#but i promised you i'd give you an answer if you went speep
sparkedblaze · 1 year
[whispering so u won’t notice i’m continuing to bother you while you’re busy]
oscar’s always been casually aware that morris is pretty. he thinks it’s obvious, anyone with working eyes can see his brother’s got a nice face. but morris has never actually been Told that he’s attractive, aside from maybe being mocked by people like pa and snyder. he thinks he’s ugly, ‘cause he’s… him. he’s mean and rude, and all covered in scars. he’s always mottled with bruises and cuts, dirty and bloody.
the first time a guy calls morris pretty, he’s trying to use or manipulate him. oscar tells him exactly as much, inevitably overhearing or finding out after the fact when morris tells him.
the next time a guy calls morris pretty, he’s being entirely genuine, eyes sparkling as he takes in morris’ features.
morris scoffs. “gonna have to try harder’n that, ‘f’you wanna make fun a’ me.”
“what’re you talkin’ about? you ain’t got a mirror? you got a face right out of a movie.”
(I will never actually be mad at you for putting things here)
Jojo was beaming at Morris, though it was slowly falling as the other looked... almost hurt. "You got a face right out the films. I ain't makin' fun."
Morris scowled, curling up tighter on Miss Medda's couch. "You ain't gonna get me that easy. I ain't gonna let you."
Jojo's brows furrowed. "Wha'dya mean?"
"You ain't trickin' me," Morris mumbled, pulling his blankie tighter to his chest.
"I'm not," Jojo agreed, sitting on the floor by Morris's head. "I'm being absolutely serious."
He looked around for Oscar, not wanting to be trashed by the older Delancey for talking to his little brother. He seemed to be outside, with most everyone else, enjoying the nice weather after the winter freeze.
"You ain't... You jus' like Martin..." Morris shook his head. "I ain't gon' let you do tha'."
"Martin?" Jojo asked softly, brows furrowing further. "Who's Martin?"
Morris pressed his lips together, shaking his head. "Don' matt'a."
"If he did something to you, then it matters. We can help keep you safe."
He shook his head again, harder this time. "Nuh-uh."
"No?" Jojo asked him quietly. "Why not?"
"Not s'posed to talk 'bout it," Morris mumbled, looking around, probably for Oscar.
"It's okay, Morris. You don't have to talk about it. Just..." Jojo tried to figure out how to word it without Morris getting upset. "Just know that I'm here if you want to, okay?"
Morris stared at him, frowning. He couldn't be serious. He wasn't being kind. He was... he was trying to get to Morris. Trying to pick his brain and mess him up. Just like Marty.
Oscar would tell him as much.
He sat up, nearly tripping over himself trying to stand. "Os!"
Jojo stood as well, sighing softly, backing against the far wall.
Morris scrambled for the door, meeting Oscar at the door.
The older Delancey immediately started looking over Morris, checking him for any injuries. He glared over Morris's shoulder at Jojo, who was shrinking against the fireplace.
"What'sa matter Mo?" he asked his little brother, cupping his cheeks.
"Get'd lonely," Morris mumbled, looking around outside. "Wan'ed Os 'n mama."
"Come on out then, Momo. She's over there," Oscar pointed to the crowd around the unlit firepit.
Morris glanced back at Jojo one last time before taking Oscar by the hand and making his way over to Medda.
No one else would do that again. He wasn't gonna disappoint Os again.
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