#but i really didnt want to put two at the end of the line it just sucks like rythimng by using -ing
aboringredmop · 2 days
k still don't know how im gonna post the videos (YouTube? unlisted?someone please help) but I can't sleep so I thought it'd write down whatever I remember happening!
(edit: here's the full recording! )
Becky and Joe walked on stage wearing sunglasses and red leather jackets and threw 3 of the trio plushies into the crowd. didn't get one unfortunately but it's really cool some people got free plushies :)
they made this robot child called the Inspiration Child, who's clearly meant to be a nod to ai (can learn from our show and generate it's own content!)
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they explained how they met (and had some dodgy animated retelling), and how they started with small projects like commercials and music videos, until they came up with designs of the trio (and a mysterious fourth fella)
they made the designs first, then made the set, then the song and finally wrote the script for creativity. red guy was just a red mop head with legs at first ("alien squid thing") but Joe put the red guy head on for shits and giggles once and Becky thought it was hilarious so they kept it in the show
they were really not expecting it to blow up, and when Sundance called because they wanted to show creativity Becky thought it was a scam caller lol
they talked about the kickstarter and the credit card fraud kid. the mailed him saying "hey maybe dont do that" but the kid didnt know how to undo it cuz he just found a website full of credit card information and went ham, so Becky and Joe had to contact kickstarter because people were pulling out of the funding because they thought the project was overfunded (kickstarter was very difficult to contact)
they also made (lighthearted) fun of nsfw fluffybird art ((no padlock 😔) "using OUR characters to act out their SICK FANTASIES" - Becky) and theorists, especially because most if not all of the webseries is just them fucking around.
Inspiration Child also says something along the lines of "wow what a cool show with a great message of how corrupt the media is. I hate the media!"
Becky and Joe had these rules to make the show as vague as possible (no pop culture references, no names, no swearing and way too much detail put into small things)(the duck guy drag queen absolutely obliterates the no swearing rule lol)
they talk about the pilot, how they focused too much on the story because they felt like they had to due to it being on the big screen now, and how it ended up ruining the atmosphere and such of the pilot. they did show the entire thing sped up but my phone sucks ass so I could not get it to focus correctly. I'll see what I can salvage so you people can dissect frames of your blorbo you're Legally Not Allowed To See (which is also the official reason we don't get the pilot)
also pilot concept art showed that Mean Steve is in fact just called Key
they showed a whole post-it wall full of ideas for the tv show. don't know how much I got on footage, but what stood out most to me were 2 episodes called Money and Christmas. Joe mentioned "clock in a wheelchair" specifically
also really fun fact. Becky made the Lesley suit during covid, and pretty much threatened Baker into writing a human character into the show to wear it. concept art also shows Lesley with a mask made out of the same fabric, don't know if this was part of the original suit tho
they showed Warrens old models (?). he was gonna be a wayy more ugly looking silicone pug-worm thing y'all got lucky with the bald fuck
lily and todney were directly based off of some cancelled show about two porcelain doll children with panda parents. do not for the life of me remember what it was called but Becky and Joe were very enthousiastic about it (UPDATE: Candy and Andy!)
international release of the show soon!
Inspiration Child talks about what he's learned and sings a little song, then generates his own dhmis inspired content of a cult meeting in a forest at night. the dhmis Discord server called this "potential new content" but I doubt it
3 cultists walk on stage, face the screen backs to the crowd, drop their cloaks and boom! drag queens!!!
they were not mentioned on the site or during earlier parts of the show at all so they were a complete surprise. I asked Becky about it later during the night and she said she really wanted them there, so she asked and they were excited to! hope this means more official content with them soon I love them
they dance to There's Three Of Us, then Duck lipsings the shredder song which turns into a techno remix while Red and Yellow dance during the background
then Duck and Yellow make out while Red tries to undress to the instrumentals of the Fucked Up Part of Creativity but can't get out of his suit on time before the song ends
the drag queens, Becky and Joe and the Inspiration Child walk around during the meet and greet later and I got signatures from all of them! except inspiration child he didn't have thumbs
the drag queens were so fucking funny. Duck adopted inspiration child and loudly yelled at everyone to "GET AWAY FROM MY FUCKING CHILD" (their duck voice is sooo good). yellow stood in a corner staring at a wall for like 10 minutes and red was constantly awkwardly hovering just outside the frames of pictures (and also could not see shit lmao)
Becky liked my shirt! (the one with the melting trio heads) said she handdrew it
I'll post the signatures and some more stuff tomorrow because it is. 5 am
edit Heres the signatures! yellow guys is Italian I think? and means hi I love you :)
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(the liyskaen is duck trying to spell my name. they got pretty close)
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cherry-treelane · 19 days
everytime i feel bad and stressed about my life i remember that i might be in a troubling situation and having a bad time but im not season 4 fiona gallagher in the clink after leaving crack on the counter which my 3 year old baby brother happened to ingest resulting in a fatal near-death experience thats wracked me with never-ending guilt and forever altered my life
#this storyline was stupid you expect me to believe two-apples-tall liam gallagher came close to the crack AND managed to ingest it?#the crack which is lined up on the kitchen counter?#Also i don't believe that fiona would be irresponsible enough for liam to have been able to be close to the crack#that was an ooc moment and not like “its ooc cause thats the point shes going thru a tough time”#morelike “so ooc that it seems like a discrepancy that was overlooked for the sake of drama and shock value#as an older sister i feel like being watchful of your younger sibling if crack is in their general vicinity is an unstoppable instinct#its just not a plausible situation sorry like this is coming from someone who wholeheartedly embraces the realistic idea#of fiona falling short sometimes and being very human by struggling to consistently maintain her doting attentiveness#but anyways it's complicated cause Fiona clearly put it somewhere he cant reach#so how did he get access to it????#its like getting mad at a parent for putting a glass of wine on the counter#not comparing that to literal cocaine obviously this whole situation was nonetheless messed up#but just for some perspective... the writers were clearly doing cocaine themselves if they thought that#liam was bungee-jumping onto the counter and showing off his skills as an apparent budding olympics gymnast#not justifying anything but. listen.#the fact that it was on the counter FOR A REASONNN shows that fiona was careful to keep it out of reach and NOT do something insane like#putting it on the table#liam somehow magically having access to it defeats the purpose of it being on the counter.#if they really wanted for it to be believable that liam managed to snort it they should've put it on the table#but we already know that situation wouldn't be believable in its entirety cause we know that fiona would literally never leave it there#WHICH IS MY POINT. LIKE THIS SITUATION IS JUST ANNOYINGLY UNBELIEVABLE. FIONA WOULD NOT DO THIS AND HOW DID LIAM EVEN GET TO IT??#theres like 39482939 overlooked discrepancies just for the sake of getting to the shock#just to circle back Fiona would literally never let liam go near crack no matter how far gone and fucked up she was#I KNOW THIS BECAUSE I AM AN OLDER SISTER.#its just so UGHHHHH anyways obviously i still think in canon yeah Fiona was at fault shouldve been more careful and watchful#no matter how you look at it its clear that a risk like this just cannot be taken and she had to be blamed to an extent#but me personally? i reject it because it didnt feel natural to me at all there were 394939 other ways to frame a Fiona downfall#And i loved all the other ways her spiral was shown like getting messed up and ending up in Sheboygan#all the shit she got into with robbie + the impulsive urge to ruin the good thing she had going with mike#so human and believable and deeply flawed unlike the liam situation which was horrifically OOC and unrealistic
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mr-walkingrainbow · 2 months
DESCENDANTS: The Rise of Red! (or the REAL hidden story in the movie + what’s gonna happen in the sequel THEORY!)
So we ALL watched the movie right? We ALL thought the plot sucked and the movie ended abruptly with a underwhelming climax?
So I did some really deep thinking, and I figured, these writers can’t be THAT stupid? The director can’t be THAT idiotic, lame, and boring? That would just embarrass Disney, not to mention all the well respected actors that are in this!
So I thought hard. I thought hard and I thought long. Like hella long. And I tallied up all the plot inconsistencies, all the weird explanations, all the very specific lines in songs, and I did it. I fixed descendants rise of red! I FIGURED IT OUT!
So!! Here it is! What TRULY happened that crowncoming night! And what going back in time actually did!
(I intentionally put a keep reading so if anyone wanted to avoid spoilers they can)
So! Now that we’re under the keep reading. Anything spoilerly can be said!
So first things first. The biggest theory everyone is saying.
Yes! I said it! We all thought the movie was leading to this! So it was underwhelming when it was revealed it was Uliana and her crew were the origins behind the prank.
We all saw that once they opened the book; they were frozen. Because they were ‘bad’ and Merlin’s security system was set into place.
And many of you came up with the giant plot hole that this would have happened REGARDLESS of whether Red and Chloe interfered.
This sole reason, is why the group COULDNT have done it! Not only were they frozen, but they couldn’t read the recipe, and were properly sent to detention, ergo exonerating them from being at the dance! Meaning their was literally no way they could have been behind the prank!
So with them being withheld from the dance, who could it be? Who was the one person who was originally at the dance, but now no longer could be? What was the one actual change that Red and Chloe set off?
We all see that when the two go into Ella’s house, Chloe knocks over a Vase. Breaking it. Lady Tremaine GROUNDS Ella! Meaning that she COULD NOT go to the dance!
This DIDNT happen originally! Meaning Ella DID go to the dance in the original timeline! Which is proven when Cinderella (I’m calling Adult Ella, Cinderella) talks to The Red Queen (I’m calling Adult Bridget The Red Queen) about how the prank being pulled was wrong. She had first handed knowledge of the prank. AND she told Chloe she fell in love with Charming at the dance.
But! Since Ella is the only difference in the two timelines in regarding to the dance, this is PROOF that she was the one who actually pranked Bridget, NOT Uliana and her crew!
So here’s what I think happened!
Ella, who saw Bridget being bullied about the cupcakes, and saw Uliana take all the cupcakes. And promptly being threatened by Uliana. Decided to bake Bridget something to cheer her up. However Bridget literally has all of the cookbooks in auradon. As shown. So she snoops around and finds Merlin’s cookbook! (Because it’s also shown she’s okay with breaking the rules if it’s for a good cause. From her get our hands dirty song!) and double and, the book WOULD open for her because she is a good person. AND she was doing it for a good reason!
she flips through the book and finds some simple blase recipe that cheers Bridget up. Maybe gives her cool hair (Red hair??). Something simple but sweet.
However. While doing this, she happens to see the Monster food recipe. She doesn’t look at it for long of course. Just enough to remember it’s a thing.
Now! I swear to whatever’s out there that the person who played Chloe said there was a queer character in Dedcendants 4. I can’t find it now but it was some tumblr or insta post. I know cause I immediately told my friend afterwards.
Anywho. I think Bridget is the queer character! We see in the movie her only friend was Ella. Not only that but she YEARNS for someone to care about enough to ask her out (in a romantic way like charming just tried to do for Ella) Ella, who again. Is Bridget’s only friend. And ergo, shows her love no one else does, IMMEDIATELY asks her to go to the dance with her! (Might have said as friends in the other timeline too. Who knows)
But! This only makes Bridget’s crush on Ella even BIGGER. And she falls in love with her! She probably thinks they might have a chance!
This is also somewhat proven by The Red Queens song ‘Love Ain’t It’
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Title ; Love Ain’t It
Red : “With all the Grief you’ve experienced”
Red (Speaking of Cinderella) : So you Knew her?
The Red Queen : I saw through her. Cinderella and I were classmates in a way.
(Notice how she uses Ella’s mocking name after she has time to recover from the interaction. She said ELLA originally when she caught her off guard. Also. The line. I SAW THROUGH HER. It’s a double edged sword. Saw through her fronts. Saw the hurting girl inside. Saw through her LIES saw the mean girl behind)
Proven by the next lines
The red Queen : I spent way to much time in this place
So I had to escape
the people might smile
but their two faced, too fake.
Girl was relentlessly bullied and betrayed by someone she loved
And Ella Knows it.
Cinderella : Some people act mean at first, because their too afraid to feel
[the reverse is also true]
Cinderella : Look hon. Back in high school, a mean prank was played
And ever since that fateful day
She was never the same, it’s quite a shame.
So the Red Queen sings a whole song about how Love isn’t it. And we ALL KNOW that her only connection to love as a kid was through ELLA. meaning Bridget HAD A CRUSH on Ella. Was IN LOVE. With Ella.
So. How did Crowncoming originally happen you ask?
Here’s my theory
Ella and Bridget go to the dance. They are happy! They have fun. Bridget falls further in love with Ella. Meanwhile. Ella falls in love with Charming!
Her and Charming hit it off. And Ella starts to feel loved and appreciated for the first time in her life.
Then, Bridget performs her ‘Shuffle of Love’ dance. All the attention is on her! Even Charmings.
Ella feels robbed. She feels jealous. She feels angry that her friend is stealing the one good moment she is finally having to herself.
And so she briefly remembers the spell. And in a moment of error, she either A. Remembers the recipe already and makes the recipe. Or B. Re-Sneaks back into the office to see it. However I’m going with A because the book wouldn’t have opened again for Ella because of her bad intentions.
Whichever way. Bridget eats the baked treat. (I think it was a cupcake. Ella could have lied and said it was from the earlier batch)
And then. IT HAPPENS! Bridget is turned into an ugly terrifying monster. Everyone LAUGHS at her. Everyone makes fun of her
And Bridget, who is confused, understands only ONE person could have done this to her. She looks at someone she was in love with. And just sees Ella and Charming laughing. Laughing at her. Bonding over laughing at HER.
Bridget runs off. In tears. Broken inside. With an equally broken heart.
Maybe if Ella had immediately realized her error and run after her she would have turned out differently. But no. It is proven that Ella stayed at the dance and stayed with Charming. They wouldn’t have had the chance to fall in love if she left.
So Bridget. Spends the rest of the night terrified. Looking like a monster. And being laughed and screamed and made fun of everywhere she goes. And not only that. But her ONLY FRIEND. Her CRUSH. Someone she TRUSTED did this to her
Now THIS! THIS is something can break a person. This is something that can change their views on the world. On humanity itself. She was a kind girl. Was kind to everyone no matter how meanly they treated her. But through it all, Ella was her rock. Her friend. Her secret love. Someone who was good and kind through it all.
But she betrayed her. Tbe one nice person betrayed her. Showing that being nice doesn’t do it. Being nice does not mean good things happen. Being nice doesn’t is worthless if this is what it gets you. Everyone is two faced. And the only thing that’s real. The only thing she CAN feel. Is hurt. And pain. And fear. And so that’s what she swears to become. That’s what she swears to do. Be mean and cruel and heartless so she never has to feel all this pain ever again. So her eventual DAUGHTER never has to feel this again. It’s better to be alone and feared. Then alone and broken.
Ella probably realized the error of her ways the next day. But as she said. It was too late. Bridget was never the same.
This Explains why they had so many odd interactions. The raw feral burning chemistry between them. All the odd phrase. Why The Red Queen would be okay sending her BEST FRIEND to death. Why she would be okay killing her. And taking over auradon. To Her? Cinderella is the one who made her this way.
but also part of her still remembers. Still cares. It’s why she gave her once chance to kneel to her. (And as we’ve noted in the books and movies. She doesn’t give ANYONE else a second chance. She punishes I’m immediately and harshly)
And so! With all of this happening. Theirs gonna be some catylist in recent times. The Red Queen might be nice now. But something will have changed. Ella never went to the dance. (She clearly fell in love with charming somewhere else cause otherwise Chloe would have disappeared) but something happened when she wasn’t at the dance. Something that caused another problem. And THATS gonna be the sequel to this movie. Descendants : Rise of Red part two.
(as we’ve seen the official script for the movie is literally called Descendants : Rise of Red part one. MEANING they wrote it with the purpose of being part one to either a sequel or a threequal)
And THAT! Ladies and Gentleman, is what I think the REAL plot behind Descendants : Rise of Red is! A movie that is not idiotically not thought out at all, but really something so secretly genuis is blows your mind!
Hope you enjoyed!
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hyewka · 5 months
alo! love ur sub beomgyu universe
could u write sub cat beomgyu being too clingy nd bratty that he gets punished by his owner or simply just being in unbearable heat nd begs for his owner to breed her??? hybrid fics r crazy mad nd im crazy
warnings; sub!gyu, hybrid au, not proofread
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imagine kitty!beom who keeps looking over at you with a permanent pout on his face because you scolded him and told him to keep his distance for scratching you earlier. his bottom lip would wobble as he attempts to get you to make eye contact, kitty claws buried in the pillow hes holding tight against him but youre just not budging.
“i didnt mean it.” he finally breaks.
“you didnt mean what?” you dismissively mumble keeping your eyes on your laptop as you finish up your report.
he whines, throwing the pillow away to all of a sudden break your command and cling onto your arm. “you know i didnt mean to hurt you, i really didnt! please dont be mad”
“beomgyu you crossed the line, i told you to keep a distance.” you warn.
“who cares about the line! just tell me youre not mad!”
and ofc hes holding onto you and shaking you to try to get you to look at him like hes owed your forgiveness
kitty beomgyu who cant really sit through a punishment without purring and pressing his body flush to yours whining for you to forgive him that he’ll do better but that only has you snap and promptly put your hand down his pants to shut up his bratty adamant complaining. it does just that. having him bucking and panting already, its like he does this to get this exact reaction out of you, to have your hand wrapped around his dick. pumping it but not letting him cum. his loudness tonight has you getting a migraine so you end up shoving a finger in his watering mouth which he eagerly wraps his lips around sucking earnestly and moaning wantonly—slut.
when you can’t focus on doing two things at once you slip your fingers out of his mouth, a string of saliva breaking. the moment you do, he’s loud again, whining and mewling, you resort to slapping his thighs punishingly. “use your shirt kitty”
and as you pump his pretty cock, trying to focus on your computer, beomgyus biting the ends of his shirt so hard, he drenches it with his saliva he ends up tearing it which again serves to put you out of your productivity. you look over at him, a scowl thrown his way that he doesnt shy away from, this brat. “you cant even control yourself for more than two minutes?” you ask incredulously.
he doesnt even pretend, he immediately shakes his head. “i cant” he breathes out, “i need your pussy, feel like im gonna die”
“aww, kitten feels like he’s gonna die so i just have to give you my pussy don’t i?”
the audacity to nod has you scoff. “raise your arms.” despite how entitled hes been acting, he enthusiastically obliges. when you leave to get a scarf to makeshift a restraint he whines at the loss of your hands on his weeping cock. “what do you want your master to do beommie?” you implore, making sure to tie a tight knot.
he replies almost immediately, without skipping a beat. “wanna breed you.”
you laugh a scoff, straddling his lap, your clothed cunt grinding on his sensitive dick. you could tell it’s driving him to a brink already, he already attempts to break from the scarf. too bad you know how to tie your knots well. “breed me? beommie, let’s not get too absurd, it’s too much even for you.”
you dont expect for him to break so quickly but he does, starting to sniffle, his cute ears twitching uncontrollably, tears welling up in his round eyes. “sit on my cock….p-please.”
you slide the soft cotton of your panties up and down his wet dick, pouting mockingly at the way his face falls into a distraught show of his arousal. his mouth hangs open and hes drooling like a mutt you have to slap him to get him to behave. “don’t be dirty. look pretty with your lips shut.” you say, mouthing at his bare neck.
you can easily pick up on his close mouthed whimper, his pathetic attempt at fucking your heat doesn’t serve to do anything for him and it turns you on even more. “wanna cum on my panties? wanna soil it with your little seed?” you goad, getting breathy yourself as you increase your speed on his fat cock, letting your weight engulf it even more.
he shakes his head, tears streaming down his reddened cheeks. “baby please, i-im gonna die, i’m g-gonna—hic—im gonna burst, baby. it hurts. i don’ wanna cum, jus wanna be in your pretty cunt,”
he lets out another broken plead when you rub his earflaps in circles, making it extra soothing just like he loves, “let it all out kitty, its okay” you drawl
he almost does just that, letting out a deep purr, his tummy untensing. but then its like he snaps out of it, shaking his head in defiance. “dont want to. if im gonna cum its gonna be in your pussy, ill have you drip with my-”
you dig your fingers in his bare skin and he yelps, jolting, uncontrollably sobbing by this point. “jeez, so sensitive. what a baby. arent you, kitty? just a baby needing to be tamed.”
speeding up, having the head of cock brush against your clit every now, then he finally spills his load, warmth spreading on the bed, dirtying your sheets. his chest’s heaving, and you take some time to look over his tummy, his shirt completely ruined.
“you’re cute” you conclude getting off his softening dick. “but now im serious, dont misbehave. i really need to get my work done, ‘kay beommie?”
he huffs, pouting and turning his head, practically giving you the silent treatment as you shower him with praises, untying the scarf around his wrists and cleaning his thighs up, his stuck up nature shining through. you find it mildly annoying at worst but adorably very beomgyu. you hum in contentment, what a cute brat
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the-s1lly-corner · 11 months
Hear me out
Reader is like puppet from fnaf, their character being very similar to puppet, them having the same voice and powers? Yknow Puppet flies fast as HELL and etc, Reader most of the time stays in the music box, and just gets out when really wanted or needed, for example: when theres an IHA or when someone needs them for something.
TADC x puppet!reader !
ashamed to admit this but i have not touched fnaf outside of security breach, recently at least. the last time i was fully invested in the fnaf lore was when fnaf 4 had just dropped, so im quite literally relying off of your description like its a life line because i know how insane fnaf lore has gotten think imma answer this request then take another short break since my lower back is starting to get sore from sitting all day; gotta go stretch my legs too
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you do have your own room, of course, but you tend to usually stay in your music box; of which you came with when you first entered the digital world... which was a little odd, but hey its not the strangest thing that anyone here has seen! i like to think that sometimes caine comes to your box at night and tries to will you out so he can get to know you more. leave it to the ai to fall for the mysterious circus member who rarely leaves their box... i think sometimes he would hum and sing along to the music your box makes
the first time you rush out of your music box it takes her off guard, almost making her fall off her feet when you dash right by her to do... whatever was required of you at that moment in time. if she were being honest, she didnt think you were a real person, she had always assumed that you were an npc; it wasnt unheard of that caine would have npcs stationed about for in house adventures, or to man the carnival..! though i dont think she would interact much with you, considering you rarely interact with the others; what use would it be to pester you?
honestly before realizing you literally live and sleep and mostly exist in the music box, he probably puts stuff on top of your box... accidentally trapping you inside it. well, actually trapping wouldnt be accurate because you ended up brute forcing your way out, literally sending everything that was on top of the box flying; scaring just about everyone in the room. imagine trying to find out whos faster; you or jax.. i mean, have you seen how fast jax bolted when they found out koufmo abstracted?
always tries to ask you if you want to join in on the in house adventure, she doesnt want you to feel left out or unwelcome; even though most times you willingly back out of the activity. though, she feels relieved and even smiles when you spring out of your box to join in on the action... at least she knows you havent abstracted... brain stimulation is important, you know!
he finds some comfort in the music, slowly but surely as the days pass he moves his pillow fort closer and closer to your box before eventually hes right next to you. sometimes even naps, leaning against it. though he does immediately scamper off when you suddenly lunge out to race towards whoever is calling for you. at least he can count on you to have his back in moments of danger or fear!
usually stays in their own lane, but for one reason or another they need help during an IHA, and their yelps and incoherent speech was enough to catch your attention. be it gloink or otherwise, you obliterate the problem; effectively haunting zooble for the rest of their life by your actions... but hey, it feels... nice, having someone you can rely on
character who is soft spoken and shy meets character that rarely leaves their box when its not needed or necessary; how could a relationship, romantic or otherwise, be fostered in conditions such as this? oddly enough, the silence between you two brings you together, the music keeping the silence from becoming overwhelming. i like to think that sometimes gangle leaves you little notes, choosing to write rather than verbally speak... best not to ruin that special quiet the two of you have learned to share
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issdisgrace · 3 months
WARNINGS: kinda sad, car crash, burning, hospitals, idk what else to put
A/N: This is for @marksbear2. I hope you like it. Also sorry it took a while I have been procrastinating.
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You and Lando have been rivals since day one. Always trying to finish higher than the other, always trying to score more points than the other, and ALWAYS bickering when you weren't on track. Whether it was about the actual race or not, you guys always found an excuse to bicker.
And in hide sight it was so clear you guys were in love with each but neither of you knew what you were feeling towards the other and it was so confusing so it was just easier to fight with each other than figure out what you were feeling.
So you guys continued like this for a while as both of you climbed the ranks to Formula 1. And in the end of both were called up at the same time Lando of course to McLaren and you to Mercedes.
While so many things changed for the two of you and you now had to be more civil to the other than in prior years. Ultimately, that didn't change how competitive you guys were and it didn't change your bickering.
And from the very beginning of your guys' F1 careers there were bets in all the garages, included your guys on who would confess to who in the first place. The bets were split in almost every garage, but they more leaned to Lando, confessing first and boy where they wrong.
It was Monaco 2024. It was a race you guys did every year. You thought it would be just like last year's smooth sailing. You qualified good not as good as of course you wanted to but good none the less. Then the day came and with it came a deep dread in your stomach. Something bad was going to happen. You knew it.
Then Checo had his crash in lap 1 and that dread only grew stronger, so strong you thought you were going to throw up. But you pushed the feeling to the side and got ready to start up once again. Before you knew it was lights out and away you go again. It was lap 39, halfway through the race when engine trouble started.
Your team told you to stay out. That it would be fine and they would figure it out. That definitely didn't make you feel any better than before. Then at the beginning of lap 78 you were suddenly on fire, not smoking, not anything like that, on fire. Before you could think, you lost control and crashed into the wall others still flying by.
Adrenaline coursed through your veins as you tried free yourself from the car. You could see and feel the flames burning. It was burning through your suit. You couldn't feel anything as you continued to try to free yourself and just as freed yourself help arrived. Climbing out of the burning car, when you stumbled towards the medics. Multiple people with fire extinguishers put out the flames on your body.
It was only when you were loaded into the amblulance and on the way to the hospital when your senses returned. The overwhelming pain hitting you like a semi truck along with a putrid smell you thought was the smell of your burnt flesh. But you didnt really have time to fully process it because before you knew it you where at the hospital and being rushed into to surgery.
Lando was almost to the finish line when he heard over radios that you were on fire and then crashed. He felt like he was going to be sick, a thousand thoughts racing through his head. The loudest thought by far was you were going to die and he would never get to tell him he loved you. He was scared, no scared didn't even describe how he was feeling. He was petrified.
As he got out of his car and rushed to Zak Brown, the team CEO to get details of your crash and if you were ok. He told Lando you were ok as far as he knew. Lando felt a little better hearing that but he told Zak once podium was held he was going to that hospital to be with you. He didn't care of the consequence he needed to be there.
Zak being the man he was told Lando not to worry and he would handle the FIA if they gave him a hassle. Lando thanked him profusely before heading to podium.
It was over before Lando knew it and he was rushing back to his driver room to change, gather his stuff, and head to the hospital. Once he was there at the hospital, he rushed in and started asking about you. He lied when the nurse asked him what his relation to you was and said he was your husband.
The nurse told him that you were just prepped for surgery and were on the way to it. And it wouldn't be for a couple hours until you would be out of it. So he would have to wait until he was allowed to see you. He spent the next couple of hours pacing up and down the waiting room anxiously waiting for you.
It felt like a million years had passed before the nurse came and got him. He grabbed his stuff and quickly followed the nurse to your room as she told him the surgery went well and graphs were a success and that it probably be awhile until you woke up because of the anesthetic and the pain meds they pumped through your system.
His heart broke into millions of tiny pieces when he saw you in the hospital bed. He immediately made his way to your bedside and pulled the chair that was nearby towards you and sat down. He didnt even notice the nurse leaving as he gently grabbed your hand. It was now that all the tears he had been holding back started to flow and he ended up crying himself to sleep.
When Lando woke up, his head now rested on your chest as you combing your hand through his hair. He looked up at you surprised that you were awake. He pulled away from you question after question spewing from his mouth. You just hushed him and pull him back into. I love you; you said as you rested your head against his. I love you too; he said back as he wrapped his arms around you. His body would sure complain about the awkward position later, but he would deal with that later.
He needed this. You need this right now. You guys would talk about what your relationship was going to look now on later. You just need to be in the moment with each other.
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mayearies · 1 year
sfw alphabet with miles g. genre: fluffy hcs
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—‘A’ IS FOR AFFECTION (how affectionate are they?) pretty affectionate with his s/o even if he can be awkward sometimes, takes some time getting close to someone again. if you’re in public, he would mainly hold your hand. maybe sneak in a hug or kiss once in a while if he’s feelin’ handsy. when recieving affection, he’s always open towards it. even if it makes him a little embarassed at moments (mainly in public).
—‘B’ IS FOR BESTFRIEND (what are they like as a bestie?) once he get comfy with you, he the type to play with you but also have serious talks to. he would like to stay close to you and hang out with you a lot. he’s also really good at rps (rock paper scissors) and shadow boxing, you gettin’ bodied fo sho ‼️
—‘C’ IS FOR CUDDLES (what is their cuddling schedule?) he likes contact with you, preferably skin to skin so expect his hands up your back or your stomach. he can be both a big spoon or a little spoon, he just wants to hold you (he will be a little spoon most times which you will tease him about). one cuddle sesh a day is required for him to function.
“baby? where’s my hugs n’ kisses? you aint mad at me, right?”
—‘D’ IS FOR DOMESTIC (settling down? how will they be helping out around?) he would wait to get a fiancée, let alone a wife. but of course he would want to settle down with you. he loves you. a pretty decent home cook, nothing special. he would watch his ma make pasteles so it’s one of the dishes he can perfect. he tolerates cleaning. doesnt like it but doesn’t fully hate it.
—‘E’ IS FOR ENDING (how does breaking up go?) would absolutely try to avoid arguments all he can. depends on the reason why you two are splitting, but he will spill his feelings about the relationship out to you. in his head. he doesn’t enjoy speaking his thoughts very much and just feels it’ll escalate shit. though, he would wish you well.
—‘F’ IS FOR FIANCÉE (how committed are they to you?) puts his commitment to you over anything else. though he claims he is not in a rush to marry you and that it could wait, but at the same time he be talkin’ about baby names and what a dream it would be to marry someone like you.
—‘G’ IS FOR GENTLE (how gentle are they?) he’s gentle on most occasions. his rbf and cold aura can be misleading. the craves your touch and your kisses. however, he can be a little on the rough side. for example, his mental state. it isn’t the best with his dad being dead and being the prowler, but you make it more bearable with just your presence. he can also be on the rougher side by squeezing places he knows only belong to him (neck, thighs, waist, etc.)
—‘H’ IS FOR HUGS (how does their hugging schedule work?) he dont mind them. he just dont like the long ones. makes him uncomfortable in some way. he doesn’t do them that often, but when he does they’re really memorable and soft.
—‘I’ IS FOR I LOVE YOU (how quick do they say i love you?) waits a little long before pulling the big ‘l word’. i wouldnt describe him as head over heels for you, but he’s in love.
—‘J’ IS FOR JEALOUSY (what are they like when they’re jealous?) oh boy, can this man get jealous. like, hella jealous. if someone so much as stare too long at you, he’ll glare at them while bringing you closer towards him. touching you? a line nobody can cross. that shit is a death wish. his mami, not yours.
—‘K’ IS FOR KISSES (how does their kiss schedule work?) hold me back i finna go wild on this one. though you’re probably his first relationship like ever, he didnt know how to kiss at first. as time went on though, his kisses got really passionate and filled with longing. everytime he kisses you, he misses you just a little bit less cause he knows you’re here. you’re here to stay. you’re his. he would kiss you anywhere. your least favorite part? kissed. your favorite part? consider it done, bae. he likes cheek kisses a lot. he doesn’t know why, though. he also really likes looking at your eyes when he’s done kissing you, he likes eye contact in general. if you are avoiding it or simply looking away from him, he’ll snap his fingers in your face and hold your chin as you turn towards him.
“ma. look at me. i won’t ask twice.”
—‘L’ IS FOR LITTLE ONES (how are they around kids?) not a fan of kids, they’re too noisy. he’s really awkward with them because he internally just thinks they’re little brats, but he also knows they’re stupid. his kid though? he will adore them so fucking much you might have to separate him.
—‘M’ IS FOR MORNINGS (how do your morning routines go?) he wakes up whenever you wake up. your morning routine is basically his, only that he adds a few more steps to it. those ‘few more steps’ being holding you for a solid five or so minutes before you carry on with your early rising.
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—‘N’ IS FOR NIGHTS (how does your night routine go?) much like the mornings, his night routine is similar to yours. except, sometimes you dont even finish the whole thing because he wants your time and attention to himself before he drifts off to sleep.
—‘O’ IS FOR OPEN (when will they become more personal?) probably on the third or fourth date. the first two he would want to know more about you. but, he would drop little things he was interested in too.
—‘P’ IS FOR PATIENCE (how patient are they?) he doesn’t get upset that easily, with you atleast. don’t push him too far with your smart mouth, though. that’s what can really piss him off sometimes.
“the fuck you think you talkin’ to? tone down that attitude fo’ me.”
—‘Q’ IS FOR QUIZZES (how much would they remember about you?) he would remember the things that intrugied him about you, but he wouldnt remember every single thing. that’s how he knew what to buy you if he wanted to surprise you.
—‘R’ IS FOR REMEMBER (whats their favorite moment?) he loves them all equally, frankly if he had to choose he couldn’t.
—‘S’ IS FOR SECURITY (how protective are they?) pretty fuckin’ protective of you. and you love it. sometimes, he would stalk you just to see how you were doing or if you were okay. he just doesn’t want to lose someone again, he hopes you understand.
—‘T’ IS FOR TRY (how much effort do they put into your relationship?) he tries to make an effort into planning dates but those plans often get spoiled by his alter. he will always make it up to you, though. no matter what.
—‘U’ IS FOR UGLY (whats one of their flaws?) lying. he doesnt like to lie to you, but it keeps you safe. it got to the point where he would lie about little things on accident, like taking out the trash.
—‘V’ IS FOR VANITY (how insecure are they about their looks?) not a lot. if you think he looks good, then he looks good. sometimes he wonders how he even managed to pull someone like you.
“whatever, amor. if you think i look good, then i look good. whatever you say goes.”
—‘W’ IS FOR WHOLE (would they feel incomplete without you?) yes. nothing more.
—‘X’ IS FOR XTRA (random hc about them?) he behaves like a cat sometimes without even knowing it.
—‘Y’ IS FOR YUCK (whats something they dont like in a partner?) he probably doesnt like loud noises. yes, he does ride a motorcycle but he probably wears earplugs to help with the noise.
—‘Z’ IS FOR ZZZ (what are their sleeping habits?) he’s naturally a light sleeper, so anything faint could wake him up. something he does when you sleep with him is that he would hold you so close and tight that you once had a dream you fell and broke your back. and a actually felt that pain in real life. yikes. another habit he has is playing with your hair subconciously and muttering things about you in his sleep. you both have woken up to it multiple times.
© mayeluvsu 1610 version
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buckgettingstruck · 3 months
here to ask about the camera panning to eddie. give me the freak answer pls
when i saw that shit airing i yelled and spilled wine on my carpet.
like. i feel like this is common sense but i dont know if people realize how intentional each second of a show/movie is. like whether the show is a silly sitcom or a serious drama everything is so intentional and purposeful. of course theres always continuity errors and mistakes that happen when you’re creating a show of that size thats been running for so long but for the most part everything has its intentions. its why you see certain themes come back again and again. im not gonna get into outfit meta or anything like that because its not really my wheelhouse but i did learn a lot about camera techniques and im a writer so. yeah.
shots are one of the most important aspects of a movie or a tv show. they set the mood. close up shots convey intensity and emotion while more wide shots establish a scene etc. they gave us a lot of close up shots of eddie’s face in the kim and eddie scene at the end of 7x09 because it was an intense moment for eddie as a character for example. you have to get the shot right to convey what you want your audience to see yknow.
so. you have the medal ceremony. they couldve done the announcements for these people in literally any order because they fucking wrote the script. they didnt do it alphabetically or anything normal they literally had the trio of triangulated desire standing in the back with buck in the middle AGAIN while chim and hen were being normal and serving cunt up front. and when they were sitting they had buck in the middle again because reasons. then once they got their medals itd pan to their families and significant others clapping. ofc for tommy they pan to buck because thats the person there supporting him. for BUCK they had so many options. they had bobby, his captain that he verbally said was his father figure the next episode, they had maddie, his fucking SISTER AND THE WOMAN WHO RAISED HIM, and they had tommy, the dude he’s dating. instead they pan to eddie.
literally that is the absolute LOUDEST fucking thing the show has done so far in my opinion. they panned to buck for tommy!!! they couldve panned back to buck or done it in a different order if they didnt wanna repeat so they could pan to them for each other!!! but they panned to eddie and the director of photography was even emphasizing that choice on twitter.
the entire bi arc had eddie written all over it. they had so many opportunities to shove their relationship to the side and double down on their friendship but they didnt. instead we had buck tweaking at the gym where we have no idea who eddie was even talking to on that phone, eddie constantly mentioned by buck in a kiss scene with someone else, the line of all time ‘MY attention?’, eddie interrupting the date next episode, buck not even giving a FUCK about the date because he lied to eddie, the shit maddie said that episode about being confused about his feelings, eddie saying nothing is gonna change between them (which. thats a chekov’s gun if ive ever seen one), and all the entire shit with the bachelor party. not even mentioning the implications of the song choice for the karaoke scene that paralleled madney because we didnt get it in the episode. they couldve completely avoided all of that but they didnt and then when buck is dating someone else they dont pan to HIM being happy and supportive for buck, they pan to EDDIE. it feels as if its supposed to remind us what’s actually going on or another attempt to clue us in
also like right after they had the two who were dating acting as acquaintances. and had that guy also kinda put buck’s excitement down at said ceremony. and later in that episode had buck ditch plans with the guy he was dating to make sure eddie was okay. for reasons i guess. so buddie canon or theyre doing a real bad job at getting me to care about bucks actual man
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aothotties · 5 months
Warnings: MDNI, threesome, squirting, multiple orgasms, unprotected sex, oral sex (m. and f. receiving), creampies
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You were both nervous and excited at the same time. You knew excactly why they wanted you to come over.
You and suguru had been fucking for a while and you always thought his best friend was fine and wanted to see what that was like as well
You made it over to suguru’s and knocked on the door. After a few seconds the tall dark haired man answered the door and he smiled as he let you in
You walked over to the couch where Satoru was sitting and sat next to him, he was smiling at you as well
Suguru came and sat in the empty spot on the other side of you and put his arm around you
“Long time no see, princess” he said to you
He started rubbing your shoulders giving you a light massage. You closed your eyes and threw you head back
“Yeah I’ve been really busy lately. So much stress with work i haven’t had time for anything” you said
As you spoke satoru started rubbing on your thigh
“Let us take make you feel better then” he said as his lips made its way to your neck
You moaned as he sucked on your sweet spot
As he kissed you Suguru’s hands fondled your breasts
“No bra?” He smirked
“Didnt need one” you looked over at him and winked
“No panties either” Satoru said and his hands made its way into your shorts
His finger rubbed small circles on your clit and you opened your legs wider to give him better access. He slipped one long finder into your hole and you gasped at the sensation.
He fingered you slowly, taking time coaxing your wetness out of you
He took his hand out of your shorts and brought his finger to his lips. He licked your essence off his digit and smiled
“You’re right Suguru, she tastes amazing” he said while looking in your eyes
Suguru grabbed you and pulled you onto his lap, he cupped your cheeks and pulled your lips to his. He slipped his tongue in your mouth and you grinded on him as you made out
Satoru hopped in the seat next to you and started rubbing all over your body. He grabbed the back of your neck and pulled you over to his face and started kissing you as you continued grinding on Suguru’s lap
“Let’s take this upstairs?” Suguru asked while grabbing your ass
You nodded your head and the man stood up while lifting you onto his waist
he made his way up to the bedroom and kissed you while doing so. once he got to the room he set you down on the bed.
he started removing your clothes and Satoru stood and watched with and excited expression.
Suguru pulled your shorts off and positioned himself in between your legs. Sator layed down next to him and they both stared at your glistening cunt.
Satoru leaned in and started lapping a your cunt. He lifted his head and turned to Suguru, their tongues intertwined sharing your essence, Satoru went back to lapping at your folds while Suguru started fingering your clit.
Your back arched off the bed and your hands intertwined in their hair.
"Fuck!" you whined as the boys continued to eat you out.
They switched and Suguru licked your cunt while Satoru rubbed your clit.
The knot formed in your stomach, and you were close.
"yeah right there!" you moaned and closed your eyes
Your legs started shaking and the knot snapped, and you came over both of their faces.
They both lapped up your juices and kissed again to share the sweetness.
They both stood up and removed their clothes
Satoru flipped you over and lifted your ass in the air. He positioned himself behind you and lined his dick with your entrance. As he did so Suguru crawled on the bed in front of you and positioned his dick with your mouth.
They both slid in at the same time. Suguru stuffed your mouth while Satoru stretched you out.
you moaned onto Suguru's dick from the feeling of being stuffed from both ends.
As Satoru slid in and out of you, he pushed Suguru deeper down your throat. Your gags were filling the room.
The two men were moving at the same pace making you feel great.
"Fuck this pussy is so tight!" Satoru whined behind you.
"Told you she's got the best pussy" Suguru responded.
you felt yourself getting closer to your orgasm and your moans sent vibrations up Suguru's body.
"I think she's about to cum, she's squeezing me.” Satoru groaned
Your legs shook and you squirted all over Gojo's thighs, the feeling caused him to throw his head back.
his trust got more aggressive as he got closer to his own orgasm. he was repeatedly hitting your cervix and you felt his dick twitch inside you.
Geto grabbed the back of his head and pulled him into a passionate kiss. As the two men made out on top of you Satoru came inside of you, filling you with his seed.
The two men switched positions and Suguru was now behind you. He wasted no time pulling you back onto him and fucking you.
Satoru slid his dick past your lips, and you tasted both of your essence on him. You began moving your head back and forth on his dick.
"fuck that mouth is as good as your pussy baby" he moaned
Suguru was whining behind you and gritting his teeth. He was bulling deep into your cunt hitting your g-spot.
Tears formed in your eyes from the overstimulation. Satoru loved the way you looked, crying with his dick in your mouth turned him on and he twitched inside your mouth.
Suguru was getting close.
"Cum with me baby" he said to you.
He continued hitting your g-spot pushing you closer to the edge.
Your walls were spasming around him making the man moan.
"Right there Babygirl, cum for me
your whole body shook and you released on Suguru's dick and soon after he filled you up as well, causing everything to spill out of you.
Soon after Satoru came again filling your mouth with his cum. He slipped out and you swallowed the whole load.
Youl laid down on the bed as the two men stood up.
"Shower?" Satoru asked as they grinned at your fucked out expression.
you nodded your head and Satoru ran to the bathroom to start the water while Suguru lifted you off the bed
You showered in between both of the men, satisfied with the night you just had.
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anzulvr · 1 year
May I request how would Karma react when Asano is interested in Karma's s/o? Like here's the story, Asano and reader have been classmates and really good friends but the reader had to be transfered to E-class cause she beat someone up while trying to protect the other student and things like that, and Asano still being interested in reader even if they started dating Karma. Now how would Karma react when he finds it out??
Karma x Reader where Asano has a one sided crush!
(the first part is more explaining the backstory and then the second half of ur main request!!)
Omg I’m gonna cry I wrote this once and it didn’t save😭😭
TYSM for requesting!! I can’t tell you how fun this was this is like my favorite request I’ve ever gotten
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First half ♡ the basis of your friendship with Asano!
Your thoughts on Kunugigaokas academic hierarchy had always aligned with Karmas rather than Asano’s, people were so much more than grades and the popularity came with it.
Asano saw you both in two different lights even if you clashed in opinions with him. You were too kind for your own good and were just seeing the best in people while Karma was, simply put, immature and impulsive in his eyes.
Even if you agreed with Karma on this one you were nothing alike, you couldn’t be.
Whenever you’d hear The Big 5 talk badly of any lower class student you’d tell them to quit it, the rest of the group would call you a buzz kill and reply with something along the lines of “People like them don’t deserve respect”.
(The big 5 is Asano and his main friend group and at the time yours too. They’re more like minions or henchmen to him but ya know)
This was the one type of occasion Asano would tell them to shut it.
“[Name] is right, don’t be so immature Seo, even if Eclass does deserve it.”
“Oh cmon you can’t seriously be taking [Name]’s side right no-“
“Didnt i tell you to shut up.”
“… ”
His favoritism towards you was very obvious (not that he was trying to be).
There were rumors going around saying you were dating and whatnot. His fan club was filled to the brim of pissed off girls who would kill to be in your place.
You’d been classmates with Karma before either of you were bumped down to end class but you were nothing more than desk mates, since he’d always ditch class early and never really talked to anyone other than Nagisa at the time.
Asano had advised you more than once to stay away from Karma, he’d tell you what were practically horror stories about Karmas insane fights and slightly (?) Criminal record.
Safe to say it kinda worked, you were intimidated.
“Really? ? He’s the reason Ren had a black eye last week??”
“Yeah, I’ve told you before- Akabane is more than insane.”
When you learned about further accounts from people other than Asano you’d realized Karma had only been standing up for people who’d been bullied. Your perspective on it all shifted. You had gained respect and admiration for Karma. What he was doing was kind in its own way and pretty chivalrous of him.
Even though you and Asano didn’t agree on much your friendship wasn’t something either of you we’re willing to throw away you’d been inseparable for years now, there wasn’t anything that could come between you, or so you thought.
When you got transferred to End Class for defending Hinano from an A class bully, Asano was surprised- he didn’t realize you’d be willing to take a hit to your record for something like this.
(I should add his fan club was over the moon when you got suspended they threw a little celebratory get together.)
Asano still texted you once in a while. It wasn’t the same as hanging out all the time like you used to.
Asano was having a dilemma, he liked hanging out with you but he told himself he couldn’t. He had an image to uphold for everyone in the main campus (and for himself in a way).
His text’s would be things like:
“Do good on the upcoming exams and they’ll want you right back in the main building. Goodluck!”
“Remember to study for next week [name]! unless you’d rather stay in end class.”
— second half:
When Karma first met you he thought you were dating Asano and so did the rest of E class. You had to make it clear Asano and you are nothing more than friends, if you could even call him a friend anymore.
When they find out the reason you got suspended was the same as Karmas they opened up, It was hard having the entire school and faculty against them so it was nice seeing you give up on your main campus status like that in order to help someone else.
This was what first got Karma interested in getting to know you, you weren’t the type to get into fights yet you still did for someone else’s sake. You had maintained a perfect record all throughout school up until now.
Once you start dating, you literally mean the world to him because he feels like you’re the only person he can be completely open with.
Asano: Okay I just heard the craziest rumor you’re dating the Eclass psycho?? Text back asap
[name] : it’s true wdym
Asano: ??? Is he threatening you???
[name]: No??😭
(Omg wtf did I just enter my text fic era(the answer is no))
He genuinely thinks you’re trolling until he accidentally sees you hanging out together somewhere.
when Karma finds out Asano likes you even though you’re very much taken he’s very annoyed but he very quickly turns the annoyance into smugness when realizes he has the upper hand in the situation.
Okay his rival likes you, and HES dating you?? That’s literally the biggest win. It’s Jackpot.
100% rubs it in Asanos face during argument he has with him. He does it casually so Asano doesn’t see it as annoying or stupid but more truthful and hurtful.
“Try not to fail the exams this time around, I know it’s difficult for people as cocky as you to put effort in.”
“Oh don’t worry about my scores Asano, [name]’s helping me study so I’m sure I’ll do great!”
He’s doesn’t usually initiate PDA but the second Asano is in sight Karma will be draped all over you.
He doesn’t really like you talking to Asano because he doesn’t trust Asano to not be a douche but he won’t outright tell you not to because he doesn’t want to sound controlling or needy to you.
If he sees Asano texted you he’ll reply with a selfie of himself
“We’re busy right now☺️.”
Asano is more confused than anything, why would anyone want to go out with that guy out of everyone in the world.
They’ve definitely argued about it
“They only reason [Name] is dating you is out of pity I don’t know why you flaunt it around every chance you get.”
“How would you know? Does she tell you? Oh right you guys barely talk nowadays.”
It won’t escalate to a full on fist fight unless Asano actually tries flirting with you (which I don’t know if he’d be dumb or cocky enough to do 😭)
Like the second something out of line comes out of that dudes mouth Karma is swinging.
Karma makes sure to prove to you he can one up Asano on anything.
Oh Asano got all A’s on his report card? Karma asked Korosensei to make sure the + was added next to his.
Asano can cook really well? Call Karma Gordon Ramsey because he’s now a culinary professional.
Asano made it on the cover of Kunugigaokas student paper?
Karma literally just tutored a bunch of near failing students and helped them achieve perfect scores getting him front cover on next week’s paper. (He stopped right after he secured the spot on the paper he wasn’t about to actually help people like that for FREE 😭.)
♡ ♡ (that one audio just played in my head while writing this “damn… someone took my bitch..😔”)
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im-yn-suckers · 1 year
soft moments with enhypen
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pairing-bf ot7 enha x fem reader no pronouns are really used so ye
warnings- kissing, cuddling, midnight convenience store run, food, tired niki, sitting on jungwon and niki's lap, in a FLUFFY way, not proofread. ;-;
heeseung ˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
he got home from work and saw that you were sleeping on the couch, wrapped up in a blanket. the tv was still on an everything. he sat next to you for a little bit, kissed your head and got up to shower. once he got out of the shower, you were still asleep. he sat down, and scooped you into his arms. you woke up after a few minutes,
you two watched tv for hours while telling each other cheesy jokes and pick-up lines, with kisses in between. you two got hungry so you made your way over to the kitchen. you looked around with heeseung glues to your back. you decided on a snack of your choice and went back to the living room.
you two aim snacks into each others mouths and giving each other light peck when it made it into a mouth (?) he kissed you passionately and you two cuddled for at least another two hours.
jay ˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
you were laying on your stomach and jay was massaging your back. pressing kisses on your skin whenever he had the chance. once he was done, he pulled you onto his chest and started singing you to sleep. his voice was sweeter than honey and smoother than butter. (idk either, ok?)
you fell asleep and he started to tell you the things he loved about you. all with you unaware of what he was saying.
he kissed you head and straightened the hairs that were out of place on your head. he braided a small patch of hair on your head and undid it. he adored your features as you were asleep.
-''i love you, so much"- he whispered to you, still sound asleep, in his arms.
jake ︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶
it was mignight and the both of you were starving. not to mention, you guys were wide awake. you decided to drive to the convenience store in his car. before you went in, you said.
-"ill get the drinks, you get the snacks, got it?"-
he nodded in response, you two walked in and spilt up. you snagged the last of your favorite drinks and met up with jake in the snack aisle. he asked what you wanted but you guys ended up grabbing tons of stuff.
you payed and left to the car. (you put on your seatbelts ofc. click it before you ticket!) you popped open both of your drinks and handed jake his. but before that he did that one thing where he puts his hand on the back of your headrest. you blushed but he didnt notice.
you rushed home. watched a movie and cuddled all night.
sunghoon '•.¸♡ ♡¸.•'
he took you on a date at the skating rink bc why not. he booked the entire skate rink for the two of you for 5 hours. everytime he sped up, you stumbled a bit, leaving a smile on his face. he would purposely speed up so you have an excuse to hold his hands.
-''slow down jagi''-
-''im not going that fast''-
-''you're going to fast for me, slow down a bit''-
-''ok, ok''-
he stops suddenly and you bump into him. you landed in his chest and he wrapped his arms around you. he kissed you, hands on your waist, your hands on his chest, slowly making their way around his neck. your cheeks turned a crimson red.
you two kept skating for another hour or so. once you got home, you cuddle and just watch tiktoks. maybe even do some. he kisses you in the middle of a tiktok you two are recording.
sunoo˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
skincare items were scattered all over the floor infront of you. you sat on the edge of the bathtub. sunoo kneeled between your legs, he began to pepper your face with kisses to ''prep'' it. he put your face mask on, and you put his on.
you two got hungry so you headed to the kitchen to make some dinner. you made some korean style spicy beef and rice. the timer for your face masks went off and you race over to take them off and put some serums on. you go back to cooking and make corny jokes.
the food is ready and you finish up your skincare. you ate and watched movies while cuddling.
jungwon *:・゚✧*:・゚
eating dinner with many things to talk about. laughter filled the air along with the scent of food. you told him about a quiz you had the next week and being the comfort person he is, you studied for a bit with jungwon watching, attached to you. you watched movies while laying down on the couch. after an emotional rollercoaster from the movie, you got hungry again so you went to make ramen for the both of you. you slurped your noodles softly and jungwon watched.
he wanted to play video games and you wanted to be on your phone so, you two went to his bedroom. while he played videogames at his desk, you wanted his attention so you went and plopped yourself on his lap. he wasn't surprised, so he continued playing his game.
after a few minutes, you put your finger in his dimple because you were craving his attention.
-''do you need my attention love?''-
you only nodded in response. he turned off his game and out his stuff away. he goes to the bed with you and you cuddle until you two fall asleep quietly.
niki ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-
you two were paying hide and seek because its fun. you find him while hes trying to find a new hiding spot. when he finds you, he picks you up and jumps as softly as possible. he kisses you deeply and after a while, you found yourself in his lap. he was laying against the couch while he played videogames on his switch. he occasionally craned his neck down to kiss the top of your head.
you were dozing off and niki was watching a movie on his phone when you woke up. you two had a tickle fight and niki won. all while you were dying of laughter.
after a while you went to the kitchen for water only to find niki half asleep on the table.
-''baby, go to sleep''-you said
-''no, i dont sleep without you. you know this''-
-''i know but-''-
-''no buts. im not going to sleep.''-
-''i'll be a few minutes ok, just go get ready for bed, ok?''- you pressed a kiss to his forehead with his arms lazily caressing your waist. he hummed in response and went to get ready for bed.
a few minutes later, you enter your shared room and plop on the bed. a few seconds later, niki plops down beside you.
-''thank you baby"- niki mumbled softly.
-''why? i should be the one thanking you for waiti-''-
you were cut off with his lips on yours. you fell asleep in his arms. your breaths seemed to sync with each other. your chests falling and rising at the same time.
the end
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noondefensesquad · 4 months
omg you saw it too!! Can you give us a detailed review too pretty please? But if you prefer not to, I totally understand!!
unfortunately my memory sucks and i saw it over a week ago at this point so i'll try my best 😅
i was sitting in row N so closer to the back and there were two people with ipads taking notes on things to change which was cool because im nosy. however, they didn't make a lot of notations and from what i could read, it mostly had to do with lighting so i don't expect much to change when i go see it again in a few weeks.
i love jamie's work and have seen his productions before but was still taken aback by the darkness at the beginning of the play. you can see tom on the screens (i loved the usage of cameras and screens so they could have full use of the theater) as he's backstage and the heavy breathing put me on edge because i was like
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then tom sat at the front of the stage and cried and because he is also such a pretty crier and maybe that's my own weird kink i had the biggest smile on my face. however, the girls in front of me were about to cry with him 😂 tell me this didnt do something for you!
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but when fran came out, the people around me sat up. she's phenomenal and i want more people to talk about her performance because she's the star of the show. the way she delivers her lines is so funny and they have a great balance of making it feel current while delivering the original iambic penameter.
then as soon as fran and tom came face to face, the audience audibly reacted. not loud enough to be distracting but enough that you know they were into it. i was in love
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lots of shakespeare stuff happened, tom took off that sweatshirt and came out in that vest and multiple people gasped. you can see his abs through the shirt 🫠 and when the nurse squeezes his arm and basically says juliet i get it, that line got a huge laugh. my internal monologue was just
this is a married man this is a married man this is a married man
and then intermission came and i talked to the people around me and this was the conversation
fran is so pretty, talented, funny, amazing, we love her
tom's haircut
tom's arms 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
is zendaya the jealous type or would she say yes that's my man (i had to pretend to be very normal about this conversation and said absolutely the jealous type i have no sources 👀)
how do we get to the stagedoor in time to see them (the amount of texts i got about those videos because i am RIGHT THERE with the most in love expression on my face)
the chemistry is unbelievable and we didn't want the show to be over
somehow we made it to the end of the play and i'll be honest, the second half is my least favorite part of the play so it was also my least favorite to watch. i love how silly and romantic the first half can be and the second half is more doom and gloom. i will say, when this exchange happens
"will you speak well of him that killed your cousin?"
"shall I speak ill of him that is my husband?"
my friend and i audibly said "oop" and that got laughs in our section. the best thing about this play was their delivery and when i read r&j, i couldve never imagined how much fun it could be coming from jamie.
anyway, at the end, we rushed out to the stage door and it was insane to see how the street cleared when tom left. and security was the best. really such sweet guys and if you see them being mean to people, they spend the whole time giving instruction is the friendliest way so those people deserved it.
the we got to speak with fran who is the sweetest and signed my customized r&j book with her face on the cover and my programme
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can't wait to go see it again in a few weeks. i wish i could have every second imprinted on my brain
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ideasarestuckinmyhead · 10 months
Thinking about Actor Au like how @no-see-um-incorrect did!
Interviewer: So tell me about you holding the gun at Derek?
Boo giggling: okay so like that came up bc I was reading the script and the backstory of Al, Seth and Derek.
Alphonse: oh shit yeah!
Boo: I was reading and just blurted out "I would put a bullet in this fuckers head." And everyone was shocked hearing me say that!
Seth: yeah bc you got this face when ya said it hon. Like you were actually gonna do it!
Boo: Yurri ended up liking the idea so that was added!
Star Cross Streamers:
Interviewer: So, when you started to work on Star Cross Streamer what did you think of actually meeting Star who is a big streamer?
Faust: I was actually really nervous meeting them and like acting with them as well. Since I'm an okay streamer and they're like a big shot right?
Star holding their chest: I made you nervous?!?!
Faust giggling: uuhhh yeah??? You were this cool person that was nice to everyone and I was a bitch.
Star: hey! You fixed your attitude anyways your much more enjoyable now!
Faust blinking: Did my attitude annoy you!?!?
Star giggling: no silly! I mean your just a but nicer now!
Interviewer: Auron, we heard that when Rook first met you they flirted right away at you?
*Rook hiding their face and nodding*
Auron: Ha! They did Yuuri wanted dme to meet them and I walked in. A wolf whistle was heard and they shot me a "Hey handsome how you doing?~"
Rook blushing and looking away: God I was like shocked seeing a hot dude and decided to flirt to calm myself.
Auron: don't worry it was flattering and nice. Also Yuuri got a laugh out of it.
Rook: he did he was trying to breath as I was blushing and not looking at you as I apologized for coming off so strong.
Demon Boyfriend:
Interviewer: So Lucien how do you feel about having to take three hours to get ready for your shooting?
Angel whispering: oh here we go
Lucien: Its so annoying!! And it gets itchy when I'm in it for too long!! Which suchs bc i mess up my lines with the voice changer.
Angel: there are MANY bloopers with Lucien.
Lucien pouting: Also it's hard to eat and cook in my set up.
Interviewer: Oh? You cook on set actually?
Lucien smiling: I'm a culinary student right now! Yuuri liked the idea of me actually cooking with the series so he let me!
Angel: I'm the taste tester when he makes something on set. Also once we tried doing brownies for a episode but Yuuri scrapped it bc it didnt seem right I think?
Lucien: But when a episode gets scrapped and there was food everyone gets some goodies bc of it.
Angel: yeah hes basically the mom of the group bc of it. He always asks if someone's hungry and starts cooking if someone complains about being even a pit peckish.
Lost & Found
Interviewer: So you two were actually childhood friends?
Charlie nodding: yeah we are!
Casper laying on him slightly: yeah I knew this loser since like middle school.
Charlie rolling his eyes: like you weren't a loser too!!
Interviewer: did some of the childhood friendship got added to the story?
Casper chuckling: yeah Yuuri was surprised when he found out we WERE childhood friends turned lovers and he loved how it feels real.
Charlie: but it also makes it hard being serious sometimes.
Casper: theres lots of bloopers where its Charlie messing up and I'm dogging on him for messing up. Then it turns into a big bicker thing and Yuuri has to scold us.
Charlie: yeah we get scolded the most out of everyone after Lucien. Its bc he eats too much on set.
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illyria-and-her-pet · 2 months
Hello everyone I'm back and I'm here to complain about the subdivision 2 scoring cause it was absolutely disgusting to see it happen literally in the same division.
I can't believe we got Rio 2.0 with how everyone was getting overscored except for China when they were literally rotating at the same time as USA & Kaylia+ we just saw the scores GB & Romania got.
They really tried to FYL QQY, but they can't and she will still make UB finals! They better not rob her in EF cause it makes no sense! Only 8.266 E when Kaylia got 8.5, Suni got 8.466, ZYH got 8.3, Jordan got 8.266, and Simone got 8.233??? How??? And Suni score only 0.2 less than QQY despite having 0.4 less in difficulty... I fear it Suni hits the 6.6 routine they would try to put it ahead of QQY's 6.8, which is just no!
Gutted QQY fell on the Arabian but I am manifesting her hitting the 7.2 on UB and being undeniable. It should be neck and neck with QQY-Kaylia and I still want them top 2 no matter the order, but I want fair judging! And it seems like judges are willing to put Kaylia far ahead of QQY or even ahead if Kaylia hit 7.0, while QQY hits 7.2. They're even trying to get Suni close to QQY when QQY and Kaylia should be far away from her.
Also Jordan was robbed from AA finals idc! Yes both Jordan and Suni were overscored e score wise on UB/BB, but Suni got gifted 0.4 in d score on beam which made the difference. Her beam score was literally insane especially with how beam has been scored since 2017 and the most overscored routine of the last two quads. 14.0 with 8.0 E and 6.0 D when it was giving 5.6 D and 7.5 E is an insane difference...
I am manifesting a judging 180 where QQY UB e scores are fair and Suni dismount gets downgraded to B for not being in line. The only thing that will stop me from being mad is judging being fair in the finals. Cause Suni is awesome and I love her beam when she hits it like Nats Day 2, but based on QF she cost Jordan AA final and she is going to cost someone beam final. I just hope the dismount doesn't affect any of the standings in TF, AA, or BB EF otherwise I will go even more insane!
Simone is truly insane tho having one of her best competitions of the year despite the calf pain. Idk how she did it and still managed the triple double, YDP, and Cheng. Like in vault warmups she put the YDP to her knees and her Lopez timer looked terrible yet she put both to her feet, did YDP with 9.4 E, and the Cheng honestly looked better amplitude and form wise then podium training. I hope she stays healthy through finals.
ZYQ is a smart queen just doing 6.6 d score beam to get into finals yet she still will qualify 1st to beam EF. She better win beam EF or its joever. Also 8.266 E so at least judges were kind to her. Idk why they are QQYphobic!
I feel bad for Jade. Both in PT and QF she couldn't do her dismount and ended up with just a layout or back tuck. Hezly also didnt do too well on BB or UB. I wonder if this means in TF, Jordan will do BB over Hezly and Suni will do floor over Jade.
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kuni-is-daddy · 1 year
Being scared of scara but also passionate about him is so >>>
Hes putting you in ur place putting fear and pleasure into ur body and mind
FLUFF X SMUT(face sittingg, god complexx) word count 1.2k
I love how the sumeru archon is so passionate about their people even after everything that happened. scaramouche has his reasons but the way he was so dismissive of that ideal just gave me BUTTERFLYS. I'm glad you liked it. 10+ notes on that is crazyy :) Now scaramouche wants REDEMPTION. hes so sorry for what happened :(.
Part 1 scara fics lessor lord masterlist
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Its been one week since your encounter with shouki no kami. But you couldnt seem to remember anything. You woke up the next day and your body was in great pain from your back down. Along with your missing celestial weapon. The sun set as you sat at your booth you visit everyday to talk with your people in a less 'formal way.' The idea: talk to your god directly about questions you'd have regarding dreams. It took a while for citizens to adjust to talking to a great being as you but in the end everyone enjoyed it.
"Lessor lord y/n? is everything okay?" the woman asked. "H-huh? y-yeah im fine, sorry. Just thinking about things. May your dreams be blessed and my words guide you to everlasting peace." You shook the woman's hand and took a deep sigh while resting your head on the table as she walked away. 'Joururi workshop? I never heard of that place before..and their turning it into a underground research facility for scholars? No wonder their hasnt been many people here today.' As you daydreamed only 1 person remained in line, A short looking 'little boy' with a large hat, anemo vision and lengthy box in his hand. He looked down at you. His beautiful blue crystal eyes and black eyeliner put you in a trance as you looked up upon him. You cleared your throat and offered him a walk through the city, as he intrigued you.
The two of you walked through the city and stopped at your home town, the moon rose deep in the night sky. On the way, He told you He went by "The wanderer" a vagrant from inazuma. He didnt have a legitimate home and would travel across teyvat taking in the joke of a world he's in. 'joke of a world' It was amusing to you how he bluntly disrespected the divine as if he wasn't Infront of an archon. You walked closer to him and interlocked arms halfway to your home. He noticed and stopped walking. "A-are you okay wanderer?" He snapped out of his daze. "Yeah. Good." You smiled again, "Im glad you are, wanderer. I hope sumeru can maybe be your real home soon and I'll make sure everyone treats you welcomely :)" You gave him a bright smile while blushing and had a revelation. "O-oh thats right im sorry. I hope you dont mind coming over for tea.." "Oh hah hah its no problem. Of course, I'd love to come over." His smile sent butterflies into your stomach as you turned to unlock the door. However, he stared at you. Observing. Thinking. Looking at your presence. Innocent and pure. Not knowing who your falling for was the same ex-god who corrupted you and fucked you until you passed out from his big cock.
Your home was well kept with a divine smell of flowers. There we're many pictures of you with citizens during grand openings of shops and schools. A particular picture crossed his eye as he drunk his bitter black tea. A picture of you in inazuma, shaking hands with his creator. The almighty raiden shogun, god of thunder. Formally known as the electro archon. "Oh heh heh. I see you noticed that picture. Your from inazuma right? Your archon is a very nice person even though she comes off pretty intimidating." He stared at you blankly. "Is that right... " Wanderer put his bitter black tea on the counter. "Yeah! your eyes actually remind me of her's..but.. Your beautiful." you said while blushing. "Oh really? Your calling my ma- My archon ugly?" He smirked "S-Sorry! This got way off track...N-no im not.. Your just.. Really..handsome. She's..pretty but I like how you talk like you dont give a fuck. Sometimes...I miss how people would talk straight up like you." You said as you put your tea down.
"Well isnt that ironic for the 'god of wisdom' to say." Wanderer moved closer to you. Cupping your cheeks with his hand. "I morally...Tell it like it is..If someone cant handle it..Maybe thats their problem." Your body felt shaken up from his presence..."Do you truly not remember me? "You seem a little out of it 'god of wisdom' Whats wrong?" he smiled. "Let me help you remember...love." You closed your eyes as he pulled you into a sloppy kiss. 'i..Dont.. Remember him?' as you opened your eyes to see his looking back at you. It hit. Something about the way he said 'god of wisdom' made you shake. "K-Kuni..?" The way you said his name made your lips quiver. But made his cock hard. "Ah.. so you do remember now.. Dont worry. Things changed." "Wh-whats changed? wait did you..did you erase yourself from irminsul?!" you pushed him away with a panicked expression. "Ding ding ding! You got it, irminsul responded to my wish, but it didnt give me the outcome i desired..So.. Im starting over." he sighed. "W-what did you desire Kunikuzushi?"
"M-me..? W-wait. Kuni, this is wrong. Dont say that again- After what you did.." you we're against the door to your room. "Shh shh.. Its okay y/n.. We're starting over remember. It'll feel good kay?" He tried to comfort you while opening the door to your room. You laid down on the bed as he was ontop of you. "You said you liked my eyes huh? How they glow... and that im 'pretty' we're you lying about that baby? or do you really love me." Your body tensed up and you started breathing heavily as he trailed kisses on your neck. "course' not..I didnt lie. Even back then i-..Care about you." It felt like slime to say those words. caring about a man who disregarded you and made you feel like dirt. "You're burning up y/n.. Relax.. okay.." He whispered.
"Want me to treat you like the god you are, love? Is that what you want. I'll make it up to you." His hands began to trail down onto your neck. "Ohh fuck i missed your body.. You like it when i hold your neck baby?" His fingers pressed against your pulse point. "shit..your heart is beating so fucking fast f' me." you scoffed "tsk are you a doctor now..?" Kuni laughed at your remark. His hands now trail down to your thighs. On instinct they press together as his hands are inbetween them. "mmm your sensitive y/n." As he explored your body you kept thinking 'this isnt right. i should tell him to stop. i- "Ah~ K-kuni. what are you doing?!" you couldnt see as his head was between your legs. "Mmm im tasting you y/n..Fuck you taste good. Shoulda' did this last time" He motioned for you to sit on his face and you hesitantly switched positions. He layed against the pillow while taking his shirt off. "Now its your turn y/n" You stared at his lean form. His body looked so well built. "Y/n.. you just gonna stare like a loser? hmm... or do you like what you see babe?" he patted again for you to sit on his face and you did. slowly lowering yourself "Dont worry itll feel g-" You slowly moved back and forth as his tongue found his way into your entrance "K-Kuni~ Your tongue it feels so good~" "mphmm baby.. You like that..?" "Y-Yes kuni." You looked down to see his eyes slowly rolling back "C-cUhm on m~ face~ y/n" '??' You couldnt make out what he was saying as you we're so drunk in the pleasure coming from his tongue. You roughly grabbed his hair and began to ride his face "M-mPH S-SHIT Y/N-" Your back arched and smothered his face with your drolling hole. You chased your own high as kuni gripped hard on your ass, symbolizing that he couldnt breathe. "Y-yes kuni~ use your tongue for me daddy..Please make me feel good- I wanna cum on your face. please" your thighs began to squish his face as he couldnt breathe. "G-gnna cum kuni~ M' close daddy.. Im so close.. His vision slowly began to turn black until you came on his face. Your warm cum painted his face along with his hair looking completely messy. In shock, you got off of Kuni as he coughed, panted and breathed hard. "Oh no- K-Kuni are you okay? Im so sorry i shouldnt ha-" you looked at his body to realize the wet tent in his pants.
"f-Fuck y/n.. Sit on my face again."
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waddei · 6 months
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full story behind these images (6.5k words open at your own risk)
pacing back and forth in the damp grass roman bit his nails waiting for tomas to pick up the phone.
his boots splashes on the muddy puddles, staining his soles.
a small click from the phone made him jump.
“tom thank god-”
“what do you want” his friend whisper shouts. voice as always a strange mix between quiet but assertive.
“i need your help” he says with far too little shame for someone calling in the middle of the night.
the wind hit his back harsher than before now, dark clouds swerved above him and he could only pray that the night ended with a storm. He can imagine himself, staring through the window at the flooding street with a grin, watching the rushing  mud and sand wash the town clean. 
tom doesn't  answer,but thats normal by now.
“its important” he begs, a ‘please’ goes unsaid for his own egos sake.
“lets meet at our spot shall we?” he sounds as frantic as his heartbeat feels, tom mooks him from the comfort of his home with an intentionally loud sip of his mug.
he doesnt let the distance stop him from feeling those hollow green eyes stare down at him
“what did you do” tom asks, impatient. for what though, roman doesn't know, that sense of hurry around him never faded.
he swallows as he looks down at his feet. resting next to them in the grass was the man's head, his nose had long stopped bleeding and lifeless eyes stared up at him in long ignored plea of mercy, they were starting to gloss over. roman bit back a sound of disgust.
“i cant tell you right now.just come here” 
tom gave a long heavy sigh “my brother’s sleeping” he said, like it mattered at all.
“do i look like i care?" he snarled “bring your bike too if you're coming”
the body below him caught his eye again. it was fairly tall,only a few inches short of himself,which was impressive in its own right. 
“two trash bags too if you happen to have any”
“yes… two”
tom huffed and the call was cut with no goodbye, again ,not unusual but it never failed to annoy him.
with a groan he squats down in the grass, careful not to stain his jeans neither green nor red. 
he feels unseeing eyes  burn his back.the body had not moved, obviously, its mouth hanged open after having its last words die on his tongue.
He doubts he would have had anything of value to say anyways.
The bastard,miserable not unlike himself, chose to go down swearing until the very end when, after the reality of his situation dawned on him, he began pleading and bargaining like he was talking to the devil. which, if you where to ask anyone else, he was.
his last words where as nonsensical as they were a threat.
Roman doubts it'll amount to anything, after all the plan was to not get caught.
as for the rest of ‘the plan’ as he likes to call it: it didn't have any more steps for now. at least until tom got here, he'll figure it out from there.
He looks up at the moon,bright and unusually big. She sat in the sky directly above him like an otherworldly spotlight parting through the clouds with little struggle,he revels in it even if just for a moment. his childish fascination with her never quite faded.
the wind continued to ruin his moment, swaying tree branches dangerously close to his face, his jacket wasn't enough to keep out the cold, shamefully he wrapped his arms around himself.
a leaf smacks him in the face. He rips the small branch out.
‘tom should be on his way already’-he thinks to distract himself- ‘if he's even coming’.
he's sure he will, where else would he go?
man of habit he is,he’ll find his way here eventually even if roman hadn't called him, he's sure of that.  hed make his rounds like he always does and, eventually, they'd meet again even if he didnt move an inch until then.
he doesn't want to move really,not at all. feeling like he's putting his life on the line if he leaves the corpse alone.
walking through the dense vegetation wasn't easy, he envies the ease tom seemed to have with it.
He makes it to a clearing in the bushes, a familiar checkpoint when traversing the landscape that tom had originally shown  him.
he skips right through it this time, heading for a particular tall tree that stood out against the horizon.
at its base was everything he ever needed. 
Tom, with his bike and two large trash bags pooling out of his cammo vests pockets.
his head snaps to look at him once he crosses the threshold to ‘their place’.
a nice, semi enclosed area by the base of a tree older than everyone they've ever meet where a fallen log made a makeshift bench. tom was sitting on it with his bike next to him. 
wordlessly and shielding his shaking hands he motions for him to follow and  Tom does so with a disinterested look.
roman begins leading him to the scene.
tom jumps over the bushes roman had gotten his pants caught on before. “what did you do?” he asks, verbatim as he had done so on the phone. roman ignores him and hops over a hole in the dirt, tom follows and he helps him haul his bike over it.
they reach the clearing, small drops of water already drizzling made each blade of grass sparkle.
 tom stares at them as he always does,roman assumes a certain fascination with it might exist but the boy's eyes remain as painfully neutral as they always do.
he does not bother hurrying him up as he too takes a moment to stare, only he looks up at the moon instead, trying to  steady his trembling hands.
they move on once tom grows bored of watching the ants or whatever. Roman leads him to the other semi cleared area where he knew the body was.
parting the bushes for tom like the gentleman he is, he lets him take a good look at the scene before saying anything. He takes note of how wide his eyes grow as he scans the ground in front of him. a horrified look begins to paint itself on his face.
it doesn't last much, the small flash of emotion was quickly drowned out by  his usual apathetic look. 
“what did you do?” he asks for the third time, carefully looking at him up and down with a hint of disgust showing through the ice.
“i think its obvious”  roman jumps over closer to the body and further away from tom.
“i fucked up..” he sais with his hands on his hips in a vain attempt a showmanship. “went a bit too far this time”
tom crouches down near his foot and near the man's head, his eyes go wide again when he makes eye contact with it. he watches incredulously as roman, nonchalantly,  nudges an arm with his foot.
“i think i might need some help” its a bold thing to admit for someone like him, tom doesn't fail to notice it.
greyish green eyes narrow on him like a hawk and with a single precise motion he throws the trash bags at his feet.
“im not touching it” he declares with a tone that leaves no room for argument. 
 that's fine, a sensible boundary even. all he needed was the bike and the bags. He opens up the folded bags and lays them in the ground next to the body while avoiding his friends stare.
“welp” he announces to no one, for he knows tom isn't paying attention. “lets get to work”
with more effort than expected he sits the man,dead as he was, against a short stump.
a  phone falls out of his pockets in the meanwhile, tom immediately smashes it below his foot. roman jumped “whats your problem?”
“they can track that” he stomps on it again for good measure.
“i could have sold it-”
“tell me what happened” 
tomas isn't someone he’d call intimidating. the boy was as thin as one can get and a full head shorter than him, but he was hard to read. impossible even. it scared roman in a very specific way he struggled to explain. 
he sighs, with the stars as witnesses he pulls the man's legs closer to his chest.
“well we were just supposed to fight. fucker slipped me a note with a date and place and i just came-uhmp!” He struggled with folding the arms over the chest.
“and?” tom pressed.
“well i had a bad day! and He was pissing me off more than usual..” he takes one last look at the mans’s face, ridden with  bruises and with an undeniably broken nose, his eyes couldn't glare at him anymore. “so once i had him down i just kept stomping on his head”
it felt strange to admit it so easily. tom winced and looked away back to the clearing.roman  took this as a cue to finally fit the first bag over the corpse's head. it covered it all the way to his hips as he expected.
the legs turn out to be much harder to lift than anticipated but he makes due without help. Once the two bags meet he ties them both together at various points until the body is fully secured inside, clumsily  wrapped like a home cooked meal.
he giggles at the thought,Tomas glares at him again.
"we have to get this out of sight somehow" he mumbles "do you still have that shovel in your garage?"
Tom doesn't answer, but he does not freeze either. He stares intently at him, watching him struggle to balance the body on the bike;he sets it with its legs between the front bar where he,while driving, could hold it still.
struggling to drive the bike through the bushes he almost misses Tom silently walking away.
"hey!"  he almost loses hold of the handles. "where are you going?" 
the boy jumps the bushes into the clearing. his hair  sways violently with the wind but Tomas never seemed to mind the way it covered his eyes at random.
"you want the shovel right?" he spits,not bothering to look back at him.
A smile creeps up his face and he bares his teeth like a child;far too giddy even for his own comfort he watches his friend walk away. 
in the meanwhile a thought emerges, unwanted and uncalled for, a little voice inside himself that trembled and stuttered at every word like he's sure he used to  'what if he tells on you' it whispers into his ear 'what if he tells his brother' 
he groans, pushing the bike up another bush. tomas wouldn't, he barely fucking talks in the first place. that won't happen.
the bag slumps forward,too distracted to catch it he lets the corpse hit its head against the front wheel.
he snorts imagining how it's nose must have flattened against it. his shoulders immediately sag after, there's a dirty feeling that comes with laughing at a corpse,no less one you've killed.
He reaches a big rock, too big to jump over,too heavy to lift and too annoying to push the bike around.
scanning the skyline he sees nothing but short,spiky bushes and scattered trees in front of him. the already dim lights of the town were completely lost from sight. the wind lifted up the sandy ground into his eyes but aside from that? it was a perfect spot.
He sets the bag on the ground, letting the bike and himself rest.
now he waits.
He can do nothing without something to dig with. He can get as many rocks out the way as he wants but that in the end doesn't take too long.
he looks up, the moon hadn't moved much from when he last saw her,now without branches to bother him the ghostly light pools over him.The stars shine brighter here in the open field, they occasionally peek from behind the rapidly moving clouds. He lets himself relax,leaning over the hard rock. even with the cold freezing his face a sigh escapes him, carelessly he kicks the bag away and rests his legs over another rock. thunders threatens to make the sky fall on him,he cant bring himself to care.
the beating inside his chest slows down for the first time since the man's head hit the floor. leaves and sand fly at his face so his eyes shut on their own.
'hes taking too long' the meek voice whispers. Tom's house was not too far, but without his bike it's quite the trip. He's not taking detours, his brother was asleep. 
‘shut the fuck up’ he mentally yells at it.
his head drifts and he slowly sinks down as he lets himself lay down more and more against the rock.
ignoring the way the cold bites at  his skin he rests.
with his eyes closed he can't tell if hes asleep or not until  he feels movement on the bushes.
before he can open his eyes to check he's smacked in the stomach with a blunt object.
roman jumps to his feet, hands balled up and ready to fight but before him stood tomas. with a shovel.
"thank God" his hands fall to his sides again.
Tom's hands extend, silently offering him the shovel.
he takes it with a quick remark."you scared me"  
tomas ignores him again and sits down on a different rock a few steps away, staring at the floor he snaps a branch off one of the nearby bushes.
"well!" he dusts his pants off, mostly to amuse himself "I better get to work now! 
the shovel was small, not meant for anything more than some mild garnering or playing in the sand. it stood to about his knee when he stuck it in the ground;still he had to make this work.
bit by bit he began shoveling the sandy dirt out of the way,he would have been sweating hadn't he already been freezing.
"y'know when you mentioned-" the shovel struck a rock, he struggled to lift it up again "having a shovel I wasn't expecting it to be so-" the rocks pops out the ground successfully "small"
he complains to the wind, because tom wasn't listening and even if he was he was not going to respond.
"should have told me it was more of a toy than anything-"
"there's blood in your hands now" tom cuts him off, fancying himself a cryptic bastard all of a sudden.
roman scoffs "no there isn't,I get any on me" 
the conversation, if you could even call it that, dies there. buried with the other guy most likely.
dry grass swayed, some of it stuck to his hair, some brushed at his arms and legs.
most of it he ripped off.
Tom's wordless stare burned on his back, but at least he wasn't alone. his own heartbeat set a rhythm for the shovel going in and out the dirt. the mount behind him grew bigger as the stars moved closer to the Horizon.
"it's 4:36 already" the boy  spoke up eventually.
roman took the last bit of dirt off the hole. "I'm almost done" carelessly he began pushing the bag into the it  with his foot.
tomas waits for the wind to quit loudly howling on their ears to speak again . "my brother wakes up at 5:30" 
he clicks his tongue, being a little meaner than he intended  "I don't care-" 
"he'll notice if I'm gone,give me the shovel back"
roman ignores him, instead hitting the bag with it, making it go down further into the dirt.
"give me 5 more minutes with it" he argues, not bothering to wait for a response.
quickly he covers the hole back up and, as soon as he dusts his hands and before he declares his work done, tom rips the shovel out of his hands. roman doesn't protest when their eyes lock for a second too long.
he stares at the ground where he knows the body is. only shooting a goodbye to Tom once he hears him pick his bike up.
he doesn't doubt the boy waved at him.
he always did.
He picked  his bike up and drove through the terrain like it was nothing, roman knows he has been here before, but he doubts he'll come  back.
confidently roman adds ‘corpses’ to his (mental and very short) list of things he knows  tomas does not like.it sat comfortably next to some classics like: ‘talking’,‘strawberries’ and  ‘staying still’
he giggles at it, although more concerning probably was that he couldn't name a single thing tom liked aside from walking and probably the color green, nor a single other  person he knew aside from himself and his brother.
a brother that to this day remained unnamed. 
He has fun imagining what he'd be like sometimes, there's plenty of time to kill during the day after all. 
‘he probably wouldn't like to meet you’ a weaker version of himself comments, he ignores it.
a single drop soaking through his jacket was enough to drag him back to reality.
the clouds had grown darker, they obscured the moon completely now.
he fills his chest with the salty humid air one last time before turning his back on the burial and heading back the same way Tom had.
he avoids the kill site and prays to no god in particular that the rain was enough to wash it all clean. it was starting to pick up now so the world might be on his side after all.
He reaches the port before he does any roads, the rotten wooden docks left much to be desired but he was used to them now, as a child he had enjoyed watching the crabs that lived under it bury themselves in the sand. the river led directly to the sea. Fisher boats rested on the sand,some new and shiny, most  rusted and abandoned for tourists to take pictures next to.
bright yellow street lamps made the raindrops much more evident. 
taking the chance he looked at his reflection in a closed storefront, he looked as he always had,just a bit more wet. his mask was getting a bit  uncomfortable but it stayed on.
the paved road was the longest way back but he takes it anyway,more mud on his shoes wouldn't be ideal. He blindly walks until he reaches one of the two main roads in the town with a stoplight in it.  he turns right, avoiding walking by it for too long, the backstreets being even more empty if this was possible.
thunder roared above him and a smile tugged at his lips. almost immediately the light rain turned into a violent outpour,but that didn't matter, he could see his house from here already.
doing his best to not wake anyone up Roman limbs to his window like he always does though this time the heavy rain helps disguise the noise.
before he sets foot inside,still sitting on the windowsill, he take this shoes off and carries them to the bathroom.
the jacket lands in the floor and his pants on top of the toilet as he tears his soaked clothes off without much care and almost trips trying to plug the hairdryer on.
he sets it balanced against a shampoo bottle and pointing at his jacket, hoping to dry it while he, using a random brush his mom used to clean the ceramic, aggressive cleaned the mud off his shoes in the shower. 
in the meantime the rain got worse-or better if you where to ask him. his mom's carefully pruned garden began to flood and soon so did the street. the dirt ones-he assumes-aren't doing much better.
he gets giddy at what that means for him tonight.
He dries his clothes, washes his hair and cleans his shoes. by the time he's done it's nearing 7am already.
he goes to sleep, the rain still falling above the house served well for white noise.
the trees outside slammed their branches into his window but his eyes remained shut.
the brewing storm outside promised flow but he didn't care.
his brother was snoring again, he could hear it even with the wind whistling louder and louder. javier was a heavy sleeper, tomas envied him for that.
deep breath after deep breath he failed to fall asleep for the third night in a row,though at least today he had more of an excuse. the branches scratching at his window are more than distracting.
he stares at the back of his eyelids for some time, he can feel the gears on his alarm clock ticking,the hands moving 
every second.
every minute.
every hour.
it marked 2:30 am.
too tired to sleep, Tomas springs out of his bed in frustration.
his feet blindly find his slippers and he's off to the hallway in less than 3 steps.
he takes a practiced route to the kitchen, practically blind he feels the texture of the floor change From the more textured tiles of the hallway to the smooth, cream colored ones on the kitchen. he pries his eyes open but the darkness doesn't get any better until he hits the light switch next to the door.
the wind makes the windows shake and creak, it drowns over the sound of the cabinet opening perfectly.
the movement is near automatic when he fills a small pot with water and sets it on the stove. tomas opens the gas tank and lights the burner on.
from a small box his mother had left them behind he takes a teabag while the water boils.
the kitchen small window leaked the same way it had been leaking since they where kids, tomas stepped over the small puddle to grab his cup from the cabinet and brew himself something warm.
as he blows on it, the phone at the corner of the room lights up. 
at this hour and  with this climate there was only one person that could call.
so,at this hour and with this climate tom let's it ring for a minute or two while stirring his drink.
roman is persistent, and eventually he lets himm get his way.
"tom thank god-" wind  came through the other end stronger than his voice.
"what do you want"
he hears roman swallow "I need your help"
aware of how those words burned his tongue yhe lets them sit in the air.
Uncaring, he waits for roman to get tired of waiting.
"it's important" he clarifies uselessly "let's meet at out spot shall we?" he rushed over his words, trembling slightly.
the  cold must be getting to him-tomas thinks. he wraps his hand around the warm mug and takes a sip, loudly savoring it.
he can feel roman grow impatient. 
"what did you do" he asks him, wary of the volume in his voice to not wake his brother up even with the incoming storm raging outside.
roman swallows, he hears  the gears on his head turning even though the heavy winds. his tongue clicks a few times while he's lost in thought.
“i cant tell you right now.just come here” 
tomascarefully eyes the hallway, still dark and with only javi's  snores coming through.he gave a long sigh.
 “my brother's sleeping” he said,more so as a comment than an excuse.
“do i look like i care?" roman  growled at him, needlessly angry like always “bring your bike too if you're coming”
he went quiet again, tomas wished he could see his face at least. He hated talking through the phone.
he hears him take another deep breath, “two trash bags too if you happen to have any”  
the wind filled the silence on both sides,his brother was still sleeping.
“two?” tomas eyes the drawer where javier keeps them.
“yes… two”
he hangs up,taking another sip in the meanwhile.
the dots are not hard to connect, it was going to happen eventually.
his fingers curled tightly around the cup.
with a deep breath tomas dumps the remaining tea down the drain and rushes to the hallway.
at the end of it was his brothers door, halfway open and with its handle poorly painted. 
"javi" he calls out, quiet enough to not wake him up but loud enough that if he where to be awake he'd hear it. 
the only answer he gets is a loud snore. 
avoiding looking at himself in the hallway mirror like always he makes his way to his room.
the curtains where drawn, the orange fabric tinted gray by the dark sky behind it.
He closes the blinds like he should have before going to sleep.
his bedsheets were still in the mess he had left them in and they will stay like that for now.
tomas changes out of his old pajama shorts in favor of a pair of dark jeans, over his shirt he throws on a dark long sleeved one and then a puffy vest after hearing the wind seemingly pick up even more.
he doesn't take his phone with him, roman was an idiot for taking his.
He stands before the wooden door now, heavy and old it'll surely wake javier up if he opens it. the keys dangling were already too noisy for him to feel safe holding them. The 3 locks taunted him. not to mention the extra bar door outside with its extra two locks, he took his eyes away from it when the window creaked once again.
it led to the patio, right in front of the grill they never use.
he took off the teaspoon that had been acting as a lock for years now after the wooden hook had snapped on an storm not too dissimilar from this one.
the wind immediately threw the glass open and he fought to keep them from slapping against the wall.
tomas grinded his teeth, climbing on top of the couch and pilling on the cushions behind him to block the window he eventually took the small leap into the outside.
immediately he doubled over shivering. warm air form his mouth formed vapor clouds in front of him. 
he rushed down the stairs to the street, taking a sharp turn to the garage he where fiddles for a minute with the lock. the gates draw sand with them when they open and next to javiers beat up sienna  was his bike, slightly rusted from pedaling in the sand.
the fig tree swayed it's branches dangerously low to the ground and to his face, it slapped the back of his head as a goodbye when he jumps the front gate.
he braces himself under the yellow streetlight, getting on his bike the wind hits even harder.
knowing the dirt street like the back of his hands he swiftly dodges potholes and rocks. passing by the same houses he always did, Tomas takes the last street along to the beach all the way to the very back of the town.
his heart races when he spots the bushes he's about to go into.
the empty, wild terrain, was uninhabited.tainted only sometimes and near the road with attempts at building makeshift houses or old tent set ups abandoned. he never bothered fucking with any of them.
above the unfinished foundation and trash stood an unfinished two story house, all bare bricks except for it's roof which had surprisingly been finished but now was partially caving in.
he ignored it for now. he knew what it's inside looked like down to every graffiti painted, but it served as a nice checkpoint to know where he was going.
turning a sharp left from the front of the house where  the bushes began to become trees one large one stood out, literally, above the rest.
his second checkpoint.
‘their spot'
he gets there with ease, and now he waits. thankfully not for long.
the cold humid air was soured when roman, panting and trembling, jumped over the bushes to meet him.
he doesn't say as much as a hello. only becoming him to follow.
so Tomas, against his better judgment and like he always does, follows.
looking from side to side every time a leaf swayed Roman led the way, clearly not comfortable having his back turned on him he looks back to meet green tired eyes multiple times. they narrow on him, and tomas is  sure he can feel it.
“what did you do” he asks, just like he had before.
roman stutters in his step, almost tripping on the grass, but he doesn't respond. he silently offers help to haul his bike over a hole,tomas takes it.
they reach a clearing in the trees soon enough. the air became thick and uncomfortable almost immediately. it's an energy tomas  can't describe, but he's sure he knows what it is deep inside.
he stops, bowing his head down to think.
roman gladly waits for him, spelling out that he, in a way, didn't want to continue either;he stares at the moon with silent guilt weighing his eyes.
they moved on eventually, when tomas wraps his head around the atmosphere and roman quits brooding the later parts the bushes for the former.
tom jumps without looking ahead.
previously blocked by Romans back he saw a man, unconscious, laying in the grass.
his eyes glazed over.
his mouth hanged open.
his face with no spot left unbruised.
he saw a man,dead, laying on the grass
“what did you do?” tomas asks for the third time. eyeing Roman up and down with barely disguised disgust showing I'm his eyes.
“i think its obvious”  roman jumps over closer to the body and further away from himself.  “i fucked up” he says with faux boredom coating his tongue  “went a bit too far this time”
tomas crouches down near the man's head, inspecting with a heavy hearth it's expression twisted in a final scream of anguish.
he watches incredulously as roman, with needles fake casualty nudges an arm with his foot. “i think i might need some help” 
tomas, understaiding, tosses the bags his way. “I'm not touching it”
roman huffs.
“welp” he announces, ignoring the way tomas burns his eyes into him “lets get to work”
tomas watches him struggle with the body, trying to make it sit. 
the man's phone falls out his Pockets and he panics. He immediately smashes it below his foot.
roman jumped “whats your problem?”
“they can track that” he stomps on it again for good measure.
“i could have sold it-” roman whines.
“tell me what happened” he more or less barks at him, wincing at the volume of his own voice.
roman gives a shaky sigh, pleading to the sky for strength to help him pull the man's legs closer to his chest while he talks.
“well,we were just supposed to fight” his gaze drifted over the body, faltering for only one second before continuing. 
“fucker slipped me a note with a date and place and i just came-uhmp!” he interrupted himself, struggling with the bodies limbs.
“and?” tom pressed.
“well i had a bad day! and He was pissing me off more than usual..” he splutters, throwing the dead man a Nasty look like he could see it. “so once i had him down i just kept stomping on his head”
his gut twists in disgust. roman, completely occupied with the task at hand, didn't notice.
he turns his eyes back to the clearing where the soft grass swayed in the strong wind.
tomas hears roman fitting the bags over the man.  a soft giggle, tone-deaf if you where to ask him, leaves his lips when he finishes. he doesn't know what came first, if the head or the legs but when he turns his head to glare at roman the man is fully covered.
"we have to get this out of sight somehow”
roman talks to himself.
tomas bites his tongue.‘we is a strong word’
unaware roman keeps going "do you still have that shovel in your garage?” 
not waiting for an answer roman grabs his bike like it belonged to him and,with little consideration for its owner standing behind him, balances the bags on it. 
he hopes he can feels his eyes burning his back. 
he watches, still struggling to believe it all, how his friend handled the corpse like it was no more than an inconvenience, cursing quietly to himself trying to thread the bike over a bush.
he'd love to be surprised to see the utter lack of care on the man's eyes.
he's grown accustomed to it,it always lingered whenever he talked about anything that wasn't himself,though tomas struggled to call him narcissistic; there's a slight difference between believing you're above everything and believing everything is below you. 
a certain nihilism always accompanies the latter. he knew this to be true, roman wasn't particularly shy about it. pessimistic anger coated his every word when they pertained to the world outside their own bubble.
he watches the only person outside his own brother that he's directed as much as a word towards in the last 6 months struggle with the corpse of the man he’d just killed.
silently as always, he makes a choice and jumps into the clearing.
"hey!" his friend calls out  "where are you going?" 
"you want the shovel right?" He avoids romans eyes. not letting him see the guilt welling on his own.
As soon as he's out of sight he sprints through the trees, blindly jumping and dodging until he hits the road again. out of breath he pushes himself, filling his mind with every minute detail of the dirt road below his feet to black out any other thoughts.
his chest burns already when he reaches his own street. With Every step he took  he could imagine his brother, arms crossed in the kitchen table, maybe drinking a coffee, maybe staring coldly at the door. waiting for him.
his voice, always weighed down with worry, would ask him where he went; and tomas, the weak man he is, would not be able to lie.
not to him.
he reaches the crossroad his house sat on, old and weathering with a certain charm that was lost in everyone but him.
the lights were all off still.
he jumps the first ,low, gate.going up the concrete stairs only to peek inside .he saw the kitchen empty. his legs give up in relief but his heart still pounds on his throat.
he went down the stairs again, letting his eyes linger on every leaf the tree besides it had to offer. in summer,it would blossom in beautiful pink but the wind didn't let him entertain that idea too much.
it didn't take him long to find the shovel. he gripped it in his hands like his life depended on it, but he didnt take  off with it, not instantly as he’s sure roman would hope.
he could turn back. climb back up the stairs and go back to bed.
he could call the police too, but the thought of not seeing roman again didn't feel right.
 only once did he consider himself behind bars too, it occurred to him in that moment that he cared very little where he got to spend the rest of his life, only his brother's imaginary disappointed-no- disgusted glare really moved him.
forcing himself to make a choice he again picks the worse one and takes off running again, now with the shovel clenched tightly to his chest
he gets to the crime scene and runs north from there, following the tracks of his own bike in what little dirt was left uncovered by vegetation.
roman;the man of the hour, sleep like a baby on a rock.he envied  him really.
slowly he approached, stalking just above the grass like a predator about to pounce, he sees the man stir as he raises the shovel.
in an anger fuelled attempt at playfulness tomas hits roman in the stomach with non insignificant strength.
roman yells and jumps to his feet, fists clumsily balled up in mockery of what could be a fighting stance. his eyes focus soon enough  tough and he lets his hands fall.
“thank god, you scared me” he lets the shovel be handed to him with no comment.tomas sits down on a different rock a few steps away, staring at the floor he snaps a branch off one of the nearby bushes.
"well!" roman dusts his pants off for show "I better get to work now! 
blindly he hears him struggle and lift the dirt from off the ground, occasionally feeling specks of it fly into his face.
"y'know when you mentioned-" the shovel struck a rock, roman struggled to lift it up again "having a shovel I wasn't expecting it to be so-" he pops it out the ground "small"
he complains like always, not really waiting for a response. even now tomas appreciated it to some degree.
not enough to fully ignore everything sadly. 
"should have told me it was more of a toy than anything-"
"there's blood in your hands now" tomas cuts his rambling off with a warning. a remainder he hopes will make it through that thick skull.
roman  scoffs "no there isn't,I get any on me"  he deflects, simple but effective it sent a very clear message.
‘i dont care’
silence,like always, is king between the both of them until tomas checks his watch.
"it's 4:36 already" he spoke up.
roman took the last bit of dirt off the hole. "I'm almost done" carelessly he began pushing the bag into the hole with his foot.
distantly the wind kept howling. tomas waited for it before he spoke again.
"my brother wakes up at 5:30" 
javier still had work early in the morning on saturdays.
roman clicked his tongue "I don't care-" 
"he'll notice if I'm gone,give me the shovel back"
tomas  demanded,but roman didn't listen, instead hitting the bag with it, making it go down further into the dirt.
"give me 5 more minutes with it" he argues. Tomas doesn't even bother to look back to him, nodding a yes hes sure roman didnt turn around for.
quickly he covers the hole back up and, as soon as he dusts his hands and before he declares his work done, tom rips the shovel out of his hands. roman doesn't protest when their eyes lock.
he runs again for the fourth time that night, reluctantly waving on his way out, mostly out of habit.
hes only a couple of steps away from his house when the sky gives in.
making his way into the kitchen he can hear his brother still snoring  loudly in his room.
He throws his clothes into the washer with the rest of the pile and starts the cycle, careful not to make too much noise, before going back to bed.
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