#but i promise not to die like wally
fightwing · 1 year
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One day I will have coherent thoughts about this but the amount of times wally saves dick from instant death vs. The amount of times wally dies ……… 🫥
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fidothefinch · 1 year
It wasn’t supposed to end like this.
Bruce was hit with the thought mid-chuckle, a forkful of birthday cake halfway to his mouth.
Dick paused in his story, ever the perceptive one. He studied Bruce just a moment, the gray at his temples making the blue of his eyes even brighter. “Everything okay?”
Bruce looked around the lawn again with fresh eyes. Tim, Barbara, Duke, and their partners were sitting at the other picnic table under the canopy, cake all-but-forgotten in lieu of whatever they were talking about.
Jason ran by with a small child on his back – it was Damian’s youngest, and Jason had sworn after their last family outing that he wouldn’t attempt piggy-back rides again, but clearly the little girl had won him over with her doe eyes. They were chased by a puppy. Scamp, if he remembered correctly.
Members of the Justice League were scattered amongst the partygoers. Clark and Lois kicked a soccer ball with some of Bruce’s older grandchildren. Jim Gordon tapped his cane against his knee as Wally recounted an old speedster story.
As if she could feel his eyes on her, Cassandra looked up from her conversation with Damian, Stephanie, and Wonder Woman. She searched him a moment, before smiling softly at him. She had laugh lines around her eyes now, and Bruce cherished the sight of them.
Somewhere between losing his parents and becoming a vigilante, he had given up the idea of a future for himself. Familiar with contingency plans, he had mentally hedged his promises with “if I make it that long.”
He always thought he would die alone in the dark.
“Bruce?” Dick repeated, next to him. He would probably be more worried, if Bruce hadn’t begun to lose his hearing years ago.
The banner strung across the canopy read, Happy 82nd birthday! Someone had added ‘you old fart’ to the end with a marker.
“Yes,” Bruce answered, and found that he meant it. “Everything is okay.”
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Quickly | Bart Allen x reader
Rivals/enemies to lover (if you squint)
not requested
warnings: innuendos, cursing, that’s it. Not proof read
summary: training after a really bad mission.
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You couldn’t believe Bart. He had the perfect opportunity to catch Slade but went too fast and slipped.
he went too fast.
You didn’t know what is was about him, but ever since you joined young justice, you couldn’t stand him.
he worked off of impulses. I mean you should have guessed that, it is his name.
He didn’t stick to the plan, and effectively ruined it.
even after a few days it bothered you, it was still ingrained into memory. It haunted you. It pissed you off.
HE pissed you off.
Red tornado had scheduled sparing training for the team today. You had hoped you would get paired with Anita or Kon.
But as Red called out your names, your heart sank. You looked over at Bart. He smirked and you wanted to die.
You went into the practice room and got into fighting positions. You prepared yourself for him to hit you at light speed and try to predict where he would appear next before he could land another punch.
As he ran up to you, you tried to shield yourself, but he punches landed on your middle sections. Knocking the wind out of you for a second.
you quickly recovered, successfully locating his next move and blocking his punch and striking him in the stomach and jaw. He landed on the floor.
You stood in victory. Glad to have won round one.
Bart snared as he got up. He wasn’t gonna lose again. He wasn’t gonna be what Wally said he was. And he knew just how to push your buttons.
“You know, you should have tried that move on Slade, maybe he wouldn’t have put you out of the running and you could have stopped him before I had to fix your mess.” He said with a shit eating grin.
“My mess? You mean your mess.” You shot back. “You slipped and let him get away.”
“You could have gotten him on the mission before that. But is it only when I mess up that it’s wrong?” Impulse yelled back.
“he knocked me out last time!” You yelled
“Then you weren’t quick enough!” Bart yelled as he got into his fighting position again.
“You ditched the plan, you slipped, and the criminal got away!” You yelled as you charged him.
he dodged your attack, speeding up and hitting you in the legs, knocking you off balance.
”I saw an opportunity and I took it! Is that so hard to understand?” Bart screamed as he knocked you over again.
You tried to charge him again, but quickly zoomed away to the other side of the room. You ran again but he was father again. You grumbled in frustration.
“What am I too fast for you?” He asked with a smirk.
“Too fast to play fair.” You snap as you get into a ready position for round three
“Oh you want fair? Fine have it your way. I’ll slow down for you.” He laughed.
“No don’t slow down, I’ll finish you off.” You said as you grounded you feet.
“that a threat or a promise?” He asked with a smirk.
“both asshole.” You snap. He runs forward and you two collide.
he pushes against your frame trying to knock you over with his sheer strength.
“Don’t worry, I’ll finish this quickly.” He smiles as he pushes against you harder.
“bet that’s not the only thing you finish quickly.” You shot back, smiling when his grin dropped.
he ran back and lean forward at super speed trying to hit you with everything he’s got.
You block his punches and manage to get a few in before you advance forward and knock him over, not before he grabs you by the waist and drags you down with him.
you land on top of him, both breathing to heavy to say a thing. You pull back and look into his eyes to find his golden eyes already staring back.
You becoming hyper aware of how close your chest is to his. How your breathing becomes synched and how your body fit perfectly on top of his.
“Well,” Bart starts staring into your eyes with his clouded with someone you hadn’t seen before. “You got me on my back, now what?” He asked. His face was soft, almost innocent like. Almost.
you lean into closer to his face as his breathing hitched. His puffy hair falling around his head like a halo. His eyes falling soft as he gazed up into yours, as if he was mesmerized.
you lean close to his ear as he eyes fell closed “I’ll finish this quickly.” You whispered back.
He had no time to register what you said, not after you landed a punch square in his face,knocking him out cold.
requests are open!
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 2 days
The One Where the Justice League Almost Didnt Figure it Out
by batsandthebirds “I can vouch for him,” Cyborg said, sitting up straighter. “We’ve worked together before. I can’t promise he’d want the job though. He works out of Bludhaven, last I checked.” Dinah perked up from where she was slumped against the table next to Oliver. “That’s next to Gotham. Batman, what do you know?” All eyes immediately turned to where Batman sat with his arms crossed, looking impassive as always. There was a long moment of silence and the corners of Batman’s mouth turned ever so slightly downward. Finally, in a flat tone of voice that gave no more away than his face ever did, he said, “He’s… well trained. Fast. Could be useful.” ... Also known as, the League eventually figured out that Nightwing is Batman's son, but it takes a while. Based on this post that I initally wrote on my Tumblr: https://ift.tt/VpU54Qr Words: 3219, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Justice League - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Gen Characters: Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent, Diana (Wonder Woman), Oliver Queen, Barry Allen, Wally West, the rest of the batfamily will probably show up eventually Relationships: Dick Grayson & Bruce Wayne, Justice League & Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson & Justice League Additional Tags: Batfamily Meets the Justice League (DCU), Dick Grayson Meets the Justice League, it's mostly nightwing, Confusion, Comedy, Dick Grayson is Nightwing, canon? I hardly know her, no beta we die like men, teen rating for swear words and a bit of blood, Based on a Tumblr Post, My Own Tumblr Post, but still a tumblr post via https://ift.tt/FQygfqW
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kommandonuovidiavoli · 2 months
What does Abbys relationship with Hoagie look like in the negaverse? I assume they'd still be together, and I'm curious how that would look when Eigaoh is egocentric and Ybba is violently obsessive
Again, gonna use their normal names because I get confused easily, but this is all Negaverse wise.
[Warning for abuse, manipulation and violence following.] Text only
Let's set characters, first of all, to understand their motivations better (sorry, I am a slu🅱️ for psychology):
Abby: she strives for affection. Her parents are always too busy to look at her, they communicate via post it notes, sort of like Double D from Ed Edd n Eddy. Her older brother broke contacts with the family, abandoning his kids. Cree too is busy, but she always made sure to leave her food ready before she leaves for school and when she returns. Still... it wasn't enough. She always wanted people to notice her. To look at her and think she was cool. But ultimately, she was always left alone, spent recess on her own and never hung out with anyone. Also... why would anyone hang out with the weird kid? She would play with dolls, but one of them always had to die. She would sing creepy songs and make weird, dark jokes no one found funny. Things started to change when Wally noticed her and asked her to join his "game" to take over the world and make adults rule. Sounded a bit... weird, but she loved that! She could force kids to play with her now, if she ruled over them! And that's also where she and Hoagie talked for the first time...
Hoagie: one word to describe him? Spoiled. He always had what he wanted with no effort whatsoever. He asked, his mother delivered. He cried, his father gave him whatever. He screamed, his grandma would cook whatever he wanted. Even when Tommy was born, he forced his parents to take care of him first, then his little brother. Tommy was NO ONE compared to him. He also was pretty intelligent and achieved good scores in no time. But he found it boring to actually putting effort into stuff, so he just, like, had other people do it for him and he would give them anything in return. Or... at least he would promise them... never talked about actually giving them anything. Wally asked him to join his group because he wanted his intelligence and promised him he wouldn't move a muscle, anyone else would do what he asked them to. That's where he met that nerdy girl Abigail...
Abby did everything to make Hoagie notice her, because he looked so cool! He was evil, ruthless, everyone did what he wanted... so she started doing it too, in hopes he would notice. And the bad thing is... he did.
Her performances and results were always above anyone else, so he started letting her around him to get what he wanted. Even when Wally got defeated, Hoagie continued using Abby to get merits he didn't deserve, to arrive anywhere effortlessly and not moving a finger. Abby was more than happy to please him anytime he needed with everything, from elementary school to high school, everything Hoagie achieved, good grades, prizes, praises and more, no one knew they weren't really his.
Abby was in love, because he was giving her that attention she so desperately craved. He didn't care shit about her, if not using her for his purposes. Also she was always glad to stroke his ego. But that love made sure she would stick around... a bit too much.
Because anytime someone got too close to him or tried to question his achievements, they would disappear the next day, never to be found again.
And honestly, Abby loved dissolving the bodies of those she killed in acid with him watching. Perfect date! 🖤
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mrsmanheim · 6 months
Movie Night|Wally Clark
FemReader x Nicole
Warnings: Death and jealousy
Summary: Wally’s been spending too much time Maddie for his girlfriend’s liking and it becomes too much during movie night.
“I mean guys! He’s literally drooling all over her like a crippled dying puppy!” I complain to Rhonda and Charley
“What does the puppy have to be crippled and dying?” Charley wondered “that’s besides the point”
“I don’t care but, maybe you should talk to him, or whatever” Rhonda enjoyed her lollipop, half listening to me
“She’s right and Wally is just helping Maddie come to terms with her death” Charley reminded me “He didn’t do that to me, and I didn’t die that long ago” I argue
“Well we’re having movie night tonight so, you and Wally can spend a bunch of time together” Rhonda sarcastically speaks “I won’t be there”
“Yeah everyone’s picking a movie right now!” Charley grabs my hand and pulls me to the library
As soon as we get there I Wally and Maddie all buddy buddy on the couch. How could he act like this when I’m right here, has he no heart?
“Maybe this isn’t the right place to be” Charley tried to lead me away “No let’s stay” I oblige
“Are we gonna look for a movie or are you gonna watch Wally the whole time” Charley asks “Here’s a movie, Aladdin!” I held a movie in my hand
I wasn’t even sure what it was because I wasn’t looking at anything but my boyfriend and his new friend.
“That’s The Princess and The Frog” Charley corrected “Even better!” I finally look away “Mr. Martin we’re The Princess and The Frog” I inform as the man silently agrees
“I’m already dead so why does it feel like I’m dying all over again” My face falls into my hands “It might be because he’s laughing at her jokes right now”
Night finally comes and Mr. Martin sets up the projector and plays the movie. “Come with me to get snacks” I ask Rhonda “Why? You know I always ditch movie night” She attempts to decline the offer
“Come on!” I scoff “Jeez, you’re so snippy lately” Rhonda says as she follows me to the teachers lounge
Rhonda attempts to make small talk once we make it to the teachers lounge. “So…excited to spend time with your boy toy?” She emptied a back of chips into a bowl “Totally!” I get the drinks
We make our way back to the gym and the sight makes my heart stop…again. There’s Wally staring into her eyes and moving a piece of hair out of her face. I drop the drinks and walk out of the room.
No one to comfort me whilst I cried except the hallway walls. Heartbreak hurts way more when you’re dead and I wish Maddie wasn’t dead, I wish she’d just pass on already so things could go back to how they were.
“Hey” I hear a voice that turns out to be Wally “what” I turn back around “shouldn’t you be with your new girlfriend?” I wipe my tears
“What do you mean?” He sits his body next to me “You and Maddie” I say in a duh tone “Maddie isn’t anything more than a friend” He promises
“I saw how you looked at her and touched her hair” Tears start to fall again “and you two were sitting in our spot” I added
“That’s completely my fault! I got so caught up that I forgot what’s really important, you” He set his head on my shoulder
“Oh please” I roll my eyes “I understand 15 years is a long time and that you don’t wanna be together anymore” I tell him
“What? No I wanna spend the rest of my life, well…afterlife with you” Wally’s hands caressed my shoulder “Promise?” I finally look at him “Pinky promise” he held out his pinky and we shared a kiss
“Look at the love birds” Rhonda spoke sarcastically to which we giggle
Guys I haven’t posted in a while 😭that’s my fault so this is a little bad.
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hooked-on-elvis · 6 months
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Pictures of Elvis as Clint Reno on "Love Me Tender" (1956) | "The Rainmaker" screen test in Hollywood (March 26-28th, 1956) + magazine article | On "Love Me Tender" production and premiere (November 15, 1956). 🎬
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He had never even been in a school play, but he loved the silver screen and dreamed of seeing himself upon it. In April of 1956*, his chance arrived when legendary Hollywood producer Hal Wallis gave him a screen test. He was asked to read a part from 'The Rainmaker' with actress Cynthia Baxter, who later confessed that her initial reaction to working with Elvis had been "Ugh!" Afterward, however, Baxter said she found him "amazing to work with." Elvis told Wallis he didn't like the Rainmaker role: The character was too "happy, jolly, lovesick." Well, Wallis asked him, what kind of part would you like to play? "One more like myself," he said, "so I won't have to do any excess acting." Four months later (after Wallis and Colonel Parker had negotiated a three-picture-deal for $400.000) he was on the set of 'Love Me Tender' playing Clint Reno (seen here) — a passionate, naive young man, destined to die young.
*Elvis' Hollywood screen test was actually held, not in April but in March 1956, between Monday, the 26th and Wednesday, the 28th. Elvis would later say he memorized every line of the script of 'The Rainmaker' (not only his lines, the whole script!) in preparation for the screen test. A couple of months later, however, he told Robert Johnson of the Memphis Press-Scimitar that he had misgivings from the start about the character he would play. “It was a good part, but I just couldn’t see it for me. A good-natured, happy teen-ager, but with nothing up here. After I read the script, I just wanted to do another kind of part,” said Presley to the reporter.
This thing the magazine wrote about Elvis wanting "not to do any excess acting" is total bullshit. EP would never say such thing once he was so happy to kick off his acting career. He dedicated himself and wanted to make it as good actor. Elvis was excellent memorizing lines even before he was an actor, when he would memorize lines from all his favorite movies (such as 'Rebel Without a Cause'). Once he was indeed on the other side of the screen, filming his first movie, Elvis didn't miss the chance and talked to many veteran actors in hopes to have hints on how to make it better in front of the camera. He dedicated himself the best he could — and as the years went by, even so his roles were less and less interesting or challenging, sometimes even silly as he feared in the beginning of his career, Elvis achieved the goal in being a natural in front of those Hollywood filming cameras, and this is something absolutely undeniable. The thing about complaining of the role he performed on his screen test in 1956, probably had something to do with the image Elvis wanted to project onto his young audience, and that was not one of a "good-natured" guy.
Elvis wanted serious roles and, besides, he liked the 'bad boy' atitude James Dean and Marlon Brando had... the menacing glances, the defiant rebel posture. Elvis mentioned this to Lloyd Shearer, in 1956 during a photo session at the Peabody Hotel, in Memphis, Tennessee. Lloyd was photographing Elvis when the Presley politely asked the photographer to promise not to snap him "not even smiling slightly". His objection was explained with:
"I've made a study of Marlon Brando. I've made a study of poor Jimmy Dean [actor James Dean had recently died in a car crash]. I've made a study of myself. And I know why girls, at least the young ones, go for us. We're sullen, we're broodin', we're something of a menace. I don't understand it exactly, but that's what girls like in men. I don't know anything about Hollywood. But I know that you can't be sexy if you smile. You can't be a rebel if you grin. If you don't mind, let me pose myself." — Elvis, 1956.
On his screen test in March, 1956, Presley did two scenes from 'The Rainmaker' (and also was asked, and performed against his will since he didn't wanted to sing on the screen at all, to 'Blue Sued Shoes') Later that year, Elvis recalled the dramatic tests. “I knew my script,” he said. “I got out there and just tried to put myself in the place of the character I was playing, just trying to act as naturally as I could.”
In May, Elvis told Will Jones of the Minneapolis Tribune that he favored the second of the two scenes. “I took this screen test where I came in and was real happy and jolly and I didn’t like it. I did this other one where I was mad at this girl, and I liked that better — it was me.”
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Elvis worked with veteran actor Frank Faylen in one test scene and with twenty-one-year-old actress Cynthia Baxter (later Cynthia O’Neal) in another scene.
She later told TV Guide, “When the Wallis people told me I was to make a test with him, my reaction was ‘Ugh!’ But, you know, he is a very interesting boy — kind of amazing to work with. As an actor, he has a lot of work ahead of him, but he has wonderful attributes to start with.”
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Actress Cynthia O'Neal (former Baxter). The picture (right) is the only still from 'The Rainmaker' scene she played with Elvis for his screen test on March 26th, 1956. No footage was released until today, unfortunately.
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March 27th, 1956: Elvis with veteran actor Frank Faylen. The scene Elvis did with Faylen was this one below (no footage, sadly, but there's pictures from his test on the video, following the scenes):
Allan Weiss was not as impressed with the dramatic part of Presley’s test as he was with the musical portion. “Elvis played the rebellious younger brother with amateurish conviction — like the lead in a high school play. His performance was believable, but lacked the polished subtleties of a professional.” On the other hand, after viewing the acting part of the test, Paramount dramatic coach Charlotte Clary thought Elvis might have a future as an actor. “The boy is a natural,” she judged. “There’s nothing fresh or obnoxious about him at all.” Source: http://www.elvis-history-blog.com/elvis-screen-test.html
On March 28th came Presley’s third screen test, the King lip-synched to “Blue Suede Shoes” in front of a set of rather shiny curtains. It was a wild audition, with Elvis giving his trademark gyrations and sneer. He was doing what he did majestically already, so he enchanted the screenwriter Allan Weiss.
“The transformation was incredible. We knew instantly that we were in the presence of a phenomenon; electricity bounced off the walls of the sound stage. One felt it as an awesome thing — like an earthquake in progress, only without the implicit threat. Watching this insecure country boy, who apologized when he asked for a rehearsal as though he had some something wrong, turn into absolute dynamite when he stepped into the bright lights and started lip-synching the words of his familiar hit. He believed in it, and he made you believe it, no matter how ‘sophisticated’ your musical tastes were.” — Allan Weiss, Screenwriter.
This reaction may have set Elvis' fate in Hollywood, among other things (money-seeking, as naturally any company would be bound to be), but up until then as far as EP knew he would act in a non-musical role, so this kept him thrilling. Elvis' fans, as always, were very supportive, and couldn't wait to watch the rock star on the big screen.
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(Above) August 16, 1956: Elvis left Memphis on an American Airlines flight for Los Angeles where he reported to 20th Century Fox for pre-production meetings for his first movie. The fans greeted him at the airport, holding "Presley for President" posters. 🥹
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As the production for Elvis' first movie begun, things were... different. The studio/producers eventually altered the script to include 4 songs Elvis would sing, 'Love Me Tender' being one, and they altered the title of the film too — originally entitled 'The Reno Brothers' — so it could follow the name of that one Elvis song.
This turned things bittersweet to Presley. Elvis did not want to sing on the screen and he confessed to his close friends how upset watching as they promised him one thing and ended up eventually changing plans (to profit on his music career) without him being able to do anything about it (June Juanico was one girlfriend he vented about this).Top this to the fact that Elvis indeed preferred his part to be a little more to the 'bad boy' side, and Clint Reno was everything but a bad boy, and you can imagine how Elvis felt about his first movie, not fully satisfied after all. Still he kept hopeful about his acting career could evolve and he could eventually become a serious actor. This hopeful mood followed his next films, but it did not last long.
Either way, the premiere for 'Love Me Tender' was a huge success.
Arlene Cogan, a young fan that not much after this would become friends with Elvis, shared in her book "Elvis, This One's for You" that when she went to watch the movie she spent the whole day rewatching it in the theater, over and over again. She says that no one seemed to leave the room.
"When Elvis appeared on the screen, everyone screamed so much that you couldn't hear him." — Arlene Cogan on her book "Elvis, This One's for You".
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On the day 'Love Me Tender' premiered in the theaters on November 15, 1956.
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November 21st 1956. 1413 Main Street, Columbia, S.C., Richland County. A crowd of teenagers in the lobby of the Palmetto Theater for the opening of the Elvis Presley movie Love Me Tender.
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November 16, 1956: Fans wait in line to see Elvis Presley in 'Love Me Tender'.
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Even so Elvis' start in Hollywood wasn't quite as he expected (in personal satisfaction wise), Presley did it great as a sweet country boy, Clint Reno. Some critics didn't go for him and harshly bashed his acting skills (much going with their previous opinions on Elvis as a performer and the controversial about his 'antics' on the stage in the 50s), as much as some supported his initial kick off, but one thing's for sure: the young audience adored him regardless either if he was a "bad boy" onscreen or not. ♥
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Elvis on "Love Me Tender", 1956.
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hardcore-lonewolf · 7 months
OG 6 [Feat. OFCS]!Team's Reactions To Different Versions Of Eva Nelson:
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S0 EVA: Origins
M'gann (amazed): Aww!! *heart eyes* You're so cute Evie!!
Eva (timid): *blushes and hides behind Robin* thank you...
Artemis (intrigued): She sounds just like an angel...so precious and sweet.
Eva (pouting): *looks at the boys* you boys see why I don't let them look at my baby pictures.
Conner (smirking): *picks her up and Eva blushes when he does that* why won't you let us see? You're too young to be looking that adorable Eva.
Eva (sulking): I blame my mother's genetics and every beauty pageant I won for these looks.
Kaldur'ahm (amused): *holding a picture given by his girlfriend Ophelia* you mean this picture?
Eva (shocked): *stuttering in fear* How did you get that?
Dick (prideful): Batman took that exact photo when you were six, you look so tiny and adorable for an angel.
Octavia (excited): That gave me an idea...hey girls...let's go dress her up!!
Eva (scared): *jumps on Wally's back in fear* please run Wally...I don't wanna die like this.
S1 EVA: Legacy
Eva (pouting): *riding Wally's back* I hate being short.
Dick (smirking): Welcome to my life...
Artemis (chuckling): *takes Eva from Wally's back and carries her next* next time lil mouse.
Conner (amused): Sorry Eva, but you're stuck like this till you hit puberty again.
Eva (whimpering in sadness): No...!!!
Kaldur'ahm (whispering): *hugs Eva to his side* Shhh...you will get taller soon.
Eva (pouting): No I won't Kal, I'm stuck skinny and frail unlike the rest of you. I built like a dog bone...with no meat on it.
Wally (laughing hard): DANG EVIE!!
Octavia (serious): Baby girl, stop putting yourself down...you're perfect.
M'gann (reassuring): *holds Eva's hands* We know you hate your height and size. You'll grow somebody...we promise you.
Eva (sulking): *pouting at the Team* How is that possible M'gann? Remember when Roy banned me from the kitchen one time for not using a stool to grab my cookie jar? Y'all never let me reach the top shelf and would leash me! You guys are mean!
Everyone: *busted out laughing*
S2 EVA: Invasion
Eva (smirking): I'm getting there guys!
Wally (horrified): No!! I miss you being tiny!
Eva (pissed): Screw you Wally!
Artemis: *walks over to Eva* nah Wall...she's still short.
Eva (shocked): What? Artie, you're bluffing, I'm tall now see?
Team: *stands up next to her with smirks*
Eva (offended): I take that back...screw you guys so much.
Dick (smirking): Eva, you did that with me last night.
Eva (blushing madly): RICHARD!!!!!
S3 EVA: Outsiders
Eva (pouting): *crossing her arms*
M'gann (amused): You're still mad about getting your next growth spurt by a few inches?
Eva (seething): Yes...
Conner (smirking): Still the shortest founder in this team Evie.
Kaldur'ahm: *patting her head and holding her in his arms*
Octavia (smiling): Sadly...and she's pregnant with some flying Grayson twins.
Dick (cackling), Artemis (laughing) & Wally (snickering): *rubbing her swollen stomach gently*
S4 EVA: Phantoms
Eva (proud): *holding her babies* No more short jokes...I'm close to Artie's height as I know since these babies were born.
Dick (smirking): But we're still calling you our little kitten.
Eva (livid): You stuck on the couch till I say so Richie, our son and daughter are moving in with their mommy.
Wally (laughing): Told you man.
Eva: *hands her kids to Artemis and Wally* I'm tired and these kids drove me nuts...watch them for me please?
Artemis (smiling): Anything for these babies.
S5 EVA: Enhanced
Eva (saddened): No...
Kaldur'ahm: *hugs Eva* Fate took a turn on you my dear friend.
Conner: *picks her up* Feel better?
Eva (defeated): I'm still short and I've just given up...I'll always stay small for you guys...forever.
M'gann (smiling): *levitates Eva down from Conner's arms* We love you no matter what.
Octavia (smiling): Never forget that Evie.
Team: *hugging Eva*
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For the AU headcanon game, AU where Wally gets his powers from the s2 accelerator rather than s3 Alchemy shenanigans?
Yes! Number one is Joe is going to have an utter fit about this.
Like Jesse, Wally's initially unconscious, until the zap from Barry. Like Jesse, at first when Caitlin checks him over everything seems normal
Wally's powers spark when Zoom breaks into the West House. It's triggered by the adrenaline rush, the Speed Force kicking fight or flight into overgear, and what's meant to be a nice family dinner has just been interrupted by the guy who kidnapped Wally a few weeks ago to use against the Flash, and Wally doesn't know who's under that mask yet, as far as he knows, no help is near.
He knows when both he and Barry barrel into Zoom at the same time.
Wally suddenly being able to do that is distracting enough Barry manages to get Henry away from Zoloman before he can kill him. Henry's probably still hurt though, and Barry can't chase after Zoloman when he's got to run his dad to the hospital, he can't lose him too.
It's while Barry's at the hospital waiting for Henry to get out of surgery the others try the stop Zoom plan that leads to Joe getting kidnapped.
Wally's also at the hospital- he probably should have been more suspicious when Iris sent him to the hospital to find Barry instead of all of them going, but he did have questions he wanted answering. It's a little uncomfortable though, he and Barry weren't exactly getting on before, and Wally's very aware the last time he was in this building it was by his mother's death bed.
Wally insists on helping when Barry agrees to race Zoom. That's his dad, and he has powers too. Powers he'd had for like ten minutes, but still powers, everyone's got to start somewhere, right?
Jesse was held prisoner by Zoom for months. He was also dying, and while she wasn't exactly in the best position to start studying the Speed Force, and she was fully aware she was just a hostage to use against her dad, saying she could help might have taken some of Zoom's attention off her dad, and maybe it would have given her a way out, and it could try and keep her on Zoom's good side (not that he's got much of one, but maybe it'll keep her alive for longer), and there's another speedster there she could talk to and find out more from. Zoloman still kept Jay's face hidden, still didn't let him tell Jesse his name, but if she had a way to make him faster, he wasn't going to say no.
Which means Jesse- working on the beginnings of the Speed Equation- has a theory for how to attract the attention of the Time Wraiths. And with Wally there, with powers, he can draw Zoom away, just for a minute, while Barry destroys the magnatar.
Which means Barry doesn't create a time remnant. He destroys the magnatar himself and he survives, unlike the doomed remnant, created just to die, but he's got this huge burn all down one side of his body, bad enough it'll leave a permanent scar even with his super fast healing.
(I remain pissed off the writers broke their own rules just to give Savitar a facial scar to show he's the evil Barry, so now Barry the superhero gets it instead)
They rescue the real Jay now Zololan's been whooshed into the Speed Force thanks to Jesse. He still looks kind of like Henry, and he's very pleased to properly meet them all.
(He tells Jesse she reminds him of an old friend, Johnny Chambers, and promises to introduce them some time)
Henry's fine, he's just going to be in hospital for some time, so no Flashpoint. Definitely no Flashpoint when Caitlin bans Barry from running until he recovers. Which means Central's going to be without a Flash for a few weeks at least if Caitlin gets her way (which she will, she insists with this almost icy glint in her eyes), and then Barry's going to need all this extra time to look after his dad
Well, says Wally, what if he had a sidekick to help him out?
And Kid Flash is born
(Iris comes up with the name. Cisco is thrilled. Wally slightly less so initially, but it grows on him. Joe just can't believe both his sons ended up doing this)
(When Jesse also gets powers a few months later it's Harry's turn to have the fit)
Thank you!
[5+ headcanons for an AU]
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jiabeewrites · 1 year
can i request something along the lines of this: reader is the daughter of poison ivy and harley quinn (adopted) and is dating dick grayson? maybe in his yj era with the song honeybee by by head and the heart? thanks!
(OMG I LOVE THAT SONG! i kinda went away from the ask but i hope you like this!)
If Our World Comes Tumbling Down
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(aesthetic by @aesthetics-and-fuckery, yeah, that's me. do NOT steal this!)
Pairing: Dick Grayson X Fem!Reader
CW: romance, past breakups, use of she/her, language, shitty attempt at angst, author attempted to not use y/n and i think i succeeded but who knows, lil bit of Zatanna being a jealous bitch I LOVE HER BUT I NEEDED A LIL ANGST, i think that's it but if there's more tell me!
A/N: Sorry this is so late anon! hope you like it!
HOW TO READ: Each set of lyrics is kinda like a divider! each section of words/blurb between the lyrics are their own story, and this particular piece has multiple little moments. Definitely timeskips. You can find more stories like this one by looking under the tag #ryn writes songfics
Honeybee Could you imagine where our lives would lead? That silly ring, it wasn't meant to be Luckily you saw in me Something I couldn't see
Ugh. That stupid ringtone. She hated it, but Robin somehow put it there and she couldn't remove it.
"Hey mushroom."
She scoffed.
"Don't mushroom me, wonderboy. And tell your brother to remove the stupid ringtone."
She heard a sigh at the end of the line.
"Look, I get the feeling that you're mad at me-"
"No shit, sherlock."
"-but I need to know why."
She sucked in a breath.
She loved Dick Grayson. And Dick Grayson loved her.
So why couldn't she say yes?
"Dick..." She let out a sob.
"Mushroom? You okay?"
"No, I'm not okay, dammit!"
She put the phone down, and let the tears stream down her face.
"Hey. I'm here for you, ring or no ring. Okay? You're my best friend." A pause. Then: "Don't tell Wally I said that."
She let out a dry laugh. Then, taking a slow breath, she began to explain herself.
"Dick. I...I know I promised you I would change, that I could change...but I can't. I'm starting to think that old habits can't die. I'm not like you, I'm not the hero you think I am."
There was nothing but silence on the other end of the line.
"How many."
She didn't say anything.
"How many?"
"...Sixteen. Sex traffickers."
Honeybee I can't imagine how my life would be If all your gravity did not hit me Oh, don't you see? Darling, my honeybee
"Yeah, Wonderboy?"
"Would you actually have left me?" Dick turned his head to face his girlfriend.
She bit her upper lip and looked at the floor.
"I need you to be honest with me." Her eyes darted towards him, before coming back to the floor. She huffed, then spoke.
"I...don't know. I've had so many people give up on me, Dick, I just...I didn't want to lose you, but sometimes you have to let go."
He tilted her chin so that she was facing him.
"So you're saying you would've left me?"
"If it meant that you'd be happier."
He smiled sadly, then kissed her forehead.
"But I'm happier with you."
Such a fool I took your love and I bent all the rules You took the blow and didn't let it show Stuck around to let me know Built a family of our own
"May I have this dance?"
She smirked, then accepted his hand.
"Ever the charmer."
"It's my specialty."
She laughed, then rested her head against his chest.
After a while, he mumbled somethin into her hair.
"I wish we could always be like this," he repeated.
Look around We made a garden of the love we found So many reasons I would fight to stay You're the courage when I fade Take a look at what we've made
"Hey, Dick?"
You turned the corner and gasped.
Zatanna Zatara, pinning your boyfriend to a wall.
"What the hell are you doing?!"
Dick's eyes widened.
"Hon, it's not what it looks like-" You cut him off with a scoff
"Oh really? Because it looks like Zatara here is forcing herself onto you!"
"Oh. Yeah, no, it it what it looks like."
You huffed out a laugh at your boyfriend, then glared at the magician.
"What the hell are you thinking?!?!?"
She scoffed.
"Why would he love you? You're a villian."
You were seething.
"My parents aren't villains, and neither am I. But you'd need a braincell or two to figure that out."
Dick glared at her.
"Zee, I love her. Yeah, maybe in the past it was different, but we're living now. Not in the past."
But here we are After all the misses and confessions To the stars That we never really owned as ours
You huffed on the bed, and felt a pair of arms wrap around you.
"Hey," you mumbled.
He just laughed, and kissed your temple.
"You know I love you, right?"
You smiled.
"I love you, too."
And if our world comes tumbling down I never could forgive myself for leaving out You're the one, you are the only one
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I'm a massive fan of speedsters misusing 'Flash Fact'. Barry says it to be educational. A traditional Flash Fact is usually the science behind his powers or a specific move he's doing. The original original Flash facts were in Jay Garrick's Flash comics and they typically weren't even within the narrative. Like a Snapple bottle cap with a random fact you could find Flash Facts, sometimes related to the plot sometimes not, at the bottom of the page in any Flash book.
It just fits Jay and Barry's personalities so well that the Flash facts were educational and true and meant to help children understand 'cool neat science facts'. It's just so in character.
It was also incredibly in character when Wally and Bart took that catch phrase and started using it for everything. Sure, they'll do the occasional Flash Fact quip with an actual science fact (usually when a villain has underestimated them and they want to give them a brief, terrifying glimpse of how much they've fucked up by doing so). BUT! Usually the boys involve zero (0) actual facts in their Flash facts. "Flash Fact! You suck!", "I promise I'll do it, that's a Flash Fact.", "If I have to stay here any longer I will die. I'm completely serious. Flash Fact.", Ect.
Anyway, here's the new generation misusing Flash Facts (god bless them)
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kitkatt0430 · 6 months
So I've been watching the Hunger Games and of course my brain went 'huh, fusion fic idea???'
Anyway, it's the 74th Annual Hunger Games reaping in the 12th district and Iris West is the name picked for the girls. So Barry's already a bit in shock when Wally West's name is called for the boys.
Barry always suspected the game choices were rigged for the most drama, so part of him isn't really surprised by this. But most of him is horrified. And so is everyone else. As the peace keepers start to reach for Wally, to drag him forward to stand by his sister... Barry calls out "I volunteer as tribute."
He's not letting the girl he's been in love nearly all his life, his childhood best friend, have to survive at the expense of her brother. Because he knows she won't do it. She'd die to save Wally's life and now... now she won't have to because Barry intends, come hell or high water - and knowing what the Hunger Games are like, it'll be both - for Iris West to win the game.
But the thing is, Iris loves Barry too. And this is the moment where she realizes it's not only friendship she feels for him. He's the one she wants to spend the rest of her life with, the boy brave enough to take her brother's place. And if she can't spend the rest of her life with him, then she's damn well going to make sure he comes out of this alive.
When Barry says his goodbyes to his parents, he apologizes to them and asks if they understand why he did it. And they do. Henry and Nora know very well how much their son loves Iris West. They pass on a message to Joe West later. His daughter is going to be coming home.
On the train, when they get a moment alone, Iris thanks Barry for saving her brother. Neither realizing they've internally vowed to save one another too as they promise not to let the games destroy their friendship.
Iris is ruthless, but she understands the power of public image. Barry may not have her PR savvy, but he's got that cute boyish, earnest charm in his favor.
Aaaand that's about all I got for the idea thus far, but I like it.
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This is for the creator. Why did Wally die? Or what happened to him?
I actually have everything on my pin post but since you ask, I could answer too. But if you want read the full story, here
This might be a little bit long if you change your mind to read this and go to the storyline instead, I understand!
TW: Dead
In this AU story, Howdy made the deal with the mysterious voice that deal about bringing everyone to the new world which is the world that they no need to worry anything about to separate from each other (They all used to promise about friends forever something like that) but somehow, Howdy accidentally broke the rule of the deal that he didn't even noticed it.
What I mean is, every AU have their script and the script I mean are the rules that Howdy have to follow. If anything goes wrong with the script or the character goes to the wrong way, we can't know what would happened.
And things that happened, is that mysterious voice took all his friends away. Why they won't took Howdy too? Because Howdy was the one who accept the deal.
But Howdy already been brought to the new world, the world that has nothing accept his new little shop. That voice seems like they want to continue the story even there's only him left. Well not just him, his friends still alive but not look that good. That voice forced Howdy to choose between keeping his friends while they all suffer and being the caretaker of this place forever or want to release them from the pain exchange the old world but no one live there anymore.
He chose to keep them, because at least he want to say goodbye before he finish all of them by his own hands and he'll follow them after that
Howdy didn't want his friends to suffer in this place and instead of let them die by someone they don't know, he want to be the one who end all of them even he know how much pain that him and his friends will have from this.
His friends already been torn by that mysterious voice when Howdy was accidently broke the rules so, yeah. They almost die by pain before Howdy end their life.
And so Wally, he's that last one. Since Wally and Howdy (in my story) they love each other like a couple. So he just want to spend the last time to be together with his love but not so long since he's really in pain.
It's really hard for Howdy to do this, but if he didn't do that. All of his friends and lover would have to suffer like that forever.
So, yeah. That's all. If you still don't understand, I suggest to read the full storyline that I mention at first before!
Thanks for interesting!
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Imagine.....Being Barrys younger sister and going to the future instead of him. (Season 3 Episode 19: The once and Future Flash)
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Key: Y/N=Your Name, *=Singing.
Future Barry: You're from before she dies, aren't you? You can't save her.
You: Yes, we can. And we're going to.
Future Barry: No, you can't. Go home.
You: Just tell me who's in the suit. All right? That's all I need. You tell me that, we'll be able to track him down. We'll learn his weakness. We'll stop him before he even tries. Just tell me who Savitar is.
Future Barry: I can't.
You: What are you-why?
Future Barry: Because I don't know the answer. Sorry you ran all this way for nothing. You want some advice, go home. Spend as much time with Iris and your brother as you can. Because pretty soon.... you'll never see 'em again.
Time Skip:
You: You promised. You promised her that you would be there for Joe.
Future Barry: You don't understand.
You: I don't understand what? That you abandoned them? That you abandoned him and everybody else? Including me? You made a promise!
Future Barry: That I couldn't keep! Not after everything I lost. I was just as broken as Joe was!
You: I don't care.
Future Barry: You will! [scoffs] You will. [sighs] You want answers, Y/N? How's this? You will go back. You will do everything that you can think of to save her. You and Barry are even gonna create time remnants of yourselves, but he's gonna kill them all, mostly. And then on the night of May 23rd, Iris West will die in your brothers arms.
You: No.
Future Barry: And in that moment that she takes her last breath, it'll feel like an eternity. And it will break Barry. She's the love of his life, Y/N. She was the love of my life.......... There'll be nothing left at all but stopping Savitar... So no, he won't be there for Joe. He won't be there when Caitlin becomes killer Frost. When Savitar destroys Wally. He won't even be there when you become famous. He won't be there for any of you. But then one day, he'll stop him. Barry'll lock him in the Speed Force forever. But at that point Savitar already won. Because everything that Barry's ever loved is gone. Including himself... Go home, Y/N. There's nothing for you here.
You: Where's future me?
Future Barry: [scoffs] You really want to see your future self?
You: Yeah, I mean she could know who Savitar is.
Future Barry: Even if she did....she didn't even tell me.
You: Why?
Future Barry: Because....after Iris died, something happend, and we went our separate ways.
You: So the same thing's gonna happen to me and... [Takes a deep breath} Okay, can you tell me where she is. Please?
Time Skip:
Future Barry: She's in there. Good luck.
You: You're not coming with me?
Future Barry: I'm not even supposed to be here. Look, you go in and when you're done, I'll still be waiting here.
Future You: *Don't need a king, I've got my crown, Don't need a hero to lift me off the ground. I built this heart, it's beatin' loud. Won't let no bad blood ever bring us down. Keep flyin' higher, fight like a fighter. What if I'm everything that I will ever need? A queen messiah, a strong survivor. Even the worst days won't get the best of me. 'Cause I was born to be brave. I know who I am inside and I won't apologize. Made my mistakes. And they gave me wings to fly to my castle in the sky.*
You: *I used to feel like I was lost. It's like my phone's navigation was turned off. But it's the road I stumbled on. That led me right to the place where I belong. Keep flyin' higher, fight like a fighter. What if I'm everything that I was meant to be? A blazin' fire that's gettin' brighter.
Don't need nobody here that don't believe in me. 'Cause I was born to be brave. I know who I am inside and I won't apologize. Made my mistakes. And they gave me wings to fly to my castle in the sky.*
You and Future You: *Let my hair down and let it go. No more runnin', I run this show. Way up here, yeah, the view is gold. Born to be brave
Now I'm standin' miles high like castles in the sky.*
You: *Like castles in the sky.*
Future You: How'd you know that song?
You: I'm you.
Future You: From 2017?
You: Yeah. Look I just need you to tell me who Savitar is. Please? I can't watch Iris die.
Future You: Y/N, just go home. I can't tell you.
You: Why?!
Future You: Because you're not gonna like what you hear!
You: Try me.
Time Skip:
Future Barry: She didn't tell you?
You: Nope.
Future Barry: I told you so.
You: Wait. What did you just say?
Future Barry: I told you so?
You: Ahh, crap.
Future Barry: What? What is it?
You: Savitar, said the same thing to me, when I fought him last.
Future Barry: So?
You: You always say it. When I said something will work, he says it won't work. I doesn't work and he says I told you so.
Future Barry: And?
You: I need to get back to my time. But first I'm fixing up this time.
Time Skip:
Future Cisco: Team Flash back together.
You: Well I have to head back.
Future Julian: Thanks for..getting us back together.
Future H.R: Yeah, and this is the first time i'm ever agreeing with this guy.
Future Julian: Hey!
Future Joe: And umm, thanks for making us a family, agian.
Future Barry: We got a long ways to go.
You: Yeah, you do. But you also need to convince Future me, too come back.
Future Cisco: We'll do. Also....Movie night and Pizza on me!
Future Barry: I'll be there in a minute!
You: So this is goodbye.
Future Barry: Well, more like a 'see you later'.
You: Yeah.
Future Barry: I wish I could help you. Believe me I do.
You: But you trapped Savitar in the speed force, just tell me how you did it.
Future Barry: I had help.
You: Help from who?
Future Barry: A physicist. Her name's Tracy Brand. She made the Speed Force trap for me.
You: Why wouldn't you tell me this before?
Future Barry: Because she didn't figure out the technology until four years ago.
You: Four years after Iris died.
Future Barry: Mm-hmm.
You: [sighs]
Future Barry: Hang on. I don't know where she is. And I don't understand anything that's on here. But that's got all her information on it. Maybe when you go back, you can find her and I don't know, she can decipher it for you. I hope so.
You: [chuckles softly] Thanks.
Future Barry: There's also something else.
You: What?
Future Barry: Give this to Barry. You can use it to when you need it.
You: What is it?
Future Barry: It's a communicator. Tracy Brand also mad it, so whenever people from the past.....need help, they can use this to contact with us.
You: That's great but....
Future Barry: What?
You: If we do end up saving Iris, wouldn't that mean that, this future will get erased?
Future Barry: Let me tell something? Who is the one person that he loves more than anything in the world aside from Iris? I'll tell you....It's you Y/N. So lets say if Savitar killed you, that would mean, this future will still be the same.
You: But that doesn't make any sense.
Future Barry: If it's someone he holds dear, it will break him.
You: He loves all of us. I-what are you trying to say?
Future Barry: The only two people he loves most in this world is you, and Iris. The only way this future exist, is if Iris dies or you die, or even Joe.
You: Okay, I get that. Well I think I really need to go now.
Future Barry: I'll let you be on your way. But if Tracy can't decipher it then [sighs] just make some good memories with Iris and Barry. Hold onto 'em as tight as you can. Good luck.
You: See ya speedy.
Another Time Skip:
Barry: So, what'd you find out?
You: Well, I talked to your future self.
Barry: What'd he say? Did he tell you who Savitar is?
You: No. But I did get a lead. He had help to defeat Savitar.
Iris: Who helped him?
You: Tracy Brand built the speed trap for him. But the problem is that she didn't figure out the technology until, four years after iris died. But, this....has all of her information on it. Now if we can find her, she might be able to help.
Wally: Well, lets get to work. H.R, Barry, Cisco, Y/N, find Tracy. Team Flash, on three.
Barry: One.
Y/N: Two.
Cisco: Three.
All: Team Flash!
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 2 days
The One Where the Justice League Almost Didnt Figure it Out
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/FQygfqW by batsandthebirds “I can vouch for him,” Cyborg said, sitting up straighter. “We’ve worked together before. I can’t promise he’d want the job though. He works out of Bludhaven, last I checked.” Dinah perked up from where she was slumped against the table next to Oliver. “That’s next to Gotham. Batman, what do you know?” All eyes immediately turned to where Batman sat with his arms crossed, looking impassive as always. There was a long moment of silence and the corners of Batman’s mouth turned ever so slightly downward. Finally, in a flat tone of voice that gave no more away than his face ever did, he said, “He’s… well trained. Fast. Could be useful.” ... Also known as, the League eventually figured out that Nightwing is Batman's son, but it takes a while. Based on this post that I initally wrote on my Tumblr: https://ift.tt/VpU54Qr Words: 3219, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Justice League - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Gen Characters: Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent, Diana (Wonder Woman), Oliver Queen, Barry Allen, Wally West, the rest of the batfamily will probably show up eventually Relationships: Dick Grayson & Bruce Wayne, Justice League & Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson & Justice League Additional Tags: Batfamily Meets the Justice League (DCU), Dick Grayson Meets the Justice League, it's mostly nightwing, Confusion, Comedy, Dick Grayson is Nightwing, canon? I hardly know her, no beta we die like men, teen rating for swear words and a bit of blood, Based on a Tumblr Post, My Own Tumblr Post, but still a tumblr post read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/FQygfqW
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corvidamned · 8 months
name: kira alexandria drake name meaning: "dark-haired" (kira), "defender of the people / mankind" (alexandria) "dragon" (drake) alias/es: nevermore, the raven, the sphinx, the dragon, kiki, alex, mallard, murdock ethnicity: romanian-english one picture you like best of your chara:
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three h/cs you've never told anyone: (ive probably said these already)
kira's first victims were three school bullies she maliciously planned on killing prior to becoming a vampire. they were three girls her same age that tormented her for years prior. she was encouraged by her father before he passed to pick someone who she truly hated and channel all that rage and hunger that comes with the transformation into killing someone she thought deserved to die in order to curb the inherent need to target one's family or loved ones. in hindsight, they weren't evil. they were just bullies that made her life a living hell because they had no sense of control in their constantly changing homelife. however, 13-year-old kira could not distinguish that. she saw three mean girls who pretended they liked her only to neg her, insult all aspects of her identity, attempted to use her to do their homework, promised to show her all the pop culture and conventional beauty techniques she was missing out on, and ghosted her... and she thought that was enough to inflict creative violence. she took one's eyes, another their jaw, and the last one, their heart.
while kira's dad is essentially dracula, our dracula is a composite of many different dracula stories. the most central of which are: nbc's dracula (the inventor), young dracula (the father), dracula untold (the war hero), van helsing (god's nemesis), bram stoker's dracula (the plague and the forbidden love), and castlevania lords of shadow (the devil's nemesis). he is all these things, and very tired. he's also a slut, and I will accept that kira has distant siblings by other dracula brides or cousins from other sides of the family. its just her all alone in her side of the world since in many verses cillian is stuck in a different dimension or tragically dead.
Kira's not against the idea of something like a symbiote or a parasite living in her body and sapping some of her strength in exchange for giving her abilities. It's when there's the possibility that it'll change her blood chemistry permanently or take over her mind and transform her into something that's no longer her anymore but one with something else and doomed to serve something else that she's completely put off. It's not worth the power or the community and she would rather walk alone as an anomaly and turn her own fledglings than deal with something ancient with backwards values.
three things your character likes doing in their free time:
painting and drawing, usually accompanied by singing or humming
swordfighting or sparring to keep sharp
journaling for to-do lists and keeping logs for memory
eight people your character likes / loves:
Edward Nigma
Rick Flagg
Vienna Roberts
Jack Rabbit
Albert Wesker
Vergil Sparda
Wally West
two things your character regrets:
not letting anyone know she's a vampire out of survival and fear of being dissected by umbrella
only telling very few people about the details of her past because it's awful bloody and rife with monsters and not their burden to bear
two phobias / fears your character has:
losing a loved one, losing control, killing a loved one accidentally, ghosts
deep water such as lakes and oceans
Tagged by: @umbrellamedic @mxlevolence Tagging: @fcllederage @ask-the-ghostface @luposcainus @who-is-muses @eclipsecrowned @brucieboy297 @celerem @manufactoredxbyxdesign and you!
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