-So his closet is full, his walls are lined with shelves and stacks and notes.
-But the rest of the “clear space” is filled with art.
- Drawings, Sketches, Designs. Little thing stacked up or tapped together. Prototypes over a desk thats STUFFED with pencils and erasers and extra paper and books.
-Photographs of the places he’s been. So many different shots of Paris, mountains, rivers, lakes. He has a series of photo albums for the best and one is entirely dedicated to sunrises- another to sunsets.
-He has a map above his bedside. It’s the only spot big enough because it doesn’t have a big ass bookshelf on the wall.
-The map is big and delicately detailed. But it’s still just a map.
-The cool shit is that it is COVERED in tack-markers. Well, most of it is.
-Europe is washed out by tacks. France has so many different colored tacks its an eyesore. Paris has a big ass push pin bc he’s been there so many times. Enough that when Aoyama starts mumbling obscenities at their classmates he has to stop himself from cackling along.
-He has a trail of pushpins along the Alps and Pyrenees.
-The different colors mean things. But only he gets its.
* Black is Done. Been there, done it, no point going back.
*Green is Good. It’s a place he kinda liked, but its not somewhere he needs to go back to. Paris is a big ass green push pin.
*Red is for a place he wants to go back to. The mountains are a trail of red that grows inch by inch longer.
*Blue is for Potential. He marks his next trips in blue, but not his dream trips.
*Those would be his nice, doofy, silver tipped push pins. the classic “string on a crime board” kind. He has major cities plotted out with these. Theres a large mishmash over america filled with silver and blue. He has books and books and BOOKS on american mountain ranges and cuisine and he not-so-secretly plotted out a course all-might themed rest stops.
*Yellow is for his favorites. The first mountain he ever hiked, the onsen he found while his parents dragged him out to a business trip up north, the island they went on once for a family vacation. (He fell in love with the sunset. It was clear and bright and there were so many colors at once that its his ‘happy place’. He sat on top of a fucking volcano and it was AWESOME.)
-The map is obsessively picked over, the pins are carefully arranged, and the map itself its surrounded by his favorite snapshots of the places marked.
-His room is a mess. But he does know the exact inch everything belongs in.
-He may not seem it, but he is sentimental. He just doesn’t keep all the sentimental shit in the dorms. Those things are at home. On shelves and wall caddies and tucked between his even BIGGER collection of books and cd cases.
-He does have All Might merch, but again, at home. The few things he has at the dorm are hand drawn posters, so much cooler than the cheap shit you get in the store.
-He doesn’t have time for movies and shows, but when he does its either “cheesy romance serial” or “blood, guts, and glory”
-TBFH his FAVORITE movie is a bastard child of a romcom, an action, and a suspense thriller. It’s horrible, its audacious, its cheesy and the vgi is awful but its one of those Things he loves. (On really bad days, when his arms ache for hours and he didn’t sleep well the night before he lets the movie go on repeat just for the cheese. It’s a soothing ‘nothing really matters’ kinda Thing)
-Oh, lets not forget his arms.
-His quirk is DEMANDING. Its a needy little princess. He gets sick of it acting like a bitch. His arms will ache if he over does it, so he has a giant fucking box of tiger balms and compression wraps and weird fucking icy-hot concoctions.
-He DOESN’T have skin car shit. Surprise surprise, he doesn’t need it. He is soft. He is also, incredibly fucking annoyed.
-He has those super obnoxious spray colognes, some super expensive shit, and inbetweeners. Because otherwise he smells like he just rolled out a vat of butterscotch and step into a shower of caramel. But BURNT.
-Seriously, his room would be noxious from the nitroglycerin smell alone. He constantly has a fan going and the window open. And while the room is cluttered he CANNOT let it go uncleaned or he risks a build up of explosives. He has to change his sheets daily, he has a routine for covers and pillow cases, and he is damn near religious in clothes washing because otherwise he’s destined to explode Something he Doesn’t Want Exploded. (The books. The very flammable sometimes RARE books.)
-Oh, and he has MANY a blanket and throw. He swaps them out so he isn’t doing huge loads of laundry for the big shit. It’s mostly thin blankets anyways, but they’re super soft and cozy and he nestles up to read his books like a demented caterpillar. The blanket he sleeps with ALWAYS ends up on the floor.
-He doesn’t like to think himself overly conceited. But he is cocksure and arrogant and he has an image to keep. So of course he has routines to make himself look good.
-This is just a Bakugou thing TBQH.
-More of a personal headcanon, but he’s definitely gay. Not in the super obvious way, but he’s definitely confident in it. He isn’t about to go plastering his walls with flags (as if they’d fit), and he isn’t jotting down crushes in a journal (he does have journals, they’re just... incredibly volatile and profane)
-He’s just, confident. He has a single little rainbow picture, its a picture he took and its super cool and shit. A rainbow in the mountains, right after a shower. He keeps in in a frame in one of the bookshelves near his manga. It’s tasteful, and it’s subtle. He knows what its for, and the littleness of it feels nice and secure.
-He doesn’t shy away if asked. But no one asks. He’d be honest, if anyone did. It’s not something he will hide- that’d be cowardly...
-But deep down, it does give him pause. It’s something he wrestled into submission since he figured it out. He had this big dream of being N.1 and then one day he realized that, had society not advanced the way it did, he could have nothing. He’d never tell a soul but it scared him, to know that despite all his ‘perfections’ he had this one thing that would turn heads in a way he didn’t want.
-He realized though that it as just one more thing he’d own. So he noosed it, that fear, and he throttled it into submission. He’d be N.1, he’d be open, He’d pioneer that shit if he had too- but he didn’t have too. It ended up being something that added character if nothing else, and he was determined to make it a trait and not a flaw and to build his pride with it.
-That all being said, much like any self respecting gay- he does has a string of lights tastefully weaving over the wood of his bookshelves.
* He doesn’t get sick often. Just, doesn’t. He keeps a close watch on his health, is always good on hygiene, and in general doesn’t jeopardize his well-being.
* When he gets sick. It hits him like a FREIGHT TRAIN.
* He only gets fevers once in a blue moon and he’ll fight the damn moon itself to keep it this way because when he DOEs get a fever its like a putting a handful of firecrackers into a cooking pot.
* He pops when sweaty. He just DOES, It’s INCREDIBLY annoying but thankfully localized to the hands. But when the fever strikes, his whole body pops. He spends the majority of his fever curled up in something flame-proof to wait it out.
*If he’s sweating, and by some MIRACLe he blushes, he CRACKLES.
* He’ll kill you if you witness it.
* I said he’s confident, not that he can’t be flustered.
* On that note, he’ll take it to the grave, but he definitely made Kaminari discharge in front of the dorms that first day by kissing him. It was on the cheek though! And it fucking hurt. Touching Kaminari is like playing roulette and his finger tips smell funny afterwards so he tries to avoid it.
* Honestly, the same can be said for anyone with a quirk that can react to his.
*Fucking half-and-half actually worries him. For the sanctity of his clothing.
* That fight with Deku in ground-beta set off every nerve ending he had and for a solid 24 hrs afterwards he actually had trouble keeping his quirk under his skin. He can still vividly recall the arc of electricity over his face and it never fails to leave a lasting echo in his mind.
* Kirishima is good for this though. Ironically, he’s grounding. He’s the one person Bakugou has never worried about hurting or leaving damage behind. Likewise, he knows that Kirishima high-key needs the confidence boost that Bakugou drags with him everywhere, so he amps up his attitude when the red-head seems down.
* He has no earthly idea how to describe his relationship with Kirishima and it shows. He would never dare say it allowed, but he knows that the boy is his best friend and he’d honestly kill for him. But more so, he’d be willing to live and fight beside him.
* Kirishima is one of the VERY FEW who has a picture in Bakugou’s room. It’s from a hiking trip, and its really backlit so you honestly wouldn’t know at first glance, but its beautiful. A sunrise, right at the summit. A figure standing on a rock with a hand excitedly outstretched towards the horizon.
* The other people with photos, are his parents- and the Midoriya’s.
* It’s not as obvious this one. But he keeps a family photo on his bookself of the three Bakugous, and then theres an old photograph tucked away between some of his older school book collections.
* It’s a beach photo. He couldn’t be more than, maybe three?
* It’s a whole other life. A time before his quirk. Before he knew he was destined.
*He’s sitting on a rock with a backsplash of salt and foam. He’s got an arm wrapped around a tiny Izuku. It was the only thing keeping the other boy from tumbling off into the waves. Their moms are sitting on either side, big happy faces all around.
*The boys were burnt, both heavily freckled, and smiling like the world was endless.
* The photo...makes him sad. He can’t explain it, not even sure what words could do so. It’s nostalgic sure, but something between the pixels of ink has him at a lost. It was such a different time, and the little boy in the photo is a stranger.
*Sometimes, rarely and in the dead of night when a nightmare finally gets him awake, he thinks about life. About how different it could have been, about the paths he chose and the ones he burnt. He wonders, he regrets, and he moves on before morning.
*Bakugou Katsuki refuses to dwell. He bottles and compartmentalizes and he tucks it away like a pamphlet in a library. Notes and subscripts to be lost in translation.
( He’s vocal, he’s vivid. He writes. He loves his book collection and he writes his own short stories. His imagination is as vivid as the rest of the class, and he jots down half finished ideas all the time. He has a memory that makes an elephant cry, so his school notebooks are tiny and his idea notebooks are scattered. The words he can’t get out into the air are sometimes trapped in ink. )
#bakugou#bakuboom#bakugou katsuki#kacchan#my BOY#look I love one Good Rowdy Boy#bnha#my hero acadamy#yeah yeah heres my newest fixation#its blonde#angry#and a big ass fucking bookworm
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hc: rfa+saeran react to otome writer!mc
look @ this
look @ my first request ◕3◕
this turned out so much longer than it was meant to be and ohgod i don’t exactly have the time to do this but let’s go
i hope this meets expectations !!
check out my masterpost here

as a gamer, yoosung’s been introduced to nearly every hot game on the market at some point, whether it’s through friends, chatrooms, or gaming sites
rarely do heavy-text based games catch his attention, but a new one just surfaced three months ago and people have been raving
huh, this new game’s getting a lot of attention --i think i saw mc playing this, too... wonder what it is
he’s been catching you play otome games lately even though you should be studying for your upcoming exams oops
he’s lying when he says he isn’t just the tiniest bit jealous that you spend so much time with virtual men your phone
so he stares at the icon, a pink square with a little heart in the middle
it’s called little loves ew how cheesy
he downloads the game off schteam, then starts it up
lots of reading involved, though the choices are pretty interesting and the writing is hella good
he’s halfway into one of the female routes when a red headed dude is introduced
he’s a happy-go-lucky computer science genius who lives off of chips and soda
and he says the most random shit wtf
it almost sounds like....... seven?
“hey mc” yoosung picks up his laptop and heads over to the kitchen table, where you’re tapping away at your own device “doesn’t this......”
peering closer, he realizes you’re writing something-- writing text? he recognizes one of the names you type down-- it’s one of the characters from the game !!!!!
“mc, you wrote little hearts?”
you nearly have a heart attack
“don’t sneak up on me like that!!!” you’re blushing, but he’s having none of it
“you’re so talented why didn’t you ever tell me you wanted to pursue writing?????” he pulled you out of your chair and swung you around, voice filled with pride “do you know how good that game is? everyone’s been talking about it !!”
despite your protests, he takes you out for dinner that night bc we need to celebrate mc !! also, do i have a route, too?
this puppy is so, so supportive and sweet
still pretty jealous about the virtual men tho
the moment you released your game, your boyfriend was downloading and playing it
he was even in one of the chatrooms that your small fanbase had created, fangirling along with them bc omg his girlfriend is such a fabulous writer
you sat next to him on the couch, cuddled up to him as you watched him play
“mc, how do i get this character’s route?” he’s pointing at the pretty brunette, pouting at you as his crimson eyes widened to puppy proportions
you only smirk hah i’m immune to that look now, sucker
as he keeps playing, he realizes something
“hey, this girl’s like.... jaehee... and this guy’s like.... yoosung?”
zen’s pretty into game until he isn’t
“is that supposed to be jumin?”
catch these hands, virtual jumin
you notice his choices began changing, favouring other characters more often than jumin
it was a romance game, after all, and he seemed desperate to have anyone else
“are you.... going after yoosung?” you snork you were so going to tell yoosung later
what you didn’t tell your boyfriend was that virtual jumin was the first character everyone got, no matter their options
zen’s furious
he plays the beginning over and over again
he gives up on the eighth try
you’re laughing so hard, no sound makes it past your lips
zen pouts, but he finishes jumin’s route
that’s the end of that
“babe, i love you, but I can’t approve of --what's his face again? c’mon, you just played his route-- kyong”
according to zen, one jumin was more than enough as it was
however, you're contemplating whether or not to make all the characters in your next game relatable to jumin in some way
just to irk your boyfriend a little more hehe
Is it okay if I swap out Jaehee for Saeran? Sorry, babe, I’m just way too uncertain when it comes to her character if it doesn’t involve coffee in some way LOL.
your boyfriend is a busy, busy man
lots of things to do, very little time to get it all accomplished
but he somehow manages to run a campaign for your game to develop it further and to sell more aw juju you sweetheart
however, you do manage to get him to play it
and, at first, he’s a little hesitant
but when you’re looking at him like that while the two of you were cuddling together in bed, he can’t say no
so he pulls out his phone and downloads the app
let’s play yay
the two of you go through one route in a little less than an hour and a half
he doesn’t even notice how many rfa member traits are incorporated in the characters ok so he’s a little dense in that regard
“that man’s design --the white hair-- is similar to zen’s” is as far as he goes
ok he’s finished. you yawn it’s, like, twelve am probably not smart to have started a route
“it was a very intriguing and thought-provoking story, mc. i think i’d like to read another”
he starts off on another route??
“jumin, baby, it’s getting late and we both have work tomorrow........”
he kisses your brow tenderly “just one more, my love”
yaaaaawn “oh... alright”
another hour and a half passes
jumin’s starting a new route
“i must know what happens to this character, my love”
you doze off some time around three am
when you wake up, jumin’s still on his phone how is the battery not dead??
“did you sleep at all last night?????”
“i need to know, love”
“i wrote the stories, i can tell you....”
“nono, i want to read them, darling; you don’t understand”
jumin’s basically us. we are jumin
know about it?
who do you think helped you with the coding?
he even set up a tripter bot for it, though he did so without your permission ahh you need to get permission for these things saeyoung
currently, he’s sitting on your lap while playing the game, leaning his head on yours while your arms are around his waist
and you can already tell by his choices that he’s romancing his own character
was he doing this on purpose? should you let him know?
“saeyoung, uh-”
“shh, busy” he’s reading intently
“s-saeyoung, that’s um...”
“what? what is it?” his golden eyes set on you, mildly irritated bc you pulled him away from the game it was so good mc why
“that’s you” you mumble into his shoulder meekly
“oh, i know”
a blush heats your cheeks
he just grins saucily at you “naughty of you to put me in here, babe. don’t you need my permission to do that, by the way?”
was it hot in here or was it just saeyoung’s taunting?
“not gonna lie, zen’s character is pretty hot too you did a good job”
he’s petting your head now while you blush
it seems pretty innocent
but the huge grin on his face says otherwise
that’s right, mc, suffer
he goes back to playing the game, choosing the most romantic, cheesiest options
he pouts when he loses his own affections
bad ending
“mc, did you really think i was that cold to you before we got together?”
why is my character so mean;;;; he’s pouting and it’s so cute ahfsjhfs
the minute you leave the room, saeran scuttles over to your laptop
he doesn’t understand what you do on your devices all day laptop and phone?? but he’s right here !! who are you talking to?????
and he has a split second of doubt are you cheating on him already?? you’ve been together for less than a year and he loves you so much please don’t be cheating his fragile heart’s going to break
he stares at your laptop’s locked screen
alright time to do a little hacking cracks knuckles don’t do that saeran it’s bad for your hands
then he realizes
password? “1-1-1-1″
there we go
ok if your password’s that easy, you’re probably not cheating, he reasons
the pain in his chest eases and he has to take a minute to remind himself that you love him very much and that he did trust you fully
and he has absolutely no right to look through your stuff it was an exercise you were helping him with and he was doing so well he didn’t want to disappoint you now
he doesn’t want to disappoint you and you both love each other
logs off the laptop without checking anything and waits for you to come back before asking about your internet activities
you’re surprised he’s taken an interest or noticed, but you show him your website and explain the concepts of an otome game
he catches on pretty fast and soon enough, he’s playing your newest game
like his twin, he almost immediately realizes who these characters are based off of
and he refuses to play after that
“it doesn’t feel right”
he starts monitoring your website behind your back, though
and soon enough, you see that more and more people are downloading your games
your fanbase is growing so quickly what’s going on
saeran never says a word about your games again
except when he grumbles about the characters, which is more often than not no he’s not jealous what are you saying, stupid
but he’s certainly going to make sure his wifey’s game is successful
soft saeran is the best saeran
#mysme#mystic messenger#mysme headcanon#mystic messenger headcanons#mysme yoosung#yoosung#mysme zen#hyun ryu#mysme jumin#jumin han#mysme 707#mysme saeyoung#mysme seven#707#saeyoung choi#mysme unknown#mysme ray#mysme saeran#saeran choi#choi twins#rfa#cheritz#request
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