#but i saw my opportunity and pounced
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lightishpurple · 1 year ago
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I was gripped by the need to make this reference before anyone else could (no one else would) (it's an extremely specific basketball reference) (you would need to have watched Root last season) (points if you know the pattern on his jersey btw)
Jams are created by @andy-jam-blog :]
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gorbo-longstocking · 19 days ago
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*Cutely throws them to you* :33
ANYWAYS, can't stop thinking about Ch5 Cara and Ch6 Alga when they were both in the 'same' ass situation (ngl they both are freaky af), so I had to draw them 😇😈
(I just love how they both had their own ways of calming eachother down ❤️)
HOLY FUCKING SHIT. CARACALLA LOOKS SO GOOD IN YOUR STYLE AND ALGAAAAA MY MISERABLE LITTLE BIMBINI. i adore the way you draw hair dude, it looks so voluminous and fluffy… carrotcalla get over here so i can run my fingers through your hair xoxo. still in awe youre drawing stuff from my fic, that something i cooked inspired you to cook as well. not to be all serious for a sec, but that is genuinely the greatest thing any artist can do for another dude. im so happy we get to be in yhis ouroboros of sharing 🥹🥹
also im gonna take this as an opportunity to ramble about their breakdowns and how they’re connected, along with how both of their personalities are suited to calming the other down. because its almost 12 am and im insane >:] buuuuuut
both caracalla’s breakdown and alga’s breakdown were always going to happen one after the other. i did a lot of thinking while planning this fic out, mostly about the scene surrounding caracalla’s flashback and also how alga figures out their situation isn’t a dream. originally, caracalla’s flashback was meant to happen later, and have a bit more of geta and caracalla being haters in the beginning of the fic (which, evidently, wouldn’t have happened anyway because caracalla had a gay little crush before his breakdown, a la needle scene, which actually wasn’t planned) however, i did sort of figure out that caracalla was going to wind up accidentally hurting alga during his hashtag episode. and that pain was going to directly lead to alga realizing hes not dreaming. going along with that, putting myself in alga’s shoes, if i found out i time traveled with no hope of return my crash out would make headlines.
anyway, the connection was always going to be there. caracalla has a flashback -> caracalla hurts alga -> alga realizes theyre not dreaming -> breakdown. in my original planning, caracalla was supposed to mimic a lot of what alga did for him during his breakdown for them because he has absolutely zero frame of reference on how to snap someone out of that mental state aside from what (two, alga and geta) people do for him. but that didn’t happen because physical comfort felt too out of character for caracalla. so roughly pawing at their face and rudely talking sense into them was what happened
idk if anyone noticed, but caracalla was 100% trying to do the 5 things you see, 4 things you hear, etc grounding technique with alga earlier in the chapter!
(“Look around the room and tell me what you see!” He snapped and clapped his hands twice to signal it was your turn.
All you managed was to utter another ungraceful, “Huh?”
Caracalla huffed and clenched his fists at his sides. “You’re impossible! How did you do this? Smell me, medicus!”)
i pray someone caught that because i thought it was really funny. ANYWAY.
caracalla is calmed by physical touch and reminders of comfort. when hes having a flashback, he lashes out, he enters fight mode rather than flight, and then after it all, goes to freeze. treating him like something to be afraid of makes it worse, so alga’s natural empathy and lowkey disregard for their own safety for the sake of others (their complexes are fascinating) along with how they naturally comfort makes them a good person to help caracalla. whereas caracalla is blunt and self centered, using his own logic to talk sense into alga. who, most of the time, tends to be very logic based, especially when it comes to their own emotions. ultimately, if they think about it, and he is thinking hard about it, he did gain at least a little bit of something in the past. he has friends, he has a purpose, he’s having fun. for once in his life, hes having fun. theyre still very much in A Situation, but they feel more alive than ever. plus after the events of five and six, alga is deeply endeared to caracalla, which we might hear some of in chapter seven. i need to focus on geta some, i must not let my caracalla bias win
dude idk if that made any sense but theres a fun little behind the scenes look into my twisted mind
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munsonmuses · 8 months ago
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Emperor Geta x Fem! Reader
Warnings: smut, gladiatorial combat, animalistic tendencies, uhhhg there’s a breeding kink. This was not proofread.
Word Count: 2.3k
Authors Comments: Iiiii was a major Roman Empire nerd as a kid, so if there’s stuff you’re like “that seemed specific” about? I promise you the research was done and I had to consult my notebooks from when I was a teeny tot (like a young teen). And yes, thumbs up signified death because it represented an upturned sword for combat, and the thumbs down signified sparing the loser, by turning your sword down to sheath
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The light fabric of the linen chiton you wore felt like chains, the beautiful gold brooches holding it in place and the belt that rested low on your waist like the shackles. Leading you to a life you’d never wanted. To a future you knew you’d loathe so deeply. This wasn’t the life you’d dreamt of as a young woman. Bringing peace to an empire, marrying a man who was made perfectly for you by the gods.
All of these opportunities had been ripped from between your fingers. Your life slipped away the moment you’d heard that Emperor Geta had set his sights on you. He was callous, pompous, the human equivalent of a promenading lion. He thought nothing but the best of himself, and believed he deserved things equally as good. One of those things being you.
Your finger delicately worked on adjusting the raw leather straps of your sandals. The stephane felt like it was weighting your whole body down, veil swishing against your nape, sending chills down your spine. That the earth may swallow you whole in one fell motion was a wishful thought as you carefully examined the large hall.
It was egregious, how much gold one man could have. How many statues of himself an individual could bare to own. Slowly standing from the large chaise you’d been guided too and approaching one. tracing the curve of his nose, the apples of his cheeks. The manic look they’d managed to capture in his marble portrait, captured perfectly within the massive pupils. Scoffing lightly before hearing a laugh from behind you that caused your skin to pebble viciously. Turning around to face him.
The statue somehow didn’t manage to perfectly capture his mania. Pupils so wide they looked almost entirely black. A wolfish grin. His entire body reeked of need and want.
“You, are even more beautiful than Caracalla described…just look at you-“ his hands clamped down on your upper arms. Holding you in place as he hummed. “You’ll do nicely…” he murmured as you quirked a brow lightly.
You prayed that when you asked, he’d give you a different answer than what you’d been prepared for. Not wanting to surrender yourself to matrimony with a man so viciously bloodthirsty and self righteous. “What will I do nicely for, imperator?” You whispered as he let his eyes glaze over your body. Taking in every inch of you before nodding.
“Don’t be silly, you know what I brought you here for. I have chosen you to be my empress. Not Caracalla’s. Strictly my own.” He insisted as he moved a hand up to grip your jaw while humming. “You’ll take to the role with pride. A loving and affectionate empress…and you’ll give me my sons to lead the future of my empire once my time has come. Am I understood?” He questioned as you scoffed lightly to yourself. Fixing your rings and pulling away. Pacing the large floor of the hall as he kept his eyes on you. Ready to pounce if necessary.
“I am marrying you strictly for familial agreement. Through my loyalty for my empire and my dedication to my familial name…it has nothing to do with you.” You murmured as he sucked on his teeth lightly. You weren’t afraid of him, you saw yourself as an independent being, even a possible equal. An equal amount of hatred that matched his levels of obsession. Overall, he was clearly agitated by your lack of throwing yourself at him, the need for you to desperately present yourself to him. Though he wouldn’t push it. To get you out from under Caracalla’s thumb was difficult enough, so he’d take what he could get.
“Your chambers are prepared, you’ll be dressed for our wedding and you’ll smile. You’ll be grateful.” He ordered as you nodded, allowing the two women by the doorway to follow you out as you sighed in frustration to yourself.
These women were terrified to touch you, though they attempted to feebly conceal their terror as you hummed. Hair carefully arranged with an orange veil placed atop. Slipping into the white woven fabric of your wedding tunic, and slipped on orange sandals. Careful with them as you worked on fastening the knot of Hercules around your waist. Nodding slowly as you assessed yourself in the mirror.
It felt like lead lined your stomach as you approached the large garden, eyes meeting with Geta’s own. Your family and his court clearly anxiously awaiting your arrival. Your dowry had been exchanged, and Geta grinned delightedly at the sight of you approaching. Wringing his fingers, rings loudly knocking together as you frowned in mild fury. He was childish and cocky and self absorbed, albeit a bit handsome.
You stopped in front of him as the two of you read over the marriage contract. His eyes constantly flicking up to you as you lifted your metal pen from the inkwell. Scrawling your name with confidence as he followed suit. His hand suddenly clutching your left wrist as your head whipped to look at him. Geta removing the thick red stoned ring upon one of his fingers and slipping it onto one of your own as he hummed contentedly. Clearly awaiting reciprocation for his affections.
You carefully took his face, pressing a pursed lip kiss to his own plush pink lips as he cradled the back of your head and your waist. Satisfied with his win. Cementing your future with your new husband, as empress.
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Your wedding was a few months ago, and in that time you’d been growing to know, like, and even love Geta. Although shrouded in cruel mystery, he did have a tender heart when it came to you. Gifting you lavishly, bathing you in riches and praise. You’d never gone to bed on an empty stomach, and you managed to share romantic pleasantries with him regularly.
You sat beside him as you watched a battle in the coliseum. Head perched on your fist in boredom as he smiled wide at you. The folds of your brooches and adornments complimenting the rich purples of your own robes. Your stephane crooked as his hand delicately reached up to adjust it. “Isn’t this delightful my heart?” He whispered eagerly as you scoffed in light amusement. Grinning lightly at him as you kissed his rings lightly.
“It’s alright. Gladiator fights have never…settled my nerves. If anything the bloodsport terrifies me…” you murmured as his own lips pulled into a tight frown. Though unlike usual, he didn’t have a smart or cold comment to make.
You carefully watched the two men fight, though you could barely call them that. Barely older than sixteen a piece as you chewed on your lip. The larger of the two slamming his sword into the smaller boys shield. Reminding you of the kind boys you’d known in your youth who had the whole world in front of them, stolen in war. Your heart heavy at the sight.
Geta’s eyes were trained on you. Noticing the paleness in your face, watering eyes as you left your chair to look over the edge of the balcony at these boys. Heart pounding in your ears as he sighed. He was furious, he was angry…love had “weakened” him, was what Caracalla had lamented before. But in his eyes, it simply made him better for you. Being weak for one’s own wife was impossible.
Your head whipped to look at him as the smaller boy was bloodied and bruised. Whipped to the ground by his foe as Geta stood slowly for the crowd to see.
He lifted his hand slowly, glancing over at you as his thumb rested on its side. He would typically give a thumbs up, signaling the death of the weaker boy…but instead his thumb dropped. The crowd gasping at the young man being spared at the Emperors command.
Geta’s eyes flicked to you one last time. Seeing nothing but adoration in them as he dismissed his co-contributors frustrated muttering, walking off with you to your shared chambers as he hummed in your ear.
“You’re welcome…” he whispered as you rolled your eyes lightly at him. Kissing his cheek lightly as you closed the large doors behind yourself.
With your back to him, you slowly worked on unhooking the brooches of your chiton, letting the fabric pool at your feet as you worked on removing your sandals slowly. Hearing his movements stop, eyes on you as you grinned lightly over your shoulder.
“You have shown such monumental growth…and kindness…and change, my emperor…” you whispered as you stalked towards him. His breath shaky and heavy as he carefully nodded. “I am so amazed by you…” you murmured as he watched your hands making work of the fasteners on his own tunic. It slipping down his shoulders as you smiled.
“I want…to reward you,” you murmured into his ear. Geta was a man who worked on praise, adoration and reward. He needed something for every “accomplishment” he made. This time you’d give him something more.
He let himself be lied back on your massive bed, his cock slowly hardening. Pressed to his stomach. Cheeks and chest flushed as you hummed lightly to yourself. He deserved this, even if it was simple human decency…it was a major turning point for him.
You kissed along his jaw, down his neck, his chest. Lightly nipping at his flushed skin as you worked lower and lower. Pressing kisses down his stomach and licking along the light indentations of his abs before finally paying attention to his desperate cock.
Already twitching lightly, Geta was not a hard man to work up. Lightly pressing warm, open mouthed kisses along his shaft. Tenderly massaging his balls as he whimpered lightly at your ministrations. Following your movements with frantic eyes.
He shivered lightly as he felt your lips lightly wrap around his tip. Lazily sucking and stroking the rest of his shaft lightly. Having used your kisses from earlier as a bit of lubrication. Stroking in time with your slowly bobbing head. Every few moments getting lower and lower. Relishing on the velvety feeling of his thick cock against your tongue. Finally taking your hand away and placing it on his hip. The other taking his right hand and leading it to the back of your head as he trembled lightly. “My heart…please-“ his whisper wasn’t much more than a breath.
The lewd noises of you taking him deep down your throat, slowly sucking while hollowing out your cheeks. Obediently tending to his needs as you groaned desperately against him. Your free hand trailing downward to massage your own clit as he bucked his hips lightly.
“You tease me…” he growled out. “With your desperate hands, your heavenly mouth, your body on full display…you tear me into nothing but tatters of a man…and you relish in my desperation,” he hissed as you pulled your head off.
Stroking his cock lightly as you maintained eye contact with him. Your own blown out with need and want as you continued to tend to your own clit. Sensitive bud twitching under your small, circular motions. Geta’s eyes trained on simply you. Filled with nothing but love and obsession as he growled.
Taking your wrists firmly, he pulled your hands away from both of your own sensitive bodies. Working on lying you back as he pressed his lips to your ear. “You’re a temptress…and you’ll understand just how deeply I want for you…and you’ll give me my sons,” he hissed as he worked one of your legs up around his waist. Keeping one hand on your wrists, pinned above your head as he lined himself up with your wanting cunt. Slowly easing himself into you.
You could feel every vein, every curve. A desperate moan being ripped from you as you arched your back lightly. Geta’s soft laugh and heaving breaths the only other noise you could focus on. His mouth greedily kissing along your soft skin. Nipping at your shoulders and neck. Trailing down to your breasts. Lightly taking your left nipple between his teeth. Sucking and nipping at the sensitive bud while lazily rolling his hips. Breeding you on his terms.
“Fucking…mnghhh…you’re so good~” he mumbled between mouthfuls of greedy kisses. His thrusts short and swift. Though deep enough to give that knot in your stomach a bit of reprieve. Humming contentedly to himself as he watched your lust clouded eyes. “I can’t promise that you’ll be able to do much once im finished…” he murmured as he began to focus on his thrusts.
Deep and swift, pressing deep into your twitching cunt, your wrists finally free of his grasp as your arms wrapped around his shoulders. Holding him close as he fucked deeper into you. “It’s a blessing, to get to carry the future of our empire. Thank me for blessing you…” he growled out as he held your hips firmly. Your moans in time with his thrusts as you struggled to form a single coherent thought.
“Fuck!…thank you, for allow-…allowing me to carry your heirs, and the future of Rome!” Your voice cracked between moans as he laughed lightly. Working on bringing you to your orgasm as he hummed.
Your body felt like it was ablaze, each thrust causing that knot to unravel further and further. Whimpering in desperation and squawking desperately before letting your head fall back. His name spilling past your lips before feeling that knot come undone. Mouth falling open in incoherent babbles as Geta fucked you through your orgasm. Making sure you were thoroughly satisfied and gritting his teeth.
Unable to hold himself back much longer, his thrusts became short and swift before he hilted himself deep within you and came. His own mutters just broken up syllables of your name, trembling arms, and weak kisses along your skin. His body collapsing upon your own as he pressed hot and gentle kisses to your skin.
“I love you…” he murmured, allowing his eyes to close as you lightly combed through his hair. Your own growing heavy as you sighed.
“I love you too…”
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mygnolia · 8 months ago
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୨୧ -› how's that fair? my cat likes you more than me, i swear.
pair -› bf!enhypen x cat owner!reader | wc -› 1.7k | no warnings!
NOTE: you have a gray tabby cat named pickles!
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when you come home, your cat immediately notices a new addition, and he curiously emerges. 
“sorry,” you warned your boyfriend in advance, “he might not be super friendly.” your cat walks up to heeseung slowly, who’s crouched down and about to take his shoes off to get closer to your pet- and crazily enough- your cat doesn’t seem to be running away? For maybe the first time ever, you’re seeing your cat nudge himself against your boyfriend's leg and asking for pets. you watch them fondly, with a smile on your face as you see pickles sit on heeseung’s lap, with his head on your boyfriend’s thigh and eyes fluttering shut with a purr. your boyfriend’s subjected himself to not waking up your cat, and grabs his phone, not even bothering to try and move. you tut disapprovingly at your spoiled cat, and you sit down next to heeseung to scratch at pickle’s chin.
“here, if you want to lay down or get comfy i’ll take him off- he never does this.” but heeseung refuses, continuing to pet the sleepy cat in his lap. 
“no, it’s okay baby. can’t you see pickles here and i are best friends?”
more under the cut!
you warned jay that despite his excitement to see your cat, that your pet wasn’t super social and despite all of your friends trying to get pickles to come to them or even be in the same room, it would prove to be almost impossible. the cat had a mind of his own as he stayed anywhere in the house that he saw fit, and therefore, it was rare for your cat to be seen outside of sleeping on a windowsill or eating. and after jay takes off his shoes, he looks around for a gray feline that could be anywhere, but to no avail, and when your boyfriend looks back at you, the look on your face screams ‘i told you so.’
it’s not until later, when you two are laying in your bed watching something on your laptop that you hear a meow from the hallway outside your bedroom. and jay springs up, excited at the opportunity to finally meet the infamous avoidant pet. 
with doubt that they’ll even get to interact, you stretch and close your laptop, but a call of your name has you wandering outside with curiosity. 
you see jay, with your cat, who’s meowing anytime jay doesn’t give him pets. “i told you it’d happen.” he says with a smug grin. 
˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ SIM JAEYUN
“you can’t play with pickles like he’s a dog.” you glare at jake, wanting to protect your baby from the rougher pet owners who might mishandle him. jake rolls his eyes, shooing you away as you walk back to your place. 
“i’m a natural. any pet will love me.” and you smile, amused at his confidence as you open the door. with a few calls of his name, your pet comes running, nudging his face against your leg with excitement now that you’re back home. your cat has always been super affectionate and sweet, which is why you’re scared that the way jake plays with layla will translate over to how he interacts with your cat; an animal that’s much smaller and gentler. but you see jake fishing out his keys and dangling them in front, giggling  at how your cat gently swaps at the jingling sounds. you place your stuff to watch them play around more, with your boyfriend sitting cross legged as your cat jumps higher and higher to hit the various keychains jake has. 
when your cat swats the keys and it unexpectedly falls to the ground, your pet pounces to push it around and kick at it, leaving jake to beckon you over. “see? you had nothing to worry about.”
if there’s only thing you should know about sunghoon, is that he is unfortunately loyal to gaeul, and always thinks that his dog is better than any pet around- including his best friend’s. 
so when you open the door to your place to see sunghoon looking for something specific, you’re worried he’s left something from last time with the way he’s turning all the corners sharply. “there you are!” you hear him say, before you also hear a meow in response. 
the only thing is- your cat almost never meows. it leaves you confused as you walk over to your boyfriend with your stuff still in hand, watching the boy pet pickles with a small smile on his features. sunghoon adores the way pickles purrs and closes his eyes, relaxed.
what was up with the grumpy, quiet cat you knew, and the gaeul dog supremacist you had for a boyfriend? 
he suddenly gets up to place his bag down on the table while also taking off his coat, and you expected your cat to run to its owner, like how he usually does if sunghoon’s not around. and yet, pickles continues to confuse you even further, when he meows for the second time today and immediately follows your boyfriend, swatting at his dress pants. “you just love me so much, huh?” and he tells your cat the same thing he said to you just a few days ago, which leaves a small streak of jealousy in your scowl.
˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ KIM SUNOO
your cat has never been social- much to the disappointment of your boyfriend, sunoo. he sits there with a pout as he tries to click his tongue and tap the floor in hopes to attract the very disinterested ‘pickles’ into his lap. sunoo loves cats, and usually the neighborhood strays run to him when he offers treats- but this time, his cat radar’s been rejected. 
“i can’t believe pickles doesn’t want to be with me. that’s like- the first time it’s ever happened.” and his pout is apparent in the way he talks, even if you’re not looking at him. you turn around with a smile, joining sunoo on your bed as you give him a comforting hug. he returns your sentiment, and naturally, you two shift into a more comfortable position where you lay on his chest and he gently detangles parts of your hair, telling each other about your day. 
you almost fall asleep considering how calm and quiet everything is; your boyfriend holding you close, talking about the book he’s reading, and a quiet playlist in the background until he hears a small meow and a furry figure suddenly dipping on the bed. 
and although you’re too far into sleep to celebrate his victory, sunoo smiles to himself. “i knew you’d come around.”
jungwon’s likeness to cats (proclaimed by his friends ONCE and he just accepts it) proves himself to be useful when he meets your cat again. for a feline so reserved and independent, you’re used to seeing your cat’s soft cuddly side only in your bedroom or when he’s feeling particularly lonely. and pickles always knows what he wants- so if you’re giving him too many chin scratches- he’d definitely nip your hand in warning. 
you tell jungwon all of this to make sure he doesn’t leave with a scratch on his pretty face, and you’re far too scared to ruin the excitement he has when it comes to playing with your pets (since…maeum is…interesting!). you can tell you boyfriend is a cat magnet when your cat not only emerges immediately, but also comes up to sniff jungwon and immediately ask for pets. without any other choice, jungwon sits down, scratching pickle’s cheeks and watching the cat’s eyes flutter shut. and for a moment when your pet worms his way out of jungwon’s grasp, you’re worried he’s going to leave- but instead, pickles lays down on the floor his white belly in the air as he meows and looks at jungwon expectedly. you pout, setting your stuff down to join the two of them and rub his stomach. “pickles never does that with me!” you tell him, almost a little annoyed. 
jungwon smirks. “i guess i’m pickles’ favorite now.”   
because riki hasn’t seen bisco in a while, you wanted to bring him back to see your cat, despite your boyfriend’s obvious affinity for more energetic pets. and although you know it’s not the same, riki smiles at your effort, planting a few kisses to express his gratitude before you two come back to your pet. walking in, you notice pickles on the couch, and you’re thankful not to have to search for him and ultimately give up when your cat is taking a nap. riki, who’s eager to play with animals, immediately takes off his shoes and sets down your things, running over to your cat to snuggle into his fur. you watch them with mirth, seeing how the boy tries to gently pick up the cat and chases pickles around the house when the pet doesn’t want to be held. at least they’re both having fun. 
riki emerges from your bedroom waving a squishy fish toy and snatching it away before your cat can reach it, and he continues to until you join him from behind, sinking down to his level as your arms wrap around him and your head rests on his shoulder. he teases your pet with the toy one last time, before throwing it into the room across from him and letting pickles chase it to get some alone time with you. riki turns around to let you lean against his chest, his arms wrapping around your torso as you two sit on the ground and enjoy each other’s presence. 
the simplicity of the moment is ruined when pickles comes back with the fish toy, squeaking it next and dropping it, eyes shining with anticipation. “woah. your cat plays fetch better than bisco.”
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permanent fic taglist (send ask or dm to be added): @dimplewonie @minleeeknow @heeheesang @mintpjzroll
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cyberhughes · 27 days ago
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jack hughes x fem!reader, quinn hughes x fem!reader, luke hughes , fem!reader, cole caufield x fem!reader, trevor zegras x fem!reader
IN WHICH… the new social media intern for the new jersey devils gets a proper welcome from her favourite boys
NOTE guys i had to take a pause on the requests because this was just on my mind so bad…and if this is the fic that gets me canceled for being too controversial then we went out w a bang!! (pun not intended)
also this is dedicated to my kitten clara👩🏻‍🍳🤝 @lovecla i’m glad i have someone to share my insanity with i love you👅👅
WARNINGS! NSFW 18+ content dark content/taboo | five guys one girl :( | dubcon/coercion | spiking drinks w aphrodisiac | unprotected sex | blowjobs |subtle size kink | dacryphilia (blink and u miss it) | recording | degradation | cum eating | uhm if im missing anything lmk im going crazy
she got that million dollar ooh ooh ohh...
make her tap out!
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you don’t know how you got into this position. or, multiple positions. hot tears blurred your vision from clearly seeing the men in front of you. the men who had been watching you like you were prey the moment you stepped into the arena as a new social media intern, waiting for their chance to pounce on you.
[ ౨ৎ ˙⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 ]
“hey!” you stopped your steps as you heard a familiar voice call out just before you were about to head over to the seats to film some practice content.
luke, who you had met a few times, had skated up to the gate, a friendly smile on his face as he approached. “it’s y/n, right?” he asked and you nodded with a smile, most of the time players didn’t really care for the social media girls, simply answering their questions and going on about their day like you didn’t exist. hell, they probably wouldn’t have recognized you if they saw you walking on the street.
“so uh, feel free to say no,” he started, scratching the back of his neck. “i was having a little get together with some other players tonight, and some friends from other teams too,” you nodded as you listened intently, scared you might zone out from admiring his features.
“and i was wondering if maybe you’d like to join? some of the other social media girls are gonna be there from the other teams so i was thinking that maybe you could like, connect with them or something? just cause you’re new.” he offered with a cheeky smile and you nodded, seeming calm but inside you were freaking out a bit, it was such a perfect opportunity!
you could get so many tips from the other girls, learning things from their past experience to limit any stupid mistakes you might make while learning on your own.
“yeah! i’d love to!” he grinned at your response, “okay, awesome! how ‘bout after practice i’ll give you the details?”
[ ౨ৎ ˙⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 ]
you took in a deep breath before you firmly knocked on the door of luke’s apartment, nervousness bubbled in your stomach as you waited. you were excited to meet the other girls, and make some possible new connections with anyone else. your hands fiddled with the hem of your skirt as you heard clattering and music on the other side.
the door swung open, revealing a grinning luke. you tried to hide your surprise when you saw him, usually you had either seen him in either hockey gear or in a suit. you thought that it was refreshing to see him in something so laid back, a simple tshirt and jeans matched with a backwards cap that pushed his curls nicely to the back and side of his head.
“hey y/n!” he stepped back to let you in. you returned the greeting as you stepped in as you scanned the apartment, and wow. he really downplayed on the ‘small get together’. the apartment was bustling with players of different teams chatting and drinking, yet you couldn’t spot any of the social media girls. hm, maybe they were running late.
luke noticed the way your shoulders dropped slightly in disappointment. “oh, yeah i’m sorry y/n.” he shook his head as he led you into the living room where some familiar faces were sitting. “the other girls said they couldn’t come anymore. last minute family emergencies and some illnesses or something.” he spoked and you simply nodded. “oh, that’s too bad.” you responded, it was too bad. but you looked on the brighter side of things, you would get to know the players in a more candid setting, even starting some new friendships.
“hey guys, y/n came.” luke introduced you to everyone and you waved shyly. sitting beside jack on the couch was trevor zegras and cole caufield, with quinn sitting on an arm chair just beside.
“hey y/n!” jack slapped his hands on his thighs as he stood up from his position on the couch. “it’s too bad the other girls couldn’t come, but we’re still gonna have fun, right?” he said and you nodded, cheeks slightly burning when he wrapped an arm around your shoulder. the greeting threw you off slightly, only having met him a handful of times
“what do you say we get you a drink, hm?” he offered and you nodded, following along, you didn’t want to be impolite. you’d have one drink to settle your nerves before getting to know the players.
you didn’t notice the devilish grin jack shot luke as he placed a hand on the small of your back, guiding you into the kitchen.
the night was going pretty smoothly, you had spent most of your time with the five guys you had initially been introduced with. you talked about your major for a bit, why you wanted to go into sports marketing, a bit about your personal life.
you went to take a sip of your drink as you listened to quinn talk about, well you weren't really sure what, but you had noticed your cup was empty. luke peered over, “oh, i can refill that for you.” he reached out his hand and you smiled, “sure, maybe just a soda, please?” he nodded. you don’t know how many times that night luke got up to get you another soda, but you didn’t complain. he was being a good host and you didn’t want to be rude.
“so what does your boyfriend think of you working in sports marketing?” cole smiled, taking a sip of his drink. you shook your head and chuckled in slight embarrassment, “oh, i don’t have a boyfriend.”
“really? but you’re so pretty?” trevor hummed from beside you. he had his arm draped behind you on the couch, and he reached up to twirl a strand of your hair as you blushed fifty shades of red.
you didn’t know how to respond to the compliment, squeaking out a quiet ‘thank you.’
the room started to get hot, maybe from embarrassment, maybe from the amount of bodies crowded into one space.
“hey, you okay?” quinn asked, noticing the way you were playing with the collar of your cardigan, trying to loosen it’s grip on your neck.
“uh, yeah sorry. just feeling a bit weird.” you gave him a tight lipped smile, you didn’t want to ruin the night, you had worked so hard to get where you are today and you didn’t want to ruin any of your newly made friendships with the players.
“hey it’s okay,” jack moved a few strands of hair away from your face, an expression of false concern taking over his features. “why don’t you lay down in luke's room for a bit while we call it a night?” he offered and you shook your head, “i don’t want to ruin your night.” he smiled at your pout, “don’t worry ‘bout it, luke will show you the way.”
and so luke led you to his room, letting you lean your weight onto his arm as he guided you.
“just sit down m’kay?” you nodded and plopped on the bed, feeling a weird warmth spread throughout your body. were you catching a fever? was it pms? you had never felt this feeling before. “they’ll tell everyone to go home.” he stroked your hair, letting you lean onto his shoulder.
quinn walked into the room, with jack, trevor and cole following right behind. “you okay y/n?” quinn asked as he took a seat next to you, pressing the back of his hand to your forehead. “you’re getting hot, why don’t you take your sweater off?” you nodded and let him unbutton your cardigan, peeling off the fabric and letting his cold hands graze your skin.
“why don’t you stay over tonight?” luke murmured as his eyes fell to your cleavage once your cardigan was taken off.
“yeah, we don’t want you out driving like this.” trevor kneeled in front of you, examining your face as the boys nodded in agreement.
was this inappropriate? staying over at luke’s apartment? you were just the social media girl, you didn’t want it to seem like you had taken this job just to get closer to the players. then again, maybe they were right. it wasn’t safe for a young woman to head home alone in an uber so late at night.
“just let us take care of you baby, okay?” luke pushed your hair to the side as he whispered into your ear, letting his lips trail down to your neck where he placed a small kiss. you shivered at the touch, feeling your butterflies in your stomach. “o-okay…” you sighed when he pressed another kiss onto your shoulder.
“you feeling hot? why don’t we take off the rest of your clothes, hm?” quinn’s fingers toyed with the strap of your tank top. “is…is this weird?” you looked up at him with doe eyes, tears barely forming. he gave you an endearing smile, admiring how cute you looked. “no, we’re all friends here, just wanna take care of you.” he said and you nodded.
quinn carefully helped you out of your tank top and skirt, revealing your lace bra and panties which you tried to cover up in embarrassment. you felt the bed dip behind you, jack and cole approaching on the situation.
you felt like prey underneath their gazes, their eyes burning over your exposed flesh like they were getting ready to devour you, their mouths practically watering
“so pretty…” cole's voice was barely above a whisper as he watched they way trevor traced his fingers closer and closer to your core.
this was extremely wrong, it was dirty. yet you couldn’t help but feel your panties get damper at their ministrations.
trevor looked up at you, tilting his head with a friendly smile, “gonna let us use you, pretty girl?” as he gently pushed open your thighs and you gave him a dazed nod, your response nearly coming out as a whimper, “yes.” you knew what they were doing, you knew that this was extremely perverted and wrong, but you were too far gone.
your lips parted in a soft gasp as you felt his fingers trace over your cunt overtop of your pink panties. you felt so many hands on you, groping at your breasts through your bra, slender hands pulling your thighs open just a bit further.
trevor pushed your panties to the side, toying with your slick before pushing in a single finger, looking up for your reaction. you whimpered, leaning back onto cole’s chest while he placed a small kiss on your temple.
trevor slowly pumped his finger, your arousal growing with the overwhelming amount of stimulation you were receiving from everyone. “so tight…” he mumbled as he stared with amazement before forcing a second and soon third finger. he pumped his digits in and out, earning moans from you that felt like music to their ears. from behind you, jack reached around to toy with your clit, bringing you closer and closer to your orgasm.
tears threatened to fall as you felt the heat pool in your lower stomach, “m…m gonna cum..” you whined, body fighting the way cole hand you down as you squirmed.
“go on baby, it’s okay.” quinn licked at your ear and that was all it took for you to snap, your first orgasm of the night washing over you with an intensity you had never felt before.
“fuck..” luke’s mouth dropped open as he watched your release squirt out onto trevor's tattooed arm, his fingers practically jackhammering into you as he pulled every moan he could from you until you were breathless.
everything felt hazy as they lied you down, they took their time taking off the only fabric that you had left, leaving you fully exposed and vulnerable. you heard some rummaging around but stayed focused on catching your breath.
you dazily watch jack as he climbed on top of you, trailing comforting kisses from your stomach up to your neck. “you okay with this?” he asked as he stroked his cock from below you, positioning it at your fluttering entrance. you nodded frantically and he smirked, “‘course you are.” you felt your stomach drop at the mockery in his voice, but you didn’t have much time to think about it before he pushed into you, taking all the air from your lungs. “fuck baby,” he groaned, letting himself sink fully, tears pricked at your eyes, threatening to fall at the intense stretch.
he didn’t give you time to adjust as he began thrusting into you with fervor, lifting your legs and pressing them to your chest. his fingers dug into your thighs and he pushed them down, leaving bruises onto your delicate skin. “you’re so dirty, y/n.” he grinned from above you and you felt the tears fall, which he quickly kissed away. you could tell he was about to cum when his thrusts became harsher, his cock kissing at your cervix as he let out deep groans.
his gaze flickered from the way your pussy sucked him in, up to your face, cheeks red and stained with tears as you watched him with hooded eyes. “fuckkk,” he breathed out, letting himself shoot his load into you, hips stuttering as he did so.
you let out a whine when he pulled out, feeling his cum drip out of your hole and down to your ass. you don’t even notice when he had switched positions with trevor and cole, the two boys admiring your fucked out expression before taking their turn with you.
“such a pretty little whore.” trevor smiled at you sweetly, a contrast to his degrading words. he flipped you onto your stomach with ease, lifting your hips up so that your ass was flush with his pelvis.
cole positioned himself in front of you, and you knew what he wanted. you stuck your tongue out, looking up at him with doe eyes and he swore he could’ve cum just from the sight. he slapped his cock over your tongue as trevor spread your ass cheeks from behind, getting a better view of your swollen cunt before he lined himself up with your already leaking hole.
you moaned around cole’s cock as trevor thrusted into you, the vibrations sending instant pleasure throughout his body. you steadied yourself by placing your hands on his thick thighs, letting your nails dig into his skin as he let out the prettiest whines.
you let out a squeal when trevor slapped your ass, quickly smoothing his hand over the red mark to soothe the pain. “so filthy,” it didn’t take them long before they came, shooting their loads from both ends.
you had no choice but to swallow cole’s cum when he pushed your head down all the way, nose to pelvis as his body shook in pleasure.
he cupped your face with one hand, stroking your cheek with his thumb as he thanked you, leaving your heart fluttering. trevor placed a kiss onto your back before the two of them moved away, letting quinn take over.
quinn’s eyes scanned you with a look of disapproval and pity. “so messy, baby.” you pouted at his words, he was right though. you had cum and spit leaking at the corner of your mouth, your hair was tousled and your cunt was already stuffed full. he grabbed your tank top that was thrown onto the bed earlier and quickly cleaned you up.
“there we go.” he smiled softly before leaning down to give you a proper kiss on this lips and your eyes fluttered closed, your hands reaching up to tangle themselves in his hair. he trailed his kiss from your mouth down to your breasts, licking and sucking at the reddening skin. “poor baby,” he murmured, “didn’t even get to cum again, hm? it’s okay though, i’m gonna take proper care of you.” he said, a slight dig to the men who had previously used you without any regard for your own pleasure.
he laid you down, dipping his middle finger between your folds, chuckling at the way your hole fluttered, clenching around nothing. “i’ll take care of you.” he soon replaced his finger with his aching cock, pushing into you gently as he hushed your whimpers with a kiss.
“doing so good for us, aren’t you baby?” his hand trailed down to lazily massage at your neglected clit. “q-quinn…” your nails scratched at his back, leaving bright red marks and he hissed at the pleasurable pain, nipping at your collarbones. “it’s okay, i got you baby.” he rocked into you, never ceasing his actions on your clit and you felt your eyes roll to the back of your head as his thrusts deepened. “you gonna cum for me, pretty girl? huh? gonna put on a show on for them?” you whined at his words, squirming underneath him as the heat pooled in your belly.
“k-kiss..” you mumbled and he smiled, “yeah, i got you.” he leaned down and you kissed him deeply, moving your hips up to meet him halfway. “go on baby, let go.” he whispered against your lips when he felt your grip on him tighten, your pussy spasming as you came, him following soon after, pulling out to cum onto the soft skin of your stomach.
your vision was blurry as you came down from your orgasm, body on fire from the consistent stimulation with no break. you felt quinn pepper kiss over your face, “you did so good baby.” he placed on last kiss on your lips, savoring the sweet taste of your saliva, “it’s okay, it’s almost over.” he reassured and you hummed in confusion, before you saw luke standing at the edge of the bed.
you didn’t know if you had it in you, and god he looked big standing there. “luke…” you whimpered as you tried crawling back up the bed, but he grabbed your ankles and pulled you back down.
“m’sorry baby,” he pouted, “you’re gonna let me fuck you, right? it’s only fair. i’m the one who thought you were pretty first.” he said like it was a competition before pushing himself in, your eyes going wide as your body tensed. even though you had been fucked plenty that night, none of them could’ve possible compared to the way luke’s cock was stretching you out.
hot tears fell down your cheeks as he thrusted into you, letting one of his large hands press down onto your lower stomach to feel the bulge of his cock as he fucked you. “too big luke!” you cried, thrashing underneath him and leaned down closer, his cock hitting deeper. “you can take it, know you can.” he grunted, his tip brushing against your cervix and you gripped onto his biceps like he was your lifeline. “luke! s’too much!” you cried and he licked as the salty tears from your face.
he didn’t let up his pace, continuing to fuck into you like he had been dreaming of since he first laid eyes on you at the rink. “my pretty girl...” he cooed as your screams of overstimulation echoed in his ears as he reached places inside you no one had ever reached before.
it wasn’t long before yet another load was dumped into you, your eyes lolling to the back of your head as you let out a silent scream while you came for the final time that night.
the room fell silent, the boys entranced at your fucked out expression, limp on the bed with your skin decorated with their cum.
“fuck, wait till nico sees this.” jack was quick to pull out his phone, snapping a picture of you.
“there’s no leaving us now, baby doll.”
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linearities · 1 month ago
ᅟᅟᅟᅟᅟᅟᅟᅟ ✧ NASTY 。 。 。
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talking back never did any favors, did it? now seonghwa will have to shut you up in some other way.
this fanfiction is part of my birthday event.
pairing: mean dom!seonghwa x sub!reader
genre: smut
warnings: 18+ ONLY!! MINORS DNI!!!! finger sucking, p in v, dacryphilia, mean seonghwa, choking, name calling (slut, brat, good girl), raw sex (don't do it!!!), pull out method, aftercare!!!!
notes: shoutout to the birthday bitch! (me) (my birthday was yesterday and i forgot to post)
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drool oozed down your chin as seonghwa thrusted his fingers in your mouth, piercing you with his intense gaze. his platinum blonde hair stuck to his forehead in sweat, his throbbing length shoved inside you for the past minutes barely moving as a punishment for talking back on him. he had to teach you how to put that pretty mouth of yours to good use.
“don't have much to say now, do you, slut?” he mocked, watching as you sucked on his fingers like your life depended on it, “talking back like that, did i not discipline you properly?”
you whimpered, a moan slipping past your lips as he pulled his fingers away with a low ’pop!’ echoing in the room. his hand slid down to your throat, squeezing it in a way that had you rolling your eyes back. his hips met yours in a forceful thrust, a gasp turning into a moan, then a yelp, then a cry, with seonghwa pouncing on you like a fucking predator.
the sound of skin slapping against skin, your shrieks and moans, everything so deeply obscene that it made you forget how you had to work tomorrow. your whole body pulsed and shivered, your breath becoming ragged and shallow, eyes about to flutter close. you were about to come, and seonghwa knew it. his free hand came to rub and flick on your clit, making your body writh and arch underneath him.
“you gonna cum for me?” seonghwa growled, smirking in your direction, “you gonna cum for me, you fucking brat?”
you nodded furiously, blushing and sobbing as he squeezed your throat a bit more. and it was the lack of air, the lack of breath that brought you to your high, hands coming to grasp on his wrist as you drowned in that wave of pleasure. seonghwa didn’t stop once, riding out your pleasure with his thrusts and his own release, pulling out just to stroke himself a few times and let his cum fall in thick ropes on the soft, sweaty skin of your belly.
he let go of your throat, the imprint of his fingers slightly marking your skin beautifully. collapsing by your side, he was quick to scoop you on his arms, kissing your teary eyes and stained cheeks as he cooed the soft lingering sobs that left you.
“good girl. don’t want you ever disobeying again, yeah? you promise?” hwa mumbled against your skin, kissing and soothing his handprint on your neck. you nodded in a shallow promise, both knowing how you’d break it as soon as you saw the opportunity.
“good. now let’s get you a shower, hm?”
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hi pookies!!! i'm officially 21 now!!! thank you for being here, love love all of you!!! thank you for reading and I'll see you next time! <33
xoxo, meggie.
taglist: @parakisss @kyeos4ng @irsmaxle @eixila @atztrsr @innocygnet @juicyjaxxy @life-is-a-game-of-thrones @jerseygirlzzzxx @wisejudgedragonhairdo @nanime-roality @yunhoslefto3 @tearsdntfall617 @roxhanah @atztrsr @innocygnet @sasaloveshj @jinternationalplayboy @svzllts @crimsonbubble @igoiguor
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girlgenius1111 · 9 months ago
no time for losers
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everyone saw alexia's goal celebration. only you got to see [and participate in] the match celebrations later that night. smut. 18+.
ps. this fic was made possible by @sunnyaelia who made very specific requests ☺️🤭🙃
You held out as long as you could, truly. But you’d been ready to pounce on your girlfriend all day, the endorphins and emotions of the day only increasing this urge. The first people began to peel away from the after party and head up to bed, and you saw your opportunity. Alexia had kept you close to her all night, and now you stood pressed up against her, one of her arms slung along your neck. You’d been fiddling with the rings on your fingers when you saw Ingrid and Mapi slip away. You knew what they were up to. Lucy pulled Ona out of the room after that, but you were quite sure the Englishwoman just wanted to get some ice on the poor girl’s face. Once a few more of your teammates had left the room, you turned to tuck your face into Alexia’s chest, knowingly exactly how to get her to take you upstairs. 
If you were horny, she’d make you wait, just a bit. Even if she was too. If you pretended to be tired, though, she’d take you upstairs faster, so you let your eyes fall shut as you listened to the steady thump of Alexia’s heartbeat in your ear, just barely audible over the loud music pumping into the room from Patri’s speaker. 
“Tired?” Alexia asked gently, her hand gently placed on the back of your head, fingers scratching lightly. 
You nodded against her. It wasn’t a lie, you were tired. You’d played 60 minutes in an incredibly physical match. You were just much more interested in activities other than sleeping at the moment. 
“Vale, let’s go up.” She paired the words with a soft kiss to your head, keeping you held close to her as you both bid your teammates a goodnight and exited the room. She was being incredibly gentle with you as she led you upstairs, but you really hoped that would change soon. 
“I thought you were tired?” Alexia huffed, breaking away from the deep kiss you’d pulled her into the minute the hotel room door had shut behind you. 
“I am.” You shrugged, letting your lips drift down to her jaw and work their way down her neck. 
“Just not too tired for this?” She wondered teasingly, while still holding a note of concern in her voice. 
“Promise?” Alexia asked gently, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear as you looked up at her. 
“Promise.” You confirmed. That was all she needed to hear before she was backing you up against the wall, one hand on the small of your back, the other threading through your hair. Her hands were everywhere, really, fluttering over your skin before settling at the hem of your shirt, trying to tug it up. You let her pull it off you, blushing slightly at the smirk that adorned Alexia’s features as she gazed down at you, before she was moving back in.She wasn’t being gentle anymore as she kissed you, and you were glad for it, though you still had a few things to do before this could go any further. 
“Ale,” you hummed.
“Hmm?” She didn’t pull back, nails scratching bluntly at your lower back. 
“Ale.” You repeated. 
Alexia groaned, but pulled away, giving you a cheeky smile to tell you that she wasn’t really annoyed. “What do you need mi amor?” 
“I need to wash the sunscreen off my face.” You whispered against her lips. “And I’m thirsty,” you added as an afterthought. She chuckled, gently pushing you away from her.
“Go wash your face. And take your clothes off.” 
“They’re already half off.” You said, rolling your eyes.
“Go.” She instructed, turning you in the direction of the bathroom. She headed for her suitcase and you were rather excited to see what she was searching for. 
When you exited the bathroom completely bare, you found Alexia in the same state, except for the harness and dildo fixed over her hips. She was neatly folding her clothes, putting them in a pile on the dresser, but she placed something on top of the pile that grabbed your attention. 
She turned to look at you, a cocky grin on her face brought a matching grin onto your face. You walked closer, grabbing the captain's armband off her pile of clothes and motioning for her to hold her arm out. Now it was Alexia’s turn to blush, just a bit. 
“Amor,” she complained, though she held her arm out all the same. 
“Mi capitana.” You hummed, slipping the armband on and wrapping it around her bicep. 
You made eye contact with your girlfriend, noticing a spark in her eye that wasn’t there before. 
“Su capitana,” she whispered, tugging you closer to her. “Then you better listen to what I tell you to do, no?” 
“I should.” You agreed, fighting a smile. 
“Bueno. On your knees.” She instructed, guiding you down as you complied easily, knowing exactly what she had in mind. 
Alexia always let you set the pace with this, but you were in no mood to go slow. The intense makeout session before, combined with the dominant way Alexia was staring down at you combined to make you wet and aching. 
You took Alexia’s strap into your mouth, gagging slightly as you did so. You worked it down your throat much faster than you normally did, desperate to please your girlfriend, and desperate to get her to touch you. You could feel your inner thighs covered in slick, and you pressed them together for a hint of anything at all, a movement that didn't go unnoticed by Alexia, who’s eyes were glued to you.
“Fuck yourself while I fuck your throat.” She instructed, removing one of your hands from where it held her hip and gesturing for you to put it between your legs. You wanted her inside of you, now, her fingers, her cock, anything, but for now, her cock in your mouth and your fingers in your pussy would do. 
You were wet. Really wet, and your finger slipped easily through your folds and into your cunt. You were more focused on Alexia’s strap than you were on your own pleasure at that moment, though you still made sure to slip another finger in and stretch yourself out for her like you knew she wanted. You quickly found a rhythm that matched her hips thrusting her cock into your mouth, and you shifted, trying to get more comfortable. One of Alexia’s hands moved from the back of your head to trail up her abdomen and grab at her breast, giving it a rough squeeze. Your eyes followed the movement and before you knew it, you were caught up in drinking in the sight above you, your jaw going almost slack around Alexia’s cock. 
Her abs flexed with every movement, short breaths getting caught in her throat as she looked down at you. You were gazing up at her, captivated by the sight of her completely bare except for the captain’s armband wrapped around her bicep. Your eyes were wide, slightly watery, and your face was a mess, but you looked at your girlfriend with complete devotion, complete submission. 
“Joder,” Alexia groaned, the feeling of fucking your throat no longer doing it for her. She grabbed a fistfull of your hair and dragged you off her cock, hastily turning you around and bending you over the bed. You gasped slightly in shock at the change in position, but Alexia just leaned down, kissing messily across the skin of your back. “I need you now,” she whispered, her teeth nipping slightly at you. “I cannot wait.” 
You hung your head and took in a few shaky breaths, nodding quickly as she dragged herself through you, not yet pressing in. “Can you take it or do you need my fingers?” Alexia asked quickly, barely keeping herself from immediately fucking into you when your hips bucked back against her. 
“No, I can take it,” you told her breathlessly. The next second, she was burying herself inside of you, her cock hitting all the right places. 
“Jesus,” you cried, forgetting, or potentially not caring, that some of your teammates were just next door. You fisted the comforter in your hands, holding on for dear life as Ale railed into you. She fucked you frantically, desperate to get herself off and to get you off, like she’d been thinking about it all day. You certainly had. Ever since she tore her shirt off after scoring, you had barely been holding yourself back from her, and she knew it. Her wandering hands at the celebrations told you it, as did her insistence on having you now, as soon as she could. 
You barely heard the click of a button over the wet sounds your pussy was making, but then the strap was vibrating to life inside of you and your pleasure increased tenfold. Alexia’s forethought to bring the vibrating strap didn’t go unnoticed by you, and the slight cockiness that fueled that decision only turned you on more. As if she knew you’d win, as if she knew what she’d be doing as a celebration. 
Alexia wasn’t normally loud during sex, but you could hear her now with every grind and every thrust, grunting deep in her throat, her nails digging into your ass as she wrenched you back against her. Evidently, Alexia decided that was much too loud, because the sounds suddenly became muffled, and when you looked back at her, she’d stuffed her shirt in her mouth, holding onto it with her teeth, eyes shut, head thrown back. 
The 11 jersey dangled from her teeth, though she was still making noise deep in the back of her throat. You hadn’t realized how turned on you’d been since her goal celebration until that very moment, when you were reminded of it. 
And with the reminder of her goal, you were reminded of the pride you had for your girlfriend. You were proud of yourself, and of the team of course, but that didn’t compare to what you felt for Alexia. It was pride and it was pure joy. It was love, an all encapsulating and overwhelming love. It was emotion that didn’t quite match the rough sex you were having, and you were only more sure of Alexia’s perfection when she slowed down and very carefully flipped you onto your back. You let out a sharp breath at the feeling of her cock twisting inside of you, before you were lost in Alexia’s hazel eyes, her forehead pressing down into yours. You pulled the shirt from her mouth, tossing it onto the bed and leaning up for a kiss. Alexia moved closer, too, but she didn’t yet make contact. 
“Te amo mucho de menos, mi niña perfecta,” she whispered. She pressed her lips to yours, her hips beginning to pick up speed again, even as she leaned her weight down onto you. You kissed her back, hard, and slipped your tongue into her mouth. You couldn’t get her close enough to you, couldn’t feel her enough, but you weren’t giving up. Alexia tucked her face into the crook of your neck, exhaling sharply as you slid your hands down her back to grab at her ass, encouraging her to speed up the slow thrusting pace she was keeping. 
“I love you.” You whispered back. “And I need you to fuck me.” 
You felt your girlfriend grin into your skin, felt her shift slightly to hover above you. Her pace returned to the unforgiving one from before, and your head fell back against the mattress, a long whine coming from your mouth.  
Alexia grunted, a sound much quieter than the ones you were making. Her eyes were still so close to you, and it was all you could do to stare into them and watch the pleasure Alexia was feeling flash across her normally very composed face. 
“You feel so good amor,” she whispered breathily, dusting a few kisses onto the tip of your nose, her words an intense contradiction to the soft gesture. 
You couldn’t handle how soft she was being, while also fucking you so well. 
“Ale,” you whimpered, your voice louder than it should have been. Your girlfriend’s large hand slipped onto your face, covering your mouth as she hushed you. Her pace didn’t slow, though, if anything it picked up. The steady stimulation was getting you closer and closer, and all you wanted was more from her, to feel more from her. 
Alexia’s hand wasn’t doing much to lower the volume of the moans falling from your mouth. “Shh, mi niña, you have to be quiet,” she rasped, her lips nibbling at your ear. Before you could tell her that you couldn’t be quiet, she was sitting up onto her knees, spreading your legs wide, and yanking your body closer into her. It was an entirely different angle, and when she began to pound into you again, you could barely contain yourself, squirming against the mattress underneath her, almost overwhelmed from the pleasure. 
You let out a keening whine, one that was sure to be heard from anywhere nearby, and Alexia shushed you again. “Do I need to gag you?” She asked rhetorically, gently nudging your lips apart and slipping two fingers inside of your mouth. You groaned again, this time much quieter as you began to lick and suck at Alexia’s fingers. 
“Buena niña,” she cooed, picking up the pace of her hips. With your mouth preoccupied and Alexia’s jaw clenched tightly shut, the only audible sound in the room was the filthy smack of Alexia’s body meeting yours, and the wet slip of her cock moving in and out of you. 
And then her hand slid down your body, two fingers pressing into your clit, and you swore you saw stars. 
“I want you to come on my cock, vale?” Alexia said raspily, a small smirk tugging at her lips even as her eyes fluttered shut in pleasure. “I want you to come when I fill you up.” 
A choked moan escaped from you around Alexia’s fingers and they pushed in further, pressing down against your tongue. Your girlfriend began to circle her fingers around your clit, starting slow but increasing the speed as your hips grinded down against her hand and her cock. Waves and waves of pleasure were washing over you and you weren’t sure where you stopped and where Alexia began. All you knew was that you just needed her to keep fucking going. 
You grabbed her wrist, pulled her fingers from your mouth and guided it to your throat. She gripped it in her hand and squeezed it slightly. Two of her fingers were wet against your skin, her fingers calloused and rough. 
Alexia was always soft where you needed her to be soft. And rough where you need her to be rough. When she released your neck and gripped at your hips to get better leverage it was paired with a soft whisper. 
“Are you close?” 
“Sí, so close Ale. I want to come with you.” You whined, body writhing against the mattress now. 
“Where, hmm? Where do you want me to come?” She asked teasingly. 
“In my pussy Ale, please, I need it,” you begged, your voice barely more than a whimper. 
Your girlfriend could only exhale sharply at your words and rub harder at your clit. 
“Come on, bebe, with me,” Alexia encouraged, the soft praise tugging you closer and closer to the edge. You could just lay there, try to jerk your hips down against Alexia as the pleasure began to overtake you. You heard Alexia swear above you, and you cried out her name as you came, feeling yourself clench violently around her strap. Alexia could barely move, but she didn’t need to. All she needed was to grind her hips where they were, get herself off on the stimulation of the strap vibrating against her clit. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” she groaned, collapsing down onto you to shove her face into the crook of your neck. You clung tightly to her, Alexia’s body shuddering and shaking on you. You reached down in between you, clicking the button on the dildo to turn it off. It stilled inside of you, save for the occasional twitch of Alexia’s hips, and you tried to catch your breath. 
You were just recovering when Ale began to kiss at your neck again, sloppy wet kisses with just enough teeth involved that you knew she was going to be leaving marks. You didn’t really care. 
“Eres tan hermosa, tan bonita.” She mumbled against your skin. Your cheeks heated with a blush and you smiled at the ceiling threading your fingers through the baby hairs at the base of Alexia’s neck. She always got mushy after sex.
Or, if the way her hand was beginning to trail lightly down your abdomen was any indication, she always got mushy during sex. 
Alexia trailed kisses up your neck and down your jawline, nudging your head to press kiss the sweet spot right under your ear. 
“I want to taste you. I want to feel you on my fingers.” She murmured, before leaving a final kiss on your cheek and looking down at you adoringly. “Can I?” 
Who would say no? 
You were both sticky with sweat, still buzzing with adrenaline, and you had never felt such a deep yearning for another person in your life. It was almost comical how quickly after you nodded your head that Alexia was undoing the straps that had the dildo fastened to her waist, slipping out of it, and tossing it off the side of the bed.  
Alexia loved to have her tongue on you. She liked to savor every second, feel your thighs tighten against her head, feel your pussy pulse in her mouth. And she really loved to taste you. She took it slow, pressing loving kisses to your skin as she moved down your body, lacing her hands with yours just before she put her mouth on you. 
Alexia hummed at the taste of you, flicking her tongue carefully through your folds, knowing very well that you’d be sensitive. You were, and you twitched under her, squeezing her hands when she stiffened her tongue and began to work it against your clit. 
“You taste so good.” She groaned, pulling away to speak for just a second. Long enough for you to feel her hot breath on your core. You shivered, moaning softly and arching your back off the bed. “You are dripping, bebe, aye dios mío.”
“All for you.” You gasped, pulling your hands from hers and threading them through her hair, trying to press her closer into you. She took the opportunity, spreading your legs with her hands before stroking a careful finger over your entrance. 
“All for me? How lucky am I, to have the most beautiful girl in the world on my tongue, dripping all over my fingers? Screaming my name.” Alexia whispered filthily. “My good girl, opening up for me so well.” 
You whined at the praise, tugging lightly at the roots of her hair in an effort to tell her that you wanted more of it. Even if it took Alexia’s tongue off you, she kept it close enough that you could feel the vibrations of her words on you, her finger beginning to slide in and out of your pussy. 
“You like that? You like to hear how good you are for me?”
“Sí Ale, your good girl.” You cried, squirming slightly when Alexia slipped another finger into you. It wasn’t a stretch by any means but she was curling them perfectly inside of you, sliding over and over the spot inside of you that made you grab helplessly at the sheets. 
“My good girl.” She confirmed. “Are you going to make a mess on my fingers?”
“Mmhmm,” you sighed, trying to stop your legs from completely shutting around Alexia’s head. 
At the confirmation, Alexia returned her attention to your clit with a renewed eagerness. The combination of her fingers and her tongue were mind numbing, and you felt yourself hurtling over the edge once again. The blonde’s fingers fucked into your cunt rapidly through it, and just when you thought you felt that absolute best that you could, Alexia began to whisper against you as she pulled her tongue away from your clit, and slowed your fingers. 
“So good when your pretty pussy comes for me. My perfect girl.” Alexia cooed, enjoying the completely fucked out expression on your face. 
“Your perfect girl,” you whimpered back, wanting nothing more than to just be Alexia’s forever. Your girlfriend fixed her attention on your core, still leaking, still overwhelmingly wet, and knew what she wanted next. 
You’d barely come down at all before Alexia was lifting up her head from between your legs, wiping her mouth off with the back of her hand, a slightly mischievous smile on her face. 
“I want to feel your pussy on mine,” Alexia rasped, swinging a leg over yours and pressing herself down onto you. She was soaking wet and she moved fast, clearly on edge from getting you off. Her body grinded perfectly down onto yours and your jaw practically dropped at the sight of her above you. Her abdomen tensing and untensing, her arms flexing as she held your legs apart. Her breasts bounced lightly as she moved, her hair half out of her ponytail. She was so enticing, so perfect, and she was yours. You could barely think straight. 
“Fuck, you are so wet,” the blonde sighed, and if you hadn’t been confident that any words that you tried to speak would come out as a garbled, whiny mess, you would have told her the same. 
Alexia knew just how to position herself to perfectly stimulate you both, her strong legs helping her grind back and forth, back and forth. You could hear how wet you both were, every inch Alexia moved making a filthy sound that only heightened everything. It was perfect, and even though you’d just come, Alexia had just gotten you off, you could feel your abdomen tightening, your legs really beginning to shake against the mattress. You moved against her as best you could, though it was hard to focus on grinding up into her when she was being so entirely distracting. 
You were close, bordering on overstimulation, but in the sweet spot where there wasn’t a single thought in your head other than the pleasure Alexia was bringing you. Alexia was close, too, her hips beginning to buck somewhat frantically, sharp breaths leaving her mouth at an increasing speed. 
“Bebe,” she cried, “I am- close,” 
Alexia wasn’t asking permission, she was setting an almost unspoken expectation, and you knew it. 
“Gonna come,” you told her, still out of breath even as your girlfriend did all the work above you. The sight of her alone took your breath away. 
“Dios mio, amor,” Alexia whined, her voice hitting a higher pitch as her hips stuttered. 
“Shit, Ale, don’t stop,” you moaned, gripping her hips in your hand to encourage her to speed up. That did it for both of you, the added contact and the added speed combining to push you both over the edge. 
Alexia cried out, much louder than she normally was. It lasted longer for you, until Alexia could feel your pussy pulsing against hers. You pushed at her hips, needing even the slight stimulation of her wet cunt on you to stop. 
“Too much,” you whimpered, tugging on Alexia’s hand in an attempt to get her to come closer. She did, climbing off you and collapsing onto her back, immediately tugging you into her arms so that your head was resting comfortably on her chest. 
You lazily kissed at the skin of her chest before looking up at her. She was already looking down at you, a small smile on her dazed face. 
“You are so fucking beautiful.” She whispered, thumb brushing over the flush of your cheeks. 
You shook your head gently. “You are perfect.” 
“Hmm.” Alexia hummed, dragging you up closer to her, until she could plant a kiss on your cheek. “No, you.” 
There was really no use arguing, though you had 4 reasons from today alone why Alexia was the perfect one in the relationship. 1 insane goal, and 3 other… convincing things. 
Your eyes shut and Alexia watched as you grew sleepier and sleepier. She didn’t forget the look on your face just a few minutes ago, one of awe and love. You looked at her the same way when she scored, when she ran for the first time after her second surgery. When she bought you flowers and coffee on a sunday morning, and when you rolled over in the morning to find her already awake, just looking at you. Alexia was so much more than just a footballer to you, and she really, really loved that. And you. 
i didn't proof read so. as always. tell me if you find typos.
hope you enjoy 🫶🏻🫶🏻🙃🙃🙂🙂🙂
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7seas-of-ryy · 2 months ago
Crestfallen - Part 3
Author’s Note: I made up a lot of sicknesses/random things that have never been mentioned throughout the actual ACOTAR series! The breaks in text are going back and forth between the two rooms.
Overall Summary: Although you were born in the Day Court, you've been living in the Night Court for a century. You're close with the inner circle but what will happen when a new healer is brought into the picture?
Part 3 Summary: Clara has been found out, but what has she done to you?
Pairing: Azriel x Reader
Warnings: talks of injuries
"I'm sure I have no idea what you mean." Clara said softly, a small confused smile on her lips.
"When I asked you to help her, you said "I didn't do this one." What does that mean." Nesta snarled at the young healer.
Mor seemed deep in thought, Azriel and Cassian were equally confused, and Nesta seemed ready to pounce.
"Now that you mention it, I do remember hearing her say that." Mor spoke up.
"You better tell us what's up right now." Cassian growled.
At this point, Clara's smile faultered. She looked around for a way out but noticed the four of them had her surrounded and they wouldn't stop until they knew the truth. She may be evil but she wasn't dumb.
"It wasn't even that bad." The healer confessed.
"What have you done?" Azriel questioned, his voice deadly calm.
Madja had seen cases like yours before but never this bad. The cut on your back had traces of venom in it. A rare venom that used the victim's power against them.
She needed to extract every last ounce of it that was in your system but it was trickier than it sounded. If she took too much too fast, it could essentially tear your powers from your very being which would kill you.
"I need you to enter her mind. Once you are in, I will start to remove the poison from her system, you just need to let me know if her mind starts fading." Madja explained to Rhys.
"Are you sure this will work?" Rhys asked.
"Of course I am, boy. Now do as I say." She said quickly.
Rhys tried to enter your mind but all he could see was blinding light. There was no where for him to enter, it was almost as if the light was burning him. He pulled away, never feeling anything like it before.
"I can't get in, her light, it burns me." He explained to the healer.
"Listen to me. It might burn a bit but you will be fine. On the other hand, if we don't fix her right now her light will continue to burn brighter until it has consumed her. Perhaps we could get the shadowsinger in here to help." Madja told Rhys, hoping Azriel's shadows could help.
Rhys immediately spoke to Az through his mind and he appeared within seconds.
"What can I help with?" He rushed out his question.
"I cannot enter her mind, it is too bright, painfully so. Could you somehow use your shadows to help me get through?" Rhys explained the situation.
"I can try." Az responded.
Cassian looked towards where Azriel just stood, knowing he went to help you.
"I have no clue what's wrong with Y/N, honest. I swear I didn't think it would go this far." Clara pleaded with the group.
"You better start explaining before I unleash Nesta upon you." Cassian threatened.
Nesta had been eerily still, like a predator hunting her prey. Clara was visibly scared. Her hands were shaking, terrified of what Nesta would do to her.
"Ok listen. I've had a huge crush on Azriel for years now, so when I saw you guys needed another healer I took that as my opportunity." The "healer" explained.
"We've only known you for 2 weeks, how could you have a crush on him for years?" Mor asked.
"Everyone knows Azriel, the mighty shadowsinger, the feared spymaster of the Night Court. Well...when I met him all he wanted to talk about was Y/N. About how much I'd love her personality, how she's so great," Clara went on, "so I was a little jealous of her."
By this point, Mor was dissappointed she didn't believe you. She assumed you were exhausted from your mission and the guilt she felt was awful.
"When she showed up to my shop I got angry that she was back so soon. Rhys wanted me to do a check up on her and all I saw was a tiny cut on her back so I thought she'd be fine and I just wanted her to leave." She continued to explain.
Nesta was fuming by this point. Not only because of what she did to her friend but also because she didn't see through Clara sooner.
"Wait wait wait, all this is happening to Y/N because you're jealous of her? What kind of vile creature are you?" Cassian seathed.
"I didn't mean for any of this to happen-" She began to plead when Azriel appeared in the room again.
Rhys re-entered your mind, this time with Azriel's shadows being a protective barrier around him. It was way easier this time but he wasn't sure how long Az could hold it.
"Alright, start." Rhys told Madja.
The healer began her work. Unweaving the venom from your powers, from your soul. She was about halfway through when Rhys called out.
"STOP! I can feel her fading!" Rhys was panting, he was exerting all his energy.
Madja pulled out, confusion taking over.
"This doesn't make sense. It's as if another energy is pulling her powers. Like an untouched ball of energy using up the rest of her." She explained.
"What do we do?" Azriel questioned.
"It needs another energy form to pull from..." She started.
"My shadows." He whispered.
Before anyone could stop him he sent them out to you and that little ball inside of you immediately began to absorb them. He screamed out in pain and Rhys and Madja quickly began to work.
It took only a few moments more for Madja to finish yet it felt like an eternity for the two males. It had been way easier now that Az was distracting whatever it was inside of you. The venom was successfully extracted and the room was eerily quiet. Rhys and Az both fell back, feeling drained from using their powers in such a way.
"Why isn't she waking up?" The shadowsinger whispered, making his way toward you.
"It must have to do with whatever is deep inside her. I need to do a full body work up on her to see what is going on." She spoke and started right away.
Az felt a tear slide down his cheek and quickly brushed it away. The High Lord stayed back to give you space to be checked out but he felt the same as the male next to him, worried and hopeless.
It felt like an eternity when Madja spoke up again.
"There is a substance inside her nose. Almost like a powder but I haven't seen it before. I'll have to take it back with me to break the molecules down. I'm afraid Y/N will have to stay in this state for now." She told the two males.
Azriel's head shot toward Madja at her words.
"Wait, did you say a powder was in her nose?" He muttered.
She just nodded her head in response, holding up the sample she collected. Your words from earlier popped into his head.
"Y/N told me 'she blew some powder in my face which caused everything'." Azriel stated coldly and winnowed away.
The shadowsinger appeared in front of Clara, his shadows surrounding her and pinning her against the wall. She shrieked in either pain or fear but he didn't care. You were in danger and he would stop at nothing to help you.
"What did you blow in Y/N's face?" He demanded.
"What?!" She feigned innocence.
Azriel held up the vial of powder close to her face. His shadows squeezed tighter around her frame.
"It's nothing serious," She weezed out, "It's a mix of vamire, spitfire aconite, and root of igranium. All it's supposed to do is heighten the pain/sickness they already have. I had an antidote that I gave her. It's in my bag."
Mor quickly grabbed the bag from the female, searching for both the powder and the antidote. She handed them both to Az.
"And why would you posion her just to give her an antidote?" Cass asked.
"I wanted to impress Azriel." She whimpered looking down.
"What's in the antidote?" Az shouted at her making her flinch.
"A..Adlirin and G..G..Green Gilliflower." She sputtered in terror.
The shadows left along with their master and she fell to the floor.
"Both of these are in her system," Az spoke holding the vials, "Vamire, Spitfire Aconite, Root of Igranium, Aldirin, and Green Gilliflower."
Madja's eyes grew wide and a bad feeling shot through both Az and Rhys at her reaction.
"This isn't good." She said, looking over your unconscious form.
@rcarbo1 @acourtofbatboydreams @bravo-delta-eccho @tele86 @theravenphoenix26
@anoneyesee @ren-ni @kabekusa @isa1b2h3 @i-am-infinite
@historygeekqueen @mariahoedt @fr0stf4ll
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anisangeldust · 8 months ago
Religion in your lips 𝜗𝜚⋆
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Summary: A turning point had been established in your relationship with the president. Or several..
Part: ← ii →
Warnings: obsessive behavior, stalking, creepy/perv Coryo, misogyny, masturbation (m), wet dreams, emotional abuse, manipulation, mentions of grooming, allusions to murder, objectification.
A/N: I need him expeditiously. Also I’m so sorry that this is so late! I’m working as fast as I can!
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A dastardly crime you had unwillingly committed, you had began to not only wedge yourself into the life of the president, you also absentmindedly plagued his whole being. One week, one week of work and you were already a problem.
Coriolanus couldn’t help the way you became his muse, you occupied every free and taken crevice of his mind, yet you were so blissfully ignorant of the predator so carefully stalking your move; waiting for a prime opportunity to pounce. The President was a smart man however, he knew that patience was key, and if he wanted to have you at all, he needed to be careful.
Everyday he’d watch from his office as you took your lunchtime break, sitting within the gardens of the presidential estate and chatting with the gardeners. Taking notice of which flowers you seemed to be drawn to, as to which he decided he’d get you a bouquet of your favorite under the feign guise of thankfulness. Testing the waters he thought.
So Coriolanus couldn’t help but feel satisfied when he saw the small smile on your face. Was it that easy to impress you? Nevertheless, he felt immense satisfaction when you tucked the little note he wrote into your front pocket and took one of the flowers to place in your hair.
The young president swore he’d never care for another again, yet here he stood, in lust with a simple worker, and sooner or later he was going to get what was his. To get you.
“Gypsophila is a highly toxic flower, deadly if consumed. But it is very pretty.” You rambled to the president as he sat sipping tea. The most beautiful sight you were, so full of life, so happy, oh how he craved to posses you; to destroy the youthful innocence you paraded like a trophy.
“Interesting indeed.” Coriolanus nodded, his gaze never leaving your perky chest and silky hair. A beat of comfortable silence passed when young Snow remembered his fiancée’s behavior, the dwindling aggravation now building up again. “And i’d like to apologize on behalf of my bride-to-be. She is a little shall I say.. enraging at times” He sighs and leans back.
“Worried I was not Coriolanus.” Your smile and innocent acceptance made him furious in a way. The need to sink his teeth into you was almost overwhelming. He wanted to cut you open and crawl inside your ribcage. This was a feeling he’d known never before, and he was positive it’ll linger for the rest of his natural life. Before you blessed him with your presence, he had yet to see someone so willing to do a good job, your aura was addicting.
“You know, I don’t really love her.” The words left Coriolanus’ lips before he could stop himself. He almost chuckled at the way your brows furrowed.
“My condolences? Why.. are you marrying her then?”
“You know, capital business.” He sighs and leans back. If only he had picked you! Such a scenario had swept through his mind many times since he’d met you. If only he could’ve waited. “Such a shame I choose such a…brat.” He scowled at the thoughts of his fiancée.
The look on your face was somewhere between shocked and startled. It was amusing how Coriolanus could tell you were biting your tongue to hold back your own thoughts on his future beloved.
“Allow me to not meddle in your personal business Coriolanus.. but I suppose if you want unsolicited advice, it’s never too late to change your mind. You’re already president. One called off marriage won’t kill you” your polite voice was so calming to the achy soul he possessed. The young Snow knew you had no idea of his intentions for you, and that thought was delicious.
“I appreciate your insight darling. I shall think about your words carefully. I fear you’re too smart for the position you hold at the moment.” He chuckles. You deserved the seat of First Lady, the title of his wife, do be the mother of his future kids, and it took every molecule of his being to hold back from expressing that desire.
Comfortable silence fell into the room, only the quiet scuffling of feet or sipping tea piercing the lack of noise. The thought of being so comfortable with a person was a concept so foreign to Coriolanus. the last person he was comfortable with had betrayed him, left him to die in the forest. Something about you, however, was different. His songbird didn’t see what she missed, she craved the wild life she had. You enjoyed order, respected Panem, you’d never leave him like she did. You’d never leave him like she did. A pang of vulnerability struck the president’s chest. Could he really trust you? Would you betray him like she had? No, you wouldn’t, because he could control you. And you’d let him.
If the want wasn’t already clear enough in its mind, that moment solidified it. He had to get rid of Livia. He had to have you. and then his face falls in the same breath. A foreign thought crossed his mind at the same time though. What if you already had someone? The idea made him seethe. How dare someone else have what’s his? He’d ask you. No need to jump to conclusions right?
“Darling. You’ve never mentioned any kind of boyfriend? Don’t mind my prying, I’m just curious.” He says in masterly hidden mock confusion.
“Oh uh.. I was dumped actually. Right before I took this job. He said he needed to focus on himself or whatever else they all say” his words adding a small flush to your cheeks.
Good. This was good. No, this was excellent. Single and vulnerable. Ready for the perfect man to save you from your pain and heartbreak, ready for a strong and handsome man like him to make you feel worthy again. He couldn’t have written this better himself.
“Oh darling, I’m so sorry. He sounds like a dunce, you’re clearly too good for him anyway.” Coriolanus smiles, opening up the door of careful manipulation.
A bloom of pink popped into your cheeks at his words. “Thank you Mr. President. I’m thankful we’re over. And I appreciate your compliment.” Your murmur back was almost funny. And the attempt to hide the flush on your face with turning and dusting a random surface was funnier to him.
“You’re welcome darling.” His short response and wink made your heart beat visibly faster, but he chose just to let you do your job and not bring it up. Mentally he was kicking himself. For having you so close yet unreachable. How was he supposed to get rid of his bride-to-be? It would be a scandal, one too big to cover. The Cardew family would stop at nothing to tear him down if he left her, he’d lose all he had. Amidst his thinking, he stood up and pleaded against the bookshelf you were dusting. “You can tell me if Livia says something rude. You’re a maid, yes, but you’re still a person. Don’t be scared to let me know if she’s making you uncomfortable.” He cooed smoothly.
“Will do. Thank you Mr. President. Though she isn’t that bad. We just got off on the wrong foot. But of course I’ll tell you if she does anything.” Your cheery attitude was refreshing. A light in a dull atmosphere.
“Thank you darling.” Coriolanus kissed your hand gently before leaving. What a gentleman.
Damn you and your little dress. Damn you and the fabric that clung to your curves so nice. How could he focus on anything? His eyes darted around his office, desperate to find something to focus on, and find something he did. A rag you’d left. A rag that you clipped onto your skirt to wipe off your forehead occasionally. Immediately, Coriolanus stood up and took the white fabric in his hands. It belonged to the manor, it was soft and good quality, and upon further inspection, it had a small stain on it. Your sweat.
His pants tightened as he brought the fabric up to his nose and took a whiff, your perfume lingered on the threads, teasing him. The thought of using Livia crossed his mind, after all, what was she good for if not as a tight cunt? But it felt almost insulting to you to fuck Livia in your place. The last time he did it left a sour taste in his mouth. He couldn’t just take you, not yet, he needed more time before he made his move. Left with no other options, Coriolanus locked his office with a click and sat down in his chair.
He freed his erections from the confinement of his pants and boxers, softly stroking his hardening cock with the marked cloth. The sight of his pre mixed with the little bit of sweat had him going crazy. The need for you was insatiable, he couldn’t help himself as he pumped his hand up and down his cock, stopping to tease the fat tip with his new prized possession. He brought the tag up to his nose to smell your scent again, pumping his dick as he inhaled the fumes. He came to the thought of spreading you open like a flower and indulging in your soaking pussy. He was only lightly embarrassed when his mind came to. Though it was drowned out quickly by the satisfaction of his orgasm. He needed you badly, and he was more determined than ever to get you.
Over the next few days he gave you small gifts, chocolate, a bracelet, an up in pay, all because he “felt bad you got broken up with” of course. He was a compassionate man, of course he cared about you! How dare you think he was just going this to get you to trust him and tell him more about your private life? He was. It was a little tiring having his other staff ask you the questions and then report back to him, but the smile and flush on your cheeks made it worth it. And his attempts weren’t in vain, the longer he pined, the more you told him, the more ammunition he had to get you to say more; a deliciously vicious cycle.
The more you trusted him, the more you told him about anything Livia did, He expected Livia to be an asshole. He knew that it was only a matter of time before she was rude enough that you said something. What Coriolanus didn’t expect, was for his fiancée to physically harm you. And especially not right in front of him. The soft thud and following mewl of pain from outside his office had caught his attention. He got up and went to the source of the sound, only to find his fiancée standing over your crumpled form.
“I thought your job was to clean? How are you supposed to get anything done if you’re such a klutz? Oh come on, that didn’t hurt” she taunted as you tried to get up off the floor. It was clear she pushed you, or tripped you in some way, that didn’t matter to Coriolanus though, she hurt you. And he was pissed.
“Hey, what the fuck happened here?” He demanded, anger pointed 100% at Livia, though the anger made you wince.
Livia turned around immediately, acting like she had found and helped you. “Oh It’s all okay Coryo, she was just cleaning and she fell, nothing to worry about, I was just making sure she’s alright!” Livia clutched her chest, gently helping you up. Coriolanus didn’t believe it for a second.
“Really? Is that true?” He said as he turned to you, eyes squinted in disbelief
You felt put on the spot, he’d be mad if you lied, but you couldn’t just tell him she did it and run the risk of her hating you more than she already did, so the former seemed best. “Y-yeah. She, she did find me. I just fell” you muttered sheepishly.
Coriolanus knew you lied, and that angered him, But he also knew that you would’ve told the truth if Livia wasn’t there. The knowledge that you were going to tell him everything after was comforting enough for him to huff and sigh “I’m sorry. I just don’t appreciate dawdling.” He sailed in an eerily calm tone. Livia snickered like she’d won something, and Coriolanus forced himself to just keep walking and not shout at his fiancée.
Young Snow was standing and peering out of the window in his office when he heard you open the door and walk in. He heard you gently start to clean the many books and surfaces that lined the room. Coriolanus liked that about you, you never spoke to him unless he spoke to you first, and it turned him on.
“My anger was not directed towards you.” He started “though I’m slightly miffed that you lied to me. Tell me what she actually did” he turned around to look at you, his face stern yet inviting as he waited for your explanation of the events.
He noticed your slight gulp and timid frame as you put down your rag to look at him. “She uh.. I was wiping down lamps in one of the lounges when.. she- she pushed me into a table, and a p-picture frame landed on my head..” your mumbles and stutters would have been cute if he was pissed off. The nerve that woman had, and to play victim too? He was just about at his wits end with her.
“It’s okay darling. I believe you. And I’m quite annoyed that she would abuse staff like that. She’s jealous that you’re better than she is, that’s all” he coos and walks towards you. He gently puts his large hands on your arms “you’re doing great. You’re the best maid I could’ve asked for. Now go finish your job for today. I’ll get you something for the inconvenience and I’ll talk with her.” He said as he leaned down and gently kissed your cheek.
“I don’t appreciate you abusing staff Livia.” His voiced was stern and unapologetic, the opposite of how he approached you, as he entered his quarters of the presidential manor.
“What could you possibly be talking about Coryo? If it’s about the maid then I told you, she fell and I found her. It’s not my fault she’s a klutz.” Livia scoffed at the mention of you.
Coriolanus slammed his hand on the wall, his eyes full of fire. “I didn’t give you permission to speak woman. Shes been working here 3 weeks and she’s ‘fallen’ twice. And both times she was conveniently in your surroundings. If it happens again I’ll be very, very disappointed.” He says through gritted teeth and goes to walk away but stops. “And my name isn’t Coryo. Its Coriolanus. I don’t care that you’re my fiancée, you’ll treat me with respect.” He demanded before pushing past her to take a much needed shower.
Falling into the clutches of morpheus came easier than expected that night. In the realm of dreams, Coriolanus' unconscious mind becomes a canvas of desire and longing. Your delicate form becomes the centerpiece of his erotic fantasy, envisioned sprawled across his desk, the epitome of seductive submission. As the dream unfolds, his touches and caresses paint vivid imagery, a private symphony of pleasure that reflects his deepening admiration and desire for you. Coriolanus' dream grows even more intense as you become increasingly sensual and inviting, giving yourself to him so fully and passionately. The boundaries of his imagination blur, and he loses himself in the intoxicating pleasure of your presence. He moans and groans, overtaken by the overwhelming sensations of desire and satisfaction. He whispers your name gently, his voice filled with both reverence and need
When his eyes cracked open to the rays of morning sunlight, he was both grateful for the opportunity of another day with you, and irked that he woke up to the sleeping body of his useless fiancée.
Coriolanus started looking forward to when you’d come into his office to clean and chat. What was once cold small talk had morphed into you telling him everything about yourself. How you were a recent academy graduate, you were open to but didn’t have any plans for University, you had a white cat named Pearl that you love like a child, and you preferred tea to coffee. All facts that seemed so mundane about others were so tantalizing coming from your lips.
“So this job is only until you decide on what you want to do? That’s a shame. You’re very good at it. Replacing you wouldn’t be fun. But I’m proud of you for working and earning money. Not many people do that in the capitol. Especially not those who come from rich backgrounds like you do.” Coriolanus said with feigned nonchalance as he absentmindedly stirred his tea.
“I’m sure there’s plenty of people who could clean the mansion just as well, if not better than I” your tone was sweet and soft, you’d never understand. No one could ever be you, you were too important, how would he survive without you? He wouldn’t.
Coriolanus stood up and chuckled “I’m sure, but none of them are as kind, or sweet, or as beautiful as you” he coos and tilts your chin up to look at him “none of them could captivate me like you have” he murmurs. This was a now or never moment. He couldn’t go back now, and with your big eyes preening up at him he couldn’t resist. He gently leaned down and captured your lips in his own, gently cradling your head and holding your face.
“Coriolanus..” you murmured and he gently broke away with a small smirk playing at the edges of his lips, his gaze cast down to look at your wide and surprised expression.
“Shhh.. I know you wanted that too darling, tell me to stop and i will” he mumbles as he captures your lips in his own again, gently waiting for you to accept the kiss. A wave of satisfaction washes over him as he fells you relax and accept the kiss, he grins against your lips as he feels you hands on his chest.
Your lips tasted of a sweetness he had never experienced, how he was meant to pretend he didn’t want you was a problem for the future, right now all that mattered where your lips and his desires. Getting rid of Livia may have to happen sooner than he anticipated.
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@daenerysqueenofhearts @caramelandvenus @yoursrosie @wearemadeofstardust0 @kay-lla @mrsriddlenott @sleekervae @ianales @qoopeeya @arzua10 @matcha-muses @jitsuki12 @nojeicintjzonfhw @poppyflower-22 @lustforrush @jefferson-in-the-tardis @aurabambi @royal-sunflower @rovckwells @rubys-rere @iydImsydxoxo @lucyisdoingfine @nyxxoxo @paradisepoisons @miserableblood @poppyflower-22 @anonymous14261703170309 @that-daughter-of-hephaestus @sqct @anakinluvr4ever (tell me if I missed you and you’ll be added🫶)
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janeyseymour · 1 month ago
Damsel in Distress
summary: every once in a while you need rescuing. melissa is usually there.
WC: ~2.4k
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It’s a well known fact that Melissa Schemmenti is not the warmest and fuzziest soul that walks the Abbott halls- by both students and teachers alike. Of course, there were always people that she felt comfortable letting her guard down around, and each and every student would venture to say that while the redhead was quite the opposite of her counterpart, Janine Teagues, Melissa Schemmenti was fiercely loving and protective when push came to shove.
So when you start your career as a first grade teacher opposite Gregory Eddie, you’re warned right away of the rough and tough teacher.
“Melissa… she’s my girlfriend’s grade level partner,” Gregory informs you during the staff meeting that morning. “And she’s going to try to push you around. Don’t let her tough Philly streets kind of personality turn you off from her- she’s got a good heart.”
Your gaze follows his finger, where he’s pointing to his friends as they walk in. And because he’s in with them, they come and take a seat with you.
“Who’s the newbie?” Melissa immediately questions as she rolls her eyes. Oh, wow- her eyes sparkle despite the fact that she looks less than enthused to be here. “And how long is she going to be here before she runs outta here like everyone else?”
“Melissa,” Barbara, the kindergarten teacher Gregory had told you about, scolds as she gently smacks the redhead’s perfectly manicured nails. “Be nice. We need all the help we can get around here.”
“Y/N,” you smile charmingly. “And hopefully a long time.”
“What makes you say that?” the second grade teacher challenges as she sits across from you.
You shrug. “I grew up around here. I know how it goes.”
“You? You grew up around here?” Melissa challenges as she gets a look at your appearance. You’re dressed quite nicely. “How’d you make it out and do this well for yourself and then fall back to teaching?”
“I’ve actually been teaching for a few years,” you hum out. “Still live in South.”
“You from South?” You just nod before turning your attention to the meeting that seems to be beginning.
When you told the redhead that you were planning on staying at Abbott for a long time, you meant it. Working in a district and a school like this is where you’ve always done your best work. You’ve been around. Working in the suburbs of Philadelphia is an entirely different job. You’ve worked with rich kids, who you honestly had a hard time connecting with. You’ve worked with middle class kids who were somewhat grateful for the work that you did, but there was still an aura of entitlement that you just did not appreciate in the slightest. You’ve worked in districts similar to the greater Philadelphia area. But when push comes to shove, your heart belongs to the city of brotherly love, and you pounced at the opportunity to come back to the city.
In the time that you’ve been at Abbott, you’ve been able to do wonders for your students. Yes, Jacob and Janine bring wonderful new ideas to the somewhat stuck in the past school, but there’s something about you that just… makes it all work. The other difference between you and the other two younger teachers? You’re a bit more… realistic- jaded. You, unlike the other younger teachers- your grade level partner included, understand that some things simply don’t go according to plan. And when plans don’t pan out the way you quite hope or expect them to, you simply adapt with grace and elegance that doesn’t get past Barbara or Melissa. Even Ava, the principal who is known for her lack of attention, picks up on the fact that there’s something special about your teaching. 
And when Melissa Schemmenti realizes that you genuinely were planning on sticking around for a while and saw your work, she was on your side wholeheartedly.
While you’ve done amazing things for your students and been praised up and down by the district, there are still a few teachers who have somewhat of a gripe with you, claiming that you’re changing too much all at once for them to keep up with you. They state that you’re bringing in new methods that simply won’t work for their students- because why would you fix what isn’t broken? 
And that’s exactly what you’re speaking about during your share out time at the staff meeting today. You have quite a few visual learners in your class, as well as students who learn through experience.
“So, as Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences goes,” you say from your spot. “Everybody has different strengths in how they they learn.”
Gregory smiles. He had taught Janine physics in that way- that everyone plays to a different strength when it comes to learning and picking up new skills. 
“And I have quite a few visual learners, so as opposed to just lecturing, I’ve found that connecting it to real world situations that my first graders will understand and drawing it on the board will help. I’ve also come to realize that many of my students grasp ideas through the art of doing. So, for example, when we were learning about the phases of the moon, I found that a lot of my kiddos understood the cycle more clearly when we used an oreo to model it. In having a visual, auditory, and kinesthetic-”
“Now why are you trying to make us work harder?” one of the third grade teachers pipes up and interrupts you. “What I’ve been doing for a decade seems to still be working out for the most part.”
“Well,” you sigh as you bite your lip and glance to your group of friends. “The good thing about all of this is that most of us incorporate these different approaches without realizing it.”
“So then what’s the point of this share out, newbie?”
You go to respond when you feel a hand on your shoulder, and it isn’t Gregory’s or Jacob’s like you would expect. It’s not even Barbara. No, it’s Melissa.
“Why don’t you let her talk, Delores?” the gruff voice practically barks. “Just because we can sometimes inadvertently use these tactics doesn’t mean it’s not something we should draw attention to and try to do more consciously.”
“All I’m sayin is-”
“I don’t care what you’re saying,” Melissa growls. “Her lessons are a hell of a lot more effective than your boring ass lecturing, and maybe some of us would like to take a note or two about how we can improve our teaching.”
“Why are we trying to change the way we-”
“Did you ever realize that teaching is an ever-changing profession?” the redhead spits out. “That how we were taught doesn’t work anymore because there are always new practices and approaches coming out? Or did the nuns beat the sense out of you when you misbehaved in school?”
“Melissa,” you whisper and nudge her gently.
Green eyes turn to you. “Keep talkin’.”
Nobody dares to cross you again when it comes to your share outs during staff meetings again.
It’s later at lunch that you approach the topic of what happened in the library earlier today.
“Thank you for standing up for me,” you smile at Melissa while your lunch is in the microwave. “I really appreciate it.”
“It was nothin’,” the second grade teacher tells you with a wave of the hand. “I’ve been wanting that ol’ bat to retire for ages now, and I think she might now that she’s realizing she can’t keep up with the way the education world is going.”
It’s a few weeks later when Melissa Schemmenti stands up for you again- on a matter that you really expected her to be opposed on.
This morning, you had woken up a bit late, so instead of your usual sandwich and salad for lunch, you’re stuck with a bag of chips, a handful of grape tomatoes, and a stick of string cheese.
And while you’re eating quietly, Janine is making a fuss over it.
“Melissa, get on her!” the shorter second grade teacher huffs. “She’s eating what I eat!”
The redhead glances over at your rather unconventional meal and sighs. “That’s your lunch?” You just nod, preparing yourself to be berated by Melissa. But she doesn’t. Instead, she simply shrugs and turns her attention back to her phone.
“Melissa!” Janine admonishes.
“What, pipsqueak? She usually has a decent lunch. We all have our days of going back to the basics.”
“This is ridiculous!”
You just chuckle when you see that Melissa is silently portioning her own meal and sliding you half of it. 
Once again, you’re sitting in the library for a staff meeting where Ava has asked you to share out how you teach english language arts- a subject that your students are excelling in because of your unique approach to the sometimes difficult concepts. And once again, Delores is doing everything in her power to diminish your successes.
“Would you just shut up?” Melissa intervenes. “Ava asked her to speak out, and again, some of us aren’t old dogs like you who can’t learn new tricks.”
Your jaw practically drops at those biting words, but they do get your colleague to stop interjecting with criticism. Green eyes look to you again, and you have to hide the blush that wants to creep into your cheeks.
As luck would have it, after a rough staff meeting, your students are just not cooperating with you the way that you wish they would. You sigh softly as you lead them down to the lunch room before heading towards the faculty room for your own meal. It’s a Friday, which means that they’re already bouncing off the walls with the excitement for the weekend- but it’s also a long weekend, and you happen to know that Janiyah is having her birthday party that most of your students are attending. So they’re worse than they usually are on the last day of the school week.
You drop into your chair quietly, not yet reaching for your lunch bag. Instead, your fingers find their way to your temples, and you begin to rub them softly, hoping to alleviate some of the pain and discomfort.
“Rough day?” Melissa asks you quietly.
“Rough week,” you chuckle weakly. “After this morning, and then with the long weekend, my kids are giving me a run for my money today.”
“They’re menaces in my room today too,” the redhead tells you. “Sounds like you need a drink after work.”
You can’t help but feel inclined to agree. “Sure, why not?”
“Oscars, for happy hour?”
That’s how you end up at the local dive bar that your coworkers usually head to after a long week of work. Although this time, it’s oddly just the two of you. The rest of your friends already had plans. So, you’re sitting on one bar stool while your redheaded coworker is beside you, sipping your second margaritas.
“Damn,” you breathe out heavily. “I didn’t realize how much I needed this.”
“Me too,” Melissa sighs out. “I can only take so much of Delores and her bullshit… I don’t know how you put up with all of her shit. I can’t take it anymore.”
“I don’t quite think I’ve earned it yet enough to even attempt to put her in her place,” you laugh as you take another swig of your drink.
“I don’t even care anymore,” your colleague shrugs with no remorse. “Barb’s always tellin’ me I should try being nicer, but I don’t see the point; if she’s going to be rude, why can’t I?”
“Some people think that you should be nicer,” you giggle out as your gaze lingers on her lips. “Not me though. I think you’re perfect just the way you are.”
Maybe you should slow down the way that you’re drinking. You hadn’t meant for it to slip that you think she’s perfect.
Green eyes are rolled so hard you think they may get stuck. “You just say that because I always stick up for you.”
“And how nice is that?” You lean in and lay a gentle hand on her forearm, eyes once again flickering down to her full lips. “You’re perfect.”
“Am I?” the redhead chuckles as she finishes her second drink. She looks to you expectantly. Of course, you oblige her silent request and finish your own off despite the fact that you’ve thought about how you should slow down.
You’re able to get the bartender’s attention to order two more before turning back to Melissa. “I’d say you are. You’re- you’re funny, and smart, and sweet, and gorgeous.”
“Gorgeous?” A perfectly sculpted brow is lifted, a smirk apparent on the redhead’s face.
Your cheeks tint red. “I- I-”
“That’s quite the compliment coming from you,” the redhead says.
Your brows furrow in confusion. “What?”
“Someone as beautiful as yourself telling me that I’m gorgeous? Now that’s quite the compliment.”
“Y-you think I’m pretty?” you stammer out.
“Of course I-” The bartender places down your drinks in front of you, and Melissa pauses to thank him before turning back to you. “Of course I do. Why do you think I defend you all the time?”
“Because you’re nice?”
“Because you’re gorgeous,” the redhead corrects you. “And sometimes it’s fun rescuing the damsel in distress.”
“I am not a damsel in distress!” you protest.
“So you’re tellin’ me you want me to stop rescuing you from Delores?” Melissa asks you with a frown.
“N- no,” you stutter out. “I- I like when you do that.”
“Can I rescue you from something else?” the redhead leans in closely.
“And what would that be?”
“I’ll save you from yourself,” Melissa smiles as her eyes lower to your lips. She kisses you softly. “You’ve been staring at my lips since we got here. How long was it going to take for you to kiss me?”
You bite your lip before pulling her in softly again. When you pull away, you can’t help the laughter that bubbles up out of you. “Thank you for saving me from myself… and from the others.”
“Always will,” the redhead laughs as she pulls you in again.
And Melissa makes good on her words. Once the two of you begin dating, her fierce protectiveness of you only shines more. And each time, once the two of you are in the comfort of your own home, she’ll tease you quietly.
“My damsel in distress,” she’ll chuckle softly before pulling you in.
TAGS: @schemmentis @thesapphictimelady @marvel210 @itisdoctortoyousir @morgana-larkin @doesthatsuggestanythingtoyou @sweetcheeksschemmenti @megamultifandomtrashposts @lemz378 @http-sam @melissaschemmentisbranzino @imaginesmultifandoms @sexysapphicshopowner @lilfartbox1 @maybe-a-humanbean @imlike-so-gaydude @a-queen-and-her-throne @notinmyvocab @melanielaufeyson @dvrkhcld @cosmichymns @sasheemo @m1lflov3rrr @ricejucie @temilyrights @emilynissangtr @squinnchy @dopenightmaretyphoon @emeraldoceansstuff @shinyfaerielights  @blkmxrvel @marvelwomenrule @sarahjohannson @casualfoxwitch @babytakeittothehead @schemmentits
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forsworned · 10 months ago
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Warning(s): Sexual Content, Grinding, AFAB!Reader, Mentions of Narcotics
Synopsis: Simon is high off of morphine and it reveals his true feelings for reader...
Author's note: Idk because @dmitriene told me to do it and i <3 her
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"I don't wanna be alone."
His voice breaks as he reaches out to you. His usual stoic demeanor had completely diminished in your presence. For the first time, Simon was needy. You gaze down at his hand gently gripping your hand, "I need you." He says. Pleas even. Dark, stormy, and now conflicted eyes are peering up at you and he tugs you toward him. You didn't know how to react. Seeing Simon so injured and broken makes you feel some type of way. Somewhat wrong, but somehow...powerful?
"You need me?" You finally spoke up. His Adam's apple bobs up and down.
"Yes.” He croaks out.
The morphine that has been coursing in his system finally kicks in and you were experiencing the lowering inhibitions of Simon Riley, not Ghost.
The Simon Riley laying out on the infirmary bed before you at this moment was vulnerable, desperate, and reliant on your presence and aid--insistent even.
But naturally, you're hesitant. A situation like this is compromising and delicate. Given the nature of the circumstances and his stature, he is obviously still at an advantage, but it feels wrong to pounce at the opportunity. You don't want to feel like a predator skulking about as he studies you with reliant, onyx hues.
You look at the time on your watch.
12:38 AM
It was quite late, but the tugging of his hand over yours disrupts your train of thought.
"C'mere. I want you by my side." He susurrates and you're in a bit of a trance at the resonance of his soothing, sleepy tone. It's not its usual gruff and gravelly, but instead a lulling rasp that pulls you in.
"It's late, Lieutenant." You gently chide as you attempt to pry his fingers off your wrist, but he takes his free hand over your own and pulls you flush against him. Goddamn, he was strong. Even in his dazed and confused state, he is built like a fuckin' boulder.
But he's not listening to you as he fiddles with your fingers, tracing over the skin and where it creases and finely wrinkles. Over the nail bed, and the unfiled ridges, down to the chip that you earned from earlier when you reached for your gun in your holster too quickly. He's thumbing over the half-moon on your thumb and then the scar on the meat of your palm before he brings it to his masked lips as if to kiss it over the fabric.
A small, shuddering breath escapes you, and your eyes are glazing over before you swallow thickly. He cups your hand over his jaw and inhales sharply as he closes his eyes.
"Don't care." He replies, curling his bicep around your waist and secures you so have nowhere to go.
Your heart thuds at the contact and your cheeks are teeming with warmth. And suddenly it feels like the heat in there is turning to the max because you're sweating like a dog under his keen gaze and snug hold on you.
"Want you to stay." And it's as if he's speaking purely from the heart when he looks at you like that. You want nothing more but to crumble into his arms and cave into whatever feelings are lurking within you, but there's an urge to maintain your professionalism. And Simon senses that. He wants you to let go.
Why? He didn't know. Be it the drugs, the near-death experience, or the fact that you look utterly gorgeous under the strong moonlight or all of the above; he wants you with all his being.
His bandage-wrapped fingers loop around the bottom of his mask and he's lifting it up to expose just his lips as it scrunches up under his nose. Even if you have seen the sight a multitude of times over the years of knowing your Lieutenant, it is always as awestriking as it was the first time you saw it. His pretty rosy lips kiss at your wrist and you're stunned.
"Stay." He croaks out.
"And then what?"
You can't help yourself from asking such a silly question. You just need to feel needed by him because there is just something about the clinginess in his body language that pulls you in for more. If Simon is being honest right now, he's on cloud motherfucking nine. He's so high that everything feels like tunnel vision right now and you're the only damn thing he can focus on, not that he would want to focus on anything else.
So when he's telling you to stay, he damn well means it. But he also wants more. He's telling himself not to be too hasty, at least the logical part of him, though he is following his heart's desires. And his heart is conveying to him that he yearns for your closeness, for all your regard, and selfishly enough, your own heart.
At this point, all reasoning is being tossed out the window when he fixates on your trembling, shimmering eyes and your quivering glossed lips that are slightly chapped. But he's thinking to himself, one kiss. One kiss would fix that for you.
Simon is no longer struggling to sit up when he's tensing you closer to him feeling the sweat wetting the small of your back. His brows slightly raise and you feel your cheeks flush at his little observation, but he's not halting his motion to close the short distance between you two. He's bringing his hand over the nape of your neck, carding his scarred fingers through the tendrils of your hair and a soft sigh leaves your lips.
And the way you visibly relax draws out a small smile onto his lips as your foreheads collide. You don't even dare to open your eyes. You swallow thickly as you feel your breath become shallow and sharp. It fans against his lips and he's feels even more enticed to just kiss you.
"Dammit, [name]..." He finally breathes out. And you're eyes are on him and he can feel a thrill creep up his chine when he sees the flash of longing overcome your half lidded gaze.
And now you're yearning to bridge the distance, creeping closer to him, nudging your nose against his, and faintly brushing your lips over the stubble on his philtrum. You notice how his chest huffs out, stuttering as it leaves his lungs.
Long blonde lashes tickle at your own as your lips graze and you're heart is thumping out of your chest. You feel yourself holding back from your own hankerings but the moment that Simon brings his thumb to skim over your bottom lip, you feel the tension snap like a rubberband and you're crashing your lips against his. To hell with ethical conduct and decorum, you want nothing more than to satiate your thirst for him.
And with every kiss, you feel like your hunger is being appeased. The ferocity that grows in the depths of your groin is clawing out as you clamber on top of him and you're tuning out the noisy heartbeat monitor that's becoming rapid. And it cuts out, thanks to the swift movement of Simon pulling out the cord so he can nestle his hands under your shirt and slip his tongue between your open-mouth kisses.
He's losing himself in you and he doesn't care because the feeling of your nails digging into his abdomen is more than pleasant. As if the morphine wasn't dizzying enough, he was starting to feel like he was reaching some sort of seventh heaven. Especially when he hears the soft whimper that leaves your lips when he thumbs atop your hardened bud and gently tweaks it between his fingers.
The tent that's starting to feel like it's pitching between his legs is getting ground upon and he shudders at how fucking good it feels.
"Fuck." He murmurs as he lifts your shirt up to expose your breast to him and he's latching his lips to your sensitive nipple. It's a soft probing of his tongue against the erogenous zone and you're instantly arching your back and he grasps at your hips to abrade your clothed sex against him. And it feels so fucking good.
So, naturally, you're not stopping. And Simon can't help but become absorbed in your pleasure. Your milky moans are like music to his ears as he switches over to your other nipple. The friction builds in your lower belly as you get into a good rhythm and it becomes increasingly euphoric with every roll of your hips. And fuck, it's not even much but the way you are so touch-starved makes it all the better.
"Simon, I—hah—gonna—" You moan out, throwing your head back in ecstasy as his tongue swirls around your bud. He's already addicted to the way you're saying his name between your whimpers.
"Cum." He commands, as he clutches your hips to help achieve your oncoming orgasm. His sexy, raspy voice is enough to send you over the edge and a terrific gasp escapes you as you bury your face into the crook of his neck. Your breath is gone and you feel like your voice melts into a deep, hot sweetness that soothes your electrifying nerves.
There is a brief pause of silence as you catch your breath and the embarrassment skulks in and you don't want to withdraw from him. You only focus on his heartbeat which slows and his breath that levels. Your throat tightens as you shift awkwardly and his hand on your hip feels a little limp. You take another moment to memorize how he smelled to help you calm your nerves.
The aroma of his natural musk enmeshed with the faint scent of cypress digs into your brain as you try your hardest to engrave his essence before it slips away. With one more breath of courage, you withdraw from him to face the music but it seems he's fast asleep. His thumb is still hooked into the belt loop of your jeans, and you can't help but giggle at him.
A small sigh leaves your lips as you calm down from your climax and your shaky fingers, lower his mask back down so it's stretching over his neck. Maybe if you slip away right now he'll think that it was just a nice little wet dream...
But you feel his hand cling to you as you try make your sweet escape.
"Thought I told ya to stay." He mumbles under his breath while he wraps his arms around your waist, securing you and making certain you're not leaving his side anytime soon.
There's a feeling of assurance that fluxes over your edginess and you can finally breathe again. Simon's body feels weightless as he lays in this infirmary bed with your toasty form atop his. It feels heavenly to have your figure pressed against him and he hums in contentment. He's replaying the sound of your moans and the way your body writhed under his touch. And you're starting to feel the rigidity of his dirty thoughts against the zipper of your jeans.
"You sure?" You murmur back, feeling the warmth sidle back into your cheeks.
His grin grows under his mask and you can feel it against your forehead. Sleep overtakes him, but he gives you one last squeeze.
"'m sure."
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ironinc · 11 days ago
Civil War.ᝰ.ᐟ 
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Peter Parker x F!Black Reader. (Smut/NSFW)
˗ˏˋ You are a demi-god and the protector of earth, pitted against Spider-Man/Peter Parker during the Civil War. Despite your mutual ignorance of each other's identities, the heat and intensity of the battle build an overwhelming sexual tension between you, leaving both of you struggling to focus on the fight. As the battle progresses, a moment of distraction leads to Peter's mask slipping, revealing his true identity.
⤷ Oneshot, smut, very detailed so here’s the warning!
⤷ A/N: Me and my best friend aka sister worked on this idea. All I gotta say is someone cooked here- LIKE HOLD AWNNN!(( Peter Parker is aged up to 20 since they are in college! And I couldn't find a good picture for the description for how I see the character so just bare with me!
⤷ Word count: 2,856
⤷ Special song to add spice: All I Need by Lloyd
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The air crackles with energy as the battlefield of the airport transforms into a chaotic symphony of shouts and explosions. You let loose a crackling ball of electricity from your hands, and in a swift movement, deflecting the web that streaks toward you. Spider-Man lands on a crumbling wall, his red and blue suit a blur against the smoke-filled sky. His voice, muffled by the mask, carries a playful edge."
"Hey, Guardian of Earth, you know this whole thing is a mess, right? Maybe we should just call it a day."
You smirk, your blonde bohemian braids swaying as you step forward, your earthy-toned outfit standing out from the chaos around you. "Funny, Spider-Boy. But I don’t think you’re in any position to make suggestions."
He flips backward, avoiding a lash of energy from your hands. "Ouch. Spider-Boy? That’s low. And here I was trying to keep this civil." "Civil War," you counter, lunging forward, your staff crackling. "Doesn’t exactly scream ‘let’s chat.’"
He shoots another web, this one aimed at your feet, but you leap into the air, twisting gracefully. Your powers hum through you, grounding you as you land. He’s fast—faster than you expected—but you’re not exactly slow. 
The two of you circle each other, the tension between you thickening with every move.
"Careful," he quips, dodging a blast of energy from your hands. "Someone might think you’re actually trying to hit me." "Oh, I’m not trying," you say, your voice low and deliberate. "I’m succeeding."
You press the attack, forcing him to retreat. But there’s something about the way he moves, the way he talks, that’s… distracting. His voice, even through the mask, sends a shiver down your spine. And the way his body twists and bends—it’s hypnotic. You shake your head, trying to focus. This is the last time you let a crush get in the way of your job.
He flips onto a nearby small pillar, crouching like a predator ready to pounce. 
"You’re good," he admits. "But are you good enough?"
"Guess you’ll find out," you say, raising your staff.
The fight intensifies, the two of you moving in a dangerous dance. His webs are everywhere, forcing you to stay on your toes, but you’re relentless. And then it happens—a moment of distraction. His foot slips, just slightly, and you seize the opportunity. Your energy blast connects with his chest, sending him tumbling backward. His mask slips, just enough to reveal his face. Peter Parker.
Everything stops.
The chaos around you fades into the background as you stare at him, your breath catching in your throat. Peter. The shy, awkward boy from school.
The one who always seemed to be looking at you when you weren’t looking at him. The one you’ve secretly been crushing on for months. He pulls the mask back up quickly, but it’s too late. You saw him. And you both know it.
"Peter," you say, your voice barely above a whisper.
He hesitates, his body tense. "Look, I…"
"You’re Spider-Man?"
"Yeah," he says, his voice heavy with resignation. "And you’re… what? Some kind of goddess?"
"Close enough," you reply, stepping closer. The staff in your hand feels heavier now, the weight of the moment pressing down on you.
"Peter, why didn’t you tell me?"
"Tell you?" he says, his voice rising. "How was I supposed to do that? ‘Hey, by the way, I’m Spider-Man. And you’re… what? The protector of Earth? Not exactly something you just drop in casual conversation."
The tension between you shifting from combat to something else entirely. The air feels charged, electric. Your heart races, not from the fight, but from the way he’s looking at you. Even through the mask, you can feel his eyes on you.
"Peter," you say, your voice soft. "I… I didn’t know."
"Neither did I," he admits, stepping closer. "At school, I… I always wanted to talk to you. But I never could."
"Why not?"
"Because you’re… amazing. And I’m just… me. I would always see you in the hallway. Talking to your friends and I would just.. get nervous and walk away.”
“But you’re more than that," you say, closing the distance between you. The world around you fades away, leaving only the two of you. You reach up, your fingers brushing against the edge of his mask. He doesn’t stop you as you pull it down, revealing his face. His brown eyes meet yours, filled with a mix of fear and longing.
"Peter," you whisper, your voice trembling.
He hesitates for a moment, then his hands are on your waist, pulling you closer. His lips crash into yours, the kiss explosive, filled with all the pent-up emotions you’ve both been hiding. His hand finding a way to your neck as you deepen the kiss, your body pressing against his. The heat between you is overwhelming, the tension from the fight morphing into something entirely different.
You break the kiss, gasping for air. "Peter," you say, your voice breathless. 
"We shouldn’t—"
"Shut up," he murmurs, cutting you off with another kiss. His hands roam your body, exploring every curve. You can feel the strength in his touch, the way his muscles tense as he holds you. He’s not just Spider-Man. He’s Peter. And he’s yours.
Peter quickly scans the area, his mind racing. His eyes fall upon a secluded “Quiet Room” nestled in the corner of the airport. The tinted glass of the room makes it impossible to see inside, offering a rare moment of privacy. Without hesitation, he scoops you up with ease, carrying you into the room as if you weigh nothing. The door automatically locks behind you both, securing your solitude.
He carefully lays you down on the luxurious L-shaped couch, ensuring your comfort as he lowers you onto the plush cushions. His gaze never leaves your form as he takes in the sight of you before him.
When he came closer your hands trembled as you struggled with the clasps of his suit, your body desperate to feel his skin against yours. He senses your urgency and helps you, pulling off his mask completely before gently placing his hand on his chest. With a swift quick motion, the suit slips off, leaving him standing in front of you.
His chest is toned, his body a testament to the life he leads. You trace your fingers over his skin, feeling the heat of him.
"You’re beautiful," he murmurs, his hands sliding under your top. His touch is electric, sending shivers through your body.
"So are you," you reply, your voice barely above a whisper.
He kisses you again, his hands moving lower, exploring every inch of you. His touch is tentative at first, but as the fire between you grows, so does his confidence. Your breath hitches as his fingers brush against the waistband of your suit, a silent question in his eyes.
His voice is low and commanding, but there’s a softness in it that makes your chest tighten. “Tell me what you want,” he murmurs, his lips brushing against your inner thigh.
“I want you to worship me,” you breathe, your voice trembling with need. The words hang in the air, heavy, and electric, and you can feel the way they ignite something in him. His eyes flash, and a slow, wicked grin spreads across his face.
“Your wish is my command,” he says, his voice dripping with promise.
He doesn’t waste another second. His hands glide up your thighs, spreading you wider, and then his mouth is on you, hot and demanding. 
His tongue drags a slow, torturous path up your core, and you gasp, your hips arching off the couch. God, he’s good at this.
“Fuck, Peter,” you moan, your fingers gripping his hair tightly. He hums against you, the vibrations sending shockwaves through your body, and you can’t help but squirm beneath him. His hands move to your hips, pinning you down, and he looks up at you, his eyes dark with desire.
“Stay still,” he commands, and the authority in his voice makes your legs tremble. He doesn’t wait for you to comply before diving back in, his tongue circling your clit with a precision that leaves you whimpering.
Your breath comes in short, uneven gasps as he works you over, his tongue flicking and teasing in ways that make your mind go blank. Every stroke is deliberate, every movement calculated to drive you closer to the edge. He’s relentless, and you can feel the pressure building, coiling tight in your core.
“Peter, I’m—” you start, but he pulls away, leaving you hovering on the edge of release.
“Not yet,” he says, his voice firm but soft. His lips brush against your inner thigh, and you can feel the smirk on his lips even before he looks up at you. “You’re not allowed to come yet.”
God, who knew Peter Parker could be so fucking infuriating? You let out a frustrated groan, your hips bucking up against him, but he holds you down easily, his strength surprising you.
“Peter, please,” you whimper, your voice breaking.
He looks up at you, his eyes blazing with a mix of desire and affection, and something in your chest tightens. “You’re so beautiful,” he murmurs, his voice low and reverent. “I could spend hours just like this.”
His words send a shiver down your spine, and you can feel the heat spreading through your body. His mouth is back on you in an instant, his tongue working you over with a fervor that leaves you gasping. 
He alternates between slow, deliberate strokes and quick, teasing flicks, and you can feel your control slipping with every passing second.
Your hands tighten in his hair, pulling him closer, and he groans against you, the sound vibrating through your core. His hands move to your thighs, gripping them tightly as he buries his face in you, his tongue delving deep.
“I can’t—I can’t help it,” you gasp, your hips bucking up against him. He chuckles, the sound low and warm, and then his mouth is back on you, his tongue swirling around your clit in slow, deliberate circles.
Your back arches off the ground, your hands gripping the pillow cushion beneath you as the pleasure builds, threatens to consume you.
“Peter, I’m—”
“Let go,” he commands, his voice soft but firm. And then his tongue flicks against you, and you shatter.
Your orgasm hits you like a tidal wave, your body trembling as pleasure crashes over you. Peter doesn’t stop, his tongue working you through it, drawing out every last second of your release until you’re boneless, your chest heaving as you come down from the high.
He pulls away slowly, his lips brushing against your inner thigh in a soft kiss, and you can’t help but smile at the affection in the gesture. You look down at him, your eyes soft but heavy with desire, and he smirks up at you, his lips glistening.
“You’re so fucking beautiful when you come,” he murmurs, his voice thick with need.
“Peter,” you whisper, your hand reaching out to cup his cheek. He leans into your touch, his eyes closing for a moment, and then he crawls up your body, his lips claiming yours in a heated kiss.
You can taste yourself on his tongue, and the thought sends a jolt of heat through you. His hands grip your hips, pulling you closer, and you can feel the hardness of his cock pressing against you, begging for release.
“Peter,” you gasp, breaking the kiss. “I need you inside me.”
He growls low in his throat, his eyes dark with desire, and then he’s fumbling with the waistband of his suit, his hands shaking with need.
“Tell me what you want,” he murmurs, his voice thick with desire.
“Tell me and it’s yours.”
“I want you to fuck me, Peter,” you breathe, your voice trembling. “I want to feel you inside me.”
Peter’s eyes darken, his breath hitching at your words. He lets out a low growl, his hands gripping your waist with a possessiveness that sends shivers down your spine. “You want me to fuck you?” he murmurs, his voice rough, almost feral. “Then say it again. Say it so I know you mean it.”
Your heart pounds as his eyes lock onto yours, the intensity of his gaze making you feel exposed, vulnerable, and completely consumed by him. “I want you to fuck me, Peter,” you repeat, your voice trembling but firm. “I want you to make me yours.”
His lips crash onto yours, hot and demanding, as his hands slide down to your thighs. You barely have time to register what’s happening before he’s lifting you effortlessly, your legs instinctively wrapping around his waist.
Your back presses against the cool wall behind you, the contrast of the hard surface and the heat of his body making you gasp into his mouth.
Peter breaks the kiss, his chest rising and falling as he looks down at you, his eyes blazing with need. “You’re so fucking beautiful,” he breathes, his voice raw with emotion. “I’ve wanted this—wanted you—for so long.”
You bite your lip, your fingers tangling in his hair as you pull him closer. “Then stop waiting,” you whisper, your voice trembling with anticipation.
He doesn’t need to be told twice.
One hand grips your hip, the other guiding himself to your entrance. You feel the tip of him press against you, and you moan softly, your body aching for him. “Peter,” you whimper, your voice desperate.
He thrusts into you in one smooth, powerful motion, filling you completely.
Your nails dig into his shoulders as a cry escapes your lips, the sensation overwhelming. “Oh, fuck,” you gasp, your head falling back against the wall. “Peter.”
He groans, his forehead resting against yours as he stills inside you, giving you a moment to adjust. “You feel so fucking good,” he murmurs, his voice strained. “I can’t—I can’t hold back.”
“Then don’t,” you breathe, your legs tightening around his waist. “Fuck me, Peter. Please.”
He moans your name before pulling back and thrusting into you again, harder this time. Your breath hitches as he sets a relentless pace, each thrust driving you higher and higher. The sounds of your bodies meeting, skin slapping against skin, echo in the small space, mixed with your moans and his growls of pleasure.
“God, you’re so fucking tight,” Peter growls, his hands gripping your hips as he drives into you. “I’ve never—never felt anything like this.”
You clutch onto him, your body moving in sync with his, every thrust sending waves of pleasure crashing through you. “Oh, Peter,” you moan, your voice breaking as he hits a particularly sensitive spot.
“Right there—don’t stop. Please don’t stop.”
“Fuck, I’m not gonna last,” he grits out, his pace faltering slightly.
“You’re too good—too fucking perfect.”
“Then let go,” you whisper, your lips brushing against his ear. “I want to feel you lose control.”
He groans, his hips slamming into yours with renewed intensity. You can feel the tension coiling in him, the way his body trembles as he gets closer and closer to the edge. “Come with me,” he rasps, his voice nearly pleading. “I want to feel you come with me.”
You nod, your own pleasure building to a crescendo as he hits that perfect spot again and again. “Fuck, I’m—” you gasp, your body tightening around him as the first wave of your orgasm crashes over you.
He growls your name, his hands gripping you tighter as he thrusts into you one last time, his release spilling deep inside you. You cling to him, your body trembling as you ride out the waves of pleasure together, the world around you fading away until it’s just the two of you, lost in each other.
For a long moment, neither of you moves, the only sounds in the room are your ragged breaths and the pounding of your heart. Peter rests his forehead against yours, his eyes closed as he tries to catch his breath. “That was…fuck,” he mutters, his voice shaking.
You laugh softly, your fingers brushing through his hair. “Yeah,” you agree, your voice just as unsteady. “It was.”
He pulls back slightly, his eyes meeting yours, and you can see the raw emotion in them, the vulnerability that makes your heartache. “I’ve wanted this for so long,” he admits, his voice barely above a whisper. “You have no idea how much.”
You smile, your hand cupping his cheek. 
── .✦
After the intimate moment shared between you, both of you got dressed and made your way back to Tony Stark. With a sly smile on his face, Peter had to make up an excuse to Tony as to why they had gone "idle" for a while.
Tony rolled his eyes in response, feigning annoyance. "You had one job, underoos…" But there was a hint of amusement in his voice as his gaze flicked between the two of you. Your fingers interlocked with Peter's, a silent signal of your connection. 
So he couldn't deny the truth in Peter's words.
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This is SOOOO out of my usual context/concept but I wanted to go with it for the PLOT!!!!
(Credits: 6rceus on Tiktok)
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cloudyskydreams · 4 months ago
S/O wearing their clothes! UT,UF,UF,HT
Thought this was a cute idea actually got inspired from the last request but decided to make it its own thing. Small little drabbles and two posts for the day I feel accomplished! As always hope y'all enjoy!
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The rare occasion his jacket is to get washed and you pull it out of the dirty laundry to wear it. It smells like pine and ketchup and you relax into the smell as you stand in your shared bedroom. A chuckle from behind you has you spinning around and you see and amused Sans staring at you through lidded eyes. "was wondering what the jacket was in here" he puns and you smile as he steps closer pulling you into him. "you look cute starlight, you should wear my clothes more"
It was a brisk autumn day and the air outside was cold enough to make goosebumps rise in your skin. You had only brought a jacket to the outing with your bonefriend and were regretting not bringing mittens or a hat or something of the like. Papyrus noticing how cold you were took off his scarf and wrapped it around your neck, it's a large comfy scarf too. "HERE YOU ARE SWEET PEA DONT WANT YOU GETTING COLD." He thinks you look just perfect in his signature scarf and plans to make you one similar.
Red had taken his jacket off while working on your car and you being the grateful partner decided to give him a little show when he got back. Slipping on a pair of booty shorts you know he drools over you in and his jacket you pose on the couch and wait for him to come in. It takes a bit and you end up scrolling on your phone but his reaction is priceless. He drops he tool in his hand and his mouth is open in shock as he takes in sight of you. "fuck sweetheart you don't know what you do to me," he growls as he practically pounces on you.
Edge had left his clothes on the bed while he hopped in the shower after a long day and you saw your opportunity to try on his prized cape. You chuckle and slip the thing around your neck before impersonating the loud skeleton. He of course finishes much quicker than you anticipated and can't even pretend to be mad when he sees you parading around pretending to be him in his cape. He knocks on the doorframe and smirks upon seeing you're shocked face. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING PET?" he questions a fire in his eyes as he steps closer to you and pulls you flush against him by his cape. He enjoys seeing you in his clothes as it's sort of a way for him to mark you as his. He also thinks you just look great in his clothes.
You had stolen blues bandana and had decided to center your entire outfit around the little piece of cloth as a little surprise for him. You dressed up a little and put on the bandana before getting to work on breakfast. About ten minutes later a sleepy Blue exited the room half dressed and rubbing his eyes. "LOVE HAVE YOU SEEN MY— oh…" He takes in the sight of you before smirking. "ISN'T THIS A SIGHT FOR SORE EYES, DRESSED UP ALL FOR ME?" He waltzs over and kisses you while adjusting the bandana. He really enjoys the look and might ask to twin with you in the future.
Stretch had simply switched out what hoodie he had worn that day and you had snatched his signature orange one when you had the chance. "aww honey don't you look cute," He snaps a picture upon seeing you and chuckles as he sends it to Blue ranting about how cute his s/o is. He definetly leaves clothes out more often for you to find and wear. He might doodle you in his hoodie in his free time the image is stuck in his mind.
He takes his jacket off occasionally and forgets where he puts it. Was actually coming to ask if you had seen it when he found you wear it, and lemme tell you it dwarfs you. Let's out a little "…oh" and his eyelights dilates to fill his whole socket as he stares at you for a few seconds. Thinks it's the cutest thing he's ever seen and occasionally will simply take his jacket off and dump it on you because he enjoys your smell on it.
His scarf is pretty torn and he wears it mostly out of sentimentality when he does. He has a new one but this one just holds so many memories he can't get rid of it even if alot of those memories are bad. You slip it on after finding it one day poking around the house, he finds you wearing it and he doesn't really react. "Hello Dearest I See You've Found My Old Scarf," He ruffles your hair and tells you the story of how he first got the scarf. Gently folds it and puts it up when you're done wearing it. He's happy to let you wear his other clothes too and as he's a giant they're all pretty huge on you and he thinks that's cute.
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httpvomitello · 4 months ago
Loved the request of the boys with an so with an evil turtle pet! Donnie especially cuz, ya know, he’s a soft shell and the evil turtle from TAWOG is a soft shell
Inspired by that but can I request how the rude boys would react to an S/O who has a pet cat, which is usually a very shy pet, that instantly warms up to the turtles. Turtles are sitting down? Cat is curling up in their lap. Turtle is leaving the room? They’ve now got a fuzzy sidekick mewing after them. Turtle is working out? The cat sits on their shells if they do push ups 
ALSO the cat playing with the ends of their bandanna tails like it’s a ribbon toy! 
Just general fluffy cute pet shenanigans if that’s okay!
Owwn, that's cute! Fun fact: i have a black cat named Donnie from TMNT and he's my adorable baby. Anyways, i hope you like it! ♡♡♡♡
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Leo wasn’t exactly a cat person—he wasn’t not a cat person, either. He just didn’t expect to win over your shy little furball the moment he stepped into your apartment.
As soon as Leo sat down on your couch, your cat trotted over, tail high, and leapt into his lap. Leo froze, unsure of what to do.
“Uh… hey there,” he said softly, glancing at you for guidance. You stared back in shock.
“He never done that before,” you whispered, amazed.
The cat nuzzled against Leo’s plastron, purring like a little engine. Leo’s serious demeanor melted as he cautiously scratched behind his ears. “Guess I’m a cat whisperer now.”
The real kicker came during his workout the next day, when you decided to pay a visit to the lair and didn't want to leave your baby alone. He was halfway through his push-ups when your cat decided it was the perfect perch, hopping onto his shell like it was a throne.
“You’re not making this any easier,” Leo grunted, but there was a fond smile on his face. Every time he pushed up, the cat swayed slightly but stayed balanced. It seemed to enjoy the ride.
The best part? Your cat loved playing with his bandanna tails. Leo would sit down to meditate, only for the cat to leap out and swat at the trailing fabric like it was the greatest toy ever. Despite his attempts to stay zen, Leo couldn’t help but chuckle.
“He's determined to keep me from finding inner peace,” he’d say, but you knew he secretly loved every second of it.
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Raph wasn’t used to animals liking him right away. His gruff exterior usually kept them at bay. But your cat? It was like he saw right through him.
The first time Raph sat down, your cat immediately made a beeline for him, curling up in his lap without a second thought. He raised a brow, looking at you.
“This thing broken or something?” he joked, but you could see the hint of a smile.
The cat kneaded its tiny paws into his thighs, purring so loud it was almost comical. Raph gently petted it, his big hands surprisingly delicate. “Alright, you’re kinda cute,” he admitted under his breath.
Things escalated when Raph started his daily workout. As he cranked out push-ups, your cat decided it was the perfect opportunity to claim his shell as a lounging spot.
“Really?” Raph grunted, pausing mid-push-up. The cat just blinked lazily at him. “You’re not even gonna move, huh?”
Raph ended up doing the rest of his reps with the cat perched proudly on his shell. Later, he tried to act like it was no big deal, but you caught him sneaking little glances at the cat, clearly smitten.
Then there was the bandanna situation. Your cat couldn’t get enough of Raph’s tails, chasing and pouncing on them whenever he walked by. Raph would grumble about it, but you noticed how he started dragging his tails along the floor on purpose just to give the cat a little thrill.
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Donnie had read enough about animal behavior to know that cats were naturally cautious creatures. So, when your shy cat immediately climbed into his lap, he was floored.
“Oh,” he said, blinking in surprise as the cat curled up and started purring. “This… this is unexpected.”
You watched, just as shocked. “She don’t usually warm up to people that fast.”
Donnie couldn’t resist analyzing the situation. “It could be my body temperature or the texture of my skin. Fascinating…”
But soon, he was completely distracted by how cute your cat was. He gently scratched under her chin, and the cat melted even more, pressing her head into his hand.
When Donnie worked on his projects, the cat was always nearby, either curled up next to him or batting at his bandanna tails. He tried to shoo it away gently when she started pawing at delicate wires, but he never could stay mad.
Then came the push-ups. Donnie was halfway through his set when he felt a familiar weight on his shell. He sighed, a small smile tugging at his lips. “Guess I’ve got a workout buddy now.”
The cat stayed perfectly balanced as Donnie continued his push-ups. You couldn’t help but laugh at the sight, and Donnie just shook his head, amused.
“Looks like I’ve been adopted,” he said, clearly pleased about it.
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“Duuude, this cat is, like, magnetically drawn to me!” Mikey exclaimed the moment your cat jumped into his lap.
You were stunned. “ Well, that's cute! It's the first time she's approached someone she doesn't know of her own free will.”
Mikey was already smitten, cradling your cat like a baby. “I knew we were destined to be besties,” he cooed, rubbing his cheek against her soft fur. The cat purred loudly, nuzzling into him.
From that moment on, Mikey and your cat were inseparable. If Mikey was in the kitchen, the cat was at his feet, hoping for a snack. If he was gaming, the cat was draped over his lap like a fuzzy blanket.
Workouts were a whole new level of hilarious. As soon as Mikey hit the floor for push-ups, the cat hopped onto his shell, tail flicking as if to say, “This is my spot now.”
“Check it out, babe!” Mikey said, laughing as he did his reps. “Shell lifts, now with extra weight!”
Mikey quickly discovered that your cat had a thing for his tails. Every time he walked by, the cat would pounce, swatting and chasing them like it was playing with the world’s best ribbon toy.
He’d spin in circles, laughing as the cat tried to keep up. “Who needs a laser pointer when you’ve got bandanna tails, am I right?”
Your cat adored Mikey’s playful energy, and Mikey loved having a little furry sidekick. He’d often turn to you with a huge grin and say, “I think your cat loves me more than you do!”
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fandombandomfics · 2 months ago
If I Killed Someone For You? (Salesman x female!reader)
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Y/N’s POV 
My boyfriend…he isn’t the most conventional person. When he told me what he does for a living, I was taken aback. He recruits people who are in an insane amount of debt to play ddajki to win money. When they play enough rounds, he gives them a card to play in the Squid Games. I didn’t like the idea, didn’t really talk to him for a few days to process what he said. It has been a few days since I saw him, now we are grabbing dinner together since his work is done. 
“Recruiting done?” I ask, as I sip my wine. He nods, taking a sip from his own glass. His black hair slicked back as usual. His brown eyes gaze into mine, looking exhausted yet still put together. 
“Yeah finally, it’s always draining this time of year,” He says and I nod. Yeah sending people to their deaths. 
“I’m sure it is…glad it’s over,” I say 
“Yeah I get to spend time with my favorite girl,” He says with a soft smile. I smile back and give him a small nod. 
“Gong Yoo, do you feel guilty about what you do?” I ask and the tension in the air increases. He stops mid cut of his steak and slowly raises his eyes to look at me. 
“Oh sweetheart, I don’t,” He says, a glint going over his eyes. Something in his eyes changed, something….dangerous. 
“You don’t feel an ounce of guilt?” I ask, seeing the look in his eyes not changing. He smirks at me and leans back into his chair. 
“Those pathetic human beings went into debt themselves, I simply just gave them a nudge,” He explains and I shift in my seat. Listen, knew my boyfriend was crazy but this is a whole new level. 
“They are still human being,” I say and he scoffs. 
“Listen here darling,” He starts, getting up from his chair and walks over to me.  As if he is a predator about to pounce on his next meal.
“Those humans are in such debt they won’t be able to pay it off in their lifetime. I simply gave them an opportunity to pay it off,” He explains further, cupping my face with his hands. 
“By sending them to their deaths,” I say plainly. He chuckles, the glint in his eyes becoming darker as he continues to speak.
“That’s simply up to them,” He emphasizes the last part with his dramatic change in tone. He tightens his grip on my face slightly, making sure I have no choice but to look at him. 
“How can you be so ok with it?” I ask and he chuckles, a dark menacing chuckle. 
“Oh darling, you knew who you were getting involved with when we started dating,” He says, his tone dropping low and rough. I look up at him, my eyes gazing into his. The look in his eyes was a mix of lust, love, and contemptment. How can he be so content in being compliant in their deaths?
Later that night 
As I get ready for bed, my conversation with Gong plays in my head. The look in his eyes, the chuckle, it’s all coming back to me. I sigh as I finish doing my nighttime routine. When I exit the bathroom, Gong looks up from the book he was reading. 
“Ready for bed my love?” He asks and I nod, walking over to him. Before I could react, he throws me on the bed. My back hits the softness of the mattress as he hovers over me, pinning my arms down to the bed. 
“Gong what are you doing?” I ask. He studies my face, as if he was remembering every detail of it. 
“I need to ask you a question and answer me truthfully darling,” He says, caressing my cheek with his thumb. I nod, wondering what question he could possibly ask me.
“If I killed someone for you, would you love me more?” He asks and I’m taken aback by this question. 
“Gong I–,” “Answer the question,” He says, more like demands. The look in his eyes is telling me to answer him truthfully and quickly. My mind goes a million miles a minute, the more I find myself leaning towards the answer I never thought would ever leave my lips. 
“Yes…” I say and he grins, no more like smirks. 
“That's what I thought darling,” He says before capturing my lips into a heated kiss. I close my eyes and let myself get lost in the feeling of his lips on mine. He smirks against them before pulling away. 
“I’m taking my time with you tonight,” He says, his voice low and husky, I feel a shiver down my spin. Tonight is gonna be a long night. 
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dh1k · 2 months ago
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Morning w Hisoka
Summary: morning with your clingy boyfriend.
Note: my english not so good. May be some mistakes.
cw: fluff, clingy!Hisoka, cuddling.
Word count: 654
You wake up because you can’t breathe. You opened your eyes and discovered Hisoka literally lying on top of you. He half sprawled on top of you, throwing his leg over yours and his head resting on your chest.
“Hisoka” you said and shoving him a little bit.
No reaction. But you know very well that big, sneaky fox is faking it. It was every time when Hisoka got bored in the morning, he'd pounce on you with his whole body to wake you up.
“Hisoka... I know you're awake. Get off me" you once again hoped it would help.
The red-haired fox is overly tactile, especially in the morning. He never misses an opportunity to take you into his arms while the two of you are snuggling in bed. But sometimes there are days like this one, when he unceremoniously lies on top of you with no plans to get up.
At your voice and the rustling of the sheets, your little cat came running in. He sat down on the bedside table and watched you.
Looking at this little ball of fur, you thought about the fact that you have two cats living at home. Both of them always need attention and care.
Still, even though Hisoka's nature is more like a fox. In the morning, he's like a cat looking for affection.
You shifted your gaze back to him. You ran your hand through his hair and gently ran it over his scalp, massaging it lightly, knowing how much he liked it.
“Hisoka, you're awake. Get off me, or at least move over a little. You're heavy" the third attempt this morning was successful.
He got off you and lay down next to you with his arm resting on his head. His golden eyes stared into yours, and he had his usual smirk on his face. He looked at the cat sitting on the table for a second, and as soon as cat saw Hisoka looking at him, he ran to him.
You always wondered if he was more fond of Hisoka, though he's a little prankster, more like his master than his mistress. Sometimes the two of them look at you with their golden eyes with the same squint, and it's annoying.
“Good morning" you said, while Hisoka looked at you and stroked the cat’s ear.
“Morning" Hisoka said sweetly, as usual, but with a hint of resentment.
You knew he was going to act offended now, because he doesn't like it when you ask him to get off your back. While you looked at each other, the redhead had managed to settle at the end of the bed and fall asleep. Your silence was interrupted by a sigh from Hisoka, who turned away from you. It was a trivial action of his in the morning when you didn't want to cuddle with him.
With a sniffle, you moved closer to him, running your fingers along his broad back, crossing over his ribs and tickling him lightly. All you got from Hisoka was a hum. You both know it's just a little mockery of each other, but it feels different every time. This time, there's more tenderness in your touch and more playfulness in his sighs.
“Hisoka, turn to me" you asked, knowing he wouldn't.
You climbed over him and lay down beside him. He looked at you, pretending he was still hurt.
“Fine, I know how you want to cuddle and" you weren't allowed to finish your sentence. Hisoka rolled over to the other side along with you in a hug.
“Okay, shh. Stop talking”.
You rolled your eyes. And accepted your fate of being almost strangled in man's arms.
Your sessions of affection can go on into the evening, until you slap Hisoka's ass and tell him it's time to get up. And as usual, you'll get an unwilling face that will follow you to the kitchen anyway.
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